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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1903)
1 : CRMS ASD PRODUCE MKETl Email Becclpti Berdi Price of Wheat tip Oai Cent and a Quarter. CORN F0U0WS LEAD OF SMALLER GRAIN Oats Move Ip la Price "trapathrt Ically, While Provisions Are ' Steady at Small Drrllae VV for All Prod arts. CHICAGO, Nov. IS. The prediction of smaller receipts In the northwest van real ised today when a considerable falling oft In arrivals of wheat was shown In spile of favorable weather for the movement, arid an a result the market ru!ed strong, 1 cember closing at an advance of lc. De cember corn wan up V'l'sc, oata were 1M.I5 lr. higher, while provisions closed about unchanged. The feature In trading In the wheat pit waa the urgent demand for the December delivery, while at the name time there waa ery little on the market, and aa a result of thla combination the price took a sharp upturn. With the exception of the contin ued favorable weather conditions In gen eral favored the bull, cables being higher, receipts In the northwest smaller and the cash demand much Improved. The close waa at WaVJc, a gain of Ji&lVtC Clear ances of wheat and Hour were equal to 172,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1.2ts7.3) bu., I.Mh.shO bu. a year ago. Min neapolis, Du!ulh and Chicago reported re ceipts of 618 Cars, against 870 car last week and 651 cars a year ago. During the early part of the session there waa a tendency on the part of local bears to sell corn. Influenced by the favorable weather and lower cables, and prices held steady. Late In the day the strength In wheat brought out a fairly good demand, and with smaller offerings the market be came stronger and closing prices were at the top, December being up at i2W. after selling between Hl'fcc and 2c. Local receipts were 139 cars, with 8 of contract grade. There was considerable buying by shorts In lecember o4s and the market ruled Strom,-, helped to a large extent by the ad vance In wheat. After ranging between 33V,o and 84e December closed lV&l'ie higher at 3c. Local receipts were 111 cars. Provisions ruled steady at a small de cline for all products. Liberal receipts of bogs and lower prices at the yards had 'a depressing Influence. About the only fea ture was the selling of January lard by jl commission house and buying by pit trad ers. January pork closed unchanged at tll.47V4. lard was 2H(f5o lower at 36.65, with ribs unchanged at 86.19. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 120 cars; corn, luo cars; oats, 115 cars; hogs, 81.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I High. I Low. Close.l Yea'y. Wheat tPec. 757 May 77V8li July 74'4 Corn . I . Dec. 41V(,(fT; Msy 41V??., July 4Hi'i Oats Dee. 3?7, May 84740835 Fork Jan. 11 45 May 11 66 lard Jan. 67H May 6 66 Ribs Jan. 07H May 8 17V, 791, 78 7l 77 74I74V4V. K 41 : 421 41 411 41ft 42W41,ila 42 41V42141Vii Aiii2 34 31 35M34 34V338,'SH 35Sal 34 11 47 " 47 11 60 11 63 t 65 6 70 6 62 6 63 6 10 10. 20 6 20 65 ' 6 62 12 07 a ml No. 2. tNew. Cash quo'atlons were sa follows: FLOUR-Bteadier; winter patents, 14.00 4.30; straights, 2-1.714.10; spring patents, 340OS4.80; straights, t3.O0ft3.80; bakers, $2.60 y 3 l. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, 77c; No. 2, 7881o; Nd. 2 red, 82&S34c CORN No, 2, 42c; No. 2 yellow, 44c. OATS No. 2, S4T4C; No. I white, 84tf38c. RYE-No. 2. 53c. BARLEY Oood feeding-, 8638c; fair to Choice malting, 43c. BEKD No. 1 flux, 84c; No. northwest ern, 11.00; prime timothy, I2.SS; clover, con tract grade, I0.50, PROVISIONS Mess norV. r.r,r bhl.. $11.S7U fill.50. Lard, per 100 lb,., M.K786.80. Bhort ribs sides (loose). 3X.75&7.2o; short clear sides (boxed), $8-50tf6.62. . r - Re"t.' Bhlpinei. Flour, bbls.....; 44.700 30,700 Wheat, bu 358.700 36.400 Corn, bu 11.400 StiB.000 Oats, bu 379.R00 . HI3.8O0 Ryw, bu 22,200 4.300 Barley, bu Buu.guo u, On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 10fi23c; dairies, 14'1c. Eggs, Arm at mark; cas included, l'u2c. Cheese, steady at lOyHlc. 'NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 18-FLOUR-Reeelpts, 27,146 bbls.; exports, (,811 bbls. The market was mora active and firmer; winter patents,; winter straights, l.lu4.iu; Min nesota patents, 34.i6itj4.iO; winter straights, 3.fl0'aS.36; Minnesota bakers, 33.7Uui8.8o; winter low grades, 32.Som3.15. Rye Hour, steady; fair to good, J3.2vtf3.40; choice to fancy, 33.453.55. Buckwheat flour, dull at 2.2ftZ.3l. , CuKNMEAL Steady; .yellow western, SI. 01; city, tl; kiln dried, 3.u 3.05. . RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 63c, nomi nal, afloat. i BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 38c, c 1. f., Buf falo. WHEAT Receipts, 84,060 bu.; exports, 26, 88 bu. The market for spot was firm; No. 2 red, 874o In elevator; No. 2 red, 8Hc f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, n'ic, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 Manitoba, nominal. .afloat, Oplions experienced much strength during the forenoon on vigorous support, based on the cold weather, the firm cables, light northwest receipts, strength of out aide markets and covering. After mid day further advuncea occurred on bull ac tivity, wi!h December option and last prices showed Si( Wo net rise; May, 82VuUc closing at Wc; July. 7!4&7iaC, closing ui 78-c; leembur, BvH'UWc. closing at S74e. CORN Rex-elpts, 4J.2&0 bu.. . exports, 18,tU8 bu. The market for spot was firm; No. 2, 4tHio in elevator and buo t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 2 white, 6oJc. The option market opened inactive but steadier, following wheat, the close being firm and Vu4C net higher on a late scare of shorts; May. 47V&47V, closing st ic; December, Xttt4'.c, closing at 49Hc. OATH Receipts, 72.0ta bu.; exports, IS bu. The market for spot was firmer; No. 2, 41c; standard white, 42Ho; No. 8, 40c; No. 2 white. 43c; No. 3 white, 42c; track. White, tl'U4bc HAY juiet; shipping, 607So; food to Choice. SiMiSJHc. HOPS BleaJy; state, common to choice, WaSlc; IMC, 2l'a26Hc; olds. 812c; Pa cific coast. 19U2, lZiullic. Steady; Galveston, 204 25 lbs., IKe; California. 214)26 lbs., I'M:; Texas dry, 24 J 10 lbs.,14c. , I.KATH ER Steady ; acid, 35f25Ho. PROVISION beef, steady; family, llO.ttKiill 00; mess. 8S.0O8.W; beef hams ijl 2iiii2.76: pa.'ket. f8.tli.Mi 10.00; city extra Indian mess, Il5.0""n7 1. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. ID.oolO.OO; pickled shoul ders, - fi.uu; pickled hams, S10.Hxnil.00. Lard, dull: western steamed, $7.40; refined, any. aontinent, 7.W); Bouth America, $8.36; rompoutid. kxu. id. porn, steady ; tamliy, UTi '' ''orl cettr- U t'Uia.OO; mess, 8U.u0' RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. ; jsian. nominal. ALLOW Steady : cltv. 4Uc: ennntrv' lu. ft4c " BUTTER Receipts. S.3G1 pkgs.; quiet to firm; creamery, lo23c; state dairy, lSiiJOc. 2,178 pkgs.; Ilei; tat. full cream, fancy, small colored Sep tember 11 V; late made, UH,c; small white, Beptemter. llc; late mude, loc; large col tired, September. llc: large white. Sep tember. llVs late made, liwe. EtiUS Firm; western, IVjiJfic. POl'LTRV - Alive, nominal; dressed firmer; western chickens, 13q13Hc; fowls. llVulic: turkeys, lac. Kaasae C'ltr Ural a mm4 rrovlslosis. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 18. WHEAT De cember, 6tc; May, fis4,c. Cash: No. 8 hard. f2;3c: No. 8. 6r7u-; No. 4. lilc- itc111" ''' j No- red We; No- . 75 ,rOR?i-n,cnmber- 4r361o: May ssV( wmVe.i Zl JMJ tj36cVTNo" while' 6c: No- mixed, 84 8I 8uCJlOU' Umot,,r Mi cholt Prairie. RYE No. 2. 494c. UlTTKK Creamery, lftuSJUc; daJry. fancy, loo. " EGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 24o per dnsen: new No. 2 While Wood cases included, 24 '-o. . . Kecelpts.Shlpments. Wheat, bu US7 in) lao.eun l"i u 22.-0 8 Mia " U.W0 13.OU0 Oalatk Urals Market. DCLTJTH. Nov 18-WHEAT-On track; No. 1 nortbern. 81c; No. J northern. 78 V; pwrlr 7(e: Mar. W OAlti-il1 . OMAHA WHOLES A I. H! MARKET. Condition of Trade aad (laotatlona on taple aad Faaey Prodace. E(JfJ8-Fresh stock. 24c L'.VE I'ot 'LTKY Hens, 7c; spring chickens, h'(.vc; roosters, according to sge. 4'u'oe; mi Keys, lie; ducks, c; geese, 7'uc. iircssed stock about 2c per lb. higher Uian live slock. U Ul TEH Packing stock, lCVic; choice te fancy dairy, In tubs, lrtjlHo; separator, 25 o. FKESil FISH D'resti caught trout, lOo; pickerel. 8c; pike, 10-; percn, 6c; buffal), .'; bluetUh, lac; whlieflsh, 16c; salmon, 11c; haildock, 10c; cooflnh, lie; reasnapper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb.,2c; bullheads. 11c; cattish, 14c; black bass, nai.Dut, c: crappies, L'c; herring, 6c; white bass, luc; blueflns. Ml. O YSTEKj New York counts, per can, 43c. per gal., $200; extra selects, per can toe, per gal., l. ii. standard, per can, 27a. per gal, H.lo BRAN Per ton, 214 8a HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whoio als Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 87.60: No. 2, 17.00; medium, 86.60; coarse, 8ti.0O. Rye straw, 10.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 44c. OAT8 27c RYE No. 2. BOe. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 8bu; Dakota, per bu.. 7Wi75c; native, 657oe. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, pef basket, 85c; Virginias, per S-bu. bbl., 83.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 82 25. CELERY Small, per dox., 263Kc; Urge western, 46c. ON1UNB New home grown, dry, per lb., IHr; Spanish, per crate. 11 60. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, lHc. TURNIPS Canada Rutabagas, per lb, l"c; while, per bu., 50c. CARROTS Per bu., 60c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60o. FRUITS PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfera. tLTS. Winter Nellls, 22.2&k2.&0. APPLKS-Mlchlgan stock, 83.15; Califor nia Bellflowers, per bx, 21.80- New York Greenings and Baldwins, 8S !r: filing vari eties. 83.60. GHAPES-Callfornla Tnkays. 11.65; New York, -cr 8-lb. basket, DOc; ony Daiawbaa, 22c; imported Mantras, Dir Kg, 86'ot(6.60. CRAN BERRI EH Per lb;.. v. 50; per box. 83O0- Wisconsin Bell Bugle, $9.50. QUINCES California, per box, 21.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida brights and russets, all sizes, 14.00. LEMONS California fancy, 800 to SfiO sizes, $4.60; choice 240 to 270 sizes, 8i.0O4.2a. FiUH California, per 10-lb. cartons, 86c; Imported Smyrna, 8-crown, 14u; 6 crown, 16c; 7-crown, 18c. COCOANUTS Per sack, 84.00; per doi., 60e. DATES Persian, per box of SO packages, $2.0(1; ner lb., in 60-lb. boxes. c. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $2.08 62 60; Jumbo, 82.76a3.2&. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12Vc; Wisconsin Young Americas, laSc; block Swias, loc; Wisconsin brick, 12ro; Wisconsin limberger, 12o. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames. $3.50; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.60. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., inc. CIDER Per .bbl., $5.76; per H-bbl $3 25. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 343o- HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 do., packed. 80c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 shoft-ahell. per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 sott-shell, Srr lb., 18c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; rszlls, per lb., 11(6(11 4c: filberts, per lb., llifime; almonds, coft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, pr lb., lOiUllc; small, per lb., RlOc; peanuts, per lb., 6Vc; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7o; Chill walnuts. 12yi3c; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; ehull-bBtks, per bu., $1.7.Vdi 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.26; eastern chestnuts, per lb., 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 64o: No. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 saTted, 7c; No. 2 salted? 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8Hc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lb., 6Hc; dry salted hides, 89 12c; sheep pelts, 2Cj75c; horse hides, $l.sod 2.60. St. Lonls Grain aad Provisions. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 18. WHEAT -Higher; cash, elevator, nominal; track, 87Vu8c; December. 87c; May, KlHfoSl'&e; No. 2 hard, 7RH79c. ' CORN-Higher; No. 2 cash, 4Uc; track. 42Hc; December, 40Hc; May, 40Ho. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 86o; track. 87 37c; May, WiHigfrie; No. 2 white, 6c. FLOUR Quiet, firm; red winter patents, $4.1K&4.20; extra fancy and straight, $3.80 4 05; clear. $8.80jr3.0. - . TIMOTHY SEED Steady at $2.2&53.85; prime worth more. CORNMEAL Quiet. $2.20. BRAN Steady, in better demand; sacked east track, 73fr76c. - HAY Strong; timothy, $7.001S.(; prairie, $5.il0.60. . -i. . I RON COTTON TIES-1.0; T BAOG1NO 6t(Ho. HEMP TWINE to. I . PROVISIONS Bacon, steady: boxed ex tra shorts, $8.25; clear ribs, $8.50; short clear, f8.75. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. 8c: SDrlnas. 9c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 10c; geese, 8c. Bi'lTKK-steady; creamery, , l&si23c; dairy, 13ftil8c. EGOS Firm at 24c, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls, 'I. ...... - ism . 20.000 Wheat, bu 110.000 59.00 Corn, bu 19.000 ' 16 0 Oats, bu. 67,000 22,000 Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18 WHEAT De cember, SolifGoV: May, SJVASOe; on track. No. 1 hard, Mc; No. 1 northern, 82Uc; No. 2 northern, 79'!4c; No. 3 northern. 75&7SC. FLOUR 10c higher; first patents, $4.70 4 80; second patents, KtkMW 70; first clears, $3.80if(3.40; second clears. $2.4O(8,2.50. BRAN In bulk, $13.25. . Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 18. BUTTFR steady, fair demmd; extra western, 23Vxc; nearby prints, 24c. EGOS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, S0, loss off; western, 2St(29o; southwestern, 262K": southern, 24fl'25c. CHEESE Dull ami easier. New York full creams, fsnrv HVjl2c; choice, HVsc; fair to good, lOllc. Mllwnnkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. V 18. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern. 8182c; No. 2 north ern, 79'4'?i80e: Mav. 780 asked. RYE Steady No. 1. RS&KHc. BARLEY Quiet; No. 2, 64c; sample, KQ 6ic. ' CORN-Steftdy;.No. 2 4646c; May, 420 48c bid. : ! , Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 18 WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s Jd. Futures steady: December, 6s 4V4d; March, (a 3d: May. 6s 2d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed. 8s 104d. Futures dull; December, 2s lid; Jan uary. 3 10Td. Toledo Reed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 18 -8EED8 Clover, cash 88.47H; December, $6.50; January, 8H.65; Feb ruary, $d62; March. $ 67. Prime alslke. $0.60. Prime timothy, $1.85.' Peoria Market. PEORIA, Nov. 18.-CORN-ITlgher; No. t 43c; No. 4. 41c; new No. i. 87c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-METALS.-Tln was shout 5s lower in Indoii, closing at 116 7s 6d for spot and 117 10s for funirea I ally tin was urctiangeri st $26 Info 25 60.' hpot copper was unchanged in London at 51 16s, while futuies dn lined 2im 6d to 65 7s Sd. Copper locally shows little chsnife from the conat ions recently re ported Ik-, e!otr -'lytic- end casting being quote dat 813.0-X . Leid was unchanged at 11 Is 2d In lonflon. and at $4.26 in the ouoted at $13 00. Lead was unchanged at 20 i."a in I-rn'lon, and here at I5.82s. Iron rh s-i st 4Kb 6d In Glasgow and at 42s 7d in Mlddiesboroueh. Ixicallv Iron Is qolM No 1 foundry n' rthrn is quoted at 81s.0O'il6 00: No. 2 foundry northern at $14.0UJi 15 00; No 1 foundry southern nd No. 1 foundry southern soft at 13.50ft 14.00. ST. LOl'H, Nov. 1S.-METALS Lead, dull at 84 22H; spelter, dull at $6. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Nov. 18. -EVAPORATED APPLES The market tor evaporated ap p'ea is easy under a light demand, with prive fruit for future delivery offered a ehHde under bc. Common are quoted at 4u5': prime at 5j61nc; choice at 6jiw;; fancy at 7c. .CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT-Prunes are a 1 ttle firmer on the coast sccordlng to firlvate xdvlces, but show little rhtnge lere. with quotations ranging from 2C,c to 7c for all grades. Apricots remained dull with quotations more or less dull In the absence of lmrorant transactions. ' Choice sre quoted at Sfe'tHc; extra cholcs st Mwt li-to, and fancy at lliiTJ'o. Pesches are aulet. t ho'c sre quoted at T1.ti7i'; extra choice at 7&81hC. and fancy at Ij.a'lOc. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 18.-WOOL Current quo tations on domestic wools may be sum marised as follows: Territory, Idaho, fine. 14t)-lac; fine medium, I"il7c; medium lMrti U,. Wyoming, fine. 14tl&c; fine medium 16rl7c; medium. lsfjlSc; Utah and Ne vada, fine. IfxiI6c: fine medium. 17rl7vc medium, !!: Dakota, rlne. lSflic; fins medium. 16.iirc; medium, 1i'juc; Mon tana, line choice. ltj2oc; staple, 20t-21c-mellum choirs, 2oft21c ' ST. LOUIS. Nov. 18. WOOL Nominal medium grades, combing and clothing 17o "lc; Itvht fine. 1mM7v,o; heavy ttue - U, 14c; tub wash-d, 1Mioo. TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: - TI1URSDAY, NOVEMBER "!, 1003. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Prices Mots to Highest Level of Day Joat at CI oi. PREFERRED STEEL IS THE MOST ACTIVE Derllae In Price of Prod act Forres Stock Down, bat Tendency of Market Carries It Higher Thnn Before. NEW YORK. Nov. 18 -Prlces ruled abovs last night a level throughout today's ses sion oi the stock exchange, but there were numerous minor fluctuations until the ten dency of the market was checked by a strong and comprehensive upward move ment In the final dealings, which carried prices to the highest level of the day. where they closed. Net gains of from 1 to 2 points are the general result. The market u w,ed hesitation from time to time, chiefly on account of the recurrent pres sure upon United States Steel preferred. This stock was carried down to 60"4 soon after the opening and reacted to that point or near it several times during the day, each time with disturbing effect upon the stock. The assertion waa made that orders on the books of the steel rail mill represent almost wholly the residue of orders from delivery last year, but car ried over Into the present year. Tho re port of a cut In black steel sheets waa also an Influence. The resistance offered by the stock as it approached 50 was attributed to the preferred stock conversion syndi cate. The stock Anally sympathised with the strength of the general market and rose more than a point over last night, thus freeing the market from Its restrain ing influence and facilitating the closing, advance. The stirring of pool operations In a number of minor railroad stocks were a continuing feature, some of those which rose yesterday being still affected, while others of the same class were added today. These movements In themselves had no effect In the market, but the resumption of this speculative activity Is considered symptomatio of the easier conditions of the money market and the 'less stringent exactions regarding collateral and even re garding the proposed use of borrowed funds which have been existent in the money market In the recent past. Money could be had for short periods down to sixty days at 6 per cent, while for longer periods the rates are lower, but with practically no business. With the easier tone In money there was an awak ening discussion as to the probable ter mination of the gold Import movement. Chicago reported a practical cessation of demand at that center from the crop re gions for money and it waa believed likely that the gold already engaged would ful fil engagements. The total engagements' were In the neighborhood of 8!.0OO,0O0, of which upwards of $;,512,000 Is still due to arrive. Heavy offerings of cotton bills weakened the exchange rate again and an additional $600,000 gold was taken In Lon don for New York. This was probably a decisive Influence on the late buying move ment In stocks. Bonds weVe dull nnd about steady. Total sales, par value. $2,618,000. United States 2s declined H per cent and the old 4s 4 per cent on the last call. Following are the closing" quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Bales High. Low. Close. Atchison 11,400 65 64'4 64 do nfd 400 8!i 89 8Mi Baltimore & Ohio.... W0 75'i 74H 7ui do nfd 20 87V4 87 n Canadian Paclflo Central of N. J.. 300 m'k U8U 1184 Chesapeake Ohio... 1.200 29 Chicago & Alton...... 2,250 32', do pfd Chicago Ot. Western 2,600 15H do B Dfd 800 26A 2S 32 'i44 25 164 29 32 iS 69 l?4 53 21V, 154 12M4 v4 66 27V4 bo 4!) 168 t:nic(igo ft x. w Chicago Term. A T.. do pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del., Lack. A West.. Denver A Rio Orande do. pfd Erie .' do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Northern pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central ...... Iowa Central ......... do pfd K. C. Southern. ...... do pfd Louisville A Nash.... Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry.. Minn. A St. Louis.... Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. A Tex do pfd , N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk A Western... do pfd Ontario A Western... 100 164 600 127 800 63 800 2l 200 155 12V4 63 21 155 65 66 48H 168 70 200 200 12,750 l.JOO 2.300 18 66 6K 4a 1.321 168 400 70T4 70 2 ZOO B-Ai 82 606 124 12! 12i"4 1.750 . Zl 20!, 21 100 27 87 8 80 1H 18 184 J 83 824 ' 33 J.60 10U4 101 . I01i 4.200 140 1394 1394 700 115 114V4 1144h 55 66 . 89Vi 894 16V4 17 854 Sfii 36 325 56 8,645 89T, 1,700 17 900 S6V4 100 86 1.844 117V4 JlVi if 1.050 20V, 74,600 114 . 20 112 I Pennsylvania i P., C, C. A St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Inland Co... do pfd St. L. A B. F do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd St. Louis 8. W... do pfd St. Paul do Pfd 11,400 '"soo 7,800 800 i sou i;4 I37vl 170 173Vfc iW If Southern Paclflo 10,825 43, Southern Railway ... 4.0H0 18' do pfd 2,200 75 Texas A Pacific 700 23' T.. St. L. A W 225 m, do pfd 9 31 Union Pacific 17,850 72 do pfd 253 86 Wabash 600 194 do nfd 1.200 84 41 171i 42 18 74 28 1 80 71 86 19 23 15 15 85 74H !FL 1H 80 72 86 19 83 15 16 86 219 185 UK) 195 3X 19 66 25 ' 12i Wheeling L. E 600 154 Wisconsin central .. 4.21W do pfd 1,500 Adams Express American Express V. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 18.830 American Car A F... I.81O do pfd 210 American Unseed Oil do pfd . American Locomotlvo 209 do pfd American 8. A R 800 17 86 3914 19 6 87 19 66 12 '42 75 42 86 do pfd American Sugar R... 10,910 119 118 119 Anaconda Mining Co 64 Brooklyn K. 1 Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Columbus A H. Coal. Consolidated Gas .... General Electric ..... International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit National Lead North American Pacific Mall people's Gas pressed Bteel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfl Tenn. Coal A Iron.... V. 8. leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8 Steel' do pfd 200 28 27V 11 28 10 SOO 176 176 176 5O0 151 . 161 151 600 100 100 100 8:0 2,200 700 1,200 1U0 &"0 400 I.O11O 2.8O0 100 '2.676 83,000 Western Union 125 Total sales for the day, 438.600 shares. Boston Block Quotations. BOSTON. Nov, 18. Call loans, 6 6 per rent; lime loans 1, u-vruv ir uinciai stocks and bonds: . Allouea 4 . S Amalcasaatad 3iV closing prices on AtchUoa 4s Utt tatrl 4a Al. bison do yti Bnatna Albany... Bnitoa A Mats... buatuu Elevated N Y. , N. H H. rttchburs pit t'oloa faclfto Ml. Central Amor. Huser do ptd Am.r T A T Ham. I. 8 fneral Kle-lrlc ... SUes. Electric do ptd t'mted Fruit V. 8. Steel de pid Westing commas .. Adventure Asked. Bid. -" ,'iiiiu.ui 11 aH esfal. A Meola 40 !4t Centennlsl 14V ltd topper sisnre ... let iPoinlnloB Coal .. ,1M IFrankls U title Royals . 11 Mohawk . Old Dominion ... lit Osceola llJ't. Parrot .11 IQulncy . I Seats Fe Copper.. lltst Tamarack . 11 Trlnltjr . 14 I'tilted States ... . rr t tas . liy Victoria . U Wlnoaa . Wei vert ae , 4sf, 'i 1 4 KVi , Sv, . t7 . 17V S) i , 16 : Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov. 18 Money was In In creased aupply In the market today, but the demand waa moderate. Discounts were steady, being strengthened by the new issue of Iiu.ouu.0u0 of three months' treas ury bills next week, this offsetting the ef fect of the rally In the New York exchange and lessening the fear ot gold exports to America. Business on the Block exchange was cheerful. Consols were on some in vestment demand and bear covering inci dent to the improved irvotiry conditions and re iff st the prospect of no change being made Id the bank rate. Home rails hard avned la spit iA the LudiGwaut Uavfile 1 20 1V1T4 66 40 38 40H 75 57 66 67 23T4 22 23 69 68 5! , 43 300 18 1i IS 300 20V 8 17.011 1T74 11 10 11 60 80 S 34 34 85 11 11 11 70 70 70 26 25 2i 96 93S. 94 28 27 28 68 210 7 (0 49 49 13 1S 13 70 6 70 2S 27 18 7 7 7 78 77 76 8 8 8 85 11 10 10 51 60 67 84 84 64 turns. Americans opened dull, but rallied to above psrity in sympathy with the other sections. Norfolk Western and I'nlnn Pacific were the fe-itures. The market closed firm in response to the advices from New York. Grank Trunk hardened owing to satisfactory traffic returns. PARIS. Nov. is. Stocks on the bourse today were firm throughout the day. Rio Tlntos gained 9f. Three per cent rentes, 9ttf ITHc for the account; exchange on Lon don, 25f 17c. for checks. 14w York Money Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. MON E Y On call, firm. 6-95 per cent; closing bid, 5 per rent; offered at 6H per cent. Time loans, easier; sixty days, 6dioi, per cent; ninety days and six months, 4Mi5 per cent. Prime mercan tile paper, 6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.836 ft 4. 8390 for demand and at I4.801v?i 4 for sixty day bills; josted ratea, t4.81ti4.82,; commercial bills. 84 80. SILVER Bar, 5tic; 44c. iiONDS Government, bonds, steady. Mexican dollars, weak; railroad The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: II. . ref. la, reg do coupon do Sa. reg do coupon do new 4a, reg. do coupon .IMS U A N. am. 4a M .1' Manhattan e. ft. 4a..l"!'t lO'Vi Mri. rentral 4s ll ...10T, ...1.144 do 1st lnc Minn. 81. L 4a M-, K. A T. 4s... do i N. R. R. ot M. e. .. tl .. I .. It 4a 7S4 .. If ..124 ..101s .134 .UOvt do old 4a, reg do new 4a coupon. .lluvs do 4a, reg .li" N. T. C. (. Ivfca. 00 roupn.1 Atchison gen. 4s.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. Baltimore A O. 4a do i-t loon N. J. c. r. ta... No Parlflc 4a. do 3s Nor. A West. 0. 4a.. T .i" o. 8. V. 4a A par... 114 Penn. conv. SVie 95 Reading gen. 4a 97 St. U A I. M. r. .11014 Ft. It. A 8. r. fg. a. 81 Central of Ua. 6a....liM do 1st Inr i Ctiea. Ohio 4HS....10I", rhlcago A A. IWa... I.Hn'Ht. L. 8. W. la la C, B. A Q. n. 4a ... 3t Seaboard A. U 4a... 104 C. M. A St. P. g. 4a..l' tn. Psrlflc 4s 17 4 3o. Railway (a 1114a C. A N. W. c. Ta....U9Vi C. H. I. P. 4a. 71 Texas A P. Is 117 72l T.. Bt. L. A W. 4s.. It , Union I's. lOr 4s 102H . f4 du crnr. 4s .1S . st4 V 8. Steel 14 Sa.... 47S M Wahash la lla.ii , do deb. R 4 9U Wis. rentral 4s St 3 VV. A I.. E. 4s HH 10 'Wis, rentral 4s k do col. ba ere. a Bt. l g. -Chicago Ter. 4a.. Con. Tobacco 4a. . Colo. A 60. 4s... I' A R. O. 4s... trie prior lien 4a do general 4a... r. w. a r. c. is Horklng Vat. 4Ha....lue Colo. Fuel e. le WV -tjiiereu. London Stock Market. LONDON, Nov. 18 Closing: Consols, money.... N. y. dntrel. ..15"V, .. nv, .. to .. sivt .. 414 .. .. S4 .. ID .. S .. Ji .. 14 .. 4H, .. tS .. K- .. 11 .. .. ltv, .. 4 do account Anaconda ... Atchison ... Norfolk A West. 3H do pfd MVAntarlo A W do pfd tTW Biltlmirs A Ohio... IT PennayUanla Rand Mines Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 80. Railway ..... Canadian Taclfla ....122'i then. A Ohio W Chicago Ot. West... K.V4 C. M. A St. P 141H PeBers 2SI do pfd lVt 'f. Psrlnc Denser A R. O. do pfd Brie Ac 1st pfd.... do J.I pfd.... Illinois Central . Louis. A Nasn.. TV. -Union Paclflo ... do nfd V. 8. Steel.... 19', dr pfd ...lS.T.iWsUsh .. .11X54,1 do pfd M , K. A T BAR SILVER Steady at 27Hd per ounce. GOLD Bar, 77s lH4d; American eagles, 76s 6Hd. MONEY 33 per cent; the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 4iW4 1-18 per cent; the rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills Is 4 per cent. New York Mining. Quotations. NEW YORK, Nov. 18 -The following are the closing quotations on mining slocks: Adams Con Ontario .400 .US . . . 11 . 21 . It Alice Dreecs Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Blleer Iron Silver Leadvllle Coa ... Little Chief Offered. ... 14 .. 10 ... a ... ...100 ...170 ... ... tiphlr , Phoenix Pttoel St tags Hlerra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard Dnnk Clearings. OMAHA, Nov. 18. Bank clearings for to day, Jl.i63.9Hl.22, an increase of T83.322.!sl over the corresponding uy last year. " . Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-COTTON The market opened at unchanged prices to an advance of 8 points; chiefly the result of very bad weather reported from the west ern belt, where In some Instances tempera tures were reported to be within lt degrees of sero, with the chances favoring their spreading to - the entire cotton country. Prices at the close were about 25(528 points below the high level of the morning. The market was finally weak and net 13 to 20 points lower. Sales were estimated at 800, 000 bales. NEW. ORLEANS, . Nov. 18.-COTTON-r Easy; sales, 6,626 bales; ordinary, 8 l-16c; good ordinary, 9Hc; middling, 10c; good middling, II 1-lSc; mldllng fair, 11 7-16c. Receipts, 28,808 bales; stock, 244,991 bales. Futures were steady; November, 1081c bid; December, lfl.Mifn0.86c; January, 10 91c; Feb ruary, 10.974!5.89c; ' March, 11.07ll.c; April. 11.14a11.16c; May, ll.23ll.24c; June, 11.29811.81e: July, ll.83fflll.34c. ST. IXTJIS, Nov. 18 COTTON Steady; middling, 11c; sales, 254 bales; receipts, 600 bales; - shipments, 680 bales; stock, 7,897 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 18.-COTTON Spot In fair demand: prices 12 points higher. American middling fair, 6.36d; good mid dling, 6.18i; middling;, .10d; low middling. 604d; good ordinary, 6.94d; ordinary, 6.74d. The Bales of the day were 7.000 hales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and included 6,400 American. Receipts, 66,000 bales. Including 49,ltK) American. Futures opened firm and closed steady. American middling, g. o. c, November, 5.97d; November and December, 6.91fr5.92d; December nnd January, 6.86d; January and February, 6.86t?i6.87d ; February nnd March. 6 855.b7d; March and April, 6.86d; April and May, 6.85d; May and June, 6.85ti').86d; June and July, 6.85d; July and August, 5.84d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18. -COFFEE Spot Rio steady; mild, Arm. The market for futures opened steady at unchanged pries with trading rather quiet. Later It was a lit tle stronger on cove'lng as result of bullish primary advPes concerning the movement and the growing crop end advanced about 6 p' lnts, but lost the gain In the afternoon under realizing. Primary receipts contln. ued light and Rraillian markets firm. The local market was finally steady at a net de. cllne of 6 nont. Bales were 74.000 bags, Including November, f.60fr.66e; December. 6.f4f5 6oei Januarv, 6 66S-j.7&c; March 6.85 fiSfltc; May, 6 Oofrl.lOc; July, .156.25c and September, 6. 2o!&6. 35c. Oil aad Hosln. SAVANNAH. Nov. 18. OIL Turpentine, firm. Rosin. Arm; A. B. C, 12.15: F. 12.26: O. 8 2 45; H. 82.60; K, $2.90; M. $3; N. 83.20; WG, $3.36; WW, 83 60. OIL CITY. Nov. 18 OIL Credit balances. $1.77; certlflcstee. no bid; shipments, 62.861 bbls.; sverage. 80.520 bbls.; runs, 81.875 bbls.; average, 6K.67U bbls.: shipments, Lima, 65.778 bbls.; average, tD.TJ) bbls.; runs, Lima, 70,585 bbls.; average, 63,323 bbls. , agar Market NEW YORK, Nov. 18. SUGAR Raw, nominal; fair refining, $c; centrifugal, 99 test, 3c; molasses sugar. Sc. Refined quiet; crushed, 6.30c; powdered, 4.80c; gran Ul"ted, 4.7"c. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. lS.-Sl'GAR Quiet; open kettle, centrifugal. 3 13-ltio; yel low. 84t3 ll-1tk;,- seconds: 2&i3c. Molasses, quiet; open kettle. 2Mi31c; centrifugal, 11 11 2-&C. Syrup, quiet, 27c. Dry t.ooaa Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18 Buying has been more or less restricted In the dry goods market, but the views of agents and man ufacturers sre l"-cre4flngly Arm. Owing to the cond tions of the raw material market, sellers are not likely to grant concession, though buyers are still likely to secure them, and stem surptlsed that thoy can be turned. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. Nov. 18-WHISKY-Dls-tlllers' finished goods steady on busts of $1.25. PEORIA, Nov. 18--WHI8KY-On the basis of $1.25 for finished good. BT. LOUI3. Nov. 18.-WH1SKY Steady at $1.81. t. Josepk Live stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Nov. 18.-Cattle Re- ceipts, 8,800 head. The market was active ana steady to strong. Natives. U 5iHri.VLf,: cows an I heifers, $i.2&H't.6o; storkera and feeders. $25y4.25. HuoS hecelpts, 4.65 hea-4. Prices were &0 l0c lower. Light, $4 5 SB4 80; medium and hetvv, 44.4vtf'.tl5. . 8HEEP Rec Ipts. Sn6 head. The market was. steady. Ewes, $160; lambs, $6.26. . Stock in Sight. Following are the receipts st the six principal western of live stock cities yester- aay: Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... Si. Joseph ... Siuux City .. Cattle ... 4.175 ...17.000 ...12.760 ... (.500 ... 3.W4) ... 600 Hogs. Sheep. 9.7W 22 &o0 88.000 Ul.tsO .5H) 2.ISS) 7") l,6o0 4.6X6 34 6.O0U .... 72.46 biJM Totals 43.726 Hears- t'lny's stn4 lttssolvrd. LEXINGTON. Ky., Nov. 18 -The famous Ashland stud, Droerty of Mrs. John M. Clay, widow of the son of Henry Clay, was dissolved today at the W. T. Wood ward sale by d'soosal of all Its stock. The stud was -founded kry llsary Clay seventy, four years ava OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeoeipts Again Light and Prices Baled Steady to Btroog. ANOTHER BIG SLUMP IN HOGS Fat Sheep and Lambs n Little Slow with Packers Rather Bearish, bnt Feeders In Active Demand nt Steady to Strong; Trices. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 18. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 6,44 6,ij8 19,7ii$ .. 8,440 X.H .. 4.175 9.70 22.o(W Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.... Three days this week..,.13,( Same days last week....21,9of Same week before 21.125 Same three Weeks ago...6.9a4 Same four u. . 07 f.m 23.077 l.6"'.l 12..1C3 13,itto 9.7.16 61,489 87, too 4o,9 6 bi.4'U Same days last year."'.!l6j;8 81.t7i 41,643 REC1J1ITS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the reopt of - .-""-UH BIIUHS Hie ICU'lllLB HI caltle, hogs and sheep st Bouth Umana fdr the year to date and comparisons with last , 1903. Cattle 9!(,,vl Hogs 1,949.838 Sheep 1,65j,1; 1U2. Inc. Dec. 8-9.1o3 80,7.11 1.9o.2.l 6,bU 1.61U.978 144.200 - - f aw SfMIU .UI IlUa l .WM maha for the last several Oays with com tor hogs at South Pt I 1808. lltX2.lJ01.riiW.lM.lJM.HsH. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. I 64 4 aW 6 tl 4 fcOvJ 49 a ?aal a t.i ( 781 4 51 4 Oil 4 04 I 661 t 21 4a 41 8 40 8 43 8 611 $ 43 8 62 $ 44 $ 4d 1 651 6 7.1 4 W .'.J tol 4 U4 4 02 s 4 01 v a. 6 71 4 6C, 4 72-, 62, A M at.-. 6 71 6 68 6 67 4 64 61. 4 67 4 71 4 02 4 03 4 03 4 03 4 02 e 41 3 6 2 3 64 3 47 3 41 3 47l 8 31 4 81H 4 67 4 82V,. a l.-'N 6 74 4 9 4 74 484 Nov. It) 86 s 6 72 6 63 Nov. 11, 26 6 10 8 43; 3 44 3 82 3 88 S 84 3 32 Nov. 12. Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15. Nov. 16. Nov. 17. Nov. 18. 4 6tH 6 21 4 i Ml 5 691 4 74! t 94 3 9J 3 87 I 841 S 871 I 6 & 6S 4 till i 67 4 82 6 631 4 9U I i 6 G3 3 41 8 86 - B 81 4 644, 4 46' S 41 4 88 81 3 85; 8 81 8 8 3 83 $ 85! 3 83 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars brought In by each rond was- of stock Wabash cattie.Hogs.Bh'p.H'r's. 1 C, M. & Bt. P. Ry Mo. Pnc. Ry Union Paclflo system .. C. N. W. Ry F.. E. M v n 64 29 82 26 18 8 6 8 11 29 10 2 a 4 168 (0 C , St. P., M. & O. Ry.. . i M. Ky C. B & Q. Ry K. C- A Ht J. C., R. I. & P.. east Illinois Central Chicago Great Western. Total receipts .180 i ,1 K usj s receipis was. as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Cn 343 9f5 400 654 SJ9 1,388 1.458 1,5.54 9I'4 3,261 S18 3,233 898 166 Swift, filnoi r-li v Armour fc Co., a. C 90 Vansnnt A Co 7K Carey A Benton 108 i.onman & co 98 McCreary and Clark.... 32 Livingstone & Shailer vv. 1. eiepnen itjj 175 won ec Jviurnan.... Sam Wertheimer .. Morton & Grearsnn 43 ... 66 237 ... 205 ..3J44 . 1.002 , .... I.!. 12.139 H. F. Hamilton.... Other buyers Total 10,472 16,754 CATTLE There was another moderate run here this morning, which makes the receipts for the three days this week much lighter than for the same days- of last week, and there Is also a decrease as com pared with the ssme days of last year. There were several loads of corn-fed steers on sa'e, but the same as has been the case all the week packers did not take hold with any lire. Even the good cattle were hard to sell at satisfactory prices. It takes well fattened cattle to bring from $4.76 up. As compared with yesterday there Is not much change In the market, but as compared with the cloae of last week prices on everything, except possibly the best grades, are considerably lower. Packers seem to prefer the westerns, and as long as they can get those they do nqt take bold of the corn-feds very freely. The cow market was quite active this morning and price a little stronger. In the last two days there has been an ad vance of 1015o on practically all grades. There have not been many cows In the re ceipts this week, and as the demand was In gcod shape there did not seem to be any too many to meet the Immediate require ments of the trade. Bulls, veal calves and stags could safely be quoted steady with yesterday, and In fact there has been very little change ail the week. There was a brisk trade on desirable grades of Mockers and feeders. The kinds that are now selling to the best advantage sre yearlings and short twos of good qual ity and dehorned. Such kinds have ad vanced lMi'20o during the list two days, which makes them a little higher than at the close cf last week. Heavv cattle, how ever, or common grades of ali weights have shown little Improvement since Mon day. Horned cattle hove also Improved very slowly, even where the quality is good. Western grass beef steers were very scarce this' morning and anything that had nny kill to It was easy to sell at firm prices. Range cattle were strong and active, and the same was true of stockers and feeders. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ne. At. 1 Tr. No. A. Pf. 1 U70 I Mi 1 too I So 1 1OT0 I It M 1441 4 tl 10 Ml t M tl Kit 4 II It 1 I 60 ' st mi 4 M '1 1061 BIS H U30 4 10 I 1114 4 tl SS HOT 4 71 8 10SI 4 K . II.. 1400 4 Tl II 1121 4 40 IC .....) 4 Tl BTOCKERS ANT FEEDERS. 8 luo I 10 10 IN IN COWS. Ill t 00 4 11H t M 1 tsO I 16 II 1041 t 0 1 UU0 8 T6 CALVES. 1 170 4 Ml NEBRA8K A. 63 feeders.. ID 3 60 1 feeder.. 150 2 85 Minor ft B Neb. 27 cows 1080 3 75 I cows 1020 1 25 4 oows 042 2 75 30 cows 102J J 75 2 cows 1165 3 25 t steers.. ..1362 3 60 L. Snow Neb. 1 cow W 2 30 12 rows 1016 2 80 3 30 8 cows 933 1 75 48 feeders.. I088 32 feeders.. 1042 8 86 W. F. Nattern Neb. . tO feeders.. 822 3 05 6 feeders.. 822 Wlnton & Kennedy Neb. f cows 1035 3 45 3 rows 1148 2 rows SW6 2 00 2 feeders.. 735 2 feeders.. 8lfi 3 15 6 feeders.. 806 C Moverlck Neb. 28 feeders.. 797 8 70 George B. Compton Wyo. 1 bull 1450 1 80 1 bu'l 1.W feeders. .1108 3 10 7 cows 1074 3 cows ... .ll'JO 2 65 28 feeders.. 818 2 GO 2 45 2 75 3 16 1 80 2 S $ 00 7 feeders.. 947 3 60 Grace Creek Live stock Co. Wyo 60 cei 9 2 75 8 cows 1003 2 25 4 steers. , 1 bull.... 39 cows... 24 cows... 1) cows... 68 heifers ..1045 2 85 Ijitham Bros. Wyo. ..11X0 1 75 8 feeders. .1002 . 903 . 600 . 60 . 787 2 SO 2 85 8 60 3 60 3 00 .. 990 2 65 MMward .. RX3 2 40 .. 870 2 00 3 cows ... Bros Wyo. 48 feeders. 1 feeder.. 616 2 60 4 feeders. L. F. Johnson Wyo. 5 feeders.. 948 3 15 3 feeders.. 1076 8 40 1 fe.der...l'VJ0 1 cow 1IS0 1 cow 9H0 2 cows 750 1 steer 1170 steers.. ..lutis D. R. 24 cows 8T.9 1 bull 1430 3 15 1 cow 11:10 3 65 2 66 1 cow 750 2 35 2 35 1 cow 1') 2 35 2 85 1 bull 1150 2 10 2 lo 1 ateer IOuO 2 35 8 10 Whittsker Wyo. 2 00 1 bull 1700 2 00 1 bull 1430 1 73 2 (0 Iron Mountain Ranch Co. V yo. 108 steers. ..1048 2 25 127 cows.... 625 2 95 81 steers.. ..ll' J. 8 rows looo 8 steers. ...1247 14 steers.. ..1162 8. 8 26 J. Meeks Wyo. 2 65 3 steers 3 56 11 steers 3 65 2 steers Sleekier Wvo. .1258 .1X17 ,. 632 8 65 3 56 3 00 J IS 3 78 2 15 3 00 1 bull 23 feeders t rows... 13 feeders 120 1 sii 1 bull... ..II1! , 7ts) . K)3 , ft") J. .1058 lono 3 46 2 fd-rs.. 70 I 41 4 cows 0 3 25 2 feeders.. Whlttaker Wyo. 17 cows.... 6 cows..., 16 cows. . . . Swan 1 bull.... 60 cows.... 2 76 2 85 2 cows..... H93 t 75 ID cows 953 2 00 . 902 1 80 land Cattle Co. Wvo ...1310 1 76 Hi cows 10?8 .. 7'.l 3 00 II cows 7 JO .. 877 ISO 6 steers.. ..M10 ..1810 2 10 1 steer 1000 Salmon ft R. 8. D. ,.117 3 K) 2 85 ! no 2 10 3 10 22 rows.. 1 steer.. 21 steers. St steers. 34 cows.. 1 bull... -1 bull... t cows.. T. Charles-8. D. ..1118 8 15 1 cow.. Ed 8 ledger 8. D. .. 843 2 70 1 cow.. ..1040 2 15 1 cow.. ..1440 1 75 11 cows. too 21s 2 70 2 70 2 25 .lVO . 968 .. t4 1 (O McGregor ft R. B. D. 4 feeders.. 840 I 4 heifers. .luU .1175 2 35 .90 8 75 8 heifers.. $08 2 63 II. Tank- 8. t. .1147 2 3o 15 steers. . II cows.,, .1085 ,.1044 2 6 2 .1 3 30 1 .0 2 A 2 tut .1073 3 15 Jessup ft N 8. ..1118 3 Ml i steers.. ..1128 ..1-12 3 ,5 . 1.1-0 1 75 1 steers.. 1 cow.... 9 cows... . l.KM .U'JII .1111 1 bull. 1 cow HiV 2 80 C. Mil!er-8. 1. 23 feeders., 6 cows.... 7 cows.... 1 cow 4 steers... 2 steers... 3 cows..., 11 leeueis., 8"4 3 it) 13 steers.. ..110 3 85 10i0 3 86 1 steer lift) 8 3a 940 2 ho 1 steer lto 4 0 790 2 00 1 steer lwvu P.-N. M. 2 steers.... 86 1 steer 14I Kettle ft ll',7 3 15 2 76 4 00 3 se 3 2o 2 ha 2 7s 3 00 0 8 10 915 fc2 2 40 3 a 3 00 2 M) 8 40 3 85 27 feeders. 9 fccdeis. t6 O 6 feeders. 2a cows. . 2b cows. . 1 feeder ...Ui7 ... 9i8 ... 870 6 cows. . ..1W7 21 feeders.. 8l0 i3 feeders.. 810 E. 2 steers.... 810 24 cow s Hi. .' 9 cows 970 Kenlson Mont. 3 ("I 4 steers.. ..1i 1)1 11 CCWS 9M 2 50 3 00 2 L0 W. Dolan-Colo. 18 cows.... 6 feeders. .1016 i t. 44 leedsrs 959 3 IS . 958 2 60 P. yultin Colo. 11 cows,..,. 1050 1 w 1 bull 1390 1 bull UM 1 .5 1 bull )3M) 1 76 1 90 1 bull 1230 1 75 llulia ilure was a big run of hogs re ported this morning, but, as nearly haif of iliem were consigned ulrect to local pack ers, the nuinuer actually on sale waa not us large h.i me receipts would Indicate. Prices continued on their downward course at all points. The uecbne here at he open ing amounted to J on about a dime. Ihe heavy hogs told from $4 30 10 $4.86, medium weights irom 84.36 10 $4.40 and lights from $4.4u to $4. 62V,. Tho fact was no. Iced that there were more light hogs on sale than have been h re any time lids fall. Tilers has In tact been quite a rapid increase of late In the proportion of light weights to the total receipts, and this is taken as an Indication that heavy hogs are getting scarce. If that Is the case It, of course, means that In a few days the heavy hogs will be selling higher than the light weights. The latter end of the market was slow and the feeling weaker. A good many salesmen. In fact, were calling the cloae lott'lsu lower. The market on paper today does not show the decline, owing to' the large number of light weights. Representa tive sales; No. At. Rh. Pr. No. 42. . TO.. M. . 41.. A. Rh. .21 SO Pr. ' 4 871, 4 87V, 4 nv, 4 40 .4 40 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4" 4 42V, 4 42 1 4 42 V, 4 4H, 4 42V, 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 41 4 41 4 46 4 44 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 60 4 10 4 60 4 60 4 S2 4 til. 4 62 Va 4 ti 111.. 81... 14... ii... ... 47... 44... 44... 10... 13... It... 14... t... 40... 101.. 10... II... Ill 10 4 26 ...Kft 10 10 40 120 820 100 to 1(0 to 0 10 to 10 40 1(0 M 4 27Uj 4 10 4 10 4 20 4 10 4 llSi 4 12V 4 32 1, 4 12 V, 4 124, 4 2Vt 4 II 4 11 4 IS 4 36 4 M 4 34 4 So 4 IS 4 35 4 at 4 is J: 214 117 !f.O !3 273 202 tl 177 3H 247 170 tl 247 2.1 141 240 241 ISO 164 240 120 . ..". . ..J-Jl ...344 ...111 ...271 ...111 ,...124 ...181 ...2k3 ...241 ...1U4 ...1M ...274 ...267 ...301 T4 3 40 II 77 41 4 17 SI 41 Tl 13 W Tl tl tl 13 40 0 44 14 71 4 If 40 4 11 72 13 13 II tl..... 86 i 1 71 IS 64 10 II 67 19 !(. 285 ....282 ....2KI ....29 ....14 ....130 ....101 ....100 ....111 ....!! ....ill ....t4 ... 2M ....19 2SS ....21 ....25(1 ,...tI ....IIS . .1.111 ...2i4 ...2(4 ...174 ...111 ...213 ...246 ...IIS ...117 ...I4 ...111 ...170 ...143 ...las ...177 ...161 ..HI ...1!. ...181 41.. 14.. 4 is 4 is 4 11 4 is II 140 10 14... II... II... 6t... 47... 14... II... 14... M... 15... 4:1... It... 10... II. .. 4 16 240 4 IS 4 IS 4 IS 10 10 4 IS 40 4 IS 00 4 16 4 7a 40 4 171, 10 4 17W 10 0 240 4 17, 4 37Vs 4 171, 214 4 lit. SHEEP There was quite a liberal run of sheep and lambs here this morning, but the demand was about equal to the occasion. That was particularly true in the case of feeders. Packers were Inclined to be rather bear ish this morning owing to the break In prices at Chicago this week. There were not very many killers on sale, though, and as they all wanted a few they were unable to break the market to any extent. Some sales were undoubtedly steady, while others were perhaps a trifle easier. There were a good many feeder buyers on hand this morning, and although tho big bulk of the offerings were feeders the market ruled active and ateady to strong i5 i" de8'rable grades. The common kinds did not show sny improvement in price, but mey were easier to sen tnan nas Deen tne case of late. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, 4.6o4.76; fair to good lambs. $4.26&4.60; choice yearlings, $3.403.75; fair to good yearlings, 83. 154(0.40; choice weth ers, 33.25I&3.60; fair to good wethers, 23.000) 3.26; good to choice ewes, $2.763.00; fair to good ewes, $2.6oi2.76; oholce feeder lambs, $3.904.10; fair to good teeder lambs $3,263 3.76; baby lambs, $2.00w2.6O;! feeder year lings, $3.103.30; feeder wethers,- $3.0004 35; feeder ewes, $2.0uiS.2.26; . culls. $L0O4i-2.X Representatives sales: - ' Av. Pr. 1 native buck . 180 2 60 I native buck , 10 2 50 1 native cull ewe 90 2 60 3 native cull ewes 110 2 50 2 native culi ewes..; '.. 110 2 60 Ml Wyoming ewes 90 2 60 142 Wyoming cull lambs 48 3 5 3" fed native ewes 127 8 26 28 fed native ewes 125 8 26 4 native cull lambs 67 8 60 6 native cull lambs 71 I 50 1059 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 96 3 60 447 Wyoming feeder lambs 63 8 66 19 fed native wethers 145 4 00 10 fed native wethers 140 4 00 23 fed native lambs.. 8K 4 76 31 fed native lambs. 83 4 75 233 Montana feeJ-jr ewes 77 2 10 428 Wyoming feeder ewes 95 2 46 189 Wyoming feeder ewes 96 2 45 622 Wyoming e-ves 107 2 75 ' 265 Idaho ewes 97 j 75 430 Wyoming feeder yearlings.... 87 3 DO 1 Wyoming feeder lambs 66 3 65 349 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 3 66 1 184 Idaho lambs 68 3 90 349 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 4 10 850 Wyomit.g feeder lambs 60 4 10 ; 846 Wyoming feeder lambs. , 00 4 10 367 Montana feeder lambs 60 8 CO 154 Wyoming yearlings 92 ' 3 60 193 Wyoming feeder lambs 66 8 85 84 Montana feeder ewes 78 2 10 12? Montana feeder ewes 80 2 10 85 Montana feeder ewes 88 2 60 117 Montana ewes 80 2 66 9 Wyoming owes -. 100 2 65 804 Mexican ewes 101 2 75 179 Montana ewe 88 - 2 76 148 Wyoming ewes 86 2 90 120 Nebraska yearlings 92 8 00 223 Nebraska feeder wethers 120 8 35 975 Montana feeder wethers 96 $ 40 ' 250 Montana feeder wethers 98 3 40 411 Nebraska feeder wethers.... 86 3 40 70 Montana feeder wethers 71 3 46 607 Montana feeder wethers 68 3 45 4M Montana yearlings 80 3 66 280 Montana yearlings 60 I 66 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Pair Receipts of AH Stock, with Cattle and Iheep Ulihtr. CHICAGO, Nov. 18.-CATTLE Receipts, 17.000 head, including 1,000 head of westerns. The market was lifJ16o higher; to prime steers, $5,154(5.60; poor to medium, $3.60114 90; stockers and feeders, $1.75te4.J5; cows, $1.5014.26; heifers, JMO-jj-t .76; canners. $150ii;.40; bulls, $2.004 SO; calves, 12 5i 7.26; Texas fed steers, $2.76ij8 66; western steers. 23 00Q4.60. H0U8 Receipts, 88.000 head; estimated to morrow, 36,000 head. The market !"Hti lower; mixed and butchers. U.5f,ilW, ; good to choice heavy, titerj'i"6; rousa heavy, $43oi!4 60; light, $4.4oU4.70; bulk of sales. $4 6004 66. SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receipts, 28,000 head. The market waa steady to 0c higher; good to choice wethers, $3.tXKti4.26; fair to choice mixed, $2 76ir3 60; western sheep, $J.754.00; native lambs, $3.76&6.&0; western lumbs, 83.0Oij5.C0. Kansas City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 18. Cattle-Re-clp's. 11.200 head of natives; 720 head of Texan. ; calve-, 750 head of natives. 60 head of Texans. The market for wintered beef steers waa steady to strong, s for western steers, dull to stead v: for range cows, steady to strong; for native rows, steady to strong; for Blockers snd feeders, steady; for stock calve, dull, for veal calves, strong. Choice export and dressed beef Steers, $4 1r5 00- fair to sno1, $3.f?4 15: stockers snd feeder. $2.00434.10; western fed s'ers. f..06?i4 36; Texas and Indian steers, $2F03.2: Texas cows, $1 7F.-ii2.46- nttlve cows, $1.2"(fS 40; na'lve heifers, I2.00-JT4 28; canners. ll.00jjl.25; bulls, $1.253 25; calves, $3.4Xrj.'5. HOOH Receipts. $.600 head. The market was lufiao- lower Top, 84 72V: bulk of sales. $4.4"&4 70: beivy. 84 35'4 6: mlxeJ packer", J(6'74 72; light, $4 67V4tj4.72Va; yorWers. I4.7004.72V4; pigs. $1 tOtf' 86. BHEEP-R clots, 2 i" hesd. The market was lisU'lftc higher. Ns'Ws lambs. $3 iMt i : western lumb", $2 54j6.20; fed ewes, 12 not) 3. 80; Teas clipped yearlings, $2.emt $80; Texas c'ipped she-p, $2.403.75; Block ers and feeders, $2.0 tfj.50. loss City IJve stock Market. 8IOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 11-rSneclai Tele- 1 gram CATTLE Receipts. 600; market steady; beeves. 33 755 Ou; rows and hcifers. 32.0041 3. So; stockers and feeders, 3i.5ljj 3 60; calves snd yearlings. i2.25&3 30. HOGS Receipts.; market 6ilflc lower; selling at 34 2UI46; bulk. 14. Sim 4. 0. t. Loals Live-' Market. ST. LOL IS. Nov. 18 -icattle-Reeelpts, ' 4 5A hend, Including t frD hrad of Texans. Ttie market was tady to strong. Native shipping ard export steer, 84 Jr. i 6 IS with strictly fancy worth more; dressed beef '. 1 cow 1 steer..., 35 steers. . 86 feeders, 10 steers.. 15 steers.. and butcher steers. $l.tvtp8.00; steers under luo pound. $.1.5 (M.80; snckers and feed ers, 2 S'V'M 5v rows snd better. $2.25ft4 So; csnneis. $1 5j2.25; bull-, $iV4?J2S; rslve, $3.nt r 50; Texas snd Indian steers, $126'JI 3.4": cows nnd heifers, $3.0045'2.6V HOG9-Receipts. 7,500 head. The market ws slow snl lower. Tigs and lights US') li4K0; pscke , $4.26u4.66; butchers and best heavy. $4.60184.75. SHEEP h Ipts, 1.500 head. The mar ket was strsdv. Native muttons, $3 .vjo .5" ; lambs. I4.o.5 40; culls and bucks, $:.Xu-4.00; stockers, $2.2Vg$66. Kerr York Live- Stork Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18 BEEVES Re ceipts. t.f2 head. The market for steers was slow to a shade lower; for bulls, strong; for cows, steady with good de mand. Native steers. $3.6005 20; oxen, 22 00 4.4.20; bulls, 32.60U3.80; cows, $1.VM26. Caldes unchanged. Exports, 4.S4T quarters of leef. CALVES Receipts 1.728 hesd. The mar, ket for veals was firm to 25c higher; for grassers nnd fed cnlve, stesdy snd all were sold. Veals. $4 i'1-'; little calves. rS.'f.fl.u); grns'.ors and fed calves, I2.7r4$ 8.50; no w esterns; cltv dres d veals, $ipUHc per poond; country dresse-1, 6ffl2o. SHEEP AND LA M 18 Receipts, $.t.n head. The market for sheep was steady to shnde higher; for lambs, loo higher. Sheep. 2 26fi3.90: fed wethers. $4 28; culls, $;.0i: lambs, 56.rO4r6.00: culls, $4.0iK1,4.; no Censdi Inmbs sold. HOGS Receipts. 6.074 head. Stat and Pennsylvania hogs. $5.10iff6.2&. KEARNEY HOLDS ONTO MAN Buffalo County Authorities Refwse te Giro Ip Alleged Black-Btallety Deputy United States Marshal Human re turned from Kearney Tuesday night, where he had gone to arrest V. 3. Harrison with several aliases, who la wanted for sending threatening letters - through the United States malls. The Buffalo county authori ties declined to surrender Harrison, as they needed him there to answer to the charge of blackmail In violation of the state laws. Harrison Is charged with having addressed letters to certain business men of that lo cality threatening to burn their property unless his demands for various sums of money were Instantly compiled wTAh. A trap waa set for him and he was caught and Is now In the Kearney Jail awaiting trial. Judge Regards Sex, John Brlllhart, a rug psddlsr.' and Miss Carry Lyons of the burnt district mixed things slightly a couple of days sgo over the payment of certain Installments which Rrlllhsrt alleged were due. The woman, hit Brlllhart with a beer bottle and the -rug peddler retaliated with his fist. Jndge Berks, In administering justice, took Into, account the fact that woman is the weaker and let Miss Lyons off with a lecture. Brlllhart wss fined $3 and costs. "Fiery Apostle" Hero. The "fiery apostle" of the Salvatlot. Army. Lieutenant Colonel Brengle of New York City, Is conducting a two days' cam paign in the Salvation Army hall, Seven teenth and Douglas streets. In connec tion with the rampnign there will be about twenty visiting officers, and during the dav officers' courrrils will be conducted by Colonel and Brigadier Cousins. Colonel Brengle Is accompanied by Ensign Ma bee, who Is a soloist. Notes from Army Headquarters. Bids also were opened for the semi-annual supplies of forage for the various posts ot the department. Lieutenant Colonel J. A. Hull, judge ad- -voc.ate, Department of the Missouri, has returned from St. Louis and Des Molnej. Major General J. C. Bates, accompanied by his aides, Captain W. M. Wright and Lieutenant Van Leer Wills, will arrive In Omaha Friday to arrange for turning over the command of the Department of the Missouri to Major General 8. 8. Sumner, who will reach here the following day. Major M. Gray Zalinskl, quartermaster, V. S. A., and recently appointed depot quartermaster at this point, was a visitor at army headquarters. He has just re turned from the Philippines and will enter upon his duties as depot quartermaster In about sixty days. He has been granted a . leave of absence for thirty dsys, with leave to apply for thirty days additional. Bids for the construction of the new $100, 000 quartermaster depot storehouse la this city have been opened at ths office of Captain W, E. Horton, chief quartermaster. There were three bidders from Omaha. The lowest ' bidder was E. O. Hamilton of Omaha. The formal announcement of the awards will not be made until the bids are approved by the quartermaster general at Washington. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFER I, Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur rlihed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Karnam street. A'fred Millard et al., to August Paul; lots 16, 16, 17 and 18, block 21 Ml!lard .....$ 280.01) Walworth G. DeLee and wife to E eanor I. Pearson; lot 9, block 10, Shinn's Addition 1,660,00 Wl'llam J. Welshans and wlfs to Edward. M Slater; lot 9, House! ft. ,.: Btebbing Bub.; lot 15, Bartlett'a " Addition 600.00 Sara A. Dupee; et al., to Elisabeth Clark; lot 11. block 147. South ; Omaha i 650.00'! Richard N. Wlthnell and wife to , Mary E. Chapman; lot 4, block 2, ,; W. I Fe by s 1st Add 100.00 Ho-wsrd Lumber Co. to Samuel B. Bower; lots 23 and .24, block 3, Eck ermann Plac 150.00 Harry 8. Wilson 4o Carl F. Palm; east 66 feet, north 150 feet, lot 8, block 2, Park Place 800.00 Charles N. Voss and wife to Hester -i-Frailer; lot 4, block 6, Hansoom Plaoa .- 4,200.00 i Robert W. Patrick to Continental Trust Co.; lot 8. block 102. and lot 24. block 106. and lot 10, block 23, ' Dundee Place 1.00 ) Bu-le L. Wilklns and husband to ' Chicago Lumber Co., lots 1 and 8, ' block 257, city 2.08 , John Cadek to Ms -wile, 4t "le Cs- 1 dek; undivided hilf lot 14, block 11 1st Add. to South Omaha " 120 .' William Krug to Cassel Realty Co., East half lot 1, block 93. city 1.00 7 Fred Krug and wife to Fred Krug Brewing Co., lots 78 to 86 and part lot "C," Sherman's Add 1.00 V Fred Krug .nd wife to Casse) Realty Co., lot 1, block 2. Artior Place Ad dition and other lands ' 1 00 Hugh Murphy and wlf to Cornelius Norrls; lots 17 snd 18, block , KMintss's 4th Sup $.600.00 . ' Sheriff to Robert Dunning Drtpps; v "' linn nit o, iii'vcf Iff.. I 11 v ,,0(TJ-W Charles Ogden to C'ty Pivlngs R.nk; easi cm reel lax 101 is, Bee. J-1-1J. 1.00 CnCAGOBUNrNEA POLLS ' Maid office 4 ' v rianhattaa Building, .fag H-ll ST. PAUL, niNN. U, Dsaloraln Stocks, Grtln, Provisions Bought aad gold for cash or raasnnsbli Margin. Mesakarra Issporlaat Exekaaiges, Private Wires. Writ for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Returns. Beat Facilities. Liberal Advance. Broach Office. 104 Be Bldgf. tPaoa SB 14 Omaha, Xskraska, mxcTH. wijtatTi'aa. STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS W havs ever 160 orllcoa. 2Wrnoea: 176 lutte aad Nat l Banks. oii aCatvicas ta thk at est. Out of Town Bualneas Cobolted. Otasaa Braadll 116 Far. ass 4H. Tat. 8447 TH0S. M. WADDICK. Correiaosdont ifluarcls, ; : Dood