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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
19 TITE OMATTA DAILY TIEE: SATURDAY. .TANUAttY 16, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES Airfrtlarmrali for these enlartina will be ukm til 12 m. for the rvenlna edition and until rlHl p. n. for morntna and Bandar edition. Rates, 1 l-2e a word llmt Insertion, l a ward thereafter. ninin iitra for lesa than SCOc for the drat lfr. tlsa. Tine ad frrllifnraU naaat be ran consecutively. Advertisers, br rrqarallnt a aim be red rhrrk, ran karr answers nd drraaod to a anmhrrrd letter la rare of The Her. Anawere ao addreaaed will be delivered oa presentation of the check only. MISCELLANEOUS. NOW OPES. MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER. Day and Night. CATX. WRTTK OK TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Address: H. B. BOYLES. President. New Torh Life Bldg. Omaha. Neb. R-M403 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. . R liil SPECIAL For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for $1. Don't miss this chance. C. 8. Op ticians. 308 N. 16th Bt. R c9.' FERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.j Weber, Btorey & Clark. Ludwlg. Schiller. R 9i6 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R ,7 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storagt. 214 N ltith. Tel. 1196. R 908 fKirz-virOet relief; corns removed. V-nirOpOayur. Roy, r. J-S. 1503 Farnam. R 970 TRT THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. Xf you don't, we both lose. Good work; prompt attention. 214 N. Kith. Tel. ins. R-971 READ! HEED! ) HAVE ROOT ) PRINT IT. FIPPFFni I A- ROOT, Inc. OUOLCtUI ; 414-16 B. 12th. Tel. 1B04. R-973 VirnA Strictly home made; potato yeait. aJICUU Delicatessen, 1806 Farnam Street. R 974 DOLD crowns from IS; fillings from 25c; set of teeth. $2; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4. R 975 IACCORDION pleating, cheapest. best, ftulcki-st. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th nnd Douglas. R 976 - F. MELCHIOR, machinist, 13th ft Howard. R-977 STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drnfts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 978 Kitl.TRT SITPPT.IES-Ullery ft Co.. Ill Howard. Tel. 3327. R 979 SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-9S2 IALT. kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. R 370 If. O. SMITH, successor to McVea ft Smith, plumbing and heating. 118 N. 15th. Tel. 8092, Prompt" attention plven all work. R-MTT8 Henry He doesn't keep stationery. He sells It at 1615 Farnam street. R 241 JJL.U patlng Co.. 1608 Harney. Tel. 253o! R-370 .,:' J?AVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. ........... HI. twd. M 0 1 1 r 1 iVOpiCKA ft CO., fine tallorinrr; all kinds f nre"ln ""d repairing. K.-ug theater X Tr'T"'Y T71 TT 1 1 1 1 1 . . ... niniipn race oiion win nx that face so you will like It. R M467 F8 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, In the Bee Bldg. R M394 OPEN EVENINGS, too busy making clothes to close. Suits "0 to HO; trousers 6 to 110. Dresher, 1616 Fatxam street. R-M698 F13 nisISESS CHAHCES. .TVHEN you want to buy, ae-11 or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. Juhnaon, 84. N. Y. Lila. y 384 6 HOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., business chances and exchanges; write ui, TU New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y M3S4 FOR SALE, an exclusive boot and shoe tore atock, in a county seat, an ofd es tablished stand; a bargain for someone. Adurss Box D36, Hobron, Neb. Y-M447 16X TOR EXCHANGE A stock of nice, clean merchandise, almost ntw. In fine cr.nrll- 1 lot), consisting of sheeting, shirtings, cal liiH8, prints, porcales, tlanneia, lawns, muHlins, domestics, all kinds of furnishing f ood, notions, Jewelry, bedding, carpet ining. etc.: Invoiced .at about Sin 91)0: owner In debt. Will trade for any kind of properly ana small amount ot cash. Write for full particulars. A. H. Brown ot to,, two ttmi Biag., i.asas City, Mo. Y-M633 16x W A N T ED A business location, dry goods or general mercnanuise, or ir in good' ttzed tOWn Wnllln llllt In ftnllnn t.A county seat town, prefer Nebraska; $10 to tha narlv lncnfinfl' me HHi 1. x Bowers, Box 332, GUdden, la. Y-M6S3 IT I HAVB EXCHANGED nearly all of those city properties advertised last Sunday. Would have exchanged yours had you given n 10 me, usi now, perore land and fruit forma are rented. II. S. Gates. 1313 Howard bu 'Phone 321. I bJO is BARBER PHOP-One-half Intereat for aale. In best shop in I-ongmont. Colo. For parucuiurs aauresa .a jenreya. 1 Y-M704 19x SMALL bunch Aerial Pleasure Wheel Co. stock. A high gi-ade Industrial of great promise. Owner needs monev. M. J. Greevy, broker, stocks and bonds, 414 Bee Oldg. X M737 17 WANTED, man In Omaha with I2.0fl0 to (h.taai, to repreaent an om-establlshed In surance company on a weekly payment ten-vear endowment contract. Armstrong t monr K.O., si biock txcnanife Mdg Chicago. Y-M762 17x FOR SALE. oM-estahllshed varletv store doing good buslneW well stocked and well advertised; reiaon. confinement" and age. Address lxx-H box WO. Hearflnht B. D. Y M760 19x AGEXTS WASTED. RANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH tr.iNTl.ll I FARM ER. Steady employment with assured uood In. rome. Agents In the cauntry with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily imj to iiuu per month. Ad. dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau Bee buuoiug. umana. J il3 .WANTED, a good canvaxser for a Catholic newspaper. Apply 10 i ne irue voice, boa Bee Bldg. J M578 LADY agents wanted for the Le Palais Toilet Co. 1 N. 17tb at. Mme. Za Dore. 17x AGENTS wanted for "Chicago's Awful Theater Horror. Indorsed by the Asso rlntlon of Survivors, with Introduction by Bishop Fallows, who personally helped carry out the d-ad and injured. Over 4u0 pages, graphically Illustrated from photo r'apha taken during the fire. Intense ex cltement everywhere. First agent sold 5.1 books In two hours Best terms Credit jrlven. Freight paid. Outfit free. Send Jo rents for postage today. Act quick. Monarch Book Co., dept. D, Chicago. 111. J-M767 17x WANTED, agents In every town to sell lace curtalna bv sample or catalogue; big profits. Cincinnati Lacs Co., 114 W. th, Cincinnati, O. J M7ii6 lGx WANTKD SITIATIO. FOMTION by a graduate of phsrmacy. Addresa Box S3. Blair, Neb. A Mis 21 x .WANTED Position at housekeeping, wl(h -year-4ld child. Mrs. Smith, 2t South ixteeoth Street, A-Mu97 16 WASTED MAI.B HELP. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE riiuucnta entering daily. Day and evening kavlnia. Rohrtough Broa., li'th and Doug las ata., Omaha, 'lei. 12M. B-M4W MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad tare upon our failure to convince you 01 this being the LEST, largest anu only 1 thable. niOHt practical burocr college in thia section ot the country, write for tatalogue today. Western Barbera' Insll tute, omaha. Neb. fl IS6 WANTED Two agents nl once; good sal- i ) , city work. C t . Adama jn., ioi Howard at. 1J 98i WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied. t unmarried men, between age of 21 and ao. iHUfni oi united states, or gooa cnrt' ter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting u Hirer, ltith and Dodge eis.. Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B Mli4 WESTERN EMPLOYMENT: AGENCY, B Mi 2 Hla Crounae Bik- YOl'NO MAN Under 35, with fair baal education to prepare for Gov t Position. Salary to atart, $W0. Deserving Promo tion. Permanent. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. B Mu lux WANTED Sign painter and window card writer. Apply at once, SUl irai rsationai Bank Bldg. B M 7u3 I WANT county managers in Adams, But- if-r, uooge. Hall, Muuiaon, aunuers anu York counties; also In several smaller ones; Biliary and commissions and an op portunity to build up a permanent busi ness. Don't write unless you can hustle and work hard. This Is no "snap," but good pay for the right man. From $1,W0 to a year in above counties. R. B. WALLACE, Brown block, Omaha. B 720 17 A GOOD POSITION WE NEED COMPETENT MEN To fill positions ad managers, accountants, aavcrtising men, salesmen ana pooKKeep eis; also technical and executive men, high grade exclusively. We have ofllces In twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet. HAPUOODS (Incorporated), bit Chemical building, St. Louis. B WANTED I want the name of every man In any way interested In Incubalors or poultry raising. I have something for you. Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center, Neb. B M761 16X WANTED" A high-class specialty sales man tor lowa and Nebraska on a nign class article, the average selling price of which Is $150; people who want It easily found, but what we want Is a "closer; ' good salary and traveling expenses to the man who gets the lob. Address A 63, Bee Office. B M773 17 WANTED EVERYWHERE Hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Ad vertising Bureau, Chicago. B M770 16 x WANTED Men everywhere; good pay to tiiHtnoute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M769 17x WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED A second girl; apply at once. jiui a. autn ave. c 921 WANTED Servant girl, family of three. Mrs. bimcral, 9.6 North 2MU Ave. e. C 460 WANTED, a nurse for girl of 6 years. 2241 tiowara. c i WANTED Girl for general housework. three in the family; good wages. Apply 307 Chicago at. C M678 GOOD girl for general housework. 1024 i'arx a venae. j ag l&x WANTED Nice girl to assist In general nouseworx. iioa ho. xentn atreet. C M70a Mx WANTED Three young ladles to enter training school for nurses at Child Sav ing Institute, Eighteenth and Ohio streets, the number In the school having been Increased from six to twelve. Tel. 1H91. C-M730 17x rOH KENT FURBISHED ROOMS. Room at the Dellone Large, light and airy rooms, $i.60 and up er moiiin; iao ana up per any; eieam leated, electrlo lighted, private and gen eral baths, first-claaa aervlca. nth and Capitol ave. B Mtoa ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha meant uiiury, liou avenworih. Phone A-liU. . E-Ml . O. M. E. haula trunks. Telephone 611. Hi 993 ELEGANT front room; steam heat. 1909 Capitol Ave. Jti M491 NICE eolith, room, modern. 306 S. Kth. Tel. A-1979. $1.25 PER WEEK Doran House, 422 8. 18th, VIENNA European Hotel 1011-16 Farnam si. r Miv iiiuuH, wuica imv, tuning rooma. open an mgnu eus NICE furnished rooms. $24 N. 16th. E M607 FOR RENT A nicely furnlahed aouth room all modern; private tamliy. Zbiy jonea si. E Mb67 ONE NICE, large furnlahed room for two gentlemen; steam . neat, gas, Datn and telephone. 1709 Dodge street. E M734 17x FIVE-ROOM furnished flat, modern In every respect. Near union depot. Address A 62, Bee. E M729 17 PLEASANT, aunny room, suitable for two; modern; board optional, can at store, 2129 Farnam. E M724 17x LARGE or small room; everything mod ern; 3 minuteB' walk Irom postomce. 1923 Dodge street. E M723 17x NICELY furnished rooms, $3 per week up. 617 8. 16th street, 3d flat. 722-17X NICELY furnished rooms, all modern, with or without board. 710 8. 17th street. E M721-17X NICE, large, newly furnished front room, with south and east front on first floor, steam heat, for man and wife, or two Eentlemen, cheerful and convenient. 17ot lavenport. FURNISHED rooms, modern house; flrat class board. N. E. Cor. 33d and Burt. E 752 IT ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen: refer ences. 1616 S. 10th St. ' E 748 17x AN elegantly furnished room In a fine loca tion; Just vacated. 214 N. 23d st. E M765 19 NICELY furnished back parlor, south room on first Moor; all modern; In good brick flat- 2201 Douglas. E M764 18 A NICE lurge front room, beautifully fur nished, In new brick flat right on corner, south front; steam heat. gas. electric light, buth and telephone. 2124 Burt st. &-M7G3 IS WOULD rent large furnished room to one or two gentlomen; conveniently located. 2472 Harney at. E M758 ISx FIHKISMKD ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished front, south room, with board: 6 minutes from heart of city; rea sonable rates. 2020 Harney street. E M745 17x Furnished rooms, ateam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th It Chicago. V 994 UTOPIA, steam heat. 1721. Davenport. F-995 ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals. 15c. F-tT LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; al,o good table-board by aay or wet. The Dreuner, Wi U. Ibtn at. F 44J HANDSOMELY furnished front room, with preaarast and evening dinner; ladles pre. f erred. 108 8. 2oth ave. F-M663 1.x TWO nice rooma, with hoard, at the Al bany will be vacant today. 21' Douglua, V F-M741 17 YOUNG lady has nlcs room and wanta young lady roommate; reasonable ratea and gooa Doapa. a a. zutn. r M.oi is i RESPECTABLE young lady haa large room which sne would like to ahare with same kind of girl; good board. 710 S. into St. u If You Have a Room to Rent or want to rent a room yon can win a cash prize by using The Bee Want Ad Columns. , , FOR BALE MISt ELi-A.-MliOtS. STOCK YARDS SADDI.EHT CO.. J. G. Blessing, prop., wholesale and retail manufacturer of and dealer in harness and saddlea; whips a specialty; eveiy thing band made; quality considered, the cheapest harness shop on earth. 341 K ifcth Bo. Omaha. Union snop. W-M417 FOR SALE, several soholai ships in a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete courae in cu, short, band and typewiltlng. Inquire at Bet office. (j s6J BECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables rep.lrtd; a large stock of cheap bai- futuies clar counters, etc. rhe Brunswick-Balks lolleuder Co., 4 '7-9 8. 10th 8U Q-1U0 INDIAN goods and rsltcs. Ill Farnam. w-397 ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. W li CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRI II B1NG. Long fir tlmbeis. 901 Douglas. VI 104 CLOSING out hard coal stoares at less than J, price fiom $6 up. Furniture chi-ap. Chlogo Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 20. , y-lga FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Apply at Bee press room. vt 438 FOR SALE Four No. 1 Brunswick bowling alleys. Addresa Box 394, David city, Neb. Q 46: J. 6 MANTLES, gas fixtures. Incandescent sup plies, low prices Frauzen, bM N. lbtli at. Q 915 J 28 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, CJ M183 KIMBALL PIANO, sllghtfyu7edTblg bar galn. Call or write Room 7, Bee Bidg. Q-MooO FOR BALE A gas range, good as new, will be sold cheap fcr cash. Address A 28, Bee office. Q 371 HARD coal stoves, $6 up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-403 -IL P. FAIRBANKS MORSE GASOLINE ENGINE. G1LLET & BARNUM. 1614 Capitol ave. W M576 16 Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases of COAL AND FEED. Honest weights guaranteed. Telephone your orders. STAMPS FREE. JOSEPH HART, 1908 N. 24lh. Tel. A1179. Q M7U6 THREE fine, old country violins and one large bass violin; a bargain. 2437 Harney St. and 704 N. 16th sU W 750 17x DESK room, with telephone. 606 Bee. : Q-M749 1SX FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22 x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement elevator, Are and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room 100, Bed Building. I M567 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. 1-M794 I STORIES and bssement 22x100; 1005 Far nam Bt. Inquire 814 First Nat'l Bank b'S- FOR RENT, three tipper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Addresa C. C. Roae water. Sec'y.. Room 100. Bee bldg . ,For Rent . At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCartliy Tailoring Co. 16 feet plate glaas front, the only one of Us kind In Omaha Excellent location for men s furnishing atore, shoe store. Jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hull, Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company 304-306 So. 16th St. BUILDING for wholesale purposes. 1414 Harney St., 4 floors and naseraent. axiM, electric elevator; steam heat; $250. GEORGE St CO., 1601 Farnam St. I-402 17 1615 Howard at., with good basement; $50. UEOKUH & uu.. xwi carnam dv. I-6u3 17 'WANTED TO BUY. DON'T ' give your furniture and , carpets . J. Levins pays the highest cash away, price, Tel. 771. N-KM r . boua-ht. aold. Antlnue Book Con DUUKb earn. 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 3534. ttV HIGH prices for 2d-hand furniture. Tel. 2020. Chicago wrniture -o n-sai BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise t urn, to., lic-a o. Min. iei..-jm. N-378 Mar4 WANTED To buy a aecond-hand safe cheap for canri. Pioneer doming o., 2515 N St., South Omaha, N 712 16 WANTED To buy 10 to 80 acres Improved near Omana or louocii diurs; aescnoe and stats price. Address A bv, ree. N-M72S 17x WANTED TO BORROW. PER CENT first mortgage real estate loan on new property nought tor a noma. Not to exceed 60 per cent of value; better security than a loan made on old Im provements; good, reliable party. HHIMER da CHASE. REALTY. 604 Bee Bldg.' Tel. 1442, IwjO Farnam street after Feb'y 1. M 777 16 WANTED To borrow $1,200 to $1,300 home money on choice improvea rental properly In Omaha; security ample. Address A 64. Bee. M774 20 WANTED SALESMAN. SALESMAN wanted, to sell Blatchford's Calf Meal to the country flour and feed trade. Spring trade large, extensive ter rltory given and good income assured. Ad dress The Bar well Mills. Waukegun. III. M736 17 WANTED Hustling salesmen; specialty line; liberal contract; men with ability and appearance necessary for high-class trade; Inducements attractive to dealers. Send photo and references with applica tion. Manager, 112 me street, ci iuia Mo. M771 17x DAKCINO ACADKMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy, (424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays, t p. m.; assemuiie, weur.esaaya, a:u p. m.: children besinnera. Wednesdays, i p. m., Saturdays, I p. m ; advanced. Satur days only, 4 p. in. 'Phone, F-1471; r.a.. JL-LtiL. .u If vou dance, attend Morand'a Wed. assera biles. If you don't dance. Join hla Tue-day and Fri. class p. ni. Special attent.on tj beginners; lady assistants; private lesson dally. Call lulh and liaruey or Tel. 1041. MS. 1 -Li FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR Bargains in Omaha Property. AiE 3ao F. D. WE AD Nice 20-acre fruit farm adjoining Council Blufls on east, with hotbeds, etc. A snap. 1j24 Douglas RE .16 16 PUBLIC SALE Douglas County Farm RIVERSIDE FARM, about 30 miles north west of Omaha and 6 miles east of Fre mont, sw'4, section 6, township 16, range 9, at Mercer, Douglas county. Neb., will be sold at public sale by tne adminis tratrix of the estate of John D. Thomas, deceased, on Thursday. January 21, 1W4, In o"der to pay the debts and costs of administration of the estate. The sale will take place at the east door of the court house In the city of Omaha and will be open trom 11 to 12 o'clock In the forenoon. Julia Thomas, administratrix, 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M415 20 FOR SALE Twel vp-acre fruit farm at Brnidentown, Florida; water front, young orange And banana grove, and good hous. Addi ess Lock Box 66. Giltner. Neb- RE-106 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commit loner. Union Pa- cll.o headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 410 F. D. WEAD 20-acre farm 1 mile from Council Bluffs, with 6-r. house, large barn, two cave cel lars, good orchard; $3,000. 1524 Douglas RE .17 16 3EST bnJralns In rarms and ranches. Write Vi;ls Caldwell, Hrokn Bow, Neb., for list -nd illustrated pamphlet RE M731 J23 kAa Williamson Co., S;"k W RE 64 SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 443 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE-660 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranohes. Tel. 133. RE 935 F. D. WEAD Nice modern home of 7 rooms on West Spaulding street, with full lot, south front; $l,G0O; $200 or $300 cash, balance same as rent. . 1524 Douglas, f RE 715 16 H Building Lots H Fine laying building lots on 8. 24th ft, one, two and thre blocks north of Vinton, for $550, $600, $050 and $700; our signs are on some of them. These are bound to sell for much more next summer. Will build a house to suit on any lot In any part of the city. : Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 710 li DO YOU WATfcT $ELL A FARM? If vou want to'a.U a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This ferrlr-llltnral weekly vnea n 46 000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable nrlce vou will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement I? small 2 cents per word in small type or $2.50 per fnch If set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE 229 HOME BARGAINS There are some new bargains in Omaha Savings Bank property which' must be sold to pay de positors. $1200.00 2531 S. 11th St., 4-room cottuge, recently re paired and painted; city water; lot suxiui. $1,500. 2S13-2S15 Dodge St., 8-room house and small cottage; rents $17.50; rent can be maae $22.00. $1,400. lot Obxlto; room lor anotner nouse; gooa neighborhood; city water. $900. 2212 Pierce St.. 4-room cottage, new roof. tnorougmy repaired ana paimea; 101 ivxyu; city water. $900. 2214 Pierce st.. S-room cottage, cltr water. thorougniy repaired ana newiy paimea; lot 30x!. 52,500. 2628 Charles St., 8-room modern house, ex cept furnace; carefully built for a home; In thorough repair, new roof, newly painted; lot 60x140. $2,000. 2501 Blnney St., 6-room cottage, In thorough repair and recently painted; two amall cottages In rear fronting on 25th street and two vacant lots between; in all nearly an acre of ground front on 25th and on Blnney. Thia is our greatest bargain for a hotne and Investment; rents of all, $14. N. P. DODGE & CO, Tel. 829. 1614 Farnam at. RE $1,250 HOME NEW 4-room house with four lots In Ben son for $1,250, on terms. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, 643 1 'ax ton Block. RE-M744 16 IN WALKING DISTANCE NEAR the High school, a fine piece of property for investment. The lot Is 60x148 " feet deep and there are three houses on It, two 6-room house and one y-room house; modern except furnace; rent for $ti0 a month. This Is a tine piece of prop erty for someone and la going to be sold, as It la owned by some heirs who want to divide the estate. Price, $5.W0. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg : Tel. itkl RE M 743 16 WHEN buying or selling real estate get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract. Iiil4 Farnam. street Moor. RE M75S 16 INVESTMENT. FOUR blocka from court house, 60x80 feet, lot with 6-room cottage, renting for $20 per month: owner needs money and offers thia desirable property for fesa than the lot alone la worth $2.3o0. See ua at once. On S. loth, 7-room bouse and corner lot rents for $18 per month. Price, only $1.6u0. W. Fa main Smith A Co. RE-M776 18 CHEAP LAND, DOl'ULAS COUNTY. WE ARE offering 1'iO acres of aa good aoll aa can be found In the county, about 60 acres In cultivation, balance In timber and pasture; Eikhorn bottom land. Get particulars; price. $5,0u0. W. Farnam Smith Co, MXr-Mri 18 FOR RENT HOt SES. FOR RENT, 9-room modern house, Sl&i Fnrnam tu, $25. (-room modern house and barn, 2210 Fop- pleton ave., $-0. 6- room modern cottage, 1114 South 28th St., $-0. 7- room house, city water, 1614 North 27th St., $15. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life Kldg. D M56a 16 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pa?k move and store II. II. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19lh. Office. lulU, Farnam. Tel. 1669-&63. D-M449 FOR RENT 6-room house. 2563 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water: newly painted and papered throughout $20. J. 11. Sherwood. New York Life Bldg. D M667 2X1S S 19th St.. 8-room house $20.00. 1925 S. 18th sty 6 room house, well $10.09. 319 N 17th St., 6 rooms i.pKtairs $12.i'0. M'CAGUK INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. D 130 2716 BRISTOL, 7-room house; bath, gas, city water, $20.00. McCagus Investment Co.. 1606 Dodge t. D-M478 HOUSES In all parts or the city. The O. F. Davie Co., 603 Bee Bldg. D-H3 HOUSES In all parts of the city. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D 114 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO . choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 116 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming. 'Phons 2049. WE MOVE plams. Maggard Van A Stor age Co.. Tel. 1496. Otnee, 1713 Webster st D 118 -ROOM, modern, brick house. 406 8. 25th ave. William K. Potter, Rec, 3o3 Brown block, D 421 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D-118 FOR RENT, 138 North $8th ave., 11-room house, modern, barn; $00. N. W. corner 28th and Jackson sts., . I rooms, modern, $30. 2112 Locust st., 8 rooms, modern, $36. 3504 South 2oth St., near Vinton, 8 rooms, modern, $25. FLAT. 1611 Howard at., 6 rooms, modern, $30. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. D 654 17 NEW 6-room cottage for rent, just built, south weut corner of 25th and Saratoga, at $13. R. H. LANDERYOU, 442 Board Trade, Tel. 2151. D-669 16 NEW modern 6 rooms. 1317 S. Cth St., $18. D 673 25x FOR RENT Four-room house, 17th St., on car line, only $10. Waterman, N. Y. Life bldg. D-706 16x FOR RENT Good 7-rosm house, gas and city water. 3303 Ohio. Inquire 3333 Maple. D 718 16x FOR RENT New modem house, up to date, seven rooms. 2531 N. Twentieth street. D M732 16 FOR RENT. 2024 Martha St., 4-room house, well and cistern $6. 622 S. 40th st, S-roora house, all modern J40. 1208 N. 25th St., 6 rooms, city water $18. 2212 Clark st, 6-room house, city water $12.50. 2818 S. 19th st.,' 8-room house, newly pa pered, ciiy water ai. 819 N. 17th st, S, rooms, city water and sewer $25. 8112 Webster st, T rooms, well water $9. 1604 N. 24th st, 8-room flat, modern except 1 uniace fi. 1701 N. 24th st, S rooms upstairs, in rear $4.50. 3107 Larlmore ave., 6 rooma, well $5. M CAUUB INVESTMENT CO.. '.506 Dodge St D 758 17 NEW 8-room. modern, brick, lust com pleted. 628 South 17th ave. Flat, 2305 Leav enworth, 6 rooms $17. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opposite old P. O D M74S MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN You can pay ua as you wish, in small weekly or monthly payments, and each payment so made reduces the cost ot the loan. Our rates are as low us any and a great deal lower than some. We loan on furniture, pianoa, horses, wagons, etc., the property alwaya remain ing In your possession. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPI.M upon their own agreement to repay. Our facilities are the best for QUICK service uiuce mono is "to please our J) a 1 TO lib 11a i?MA.HA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel 25. (Established 1S92.) 806 S. 16th St X M328 MONEY LOANED ON FVRNITUHKANUS. STOCK, Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try Vs..'X.J?ou want to save money. . PHOENIX CREDIT CO 633 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. . X-121 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE FOR MONEY "pftS-riPii PERMANENT SALARIED rUblllUN, on your plain v itv WITHOUT MORTGAGE, INDORSER o"; knowledge of friends anj employer. .nA,Vgy H?0 HOUSEHOLD FUR- ... iJ V tlc' l-west rates, SrtHeXn-?-!.1, AMERICAN LOAN CO. Rooma Jo-Jw ajtlon ii.ock, third floor, loth St. . mim (U 1U1U Dla. Knlrum.i X-M564. MUNNEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE r.Ti.r. IT. . "CV""V "a"' payments; U'geftt bu.-inexs in 4 p.iucipul cities lofman. iooiu 0. Chamber of Commerce A 122 MONEY loamd on phdn noie to ailarlej peop.e; business coiiildmtial; loweat rates. v'"u ie J. a. iiutlon tJo. . ' ' X-U3 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, ttc. C. F. Reed. 319 S 13. A-124 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co., R. 8, Barker Block. X 126 MONEY TO LOAN KaCAL ESTATE. n-h ana city loans, low rati a. w. li. - . 'id. ..(.li ouikm, oiug. 1 el lb , W-12 ' PRIVATE money, fcherwood, M7 N. Y. Life. w iz TO 6 P. C. money, Bemla, Pax ton blo k. PRIVATB money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. w 1J nanito-iiiy Joans and warrants. W. ..... Bimu. K a aru am et. W-1J1 FIVE per cent loons. Farnam. Garvin Bros., lwH W 133 WANTED Real eatate loana and warrants. n. t-.. reiera L.U., uce Blug. W Li3 MONEY TO LOAN Payns Investment Co. W lit 6 farm loans. R, C. nam. Patterson, 1224 Far- W 135 WANTED, to place $1,000 or $1,600 on first class city real estate at 6 per cent Wy- uan, ennver wo., 1. x, x-iie mag. .W-M767 U PERSONALS. Rege tloK .. n .1 ll.l.M..(n mrarlois, 20i Rainge Building, 'I'mI -..g i.u.i,..M U 31 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call vi w 1 1 it. iu me niatron 01 me B;iivau'ii Army Home fcr Women, 3S24 N. ma st., Omaha, Neb. L-Mi.6 Maylx Btammerlng cured. J. Vaughn, Ramga Bid. j Hi MAfiNPTIP treatment baths. Mine. bmllh, lis N. 15, 2 tlr. it 2. U AlWi FSX ELITE parlors, 615 S. 16th, 2d floor. u MS61 SHOP-MADE SHOES Lang's, 718 S. 16th 1. c 3 Hi SMOKE Capt Freer's Greenlandcr. 410 S. 'IB. Li 11 Jit TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. nth st U 4oOJ16 TEL. 3265; that's tho Gate City Steam Dye ing ana cleaning Works. 61a B. lbin st. U-MI47 J- E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST. S. "ill. u 101 HOMOEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and ieiaii. Diierman ft McConnell lrwg to,, Omaha. U-M184. COLONCO CURES CATARRH. U M39$ OMAHA PLEATING CO. Pleating that pleane. Cor. ltjin and Dodge. Tel 622. L. AlVKf 1 MANICURING and massage dons at 2tf North lUh at. Mme. Za Dore. u .MJWl itx SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles vcimaucoujr reraoveu ny eiectriuiiy ; con sultation free and confidential; all worif guaranteed. Mlsa Allender, 422 N. Y. L. U-623 3vg LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 613 Karbach uiwca. U-400 DR. GSANTNER, dentist, 309 liamge blk. IT Al.. V I sf si a WE RENT aewlng machines at 75o per weeK, i per month; we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; second-hand machines from $1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U 413 "VIA VI" way to health. 346 Bee building, Omaha. U 142 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and curing confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlscli, 4ti2a California st. Terms reasonable. U-143 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases mm irregularities ot women rrom any cause; experienced and reliable. 1013 Dodge st.,. Ai ling tou block, Omaha. U 144 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; uauies aanpiea. Mrs. uaraeis, 2244 LKe. Tel. Red-1!M4. U 145 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies uoopiea. xne uooa bamaruan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U 626 WATER'S PRINTING CO.. 1212 Douglas PRIVATE hospital before and during con- uiiniueni. jnrs. 1. Eisner, ioitt mn. Tel. Ii8. U 147 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. AT aiuggists, si. u 14s WHAT'S nicer than akcordlon pleating? a uu 11U1111119 uui ine nueni. uoiaman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U 14S ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools ana vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1778. U 160 OMAHA DYE WORK8, 1616 HOWARD. lasmonaoio cleaners; aresses, suits, cloaks, draperies, rugs, lace curtains: ws dye carpets. U M77 J23 SAVE MONEY By buying from the manu facturers, nurxiey envelope 1:0,, umana. U-690 F12X RAMSER ft KERR, hatters, make old hats new. zoi xm. litn. Bend hats by mail. U M179-S1 D. M. HAVERLY. expert accountant. 213 Bee Biag. -none 2904 u M727 17 JAKE Come home; everythlnjr will be for- given. Jessie. u M747 17X WILL the young lady who wore the large nai ana long rurs ana sat near the rront en a North 24th street car Monday even ing at about 6:15 address X 18, Bee. U-M746 17x PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to gei me a pair ot nuteson s "Patent Slip Not" Rimless Eyeglasses. They're Just too swell. Can't shake off. 213 S. 16th. Cnlltzo. U 754-F-14 WANTED One or two small children to board; good. Christian home; best of ref erences. Box 106, University Place. Neb. XT M768 17x LOST. LOST Pocketbook, containing $47, a gas mil ana a rent bin, on tne f arnam car, between Howard and Pacific, Tuesday evening. Reward for return or Informa tion. Report at Bee office. Loat-M731 16x LOST Gold locket. Inscribed with "M. C. P;" finder return to 1113 S. 33d St. and .receive reward. Lost M773 17 STOLEN-52 REWARD 1,100-lb. 12-year-old bay mare; good condi tion; free driver; left hind leg slightly enlarged. New Blngle top carriage, brown leather cushions, Omuha dealer's name on rig, square box; good single strap harness, "M. W. A. Rosetter" on bridle. Taken from Friend, Neb., January 14, 1904. Address WM. WAKNER, Friend, Neb. Lost M778 16x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. NEW and 2d-hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. 11. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P-157 TWO fine depot wagons, rockaways, 1 coupe. 2 trapa, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drtimmond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney. P 105 FOR SALE, aeveral good horses, a few seta of 2d-hand double and single har ness. Melcher's Sales Stables, Ml S. 19th. P M413 F6 FOR SALE, cheap, slightly used: Two carriages, 2 phaetons, 3 tori buggies, 3 driving wagons. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 1616-18 Capitol ave. P 714 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 161 THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real eatate brokers, attorneys and brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life, Tel. 133. 155 W. F. WAPPICH, ADVICE free. Crelghton Blk. M-924 FOR pensions see 8. F. Moore, 22 Pntterson block. M676 F 11 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 615 N. T. Ufa Bldg. T 164 -468 The Hunt Infirmary, McCagus bldg. T. 2361 t. DR. GRACE DEE IAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tst 2o86. 41 Faystts Cole. Osteopath, 609 Paxton block. 143 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Z-W-6 FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or used typewriter. Schmolli-r ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam street. Telephdns 1K26. Z-Mf89 CLAIRVOYANTS. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. U-llt OYI.MER, palmist. 716 N. 23d; 'phone B $245. 8-111 PROF. HARRY removed to 1816 Dodge at 8-SI905 MEDICAL LADIES: Chlchester'a English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. atampa, for partiAilara. "Relief for Ladies," In letter, by return mall. Ask your drugglat. Chichester Chemical Co., FhilatUljpkla, Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. L'fs. -I..i j-- NEB. Rtclness ft Shorthand College, n.rfd TH'Ster. 1 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Two or three furnished or un furnished rooms for lisht housekeeping ; good li.atlon and modern; give full par ticulars. A 61, Hee. K 711 I5x FOR RENT I NFl HNISIIED ROOMS. I HAVE t unfurnished rooma. furnncn heat, bath. gas. hot and cold water; housekeeping. Address A 25, Bee. G-MWI PATENTS. H J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 118 8. 15th at., Omaha. Tel. ins. 3SJ PATENTS GUARANTEED Sues Co., Omaha. Neb. K92 A 12 COSTIMKS. Theatrical and masq. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. -1U COSTUMES for rent Back. $818 8. 20th st. M744 J:4x DRESSMAKING. MRS. CABB, dressmaking. 1810 Dodge St. M)6 J28 IN fsmlllea Miss Sturdy, 309 N. 23d. MrJM F! , DETECTIVES. CAPT. T CORMACK. H7 Karbach block. Tel. A-S832. 16) THE BEBOT'T DETECTIVE AGENCY. 708 N. Y. LIFE. 'F.T.EPHONE 8.S40. 161 TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7K4. FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 431 L. HENDER8ON. florist U19 Farnam St MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, roles. Davldge block. . 39 FURNITURE PACKINQ. Psteraon ft Lundberg. 116 8. 17th. Tel. L-28. H 40 POSTOFFTCB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending Jan uary 16, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all y cases) at the General PoBtoftlce as tolloh? PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany clone at 6 p. m. Friday, per s. s. Patricia. Regular Supplementary mails close at Foreign Station half hour later than clos ing tune shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, clone one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. New York, via Plymouth and Cher bourg (mail for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. New York"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, nor a. s. FurnoHsU (mall must be directed "per s. s. Fur nessia"); at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Umhrlu, via ttueenstown; at U a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a s. Hekla (mall must be directed "per a s. Hekla"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opeiinxl on the piers of the American, EnallHh, French and German ateamera, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of .sailing of steamer. Malls for Booth and Central America, Weat Indies, Etc. SATURDAY At 8:80 a m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mail for Savun ilia and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo, via San Juan; at :.Hl h. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8AVAN ILL A and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Alle ghany (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected '"per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Mexico, via Ha vana; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 &m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DO INICAN REPUBLIC .per a s. Chero kee. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA. Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at a. m. Ithe connecting matla close here on Mondays, Wednesdaya and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY. Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer closes at this office daily, except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. bundays at 1:00 p. ni. and J1:'M p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND.-By rail to North Syaney, and thence oy steumer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday). JAMAICA. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer, closes at this iifllce at 11:30 p. m. every Sunday. By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this ofllce at 6:30 p. n, every Friday. MIQUELON. By rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, closea at this office daily at 6:30 p. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ end GIIATE- . MALA. By rail to New Orleans, a,nd thence by steamer, closes at this olli- flail v, except Sunday, . at 11:30 p. in. and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 1:30 p. m. and (11:30 p. m. (connecting mail closea here Mondays at 11:30 p. in.). COSTA RICA. By rail to New Orleans, anu tneiiue ny steamer, closes at tlili office daily, except Sunlay. at (1:30 p. in. and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at l:0u p. m. and 111:30 p. 111. (connecting mall closes hers Tuesdaya at 111:30 p. m.l. BAHAMAS (Except Parcels-Post Mails). By rail to Miami, FU., and theucu by steamer, closes at 11; JO p. m. every Tues day and Saturday. (Registered mail closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Sun Francisco, cloa here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January lluth, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Coptic. NEW ZEALAND, AU8TRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Franciscu, close here dally at 6:30 p. 111. up to Janu ary llt.Hi, inclusive, for despatch per a s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steumer car rying the British mall for New Zeuland does not arrive in time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. ni., 9:80 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard aleainer.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Taconia (Kpeclally addrtBKud only), close here dally at CM I . in. up to January 17tu. Inclusive, for dr-spatch per a. s. Oanfa. CHINA and JAPAN. vU Vancouver and Victoria, H. '., close here daily at 6:20 p. 111. up to January imth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Empress of Japan. (Merchandiau fur IT. B. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bu forwarded via Canadu.) HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dully at 6:3u p. m. up to Janu ary l-'Oth, Inclusive, for despatch pur s. s. America Muru. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:3o p. m. up to Januaryy l-inh, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. 'i'oaa AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 6:20 p. in. up to Januury 1 :3d, Inclusive for despatch per s. a. Moano. HAWAII, via Sun Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January I'Joth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Alameda. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Frun- . Cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 127th. Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transnor'.. . . TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS. vU San Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m up to February l-:th. Inclusive, for despatch per s s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, Went Australia is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines Via Pan Francisco the quickest routea. Philip pine specially addressed "via Canada or 'via Europe'' must be fully prepaid t the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded V port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland trar-'t. IReglatered mall cloaca at 6:0u p. m. pro vioua day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Poxrnfflce, New York. N. T., January L I "0.