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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1904)
THE OMAFIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FERRUARY 7. 1004. 17 I Arl Cal jT t'al FOR SALE RF.AI, F.STATR. FETERS. F. J. FITZGERALD. R. C. PETERS & GO. Ground Floor, Bee Bld'g. 40 by 150 ft.. east of 41st street; north front on Lafayetti. paved street, permanent walk, water, gas and upwh; gorxl title, taxes all paid; 350. A bargain. If you want to build In West Farnam diatrlct. here Is a snap In West End lot. 8. E. corner of 35th and Dodge streets; $10. An 8-room house, city water and barn, 29th and Hamilton street, near car. line; $1,350. Easy terms. Two-story, t-room house, gas and city water, good repair, near car line, north part of city; $1,800. -room modern except furnace, east front, one block north of Hsnscom park, paved street, permanent walks; $3,800. We have an 8-room house, barn, full lot, rood cistern; house cost $3,500 to build, which we can offer this week for $2,0. You cannot afford to build with a bar gain like this In, the market. 1(0 acres of highly Improved alfalfa land 6 miles south of Alma, Neb., In Harlan count v. $4,000. U srs VA mile from Oretna, Sarpy county, fair Improvements, land ail In cultiva tion, best black loam soil, clay subsoil. Owner leaving city and offers this at $7$ per acre. tM acres of very highly Improved land InSarpy county. All fenced and cross-fenced, 100 acres timothy and clover, 90 acrea of alfalfa; 170 per acre. List Your Property With Us for Quick Sale; We Have the Buyers- I RE-31 7 DOUGLAS ST. LOT Near 12th, 22x132. Owner must re alize at once. Price 4.000. Let us hear from you. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y.L. Tel. 1472 RE SOME REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ark.. Van Huren Co.. t3 A. land. Cat., Ban Bernardino Co., eqpd. ranch ISO A. i a I., nr. tsanta Baroara res. ana it a. Man., nr. Strathclalr, 320 A. and impts. H., Whycocomagn, Cape Hreton. iur Ifthed cottage. IV. A., euiendldly located. Can., Assa., 60 A. mixed farming land. Colo . park Co., 10 A. gold mining claim. Conn., Norwich, magnificent res., green house and A., 17 rooms, all mod. couv. Conn., Roxbury, 39 A. and Impts. 1. -C, Washington, Tacoma Park, I bldg. lots. Fla., Tampa, 8-r. res., cottage and lot. III., Downers Grove, t bldg. Tots. 111., Bureau Co., W A. and impts. Ind., Terre Haute 4-r. house and loL Ind., Starke Co., 23 A. and impta, Intl., Oakland, a good bldg. lota la.. Harris, store and delllng, 4 lots. Ie Moines, 7-r. res. and 4 lota. Me., York Co., 60 A. land, partly cult. Mass., Medford. fine 15-r. res. and lot. Alex.. Pueblo Dtst. of Huachlnango, 1.300 A. coffee, rubber and fruit plantation and Impts. Mloh., Lapeer Co., 250 A. and Impts. Mich., Charlevoix Co., farm and summer reeort prop., 372 A., on Walloon Lake. Minneapolis eight 4-r. res., Sd Ave., S. Mo., Howell Co., 40 A. farm, mineral pros pects. Mont., Butte, res. and ground. Nebr.. Lincoln bldg. lots, ti College View, 1 In Abbotts and Irvings's sub-div. Nebr., Banner Co., 160 A. grsxlng land. N. D., Hettinger Co.. 330 A. land. Cincinnati, bueinesa bldg. and ground. Main and 4th Sis., about 60 ft. front on Main St. and 103 ft. deep, to alley; splendid lo cation; rapidly and steadily Increasing In value. Ohio, Plqua. 8-r. res. and 3 lots. Ore., Multnomah Co., 40 A. and Impts. Pa., Cnatesvtlle, T-r. res. and ground. Tex.. Caldwell Co., 140 A. and Impta. Va., Wythe Co., fine farm. A. Va., Wythevllle. store and dwel., stable. Wash., Marys-lile, cottage and 4 lota. Wash., Puyallup, boarding houae and lot. Vie , Shawano Co., 80 A. and impta. Via., Washburn Co., 151 A. and relinquish ments on W A. homestead. XV. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. Bldg., Phlla. Ki-1 7x HOUSE of 7 rooms, modern, except fur nace; rents for 118; price, 11.500. In West Farnam location, rooms, modern; price, 84.000. Two cottages. 30th and Bancroft, paving, Dermanent walk- nnlv 1? fiflu Ins corner near Hanacom park; a bargain at 32.000. FARNAM SMITH CO. RE MOOS M E write all kinds of insurance. Kenny R. K. Inv. Co., Phone 831 300 Bee Bldg. RE M634 T H Vacant Lot Bargains H MxlM ft., West Fsrnsm district. N. E. cor ner 81st ave. and Davenport street cor ner of Mr. Yates' residence; south front, paving all paid, lays fine. This is at least ixK less than any lot Is offered at In that locality. Price 31.600. or will sell 60 ft. more frontage for $2.6uO; worth at least 83.500. 100x150. corner Georgia ave. and Shirley, eaat and south front, on paved street snd cir line, one block from Hanscom nark: ssffolce location, fine terrace. If sold this week, nrice 32.0X10. or will sell you 50x150 ft. Lot on J&th st., near Shirley, nicely located, 8700. I lots, t blocks south of Hanscom park, on 32d at.; east front, fine neighborhood, $5u0 each. 8. 34th St., lots nicely locsted from 1 to 3 blocks north of Vinton. tuO. PM and $7u0. On Maple St., between 2ulh snd 21st, tine laving lota, overlooking the boulevard, $. Remis park lots on grade, 8400. 3.VYI and 8700. 27th and Lake, fine high east front lots, 1 3:0. l.ot on 19lh St. bouiuvard, one block from lake st. school. If sold this week .price ljo, at least 3.50 below the market price Many othera In all parta of the city. See us before you buy. Will build a house to order on sny lot In the city. Open Monday evenings from 8 to 10. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-611 N. T. LIKE BLDG. RE- $2,4002622 Decatur St., new. well built. T room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. I V. elioles Co.. 7:: N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 41 RE 6u3 FARM AMD RANCH LANDS. Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to 52 per acre for ranches. $3 to 512 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to . B. A. Mc ALL AST A R, Lard Commissioner. Union pACiric R R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to gel a Midland Uuarantee and Trust company bun Jed abstract. 114 tar nam alret. N. . Dodge, Jr., Preaident. RE-MU3 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the I'mou Pauiflo Railrwad company. B. A McAllaater, land contmla.iuuer. I'niou Ja- cinu headu,U4rur. UiuiO-a, reu. RE 784 SPECIAL (928 N. 24th St.. a very neat T room, all modern house. Fine furnace, all open Llumbina. House is nicely ana con venlently arranged. Iot 4ixl20. aireet is paved. Nice shade trees. Uvt an order from ua If you want to look through. THE HYKON REED CO.. t!3 8. 14th. RE 538 1 Kl'UD 1 fl L' . m n4 SLruitK n.lirtll 1 .rH I s t ' mi reliable locater; thoae who de sire homestcevds on the Rowtbu Indian reservation and Tun information now to nrorure this land, write us: seud 3c stamp, we will send wu a complete man showing the entire county SJd Inritsn s Hot merit., twst of references. Addrees P. U MrKay-te.-u UoiioslveL SV. IX, Vt U. WllUon. ",e- FOR I4LRREL F.STATB. M. D. CAMERON. H SMALL FARMS. H 80 acres 3 miles N. W. of Florence, good (- room house, a few acrea la fruit, good well. This Is considered the beet So In that neighborhood. All good plow land, aentlv rolllna: IHO an acre. ( acrea In Florence, has amall house and stable, 8 blocks from Florence car line, good level land; prim $1,260. S5 acrea 4 miles N. W. of Council Bluffs has 1 amall bouttea. bearlna fruit, fine well and wind mill, some timber, about acres plow land, quite rolling, fine for fruit or dairying; 370 an acre; would take umahi property in trade, t acrea fine land. Just west of Fort Omaha, 4 blocka from car line; uo. 10 acrea in same locality; 11,900. 6 acres 1 mile 8. W. of Benson: fi50. Many others. Call and let us show you some. Open Monday evenings from I to 10. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-511 N. T. Life. RE A SPECIAL SALE OF UNION PACIFIC LANDS IN NEBRASKA. We have thousands of acrea of valuable farming and e-razlnr lands In NeorasKa which we are now offering at prices which are about one-half their actual present value. Where you buy Nebraska lands today you get the land, good crops and a good market all for the same price. These lands wjll raise corn, wheat, sugar beets, alfalfa or any other crop a farmer may -want to raise. Western Nebraska hss the most honlthful rJImata In the United States. It an MhI home state. You didn't know there were good raw landa In Nebraska for aale. Just call at our office and let us show you. We have a money making pro nation for the home see4ter or the In vestor. Call or write us today. Vnlon Paclflo Land Agency, 32 South 13th SL, Omaha, Neb. RE 308 I 81,800 WILL BUT a neat cottage and full lot In Sewsrt Place. THOMAE WRENNAN. Room 1. New York Lire uuiiaing - SPECIAL attention given to property placed in our hands for rental. Kenny B, . In. Co . Phon.831 FUC Muli ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR Bargains in Omaha Property. RE 783 IDEAL LOCATION FOR A N1CB HOME Lot 14. block 14, West End, worth $1,800. Will consider reasonable offer. W. N. Nason, Sola Agent, 446 Bee Building. RE M316 14 FARM. 6H acrea 1 miles from Missouri Talley.Ia., 4-room house, fine cellar 8x21 feet; fine well; good barn 18x26; chicken house, Bice grove, cherry trees, etc. $2,500. THE BYRON REED CO.. 213 S. 14th. RE-230 T WANTED OMAHA RENTAL PROPERTY Business or Residence, 55,000 to 5i?ooa Several fine farms 180 to 840 acres. Two In Burt Co., Neb., alsi three In Kansas (southeastern). These are real chances to get strictly high clasa farm property and good trade. R. R. far paid to see them. Chas. E. Williamson Co., First Floor, V. 8. Nat'l Bank Building HOUSES AND LOTS ON EASY TERMS. T rooms. Orchard Hill; snap; 81.100. T rooms. Orchard Hill; snap; 3750. $ rooms, new, 2th and Saratoga, $1,450. i rooms, corner 30th and Chicago, $1.44. rooms, modern, 3772 California, 84.4UU. room, modern. tSt Locust. $2.v00. (oxlo. rd and Manderson, $4o0. 1'UxlSO. kth and Shirley; snap: $3,000. 136x135, 35th ave. and Marcy, $2,100. bimbo. Bemls Dark. 8. front. toOU. K. h. l-anaeryou, u uoara oi j-raae. Tel. ai. RE-868 I FOR RENT OR SALE On crop payments several cnoice rarma; sena ror lieu j. Mulhail. Sioux City, la. RE 331 7z W. H. GATES. 81T N. Y. Life. Phone 12S4. $sso.OO--room cottage at t Hurdette. a well built house, in good order, renting at 110. uO. $Sgt.oo o-room cottage, 372( Parker, paved street, lot 30x127. $1.6oo.UO 5-room cottage, water, sewer, barn, M14 Seward. $lv.uu rooms, bath, sewer, water, south front, near 22d and Grant. $i.0iAt 4-room lVr-tory at 8813 Dodge, porcelain bath, waah bowl and closet, gaa fixtures, house In nice order, barn and hen house. $3,750.00 cne of the best 8-room modern houses in Kountse Place, corner, on paved street, hardwood finish. A nice laying vacant lot on Maaderson strevt. paved and shade treea. south front, fcU.137. near 3b Ih street, $ on, RE-354 7 Tukey &Son We Buy Snaps Only I Wt have Just bought lots In Reservoir addition, 3 of the lots being on the N. W. corner of th and Lafayette, and 3 on the N. E. cornr of 35th and Lafayette, Juat weat of Mr. Duinont a house; part of these lots are 50 by lis) feet and part of them M by Us feet. We offer them, this week, for $7u6 for the Inside lots and $T50 for the corners. All front south on 100-foot parked street, with city water, eewer and ass la the strett. No better location In Omaha for a home. Ws are goiug to dose these lota out this week. A. P. TCKET SON, 444-44I Buard of Trade Bid. P. 8. N. W. corner of Kth and Lafayette baa been sold since above waa written. HE ONE OF THE BEST Have one-half sec tion land, with well and cistern; 8. W. section e, townsnip rmjige d. section 8. township 4. range es, la Turn county, Colorado, Is for aale by George Jansen. Neb. titsja 7 r.niVKR. 1st floor N. T Life, city proa- FOR 4LE RKAI- RTATK. D. V. SHOLES GO. 12Z N. T. Tlfe Bldg. Tel. 49. Select Your Home Before the Spring Rush. 31,000 2944 Castellar St., new 4-room house, sewer, wster, gas. Nice s-nxu-vrooi lot; close to car 8100 down, balance 313 per month. This la a snap and ea.llv Iviutht 81,80025" Rees street, a good 7-room house on lot-41 10 feet, well built, close In and a RAROAIN. 81,500 A beautiful little home N. W. part of city. 7 rooms, strutiv modern, nice trounris. Hid HA HO A IN'. 32,000 W09 Emmet St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnsce, lot JUUxW it. i-ay terr..s. 12,000 W2 Pierce St., new 5-room cottage, modern except furnace; lot 30xlS3 ft. Can rent for 322 SO. RAHCA1N 82.100 4117 Cuming St. 7 rooms, bnth. water snd gss; good barn; paved street. 32.400 2fW Decatur St.. new well-built 7- room house, modern, piped for fur nace: osk floors downstairs. BAR GAIN. 32.500 1918 8. 3M St., a -room house, facing east on paved atreet, one block from Hanscom park; beautiful lot 50x141 feet. THIS IS CHOICE. 84.000 IRIS Spencer. 8 rooms, strictly mod ern; hot water heat, a oeauurul up-to-date home; permanent walks, good barn. This Is a bargain and can be bous-ht on easy terms. 87,00041$ N. 25th St.. an elegant 12-room stone house. 3 stories, strictly mod ern, hot wster heat: fine hardwood on to floors; walking distance. Ka stern owner anxious to sell. This rsn be bought right. We want an offer. VACANT. t 800 A beautiful lot In Bemls park. 61 X 140 ft., near 35th and Laravette ave. This Is a bargain and a very choice stisn. f 700-iixl24 ft., south front Locust St., lust west 16th at. SNAP. I 90050x124 ft., south front Binney St., 124 fet esst of 20th. SNAP. $1,00060x120 ft. on 31st and Cass sts. Lies fine. $1,350-50x125 ft., east front on 10th, directly opposite Brownel hall. BARGAIN. $1,750 N. W. cor. S3d and Hamilton St., K'O feet on Hamilton. 155 feet on 3M ,120 feet facing Charles. , BARGAIN. ACRES. 40 acres 214 miles S. W. of Exchsnge build ing. South Omaha, fine for feeding vard, and BIG BARGAIN; $100 per acre. SNAP. RE Douglas County Farm Cloee to Omaha and South Omaha, good farm for feeding or farming: land acrons the road recently sold for $300 per acre; aooa nouns oi a rooms nam, granary, we are going to sen price and particulars. this property. Get Will be sacrificed. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Bole Agents. RE 155 B. R. BALL, 526 N. Y. Life. 'Phone BJ229. $2,750 Z117 Grant St.. 8-room modern house, barn; $750 cash, balance by the mo. $2,8502109 8. S4th St., 7-room house, full lot, modern except furnace $1,900 2S19 N. 19th ave., s-room modern ex cept furnace, $400 down, $20 per month. 3 per cent Interest. 11,6002418 Blondo St., 9-room house, city water, barn; $SO0 cash, balance by the month. City lots In different parts of city and acreage In and around the city. RE- KENNY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO. SNAPS 10 room, all modern house, N. 28th St.,! 53,000.00 , .' 7 room cottage, modern ex cept furnace. W. Grant St., 51,800.00. 80 acre farm, Harrison Co., Iowa. 120 acre farm, Pawnee Co., Nebraska. Three big farms, Gosper Co., Nebraska. Real Estate-Rentals-Insurance . Securities. Phone 336. BUILD A house of your own If you can't find what you want, we nave many cnoice iota on our list at all prices. CORNER8 30x132 Southeast corner of 19th and Cum ing. A very nice corner for $3,250. 132x122 South east corner, 19th and Burt. This Is a very flne corner for a flat, or an apartment house, price $4,600. A BARGAIN. (6x120 On Capitol Ave., near 17th St. Par ing paid, $7,000. HOMES. 2321 Davenport St., 4 room a finest open nickeled plumbing, cemented cellar. Lot (0x140, and all fenced. Must be sold this month. $2.&u0. 2333 Davenport. I rooms, modern plumbing, fine yard, nice shade. Price 32,300 for Immediate sale. $3,000 An all modern ( room house on car line. Rooms on one floor. Owner will ' sell on payments of $500, cash and balance monthly. $3,000 4-room all modern house near hans com Park, a very fine little home for tha monev. $1 400 7 rooms one block from car line, barn. (wo rooms, on car line. $1,000 1 Burt. ( rooms, city water, full lot- Can be sold on very eajry pay ments. We write Insurance, We make loans. We make abstracts. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14lh. RE-230 7 SIX-ROOM strictly modern house; fur nsee, city water, gas. sewer: esst front; good slsed lot : price, only $2,000; $- down and balance $20 per month. BE MIS. PAXTON BLOCK H Improve Your H Omaha Vacant Property. If you havn't the time, or dnnt know how, we win oo li mr ,o money. It will pay you to see us about it. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (10-lU N. T. LIFE BLDG. RE en? Williamson Co., & ,',! RE 71 REAL ESTATE NOTE. Nearly every favorable location in Omaha is being inspected zvitli a positive view of purchase. A word to the wise etc. FOR 4.I.E RKAL ETATK. Pavne Investment Company, 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Bld'g, Tel. 1781. 5JS3 An 8-room, one and a half story houe. full lot, fire blocks from the car line. Price only $.v. 6S36 One block from the Dodge car line, on Maple street, five rooms, full lot, south front. 5631 Five-room cottage with city water and sewer connection, lot 33x135, south front, nice shsde trees. Price 31,250. . In Kountie Place, 9-room house, all modern, a great bargain, full lot, south front, all Kpcclal taxes of every description paid. Trice 33,00. In Hanscom Place, on South 2th, near Pacific, a 7-room entirely modern house, east front, fine neighborhood, ooly $3,600. 5619 On Dodge, near $7th, lot 67x14. The Improvements consist of one 7-room house, one 8-room house, one 4-room house, all modern except furnace. This property be longs to an estate and It must be sold. It Is only five blocks fwest of the rflgh school. Don't fall to come and see us In regard to this place. Price reduced to $4,000. 1W-A fine piece of business property, consisting of three store rooms on the ground floor and three flats above and two frame cottages in the rear. Store buildings are brick; the houses In the rear are frame. All special taxes are paid. Total monthly rental, 3117.00 a month. Trice $12,000; $2,000 cash, balance on easy terms. GARDEN LAND Five acres near Briggs Station, which Is northwest of Florence, about two miles. Price-$00.00. A fine farm of 110 acres In Washington county which the owners wsnt to sell, and they will take 40 or 60 acrea of land near Omaha or South Omaha as part payment. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. FIRST FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. Telephone 1781. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A EARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about 1U The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This sgrlcultural weekly goes to 50.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a ressonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 centa per word In small type or $2.63 per Inch if set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. PI&-S29 FOR SALE rneap, highly Improved 100 acres near station. 57 miles from Kansas City. Address owner, W. S. Armstrong, Parker. Linn Co., Kansas. RE $750 EACH for two beautiful lots In Hans com Park district, each 60x100 feet, front. Ing the east, on car line: brick paved St. WYMAN, SHRIVER CO., New York Life Bldg. RE S64 7 6k Business Chances. . Hardware stock,, centrally located in Omaha, good busi ness, 54,000.00. , General merchandise stock, in good, live town in northern Nebraska, 54,000.00. Farm for RentA big snap. 159 acre farm in Taylor Co., Iowa. Good improvements, owner will make long time lease, cash rent and references required. 300 BEE BUILDING. RE MODERNCOTTAGES 4 rooms, new, entirely modern, paved street, easy walking distance, beautiful borne for small family, $3,2(0. I rooms, all modern, oak finish, flne resi dence, No. eutis Beward St.. $3,000. ( rooms, modern except furnace, on South 27th St., near Poppleton, $2,500. STOP PAYING RENT Let me build you a houae to suit you at southeaat corner of 35th Ave and Jones St. Terms easy. O. C. OLSEN, 1604 Farnam Street. RE 3(0 7 HOMES Fine residence, 12 rooms, finished In dif ferent hsrdwoods. mahogany, blrdseye maple, oak. sycamore; every room finished in different wood: ground, ISuxlkl feet; good barn; price, $15,000. Excellent modern home. West Farnam location; rooms; a snap at $4,250. Bargain In Hanscom Place; $ rooms; modern; at $1 5u0. Fine home. West Farnam location; beau tiful interior In oak: price, $i.6u0. In Clifton Hill; modern (-room residence; bargain at $2,(MI. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 373 7 l-R, HOUSE and bam, chicken house, city water, near Rlverview park, with 2 acres of ground, $76.00. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE M381 $ 100x150 feet ground; two fair dwellings; paved etreet, all paid for; on 27th St., near Bt Mary'a ave. BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 406-7 BEB R. H. Landeryou rf you wlab to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. TeL 21M. RE 6 FOR I.K REAL ESTATE. RE Shimer & Chase, Builders of Modern Houses. SAVE RENT MONEY by owning your own home. We build the kind of houses people want, at the lowest price consistent with good workmanship and good material. OUR ILLUSTRATED SOU VENIR BOOKLET contains halftones of modern houses we have built and Information that will in terest those who think of building or buy ing a home. It Is free for the asking. We hsve a few Just completed, one Of which may suit you. DIRECT FROM BUILDER TO BUYER PLAN. $3,000.00 A brand new six-room house, en tirely modern from top to bottom, latest plumbing, furnace, neat re ception hall, with columns and grill work, tine large cellar, faces south, on West Farnam street. The nobbiest home In Omaha for the money. $2,400.00 A ntw six-room house, modern ex cept furnace, latent bath flxturea. large cemented cellar, two blocks from Hanscom Park. $1,600.00 A new tive-room cottage, entirely modern except furnace, nice bath room, cemented cellar, faces east, north rtart of t ft a fitv $1,200.00 A large six-room cottage, partly modern, corner lot, on North 2Mh su-eeu A Bargain. SHIMER & CHASE. 1609 FARNAM ST. TEL. 2422 RE 308 7 ATTENTION. To those Investors who want a good, safe and steady investment, we offer you the following baraalna: 30,500 A row of ( houses renting for $1,010 per year. This property is only one block from car line, and school and within walking distance. Would easily bring $1,200. $0,6000-3 houses bringing $810 per year, and always rented. On car line. $5,6002 houses of 9 rooms each, steam heat. Ing plant, modern plumbing. Rents for $ra) per yesr. Belongs to non resident, who Is anxious to sell. Lot IS SHXH'J. $5,600-20Ug Burt St., a modern room house, cost (In for.-ner rwner cer fLO-Xft. . 'IMa Is a v-ry Une Ic.'no, j!oso ti .. and Poet office. Will consider a trade I tor smaller houses or good farm. THE BVRON REED CO., 212 S. 14th. RE 27 7 THREE BARGAINS". $2050 For choice home In Walnut Hill district, 3872 Seward st, 60x130, south front, with (-room house, bath, closet, hot water, sewer and gas, sll in nice condition, also good barn. Choice neighborhood. Imme diate possession. $1800 For strictly modern home In Clifton Hill, full south and east front corner lot at 4204 Grant St. Beautiful shade and fruit of all kinds. Eight-room house, with all modern convenience, including mantel and grate. Make offer quick If interested. Possession at once. $1500 For 75-foot frontage by 140 feet, with good six-room cottage, mantel and grate, gas, city water, cistern, etc., and only H block from car at 433 Seward st. This means lota of room for lawn and garden, or plenty of room for another houee. A splendid investment. Possession March L See us for other bargains In homes or building lots before you buy. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 'Phone 1016. 601-3-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE Sbi 7 FOR QUICK SALE New, six-room house, corner 24th and Lo cust; line plumbing; laundry; gas; electrlo lighted; oak finish; permanent walks. Rental value. $3". Price low for cash, or on long time. If not sold will be with drawn from market February 10. C. -9. Bhepard, 2004 Wirt si RE 298 7 F. D. WEAD 3-r. cottage, with Vk lot, on Pierce St., $53. U24 Douglas. RE 3K0 I 10 ACRES NEAR CAR, $1,600. 6 ACRES OPPOSITE NO. 64a N. 24TH ST.. NEAR CAR LINE, 31,00. 13 ACRES WK8T OK FT. OMAHA. $2,200. 73 ACRES NEAR URETNA, $5,5w. la) ACRES 12 MILKS N. W.t $9.uu0. 8. W. 13TH AND CABS. $3,600. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 373 7 TWO cottages In South Omaha; one ( and one 2 room, renting for (13; splendid home for South Omaha man. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 407 7 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY 23 feet Farnam st. business property thst is earning 7 per cent net on price asked and la Increasing in value. J. B. Piper, Bee Bld'g, Omaha. RE-3JS 7 SMALL ACRE TRACTS. 12 acres neer Council Bluffs; good build ings; SVfc seres in fruit; for sale or trade for Omaha property. i acres near Ames ave. car line: 7-room house, barn, luO grapevines; see these be- lore Duying. WALTER L. BELBY, (34 Board of Trade. Tel. 1510. RE-J72 7 IF TOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a buslnees for aale or want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. A Inv. Co.. 'Phone 834 300 Bee Bldz. RE-Moii FOR HALK-RRAL, ERTATF.. $625.00 Will buy a choice lot on ManJerson. half blo.k west of 24th. Paved street, water, gas, sever, electric wires. Larg; maple and spruce trees. Best car service. Con- venient to school, with fine homes. Locality newly built up No bargain in Omaha to compare with it. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y, L. Tel. 1472 H HOMES. H Why not own one of your own? If you (Ion t see advertised In this psper. Just whst you want, call and look over our list. We hsve over one hundred houses on our list. Will build a house to order In sny part of the city and ell on easy payments. room house, I7th and Woolworth. city nater, sower, gas, bsth. furnace, 60-foot lot. aood location: nrlce 3.1.000. S-room cottage on Poppleton Ave, between ctn ana win. choice location: price L'.w. 10-room house on Fpaldlng. between iSth and Kth, south front, has gas, electric light, bath, city water, sewer, cement walks, fine location: nrice 8-room house. 44th and Farnam, has gas. bath, city water, furnace, cellar unaer whole house, rood barn: price fJ.noo. 30th and Emmett, flne 7-room house, city water, sewer, gss. bstli. fine barn, large lot and fruit: nrice t?.10n. 7-room new house snd t large lots In Ren- son, one block from car. tine wen, narn. cistern, chicken house, all kinds of fruit, fine location: price $2,100. -room cottage, 3103 Hurt, large lot, KxlhS feet, brick walk, fine lawn, big trees, in walking distance: price $1,550. OPEN MONUAY EVENINGS FROM t TO 10. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, $10-511 New Tork Life Building RE TUKEY & SON. MORI: MILITARY ROAD ACRES. We offer all of block . Cunningham s sub.. Wit h gixul T.rrwint hmiaua lifi 41lltaJLlil(iinC0. for $io.Ouu; will divide Into four parts it desired; 10 acres of beautlVul. sightly ground, just outside or the city limita This Is not a chicken ranch or a garden proposition, but is a very fine location for a country home, or for 8 or 4 of them. Only one block from paved street, street car and city water. It is the best lying 10 seres of land that we have ever ol feied for sale. A. P. TUKEY SON. 444-445 Board of Trade bldg. RE 174 7 WANTED Copying, typewriter or hand; rates reasonable. Address D 71. Bee. A-M376 15X BADIB Better wait, row. BOB. Will explain tomor U MW2 7x N. P. DODGE & CO. $1,500 Ten acres on Hamilton St.. adjoining Pat rick's farm, one mile south of Benson car; lies well and cheapest acreage rear Omaha. 2,70O Seven-room house and 6 acres of ground 3 blocks from Ames ave. car. This is the only Improved acreage e'ese In we know of at the price. fl,20) Four-room cottage 2631 So. 11th. lot 60x100, on boulevard; house newly shingled, painted and repaired. Best bargain south west. $900 Five-room cottage adjoining above on south, lot 33x82, on boulevard. This Is a snap. Look at It. No. 2401 So. Uth. " $1,400 401 No. 30th. five-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace; space for 3 more rooms, cellar under whole house, corner lot. All newly painted and repaired. $1,$00 3314-14 Bo. toth, 3-room double house and 3 room cottage; Income, 353 per annum; lot 60x150, east front. . Beat Investment bargain on our list. $i,voo 2601 turret :e ft., T-rioal noOeni bouse, ex cept ftirraoe, sou'.h front, in goto tepair and will allow for painting on price. $850 2822 Castellar, ( rooms, space for 2 more above, full lot, south rront, one piocg from Hanscom park car. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St RE 412 7 Some More of Glover's Bar gains. SOUTH OF FARNAM , r and 2230 fl 10th St.. ( and 7 rooms. $3,600. 2414 B. 18th, 2-story house, stable, lot (2x142, (1,200. 22'J6 8. 15th St., 7 rooms and barn, $1,900. 1707 B. th, 6-r. house, lot tuxj.12, i,ww. And many others. NORTH OF FARNAM 2061 N. 19th, I rooms; fully modern, $3,260. 4 properties corner 25th and Binney, $1,350 to $3,500. 8122 Burt st., easy payments, $2,600. 4534 Franklin at., t rooms .easy pay'ts. $1,100. Several flne properties on tne hill west oi terminus Ames avs. car line. VACANT LOTS 8 on corner (1st and Lake, paved St., $200 each. Good, big lot on Parker, bet 37th and 28th, $00. Fine comer lot 100x160. eaat of Hanacom park, on car Una. C. R. GLOVER, Room 8 Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone 133. Farms In all parta of Nebraska. RE F. D.WEAD (-room house, full lot, on Meredith ave., near Sid St., $U0 or $J00 oash. balance monthly. $30. 1M4 Douglas. HE 7 SIX LOTS adjoining city line, Bogg s addi tion; nearly 1 acres; first offer consid ered, best one sccepted. Owner, 1113 7th Ave., Seattle, Wash. , RE M7U4 7x BEARS. ROOM 1. N. Y. LIFE BLDO. luO-acre Improved farm. ( miles from Omaha, good buildings $70 per acre, Vi cah and long time on balance. 8714 N. 20th., full lot, 8 rooms; easy term $2,000. Jhil Miami, ( rooms; easy terms $2,000. List your property with Sears. RE 327 7X 3H ACRES GOOD LAND on west Orover street mile outside of city limits; lies well on main road. For quick sale. $450. HARRISON at MOR.TON. $13-13 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. $14. RE 17$ FIVE-ROOM cottsge neer 24th and Ames ave.; full lot; Ideal home; nice barn; $1,100. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 408 7 LOTS. tJTB. LOTS. Betautlful building lots In Bowers' addi tion adjoining Miller Park; on street car line and en the main thoroughfare to Florence, which Is macadamised; many people have found It more profitable to own their homes than paying rent snd so will you; let us show you the lots; the price Is right, $700 snd $'0. and terms $6 down aod V per month, and more If you like. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK RE 40 7 FOR 8ALE Residence, No. 4102 Lafayette avenue, eight rooms, vestlbuled entrance, reception hall and bathroom: south snd esst front; basement is full slxe of house, with full depth foundations, cemented floor, roal rooms, etc.; main floor finlehed throughout in oak, second floor finished in poplar; large attic; furnace heat, gas wirh electric lights upstairs and down, call buttons, pes king tubes, screens snd storm windows, storm porch, cistern a complete home In every respect; asphalt pavement, hard walks, beautiful lawn, large walnut trees; all rerldenees In block owned ti occupants: lot 8xlt0. W. H. THOMAS. AGENT, First Nat'l Bank Bldg , Omsha. RE 421 7 CHEAP LOT. Choice building lot, near 33d and Harney, only $2,260.' Hicks. 4i Board of Trsde. RE-U 7 SEVERAL lota at 27th and Fort sts. at very low prices and on terms If dfslred- BEM1S, PAXTON BLOCK. REfMf rOH SAIK-RF.4I, ESTATr.. BARGAINS-1N-FARMS . Fine loVarre farm In pouglss county; 10 miles wet of Omaha: under a high slate of cultivation: good house, new barn snd ether buildings; fine pa Mure and meadow, plenty of shade and fr.ilt trees. Hy rea son of the recent death of th owner this farm must be sold snd will hs ssrrlflced for cash, or for part cash and balance on long time at o per cent. Improved farm of 11 acres In Burt county, one mile from county seat; god farm house and other buildings; rich soil, some timber snd running water. Price, for short time, $f per acre, or will trade for Omaha Improved property or au bur baa acres. JNO. W. ROBBINS, . 10 Farnam Street. RE 334 7 CHOICE ACRES. 20 acres very fine lend. Just west of olty, for $3.VX. Hlcke, Board of Trade. RE 435 Tx OREGON HOME8TKAD LAND FRIK. Five hundred homesteads: fine wheat and fruit lands, close to railroad. Address Cliff A Turney, 49 Laffe Bldg. Portland. Ore. rti IE 437 7x FARM! FOR REIT. HALF SECTION five miles from Innlsfal, Alberta. Twc-nty-flve acres plowed bal ance pasture and meadow. Uood house, barn, well, fenced and cro.sfenced. Finest neighborhood In Alberta. Close to school, church and creamery. Very low rent; owuer will furnish cows and hogs t right man. C. 8. Bhepaxd, S004 Wirt Bt. 367 7a 17-ACRE. some fruit. 3-r house and barn, near old Fort Omaha, $10. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS 3S3T 14 ACRES. BENSON; CHERRY TREES. 1:41 ACRES 12 MILES WEST. JOHN N. FHENZER, OI'P. OLD P. O. $: 7 400 ACRES of rich bottom land north ef Florence; 2n0 seres under cultivation; will rent for $son to good tenant. BEJJ1S, PAXTON BLOCK. 411 T FORTY ACRES In Bo. Omaha, one mile southwest of stock yards. N. P. Dodge A Co.. 1614 Fsmam St. M414 FOR RE.XT HOC8ES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. 11. goods. Storehouse, 1U-0-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. 1653-StiS. D 639 FOR RENT (-room house, 3663 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and coid water; newly painted and papered throughout (JO. J. H. Sherwood. New York Life bldg. D-M7 I ini CCC In all parts of the city. The HUUOUO o. V. Davis Co., bus Bee Bldg. D (40 Unl ICPC In all parts of the city. R. HUUJLO c. Peters 4k Co., Bee Bldg. D (41 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO., choice houses. 01-6"3 New York Life Bldg. Phone 1014. D-(43 SEVERAL good houses, (10 to $13. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 204$. D-(4( W E MOVE plsnos. Maggard Van Stor age Co., Tel 1404 Office, 1713 Webster st. D-344 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwslt, Barker Plk. D (4 2 Davenport, 1 i-room house with barn $36 00. (l Park Ave. Nice 7-room cottage. 4430 Farnam ( rooms, newly painted and papered (20. 3616 Dodge (-room cottage, gas and water $18. (-room cottage, 19th St. boulevard $13. 2210 Farnam tf-room flat (20. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam St D IV) WILL rent second floor of house 3424 Cald well to respectable couple, reasonably; references exchanged; modern house. D-307 7 -R. MODERN house, 2901 Farnam. $ 3 . f-r. modern house and barn, 4168 Caaa, $2u00. -r.. modern houae, 223 Harney, $ls.W. - i 4-r. house. 1923 Douglas, $26.00. 6-r. modern house, 4tZi Capitol ave., UJ.fA F. D. WEAD. If 24 DOUGLAS D 3.S3 FOR RENT. 6-room cottage, 2003 Blondo t., $9. Inquire at 07 N. 19th at. D Ml)i4 MARCH 1st, 8-room house, city wster, two lots, lawn, garden, fruit, barn, chlcksns. Just the place to spend the rummer. Cheap. 4302 Grand ave. D (52 7x FOR RENT Large 11-room, colonial houee, thoroughly modern, 3177 Davenport st. on the sou;hesst corner of I'M and Dav. enport st.) Apply to H. J. Windsor. 1618 Dodge at D 44 FOR RENT. 8-roora modern bouse. 2T0 North i7th street; stesm hest.. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1514 Dodge street Tel. 1571. D 133 SIM CHICAGO ST.. ( rooms, modern. Urge yard. $27 60: !20 Burt St.. 8 rooms, mod ern, $30; 814 N. 19th st., 6-room co'tsge, $16; others. Rlngwall Bros., Barker block. D M 4 7 2S HARNEY ST.; ROOMS, $1. 2&i5 POPPLETON AVE.. $18. 5424 N. 19TH: MODERN FK1CK. $- 50. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. CLD P. O. D-877 7 FOR RENT, house. 2314 Boulevard are., $8 a month; city water. Waiter Hreen, 418 Karbach blk. D M2U 7x FOR RENT Neatly furnl'hed 7-room house, strictly modern, fine location southwest; possession at once. Lyman Waterman. New York Life. D 230 7 7-ROOM cottage, all on one floor, new porcelain bath, nickel plumbing, new pol ished floors, beautifully flnlshed through out, on car line, $25. William K. Potter, 303 Brown Blk- D 223 7 GOOD flve-r. cottage, 2928 N. 25th St.. $14. D-31 FOR RENT. N.' W. eorner toth and Miami sts.. (-room up-to-date house, entirely modern, finished In osk with polished floors, porcelain bath, all open plumbing, papered the latent style, laundry In basement cemented oAilar un der entire house. This la a model home; $35. KENNARD A JVWER, o-iu urown Block. D-344 T J FOR RENT, double room house. tU St.. souin uraana. rooms either side; rent separate: modern except stesm: block from car line. 'Phone ttt. Kennv R. E. 4k Inv. Co., 300 Bee Bldg. D 344 7 29-0 Grant St., 4 room cottage, city water $7.60. 230 Dodge st.. an 8 room, strictly modern house, vacant March 1, (in. 2413 Indiana ave., 8 room house, bath, toilet, ass, flne repair. 822.60. 309 8. 2Mh Ave., 8-room house, bsth, toilet, lavatory, hot and cold water, easy ws Ik ing distance. (JO. 2008 Res St., a good (-room brick flat, bath and toilet, tin PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Main Floor New York Life Bldg. D 3497 . SIX-ROOM sll modern cottsge. 211 8. 2Mh ave., near Farnam at.: nice lot and shad, price. 830; other houses for rnt. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life, 'phone 8" D371 7 When You Write to Advert! sers remenber It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that yon saw the ad In The Bee. FOR EXCH43GB. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Scbmoller Mueller. 131 3 Farnam St. fc-i97 10-ROOM thoroughly modern bouae In best residence district of Chicago to exchsnge for Omaha property. Addreas C 67. bee. Z-334 7 LOT on Wirt at. to trade: Irrigated farm fnr f irr h. nraMrlr. 1! kk. Bee office. fg . I WILL trade two good farms In South Dakota for an Omaha residence. Ad dress C 8. Be. Z-486 7 FOR SALE or trade for eastern Netwaaka land, stock of hardware and implements. Address C 44, care Omaha Bee. Z M428 x f g, Urma, raucnea. TeL US. tva$r 1A IN