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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1904)
TIIE OMATTA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, UVM. 16 I! )i SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements (or lhf rolamna will likra antll 12 m. for the r,riln( edition and until H p. tn. lor the kinralnc and Snmlar edition. lUtrt, 1 l-2e a word Brst Insertion, la m word thereafter. Kothlna taken for leas thaa JHtc for the nrst Inaer tlea. Theaa advertisements moat be ran eoneeeatlvelr. Advertisers, by requesting; an in hered eheck, ran have aaawera ad dressed to a inhered letter la eare ( The Bee. Anewers ao addreeeed will be delivered oa preaeatatloa of the cheek only . MISCELLANEOUS. MOSHER Shorthand. The Omaha Commercial College has issued a montliljr journal nicu tney will Dut Into circulation beginning with I ihU month. It contains some start ling Information about the Gregg eys ,em and Its reputed author, also con tains both ancient and modern history. Gregg writers In particular should read it. Price, 25c per year. First three copies free. Address, Rohrbough Bros.- PUBLISHERS. 17th and Douglas Sts. Tel. 1289. D. M. H A VERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. BEE BLDG. '.PHONE 2904. i nO I nSlLVER NICKEL, Plating. Om. VJWi-Uputing Co., lfius Harney. 'lei. 2o3. R 7&4 LOCKSMITH-Ti-' 309 N- H-M18S F CITY SAVINGS BANK' pays 4 per cent. R 735 i.PECIAL For a limited Ume we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles tor 1. Don't miss this chance. U. S. Op ticians, 30$ N. ltth su R 736 I ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; Weber, Storey & Clark, Ludwlg, Schiller. R 7S7 I rll 1 I1NVJ I crounse block, corner LYNGSTAD ) wth ,u " Si JJAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accomodat ing; aii Business connaenuat wui Douglas. J R 738 CXFRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. lith. Tel 111 R-738 TRT THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th- Tel. 206. R 741 ilOLp crowns from $1; fillings from 25c; set of teeth, 2; teeth extracted tree. Union Denial Co., 1522 Douglas, roon ..i R 744 o HOP-MADE SHOES-L&ng's, 713 S. 16th. 395 F13 i. Ev WALLACE, Taxidermist, 605 8. 18th. -745 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead , animals; reduced prices. 621 K. 16. Tel. 1779. .. 746 1. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th A Howard. R 747 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON. In the Bee Bldg. R 748 I". TRONOE8T In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Merchants' National ubiik mag., omana. Neb. R 749 CAKES: try our (-layer white cakes 50c; . pure mux oread, nest in the city. John son Goodlett Co., Bakery, 2002 Lake. .Telephone 1575. R C1GN painting. 8. It Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-761 ALL kinds carpenter work, repairing, promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Oth and Lake. R 370 Henry ;!e doesn't keep stationery. II sells It at 1615 Farnam street. R 752 . (OVING picture machines, stereopticons. Alms and slides at bargain prices; mall orders Ailed. R. C. Taylor, 809 So. 19th st R M1M3 F29X ii J. DAVIS, ssfe mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. Tel. 353. R 153 M3 . - t 1 . VODICKA ft CO., fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug theater bldg. Tel. 31IO. R 753 OPEN EVEN1NOS, too busy making clothes to close. Suits IS) to $10; trousers $6 to $10. Dresher, 1516 Farnam street. R-MS98 F13 . I JORNSON HAAS. Tinners and Mfrs. of sheet metal, cornices, smokestacks, gutters, skylights, ceilings tanks. eto. Tel. 2575. 214 N. 15th St. R-782 F15 Clothes pressed, altered, hotel tailor. Yousen, Paxton K JOB TRACINGS: Blue prints A working draw Ingf. Sues & Co.. Omaha. 'Phone lii:3. R 237 Apr-"2x r.MOKB Pride ofHastlngs 6c clgarT" " R-M523 F25 WE HAVE a good Rotary Mimeograph machine which we would like to let some ono have to use for doing our circular letter work. Address C 35, Bee. ' R-233 T PEKFIELD Piano Co., Bee Rldg; no'lnterl est, honest values, easy terms. R7S7 WANTED-MALE HELP WHY not try sign painting? No experi ence required; no fraud; sumpU-s, Instruc tions, etc., 10c. Utf Bign Co., HiiriiiKilfld. O. B-2-J1 7x AT ONCE Ve can recommend a position. Salaries tl.flui, Address Huametut Oppor tunity Company, 1 l'nim Square. New York. B-290 7x WANTED, men to plant mushrooms In cel lars for our use: $U per we. k and ex- J tenses; spare time. Addressed envelope of contract Combined Growers, Peck man St.. N. Y. U-288 7x UESPONSIBLE representative wanted for exclusive territory on exclusive special ties. No applli'Hilon desired from men who are satisfied with lees than $3,000 per year. Indemnity bond required. Full particulars ' on application. The Rook- Keeper Publishing Co., Ltd., Detroit, Mich. B-;ab 7 WANTED, man and wife to work on a ranch; $40 a month. Address F. P. Wil liams. Cheyenne, Wyo. B M.36 9x WANTr-D A Janitor; best of references re quired. Apply to X. M.JL'. Monday, 11 to 12 a. tn. B-310 T WE WILL PAY any man $H3 per month and all traveling expensMS. such as horse hire, railroad fure. hotel bills, etc.. to take orders for the greatet portrait liouse tn the world: your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly If Ufrrra.1 Andreas H. D. Curry, IVpt CMc, lil, fiWllU WATEI FEMALE HtLP. AESOP AND EDUCATION a According to Aesop, when the census taker of the. animal world asked Mr. Lion. "And how many cubs have you. Mrs. Lion?" she growled out, "I have but one, but that one la a lion!" Many a successful man If asked today, "How many science do you know?"would answer. "I know but one. but that one la the science of business!" The onty education that will really help a young man or woman starting out In the world today Is a BUSINESS EDUCATION. ' The good stenographer makes mora money, works leas and gets more thanks for It than a school teacher, than a lawyer's clerk. The good bookkeeper enjoys more of the confidence of the concern, sharing as he does every business secret Is In a better position to climb to a position of promi nence and wealth than a young doctor struggling among thousands of doctors, or a young architect battling against the fierce competition that he must meet In his over crowded field of endeavor. t ' BUT THE START IS EVERYTHING. Much Depends Upon the BOYLES COLLEGE h(l a record for pUc1ng more graduates In college In this section. It Is the college that experience in ma Business worm, woo Know stenographer or bookkeeper should know. Write us about It today. H. B. BOYLES, President New York Life Building. Omaha, Neb. MANAGER WANTED A large corporation imnnumciunng soaa fountains), nas an opening for an energetic responsible man who has had experience handling sales men, to act as manager In this territory. Only those capable of earning from $3,000 to 15,000 per year need answer. Address with references. Acorn Brass M il Co.. . Green, Fulton, Peoria Sts., Chit-ago. U 2ou 7X RESPONSIBLE, active man as manager in every locality over 5,000 Inhabitants, for large advertising corporation. Ad dress, stating qualifications and refer ences. Cash Coupon Col, Denver. Colo. B 245 7x WANTED State manager for Dakotas; permanent; nets $3,000 to $5,000; required 1260 cash. Abbott Sc. Co., addresa Supt Dept. T, 885 Wabash Ave., Chicago. B 249 7x DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal ary; experience unnecessary;. Interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 278 7x INSTRUMENTMAN, levelman, rodman, draftsman and topographer; state experi ence. Howard, 135 E. Fullerton ave., Chi cago. B 306 7x LADY or gentleman, each county, to man age local business ror wholesale nouse; $20 paid weekly; expense money advanced; position permanent; experience not essen tial. Manager, (12 Motion bldg., Chicago, B 239 7x ARE YOU SATISFIED Wllh your present position or salary? If not, write us for plan and booklet. We have openings for managers, secretaries. advertising men and solesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, high grade exclusively. Offices in twelve different cities. HAPGOODB (In corporated), 816 Chemical bldg., St. Louis. WANTED Salesmen everywhere to estab lish branch agency and sell our line to the consumer. Atlantic St Paclfio Tea Co., 712 No. Broadway, SU Louis, Mo. . B I WANT a responsible local man In all towns and cities not already taken, to distribute advertising from house to house. Elderly persons preferred; must be good walker and steady worker. I . offer legitimate remunerative employment to satisfactory applicants. Cash paid; no Eeddllng or schemes. Will A. Molton, leveland. Ohio. B WANTED EVERYWHERE Men willing to distribute samples, tack signs, etc., at 13 dally; permanent; no canvassing. Con tinental Distributing Service, Chicago. B 3ul 7x MEN to learn barber trade: tree railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of una oeing me tscsi, largest aim uuiy reliable, most practical barber college in this section. Write for cutalocua today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. I B 769 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and tf. citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting officer. 16th and Dodge Sis., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. BM164 MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver. Colo., offers advantages In teaching the barber trade that cannot be had ease where. Write today for our terms. BM31 F24x WiMTWn . - . nr rM arOOO SSlarT. city work, c . Adams wo.. iu """-v West'n Employ' t Agy, R. 14-16 Crounss Wk. WANTED, ten experienced salesmen to travel with wagon ana sen an m of medicines and household articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning or 00.00 per montn. Applications '"" nniv win h considered. 1. ... ....... . - - - .-, Address, the Haller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. &-m FaU YOUNG MAN, good physique, to mr frovemment position, i. w. --J"', ds. la. B M81O 7x wj k Mryn tv.rvwh.r, neoDla to copy lettera at home, during spare time and return to us: materials sent free; no mailing or canvassing; $9 weekly earned. envelooe for Dar- t Inula ra. Guarantee Co.. No. 8. 889 9th St.. Philadelphia, Pal $19 7x ANY Intelligent person may earn good In- nmm oniT,, rwirioin ar ror newiuBveii, Send for particu lar. pm Bvndlcate. Lorkport, N. Y . ' B-M14I-10X PERSONS to manage district onuses tor commercial house; salary. $21. paid weekly: all expenses advanced. Colonial, Caxton, Chicago. . B M167 Ui wiHTriwrallfnrnla la the place now is the time. There are good positions open for men of clerical ability, professional men and mechanics. Write us what em ployment vou desire and we will send by ...uli iiata of arood openings In your line. Registration fee. $1, to be sent with app ication. No unn .""I'l.,, COMMERCIAL INFORMATION BUREAU P. O. Box 68. Los Angeies "iuuiuii R MloV M-4 rvprnivKcrn nun salesman wanted; rhunr. for riaht party. Address C 29. Ik B-M3t WANTED. 11 ii.rr, union or nuiiuniuii. wages K for etgnt nours ior nri-vii men. Apply at new olhce building, Mh and Edinond sts., February 20, or write tnime,liatelv to K. S. Douglas, P. TV Box 64. St. Joseph. Mo. B M202 7x PRINTER One capable to take charge of a country office; steady Job to a good t-omiirtent man; write at once, stating f '1lrtcatlons, to F. E. Barnum. Madison, Neb. B za jx WANTED Man to furnish and direct "Ari- lonu, or some other gooa mi liary araroa. Sec y Co. M. Box 162, Bao City, in. B 218 8 trarellna- or local salesmen can earn at least iu weesiy wim new siue i line, adapted to any class or ousiness, city or village; ran make $250 In one day; uroof of statement and sample case iw.lirht 10 ounces! free by return mall. A. ... Manager. P. O. box 230, New York City. B WANTED, gentleman, or lady In rrh aiMte to iiriimnle and superintend busi ness of an old. larsre and successful house. No ranvasslns. Salary 84 Df r day. paid weekly; expenses advanced. Manager, 310 Caxton Bldg.. Chicago. B 2S4 7x WANTED, a rood, all work turner who speaks Germtr. state wages ana give r, frMiirfS. Box 3SL BloomAeld. Neb. B 283 7 ANY PERSON to distribute our samples: $?fc daily, steady. Mgr. "sxnplre." K43 Uraad iwuk. CUntfo, Ul U-42 U WAWTTCn FTCM ALK HELP. Business College You Attend. high salaried positions than any other has Instructors who have had actual wnax ins employer asmanas tnat tns WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B Ml 119 7x TRAVELING MAN Represent wholesale house; salary $60; expenses advanced; ex perience unnecessary; reference required. Empire, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, III. . B 559 7x WANTED, veterinary surgeon, American, between thirty and forty years of aire preferred. Must be first class. No other need apply. Address box .fisfi, Lenox, la. B-370-7X AMERICAN Barber roller- Omnhn Mh Illustrated catalogue free. Tells everything. write loaay. B 343 7x WANTED 10 men tn each state to travnl tack signs and distribute circulars and samples of our goods. Salary $60 per irfonth; $3 per day for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dept P 4, Atlas Block, nicago. o 226 7X WANTED For leading Dry Goods and aepartment stores; competent managers. buyers, advertisers, window dressers. floorwalkers, sales people. Only thoxe with experience should renlv. For narti culars address the Beldenkopf Co., Dept. tr, to otn Ave., new xorx. aim ix WAJITED FEMALE HELP, FOR SALE, several good bicycles, different makes, and second-hand typewriters at a Bargain. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. tj ai203 7X WANTED Nurse girl. 3230 Boyd street. C M167 6x GOOD girl for general housework; small ramlly; no laundry; good wages. 114 80, 83d St . C M161 7 GIRL for general housework. 4103 Da van' port. C 173 7 WANTED A good housekeeper: good sol ary; must be Catholic; highest references; eiderly lady preferred; very lilt la work- only to keep house for priest. Address C ii. uee. .. c 171 LADIES to do copying at home, good wages, material furnished, no canvassing; stamped envelope for particulars. Globe Co.. Dept. 18, Chtcago. C M209 12x GOOD girl for general Park avenue. housework. 1024 C 224 8x HOME WORK; $9 weekly during spare time; no canvassing, experience or money needed; enclose stamp for outfit, Instruc tions, etc. .Address Universal Co., 3io W. 23d St., New York. C $20 PER THOUSAND paid for copying let ters. Several other lines of work to give out; $6 weekly working evenings. Inclose stamp for particulars. Columbia Whole sale Co., Peoria, 111. C 286 7x LADIES. $15 per week sewing at home; materials free; no canvassing; beautiful sample sent free on receipt of addressed envelope. Majestic Lace Co., New York. , O 901 7X LADIES Most profitable home work; ( to tin weexiy; material tree; no canvassing; sieaay work. Bona stamped envelope. Surety Co., Chicago. C 333 7x LADIES Having fancy work to sell, dol lies, centerpieces, DaitenDerg ana arawn work, send stamped envelope. Ladies' Exchange, 34 D, Monroe 8t, Chicago. C 3il 7X MEN To sell Wa-Ton-Ka Blood Purifier. $1 else (one quart) post-paid, 10c; stamps. Diamond Dick, 1843 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. C-269 7X LADIES, to sell Wa-Ton-Ka Blood Purifier. $1 slse (one quart) post-paid 10c; stamps. Diamond Dick, 1843 O Street Lincoln, Neb. C 270 7x LADIES To do piece work at their homes; we lurnlsn all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Be-nd stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe St, Chicago. C 323 7x LADIES $3 to $10 weekly doing plain writ ing: enclose stamp. Hoosler Advertising Agency, Dept. 06, Palace Hotel, Indian apolis, 111a. . u xn- fx LADIES, to make sofa pillows at .home, $6 to $18 weekly; experience unnecessary: no canvassing; materials furnished. Call on or address wit stamp, 940 N. 24th St., omana. iia; (X WANTED Energetlo lady to travel, ad vertising ana collecting, lor jMeDrasHa; salary, $80 monthly from start and all expenses; steady position. Address Man ager Travelers, XA Dearborn, Chicago. tJMS IX LADIES $8 to $15 paid weekly, doing plain sewing at nome; experience unnecessary; material sent free everywhere. Send stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. Weber M'fg Co., 1135 Broadway, New York. C 272 7x WANTED At the Head house, Jefferson. la., a neat middle aged white woman cook that can do meat and pastry cook ing In a $2 a day hotel; state wages ex pected, where you have worked and when you could come; short hours, easy work; a good place; must come alone; no chil dren. Frank Crocker, Prop. C M360 APPRENTICES for millinery. Apply Mon day a. m. Miss Knowiton, second noor Bennett's. C 363 7x EXPERIENCED girl cook: family of four; no washing; good wages; references re nulred; apply at once. Mrs. J. E. Ha urn, $546 Harney. C M401 9x LADIES Send us the names and addresses of ten young ladles In the country sur rounding you and 10c silver and receive a handsome article of neckwear. Le Bar ron Co.. Box 836, Omaha, Neb. C 424 7x LADY as partner In a well paying business; some capital required. Address - , Omaha Bee. C 417 7 "Hidden FOR REJIT Ft RSISHKD ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th V Chicago. jr 10. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Fsrnsm. IS ID NTCELT furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenwortn. rnono A-17K3. E-764 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel phone 611. $1.25 PER WEEK Doran House, 422 S. lh. ru (SB Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; la dles' cafe; private dining r.; open nignts. E-.05 NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th. E 7 THE FARNAM, 19th Farnam. Reference. IE 621 FURNISHED room with all modern con veniences. ' Private family, ZM9 Jones Bt. E MS66 SOtTTH FRONT, with other rdoms; mod ern. 2580 narney. B 890 7 LARGE back pa arlor for two or three aentlemon would allow light hotisekeerj fug. 1622 Burt St. E M120 14 FURNISHED room's and board. 509 So. E M150 26th ave. Tel. Lzns. MODERN furnished rooms, W. 118 N. 26tn street. E Ml 90 Ilx MEDIUM - SIZED, well-furnished room, modern conveniences, private family, $4 per month. 1107 No. 27th st. K M193 8x NICELT furnished large front room suit able for S or 4 gentlemen., lvnn Famara. E M192 8x FURNISHED room, transients, n N. lUth. IS 186 M4 NICELY funlshed front room to discreet couple very reasonable, 1617 Chicago. E M197 8x PLEASANT rooms, furnished. 619 S. 16th. E 187 7x NICETjY furnished rooms; steam heat 701 S. lGth. E-186 7x NICELY furnished rooms. 1822H St. Mary's ave. Hi 1X6 7X FURNISHED rooms, 8d floor. 617 8. 16th. E 183 7x ROOM for rent Apply 1750 Leavenworth. E 132 7x FURNISHED rooms. 16th. The Dresher. 602 8. E 178 M4 MODERN furnished rooms and board; gas, bath and heat, $3.50 516 N. 19th st. E-M21S X ELEGANTLY furnished parlors; very rea sonable; excellent neighborhood; house keeping privileges; modern; telephone). 403 8. 25th ave. E M335 9x LARGE south-front room, on parlor floor; modern; also board. Tel. A-2499. 2232 Farnam. E M334 9x NICE south room for gentleman; telephone. 2124 Burt st. E-M201 8 NICE furnished rooms. 107 N. 17th st. . E M214 12 FURNISHED room; transient 712 8. 16th. E 177 7 NICE furnished rooms, with heat, $12. 1707 Cass st E M212 Sx NICB furnished rooms, two blocks from postofflce, 75c to $2.50 week. 819 N. 17th. E M211 8x FURNISHED rooms .for light housekeep ing. 2011 .Burt st. ' E M200S ELEGANTLY furnished parlors, south front, steam heat, kitchen privilege. 2234 Farnam. Phone 2203. E 222 8x, BOUTH FRONT, with other rooms; mod ern. 2680 Harney. E 950 7x LARGE front room suitable for two; also board; 3 minutes from p. o. 2013 Douglas. E MS98 9x NEWLY furnished front room for irentle nian. 1S02 Cuming st E M384 9x NICKI Y furnished rooms, gas, bath, heat . and. telephone. 820 8. 21st E M383 13 NICELY f"rnNhed rooms, with heat, from $1 up. 1623 Burt St. E MS82 S FURNISHED rooms for one or two gentle men. 2418 Dodge St. E M380 9x I HAVE an extra nice room in private family; four blocks from 16th and Far nam; wll rent to gentleman who can sat isfy as to desirability. Address C 45 Bee. E417 7x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th Chicago. F itkl UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F 720 , ROCKAWAY, 1316 (Douglas. Meals, 15c. F-771 LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; also good table board by day or week. The Dresher, 6U2 8. 16th at F 772 SINGLE room, south front; with young man or lady prefer ed. modern, 2418 Cass. F M196 8x MODERN rooms and board. 1812 Chlcsgo, F M972 7x FURNISHED rooms Dodge. Tel. A2407. with board, 1816 F M168 7 FINE table board at reasonable prices. 182$ r unun, tuning room. JMuoD 7x ROOM and board. 621 80. 18th. Tel. 1203. F 194 7x ROOMS, with board, 80S 8. 20th; reasonable. J7 IBS fX FURNISHED 19th. . rooms, with board. 618 8. F-184 7x NICE rooms; good board. 808 8. 20th. F-225 Mart BOARD and room for 3 employed people accommodations all that could be desired, 108 8 25th Ave. . . F 351 7x 609 8. 25th ave. Tel. L-2718. F-M423 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; nice, large room. suitable for two; also single room; good ' noara; rates reasonanie. r M:3 lux FOR RENT VNFIRNI9HED ROOMS. 4 MODERN; reasonable. 2011 Spruoe st G 191 7x FOUR large unfurnished rooms with bath, to family without children. 1836 North 21st St. G M344 8x WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By young lady, room and board In private family, Catholic prefered, close In. Address C 33, Bee. K-313 7x WANTED Three rooms not over fifteen blocks from Bee for light housekeeping; March 8; with elderly people; references exchanged. Address C 40, Bee. K-74Tx WANTED Board and room in private family by young man; will be permanent If suited. Address C 43, Bee. K-M404 Ui WANTED, to rent, half of store room; will pay good rent If can locate somewhere near business center. Address C M. Bee. K M415 8s DRESSMAKING. IN families Miss Sturdy. 808 N. 23d. -M308 STANDARD Garment Cutting College. 2231 Farnam. M318 20 City1 Contest This Week PRIZES FOR THE WISEST, rOR SALE HORSES, WACOIS, F.TC. I fine depot wagons I rockaways. 1 pour. 2 traps. 1 wagonette. $ drays. Drummnnd Carriage Co., 1Mb and Harney. P 105 FOR BALE Slightly used. 1 carriages, 3 phaetons, 2 top busrgles. 2 driving wagons cheap. Andersen-Miilard Co., 1616 Capitol ave. P-714 FOR SALE 2d-hsnd, 4-passenger broug ham, at bargain If taken at once. 13i3 Harney. P-M176 FROST doesn't shave men, he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, 14th and Leav enworth. P 783 FOR SALE Two set double and one set single harness, slightly used cheap Ad dress C 49. Bee. P M158 7x FOR SALE, fine single driving hnrse. 6 years old. George 8. Cackley, Kth and Capitol ars P 36 7 GOOD, gentle young bay family horse, nearly new harness and rubber-tired top buggy; also household goods. 3n2n No. 27th St. P-847 7x 16 HORSES and mules for sale. Inquire Kemp & Edwards, 21st and Cuming sts. P M3S7 8 FOR REXT STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam. 22x90. four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator. Ore and burglar proef vault, of fice counter .nd fixtures. For prico and patticuiaro inquire C. C. Roeewatcr, sec retary Bee Building Co., room loo. Bee Building. , I M5t7 FOR RENT, storeroom and besemeift In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with slml' requirements; power furnished U required. R. C. Peters A Co., rental agents, aiuund floor, He bulldlnq. I M794 $ 8 TORIES and basement 22x100: 1006 Far nam St Inquire 814 First Nat l Bank bldg. 1-782 FOR RENT. ihre upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam st, two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Sec y.. Room loo. Bee bldg. I-M988 FOR RENT, 4-story and basement bulld tng, 1515 Dodge st, now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. 1779 8-STORY and basement brick bldg., 22x57, suitable fur manufacturing. 2-story bldg, with storeroom and 22 rooms; hotel or boarding house. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St 1241 TWO-STORY building, 1R12 and the second noor loW-10 Howard, w. H. Bushman. ' 1-626 2306 LEAVENWORTH ST.. $22 60. Ill 8. 15th St., steam heat. $70. Front office, Frenxer block. JOHN P. FRENZER. Opp. Old P. O. 1 M532 FOR RENT Fine hall, around floor, suit aole ror all kinds or entertainments or conventions. Oermanla Hall, opposite city library, Harney street between 18th and inth streets. McCague Investment Company, Agents. 1315 7 FOR RENT Large store room, with fix tures, at lt50 N. 20th St., HO per month. Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge St. 1997 DENTIST wanted to share office with a chvsictan with fine quarters In Bee bldg. with well-established practice. Address C 21, Bea office. 1-131 TWO store rooms. 20x90, 18th nd Harney Apply 4iz a. lHtn. 1 isu 11 FOR RENT Offices over Ticket Office. N. W. corner 15th and Farnam. Also Pat terson Block, 8. E. corner 17th and Far nam. McCague Investment Company, Agents. 1314 T ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY To secure one of the fine offices In the U. B. Nat l. Bank bldg. This one laces 12th st. on the around floor: large plate glass windows, hardwood floor, plenty of floor space. 118: private water closet, sta tlonary basin, steam heat and janitor service free. All electric llgnted. Posses sion at once. Chas. E. Williamson Co, U. S. Nat l. Bank Bldg. ' 1837 7 2305 LEAVENWORTH. 322.50. 106S 8. 15TH ST.: STEAM HEAT. $30. FRONT OFFICES FRENZER BLOCK. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. I-M37S13 BUSINESS CHANCES. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Every one of these chances is a live one. Get busv this week. $2,500 Coal and feed store, Omaha, trade ror H. l. land. $3,000 Republican newspaper, E. Neb. Est. 10 years; large circulation; great In fluence. $14,000 Splendid dairy farm with 125 head or cattle ana milk aepot in gooa city. $9,000 Electric light plant in town of 2.0J0, paying $6u0 per month now. Will trade for rood land. $300, $350, $400 and $9u0 barber shops in good country towns.. Snaps. $20.000 Stock of dry goods. E. Neb., doing $40,000 to $46,000 per year. Sell for j per cent. i $5.000 Lumber yard, E. Iowa. $600 and $700. two good cigar stands. $700, $900, $!150 and $360, paying saloons in Omaha. $1,300 6-room cottage, Omaha, trade for Improved quarter western land. $2,760 160-acre Improved farm Phillips Co., Kan. Trade for city property. Must have $1,000 cash. $4.000 10-aore fruit farm 4 miles from Omaha: handsome Improvements. $2,500 Furniture 40-room hotel, Fremont Trade for good western land. $13,000 Splendid modern 75-barrel flour mill. a. E. ito. i raae ior gooa nnti Pay cash difference if necessary. $16.000 12,000-acre ranch, s Thomas and Cherry counties. Complete; feed, machinery and cattle; no Impta Trade for mdse. $14.000 Gen'l rodse. stock and bldg.. good Iowa town; trade for first-class Iowa rarm. $2,000 Drug stock, Sanders Co., $700 cash, bal. on time. 8a lea $3.0I0 a year. IF YOU CANNOT COME. TELEPHONE TO US WRITE FOR OUR TRADING BULLETIN. Y- FREE, 100 lots, to advertise Edgewater fark, subtiro w. V. rirsi 100 sending . i wt(wi . . u .. 1 .1 . ,c4 Binni) aivtrii U w icri. domiuv u., jo Broadway. N. Y. Y-M3O0 8x BOME BUSINESS BARGAINS. Saw and plaining mill, nr. Troy. Idaho, and retail ana snipping yard in iroy, ,uiu. Retail srrocery. meat and provision bus. stock, flxt., horses, wagons, etc.. West Phila. Wagon, blacksmith and repair shop bus. tools and stock. Wsyne. Neb.. $4,006. M. D. practice and office furnishings, Salem Mass.; excellent opening ior gooa man. Drug bus., stuck, flxt.. Etna Mills, Cal. Water lower arrlat mill, with cotton sin. small nouses and 8 a.., Greenville. Co., Va Pat. on Tohaceo Sucker Remover. Splendid hotel property, located In beautiful live oak grove in Iakn Arthur, La. Grocery, bakery, fancy china and candy bus. and stock, tspencer, la.; est. trade. Fine limestone Quarry. 10 a.. 2 kilns. Pint. Selkirk, Man., Can.; valuable deposits lime. Partner, with lO.fiOO. In est. co. mfg. hlsh grade carriage top dressing. Rock ford, 111 Genl. mdxa stock, store, dwel., Ice house barn. etc.. Hollenbark. Pa.: fine location Plumbing, tinning, crockery and housa fur. nlsnlng nus. ana stocx, iNewnurgn. in. r. Est. hdwe. and grocery bus., stock and flxt.. Petuchen. N. J.: fine location. IS.OiiO. Fine hotel property. Waterford, Pa., $4,000. laundry bus. and eopt.. Bay City. Mich. W. M. OSTRANDER, N, A. Bldg.. Phl'a Y 265 7x FOR BALE, oniy nakery and confectionery ' in town, eastern Nebraska, of 2.0O0; ele gant soda fountain and fixtures: full equipment: sell cheap for rash If sold hy Marcn i; investigate. Aaaress t; 47. Bee. Y-M429 8x Bl'IKF. CH4KCF.S. The Abbott-Cowan Companf" 312-314-315 Brown Block. Telephone A3 3 37. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND - REAL ESTATE. Grocery store for sale rhenn aKa,i ti cheap rent; steam heat. One-half Interest In big laundry for n wrem money masor. Gen. mdse. stock, store buHdlns and Good business. Will take part In good land. $6"i0 for Vi InJ. In good manufacturing Hardware Stock. lllVolcinS about tl.&llO. and business. $1,600 for fine cigar store In Omaha. Business averages from $30 to $40 per day. $150 for photo gallery fixtures and building In town of 2,000. itesiaurants in umana ana couniry towns. DniB store, located in aood Iowa town tn hnrriln Invnlc r rice .i,ojw. Livery, bam and blacksmith shop about $1.000 to trade for cheap land. $Jfi0 and H int. In good business. Purchaser to manage store. i profits. $4,000 for one of the best meat markets In Omaha, Dally business $200. Mill property and cottage In town near Omaha at a bargain. IHiio for good saloon In Omaha. Hardware, harncsa and furniture business In Neb. town of 2,000. Will take gwod anl ior pari, invoices aoout .cw. Hotel property In Iowa town $5,000; dence. Two good Jewelry businesses for sale Pest bartier shop In Council Bluffs for $16,000 General store. Will take part $2.2o0 for livery and boarding stable $325 for good little grocery. Living Good building. About i, iw buys good grocery. Business rrom x to 835 per day. Dairy business lease on 200 acres land: finely Improved: 50 head cows and heif ers. 4 horses, harness and wagons: cows will Time on part. This Is an exceptional snap. Lunch room, nakery, conrectmnnry, at actual invoice, near postofflce. una or best known businesses In city. Price $1,600. Small cigar and lunch stand near packing house in south Omaha, prlc -rf8 for quick sale; pays big. Have a client owning &n acres or wen i county. Will trade for smaller farm further east The price he Is putting on his land is ngnt. 180 acres Plymouth county, lowa, to trade for stock or implements. Good 8-room house, modem. West Farnam. Good barn, permanent walks, etc. price $2,600. Time on part. A bargain. BtocK implements, liaraware, rumiiure ana nurntn, proa mwn nnnr wmaim, to trade for good land. The better the land the better It will suit. No competition In any of these lines. 1 560 acres Dodge county, best farm In county. $66 per sere. Look this up If you want fine farm. i To PARTY wnntlnar country home: 60 acres 1 mile from town of 800. near Omaha: 16-room house, modern in every respect; big ment cave; rock miiK noune; numerous ot ner nunoings. improvement cufi wnen new $13,000; all In first-class repair. Price for everything, land Included, $12,o. 160 acres In Missouri to trade for restaurant, bakery or hotel. Price not over il.oon. Section land Sanborn county to trade for $15,000 gen. mdse. stock. Hotel at Stuart. Neb. Price $6,000. Only good hotel In town. To trade for good land or Omaha Income property. very fine farm near liarinaa, lowa. to $95 per acre. 25 acres improven mue west or ron and 5.000 berries. Big bargain. IF YOU WIHH TO rllil A BLHlINltBH. SEE US. WE HAVE "SNAPS. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. , 312 BROWN BLOCK. Williams Asks DO YOU WANT HOTELT DO YOU WANT restaurant? DO YOU WANT cIkbt store? DO YOU WANT pool room? DO YOU want conreciionery store.' DO YOU WANT news store? DO YOU WANT grocery store? DO YOU WANT genSral merchandise store? DO YOU WANT hardware store? DO YOU WANT steam li undry? DO YOU WANT livery business? DO YOU WANT barber shop? DO YOIT WANT bakery? DO YOU WANT blacksmltn snop.' DO YOU WANT newspaper? DO YOU WANT drug store? DO YOU WANT transfer business? DO YOU WANT saloon? - DO YOU WANT dairy business? DO YOU WANT millinery business? DO YOU WANT meat market? DO YOU WANT manufacturing business? DO YOU WANT rooming nouser DO YOU WANT boarding house? DO YOU WANT feed store? DO YOU WANT printing office? DO YOU WANT racket store? DO YOU WANT furniture store? DO YOU WANT office business? DO YOU WANT photograph gallery? DO YOU WANT bowling alley? DO YOU WANT flour mill? , DO YOU WANT harness business? T-k vait wi vt nnia' f tirnlshlnES? DO YOU WANT nursery business? ' DO YOU WANT flressmaamg ouamcooi DO YOU WANT bath parlors? DO YOU WANT opera house? DO YOU WANT apple orchard? DO YOIT WANT It In Omaha? DO YOU WANT it In town? DO YOU WANT a large place? , DO YOU WANT a small place? DO Y'OIT WANT a medium place? DO YOU WANT anything, any place? It so, call on me, ior 1 can nun ter what your WANTS may be. WILLIAMS, ROOM 411. McCAGUE BUILDINa FREE TO SPECULATORS Our new book. "Suggestions to opecuiiwr. -scribing option trading and containing valuable information regarding wh.ea.l Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis, Minn. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Do you aIvt an Investment? we can kw.uui"v you In either. We loan on your personal note at 8 per cent Solicitors wanted. J.'D. RUST & CO., Cedar RJ, CONSERVATIVE AND CAUTIOUS IN- VUDlMfcni" - For Investors of moderate means; auras or $20 and upwards accepted as a 'trial to guarantee you ine i" ,Tw iui.. oil .urns denos ted can be with drawn on demand: positively no losses have ever occurred!; dividends averaging over 4 per cent paid weekly; best 01 refer ences from customers In your vicinity, to gether witn pooxiei .u '"7- "rM free. ine oiaesi operating this form of 'nvetman ff wanted. Fleishman & Co.. 1804 Broadway, New York. Y-ff47 7 i. LARGE corporation with highest bank and Smmercfal reference operating suc cessfully under a co-operative plan, man ufacturing products In universal demand, neiSs services of local Sales Manager for The bus?n"..enter; of the tjnited States. Must be abls to furnish highest refer mea as to Integrity and business ability, ."d become a holder of $1,000 to $5,000 ot the 6 per cent preferred stock In the com rmnv at the time of entering our employ. Salary $1,000 to $2,400 per annum and com mission. Write today, ftatlng speclflcalhr what territory you iJre. - Address, Sec retary. Drawer R. Battle Cre'$Jchj FOR SALE, Hotel Grand, Hartlngton, Neb. nHn, hntiae In the State. J. a. vmirann. oroDrletor. Y 287 f DO YOU want to buy, sell or exchange your business, real esiaw, r -"-house? See Templeton-Haverly Co.,213 hm Blda. Y M946 F2 BHOLE8 - ARMSTRONG CO., - business chances and exchanges; write us, 722 New York IJfe Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-764 10-Room Rooming House Full of roomers In good brick: rent $35. t b ocks rrom cuy nan, vu-. lng city. Investigate at once. Aaaress FOR SALE Milk route 40 cows; one other route In town 01 " Platte. Neb. Y-M163 lOx WANTED A capitalist to buy whole or ii.iereat In a recent patent on a clever device of great commercial value. Address C 26. Bee. Y-M156 7x PATENTS GUARANTEED SUES 4V CO. Address, Bee Building, Men . or looa F Street. Washing ton, D. C. Only firm In the United States having a western ana w annigion omc". tend for references and free patent book. FOR SALE Or Rent Old established boiler worn in a cuy 01 iu.uu .......a. w .... wide adjacent territory. Addrees C 32, Bee. Y 317 T WANTED Salesmen: successful salesmen in nemand: it desirous of suori-ss study methods of attainment; result guaran teed: sent for $100. C. A. anagli, Douglas Station. Chicago. Y 325 7x ANY party who can invest $1,500 mining proposition c an learn of a fir in a line op portunity by addressing C 30, tiee. Y $06 7x ADVERTISING WORLD. Columbus. Ohio, a monthly Journal of Information, plans, suaaeations and Ideas 1 for advertising Send today for free sample, or 10c for four niuuihs' UUl TCM 7s BlISK9 CHANCES. lu-.t Fine location and good business; Purchaser must take active interest. non rMM.niluiiit IT ATA In inl In.i town business. Purchaser to travel. Will nlacmint & nop rent llnnit Incjitlnn $6,000. trade for Omaha or Council Bluffs ftsl- $1,000 and $1,200, No competition. ?00. Good business. ', In good land. In Omaha. Clears $:50 per month. rooms In rear. Steajn heat and low rent. clear $200 per month: Drlce 82.100 for all. mnrovea, cumvatea iana in huckoiis new barn; cattle barn with 40 stalls; ce trade ror cneaper iana nu acres, ince umana. r nee rimi. vver ow irun irees 1 fAKM, KAISCM OH WTI 1'KlJl'I.KI X , f Y AN Illinois corporation, with a capital of $250,000, established seven years and In successful operation In fifteen states, em bracing' among Its patrons nearly all of the leading mercantile firms and manu facturers of New York, Chicago anil St. Louis. Is extending Its business through out the United States and Canada ami desires correspondence with competent man as exclusive territorial managerj who will after thorough Investigation In vest $1,000 to $1,500 In the dividend-paying stock of the company, with satisfactory guarantee against loss; salary, $150 per month and 15 per cent of net profits, which should at least equal salavry; sys tem protected by copyrights and In d mand by all merchants and manufacturer the year around; 95 per cent of patrons have renewed contracts for seven years; system simple, complete mastery quickly acquired; no scheme; no speculation: straight, clean, honorable business; will stand the most searching investigation; highest commercial and bank references furnished. Address Director of Agencies, Tribune building. Chicago. t 240 7x JOHN R. WARDELL, OLD RELIABLE TURF COMMISSION ERS AND TURF ADVI8oi8, NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO- : SAN FRANCISCO Y 278 ?x . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAPITAL furnished meritorious enter prises; stock and bonds underwritten and sold under guaranty on commission; com panies Incorporated and flnanojsd; good S stents promoted; bank references; es ibllshed 1890. MacRae A Compniiy fine), 41-43 Wall St.. New York. f 339 7x DID YOU KNOW That 1SABELL & Ca have never lost a dollar for any of their customers since they began ths operation "CEREAL MUTUALSr' IF .YOU DID you would no doubt become- one of their customers. $50.00 or mors will open an acoount and your money can be with drawn on demand through any Bank or Express Co. In the U. 6. or Canada. Writs for Booklet Investigate us and Invest with n. ' Address: ISABELL & CO., 4 Sherman St.. Chicago. Y-264 ' SPLENDID WEEKLY DIVIDENDS earned on accounts of $25 and upward. Our handsome free booklet gives you trie chance of a lifetime to co-operate with a perfectly sound legitimate enterprise ot unusual merit. Absolute safety of prin cipal guaranteed. Write at once for par ticulars. Baldwin tc Co., Mail & Kx- . press Bldg., New York. Y-338 7x WE PROTECT YOU from FAKE MINING, OIL .AND TURF concerns In sny part or America, ir you contemplate Investing In the securities or stocks of others, you cannot afford to disregard our highly Indorsed and inex pensive service. A postal may save you money. Write for particulars. INVES TORS' CO-OPERATIVE LEAGUE, M5 Broadway, New York. Y-337 7x I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where It is or what It Is worth; send de scription, state price and learn how. Offices and special reprennta fives In 26 cities. W. M. OSTRANDER, Homo Office 14$ N. A. Bldg.. Philadelphia. Y FOR BALE Meat market, boarding houe and confectionery combined for $3.tV either cash or on time with good banka ble note. This business is for sale, not for rent. This Includes stock and all. En Quire of Julius Bohroeder, Gretna. Neb. NOTICE TO INVESTORS-For sals, only telephone system In good Iowa town of 1.600; will clear 20 per cent; easy terms; best of reasons for selling. Roth Bros. Real Estate Co.. Ottumwa. Ia.- Y-862 7x AN ELECTRIC Light Plant comprising Nebraska town of 2.000 population which promises a small fortune to someone with IIO.UM) to invest. Address C 36, Bee. Y-232 7 CORPORATION controlling business estab lished 1IW5 desires energetic, experienced business, man capable of earning $2,500 yearly to manage branch ofllcw. In vestment of $1,500 In stock of company and unquestionable reference required. Address Supt., Box 536. Madison. Wis. Y-267 7x If you will sell an Interest In your busi ness, offering good position with It. write details. Bureau of Reg., Madla'm, Wis. Y-255 7x THE MOPE YOU KNOW about our propo sition THE MORE YOU'LL INVEST With us. We don't expect a dollar from you until you are fully -onvinced that we have the best offer ever presented to you. We have a PRODUCING not a PROS PECTIVE PROPOSITION. Prospectus snd full particulars free of charge upon application. The Oregon Creek Consolids-' ted Mining and Leablng Co., Chicago, 111. Y-249 7x 100 IJTS FREE First 1" applicants send ing stamp will receive deed of a lot. slse ZSxinO feet. to advertise Westminster Park, suburb New York. ?Wh 'Century Realty Co.. i Wall St.. New York. Y 1 1 --r- TO GET In or out of business rail on Wll' llama, room 411. McCague building. Y-M971 FOR SAI.E-Bakery and cigar store; good location, in country town. Addre-s X 32, Be. Y-Mlil Ix. i 1 "V