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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1904)
19 TI1E OMAn.V DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1004. PEHSOKIAIJI. New Edison Gold Moulded Records for January, 1904 H674 BEDELTA MEDLET EdUvm Military Band Introducing "The Maid of Tlmbuc.tno," "By the) Fycamora Tree," and "Keep on A Shining- Silv'y Moon." 57B UNDER THE ANHEUSER BUBH Billy Murray By lha composer of "Down Where the Wursbtirger Flows,"walti song; with orchestra accompaniment. 1571 KEEP OFF THJ5 GRASS Vesa It. Ossmar. Panjo with orchestra accompaniment. K77 NOBODY'S LOOKINO BUT THE OWL AND THE MOON. Miss Morgan and Mr. Stanley Contralto and basso duet. Kit THE ROOSTER DANCE Edison Symphony Orchestra characteristic! selection from "The Runaways " 857 PEOOT BRADY Harry MacDonougk Walts song from "The Iile of Spice" with orchestra Accompaniment- , 699 HICKORY BILL. Len Spencer and Parka Hunter (Talking and banjo.) KSt MY DIXIE LOU Arthur Collina conn love song witn orchestra accompaniment. KKI THE LAST ROSE OF BUMMER (Cornet.) SSK3 LIKE A STAR THAT FALLS FROM HEAVEN Descriptive song. KM DIXIE GIRL Characteristic march and two-atep. S5S5 AN EVENING CALL IN JAYVILLE CENTER Comic Rube singing and talking male duet. tm UNCLE SAMMY MARCH Xylophone with orchestra accompaniment. RW7 THE NEW COLONIAL MARCH Edison Military Band 588 WHAT WOULD THE NEIGHBORS BAY Collina and Harlan (Comlo and male duet) r,89 8UKET SUE Harry MacDonough Coon love song with orchestra accompaniment. tm LITTLE DOLLY DRIFTWOOD "Byron O. Harlan inscriptive song by the composer of "Anooa" with orchestra, accompaniment. COME 111 DISCONSOLATE Samuel Biegle (Organ effect, mandolin.) K92 CELIA ' Arthur Collina ' Coon love song with orchestra accompaniment. H93 THE WHISTLING BOWERY BOY S. H. Dudley (Bong with whistling.) K94 THE BANJO EVANGELIST Len Spencer and Parke Hunter Comic talking selection, Introducing banjo, K9& PRETTY AS A BUTTERFLY Albert Bensler (Rohhy Newcomb'a song and dance) Bells with orchestra accompaniment. tTiM FELICE Edison's Symphony Orchestra (Cansonetta.) ' 8697 MARY ELLEN Billy Murray Irish coon serenade with orchestra accompaniment. 1097 TWO OF US John Hasel and Frank 8. Seltser Cornet duet accompanied by the Edison Military Band. 12913 MALKES Frank Selden (Comlo Hebrew song.) 12914 DEM REBEN3 CHOCHMKfl Frank Belden (Comic Hebrew song.) Our Great Terms NOTHING DOWN on Phonograpks. TUC RCQX OPPPR VPX By U8 'or records and take the phonograph home inc. DCJI urrci I CI beginning to pay for it 30 days later In easy In stallments. This offer Is made to everybody. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF RECORDS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS ALL PRICES. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ALL KINDS OF TALKING MACHIN ES AND PHONOGRAPHS. Nebraska Cycle Company GEO. E. M1CKEL, Manager. 1STH AND HARNEY STS. TELEPHONE 1661. GYMNASIUM. New classes for women will meet twice a week S p. m. during Lent at Chambers' academy. Special rates. Glrla" class 4 p. m. Mondays and Thursdays. Apply to Miss Elsie Schwarts, 911 South 20t h St. .Telephone AZX1. U M342 13 MARRIAGE DIRECTORY Free to all; pay when married; new plan; send no money. For particulars address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297. Tekonsha, Mich. U-324 7x BISTERS IN DESPAIR Speedy relief; ab normal suppression, any cause. Write - for remedy. Safe, sure. Dr. Martha Walker Co., 163 State, Chicago. U 253 "X I SEEK HUSBAND for lady. 24. worth $111,000; widow, 33, 350,000: lady, 18, $20,000; widow, '. $16,000. Confidential. Address Jessie, 19 South Broadway, St. Louis. Mo. U 282 7x DON'T READ THIS (Unless you wear clean clotnes. If you do patronise the Domestic laundry. 2118 N. 24th. Tel. B1182, U-M121 M2 tAecordlon Pleating, cheapest, beat, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas. . U 97 SOMETHING YOU WANT PROF. ABBOTT famous psychlcoleglst, teacher of psychic phenoml. How to MASTER your OWN MIND and OTHERS. Personal magnet ism. Tuition and terms, call at 1616 Doug las St. U 41U 7 .VALENTINE postal cards of yourself for $1.26 per dosen; made In the Williams studio,- 14oti Farnam, opposite Paxton hotel. U M397 9x MASSAGE given at your home; treatment by lady and to ladles only. Address C 42, Bee. U M39 8x I.A BOOK, ladles' tailoring, (13 Karbseh blk. U 801 PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to get me a pair of Huteson's "Patent Slip Not" Rimless Eyeglasses. They're Just too swell. Can't shake off. 213 8. Wth. Calltio. U-754 F14 IANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write To the matron of the Salvation Army Home lor Women. 8824 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. U M62U Maylx (Hammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. 0 (sli ELITE parlors, SIS 8. 16th, 2d floor. U-80S MEET me at Meyer-Dillon's the "yellow corner for quality" 16th and Fsrnam. U M13 Fl "V1AVI," way to health. 34ti Bee building. U 80S MAnNPTir'fMtra'nt baths. Mme. mnUllC 1 IV smth, 118 N. IS, f flr.. R. 2. U M944 F8x iVHATS nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman i-ieating Co., 200 Douglas block. U o ATER'B PRINTING CO., 121J Douglas st. u am HAVE MONEY by buying from the manu facturers. Burkley Envelope Co., Omaha, U 690 F12x BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonograph company last hlghtT I waited 'till half past 9. Say, their free concerts are grand, and I ' bought a dosen X. P. 60c records for 26o each. Peggy From Paris. U M137 IARCHIRALD Must have your picture be fore you leave. Don't fall to meet me at Proctor's, til S. ISth, Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet photos for 13 00. Klolse U-102 PANTORIUM Tel. 903 yelng tn U-M541 UILLY Am next to a good thing; meet me at Stoeckera cigar store this evening and we'll smoke a 6c Monogram and 1 11 . tip' It on to you. Frank. u HU) Sou Ol'NG widower. In moderate circum stances, would correspond with view to matrimony; must be good housekeeper, rctlned and fairly well educated. Address u t, lira omce. u M.u 1 x .WRITE me a letter and relieve the wearl lies of a lone bachelor and stranser In town who would like the acquaintance nf an educated may or rennement. 1 70, wee omce. i. uztt 7x EXPERIENCED young lady with some capital wants position as assistant hsolt keeper or general office work. Addresi C 25. Bee. U-Mlti 7x Regent Baths and Halrdresslnsr Parlors. 2"6 Rami Building. iti. iauies nniy. U 804 21 AN and wife will be pleased to rare for piano for use of same; good references given. Adtjress C 28. Bee. U M198 T HANDSOME AMERICAN LADY Without kith or klu and worth 15 u0. wants sin cere, honest husband. Address Lowe. 291 Clinton St.. Chicago. U 322 7x YOUR LIFE READING Many typewritten pages concerning business, love, health, etc., free. Send date vf birth, sex. Ad dress Astropathlo Institute. Auditorium Bldg., Chicago. Reasoit your recom mendation wanted. U $58 7x TAKFJ sdvantage of Mme. Gylmer's eelebrated I'slmlstry RFADINO ONLY loo. Parlors 715 N. $3d tit. U-341 1 PERSOSAL. Bohumlr KyrI Francklyn Wallace Edison Cornet Band Harlan and Stanley J. Frank Hopkins $50 Reward. It we hadn't bought a large portion of the titration piano slock, only tue selected pari, mis wun our no interest plan anil our reduced expense, we can and will undersell any house In Omaha. Piano buyers beware. No B & L can be shown on pianos irum Sioux City to Oman other than ours. Demand this and know the truth. PER 1ELD PIANO CO., Bee Bldg. No Interest, Easy terms. R419 7 MARRIAGE PAPER 10c; sealed; many worth tl.uoo to xiuo.uou; Dank reference; 8th year: send 10c. K. L. Love. Denver, Colo. ' U 27ti 7x 8UPERFLOUS hair, warts and moles per manently removed by electricity; consul tatlon tree and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mlaa Allender, Ji N. i . Life. U 400 7x ADA WISE Call for letter at poetotnce. PhirnrwItrS"' relief; corns remot V-nirOpOayDr. Roy, r. 2-8. 1606 Farn removed. um. R-J40 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES. - German graduate, renowned lor nia skill and experience In confine menu; cures sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, lrom any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladies who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital, if a personal Interview Is Impossible state your case fully. Inclose stamp and answer and aavice win promptly oe given. Address K. F. Pries. M. D., 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, ieu. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women ana ennaren: au years practice. Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone. uiuue, o-tojo. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re mit, oiivrman oc aicvonneii Drug Co., vuiaiw, 411 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and miring connneroeni. or. ana Mrs. Uerlsch. K ... 1 1 n. . v.iiivi uia m .ami ivaaumuifl, s SIS GET your medicines at CONTE'8 new j- fl as atAM In W L'CT TJkf 4 at T r .-. ' TKfCT. S1ST AND FARNAM STS. M89 Fll DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana irregularities or women from any cause; experienced and , reliable. 1513 uuuga si., Ariingiun oioca, umana. -814 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; uauiea luupinj. Alia, uaraeis, u X.aKe. lei. nea-im. 16 PRIVATE home durlng-conflnemeiit; babies aoopiea. i ne gooa eamantan Sanitarium. in ibi. ave., council Biuns, la. 626 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnemenc irs. E isner, iolti S. 11. Tel. 1R89. 1 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES, At druggists, xi. 817 LADIES: Chichester's Enrllsh Pennvrnvsl Pills are the best. Safe, reliable.- Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies." In letter, bv rotum mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester inemicai to., rnuaaeipnia. ra. LADIES Whea In need send for free trial of our never fulling remedy. Relief sure ana quick, runs cnomical CO., Mllwau kee. Wis. WAMTED TO BIT. DON'T give furniture and carpets away. 1, Levine pays nignest price. Tel. 771. N-756 RrvrtL-c bought, sold. Antique Book Con uwrw cem. 213 Karbach blk. Tel. S634. N-761 ZD-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2O20. umcago jrurniiure to, w 767 BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel.22i. N 378 Mar4 waktiii-ii cars or nones; will pay a good cash price; write me. 8. M. lley. ituu tnaiana, ave., Kansas t ity, Mo. N-M212 F23x IF THE young lady with the brown suit on Dodge st. line last Wednesday evening, going norm, win meet me at HaJ'.ey, tin dentist's, she will hear something of In terest to hecself. The Man witn the Silk list. N 217 8 WANTED, a city map or atlas, new or eee ona-nana. Address C 54, liee office. N-M236 x TO BUY a hems right, s lot or sarrfon ana. mt to list aecioea Dargalns, see Welshans. R. Beecher Howell Co. 408 Merchants' Nat'l. Bank Bldg. N-235 7x WANTED Two fresh cows; give descrip tion and price. Address D 8" Be N-M4t 8x WANTED, to buy, second-hand furniture for 7-room house; must be chean. Ad dress D 91, Bee. N M40J 8x WANTED, to buy. a auburban grocery store; will pay cash If location Is suitable. Address D M. Bee. . N M395 Sx DETECTIVE. Capt. Cormack, 617 Karbaoh blk. Tel. A-2X32. lou AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit sunscriptlons to nit; TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $;0 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 AGENTS wanted everywhere; exclusive territory. "One dollar a year protects you." we issue more sccident and sick ness policies than any other similar com pany In the world, because we issue the most popular and cheapest Insurance written; new plan; $1 a year pays for 500 policy; no assessments or dues; other amounts In proportion. Death benefit; weekly Indemnity; peclflo Indemnity for loss of limbs or eyesight; free medical at tendance; manr othi-r original and popu lar feaures. Issued to either sex without regard to nationality, color or occupation. All claims promptly nnd liberally settled; Insurance assets $500,000. Reliable rep resentatives wanted everywhere; good territory still open; liberal contract to capable agents: previous experience not necessary. International Company, S31 Broadway, New York. J '.85 7x CHANCE OF A LIFETIME to one nmn only In each state with reference and r w hundred dollars, for branch office supply ing agents (we furnish agents); enormous profits without risk. Hull, 150 East ?:id St., New York. J-281 7x OCR PLAN for starting beginners In prof itable mall order business is very suc cessful; some we started three months ago receive 100 letters daily and are mak ing big money; you can do as well; our new catalogue, just published, Is the lest out; It's a sure money brlnger; complete rlan for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City. Mo. J-2'9 EARN a better salary and position; study electricity, mechanical engineering, tel egraphy, at home, by correspondence. Thousands successful. Thomas A. Edi son Uidorsej) Institute. Hook "Can 1 H oome an Electrical Engineer'" mailed free. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER INSTI TUTE. New York. I SHARES, THREE CENTS: Gold Mines and Mill; big protits; mineral; prospectus, pic tures sent free. Sunset Gold Co., f!t Mack, Denver, Colo. J -54 7x AGENTS make $25 weekly selling Trlnola, greatest stain removing hand soap; also toilet soaps; exclusive territory. Davis Soap Co.. Chicago. J-252 7x AGENTS WANTED $S0 weekly easily made selling healtn and acciuenr insur ance; experience unnecessary. Write us today. Royal Fraternal Union. St. luis. Ma J 251 7x STOP RUNAWAYS Hitch horses solid In stantly; carry In pocket; signt sencr, agents wanted. Pocket Hltchlngpnst Co., Muncle, Ind. . J-248 7x AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly easily made; we prove this; luminous nnmo fiaies; numbers, signs readable darkest nights; samnles free. Right Supply Co . Kngle wood. 111. J-241 7X GENERAL agents wanted for excellent household articles. Big money tor rmni man. International Novelty Company, 13S5 Broadway, N. Y. J-2 7x WE start you selling dlnmonds. Don't fall getting our i.inerai mer ,i ouuy Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. Mention puper. JJ9 ix WANTED, agents: exclusive control. Wn nul I'nnffli Tor (lvSTIrHnlB new. Terms ard sample, 20c. Howard Remedy Co., Rldgeneid, conn, j out i WANTED, manager In every city, courtly to handle hest-paying ousiness kouwo, legitimate; new: exclusive control. Phoenix Co.. 15 W. 28th St., N. Y. J 32 7x AGENTS get $92 on $1 Investment. New Automatic Murgnir Alarm ooors, win rinva' rotalla &0c. Send 25c for outfit Ramona Co., 6010 Metropolitan Blflg., New York. J ' LADIES Combination Mirror, Powder Rag and fowaer; can ue carneu m iiumr, automatically closed when used. Send 50 cents for sample; special terms to agents Worth Manufacturing Co., 810 W. 2d st. Fort Worth, Tex. J-330 7x TRAVELING case free. We start you sell ing aiamonus; no T-Ajri inn o write for pocket outfit. Persian D anvmd Co., Syracuse, n. i. t j tnooTTOia Theater sxeat fire disaster me morlal, grand picture, sixe inxu; sn.mpif 25c, 10 for $1, $7 per 100; circulars free to nall order men. Kurx Art Co.. 78 N. Clark St.. Chicago. j-au vx TE "Lightning Fire Extinguisher" fur nishes a "maximum or protection ior "minimum expense." Highly ornamented tin tubes. Fully guaranteed, prepaid on reeMpt of price, 81 eacn. per amon. Live hustling agents wanted In every r-itv and town IT. S. and Canada. Send for terms, etc. The SufTotd Chemical Co., Room 49, uoston, Mass. j sw n FREE sample to agent. Practical ready call device ror reiepnones; bhvbs urain work, hours of time, sells Itself; one sale sells dozens: seeing", believing. Send stamp. Telephone Appliance to., M iv Kassau St., 14. x. J WH pay $22 a week -nnd expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year s contract, imperial juig. o., itu 04, i-arsons. ivoji. u BIG MONEY In squabs; they sell for $2 to $6 a dosen; cheaply raised in only rour weeks: write for our free book about this rich industry. Plymouth Rock squat) Co., 11 Friend St.. Boston, Mass. J DROP EVERYTHING Write today for unique, irresistlhle plan ror selling nat. liral diamonds: exclusive territory: per manent proposition. Chapnran-Tower Co., Oneida, N. Y. j z.i (X AGENTS WANTED, sell our $1 bottle Snrsaparllla for 35 cents: nest seller: z.w per cent profit.- Write today for terms and territory. F. R. Greene, 59 Dearborn St., Chlcngo. J LAMP makes Its own gas and tells the time: no kerosene, wick or chimney; sella for $1.60; free lamp and credit on stocg to those wishing to work for us. Liberty Lamp Co., 200 A. J., Broadway, New York. j AO K NTH wanted to handle our Acme Flex ible Steel Door Mats, nnerai commissions. Write today. Acme Flexible Clasp Co., 17th and b. Clam Hi., i-mcago. in.. J-357 7x AGENTS, mall order firms, our new D2R4 page Wholesale Catalogue Just out. cago. " J 856 7x OUR MEN MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FIT TING glasses. Our 24-page FREE EYE BOOK tells all about It. Write JACK BONIA OPTICAL COLLEGE. College place, M street, Jackson, Mich. . J-25S7X WE WANT general sgents, sub-agents, and canvassers men and women, in every county, to represent us and handle com plete line household remedies, sold under guarantee. Actual necessities, quick sellers. $200 to $300 made monthly, credit and exclusive territory given. Full parti culars and sample free. HOTTINGER CHEMICAL CO., 462-4C7 Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, ill. j roi vx AGENTS MAKE 850 per week selling the Allen Fountain Brush. Write for outfit and terms. Allen Mfg. ronrnxny, Toledo, O. J :o2 7X WE WANT 10.000 agents: newest, fastest selling goods out: over ion best articles, Send 4o postage for large Illustrated catalogue, wholesale prices, etc Southern Mercantile Co., Houston, i ex. J 203 7x DE8K room, with telephone, on street floor. N. r. Dodge at uo., itit r arnain si. J-M413 f MIBICAL. -u -PiM Bechtold's Union Orchestra. VjlCnebUa ! South 13U St. Tel. Miio F-2J THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. 309 DAISY HIGG1N3. voice, piano. 2013 Leav enworth. Tel. A-2741. 891 Flti CHA8. H. KEEPER, piano. W. O. W. bdg. -M524 F25 CHA8. FOGERBS. orchestra, 1911 Farnam. Tel. 2829. -M15S 11 TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. 11 Philbln. 1506 Farnam. 'J'lione 7k4 -758 FLORISTS. HESS 4k 8WOBODA, 141$ Farnam. M0 L. HENDERSON, florUt, 1519 Farnam 8t FOR BALE MISCELI.AHEOVS. A Final Clearance This Week of the W. S. Stratton -Bankrupt PIANO STOCK THE LAST CALL Beginning tomorrow morning. February 8th, we will place on sale without reserve the nalance of the Ptratton oanKrupi piano stock, together with all the used pianos taken In trade during this sale, and a few new Instruments of our regular stock. all together affording a variety of match less hargnlns In the curest. widest sense of the word. Frost Bitten Prices New Upright Pianos Chicago makes, parlor sizes. In choice f woods, sold bv Stratton for I2CV00 to $275.00. Reduced to a "sell out" price of Used Pianos and Organs New Vnrlr m n !,.. ..Mnat irpaniU In fancy genuine mahogany or walnuts, Btralton a price fciuo.00 to l&O.OO (worth It, too). The last chance, for $13!.00 to $155.00. $400.00 to $o00 00 standard makes, with names which are familiar to all. Aristo cratic bargains, if you please, with prices pusnea uown to j."Jiw, down to X23S.0U ana down to $192.00. On our iHinuus easy monthly payments of $4.00 and $5.10 a month. Schmoller & Mueller Mnnnhi,. T 1. nt.., 1 a U-,,.1 1313 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, ' NEB. STOCK YARDS BAIini.RHV CO.. J. G. Bleselng, prop.; wholesale and retail munurnciurer oi ana acaier in narness and (saddles; whips a specialty; every thing hand-made; quality considered, the cheapest harness shop on earth. 831 N. lath St., So. Omaha. Uolou shop. Q 774 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a flrst- ; im sianaara school in umana, compris ing .complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Uee office, Q 852 ELEGANT folding bed. cost $125; will tuke IM. Address C 31, Bee. O 309 7x INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q 778 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. y ui CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- iiiau.' lxing tir timbers. 901 Duuglas. Q 778 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman ft KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; IM bar- saiii. uui or wme iioom , rmg. Q 780 HARD coal stoves, $5 up; furnttur cheap. CYirmtrt ITlirHllurA fn. 1 .11 A T rA r. Q-781 SECOND-HAND hllllsrd snd pool Ubles; nuiiara tames repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, clear counters. The Itrtins-wick-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 8. 10th. Q T?fi 160 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn. cneap. uiamona ijoan unice, 14U1 Douglas. Q-Mlia FOR SALE Horse, harness and delivery wagon; a bargain If taken by Monday. Address C 73, Bee. Q M208 7x FOR SALE, second-hand bed room suit, refrigerator and gas stove, all in good condition; also encyclopedia Brltannlca, Address C 99, Bee. Q M15S 7x SODA WATER pays large profits. Foun tains from 8G5 up, on easy monthly pay ments; little cash required. Catalogue of great bargains free. Do not dolay or you . may ue ioo late. tioca water tanas re paired. Robt. M. Green Sons, Phila delphia, Pa. Q WANTED 9 ALESME.1. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED Cigar Btuesman in your locality for city and country trade: exierieiice unnecessary: VR per month and expenses; Inclose stamp lor particulars. flUJN t-tlt tiuAn CO., J.wpi. 14, AOietiO, KJ. mTI X SPECIALTY SALESMEN Two excep . i ....ii.. i.i , . , , iiunaiij. iuuu )uiiunn uiwn wun large es tablished Cleveland house; salesmanship, enerav and business ability will mi. It nn. sitlon permanent; general mercantile irauc, iiiku coinmisHion contract witn weekly advance while traveling. W. K. Hodgman & Co., 90 Prospect UL, Cleve land, Ohio. 284 7x TRAVELING SALESMEN for Nebraska; no technical knowledge, but active, all- Vm , u T ..(ul.ll. W ..A . .4 I. I ...,.,, ,1 UII, , . nlU II UD1M U, TT I I 1 mrU house. F. R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., De troit, Mich. ZS0 7x WANTED Side line men. "Rogers" Silver Teaspoons, totaple as flour; on a most attractive proposition; our men earn $2,000 to xo.tiuv year. The -successful side line men ore the men we choose to handle our lines exclusively : a lifetime position at excellent pay. W. F. Rogers Mfg. Co., as vvauasn Ave., unicago, 111. tiz IX SALESMEN, side line. Can make $23 to $50 per weea nanaung our up-io-aate line or Advertising Fans, special and exclusive designs no one else can offer them. Sam ples ready, light and easy to carry. Apply n ... .... ftl - I - rr& - Cincinnati. Olilo. 287 7x ... . , ,,, . . njiniDf Dumnm. sealing narness-maK-ers. take harness-leather side line; big money; sena rouie. v rue iioirmann Tan nery, Malta, Ohio. Z43 7x 1Y WANTED Experienced traveling sale man for Nebraska: references and bond: position permanent to man of energy and integrity. Drawer B, Chicago. &3 7x WANTED Salesman; a thorough and ex- fierlenced cigar salesman to handle our ine In Nebraska; resident preferred; one nf the oldest manufacturers In Chicago. John P. Hanson & Co., 351 Milwaukee Ave. 820-7 SALESMEN make big money selling staple article; oougnt oy mercnanis everywnere; xcellont side line; pocket sample; writs immediately. Jj w. MertK CO., 900 colli St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED, experienced salesman, with tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and salary expected Singer Bros., St. Louis. Mo. 958 TRAVELING men: pocket side line for a wholesale and retail trade: entirely new; clear Jour expenses easily; no Invest ment; free samples. Holler, Adams Ex press Building. Chicago. 259 7x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with advance of IIUO monthlv: permanent -Dosl tl-in to right man. Jess IL Smith Co., uetroit, Alien. - tn ix SALESMAN F:xier1enced: exceptional pro position, standard line; leading wholesale house: cracker-tack plan. Insures orders every town: merchants easily pay out of sales; commissions rrom Ji to o on eacn order; our best men selling six to ten a week. VOX lix.4, si. ixi u is, tuo. S71-7X SALEMAN WANTED I am worth $150,000. Business established for years. Am well known throughout the United States. I have the best quick-selling line of staple merchandise on the market. To fill va cancy In territory. I will pay $250 per month and expenses to one first-class, competent, reliable specialty salesman. If you are sucn a man we can close a bar gain quick. If not, don't answer. Per sonal Interview later. Address C 1 Bee, 2u8 7x WANTED Salesman, experienced, to carry complete lln of glove samples from fac tory to retail trade In Nebraska and South Dakota: salesmen without estab lished trade In the territory need not apply: applications will not receive at tention inileas accompanied by references. Mason, Campbell it Co., Johnstown, N. y, si x SITUATIONS WANTED. a'iKTPn aitnstion aa bookkeeper or gen eral office clerk; best references. Address C 22, Bee. . i-o position aa coachman: understand gard ening; can givs reference. Address Ii 81, CLAIRVOA!TS. PONEIB10 CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST AND ASTROLOGER. REDUCED FEE! KKIH CEX FET5M CENTS 50 CENTS W THIS WEEK. KNOWLEDGE 18 POWER. Extraordinary clairvoyant power, combined with Ponelolo's superior knowledge of palmistry, astrology and occult forces, enables Ponelblo to reveal human life with unerring accurnry from Infancy to old age. Ponelblo tells of husband, wife, lover, friends, who are true and who are false; whom and when you will marry a secret you should know; how to attract, control nnd change the thoughts, Inten tions, actions or habits of anyone secretly, the controlling power planted In your na ture: how to make your husband, wife or anyone be kind or true to you; how to win the man or woman you love. A SECRET YOU SHOULD KNOW. The Power to Control, Influence or Fascinate anyone yoti know, love or admire. It never falls. Ponelblo teaches Palmistry and Astrology. Clairvoyants and mediums developed. READINGS BY MAIL Fend date of birth. 10 questions, $1 and five 2-cent stamps to pay postage. R. E. PONIEUIO. Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 P. m. dally. Sundays: 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1619 Dodge St. 6-3S1 7x TRANCE READING of your future by the viii.. icimuia clairvoyants, j rot, re Rollln, F, 490 Clark St., Chicago. Bond dime, birth, date and stamp. 8-244 7x BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. S-Ui GYLMER: palmist, 715 N. 23d; Tel. B-3245. B ill MRS. CARRIE SMITH, soverlgn lady queen or clairvoyants; everything told, past, present and future; satisfaction or no pay. 807 N. ISth. S 393 7x MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN You can pay us as you wish, in small weekly or mommy payments, snd each payment so made reduces the cost of the loan. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. We loan on furniture, pianos, horses. wagons, eic, me piuprny always remain ing In your possession. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE upon their own agreement to repay. Our laciniies are too uesi ior vlilk service and our oftlce motto Is "to please our patrons." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CD 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established iwi.) us B. ltjth St. X-818 THE STAR LOAN CO. 644 Paton building. Is the recognized bank of the renaDie wao earner and salaried employe; largest business In all western cities on account of our easy payments low rates and courtesies extended. ' X 825 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. $33 Paxton Block, ltith and Farnam Fts. X-826 WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY, THINK OF TJ1TT.T A Tit .1,"! CHliMllT rrk FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS ROOMS 308 PAXTON BLK., 3D FLOOR. X M9i6 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. uet our system or loans tnat gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist or engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, just on hla note: H.ilf Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $100 Return to us..26. or $13.S5 or $.65 8 60 Return to us.. or ti.ti.) or 3.35 $ 25 Return to ux.. ti.wi or 8.&I or 1.66 $ 15 Return to us.. 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 i. ii M est terms, loweKt rates, confidential. lo inquiries. yuicK service, courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 624 PAXTON BLK. X MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ana otners wun security; easy payments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X 820 MONEY loaned on plain note to salnrlrd people; Business connaentiai; lowest rates 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-827 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses,, oows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. .O.U V II ' II AO I II, A O-O PRIVATE money to loan on furniture, etc. Easy rates, zio Aju-Dacn bik. Tel. B-29- 4. X 91'5 CHATTEL, salary ana Jewelry loans. Foley T -I,. It S Untr.M 1)1 1 . . . .11 J.UHII il. a, ji .v.-, j.ivst it. A-Pijf MONEY TO LOAM REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat I uank Bldg. Tel. 1818. W 12? PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W Ml 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemla, Psxton block. w 8:a PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas vir oo WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. 1 W 83S WANTED, real estate losns snd warrants. R. C. Peters Sc Co., liee Hldg. W-83Z 5 per cent farm loans. R, C. Patterson. 12. '4 farnam. w 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. w o3t MONEY TO LOAN-Psyne Investment Co. W 837 PRIVATE money to loan In amounts of $500. $750 and $2,000. W. H. Gates, 817 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1204. W M210 $ $800 AND $1,000 private funds: 6 per cent. CJ1AB. Hi. WlL.L,lAMbO!N t O. . W SOU 7 OSTEOPATHY. Tohnann Institute. E1S N. Y. Life bids. T.1AA4. Dr. J. A. Meehan, 515 N. Y. Life bldg. T IM. 788 Sth Hunt Infirmary, MoCague bldg. T.2352, ib DR GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. ZbW. OKI Fayette Cole, Osteopath, 609 Paxton block. lai Drs. Laird & Laird, 103 Karbach blk. Tel 3091. LOST. LOST, a white pointer dog with brown spots on ears. Return to 720 South S th and gat reward. Hughett A CafTrey. Lost-341 7x LAW AND COLLECTION. IUDGE DICKINSON. 816 N. Y. Life. 8et tUinenls estates a specialty. Teleubcne Y-'&al M93J ll 8T1LLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 78j THE New Bnow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. L f a. Tel. 133. ! W. F. WAPPIcH. advice free. Creighton Blk. ' 787 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unlesj successful. 618 8. 15th St.. .Omaha. Tel. 17:. 7i8 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues & Co.. Omaha. 92 A12x PATENTS bought and sold. Send descrip tion, give price, and I will advise you. Stanley C. Hanks, Madison, Wis. tX 7x BRASS FOINDRY. BRASS snd aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mftf. Co., 41 N. Ualu feu, Coupcil Lluft , DANCINfl ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Acndemy, 2124 Farnam. Adtiit negtnners, moikIrjs snd Saturday, s, 8 p. m ; assemblies, Wedensdays. 8 3o'p. m.j children beginners. Wednesday. 4 p m.: Saturdays. 2 p. m : advanced 'Satur days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; res.. A-1871. -773 If you dance, attend Morand's Wed. assem blies. If you don't dance, loin his Tursd'iy snd Frl. class, 8 p. m. Special attention to Iwglnners; lady assistants; private lessons dally. Call 15th and Harney or Tel 10H . Mtl77-K-12 MIOItTIIA.Ml AMI Tlri:ltlllM A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. YTl lTe! S4( Neb. But. ft Shorthand Col. Boyd theater. M7 COSTUMES. Theatrical and masq. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. 799 LEICHMAN. MASQ., 2822 Farnnm. Tel. L213 Ml 21 F18 II'HOLSTERIG. Peterson Lundberg, lit 8. 17th. Tel. L-2& H-s read! A.I. ROOT, Inc. HEEDt 414-16 S. IJlti. 5UCCEED1 Tel. 1604 RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTJI AND MARCY. Chicago, Mllifiskee A St. Pant. r(, , . ,, .a Lear. Arrive. rl Zll S".Hlht 7M.m an 16 pm Dr" "olaes Lxpru 7:65 am a 1.10 pra Chicago, Roek Island A I'nclflc. RAST m!" ',!'Vht .L,ml-'. Mam ai h c.80 Local a 7 .00 am a :H vm Okloam Rsnress MI:IB am a . pm Iif. Molnr. Bipraai a4:S0pm btl 60 am Chicago Kat lixprf.i a i.M pin a 1 25 pm .. WEST. Rockr Mountain Limited a 7 10 ara a T it pm Lincoln. Colorado Rprlnaa, Den ver, Puf hlo and Wt al JOpm a 1.00 pm Tn, California snd Oklahoma K"'r - 4:10 pm alMOpra Chicago A Northwestern. Looal lhlrao alt 30 am Looid Rkuj Citr bits pm Hay lent Bt. Paul a 7 50 am aio 00 pm r?"1;1 rn,r 00 am all JO pm Limit Chicago al Mpm a 15 am , "t.tS!nKO aS SOpm a 1.45 pm Looal Chltaao.' a 4 18 pm . r."5'; ,ul a:lpm a 105 am S.' -PM' a 86 am ft Mall I 40 pm Local 8lou City b 4 00 pm a 30 am Norfolk and Boneate1 a I 06 am blO SS am Lincoln and tmf Pine b 1:06 am blO am Dndwood, Hot Eprlngs and Lincoln a J:50pm a 6:10 pm raiipcr and Wyoming Eipm...d :60 pm 6:10 pm Halting., Buparlor and Albion, b i.lo pin b 6 19 pm Mlaaonrl Paclfle. Pt. Loul. Expnsa alflOO am a J5 pm K. C. and Et. Louis Expri.....al0 60 pm i I IS im I'nion Parlflc. Overland Limited a I 40 am a8 n5pm Tha Faat Mall a 1:60 am a:20pm California Exprcna a4:30pm Th Chicago-Portland 8peelal....s 180 pra a 6 JO pm Eaatern Enpreaa a 6:30 pm Tha Atlantic Expreaa a 7:30 pm Tha Colorado SpecL.1 all;$s pm a 8 40 am Chlcaao Sprlnl a 3:40 am Lincoln. Brattice and Stroma- hurg Expren. b 4 '00pm MI 46 pm Columbus Local b t:00 pm b 1:36 am Chlcngo Cirent Western. flt. P.ul nd Mlnneapolla Lmtd a T:l am St Paul and Minneapolis Ei..a7:36am I K pm Chicago Limited a 4 60 pm alO.IO am St. Haul, Minn, and Chicago El a 30 pm Chicago Eipreaa..... a 4:i0am a 4:06 pm Wabash. St. Lout. "Cannon Ball" Eg a 4:30pm a l:0am Bt. Loul. Local (Council BluSa). a 1:16 am aio 30 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Eiprna a 7:50 pra alO:I5 pra Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:60pm 1:06 am Itlnneapolla and Bt. Paul Ex. . .b 7:60 ara bl0:9 pra Bl RI,IGTO STATIOJI 10TII A MASON Chlrstro, Barllnarton Jt Qolncy. JjeaTa. Arrtye. Chicago Special a f 00 am S:66pm Chicago Venttbuled Eipreaa a 4:00 nm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a:lm all :00 pm Chicago Limited a 1:06 pm a 7:45 pm Paat Mall 1:46 pm Rnrllaa-ton A Mlssoarl River. XVymore, Bfttrlce and Lincoln.. a 150 am bit 05 pm Nebraska Expreaa a 1:50 am 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10pm a 5 am Black Hill, and Puget Round Ex. alt :10 pm a 1:30 pm Colorado Veatlhuled Flyer at:30pm Lincoln Fait Ma'.l b 1 67 pm a :0 am Port Crook and Plattamouth b 1:10 pm blO 35 am BelleTua and Pacific Junction. .a 7:50 pm a 1:17 ara Bellevaa and Piclfio Junction. . a 1:60 am Kansas City. St. Joseph A Co. Bluffs. Kanaaa City Day Eipreaa a t 16 am a 05 pra St. Loula Flyer a 6 20 pm ali os am Kama. City Night Eipreaa alO 4S pm a ( Warn WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH A WEBSTER. Missouri Paclfle. Ijfaye. Arrive. Neb. Local via Weeping Water. b 4:10 pm alO JS am Chicago, St. Paul, Minn. A Omaha, Twin City Paeaenger sf'IOam b 9:10 pm Sloui City Paaaengnr at'OOpm alt ZOam Oakland Local b 1:46 pm b 10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Dally exoept 8aturday. Dally eicept Monday. . OCEAN STEAM ICRS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Maw rvts-Scraw steamers et 11.100 Tone, NEW YUKK ROTTERDAM, rla BUULOUNB. Sailing Tueaday, at 10 a. m. Slotardyk Feb. Rotterdam Mar. I Staleiidam .....Feb. 11 Noordam Mar. M "Amii.riUm Mar. l'gtatendam Mar. U Steerage only. Frelght only. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, ( Dearborn St., CS rago. III.; Harry Moorea. H"l Farnam Sti O. nuiktrford. 1121 Farnam it ) 1- B. Heynelda. 1M Farnam U m LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. The Board of Puhlio Lands and Buildings of the state of Nebraska will receive pro posals at the office of secretary of state until 12 o'clock noon, of the twentieth day of February, 1304, for the erection and com pletion of an administration building nnd three cottages to be erected st Norfolk, Nebraska and a hospital building to be erected at the Soldiers' and Bailors' Home at Mllford. Nebraska; also a cold storage building for the Feeble Minded Institute at Beatrice, according to the plans snd speci fications now on file In the utnd commis sioner's omce. Proposals will be received In whole for erection of buildings and Including heating, rilumblng and wiring, or separate on heal ng. plumbing and wiring. Proposals must comply with requirements of specifications regarding certified check. Certified check to be made payable to the state of Nebraska as guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder to enter In the contract. The Board of Public Lands and Bullldngs has the right to teject any and all pro posals If In their Judgment to do so. v O. W. MARSH. Secretsry of Board Public Lands and Buildings. -F5dl0tM W.5O0 CEDAR BLUFFS. Nt,H WATER BONTB. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the village treasurer up to 6 o'clock p. m. ThursdavMsrch S. 1!04. for the pur chase of fH 51 water bonds of the village of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. Bonds dated January r, lfsj4. due January 1, 19'4. optional on and after January, 1909. Interest 5 per cent, payable annually. Bids must be not lefs than per and Bo omed Interest snd be accompanied by rertlfled check for 6 per cent of amount bid for. , The village board reserves the right to re ject any and all bldx. L. J. BC1IERE, Village Treasurer. ry7dlt NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stnckholilrrs of the 8uth Platte Land company will be held at the fTlce of said company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 2d day of Mrch. A. D. 14. nv nrdpr of the board of directors. C. H MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 30, 1904. Fld3(htm NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the secretary of state up until 13 o'clock noon of the 11th day of February. 1904, for one 5i Triplex Power Force pump, slso one Hklnner enclosed self-lubrlcatlon 100-horse-power engine. 0 pounds pressure, from to revolutions per minute, for the penitentiary, said pump and engine to be Installed readv for operation. GEO. W. MARSH, Secretary of Board. J31dl0t-m NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sesled bids will be receied by the town nf Wslnut. Is., for the erection of an elec tric light plant. Plans and eoeciflcatlons now on file wun tne iiwn cirs, A. B t4iMtJNECK:H. JJ1 n-14 Clerk. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE. X Bu'iresi in All Lines About Ncrnal for the T mi of Teir. PRICES FIRM WITH UPWARD TENDENCY Outlook for Sprlnw and Snmmrr IIiikI ncas; t oaalilrred I latterlug and 1oral Jobbers l:ppct m tioort House Trade I'rom Now Oh. Trade In all lines l:ist week whs about normal for the time of year. With whole salers this Is rather a between si'iis.m )eritHi, so that liiimcdiKle IhisIiu-h Is nut very rushing. Ailvame orders, however, are coming in veiy freely and in a very snort time it is expected thai the city will bo full of spring buyers. Tho special rall fiHid rats of u fare and a littli wont into etfti-t yesterday, and will be In force al most continuously until March 11. This special rate always brings in n gr-:U nuny buyers a soon as olTercU and for that r soti jobbers are looking for a good nou.v tiacle from now on. v winter trade. Is, of course, piactlcahs over with so far us jobbers are conccnied. inking ihe seiison as a whole they ate well sutisiied and In fact in most cnnes have sold inoio goods than ever before. The lack of cold weather the early part of the season undoubtedly injured t lie sorting up business considerably, but the orlKlnHl or ders were ao liberal that the total volume 'ilu s"u'ss ls 'f Rood i.ropoi'tlous. Ac cording to reports received from the coun try the majority of merchants have cleaned up their winter stocks In good shape and are well prepared to nock up freely on spring and summer goods. There have been several fluctuations In ruling prices during the week under re view, but most of them are in the direction of higher prices. The general prediction Is that ihe tendency will continue upward for some time to come, as the outlook ls very favorable for a large business throughout the present year and the price of most manufactured lines is none too high n com pared With the cost of the raw material. That being the cos-e, wholesalers sav that merchants are safe In buying their stocks at present prices and In fact of anticipat ing their wants fully as much us utual. Might Advance la Sugar. The grocery market Is In a good, healthy condition, with trade fully as heavy hs could be expected at this season of th year. The market on sugar Is a little ilriner and In fact all rcllneries have ed vanced the price of granulated 6 cents per 100 pounds. In the east and south there has been an advance in the price of barrel granulated over sacks, making the dllTtueii tlal 10 cents per hundred. 1 ne lmpres1o:i among those who ought to know seums to be that still higher prices will rule In the near future on sugar. ino corree market eased off lc per round last week, the decline applying only to tin low grades of Kins and Santas. All other 1 grades are practically unchanged. inaiaei on sisai rope bus anvancr Ho. but no change as yet has been re ported on Manila. The bean market Is a little firmer, owing to the severe storms throughout Michigan arid Wisconsin, which have made the roads almost impassable and prevent farmer from marketing their beans. The tendency of California dried lima benns Is al.-o up ward, owing to continued drouths In lower California. American Prints Advanced. The market on cotton goods is In the same position It has been ever since the cotton market started on Its sensational advance. The prices that liuvo been named so far on manufactured goods have been based on 12-cent cotton, but the market for some tome past has been much higher than thnt, so that unless the cotton mar ket takes a big drop the price of the manu factured goods must rule considerably higher In the near future. Prices are of course being marked up every week and In fact the changes are so rapid and numerous that It is hard for both the manufacturer and Jobbers to tell what prices to quote. One of the most import ant advances of the week was that which w-ng announced on American prints, mourn ings, grays. Indigos and shirtings having been advanced cent. This change ls to go Into effect February 11. Other staple lines, however, are In a very strong posi tion and higher prices at any time would cause no surprise. In view of the decidedly upward tendency of the market It Is thought that merchants will hurry and place their orders as soon as possible. Now that thn special rail road rates aro In effect there seems to be no reason for longer delay and Jobbers are preparing for a gnod house business from this time on. Traveling salesmen have been meeting with good success on the road and report that more merchants are figuring on visiting the Omaha mar ket this than ever before. Every year more western merchants learn that they cannot afford to pass by Omaha and that Is one reason why the Omaha market ls growing so rapidly in popularity. Spring; Business Starting Well. Hardware Jobbers say thnt spring busi ness ls opening In very satisfactory man ner. Tneir traveling men are bonking some nice orders for such lines as screen doors, wire cloth and In fact, for all kinds of spring goods. There seems to bo a growing tendency to place orders early. There Is still some demand for cold weather goods such as stoves, but still at this time of the year trade on such goods must of necessity be limited. Re ports Indicate, however, that hardware merchants have had a very prosperous season nnd that they have cleaned up their stocks In good shape. The outlook for a big spring trade ls also very flatter ing. Merchants carried over very little trim last vear and as a result they must buy freely this sen son. Farmers are In food financial condition, which means thnt hey will be libera buyers, so that retail ers are also figuring on a good trade. The market la In much the same position It was a w.-vk ago, very few changes hav ing taken place. If anything there ls an outlook for a little firmer tendency a..n nails. Barb wire Is rsther slow, but steady Mason Jars are In good demand for the time of year snd an advance hns gone into effect amounting to 10c per dozen. Steel floods are selling very freely, hut no change ii ruling prices has been announced. Oat After Ilnbber Orders, Traveling salesmen for local rubber goods lin.iKea have started out after advance orders on rubber goods. They have not been out long enougn. nowever, 10 leu much about the success they will have, hut tha ire n eral otilnion Is that they will do a very fair business. Merchants have not sold as many winter rubbers this year as usual, but still most of them have cleaned up in pretty good shape and for that reason should be willing to pluce their orders for another season. It is thought thai the advance of 6 per cent wnicii went Into effect February 1 la simply the fore runner of another advace to take effect June 1. The fact Is pointed out Hint the rice or the gum la inucn mgner man- ii ma betui and manufacturers must of ne- cednitv get higher prices than they have been 'charging. That was the principal reason for predicting the advance which has Just been made and also for looking for still higher prices In the future. In view of this upward tendency of the market iobbers figure that retailers will not hold ack their orders. There ls nothing particularly new in inn leather goods situation. Orders for sprlnsr goods are coming In as freely as could be expected and the outlook for a good business throughout the coming season is considered very favorable. Fralts and I'rodoee. The milder weather of last week tnndo it much easier for local Jobbers to ship perishable goods and for that reason th sales of fruits and vegetables were much larger than for some time past. Ruling prices on fruits have changed very llttlo during the week. lemons are perhaps a little cheaper, but other lines are about the same. Florid strawberries are now u the market and are selling at fjuc per quart. The quality Is ald to be unusually good for the time of .year. The supply of fresh vegetables Ii lncreax lng rapnlly. All such lines as new cabbage, cauliflower, beets, turnips, lettuce, radishes, parsley and tomatoes are now on the mar ket. Home of It Is hothouse and some of It comes from the south. The quality is con sidered good. Potatoes sre advancing quite rapidly, the wholesale prlte now ranging fnmi e.lo to II per bushel. The egg market has held up in good shape all week, us will be seen from the quota tions In another column. Poultry has been In good demand, with prices firm. The butter market has also strengthened a trifle, packing stock now being worth around 12c. ENGINEER BECOMES INSANE Fireman Jasnps and Is Killed Before Trains Trash on Canadian Railroad. IX)NDON. Ont., Feb. -Tha Canadian Pacific "flyer" crashed Into a freight train In the railroad yards here today. The fir man Jumped and was killed. The engineer, John Abernathy, stuck to bis post and escaped Injury, but went Insane. The passengers war badly shaken up.