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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
TITE OMaITA DAILY HEE: BATTTRDAY. JANUARY 1R. 100. 11 operant. II II I rT lUnewed Teira Qraii of Wr Palls Up Both nd ProTiiioDt TIMIDITY IN THE PIT HOLDS WHEAT FIRM Corn In Oood Dfml and Firm Alter Plight Early Wnknoi ad Lively Trading Orrura la OiU. CHICAOO, Jan. 16 Renewed fear of war pulled up both grain and provisions today. May c lotted at an advance of c, corn Ho and oats ulc. Provisions gained 4jl7H'. Wheat held steady during the first part of the session mainly on accvunt of the aversion of the pit crowd to liiunrM out tin what wan considered a trouhk-d sea. Local traders eipeared to nee no hope for profit on either aide of the market and In consequence orders for small trades were me rule, opening prices were a tnfl firmer, Influenced hy a decline In consols and Indications that a more active phase In the War situation had b-en reached. May whs up Vu'Ac at KT'dV.'nc and during the early hours of trading the price ranged between fivniixTr, On a re port stating- that grave news was momen tarlly exacted from the far east the mar ket suddenly became active. Those who tiad sold short earlier In the session be came extremely anxious to cover and there was also a good demand from the bull lement. From 87Vc May rapidly rose to 87 o, with small offerings until the price had passed the S7io mark. The demand continued good the remainder of the day and the close was strong, with May at STSo. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to I!l,4o0 hu. Primary receipts wers 760,no bu., compared with 670.3HO bu. a year ago. Kxports of wheat and flour for the week, according to Bradstreets, were 2.771,000 bu. Minneapolis. Dolulh and Chicago reported receipts of 449 cars, against 4,4 cars last week and 4-"2 cars a vnar aa'o. Corn was In good demand and firm after a slight Indication of weakness early in the day. Liverpool cables were lower and advices from Argentine favorable, which accounted for the easier tone at the start. Later In the session the war news became a factor and Induced short covering, or ferlngs were light due to the small re- relnta with tin lmnrnvement In grading. Under these conditions prices made good Rains, hut at the advance there was con siderable profit taking and some reaction followed. The close, however, was firm. After nnenlnv unchnnared to c lower at 4ffv84SVv'May advanced to 4U4,o and and closed at 487e. Local receipts were S19 cars, With 4 of contract grade. . Oats were up eharplv. with trading at times quite excited. The holders of a big long line wer 'active buyers and this In duced considerable buying by smaller leaders, while shorts covered freely. A v! cash demand, which was hard to nil n account of scarcity of offerings, was ' fh main bull Influence, although the war news helped to advance prices. Closing prices were strong, and at the top. May opened unchanged to Uo higher at 4N'f( afta mlA V, AfllLffi lMLf and 41 lA'fi 41 SAC. closing at 41H'tf41Hc- Local receipts were 104 cars. Provisions were weak early on lower prices for hogs, but later the market ad vanced on war news and the strength shown In grain. Shorts were the best ruivers. On the advance there was some firoflt taking, hut prices were well maln alned, the close being st about the high Tolnt. Mu pork closed 174e higher at tl 13H"rl3.15. May lard was up W at 17.00. With ribs MT7HC higher at 36 M S 7A. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, irt cars: corn, -as cars; oats, jju cars; nujs, 27.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. 1. High. I Low-1 CJose, TeeAyy Wheat Jan. July Sept. Corn Jan. May July Oats Jan. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July 1H !' 44 4V( hisi81V4H I 7li Vul 46 49 47 40a,'V41ft(,iH 12 87tt 13 87V H5 96 10 66 6 75 .7 13 0 11 IS 78 7 00 7 07KI 6 32H 7'- nvl lib, S7S1 44741 4K'! 4U:7'o X 40HC(H41V(1 It 87H U 87Vi Ml 93 6 SO 55 76 12 90 13 16 75 7 00 7 071 . X 77V4I 7bft 44U 4 W 47 38 4H 12 7?tt 12 97 6 67 a V) 95 6 2TH 70 northern, fwc; No. 2. northern, s3V,5S4,c; 1 No. 8, northern, 77fo7!i'c. KlH H I'irm, paients. $4'iil.75; second patents, $4 hf.Tj4.tio ; ti r.-t cieareu, H.TioiiJ 4.-, second cleats, I.'.fi 2 45. BRAN-ln bulk. 8i4.M'u 14.75. OMAHA WIIOI.LSALK MARKET. Condition of Trade and QssUllosi oa Maple and Fancy Prodace. EOOS-Receipts more liberal; market weak; fresh stock. 23U:.'4o. I.IVK Pot I.THV Hens. 4c: spring chickens, :tr; roosters, according to age, kc; turkeys, Ut14c; ducks, He; gec-se, c. PKKKSKl I'm 'LTHV- rurkes. lh'ulic; old toms, MTilic; ducks, luyllc; geese, loc; chickens, SWoiiic. BUTT lilt t'ucin stock. lUt'SUc: choice to fancy dairy rolls. 13'cl4c; separator, i2c. rithSH 1-ltfH Trout, PK:; piraerei, w, ike. He; perch. 7c; blueflsh, lac; whlteflsh, salmon, lie: haddock. 10c: codfish, Kc; redsnapper, lie; lobsters, boiled, per lh., 3"c; lofisters, green, per lb., ac; bullheads. Jic; cainsn. He; black puss, zvooc; nanuuv, 1.1c; crappies, lie, birring, 6c; white bass, 13c; Mtiefins. He. (1181 EIlS-Nfw York counts. Der can. lc; per gal., t0: extra select, per can, 36c; per gal., tl.&v; standard per can. 27c; per gal., $1.50. BKAK-I'er Ion. 114 50. HAY Prices tiunted by Omaha Whole sale Deal-rs association. Choice No. 1 up land, , 6 No. 1, 17.00; medium, sti.uo; coarse. S6.0O. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality, bemaiid fair and receipts light. OATS-37C. HJK-No. t Mr. VEIOETABLE8. POTATOK8-('nlnrrtn k.V. : Dakota, net bu., 7ta7Dc; native. 66ft 70c. BWtKT PlTA'rriTrl llllnnta rtmr hhl . $3 60. ' " " ' NAVY IlEANS-Per bu.. $2.25. CKLKRYHmall. ner rtoa . V.MflSfie! larsra California. 4n4i7.rc ONIONS 6 Danish, ner crate. 11.60:. Colo rado yellow and red. lLa. CAUIiAGE Wisconsin tTotlnnd.'.tc. TL'RNlPt4tAnnr1a riil. l.urua iwr lh . lVc; white, per bu.. 60o CAititoTS Per bu...60c. PAHHNlPS-l'er tm., 60c. BEETS Per bu., 60o. CAL'LlKl.flWKHi'altfornt. nr erat. C LCI MRER S Ppr 1n t1 (Vt?1 "K RA1I811E8-Per do. bunches, 3uo. LHTU'K HEAD Per dm. hunches. II: per bid., 17 TURN IPS Southern. Tier dm . TEo. 11KKTB-Southern, rjer dos . 76c. CAHROTS Southern, per do!., 75c. PARSLEY Southern, per daL, $1. S'ri:it APP1.K3 Clllnrm. 14ilflnri tier Kn $1.60; Baldwins and other varieties, $3. so; New York export Snles. Grteniiigs. Rus sets and Baldwins, $3.76. 3rtAPEB Pony Cutawhas, 20c; Imported Malagas, per keg, $6.0urf 00. CK ANBERR1KS Jeraf v. ner bbl . 17.50: per box, $2.50; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, $S.O0tj8 60; Bell and Cherry, $?00. THOl'll'AI. KHUI'18. ' ORANGES Klorlrln Rrishta and Russets. all sizes, $2.60, r.avels, all sizes, choice, $3. 25'u .76; fnncy $3 28. LbAiurtit-California fancy, 300 to 360 Sizes, (4.00; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, $3.60. Fioa-Calitornia, per 10-lb. cartons, SSc; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6-crown, ioc; i -crow n, itic. COCOANUTS Per sack. $4.00; par doi., 0c. DATES Persian, ner tint of xn nkes . $2.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes. &4; Oriental stulTeii dates, per box, $2.40. BANANAS Per mprllnm-sized hunch. $2.00 62.60; Jumbo. $2.753.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12Hc, Wisconsin Young Americas. 13c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wis consin llmburger, 12c. I r, , i' u 1 i . . n, m m. ji?rji iciirBHa, per irnnitw. .i.w, Utah and Coloruao, per 24 frames, $3.26. MAP1.E SUUAR-Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CIDER Per bbl., $6.75; per H bbl., $S 28. runnKN-i'fr lb.. ivc; sneiita. 3n.H HORSERADISH Per case of t dosen. pacaed. Sec NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; hard shell, per lb., 4c; No. I soft shell,. p.T lb . 13o ; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.', 12c;. Braslls.. per lb., lie) fUberts, per lb.. 11c;. almonds, soft shell, ner lb.. 15c: hard shell, pei lb.. 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 74c; Chill walnuts. large nickory nuts, per Du.. Jl.w; shell barks, prr bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu.. $1.25. HIDES No. I green. So; No. t green, Icl No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted. So; No. 1 veal cair, 8 to 12 lbs.. SUc; No. 2 veal calf. II to 16 lbs., t.'ic: dry salted hides, ffillc; sheep MHtac; norsn NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS War Ecars TiDili LiiUa t Market Prirtj 8. art Lonawari and OPERATIONS DESULTORY AND SCATTERED Erie lasaes Feel Dlstarblnai t'ondl tloas aad Laagald Interest la Manifested by the Prelim inary Cask Reaorta. NEW TORK, Jan. 15 -Thls was another day of Inconsequential results In the stork market and of listless and neglected trad ing. The war scare seemed to have re sumed Its force In foreign markets and started prices downward, but support was met, or rather the selling was discon tinued. Movements for the rest of the day were desultory and scattered. There was somo absorption of United States Steel pre ferred and of Amalgamated Copper, which seemed based on trade conditions, but these movements were without animetlon of Im portance. United States Realty preferred was supported and advarteed 2 points In spite of the withdrawal of Important Inter ests from the company and the disclosure of a degree of friction In the corporation which had not been .adequately understood. The advance In PScltic Mall was based on a supposition that the withdrawal of competing steamships for use as trans- Sorts in case of war between Russia and apan would Increase the business of the company. The Erie Issues were under pressure and fell nearly a point each, with slight rallies on the doubt raised In public discussion as to the declaration of a 2 per cent semi-annual dividend on the preferred, as for the last period. The provisions of the voting trust are for Its expiration upon the declaration of a full 4 per cent dll dend In a year on the first preferred stock. It Is rumored that the voting trust may de sire to perpetuHt"" Its control by withhold ing the full dividend, as was .done Intely In the case of the Reading first preferred dividend and the Southern Railway pre ferred dividend. The heavy. influx of cash Indicated by the preliminary estimates of the week's cur rency movement was accepted with languid Interest and the market closed barely steady and Intensely dull. Estimates of the receipts by the banks on the direct ex press movement vary to the extent of sev eral millions of dollnrs. The subtreastiry operations have yielded to the banks $7.- 412.(M) and the various estimates of the In terior movement Indicate a total net gain In cash of from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000. The advance In foreign exchange toward the gold export point under these circumstances Is not surprising. The Dee-ember foreign trade statement leaves no doubt that New York can readily command more resources with evidence of any need. Both the exports and the ex cess of exports over Imports for the month rise to record figures, the trade balance In our favor amounting to the formidable total of $96,984,084. An Increase In the value of Imports or upward of $16,000,000, compared with December of last year, contributes materially to this result and marks the re sumption of supply of the domestic demand 4 V.l for demand and at $1 K5ogTS2 for sixty-day liils. Posted rate. $1 S3 and $4 m: commercial bl! 'a $4 R-'VSI fc-V PI 1A F.R-liar. i9c; Mexican dollnrs, 45 r. PONDS Onvernment. raav: railroad. (Inn. The rlr.Mns- nuotatlons on bonds nr as follows: t 8. rrf. , rrg....1(K14 t.- A N nnl. 4 W'4 A. coupon l'v I Manhattan e. K- 4l..lf?"t So J. rf. 1 Vrv ''entr! 4s 71 6n coupon lfw I do 1t Inc 1"4 Mo n 4a. res. ...1M Vlnn St. Is. 4a... T M. , K T. 4 I07V4 (to 1 117 '"S. SR. of H iniU'N. T. C. ( m .I14 N J. C. K ... in.. 4 a foiipon ti o!4 4a, do f oi'i oa an 6a. rrg. coupon Athlnn sen. in all. 4a Atlantic r. L. 4a. Baltimore tk O. 4s qo lva Central of Oa. 5a. do 1st Inc Chra ft Ohio 44a t":S Chicago A A. Ia... 15 C. H. A Q. n. 4a ... !' M. ai P. s C A N. W. e. : C, R. I. A P. 4a. an eol. an C C.C. A St. L. g. 4l Chliaao Ter. 4a Con. Toba-co 4a Colo. A Ho. 4a P. A R. O. 4a Erla prlnr llan 4a... do a. 4a r W. A D. C. la. Hocking Val. 44a. 4o Sa N. A W. r. 4s n a. I.. 4a A par.. Pann. eon. IHa Rpadlnx sea. 4a Bt. t,. A I M r. 4a pi. i,. a s r. St. U S. W. la.. Srabard A. L. 41 4s..l"4) go. Patfl" 4a ...1314 So. Kallwar !... 4 M P' 1 M at io Texaa A P. la 74 iT. St. I.. W. 4a WHlVnlon Paclflc 4a.... ai i do eon. 4a M t K ateel 24 fa... I7H Wahaah la ;v do dch. n .a. S7 W A b. K. 4 MtJjWIl. Central 4a.... lnii, ,Colo. F. A I. . 6a .. 7 it TH .. 7H ..K, .. 71' in1. 4a. ' a7i 111 lir.S 7" 101 S 1 lis a:.H I TS OUAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bo h Etteri and Cowi Very Clow Cafe at Greitlr Eedaced Fr o?i HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL LOWER Llaht neerlpts of Fat Sheep aad Uoibi, Together TiltK Liberal De mand, t'aased Market to Rale Artlre aad Strona;. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 15. Receipts were: Official Monday Otllclal Tuesday .... otiicuil Wettnesday . Official Thursday.... Oiticial Friday Cattle. Uogs. Chat p. Ex-lntercst. Offered. Londoa ttaek. tiarkat. LONDON, Jan. 15. Closing: Conaola. money. do account ... Anaconda ...... Atchlaon do pro Paltlmora A O. Canadian Pacific Chca A Ohio... Chicago fit W C , M. A St rrJ -era V A R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... Illlnola Central l.nuia. A Naeh. M.. K. A T. . . . 8I1.VKR Bar, 7 1J-14 7 16 14 ... 5'4 ... ... tivt ... i' ...iff ... I4Mi ... 17 P 14t Mtt 81 7m . . 4I4 .1311 .111H . 17S firm, N. T. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W PrnnaylTanlm ...... Rand Mines Reading do l)t pfd do td pfd So. Railway do pfd -. Ro. Pac'.fle , Vnlon Paclno do pfd F. 8. Ftaol , do pfd Wana:h do pfd .. :', .. .. 12 .. i4 .. .. 13 .. 4.4 .. n .. t14 .. I1W .. . . fto-r .. H .. 11 .. M .. 1 .. M 6.0,3 4,.1 5.594 t.-70 4,006 6.0 .5n S.4S0 h..il4 5.315 2,971 t.lll 2.319 3S,lt S9.4'i6 87.24 S.79i 4".9,i 2).3J4 UK94 49.6.41 2K.1.9 $8,145 23,749 TO DATE. The following table shows th receipts of cuttle, hogs and sheep at rtouth umaha for the year to data aud comparisons wita last year: ift,4 laa Inc. Cattle 41,982 36.4o 5,4 Hogs hk.i;4 bi.bV .46 Bheep g. 4511 44,548 S,9it Averaau nrices tni,i tor iiokb ml boulll Omaha lor the last several das wltii comparisons: Five davs this week... 2.1.624 Sme days last week. ...17,571 time aeek beore... .11. SJ7 Bame three weeks ago.. 6,729 Bame four weeks ago....lS,169 Puma days last year 19.342 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR lat. 19o4. 11903. (1902. 11301. ,1900. 1K.1S.. 27 5-16d per ounce. MONEY 2V.iS ner cent: the rate of dis count In the onen market for short bills Is S'i per cent:" for three months' bills, 3 5-18 fe3H per cent. Nv York Mlalas tkaetatloas. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. The fallowing are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. J.fh. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1.... X.... ..., 4... 5 ... ... 7..., 8..., a... 10.. 12.. 12.. 14.. 15.. I 4 4 33 6 22 4 (5 4 21 .1 42 4 to, k M 6 J, 4 9i 4 U 2 5 I 6 29i 6 19 4 to; 4 a 5,, I 4$ . 4 757A1 6 5 imi 4 2,-l 41, $ 44 1 to:, 6 ?7 It 044 Ii i i 3 4 5tv 6 34) 24 4 5 J 4h 89 4 babt 6 ii'. 6 09i t 05, I $ 41 3 40 4 60't,, 6 4H 09 5 M 4 $4 I $ 41 4 tJ'i 6 4ui 6 15 o 141 4 3 t 45 401 6 14, 5 25 4 35, $ 5vi $ 42 4 6S I 04, 5 IS, 4 41 3 56 , 3 43 4 61Vt 6 45 5 17 4 49, 3 60 1 47 4 7.1'tn, 6 47, 001 I 4 531 3 551 3 49 4 7,1 861 6 14 5 16 3 5u S 49 4 fcirn 4l 6 6 15 4 &8 8 47 ?c; No, 3 hard. 72frV. Corn No. S cs"h, market eased off !aliv. As a result pack ers pounded the market here also and at the opening started In bidding s big nickel lower on the best heavy hogs. Trsdlng Was fairly active for a time on the klrda that Just suited buyers, but after tha fltst round buyers lowered their bids and wanted to buy their hogs pfnoe tower. Palesmen were holding for more money nd for a time not much business was trsnsacted. Light stuff sold from $4 60 flown, light mixed hogs largely around $16.1, heavy mixed around $4 70 and prime heavies from $4.75 to $4 SO, with top at $4 . Toward tho close packers agam took hold with more life and the later sale were about the same as the early ones. In spite of the lull In the middle of the market a fairly early clearance was made. Rep resentative sales: Adams Coa Alio nrpeca rjrunawlck Con . . Comstock Tunnal 10 IS 10 6 .tula Chief "Ontario .... Ophlr Phoanlx Con. Cat. A Horn surer Iron BtlTsr Ixadnilg Cs offered. Vs., .if .106 .166 . I li TMoal Savage Sierra Kavads Small Hopaa . Standard ..4.-.0 .. 4 .. n .. ti .. 76 .. to ..14 Baak Clearings. OMAHA. Jnn 15. Bank clearings for to day, $1,293,433.51, an Increase of, $n. 119.44 over the corresponding day last fear. Indicates Sunday. The ofllciul numoer of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.llogs.Hh ses, C, M. & Bt. P. Hy.... 4 tvauasn o Mo. Pacific Ry C Union Pac. bystem.. 19 C. a N. W. Ry. 2 F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 11 C, Bt. P.. M. tc O.... 20 B. & M. Ry 40 C, B. At J. Ry ii.. O. dc bt. J C, R. 1. c P., east.. 2 C, R. 1. & P.. wet.. 1 Illinois central 3 Chicago O. W 1 26 .. 2 2 18 I 15 36 4 ,2 14 4 ' .. m 2 4 1 3 .. 1 2 1 140 U 6 No. At. Sk. Pr. 4u HI ... 4 M 11 1(4 ... 4 60 7 171 ... 4 40 SO 160 40 4 M at It ... 4 66 H IMt ... 4 SO 17 ... 4 W 40 tlO 40 4 40 0 174 ... 4 40 1 ifll 110 4 414) 41 !4t J( i II til ... 4 4a 70 130 120 4 44 to SJ0 40 4 44 66 lit 160 4 46 67 lul 40 4 65 64 '..224 40 4 46 74 134 14 4 73 mi 40 4 Si 70 Jot 60 4 46 7 !0 . 4 46 tit " M 4 S6 12 146 ... 4 46 41 14 ... 4 46 10 ill 40 4 66 I" ... 4 45 7 HI 120 4 i 75 244 40 4 47 41 2M 40 4 17 70 2.M 40 4 (7' 77 236 60 4 47 ! 246 60 4 (7 40 274 UJ 4 17 77 121 ... 4 47 41 ill 100 4 7 70 1K4 ... 4 S2 71 234 ... 4 17 1 1'l'S 40 467 7 279 60 4 70 60 280 60 4 70 40 241 40 4 70 67 4i 60 4 70 64 24 40 4 70 60 100 60 4 70 67 ill lK) 4 70 47 2' J 10 4 70 47 6K3 120 4 70 69 2114 120 4 70 64 271 l:0 4 70 64 271 40 4 70 65 2 M) ao 4 70 47 170 120 4 70 El 240 SO 4 70 10 261 ... 4 79 16 JO ... 4 70 6 If.5 60 4 70 41 l 120 4 70 40 278 40 4 70 44 Itil 124 4 70 fa. 40..., ... 6..., 64... 67... Ct... A. h. Pr. Kl ISO 4 7 40 to 10 ..114 ..lit ..171 ..144 .f.t 62. ...... .261 7t til 1 2l 40 271 44 244 to ro 47 U4 tt U 64 274 41....,...2'4 47... 75 44 274 by domestic products In place of formerly imponen material. Komis a broadening tendency was manifested In hides. $1,5042.50. - No. 1 Cash nuotatlons were as follows: FDOUR Market firm; winter patents, 14.10a 4.35; winter straights. $3.tnKi4 SO; spring patents, $4.004.30; spring straights, $3.5Xii I Ml' tinkers t' tllftiS an. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 8487o; No. 3, 78 C8nc; No, 1 red, 83gair.. r-ORN No. x. 4f'c: No. 2 yellow. 47e OATH No. 2, ayxti3otc; No. 8 white. RYE No, i. B4(2i64Vtc. BARLEY Good feeding, 4T042c; fair to choice malting. 47SiN4c. ' SEEDS No. 1 nix. 98c: No. 1 north weetern. I1.04H; prime timothy, $3.25; clover contract grade. 811.3641 11.40. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $1800 C13.12V4. Lard, per 100 lbs.. t6.62Hf'73. Short ribs aides (loose), $6.25ifi.37Vi; short Clear sides (boxed), X6.2V6U6. id. Following were the receipts and ship ments of nour ana grain: . Receipts. Shipments. Flour. bW 24,2fl0 27.100 Whea,t. bu 41.20 87.2oO Corn, bu C45.3H0 155,100 Oata, bu 125.2O0 141.60 Rye, bu 10.5o0 7,2iO Barley, bu 40.700 8,800 N On the Produca exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries, liVftjle; Lrffrles, 1.1ll9c. Erg. steady; at m:trk. cases inciuuea, cneese, steguy, lOtQlOVsO. pelts. St. Loals Grain and Provisions. HT f OTflS Trf " Tit TT-tTT7-AO No. 2 red. cash, elevator. Miic: track. !! jc may, wviMiac: July, no-vc: imo. x naru. 79lc. CORN Higher: No. I cash. 43Hc: track. 4alr.iy.. . uu, iiiA. T,.i., jCn tiATH Higher: No. I cash. 3c: track. 38V4 taw; nisy, 4.Mtu'c: iso. I wnite. 4lc. FLOUR Falrlv active and steady: red winter patents. $4 3Sfi4.50; extra fancy and airaignts, n.j'a4.o: clear. 33.303.60. SEED Timothy. Meady at t!.2(VS2.6S: prime, nigner. t'OKSMKAU-Steady nt $2.40. BRAN strong; sacked, east track, 81fIK!e, HAY Better: timothv. 17.00(6 13.00: nralrln. O.!Affl.0U. IRON COTTON TIES $1.05. B A OO I N O h 'n 6c. HEMP TWINE 5c. POULTRY 8teadv: chickens. 8c: snrin-s. fc; luraeys, ii'yuty; aucas, juc; geese, 6V1C BUTTER Steadv: creamery. ltMT25e: aairv. loiriicc. F.OOS Lower. I3c. case count. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: standard mess. Jobbing. $12.30. Lard, higher; prlmo steam, $''..55. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra clear ribs, $7.5t; short clear, the market. Total sales, par value. $3,150.- I nlted States 2s declined U ner cent on call. The following are the quotations on the new lorK Block exchange: Bales. High. Low. Close. 6.460 400 2.145 133 710 M0 l.:4) l,7oo 2.40 3,4oO 900 200 1,110 1,100 -2n0 1100 .17.875 8.015 2,500 shorts. $7.60: $7.76. Flour, bbls. . Wheat, bu. . Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. ... Receipts. 7.000 8' OKI , ino nor) 75,000 Shipments. lo.ono i .l noo, W ens O.904J NEW YORK GEXERAL MARKET. 4atatlas of tha Day on Various Commodities. NP3W YORK, Jan. 15.-FLOITR Receipts, 20.530 bbls ; exports, 29.471 bbls.; sales, IV auu pacaages. tuaraet was quiet, put nrm winter patents, $4.25fg4.50; winter straights. li.TOi o: Minnesota patents, ti t'iM 90; win. . ter extras, $3.2o'u3.45; Minnesota bakers, $3.90 04 0o; winter low grades. I3.taxti3.35. Rye nour, nrm; tair to gmai, 6.i.3.x(3.46; choice to rancy, J.6043.,s. Xiuckheat nour, eaay; counmkai Firm; yellow western, Sl.tsi; city, ai.w; Klin dried. $2.903.00. HIE Steady; No. 2 western. 644c. ndml Dal. f. o. b. afloat; state and Jersey, b&o'Sc. BARLEY Firm; feeding. 47c f. o. b. J4ew jors: muting ounuc c. I. r. liuffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 56.550 bu. ; sales. 2, OO.C'OO bu. futures. The market for spot waa firm; No. 2 red, 960 to arrive and 96o r. o. D.Nanoai: iso. 1 northern Duluth, 9UO f. o. b. afloat ; No. 1 hard Manitoba. nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options were firmer agalnt today on renewed war talk, lower consols, bull support and bad weather In the Argentine, closing strong at o net advance. Hales included No. z red. May, 04tHlC. Closed, lc; July. 86t4uJ 8-16C, cioseo, si s-ioc. CORN Receipts. W.S50 bu.; exports. M. 11 bu.: sales. 60.000 bu. futures, ?l.oc bu. spot. The market for snot was firm: No. 2. 64V4o In store and MsiU'.o f. o. . aflont: No. t yellow. 67c; No. 2 white. 5SHc The option market opened steady and later ad vanced on the wheat un-turn, light offer ings, war news, closing Vie net higher. Itlxy. R4'.-c54 13-16C. closed. 64 1-16V:. OATS-Recelpts. 87.600 bu.: exports, ill tu. The market for spot was firm: No. 4i"4c: standard White. 45V.c; No. 8. 4"V,c; rxo. 1 wnite, toI4'i'4nc no. s a-nite, 4d'rni'c; track wM'. p. lorn. 44f-tSc; track while, sta'e. 41Sf'e. Options were nominal FEKH i'irm: spring brun, 120.6520.85; cltv: s.v ts'iri on. HAY-8tedy; shipping, 076c; good to choice Kowwc. HOPS Fr": s'sta. rorr-nn to 'hoi' 110J cop 4f3Te; 1S crop. rSPio: olds, lofli lac: j-ncinc coast, 1903 crop, Z6y-4c; 1902 crop r-' . HirF- Fl-iri. Oalv-ston. SI to a lbs. lc; California. 21 to 26 lbs, lcf Texas dry. LPtTH ER Steady ; acid, rst725ic. rice ifieanv; d"'itMiio, fair lo extra. Ian: .fsivn. n ' Ti 1 11 a 1 . PPOVISIONH- -'f steadv; family IHIM 4S11 00: mss. (w,iv: beef hams. $'"f.l ITtw: p-tcser a i4r--in iv: city eirtpa l,ih mess. J rtifn m. rut meats. dul: plckleo bellies. 7fOiTfo: r.lrUd shoulders. 87 &rt; pickled hms. totOt-'OTS. Lard, fir,; em atemed. 7: Jnuary closed at 7 n. nominal: rwnxi nr": con'inent. 87.": coi4tund. $tl WnS.6" PorV firm: fa "ill v $' " short clear, $1S 5"!h! P0; mess, $14. iJ T t Tnw trasv; cltv. rjc- eountrv. jir. ,-, , 1 c . rjrtjf- mtnim aairv. lT"C. ttir.rf i-STwnv: state run c-cam. fanev. 1 1 rite and small rood and white, r'-'" r" r i.e. I 1 rnaae: i"c ynnm-rirm: wi-stern fSiSlc. 1oit THY Alive and dressed, dull and "uiicBaage it. Kansas City Grain aad Pro visions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 15.-WHEAT-Mav. 73'4''il73'c; July, 714(71Mc; cash, No. 2 hard, h'uio'c; jvo. a, t9iraiiixc; mo. 4, tia69c; rejected, 6'Hj4J3c. CORN May, 4174c; July, 41c: caiih. No. 1 mixed, 4i,c; No. t white, 42c; No. 3. 41Hc. OATS No. t white, 40c; No. 1 mixed, 87 3oc. butter creamery, 19'2lc; dairy, fancy. 18o. LOOS Lower: Missouri and Kansas. cases returned, 22c; new No. 2 whltewood cases included. ?24c. hay cnoica timothy, $; choice prairie, $7,754)8.00. RYE NO. H, 49H'3)C. Recelnts. Shlnments Wheat, bu , i;.io0 139.200 Corn, bu 65.00 44.400 Oats, bu 19.000 ' 13,000 Atchison do., pfd Baltimore & Ohio.. do, pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J.... Chesapeake & Ohio . Chicago St Alton ... do, pfd. Chicago at. Wast... do B' pfd C. & N. W Chicago Terra. St T... do, pfd C C C. & 8. L... Colorado Southern . do, 1st pfd Del. St Hudson D. , L. & W D. & R. O do, pfd Erie do. 1st pfd do. 2d pfd Oreat Northern, pfd. Hocking Valley ... do, pfd. ............ Illinois Central Iowa Central do, pfd K. C. Southern do, pfd U Sz N Manhattan L Met. Street Ry Minn. & St. L Missouri Pacific M, K. St T do. pfd N. R. R. of Mex., pfd. N. Y. Central Nor. & West do. pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania P.. C, C. & Reading do. 1st pfd, do. 2d pfd. , Rock Island do, pfd St. L. & 8. F. 1st pfd do, Zd prd Bt. Louis 8. W.... do, pfd. St. Paul do pfd. Southern Southern do, pfd. Texas A T.. St. U do, pfd Union Paclfio .. do. pfd Wabash do, pfd W. L. E Wis. Central . do. pfd Adams Express American Express 8. Express Wells-Fargo Ex Amalg. Copper .I....7Z.W C9 79" 90 117V4 160 33 Vi 337, 54 " 17", 294 106 124 26 'ioii 66 2 67', 47 66V 79 9" 117 16) 33Vk 33 824 164 2V W5V4 12 26 'is" 611 27H 66", 47 Bt. L. Co. Pacific . Railway Paclfio . & W... Philadelphia Prodnco Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. !. BTTTTER- Market weak; printa, steady; western, 240 25c; nearby, 2C'$26r. EGOS Steady; fresh nearby. Slo at mark: western, 29c at mark; southwestern, isf sc; poinnrrn. .-,'iijc at marx. CHEK81'-Htaady and In fi-Jr demand: New iork full creams, choice to fancy, 114 jllc; New York full creams, fair to good, lv a 110. ftlllwaake Grain Market. MILWACKEE. Jan. 15-WHPiT- 8teady;.No. 1 northern. Mi9c: No. t nortnern. Hcmac; May, s.ws7ikc. asked. RYE Firm; No. 1. 58c. BARLEY Firm: No. 2. He: samnle tt C'cc. i.'OKM-nra; no. s. trtftsc: Mar. aSa Dnlnth Grain Market. DULI'TH. Minn.. Jan. 15 WHEAT In store. No. 1 hard. MV: No. 1 northern 00., jo. a iioriiiciit, a,i , o arrive, No. 1 hard. MWc: No. 1 northern, (tic: No I northern. RVi No. 3 spring, 79'Ac; May. 86K-e: Julv. h5'4c. OATS On track and to arrive, 37V. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 15 WHEAT Snot. nominal; No I red western, no stock. Fu tures oulet: March. 6s 47d: May. 6s id. t-t'RN Ri'Ot firm1 Afnprlcfln mli,1 tiw 4s 4d: American mixed, old. 4a 6W1 Fu tures quiet: January, nominal: March. ciil. 1'eorla iraln Market. rrORIA. Jan. 15.-'ORN-Flrm to higher: new no. t, toc; new No. 4. R)c; No. 8 old, 44 tc. Y6 100 . 800 1.RH0 2.600 1,400 600 'iiio 850 SO 1.6:!0 2(0 625 550 "frio . .22,5uO 4I406 . 250 !a36i6 600 "tro .. 200 . 800 7,500 6!o?6 1,800 L4i6 SnO 410 , 8.KX0 , 758 , l.soo 6,100 ', i.KW , 1.215 St F.. 100 Oil . 500 . . S76 . 4.2"0 . 210 .18,6i) . 1"0 . 500 . 854 Amer. C, do, pfd Amer. Linseed do, pfd do, pfd Amer. Locomotive Amer. B. & R do, pfd Amer. Sugar Ref. Anaconda Min. Co. Rrooklvn R. T Colo. F. & I Col. ft H. Coal Cons. Gas General Electrlo ... Internat. Paper ... do, pfd Internat. Pump .... do. pfd National Biscuit ... National Iead North American ... Pacific Msil People's Oss Pressed Steel Car . Pullman Pal. Car... do pfd. Renubllo 8teel do. pfd Rubber Ooods do, r'd "fn Coal A Iron . V 8 t eather do. pfd lT S. Rubber " do. pfd V S. Steel do rfd Western tilon .... Northern Securities Total sales for the day Ex-div. 6.700 700 100 '10 100 ISO 100 inn M0 "ion 1 1A sn 80 snn 131 66 78, 90 117 159V4 53 33 16'-i EX' 16SV4 12 2.4 17 55' 164V Z,4l4 2m 27. 474 734 K3 131 a 40 V, 19V 26 1074 1424 1204 64 9114 17 24 xs y. 1194 614 214 11H 6) 144 74 59 60 41 14 344 142' 1764 4f 2 4 254 2o4 78H 9 2oU 174 19H 43'4 770 11 105 205 49'4) 4 174 Ti 174 47V 1-44 7S 484 24 131 171 4 72 874 154 n 974, 17 214 6 4 414 i- si.7 3V 7U 764 114 1"4 S7T4 7)1,400 siares. 1314 r4 414 204 S74 107t 1424 '6T.4 24 174 40 39 120 67-H 'jlH 11; '45" 784 '234 69 V 414' 14 344 1434 '49" 204 r. 264 KV 78T, .90 204 2S14 444 1305i 224 404 37 1074 2 '654 Sli 174 394 1194 67 '214' 1194 '444 784 '21 69 "icy' 14 34 144 4K4 204 '254 26' 38 i 78 90 4 S7i Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. 18 WOOL Quotations ara ss follows: Territory Idaho fine. I5'nl6c fine medium. I6'n17c: medium, 18al9c. Wyoming Fine. l.Val6c: fine medium. W8 17c; medium. 184il8c. I'tah and Nevada- Fine. 1441; 154c: tine medium. 164il7e: me dium, 194j20c. Dakota Fine, 151il6c; fine medium. lo4'16c; medium. Ici?i20c. Mon tana Fine choice. 19tiic; fine medium. 19"I 2oc; average. 18igl9c; staple, lOaOc; medium choice. 19'aic. nkw 10KK, Jan. 10. wuoiv Firm: do mestic neece, txiiac. lajisdun. Jan. 15. wool prices are steadier; merinos and coarse lireds are 50 per cent dearer. The arrivals for the first series of auction sales amount to 15.000 bales, imports during the week were: New South Wales. 4.4S3 bales; Queensland. 4 243: Victoria, 1.SI2; South Australia, 4.0: New Zealand, 11,981; tape of Uood Hope and Natal, 6.941; elsewhere, 401. ST. LOUIS.. Jan. la. WOOL Nominal medium grades, combing and clothing. 17 H21c; light fine, loft 174c; heavy fine, 120 nc; tuo wasnea, zixusic. BOSTON. Jan. 15 The Commercial Bill letln will say Saturday:' Foreign markets are all hlaher. Antwerp is up 6 per cent on River Plata wools, Australian and New Zealand markets are higher, t latter having advanced 10 per cent with the onen Ing last Monday. At the- London auction to begin next Tuesday ..hHther wlces are certain, owing to the ' primary advance, The locrl market Is vej-v firm, but no higher. Holders ara liberal sellers of ter ritory wools at current, rates. The week has been fairly active in sales of 60,000 pounds to 200.000 tHiunds each. .The onen Ing of new heavy weight goods are at re duced prices from last Venr Is a bearish feature in the wool market and it will be Impossible for manufacturers to pay higher prices for the material unless the goons are substantially anvancea. Shipments of wool from Boston to date from Decornoer 31. inns, are .no;,:4 pounds. sgnlnst 12.6W121 pounds at the same date last year. The receipts to date are 6.i9,- 2S6 pounds, against C. 493.619 pounds fpr uit sanio periou ibbi year.. Total receipts. .'...116 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne number of head Indicated: Cattle. IIog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swift mill t oiujiniiy. Cuduto to. Armour Armour VaiiBui., Carey Lobman McC'reai City. : t rk . W. I. htfp.ur.... Hill & lluiitaingcr... Lewis & Underwood. Huston & Co J. 1. Root if. F. Hamilton Wolf St Murnan Hobblck & B Sol Degan Leighton & Co lltgaity & Co 7i 503 532 "'67 84 216 37 147 35 27 19 S8 4 81 67 20 ' 28" 405 971 2.251 2.490 i.ivi 1,45 1.942 816 61 4 184 494 184 600 174 174 174 44 1254 75 494 . 144 192 174 48 904 124 744 477, 29 14 1914 2,900 1 15 S3 "9i 4 414 18 744 $74 7i 114 4"N 1li 6n4 874 4 97 p4 414 18 74 V, ' 864 '7M4 J1V, 4?4 1"4 FT4 S74 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 15 COTTON The market opened firm at an advance of 12&21 noints. following higher Liverpool cables than expected and the outlook for continued USUI rtJCtMUlo. WHICH yi oiuirt- uu 1 11 twv- erlng by yesterday's late sellers and fresh buying ror long account. 1 ne anvance, however, as has peen tne case recently, seemed to attract quite heavy liquidation ,nd almost at once tne rnaraei aeveiopeo a downward tendency mat continued until the active months had been depressed to a net gain of only about 2(&6 points. The market was finally steady, with January net 23 noints higher and the other months at an advance of 12A21 points. Sales were estimated at 811.000 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 15. COTTON Firm ; sales. 8.800 hales; ordinary, 104c rood ordinary, 1Z3-Hic: low middlings, 13 8-16c; middlings. 1S9-16V: good middlings lSVc; middling', 'sir. 144c. Receipts, 7,736 bales: stock. 48.879 nates. ST. LOT IS. Jan. 15. COTTON ratv. but unchanged: middling. 134c: sales, none; receipts nso rales; shipments, lj ual Lfocw ?i kts nsiea. LIVERPOOL Jan. fli Cotton Bnot moderate business done, pricea 10 points hlvher: Amerlcsn mlnrlilng. fair. 7.76d: good, midd'lnr. 7.ed: middlings, 7 ood; low middling. T.44d: good ordinary. 7 34d: or. dlnary. 7.14d. The sales of the day were 7 000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included .70O American. Re celnts. i,oia naies. inciuntng wv American. Futures opened and c'osoei quiet; middling ood. Januirv. 7i'4STiZ5n; January end February. 7.2?d: February and March. 7 2?d March and April. 7.2d; April and May 71wi7'cd; Mv and June. 7.18r71d; June and July. 7 iimi: juiv anci Auguct, 7.13d August and Beptsmber. 9.92a. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. IB MFTAtB Tin was easier In Iondon, losing 15s for the nay. spot and ru lures rtosig at 133 15s. Irficallv tin declined slightly In svtmnsthv. closing at t?9.25'629 87U. Cooper also was a little easier In London, declrnlnr shout 2s 64 to 57 17s M for soot and 57 7s 6d for futures. Locally ennwr was tinchsnged. iJtVe t ountod at $15.7513.00. electrolvtio st $i;."!4n2 874 end cas1rg at 4?.NV8i?.75. Tsd dec Ined is d to 11 l?s 6d In I-on- don. b'tt was higher here, closlnir st $4 50 M.fiV Spelter declines ?s s-1 to "n 12s d In the London marker. Mit closed un changed local' v st M954TR05. Iron closed f io M n oissrow snn st '"s un In Mliidiesborotigp ixwsnv eon is more or le romlr"' v" 1 eiundrv northern Is nitofad t tiRownsnn; ivo. ' eounrtrv norfh thern s 4.0v1R no: vn. foundry south ern "d No. t foundry southern soft at t1 14 S ST. loH Jsn. IP MF T.S Tjead, firm. $4.20474.25: speller, firm. $4.75. Totals .....8.106 B.5T9 2.31S CATTLE There was a fairly liberal run of cattle in sight this morning for a Fri day and the market was in bad shape. Packers did not seem to care, whether they got any frejh supplies or not, claiming that mere wa- . Dig snortage or rcinuerator cars and ..i.refore could not move their meat. Whether tmet was the case or not. it was very evident that they would not buy anything unless they could set their own price and as a result the market w very slow snd lower all around. There was a good sprinkling 01 cornrea steers Included in the receipts and the mar ket could best be ueacriued Dy caning it very slow and unevenly lower. The first round some of the most desirable grades sold about steady with yesterday. put aside from a few loads the market was fully 15'uijc lower than Wednesday. Sales men were not prepared to take off that much and It was late before even the bulk. of the offerings was disposed of. The most of the cattle were only of medium quality and there wern none at all on aale that could be called strictly choice The cow market was In even worse con dition than the trade on steers. As com pared with Wednesday, the market today was fully 25'&35c lower, or around 4nc lower than tha close of last week. Cannera suf fered the least, while the medium and bet ter grades showed the Rreatest loss. It was a very mean market to operate on and the day was well advanced before a clear ance was made. Bulls were fully rmiac lower than yes terday and slow aale. while veal calves showed very little change, The few stocke'S and feeders that arrived sold at right clone to steady prices, partlc ularly If the quality was good. The d?- mand now Is largely for heavy cattle of good quality and flesh ana also or gnod light cattle. The medium and common stuff does not change hands very readily, Representative sales: 5EEF STEERS. SHEEP There were only a few 1 .. .. 1 . 1 .nl. atiH MS .l. I, lulu laillua Vli retj .. .. 1 . . mand was In good shape, the market ruled etive and strong ail arouna. me vju" f the offerings wa only lair. Bomo ee sold as high as $4. but there were no holce lamba. wethers or yearlings onereu. Tho demand, though. . was sualclent to take everything in sight at very satisfac tory prices and an tarly clearance waa made. There were not enough feedera on sa e to make a test of the Hltuation. but it is safe to say thst anything decent would have commanded steady prices. Quotations for corn red biock: noico ctrn Inmhs If. Ml & 00: fair tO gOOd !mhs. $5.uoi6.50; good to choice yearlings, $4.5O4ii O0; fair to good yearllr gs, $4.2684.60: good to chcice wethers. $3 764.5; fair to good Wthers. $3.50U3.75; gcod to choice ewes, $3.y'24.wi; tair to goou ", 8.75: choioe feeder lambs, $4.kV5.O0; feeder yearllnus. $3.75q4.25; feeder wethers. W-pwrj 8 75; feeder ewes, JJ.23&2.75; culls. $1..6u2.oo. Representative sales: A V. fr. 89 8 50 107 4 00 M) 4 00 100 4 00 c 4 25 79 4 50 73 5 25 122 4 E5 i 94 2 fO 85 -80 . 9'. J 60 82 4 40 93 4 50 83 western 400 western 4 western 107 western DO) western 59 western .? wstorri 2U0 wtstern Hails atnek taotaitoaa. BOSTON. Jan. 15 Call loans, 4M per cent: time loans, S per cent. Official rtcxteg nrices on s'ocks snd bonds: Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jsn -WHFAT-Vs. F-44j7Nc: July, 8oVi'6ic; September. TSC; on track. No. 1 Unrd. 7Vi No, L agar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Sl'OAR-Riw nominal; fair refining, 2',o; centrifugal. 96 te-t S'sc MOLASSES Sl'OAR 2Sc; refined, dull. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 15. fiL'OA R Qulft; opvn kettle. 3-lCc; open keitle. centrifugal. 3 16-16c; whites. K-; yellows, SKj'oSac; seconds, 24340. Ml U.AHh.t oteauy : oiven kettlo. 11 telle: cenlrifuKal. dull at 7ilio. S1KLP Dull at ry-Sc. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Jan. 15-WUISKY-On basis of 1..'I tor finished gncda 8T. I.OCIS. Jan. 16.-WHISKY-8teady at CHICAGO. Jan. 15-WHISKY-Steady or .i fit $127. CINCINNATI. Jan. 15. WHISKY Quiet cu a bajtia of $1.27 for tyUlied gouda. AtcklBB 4a Maa. Canlral 4a.. Atchlaon do pfd Sioaton s Aloanf. Bomo A Mains. Boat on Elvat4 . N. V , N. H. H Kltctbur, pfd . t'nlon Pacific .. H I Canlral .. Amar. Fuitar ... do nfd Amar T AT Ponilnlon I lAllouai 70 Amalsanutad .. SS B:i(ham M4;Cal. ii Haclt.. 145 iOantannlal ..... 17 copcr kanga . S4S T ion In Ion I'oal li Prarklln ...1J4 ! a Royal 7at Mohaak ll old IvomlDioa .. 1M facol A I. O-neral Electrlo Ill alaaa. Klactrlc do M t'oltcd Fnlit t'nllail Cop par ... f S S'aal do pfd WVatlng. comaoa... Advantur Asked. Bid. .114 I "rrot .11 iQulnca Sa I ".la F Coppor.l. lAmaracS fl TnnltT 7i I's t-d StiUe a I'tah i iriorla tH Winona S7 W,,lrlna r Pair WaaC Hi . 44 . . . 1 .4t . 14. . a . 44 74 ,. s ,. tt .. Zl .. i ..107 . it .. 1 .. 7 .. T . 34 8. Loals live Stock Market. ST. inrjo. Tn. 1 CATTl.FRerelnfs. nr) besd Inclndlnr 90S hrt Teytnf market s'ow. sn" lat'v shinning and export te-r. f arfs w rjrisaen! rieer spot hitol,Mr tr 4 0fliR(in; steers upfler 1 HA lhs. MSi4S- ttocV.ra rA eder. I'Ros-K: own en he!' ,i4I4.?o- cnne- l"H 50: bull vS-';: calves, n 007 snd Tnc'a steers. arriaees. 1 fed up to II 65: cows and helfera, $2 10 I4008 Recelnts 80OO fee- .rVet slow. t.M- vtr- and lights i w.ifli TO nacv ' KSf4 90; butchers and best hesvy, $4 70-J s 00 sWTfirP AN'ri l,AM- Receipts, nana va4: martat stesAvr patlve mutton" 14 70 mi m- i.tpba. t4 7r.4on. ..iiu and bucks. 12 8"!4.!5n; shockers. 87 0t"7J.5rJ. K. 4... 4..., I... 23... 11... IS... I .. w... IS... II... II... to... 14... 8... (... I... 1... I... 1... I... 1... I... 4... I... 1... ... 1... 10... II... 1... I... IS... 17... II... II... II... 15... 11... II... I..; At. .... S7 .... 777 .... f4 1121 t:.l ....1014 ..,.1106 ....1J30 ....1 ....WIS .1179 1IT.3 Pr. I IS I 60 50 70 I SO 4 00 4 00 4 06 4 16 4 11 4 16 4 10 No. II. .. 10... 1... t... ... to... 14. l..t Si... III. .. 40... 14.. At. 1141 107 1720 1270 i:i 124S 1241 12r.4 1!S IMS IMS 14W STEERS AND HEIFERS. 776 ! is: 46 720 H50 1000 ioso 1000 30 710 10o l50 11M) 10 10.10 . ,12tl0 1000 131 40 170 0 tvf lnio 1146 111.0 1W4 Ill S7I IOf.4 no 24 s Ml I 10 I :io I w I 00 I OS I OS t 00 I 00 I 16 I II t IS I 26 I N I M I 14 I M I 16 I 40 I 40 8 40 8 40 I 4r, I 60 I 60 61 8 SO I SO I S5 I 46 I 46 I 45 I 45 70 T. II.... cows. U"14 .1144, SIS (MS 10)0 1146 1160 1154 ......1044 4 una 1120 170 1071 2 SM 1M4 10H4 171 lino 1000 S2I h0 1120 1140 1074 1147 1!4 no 110 1100 Pr. 4 10 4 25 4 25 4 IS 4 10 4 10 4 16 4 46 4 46 4 40 4 SS 4 70 I TS 4 10 t TS I TS I 75 I 76 I 10 I SO I It I SO I SO I SO I SO I SJ 1 m I So I 66 I ss I 0 I so 1 so I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 10 I 10 1 1 I IS I to I so I 64 COWS AND HEIFERS. 627 4S so 4 4 3W 166 441 . S00 no , too ..1O10 ..147S ..1SA0 . .MM! .1120 ,.12i'.0 ..132 ... If .. ISO .. 170 I SS II. I s HEIFERS. ICS 3 44 I 6 1 75 I IS I 15 I a I 10 I IS I 16 t 40 8 SO I so I 75 I SO 8 SO I tt I ' I 00 I Ml I 00 1 00 I. 4 10'.'.!'., BULLA. 1 CALVES. 4 "0 1 4 24 1 4 60 1. STOCK CALVES. ft. Jnsenk ST. JOSEPH. celpts. 1 ed .ttvs w 4ol5 if.; 4 An. ptocVra and HOOS ReotPts 10c lower' H-ht. hrrv T t. 4 Wi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts Mr Block Market. San. IS CATTLK Re market moat' v stesdv: eowa ap4 Snlfe-s, $1.75 reors 7 7r,T)4n. r had:. market 8 $4 5"M 75; medium and IT head. Hew Ynrk Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 15.-MONEY On call. easy. mi1 per cent: closing bid. IV per rent; onereu at z per cent; time loans, eavy; sixty days. 4 per cent; ninety days, 4 '! per rent: six months. 4&4 per cni; prima mercantile paper. 5ti4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Kirna, with ac tual buAiuoos la btuikers' bills ai H-kNl Horn City I. Its Block Market. SIOI'X CITY. la.. Jan. 15 fSnecial Tele- irram i CA1ri.K Recelnts. 6f4) head; m- ket steadv; beeves $3 SorrS ; ciws. ro-l's ' "iTed. I7iiis an. stocsers and f-des. $?viaii: calves snd yesrllngs. $2 2jH 51. HOr7S-Rectpts, 4. Soft had: msrket a b'g se tower, aening at t. sub 4 so; bulk, $l0i a iv. 4 . 14 . I.. 14 . m t is tss 1 OS 21 IX 8TOCKER3 45 2 oa so 620 w 1 8 1. .. ns .. 640 .. 730 .. 470 .. ffig .. 700 .. 94 .. 1 .. 120 ..1100 ..1T70 ..1400 ..1440 ..poo ..1420 . .140 ..I MO"0 . .1620 .. MO l'O .. u 134 ?sn . 4-4 . 64 . tin . Tdt . sal . Ill . tot . S70 . H I TS I 76 I TS I n I 7S I 0 I ns I 00 I m I IS I 14 I IS I n I is 1 u AND FEEDERS. ... 67 r.fc .... Too .... S2S .... S0 .... 626 .... 634 .. '! .... Tf .... M .... 777 .... 543 .... 144 .... T61 I 45 I 76 I 40 I 45 I 4V 1 45 I 04 1 m I 40 4 SO 1 is I IS I 20 I 26 I 25 8 25 I 14 I IS I K I so I no I 00 I 8 I 60 4 00 4 IS S... 44... 44..., 41... 77..., ... SS..., 10. .. 11... SI... ss... 43... S3... 44... 62... SO... 41... 16... 10... 53... 5... 10... S3... to... in... f3... ts... 63... 41... 64... 65... 14... S7... 43... M... '4. .. 41. 45. 16., .141 .Ml ....245 ....231 ....27S ...244 2SH ,....101 P4 J0 854 2M IIS ...S'-'S s;i in lit 1M 1!.S ....IM 357 20 178 -! ... .205 ,....26 2S 351 124 S40 45 Ill 414 Ill 314 in 3H3 171 411 Ill 4o0 110 ..J 120 130 120 ISO ISO '40 ISO 4 7S 4 70 4 70 4 TO 4 70 4 70 t TO 4 10 4 7S 4 TS 4 70 4 70 4 7 4 70 70 4 70 4 70 4 TO ' 4 70 4 TO 4 74 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 T24 ?34j 4 72 '4 4 1-' 4 T2t4j 4 72V, 4 T2V, 4 75 4 TS 4 76 4 TS 4 TS 4 75 4 75 4 TS 4 75 4 TS 4 7$ 4 T6 4 75 4 75 4 77Vi 4 SO 4 SO 4 10 4 0 4 10 4 so 4 00 4 80 4 SO 4 !' 4 S3 4 SS cars of the da- Land Bargains Millions of acre la tha semi-arid West.anrO recently considered worthless, are aow being successfully cultivated through Selintlfio Agricultural Mithodi the diversification of crops, and the growtng cl new grains snd grasses, Introdnred by theU.S. Depsrtroent of Agriculture and Stat Agricnltural College experiment stations. We offer such land s ai low prices and on easy terms to Investors or settlers. Write for fsctt, figures snd map. Mention this paper. Ltss Deal, llslea Padflt tallraef Cat., Ossaks, "ss. COE CDIoMISSIOH COUPAHY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wa bava ova 150 ecTlosn. References: 178 State and Nat l Banks, OlH iERVICB IS TUB IIK9T. Oat of Town Buslnsan Bolt ot tod. OasabaBrancki lll Parnaas TsL84trf TH0S. M. WADDICK. Correipoodent S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Rofcrn 1 N. T. Life Bldg. TeL 8330. Operates 15 Offices In This Stata. Established 1S8T. RAILWAY TIME CARD. WHIOIT 8TATIOII IOTH AND MARCY. Illinois Central. Leava. Chicago Express a 7:60 pm Chicago, Minneapolis St St. l'aul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7.U am Chicago Jk Northwestern. ewes .... ewes ...... ewes ewes wothers . yearlings lambs .... wethers.. 80 ullewfs ...1. 80 cull wethers ; Mi wee, tern ewes 17 western yenrllncs . 231 western yearlings. Fast Chicago Local Chicago .... Mail local Sioux City.. Layllght St. Paul., Daylight Chicago Limited Chicago . Fast Chicago .... IOcal Chicago .... Fast St. l'aul SC. Paul Express Fast Mall Local Sioux Cltv.. Norfolk & Ronesteel....a 8.06 sm Lincoln & Long Pine. .b 8:06 am Deadwood, Hot Springs & Lincoln a 2:60 pm Casper & Wyoming Ex d 2:60 pm Hastings, (superior and Albion t'nlon raclUe. Arrive. au;36 pm a 8:05 am b 10:36 pm a 7:56 am a 80 am b 3:46 pm al0:00 pm all :20 pm a 8:16 an a 1:45 pm a"7:0fi"ant a 8:26 am a 2:40 pm a 9:M art blO SS am bl0:36 art a 6:10 pei a 6:10 pm b 2:60 pm b 8:10 pm a 3:40 am all:80 am a 8:10 pm a 7:60 am a 8:00 am a 8.26 pm a 6:60 pm a 4: pm a 8:16 pm .b 4:00 pm Overland Limited The Fast Mall ... California Express The Chicago wpeciai Portland ...a 8:40 am ...a 8:60 am .a 4:Z0 pm a 3:06 pm a 3:20 pm a 3:20 pm Tha t'ltlcniro Portland Special a 6:80 pm Eastern Express a 6:80 pm The Atlantic Express a 7:30 am The Colorado Special.. all :36 pm a 8:40 am CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAIIKET. . Shipments of Cattle Somewhat Light, not Bheep Hold Their Own. ' OTTTCAOO. Jan. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 2 000 head; market steady; good to prime Bteers. $5.10fc&.75; poor to nieaium, j.ow .75; Blockers and feeders, xz.uuiin 10; cows, l.M'04.00; holfcrs, 2.80fir4.60; canners, $1.5ow .40; bulls, $1.7564.00; calves, $3.006.25. HOGS Receipts, 80,000 head: estimated to morrow. 10.000 head. Closed nrm; mixea and butchers, $4,7546.00: good to choice heavy, $4. Situ 5.06; rough heavy, 4.iU04.w; light,'ai.W; bulk of sales, $4.7C(i4.a. HrlEtr tin nisceipia, o.vw head; market slow; lambs steady; good to choioe wethers, $4.25j(4.DO; fair to choice mixed, $3.00V4.O0; western sheep, w..onc4.4i; native lambs, $4.&oftti.l5; western lumps, $4.2alQ6.1&. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 15. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,374 head; mantel slow; steers, ivt 20o lower; bulls and thin cows, steady; medium and old cows, :5fc25c lower. Steers, $4.Ol6.30; bulls, $3.1uj4.&o; cows, $L704ia.20: lew iat neiiers, o.o"ut.u. i.wiw iw live cattle lower at lift 1140 per lb., dressed weight: refrigerator neei, ac per iu. ports estimated tomorrow, S.JoO quarters of beef. lALVKs- ueceints. i4 firmer; veals, $4.01.4)8.50; no little calves or barnyard stock; city dressed veals, 813o per lb. ; country dressed. lHc. HOGS Receipts, 4,35 Read; hogs, rora lnallv firm: nlEs. steady: no sales reported. SHEEP A . iJ LAMiiB iteceipia, .o head: market low: sheep, easier; Iambs, 15ec lower. Sheep. $3.O0&4.20. few extras at $4 60; lambs, $ 2i7.00. a 3:40 ant W!:45 pm b t:SS am a 7:16 am a 8:90 pm a 10:89 am 824 cattle and head; market Ohleaeo Fneclal Lincoln. Htalrtce and Stromaburg Express. .b 4:00 pm Columbus Ixcal .'..b 6:00 pm Chicago Great Western. 1 St. Paul St Minneapolis Limited Bt Paul A MinneaDolls ExDress a 7:85 am Chicago Limited a 4:50 pm Bt. Paul, Minneapolis & Chicago Express a 3:30 pm Chicago Express a 4:30 am a 4:05 pm Chlcaao, Kllwnnkee A St. Pnnl. Chicago Payllght a 7:56 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm Uverland umuea a pro a m.iv am Vet Moines Express. ...a 7:65 am a 1:10 pm Wabash. St. Louts "Cannon. . ' Rail" Express a 6:66 Dm a l:zo am St. Iouls Local, Coun cil Bluffs a :is am aio:w pm Missouri Paclno. St. Ixiuls Express el 0:00 am a (:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Express.. E.10.60 pm a 4 16 am Chicago, Hock Island A Pacific EAST. Chicago Payllght L't'd.a $:55 am Chicago r-ayilght Loc'l.a 7:00 am Chicago Express .r. bll:16 am J )es Moines express ... a eo pm Chicago Fast Kxpress. .a 6:30 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 7:30 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Ihnver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm Texas, California and Oklahoma Fl er a 4:10 pnt Kansaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.6U0 head, Including 600 head south erns; market steady to loo lower; export and dressed beef steers. $4.26i4.8o; lair to good, $3.7Ma4.2o; western fed steers, t3.5Ka 4.40; Blockers and feeders, weak, $:0(kii 4.20; southern steers. Inc lower at I3.0oi4.15: southern cows. $2.0Oi2.75; native cows. 40c lower at $z uxn 8 w ; native heirers, vi.Wtt S.70: bulls. $2.3f)'u3.fi0: calves. $2.76'(itiOO. HOGS Receipts, 7.0H0 head; market steady to 10c lower; top, l.'Ji; bulk of sales, W.bu'si 4.90; heavy, $4.tt5C4 5; packers, 4.&i'u4.7&; Pigs and lights. $l25'u4.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,200 head; market steady; native lambs, $5.20 6 00; western lambs, Io.0u4jo.7f; fed ewes. $a5Ofi4.0U; western fed ye:irltngs, $4.005j5.&0; stocKers ana leeaers, Yi.ivai.w. ' Stock In Bight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities ytster- uay: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2071 8.113 2.818 Chicago Su.OuO 6.0U0 Kansas City 2,&u0 IMV 2.3AJ St. Louis 8u0 8,fo0 l,5u0 St. Joseph l.O: & 8.3T5 17 bioux City 5u0 4.&U0 TOtala 10.42C 68,488 12,036 HEAL KBTAT13 TRANSFERS. a :S0 am a 8:35 pm a 8 S5 pm bll.60 am a 1:1S pm a 7:26 pm 4. 11.. I. . f.. 1 . 14 . .. II. . 10.. to.. 4 . 14.. 5 . 1.. IS I IS I 4S I 40 40 40 I 45 8 4 I 60 I 5 I 56 I 65 I 45 I S I 70 HOGS There was a big run of hogs In Chicago this morning for s Friday and the Chicago cash prices: Wheat No. 1 red. Mr4e; No. 3 red. 8MtOV; No. 3 spring. M 6a; No. t eprtiut, 7bus7c; No. I bard, 79 Deeds filed for record January 15, aa fur nished by the Midland . Uuarantee and Truitl company, bunded aloiiiK-ier, lull Faruam sucel. for '1 ho bee; R. 11. Meyer uuU wilu 10 Walter Chamberlain, lot 24, block t. Orchard llul :2.2uO Alexander A. Slieret to Herman lieal, lot 11, block 64, Soulh Omalm 6u0 Lwlght W. liennetl and wlie to Kate M. Wilcox, lot 1, block 0. Rogga u Hill's add 4,000 Milium Tidball and wife to Agnea W. Leiidruin, east 30 feet, south tio feet lot 8. block 4, Shinn's add 5 Alonio 1. Tukey and wile to Inter state Investment Trust (Limited) part of lath street vacated 1 Henry MKhun el al to Patrick Hannl lan, lot 7, block 16, Bedford Place, and other lund 1 John Hannifan et al to Patrick llannl fan, same 1 Marinda Mi Clary to Lars P. Jensen, lot 8, block 18, Ambler Place 70 Freeman L, Loom is and wife to Louis N. Uurden, south 6-1U tuet, ws lot 30, Hliiicbaugh Place 6,800 Austin K. Uodds 10 Herbert L. Mcln tyre. lot 8 block 1, Ralph Place L700 Sheriff to Thomas 11. Murray, lota 1 and 2, block 3, north 13 feet lot 3, block 8. and strip adjoining, Boyd's add 300 John F. Foster and wife to Edwin 8. King, part ne1. ne1. sec. 33-ls-lo. ... 2,530 Miian McCanry .ana wife to Lewis W. Rushing, north 30 feet lot 4. block 62. South Omaha 2,250 Anna arnsteat et ai to Hans Han sen, lots 3 and 4, block 24. lots 1. 8, 8. 4. 6 and . block 29. In town of Mil lard 8,400 Biierirr 10 nary Lgan, lot 11. block . Melruee Hill add 4S Mary logan and husband to August Carstena. same 1.. 1,0(0 tmeiine woodworm et al to Edson Rich, aouth 77 fret lor 1, soulh 77 feet, eaat feet lot 2, block In. city.. Edaon Rich and wife to Samuel L, Robinson, north 33 feet, south 77 feet lot V. north 83 feet, south 77 feet. etuK feet lot 3, block 18, city a 6:00 pm ul2:40 pm Bl'RLINGTOX STATION lot It & MASON. Chlcaao, Burlington A Qalncy. Leave. Arrive. , Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:55 pm Chicago Veatlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 8:18 am all:M pm Chicago Limited a 8(05 pin a 7:46 pm Fast Mall 2:46 pm Burlington A Missouri River. Wymore; Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:06 pm Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:46 pm lentr Limned a 4.10 pm a i :4a am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 1:30 pa Colorado Vesiibulud Myer a 8:30 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:67 pm a 8:08 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b 3:10 pm bl0:35 am Bellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue St Pacific Jet.. a 3:30 am Kansaa . City, Bt. Joseph A Coancll Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 9:15 am a ( OS pm St. Louis Fiyer a 6:25 pm all:U6 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0.45 pm a 8:80 am WEBSTER DEPOT 15th A-WEBSTER. Missouri Pacific. M. , T , . Leave-. Arrive. Nebraska I-ocal, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 10:36 am Chicago, HI. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:S0 am b 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm all:2o am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally twin raaiuruay. e uauy except Monday. K0LUND-AMER1CA LINE. Nee Twin-Brraw SMamara of ll.Soe Tona NEW YuKK-KOTTa.KL.AM, via UOLLOONB. balllns Tueaday. at 10 a. m. Rnttanlain Pab. i I Atr.atarilsai Mar. 1 HlotrMrk Feb. II Koltardam Mar. 8 staibuilaui rt. 'ii Nuordatn .Mar. 88 lt(H-rac only. t rrrlglit only. HOLLANIl-AMKHICA LINK, SS LMarborn gt., Cl- raso. III.; Harry Moures, 1S"1 raruaiD St.; C. kuthrrfunl, iiu Karnam Bt. ; i. B. Aayueiaa, Uo taruam bt. (.OVKHVMKM NOTICE. OFFICE CONSTRUCTINU JUABTEU tnusier, tlieytnne, Wyu., Jau. 13, 1Vu4.- Sealed proposula. in triplicate, will be ra ceived al this. olh: until 2 o'clock p. m, mountain time, February 13, I'Mt, and tbe.a opened In the presence of bidders, for lighting the post of Fort D. A. Russell, Vyo., by electricity, including the wiring of buildings and grounds, furnishing ana installing of fixtures, arc lights, etc., and furnishing the necessary electrical current. Bidders must state in their proposal the time In which they will complete the work from date of commencement thereof. Enct proposal must be accompanied by a guar anty signed by two responsible persons, each Justifying in a sum equal to 10 per cent of total amount of bid. Full Informa tion, blank forms, plans and specifications furnished on application 10 this office; alao to the office of chief quartermaster, Chi cago, Denver. Omaha. Philadelphia, St. Paul, St. Louis and the office of the Engi neering News. New. York. United Suttee) reserves the right to secept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Enveli pes containing bids should ba endorsed "Pro posal for electrlo lighting of Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.," snd addressed to Captain W. 8 Scott, Quartsrmaeier, V. B. A , la, charge of construction, Cheyenne. Wyo. JU-li-li-lFl-Uit