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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1903)
10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, SPECIAL NOTICES AeWertleeaaeats for these rolamii will be takea aatll 19 an. far the edition mud aatll St.W . an. irilDg aad Saaday edltloa. Rate, 1 l-e a word flrat laser4la. la ward thereafter. Kothlaa- takea far leas taaa itOe for (ha flrat laser Ilea. These advert laemeata mast be raa eoBsecatlrel). Advertisers, Br reaaestlag a asm. hered check, raa have aaawera ad. dreaard fa a namliered letter la rare af The Mea. Aaawera ao addreaaed will be delivered ea pf raeatatloa af the heck only. MISCELI.A&KOIS. ALBERT G. POTTER SAID: The young man who atarta out In life writing a plain and legible band atarta with a advantage. If I were a young man and had to make my choice to gradu ate at a Classical College and atop there, or to graduate at a Business College and top there, I would take the Business Col lege In preference. BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. LIFE BLDG, OMAHA, la the leading business training Insti tute for Nebraska and Iowa. DAT AND NIGHT. Apply for catalogue. PHOTOGRAPHS1 VLV llyZJ price 6 pur uos. moice of 4 atylea of i mounting, special lor noliuay oniy 15 tor' PKOC1 OK, 616 boutn 16th bt SPFPI A I For limited time we will fit w lvirtL you wnu a guaranteed PAlji OF SPECTACLES FOR 1.0J. Don i mibs taia oiiuo. (J. b. OPiiClANS, lot NO. 16TH ST. R-M216 PER FIELD'S Cut-Prlce Piano Co., - Bee Bldg., Koom 7. Tel. ?ul. Weoer, story at Clark, Lodwlg tSchilor. R ill JIM Is your "lucky number" In our win dow? Then come and get your shoes OMMGD. Regent feuoe Co., toe 8. lath. HZM. , EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. IMS. R Mils MONET loaned on all valuable. 418 N. ltith. ( hirnrvvlw 0,1 relief; corns removed. wr '""J' ur. Roy, r 2-3, 1606 Fariiaro.. H 246 TRT THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work; prompt attention, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 206. R 260 TOO BU8T making clothes to close. Open evenings. Cotne any me. Suits, $20 to 40. Trowaera, $4 to $10. Dresher, 1616 Farnam. R 24 D-lft COLE-M'KAT COMPANT. UNDERTAK . Eld, 1617 Capitol ave., tel. 464. R M256 Holes, 40c; with rubber heela 75c. 817 N. 16th. K-UM DU DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES with a poor ilgm when you can get the boat lor the least money; the leader gaso line lamp 100-canaie power nott and mel low, easy on the eyes, only 26c a month; lighted with one match; burning In full turoe within 2u aeconds; absolutely safe; .gu&ianteed for one year; win repair free of charge. LOUIS FLESCHER, 1622 Capitol ave. R M2M AMERICAN, German Employment Bureau, 1624 Dodge. K 2X2 Dll READ! ) HAVE ROOT HEED! PRINT IT. SUCCFFnl I A- f- ROOT, Inc. OULLCCUI J 414-16 8. 12lh. 'Phu one Ki04 R-M2S4 OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 706 N. 16th St. R M293 D13 GOLD crown from $3; fillings from 25c; set of teeth tl; teeth extracted free.' Union Dental Co., 1522 Douglas, room 4. R M287 TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 12u4 farnam. , R M290 Henry Ha doean't keep stationery. He sells It at 1616 Farnam si. R 304 PIS BOOKS bought and Bold. Room 822 N. Y. Life Uldg. Shonfeld, the Antlquarisn. R 303 113 IF YOU WISH TO GET . a Holiday Sweater order it Early of BILK the Knitter. 323 8. 161 h. R-MH1 Dll rionticPresent this "ad" before LSeilUM Jan. 1st and get 1-3 off on Bailey- all and hrido'e "work. 3d floor, Paxton Blk R-M473 D14 Trunk: and bags at reduction. IIUIIKi Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam. R M3U D13 COLUMBIA RECORDS. - Asa it. K. Fredrlc!ion. irAnto , and Capitol Ave.. Omaha. 'CIU3 ISth R M322 D13 JACKDAW WHISKEY Pl'RE RYE, 12 YEARS OLD; BEST FOR MEDICINAL PIKPOHES. CACKLE Y BROS., bOLE OWNERS. 181 11 AND CAPITOL AVE. R-M319 D31 HORSES WINTERED OOOD atabling and yarda at Benson; on ear line. Creighton Palace Stables, Omaha. 2U IF YOU DON'T KNOW, YOU OUGHT TO. that CO-LON-Co Is an absolute cure fur catarrh, stomach and kidney diseases, chronic rheumatism and facial blaiuUne. Thousands know It. 14th and Harney. Omaha. R MJ27 20 A FULL line of high grade meerschaum and briar pipes, also a complete stock of Key Weal and domestlo cigars; largest assortment of tobauoos. HTOECKER CiUAR CO.. 1404 Douglas R-3U7 OMAHA PLATINa CO. has jnoved fo 15uS Harney 8t w R-4M Mnthe dinner act and we will sell you Dining Table For 1J 50. BAKER FURNITURE CO. - R M564 23 MELCHOIR, machinist. 13th Howard . It Gi THE GRAND PANTS CO! i thoroughly reliable tailoring establish ment carrying a full line of pure woolens Makes up any suit In the house for $l7.5ii any pant p. turns, $3.50. No mor., no l-aa. 2o N. 161U. R MS10 lORSES wintered. 43d and Center. Tel. iacalll. K 14& JUx CAOLE Loan offlcs. Reliable, accomodat ing; all bislueas confidential. 13 1 Doug a. R-& I VEA A SMITH. Plumhlna- and Ileatin 111 N. 16th st. Tel. 3t2. prompt atteu- tm given an won. itenainng a apeclalty. R lsl)17 IOLY SMOKE! Washington, So Reck- man a. Ian Farnam. R MoJ) STRONGEST in the World." the EoulUble life Assurence shirty. Its policies are sight drafts at muturity. II. I. Nerly, manager. Merchants' National bank tMg., f'mahii. NVI. H-WO DKTECTItKS. -PT. T. CORMACK. ill Karbach block. XL A&ia. -i-v F. ROUT Detective aa-eacjr. 1.1. ' 7u N. Y. Life PEKSO!tL. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas Sts. DAY AND NIGHT SF.H8ION8. Fall term now own. Htudents enter every imy; shorllianu taught by mall; adver tising matter free. AOrtreta ROHRBOUGH BROS. Omaha, Neo. vmm j WE RENT aewlng machines at 7ic per week, J pvr month; we repair and aell parts IV every machine manufactured; second-hand machines Irom $1 to tlu. Neb. Cycle Co., laili and Harney. U 630 "VIAVI" way to health. 346 Bee bunding, Omaha. U 62s PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before find duilug conllnement. Dr. and Mrs. Genach, 4t cailfornUi st. Terms reasonable. U-628 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopteu. Mrs. Uardels, Lake. Tel. Red-lhM. , U-63H THE OMAHA Plating Co. will soon move to larxer quarters at 15US Harney st. U M440 PRIVATE homo during confinement; babies auopieu. ine uooii B imaillan saniiarium, 72 It ate., Council Bluffs, la. U 52l PRIVATE hospital before and during con- llnuMM. . . i ,:i . . i , r . , . 1 iiiiriiiriii, iUIV. 4-.. VlBUVr, IWi Vllll'ill. Tel. 1SS3. U 629 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. t ui ubbibls, i, U SMI DR. PRIES treats aucteSHfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1613 Dodge at., Arlington block, Omaha. U 532 COSTUMES for rent. 3318 8. loth. Sack. U M669 Deo 1 WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleatlnrT uu iiuimng Din me nnesi. uoiuman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U-M266 Win the dinner set and the Baker Furniture t-o win rell you a 325.00 Sideboard For $15.00. U M563 22 PERSONA L An Englishman, aged 32, wtuld like to make the acquaintance of a young woman, view early marriage. Write, stating age, height, etc. All let ters will be treated with strikt confidence: no general delivery answered. Address U 61. Bee. U M684 PERSONAI A gentleman of means would line 10 mane the acquaintance of a thor oughly refined and dlscreat lady. Address In confidence, W 8, Bee. U 586 BOND or policy holders In the Northwest ern I-ire ft savings Co. of Des Moines, la., will hear of something to their advantage by addressing W 9. Bee office. U 697 23 WILL pay cash for old upright square nanos ana organs at once. Address w 0, Bee. U-6S8 23 WHILE looking for MI8S-SPELLED words don't forget that I will pay TEN DOLLARS CASH If vou secure a pur chaser for iny REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER. Here Is your chance to make some CHRISTMAS MUNNEY. Ad ditional Information and purtlculars on application. 3026 South 19th St.. Omaha, Nebraskey. , U M621 lflx BACK COPIES THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE MIS-SPELLED WORDS, Can be obtained at the Bee business office. 2C PER COPY. mi a BUSINESS CUAKCEI. WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange hut pruperiy ur Dusinesa quiet, see j. tt. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-647 EXCHANGES of all kinds; to buy or sell a business of exchange merchandise for a land or city property, call or write Sholes Armstrong Co.. 721-2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y-M793 FOR SALE Coal and leed business In Omaha; tine location: good opening for some man. Address u 42. Bee. Y M2S8 S2X RARE CHANCE for profitable Investment, iu.ouu hoi en or ocnuaea pine land in ine finest section of the fruit and truck region of the south; write for partlcuMrs. The Lodwlck Lumber Co., Lodwick, Texas. Y-M2U5 I9x CASH for dry goods, clothing and general merchandise stocks, iiu.uco to ano.uuu. Ad dress, with full particulars, Jl First Nat l Bank, Omaha, Neb. Y 333 A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT can be made Just now in December wheat; condi tions are seldom as favorable and you will be missing a magnificent cnance to make money if you do not take advantage of tola opportunity. Write for our tree booklet. It tells all about our methods and ex plains fully the many advantages of mar ginal investments. We are a responsible company. Inviting the fulleat Investigation and furnlahlng the highest references. Experience on your part is unnecessary and large capital Is not required. Your Investment is subject to withdrawal on demand. Your account will be handled by the president of this company, who has been a member of the exchange here for twenty years. This insures prompt serv ice, fair treatment and the services of an experienced and reputable broker. Send for our booklet today. It coats you noth ing .id may be the means of your realii li.a. -:'r' profit. Dolma' Graln Co., Itf Orainie block, St. Louis. Mo. Y M364 DO YOU want cash for your business or real estate. If so send for my free book let telling how to git It. It don't matter where you live. Emerson DePuy, Des Molnea, la. Y M 543-21. HOTEL BARGAINS. TWO hotels in western Iowa and one In central Missouri for trade or sale. These hotels all have fine trade, two of them at railroad Junctions and $2 day houses. Write the undersigned for particulars and terms. Bartholomew at Baflantyne, Moor head, la. Y M 668 23x WATCH for our Sunday bulletin of busi ness chances, farms and ranches. It will he In The Bee every Sunday. The Abbott Cowan Company, 312-314-316 Brown Block. Y-M674 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a -oiiii-k sale send us description and Dries. Northwestern Business Agencv, D 312, Hank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Mlnn Y 613 18x When You Write . to Advertisers remember It only takea an extra atroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yog aw the ad In The Bee. FARMERS AND INVESTORS EXCURSION TO GALVESTON HOUSTON AND OTHER POINTS IN TEXAS. NOV. 24 to Invextlgate the growing of rice by Irrl- fation. Fare for round trip, gl.85. Good or 21 days. See me. C. R. GLOVER. Flrat Floor N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133 Y tilS 11 BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing THE MIS-SPELLED WORDS, Can be obtained at the Bee bualneaa office. 2C PER COPT. M611 21 FOR KENT FIRS1IUED ROOMS. LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. 112.6" and up pr month. 76c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th st. and Capllol are. Steam heated; electrio iilitd; private and general batha: all txuiveuieucee; first. claa jwrvic. ( Et where you please. ROOAl At TUB DtLl-ONE. IT PAYS ind the mis"sPe,,ed words To advertise where every word is read. Advertisement on another page with prize list and details- FOR RE5T FIR.1IHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 6u6 O. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone 611. K 104 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha menm uunary, nou Jeaveuworui. I'hone A-1783. E 607 NICELY furnished room In private family; uuuav new maa mooern. Diy Jones Bt. E M910 DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam. 19th and Farnam sts. E M964 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago. C &IJ6 FRONT room for two; modern. 218 N 17th. E MJJe THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th st. E M261 PARLOR floor, furnished, housekeeping; steam heat. 220 N. 23d. E 225 NICELY furnished room, steam heat. 2231 r arnam. let. ZJua. 2 up. K ens 19 FOUR elegantly furnished rooms, near umana chid; perreetly modern; heat fur nished; will rent to A-l tenant only. ROBERT H. BENNETT. Agt., Continental Block. E 6S4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. A FURORE IN THE PIANO MARKET. Clearing out of 100 new and slightly used grand, square and upilghts at prices that mean a substantial saving to the ahrerdest buyer. It's the piano opportunity of a life time. Cost nnd prohts are not considered. We need the room for holiday stock and to move about 100 pianos quickly we offer the following unprecedented bargains: 3 squares, odd styles, $16. 3:0. 2.". EmerRnn Hnnnr0 wnrlh rimilil. t li a Mnn. 135. " vose square, round corners, $45. Knnhe square, fine condition, $65. Steinway square, good as new. $S5. Ebony upright, fully repaired, $!. Mahogany upright, almost new, $1(6. Oak upright returned from renial, $125. Walnut UDrlsht. UHed onlv at two con certs, $135. STORY AND CLARK, TAKEN IN EX CHANGE FOR ONE OF OUR HAND- AUIS Ml'BbbKK PIANOS, $147. Hallet ft Davis, large slxe. tl6. Kranlch ft Bach, parlor grand, $275. Kimball Baby grand, golden oak case, $325. Knabe Concert grand, excellent condi tion, $426. The above bargains will be sold on terms of $10 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH. Credit freelv aiven to all and a -hlM can buy from us as cheaply as an adult. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER. THE GREATEST PIANO BARGAIN " I l'f II I IU TUP M'ATIT T A ... i lie vj niu. 1513 Farnam St., Omaha. 602 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 136 South Uth St., Lincoln, Neb. Q-M666 21 Second-Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand box-top iiaAjniues mai nave oeen morougniy over hauled and are In condition to do good work, at the following prices, and com plete with attachments; White $ 4.00 Houaehold 6.00 Household 11.00 Singer 5.00 Singer 10.00 Singer 12.00 New Home (.00 Standard (dreaamaker'a, good as new) 10.00 Wilcox ft Glbbe (good as 'new) 25.00 Singer (tailoring; In good con dition) 10.00 Standard (tayloring; almost new) 15.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In perrect condition. 'ine latest thing the different factories produce, from $17 60 to $26.00. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for &c per week, and sen ana repair part or any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Corner 15th and Harney 'Phono 1663 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. ..'Phone BM5 613 N. 24th St., South Omaha. ...'Phone 4306 v. -us a SECOND-HAND VEHICLES. 1 six pass, rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 landaus, t Dus. wagons. A. j. Dimpson, i uoago. U-438-D14 50 SQUARE PIANOS $60 EACH. 50 CENTS PER WEEK. arU1Lfrl .T WTi M. Hf T T R. I .1 .FB Largest Piano Dealers hi the West, 1313 Farnam. w h CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be sold; for particulars addresa IT 43, Bee. Q M285 D12 INDIAN goods and rellca. 1UI I arnam. Q 617 IRON ft wire fences, tree guards, trellit-s. Western Anchor Fence Co., 2U N. 17th st. Q-619 CATELOGUE cut drug prices frae. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 520 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a flrat claaa standard school la Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, snort liuiid and typewriting. inquiru at Bus ofllce. Q-5W FOR SALE, coal business. Capital required. $2,0O0.0u. Address J 21, Bee. W 621' 2D1IAND safe cheap. Derigbt, U19 Farnam. BILLIARD and pool tables, aought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Bar fixtures and saloon supplies. The Western Bar Fixture and Hotel Supply Mfg. Co., 14W Harney St.. Omaha, Neb. Q M7aS 40 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB. B1NU. Long Ur timbers. 01 Douglas. FOR SALE, Knabe concert grand piano; ii . : . Irf,l.... T . w. L. U , . v i'.C GUtner. Neb. 015 TWO fine depot wagons, I rockaways, I coupe, 2 trapa, 1 wagonette, 3 draya. Drummond Carriage Co., Uth and Har. rey. Q 221 CLOSING out hard coal atovea at less than Vi price from $6 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2020. Q 274 SECOND-HAND billiard ' and pool tables: billiard tablrs repaired; a large stock of rheup bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunawick-Balke Cullender Co., 4'J7- S. 10th t. Q-M292 China Cabinets Mahogany and Antwerp Oak for Christmas. $14.uu to H5 10. BAKER FL'RNITURE CO. 2 M561 22 FOR SALE COW. Jersey cow years old, giving milk; fresh In sixty days; have pedigree. Call 4121 Nicholas st. Q-M575 22 FOR SALE CHEAP $t Solar steel range, used $ months. Call after 4 p. m. at 15U S. 2Mh st. tj-691 lax FOR SALE White Wyandotte chlckena. 31$ N. 41st st. Q 692 23x 40 Square planns, $40 each, 40 cenis per weex. t'erneia riano o., nee uiag, Tel 7H. O'd re'lahle houe. Q 63 f lRNISHED ROOM! AID BOARD. FRONT room and board. 2 h. lth at F 0 dsx ROOMS with board: modern, ateam heat; also table board. The Dresher. 6uJ 8. loth. F Mitl D10 KiR DRE8Ia. J. K. WALLACE. Taxidermist, tut a. lttb. 5ul FOR REMT HOt'SES. FOR RENT, 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, all modern, on Park ave, $30. 4-room house, city water,-8124 Mason St. C. M. Bachmann, 43t-37 Paxton Block. D Mh9j FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good condition. Win. K. Potior, rec, 303 Brown block. D M114 HOI I9F ,n ll parts of the city. The HUUOtO o. Davie Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D 499 HnilPQ n 1I tart of the city. R. UUUJtO c. Meters ft Co., Bee Bldg. D 49! TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office 15114 Farnam, or Tals. 1669-stU. D-00 2fi0 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern except furnace, barn, $35. 812 Parke Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, $32.60. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M343 l-ROOM modern house, nicely furnished, two blocks north of High School; lease till next June $46.00 per month. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M342 FOR RENT, 6-room house. 2663 Woolworth Ave., $L'0 per month; possession given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl, care Dally News office. D M997 8-r house and barn, 1922 S. 35th ave....$18.X 8-r house and barn, 2120 N. 16th 20.00 6-r house, modern, 2211 Seward 20.00 F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. D-645 18 WALLACE. Brown Block. $352011 Bherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 560 MODERN house, west part of city. In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at cnee an extra low rate will be made. V.'llliam K. Potter, receiver. 308 Brown block. D 649 HOCSES FOR RENT. 8S37 Decatur St., 7 rooms $10.fJO H North 30th St., 6 rooma 14.00 818 North 43d st., 8 or H rooms 20.00 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 708 8outh 17th ave.. 2 rooms $8.00 1932 South. Uth at., 3 rooms 6.00 N. P. DODGE ft CO. 1614 Farnem 8t. D-M5S1 19 FOR RENT 3012 Marey St., 8 rooms, mod ern, $1!R; 4101 Dodge St., 8 rooms, modern, new, $22.50. The O. F. Davis Co., 618 Bee Bldg. D M583 23 $2.60633 Park ave., 7 rooms, modern. $302633 Spencer, 6 rooms, modern. $-03315 Myrtle, 8 rooms, modern. $7 4202 Hamilton, 5 rooms, modern. Inquire R. C, PETERS & CO. Ground Floor Bee Building. D-596 !3 FOR RENT, nice 8-room ' modern house at 116 S. 29th street. Enquire 4o3 Karbach Block. D M601 19 FURNISHED seven room house strictly modern, everything new, $40. t21 Cuming two car lines. D M608 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York IJfe Bldg. 'Phone 1014, D 602 SEVERAL good housea, $10 to $18. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D MHO FOR RENT, 7 room house. 1827 N. 18th. D 696 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co., Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster at, D-03 HOUSES, insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 198 FOR RENT, 4-room cottage, 2604 Blondo St., $8. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D M627 23 to4 'Harney, 8 rooms, modern $33.00 123 So. 35th ave, 7 rooms, modern 80.00 6.13 Park ave., 8 rooms, modern 32.50 1401 Jackson, 0 rooms, bath 25.00 3859 Franklin, 7 rooms 1 .00 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. D-M639 $7. For S rooms, new; water, aewer, gas, at 2103 N. 27th st. SNAP. $16. For I rooms, good shape; corner house, city water, sewer, gas. 27th and Patrick ave. SNAP. $16. NEW, 6-room cottage, porcelain bath, marble lavatory, hot and cold water, closet, gas, cemented cellar, fine location, north. SNAP. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. L Tel. 1472. D M636 tf MODERN -room house, 4"9 8. 25th ave. Apply to Wm. K. Potter, Rec.. 803 Browtt Blk. , D-M632 tf FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building auitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam. 2x90, tour stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator. Are and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Uulldlug Co., room 100. Bee building. I-M567 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R. C. Peters ft Co.. rental agents, ground floor Bee building. 1-M794 3-STORY and basement. 22x100; 1006 Farnam . i i oA l-'t TO .. ' I li 1- i-Sn FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam st, two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec'y., Room 1U0, Bee bldg. J-M98S For Rent At a Bargain. The large double store In Bee Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one of Its kind in Omaha. Present monthly rental, $175. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. Or will remodel Into two stores and rent each store for $75. Excellent location for men's furnishing store, shoe store, jeweler, milliner, " etc Every tenant of the Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So. 16th St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Want a Home? BUY IT NOW. Payments or Cash. 2904 Decatur st., rooms $1,000. 2907 Charles St., 6 rooms $750. 2810 Miami St., 5 rooms $1,000. 2711 Burdette St., 4 rooms $850. 1707 S. 10th St., t rooms $1,800. 1619 Locust st, 7 rooms $1,800. 2421 Wirt St., ( rooms Hl.friO. 2123 Locust St., 7 rooms $2,200. Four houses on l&tt t south of Vinton $1,200 each. Modern brick house, rents tor $1,440 per year, first class $12,000. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Building. RE 284 It ENGLISH & CO. Paxton Bl'k MUST GOAT ONCE 9 room modern residence in west Farnam district. $1,800.00 RE M340 21 $2,400 New six-room house at $715 Leaven worth; modern except furnace; corner lot; 70 feet front; car line passes door; $400 cash, balance eay paynvnte at per cent. Telephone 2736. ft IS W0 On Easy Payments $fi60.00 Double house, lot 60xi28, 1017 Martha. $ii75.00 7-room house, 1:721 Ohio st. $750.004 rooms, lot 30x168, 2226 Pierce. $JK).00 6-room cottage, 3421 Mason. $X50.00 4 rooms, lot 60xlVI, 3015 Cnarles. 39UO.OO 8-room cottage, 2424 Burdette. $1.250. 7 rooms, full lot, S5U N. 27th st OARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam st RE M470 1EMPTATIONS FOR INVESTOR8. Dot 65x120, east front, 10-room house, on 22d st. near Poppleton ave., close to where the elevator will be built, $2,500.00. Lot, 60x140, south front, paved at. and side walk, 8 or 9 room house, city water and bath, sewer, close to Slat and Mason sts., $2,300.00. room house, south front, on Capitol ave. and 26th at.. $2,500.00. Five 2-story 8-room housea, east front, close to schools and street cars; brings In in come of $100.00 per month; a bargain at $8 500.00. . J. A. LOVGREN, 436-7 Paxton Block. Omaha. RE M487 21 NORTH CF FLORENCE t acres on Calhoun road, well Improved: i acrea in fruit, $1,000. t acres 8 mllea north, In timber, only $200 for the piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, E10-611 N. Y. Life. RE 555 FIVE-ROOM cottage and east front lot; nice fence and lawn; barn and hennery; Ambler Place, west of Hanscom Park: price, $1,000. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 651 22 BARGAIN FOR 1,100. Owner going to Seattle. Brand new five room house with room for two more above. A very neat place, with good well and cistern. Young fruit trees. Within half block of Fort street car line. No. 6317 No. 26th. Full lot 1614 Farnam St N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam at ' RE M67 tO TWO 7-r houses, all modern, with furnace Just put In, excellent repair, N. 2130-32 N 2!th, to good tenant with small family! each, $15.00. " F. D. WEAD. 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE 646 18 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to aell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It, The) best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural wiekly goes to 48.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small tyoe or $2 50 per inch if set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE 329 FOR SALE, twelve-acre rrult farm at Bialdentown. Florida; water front, youna orange and banana grove, and uood house Address Lock Box 06, Giltner. Aeb. KB '94 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B A McAllaster, land commissioner. Union pacino headquarters, Omaha, Neb. ' RB-651 REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot and three houses in E. V. Smith's addition only, $250. Thomas Brennan, Hit) Ho' Wth street. RE-M605 ' ON 21ST NEAR MANDERSON 1 neat five-room houae, with gas, city water and sewer connections. Uood ! lar. Mut be sold this week. Price. (1 luu PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Fioor jj. Y. Life. RE-M 18 SALINE county took first prise at Ne braska's fair; bargains In farms; $35 to fiO per acre; H section of valley land la Dawson county very cheap at $7 2u0. F G. Johnson, University Place. Neb. RE M888 20 BACK COPIES of THIS WEEK'S ISSUES, containing TUB MIS-SPELLED WORDS, Can be obtained at the Bee business ofllce. 2C PER COPY. M6i n ALL about North Dakota and where to buy flood lands cheap; descriptive folder aud ist sent free; reliable representatives want- d. Whitney at Wheclock, 13 Broad way. Fargo, N. D. RE tall CHOICE BUILDINO SITE. We offer the tine corner lot southeast cor ner 3M h ave. and Dodge, for $2.75u. lilrks. 4JS Board of Trade. RE 614 lox HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also sure property and fvm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 60S bee bldg. RE HQ CH AS. E. Williamson Co., RE 49 SEE Chris Boyer before buying 2id and Cuming. 'Phone ftrtit. RE M464 Dll Hastings ac Heyden. 110 N. Y. Life Bldg, will build a new house for you In any part of the city aud aell on eiy term AK-ell SI FOR SALB REAL ESTATE. HARRISON MORTON. MI 13 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. $14. i ACREAGE. There Is no better property to buy than suburban acres. Many a man has grown rich because his business required him to Invest In broad acrea near a great city. The pieces we offer ought to double In value within a year, and they will If Mr. Stlckney's plnns do not miscarry, and we do not think they will. Five acres lying near Center St.. paved road on 63d St.. $no. lies high, smooth and sightly; and Is a bargain. Present non resident owner paid a higher price for this, but is obliged to sell. 66 acres a'llttle farther out than the above, held by a national bank, which must dis pose of it. Has good trackage and la suitable for a South Omaha stockman; $100 an acre for this Is very cheap. 40 acres near Mr. Hurt's great sheep ranch. $176 an acre; has some Improvements, Ilea on a main road and Is accessible to South Omaha and trackage. 20 acres less R. R. In 8. W. part of town, not far from where the N. W. railroad has made such heavy Improvements put ting In round houses, etc.; $7,000. A slightly less offer might be considered. 90 acres a little farther west, lies well; $150 n acre, possibly a little less, would buy It. Soma scattered 6-acre lots In this same lo cality, $126 an acre. 36 acres, a large portion set out to fruit and In bearing; has most excellent Improve ments In the way of buildings. An Ideal place for a man who Is not willing to wait to let things grow, but wants them already grown. This place Is north of the Country club; price $10,000. 20 acres near 96th St., between Omaha and Bouth Omaha. $10,000; lies beautifully, not a 'bad lot In It. This Is a close-In piece of acreage well located. BOULEVARD LOTS. A gentleman said to us the other day In regard to a very sightly and desirable corner: "I have watched that corner for 7 years." He finally bought It and tra- rnedlately after ha did so It doubled In price. If you have In the same manner watched the choice east front lots on Florence boulevard, hoping some day to secure one, we would say to you r.ow It is time to quit looking and go to buying. We offer property hero that you will not get as cheap again. Corner opposite Mr. Morrison's "Edge wood," 62x130, fronts east . and north, $1,000. 82HXS00, a little further up, fronts east, near Mr. Oratton's fine . residence, $1,250, or we will sell double the frontage, 16S feet, the same depth, for $2,500. This would give purchaser more than an acre of choice east front boulevard property very cheap. I 8214x300, with small cottage,, now renting for $90 a year, has city water and gas, can be used while one Is building s better house; nice trees. Will sell tfc'.s for $2,000. You might look a long time and not find a better thing to buy. It la a home or a speculation, or both. We havs several other pieces which we think are even better than anything we have advertised. We will be glad to show any persons Interested these also. We have one elegant Improved piece that It Is not generally known can be bought at all, but owing to certain changes owner would sell. This, we think, would please most any one, and the price la right BUSINESS PROPERTY. 22x132, on Farnam, between 11th and 14th, " with good -story brick building, renting for $1,800 a year; nonresident owner de sires to close It out Price, $31,000. 44x132, vacant, on Farnam, between loth and 11th. most desirable for wholesale business, requiring a prominent location on the principal thoroughfare, running from the depot to the residence portion of the city open to an offer. The non resident owners of this lot would Improve It to suit any good tenant who would take a 6-yar lease at a fair rental. HAWTHORNE. 47x108, near 33d, o"n Davenport $525 If you buy It as soon as you read this ad. JEROME PARK. We offer 96x132. east and south corner, on Farnam, at $66 a foot. We do not know of any corner better than this for the money. KOUNTZE PLACE. We offer a full lot on Sherman Ave., paved, $800. We think this very cheap. KOUNTZE A RUTH'S. We have a nice lot on 20th, backing up to the Great Western; nonresident owner wants an offer. FARMS. 78 acres 20 miles from Omaha, handy to local town, 870 an acre. I'J) acres 19 miles from Omaha, one of the best Sarpy county farms, $75 an acre, ad joining 200 not quite as good, can be had at $60 an acre. 200 acres near LaPlatte. pretty close to the river, but well worth the money, $30 an acre. 140 acres Vk miles straight west of Hans com Park, $100 sn sere. HARRISON ft MORTON, . 013 U N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 114. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' CITIZENS Of Adjacent Towns Looking tor Omaha Investments. OMAHA REAL ESTATE GOOD AS WHEAT. The following are a few of what we huv to offer: Parker, near ISth, 5 rooms, $1,600. So. Omaha, rooma, large lot, II. W), Miami, near 22d, 8 rooms, porcelain batt tl.H'K). Maple, near 22d, 8 rcoms, nice lot, $2,3i. ' Spauloing. near 37th, 8 rooms, $2,50. IxKMiwt, near ixth. ? rooms, nire. J.iiO. Ames ave., near 25th, $ robins, new, $2,!C Mapie st., 2.'li-l; want offer. Neor Iike, on. 22l, 7 rooms, fine, $3,350. Douglns si., 25SH-8, donbln house, $4.'. West Harnev, new, first class, 4.7&o. On Smith Huh, near Hickory, large hou and cottage, fronting 10th St., and two cot tagce fronting 8th M.; get particulars. St. Mary's avv, near 21st, t rooms. $6.&i Business building. 3 story, excellent loca tion; pays over 6 per cent; net price $51.0 0 UNIMPROVED: Oood west front lot on 36th, near Burt, S.iuth front, on Burt, near 35th., $1.0O $3 m outh 'ront ,ot on l,8e. near 35th. ("holes corner, 36th and Jackson (two lots adjoining sold recently); price $3.5uO; noth ing finer. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street RE M640 ID LOT 1, Coe's subdivision, a tract of over two acres on Urand avenue; price low for quick sale. F. D. Weed. 1524 Douglas. RE M028 20 1 B 85TH AVE.. 7 rooma and barn; a de cided snap- apnnt t0 8e (n), wek 9Ur F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. RE-M626 20 3855 FRANKLIN ST. Is a 8-r. cottage,"x40; with city water, gaa and fireplace, old fashioned chimney outside; full lot, neatly sodded and terraced; trees and barn; needs little repair, but a gem, and price is less than cost of buildings; reasonable terms. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RE M625 20 $1,0002940 Arbor, 4 rms., new, sewer, water. 60x140 lot. $100 down. Snap $7508. E. cor. 41st and California, 6 rooms, full lot and barn. Snap. D. V. SHOLE8 CO., N. Y. Life. TEL. 49. RE M634 tf MONEY TO LO A3 CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest In Omaha. We want your business and believe an In vestigation of our methods will get- It even If at the present you are deallnr, elsewhere. KIND. COURTEOUS TREAW MENT to all. Our offices are the beat equipped to handle your bualneaa with privacy of any In the city. Come In and aea ua, whether you borrow or not Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 807-308 Paxton block. Rooms $07-808. JL-441 PAQV TO GET C0 I TO PAY Bet explains our methods. ivm.ii vii ii.ruiiuTtj, pianos, warenoun receipts, etc. Or if you av & permanent v-v..wa -www uiano IUU H SALARY LOAN ...... tuuw vuwtiijr. except your own agree ment to repay. Cur service la quick and rnnfln.nHn I . .1 .. . n i n, n . . . ..... j A l that we aak Is that yoti give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. li Board of Trado iuOa. Tel. 215. (Established U92. 306 S. 16th St. X-MS4S MONEY I-OANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE 6TOCK, 8ALAR.ES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Tryus if you want to save money. 833 Paxton block. 16th and Farnam sts. X 640 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LtAN8 TO K.AnAc, k jcjv.t xr.. mciei-ms, lea ro sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity, easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cltloa. Tolman, 440 Board cf Trade Wdf. . X-C41 MONEY locned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 611 Paxton block. Tbe J. A- Jluttt n Co. ;:543 MONEY loanded oa pianos, furniture, lew- X-54S CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R 6. Barker Block. X 544 CLAIRVOYANTS. OYLMER, palmist 715 N. X3d; 'phone B- B-62J MRS. CARRIE SMITIL SOVEREION LADY UUEEN of clalrvoyuits; every thing told, paat. present and future. Sat lafactlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8624 MME. GYLMER, . Omaha's Favorite Palmist. 7 yeais in Omaha. Others oome and go, but Mine. Gylmer re mainsthe most wonderful palmUt of the age. She will tell you anyi.Jng you want to know. Don't fall to consult her; she can benefit you. Parlors, N. 23d at. 8 Mi PROF. ZANZIC. the Egyptian Wlrard and" Clairvoyant. All revealed nothing con- FREE! FREE! FREE! A wonderful book of forbidden knowledge FREE this woek to ail who have read Inga. If in trouble of any kind, or If In terested In love, courtship, marriage, changes, travel or business, CALL AT ONCE. He reunites lovers, brings good luck, causes happy and speedy marriages, removes evil Influences, etc. In fac t, he does for you all that others have failed to do. Personal magnetism and clairvoyance qulrkly developed to the highret dearee. Call today, aa he will poBhTvely be here tut a abort time. Parlors, 1709 Dodge. Iioura I to 8. 8 M586 20 MADAM MOYNIHAN. graduate School of Occult Science, New York; expert palmist, clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and de scribes thieves or friends; locates min erals. I will guarantee my readings and the chnrges will be nothing If I cannot see your friends as they are or descrtlie your home. I have read for the late President McKlnley. Mrs., Potter PHlmer, Mme, Pattl and man)' other prominent people. Will accept engagements to read and en tertain In homes. Itili Douglas st. 8 Mi',22 18 FOR SALE HORSES, WAOOKS, ETC. MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. 16ta st P-tU SECOND-HAND top buggy with rubber tires. $"0; runabouts, $12 and $16. Ander-sen-Mlllard Co., 1616-118 Capitol Ave. TeL tu. P-275DU JEW and 2d hand vehicles for sale; re calrs. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-820 TOP buggy, almost new; a big snap. A. W. Johnson, with John Deere Plow company. P M3i D13 FOR SALE Gentleman's roadster, mare I years old, guaranteed Bound and gentlef anv lady can drive ber; for aale, alao, a high-bred Kentucky mare $ years old, slnglefooter and an excellent riding horse; will ae 1 both horoea at reasonable figures. A. D. Brandels, Boston Store. P-ttf 19x FOR SALE Two tine trotting bred brood mares; one Ir fast, the other a known pro ducer. Both registered snd In foal to Red Heart 3d. 3:1 ("Ire of Chain Shot :0u. Celt), son of Red Wilkes. W. H. Pwlght. I.e Mars, la. P-M 573 WASTED TO BUY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. Lrevine pa; price. Telephone 771. ine jpays the highest cash WANTED, a second-hand guitar. Muat be standard make and In good condition. State full particulars. Address W 4. Bee. N-M536-19. WANTED, a limited number of white ram and mice, guinea pigs, ferrets, rabbits, fancy plgeona. In fact, peta and blrda of all kind. Please give deacriptlon of yof stock. Address E. L. Frederick, Kearney, V Neb. N M587 WANTED, to buy good milch cowj'flve description and price. Addre-s W it, free. i-M644 2Zx