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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1904)
GRAIN AND PRODUCE iilRKET Whist, Ofaicg Emt, if 8tfadied on E portt of Short Crept and War. CORN FOLLOWS LEAD Of SMALL GRAIN Oats, lagseaced ' oy Wkrat, Mot Irrrgalarly, While Provlsloas Derllae oa the Ur Trie of Hoes. CHICAOO, Jan. . In a m-nt markst today delay In hasvesung In Argentina and an unfounded report of a battle in the far esst were HThi the principal new fac tors. Closing price were firm, with May wheat at exactly last flight a tig-urea. May corn la up H-ij c. Oat a, like wneat, closed on a level with last night. Provisions at lower. Easier cables and an advanoo In consols caused the selling of considerable long wheat at the opening and Initial rales wera at a loss from yesterday's clone. May being NtrHc to vvc lower at i6c to wtv. Nearly ever oody bed wheat for sale and the demand was small. The sentiment soon changed, however, and a better demand de veloped, one or tne main causes of the re versal f sentiment was news from Ar gentine reporting that rains were greatly delaying harvesting and that a strike was Interfering with the movement of grain. Theae conditions taken In connection with the crltlral situation in the Orient etnrtrd good buying movement and May sold up to 87Sc. Heavy buying ly the big buil operator and an unverified report of an actual engagement In the far east reused a sudden advance to 7e. During the tact half hour the local crowd were liberal sev ere and part of the grain waa lost The close was firm, with May unchanged at 7ViH;SV. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 45.800 bushels. Primary re ceipts were 653.)u bushels, against 4s2,!i0 bushels a year ago. Bradstreet s exports of whent and flour for the week were 3.3ti.vO0 bushela. Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 474 cars, compared with 824 cars a year auto. Corn waa weak at the start, due to lower cable and In sympathy with wheat. The sentiment became bullish, however, rn pros pects of an increased shipping demand and on the war news. A good general demand developed shortly after the opening nnd the market held for the remainder of the ses sion. May opened H'&'ac to SfcHo lower at 4Sc to 47e, sold up to 47Sc. closing at 47j,o. Local receipts were 222 cara, none of contract grade. Oats were Influenced chiefly by the action of wheat. The owning waa weak, with a disposition manifested on the part of locaj holders to dispose of their lines. With he advance In wheat the market became firmer, helped along by a good demand from the bull leader. After opening fcliSc lewer at SSV,e Mar sold up to 33"4,c and closed at MJ3iiHc. Local receipts were 0 cara. The feature of the earlv nrovlnlon mar. Vet was the decline In M'ay pork, due to heavy liquidation. Lower prices at the nrui were laraeiv resnonsthl for lh an weakness In arralns had some effect. While there waa a fair demand from commission house and shorts, prices rhowed but l'ttie recovery from the low point, although a steady tone prevailed at the close. Final figures on May pork were down 22c at 111.10. Mar lard and ribs were each off 7c at S.92H and t62H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ? car ; corn, 4 cars; oats, 145 cars; hogs. 2.01 head. The leading futures ranged as' follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. aose. Yes -. Wheat May July Sept Corn Jan. May July Oats Jan. May July Pork Jan. , May Lard Jan. May KJbs Jan. Muy I I MS se-yrrt, (f.'H: 82 434 T4j 47N.' 4SH1 1 46WI V 43HSTU 47S 47Vjj 4S,46-aS 4fiiM7 441. I "Hi V 86 4 U 11 o I it so 11 12l It M 12 SO 1!M II 00 U 05 U IS 13 K 70 70 6 75 c 90 t:4 7 00 S2H I SS 4?H I 60 J 62V, S 70 6 7?H w -40 7 00 I 40 70 2t, No. V Cash quotations we aa follows:- FIXR K Market steady; winter patents, I4.OWij4.i0; winter straights. t-1.7lXti4.10; spring r stents. $l.(itnii4 .SO; spring; straights, t3.fc.ii .5: bakers'. lJ.36rtfS.20. 87V e EAT No. t, 7S8Sc; No. I red.,CH9 'CORN No. 2, 44e: No. t yellow. 4-,Wc. OATS No. t t6'4j37Vc; No. 3 white. S6H RTE No. I 62H&&3C. HA RLE Y Good feeding, 6g3c; fair to choice malting, 44io4o. SEEDS No. 1 flak H8c; No. 1 north western, tl.04; prime timothy, 13.06; clover, contrert rrade. til 50. rRfiVISIONS Mess pork. rcr.tM ry) fU.124. Lard, per 100 lba.. .70!g.74. Short ribs sides tloosej. ; 2Bfj 5. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), tn t:V'4-75. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhla ll.SoO 21 5(K) Wheat, bu Sfi 4"0 K 7i) Co-n. bu... tiafrO ITT.aiiO Oats, bu lfi.f"0 12i.o Rye. bu .7 1 700 barley, bti J0.8U0 13 On the Produce exchanpe today the but ter market was easy; creamery, IWc; dairy. ityTic Eggs, weak; at mark, caxes included, i3i7c. Cheese, steady; lOtjlOHo. XBW YORK UEEH.tL MABKET. 4iaatatlaa mt taa Day Varleas Coanaaodltlaa. NKW YORK. Jan. . FLOUR-Reeeliits YJH bbls.; exports. 1.464 bbls.: sales. :di k.i market waa leas active. but eid at old Drljes: winter natenta 4.4.50; winter straights, jninnesoia psienin. huiiim; winter ex tras, t4.4i.64M; Minnesita bakers. $3. (off 1 4.00; winter low grades, t3 tK'fcJ.25. Ke fluur, firm; fair to good, Ji5.4u; choice to fancy, t3.4t.7a. Buckwheat fluur, dull, 12. 2f - I'OKN MEAL Firm; yellow western, tl.tti city, tl 04; kilo dried. t2 00. til E Quint; N. I western, ti'ae nom inal Lo.U. afloat; stale and Jersey. 6S tic. BARLET Dull; feeding, 46c, f. o. b., Buffalo; malting. 47iuc, c. I. f., Buffalo. VMtEAT-Kecipia. 1.M0 bu.; sales, 180 bu. future. Spot, steady; No. t red. tl elevator, tbtiu; f. o, b, afloat: northern luluth. nominal, f. c. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. a. b. artoxt nntium had a weak opening on bearish cables and ntgner consols, but had recovered by mid- day, oalng to freah war news, couplid with a bullUh Modern Miller reoort. Jj.i.r 11 changed allgkitly to realising and cloeod Irregular at net unchanged prtcea. Haiei m-iuuru u. a rr-u aty, sW't& CloSd. vv-: July. 6t:4c. closed 7io. CORN Receipts. .76 bu. : extorta KS 141 bu. ; sales, lrio.(M bu. Futures: Spot, firm; Jvo. I. MV elevator and b2r f. o. b. afloat; No. f yellow. 67Vc; ungraded. 6S0. Option market opened eaay with wheat, but rap- idly advaru-ed on a good cash demand west, iaht country offerings and the noon war awara. The ("loe waa firm at 14c net ad vahce: May. iI.3Vtic. closed. bJWo. OAT9 Reoelpta, U.unO bu. ; exports. 1.1JJ ku : spot market firm; No. t, C'V; stan- ara wnite. -'c; jno. ic; .no. z wmi 44c; No. S white. 44 W: track white, tiil-trc; Crack white, state. 43S47c; options nomi nal FEED Quiet: spring bran. tW.OMKO.SO; Balddlings. tuaWSttO; city. rOuvaJi&O. HAY Steady. Shipping. t.70, choice (t 80. HOPS Firm. State, common to choice, 14. 9:"c: 1V5. i'.'ic: old. lie; Pacific coast. 1S4. tSiSc; 1!'2. nfio: old. 8fals. 111PF8 Firm. Galveston. SO to XS I ha 18c; CaiifornU. 71 to ii lbs. He; Texas dry. 14 tc so n. 'jwc. 1 fMii r.ri irm. Acid. ia3svtc. RIiE Vjulet. lMcesuc, flr to extra H.v.i-. PROV1 8tN8 Beef . Ann: mess. tH.arf U i: oeei iiatn huw. out meats. Hull; pickled rellle. f 1; pickled shoulders, to.10: pickled hma. tn j0. Lard, easv: western Steamed. 17 SO; Januarv closed at t7 iJ nom inal; refined esey; continent, rr ; f"u'h America. I-: compound. f. S0JVaO. Po-k Quieter: famllv. tnmi; short clear, tll.ii !'; me. i gov is.i. TALLOW yulet; city. 6i&6Ve; country MfUr Bl'TTFR-tsdyi creamery, 15311c; stt dalrv. ISwnc. CHEESE Steady: st'ste fu'l creira fsney large and small colored and white Bep lfhr 1-; Iste nade. l"Sc. VaosiTxr"1rd: western. t1fi?5c. Vt.iCl.TRY Allvs. firm; western chicken. HV; fowls. l;y: turkeys iv- d ft'-m; weMrrn rtckens. UuUV; fosla, V w rHa4elpkl r4s( MarkeC PHILADELPHIA. Jan. t BITTER 8'eTc!y and In fair demand: extra flrva amery ire: neartv rtrlnta. ntc L,Hii- Ktl-mr- l1t..r Inmilrv t. -V. by. 14c at mark: frrsh vnirrn. IV- (iwli .1i1I..kihii. loss off; fresh t'u 1 m-' Ti . iri.v;c. loas Olt. CHEESE Bte'ady bu; quiet; full creams. fancy, llc; full creams, choice, HHc; full creams, lair to good. ioVbIIc. OHIIt WHOLESALE MARKET. CaadHlea sf Trade sa4 Qaotalloaa ttale aad Faaey Pradsie. FXJGS Receipts mora liberal," fresh stock LIVE POfLTRT Hens, c; spring chick ens Hc; roosters, according to ape, 4'u5c; tuikjs. 14c; ducks. Sic; g-ese. 7iaV. IRLSSEI POL'LTKY Turkeys. Ii.ffl7c; old toms. HlSc; ducks, llUc; geese, loQ 11c; chickens. lOBllc. BfTTLR-Packlna; stock. lHc: choice to fancy dalrv rolls, lfulAc; separator, S4c. FRESH FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel. 6c; pike. c; perch, 7c; blueflsh. lie; whltefish, c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 19c; codfish, lc; red.ns.per, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., iOc; lobsters, green, per lb., ic: bullhead, lie; calflsh. 14c; black bass, 2W8e: halibut, 13u; crsppies, 12c; herring, 6c; whit bass, 13c; hluefins, 8c. OT8TEK9 New Torjt counts. fr can, 43c; per gal.,; extra selects, per can. &c; per gal.. fl.8v; standard per can, Z7c; per gal.. 1.50. URAN-Per ton. tl4 .50. 1 HAY Prices quoted bf Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association. Choice No. 1 up land, tVM: No. X 00; medium, to.: coare. tn.OO. Rye straw, to 50. These prices are for hay of good color and quajity. Demand fair and receipts 11 gat. CORN 38c. OATS R7c. Kit-No. t S0c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. Sfe; Dakota, per bu., 7(i7ic; native. Gi!'70c. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbl., t3.B0. NAVY I3EANS-Per bu., I2.SR. CELERY email, per do., 26QSSc; large California. 4'u7ic. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., lc; Hpanl-h, per crate, tl 60; Colorado yel low and red. CAHRAGE Wisconsin Holland, Tc. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per lb., lc: white, per bu., 50c. CARROTS-Per bu., 00c. PARSNIPS Per bu., 60c. BEETS Per bti., c. CAITL1FLOWER California, per crate, "CUCUMBERS Per Ant., tl 00. FRUITS. APPLES California Hellflowers, per box. 11 60; Baldwins and other varieties. H.6; Npjt York Bpies, Uretnlngs and Kusseta, GRAPES Pony Catnwbas. 10c; Imported Malagas, per kee, tVOnuti.OO. CRANBKKRIES Jersey, per bbl.. 17.60; for box. t2 5u; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, S.CK'tlY&u; Bell and t'herrv. 100. TROpK-AL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Bright and Russets, 11 sizes, ti .60; navels, all sixes, choice, U.:y'iZ'b: fancy, 13.25. LEMONS California fancv, S00 to 360 sixes. M.011; choice. i40 to 270 slacs. t3.S0. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartonr. 80c; Imported Smyrna, i-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 10c; 7-crown, 16c. COCOANLTS-Per sack. 4.0ti; per dos., 80c. DATES Peirlan. per box of 0 pkgs., t:i; per lb., in 60-lb. boxes. 5Vc; Oriental st tiffed dates, per box, t- 40. BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, 12.00 6I.&U; Jumbo. tSTT.fiJS. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, llc; Wisconsin Young Americas, Sc; bloik Swiss. Wisconsin brick, 13c; WIs- ennsm nmnurgcr, 12c. HONEY' Nebraska, per S4 frames. t3.00; Utah and Colorado, per 14 frames. t3.25. ah,k St (JAR hlo, per lb.. 10c. CIIER-Pc-r bbl.. t5.75; per H bbl., tt 25. POPCORN Per lb. Li.r: shelled. SrnBVte. HORSliftAllISH-Cfr caae of 2 rinien. packed. HIc NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., lilo; hard shell, tier lb., 14c: No, 2 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. I hard shell, per lb., lie; Rraxils. p-r lb., lie; Alberts, per lb . 11c: almonds, soft shell ner lb.. 1V-: hard shel, pel lb. 13c; peenns. large, per lb., Kc; sman. per in., kit; peanuis, per lb, c; masted peanuts, per lb., 7Hc; Clilll walnuts. 12fi1Stc; large hickory nuts. ier bu.. tl.&O; shell barks, per bu., t:ou; black walnuts, per bu.. tl a. hilies no, 1 srrcen. 6c; Nt. z green. 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal calf. to 12 lbs.. 8'4c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs.. RVfcc; dry salted hides. 8f&l2c; sheep pelts. 253 7Dc; horse hides. tl.50G;:.50. nt. Lals Grata and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan g. WHRAT T'naettleA' No. 2 red. cash, elevator nominal- trar.)t (W'fMc: May, 84Vc; July. &lc: No. t hard. 78&iic. CORN Higher: No. 2 caah. 43Ac: track OATS Firm: No. 2 cah. 38c; track, SSH9 39e: May, C8WW4C; No. 2 white. 41c. riioi. o rirm, - ana nigner tor netter irrsdes; rd winter patents, H 35.04.6O; extra fancy and straight, t3.K4.2u; clear, t3. 40 63 60. SEED Timothy, steady; t2.KS2.80; prime higher CORNMF.AL Stesdy; 11.30. BRAN Strona-: Backed, ejist track. mY HAY Ptror.s-. active: timothr. tT.OMil'.EO: pntrle. S5.Of7iS0. utoN ttirmN ties ti.qe. B A G I N O M4 Ti fii-c . HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: standard mesa, jobbing, tl3.;i. Tard. lower; prime steamed, t 60. Bacon, steadv: boxed extra shorts. t7.B7H. Clear ribs, 17.60; short clear. POILTRT Bteady: chickens. -4c: sjiringa. SHc; turkeys.' US 12c; ducks, 10c; Cese. e. BITTER Steady: creamery. 18Sc: dairy 13'i2ir. EGOS Lower, 25c, case count. Receipts Shipments. Valour, bbls c fio 11. (VO Wheat, bu 42. tj.ono Pnrn, hu 7.. ..67 (1 SSUrt Oats, bu 69.0CO 64.000 Kansas City Grain and Provlslaaa. KANSAS CITY. Jan. R WHEAT Mav. T?rV7rc; Julv 7(c: cash. No. I hard. 7t fe74o; No. S, Sffn'TZc: No. 4, 2ii67c; rejected, 6!-i-'c: No 2 red 86c; No. t. MjiMc. CORN May. 4-Sn4oVc: July. 40-ift4PSc; cash. No. t mixed. 4941c; No. 1 white, 41c; No. I 4.c. OATS No. 2 white. 39c; No. I mixed, J6c. HAY" f'hnW timothy. t3.o0ia950: choice Xiralrle, t7.70tff7.75. RYE No. i 4S.-4C BUTTER Creamery. 194j1!lc: dairy, fancy. 18c. EGGS Lower: Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned. t2W. new No. I whitewood cases Included. 23c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu H8.400 M ti forn, bu a v is Oats, bu 4.000 vj.coo Mllwsskr GraJa Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Jsn. 8.-WHEAT- Steady. No. 1 northern. MHc; No. 2 north ern, raic: May. 87V.C bid. KYB Firm: No. 1, 57Wic BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 64c; sample. 853 lc. CORN Steady: No. 1. 4&rJ42Ua: Mar. 4Te bid. Minneapolis Wheat, Flear aa Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Jan. 8.-W1IEAT May. 87c: July, 8t,Vc; September, 7!Sc; on track, No. 1 bard, STVic; No. 1 northern, 'i'c: No. 1 northern, 84c; No. S northern. 7u we. FLOUR First ratenta, t4 65S4.76: second patents. t4 65&4fS: first clears, t3 36'83.45; second clears, K2-.46. Dalatk Grata Market. rULTTH. Jan. I. WHEAT In store. No 1 hard. 80V.C; No. 1 northers. Ue; No. 2 nortnern. je: on trsck. No. 1 northern, 84Vc: No. 2 northern. SSVc: to arrive. No. 1 lard. NRti.c: No. 1 northern, 8se; No. I northern. k,'lv fto. eprlng, 7c; May, sui.e: July, SiVe. OATS On track and to arrive, 3CVc. Liverpool tirala Market. LIVFRPOOL. Jan. . -WHEAT - Snot frm: No. 2 red Western winter. 4 tVd. Fu- tjrea. steady; March, M6Sd; May, f5Sd; rfuiv notnillBl. CORN Sot. firm- Ameriran mixed. nw, 46d: American mixed. o'd. 4m id. F. turvs, quiet; January, 4 2'J; March, 4 )L Toleda Seed Market. TOLEDO. Jan. 8 SEEDS Clover, cash 27C7U: Jirtuarv. 17 071.: F-bmarv. r? March. t7 17H; prima alslke, pa 60; prime iimotny, j.u. Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. Jan. t-CORN-EAsy; new No, t. 40c; new No. 4. 38c. ETanoralrd Apples aad Dried Frajta. NEW TORK. Jan. 8. EVAPORATED APPLES-Market la firmer; common Is quoted at 4!Jc. prim at 4c rholca at iV'ioUe and funcy at 4i3Tc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pmnes gre firmer and firmly held oa the coast, although local holders are Inclined to make concessions on '-;'b and 7i4r8"'s quota tions. 8S4. Small eo-k of anxiccts maks film tone: demand bu ter; choice, 84 84c; extra choice. 84ttl04c: fancv, llfl 15c. Market quiet for peaches, but with tone steady; cboW. 7.r744c; extra choice. 7S84c; fancy. 48"l4e. Dry C8aals Market. NEW TORK. Jan. t-DRY OOODB The market has exhlt ited little evidence of any weakness and with the tendency of print cloths toward a higher level the predictions of authorities are numerous that a further r:eneral readjust mrnt of price la Inevitable a ths nur futute. Rulers purchases, ah 11 pot Urge, ars for Immediate require lunula, lndRaUu; a scarcity In many lines. rnn ViM; NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sitoation in Otient Cansei Great Can'ion'in Trading oa 'Chat js, BANK FORECAST SHOWS MUCH MORE CASH Meaey Market Easier This taaal aa Friday aad Prices Shaw Market Ualaa far tke Day. NEW FORK, Jan. .-Thrre was a dull and strong stock market today without sen sations and without marked features. An easier feeling over the far caMeru outlook and the promise of a laige teplenlxhn.ent of banking reserves to be shown bv to morrow s bank statement were tne impell ing causes of the slow rise. The best rises of the dsy were made In the last hour and the closing was fairly steady and near the top prices. Actual news on the war situa tion was meager and there waa no deep seated conviction that hostilities would be averted, but the possibility of a quick change In the situation and the Important influence which would be caused by such a change Induced gTeat caution In trading on any assumption that war was Inevitable. The forecast of the weekly move-nent of the currency promise a gain In cah of be tween tlt).tXiO,a!0 and tl2Ai,000. Of this gain one-quarter or less results from srrbtress ury operstions. Including receipts if foreign gold and the remainder has been received from Interior points. Expectation Is gen eral that the loan item will show a further substantial expansion, but so laree an In crease In the basis for credits deprived that prospect of any disturbing power. Money was very easy today for all forms of loans and call money became almost a drug In the market at 1 per cent, a condi tion not seen on a Friday for many months. The speculation In Amalgamated Copper continued very active and that stock re bounded from earlv depression to 1 over last night. The figures of the Do -cm her exports of copper, which were the larpest for fifteen months past, started the recov ery. Copper was strong In London and there was a further rise In the price of copper 1n the domestic market. Rumors were current of some lrge sale effected above the market and quoted trade opinions were hopeful. United States Steel preferrel was largely traded In and lifted a point when hoieful views were expressed of the outlook of the trade. The special strength of Baltimore A Oblo was due to renort that application had been made to list the stock on the Berlin bourse. There was n movement In Mexican railroad stocks, which It was attempted to explain by the view that war in the Orient were Increased In demand in the price for sliver and so rebound to the benefit of the Mex ican exchange. The statement of the net earnings of the Southern Pacific for November had a stim ulating effect on that stock and on Union Pacific. A gain in gross earnings was sup plemented by an important reduction of operating expenses, which conduced to gether to the gain In net ernlnp. The avernire of net earnings of railroads thus far reported a decrease from November of bist year for the first time for the year lij3. The gross earnings thus far reported for the fourth week In December, however, show a larger ratio of increase than for anv week for some time past. The bond market was dull and Irrerular. Total sales, par value, tl.l60.O1O. United Slates bonds were unchanged on call. The following are the quotations oa the New York block exchange: ban.-s.High.Low. Close. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio ao pld CariauUin Pacific .. central of N. J.... Chesa. Oliio CnicMfo k Alton .. do ptd , CincHgo G. w do tt pfd Chicago X N. W... Chicago T. dt T do ptd C. C. C. & St. L.. Colorado Southern do 1st ptd ' do Xu pid Deia. Ac Hudson . . Dela.. Lack. & W. Lenver u U. U ... . .Zl.2& till tHji MJ 8!l 8A . .11.01 J 5i lii' lu Z10 OJ &U0 3J lb- 34 7 16. to U loi li i4- 73 l.H fa 164 :,1 1V 6l 18 67 4 170 74V ; lea 2,210 il'i 4,4-0 2j- t,l5 l.SlO 2,2.0 17H 67 i7H 6tis 2t loo li'H lilt ii fa 47 ao pfd .- Erie 25'i do 1st pfd , do 2d ptd....'....; Great Northern, pfd.. Hocking Valley do ptd Illinois Central Iowa Central do Ptd ., M AM ; 48i 74 1UJ 86 74 85 84 a 8JJ 130 11-8 130 i2vt -a KM 4'W 800 1,8 0 4i 3ti 4'.l SO1! 4014 ls-s K. C. Southern do pid Louisville or Null,., Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry. Minn. Ac St. L Missouri Pacific Missouri. K. 4k T do Hid , 1,40 10.--S- 10, I.010 142s, 1414 14:"4 40 J UlVt i.r 8 10 8.! lVa iH 17 8174 N. R. R. of Mex . pfd. 7,8'W 4tw, 40-, ew York centra.! ... Norfolk at Western... do pfd lb"J llt llf 118 M b'. b7s, t. 85 ':') Zl 2l4 li'i t,70w L7h 117', Ontario & Western... Pennsylvania p.. c J. at bt. l 2 'l 6S Reading J.SW) 2(8) 44, 78 bit- ii" 14V, 44 2l'ii 40" do 1st pfd do id pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. A 8. F.. 1st Pfd. 60 40 14 do 2d pfd 3u0 St. L. Southwestern... 6ui 14H do Pfd 4. Wo 34-H 84H St. Paul 16.1U0 142 14: 14 do pfd Hi Southern Pacific 24.050 48S 7 47H 7S 48 Southern Railway .... MW 18H do pfd 4o0 Texas k Paciflo 8u0 T.. St. L. & W 24 24 18 do pfd 200 24 Union Paciflo 21,280 78 do pfd S) Wabash to 18T do pfd t.5 0 36 Wheeling U E Wisconsin Central .... 1,140 17S 3S 77H 18s, rri 89 18V, 8C, J 64 17S 28 223 18J 110 2j6 4 1S 6 17V4 76 17 lio" do pfd so) 38 Adams Express 122 225 American Express United States Exp...., 100 110 Wells-Fargo Exu Atrial. Copper 17.685 fci Am. Car at Foundry., 8H 18 do pfd SCO 4 Am. Linseed Oil do Pfd 47'4 1"S Am. Locomotive 4r0 do pfd fcM us 76U 574 T 4K 4 Am. Smelt. Ac Refln... ) 4i", do pfd I") 89'4 Am. Sugar Refining... S.3&0 125 Anaconda Mm. Co.... 1 75 Brooklyn R. T 2J.8x5 61 Colo. Fuel Iron .... Io0 2!54 Col. & Hock. Coal.... 2J 15'. 44 884 1!44 1!4'4 i 64 64 i81 28 15 14Vh Consolidated Gas .... General Elsctric International Paper... do pfd International Pump... do pfd National Biscuit National Lend North American Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car .... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. 1,600 1S24 lferV 182 :::: :::: :::: ii - 2t 70 K4 15 84U 25 MO ' 60 20 810 IS 844 ! 7H 144 824 14 864 io tis4 B54 as Republic Steel 100 7 T 4 do pfd 40 414 Rubber Goods too ls do pfd Tenn. Coal at Iron .... l.too 24 U. 8. leather 8 74 do pfd 210 77Vj U. 8. Rubber l 12 do pfd 44 42 V. 8. Steel IS. MO l'W do pfd ...38.1O0 6S Western Union t 2.4SS Ncrthern Securities 414 It 5i J4 4 I 12 414 10 6-4 04 414 14 73 34 74 74 13 41 I04 5-iVi 8-4 4 Total sales for the day, 403.10 shares BOSTON. Jan. t Call loan. 446 Pr reut; time loans, 6t4 per o-nt. urfWial closing price on stcrks and bonds: Atr8taoa to Hn Central to Atrklsos 4a pfd Boston A Albsnr ... bostoa A Mam bgsloa Rlvvaiad ... K T . K. H AH. ritrkburs pf4 t'vloa P,1A BUi. rsatral Astsr. Suasr ....... 4o ptd Am. T. A T bunt I. A S Crarral Elwtrta ... Btsw. Eiectrlti da pfd Tilted rnilt v. a. stssi da pfd Wasttb. SUBBkoa Advsutsrs Ex-dividend. . 874, Alios. , (7 !llIIUIf4 , s44 Binb,a . . aii Ul. a Hscla 84 OKteantAi 17 ("opir Han, 14 lioaiinloa l'osI .... m Vruklia 1M uu krais . II MoSavk . l'.' Old boailnloa .. . lX'islasoai 1J4 Parrot .Hi Kjaiscf . IVBssia Fs Coppsr... .17 Tamarack . Ii4 Trinity . Tv .ttmsd stsus . 87 H la . 14 Vtrtoria . M4, W,,, . 81 Wol.srtna " . 84 n! Mast 44 . 4V 447 18 , "-4 . , t , M 11 . 8kt . tl , 84 :P i , I . U , , u Kew lark Maaey Market. NEW TORK. J.n. l-MONET-On ealL easy at 14-"4 pr oent; lowest. 14 ir cent: rlusirg bid, 14 per cent; offered at 2 rv-r cent. Tim loans easy; 4444 per cent for all dales PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-54s4 per cent. . BTtitXJNQ EXCILANGEJ Weak, wltb TIA DAILY BEE: RATrRDAY, JANUARY 0. 1004. setusl bflnes In bankers' Mils at U M!vf 4 88 for demand and at tt M'&'fM SJ' for slxtv-dir bills: potd rates, t4 8J and t4V 4;4; commen-ll bills. 14 S14v4 1V FI1.VER Bar, 67',c; Mexican dollars, 4TC. BONDS kvernment steady; railroad lr- resulxr. The closing quotations on bonds ars aa follows: I' g. rf. Ik ri....TH L A K. sal. 4, 4s coupon li M,nhttaa c. . 4,..K'?4 00 M r-f I'm to eoSpon (,.19"t -do s 4 re m $0 eourns lWM 4s o4 4a reg lH Hex. otrl to. Wk do 1st Inr lt Mlsn. A Pt. L. 4,.. ' M . K. T. to 17 do 2 7 da rcrtos da . rf do roupon y Atrtaisnn gri 4s... do .1J AtUntlr C U to.. B A O. to do Iv,, Certnl ot Oa. (.. do 1st Inr Ch'S Ohio 4Hl . ( klngo A A. ,1C7 N. It. R. ot X . e. to. 754 N. T. a IHt " 10)iS. J. C. . to No. rcioc do V A W. e. 4s .... O. 8. 1 to st par. Terin. cost. iW-- . 87 .101 . 3H . S . t . 85H .114 Keadicf sea. to. SS . M 8t. LAIN. e. .in' .loMi'st. u i r. fg. to. :"4 . 71 1st U S. W. ll . 41 Sbo,r4 A. U to.... 7 t .. ii. a VI a. to C. U. A 8 P. f. 4..)KH4 So. ParlBc tt C. d N. W e. 11....1J1', So. R,llwir 8, 111V, C. R. 1. A r. to... SKVlTrxa, P. 1' 11"S do col. N 74 ;T , St. U A W. to . 714 C r.C. St. L g, to. KS Vnlon P,cm- 4,.i..k!f" rhleaso Ter. 4. n do roriv. to Sfi, f. 8 Steel Id 6,.... 70i TVhm8 ! 114 Con. Tobaros to. Colo. A 8o. 4,.. P K O. 4,.. EHe prior lien 4 do sen. 4i 8;.ti db. B KtiiW. A u F.. to r M Wla rtr.l to r. w. a- n. r i tirvlcoio. r. 4 1 t. k. II HoK-klnt Vl. 4Vk lu I Offered. Laadoa Itork llirVat. LONDON. Jan.8 aoslng: Consnls, money.... 87 8-ld N. T. Central do arcoant 7 l-l iNortoll A W. Anaconda 21, I do pfd At8laon H Ontario W do pfd 811, IPennpTiTanla Palttmnr, A Ohio... demand Mines i: , P , tl , ", . 81 . ts 4..V, . , 104 , 8m, . 4 . f ", , 14 . l . i'S . in . 174 Canadian rarme" ttxadlni Chea. A Ohio do lrt pfd... CTilcaso Ot. W .. C . M. A Bt. P.. DeDeer, D. A R 0 do p:d Erl, do lrt pM do 1 pfd Illinois Central .. l.ui. A aak... .. 1, ..14414 .. J .. f'H .. t- .. 70 .. 4DV) ..134 do 2d pfd... So. Railway .. 4o pfd 80. Pa-I8c .... Vnlon Pacific . do pfd V. . steal do pfd Waharn do pfd M., K. A T. lTa SILVER Rar. steady, Sfill-lfid per ounce. MONEY 3(U34 lcr cent; the rate of dis count in the open msrket for short bills Is IV334 per cent; for three months' bills, f4fc34 per cent. Karr lark Mlataa. Qaotatloas. NEW TORK, Jan. 8. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Cob 14 Llttl Chief 4 Alloa Hrerca , Pmnawirh Con ... Comatork Tunnel , ('on. cal. A Va. Horn Pllrer iron Stiver , LradTllla Coa .. 15 .. 18 .. 8 .. ,.M0 .. ,.128 . 1 Ontario Ofhlr Prttnri Savag, Plerrs Nevada Final) Hops . Standard ..... ."(! .459 . 2C . f4 . 88 . 80 .14 Assessment paid. Offered. Foreisra Financial. LONDON, Jan. 8. Money was In food de mand today and supplies were not abund ant. The market was unable to fully rnpay the Rank of England owing to the prudent measures adopted by the Joint stock banks. Discounts were firm, partly on account of the shortness of money, but chiefly owing to the uncertain political situation. Trail ing on the tock exchange oened dull and Inanimate, but rulll'-d slightly owing to bear covering and partly on a rumor that the czar was taking measures In the Inter ests of peace. Nervousness, however, was manifested, re.tricting business to tho smallest proportions. Consols hardened and then reacted. Home rails were steadier. American opened irregular and Inactive, hardened with the general tendency and closed steady. Japantse, Chinese and Rus sian securitii-s Improved. PARIS. Jan. 8 Business on the bourse today opened threatening. later improving on favorable reports regarding the Russo Japanese situation. Including a rumor of mediation. Ail Russians Advanced, Im perial 4s of ltl closing at 88.40. Other In ternationals shared in the Improvement: Industrials wtre calm and IrrejcUar. Hio Tintos gained ISf. The private rate of dis count waa 2 15-16 per cent. I1ERL1N. Jan. 8. Prices ont the bourse today were firm. Dank Clearlass OMAHA.' Jan.' t. Bank clearing- for to day. tl.443.5.86. an increase of ISC93&.22 over the corresponding day lust year. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 8.'-CoTTON Opened firm at an advance of zi'l point, with trading quite active and the Improvement chiefly due to a rise of 21 ft 22 points In the Liverpool market. The local market con tinued to rule stronger on smaller receipts, whk'h fell below early estimates, while the cotton in sight for the week amounted to 310.348 bales, against 350.85s last year. Specu lation waa more largely on New Orleans account in preparation to the general total, a the New Orleans Cotton exchange was closed. Trading was quiet until shortly afternoon, when prices advanced on reports of a still more peaceful tendency to affairs in the far east. Large orders came from th southern markets, with spot centers showing decided strength, some reporting still hiKher prices, but in all rases they were quiet. The total sales reached 4OO.000 bales, with the market finally very steady at a net rise of 2g2!i points, about the best of the day. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 8.-COTTON-Flrm; sales. bales; ordinary. 7 6-lc; low middling. 124c; middling. 134e: good middling. 13 1-lfic; middling fair. 13 13-16c; receipts. 13.334 bales: stock. 402.737 bales. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8 COTTON Firm, un changed; middling, 13Sic; aales, 124 bales; receipts. bales; shipments, 60O bales; stock. 19.832 bales. LIVERPOOL, Jan. . COTTON Moder ste business done; prices 10 points higher; American middling fair. 7 t2d; good - mid dling, 7.16d; middling, 7.06d; low middling 7d; good ordinary. 6 8od; ordinary, .7od. The sales of the day were 7.0O0 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export, and Included 4.400 American. Receipts were KM) bales, all American. Future opened steady and closed easv. American middling, g. o. c-. January, 7d; Jamiary-Februarv, S8d; February-March, sd; March-April. 6 97d; April-May, 6.fTi697d: May-June, t.961; June-July. 4-i4d: 'uiy-August, 6.92d; August-September, C77d. Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. 8 The Commercial Bulle tin will say: Th operations of the Arlinr, ton mills in territory wool have been the feature of the week. These aere closed on the two cloning davs of last week and on laet week and Monday of this week. Some 2.OHOO0W bales were bought, mostly in the original bags, running to stable. A big hole has been made In stocks of worsted wools. There ha been a good business with other mills and sizeable lines of fleece snd pulled sold. In prices there Is tio cnange. in. Dig transactions cr the week have not caused an advance. Medium fleeces and all other medium and low stock are firm, but no higher. A slight advance la noted In pulled wools. More, however, 1 In asking prices than on rates paid on actual sales. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from fiecember tl, 1903. are 4.I8I.40 lbs., against 4.361,516 at the same period last year. The receipta to data are t.788.134 lbs., against t. 256.750 for the sain period last year. Quotations are as fol lows: Territory, Idaho fine. 154flfie: fine medium. Ivi7c; medium. lValSc; Wyoming mi, jixyiuc , line mtrmum, jot'll.c; medium, I84yl8c. Utah and Nevada fine, 144'al54c; fine medium. 164'll7c; medium, llfic. Da kota fine. 15'ul6c: fine medium. UU-fi !.- medium. 17ti2c. Montana fine choice. 18 w.iic; one meaium. i(i.t.ic; averse, lsiljcl stnle iSJfic: medium choice. i;Kc NEW TORK. Jnn. 8.-WOOL-Firm; do mestic fleece. ?8it32e. BT.LOUIS. Jan. 8 WOOL Nominal: m. niuai grades, eomoing ana ciotnlng. 17'T'lc light fine. 15W17VW; heavy fine, l?6i44c tub wa:ied, 20S 31c t'asTe Market. NEW TORK, Jan. t COFFEE Spot mo. nrro; no. 1 invoice, ( s-inc; mild. On Future bpened steady wiih v nrioes u rm. n- . .. . . . ,v lv . iuwci. me amine . .1- 1 I' I - . fre m V. .. 1i....l.l..J J ne -.---Hi, 1 - 1 , 1 .ii v ii, 1 uifuiuniiuii inrni public sourc. but almost tmmellstel street and other interests. Price re covered the early losses snd rapidly ad v a need until a net gain or lauS points was scored. Cables averaged un disamioint ins and Europe sold early, but with the public, loined In the later buvlng move, ment Offerlnes were lia-ht snd scattered, mostly from smaller loiitrs The close waa firm at sn advance of liy.t iMiint. Rale amounted to 157.000 bass. Including Jsn 1 arr, 7 Iftc; March T.0r4i.30c: Mav. 7 4o T7fc: July. 7 7oil.86c: September. 7fif816c; October, 7.9&S8 00C; December. t.l5'3V30c. Oils mm4 Basla. NEW TORK. Jan. I OILS Cottonseed, sies'iy: prime crude, aomlnaj; prim yellow, 4'437c. Petroleum, steady, refined, tlu.09 refined in bulk, to 60. ROSIN-Firm; strained, common to g.od. t2ri. TURPENTINE Strong. ?44r3 SAVANNAH, Jan. S.-TI RPENTINB Flrm. Ix. ROSIN Firm; A. R. C. tIB: D. t:atE E. ti4.g;4j: G. 12.55:. H. i2K: I. t2 8: k' M t3 15: N. t3 Si: WO, 13 35: WW. t3 76. OIL CITY, Jan. 8. Ol LS i 'redit balances, tl 85. certlficatt-a. no Md; shipmmta ta 874 bbla; aversee. tl 41J bbls : runs. 87 447 bbls ; average. 62.1'J bbla.; shipments, Lima 73. 758 bbls; average. 7,e; bbls.; run. Lima. 6Ltls tbls.; ftvsrags, dO.OTS tais. OilAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET CatUe Bacsipti Heavitr Tln Expscted and Pritfi EtAed Off Couiderabj. ' HOGS SOLD rULLt FIVE CENTS L01ftR Light Raa at Sheep aad Lambs aad with a Goo Dcesaad the .Market Rated Artie aad Steady ta Stroag aa All Grade. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 8. ReceiDts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. ,4;4 4,o21 loo5 .. 4.H 7 il lv.ilii 1.. 3 4 1 10.3-14 8,719 .. t.lJ6 7.42 4.919 .. 3.223 6.MJ 4.a2; Otflclal Monday orticial Tuesday Official Wednesday . Official Thursday ... Oflicial Friday Fiv days this week 17.534 Sams days last week... .11.827 Kama week tf n -q r.2i 40,97s 28.3.'4 49. 8 4.. 22 30.746 84.523 12. i 2v.:ii' 4.'.2 Same three Weeks ago..l8.1i Same four weeks ano 1S.286 Same days last year.... 16.21 1N.S RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receiots of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha 1 r. 'r to late and comparisons with Irit. ..19.ti!'6 . . 4s.6n2 14 15.82 42.220 19,617 Inc. 3.2H9 4.472 Cattle Hogs , Sheep ..43.147 AVerase t.rftea iu A fnr --1 ilouU Omaha for the iast asveral days with com Data. 11(01. Uljltul.isoo. 1M. Pt. i; 4 24 4 1441 IMtw 4 34 ( 4 l4l 4 44 t.4.4 ?- fill' 4 47-,, 4 HV 4 6241 16' I 241 22 ul 14, 2 01 4 12; I 01 0I I 6 06, C 16 I 111 I OK I 26j oa I JlJi 19 I 44 t 16 ' ' I ! C 34 I S3 26, il f O! I t I IM 111 3 4 7i, t 88, ; I a I 1 92 3 St a 1 14, C 4 til 3 :t: t 33 t 1 3 24 3 tl 3 28 4 81 4 t a 4 U 1 34 V VI Hi, I -- 4 .' I 47; 4 11: I M 4 8t 4 08 3 44 I 30 t 32 4 77, 481j 4 9o 4 14, 3 48 4 16 t 45 3 3! 4 14, 1 46, 1 I 1 611 3 Date. 1 1804. lK.;ir:.,U01.U00.189.Uat Jan. 1.. Jan. 2.. 4 6441 ( S3i C 231 4 sal 4 211 I t 43 4 8U4, 6 ii: 6 22, 4 8ti. 4,l 67 1 Jan. 1.. I 4 291 6 18; 4 851 4 28, 3 57, 1 48 4 77- ,i 6 2-Jj 6 ti 4 27, S 41 3 44 4 C64l 6 !7( I 6 l4 4 37 1 3 47! 3 2S 4 &iS, 6 34: 6 24: 1 4 Ji, 3 4- 3 i9 4 6-4, 39i 6 09, 5 (6 13 42 3 40 4 604i 6 48j 6 09, 5 0: 4 34' I 43 Jan. 4.. Jaii. 5 . Jan. 6.. Jan. 7.. Jan. 6.. Indicates Sunday. 'indicates holiday. The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road was: Caltle.Hogs Sh'r.H"ss. C. M. & St. P. Hv.... K 16 Wabash 1 Missouri i'acinc Hy.. 5 I. P. sstera 13 14 4 C. & N. W. Hy 3 16 .. 1 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.. 21 20 2 C, St. P.. M. & O.... 31 8 B. & M. hy 2-1 18 6 C, B. & y Ry 11 6 K. C. & 6t. J 1 C. R. 1. & P. east.. 7 4 2 .. illlnoia Central 1 1 Chicago CI. W 4 ' 2 .. .. Total receipts ....126 104 15 1 The disposition of the day's receipts w;ia as follows, each buyer purchasing ths num ber 01 Head indicated: Cottle. Hotrs. t-h Omsha racking- Co 228 PU 1,19 Swift and Comptmy 71 1,367 t.'udahy Packing Co 7a6 l! 4 81 Armour Co 8t 1,834 1.0.8 Arnrour, Sioux City 1,423 Vansant Co f. Carey & Benton 32 McCreary & Carey 15 '. W. I. Stephen 7 Hill & Huntxinger 80 Huston & Co t H. F. Hamilton 1 Wolf & Murnan 4 Hobhlck 4 B 43 61 Dcgap 1 Mugerty ft Co 17 Other buyers 234 1,541 Total S.148 7,33 4.199 CATTLE There was Quite a liberal run of cattle here this morning for a Friday, and as receipts all the week have been liberal lor the tune or year packer were well filled up and the market was slow with prices lower. Salesmen all wanted steady prices, and as a lesult the dsy was well advanced before a clearance waa made. Receipts included a Kood many corn-fed steers, most of them being of the short- fed variety. Packers evidently were not figuring on many cattle being on sale today, nd as a result they were very bearlxh and did not seem to car whether they got -any fresh supplies or not. armed-up and short-fed stock suffered the most and in a good many cases had to sell all of 10 15c lower than the same kinds brought yester day. Even the better grade were slow and a little lower. It was a very dull market frcm start to finish. The cow market was also weaker, but still the decline was not a serious ns on steers. The price paid showed consider able uneveness. so that some snlesmen were callins; cood stuff about steady, with me dium kinds weak to a dime lower, while others found Just the reverse to be true. In other words, the general market was a little slow and very uneven, with salts go ing steady to fully a dime lower on all kind. A fairly good clearance was made at a reasonably early hour. Bulls were In good demand this morning at stronger prices. For some reason all the buvers seemed to want bulls and they paid better rrices for them than for some time past. Veal calves did not show any particular change. The market for stockers and feeders was also about steady with yesterday. There mere not many on sale, and as the supply has been llsht all the week with the de mand good the tendency of prices has been urward on all desirable grade, and closing prices are about lSfa-'C higher than those In fore a week afro. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. Vs. At. Pt. Ko. At. Vt. ii (I ID t 1111 4 0 4 1114 I Si 0 "44 4 U lutS I W XI 1171 4 0 ' lui.1 I M I llaS 4 40 a' M 4 10 12S 4 40 H 1071 4 00 H14 4 44 1UJI 4 OS 0 1214 4 U 4,1 12S 4 H 17 15...4 4 M I im 4 10 14 1370 4 74 3 -4 4 11 1 4 TO 44 1514 4 K i 141 4 1 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 li 4 00 IT 1074 4 S5 I 414 4 14 4 1041 4 ti 10 I'M 4 14 17 l.W 4 44 44 UU4 4 M I 4 I 10 4 1Sl I 00 1 liK4 t 10 4 1(M I W t6 1 10 t lira 1 4 t't I 10 11 lilt I 04 1 KM I 1 II W I Of. I ll7 t 10 14 411 t 10 I A.... Mt SK 1 444 I 10 I 1010 1 44 n m in 14 lt-lT t 44 4 1041 I 15 1 loot t 44 S3 1041 I to 1 1070 t 40 1 14tH I to t twl I 40 II 1141 I to 4.. ,.. Ill t 40 I I1H I to . 1 140 I 44 47 ltil I 44 X' Kiel t 14 1 114 I 44 i UK I u 1 .'.111E I 4.1 41 W u t 460 I S 1 1!N I 10 1111 t Si 10 MT IM I I't.l t 70 4 HA4 I 10 1 1210 I 7: il lu4 I M I 7f4 t T IT M In 1 11K4 I 74 14 till I u II 1'4 I Ti I 11M I js 1 11 W I Tl II. 111! I m I lOti I 15 14 1071 I 40 1 1214 I IS IU luet I 44 1 M0 t aS 13 1411 I 41 14 nil t as il luei 1 44 1 11M t 11 11J0 I 45 i 10)4 t W 1 124 SO 4 120 I 40 1140 I 40 1 lull I 40 II .11)4 I 10 1 1214 t 40 14 11m I 40 1 J4 I 1 10f. I 70 II 14 IU II 1141 I 70 1 171 I O0 1 110 I T 1 ' T 444 I TS iaj w o ami iit-iritruj. 44 KXa l Ill I 41 HEIFERS. I t 4. t Ill t 14 I ... M SO , I l 1 44 I 40 I'- Ill li .4 11 IM I 4.4 i . ' 4 T I W 14 444) I :s 1 t sa 1 i7o 1 u 44 W0 I 44 ' 14 M IK I T-0 I 40 1 1111 I M 1 HI IN CALVES. 1 144 4 40 1 144 I IS 1 14 4 44 1 U ili 1 140 I 04 8T1CK CALVES. M m ,wbclU ,M l .i 114 I IS 1 11H I i 1 l' t 40 1 llab I r. 1 12441 I TV I av, I IS 1 14t I IS 4 .- HIT I IS 1 1M1 I 40 t U... .1M I U 1.. . 174 I M 1 140 I IS 1 laa I 44 I im 1 is 1 14 I 44 1 1U..4 I SS 4 iu 1 04 1 ii) 1 tr 1 1.-44 I 4 1 .' Ii, I 4S 1 124 I It 1 1M I, 1 1444 I It 1 14W I M 1 I IS I 1474 I W 1 la I IS I law a -, 1 l I M I MS I 40 I I'- I 1 IIM I lj TOCKERa AND FEEDEFtS. ( 41 t 4 . U M IS Dec. II... Dec. 17.. Dee. 18.. Dec. It.. Dec. . D". 21.. i ec 22.. l ee u.. I sc. 24.. Dec ,... rc. ii . Dec. J7.., Dec. to.. I'ec. it.. Dec. 3o.. Dec 31.. SHIP YOUR HIDES, TALLOW AND WOOL It any quant ilj and pet hiplu-st market priors. Write for infor nation, prices and whipping taps which are sent free bj rjf k luee which is located nearest to you. , J. S. SrjJITH & CO., WHOLESALE HIDE MERCHANTS IU HA, NEB. SIOUX CITY. IOWA. GRAND ISLAND, NEB. 1 r is 1 Wo ) ,0 4 i I t, 1 470 t 1 4 1 1 75 1 K I 10 t "in I 8 its I jn St (tl I its I M I 40 8:. I m 4 t hO -l I 80 J r-5 i 44) , id in ! to J'! I SO ' 444 I 7 423 I 78 IS.'.'.' 11 "tO I 4 I M I f HOGS The supply of hoT this morning was very moderate, but as Chicago waa quoted pen c rail v a dime lower prices eased off here also. The quality of the offeriscs waa considerably better than yesterday Bnd the weights were heavier. Taking that fact Into consideration the market waa a big nickel lower, and In fact might be quoted 64J10c lower. The market on paper, how ever, only shows a decline of about a nickel. Trailing waa oulte active, so that every thing In stsht was out of first hands at an early hour and there was very little change in the market from start to flnlfh. Light hogs sold largely from tl.SS to t4 .5.1. light mixed from 14.. IS to t4 fit, heavy mixed from 14 . to 14.65 and prime heavies from t4 S5 to 44.70, with a top at t4.7. Representative sales: Ks. At. Eh. Tr ria. At. Sh. r. ti in ... 4 :i 77 2:4 ... 4 T IS! 14 4 IS 44 2T In 4 C2'i t 177 40 4 4" 5." rtrt 1H 4 4-'- 11 17 T 44 tl M r : 71 i n 71 44 :'l s i 41 44 M (2 M.,... 3 lio S f 4.1 22 t.4 f4 4S 0 t4 t 44 41 ...171 ..1K1 ..1ST . .215 ..r?i . 230 ..til ..tit ..211 .214 .17 .241 . 27.4 ..Ht ..17 .. . 2Ht ..til ..14 . 212 . 2M . .IM . ir.4 .234 . .2" ,.2!' ..ff-4 . .1ST . lv:, . .2. ..2S5 4 40 M.. SI., ID... 74 . C.2.. SS... M.. 1.4 . (... 41.. 4... 42. . tt... Ot.. 43.. 41... 40... 47... 40. ., S2... It... tu. .. 40 ... 47... I.. ti . SS.. 40.. 4... CI... tv., 44 ... tl... ..2V4 IM 4 42', 4 4S 4 45 4 41 4 471, 4 :.' 4 r,5 4 ts 4 :.j 4 a 4 45 4 SS 4 t7V, 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 0 4 00 4 40 4 V 4 40 4 40 4 " 4 40 4 10 4 41 4 0 4 Mi 4 CO 4 an 4 4" 4 do ..2CT ..270 .214 .27 .11 .413 . 84 . .'W ..! . ISS .1.4 ..311 . 3'.' ..14W . .S" . .21 . .2K7 . rJ ..312 ..3,-.i . J" ..!, . 2K3 ..27 . .SJ0 . 27 . Ill . ,i1 . 41 . ss: 2"0 4 4 t-2, 4 t.:rt 4 r. 2i, 4 :, 4 42', 4 .' I1 4 4 4 41, 4 tut, 4 4 4 42. 4 m 4 ti 4 1,:. 4 its 4 f j 4 4 (15 4 4'. 4 .-, 4 5 4 a 4 4 cs 4 K 4 .". 4 7S, 4 74 4 ,4 4 :i 2f.7 4 CO SHEEP There were only a ftw -ears of sheep and lambs In s.ght this morn-ng. anil, as the demand continued brlFk, the market! could be quoted active and steady to strong. Anything that had any kill to it cliar.ced hands very leadlly at very satisfat t ry prices, so that even the commoner kinds weie easy to sell. Owing to the light re ceipts tho pens were cleared at an early hour. Sume light-weight vearllngs sold as high as 14 75 and ew-s brought I3.K'1. There Were ryn n, im. u ... nr 1 V. nn The supply of feeders was small, the same! as nasi Deen tne case all the week, and the market could safely be quoted fully stet.dv. (juotati lis lor corn-ten ct Hk: cvc'-h western lambs, ti.!iC''6-75; fair to good lambs, t4.73v 5.2.".. g.3d to choice yearlings. 4 65, fair to sno'l yenning. 44."ifM.2'', good to choice wethers. xs.5"njr4.(K'; fair to good wethers. t3.256S.50; good to choice ewes, P.2:tT3.C5: fair to gord ewes. t3.ti3.25; choice feeder lambs. 3.ir4.l0: fitir to p-M.g feefler lambs. 47! ?.".WJ tie vnarl.i.. a t3.rr-jS .50. reelr wethers. tS'.ltVj"!.5S; fH-dor '". I1.75(rt.2i; culls. tl.OuS1.75. Rcpre- cuiaina nam; Av ... S4 ...161 ... HI ... 45 ...n:i ...1 "6 . K ... Mi ... 47 ... M ... M ...MS ... ( .. G2 ... 74 ... t ... 53 ... C3 ...140 ... J ...1"1 ... 80 ... V2 Pr. t w 1 75 1 44 3 50 3 55 3 as t 75 3 75 I 00 4 5 4 4 6 " 4 75 t r.- 5 25 6 ti-1 3 41 4 25 t AO ! 60 3 80 4 (H 4 65 6 15 R cull ewes 1 buck IKS western ewes 18 cull lamb 22t western ewes western ewes 20.7 western ewes 5 western ewes 10 western lambs .... 2S7 western yearlings 10 western yearlings 470 western yearlings 21 western yearlings 2 western lambs .... SI western lambs .... M western lambs .... 149 native ewes 327 western lambs 41 western lambs 1 western buck 242 western ewes 1 western wethers .. 55 western yearlings 31 western lamb CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Light Hecelpts of Weak Caltlt All Stock, with Market. , FJlCAP- J."n' --CATTLE-Reeelpts. 3(i0 hesd; market slow a:id weak; good to Fn-", tee' Ji-W'S-tt: poor to medium. U.5ti4f0; stockers and feeders. t2 25'4 25' 5,-?'.i;75?';7; rir,r' 2 3ii4.4'j; c.tnners; ita?Aa ;Dbu"f' 2 l"'" 30; calves. vJ3.6.K)47.3. HOG8 Receipts. So.uai head; estimated I?m?zr?.n'; aM.h"d: mixed and butchers. ll.toiS.02H; good to choice heavv. 14 iUKtii (to- h?.Vi'hT h-v--. V'SW; -light. 1404.70; bulk of sales. f4.704.M. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, t 000 head; market for sheep and lanrais, steadv good- to choice wethers. i.l(K.; fatr i0' li1 aftm1"?,- 3,2D' : western sheep" Kexe York LIts Stork Market. 4 ..1' J?": -BEEVES-Recelpts. 2.818 head; steers Italic higher; bulla steadv to lc higher; thin cows steady; medhi'h and good cows 1Mi25c lower: shout all si.ld stockers, t4.iajtft.iti; bulls, t3.00M 5ft- cows' t....o3.6&; extra fat t4.10; oxen. t3.Vrf&4 w' Cables quoted live cattle steadv at Imi'iv sheep firm at ll4al2Hc; lambs at 13Wc dressed weight; refrigerator bt t f lower st sc. I CALVES Receipts, 42 head, market slow veals 60c lower; barnyard eslves rl,.r: veals. Ufii-.(l0; barnyard calves. tS.O'ibS 7S: city dressed veals. sigiS1: per lb.; country dresei. 6i lie per lb. FHEEP AND I.AMBS-Reeelpts. f 23 head; market steady: few fate arrivals he'd over; sheep. I3 0uy4 00; export sheep t4 6j lambs. Mi'fi7 15. ' H(j18 Receipts. 4.100 bead: markst steady; state and Pennsylvania $5 ). Exports, 150 cattle. Kaaeas City Llvo Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 8 CATTLE Re ceipts, t.200 head, including 15(' southerns market iilbc lower; exKrt and dressed beef steers. 44 1564.80; fair to good, ti'bkv 4.10; western fed steers. (3 2594 50; stockers and feeders, steady. t2 MM .Oti; southern steer, 2.&ojf4.10: southern cows. tl.t"i2t: nntive cows, tl 2f.'&3 75: native heifers, t2.5"ft! SK": bulls, steady, t2.25iU3.50; calves, steadv 42 S"4rS 7B. HOUS Receipts, 7vi head; market steady to 5c lower; top. I4 K24: bulk of sales. 44 00; heavy. 44 2S4-K2t,: packers, t4 45 1.7?: tile and light. 14 -j4 574. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receir.t. 100 head; msrket steady; native lambs. t5 25a 5 75: western lambs, ti tles 40: fed ewes tZ.tasg4.a6; western fed yesrl' t3ft&ll0; sullen inu leeuers, c.wtl.,D. I t. Loals Lle Stock Market. I LOUIS, Jsn. CATTLE Receipts, 1.6ia) head, liiculding 400 head of Texan' market active and steady; shlpsing anil export steers, t4.2f.i5 25: dressed beef and butchers steers. 14 (n'j6 00; steers under l.OuO K)unds. t3.7W4.il5; stockers and feed ers. t2.25'(jT6t: cows and heifers, t2.2MJ4 50 csnners. 2 00431.2s: bulls. t2.Vjt!00; calves t3.'i04j7 (O; Texas snd Indian steers. 12 &oi 4.3": cows and heifers. t2.HK31.S6. HOGS Receipts, 7.5o0 head; market dull ! iw .ihi iiwit; rigs ana urnta, 41 4ou4 .& packers. 44 4.'i4.tiu. butchers and best lievv tl Sic 4 W- BHEEP A2D LAMBS Receipts. 1 500 head; market fairly active, steady: native muttons. (3.3064 0o: lambs. (4 25i!f : culls and bucks, t2.tma3.50; stockers, 2.0ufc3.00. t4ek la Sight. ' Following are the receipts of live stock st :hs six principal tern cities yesterday: cattle. nogs. Bheep lmaha .x.. "hlcmgo ..... anss City Ixmis ... "t. Juseph .. Moug City . Totals .. (1117 4 627 8 ( 10 15. ti liUt ..t (i0 ..I 2"li ..1 M ..1.110 . toO Si tsJ 7 ! 7.5A Ii'. (0t) ..11332 42.203 14.540 ! rllr Uve Sleek Market. SIOUX CITT. la . Jan. (.-Special Tele--ram CATTLE Receipts, ; steady; eves. (3 ftut3tVuv; cows and heifers, (2 OufJ ': stockers and f-rtra, tl.504ii5ti; calves rd yearling..- t2 2i3.26. HfMJIS Ripl. 6aj0: steady; selling at l.ii14.:; bulk. I. Joseph Ltvo Stock Market. BT JOSEPH. Jan. I CATTLB Receipts .Lit beavd; luavrket Steady; uaUvea, 11 ltCAt30 mxE4roui idwards, Mala Office Manhattaa Hid;. IT. PAIL, MMV Dealers la Stock, Grain, Provisions Roupht and sold for cash or carried as reasons Me mnrglns. upon which a commls. tlon will be charged of H on grain. el stocXs and , on, PrlTato Wires. Writ for cur market ietter snd prlTattl telegraph cipher mailed free. SHIP YOUR GRAIH TO US Return. Best Facilities. Llber&l Advances. Usual Commission riRAKrii officesi OMAHA 110-11 Bosrd of Trad Bldg. 1 hone 1614 SOUTH OMAHA 323 and KS ExehSIUTS Bldg. 'Phons 73. COUNCIL. BLUFFS 406 and Sap EU. 'Phons 6T4 MUCOLX, CBS MOIXKaV ps'ih f ,na as JtZi COtlPAHY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS JV live over 160 i.tH-skl References: 173 Stat aid Pat l Banks. OCR gF.RVICK 19 TUB BIT IT. Out of Town Bvalnaa SoLxltsd. Omshs Drsacb: teltPar ass 5t- Tal. 47 TH0S. M. WADDICK. Corretpondeot H FARM, RAKCH and CRAZIK8 Western Lands alone the line cf the Utiles Pacit Railroad are attracting the attention of Capitalists settling INVESTMEWT The purchsaa of rbi-sp Welters lands (sold t'ir ch or on time payments) Is fully justified by the preset:! prices and seating conditions for subatsotial aad growLng revenue bach nvpoTtunttie In the West are fat: riug. Facts, map and particulars FKKB. , Land dlpt. uis PaJ-ie at.. owihA.Na. Ill isiaiiiaasaaseaaaiiii ism n.ultll im II REAL KSTATK TH.4MIFEK9. DEEDS filed for record yesterday, aa fur nitdied by the Midlitnd Guarantee and .Trust com puny,- bonded abstracter, 16U Kainam strt-et; Siierlff to Mary A. Hutchinson, lot 12. block 15, Walnut Hill add t 217 Mary A. Rushlau to Un M. tljarde, part lots 1 and 1, block E, Lows' dd 1.M0 Mary A. Wallace to Charles Kowurlt and Bartha Koschurtx. lot 1 Wal lace's :st sub Lewis Plant and wife to Henry I. mt. lot 4. block 25, Florence.-. Josef Kostk and wife to Alvis Pesek. too 76 lots iv and 11. Bulllvan s add.. 1.200 Jennie Carey and husband to Mary Caldron, lot 7, block , South Omaha Park ; Harry V Westerfleld and wife to Marti ODonnell. lot 7. block 22. Omaha View extension Msry M. Martin to Charles W. Mar tin. Herbert R. and Bessie L. Martin, part block 16. 8 E. Rogers' sdd Bheriff to Ellis Tarnall and Annie to 150 750 arnalL, part lot L Capitol add.. 6,770 5.15; cows and heifers, tl.754.35; stockers and leeucrs, 2.7i.ii 4 .flu. HOGS Receipts. 3Mi head: market steady to Ire lower; ligl't, $4,6014.70; dium and heavv. t4 '&14 (l5. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, head; market steady; sheep, $5.00. was me- 1,313 wood M-lal Market. . '.NEW TORK, Jan. t M ET ALS Ths lo. cnl market for copper ruled oonsidersbly firmer today, prlcts advancing; about Ho all around, making an advance of 10 per. c-tit in two riii vs. The Improvement Is due to light 04Terir:g and Improved home and export Inquiry. Iike Is quoted at 12.2'4 il3.t".- electrolytic at' (l! 2i'U.s7U. Tho English market advanced 7s 6d. with spot ot 4.5k Ids and futures at 57 15s. Tin wss also firmer locally, closing at an advanco of about 75 points, with spot at t-.2iVa2S.4S. The London market advanced 1 6s for spot to 132 I'M, and 1 to 132 10s for futures. Ijocally lead was unchanged at t4. 2554. 45. The English market was Is Id higher ut 11 7s fed. Bpelter In Londofl closed unchanged for spot at 21 7s 6d. The local market declined 10 points on ths outside price, making the average -prlco 6c off at t5.(fi5.10. The Glasgow market for- Iron closed unchanged at 45s Hid snd Middleshnruugh unchanged at 42s 6d. Ths New York market was about steady and nominally unchanged. No. 1 foungry northern was quoted at tlt.OO'Slt.G; NaT 1 foundry northern, tUOifaUta-i: No. 1 foundrv southern snd No. 1 foundry south ern soft, tl3.75UH.2s. Soger Markst. NEW TORK, Jan. l.8t7QAR Raw, nominal; fair refining, He; centrifugal. IN tfst, Sc; molasses ut;ar, 2-c; refined, auiet; No. 6, i&jc; No. 7, 4c; No. . t5c; No. . tJc: No. 10, t hic: No. 11. l.N0c; No. 12. t.75c; No. It. .70c: No. 14. t.5c; con fectioners'. 4ic; mould, 4.2ic: cut loaf, 5.25c; crushed, (.55c; granulated, 4 46c; cubes, -4.TCic. MOLA-iiSES Firm; vNew Orleans, open kett. gfKid to choice, 31'r3c. NE7V ORLEANS. Jan. SUGAR Qulst; open fettle 2V3c; centrifugsl, 37 I-I69: centrtfugal whites, 2"i2 11-16, yellows, 3WW I r.-isc; seconds, zl)fi,c. VOLA8HES OulerV OJ.CI1 oien kettle, SUa. Syrup, dull. 2ia'27c. Whisky Market. CHICAGO Jan. 8 WHISKY Steady; on bHsiw of high wines, t! .27. PEORIA. Jsn. 8 W1IISKT On basla of nnlxl.ed gis'ds. tl.tlH. CINCINNATI. Jan. 8 WHISKT Dis tillers' finished goods, steady; on basis of high winea, 11.27. Did Sot Charge Ten Taaaiaal. BALTIMOP.F!. Jan. -Dr. William Oslsr of tills city denies the correctness of a statement contained in recent press dis patches that he ciiarg-d a flQ.000 fe for a twenty-minute consult itUou with other iih ticlatis 1n th case of Captain Frederick of Milwaukee, lately deceased. Dr. Osier says he charged an ordinary fee for tht service performed by him. Meaaiohls Klectloaa Close. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Jan. t Definite re sults on the municipal election will not be known utitll Mtiday next, when th vote Will be canvassed. Irregularities occurred In the Fifth and the Ninth ward, and th result of the count there will be th de termining factor. Barring the vote In theae two wards, ths administration ticket has a saf majority. Wilt ot t ootolsi Pa oat. MILWAUKEE. Jan. I Ths will of Csp tain Frederick Pabat. Med this afternoon, leaves an estate estimated at tKMiUi.OO In trust. No public beq jeats art mads. Tho widow and four children and an adoptod daughter eauh receive one-aixth of th so ts te. Th widow I given an option f a I500u0 annuity in lieu of one-sixth ot ths estate. Bolls, (ores oad Frlooo Find prompt, surs curs In Bucklen's Arnica SaJvs, also ocsema, aalt rhwm, burns, bruise and plies, or no pay. tso. For sals by Kubn Co.