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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1903)
Omaha Daily ESTABLISHED JUNE 19. 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOliNINO, NOVEMHEU 18, 1903 TWELVE PAOEf SINGLE COPY ' TIIREE CENTS. The Bee. PANAMA'S PROUD DAY United Eutci nphip 8alute the Colon of tbe Hew Eepublio. ADMIRAL GLASS DRINKS ITS , HEALTH Native Band Flaji Star Spangled Banner for a Fica'e, FRENCH CONSUL SENDS A GREETING Botifiee the Junta He ii 8oon to Open tejptiationa. COLOKBIANS' OVERTURE IS REJECTED eoee Commission from tkr Depart. " Bolivar la Informed that the Xew Repnelle . Coa. nt Whfr It fa. PANAMA. Nov. 17.-At :30 this morning the tinlted State flagship Marblehe ad hoisted th flag of the Republic of Panama and saluted It with twenty-one gun. The Novlerabre, gunboat of Panama, display ing the American flag-, anawered the salute. The shore batteries also Hred a salute of twenty-one guns, which Marblehead an swered. At 10 a. m. Admiral Glass, Consul Oudrer and Commander Phelpa. accompanied by IJeutenanU Philip Andrews and S. W. Trelllnwlnder officially called on the Junta. ml'ltary band played the "Star Spangled Banner" on the Americans' arrival at the palace and on their departure from that building. They were received by the mem bers of the Junta, the cabinet ministers and Generals Huertaaa. Ja (fries. laa and VJ"aron and their staffs. Admiral Glass said he was glad to off- clally call upon the government of the Republic of Panama. It had been a great pleasure for him to salute this morning the flag of the new republic, for whose prosperity and greatness he expressed the best Wishes. Benor Arango, a member of the Junta, answered, saying that In the name of the junta and of the people of Panama he ex pressed sincere pleasure at the presence of the gallant fleet In Panama bay repre senting the noble people and government of the United States, "to whom the Isthmus Is deeply grateful for the hand of fellow ship so generously and promptly extended to them by Its great president." Toast Caaal President. Mr. Oudger proposed a toast to a new Panama canal treaty, which was answered by General Varon, who toasted President Roosevelt and the United Etates army with great cordiality. The people of Panama are happy over the official recognition of the flag and the event Is being celebrated enthusiastically. Dur ing the ceremonies today large crowds of people surrounded the palace of thi gov ernment. . The flag of the Republic of Panama which was .saluted by Marblehead this rooming was mad on board that Vessel. " The French consul at Panama has noti fied the Junta that he will open official re lations with the government of Panama, saying Foreign Minister Delcasse had In formed him that France will formally rec ognise the new republic later. " rolontbtaa Over-tare Rejected. COI.ON. Nov. 17. The Panamanian com mission, composed of Senors Arias, Morales and Arosemena, which left Panama yes terday to meet the peace commission from th department of Bolivar, boarded May Pownr today and held a short conference with tha Colombians, who' only represent the department of Bolivar and the gov ernor of that department and who have no credentials from Bogota. The Colom bians asked the Panamanians If they would return to the republic of Colombia, as suring them concessions and considerations on the passage of a canal treaty. The Panamanians replied that they would not return to the republic of Colombia , and declared the assurances came too late, as Panama's position was so advan tageous and strong that they could not see any reason for changing. I sea i TlMm is Colombians will return to Savanllla 7 llils afternoon on the British steamer Trent. They will not land at Colon, but will remain on Mayflower until I p. m., when they will be transferred to Trent. All apportion' New Repablle. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-Th Stat de. partment today received an undated cable gram from United States Consul General Uudger at Panama, which evidently was written yesterday. The consul general says: In the department of Panama all the orrU'lala are supporting the republic -'and the sentiment in favor of it unanimously The commissioners from the Kvpublie of Panama will meet tomorrow. The feature of the dlMpatch la that these commissioners represent the United States or Colombia. It Is understood her that the, commis sioners in the beginning will seek to se cure tbe revocation of the act of separa tion by Panama, holding out as Inducement certain pledges that a new treaty on th lines of th failed Hay-Uerran canal treaty will be put through with all expedition at Bogota. This promise would be possible of early redemption, as In th Colombian legislature, when an Insurrection prevails th president becomes practical dictator with liberty to conclude treaties and make any arrangements he pleases with tha ex ternal powers. But it Is said the experience which the Slate department thus far has had with th Colombians In treaty making is not of a character to indue it to negotlat another treaty, so such a course proposed would receive no support from our gov ernment. The commissioners from Colom bia are expected next to propose to Pan ama that It assume a fair share of the Colombian national .debt. lp to Admiral Walker. It Is said at tb Btat department that Admiral Walker Is charged with a solution of the physical problems of the canal proposition and that he will not Interfere In the political developments unless Con sel Uudger seeks his advice. The Panama Canal company has been prosecuting the work of canal construc tion fur many months under an agree ment with tha state department, which tacitly admits th. liability of the United States government for this continuing work. It Is regarded ss desirable that there shall be no loss of property or de terioration In the work already aooom pllhed and Admiral Walker, who will un doubtedly be the president of the perma nent canal cvmmlwluo if the United Bute assumes the work of construction, is chsred . particularly to look after this As some part of the French press con tinues to urg the Panama canal directors to cancel their tngagemeuts to sell h A(JvkUuu4 va 9viti Para) PAN'A COMMISSIONERS HERE A,'' .York, with Rome Doabts VV Nlaos os to Their NEW TOR. ''', '-f From the fore most head of th. "Ity of Washing ton, which arrive, n. Colon, flew the flag of the Rep . Fanama. and on board were the sv commissioners aent by the new repub.ic to the United States. The commlpsloners are Dr. Manuel R. Amador and Federlco Boyd, and with them are Carlos Arosemena, secretary, and Archibald Boyd, attache. City of Washington was In the center of the trouble at Colon and received on board large number of women and children be cause of the general fear of a clash be tween the Insurrectionists and the Colom bian troops. A party of troops went down on the pier to embark on a mail steamer for Cartagena. The commanding officers of tRs troops had gone to Panama and they were without commanders. Colonel Black with the marines, taking advantage of tho ract that the troops had all passed down the pier, changed the cotton bale barricades until they blocked the pier and refused to allow the troops to come back to shore. a runa or $8,000 was collected and the troops were sent, pas;ige prepaid, to Cartagena. For two days. November 4 and 5, great excitement prevailed In Colon and many of tne rorelgn, residents sought shelter with their families on City of Washington. The commissioners on arrival her did not know their exact status and declined to talk until they had received the latest Intelligence from Washington. They could not say whether they would go direct to Washington or not. Dr. Manuel Echever rla of New York met the commissioners at Quarantine. . PANAMA, Nov. 17.-The United States flagxhlp Marblehead, in Panama bay, sa luted the flag of the new Republic of Panama at 8 o'clock this morning, with twenty-one guns. The French consul at Panama has noti fied the Junta that he will open official rela tions with the government of Panama, say ing Foreign Minister Delcasse had In formed him that France will formally recognize the new republic later. WELCOME THE ROYAL TOURISTS Prince of Wales Receives King: and Qoeea of Italy at Ports mouth. LONDON, Nov. 17.-K!ng Victor Emman. uel and Queen Helena of Italy reached Portsmouth en the royal yacht Victoria and Albert shortly before 11 o'clock this morning, amidst salutes from the ships and land batteries In the harbor. Upon the arrival of the yacht at the Jetty the prince of Wales went aboard Immediately and welcomed their majesties In the name of King Edward and of the nation. A torpedo fleet met the royal visitor and formed an escort for the royal yacht through tho home fleet lying at Splthead. AU tha ships were dressed and manned, and the cheers of the crews -mingled with tha reports of th guns in giving the Italian king and queen a welcome to England. Great crowds) lined ovary vantage point and tho shore wa bright with bunting. Guards j of honor lined th Jetty and a band played tne Italian national anthem as the yacht steamed alongside. The prince of Wale was met at the top of the gangway by King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena. After greetings had been exchanged between the royal personages the naval and military commanders were introduced to the king and queen and the mayor of Portsmouth presented an address to King Victor Em manuel, who briefly expressed his thanks for the message of good will from the citlsena. After lunch on board the yacht the party Inspected the guards of honor and the naval cudets from the college at Osborne, after which the party entered a train and started for Windsor amid another salute from th guns of the fleet. It rained heavily as th royal party left Portsmouth. PARIS SEES A REAL FIGHT Two Eminent Gentlemen Roll Where Dnst Wo Bid Bo If Paris Had Dnst. PARIS, Xov. 17. General O'Connor, com mandant of a subdivision of Algeria, who Is here formulating military plans of cam paign, engaged In a fist fight today on the Boulevard Hauasman with Captain Milter, a retired military officer. The captain approached the general, cry ing: "You have made lying reports against me," and struck O Conn t In the face. The two men clinched and rolled over on the pavement until separated, when General O'Connor said Captain Milter would hear further from hira. A duel was fought today . between M. Richer, the explorer, and M. VilleUe, a newspaper man. The Utter was slightly wounded. The duellists were then recon ciled. M. Rlcher's seconds bad arranged a second meeting for their principal with M. Uruchard, another newspaper man, but before crossing swords their differences were settled. The meeting between M. Richer and Villette grew out of a private quarrel. QUASHES CRUZEN INDICTMENT Jteernskaa la' Porto Rico, Together with Other Accased Persons, Aro Discharged. BAN JUAN. P. R., Nov. K. The federal court today quashed the Indictments for smuggling in the cases of Alonso Cruzen, th collector of customs, Captain Andrew Danlap, U. S. N., commandant of th na val ststion here, and Robert Giles, a former contractor In Porto Rloo, on the ground that the fines had been paid' and th of fenses expiated. It Is believed this action forever settles th case. FROM LACK 0FV PROTECTION Ontario I'ntlery Company Close Its Doors, Complaining of Lack. , of Tari. t . , BRANTFORD. Ont., Nov. 17. The Bailey Cutlery company has clewed its doors. In sufficient tariff protection is given as th caus of suspension, the Arm being unable to compete with American prices and tbe cheap labor products from England and Germany. Th company's Invested, capi tal was lriW,0U0. KING LEOPOLD COMING OVER Dlapatoh (roas Brnssols States that He Certainly Will Bo Hero for Fair. LONDON. Nov. 17.-A dispatch from Brussels says It la definitely .decided that King Leopold will visit the United States In tha sprisa to attend the BL Louis ax. japo4tloa DIETRICH Court Is net Ho OrJer for Senator a Tet and Withholds BilL FISHER SURPRISED; PROTESTS INNOCENCE Declares liter Absardlty of Charges Will Be Proven and Dec-Hoes to Talk at Length est Sabject. In the matter of the Indictment by the federal grand Jury of Senator Dietrich and Postmaster Jacob Fisher of Hastings the only indictment made public Is one against Fisher, who yesterday voluntarily appeared before Judge Munger and gave bond for his appearance In the sum of 11,000. No capias has been Issued for Senator Dietrich, who Is In Washington. A formal motion before Judge Monger by the district at torney must precede this. The bill returned against Fisher and made public contains six counts and Is as follows: First Violation of section 1781. Revised Statutes of the United States; that Jacob Fisher on July 8, 1901, fraudulently paid to Charles H. Dietrich, a member of the United States congress, $500 for aiding to procure and procuring for said Fisher the office of postmaster of Hastings, Neb. Second Giving property to the value of 1500 July S, 1901, to said Dietrich for aiding to procure and procuring him the office of postmaster. Third On July 8, 1901, giving a certain valuable consideration to Dietrich, that said Dietrich being obligated by a certain con tract in writing dated April , 1901, to pur chase from Silas A. Strickland post No. 13, Grand Army of the Republic, certain goods and chattels, the property of said post, and to pay therefor the sum of S500; said Fisher did unlawfully satisfy and discharge said claim to said post "by the payment of said sum of 1000. Fourth April 20. 1901, said Fisher agreed to pay to said Dietrich $1,300 for aiding to procure and procuring th office of post master at Hastings. Fifth On April 20, 1901, said Fisher did agree to give property to the value of $500 to said Dietrich. Sixth April 20, 1901, said Fisher agreed to giva to said Dietrich certain valuable consideration. $500 for aiding to secure and securing him the said office of postmaster, Dietrich then being obligated to said Grand Army of the Republic poBt by a con tract in writing, dated April 8, 1901, to pur chase such property, 'and that Fisher agreed to and did satisfy said claim of $500 by paying said sum of money to said" post. risher Protests His Innocence Postmaster Jacob Fisher of Hastings re turned to tha city from Hastings lata Mon day night and Tuesday gave bonds for his appearance before th United States court in the sum of $1,000 to answer tbe In dictment found against him In the Hastings postomce matter Monday evening. Mr. Fisher was astounded at the action of the federal grand Jury and emphatically aaaerta . hie Innocence of th charges Im plied by tho Indictment. He said: "I must bo excused from saying anything Just at this time, other than upon th Hearing of the case, when I am permitted to make a statement In my own behalf, the utter absurdity of these charges will be proven, aa well as the ma'ice back of them. Further than this J can say noth Ing Just now." Mr. Fisher had supposed Monday upon his return home and his discharge as a witness before the grand Jury, before which he was not permitted to testify, that the matter was settled, and hence bis Indict ment comes as a complete surprise to him district Attorney Summers said this morning: "I have nothing to say further than that there are four other cases of a somewhat similar character yet to come before the grand Jury for Investigation, Fonr Other Bills Retnrned. The federal grand Jury has thus far re ported ten bills for indictment, Including those against Senator Charles H. Dietrich and Jacob Fisher. Only such bills aro given out for publicity where the indicted parties are under bond or are In custody. Four of the bills, with charges mentioned, are against the following parties: Charles Behrman, obtaining letters by uecrpuon ana aestroylng the same. The accused is charged with taking three let ter from the postofflce at Omaha, ad dressed to T. Elf, set re ting and destroying the same. A second count charges him with appropriating to his own use four money orders obtained from these letters, aggregating In value $200. James Davis, robbing and breaking Into the pestofflce at Edholm, Butler county. Neb. The amount realised from th rob bery was $8. James Klllelea of South Omaha, mailing nonmailable matter. Th accused Is charged with mailing a postal card to Miss Ella Kelley at Council Bluffs dunning her for money advanced to her to pay her room rent and threatening to publish her In the newspapers unless aha compiled with the demand. Ed Walker of Lincoln, mailing nonmail able matter and addressing the same to Mrs. Eva Bays at Kearney. Neb., and which letter contained lewd and lascivious matter not fit to ba spread upon the records of this court lodge Hum Scolds Jary. Judge Munger summoned th grand Jury before hlra yesterday morning and admonished the Jurors sharply for divulg ing the secrets of the grand Jury proceed ings. He said in effect that he had no ticed from day to day In the newspapers that matters were leaking out. but as there were many witnesses coming and going all the time It was possible that this informa. tlon was received from them. However, when It came to the statement appearing In one of ths papers Tuesday, giving the vote on one of the indictments, it was evident that. If the statement was true, th Information cam from on of the Jurors, as no on wa permitted to be pres ent In the Jury room during th balloting on an Indictment except the Jurors, not even th United States district attorney. If this were true, It seemed certain that this information came from one of th. Jurors and he had viol i ted his oath, which was reprehensible in the highest degree. Judge Munger was considerably wrought up over the matter and he severely cau tioned the Jurors against such proceedings Breed Not a. HASTINGS. Neb., Nov. 17.-(Speclal Tele gram.) To the Editor of The Bee: Kindly permit me to correct a statement which appeared In today's Bee. In speaking of the history of the Hastings postoffic af fair the report intimates that I was an applicant for the appointment of post muster st Hastings during the period that Jacob Fisher was au applicant. This Is erroneous. I never was an applicant for tli postraastershlp and never discussed th subject with Senator Dietrich until after Mr. Fisher Lad been appointed. II. pctfullj VDAM BHV&DE. WILL IGNORE MINERS' Colorado Kael and Iron Company Km eoaraaed by ftneeeas of Recent Importations. PUEBLO. Colo., Nov. 17.-Officlals of the Colorado Fuel St Iron company assert to day that the coal miner' strike In Colo rado will now be solved effectually in their favor by aid from the steel and iron works men, who hav been laid off here and who are going to tho coal mines. More than 2,000 of the workmen In the several de partments of the steel works were laid off -on Saturday when those departments were suspended on account of the shutting oft In the coal supply by the strike. Many of the men determined that they would go to the company's mines and dig coal and a carload of them wr-re taken yester day, to the big Walsen mines near Walsen- burg. Their arrival having been unat tended by opposition or ' any excitement, men are now leaving Pueblo on every train to go Into the idle mines. Officials of the company state that they will now soon have plenty of coal and that they will altogether Ignore tha Miner' union. . , The cold wave last night brought two Inches of snow, with temperature 4 degrees above aero, but there is as yet no suffering from lack of fuel and practically no short age. Great quantities of coal have been stored by firms and railroads during the last month in anticipation of the strike. PUNCTURES THE AIR COMPANY Madallne Hashes Asks New York Conrt to Appoint Receiver for Corporntloa. NEW TORK, Nov. 17.-AppIlci.tion wss made today by Madallne Hughes, a stock holder of the Compressed Air company, to hav a receiver appointed fW the corpora tion. She alleges In her petition that the company Is Insolvent and unable to pay Its debts. The company has a capital stock Of $8,000,000. Judge Lscomb took the papers in the case and signed an order requiring Henry Monkhouse, one of the directors, with the other codefendants, to appear on Novem ber 20 and show why an Injunction should not be Issued and a receiver appointed. To the application the plaintiff attaches an affidavit of Thomas Clark, one of the defendants and a director, which states that only ten of the fifteen directors have been acting since March last and that the company has not the money with which to pay Its taxes and Interest due on bonds. Mr. Clark charges also that certain di rectors have been endeavoring to wreck the Compressed Air company In order that Its assets might be sold, either through oanarupicy courts or by foreclosure of mortgage upon the property, and -they ao- qulre It through such a sale. AGRICULTURISTS ARE TALKING Convention of Association of Colleges la Oa la Washington Thin Week. WASHINGTON, ' Nov. 17,-Tha seven teenth annual coiWentlrTt.the Associa tion of American Agricultural colleges and experiment stations, opened here today. Most of the states were represented. H. C- White of Athens, Ua.. chairman of the executive committee, reported that the trustees of th Cecil Rhodes fund had as sured him that the peculiar statu of agri cultural colleges ' would have no effect on th conditions governing the Rhode's schol arship and that all students would be given an equal chance. A. C. True, In charge of the experiment station service of the department of Agri culture, discussed the relation of the farm ers' institutes and the department, saying that the Importance of the Institutions In quipping the new generation with agricul tural knowledge cannot be overestimated. A report on the uniformity of state fertil iser law was read. BANKER BURKH0LD ARRESTED I Taken la Charge at His Claclni Homo on Warrant Charging Perjnry. tl CINCINNATI VnV 17 r..,-i.v,,.i who was recently superseded as cashier ; , - - . ... - . WU1.HVIU, . ana director of the Franklin bank ik of this , .hu' . a Charge city, was arrested lost night on of perjury. It is charged thut he swore I to certain funds being in the bank and i when the money was not found there he confessed to swearing falsely. Burkhold was sick In bed when the warrant was aerved on him. . Officers remained at his mansion all night. A contractor named Klockenbrlnck alleges that Burkhold had not accounted for 5,000 that was on deposit at the Frank lin bank. Klockenbrlnck also makes en other charge of Slo.uoo. but the warrant Is based on tbe $5,000 item. Burkhold waived examination and was bound over to the grand Jury and his bond fixed at 110,000, FAVORS CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE Ohio Snpreme Conrt Decides It I Mot Maaslanghter for Healer to Treat. COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 17.-Th supreme court today rendered a decision which Is taken to mean that Christian Science may be practiced In Ohio. 8me time ago a family by the name of Bishop. In Hamilton, O., was tried and acquitted on a charge of manslaughter for having permitted a child to die without giving it medical aid. The state carried the case up on exception and today, the supreme court overruled the exceptions. MISSOURI STATUTE TO STAND Snprao Conrt (nstalns Legality of Law to Prevent Railroad Discrimination. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Nov. 17.-Th statute against discrimination by the rail roads In the shipment of freight was today declared by the supreme court to be legal and In force. The statute was enacted eev ral years ago and, so the railroads con tend, a more recent enactment repealed It by implication. CANNERS' SOCIETY TO MEET Thoso Controlling Pack of Fifteen ' states Will l oafer at Chicago la Fehrnary. BLOOMINGTON. 1IL. Nov. 17.-Secre-tary Ira Whitney of Bloomlngton today Issued a call for the annual convention of the Western Canned Goods Packers' as sociation at the Sherman house, Chicago, February 10 and 11. The association cun trola tho canned goods output of fifteen tatoa and taa several thuwsVl lueaibcra. STATEMENT BY DIETRICH Will Coma to Nebraska and Demand Immc diata Hearing of Owe. DENIES ANY WRONG-DOING IN MATTER insists that In Jastlce to Himself Someone Other Than Samiuers Shoald Have Charge of tho Prosecution. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Senator Dietrich spent one of the busiest days of his official career In Wssh Ington today. In conjunction with Judge ninaaia and Edward Ilnuwiir i, had a conference with . Attorney General Knox relative to the in dictments brought against him at Omaha yesterJay by the federal Brand Jury. The case wo gone over. In Its en- rer, ana later the question of what courso should be pursued was taken up at the cabinet meeting, but no conclusion was reached. Later In the afternoon Mr. Rose. water had a conference with th attorney general on other matters, but the attorney general desired further light on the sole topic of discussion today in Washington ine mmctment of Senator Dietrich. Mr Itosewater stated that he had no candidate ror tne position of United States district attorney. His only desire was to bring about the removal of Mr. Summers. In view of Mr. Rosewater's position Attorney General Knox stated that he had received additional light and that unquestionably something would be done In the Immediate future. The senator said he felt his case would be prejudiced If District Attorney Summer nos cnargo of the prosecution. As a result of tho talk with the attorney general, the latter will hav a consultation with the president about the question and It Is prob- noie mat Mr. Bummers will be relieved from the conduct of tho Dietrich case and that Assistant District Attorney Rush of Nebraska or some attorney from the De partment of Justice at Washington will be detailed to manage the prosecution. Sen ator Dietrich after conference with a num ber of his friends decided to make the fol lowing statement:. . Demand Immediate Trial. In view of what has transpired In Omaha. EhTI.V1 'udp' ruJ Jury has found an indictment against me for the alleged ac ceptance of money for my influence in ??,appo'ntn1ent of " Postmaster, think it due to the people of Nebraska. matter "ttetm,nt respecting the -The uf that 1 haA aooepted, directly or Indirectly, money or anything of value riy.etn?U6neJ.nLBecur,n the appoint ment of Jacob Fisher as postmaster at , , nonoiureiy raise. I shall waive the protection afforded a senator by the constitution while congress is In cession, and shall go to Nebraska and Insist on an Immediate trial, with per OBtabTialied0 that my lnncenco will be J1? t)U1,",inJny llfa nM th' een a desire to shield those who have been gailty of wrongdoing. , For twenty-five years I have been a resident of Nebraska. As private citizen, a governor and senator, my aim has been to devote my best energies to the promo tion of the welfare of the people an1 tho maintenance ot my good name over the Above an things I have an abhorrence of dishonesty In publta office and tho be trayal of public trust.. During a residence of a quarter of a century in Adams county, I have repeat ed y been Instrumental in keeping out of office and bringing to Justice public of ficials who were shown to be dishonest and corrupt. Result of Factional Fight. Th present attempt to attach a stigma to my name Is because of my firm adher ence to this course. Bitter factional fights have existed In my home county for mojiy years, and as a result of these differences. I have natu rally Incurred many enmities, not only in politics, but In business. My refusal while governor to pardon Jos fp 1 J3ttr,Uey defaulter to the state 'or $mj).000. Incurred the displeasure of power ful Interests and I have since been antag onised by them. I incurred the Inveterate enmity of the former postmaster of Hastings by the ap pointment of Mr. Fisher, my Intimate trlend for twenty years, and who has been a stockholder and director of the bank of which I am president for seven teen years. I have also incurred the active hostility of W. 8. Summers, the United States district attorney for Nebraska, by my efforts to bring about his removal from office, not because I favored another, but ""r "ci""u ,or m.nv reasons ho piiuuiu nave Dean nmnvMi nn. u . i Jhe machinery of the federal court has V?" ,n m"tlon and cleverly directed to "Jure me and continue Summers In office, In the privacy of a grand Jury room it is easy to concoct and r,rv,m,.i o v,. ,lia,t w111 not aUnd the test pf an lnvesll- Tonight Senator Dietrich and Mr. Rose- water had a conference with ex-Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith, under whose administration the postofflce location at Hastings was changed. Mr. Smith remem bered the Incident and stated that he would see Postmaster General Payne and explain to him the details regarding the location selected. Sympathy for Dietrich. There Is the greatest degree of sym pathy hereabouts for Senator Dietrich and it Is believeU th Indictment will prove a boomerang for those Interested In bring. Ing It about. Judge Klnkald desires to correct an 1m. presston that was conveyed In these dis patches relative to a letter which he wrote "Joseph Bartley and which later came Into possession of Mr. Summers. Judge Kln kald stated that he was a depositor in Mr. Bartley's bank and asked for a transfer of his deposits In that bank, which he finally obtained. That Mr. gummm had never attempted to coerce or threatsu him, which these dispatches seemed to convey. In tell ing the story of the visit of Jttdge Klnkald and others to the president last Saturday. Judge Kinkaid entertained the members of the lower house from Nebraska at lunch eon today, at which Mr. Rosewater was also a guest. Representative McCarty recommended today the appointment of Harry A. Crosby a postmaster at Beemer, Cuming county, vice Matthew Fern, resigned. Ira A. Hatch was recommended for reap pointment as Indian agent at th Cheyenne agency In South Dakota by tha delegation from that state. Beeman C. Fox, city treasurer, and Thomas 1. Pratt, city clerk of Li neon are in Washington for the purpose of attending a meeting of city clerks and city treasurers of cities to agree upon some uniform sys tem of bookkeeping for municipalities. The meeting will be held under the auspices of the Department of Commerce. Harrying- Irrlgntloa Work. The South Dakota delegation today had an extended Interview with Prof Newell of the geological survey regarding Irrigation projects In their atate. The South Dakotans do not seem to think that Irrigation mat ters in their section are moving with suf. ficlent rapidity and called In a body today to endeavor to hasten tbe work upon cer tain project. A number of surveys have been made In several sections of South Dakota and additional work la In coo- (Coatiuusd on tievvnd ftg i r I condition of the weather Forecast for Nebraska FnJr Wednesday turn j iiuryurt) , warmer t nursoay, Temperatare at Omaha featerdayi Hoar. I)r. Hour. Den. B n. m 10 I p. m i: n. m n an. ni in T a. m n s p. m 10 Ma. m n 4 p. m l.t n. m 9 Bp. m 14 1" a. m ti tl p. m 14 11 a. m...... io T p. ns 14 O 11 Hp. m...... 14 9 p. m 14 WANTS THE CLUB TO MEET Nathan Merrlam Thinks Fall Commer rial Body Should Come To gether Periodically. At the regula- fheottng of the Commer cinl club executive committee yesterday a committee was appointed to con' aider the advisability of holding monthly or perhaps weekly meetings of the club. This action was taken on tho motion o Nathan Merrlnm. who thought that a Increasing interest would result- The com nlttee Is to report at the next meeting and Messrs. Merriam. Kuhn and Benson were appointed members. Secretary Utt reported a conversation with Vice President Vullmshn of the American Malting company, In which th latter had talked of Omaha as a location for a new plant. A letter was read also from a flouring mill company, which aaked Information In regard to opportunities In Omaha, having In view tbe removal here from its present location. Mr. Vullmuhn of the malting company had asked If the club would furnish a location, and also In regard to rates on malt and barley. He stated that the demand In Omaha would be about 150,000 bushels and th same In Colorado, but the larg field which a local house would cover would be in Texas and Mexico. Tha club, on motion, ordered the sec re tary to hava ready at the next meeting a statement of all rates discriminating against Omaha. It was to show the Nc braska and Iowa rates and all others mnk lng against Omaha. The club endorsed the move toward International Irrigation, as set forth In a circular letter to business men. A letter was read from Harrison & Morton, stating that they had a client ready to bujld at 1014 and 1018 Farnam street a building suitable tor Jobbing pur. poses if a five-year lease at fair rental could be secured. The firm asked for the names of persons denlring such a building. Considerable time was taken up In a con aideratlon of the financial condition of the club and a statement ordered for next meeting. FORTUNE FOR MEN OF MEANS Ample Wealth la Alaska If One Ha Money, Says aa Old-Tlme Miner. F. O. Green, a mining expert from Mis. soulo, Mont., stopped over between trains in town yesterday. Mr. Green . Is on trip to eastern Canada,' where he goes to meet Investors in soma of the mining prop erty v which h baa promoted for them. He baa spent over thirty years In th west, the entire time engaged in mining- work. Mr. Green speaks Interestingly of two seasons which he spent In the gold fields of Alaska. He says there is a fortune there for anyone who has the experience and capital to secure It. In his opinion, a mining expert who is possessed of $6,000 can locate a claim In the Alaskan territory which will make him rich In a short time. But, says he, unless a man has the neces sary mining education he had best stay away, for he will sink gold into the ground faster than he will take It out. Mr. Green carries with him quite a col lection of photographs which he has taken on his travels. One of them is a picture or the midnight sun, taken on the shores of Alaska. In the picture the coast of Siberia can be seen; it Is about (evenly. five miles distant. The oun seta and rlsea In the same spot and there la only an In terval of a few minutes between the rising and setting. He also has many photos of mining towns in the Interior of Alaska and several taken on the ship while going ana returning, which show the Ice floes it Is uometlmes necessary to push through. Mr. Qreen will visit Council Bluffs, where he is acquainted with several persona who hold stock In soVne of tbe mining properties he has developed. PROBATE WITHNELL ESTATE Uxecators File Petition In Coanty Coart Showing Valae at Twenty. Fire Thoasaad. J. Fred Smith, Milton T. Barlow and victor B. Caldwell, who are named as ex- ecu tors of the will of tha late Richard N. Wlthnell. hav filed a petition with the county Judge asking for the probating of the will, which was executed at Cincinnati, u., movemDer lu, Mi. The estate Is valued at $25,000, and Rich ard Withnell Leonard, a grandson of tho decedent. Is made the beneficiary when he shall hava arrived at tha ago of 21. Provl sion is mad for the placing of the different gravea which are to be made in tha Wlth nell lot In the cemetery from time to time and a monument, coating about $2,000, Is provided for and Is to be placed above the grav of Mr. Wlthnell. The sum of $2u0 is set aside for the car of the burial lot. The grandson, Richard Wlthnell Iieonard. is to hav all th real estate which is left and the Interest In th Wlthnell Broa. Smith brick plant held by the deceased la to be retained and oonserved for the grandson until he shall become of age. In addition to this when the grandson Is of age he will also receive the sum of $5,000. The sums of $300 and $400, respectively, are left to Minnie Wlsecup arid Daisy Lemon, two nieces. Everything not otherwise dis posed of or provided for la to ge to Richard Wlthnell Leonard, the grandson. REVENUE FOR MONEY LENDERS Kighty-Oao Dollar Clipped OaT by Cashing Cheeks of Reoont Election Officers." Just why money lenders find business to do In Omaha Is shown by the way that more than half the Judges and clerka of the recent election manipulated the $3 each due them from th school board. A little more than half th number, or 270. avsfgned their claims to th loan agents at a discount of SO cents each. This in th lace of tha announcement by Secretary Burgess that by calling at his office on or after November 17 less than two ' weeks after th election the full amount could bo obtained. The total sum lost by the election officers waa $81, which went Into the hands of the brokers. The secretary has declined to issue war ranto to the election board members of the Third precinct of tha Third ward. They failed to sign th poll books and uoUi they do their uouex will ba wlUtUeld , TALK OF MEDIATION Chicago Mayor Deoidsi it ii Hid Hot in tha Etrika Proposition. ACTION TAKEN ON ADVICE OF COUNCIL Mot Preoipitatoj a Bitter Debate: in Whioh Harrison ii Arraigned. USE OF POLICE FORCE IS QUESTIONED Bute Board of Arbitration Alio Taking a Hand in Difficulty. GETS LETTER FROM COMPANY OFFICIALS While These Thin. Are Oolag on RJotlagr Coat I noes la Several Parte of city Along: Car LI nee. CHICAGO. Nov. 17. Mavor Miriam . day, acting under a recommendation of tha city council, beaan in the difficulties between the Chicago City vuuitmiijr im m siriuug em ployes. The mayor dispatched a letter htr sninl messenger to President Hamilton of th atreet railway company asking that Mi. Hamilton- and such representatives of tha company as Mr. Hamilton might desire meet with th mayor and eight aldermen this afternoon. At this meeting tho mavor will uinti to discover a means by which the strike may be brought to a quick end. The mayor said he had no idea what would be th outcome of tho meeting, but he hoped for gooa results. The resolution of the city council under which the mayor acted todav follow; "That his honor, the mavor. ua him hf endeavors, either In unison with inn cltiiens or with members of this council. to secure submission to nrbitra-.lnn f th. question at issue between ths Chicago City noiiway oompany and its suiklnr m. ployes." General Counsel Bliss Of tha cltv rallwa this afternoon rave to the HtAta n-mii n Arbitration his lone exoected l.nir T.'. diplomatically evaded the board proposN non to submit tho strike situation to arbi tration at the hands of the board membere. ine ooara in a tenly framed lmmella.t-. upon receipt of Colonel Bliss' letter re newed Its offer to step Into tbe breach of official arbitration and aaked him to Tor ther explain bis attituca, which It was stated waa not clear. Upon receint of tha lte fmn. vr dhu the State Board of Arbitration want lntn aa executive session, at the close of which Governor rates was called up by long, distance telephone for Instructions Chau-. man Gelger told Governor Tales what tha ooara waa doing and read to Llm tha !at:ar of Colonel Bliss and also the letter piepr( in answer to nin. Jt developed that Uia governor proposes to gupervlc personally th work of the state board toward sotxllag t ?e striae. . , , . . The executive board of tha Ki.-a.4 n.n way Men'e union this afternoon decided to proceed against the Chlcasro Cltv rii.lia,nv In the courts to compel the comnanv , provide vestibules for all of Its employe.. nccoruing to a law passed during the last session of the legislature. N Had Been I e bated. While the city ooimcll last bum was engaged In a debate, at n, mm bitter, over the parUcloation f . police In the city railway strike; while the aldermen were ordering that Mayor Harrison's authority for placing policemen on the cara be explained by th corpora tion counsel, and while, finally, tha counnii was voting its confidence In the mayor, vio lence becarne general along the Wentworth avenue line. One nonunion car niur hn ventured out of th company's barns waa set upon, presumably by pickets, and given a choice to leav town. He hesitated In hia answer and waa beaten up, thrown In a box car and th floor locked. Tha nr was part of a departing freight train. He was carried away, his wounda not dreased. A wagon load of bedding, intended for th. barn barracks, was saturated with oil and burned at th TMrty-ninth street corner. A shot waa fired Into the Bnnlewtvnd no tice station from the darkness, that hUilfer narrowly riisslng a desk sergeant's head The Cottage drove cable svs.'em u mi? In operation this morning with five trains and the on Wentworth avanue waa continued. One thousand policemen were distributed along Cottage Drove ave nue and 30ft on Wentworth avenue. The Cottage Grove Avenue line - of the Chicago City railway waa tho scene of much of today's strlk activ ity. Thla line, which nsraiuia tk Wentworth avenue line a mile to the east ward, has been entirely tied up sine th Inception of. th strike of carmen, except for the operation of mall cara. Th line traverses the business district, by wsy of Wabash avenue, enterlna Cottar nm avenue at Twenty-second atreet, and pene- trates an extensive residence nortlon of tha city which has no other transportation facility of easy access. Tha w.ntannh avenue service wss continued on practically tha same ecnojuie as obtained yesterday. Twenty-five cars were operated on a Ave minute schedule, beginning at 1:10 a. m. rtstel shots. A number cf pistol shots near th barns t Th-'ity-niath street and Cot tan Orove avenue starred nonunion employes housed ' wlthiu. For a short time the strike break ers belioved that f.n attack was being made upon their stronghold. Tha shots proved to have been Bred by men who brought two wagon loids of supplies into the barns nd who hi d been molested by plcketa In an attempt to block the delivery. When the two wagons were within half a block f the barns pickets halted the drivers and demanded that th teams turn round and drlv back. Th driver - Immediately opened fire when the threats were mudo nd drove quickly to th barn. After un loading th provisions they returned to the company's headquarters, followed by a bicycle brigade of union pickets. Five trains left the burns at Thirty- eighth street, on Cottage Orov avenue, for the down town loop at t:S, a heavy pollc uard attending each train. The gripmen in each case were protected from possible injury by heavy wire screens, while a force of nearly 1,000 patrolmen guarded th line and kept th crowd moving. Wagon ere hurried along and kept moving off the street so far aa possible. Final Balletla Irons Emperor. POTSDAM. Nov. U.-The following bulle n waa Issued today: NEW PALACE. Potsdam. Nov nTt. eallng process of th left vocal cord 'of his ajeaty i outiuues n ulnrlv. Kn m.,r ulius will be issued. VON I KHTHOUX