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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1903)
TTTB OMAITA' DAILY BEE! TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1003. JOBBERS JOIN IN TI1E FIGHT Cldt Against Local firms Utirg Green Trading Stamps. WAR ARTICLES ARE ALREADY IN EFFEC1 Veaaetts Declare Tkelr Inteatloa te Cam bat the Maresaeat Bad Bar Goods Outside of Omaha. "Beginning with thl morning firms using perry Hutchinson green trading stamps will hava to pn. cash for their orders from Jobbing firms, will have to send their own wagons for their orders and their trade Will not be solicited by the jobbing houses." This statement lias been made by Wil liam Kennedy, advertising manager ot the Bennett company. "The Jobbers have been forced by the Omaha Retail Grocers' association to sign a contract not to sotoclt orders from us," be said. "We do not care about paying cash (kith orders, we figure on doing that, but the Inconvenience lies In having to send our Wagons. .. But the Benpett company will tight It out. We are under contract with ' Sparry Hutchinson and have encouraged ur patrons to collect stamps. We are not going back on that. The Omaha Jobbers ' will lose thousands of dollars by this. Will Bay From Other Cities. "We have made arrangements to get our goods from Chicago and Sioux City. A salesman of one of the largest Sioux City houses U In Omaha looking for a ware house and will deliver goods to Omaha trade. The Jobbers ars not personally In terested In the fight, but were forced to sign the agreement, and so It Is war. , "The, Commercial club and the Business Men's association have been against the tamp people and now the grocers have begun the tight. They say that the stamps are pernicious, but we ask them how they are pernicious to the people of Omaha? They do not say. Trading stamps may be pernicious to the retailers, for it takes Just so much from their profits and gives It to their patrons, which - Is certainly a good thing for the buyers. We will fight this thing to the finish." SBC PROTEST AGAINST SALOON fletaoastraaee ea Graatlag Lteeasa Kallvens Meeting of Ceaaty Commissioners. .1 - " Monday's session of the county 'com missioners wss enlivened over a protest against granting a permit for a saloon to be located In Union township. The matter 'of the application first came before the board two weeks ago, but was met with a protest, and at that tim the board realised It would be necessary to hear both aides to the controversy. Ac cording to statements made by the assessor for Union township, there are 133 resident freeholders, and the claim Is made that the applicant for the permit has not a sufficient number of signatures. It was shown that when the petition was first filed before the commissioners It had a sufficient number, but that slnoe that time a number bad withdrawn and signed the protest. In view of these facts it la now up to the applicant to prove the sufficiency of his petition. The board also heard Lee Helsley briefly upon his proposition to 'ferret out the un- assessed land in the county, and when the assessmenta on such properties have been collected Helsley and Elmer Starr are to be given one-half the amount of the col lection. The matter will coma tip for passage at the next session ot the commis sioners. la Jes Moines and other western cities the tax ferrets have made thousands of dollars for themselves and the county. It la claimed that the amount of taxable property which is untaxed at present will aggregate several thousand dollars. BIGGEST AMOUNT. YET ASKED fifty Taeasar- ' Dollars Is What . Widow Wests Street Car Com ... aay PT. Sn an action Instituted by Delia McLane In Judge Fawcett's division of the district court the' city railway company la called upon to make a defense In the largest ao- r tlon for damages In its history. . In the year U03 the husband of the plaint iff In this action lost his life, being killed by what la known as one of the "old bridge trains." The plaintiff sues for IM.000. It is alleged that the husband of the plaintiff eame to his death through the carelessness and negligence cf the defiant One of the strange things about the affair lies In the fact that the aocldent which re sulted In McLane's death did not occur In this state. He was struck by the bridge train In Council Bluffs, but since the prin cipal office of the defendant company is In Omaha, the suit is brought here. ESSXv buy oifti Early and Avoid the .rr Jrolfo) SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALES ONLY NINO DAYS LEFT FOR CHRISTrtAS 5H0PPIN0. Sterling Silver Novelties. at 25c An entire stock of sterling silver toilet table novelty pieces, bought far below their proper cost and Bold at a spe cial Christmas tide bargain at a small figure. Manicure pieces, letter openers, glove stretchers, curling irons, roller blotters, tooth brushes, f baby brushes, call bells, darners, ' J MvV V etc., worth up to $1.00 each, at v Gold Plated Photograph Frames at 25c Pretty frames in all sizes, genuine gold plate and some oxi-' dized and gun metal, in oval, round, square, y etc. Sizes for every photograph, and a sen- sational bargain, worth $1.00, at, each ...... 9 Fancy Smoking Sets at 75c and 98c A sale of imported smoklDff set in unique novelty designs, some Indian beads, air ships, lot cabins and rubber tire automobiles, fitted with cigar holders, cigar clips, match boxes, ash tray, otc., every one a.' handsome present aod a bargain at. . A 75c98c TWO EXTRA SPECIALS HANDKERCHIEFS Men's large Silkoline handkerchiefs, silk embroidered ini tials, 25c quality, at, , 1 Ap each ........ ..JS Ladies' and men's all pure Linen handkerchiefs, fine sheer quality, all widths, of pretty hemstitching, actually worth up to 35c each, tomorrow at .ltpS CHRISTMAS PICTURES AT SPECIAL PRICES Onr new and enlarged picture department on the third floor reveals a holiday season of much beauty. Here are pictures of all kinds at all prices. No Christmas gift la more suitable, and there is no more beauti ful decoration in the home. For convenience we have placed them all on bargain squares at , 15c, 19c, 25c, 29c, 39c, 49c, 69c, 98c DRUMMERS' SAMPLES OF FINE LINENS Handsome sample linens, lace insertion center pieces, fine cluny lace and linen dollies, fancy holiday table sets, Including cloth and napkins to match, in fancy boxes, dressers, scarfs and center pieces, all at gen uine bargain prices tomorrow. Watch Our Windows VQtt&ko& Sana Watch Our Windows TJ 111 a P!t TUESDAY'S C n X HOLIDAY law e-vw w a w - 'audi; a iai iau hhx It is worth your while to investigate the goods we offer you in these sales before buying elsewhere. We point with pride to the economy made possible bv our prices. COUPONS FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE. Specials in Our Cloak Department for Tuesday The great rush of Upllday shoppers continues, but we have extra salesp eople engaged So wait upon you Tuesday. We are making this one of the greatest bargain sales of Women's Coats, Suits and Furs ever known In the city. Thousands of coats, suits and waists are marked down regardless of cost for this great sale. Do not fall to call and examine these garments. W0 Women's Costs, nrat and well made, C A HQ worth up to $12, Tuesday, each ip'wsVO Women's Long Coats, handsome, stylish CfTl garments, regular $18 and 120 values, each.M'-' ISO Women's Sample Coats, medium and three-quarter lengths, lined with heavy Skinner satin, gar ments sold at $2S and $36, Tuesday, $15 Women's Suits At a time when a bargain will do you some good we offer you 850 Women's Suits, long tailored style, beautiful garments, worth up to ss to 122.50. each Women's Suits, In twenty different styles with military capes, lined with Skinner satin and Olvemauds taffeta. These suits are made of the very finest materials, regular (35 ClO y(5 values, Tuesday iplzr, 1 tj Women's Xmas Furs Furs always make acceptable gifts and here are some bargains you should not neg lect to take advantage of. Women's Coney Fur Scarf, wttk sit tails, er each Oy C Women's Fur Scarf, sable dye, with two big fox tails, worth $8.60. et tt tt Tuesday's price 30.vU Women's Genuine Martin Scarf, with six tails, worth $10, "" r T t o Tuesday ZpM.VJO Women's Scarfs, 72 Inches long, In Sable and Isabelle dye, $12 50 Women's Eiderdown Bath Robes, In all colors, at.v , , Women's Robes $2.98 Women's fine quality lamb's wool robes with applique collar, worth $7.50. T A no Tuesday's price. vp. yo Women's Kimona, beautifully trimmed, $2.60 quality, $1 48 $1.00 Women's Dressing Saques, at $1.98, $1.50 ana Xmas Specials V- -- SIIV WnlsM, a nice assortment, all colors, regular $5 value, O no .Tuesday, each JJS.VO Women's Vesting Waists, strictly new, up - to-date styles, just received, they make a iwely gift, at L rjto $3.98, $2.88 and .......v j)l.VO Women's Wrappers, fQr ww TUESDAY'S HOLIDAY SPECIALS HELP. FOR NEW READING ROOM atoaer and Books Are Received y Rot. O. W. Savldge Who Ap peals for If oro Aid. T htn been srlven a small amount of money and about 100 volumes for the pur pose of opening a reading room, to be kept open every night. In the People's church, (16 North Eighteenth street. The saloons and places ot sin are open every night, and mere are too rew piacea wuere puupta can be made better In our city. Are there not many In this city who will help me pur chase book cases and other necessary fur niture, also helpful books for all clauses T I have already secured a suitable man to be in attendance every evening. We shall have a bright light and a gooa nre ana make those welcome who need such comforts. Who will help me In tnlsT CHARLES W. 6AVIDQE, , Pastor People's Church. The "small" donation tc which Mi. 3av- ldge refers came from a woman whose brother met with a sudden death In Omaha reoeutly and left her a legscy of $1,000. The man was wayward. He and the donor were children of a one-time prominent Methodist minister In Indiana. ' The sister always has been closely allied with church work. It Is at her request that her name and that of her brother and father, the latter, too, be ing dead, be withheld In. this connection from the public. ' ( 120 Discount You Uka the American girl best you know her., You'll like Cook's Imperial Champagna best. Oet. an introduction. Aaaoaaeosaeats of ae Theaters. "The Hills of California," which delighted a large audience at the Boyd last evening. will be repeated tonight A bargain matinee wtU be given tomorrow, and in the evening tea last performance. On Thursday even lug Miss, Adelaide Thurston will present a single performance of "Polly Prlmroe," a pretty UtUs comedy of the ante-bellum days at Georgetown, near Washington. Society was out in force at the Orpheuta Monday night and showed as much en thudam for the vaudeville "turns" as did the opening day audience. Thurston, ,ths xnagtclaa, entertained tbem splendidly with his tricks and illusions, and undoubtedly the announcement that he is a nephew of Senator Thurston.' formerly a resident ot this city, created an extra interest In ths preatigHator. Tha other "stunts" were also given Thursday. wall received. The next matinee will be , IS YOUR COAT rSTYt roa Probably Have the White Saab f DandraaT o It. If your coat or shoulders have ay white dust upon It, the chances are that it is from dandruff. The only way to perma nently cure dandruff la to remove the cause, which Is a germ. Newbro's Herp- iclde kills tha germ. Every toilet table should have such a hair dressing that eon tains also the destroyer of the dandruff and halr-falling germ. It stops all Irrita tion, keeps the scalp sweet, pure and whole some. Remember that something -claimed to be "just as good" will not do the work of genuine Herplclde. Bold by leading drug gists. Send 1 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Shermaa McConnell Drug Co., special agents. A raw Travel Featarea of tha Chf eagro-New York Short Maes. Ths shortest route In miles from Chicago to New York is tha Pennsylvania! - Fast trains make quick time over it and have every comfort for travelers. Including per sonal attendants, waiting maids for ladles, barber and bath, library-smoking room and private apartments on the Manhattan Limited and the Pennsylvania Limited, For particulars . communicate with C. L. Kimball. A. O. P. Agt., No. 1 Sherman street, Chicago. OSwri for Italia CI eh. The Omaha Italian club at Its annual . wiMtlng fur the year UuK Sunday elected inree omcers: miwmi, Antonio Marnvl; vice president, pletro PtocodIo: corresDond- Ing sscretary. Joseph Balvrno; financial sacretary. Criato Muntalbano; treasurer, Anselo Rosso; sergeant-at-arma, Salvatore Rutolo; directors. Dnmenlco Hcarletta, r-ualino Tedveuo. Alblnl Marlnelll. Pasquale ouuve, f ruGfsai iwuuo. ASTHMA Vedloal authorities hotr eoaoede that aadwr the system ot treatment lutredaeed r vx. nu n usual oi uuuago. ASTHMA CAN BK CURED. Dr.L. D. Knott. Lebanon. Eyj Dr. P. X. bt. hail, klmo.1 Dr. U. L. Cr.fT.y. feu LosU. Wo t Dr. C. V. Beard. So. Prsmlnr Lsm, Mass., bw witness to the enicauy oi Us troatmeal sad tba permaneacy ol Ue eare la Dwlr own cases. Dr.'Vtiiatsal's sew tne hod Is a radical departure Cram the old fuhioMd smoke powders, sprays, at, whiua raueva bat do But care. nCI TEST TREATMENT prepared for any one riving a abort de eniHlua ot toe case, ana sea Jiag names of twe other oUimoie sutfarero. Ask fur booklet ot uiwmiom ot those oared. TPNK WHETZEL M. D.. Dee n irti Inprin flaa. Coieawa, The Rave Short Llae of the Chleaaro Great Wester a Railway Offers two finely equipped trains dally from Omaha and Council Bluffs to Bt Paul and Minneapolis. The Flyer running every night to the Twin Cities Is unexoelled for speed and comfort. The Dsy Express Is the best train tor Fort Dodge, Mason City and Austin. For further information apply to GEORGE P. THOMAS. General Agent, lSXt Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Card of Thaaha. We wish 'to extend our heartfelt thsnks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during ths sickness and death of our beloved son and grandchild. MRS. M. OL8EN. . MR. AND MRS. MARINV8EN. Sam'l Burns is selling a Libby out bonbon dish, $1 Chaaae of Time. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Consult these columns for change of time, effective Dectmber 13th. - - -. Every article from A. B. Hubermann's Jewelry store is under absolute guarantee, both as to price and quality. Corner Thlr ON ALL Suit Bagsind f Traveling: leases f Omaha Trunk Factory! CHAS. KORAN, Proprietsr Telenhone I05S 1209 Farnam Street MmmcfvMvwmtvw 1 Teeth ! Yoar teeth aheald be xaaalaed fcv eompeteat deatlst occasionally aad yoar tooth troables will bo avoided. Cleaalag Teeth .,..,,... TSo Fllllo - M. Too sec xeeth Taft's Dental Rooms. 1517 Doug-las Street. e Save 80 Per Cent la Gas Bill c The Kcrn'Burner NEAREST TO DAYLIGHT Special bath room and hall lights. Consumes only . one foot of gas per hour.' All other sixes and globes. ...... "Outlirhts All Other Llfbt.- Kern Incandescent Gas Light Co. cmcAuu D. W. DUDGEON. Agent PLUMBER AND CAS FITTER, Phone I9tt 2910 Farnam St. y RINGS! RINGS! la Solid Gold Only 50c to 5500.00 ' Women's Petticoats, 69C 69c Women's Waists, at , Children's Cloaks, ages I to I years, nobby little garments, fully worth $5. MLO AQ our price for Tuesday .....J'""r THUS BBUABLB STORK. best Selection of fine diamonds In town Is to be seen. opposite the postofllce. to a $1,000 Rings as low as 115.00 up gem; Earrings, $50.00 to $700; Bums, i:io.(M to si.uuu; Kroocnes, iio.uu to m; lxicKeta, $8.00 to $100; Links, $6.M to $100; Stick Pins, $5.00 to $36.00; Handy Pins, $4.00 to $10.00. Oold handle Docket knives sot with diamonds. Gold match boxes set with diamonds. Watches set with diamonds, etc, eto. ALBERT EDHOLIY1. Jeweler. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. OPP. POSTOFFIOB TWO SOLES TO THE HEEL $3.50 A broad toe, foot form last heavy sole sail cloth lined and first Quality Puritan calf. A man's shoe for winter weather motormen, mall carriers, mechanics and others who must be out of doors these oold days will find these $3.60 shoes the Jdeal. Your money back if you are not satisfied. i DREXEL SIIOE CO., 1419 Farma Street. Osaaha'a U-t-Dat Shas Houas BSsaaBaaSBBBSSBBBBBSBSBBBBSaaSSWsaeSBaBBSSSBSBBBBSI I he (JHKIblMA METROPOLITAN 160 Pares of Text 33 la Color 100 Illustrations 13 Start stortca nywy, limy .'J ' ' 11 tr'n'wi Christmas-New Tear Hobday Kxcurslons to Jamestown snd other points In New Tork state. Ons fare for the round trip Ds cember IT to 20 via ERIE RAILROAD. D. M. bowman. General Weatern Passenger Agent, Chicago. Diamond Gifts . What could you buy for him or her that would be more suitable, or more appreciated? People refer to us as . Diamond Headquarters Come, take a look and get prices. Tou are moat sure to tlnd just what you want here and the right price. BROWN & borsheim; m Bos to lCth Street. We Anticipate a Heavy run between now and Christ mas, but we're ready for it have working for us a large and compe tent force , of Omaha tail ors and a splendid lint of 1,800 pat terns for you to select from. Some of them are in the window with prices marked in plain figures the balance are on our tables marked eauallr as plain. We measure jou for the suit, not your pocket book. Suit, $20 to $33 Trousora, $9 to $13-Overcoata, $20 to $40 E7 TAIL W. C. JERREMS. President. 209-211 South 15th, Street. Forninst 'Em Both. The combines ars now fighting ths trad ing stamps tooth and toe null and as we are lighting the combines, we will simply have to whip 'em both, 'caune WE t'KR TAINLY BELIEVE ANT MAN HAS THIS RIGHT TO CONDUCT H18 BUSINESS HIS WAY, AND -WE ALSO THINK ANY MAN 18 A CHUMP WHO WILL. FAY ANY FAKE CONCERN FIVE FER CENT OF HIS BUSINESrt JUBT FOR BEIN1 MADE THE CHUMP-BUT YOU KNOW THERE 18 ONE PLACE IN OMAHA WHERE THEY, (the business flrnil, OET THEIR TRADING STAMPS FOR NOTH ING. DO YOU BLAME THEM FOR WANTING TO GIVE EM? NOTICE TO OMAHA, SOUTH OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS LADIES We now bavs the exclusive agency for the well known "Dr. Carleton's Complexion Tonlo and Beautlfler and Complexion Cream." the one which was demonstrated so successfully at Hayden Bros, by the manufacturer. We can supply either the c or &uc sise 'In any quantity. All people from out of town are cautioned against ordering goods from catalogs. Send us a list ot wants (or lowest prices. CUT PRICB DRUO STOKB. E. T. TATE 8, Prop., llih snd Chtaago 8ts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and itf. Wth and N Bta., South Omaha. 'Phono No. 1. All goods delivered any piaoe in cither city. Ladies' Gloves and Mittens Make Sensible Cliistmas Presents LADIES' GOOD QUALITY SAXONT YARN GLOVES AND MITTENS la navy,, black, red and white 25c, 35c, 45c LADIES' EXTRA FINE QUALITY IMPORTED GOLF GLOVES AND MITTENS made In pretty, fancy colored stripes and figures, with full fashioned reams, either two claspe or closed wrists.. 45c LADIES' FINE FRENCH CASH . MERE GLOVES In black, white and fancy colors made with silk lining and clasp wrists beautiful new shades at 45c and 75c LADIES' NEW, 8TYLTSH KID GLOVES all the latest colors with one or two large pearl button clasps every pair guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction at $1, $lS0, $l75 CHILDREN'S FINE CASHMERE MITTENS AND GLOVES In solid and fancy colors sixes to at 25c, 35c, 45c Laaies Carriageways Pocketbooks, Cash Cases, Ready for a Great Christmas Showing Read Every Item Frwket-Book ' XTo to Purse from 150 tO ..mi ' Csrd Cases 2&0 MM. Tinsel Purses Ko to Oriental Pursi 2&o to Wrist Bags S&o to Carriage Bags 11.00 to .... Boston Bags 60o to. .... .. ... "Auto" Bags 11.60 to Chatelaine (Oo to ... Chatelaines WRIST BAGS AND BOSTON BAGS we are showing a handsome line, In black, red, green, tan and gray, come In real aeal, polar bear, llsard, seal grain, walrus, with hand soma trimmings at 75c to $3.90 ..1.60 .1.50 .1.50 1.50 1.50 .2.00 4.90 .4.90 4.90 2.00 3 fc n - g - o) f?rn f Grcon Trading Stamps with Your Purchases in All Dcpts. Llako no Mistake About This The Ketail Grocer's Association are welcome to fight the Green Trading Stamp system till they fall down from sheer ex haustion. We are giving, AND WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE, Green Trading Stamps in all departments. There are over 60,000 Trading Stamp Collection Books in cir culation in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Every sin gle one of them is an OBLIGATION upon us, which we ere bound to resect, and we are determined that no amount of opposition will prevent us from respecting every one of them! The opposition to Green Trading Stamps by the Retail Gro cer's Association is based upon the fact that TlIESE STAMPS CUT DOWN THE PROFITS OP THE DEALERS. They cannot compete with us for your trade. ' The advantages then, according to their own admission, MUST, BE YOURS. If you want the best bargains TRADE AT BENNETT'S. Double Green Trading Stamps tomorrow, Tuesday, on the Second Floor. Green Trading Stamps In 11 Departments All the Time GROCERY! GROCERY!! LEADERS IN THE GROCERY BUSINESS Our immense cash purchases enable us to undersell them all, and besides this, the stocks are new, clean and inviting. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. ' ' r ' TUESDAY MONEY SAVERS - - SCUAEFER'S kLCitUCCIOTTI. D.V.S. cttt nrncjajtAJOA. pssna aad Intrsaary. Baked Beans, with sauce. l lb can Cleaned Currants, best. per lb...... Pancake Flour, s ID. package. Baking Soda, package.. Lemon Extract. bottle Golden Syrup, I lb. can :.. French Mustard, glass with spoon.... Plum Pudding, ' can Grape Nuts, package Neutrita. with spoon. package Com Starch. 1 lb. package..... Imported Sardines, can Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb Swiss Cheese, per lb 3c 10c ..10c ..4c . 5c 12ic .10c 10c 10c 8c 5c 10c 12ic 18c eaae .:,4c 124c Keufchatel Cheese, each Maple Sugar, ' . per lb BUTTER RECEIVKD FROM THE) BT8T DAIRIES DAICY. Fresh Country Butter,' lit i ... ..... .irM ... ...... Medium Sour Pickles, pint Otilnns, pint ; 16c FILL, UKR OP BILK PICKLES, 5c 10c COFFEES ROASTED EVERY DAY. Santos Coffee, good, , . per lb M. IZC Bennett's Capitol Coffee, . OQ per lb :. :, ..sSOC B K, Japan, Oolong and Gun- , : oo. ' powder Tea, per lb OOW 'Tea (Sittings, , per lb IOC BKKDL,K88 RAISIN'S, SPECIAL HALE, FOR TUESDAY ONLY, Hir per lb , !W To Bo Continuod Tuesday The great sacrifice sales advertised in the Sunday papers in the Silk Department, the Dress Goods Department, the Linen Department and the Fur Department WILL BE CONTINUED UNTIL TUESDAY EVENING. , , These are the four great staple classes of Drj Goods 4 that make useful and appreciable Christmas gifts. Every lady: in Omaha should visit these departments of the BIG STORE before Tuesday evening. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON 2ND FLOOR TUESDAY 5? W i 11 V V A DIAMOND RING Never misses bring sn acceptable gift We are showing k. n.l Mi.mM itl.i'tu In HroM'hss. slnsrls stones and others set with pearla. We have a new stock of single tone and cluster rings. ui oeiors you ouy. epena a w minutes In our store. Look tor the name. . S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, I5la Douglas Straau Omaha. STERLING PHOTO FRAMES n a 1 1 1 f ii 1 1 nm-w n.n.lvA Ton will . v mA . i you see them 2."e to t2u.0O. We hsve them In Koyal Cop per aad Gun Metal flnlsh, too to tlO.Ou. Lrop In and see tbem. teervth and Douglss. A. B, Hubermann, (Uamonda Owa imp.