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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
THE OMATTA DAILY r.nn: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15. -1WH. r rono. IDCND Oola pen snd holder; ran b had ti p yiri a; jot advertisement si ip ro. th svs pound-Vi"T 1.-. rvirvrri swticb. (Should be read DAILY by mil interested, a ctix rig a may occur at euy Mm.) for ig a roai.a to. the w. ek ending De It, 1KM, wil close (FKOMCl L.T la 'l Caseei ei the iiie. el poetotnce an fol low.; rARCtLe FO.iT MA11.S flow on hour eenKr Ihtii cieaing lime enown below, faroels-poet Mal.s lor Oft many now at Iowa: PAKCLLJt-l'OST MAI 1.8 clow one r. m. Monday, per a. a. "Kaiser wilhclia U" and rrtoay, per a. a. 'Uraf W alder Bee. " Regular and supplementary man clone at FnTt-tan S.a.lon if hour later than cjoe- trig uma ahown below iipt that Bupp e naiitarv Malta for r.arote ana central Amfnoa. via ci loai cose oua hour later at s-oretgn fctatlon.j . Traaaatlaatle Malta. TUESDAY At JO a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m. , for EL'ROPK, per a. a. Kaiser Wllhelra 11, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and lr-emeri. KUMOAT-At li:W p. m. (rurflemen tmry I p. m.), for El ROI'E, per 8. a. Oceanic via Uueeualewa. THl K8DAT At 1 a. m. for FRANCE. ZILHLAND. IT ALT. (SPAIN. PoK Tl'OAL, TIKKET. UYPT, OKERt.1, HUnm INDIA and LORkJiZO MAK- Ql EZ. per a. a. la Savote, via Havre (malt for other part of Europe must ba eirectea "per a. a. navote -SATURDAY At f:30 a. m. for IRELAND, per a. a. Umbrta, via Wueenatowa (mull for other parts of Kuropa muat ba di rected "par a. a. Umbria"i; at a. in. for I-iCJtoPK. par a. a. Near York, vie Southampton: at 0 a. rn. for BCOT- LAND, direct, per a. a. Lthlojita. (mail mum ba directed "per a. a. Lihlopla";; t 11 a. m. for IfENM ARK direct, per a. a. Nor re ( mall muat be directed "'per a. a. Norre". ' 1 After the Closing ef the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mull" named above, nom tlnnal Fui plementary Hails ara open'd on, in f lers vj me a-merican, ii.usnin, French and Oe'm in ete , mers and r-maln ep'n until 1trln Tn Minutes of the bour of aMJiia? of ataaaiar, -- Malls for Saath aad Central Asserlea, - ,' Waal ladles. Eta. St'TCCAT-Af t a. rn. for BARBADOS said KOHIUEHN BRAXIL, per a. a. Amaso- nense. Tl'EMDAT At 9M . m. (aupplamentiirjr Ki.iu a. m.i for CENTRAL AMErtlCA (except Coasa KJcai anl tOUTH PACIFIC l OKiS. per a. a. Vucaian, via Colon (mail for Oua,temai muat to-oireciea "par a. a. Yucatan". TrVh,lXwDAT At 11 m. (Bupplf-mentaTy 11 m . m.) for BAHAMA, per a. a. An- tllia.: at lI.Si f. m. (aurpleraentarr i P. m for Tl'KlvS lULANi; and DOMIN ICAN BEPI BL.1C, per a. a. Cheroae; at 12. p. m. (auuplemcntary l:M p. ra,t lor BT. THOMAS, 8 T. ("HoiX. LtEW ARD and WINDWARD ISLAND", HKITloH, DUTCH and FKi-NCH U LIANA, par a. a. horona. THLRS DATAt I B.rm.' for CTBA. cer a. a Eeperansa imall for Mexico, tla Proajioao, Cunpsdw and Vera Cruc muat be di rected "per a. a. Ksperanta"); it 12 u for MEXICO, per a. a. Yumurt, via Tain. Pioo (mall rouat ba directed "per a. a. TumurV'j; al 12:Jfl p. tn. for BERMUDA, ANTIGUA. OUADALOUPE and MAR- TINigUK. Jr a. a. Eirurla (mall for Marbadoc. Trinidad, Br Utah. Dutch and r Tench uuiajia mult ba directed "per a. a. Etrurla"J, FRIDAI At V a. aa. aupplementnrr 10:M a- m.) for IS'AODA and HAITI, per a. a. Bevtvia (mail for Petit Ooava and Auz Cayea muat ba- directed "per -a. a. Bo livia"); at ? p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. Carthaa-lnlan, Irora l hiladel iM. BATURDATAt 1:10 a. m. for BARBADOS and BRAZIL, per a. a. Bellaagio. x Pemamtmco, Ro ' Janeiro and Bantoa (mall for Nwrthera BmalL A-rentine. I rufuay and Paraguay tnuat ba directed "per a. a. Belln csio1 ); at t .10 a. rn. (lup rlernenfary 30 a. m.) for CURACAO and i tltWAT TIMB (ARl-rellrt. Illlaola CeatraX. t Lere. Chlcaro Exprem a J am tliu-Hxo. Minneapoiia dk Pt. Paul LimitHi a 7:w era kdrmeapolli Bt. Paul Kiprena c t:h ata t hlcaa ktrtkwnttra, Tha North wootern Line," Faot CMmro a 1:40 am a ?:5S am l oc al Cliicua au:2 am Mall a M pm L'K'HI Sioux city......... Daylieht Ft. Paul ilMim l'vl;ht cmcaao a mw -ra Limited Chicago........ .a : pm Fast Cnicaa-o .a :DU pm Local Chlcaa-o a 4 25 pm Faal St. I'aul a a. la pm Bt. Paul Expreaa... Fat Mail Local Bloux City n f m prn Knrfolk Boneteel....a l:(6 am Lincoln Lone Pla....b 1:04 am Deadwoofl. not Lpimea -and Lincoln . ,..a-t:M pm at.lOpm Capper aV Wyoming Kx. .d 1M pm pm Ha'tlnaa, Bupenor ana Albion a i:ou pm o:ivpm lalaa raeia. OverUnd iJmltwd a 1:40 am Tha Fant MhJI. .a am California Expreea a VJU pm The Chicago - I'ortlana filarial a : pm The Portland Chicago Plcml F.aatern Expreaa The Atlantic Exprama... Tha Colorado special.. .all 3 pra Chlcairo Special Lincoln. Beatrice and tromahura; Expreea..b 4:W pm Columbus Local.... b 1:00 pm Calcas Great Keattra Hr 21 L Pan! A M.nno- apnlia Limited IW Tt. Dooae Expreea..a am lin Fu Dodge Expreas..a l.U prn 2H Bt. Paul Minne apolis Limitel a T:6S pa 7 Ft. Dode Expreaa.. ; 103 Ft. Dodge Expreaa.. Bavanllla and reeled "per a, POSTO RICO, Juan; at :30 per a. a, Zulla (mail for i artaaena must be cl . Euila"); at a. to. for per a. a. Coamo, via Bn (upplementary l:S0 Arrtre. alO:(t pm a 1:01 am blt:S pm t km b 1 a pa alv: pru an jo pm a am a 1.4 pm a 7- am a am a t:40 pm a :W am al'i:25 am bU:6 am Id pm a $M pm a I f pm a i:M pm a 7:10 am a :) am a 140 am MI:4" pm b t.JB am ,'Ca, a ( K aa 11:W am a :o pm Ckleaca, Bock Ialama St raelOe. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d.. a 1:63 ara a 10 am Chicago Daylignt Local a l.v am a :35 pm ChlcHo Lx.pi Ha bll:ieam I !. m Lea Vioioea iCxDreaa a i:t pra 1)U:j am Chicago Fast Avxpreea. a iJU pm a I Jti pm - . Wl-IST. - ' Rocky Mountain L t d .a 7 JO am a 7:S aa Lincoln. Colo. Springs, ltanv.r. Pueblo aui West 14C pm a 1:00 pm Tim. CaJifornla ana Oklahoma Flyer ......a l:li pa ali:0 pm Wabatk. 9 St. t .Aula ePiMm nail' Expreaa ..a l:GS Vm a t.V) am' Bt. lunula Local. tJsun- cll Bluffa a aa al0:S0 pm Mlaaearl Pacta. fit. Louie Expreaa al0:00 am a (:X3 pm K. C. A CL k Lpreaa..alu.o pm a 7:00 am BCKLIRGTOH BTATIOK lOth at HAIOI. BarllaaTtoai A Hlaaoarl Rlvar. Leave. Arrlre. Chicago Bneclal a 7:w am a t.X pm Chicago Veauouied Ex..a 4:00 pm a f :4s am Chicago Local ...a :ls am all:W) pm Chicaso Limited a e:w am a Fast Mall. P" Barllactea A Mlaaeart KlTr. Wvmora. Ueatrloa and Lincoln aim am pm Nebraska Express a 2:s4l ara a 7:4a pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 1.4a am Miifk hilia and PurM Bound Expreaa all:l pa a i:w pa C a I a r a d a Veatlbulad - Flyer a I:JU pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 17 pa a l:IW pm Fort crook ana i'latts- moutn b :10 turn bl0:3B Bellevue Pacific JcUa 7:S0 pm a tXl aa. Bellevue t.?ikciac Jet. .a l:M am Kaaaaa City, . Jeaepa Jt Csanell Blaffa. ' ' - p. in. a. ml for posttke ibi vr jra. MAICA, B A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. a. Whine (mall for Coal a Rica muat ka directed "If a. a, Blbtria"): at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via llarana; tt H a for HAITI, per s. a.. Prtna Wlllera II. (mall for Curacao. Venecuela. TrlnMad. British and Dutch puiana muat be directed "per a. a. Prina WlUem 11. "J: at 10 a. m.-Xur JTUCATAJ4, per .- a. Daggry (mail muat be directed per a . Dearry", at 1 p. rn. for AR GENTINE CKraUAT anf PAJ3A.UUAT. per a a HypaUa. Walla rrwar(r4 Orerlaad, Ctu, Ei- e-st Traaapaeiae. CUBA Via. port TampaFla., closes at this efftoe daily, except Ttiuraday, at 15.30 a. a. (the connecting mails eloae here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Bxtur- dayrf. MEXICO CITT Overland, unleaa aneHallv addreaaed for d. snatch by at earner, rloaea at thla office dally, except Sunday, St 1:S0 in. hiiu u -aw p. xn. cunaaya at 1 p. nu inil 11: p. n, ' NEWFOUNDLAND Ft rail to North e4. ney. and thence tvy steamer, rl'eea t this office c"al!y at .J0 p. m. (connectlns nulla eloae here every Monday, Wednesday and haturday). JAMAICA-By rail to Boston, and thnee iy fimihk, closes st vnia omce at 0:30 p. r. every Tues lay. ny ran to Pui:d-lpbla and thence by steamer clones at this odlos st 11 JO p. m. evorv Welneadav. MIQUELON r.r isll to Boston and th-nea iiMmtr, ciosea at tun omoe daily at SO n to. ' BEI IZJE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE- Kiji-nr ran to .-Mew Orleans, and thenoe toy ataaraer. closes at tliia omoe dally, except Sunday, at 1:M p. m. and ll:i0 p. m., Sundays st 1 p. m. and JU-SO p. m. (connecilng mail duaes here ilon. dava at lll:n. m.) . ITvSTA RICA By rt.Il to Kew Orleani, and thentie by steamer, rloaea at this office -i r, except runaay, at p. m kn(i U:8 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. a. and 11 J i. ra, iroun cum. Tnau closes nara Tuea. dave at IU:S0 n. m.1 BAHAMAS (Except Parcele-Poet Malla V By raU t Miami, Fla , and thence by steamer, (loses at 11:30 p. n. on Batur- RE'dl9TERED MAIL closes at pre ioue day. Traapaele BJalla. HAWAII JAPAN,-CHINA and PHILIP PINE IbLANDS. via Baa Frane-I3j. elose here oaUy al C:30 Tt. m. up to December 7 tnoiu-t-e, for d-snetcb per B. s. Doric. CHINA and JAPAN, vis Vancouver and Victoria. M. C, cluaw here dally at 0:10 p. m. up to December 122. Inclusive, tor dis patch per a a. Kmprmi of India. (Mar chandiae for I!. B. poaial agency at Shar.ghal cannot be forwarded via Canada.) CHINA and JAPAN, via SaaKle; close here oaily at 4.30 p. m. up to December i;3, ln elusive for despatch per s. s. biiaarmut. HAWAII. JAPAN and CHINA and ep clally addressed Diail for the PHILIP PINE ISLAM. ri. vie Baa Fraaclaoo, eloae bere dally at 4..SB p. tn. up to December Inclu-lve, lor despatch par a. a, Kip. tKin Mara. ... AUSTRALIA (evcept west, FIJI ISL ANDS) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C. close here daily at . p. m. up to December &, la eluslve. for deepatoh per a. a. Mlowera IVF.W l AND, At CTHALlA exient JVeet, NEW CALED(NIA, FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII via San Francisco, close here dally at til p. m. up te Dnran. rer t.. lni-lunlve. for despetch per a a ",rT'i-. !If Ul" c'tinard titan.w tarrying the B-rlah mail ! w Zea.aiid 1-ws Hot arrive In lime to connect with thla j-Pt.-a. extra . mails etoetng at : a i . -3 a. m. and 4 JO p. m.; Bundava at 4 a. tn, t a. rn and .Su p, m. ill be sued op and forwarded vntj lite arrival ff the Cut ard steamer. k nnUPriNE ISLANDS, via ffen'rian ( lero. close here d alle at a jut a m im . Iee-eTh-r ?7. inclusive, for despalcb ner Untied States Trananort. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, la Ban Frsiu-lso close here dillv it IM n m. up to- January l. Inclusive, for des patch per a. a. Mrlj-oa. Mawah. vis San Franoo. Hose here dally : p. an. up to January fi. (nclu. " tot aespaii-n per a. a. Alameda, KOTF i-nlees ..the wise addrewd West Auatrala i fa-ward i via Lurer-. and rruivi a ' r f-i:irine vi t n . nriTn-ir.. ai'i aet rootle. Ptillip rlnes specially addressed "via ChliIi" r --ta urop.-" mtrt le fully pre, ml. I t the fe1f ru!. Hwsll la forwarded Via an in.. I- Traaapadfie malls are toraarded IS port ef 1""'t '-oy ana lae acneouie nr tlostni; la arransed a the preumpi li-a of their wi tnt'rriifie ata-iKad rraosit. t firs la tere 1 r"hll rlns-a at ( p m pvtoue diV C'itMUri VAN COTT. Pttnaer. New Ytuk, ii. T lteaeniU U, Kansas City Day Ex., St. Louis Flyei. Kansas City Nifht El .a t:lE am a IS pa .a a :2a pm au:ua am .aO0:4 pm a 6.10 am WSIfTEB DEPOT 1BTH A WEBITER. Mlaaoarl raclBe. Leave. ' Arrive NehriuVa TrfVcal. ' via Weeplnc Water ....... .b 4 JO pm lU:T5am Caloaa;, st. rani, Mlaaeapwlls 4k Owaka. Twin City Passenrer... 6: JO am a t:10 pm Bioux CUr Paase5ier...a 1:00 pm a 11:20 am Oakland Local b i:4a pm b i:4i am a Daily, b Dally except Bunday. d Dally except Saturday. Daily exoept Monday. BAM ASSESSMENTS CO UP Eoard of Etview Lerioi Show Incnaio of Tiftj-8 x TtonMcd Dollr. NO CHANGE IN THE KE1H0DS EKPLOYED Mark reafaalea Caesed by Plan fa Assess Merts-asee, bat Beard Will appert C esasnlaaleaer Flesalaa. Assessments of the national banks, as fixed by the Board of Review at a lata ses sion Saturday night, show net Increase over last year of 156.000. Notices were sent to each bank, advising them of the decision of the board and notifying the offi cers to appear Monday If they had fault to find. The figures, as compared with last year, are as follows: 19(3. rn&.om lso.0"0 1.40. (HO itvifmn 175.0 170.0"A 440.CU0 1901 f lC4.0r0 11.000 &.YCKI0 S-Ki.mia ... 17(1. WW lUMxiO 4X.0O0 LEGAL hOTICK," STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE-OLASS-ANDREEfEN HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Neb.. Dec. 12. l.-Notice Is hervtry given to tbs rtockhulders ef the Lee-Olass-Andreeaen Hardware company that trie annual meet ing of the stockholders ot the company all be held at the offices of the said com- any; corner of Ninth and Harney streets, n the city of Omaha. In the state of Ne braska, on Tuesday. January 12. A. D. 10U4. at 1 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of elect ing a board of directors for the. company to servs during the ensuing ear, and to tranaart such other business aa may be presented at such meeting. U. J. LEE, President Attest: W. M. GLASS. Secretary-- Nebraska Merchants ..... Omitha United States... Commercial .... Union First Total K.070.000 I2.014.0O0 No ehsnge over last year was employed in the method used in assessing the banks. The value of the real estate holdings was subtracted from- the capital stock, which was estimated at figures arrived at by con sideration of the undivided profits, surplus and recent sales of stock. ' The determination of Tax Commissioner Fleming to assess mortgages la causing considerable confusion, owing to the in competency of the county records snd the fact that these do not chow part pa ym rata, eta. The office is besolg-ed by scores of mortgagees protesting against the move on various grounds. ' ' Beard Will Back Flesslag. The members of the Board of Review say they will confirm whatever the tax com mission does in this line, aa they have no alternative under the law. No complaints have been registered by the public service corporations against the proposed assessments ot tha tax commis sioner, and it is supposed they win be al lowed te stand. J. E. Kelby, assistant general solicitor for the B. A M. railroad, appeared in the afternoon to represent the American Beet Bugar company and the Standard Beet Sugar company, both having offices In Omaha, but this city not being the prin cipal place of buslnessvunder toe articles of Incorporation. The board proposed to assess each company at UOO.OOO. but was content to place a valuation of ftf.000 on the property taxable In Omaha. This con sists of- Immense quantities of sugar which are stored, here, en route east. Sometimes there are many cars of the product In Omaha and at other times very little, ac cording to the statements from the cor porations, v ' - Last year they were assessed at flO.000 each, but appeared before the Board of Review and bad the rasessraents wiped cut altogether. Yesterday afternoon their representatives agreed to pay taxes on f 15. 000 and tha tuard let It go at that. The lumber yard of George A. Hoagland was assessed at $70,000. as against 3.000 given on the voluntary return. This Is a big advance over last year. Allen Bros.' assessment was fixed at 16t,000, 119.000 less than last year, against the protest of Tax Commissioner Fleming. Many Individuals and corporations), not! fled to appear and show cause why. their assessments should not be advanced, failed to visit the city halL some of them tele phoning in that they were satisfied with the raises projected. Last night the board worked -'. behind closed floors te midnight, finishing' Its re view of the schedules. Today Isrlef meet ing will be held to formally wind up the sessions. Tax Commissioner Fleming; has an nounced that it probably will be a month before be 'will have the ansessment rolls ready to submit to the Board of Equalisa tion. At present the Hats are In anything hut a systematic shape, owing to delays imposed by litigation Involving; the new revenue lawi It is probable, therefore, thaf the Board of Equalisation will not meet before Janu ary IS. OOVERXMEXT HVTICBK. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb., November 14. 1W3 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here and by the Quartermaster, Fort Sill, O, T., until 10 a. m , central standard time, Deoeaber 14. Ii3, for the conatructlon of a frame hay ahsd at Fort Sill. O. T. Full information furnished on application to thla office, where plan and specifications mav be seen, or to the Quartormaater, Fort 8111. O. T. iToposule to be marked "Propoewls for Hay Shed," and addreaaed to Captain WILLIAM E, liORTON, Acting Chief Quartermaster. TCaU-Zlae--14-lB USE EXCEEDS OIL PRODUCTION CaasasaptlaBi Draws Beaerve flap- ply, tart seaaaylvatl .Maw Mhm Visits Wyaaalagt. WlHIam Johnston of Pennsylvania passed through Omaha yesterday after aa inspec tion of the Wyoming oil fields. - "More oil U now being used In the United States than "Is being brought to the aur- J race, aaia sir. jonnston. we are par tially running on the reserve supply. The result of this is that prospecting ana boring has received a great Impetus, and all over this country wherever Indications can be found companies are being formed to try for oil. "Wyoming oi; is unquestionably of finest quality, but so far has not been struck in particularly large quantities. J have Juat been over the field. The ell contains some very valuable by-products and they have some good wells. ( "Nebraska may have oil. but It la. hard te aay. They have found oil Indications tn places and may strike oil in paying quan tities, but there does not seem to be much st the porua rock Trenton rock we call It la the east near which the oil la supposed U lis." - . .. .... , . Mirrlaga Llee-aaes. . Name and Address Jaroee A. Lemon. South Omaha..... Maris Altman. boutb Omaha. Alfred Carlson. Omaha Dora M. KeliOerg. OmaAa.. ........... Allen M. Rnlnnsoa. Denver Ellen D. Cady, On-. iris. John W. Liiaamana. Bnnlngton.. Freda Prueaa, bouiiingtua. ...... AostlnM. Burton. Halt county Ciax A. slant iile, iWnaori Edward R, Morrison. Kansas City. Louise M. Tuary. Omaha, Age .... rt .... it .... .... l .... a .... u .... a .... i .... a .... a IAJLB4IAD TI94K CABO. l 14 J BTATIOM ittTH AKD MABCT. C hUsaa, MUsaakte ft. Fwal. Chl sei De bM a t it in all :U r-r A !..- o Faal Lxprssa. .a t .4 pie a 1 lo pia (va-! ad Lii'iiud a I ru pm iw au La kuun Li iaa... .a I.js sa a loo put May Vet Be saved. ' All wha Lave severe lung trouble weed Dr.' King's New Discovery for Consump tion, it cures or no pay. , sue, LMk For sals by Kuha Co. Rsvifsl ftee-raee. . . &ev. Cbarla W., Savlde will kold revival s-r nci.u.g this trn at ti.a Peoples Uiurch. . JSvrtk LiablaetiiS street. HARTE WANTS LOCAL TO JOIN ThlakS Oaaaha Ceatrarters Bhsald AatHlate wttb Sewly Orxaalsea Katleaal Assaclatlosu "Tha new national association Is going to equalise things and will help to do away with the annual spring; disturbances." So remarked President John H. Harts of the Omaha Builders exchange, who has Just returned with Charles J.' Johnson from Chicago, where they had been aa .delegates from the local organisation to the gather ing ot contractors from all over the country to farm a naAAeaaJ association; "Im tha preamble of our constitution,' continued Mr. Harte, "we declared in fa vor of the "open shop.' ' There Is nothing which prevents a contractor from employ ing only union men, but we have frone on record that the 'open shop' is the best thing' for the country- There was a fight over tha endorsing of tha 'open shop' propo sition, which detained us another -day. It was mads by two representatives from New Tors. ...... "Another thing which the association stands up for la the nonrestricUon of ap prentices. If one of us wishes our son te tears the business we wish to ba able to apprentice him. The restriction la un- American. "I see no reason why the Omaha associa tion should not Join the nationaL We will not make our report, until tha. next monthly meeting. I was selected as one of tha executive board and accepted, of course, conditionally on our association Joining. The board wfll meet In about one month to consider starting lbs work ot the association. Wa have thoroughly organ ised and elected officers." - WRIGHT ON SECRET fcTiSSION City Attorney Gwes East, latlsau ttat Trip Is laasMsrtaat ta Oaaaka. itlag City Attorney Carl C. Wright left Omaha Saturday night for a trip to the Atlantic seaboard and Intermediate points that will last from ten day to two weeks. His mis sion in the eest Is kept secret at his office, although information baa been given cut that It concerns city business. Mr. VVrLxbt went direct to Dover, N. H., and expected to go ts New York City after spending a day or two there. Earoute home he will stop oft at Dalion. O.. and aealn at Chi cago, planning to return Just before Christ- masw The city attorney Is quoted by another city official aa having said that he was going east on business counseled with a suit againat the city The New Hampshire mlaalon auggests probing lots a special tax suit new pending and which has been found as possess some very complicated and involved groundwork. The legal department has bee working upon It for asms tine, but baa kept the lu veatiaatioas quiet, aa tl is tinders laud the status f tbs d2l so far as uncovered re flects svvervly upon a leadu.g attorney ot Cms ha. : iV. L,x:f. ITZZZt.. :.fy,ftt . 7 K v;. f jn frv a fyJ i '. . '. . d New' YorK : a-City-6 Powei: By Hamlih Garland An appreciation of New York City viewing the Metropolis from the standpoint of a Westerner arid commenting- critically on the big town in a way that has never been-done. Mr. Gar land does not denounce nor yet praise. He states plain facts at i .... r ,,- .-. ,. ..... were necessary to . supply .the demand No more attractive periodical is , ofTered the discriminating public 12 short stories; 4 descriptive articles; 75 illustrations in.tAic tiilSJim! MAGAZINE- . . . ' for DECEMBER SI. S, sTTTSSSXX. rtHUSHJO, 3 tTE8T t9H 8TKS2T, KZW TOSX , BURLINGTON PUTS IN RATE Kikea Sams tropor'oplt on Oraia u Mil- - - mnkea and Bock Ialticu - -.-'- .- au. a : '- MACLEOD StARTS f!CHI ON CLOVER LEAF Declares- tt Aids -Scalpers and Bis Crasade May;jLead a Bey tt ly ... Weeterm . Lines; '' ; The Burlington has announced propor tional rates on grain t meet the rates pnt in effect , some time' ago competing lines. A tariff has been issued which quotes a rate of cents cn 'wheat and I eenta on corn to the MisalHslppl river and Minneapolis and 14 cents on wheat and IS eenta on corn to Chicago. Bo far this makes three lilies which have quoted theee proportionals on grain origi nating anywhere west ' of the Missouri river, tha Burlington, Milwaukee and Rock Island. The Great Western also has tha earns rates In effect, but tha territory from which ths grain may . originate to secure the rates is restricted by the latter Una. May Beyeott Clever Lesaf.. Chairman .MacLeod of tha Western Pas senger association accuses ths Toledo. 8L Louie A Western railroad ths Clover Leaf Route with having defrauded a number ot western roads out of large sums of money by being in collusion with .soatpers. It is said the scalpers are located at St. Louia, Kansas City, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioux City and Minneapolis. - . - Tha scheme, according' to Chairman Mac Leod, wax to sell Oiruuxa tickets to the coast, which were scaiped enroute. It la aaid that out ot twelve tickets which were sold to California pouls ver ths Southern Pacific that only air get aa tar as Ogdea In tha hands of the original purchasers. . Almost two years ago the- Union Pacific issued instructions te its conductors to be on tha lookout ,for Toledo, Bt. Louia Westsrn tickets, and to put the holders of such tickets through ft course of question ing before accepting the coupons for pass age, iners were a jarge number of these tickets taken up by conductors on the Union Pacific, and ' that road bora down aa hard aa business Sri gloating on tha sus pected line that tickets. Issued, by. the Toledo, SL Louia Western via the Union Pacific to the coast, became almost ' un known. It seems, however, from ths disclosures mads 'by Chairman MacLeod that some cf the other lines In the west have not bean so careful In their acceptance ' of these tickets and as a consequence nave suffered severely, much to the advantage of ticket scalper. ' . i '- 1 It is believed that tha disclosures will re sult in a boycott af tha. Clever Leaf by western lines, (52 "1 Streets 19 i.Gontest.. NEW BOARD AND OFFICERS Direct ere sal )Eaatlva Maaakcn Ara Elected by-lalea Hack Yards fasiaaajr. The stockholders of tha Union Stock Yards company held their annual meeting yesterday In the office of the company at South Omaha and these directors were elected for the ensuing year: William A. Paxton, P. A. Valentine. John A. Creighton. B. F. Smith, John A. McsShane, Samuel McRoberta. Charles F. Manderson, F. 1L Dsvls and Thomas B. Mcpherson. After the election .ef Xbe directors they met- and el-a ted officers for ths company The new officers are: W. A, Paxton. presi dent: P. A. Valentine, vice president; W. I. C. Kenyon, general' manager; J.' C Sharp, secretary end treasurer; Jamas' L. Paxton. general superintendent. A Maa Badiy lajare-d Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised or assuage I gets qu'xk aussfurt true Buckksa's Arnlcx Salva 11 oonquars saia by Kuiin a Co. For LIST OF PRIZES 4V. wort If miZE " . 1st One Ten Dollar Gold Piece 2nd One Dinner Set..; 3rd One Dinner Bet t 4th One International Euclj-clopaedlc - Dictionary ,- btb One set "Li of Napoleon." thee volumes..... Cth One set "Life of NaiaaJwn," thee Tuiuinea. .. . , 7 tli One year's subacripUon to The Metrtolttan Magazine fetb Oue rear's anbscriptlon to Tbe Metropolitan' Maicnxine Irth One year'a anbscrlptiion to The MetropollUa Majratiue 10th One year'a subscription to Tbe Metropolitan MagaElna 11th One "Life of John ;henan,,, worth 12tn One "Life of John SumllH,, worth ...... ....:., 13th One copy "Mother Goose Paint Hook 3 4th One copy "Mother Goose Taint Itook loth Oue copy ".Mother jOok Paint Book. ...,...,, lttth to 2Sth New Hooka and Novela, worth $1.25 26th to 8Tth -tJreat Pictures bv Great Paiutera, w orjh $1,25 Min to rxnii Mate siap, vortn fiAX) Hut to 20Mb Art Pictures, worth 5t)c VALUE, .if 10.00 .: 10.00 10.tl0 .00 .oo l.(Ml 1-T 1.50 1.50 1.W1 1-V 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 12.50 12-Oil 15.00 75.00 200" Prixoa SsaffsBBak ...$217.73 will receive first prize. The number, tlie'eeconJ prize, etc. In case of a "tie," the person sending in answer first, a shown by postmark on 'the envelope, will be given the pit ferenee. , " All answers miist be sent by mail, and no answers will b'?. considered which are mailed later than Monday, Ieeember 2L No one connected with The Bee rubllshing Company will be allowed to compete for a prize. Do not send in your answers until the end of the contest. Address, Bee Want Dept., Omaha, Neb. There is money for odvert.scrs as well as contestants iri The Bee Waiit Ad paces. x. "WTio knows about the streets and avenues of the town in which they live. - C " The Bee is going to give some handsome prizes to tbe people who know most about our Omaha streets and avenues., .. Beginning Monday, December U, and ending Sunday, De cember 20, at the head of the Want Ad pages will be printed five questions each day, the answer to which will be found on the Want Ad pages and will be the name of one of the streets-of Omaha. .The name of the street will not necessarily be In: the address at the bottom of the want ad. Itmay be in tbe body of the advertisement . An Example: Give the name of a street named .' after the "Little Giant," Lincoln's antagonist - This, ot course, was Stephen AJ Douglas. . y , - Look through the Want Ad pages until you find th6 name of ; Douglas street, and cut out the. advertisement, as directed below. The conditions of the contest are as follows: . ' : At the top bf a sheet of paper write your name and address. In case you should ' use more' than one sheet, write your name and address at the top of jach separate sheet Then write out the question as It appears in the pajner and taste below the want ad, clipped from the paper containing the name of the street which constitutes the an swer. Underline the name of the street. Do the same with the second question, and so on. until 'you have completed the thirty-five questions which ';will appear, during the week. The person giving tW' great est, number of correct answers person having" next nearest