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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1904)
15 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY H 1 90. SI Fancy Silk, Clearance Sale Saturday, 39c $1 Fancy Velvet Clearance Sale Saturday 39c THE) RELIABLE) STOKE. u i i i I 2 r. l f-. t lij ill i 1 1 or-. Extraordinary Cloak Offers in Challenge Clearing Sale Extra SpecialsChildren's Cloak Bargains Two bargains in children's pretty cloaks that have never been equalled in the history of this store. Children's $2.50 and $3 Cloaks at 50c Hundreds of cloaks in the latest and moat attractive Juvenile fashions stylish colors and fabrics, including fine kersey3 ages one to eight years positively the areatest baraain of its kind ever presented today at The extra fine little coats from this stock these smart little cloaks are worth $3. 80 and $4 to clear them all away at, each 50c l l it 19 iuvn 98c Challenge Sale of Ladies Skirts 1.75 a -ioi ..ffAi. of creat lot of new stylish Golf Bklrts in winter weight, prettily trimmed and well fitted, . -i it,.-, irit nnnn hitie been Belling at f eacn, to ciear iu. Ladies' well made Bolf C)r Ladle.' fine quality golf skirts, worth $1.50, at 0 JC Bklrts.have sold at to, at...." Three Silk Skirt Clearing Specials Ladies' ellk skirts have sold up to 17 at 3.51) t u.' sillr skirts hare sold up to $12.50 at 6.90 Ladle' Bilk skirts hare sold a high as $20 M 8.98 Big Sacrifice of Ladies' Cloaks . Furs Sln.00 rin.k.nt .i OS A soeclal offer of ladies' long coats in full length, 42 in. and 40 in. ef fectsfine linings . very well made and worth up to $10, at Ladles Jackets have actually sold 1 Cj up to $5.00, to clear them away.... Ladles nilltary Jackets late and pretty styles, Bmart trimmings, worth QQ $15.00, at j, U..U Ladles' $25 Sample Jackets ultra stylish many odd garments, worth up O Qfi to$25;X), at U..U in iuii isiiy in, .3.98 Furs Ladles' fur cluster scarfs, worth $2.00. at Ladle' double coney scarfs, worth 14.00, at Ladles' fox squirrel lined scarfs, actually worth (15.00, St Ladles' stylish noble and Isabella fox scarfs, worth $17.50, at ...75c .. 1.98 .7.50 ..8.98 Sfc 2 Ladles electric seal jackets, brook mink reveres worth-$30 Ladies' astrakhan capes and Q QQ I Ladles genuine sealBkln Jack- Cft fin jackets, worth $25. at j et8 worth $100, at 3U. UU 12 5fl I Ladles' astrakhan cnpes and Stlfl li. I jackets, worth $12.60. at OUU SPECIAL CLEARING SALE BARGAINS w e W ar W 59c Regular $1 and $1.50 Kid Gloves at 59c Ladies kid and mocha gloves many of them have sold as high as $1. 50 none are worth less than $1.00 a pair, to clear them all away, at, pair Misses' and Children's 25c Hosiery f at 15c Misses, children's and boys' all wool j hosiery, all sizes, at, pair...'. jXkPj Men's Hosiery at 19cImported half hose l f in black, tan and fancy colors, all full rgula- j ) tton make, at, pair V Ladies' 35c Hosiery at 10c and 19c Black and colored hose in imported and do- 4 J fK .mestic makes, worth up to 35c a ( (J of-, I u , vjr w aasW Misses, children's andboys' all wool heavy m cotton fleeced O underwear, at.. pair, at, pair - Ladles' Underwear Ladies' Jersey ribbed and fleecy lined un derwear, medium and heavy weight, worth 60o pair, at, pair 25c Aiioiaccmtal, ' V. P. Chlodo begs to announce that for te flwt time since his return from Kuropa InBeptsmber he la able to take orders for (owns en 1 short notice, on account of having- engaged additional help, who have Just arrived from Paris. Mr. CUlodo's recent voyage abroad was for the purpose of procuring the newest and most exclusive designs in ladles' wear and to purchase the necessary high class materials and trimmings to produce them. Mow, having advantage of competent tail ors, who are able to carry out the Parisian atyles, and In .order to introduce their work to the ladles of Omaha and vicinity, he will make a material reduction from his usual prices on all orders taken during the month of January only. This ' reduction will be fpr'the sama grade of workmanship which has made Mr. Chlodo's reputation what it Is with the highest class of patrons. His famous special walking skirts will be included at the reduced prices for this month enly. i ' . ' Tke Manhattan Miuitrd Leaving; Chi. . caaro 1 O'clock P. M. make the run to New York over Pennsyl vania Short Lines In twenty-fiv hours. Alleghany mountain scenery In the morn ing; pleasant interval in the barber's chair; luncheon enjoyed on the run. from Philadelphia; thitv out at Twenty-third street station. New York, at S o'clock p. m.. ready for a business or social engage ment. liulTet parlor car connection at Harrlshurg, reaching Baltimore 12:20 noon, Washington 1:15 p. m. For through reser vations apply to C. L. Kimball, A. U. P. Agt, No, 2 Sherman street, Chicago. Cfcssn of Tisas. On Rock Island system, Sunday. January t. 1904. on and after which date train leav ing Oraaba at 1:S0 p. ra. dally and arriv ing Omaha t:05 p. m. dally will make di rect connections at Fuirbury with new pas senge trains Nos. and 2. running be tween Falrbury and Nelson; also train No. T, leaving Omaha 4.1 p. m. dally, and train No. H, arriving Omaha 12 W noon aaily, will make connecliyns at tiellevUie wittt passenger trains Nos. and 10 to and from western Kaunas and Colorado petJita. W. W. Slabaugb, att'y at law, cot Mer. Na4. fek. Annoanremeats of the Theaters. Matinee and evening today will bo the last two performances of this week's bill at the Oiplieum. For the week commencing tomorrow, ex-Champion of the World James J. Cor bett will be the special attraction. Mr. Corbet will deliver a red nod monologue. Others on the program are: Monroe, Mack and Lawrence In a comedy sketch en titled "The Two Senators;" Clarice Vance, coon singer; Bonner, styled the horse with the human brain; Rice and Elmer In "A Rube's VlBit to Chinatown;" Mr. and Mra Waterous, with entirely new moving pic tures projected by the klnodrome to corn piste the program. The play at the Krug. beginning with the Sunday matinee. Messrs. Heuck Jk Fennessy's magnificent scenlo production of a great heart story melodrama, "The Charity Nurse," abounds In thrilling situ ations and climaxes. Its story is laid 'mid the hills of New England and In the great mclroDolls of New York. Th lur, ing away of a blind clergyman's talented daughter by a knave who promises to make her famous, and the supposedly bo gus marriage of the heroine to the vil lain, forms the foundation of the story This afternoon and evening Mr. Tim Murphy will Dreaent his unuueatloned mr. cess, "The Man from Missouri," at the Boyd. The ena-aaement cloaca tnnlvht Beginning with a matinee., on Sunday, "The Smart Bet." a satirical farce comedV. comes to the Boyd for four performances. This is another of the season's new offer ings and is said to be very near the top In the line. Forty-Ove Deoole are emolovad in lis production, among them some of ins 1'ieveresi farceurs in tne country. RELIABLE) I fJOl'J 18 Torn CTf ANCR FOR ADVANTAOEOrS BITING. IMPROVE TOT'R OPPOR Tl'NITY. FWEEF1NG REDUCTIONS' ON ALL LINES DURING THESE CLEAR ANCE SALES. .Ion's Suits and Overcoats ABOUT l,nno MEN S SUITS TO BE CLOSED OUT REOARDLESS OF WORTH OR 'OST. NEAT, STYLISH OARMENTH, THAT WILL OIVH THE PURCHASER lirIXUlINRi BAIIBfAtllUn. 1J INU I t All, TU eft. hi llifciBBJ UliS t.S. Men's suits, made of all wool cheviots, casslmeree and worsteds, in Bray and hrnwn mixtures, blacks, bines and Scotch mixtures, reulnr price $9.00 to $10.X your choice during R f( this sale, at O-UU Men's overcoats, in all the latest styles ana lanncs, notn medium ana inns, im-jr and plain cnlnrs, handsome garment. W Ul 111 lll'lll l' .it?.''. ll. ... w...... sale prices, tiaoo. S7.50. I&75 R flH .nH : ; Great Sale of Lien's Pants Over 1,600 pairs of men's pants go during this sale at S3H per cent less than regular prices. . Your choice of cheviots, casslmeres and fine worsteds, in plaids, stripes, mixtures and "plain colors, all welt made, perfect fitting garments, worth from $2.50 to $5.00 our clearing sale prices. 1 RtTl $3.60, $2.60 and I.OU Boys' and Children's Knee Pnjtts Salts at In sailor Mouse, douhle-brensted and three- f.lece styles, in ages from S to 16 years, n fancy pray mixtures, browns and plain colors, all well made, none worth less thun $3.50 to SM 50, J QC clearing sale price a.i We are sole agents for HART, 8CHAFF NKR and MARX CELEBRATED CLOTH INO. Nothing better made. Clearing Out tho Uillincry. Startling Reductions. S6.Q0 Trimmed Hats, at.. SI.50 Over three hundred new freshly trimmed dress hats, in black ,and all the fashionable colorings, comprising a splendid assort ment of the new winter shapes, in Toque Ql C ft effects principally; while they last WliUU $2.50 Street Hats Now 25 Cents. Several hundred of the season's best styles in trimmed street hats, black and colors formerly priced QC. at $2.50 now ...fcUU Men's Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts worth up to $1.50, go Saturday, at 25c We are working night and day to get our big purchase of lace curtains lu anape to sell. They will be ready Monday morning, January U. It mill pay you to tee them. ORCHARD St W1LHELM CARPER CO. Important . C'hnna-e of Time. of time, effective January (. Consult the Chicago Great Western rait way time table In these columns for change Traveling Men. Twelve beautiful rooms St IK South Fit Uwa.Uk surest, Cycuiug Januarx la, Special Sheet Music Sale Regular 50o and 60c sheet music, only 19c; by mall, 20c Such good selling se lections as Anona, both vocal and instrumental; Same Old Crowd, pretty waits song; Sun Dance, Dorothy Waltses, Southern Smiles, Two Step; The Sun Flower and the Sun, pretty new sons;; Lily, pretty waits song; Under Southern Skies, waits, etc., all day tomorrow at only 19o per copy. Great After-Inventory Shoe Sale 600 pairs men's and women's fine vlcl kid, (atent cair ana eon snoes, regular u.m, 11.00 and $3.90 values, QA n nil sixes, at w 100 pairs Williams & Hoyt youths' box calr and Kangaroo luce snoes, regular price $2.00,. and boys' and youths' $1.60 satin calf lace QBri shoes lOW Children's sample lace 'and button shoes, a regular $1.00 value, and 200 pairs misses $1.00lace fOr shoes ;. UW Infants' 35o soft soles at We are sole agents for the ULTRA ft OROVER shoes ?or WOMEN and STET SON & CROSSETT shoes for MEN . 19c Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! January Canned Goods and Drjgd Fruit Sale. 21 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for. All brands laundry soap, per Dar Larare sacks white or yellow cornmea!., 2-lb. package self-rising pancake flour., 1-lb. package mince meat .'.. i ne Deal corn siarcn, per pacaage Quart cans fancy table syrup , l-i o. package imported macaroni Force, Egg OSee, Vigor, Vim or Neu trlta, per package CANNED GOODS SALE. lb. cans choice tomatoes S-lb. cans golden pumpkin ., $-lb. cans Boston baked beans , -lb. cans rhubarb -lb. cans hominy , -lb. cans early June sifted peas 2-lb cans wax string or Lima benas 1 gallon cans cnoice apples $1.00 to TM.c 7Ho 7Ho ,7VE 19c 1 srallon cans choice plums.... 25c 1 gallon cans choice peaches...... 26c 1 gallon cans choice grapes...... 25o DRIED FHVIT BALK. " Choice California plums, per pound.... 2c Fancy Elberta peaches, per pound , 64c English cleaned currants, per pound.... 6&a New York evaporated apples, per lb... 7 lie Choice Moor Park apricots, per pound.. 9ic Fancy California nectarines, per pound. 9& California Bartlett' pears, per pound. ..120 Choice Virginia blackberries, per lb.... 7Ho Fancy seeded raisins, per package 8Vio FRESH FRUIT SALE. Large sweet young oranges, each....... lo Fancy California lemons, per dos 10c Fresh roasted peanuts, per measure.... 3a Choice Hallowe'en dates, per measure.. ..Ko Cape Cod cranberries, per measure 7o g-sAVDERj BROS. Test by Taste That's a sure way of detecting rood from the other kind of tea, You'll have no fault to find with ours. Just give It a trial and Bee. Japan Tea Slftlngs ...M 12c Fancy 8. D. Japan .. w ............. .30c B. F. Japan ... 30c , COFFEE. Fancy Rio Ktto Santos 16c Java and Mocha a good coffee 26c ava and Mocha very choice 86o A good Baking Powder 20o Good Candies Here are pome that are Just a bit more delicious than any you ever ate unless you've already tried these. And they're perfectly fresh; Take borne some ( of one of them today: 26 sticks candy Bo Cream Caramels, lb ........ .... (to Chocolate Creams, lb ...... 12o Cocoanut Cushions, lb ........... ..lie Peanut Taffy, lb ........ .16o Fruit Fudge, lb . 20o Walnut, Maple, lb 20o Chocolate Peanut, lb 20c Cocoanut Squares, lb 25c Candy Almonds, lb 26c S Packages Gum 10c Our Resolutions uirsnT.vwn That dnrins the year 1904 we will continue our established r,r Hvinr thA consumer the very choicest quality of groceries and meats at the lowest poseiDie prices cuubibicu with hlKh class goods. RESOLVED. That during the year 1904 we are determined to Increase our busi ness 100 per cent, and we are thoroughly .nnt t f nriiva. nnalltr and courteous treatment are an inducement you will purchase your.eataDiea nere. Strictly Freeh Eggs per doeen JJ Choicest Country Butter 2flC per pound mvFw Walter Baker's Chocolate ?C per pound Iluyler'a Chocolate O EZr per pound tlUy SommerBros. ExponenU of QooA Li vtog 28th and Farnam Sts, Orociry TeUphoBos, 1329'liJl, fUrkct TtUyhon, 736. A Blackmailing Scheme The National Association of Retail Drug gists (M. A. R. D. have figured up how they stand for the year 19l and It Is re ported that they are $60,0u0 behind, and now they are said to be pulling the strings on the MILES PEOPLE as well as many of the large wholesale druggists for CASH TO HELP THEM OUT. DO THE PEO PLE OF NEBRASKA WISH TO HELP OUT ONE OF THE BIOOEST TRUSTS THAT WAS EVER ORGANIZED IN THE WORLD? If so, you can by buying trust maUe goods, and we propose to publish a list of those which are made by trust and anll-t niHt hnuui. Another nice combination which has been working FAIRLY WELL 18 THE VINOL CLUB. Hut we have that busted, too, as far as Nebraska is concerned, for we HAVE VINOL tf you want it and sell It this way: $1.00 Vlnol 86c 6oc 8. Orover Graham's Dyspepsia Cure toe $1.00 Nervine Tablets want 'emT - 67o $1.00 Orrlne if you want it.- 7o $1.00 Urlosol want that? 76c Write us for prices, not catalogues; they are dead. CUT PRICH DRUG STORE E..T. YATES. Proo.. Mth and Chicago flu., Omaha. 'Phone Ul and 77. Mu and N Bts.. South Omaha, 'phone No. L All goods delivered any piaee SCUAEFER'S RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until January 16th. i eein, $2.00 , sa.oo S fHWat, freaa...... Kllllaas. mm trmmk Brtdare Work. frees.... Work guaranteed ten years. No student. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the use of out patented painless methods. Work done frve. Pmall charges for material. UNION DENTAL COMPANY, 1522 DOUGLAS STREET, ROOM 4 Filled. j7' ',' !;-.' Samples I JaiU8Lry ClesLreLnce Prices on Men's High Grade Suits r Men s Suits that sold for 7 C 7.50 to 8.50, clearance price O. fl 3 Men s Suits that sold for $12tO) H C to $14, clearance price. . . & J Men's Suits that sold for flj t $15 to $18, clearance price . . . yVL This is an offer which means a great deal in a house of this magnitude, espe cially when you consider that these suits are no job lots or old goods, but all our own regular fall and winter lines simply sacrificedJn the interest of stock reduc tions. We can fit men of all proportions. January Clearance Prices on Boys' Suits Boys' Suits worth $2.00 to $3.00, Clearance price $1.65 Boys' Suits worth $3.50 to $5.00, Clearance price $2.65' Every suit is of dependable quality, cut in the latest styles, and will fit perfectly. We wish it decidedly understood that these suits were not purchased for "sale" purposes, but our own regular fall and winter stock that has been radically reduced. mmmmsm ff $1.50 Shoes B for Boys BJ and Girls Ml If you want to buy a $1.50 shoe for your boy or girl, and want to get the best shoe you can for the money and at the same time have a neat, styl ish, up-to-date looking shoe, we invite you to come in and inspect the shoes we sell at $1.50. They are made of the best leather that goes into any $1.50 shoe. The leather Is tough; they are strongly put together; the shape la right for ease and comfort, and we fit .them to the feet carefully and correctly. r.-.-lifl icA'! riRl LAlIi i Ok Saturday DREXEL Will Give PER CENT OFF Ilanan ilanan Ilanan Clapp Clapp Boyden Boyd ON THE FINEST AND BEST flADB SHOES IN THE WORLD-ALL, HEAVY WINTER QOODS. Best quality imported patent Colt, double soles, ' regular $0.00 Best quality velour calf, French calf lined, double sole. regular $6.00, Best quality plump kid, kid lined, double sole, regular $8.00, Custom made kid shoes, kid lined, double soles, 1 regular $6.00,. Beet quality box calf, Blucher cut, double sole, regular $5.50, French enamel, kid lined, double sole, cork filled, regular $6.50, Genuine French calf, af strictly band made, double sole, Wll regular $0.00, We bave added three lots of $5 shoes 4.50 4.50 4.50 4-50 4.13 4-88 4-50 m 1 we nave taaea three lots or ?5 shoes oDCClcli ln box calf' patent coit and k,d- dubie tj3 Discoont! Ala V 20 ON All Bas:s"d iTravtllDs cases Omaha Trunk Factory I (111 ritia 1-. ZTtftrOfcOM I0S1 tlM Paraam Ct... . bbl t PARKER'S ill Ja I km i-sl Balsam j Vi uaioies tae growth of the hair aad gives It the lustre and sllkloee of youth, I V1ia the hair Is tray or t&dbd it BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair tailing and keeps the scalpcleaa sad healthy. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 FARNAM STREET Memorandums, Blank Books, Office Supplies BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. .Si f He Sells Stationery. 1615 Farnam Street. 0pp. New York Life Bldf. EVERY DAY We make a specialty of our Midday IuucImhhi good cooking quick service and Batiofaction. ItrMidex, m always serve Balduff's IJread and Tien, the kind that tickle the palate. 1 520' FARNAM PHONE.71I