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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
THE OMATTA DAILY DEE! SATURDAY, JANUARY 1R. 1004. 1-J nn 111 Men's Linen Collars, Sires 14 to 17, 5c Bach Men's Linen Collar, 51 res 14 to 17, 5c Each Jib THI RELIARLK ITOIIE. H0 S i $10 & $15 Pattern Hats J51 on sale at A Great Assemblage of Pattern Ilata Trom Madame MaLfguerite, 437 5th Ave.N.Y. The Renowned Society Milliner. ment, at are all midwinter models in malines, chiffons, flowers, etc., and in reality are the last hats that were or will be imported from Paris and London this season. On sale in our French pattern rooms and main millinery dept., 2d floor, tomorrow. NETSUKE BAGS AT 98C. Twenty styles to select Trom In beautiful Ivory toP3Q silk tap3try effects, real walrus, real alligator fC and real seal worth as high as $4 each, at r On Pound dood Wrltlnj Paper ruled or plain, each with 120 double sheets these generally sell at ISc a pound t special Saturday, at, pound a-rV 10c and 15c Ink Tablets well bound, at 4c Fine Hemstitched Linen Box Paper white and tints, sold eisewnere at 50o box we will sell 600 ' 25c boxes, at, each Silverware 20 Per Cent Off This Includes our entire line of silver tea sets, bon bnn dishes, shaving mugs, children's cujib, napkin ring, tea spoons, dessert spoons, knives and forks, or anything else In the Jewelry line. 20 per cent off all this month. Our guarantee goes with every arti cle we sell JOHN RUDD, Jeweler. Watch Inspector for C, St. P.. M. A O. and C. & N. W. Rys. Bring us your watch or Jrwelry for repairs 115 Bouth Sixteenth street. cons 5 sticks candy for lc Mack Walnut Taffy,' bar ... .5c Iloarhound stick, lb...' 10c Marshmallows, lb .11 Jc Jelly (lum Drops, lb 10c Cocoanut Bonbons, lb 20c Snow Drops, lb 20c Chocolate Creams, lb 20c Tan Caramels, lb 30c Cream Witters, lb ..40c ItaliaiUlQicolates, lb 40c Monte Crtrtsto Chocolates . 1-lb. boxes, COc, $ box 30c. 3 packages Ouin for 10c i20 Discount! ON ALL I Suit iTrairelins iGasss iOmaha Trunk Factory! rait r,,iM b. -i-. CHAS. K0KAN, Proprietsr TfVphone I05S I20t Farnam Street ' Maaoalo Notice. ' Members of Nebraska loilgs No. 1. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, are requested and members of other lodges of the city are Invited to attend church services at 8t. Mary's Avenue Congregational church. Twenty-seventh and St. Mary's avenue, Bunday, January IT. 19o4. at 10:30 a. m. Members should iniet in basement of church at 10:20 oo as to go in a body. GEO. A. DAT. Master. Watch for the opening of the Auditorium restaurant. 31( South Fifteenth street, Jan uary 20th. The finest restaurant in the world weathered oak. Twelve beautiful furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on each floor. Elegant barber shop la basement weathered oak. Card of Thank. We, the undersigned, desire te express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown at ths illness and death of our son and brother, James, also for the numerous floral tributes. MH3. S. NEWSTKOM AND SONS. Marriage Licenses. Name and Healdence. Age. Edward J. Qutnn, Omaha , IB Harriet Brooks. Omaiia 21 Andrew K. Stephen. South Omaha 21 sioiiie Lindsay, South Omaha.. If Noah L, Alien. Omaha 46 i'ura A. WiUon, Omaha 43 Burton M. Palmer, Omaha Jf Olive Buir, Omaha U . U K. .Weddlof JUfiga, tUuolm, Jeweler, We hare purchased all the trimmed hats of Madame (Mar guerite, 437 Fifth Ave., N. Y., who is considered one of the Bwellest exclusive milliners on Fifth avenue, New York. We secured every one of her elegant hats and place on sale all the flO.OO, $15.00 designs tomor row in millin ery depart 2 $5 Madame rtarguerite's $25, S30 and $35 exclusive Designs, at These are all Madame Mar guerite's own importations every one a Paris modeL. In this offering we include the choice of our own model hats. These $5 25c Box Paper oreain whlto and tints, plain or ruled, big f A bargain, per box "v Playing Cards Steamboat, Hustler and Rival Playing Cards Q J worth 20c, sale price, pkg WE APOLOGIZE to those that could not be waited, on prop erly the first day of our sale. In the first place, we did not get all of the goods un packed on account of delay in the transit and we were short on help, not expecting quite so big a rush. For Saturday we will be In A-l shape, but would advise that can to come as early In the, day as possible to avoid the rush. Men's odd coats at COc; there are only small sizes left. At $3.90 you can have your choice of an enor mous lot of Overcoats and Ulsters. The cloth wlthouj the making and trimming is worth more. Astrakhan Coats and Vests, the Coat has a storm collar, Jo. DO. Men' rattling good suits, including Corduroy, suitable for bunting purposes. (3.90. Men's strong, durable pants. 76 a. Men's rubber boots, $1.60. Boys' long Jean pants, age t-li. one dime a pair; the buttons are worth that much. Blanket lined duck Coats with Corduroy collars, iSo. Choice of Men's Pants, worth up to 13.60, your pick,' (1.90. Mackintoshes, 88c. Overcoats with Astra khan Collars and Astrakhan trimmings, all the way down, (9.90. Sheep lined Duck Ulsters, $4.98. Odds and ends in children's clothing very cheap. Another extra good value are the double-breasted Black Chev lot Suits, (4.90. Fur Overcoats from (5.90 ! up. Men's fanay Vests, worth up to S3 50, choice, 8Sc Boys" Long Pants Suits, (2. Boys' Shoes, 50c. Ways Mufflers, 15c. Men's Tuxedo Suits, (9.90. Large Dress Suit Cases, (1.19. The above mentioned goods are a few of the many bargains on sale on the second floor. On our main floor we offer several good things, for in stance, our Finest Overcoats, including the Benjamin make, former price, (20.00. (22.50 and (25.00, now your unrestricted choice, (15.00. Also some of the Benjamin Suits, former price (18.00, during this sale, (1260. Nothing like it anywhere for the man ft V. In our hflKmnt mrm nflr Iab tVir iVlned shoes worth (3.00 for (1.69. The Guarantee Clothing Co., Facts Worth Knowing When you purchase your Meats and Groceries of us you are assured ot hav lug received "QUALITY" which Is un surpassed at the lowest possible cost and the satisfaction of knowing that the rood which Is on your table was 6ur rounded by "CLEANLINESS," which renders It wholesome ami palatable. Fresh Country Egs, per dozen. .. . Choice Country Butter, per pound. 3 2-pound packages Oatmeal for.. Early June Peas, per can 24c 20c 25c 10c ruratoga Flakes, per package 12' -jC waiter Baker's Chocolate, pound 35o Alton Flour, per sack $1 .35 loi-k loius, per pound... Fork Chops, per pound . . . Fork Sausage, per pound. Spare Ribs, per pound. .'. . So 8c 6aC uoiung Beef, per pound 3c Nice Mackerel, each 12c Sommer Bros., Exponents of Qood Living-, 28th and Farnam Sts. Grocery Telephones. U29-UO. Market Teleiihona, T34. Rubber Complexion Brush 79c Sensational Sale of Pattern Dress Hats On Saturday we place on anJe BOO pattern jorKs notea aesigners. we nave purcnasea tne nats at a very small rrocuon of their original value and we offer them to you at the same proportion. The assort ment Is a moat complete one and comprise many of the Iste winter effects In black, white and colors In combinations of fur, chiffon, panon velvets, braids, eto. principally In turban and toque Ideas. truly remarkable asemblage of high miinnery at mien ridiculous low ngures. BALIS SATURDAY, at - flow is Your Chance. Going at less than half price. We tnu wompn s Suits, worth up 04 Crl to tOO 00. at 7! fcV3U Women's $25.00. $30.00 and I k ( C J6.uo suits at It9 Women's $23.00 and $30.00 lr flft Coats ao at lU'UU Women's $175.00 Otter Coats ftm gJ Women's $60.00 JOJectrlo Beat JC Hfl Capes go at g9UU Women s Marten Scarf, worth $10.00, at 500 Tour choice of all our Children's Cont. for".?.."? G.9fl sa Children's Coats, worth .298 up to go at , Great Clearing Sato Men's Suits, Overcoats and Pants Men's . Suits, blues, blacks, grays and browns, checks, mixtures and plain col ors, well made, dressy suits, F An worth $7.50, go at 9UU Men s Suits, In all the latest shades, stylos anu launcs, ail nana-tallored throughout, well made, stylish looking, aood visirlnir . suits, worth up to $15.00; our f Cfl -clearing saie price I'WW Ladies' Underwear Specials LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS. handsomely trimmed with mined Itwertion and lnr. edging, worth from $1.00 to $6.00. IC at tL8. $1.60, 98o and IOC Ladles' Fine Cambrlo Plain Corset covers. in ail sisea, worth 19c, 0C Ladles' Fine Cambrlo Corset Covers, lace miu eiiiuruiucry inmmea. also umorella Drawers, extra wide tucked and hem China Department 6,000 pieces of German fire-proof cooking utensils 2, 4 and 6-quart Kettles, 7, and 11-inch Iteke Pans, 11-Inch Meat Roasters and Pie Pans these goods gen- IA erally sell at 86c to $1.26-whole I II ft lot goes on sale at each 1 Hardware, Stoves Special Saturday Bargains Steel Frame 95c 13c 89c 69c 43c wringer Gnlvanlxed Pulls Ret Potts' Irons Copper Bottom Boiler Willow Clothes Baskets G: Mills Pish 29c pans SPECIAL CUT PRICB ON ALL HEA ileat Department WB SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST. than any market In the city. Pork loins, ner lb pork roast;- J per lb v Spurs ribs, t ..6c 25c 25c 25c per lu f. lbs round steak, for w Vi lbs. loin steak. for 1 lbs, porter house. steak. for Groceries! On account of the unusually warm weather Uie butter and egg market has broken. Heist creamery butter. Der lb..... lto Good country butter, per lb 12Wc A rule butter, per lu Vac Corn starch, ner pkg c Laundry starch, per pkg White navy beans, per to : ...oc 21 lbs. ours cane granulated sugar for ll.uu Ail brands laundry soap, per bar 21c Large sacks white or yellow cornmeai.i-c Large sacks buckwheat flour'. 3Ac Large sacks Graham flour 2io if-lb. pkg self-rising pancake flour 7Vo fancy peari tapioca, eagu, uaircjr m . fsirinA tr nounii ............30 Good Japan rice, per lb Hand picked navy beans, id anu Fresh breakfast rolled oats, lb ihc Quart cajis golden table syrup 7Jc 1-lb. pkg imported macaroni 7Wc Condensed mincemenat, pkg -oo Irge bottles fine tomato catsup "He j-lb. can sulld packed tomatoea 7Vc Start the New Right by opening n savings account. We pay 4 per cent interest compounded every three months, and all ot our de posits are payable on . demand. ' Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. Brandeis Flm Toilet Soap, jes box, 74c at SI.50 and S2.50 dress hats, mostly the productions of New A M K A oav f? f clans GTBaOU ij LfZ lOU on ..van " . I s jr" V H D HP sSfi Cloaks, Suits, Furs st make room for spring stock. Women's Bults, worth up to IB Cfl $36.00 and $40.00. at 10911 Women's $.16.00, $40.00 and $45.00 I O ft ft Cloth Coats go at Ifc'UU 100 Women's Coats, made of all wool seys, worth up to $30.00, go at .... 5-98 Women's $50.00 Astrakhan Cfl Capes at , . I 3U Women's cluster seal capes Q QQ Women's $9.00 Pur Scarfs g QQ 200 Children's Coa'tsV in all 'colors, worth 5.00 iw i iniuren s Coats, worth $4.00. go at 100 Men's Pine Melton Overcoats, In browns and Oxford grays, medium weight and length, all well tailored and worth $wn: our clearing sale g QQ Over 475 pHirs Men's" Pant's," Yn'alV the latent colors and fabrics. In stripes, plulris. mixtures, plain colors and fancy mix tures, worth from $3.50 to $5.00; O Cfl our clearing sale price UU stitched ruffles, worth 60c, at 25c Ladles' Fine Cambric Gowns, Corset Cov ers, Chemise and Drawers, handsomely trimmed with lace and embrold- I A ery, worth 75c and $1.00, at wUC In order to close them out we will place on sale our entire line of Ladles' Pine flannelette Night Uowns, In pinks, blues, wniie, ptain colors ana sin pea. worth $2.00 and J&50, at 98c Flannel Department Ex.. a heavy Shaker Flannel .4c 74c 69c yara i.. Extra heavy 36-inch Outing Flan' nel yard ,..,,( , Our $1.00 Bed Spreads eacn u'.ia. Our $1.26 Bed Spreads 89C & Housefurnishings Copper Nlckled No. 8 "f n Tea Kettle f (JC Coasters and I9c Sleds S-plece Carving Set Hoys' Steel Wagons Air Rifles li rpe Foot Baths 49c 69c 59c 33c TING STOVES, SLEDS AND SKATES. We guarantea prices to be cheaper Lamb chops, per lb Lamb roast. per lb Lamb stew, per lb Pigs hams, per lb , Fancy hams, per lb ,, Breakfast bacon. per lb Fancy bacon, per lb Dc 7o 3c .. 10c 121c 10c 12ic Groceries! S-lb. can Early June sifted ceas 7Wc S-ib. can wax, string or Lima teans.,..6o Teas and Coffees Good Santos vffee. lb llo Llamond H. Blend Mocha and Java, (special) 26a Choice tea slftlngs, lb 12"o Oolong English breaJtfast, gunpowder or B. F. Japan tea, lb 25a Large sweet )utcy orangea, each la Large California lemons, dosen 10c Dried Fruit Sale Choice California Prunes, per pound.. Fancy Elberta Peaches, per pound .. English Cleaned Curra its, per pound.. New York Evaporated Apples, per lb. Choice Moor Park Apricots, per lb ., Fancy California Nectarines, per lb... California Hartiett Pears, per lb Choice Virginia Blackberries, per lb.., Fancy Seeded Rulslns, per package... . l'4o ..6Vio . 7'io ..ta . bh. .12'c . 70 BROS. Year & Sons, Bankers. i flf!iV' f A Stupendous Millinery Clearing Sale Saturday a grand opportunity to buy a beautiful winter bat at an ENORMOUS SACRIFICE. Every Winter Hat In the House Included. Beautiful silk velvet, finest quality Beavers, Lace, Silk and Velvet Hats in endless variety, trimmed in Ostrich Plumes, Foliage, Flowers, Pom poms, Birds, Aigrettes and Violets. Tbt-y aretl2.5 , 15and 120. Your cboice, SATURDAY. ONLY $5.00 Beautifully trimmed Turbans and Felt Drape Hats, worth up to (4, SATURDAY, ONLY SI.50 Thirty dozen untriramed Velvet and Felt Dress shapes, Turbans rnd Children's Hate, worth up to $2.50, SATURDAY, ONLY 25c investigate It Pays SEEKS Select Confections for Special Occasions are to be found here in a laintv confections essential modern dessert. 75c a Foot We sell "em that way if you prefer It J feet. $1.60 and for $1.60 a pair-we put ou your boy's feet the best shoe you ever saw for that money. Parents who have bought these shoes know it and buy them again and again. That is our recommendation to you. Our guarantee is "your money back is you're not satisfied." Bring the boys In Saturday. DtlEXEL SHOE CO., 1419 rarian Street. Ossaha'a Ut-Dat Shss Houss WOMENs rei iiiuuuur re li ra or ; MPjittf eL Lett, fatt ; ODD Us ID Erg-jU btiercueva Jk AicConaU Pruf Co., Omaha. Prices Have Been Reduced on all Men's Suits Mens Men's Men's Suits Suits Suits We have held a great many important value-giving clothing sales, but we want to go on record as emphatically stating that this sale affords without n doubt the very best values ever offered. The suits are strictly high grade, your tailor couldn't make your suit any better than these. "VYe propose to boil into cash every Bingle, solitary suit so be on hand early Saturday morning to get first choice. B oys' suits reduced Boys' Suits Boys' Suits Zl Bring the boys in Saturday, big reductions In prices prevail all over the department. (508 Douglas Sfreet IE j BC'.ihtMftsfM great variety artistic and to the correct service of Our noonday luncheon is most inviting. I621TPARHAH PHONE. 711 The People's Trianglo THREE 8 TOKKS to buy (roods for; THKEE BToKKS uniier tlio same inanuK' ment; no expensive rents to MAKE tJOUl); the curtailing or all expenses except sal aries to men, which with us we Kourantee averages lilxner than any other Crug storn i In this western country. WE IIKLIEVK IN J'AYINO MEN WHAT THEIH TIME ' IS WORTH "cause time Is all they have. 3 STORES which control the largest out- :' put of any drug company of Nebraska. OMAHA, bOIiTll OMAHA AND COUNCIL KU.r'Kfl 1'EOl'EE now have the advan tage of the lowetit prtcea obtainable on HKl'O STORE THINGS. I Il.Oi) Vlnol nut "11.00 always," BUT.... 8Te II 01) Kodol not ji.M), hi;t Mo 6oo Kodol not 60c nor SOo, BUT 27u buc ti. tirover Oruham's Dyspepsia Cure (?) .." iHa ll.Oo Peruna not $1.00, Bl'T 5Jc 2bc Laxative Uromo Quinine 07.3 13 60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. . .$2.28 Sent post calii anywhere for this price. $2.( Chester s Uenuine l'ennyroyal rills $1.00 THESE ARE ONLY A SAMPLE OB" THE CUT PRICES WE MAKE. WRITE U8 FOB. MOKE OF THEM NOT CATA I.OG3. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICB DKU STORE E. T. YATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 797. Wth and N SU., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main tit.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone No. 7 All goods delivered in either city absolutely free. Test by Taste That's s sure way of detecting good from the other kind of tea. You'll hav do fault to find with ours. Just give it a, trial and see. Japan Tea Slftlngs 12o Fancy 8. D. Japan SOc B. F. Japan . SC COFFEE. Fancy Bio JV &&DtOS ( a .l&O Java and Mocha a good coffee 2m Java and Mocha very choice S5o A good Baking Powder 2h that sold for 7.50 f HP to 8.50, reduced to UsJ that sold for 12.00 Q H C to $14, reduced to f D that sold for 15.00 to $18, reduced to $12 worth $2.00 to $3.00 on sale at 1.65 2.65 worth $3.50 to $5.00, sale at... Qualify Groceries It has been a Ion time since the i.. o-,i: of Omaha have had such a rare opportu nity to purchase everything In the grocery line In one stnr, hut now that we are back at our old location on Douglas street, with a splendid New Store New Fixtures New Goods you will find not only the staple groceries round in an ordinary store, but the finest fancy groceries tu we say, quality gro ceries and then, too, the prices are very moderate. Our old patrons are alrcartv with us and they testify to the fact that our store Is a Judicious place to buy. We carry the choolcest line of Fresh Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Endrve. Ixaif Lettuce, Head Lettuoa, Celery, Radlshea, Wax Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Biuich Onions, Cucumbers, Pursier, Malaga Drapes, Navel Oranges, Fancy Apples, Florida Pineapples, Fangerlnes, Bananas, Orape Fruit, Smyrna Figs, Candled Fruits, Imported Olives, Stuffed Dates. I Preserved Fruits. Courteous Treatment- rrompt Service. H. J.HUGHES, U0J Dourlas St. Phone 1019. Need a Pair of Boys' Shoes? $160 will pay for a pair at the FRY SHOE STORE that will do your boy more good give him mora wear and more com fort than any other shoe you can buy for that price. $!.(& All slses. And all widths, y Solid leather soles, ' Solid leather counters, Double sewed seams, Durable uppers. Comfortable, $1.60. nil t - Afffl iCjfefl' RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until January tfth. EknrtS Of Teeth , $2.0 0 Cronus, us from n..ii.iW Kllllaas. from an Bridge Work, p from..... fU.OO Work guaranteed ten years. No students. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PA1M bv the use of our patented painless mett'l. Work done free, bmall chargaa for materia... UNION DENTAL COMPANY, 1022 DOUCLAS STREET, ROOM 4 OPEN DAILY AND Bl'NDA. flHl mi