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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
THE OMAflA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1003. U SPECIAL NOTICES A4tcHIwihi for these eolossas trill fce takest III 1 aa. fa the veala r4llaa aafll SiOO p. a, for aiora la aa laaaar dittos. Raa, 1 l-2 a war ftrst laaartloa, tar less taaa aua foe tk loser, tlon. Tka advertteessents asast raa eoaaoeotlvoly. . . . AeWcrtteers, kf reejoestlaa; a aam dressed m aaktr letter la car f Taa M. Aa.wero aa addressed will fce delivered aa prraaatatlaa of taa rktek ealy. MISCELLAftEOUS. 1904 MID-WINTER TERM i! OF . BOYLES GOLLECE -.' OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 4. ' CALL. WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR information. Our representative of the college will call upon persons who do not find time to call at the college office. Address all communication to H. B. BOY LEW, President, New York Life blag. Omaha. Neb. . K M403 Cpcri A I For a limited time we will at you wltu a guaranteed 1'AIH Ol BPaM,rACL. i'Ort ti.Mh Dua l nilu taut ctiance. U. BT OPTICIANS, as n. lrru st. r-m2i PEA FIELD '8 Cat-Price Piano Co.. Bee Bldg., Kooro J. Tel. 701. ,Wabr. kuory at Clark, Ludwlg Schiller, K 4e EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat. ing; all business conndenllal. 13U1 Douglas. R 70 HIGH SPEED GOLD MOULDED X P RECORDS 25c EACH. We are manufacturers and sail you direct Talking Machines of all kind repaired. Columbia Phonograph Co. XaZl atuiMiu uw.. uiufc.j uiiu Retail. t H IMujo EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. iu4 N. Win. lei. Us. K 3il KTATUABY direct from factory; special juw jtnuBj iuiui auu uonneua uroa. lft i arnarn. M66S Dli HERE Is a chance to get a pair f shoes which are unexcelled at any price, onl mod, and AXpu. Uegeul Saoe Co.. u6 oksi loaned on all valuables. 418 N. 16th sii Chimnon V Srt J,"'i .corM removed. I J ut ttoy, r 1W6 Farnain. TRY THffi CHICAGO LAUNDRY. IX you don't, we both lose. Oood work; y.vutArt uciiuuiik i x. lain, A el. jcue. . R-s.s COLB-M'KAI COMPANY. UNDERTAKE B.tB, iu tapuoi ave., tel. 464. ft 376 HEAD! ( HAVE ROOT H b t D! 4 PRINT IT, Qiirrppm a. l root. W. wuwi-uui V .i4-M S.Uth, 'Phone 1604 U M2a D Strictly Hnmiima' nn.,. .... . . . - , r -,u visa juuubawu DOLLARS worth of goods Bold by one man the day before Chriatmas. 13ttf, at our store. This means that you can get anything you want of " yv, numiuura ana cigars for the holidays. Our line this year will eclipse anything of the kind In Omaha. Come and see ua O. D. Klplliurer's Cigar Store. 11S3 Farnam at. Rt-dw a CKLD crowns from $3; fillings from 26c; set of teeih. IB; teem extracted free. Union Dentul Co.. ltU Douglas, room 4 . R J7I ACCORDION pleatln cheapest, best. Mark, lfth and R M3S0 oukkshi. airs. Douglas. P. MELCHOIR, machinist, Uth Howard . R 381 ' THE GRAND' PANTS CO. A thoroughly tellable tailoring establ.'sh. ment carrying a full line of pure woolens Makes up any suit In the house for 117 iu" 5'i.y,lt.,atr,1 a b Ntt re, no leii: AA N. ,6tb. R M610 . H'.YA , SMITH; Plumbing and HeatlmT .'f" ?Pt attei: "" wvia. nepainng a spe- "STRONGEST In the World." the Eouit. bie Lire Assurance society, lis policies are sight draft, at maturity. H7 D viy'kMm.n?fl,r'K K"chnt National w inn, Msa irl VP1K8-U,1r' Co.. mi it i HOLT. B,12OJ"EI Washington, 6c. Beck- 4VMsg Bay wei a mi Mi Jt Jsatj lj OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., HI N. 10th st. FRANK VODICKA CO.. tailors have moved to $21 8. 14th at, In the New krul Theater Bldg. Would be Pleied 7o have ones, and i ... w. --w.u, vn, ana also new XT, L , "T'vais ot mid-Win tr auitlngs. High-class tailoring at me. dlum prices. Don't forget the number $31 a l4th st Tel. ant R-Mai?j! ' 8IGN painting. 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas . . . K-671 ainns oi carpenter worg and repairing luth and Lake SU. -K-v ' u, . j. ucnntrea R-4,fl DEL PRADO WINE CO.'S Finest California Wtnea and Brandies. Purest and best for medicinal purposes. CACKLE It BROS., Bole Distributers. Sixteenth acd Capitol A v. R 111 Doo $1 JTOR SOMETHING Jn the bakery Une fresh anu sweet, swp at . eraanort s. 1 N Min su R M97S BAM SING restaurant, 1616 Webster st. will open Tuesday morning. December IS. U-M16H l&x XUW barber shop at Merchants hotel. R-A-4J1 VB HAV solved one of the most difficult problems In the retail tobacco business and that Is to suit all kinds of tastes in cigars. We claim that our Block ia the m.Mtl perfectly assorted both In quality and Shades In the city. Another thlnv you can't possibly beat our line of pises anu iiiosiiig looacco cigarettes, loo. M F. Stoecker, 1404 Douglas. R a 'A Martin, Tailor, removed to 1304 Douglas, u Js i BREAD, pies, cakes, for Xmas. 14 Far nam. R Moll it HE KLIN, locksmith, SuO N. ltilh. Tel 1874. R M4i DON'T MISS A GOOD THING Get your meals and' business luncheon at the HA R BACH KEaXAURANT. Ail 1-.T11. lu price, service and cooklna our tneals are uuexcelled. Board by week As r tii seis. to. Obi.1'11 8TRAUB. CHEF AND PROP. K-4s DM SEASON FOR HOLIDAYS .WE offer' 26 little Barristers, fane, incy pack- axe and a WORTH I CHIP OP ' THE OLD la.CX'K. The Famous barrister loo Cigar f r $1.00. l)i op In at 141-4 Douglas or r-J Pttxiua block. W. F. bloeckcr Cigar Cu. R-M124 tiilOKTORlUM-fc-hoes repaired by ma ihli.rry; btwi slink Uteu, eoles. 4Uc, boo, srd 76c; ldi', 36c; sewed, V)c; beela, i"C, .-; rutlw hrrls, . 3t N. Isth 'll. k.4. ca4id for and delivered; . wwk guarauteeii, R-w Jl MISCE1.I.AKEOIS. SPKC1AL FOR CHRISTMAS. Intent at vie. 4x9 oval nhntnsrsDhs: regu lar price $3 per dos : this week 1 lor f I 'oei lively guarantaea. 'ROCTOR, 616 SO. 16TH ST. r m MEDLAR PRINTING CO.-224 8 ISth 8. R 34 J1J WAXTKn-MALR HELP. LITERARY SCC ETY v Meets everv ' Maturds v i..-nt at t P. tn. Proarams conalatlna of debates, rerllatlona eaata. orations, ouerles. mualo. etc., are given. Ex-students and the public Invited. Omaha Commereial College tKonruough twee., Props.) (Tel. ' l'itu and lmu,mi Bis. MEN to learn bsiber trade; free railroad (are upon our tanure to cunt nice yuu vi this being tne hiST, iargeel anu only reliable, most prauiiual baioer college In this action ot tue ouuniry; write r lor catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, oinsha. tttb. . B 4W WANTED, for U. B army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages oi i sou a i-itlxene of tjuilvu sltatea, of good charau ter and temperate nabtia, who nan speak, an nii ,iiia Knitliali For inioruiaiion apply to re vultliig utticer. lth and Dodge sis., umana. ana unvvm, n B ML54 WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary: cltv work. C . Auaros . Howard St. B 4i4 OFFICE and errand boy. Call at office. Tho Hinlth-Premler Type' corner 17th and Fsrnain. rrlier company. B Miis la WANTKD. men to learn barber trade. You can eiirit nearly an exprrfi utumi um. pletlng. If you cannot csll and In vM.ia our nirthid. send for our flee chirk, mie rxnlalnina how we teach It quickly, mal ed fre;. Aloler Bnri. i l. l.-ge. 1302 Douglas street. B-M214 ISx AN ai.TAROIJND blacksmith: must he good shoer; steaay jnu to ngni man. nm A. weaver, iua urw,, i. o-wi WANTED, reliable man to taks charge of a ranch near Beward, Neo. Aoareas X 3 Bee. B-M12S lx WAMTRD-FENALI! HELP. 100 girls. Call Canadian office, Uth Dodge. WANTED Girl for general housework at Nj. ZiOI Dodge St. j auos WANTED Girl tor low) Georgia aVe. general housework. C M7 WANTED Girl for light housework: no cooking; two In family. Apply at flat 2, Monutidock, Park Ave. and pacinc tit. C 16b 14x WANTED A good cook, 406 S. 40th St. C 167 14 WANTED A rood girl for general house work; three In the family; good wages. 027 Chicago St. i.-mn WANTED, ladles to learn hslrdresrlng, manlcurlna or electric facial treatment. Best paying work a lady can do. Oradu atea earn 11 to 120 weekly. Some wages from start: Tour weeks completes, can and Investigate or write for catalogue. Moler college, 1903 uougiaa street. C-MHJ 18x GIRL for general housework. 410 N. 2M. C-M385 lx GIRL wanted; good writer. Bee office. Address Y IS, C 588 10 yi FOR RENT FURBISHED ROOMS. Room at' the Dellone Large, light anu airy iuim, U.oo and tip per mo.itn; 7oc and up per day; steam hnataa. electrio llahteu. Drlvate and Ben- eial btna; nrst-o.aas service. 14th and Capitoi ave. , E M71 ROYAL HOTEL, European, Uth Chicago. FRONT room for two, modern, 118 N. 17th. DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. - . NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 17W Leavenworth. 'Phone A-178S. E W4 O. M. E. haul trunks. Talenhone 61L E SSI LEGANT front roon; steam heat. Uu$ Capitol ave. . B M4M NICE south room, modern. $06 8. 26th. Tel. A-1K9. E Mbuz STATBHOT EL European. 1311 Douglas at. sv aisMf 4 NICE ROOMS, light Housekeeping. 1112 O. Uth. JS-M637 $1.26 PER WEEK. Dorftn Houso, 42? S. lhth. S-1W ROOMS, furnace heat 316 N. 16th. tel. 1834. 1 JS M'JVO J 5 FURNISHED rooms Lacota, 1611 Howard. i IM GOOD front rooms. In good brick flat. one front parlor, first floor, and one on second floor: heat, gas, bath and tele phone. 1816 Dodge. Tel. A-2407. E-161 14 NICE little furnished room; all modern. 403 N. Uth. E 160 14X NICE front parlor rooms. In good brick nat, one on 1st noor and one on 2d floor. only 24 blocks from P. O. ; steam heat. gaa and bath. 1816 Chicago. E 270 17 FOR RENT l-arsre front room, nlcelv fur- nlahed. In private family; easy walking distance; price reasonable, bib n. nth st. MUU 17x. FOR RENT, large first floor front room. nioeiy rurnisnea ana wen nestea; private family; easy walking distance; rent rea sonable, a IS Pi. Utn SI. K-MUi 18X FOR RENT, one nicely furnished, steam. neatea room, wun gas ana pain, m good urica nau . iu b. iuui. iv it isx NICE. MODERN stesm-heated room, all modern; gas and bath; rates, $10 for one or 12 lor two. si 874 lx TWO NICELY furnished rooms, wslklng distance; In good brick flat; will rent rea sonable. 621 a. 16tn. sE 373 lbx FURNISHED ROOM, hot and cold wster. SUITE of front rooms, nicely furnlahed and ruuy eqmppeq tor ngni nnuaeKeeplng; In gooa uric new x ia. u, ivs o. mi n. E 371 16x isu. r.ii rurnisnea rooms, steam neat, gas and bath. Address X 17, Bee. E 368 l&x FURNISHED room for gentleman. 707 8. um st. rt J6 i6x the uitTiTA, modern rooms, day or week. Mil Howara. E 370 16x NICELY furnished double parlors, single or ensuue, gas oain, siesm neat, let 1611 uougias. E M337 HOUSEKEEPING, two or more. 171? Jack son. E M411 17x WAITED IAUlIMER, WANTED Specialty salesman of ability to sell Box Bell Alleys on rommlKiinn' out leas than two sears; over l.Ouo new In use: exclusive territory. American dux ctait 1.0., inaianapons, ina. Mill IT SALESMEN wanted to represent Lindsay Chemical Co., Winona. Minn., In a spe- Vai line. sa e2 J.x MEN to trsvel In Iowa, Nebraska and Da kota; salary end expenses; experience not necesasry; references; permanent. Ad- oreaa x il. Bee. M409 17x FLORIITf. e) HESS ft 8WOBODA 1416 Farnam. 43 L. HENDERSON, florlet. Vi Farnam 8t DETKCTIVgg. CAPT. T. OORMACK. 61T Karbach block. Tel. A-ZB3X 4U6 THE BEBOUT DETFCTIVE AOBNCY FAR 16 FOR RENT. FARM for rent, in the snutheeett-rn part of Franklin count). Addre (tor fr-1 Who Knows the Streets of Omaha? 200 Valuable Prizes. 1 The name of llio Koorctary of state under Lincoln? 2 The name of the general who lend the union troops from Atlanta to the sea? 3 The name of the building in which eongress meets? 4 The name of the hero of the battle of Manila? 5 The name of the founder of the Saturday Evening Post? SEE ADVEimSEMENT, PAGE 9. FIRXIIHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished Rooms, steam heat, with or with out ooara. juiaiana noiei, tain at Lnicugo. r ii THE ROBE. Harney: warm looms. good board. L'PTOPIA, steam heat. 17T1 Davenport. r - -1 .3 ROOMS with board; modern. mm heat. also table ooara. ine uresner, tvi s. isin. r jiu SUITE room, lat floor, single rooms: hot and coiq water, aierriam, am ana uoage. r - nxn DESIRABLE front room with alcove, til 8. 26th st. vi.n ROCKAWAY, 131G Douglas. Meals. 15c. P MIW THE U. R RESTAURANT, H10 DOoge, again under the management ot win. bAUERMKlSTUH. Open all night. ei ROOM8 and board. Ill So, 17th St. F-134 ONE elegant room, all modern; excellent board. Keowoou, zus camam. tr &a is FOR SALE MISCELLANEOIS. FOR SALE, several scholarships tn a first- class standard school In Omana. compris ing complete course In bu allies, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. QU! D,LUnuriAnu oiuiara ana pool iiDiei: billiard tablea repaired: a large at tea. of cneap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balk Collender Co., 407 S. 10th Bu Q j4 SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. t six paas. rockaways, 1 coupe, V landaus. 4 pus. wagons, a. ,j. oimpaon, i LoaKe. , 4j -t D14 60 SQUARE PIANOS S0 EACH. t CENTS PER WEEK. ECHMOLLER MUELLER. Largest Piano Dealers In the West. Ul farnam. w an CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city: must be sold; tot particulars aaaress u 43, vee. IRON Wire fences, tree guard, trelllsss. western Anchor ence co., n r. inn su t4 w CATALOGUE Cut drug prices free. Sher man at Mcconneu urug u., umana. INDIAN goods and relics. 1111 Famam. ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long nr urnDtrs. vol uougias. FOR SALE. Knabe concert grand piano; condition gooo. Aaaress jock uoi w, Glltner. Neb. Q-lls TWO fine .depot wagons, S rockaways, 1 coupe. I traps, i wagonette, i arays. Drummond Carriage Co.. Uth and Har ney, w CLOSINO out hard coal stoves at less than H price rrom is up. rurnnure cneap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeU 1020. , Q-4K1 AM AUTrVoRIZED to sell at bargain diamond stud, ring nna pair earrings ion In pawn. Diamond Loan Office, 1401Doug- las. wi TRADING stamps, Boston Market. 113 N. 10. FOR SALE, second-hand rlano. In good condition, inquire at laue a. m ave. let. THERE are so many suggestions In our furniture department ot pieces most suitable lor gifts Inexpensive, too as well as the better ones. Orchard ft WU- helm Carpet Co. Q 100 24 -- FOR SALE A good second-hand Acorn baseburner; cneap. inquire i wranu ave. Q-M408 21 X FOR sale, old manuscript letter written by Roger rJnerman. oiso a rew mum r a - xff1 rsA e ennow. Annreew a gi rte. ' POR REHT STOSBS AHD OFFICES. For .Rent ' At a Bargain The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front the only one of Its kind In Omaha. Present monthly rental, $176. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. Or wilt remodel Into two store and rent each store for $76. Excellent location for men's , furnishing store, shoe store. Jeweler milliner, etc. Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build Ing. City Hall. Court House and New York Life Building a pos- , Ible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company. 304-306 So 16th St FOR RENT building suitable for whole- sais purposes at sis rarnam, raw, tour at-jrlea and flrsi-class cemented basement. elevator, hre and burglar proof vault, of- itce counter and fix i urea For price and oartloulara luuulre C. c. Kosewater. sea retary bee Building Co:, room 100, Boe building. 1-MM FOR RENT, storeroom end basement In good location, particularly aoapiea tor a plumber anow room ana worn room or manufacturer with similar reauirementa power furnlahed If required. K. C. Peters ft Co.. rsotal agsots, ground floor, bee building. 1-M74 6-STORY and basement 12x100' 1006 Farnam bu inquire ait f irst ivat i can oiog. 1 4UO FOR RENT, three up: jpper stories In lour story buiiaing ii m at 1 rarnam bu, two atoriea If preferred. Address C. C. Ross water. Sec y.. Room lOu. Baa bldg. I aiyse 1107 HOWARD ST $ atoiiea and cemented basement: win put in eiennc -ji-Tir vacant December 16. F. D. Wead 16. Douslas St. 1-380 - WANTED 6ITVATIOX. POSITION by a ypung man aa bookkeener In mercantile houae or bank; good refer- ences Address X IS nee m m LOIT. i-it ftundav. either at matinee In Or pheum, or on narney, iwimrvn iem anu 16th, a smsll stickpin In unfinished gold, bad smsll stone. Reward If returned to Mr. Kennedy. Advertising Manager. Ths Bennett Company. Loat 392 16s L08T. pocket book containing money, check on umana r.aiiuni "'". " '" i"-,,:i return to Mrs J. F. Dale: reward; 1333 So. 31st at ' Lost-M413 17 LOST A physician's satchel containing In struments; rewarn ii murnm ,v . M. McCianahen. 1311 N. 4otn. Iyst-M406 16 TOstAOst. OAS. Van Ster. Co.. IUX fair a. Tela. 1669-M1, 471 FOR SALE HKAL KSTATK. HARRISON tt MORTON. TRACKAGE. RK644 FOR RALE, tweive-acre rrult farm at Braldentown. Florida water ironi. young orange and banana a rove, aua good liuuae. Addicss Lock Box to, diltuei. i" ,M RB tM ALFALFA LANDS In the great Platte Valley, Send for illustrated pamphlet with valuable Information. TAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha, Neb. RE M 336 It HARRISON Jk MORTON, ACREAGE. RE- -Ml RANCH and farm lands for sale by the I'nlon Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Paclllo headquarters, Omaha. Neb- RE 410 SEE Speooor'a bargains, CO N. T LI'o. SKA f. ESTATE ha Train. Full lot and three houses In K V. Smith's addition, only. I2.3&U .Thomas Brennan, 10 So. l.lth CHEAS Williamson Co., gBh$titl RE W DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers sbout it. The best way to reach tbem Is tnrougu THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER - This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small i cents per word in small type or $2.60. per inch If set In large type. THETWtNTlETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RB-421 BIG SNAP. tcsn tnr KM Hamilton. 4 rooms, cltv wster. gas and fixtures, bnck walks, nice repair'; uuu t oeiay. D. V. SHOLES CO. 722 N. Y. Ufe. . Tel. 40. RE MWU LI8T your city property with us for quick i .' V, u& K hnv.p. Th. Ahluitl. Cowan Co., S12-314-3U Brown hik. RE M10 HARRISON & PROPERTY. . MORTON. ' '; TT. ' " BUSINESS RE 641 TWO' acres on paved street In" Benson for 1560; on easy paymeuta. i acres In Benson for M.00&; 10 per cent cssh;. balance eaay payments. t acres three blocks from car, S1JS0. i nice residence lots near car line for $300; $30 cnah; balance $10 per month. Benson & Carmichael, 612 PAXTON" BLOCK. - ., RE-M10S , .. tt " EQUITY In 160 seres -land In Fremont county, is.; av trees nne orcnara, uuu lmprovemeuts; "will -oell at a targain. Address K, Bee cfflce. Council Bluffs. , RE-M149 When You Write -r to Advertisers remember It onlv takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tno aa in Tne Bee. . LIST bargains In real estate with F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas St.; he has customers. RE 391 20 r. house in Orchard Hill, good repair, $1,100. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas. RE-334 13 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLK. FOR QUICK SALE Nine-room residence; large east front; lot on grade, walk ing distance. $i,500; reason able terms, RE-M3S6 ARE YOU AWAKE To tha fact that we srs offering a new. modern house of 6 rooms, located on west Harney street, at a bargain? This Is a well built house. Interior of first story In oak; gnus and mantel; best furnace and plumbing; good basement and large attic, This street is being bum up rapuiy. Price only $4.6o0. On Chicago St., near ISth. excellent, mod ern, s-room house; very oesi repair, owner moved from city. Price $4,000. Good cottatre, recently built for a home, 7 rooms and bath; double nuors; oatntuD, not set. but plumbing In; good cellar; nice lot: trees Price, to make It sell. $2,000. Fine location on South loth st , cottage of 6 rooms; large lot, beautiful snaae tree a A snap at $1,760. INVESTMENT Bargain In the double hoese st 2666-6$ Doug las st. price reduced to 84.000. UNIMPROVED Large tract at 10th and Dorcas; fine for subdivision. t Beautiful corner at 36th and Jackson; noth ing more sightly In the west rarnam lo cation: 66x137 ft. Price S3.6T4). Choice lot close In for flats; snap $2,000. South front, on Burt st, near 36th. Big bar gain at 6ou. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1320 Farnam St RE-V410 16 50-FOOT LOT ON 40TH ST.. SOUTH OF FARNAM, 600. THK BYRON RtEUCO. RE-M407 21 Buy a Lot On Monthly Payments 110 Down and $10 Per Month. I have several nice building lots at 26th and Grand avs. and on 2ath and Pratt street, sewer on street, that can be bought on the above terms $160 to $) each.. ' R. H.LANDERYOU. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. $161. RE-M406 17 IN BEM1S PARK A beautiful, new, modern home to be sold quick; owner leaving city reason for see ing; six large living rooms, with nice re ception hall, hard-oil finish, nurrow floor ing, three Urge bed rooms, with nice closets, bath, porcelain tub toilet, wash basin, gaa. furnace; good cellar, good lot. with nice sliade; some trull. This home will have to be seen to be appreciated. If you want to take advantage of tnia opportunity see us at once, aa the owner 'has put tbe price down to rock bottom. It la your bargain. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor. ta-i N. Vtwwli FOR ALBREtL ESTATE. WALLACE'S MEDIUM-PRICED HOME BARGAINS. New. modern, 0-r, Xilh avenue and Grant. $2,000,31) Charles, (10 ft lot. 7-r. house; tine trees: paved street.. $2,200 0-r. cottage, bath, closet, good cellar, stable, Iti minutes wailt wrm ul f. O. : nice neighborhood; worth the money. $2,600 New. modern, 0-r., nth ave. and Grant. $1,000 Fine, new, modern, Bemls park house. $3,600 New, modern. 7-r. house. 50-ft. lot, near Leavenworth and Park ave. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown bio. k. RE 10 1VU kiAI-HOtttl. FOR-RENT "-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all modem, on Park nve.. $30. 4-rooin house, city water, $124 Mason. C M. bachmann, 4M-OT Paxlou UlocK. d um HOI IQPQ In U Prts of the city. The 11UUOLJ 0. Vm tavie Co., 60S Bee Bldg. D MS all parts of the city. R, Peters Co., Bee Bldg. D 40 TO MOVK right ret Omaha Van Storage Co., office lali), Farnam, or Tela. )66nt4. D 416 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK A CO., choice houses. 001-40H New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1014, D-420 SEVERAL good houses. $10 to $1$. Chris Boyar, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D-M110 WE MOVE rlanoa. Maggard Van Btor. age Co., Tel. 1490. Office, 1713 Webster St. D 421 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk, FOR RENT. 0-room house. 2663 Woolworth ave : porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold waier; newiy pain tea ana paper ea throughout $20. J. H. Sherwood, Now York Life Bldg. D M6I) 2K18 8. 19th sr., 8-room house. .$20.00. 1925 8. 18th St.. 6-room house: well $10.00. 2418 8. 16th St., e-room flat; bath; city waier iix.ou. $215 Burt at., l-room eottaae M.U. $817 N. 19th su, C-room house; well, cistern -til 00. 2924 Grant st, $-room cottage; city water .w $19 N. 17th st, B rooms upstairs $12.00. 2212 Clark st, 6-room eottaae $12.00. MCAOUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1606 Dodge st. D CM FOR RENT. No. 138 North $8th ave.. very .attractive and desirable residence of II rooms, mod em throuchout tAO.OO ner month No. Si04 South 20th st, 8-room modern house two blocks south of 20th and Vinton streets; car line $28.00 per month. No. 1G11 Howard St., z flat consisting of 11 rooms, lib- best of repair $66.0 per monin. GEORGE A COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. D- M937 26 HOUSES. 1777 B. th st....t $10.00 4130 Nicholas st 16.00 SNJS Parker st 10.00 8G23 Burt St.. modern, with barn S&.00 8304 Davenport st.. modern, with barn. Low rental to right party if taken soon. WM. K. POTTER, Receiver, 803 Brown Blk. D MU81 6-ROOM cottsge. fine shape, city water, gas: very cheap to good tenant. 613 N Y. L. Tel. 1472. D 997 3-ROOM house, cellar, well, full lot. 21st and Bprague. Apply 2707 Hamilton. D M318 7-ROOM HOUSE Furnace, gas and bath east iront, fio.mi; ana several others; win ter prices. F, D. Wead, 1624 Douglas St. D 189 14 BlIgUVESA CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange aur property or business guicx, see . li. tfoiiiiauii. nd rt, a. llie. x A3, EXCHANGES of all kinds. To buy or sell a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city property, call or write Sholes. Armstrong Co., 721-3 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 4. Y-M793 FINE Business for Bale Annual sales $26. 000: net profits. 12 per cent, capital re quired. $6,000; It's a snap. 'Address Y 11. Bee office. Y 161 HALF Interest In paying contract busi ness; must have good man, able to manage home office while I look after Interests at the capital; a snap. Address X 70 Bee. Y-M124 17x MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT CURED In 3 days-Jpay when vui'ttd, no hypodermica. Writ fur booklet Go ill n Institute, tii 8. Uth at 14 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are tha best Safe, tellable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, fur particulars. "Relief for Ladies," In letter, by return tnall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. ' containing "Streets of. Omaha." May bo obtained at The Bee business office. 2C PER COPY. DAKCINU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' Nee Academy. 2124 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays snd Saturdays, V p. m ; assemblies, Wednesdays, i.'iu p.' m.; children beginners. Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, i p. m ; advanced. Hatur- aays oniy, 4 p. m.' -rnone. -l;i; rrs.. A-tSll. JUt, MORAND'8, 15th snd Harney; adult begin ners. Tues. & FrL. 9 d. m. : children, tint sssemblles. Wed. Tickets for lexsons sold st a reduced price this month, good until usea; private lessons dally. Tel. 1H4U -964 J7 MUSICAL. TH08. i. KELLY, vole. Davldge block. Mi LETOVjKY'S ORCHESTRA Tel. L-2684. BECHTOLD 8 union orchestra, st 211 8. 13th M60O Jl EXPERT piano tuning and action regu lating; reasonable price: satisfaction sour. snteed Collina Plana ta 111 U 17, k J SI WW OM1U1 Ran. anA Vf , I ... I . r, - pair shop. Tel. 3tT2. Pianos bought snd sola, iid loin. im ron EXCHANGE. ALL OR PART of valuable U. to exchange for mining stocks. 811 N. loin. 8. pstent A Miner, Aim 1 4 lti I OFFER to exchange two choice pieces of land for other pK.periy; what have ou7 Chss. it. Hall, urcnara, neb. X.MST3 20 WILL trade Schmoller ft beautiful piano for horse, Mueller, 1311 Farnam St. , Z 60 FATClTt. H. i. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 316 8. lath st. Omaha. Tsi. nw. u PATENTS Sues ft Co., tmiaha. Nab. Il lustrated patent book free. TeU lw3. Vsivv'V sVefSj PKRJ03AU WK RENT aewlrg machine at 75o per week, M per month, we repair and all parts for every muchlne manufactured ; second ha. id machines from 1 to gin. Neb. i-ycie t;o.. 16th and Harney. u- "VtAVr way to health. Omaha. Hi Be building. L 144 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Ir. and Mrs. Oorlsch, aiucrnla t. Terma reasonable. U GOLD ELfcCTRO PLATING. C I I Lt Old metalllo articles made new. SILVLR OMAilA PLATING CO. M C I 'KkauvoiU 'lu tjU 11AK.NB.T. lllVKCL. i'EuaiPHOj.NB. PRIVATE hospital during wnnnemtni, babies adopleu. Mrs. uaiueia, Tel. Red-lkM. U-446 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan niiii". lis 1st ave., council viuua, BACK COPIES Of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES,, containing "Streets of Omaha," May be obtained at The Bee business office. 2C PER COPY. WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas st. U Moos i( PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnement. Mrs. A Fisher. zu bo. "i Tel. 1889. U Ml MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists. $1. U 441 DR. PRIES treats successfully sll diseases and lrr,A,iilnHtfta ,f woman from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1611 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U 448 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U AM ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prlcea 6.1 N. 16th Tel. 1779. U 461 MINNIE TEMPLE Furnished room. 606 N. Uth, 3d floor. u in EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT UK WILKINSON. CRE1GHTON BLOCK. Treatment and operations for catarrh; catarrhal deafness, enlarged tonsils. chronlo sore throat, cross eyes, eta Free from 3 to 6 o'clock. Examination free. Uth and Douglas. U-984 H LIKE tho bell cow. we lead Dresher the Tailor 1516 Farnam; open evenings. Too busy making clothes to close. U 086 31 Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Rams a bid. u I o CALITZO Meet me at Huteson's, export vpiician, sia o. xoin fc, iviui iu pair of his "Patent Slip Not" eye glaegei He testa free. U-l Jl ROBINSON'S Shining Parlors. 1320 Doug las st. U-M869JS MAGNETIC treatment baths. Mme. Smith, 118 N. 16, 2 fir. r. 3 U M944 JT8X ET.1TM parlors. CI 8. 16th, 2d floor. U M96I MONEY loaned on valuables. 1818 Douglas. U M960 J SMOKE the best Binderup Cigars. U-M958 J6 THE greatest showing ot novel, new and really Instructive toys are to be found at Orchard, ft Wllhelm Carpet Co. U 999 24 SPECIAL FOR THE Holidays We offer a French briar pipe, with 2H-lneh amber mouthpiece, for $1.00. Stoccker Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas, and at 271 6. Itita, Paxton lyock Cigar Store. U M123 FOR Christmas get him-a genuine briar pipe, 2ac up; box ot cigars, 60c uu. Tracy's, vai Douglas. U-Hll 24 SHOP MADE SHOES Lang's, 718 8. 16th St. U 394 F13 WINS THE PIANO MRS. LYLE HEATH. U North 2Sth street, Omaha, guesses the correct number, No. 4)166. and win the piano. ANOTHER PIANO FREE Valued at $76.00, will be given December 24 to nearest gudsa. Tim number of this piano is be' tween aw aim zbou. Bend in your guess) at once, only one guess to an address. w.nnui.iiH.n ex nui,u,r,n, The Ul Piano House. 131$ Fanuun SL Omaha, Neb. BARTON Prln tins Co.. 13-M Barker blk. U M40U Jl, Broadfleld Printing Co. Wo print almost mrvihini. lotfti Jacason St.: pnone uoj. U M3SW J14 8trong ft Varley. stamping dies. 13" Dodge. LETHA See papa at once; Important buil- ness. car oarn. U M40t is MOAEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE TRUST THE PEOPLE. YOUR CREDIT id GOOD HERB. MONEY TO LOAN ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE. , WITHOUT SECURITY. WITHOUT PUBLICITY. We also loan money on FUHNITURlfi. PlANOa, tlUttB&9, iu, wiiooui reiuurai of goods LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. DON'T pay a high rata of in lor sat for money, out can ana get our rates feature going elsewhere. Our plan is the CHEAPEST, BEST and MODI rKi , aid, in me city. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms jui-juk Paxlou Block. X-M42S EASY J8?aT luu ou Auii.iui, uxuom. warehouse Vernutueul rekiipis, elu ci' u uu ua, a posniuu we can umm ua a Bt.LtAll 1 LO.t.N without sicuui, cAkepi uur oan agree- Bitul lu lepa. Our .citu, is viuitk and conUUoutlMI, tuid w uta.a U to pleaM. All mat e aa i ili.l uu give ua a kail belule ou lio,iOr rl:eUule. 0MAA1A AluitlUAUU. UlJtN CO, 114 Atoui d of 'l iaue BlUj. 'l oL 2JM. ilscabllaUvU Jus d. luiu el. X-M426 MONEY LOANED ON FLKNI'l v"li. PIANud, LIVk) al'OCK, . y sAidtnibg, ait;. v Low rate and easy terms, AluallieM cuiiUuelilUvl. Try us 11 you sum to uva money. 1'ilUiiMA. CKUDlT CO., V paxiuu iilut-A, IMlt aud Farnam sta. X Ul LARGEST BI. SIN ESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, in.rchuij i. team- siais, iHMtruiiig 110LUX.S, vie, without cuiliy, cmsicsi lrnm: 4U olllcvs iu urui- iipol titles. Toluiuu, 4to Board of Trade UlUg. A 828 MONEY loaned on plain note to salarisd peopiv: tusiiiss coiinuviiiiai, lustui ralea kit Paxlou block, lb J. A. Hutlon Co. X 429 MONEY loaned on pianos. furr.itui.. Je elry, hoi no, cows, clc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-43U CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Lu., rt. s. iiura.r tiioca. a. si ACBXTS WASTED, WANTED. 3 solocltors; salary or com. "07 a. loth. J-376 Janli WANTED-Canvaaslng agents In every to solicit suhaci iptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Stesdy employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse nd buggy "specially desired. Csnvassers lake easily $J to $luu per month. Ad- dress Century Farmer Solicitors bureau. Be building, Omsha. J Z13 WE WANT a good man to canvass and sell our new electrio lamp In Omaha: any good agent can make from $7 to $10 per day; only agenis wno can s iwu ..r(tv r., vnirfli need srtswer: 2- i-nt stamp for full p '.culara to Pacific Livctrlo Co.. Lacrosse, w is. i-in MOXET TO LOAN HKAL KSTA 1 IL. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. 11. i nomas, first rai I nana uiog. i ri, m. PRIVATE money. Sherwood. HI N. Y. Ufe. U3 TO I P, C. money, BemJs, Pax ton bloc'A. W-434 TRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1&20 Douglas. TV WD WANTED City loans and warrants. W. r arnara emun to., carnam bi. W 4W FIVE per cent loans. Garvin Bros.. l'H4 W 437 farnam. WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co.. Bee Bldg. W 438 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. . VT MXi 6 farm loan. R. C. Patterson, 1224 Far W M4M nam. WASTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND books. Crane. 207 N. 16th. N eel J3 DON'T give your furniture and carpels J. I-evlne pays the highest cah away. price. Telephone '71. N-M464 TOBACCO tags, coupons, bought. i"H S. uin. n mosi Jt Rrtrtlj bought, sold. Antique Bonk Con.. LUUtS.i m Karbach blk. Tel. !M4. N SOS WANTED Second-hand, anout 60-homo power Corleaa engine and about HO-horse Sower hnrlsontal, tubular boiler. Addreaa : 67. tee. N-061 14 SHOW CASE and counter; must be good. rreancshon, join sna uepiioi nve. n-HtK is WANTED Fairly good electrician with or more to take interest In bulining a new electric light plant In a good town of 1,872 population In eastern part of Neb. ; franchise already secured and machinery already on hand. Address Box 211 Hw. ard. Neb. N Mitt 19x ,. WANTED To buy a pet deer or antelope. and some live quail ana prsririe chickens. Address George eenroeder, care j. I Brandels ft Sons. N-M271 19 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Ai C. VAN BANT' 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. . 487 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd'g theater. FOR SALE HOR9B6, WAGONS, ETC. NEW and Sd-hand vehicles (or sale; re pairs, it. frost, utn ana ieavenwortn. ti WILL 8ELL my elegant rock a way st pries ot a buggy. Aaaress x it, ee omoe. - P MS16 15x OSTEOPATHY. I Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life. bldg. T. 16M -468 Tho Hunt Infirmary, McCagus bldg. T.2:t om Atgon ft FarwejL Paxtoo blk.. 604-7. T. 15. DR. GRACE DEEGAN. $33 N. Y. Life. Tel. Fayette Cole, Osteopath. 606 Paxton block. ' DRESf MAKISU. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 806 N. 23d. M.VI JOY Tailor School, 203 8. 20th. Tel. L21H7. TICKET BHOKKIll. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. fill I Din, 1JU0 rarnam. 'Phono 7m COST! MEf. Theatrical and msjsq. Lleben. 5013 Farnam. FURNITURE PACKING. Peterson ft Lundberg. 115 8. 17th. Tel. L-TM. FUR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, 6 s. isin. CLAIRVOYANT. Astonishes Many! Prof. Harrv CELEBRATED , CLAIRVOYANT Surprises Astounds Predicts Coming Events With Unerring Accuracy Busi ness Woman Makes -$1,000 by Following His" Advice. Special Notice 50c 1 READINGS 50c HIS WEEK Hours. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Dally. POSITIVELY GUARANTEES SUCCESS WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Prof. Harry Rooms 5 and 6, Krug Theater Bid. Entrance on utn bi. UYLMElt, palmist 716 N. 23d; 'phone U- B-424 334. MRS CARRIE -Mlin. BKJVK.Kiiiu.1 thins told. past, present and future. 6at Ufa'lon V no pay. io7 N. lkth. Sm MADAM MOYN1HAN, graduate School of UccUll Bcieni. v i,, cisirvcyant, physiognomist; traces anil deacrluea thieves or friends; locales mlneiala. 1 will guarantee my readings snd the charges will be nothing If 1 can not see your friend ss they are or de scribe your home. I hsve resd for the lute President McKlnley. Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mme. Psttl and many other prominent people Will accept enrage mania to read snd entertain In homes. m 1616 DOUGLAS ST. S-Mlfd BUSINESS MEDIUM. 71$ N. JIth st 8-131 PROF HAKRY. clairvoyant aad palmist; no fllnerencs w.iat i,vuu w consult him, he can and will b elu yuu: readings, 1. Room 6, Krug theater. S-177 26 PROF. Psycho predicted ins eruption or pjee, ins osivrKKHi uiw.i . .. .iiniif of Admiral Dewey and many other his toric events. He can read your futurs In your hondwritli.g. Try him. One reading free. Address frof. Psyrho, HsrriHl.urg. Pa B MVJ6 17s LAW AND COLLECTIONS. I STILLMAN ft PRICK, 410 let Nat bk. bUg. I 4a. . NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. LAfe bllg., anorue. iua rauwwi. .w.- where. Artkur U Warrick. 403 Ware blk. TsU i 4. W F. WAPPICH, AVD1CE fiwe, Creishton Blk, - t 1' ! ii; ''1 i I I Ucuhus. X 16 Bee, la