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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1904)
j TITE OMAITA DAILY PEE: SUNDAY, FEBHUAI1Y 7. 10M. I li CRA1N AN rs AND PRODUCE MARKET Fint Reaotion in Prioes 8isc til Exchange Doors. Opined Its BROKERS FEAR GIANTS AND WAR RUMORS Trade la Fatoret Laraely Mar Cars aad ' Jnlr Cora and Wheat Gets Few ?.. Beyers. OMAHA, Feb. 8. ltf4. Today saw the first reaction on the Omaha exchange. Buslne-s waa dull. The condition of the market la such, with vary ing possibilities of war and a much (train In the bands of the giants, that the brokers feared to go over Holiday either lon or ahort. go there waa a painstaking effort cn their part to get even. The Chicago and Omaha marketa opened at about the closing quotation, though omewhat weaker, f rom the opening there waa a steady decline In all trains on the Chicago and the umaha marketa and the closing" prices were not far from the lowest of the day. The break averaged nearly t rents-. Omaha transactions In futures were largely confined to May corn. The Chi cago market opened at 4ftc, He up from the cloalng figure, and Omaha' opened up with a show of strength with 4fSc bid. 1h market declined to 44 V. and then rallied to 46c. and fiddled about oh the eighth, following the Chicago market. It declined toward the clone to iio offered and few willing to buy. Chicago broke 2!, a quarter more than Omaha. July corn opened weak and there was nothing doing here, while In Chicago the bears pulled the market down Kc. There waa no Omaha business In May wheat, but In July the market opened up on the closing price of Friday, and Rftor breaking to 74c rallied to 74c. May oats fell off 2c In Chicago, but no local brokers ventured on this market. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and Friday were aa follows: nosed Wheat- Open. High. I.ow. Today. Frly. May .....79v 78 78 794 74 July 74 Corn May 4fiS July 44 Oa ts May 41 March 3S ,74Vi 444 74 444 44 41 88 ?44B 45B ' 45 443B 45 41 41 i 38'.B 38 Local Cash Urala Markets. Offerings were light and not sufficient to fill the demands which brokers had In hand. Receipts of wheat were cars; Fri day, S. Hales of car lots by sample- on tracks, Omaha: Hard wheat. No. 8, 10 cars, 75tyc. Receipts of corn were 22 cars; Friday, 19. Bales of car. lots by sample on track, Omaha: s . Mixed corn, No. 3. 6 cars, 4U4c; No. 4, I chts, SSc; no grade, 1 car, 8fcc. , 0 cn rteceipts or oats were o cars; r riaay, i br. Rales of car lots: White oats. No. 4. I oar. th: 1 cars. SHUte: 7 cars, 8Kc: 2 care, 88V.C. Rye, No. 8. t cars, Goc. WH BAT No. 1 hard, 766800; No. 8 hard. vyfTbc; No. 4 hard, MfJKHe; No. 1 spring, 1'2c; No. 3 spring, 7o$j78c; No. 4 spring, CORN No. 2, 42Q42Hc; No. t. 39.,!H.,4c; No. 4. 87tf40Hc; No. 2 yellow.; No. 8 yellow, 4042c; No. 1 white, 42o43c; No. 8 white. 4K.42C. OATS-No. 2, S8433Ho; No. 3, 37H4r!ISV4c: No. 4, WVuSTr; No. 2 white. 4uf41c; No. 3 white, Sv&40c; standard, 3Sc. Notes from Ibe Kxrhanae Offices. Applications for membership have been maoe Dy it. u. ijeavitt and by Floyd J Campbell. Transactions In trrain for future delivery, iimny amounted to 041, uw pusneis, inurs day to 880.000. Omaha Inspections of grain were twenty' even cars; wheat, 1 car graded No. 3 hard corn, it dire traded No.- 1 ran No. 4; 3 cars No. S; white: oats, 2 errs graded No. 4 white; barley. 1 car, graded VI V Vs Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of jrraln at the markets ueiueu j? nuay ana today were aa follows KANSAS CITY. FtI- day. W 75, 4H4 4u Wheat-May July 74 Corn May 4tS July 44 ST. LOUIS. Wheat May 88 July . Unix Corn May , 4914 July 60 NEW YORK. Wheat May fr; v July JyL, Corn-May ...... ......... 89"4 61 Chicago recelpta were: Wheat. 17 cars: corn, im cars; twu, lu cars. HEW VORII OESEHAL MARKET. Qaotatlona of tho Day Commodities. Varlona .,??vTORK- F"b- --FLOTJR-Recelpte, 11.601 bbla.; exports, 86,682 bbls.; market quiet but toady, at last night s prices; Minnesota pttenU, 348Wi6.05; Minnesota bakers. M Vy4.28; winter patents, t4.50i4.6; winter straights, 4.3fn4.u; winter extras. 83.264)160; winter low grades, 33.4Wj3.60. ltye flour, fair to good, $3.4otj3.60; choice to fancy, a3.fik4fi.aV Buckwheat Hour, dull, COKNMEAL Stead v vll western, 1.08; city, 81.06; kiln "dried, f2.903.00, i.uo. nominal nia rirm; no. x western, 7iH' o. D. afloat: state and Jnrsov utt,, BARLEY Dull; feeding. 62u c. I. f. New Yort: malting, 54(fjo c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Reoelyu. 13,160 bu.; market for pot waa easier: No. 2 red, 86a elevator and 87v,o t. o. b, afloat: No. 1 northern Ttm.l.l.K H K 4 V. J . . & . . a'miu.ii. ca.uv i. v. ij. miiuai; wo. 1 nara Manitoba, nominal f, o. b. afloat. Options 'jirnani anunjsr on ine war news, cut ex perienced a rush of profit taklnar sales which broke prices abouk a cent a bushel In the first hour, helped by predictions of large world's shipments on Monday. Near the close the market rallied on a war rumor and closed ilrm at H'tfHo net lower. May, KJujOTHo, closed, 6i,c; July, Si'o to yoHWio, closed, We; September closed CORN Receipts, 84.83 bu.; exports, 27,- fllA bu ' markal t.w waa Hull' XI (uc elevator and tSKci f. n. b. afloat; No. i fellow, Mo; No. 3 white. 60c. Option mar ket was quiet, but steadier here after the opening on room covering. Close was tady and unchanged. May, "oPHo. Closed. eoSoi July, 6T'c. OATS Receipts, 40.0O bu.; exports. K. 840 bu. ; market for spot was firm; No. 2, 47c; standard while. bAic; No. 1 white, 61c; No. 8 white. KOSo. HICK Steady; domes llo, fair to extra, 8ie; Japan, nominal. MAY Unlet; hipping, 4Ug70c; good to Choice. 6irU5o. IfnPH It AAmmnn a MkAna. IfWM 83W3c; 190J. .4itt2sc; old. 10616c; iacino coast. )W'J. n'oiac: lz. tvetsic. HIDES Firm; Qalveston, 20 to 28 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., lte; Texas dry, Z IO &J IDS., ' T.KATI1KR Steers. tri.c. TALLOW Quiet; city (2c on pkgs.), fc; country (packages free), 6'uc. PKOnSHi.NS-Heef, Steady; family. flftflO (111.00; mesa, 88.OPQ.0O: beef hams. 3'J0.5oa zj.uu; Cliy raini iiirnia, hj.v.!! w. u meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 87 60fi8 00; pickled shoulders, 85.75tTii.O0i pickled hams, 86u'itOOO. I.ard. steady; western steamed. 37.75; refined, steady; continent, 87.75; South America. M 26: compound. 8.-V(,fi8 K7. Fork, steady; family, 815 onrl6 50; short Clear 114 ant; Hi 00: mess. ll4.ibWlo.aO. B CTT ER Receipts, 860 pkgs.; extra creamery, 26c; common to choice, 16S'-3Ho; imitation creamery, iwiir; state aajry, 143K"; renovated, 12&1V; beld cream- erv. 14fi?iHc: factory, l'.".il4a. CHKKSE Steady; state full cream, fancy, small, colored. September. 12c; late made, l'"c: small white September, 12c; late made, lntc; large colored. September, lie; late made. lV'l large while, Septem ber. 17c; late made, 1V. EGO 8 Lower and unsettled; state and Pennsylvania and nearby average, finest, 810; seconds to firsts, 2$30c; wiern firsts, 80c. POULTRY Alive, and dressed, Orra and unchanged. t. Beala Grata and Frovlsloaa. BT. I5UIS. Feb. C WHEAT Lower: No. t red cash, elevator, Klu; track. tM81 on; May. Muc, July, KiHo; No. 8 hard. ibQ tUV-e. . CORN LafSwer; No. I cash, Sc; track. ITHc: May. 4lMc; July. 60o. OATS txwer: No. X cash. 434e; track, 4jul44t M-v. 43Vc: No. 3 white. 4e. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents, 34.ri9 4 85: extra fancy and straight. It 25(4 5j; eler 8J5orr8.7S. K-TrTv-Tlroothv. steadv. 82.60431.85. 0"RNMRAI Steady, 82 40. PRAN flteady, firm; sacked. . east track, reuse. . - FlAT-Dull; timothy) r 8u12f; prairie, I hov rvrmv 7nR-tlOS. FM? TM'INE 60. POULTRY Dull: chickens. : nrlnn. fc: turlievs, 1c; "lucks. 11c; geess. tfrlo. Pt'TTfs-Steady; creamtry, 1734c; detnr. HMi T'TtOVlHlOXTB rork. lower: fohblnr. 11182 Lard, onohaned; prim teamed. M85. Bacon, steady; extra shorts, $7.t?4; clear ribs, 87.76; short clear. ii.STVk- F.UUS Lower at .oc, (mw eoum- Reclpta, Shipments. ...... 10.0"0 14,P0 , 71,' Oil !'2.i) )lil.ll 12o.ii"J 46,0X) 75,0)0 Flour, bbls.. "Wheat, bu,. Corn. bu.... Oat a. bu CHICAGO (iRAlS AM) I'ROYISIOMS. Featares of the Trading- and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CJUCAOT), Feb. 8-A storm of liquidation broke over the grain pits today In spite of the critical situation In the Orient. The market was unable to rallv and closing C rices were near the low point. May wheat elng off lc from Inst night's close. May corn cloned ISc lower, while oats were down 241JV1C I'rovlalons were practically unchanged. Strength and activity marked Initial trad ing In wheat. That the war outlook was of a most serious nature was evidenced by a decline In the price of EngllRh con sols. Shorts were active buyers at the start and bid up the price of the May op tion j.thX.e stifife vesterrinv'a close, the opening quotations being at July was a shade to 'nr nigner at mv-i ms-c. But these prices lusted only a moment. There was such a quantity of wheat for sale, both May nnd July deliveries, that within five minutes the price of May had fallen to 94c and July to 8Te. The sell ing craxe' was soon partly exhausted. On support from the leaning long the market quickly recovered part of the early loss, Muy rallying to 94tt,c, and July to rV Trading was comparatively nulct during the remainder of the day until wit':. In the last half hour. Commission houses con tinued to sell on all slight rallies, while small holders seized every opportunity to secure profits. In the face of fresh war news the rlt was d-luged with selling orders late In the day. There was not enough demand to absorb the offerings and In consequence May broke to Wc, while the price of July was carried down to C4c. The close was extremely weak with tny at 4c, a net los for the day of lc. July wns from lc to lVfcc lower at S47sC Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 253,500 bu. Primary re celpta were 577. MO bu., against 5t,5'H) bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 285 cars, com pared with 2S3 cars laat week and 434 cars a year ago. About the same conditions surrounded trading In the corn pit as were witnessed In the wheat market. Prices were strong at the start. Influenced by the war situa tion but weakness developed early In the day on- heavy liquidation of Miiy bv. one of the largest holders. While there was ft fair demand for the July delivery the market failed to rally and closing price were at the bottom. May opened 3 lower to He higher at 61iS64c. and closed at the bottom at 64ic a net loss for the day of lc. July closed 114jlkP lower, at B20:2Vtc. UchI receipts were 195 cars, none of contract grade. The feature In trading In oats was the weakness of the May delivery and the pnmnaratlva strenarth of the July option. .With the sharp break In prices In wheat and corn early m tne nay. May obis were offered freelv. resulting In a considerable piss. Commission houses were fair buyers on the decline, but profit taking continued on a sufficiently large scale to keep the price down. Part of the weakness In the May option was due to the fHct that stocks showed some Increase. The opening on May was unchanged to So lower, at 4r.a-tV4c, while the close was 2(ff2Mio lower at 44Mili''44V4c, after the price had touched 44Hc. Local receipts were 12 cars. Provisions were strong early In sympathy with higher prices for hogs' at the yards and on waf news. After the first hour, however, prices began to decline under the Influence of the break In the grain market. At the close, all of the gain was lost. May pork being oft 2c, at 13 574. May lard was also down st 7.52. but ribs were up 2Hc at $V60. Estimated receipts for to morrow: Wheat,- 40 cars: cord, 4; cars; oats, 280 cars; hogs, 44,0110 head. The leading futures ranged as followa: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yea'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Feb. May July Oats Feb. May July Sept. Pork May Lard May July 94 W 84T,.86rl 77, 61 62'i SB'4) ,62 evi; nsi 4.114 414 s:t(, 83H 13 67V. 7 R2H 33 13 60 7 T 80 7 52 6 M 92V. Ribs- May July 6T7H 6 92V4 No. 2. Kl-llnHa w.r. M rnllOWS: y-.Tt vtrm- winter nntents. 84. 1M? 4.80; winter strajghts. 83.R5W4.10; spring pat ents, 4.KM.tV0: spring straights, 33.70tS4.0O; bakers, 3.wxB3,to. , . WH RAT No, 3 spring. 8092o; No. 1 red. OATS-No.'i,'41&iT4c;'No. 2 white, 43V4 45VaC. , BARLEY liood feeding, ssKffwo; rar xo choice malting, 4(it-c. . hkeiuno. 1 flax. 81.11: No. 1 north western, 31.18: prime timothy, 83.15; clover, .n-ar. irrnile 110 711.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hhl., $1S 60ff IS 62. IJird. per 100 lbs.. $7.3if7.37. Short Tins Slues Mtumri, r'"4-'- sides (boxed). 80.76iS6.87. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Race nts. Sh pments. VIniiF hhls ;.. 21 6"0 86.000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu . 62.700 .192, S00 .172.100 . 5.7k) 28.200 J06.S00 1W.7O0 7. 2.600 Oats, bu Rye, du , Tin l-l av . tU 93,600 . j. aVa . . ter market waa firm; creameries, 1524c; dairies, UWH'tc. Kgga, weaaer; ai mars cases InolUUea, vuec, aioui, nvw loo. , Kansas City Oraln and Provisions. irivaia PITT Feb. 8. WHEAT May, 77.c: July. 74Ji74"ic; cash, No. 2 hard, T&Si'r.'' I&. a. ?7&;Sc: No. 4. 7076c; re- . I . .... a m.,l miWUi KJ No. I mixed. No. 2 white, iSVfcc; OATS-No. 8 whit. 4!o; No. t mixed, 40 e-iic. ti v at. -kyrt r-a HAY Choice timothy, $9.068.75; cholco prairie, 17 50. . . , unTTUB rraamarv isfilc: dairy. ISC mfift. Lower: Mlssourf and Kansas tuck, cases returned, 26c; new No. t, white- wood caaos included, c. n.ic-lntn. Shipments. wi..i bu 145.&I0 W).500 Corn, bu 80.KO0 870 Oata, bu : 7,000 10.0UO Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 6. BUTTER rirm: extra nearov prints, tnu. EOQS Weai and 8o lower; fresh nearby, av. at mark: fresh western. 80c. at mark: fresh southwestern, 30c, at mark; fresh southern. 2o, at mark. CHEESE Steady, oulet; New York full preams. choloe to fajicy. lltYlllc; New York ful creama Xalr to good, 10&10C. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 6. WHEAT May, VPc: July, fl'iic: September, 70c; on truck. No. 1 hard. j"c: No. 1 northern, :c; No. I northern, t9Tc; No. 3 northern, ka'l Xlt FIA)UR First patents. 84 754.H5: second patents, 84-iu4.i5: nrst Clears, M.wi.W, second clears. 8. BRAN IN bulk, higher. $15.004715.25. Milwaukee Grata Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 6. WHEAT lo lower; No. 1 northern, 81c; No. 3 northern, Wufic: May, ihc. E V I.T 1.1.. . Un 1 Hi'rlill.l HAKLEY ibull;' No. 8. tUc; aaiuplea. 88 bt:c. coRN-lo higher; No. t 44H45c; May, m:c, bid. Llverool Grain Market. IJVEKPOOU Feb. 6 WHEAT-Ppot nomlnul; futures, quiet; Msrch, ts 4d May. Hld; July, nominal. CORN Sunt American mixed. new. steady at 4std; American mixed, old, firm at 4H1. Futures, qulut; Marcn, wia May, s S7a. i I Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. Feb. 1-WHEAT-In store. No. 1 hard. 84-c; No. 1 nortnern, wc: ino. 2 northern. tsilc; to arrive. No. 1 hard, 4i.c: No. 1 northern. 82c: No. 2 northern ,c; May, 8Jc; July, klSc; September, OATS-On track and to arrive, 40c, Waol Market. BT. LOTMfl. ',Feb. 6. WOOL Nominal medium grades, cmblnr and clothing, 1 V21c; light tine. 1&i17V-c; heavy fine, 12 MVtc; tun wasnea, LONDON. Ktb. 6 WOOI The arrival for the second serin of auction sales amount to 121.167 bales. Including 6V.UU) bales forwarded direct to spinner Pearla Grata Srarket. PEORIA. Feb. A. CORN Finn new Na. 88 a W imJh W4 797s 61 Bl 51 M ffi'H tai.Ts 63'- M 4R-6V4 ""imi ""44Vi 340 40U':i 391 33 34 834 IS 06 13 TS 13 67 7 W 7 7H 1 80 7 70 7 70 T 65 8 82H 8 8B 77 6 97V. 97tt 6 80 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Apprehension Orer aak Loans Greater Than Wat Bcaia. CLOSE IS FIRM AF BEST PRICES Borrowing of Fifty Millions by Pets. aylvanla ladaeea Heavy Selling; Which Affects the Whole Market. NEW YORK, Feb. . The action nt In. ay's stock market Indicated a leelliiir of greater apprehenxion over the subject of oank loans than over the Impenaing wsr in tne far east. Prices rebounucd Irom tne lis "i opening depression reflected from orelgn stock markets, where the hope of l Peaceful OUtrnma mram ren.trtj.,! ,..,.. tlcaily abandoned. ine borrowing of 350,000,000 by the Penrt ylvania company Induced heavy selling of 'ennsylvanla railroad stock, the latter company owning the stock of the borrow ing corporation. This loan and the fear that It was a prelude to similar heavy borrowings by other railroad rnrminiion. ca"d a marked Impression In sentiment n .111 our n ine street, j ne loss In Penn sylvania itself reached 1 at the lowest price of the morning. 'Wabash pretfrred was notably firm, In spite of the official disclaimers from Pennsylvania sources thut the loan was to figure In any settlement of differences with the Wabash. Lnlted States Steel preferred also showed resistance to the weakness elsewhere manifest. no inn 01 me market underwent a ohsnge after the Issuance of the bank state ment and this was clearly due to the moder- Vr. snown Dy tne loan Item, which was not large enough to wipe out the narrow margin below the billion-dollar mark at which the clearing house loans now stand. This effect of the bank state ment waa made the more clear by the fact that the cash reserve nf th i.a,-,i. a decrease of 32.4X3.100, where an Increase or an almost equal amount had been Indi cated. The Inference drawn tmm ih. email mpresslon made upon the loan Item by he large monev maib n..r,i.. .... week was that large corporate require ments had already been provided for by the enormous loans expansion since the . ,he, J,ear- Tho Pennsylvania rally a. . lnHn a Point and United C . . , , . , --....a wa I'VIII. SHU 4, 111 IT V H 5 "Ll preferred and WabaslL pr. ferred finished the di(y about a point hlgnt han last nlffht. Thi close was firm ai pre- ner . .. .1 practically at the best prices. , ,im'L8 turned heavy on a diminished volume of business. Cnlted States 2a. 8s coupon ond the old 4s have declined Vt per cent on call during the week. Jh? foJ.lowl"" were the closing; quotations on Ijie New lork Stock exchang-e: a 4 j allHU. WUW. VlU"f3, Atchison lfi.uoo , u KNii UO Ilri -. L7.., ? ..." B<lmrrei & bhVo'.'.'.'.'l0,500 Sl bu 8UH 1 do nfd Canadian Pnclfio ... 81 1,200 117 116',. 117V4 central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton... lt)7 iPk : 84 16'i l3Vi 142 178 10 22 i 76 16Ji 54 24 1 160'.4 2(H4 2(K) 5,0110 33 3: 40 3D M 84 15 16 166 1U6 142 141 14 iovi ' 78 78" 17 10 lRO' 169 " 2fl 20 on 6 Z"1 26 64 64 44 44 128 127 .... . . : .... 104 IO4" 142 1414 liivi iff 60 59 ii" , 96 . lo In 87 . 36 117 inii 69 6 21 . 21 116 115 " 42ii 5R 6K 22 22 62 62 ii is 82 81 47 47 21 21 81 81 24 24 79 79 19" ii" 37 3f 16 16 19 19 sees " 45 IN IS 67 67 100 Chicago Gt, Western. 400 15'A Chicago & N. W UK) 166 mcago, Mil. ft Bt. P do pfd Chicago Ter. & T.... do pfd C., C. C. & St, 1... Colo. Southern 800 100 300 oo 1st pfd do 2d nfd Tcl. ft Hudson Del., Lack. & West. Denver & R. O do pfd Erie 4 3K) , 210 6i 2'i 64H ... 8,300 ...1,500 ... 100 do 1st pfd ... do 2d pfd Hocklnir Valley do pfd , Illinois Central Iowa Central .. 74 12S'i 19V. do pfd Iff K. C. Southern ...... A... 18Vi do pfd 84 Ixiulsvillo ft Nash..., Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry Minn. & St. L M., Bt. f . ft S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Paclflo ..... M., K. ft T , do pfd j., Nat. of Mex., pfd..., New York Central..., 1044 1421. Nt 1HH OT 700 7,000 300 200 JIS 91 lfiV. si 87 117' Norfolk ft Western.. 1.200 do pfd Ontario & Western... 2,209 Pennsylvania .........12,500 21S llnl 60 42T 78 'ltts.. C. C. ft 8L L Reading , 4,800 ', '200 8,000 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rook Island Co 7H 404 14 fcH 47V4 do pfd 700 St. L. ft S. F 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern.. 2no do nfd 1.400 Southern Paclflo ....20,700 Southern Railway ... 1,000 do pfd 700 Texas ft Pacific 600 Toledo. St. L. ft W 81 24 8T.'4 do pfd Union' Pacltlo (...28,500 do pfd 90 Wabash 100 IS 8ti do pfd 5.600 Wheeling & Lake E.. 100 Wisconsin Central ... 100 IB 19 do pfd 4.1i Adams Express Amur, Express 190 ne 211 rl. Express . Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper ..22.2fO 4RH Amer. Car ft F'dry.. 2110 1O0 1SV4 Bill do pfd Amer. Cotton OH do pfd 68 American Ice , 200 600 7 29 do pfd 29 zs Amer. Linseed OH ... in do pfd 28 Amer. Locomotive . 1.300 20- 204 2"4 48 do pfd ,. Amer. Smelt, ft R. 6no 20 4S 48 do pfd 9Hi 91 81 Vi Amer. fiujar R 6,0 124 123 24 WO H 65 67 18,800 40 40 40 , 100 31 81 81 4,000 IKS' 1R9 189 Anaconda Mining . Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel Iron. Consolidated Oas .... Com Products 100 19 19 19 do pfd Dlatlllers' Securities.. General Electrlo 23 1 200 170 100 12 170 12 International Paper.. 11 64 S3 71 do Pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Paclflo Mall Peoples' Oas Pressed Steel Car.... lo 82 ADO 20 400 ino , 100 'ino 700 S.ino 82 28 2!i 28 99 29 69 27 2! do Dfd Pullman Palace Car.. 110 Rcpubiio Steel 7 7 7 43 4S 43 19 18 IS do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd 7 Tenn. Coal ft Iron. sr. 7 56 11 47 11 M 8S U. 8. Leather M0 200 nv 22,000 oo two Bteel.. 6.5nO do pfd U. 8. Realty do pfd 1 55 56' U. B. Rubber 10 4fi. 10 do pfd 47 11 54 161 87 United 8tates 1( do nfd ..84.700 54 ln 87 Westinghouse Elec. 7no im 100 87 Western Union Vn CeurlHs .90 Total sales for tne aay, anarw. Bostea Stock Qaotatlona. ROSTOV. Feb. 1 Call loans. 8ff4U per cent; time loans, 'ot per rani. Offlclal rloelnr prices on niocss anu winu Atcklsoa 4a Alloues .......... 1 Ua. Penirml 4a S9 amaiifnaiaa ... Blnaha.m AlrhlSOS "" 11 do pfd Boalos A Albanr .47 Cal. ft HmII ... Centauntal Copm" kange ... .. 14(4 Boatoa Maine Hoatoa Eleaated . ..,.irt S. Y.. W. H. A H..1M .. 41 Dominion Coal . Pranklts lale Rorale M..hawk .. I .. t Ptichburs pfd 1 Vntoa had Da U-I. Central Amer. Sugar da fd .. it Mi 11 Old DomlDloa ... 154 Oeceola Ut Parrot 4 Amer. T. ft T 12 Dominion I. ft n Qulocy .. ao sents Fe Copper.. Tamarack .. 1 ..too .. 441 General Eledrls 1 liaaa. Clectrla 11 do pfd 17 t'nlted fruit M I'. S. Steel 11 do pfd 44 Weetlng. aonaM .... 7 Aar.n'ure , l4 Aked- Trinity I'nlled States'.... tub Victoria Winona Wolverine ........ Daly Weat .. it :: it Forelan Ftaaaelal. LONDON. Feb. 8. The market was sur felted with, money today. Discount rates strengthened on the political uncertainty. Business on 4he Slock exchange continued to suffer from the fsr eastern tension trading being; restricted to the narrowest limits. Consols were flat, closlna a fraction above tne lowest of the day. Americans opened depressed on ew xork s decline 1 tilled States Steel being exceptionally fairly steady. Put inactive, ana closed: dull Foreigners were gloomy, especially Japa new and Russian aecurittes. The amount o bullion taken Into the Dank of England today was ahmjuo. and Al.'h.maj was with drawn for shipment to Bouth America. PAHIH. Feb. 6 Trading on the bourse today showed aepresniun, owing to tn uncertainty regarding the result of tb Ruawlan answer. The Russian Imperials Improved sngni.r. imfienal 4s dosing ai ti.(t. Russian war heavily of' fered and closed very feeble. Other inter. atlona s were somewhat Impresnlva and Indefliute. Industrials were heavy. The private rate of discount was 8 8-18 per cent. ht.HLiA. r en. 6 tvxehange on lximlun. 2m 4ft'Mfg for chocks. The discount rate tor short bills was 2 per cent and for three months' bills 2 par cent. Trading on the bourse today was stagnant. Kaltlmore & Ohio was weaker upon New York advices. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 6.-MONEY-On call. omlnal: no lo.ns; time loans, firm; sixty ays, S'.t por cent; ninety days, 'a 1 er cent; six months, 4V4,i per rent; rime mercantile paper. 4'u5' per Cent. bi r.Kirsir KXCiiAiNtiaa steady, witn ctual business In bankets' bills st 31 S0V.I41 whI for demand and at 84.8;('ii 4 S3 for ixty-dny bills: posted rates, -H KILj and !n: commercial lillls, it HL'tM SiVi. Sll.VF:R Har, iKi'ic; Mexican dollars, 43o. BONDS-Oovornment, steady; railroad. easy. The closing Quotations on bonds are aa fellows: a. r-f. ta. res. .W Manhattan r. r 4a.,10lH .liHSj'M-x. Ontrsk i .UK I do lat Ine 14 .V IMInn. ft St. L. 4..... 1 .m M. , K. ft T. 4i 7S .1114 do t 7 .101 N. R. R. of M. e. 4i. 74 .107 IN. T. C. )m " . r:N. J. C. I. (a 1514 . 119 I No. pacific u U'Ha . )SI4 do St 71 .101 Mi 'N. A W. e. 4. t; . 4I. O. S. I.. 4 A n.r ltk do eoupon do la. reg do rouDon do new 4a. rtg . . . oo 4b. eoupon... do eoupon do old 4a. res... Atrhlsnn gen. 4a... So adl. 4a..:- tlnntlo C. L. 4a. Bait I mora ft O. 4a. do Ha Centnl of at. 6i....l(V4 P-nn. conr. tWa do 1st Ine 171 Reading gen. 4 M4 Ch-S. A Ohio 4Ha....l"1M, St. L. A I. M. r. Hi . 119 Chicago A. 6'ja.... 7v, St. L A 8. T. fg. 4a. 8S ., m vi. n. 4a ... -34 st. I., s. w. la . M. ft 8. P. g. 4a. 104 's-ahoard A. L. 4a... N. w. e. ,a....l!Sa o. facin- 4 ! R. I, St P. 4a.... 9V. to. Rallwar la lUt do eol. a .. X) ,'lrui H la ....s..11f4 4a7v1'T.. fit. L. W. 4a.. 71 .. 7.Vnlon Paring 4a i0i .. SSW do crmr 4a .. V. 8. Pt-el 2d 6a 7 .. naiWahaah la .. do drb. R J1 .. 5'4IW. ft L. E. 4 "ij r.r. ft st. t,. s. Chicago Ter. 4a. Con. Tobacco 4a... Colo, ft So 4a..., ft R. O. 4a... Erie prior Man 4a oo gen. 4a r. w. ft n. C. la ion Wis. Ontral 4a "'4 Hocking Val. 4HS....10&H 'Colo. F. ft I. (a 72 V. it m. ttni. 4a..... h Offered. London Stork Mnrket LONDON. Feb. 6. Closing-? Cnnaola. money.... 7 l-H N. Y. Central.. 1SI (l"H , o . tl , i . " 4" . SO H 1 B4 . 441, 0 , n . 11 , f. , 13 . 87 do account 17 7-16 . Norfolk A W. naconda k do nfd Atrhlaon 70 Ontarln ft W.... t'2i Fennayivanla ... H.T'i Rand Mlnea ..... do ofd Paltlmore A Ohio.. anadlan Pacltlo .. ..120 Keaaitig do let rM ... do M pfd.... So. Railway de pfd So. Pacllle V'nlnn Pactfls ... do pfd , C. 8. Bteel do pfd Wahash do pfd Chea. ft Ohio .. MS .. 14 ..14f,i .. 1 .. I! .. 7 .. M't .. M4j .. m ..1S2 ..107 H .. 17H hicaa;o Ot. W M. A St. P.... fleB-em A R. 0 dO Dfd Erie do lt pfd do M nfd Illlnola Central .... .ntila. A Naah M.. K. A T PIIA'KR liar, quiet, 26 ll-ld per ounce. MONEY 1HU2 per cent: the rate of dis count In tne open mnrket for short bills Is 2V.'!t7'4 per cent; for three months' bills Is iWaZ 15-18 per cent. Jf evr York Mining; lnotatlons. NEW YORK. Feb. . The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama Cos 14 Little Chief 7 Alice tlreeoe ..: .. IH .. 10 .. I .. 7 ..ISO ..IM ..1.5 .. 8 Ontario Ophtr ..430 ..140 .. S .. 17 .. 40 .. (I .. 10 ..240 Bmniwlck Cos .. Phnenil Potnal a Harage Sierra Nevada Small Hueee... Standard Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs... Horn Silver ron Silver LeaJvllle Con ... Clearing- House Averages. , NEW YORK. Feb. . The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows: Ixiang, ttl!W, UnO.ftnO; Increase, 4,2?S,700. leposits, $1,027. lM.MO; increase, $3,212,700. Circulation, $41, (Vi9.4nn; decrea.e. $1,220.H0. Legal tenders, $72.6;5.000; decrease, $2,972,500. Species, $a6. 8C,8U0; Increase, $189,400. Reserve, $278. 631, IVK1: decrease, $2,4i(3,10n. Reserve required. $2W.7S9,125; Increase, $Hn8,l75. Surplus, $21,- nz.itn; decrease, w,zK,zib. f;x-unitea states deposits, $31,006,100; decrease, $4,287,700. Bank Clearings for Week. OMAHA. Feb. 6. Bank clearlnRS for the week as compared wun tne corresponding week lasi year; !". 1S03. Monday Tuesday Wednesday, ... Thursday Friday .$1,1 90, 6X0. 63 $1,869,698.84 . 1.31(5.1-24.37 1.2H0,S53.2a . 1,169,207.24 1,029.15..63 . 1,845,180.29 1,066,824.69 . 1.206.7(10.69 1,046,021.11 . 1.326.815.14 1.179.719.95 Saturday Increase of $588,643.86 over the oorresoond. ing weea last rar. New York Imports and Exports. NEW YORK. Feb. 8 Exports ofdrv gooos ana mercnanaise at Mew yorK for the weeK were valued at $12,727,773. Exports of money for the week were $673. 911. Imports of specie at New York this weeg weie 44,iha gold and $35,233 silver. British Imports and Exports. LONDON. Feb. 6. The January state ment of the Board of Trade shows de- creiixes nf Il.lu3.bU0 In Imports and $4,101,506 in expons. Coffee Market. NEW YORJC. Feb. 8. COFFKK-Snot Rio. steady: No. 7 invoice. 7 15-lttc M id. steady, Cordova, 813ty. Futures opetiexi steady at an anvanca of 30 points 011 July and fi'd-O points on other positions on moderate buying. Inspired by firmer French caoies ana ugnier primary receipts, panic uiariy ai eanios. inere was continued liquidation by cotton exchange house", however, and later the market eased off. soon losing all the initial gains. Selling he- came particularly active Just before the close, partly as a result of the further re duction In package coffee and In sympathy with the continued breaks In cotton, which seems to be unsettling confidences In the conee market as well, and the close wa steady at a decline or fSJI5 points. Sales were reDorted of 167.000 bass. Including XToawtt. atUnllEa. Inl a IT... . . J. ,. iiinivii n . v,iiri.i.wi; , ari,i, q.,-. i.Lay, o.v."! e.ioo; june. e.wc; juiv, s iwav.uoc; August, 6.96c; September, 6.96(&7.2&c; October, 7,(6J 1. 10c; iNovemDer, 7.10c; ijecemper, 7.irrf7.60c; January, i.duc . , Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8 -COTTON-The buT Ing of cotton yesterday, supposed to be for a nun pool in oraer 10 regain control of ine market, came to naugnt when a sen satlonal break In Liverpool, threatening news rrom tne far east, heavy estimated receipts and a bearish visible supply state ment rendered the local bear more con fident than ever. Closing prices were prac tically the jowteat with July quoted at 13.99c. Hales were estimated at hi If a. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. V -COTTON Fu tures steadv: February. 13o bid: March 13.2W13. 22c; April. 13 95flSSfcc: May. 13 61 is2c: June. i.i.73wi3.7&c; July, la.sswia 7c August. 13.loei8.15c: September. 12.80(512.400 : uciopcr, ji.jubu 40C. Sngar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining. 2 t7-32rit 2'4c ; centrif ugal 96 test. 3 U-32'uSSic; molasses sugar, 2 19-324f2.c. Refined, steady; No. 8. 4.uCo; No. 7. 4o: No. 8. 8.95c; No. 9, 890c; No. 10, S k&c: No. 11. 8.80c: No. 12. 3.75c: No. 11. 8.70c: iso. 14. 8.60c; conteciioners a, 4.; mouia , 4 oc; cut loar, b.iic; crusnea, d.ioc: row- 'red 4 65c: granulated, 4.55c; cubes, 4.7io. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 8 8TTOAR Quiet open kettle. 2V3 3-16c: open kettle centrif ugal, 84i3 11-16c; centrifugal whiles, 4c; yel lows. S'i'os lo-lKo: seconan, 201310. MOLASSES Nominal; onen k tit tie. torit TXo- centrifugal, lOlSc. Syrup, dull, 23 625c. Evavorated Apples aad Dried Frnlts NEW YORK. Feb. 6. EVAPORATED APHLE8 The market continues quiet common are quoted at 4'ti6e; prime, 6Srl 61c; choice. hV,(tifc.; fancy, Hfi7r. California .mifc,Li r K.i t rrunes are In moderate demand, but steady, with quotations ranging from 8 Vic to 6Ve. Apri cots are In fair demand and Arm; choice are quoted at PV.'iilOHe; extra choice at '810Vic; fancy at llddSc. Peaches, firm choice, l.(nc; extra cooice, iHic fancy, Kg 10c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 8 DRY OOOD8 Buvlnc la more or lens at a standstill. buyers srs awaiting developments and ar not Inclined to operate unieas uosoiuteiy comDelled to by the exigencies of the 00 caslon. Yet. there la no weakening on the part of sellers. They see no reason In the present flurry to change their prices, which are bv no means based on the hitch prices of cotton, and it is oeuevea 11 win take a good many more perpendicular drops to affect the state of piece goods prioes. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8 METALS The markets today were generally steady, but with the usual Saturday's dullness. Tin heid firm at $27 du2S.25 fur snot. Copper was dull, with lake at $12 J7Vi'( 12 6?' .. elec trolytic at $12 25412.60 and casting at $1! 124 t 12.37V. Spelter was quiet at $4i&u. Lead, $4 4 & 1. Iron was dull and noinln al'v unchanged. ST. LoLld. Feb. 8. M FTTALS Lead, weak, $4,25. Spelter, dull. $4. 66. Hanley Gets Kevr Trial. SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Feb. $. (Special.) Judge Stotta today granted a new trial to James Hanley, recently convicted of mur der In ths first degree. Hanley killed Henry Bchroeder at Deytoa last October. 0MA11A LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef Btseraand Oowa Selling at Low ToiDt of Year. HOGS ABOUT STEADY WITH A WEEK AGO X Best Grades of Sheep and Lambs Mot Mick Different from the Close at ' Last Week, bat Commoa Kinds Are Considerably Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 8, 1904. RecelDts were: Cattle. IIoss. Sheen. Official Monduy l.VJo 8.H-4 iu,84 oinclai l ucsu.iy f ! m.l t,,.i Official Wednesday .6 6.V18 Official Thursday l.SVi 8.4J0 i.M Official Friday 1.J1 7.8U1 b J Ottlclal Saturday run 8,6.1 cm Six davs this week. ...11. 876 4o.445 81.&78 Same days last week. . . .1S.94S 4H.674 87, it fnme days week before.. 14, IM9 4:2.461 S..7tiJ Hame three weeks agOr.23.78 tl.iVi 4i',('.U Same days last year.,..17.SVl .Z9 2,o.0 RKCK1PTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATlfl. The following table shown the receip.g of cattle, hogs and sheep at South iur 1119 year 10 Uttie, wun comparisons wun lust year; 104. I9ua. Inc. lcc. Cattle Rf.6u9 4,lo2 4,o63 Hogs 2X),Ai 2io,44 2.757 Sheep lss.768 1.1, a C4.M8 Averaae ui-icea iui- lines ai South Omaha tor the last several aaa with coin parlsous; Data. 1904. 1801.1SO..101.1800.1898.1S:. Jan. IS... I 8V.I 8 41 1 8 12 8 281 4 &t i 3 47 Jan lo 4 ti ei 4 lal h 4 fcvi 1 621 Jan. Jan. 17... 18... 19... 20... 21... 22... 24... I s 4S 1 g iq 0 u 1 wi wi e 11 4 68hl 6 231 8 i 4 551 8 til 3 51 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jau. J .111. Jain. Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 72Hi 6 39, i 8 $J 4 84 X Ml 3 4 4 b4 3 41 v wo" 111 s hi - 4 78K.I Chi t IK I !i I 1 Ml 1 si a i 4 8o 83) 6 02 8 M 4 68 I S 81 4 8. -Si 6 but W, t 14, 4 M 3 W eoi Uo 6 211 4 eo 3 1 8 62 4 oH1, 6 141 6 12 4 4 8 U 3 ti 4 81 6 721 6 lol 4 56 1 3 61 1 3 72 4 bOtol 66 8 12 4 62 $ 631 8 67 4 HlVki b 64 i Vol 8 221 I I Ml . tJ 4 79' H b4 6 96 6 28) 4 621 . I 64 67 6 97 $ 17 4 &o 3 l ' 4 72V.I 6 93j 6 2.14 ". 8 H 3 t4 4 73 6 68 1 6 2ti 4 6 3 64, 3 J 4 M', 6 70 6 921 4 62 8 69 3 3 4 81 I 6 3u i 94 S 81 1 1 8 W, 8 72 4 76 8 82 6 111 6 l 4 661 I 3 73 4 SO;, 6 76 8 1U 6 21 4 70 I 56 26... 27... 28... 29... )... 31... 1.... 2.... 8.... Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4 Feb. 8.. Feb, ""Indicates Sunday. The ctticlal numner of cars of Stock brought In toduy by each road was: Jtoau. came. lio$a. en u. 11 sea. C. M. & St. P. Ry. 15 Yvatmsn U. P. system C. e. N. W. Ry V., E. & M. V. R. R. .." C, St. P., M. ot O. Ky 1 B. ot M. Ry 3 C, B. & g. Ry 4 16 82 24 6 16 8 1 1 I 1 8 ili is.. C. & St. J C, It. 1. & P., east.. 1 C, li. I. Ac P., west., .. Illlnola Central Cut. Ureal Western.. .. Total receipts .... 8 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing Ui number of head Indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, 84 Omaha Packing Co. . Swift and company ... ti 1.739 68 2,0X7 250 Cudahy Packing Co. Armour dc Co Armour He Co., S. C. bol Degan Huggei'ly Sl Co , 2.1H. .. 105 81 8 1,766 .. Totals 180 8.757 318 CATTLE Ther was practically no trad Ins In the cattle division this mornlns. so that a test of values was not made. For the Week recelpta show quite a decrease Dotn as compared witn last weeg ana wun the corresDonainK woek of last year. At some other markets, however, supplies have been quite liberal, so that tne nuniDer 01 cattle on sale has been ample to meet ths requirements of the trade, and In fact there has been a surplus of the condition ot the market, which may be considered as an Index of the true situation. . Corn-fed steers sold a little stronger ths first part ot the week, but the latter part the market waa In very bad shape and closing prices are fully as low aa they were at the close of last week. In other words, the market Is at the low point of the year to date, and in fact at the low point of the season. The bulk of the cattle now coming forward have been fed from 100 to UO days and are selling at about the same prlcea that were paid for much shorter fed cattle during the slump before the holidays. As has been pointed out through these columns from day to day the present demoralised condition of the market Is largely due to the severe storms In many sections of tne country, whioh have tied up the railroads and made a shortags or reiriger- r ears, Until railroad trafilo ones mori ,?comes normal there la small chance of iildl'h Im provement in the market. Good to choice cottlA ara nnw nuotabla from 84.40 to 84. i5. fair to good from $4 to $4.40, medium grade from $3.75 to $4 and common kinds from $3.25 to $3.60. It now takes a pretty good bunch of cattle to sell much over $4. The cow market is also tuny nam to where It was at the clone of last week, or to the low point of the year. The latter ,,.n nt the wivek tradlnar has been very dull, particularly on ino nmnnuuri am, cinnA in choice cattle sell from $3.25 to 83 60 fair to good from $2.75 to w.10, meaium grades from $2.40 to $2.f and canners and cutters from $1.60 to $2.25. Bulls have sufierea ine same as aura and cows. Good to choice grades sen -nrr, ti 5K tn u 78. fair to aood from $2.78 to $3.25 and bologna grades from $2.25 to $2.50. Veal calves have been in small supply all ah., m.ali and nricea have held steady. Choicest grades are jnow selling from $3.00 The stocker and feeder market has been dull all the week, with tfce tendency of prices downward, except on something very choice, which is not a great deal lower. Tha commoner kinds, however, are 16S25o lower for the week. 'J ne gooa to cnoice grades sell largely from 83.40 to $8.78. with something prime a little higher. Fair te I a an . . 1 .a a gooa graaes go rrum eo.w to eJ.w nu vmia mon kinds from $3.00 down. Representg' tlve sales; 1 JBETH.F STEERS. Ha A. Pr- Na, Av. Tt. I '. IK IM. COWS. $ 1014 $ 10 M Ml $ 4 1174 I 70 $ 838 3 II 1M4 8 W . BUliUO. ' 1 1600 8 70 1 Ill 3 M CALVES. I Ut 8 00 4 8M 8 10 unna There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning for a Saturday, but with a good demand the market opened generally 60 higher. Trading was fairly active and the most of the early arrivals were disposed ot In good season. Toward the close of the market, however, buyers were not so anxloua for supplies and as a result the close waa alow and weak, with the advance of the morning practically ail lost. The bulk of the aci went from $4.73 tn 84 85. Llaht stuff sold from $4 76 down, medium -weights went from $4.75 to $4.80, anion heavv hoKS from $4.80 to 84 80 snd prime heavies from $4.85 to $4.90. In spite of the fact that the close was slow and weak, practically sveryining was soia Be fore noon. For the week receipts show a slight de crease as compared with last week, but an increase of about 6.000 head as compared with the some week of last year. Prlcea have held steady most ot the week, the fluctuations from day to day being of small Importance. Closing prices are practically the same as st the close of last week, the difference amounting to only about 1 cent. Representative sales: Na. AT. So. Fr. Mm. AT. Sh. V. 44 141 ... 4 H 6 X 126 4 41 J 141 ... 4 40 44 t.4 ... 4 41 71 171 30 4 40 74 2t, ... 4 70 16 ... 4 44 , T 140 44 4 tl 44 141 ... 4 44 41 3.4 ... 4 Uvt a 174 ... 4 70 40 Ml 40 lltw 10 14t ... 4 70 11 114 10 llllj 4 tti 40 4 10 II lit ... ilh t 117 40 4 7214 14 144 ... 4 in1) 1U0 Ill ... 4 7. II 14 30 llllt 47. lit M 4 74 41 141 ... IU 11 4 ... I 74 (1 131 44 4 ' 40 Ill 110 4 71 11 ill ... 4 0. II 14 40 4 II 44 ttl IM 4 Hf 77 14 40 4 71 45 ..14 10 4 tl ti lit ... 41 io ... 4 77 100 14 4 71 11 171 140 44 14. ...... .141 ... 4 74 44 K Ut IK 9 114 ... 4 It M U4 46 4 U 45 11)4 ... 4 tl 71 IS! ... 4 44 4U a.l'Jt ... 4 74 4 144 40 4 U ft 124 4 4 71- 4 141 40 4 46 a lut 40 4 75 14 t4 IN 13 41 114 ... 4 7714 44 1 40 M 4 44 44 144 UO 4 71 S 54 !! ... 4 14 14 140 t 4 71 54 174 ... 4 4 tt :ll ... 4 7714 10 161 ... 4 44 17 lot ... 4T74 11 ii ... 4 44 44 iv7 ... 4 71 4 Ml 14 4 54 ' at tt4 50 4 71 ( If, 4 40 4 M 71. 131 ... 4 71 47 Vi 40 4 53 41 121 14 4 71 V Tt r.4 40 4 U 17 lot 44 4 71 56 1 ... 4 54 10 1S4 ... 4 So 11 ft! 84 4 44 1 1 Ill ... 4 40 41 160 ... 4 54 50 lit 44 4 50 14 It ... 4 IS 44 HI 54 4 54 44 1-4 4 4 U II Ui 44 4 44 41 164 120 4 n 44 t:l 10 4 50 U ! 14 4 11 71 1117 140 4 M ' 44 274 40 4 14 71 Ill ... 4 M 12 311 44 3 M 71 Ill ... 4 50 71 171 50 4 10 Tl 214 44 4 54 41 I4t 4 4 44 41 170 50 4 14 40 174 144 4 14 41 Ill 44 4 44 44 W4 M IN 45 I .,. 4 44 41 34 ... it 43 rs) 44 4 M 4T 271 ... 4 40 U 141 140 4 N II1 40 Kt SUh-KP There were only a few bunches ero tins morning and they sold at en- rany sieuuy puces aa comnatea vwin vsterday. I'tir ihc week receipts show a loss as compared nith last week amounting itioui neaa. nut as coinuaied witu he same week ot last year Uiere U but llle change. The demanu has nect'Sai liv been railier limited owing to the bad cm- tuon ot ine market in tne east cauaid by he heavy storms, which have delated rail road traifio and created a shortage of re- iigeratur cars in tne west. As a result he tendency of prices has been down ward, particularly on the commoner kinds. ine market at tne tins.) ut the week. owever, Is fully IMuSo higher than It was t the low time the middle of the week. 'his advance leaven the better grades ot heep and also choice lumbs neatly back wnere iney were at the close or last week. The commoner kinds, however, ar in 1 siow saie ana uneven v lower man a week ago. some kinds being as much as latyauc lower. The quality of the offerings aa not been very aood. so that in rcalliy good stuff has been scarce, while the sup ply of the common stuff has been excessive. Feeders have been so ae.iree all the we-k that a fair test of the market has not been made. Desirable grades may not be much different for the week, but common kmdj re unaoubtediy lower. wuotatlnns for corn-fed stock: Good to holes western lambs. 8.1 .5 "U3.78: fair to good lambs, 35.254ia.50; good to choice year. inn, HJ..W4.W; fair to good yearling. $4.26 ia.uv; guuu o cnoice weiners, 4.tuti4.o; air to good wethers. 83.75(1.4.00: good to holce ewes. 83.5osi3.7n: fair to aood ewts. 81.258.50; choice feeder lambs, $4.0(4.75; fair to good. 33.50fg4.00; feeder vearhngs, 3.5ti4.00; feeder wethers. $3. jnW3.75: leaner ewes. 3L0v&3.00: culls. 81.754i3.0. Repre- entatlve sales: No. Av. .100 . l'O . 101 . 88 . PI . 71 . S3 . 60 . 80 . 78 . 60 Pr. 8 00 8 50 8 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 C 4 60 8 15 6 IS 1 western goat 6 western ewes 21 western ewes 8 western wethers , 7 western Wethers 138 western yearling wethers, w western iamrs 3 western lambs 43 western vearllncr wethers 85 western lambs 1 western lamb CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Light Shipments strengthen Market, with Prices Higher. CHICAGO, Feb. . CATTI.K Receipts, 0 head; mnrket nominal: aood to prime steers. $4 9(Sj6.60; poor to medium $4.2.V: 4 SO' NtocWera anil fnailnpn t9 9".tfa 1R fr-n.-m $1.6t4.20: heifers. $2. 004J4.'50: dinner's. 31.60 8J2.40; bulls. 82.n04f4.00; calves, $3.0lv-g7.2S. HOOS Receipts. 15.000 head; estimated Monday, 26.000; market strong; mixed and butchers. $4.1j.10; good to choice heavy, $5.wij'5.12H; rough heavy, $1 KH'u-5.(H); light, $4.3a4.R5: bulk of sales. $4.H0iiij.0O. SHEBP ANU LAM US Receipts, S.OOO head: market steady; good to choice weth ers, $4.Ofii-l.&0; fair to choice mixed. $3.7ni3 4.00; western sheep, $3.756.25- native lumbs, 4.uvo.Sb; western lambs, 4o.wSj6.kj. 1 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 8.-CATTI.K Re. relDts. 300 head. Including 60 Texans: mnr ket unchanged; export and dressed beef steers, $4.3O4i.0O; fair to good. $3.7594.25: western-fed steers, $.1.67Vrr4.SO; stockers and feeders. $2.R54.00: southern steers. $3.253 4.10; faouthem cows, $2.26(('2.90; native cows, $1.7Mr$.60: native heifers. $2.KHQ3.75; bulls, 2.2fx3.f; calves, $2.756.25; receipts for the week. 29,400. HOGS Receipts, .2.500 head; market Be hlcher- Inn V,: hulk of snles. 84.ftHf4.S0 heavy. $4.85(6.00; packers, 84.750T4.90; pigs . II V. . a, l.i I E, nulnlnl. fr h Bk W ,' U niHI IIK11U9, .WAV-. ,u , ICV.11,1. ..... " ' ' I 40 ion SHEEP AND MMBH-NO receipts: mar ket steadv: lambs. 84.50ff5.fc; western I. mk, u fiftffifi nif fad ewes. wem ern-fe'd yeerllngs, $4.W4.75; stockers atid feeders, $2.704,1.10; receipts iur un 18,600. a t t lanelr lafaaelcel. ST. IOUIS. Feb. 6 CATTT.B Receipts, 600 head. Including iw iexan-; i' steady; native Shipping and export steers. $4.25&S.60, the top tor Strictly tancyj un-n- Deer anil nun iici . 1 , . ' - under 1,000 lbs., $3.501t5.25: stockers ' nd feeders, a.isaH.oo; rows anu nnina, 4.60. the top for fancv corn-fed; canners la -a. . . n ao 1 . v. i AA -alvaa t3.00ftT 7.00; Texas and Indian steers. JWN.S. . a.' OHI..niT: llUlin. a. . -iua .vu. - --, , . . . . me I"PIUJ: """.-a1 w" i. .Vw."-,. 1 K Kin loeceipts, o.v - - stronger; ui mm , w-. ... v. .i ,t.i en. hnihara snd best heavy. no a-,n(ri.wi MSHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpts. 1,800 head; market nrm; "a"," " j V , u. ' im 4 7B: lambs. 0"U and bucks. $-.00 Hew York Live Stock Market. wv. a TjrirvvH TCn re celpts; no sales reported; reJ- enf: .innrts for today. 750 beeves, 6.650 Quarters ot .... ..rtv western on sale; no trading "Pt 7 veals at JS50; ciry nreasen vraia, llOOS Receipts, 3,170 head; no sales re- P SHEEP AND I.AMRS-Recelpts. 1.837 prime lamos, imnj r ' : JL1 otner granes, qumi nuu ... . - $4 KS4 60; a few head at $5. Reported sales of lamps at 10; T ii -- per ID.; oressea lumus, iru ivtiv- Stoax City Live Stoek TMarket. aitv t- tTatt. a rRneclat Tele Dili l I JV a",, at... w - - - - - v ciTTt p Tiaa.i.ia 00 hesd: mar ket steaoy: oeevew. ao.m-u.i". and mixed, $2.f&3.60; stockers and feeders, m&. ia'U O. tl , 'nivrw aiii ws ' ; w Jl. . p. 1 .. ruSt UA..rt ' tvia 1-1 ut FiA ii( nH-.HPrp ins. 11. 1 1 1' 11 rnu 1 - higher at $4.40(&4.85; bulk, 34.7o44.80. St. Joarnh Live Stoek Market. BT. JOSEPH. Feb. 8 CATTLE Receipts, Z2 head; market nominal. HOGS Receipts. 4,MU neaa; marn aimij . . , 11 v. , a 1 Tt.iA ne vnAillnm anil heavy. 84.70(36.00. SHEtaP A IN V liAnoa i" rcvciiiv. lack la Slabt. ' aw. .1.1. Ma, mtnrV I" OllOWins airo "a i'."'i"- for the six principal western cities yester- TTnars. Khepri. South Omaha : 8.6-21 too 2,000 i'.soo Chicago 3"0 IS.iXO ... 800 2.6(0 60O 3.(i0 23 4,Ml ... 9J0 6,000 ansas uty 1 1 mls St. Joseph Sioux City Totals. .1.650 38,012 4.358 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltlon ot Trade aad ftaotatloas oa aianle aad Faary Predse. KGGS -Receipts, moderate; fresh stock. I IV PI pnui.TH 1 liens, nwii.-. e chickens, 8H(iic; roosters, according to age 49 5c; turkeys. 13i&15c; ducks, Ifloc; geese, 1c. . ncofr.u ruuMiiii . . I ... , 1 hmka. H4il2c: aecse. 10c; chickens, twt 4??J . ,. a. i.Ia-, n BUTTER packing Btocs, ancy dairy rolls. 1314c; separator. 22c. friSH-Trnui SfilOc: pickerel, 5V. 16c; pike, c; perch, otfOy-J hlufflh.i Whlteflsh, 8tJSHc: lmonv 11;:vn. uu" iT'ui' codfish, lie; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, Per ID., BUC lOOHli rs, lirni, j" ' .111 a- ..ia.i, ivtrnUn: l.lnck hash. DUlinratin, ait. tani.ii , . - - T - . ic: hallbut,13c; crappies. X3c; n , rhlte bass, 13c; bluertus, 8c; smelts. 1011o. nvSTKHlt-New York Counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2; extra select, per can. S6c; ner val. il.SO: standard, per can. Z7c; per sal.. 11 tu. ai., 11. do. . . . . . . . . (U . . . . MtA.I rer. ton, l w. . , , HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale WE WILL BUY OR SELL any part or l.OOO Nancy Tunnel. 1 1,000 Horns Run. . 2,L"C St. Elmo. Boo Maiestio. 6,000 Hidden Fortune. 6.000 SpearfUh. 200 Mine La Motte. 1.000 Bald Butte. $,0u) Oregon Securlt's. 1,000 w aldorr. l.ooO Aurora Cons. 150 Daly west. l.ooO Dabtiey Oil. I'nlun Con. Ref. I,0o0 Murchle. 1,Va) Santa Ana Tin. l,tiw Com,ueat Con. i.oiO Palmer alt. 8,000 N. Y. Grass Val. 600 yaqul copper. fciO American Lum'r. 8,000 Milwaukee U. Ex VM t'al. 4fc iiecia. Soo Montana Ton'p'h 80 Bixiklovers Llb'y 50 Marconi. l.OOO Eureka OH. 1,000 Murchle. 5"0 Aurora Ex. .M Ore Hondo. 1.000 black Dla. Coal. I,uo0 Tonopah Ext. du t ltisnurg at uu. 600 Bin Dewey. l.OuO Stand. Smelting. $.00 Plumas. 10.0110 Coo. King (Ar.) l.OuO Clara Bell 8 D ) 2.6uO Colonial Copper. l,u Mt. Jefferson, 8.uoOAmer. Cop. Wyo. 20Troy Manhattan. 1,0m) Columbus C'ona. $,000 Hidden Treats. IS. D.l S.uoo Horseshoe. 1.1H0 Sun Luis. 8oO No. Amer. Cop. Rex (d. D ) J.o Itellsnce S. D ) Wanconda (8.D.) l,ora)San David Au ra. l.&oo National Barium l.OuO Prosperity. l.Oiio Williams Fork. 1,400 Myrtle. 1.4 tturrlcane. AND MANY OTHERS. We execute orders on all ktocks traded In on the Waif Street Mining and Slock ex change of New York. YilHE YOIH BIDS OK OFF8CHH. Mark -t leUer and prtceliat I'kKB OH H4.48l l.ST. CATLIM aft Pt V fcUL, CO 16 Wail St.. N. X. II ill ISO 4 M 1 JM 40 4 t44 ... 4 reslenr' asseplntlnni Choice No. 1 npland, !; No. 2, i; medium, $5 601 coarse, $5; rye straw. 85. TheKe prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and re ceipts light. Rl li .NO. Z, Mc. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Colorado. 31: Dakota. ter bu., PtX-; natives, Wc. RVVfcKT POTATOES II Ino Is. per bbU $3.50. IAV1 HKAN8-Per bll.. $2.25. CF.l.KRV Small, per dot.. 25u35o: large Cnllfurnln, );, 75c and 80c. ON KINS Spanish, per crate, $1.75; Colo rado yellow and red, per lb., 2nC. cahhauk Wisconsin Holland, 3Y8C. new California, 3Vc. Tl'RNirs t'angda rutabaras. per lb.. lte; white, per bu.. 6O0. CAKUOTt4-Per bu., 7fc. PAItSNH'S-Per bu., two. HKKTS-Per bu., 'c. CAI'LlFLowKit California, per crate. $-.75. CI 'CrSIRERS Per dot.. $1.251.50. TOMATOES California. pr 4-baaket crates, $:l. RAIMSHES Per dot. bunches. 35c. I.KTTl'CE HEAD Per dot. bunches. 00 C'll.oo; per bbl., $7; leaf lettuce, per dot. bunches, 4oc. Tl HNIPS Southern, per dot., 75o. HEKTS-Snuthern, per dot.. 750. CAUROTS-Southern. psr dot., 75e. l'AKSLEV Southern, per dot., $1. FRUITS. APPLES California Bollflowers. per box. $1.6.; New York export Ureenlngs, Russets nd Unldwlns, $3. in. UllAPES Imported Malagas, per keg. $.. CHANHERRIF.S Jersey, per bbl., 87.00; per box, $2.50; Wisconsin Hull and Rugle, $7.60; Hell and Cherry, $6 50. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per qt., 600. TROPICAL, FRUITS. ORANGES Florida llrlghls and Russets. all sizes, $..5i; navals, all, choice, $2.252.50; fancy, all sixes, t-.75. I.KMONS Ca torn a titncv. WH) to 860. $2 60; choice, 240 to 270 sites, $3.25. figs California, per 10-lu. cartons, sbo; Imported Smyrna, S-crown, 14o; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown, lc. HAN ANAS I'er medium sited bunoh, $2.0iHj2.5o; Jumbos, $2.754i3.25. COCOANUTS Per sack. $4.oo; per aog.. 60c. DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkgs.. $2l'j per lb., in 60-11). boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, $2,40. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young Amnricas, 13c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick 13c; 'Wisconsin Umburger, K'c. HONEY Nebraska, rer 14 frames, $3.00; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames $3.35. MAPLE M UAK-Ohto, per lb., 10c. CIDER Per bbl., $0.50; per H bbl , 83 2". " POPCORN Per lb., 2V4c; shelled, StfHMiO. HoRSEHADlSlI Per case of 2 dot., packed, Noc. NMJT8 Wnlniits, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb . 15,c; hardshell, per ih., 14c; No. 8 soft shell, per lb., 1.1c; No. 2 hard-shell, rer lb., 12c; BriizllH. per lb., 11c; tlllierls, per lb.. 11c; Almonds, snft-nhell, per lb,, 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per Ih., 10c; peanuts, per lb., Cc; roasted peanuts, per Ih., 74e; Chill wal nuts, l.Til3Vtc; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; thell barks, per bu., $2.00; black wal nuts, per bu., $1.2.1. HIDES No. 1 green, f.o; No. 2 preen. 6c; No. salted, 7c: No. 2 suited, 6c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8V,c; No. 2 venl onlf, 12 to 15 lbs., : dry suited hides. Sfl'lL'c; sheep pelts, .Vu'7Tc; horee hides, $1,502.50 1 Toledo Seed Mnrk. TOLEDO. Feb. , SEEDS Clover, ca'h, and February, 6 9'JV4: March. $6 87'.: .April, $tl75; prime alslke. $6.20; prime timothy, $1.37. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed fnr record February It, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee nnd Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Varnam Btrcct, for The Hee: tVIUIam R. Wall and wife to Hugh 8. Thoma.s, lots 3 and 6, block 80, Flor ence t X . Christian F. Rahn and wife to Charles Rohwer, H ne section 20-15-11 6.400 Jennie Rock and husband to Emma Johnston, lot 15, block 4. Spring Lake park tVSO Charh-s E. Chambers to Marquis D. Shlpler. part seH nwH section 8-16-12 fsnulh of creek) t.'OO Joseph Borker and Barker Co. et to the Hee be fc Runynn Enrnllu.o company, lots 1, 2, $ and 4, block E, city 20,000 William Ward to Ethel H. Wilcox, part lots 15 and 18, block 6, Spring Lake park 200 Mabel V. ShlneMnd husband to Fred erick A. Cuscaden. part lots 8 and 9, Twentieth and Ames avenue sub.... 1,700 Charles A. Tracy and wife to Marcus Sorensen. lot 16, re-plat nf block 6, Hemls park t...... 1,250 J. R. Piper and wife lo WllllHm O. lire, lot 106. Glseo' addition 1,200 Nebraska Niitlunal Rank of Omaha to Pat Broderlck, lot .8, block 2. 1st ad dltlon to Mount Douglas..... 28 GOLD MINING WITH . DREDGE BOATS The Almerta Cold nredglngr- Com pany of Rifle, Colorado, Incorporated for $100,000.00," has BP0 acres of rich Placer ground that averages 25 cents a yard, and are installing a Dredge Boat that handles 2,000 yards a day. The operating expenses of this boat will not exceed 6 cents a yard, giving the stockholders an annual income of 75 per cent on the capitalization, or $1.50 on each share. I Tho par value of (his stock 1 $1.00 and nonassessable, snd Is sold at (0 cents a share. The company has about - 48,000 shares left unsold, and you should send at once for some of them. Bubscrlbtlong taken for any number. Reference, First National Bank of Rifle, Colo. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nob. U. S. tot-Airy Capital and Surplus, $600,000 rum MUiriT. Pres. Kit . W00. V. tat. LUT1U MAKE. C ister. riANI T. lANILTOfla Aut Carter. Itaealr aeceanta ef banks, kankars. aarnae atlona. grsas sat IbSivMusIs b ta tot all Poealra Eiobaoaa kouiht aal so!4. lalUrt ot Cntit lasuso. iTsllable Is all Sana of Ut orl4. IsUpaat sal 4 ao Time Cartlksatas e( IMsestt. Collaetlona aaada iromptlr sag eoeaoailceliy. Wa rsesast mifaaiisailawisa rr oayKissisa STOCKS AND BONDS OR AIN AND PROVISIONS we have ever IM egloea. Referenceet 176 "tate and Nan : OlR gBRVICD If TH88 BBIT, Out ef Tewa Bustneee Sollolted. Ossalaa Brabclll lOlSParaasa St. TeLMsV TH0S. M. WADDtCK. CorrespgoxiMt S. SLEUMAN Qraln, Provisions 6 Stacks. Room 4. N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 8380. Operates IB Omcta in This Bute. CiUbllshed 1887. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions tV Stocks. Members Omaha Uraln Exchance, ChicaRo Board of Trade and other exrhangts. ' Correspondents Bartlett, Frailer A Carrlngton. i 218 Board ef Trade Bld'r. Oasaha. OVER TRAILS OF GOLD WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE, sesarlM Boat eoafe la U. 5. MININO JOURNAL U Kaaaaa St., New Yerfc. n-a ea r(uaai. yitiU Ut It i. y.4iic; cw io. , aeo. I