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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
J ) v TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, KOVEMHER F, 1P0.T GRAIN AXD PRODUCE MARKET ) Lumber Whett ii Down Ba.f Cent ci L qniitkn by Hofe CORN AND OATS BOTH LOWER IN PRICE Farmer Orala Mot tevpert mm Latter riada Few Bayers Market Active, bat Ottaes? Provisions Blew. CHICAGO, Nor. 7. The wheat market .had an eauier tendency tooay, due lu a ;eneral oire lu liquidate on tho pari ot iolurs ol Uie Dectinuvr op.iun, ti.e cl Inn price on that aeuvery oeing Ho It. wer. Lecember corn waa down "'. taut wtr oit JS'tit(jv whiie uiiuaty p.ovfc&.uns cioei truni bo higher to luo lower. Decemljei wneal waa offered quite freely at the mart on targer rece.pis in (he nortn weal ana titer also good, el n house sales ot that commodity, wuuh re auiied in weakneaa early in the day. De cember op nut a shaue 10 c lower at ,4a and before the end 01 the first huu. the price had dropped to 78c. Toward tha rnlduie of tbe section a good general ue rnand developed and, with outalua markets howlng aonie advance and prediction of unfavorable weather, the inarket assumed a brighter aapect and the early loea waa all regained. Reports ot a email, export bualnnut at the seabonrd caused fuitht-r liquidation lata in the day and pricea aatn eaaed 'Off. The clone wna at the bouom, with December a lower at "RV4(ij7oijc. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to ul,WO bit Primary rerelpta were 1,, tuO bu., attalnat l,6i4,40j bu. a year ago. Mlnnnapolla and Duluth reported receipt of 75 cars, which, with local rectlpls of K care two of contract grade made total rerelpta for the throe po.nta of l.ojtl cars, against 1.05.1 laat week and 1,176 a year ago. Cord did not receive any particular sup port and pricea ragged. Fine weather maue the pit mood somewhat bearish and there waa arattered selling by local traders, who deemed It bent to even up over Sunday. The rash demand waa fair, but recelpia were a little larger. After selling between 444c and 44Ha. December closed "ic lower at 44'S44ic. Ijocal receipts were '6il cara, with 17 of contract grade. Oata ruled a little easier, along with wheat and corn, but local tradera showed little disposition to take the ae ling side of the market. Cash houpoa wera fair buyer of Dec-ember and after ranging be tween Sbti&ho and iba that month closed at i4!&3o-tc, a loaa. ot ac. Local re ceipts were 378 cara. with the exception of lard, provlalona ruled easier. There waa some buying of lard at the start, but from, the action of the other hog producta It looked as if Inrd wan being supported In order to make a better inarket upon which to unload. The a waa scattered t el In of pork by tired hold era and the oommixiity closed 15c lower at Ill.W for the January option. January lard waa 5c higher at 16.80, but ribs were off 7Vic at !.2tX(M2SU. estimated rerelpta ror .Mondavi Wheat, fti cars: corn. 220 cara: oats. 215 para: hnira M.M0 head. Th leading futures ranged aa follows! Articled. Open. Hlgh. Low. CloBe.l Tea y. Wheat tDec; May Corn Teo. May July aoata Dec. May May Lard- Deo. . Jan. May Rlhs Jan. May ,W1III We. 78M.I78 ViS78X& I I. 44m 44UM4Urit. 43'43M, S3 I 34V4 6S i, I f 1? K ia tx 13 15 rr?,' 5 It 9?HI 12 06 12 02ft 12 15 6 J5 6 77H SO 7S 77 '5 K4 80 t SO (27 4 u is WTO 9 8 I 75 6 82H 75 I7fcl to No. t. tNew. Cnsh ouutatlons were as follows: FLOUR Quiet and easy; winter patents ents. ft 1064.40; straight a, 13.706 3 80; bakers', WHEAT No. 8 eprlnE, 7(?80V4c; No. ted, 79iwi4c. CORN No. 2. UKf. No. vellow. 4KUo. OATS No. J, 86c; No. 2 white, SS'&c; To. S RYE No. 2, 6W40. BARLEY Good feeding, 40c; fair to Choice malting, 4(Vjr5tic. Mo. Thriothy,' prima, 52.90.- Clover,- contract grane, iiu.Mwio.tiu, PROVISIONS Meas pork. per bbl. tll.l7H. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 1W.87V4.90. B'lor rlba. sides (loone). J7 2&CI.75. .Short clear Idea fboxed). J8.75(37.00. KaGS llrm; at mark, cases Included, CHEESrJ Eaav at 10Via. The following wer the recelpta of flour ana grain. Rreolnta. Shipment Flour, bbla... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, ,bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.... .... n S00 15.200 ...,1?4 810 41?. 200 ....S'o aio I4t aoo ....K2.000 132.500 .... lOfOO ....184,400 - IS 9M On the Produce Exchange todav the but ter market waa. easy; creameries, lisfawj; dalrlos. 14818Vic - HEW YORK GENERAL-MARKET. , Qaetattoas of .the Day oa Varloaa - Commodltlea. NEW YORK. Nov. 7-FLOUR-necelpts, 10.061 bbla.; exports, 40.286 .bbla. Market quiet but steadily held; winter patents, $4.004.35; Winter strxtghts. J3.i'u4.1U: Minnesota pat ents, $4.0044.76: winter extras, 53.0O&3.4O; l! V. I. . - I, in. I . . 1 1 i" .... n . i m, . w. i .j . . . .j , wimar low grades, 12.803.21). Rye flour, ateady; fair tu good, Iau3.40; choice tf fancv, I3.4iut l.0. Buckwheat flour, easy at l-'.3n?t2.40. CORNMEAL Dull: yellow western, $1.05; vity, Klin oneu, a.wtQj.zv. Hit, yuiet; wo. x western, 51c nominal o. b., ndoat, state and Jeisev. S'Vu&Kc. BARLEY Staadv: faedlne-. 42Ua e. V t BuTalo: mal'ing. SiQ6!o c. T. f Buffalo. WHEAT Raoeipla, 1,0;.IOS bu.; exports, f 88.474 bu. The market for spot was llrm; No. 1 red. IWAc elevator: No. 2 red. K7c 1 r b., afloat; No. 1 northern Puluth, sso f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba, nominal (. o. b., afloat. Optlona opened easier on fioor cables and prospects for bearish week y statistics On Monday, but later rallied on further covering ' of December shorts. The close waa I40 net higher on December and unchanged on May. Close: May, &Jc; Julv, 80c; December, tV.Vjc. CORN Receipts, 22.600 bu.; exports,' 118.. R15 bu. The market for spot was easy; No. 2, 61c elevator and 62c f. o. b afloat; No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. white, 5l"c. tptions were dull and easier because of fine weath er, poor caah demand and bearish ciblea. The market closed dull and eauy at Vy-Hc net decline: May, 4 5-lrn4ie, rinsed at 49 5-ltle; Iecember, 6oTfi61c, closed 6i74e. OATS Recelpia, 51,0uo bu. I exports, 'J5.000 mi. Tbe market for spot waa dull; No. 2, 41Hc: atandard white, 44o' No. 3, 4nUc; No. i white. 4314c; No. t white. o; track white, 4iMu4&ic. HAY Ptciuly j spring, 60 u 75c; good to choice. & Ota. Ht)PR Eirm; Parlflo roaat, 1903, 21280; HKf!, 2l(h'Jiiiv: olda, 10-iri2a HIlii:S Hteadv; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., lko; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 13c; Texas dry. . at 10 3U ins., lie. I .FATHKR Jfesdv: add. 21'WV.o. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $'.0 CO ftlO&O; mesi, ts l'(i..50: beef liams, $21.5Kii w s.w; racmt. .wivo.u; city, extra inntu mes. $l4'ni00 Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies. r'.2t'''Hl.W): pickled shoulders. $.Vff 1.75: pickled hams. Jll.Oi.i li.lU I.r(l, dull; western e'enmed. $7.45; refined, Stendy; con, $7 78: South America. $35; co-n- iound, $; 87vvif'7 00. Pork, steady: fuT-Hv. iKf": yhort clear, $l3.,; mesa, $13 CO (1 1 8 75. RIC'E-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 41? $: Japn. nominal. BUTTER Rteady twflrm; extra cream ery. 2L"-.c: creamery, common to choice. 16 trJ2c; Imitation creamery, IfoflSc: stats dulrv. loyJUo; renovated, 1Mj17o; factory. 13V'i'fk.c. CHE!:SE-3ulet; state, full creams. 113 Hc. EtlOS 8trong: wester firsts, J7?8r; ex tra thirds to seconds, 21a-tc; refrigerator, 2l-'i2,.,c. TALLOW Steady; city, Hc; country, 4'4j St. Loala Grala aatl Provlsloas. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7. WHEAT Weak: No. 1 red, c:.sli, elevator, nominal; tratk, S7lt: 8.SV.C; IVcemLer. KHc; May, 1C; No. J lisrd. 77Vi7!m'. Wf (t)RN-Uww; No. I cash, 41c; track. iZK OATS Firm ; Nd I each. ST,-: track. 37H fiflfc; December, Sic; May. alc; o. 0 white, 4r. E Firm". Mtyc. KTil'R-Dull: red winter ratents. $4 (XMJ lu: extra fancy and strut fttt, $3.7i4.Uj; Hs to SKEIV-Tlniothv. steadv. $2.2Mr2 60. fi-ti- i,Brtv. $i?0. BRAN Oulet: ui kd. east track. TSfrTTe. HAY Firm for h-t aridcs; timothy, Jt.uO fpi-.': prai.e, t oi.-vt 10 'Mi. it""- II'itom TIES $1.05. 1 1i5I.V-M.,!HUo. HF.MP TWINE Ac. PROVISIONS ''irk, Standard nines, fll.K. eay; 1obMns, Lard, weak, f Paeon, firm; boxed extra shorts, W.BH; clear ribs, t7S; short clear, 9 .12'4j. POI'LTiti ii m; chlikoiis. 7c: pprings, lc; tinkers, lie; ducks. MiSi'-fcc; iHc. FVTTEK Pteady; crer.inery, lSjtHc. LtjOS Fteady, 21c, loss off. Receipts, Shipments Fl-wir, bbls n.wn ll.ono Wheat, bu 120 4."0 Corn, bu iW.tKMl 2.i") Oats, bu ...eM.OUO 23,000 OMAHA WHOLESALE) MARKET. Condition of Trade anal Quotations Staple aal Faaey Prolate. : Et5C!8 Frewh stock, loss off, ilo, LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7tfTSc; spring chickens, Iruk'.sc; musters, accoruing to ug U.ic; turkeys, J2c; ducks. He; geme, IjiM. B Packing stuck, liV; choice to fancy dairy, in tuu, ltxttWc; separator, Kle. KuE.Sii FISH fr-sn caught trcut, 10c; pickerel, Be; pike, ltic; perca, ec; buRalo, 'aKc; b.uellfih, Pic; wnl.elian, i.ic; salmon, lie; hnddocK, loci coollvh, rejsnapper, 11c; lubaters, bolied, ter lb., 3s; lobster, green, per lb.,2N-; bulllitad. lie; catrtfh, i4c; lilack las-", y"f.5c; nnl but. Be: croppies, Uc; herilng. tic; white Las. loc; bluellns, to. Oi8lhhi-New Vora counts, per can, tic, per gal., 2 00; extra seiects, per enn iic, er aai.. $1. 6; standard, per tan, 27c, per gal., i.S5. iniAfi-rer ion, lit ow. HAY Prices iuoted by Omaha Whole-I iale Dealers' assjlailon: Choice No. 1 up- and. iM.n'i; No. 2. $7.f0: medium, 7.(); coarse, 18 60. Itye straw, s.6. i nee pr ces are for hay or good col. r and Quality, uo mand fnlr and receipts tight. j OATS 36c. RVE-No. 2. EOe. VEOETABLE8. POTATOES Colorado, toe: Dakota, per bu., 7mu75c; nitive. 66'arOe. BNVliir rtllATOLB-Home grown, per basket. 86c; Virginias, per 8-bu. bbl.. I3.U0. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 12.25. CKLERY HtnaJl, per dot., 2(Q35c; large restern, 4jC. ONIONH New home grown, dry. per lb.. lHc; Hpanleh, per crate. II SO. camii Atiti w iconsln Holland, io. TL'HNIl'S Canada Kutabagaa. Dcr lb.. lcj white, per bu., 60c. ca knots per bu., 5V. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60c. FRUIT" PRUNES Italian, per box, J1.00. PEAKS Colorado and Utah Keif era. 11.75. winter Nellls, J2.iliitf2.50. APPI.ES-Michigjn atock, M25: Callfor nla nellflowers. per bo. II. Co: New Tork Orrer.liirs and Baldwins, U.ta; aatlng varl- OI'At'KH-California Tokavs, 11.66; New Tork. .nr 8-lb. btsket, 20c; pony Ca awhax, tic; Imrted Malaras, prr Keg, J50ii.ei. CRANBERRIES Per hbl.. Jm.M: oar hnr. $3 on; WIronsin Bell Bugle. 19.50. Vtjiwt-tif . anrornia, per pox, TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANOES Mexican, all sites. MOO. LEMONS California fancv. anu to ?Vt Sizes, 4.u0; ciiolca 240 to 270 sizes 4.0u4.25. F1US Calltornia, per JO-lb. cartcna. 8oc; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown. 18o. DATES Persian, per box of 80 packages. t2.': tier lb., in 80-lb. hone Sc. BANANAS Per medium t-lzed bunch, 52.C0 Q2.60; Jumbo, U o'jt.l.2!. MlSCliLLANEOUS. Clli.SE Wisconsin twins, full prp.m I t-mv, y iBcoiiBin xuung Americae, l3'4c; block SwIsh, loc; Wisconsin brick, 12oi wlHconln llmberger, 12c. nuiMcr rseorasaa, per 24 frames, $3.50; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frame, ti&j CIDER Per bbl., 6.75; per H-bbl.. $3 25. PUPUORN-Per lb., ahelled, S8Vc. HORSH RADISH Per ca of u packed, 80c. in utb walnuts, No. 1 shoft-ahell, per lb.. 15c; hard-shellt per lb.. He; No. 2 sott-ahell, .tti iu.f 4.;, no, iiaru-snen, per in., J2ni Uracils, per lb., 31&liic: nlbeits, per lb., ll&'IMfcc; almonda, ooft-aheil, per lb., 15c; haid shell, per lb., 13c: pecana, large, per lb., 10'ullcj Bmall. per lb., peanuts. per lb., be; roasted peanuU. per lb., 7o; walnuts. i2h:p: iurira M Wr-, per bu., 41.75; shell-bark.i, per bu., I1.7.V(i 2.00; black walnuts, per bu.. 11.25; eastern chestnut.-), per lb., 14c. HIDES No. l green, Hc; No. 2 green. BVic; No. 1 salted, Vc No. 2 salted, 6i.c: No. 1 veal calf, ii to 12 lbs., 84c; No 2 vexl calf, 12 to 15 lbi 6'4c; dry railed hides, m 12c; sheep pelta, 25ij7ic; horse hide. tl-GOtf Kansas City Grain aad Prorlatoaa. KANSAS CITT, Nov. 7. WH EAT De cember, 67")iQT7c; May, 68H"; cash No 2 hard, 72V4C, No. 3. ttfiAOo; No. 4, 611i07c rejected, 6c; No. 2 red, 7c; No. 3. 75 CORN December, JTc; May, 37cj cnsh, No. 2 mixed, 3VHeSjM0c; No. white, 3ic: No. S, S9ii;;9i4e. OATS-No. 2 mixed, Mc; No. white, 35 0360, RYE No, J, 4M4o. s. . . IAT Choice timothy, $9.00; oholce prairie, BUTTER Creamery, 18Hff20c; dairy, facy, lSc. . ECQS Firm ; Missouri and Kansas, eases returned, 2oVir doa.; new, No.. whiu wood caaes Included, 21o. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 157.2o 120 nna Corn, bu 12.000 J5.200 Oata, bu 26,000 17,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 7. BUTTER Fair demand; western, 22o; nearby prints, 23c. , EGQ3 Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, c. loss off: weatern, 2Sc; southwestern, 2&V27r; southern, JfJoc. CHEESE Quiet but ateady; New Tork fyll creams, fancy. 12c; choice. 1114o: fair to good, 11411 Mio. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 7. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 6a 2d; No. 1 northern aprlng, no atock; futures oulet; December, 6a 5Vd; May, tiBMi; Juns, Oa 3i. CORN Spot, qtilet; American mixed, 4a lHd; futures dull; December, 4s ITid; Jan uary, 4a &. , , Mlaaeapolia Wheat, Ploair and Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 7. WHF ATr). cember, 7W7SHc: May, 7827Sc; on track. No. I hard, 8IW0; No. 1 northern, SO-ic. r'lAJUR First patents, $4.50itr4.60j aecorid patents, $4.40fo4 : nrst clears, $3.411513.50; second clears, $2.30fI2.50. BRAN In bulk, $13.25. Milwaukee Grala Market. ' MILWAUKEE. Nov. 7. HRAT-Firm No. 1 northern, 82&Mc; No. t northern, 804 tlUVl l)cember. 7Hc. HVR Stmk" 'n 1 UtUA - BARLEY Dull; standard, 60c: samples. HUffi t'Je " CORN December, sc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov: 7. SEEDS Clnv.e K. ..ATnl.A t .! a r: . T j .a. . . $U62H; Fel.ruary, $6.5."; Mnrch, 86 RTU; prima timothy, $1.36; prime alsike, f6.60. ' , Peorln tirnln Market. PEORIA, Nov. 7-CORN-Higher; No. f, 44c; No. 4. 43c. OATS Firm to hlarher; No. t white. SOV.e; No. 4 white. SltiiSiic. Dmloth Grala Market. DT'LTTTH. Nov 7. WH EAT On ' track. No. 1 northern. 79c; No. f northern, 7714o: December. 7:v'.,c; May, TEjic. OATS-J1HC lagar and Molasses. NEW TORK. Nov. 7-SUOAR-Raw, steady: fair refining, 8 5-16c; centrifugal 96 test. 313-1'Jc; molansoi sugar, 3 1-ltio. Re fined, sttady; No. 6, 4.30c; No. 7. 4.25e; No. 8. 4.20c; N't). 9. 4 '5c; No. 10, 4.10c; No. 11 4.05c: No. 12. 4c: No. 13, 3 93"; No. 14. 8.90c. Confectioners' A. 4.Rc; mould A, 4 95c; cut loif. 6.3ic; crushed. 5.30c; powdored, 4.8uc; grnntilatrd. 4 7uc; cubea, 4 9.C MOLAf-RES yieady; New Orleana open kett'e. ct d to choice, Slfi42c NEW ORLEAV4. Nr.v. 7. SITOAR Wiiin; open aetiie centrifugal, 36ti II 1-I6c; conn 11 1.(111 1 srsnuiaiea. Vjc; wniles, ic: yellow, svtic: fnud, 7-16j. .mui.Adhi.d-open kitle.; centrif ugal, loytc. eyrup, steuiy, .biiSSa, Dry Cooila Market. NFTV YORK. NCA'. 7.-DRY OOODS liuylng ahows comparatively little improve- ihlt.1 111 volume, out preaiciiona are not in frequent thit the coming week will wit. nea de'ltled1y more easterners to enter tho market petor in noBit)iiuies of an sd ance in piece gools are realized. Tha tlnnnesi or the manufacturer Is still a fea lure of the nurket. a rood muny order at o a prices peing reiunea. i Wool M-rket NEW TORK X'"V. T.-WOOL Stead v: ST. LOl'ld. N'.v. 7 WOOL Oulet fair demanrt: medium grades, combing and rhithloK lTiriliVc; lliiht fine is317c; heavy Hue. IT !i'14c; tub washed. foj,;'0o. LONDON. Nov. 7. WOOL Th arrivals ror tne sixtn series or auction sales amount to 69 195 btlea. including 14,000 forwarded u 1 reel to aplnnera. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Nov. 7-WHI'KY-Steady. on ST. LOl'13, Nov. 7. WUISKY-Staady, CHlfAGO, Nov. T. WHISKY On basia of e'rh tvines ateady, $125. CINCINNATI. Nov. 7 WHISKY-Diatll-'ri' n..ttiod goods, ateady, oa baais of 41 -J. NEWYORRSIOCKS AND BONDS Steel Preferred Again Tonobee Bottom, but Biiei Without AniittocA WITH PRESSURE OFF PRICES HARDEN i rpward Maveiaeat, Htntttr, la iloaj. Klah aa Dall aal Market Ha Aalmalloa St. Iala DorrsnliKi Repaid. NEW YORK. Nov. 7 United States PteeJ referred dinned to yeaterdnv'a low record eaterdny a low recora imtnedlftpl v after thn ortenlng of th after tho opening of the stock market todav. but Its easy recovery, with rienllngs almost as light aa on the decline, made the drop not very Impressive. The relaxation of the recpnt severe pressure on this stock relieved th market to some ex tent and prices were Inclined to harden. The railroad list. In fact, was but little affected-by the opening dip by Steel . pre ferred. The upward movement ' was ex tremely slueglah and dull, and the market showe ports ' l'nlte) ed little breadth or animation, ne- mrrm in rersistnt circulation thAt the m4 fttalM Steel rornorstlon tflanned a cut In all steel producta on the basis of th lower price lor miieta, out an intmius iu secure official Information on th subject were repelled. The bank statement waa regarded aa favorable on account of the heavy loan contraction dlscloaed, although the caah tie- crease was about as large as had been esti mated. The decrease In denosits reouceo thn reserve requirements so for that rather more than half of last week'a surplus ia conserved. The decrease In loans Is at tributed In part to the llquldatltm In the stock market and to the repayments Inci dent to the loan of November 1 aettlemente. Some of the borrowings of last week inci dent to the crisis at St. Louis nre also be ll.tv4 in hnvii been renald. The money and exchange markets are rather nominal on Saturday, but the tone or sterling wi reported weak and demand bllla were nuntiul at tiki flat which Is Within th mare-in of profit In gold Imports. None Am nnnniinc.t but there were varlou rumors of fair engagements. Reporta from London ahow a hardening market for dls counta and an Increased control of the open money market by the Bank of England. Thn rnnnervntlve attitude of bankers ana money lenders, which had begun to be nmliBt relnxerl with the lonr delay In the crop moving demanda for currency, hea been in evidence Benin this week. This de mand. though belated, haa risen now to rather Above the normal Of DrecedlnB years. warning the banking community that their preparations for such a contingency wtae not mistaken. The heavy movement of cotton-and the high price at which the crop la aelilng has increased the need of the volume of currency to move It. But the volume ot exchange against Its export has been correapondlngly large and the offerings ,f cotton hllla in the exchange market have kept sterling near the gold Import some' ahow of opposition to the New York pressure for gold, the Hank ot r;ngiana a selling nrlce of gold having been advanced. But conlldence la felt that any approach to stringency In the New York money market would lead to prompt relief by gold ahip ments, aa the International trade movement haa given New York an evident control of that .vphnnr situation. The tightness of the money market has reduced the demand for bonds and the re cent average of tho business In that de partment has been considerably diminished. Prices have been Inclined to yield with the f.jlllcr r,ft In demand. I'nlted States 2s de. cllned Vi per cent below the closing call of hist week. Following are the closing quotation on the New XorK btocK exrnange: Sales. High. Low. Cloe Atchison ..10,000 &4 4i sv4 do pfd .. 800 . W Baltimore & Ohio .. 4,1 5 7f do ofd 150 87 871 Canadian Pacific ...... 800 US'. 118 'm 'io' 860 28 2S Utt f,4i W. 600 15 H7- Central of IS. J Chesapeake & Ohio... Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Weatern. do U pfd Chicago & N. W Chicago Term. & T... do pfd 10 200 100 Hi37i 8 16H C. C. C. & St. L Colorado roumern ..... do lat pfd do 2d ofd : Delaware & Hudson , Del., Lack. & Weat Denver & Rio Grande do pfd "f Erie ., 17.200 . 27 do 1st pfd .t.... Lieu o;1 do 2d Dfd 1.800 4. Ot. Northern ffd...... ..... . Hocking valley Ilftnofs Central"".'..!'... "eio i30 Iowa Central 100 nift UO Ull ' K. C. Southern 100 18. 18 ioot; '9914 130 136 do nfd Louisville & Nashville 1,200 Manhattan L W0 Metropolitan Bt. Ry Minn, ft ot. J-.ouis ... Missouri Pacific , 6,875 1U0 Mo., Kan. & Tex do pfd N. K. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk ft Western.. do nfd 100 SS 38 1.100 11774 117 11 100 60H 56 I "ino '26'' '20' : Ontario ft Western.. Pennsylvania .... P.. C. C. ft St, L ..21.650 117T4 lit)? 117 44 44 44 Reading 8.350 do lat pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 3.900 do pfd St. L. ft 8. F 24V4 23 do 1st pfd St Paul do pfd Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway do pfd Texas ft Pacific .. T.. St. L. ft W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wrbash do pfd Wheeling ft L. E. . Wisconsin Central do pfd ..10,670 .. 105 .. 210 .. 600 .. foo .. 1,100 1S84 13774 173 173 8,500 72'4 71V4 420 t00 1st, as 100 154 1514 Adams Express American Expreas U. 8. Expreaa Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 16.310 American Car ft F.... TuO do nfd American Linseed Oil. do pfd American Locomotlvo do pfd American Smelt, ft R. 300 do pfd I t . I ., n Quirue T? Anaconda Mining Co Hrmiklvn K. T 3.710 8rH 27 Colorado Fuel a Iron. 750 Columbus & H. Coal Consolidated Gaa 800 General Electrle ,. - International Paper do pfd IW International Pump 176 614 6l4 do pfd National Biscuit National Lead ...'. North American Pacllle Mail ... People'a Gas v Pressed Steel Car 600 9SH do pfd Pullman Palac Car Republic Steel 200 do pfd 103 Rubber Goods luO fi'i '6 Ti 4 4'i 4K 14 14 do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 710 2714 7 i U. S. Leather do pf'l ..... U. 8. Rubber , do Pfd U. S. Steel 16 640 11H 11'4 do Pfd tO,lJ t-' DZ I Western I'nion 2U0 S3 827 1 Northern Securities Total sale tor in oay, 2uu,auu snares. Offered. Londom Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. f. Closing quotations: Conaola tor nioneyU 11-14 Near York ('antral. .111'A do arcou'.i.... WSi.Kortolk Waaler a. Anat-onda T4I " PI Atchlaoa OVa Ontario A Westers do a-fd 9:t iPeonaylvanla Boltlmore A rihia.. tau'Rand Mluee Canadian Pacific ltlti Aeadtus ti t 4 8tH 4I 81 n n 41'4 Thraapeake A Ohio. I1W do l.t pfd. f nliato O. W... C, M A St. P DeBrers A it. O. do pfd.... Erie do lat pfd.... do Id eld .-4 1 do Id pfd .142 Southern Hallwar . 10 do pfd . 1V Southern Pacific.. . tUSa.Dnloa PaoiSo .... .. o pfd , United Stales Steel. 11 lSt de pfd 45 lll.nola 'Central 11.1 tWatmafc Lnulirtlla A N lot1! 60 pfd Mleaourl. K. A T... 17 I LAR blLVER-Stsady at 27 6-8d ounce. per MONEY 3S3H per cent. Th rat of dis count in tne open market tor abort duik Is V4 per cant, for thre months' bills, 3 l-iotji per tent. Korelga Flaaaelal. LONDON, Nov. 7. Rates for money hardened In. the market today, and ren.iv- nient to trie Bank of England materially reduced the supplies, which will be further depleted next week on W payment of th Transvaal loan Installment. Discounts wer Drm on the condition of the oonti. oental and Amertcau exc&angea. Th Que Hon whether I-onrton la likely to be called Upon to supply large amounts of gold to the United Htatee catisea much aaitatlon and nervousness. It Is debated whether the Rank of Prance will allnw gold to be taken thence In tho event of the Bank of Knglnnd a rate being rileed to 5 per cent. It Is expected that there are American or ders on the market for gold at nslflSd. with no supplies. Business on the atock exchange was dull and uninteresting, this being the eve of the settlement. Consols sagged a fraction. Americana opened steady, and fluctuated narrowly on either sldrt of parity, with small gains predomi nating, snd closed steady. Kaffirs hard ened. The withdrawals of bullion from the Bank of England today were 25(1 i for ahlpment to Egypt and 10,0n0 for France. PARIS. Nov. 7. Prices on the bouraa to day were firm, notably French rentee. In ternationale were Irregular. Rio Tlntoa gained sven franca. At the close business was calm. Three per cent rentes, txt 3oc tir the account, exchange on Lrtmuuu, 25flHifcc for checks. Jt!-;itL,l N. ov. i. n inp mrar trnditig waa somewhat lighter, r.xcnange on iAjndon, 20tn .t'.tpfg" for checka. Jlew York Meaey Market. , NEW TORK. Nov 7. MONET-Prime mercantile paper, 5(fi per cent. Monev on call, nominal; no nans; imic louns, firm. 51,(ii per cent for all dates. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual buslnesa In bankers' bills at 14.14 for demand and at 4.r3ofij-4.8"375 for alxty-day bills; posted rates. 4.8m and 4.8oV.8; commercial bills, 4.-!V64.80. , SILVER Bar, 47ic; Mexican uoum, 59c . BONDS Government, steaoy; raurouu, lrreirular. The closing Quotations on oonus are follows: - . . V. 6. ret. ts, rsg. . . iH L. ft . am. " ..1M Mohitn e. f. 4..V1 ..VVMm. Centrsl 4 10 ..lratt do lit Ino ..ia4vtMlnn. at. L 4i .. tl ..13H U . K. 4k T. 4 ' ..1UV4, to 2 W H ..1llN. H. K. of M. c. 4s 1 do cnupon in ia, rI do coavon do now 41, ret.. do coupon do old 4a. reg.. do cotlpnn do 6a, reg.... do coupon ... mtu n. T. c. t M lnlH N. i. C. a. tit WT No. Pcllfo 4s 101 M14 40 'J 41.... 1 I If. A W. e. 4. 7 1004k) 8. L. 4 pr... 1 Kit Pna. coot. SH Atrh. gan. 4s.., do ad, 4i..... Atlantlo C. 1 B A O. 4a..,.. do SUa .... Central ol G. ta. 104Vi Rfudlng gn. 4i St. L. A I. M. c. ..ll(i"i do lat Inc rhra. A Ohio 44s. 101 St. L. A S. F. If. 4s. 114 Chicago A A. 3a... 7SVt. I a. i T Kutmxrd A. L. it.... t t' n. a u. n. ia. C. M. 4k P. I 4s. .110 ISO. Purtflo 4s C. A N. VT. c. 7i....lJ0H'So Rllwf t 1IIH O., R. I. A r. 4s.... n Texss A P. Is 114 oa eel. M 7:ht., si. u. m w. ,. CCC. tc Bt. L. f. 4s. MH't'nlen Pacino 4a Chicaso Tr. 4n 7o I 6o conr. 4i Con. Tobucco 4s 4Vt'. tel t(l It e t'olo. A 80. 4a.. iwatiimi in D. A -ft. O. 4a Erie prior llan 4s.. . Mfci do deb. B. K4t . S;W. A L. E. 4a . R3 Wlaconnln On. 4a... .K IColo. Fuel coot. ia.. so ses. 4a 119 70 T. W. A D. C. la. Horklns Val. 4Va.. unereo. Boston Stock Quotations. ROSTON, Nov. 7. Call loans, Sft per rent: tlm loans. 5(96 ner cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchlaoa 4s. 9 Allouet 4 M. Can. 4s S Amalgamated 48 Blogham Cal. A Heels 14 Centennial 170 Copper Hanga .... HO Iiomlnlon Coat ... 14 Tl "Vi 46 li'm Atchlaoa do pfd ftoaton A Albany. Buaton A altlns.. Boiton Elevated . . 4.'. 4 . 7 N. T.. N. H. fit! hours ptd . Vnion Pacific . Mrs. Central ... Airtar. Euaar ... do ptd Amr. T. A T.. Dom. I. A S.:.. General Electrio Jdaaa. Electric . do ptd I'nltad Fruit ... U. a. Steal do pfd H..H5 Franklin ....l5Mj lala Hoyala .... tl Mohawk .... Hi Old Dominion .... ....I1514 Oroaola ....UaVa Parrot ....124'i Uulncr .... 4Vi Santa Fa Coppar.. ...144 Tamarack .... It Trinity .... 7 Unltad Itataa .... .... W4 t'tah .... 11 Victoria . (4 , a . 17 1 as . IS . so . CV4 . m. . 17 t:iVi wlr.ona , Weatlnahouaa Advantura com. , ts wolTtrlna 'T . 4IVt 4 New Tork Mining Unotatlona. NETVV TORK, Nov. 7. The following art) the closing quotations on mining stocks Adama C'oa H A Ilea 14 Little Chief t Ontario OpU.r ..461 ..130 .. .. 14 .. U .. IF. ..80V Drce 10 Rrunawli-k Con 8 Comatock Tunnal ... vi Con. Cal. A Va in Hum silTor lot Iron Silver 17S LaadTllla Coa 3 Offered. Phoenix Saras Blerra Nevada Hmall falopea .. iuadart , Dank riearlaara. Ttflnb clcsrtntra fnT tha wa.1r am tfi 1T7A 6R3.48, an lncreaae over the corresponding I weex or last year or t3,24s.3. f ollowing are 1110 clearings compared Dy eacn aiy into. 1912. Monday L$1.373,9"6 Tuesday 1,351,582 84 61 $1.11.1, 6:8.1 1.173 076 S ) 1,126.708.10 1,291. 7' 8 89 1.46 3f.4A 1,299,852 81 $7,608,434.66 Wednesday 1.296,760.28 inursuay . Friday .... Saturday .. Totals . .. 1.608.127.84 .. 1,430,823.59 .. 1,351,432. U ..$S,870,583.4S Weelky alank Itatemeat. NEW TORK, Nov. 7. The statement of avarani nf -tha clearlnar hnun bjnka of this city for flv days of this week shows: Loans. 8900.059.600. decreaae 811.4'S.OUO: de- ponlta $P8,044.7no. decreaae $17,571,900; clrou - latlon. 846.877.200. decrease $16.7iiO; legal ten ders. $(12,969,500, decrease $4,025,000; specie, $159,436,900. decrease $6,247,900; reserve, $222, 405.411O. decrease $9.272,9'i0; reserve reuulred, $217,011,175, decrease $4,392,976; ex-tTnlted States deposits, $14,689,775, oecrense J4.6.3, 675; surplus, $5,394,225, docreas $4,879,925. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Nov.' 7. COTTON In fluenced by fine weather, heavy receipt and lower cables, the cotton market opened weak At a decline of 414 polnta under liquidation by longa, who were apprehen sive that the report of the census bureau, due shortly after the opening, would prove lens bullish than expected or fall to effect rmirket, which has recently advanced nearly a cent and a half on Short crop talk. Im mediately after the call, however, then waa heavy covering snd price befora the Issuance of th report had gained $ or B folnt of their Initial loss. On receipt of h report the market dropped to 10.93c for D-cember, lO.Mo for January, 10 910 for March and 10.93c for May, but almost at once eased off under heavy realising. Th trade seemed to place a bullish significance on the report. After sagging back about 4 nolnta the market rallied again on active covering and a ahow of bull eupport, though it waa rviuent mat a iremenaoue amount of lung cotton wa for sale. Notwithstand ing this prices reached th highest of th season. ' The market closed slightly below th best, but strong at a net advance of 12 to 20 polnta. Th aalea were 600.000 balea. th largest for any Baturoay on record. Estimated receipt of cotton at th port todny were 00.000 balea, agalnat 74 630 last week and 62,133 last year. For the week, 400 000 balea, against 412,217 last week and 340 Fs3 laat year. NEW ORLEANS. NOV. T. COTTON Fu turea, firm; November, 10.72W0.74c; Decem ber. lO.WHilfl 81c: January. 10. 87010. tact Feb ruary, 10.9tQ10.9tJc: March, ll.0gfril.04c; April. 11 twrftli i"c; May, 11 muu zie; June, ii.we 11.25c; July, 11.3511.370. Spot, firm: aalea, 800 bales; ordinary. 8 15-ltkt; good ordinary, 9v4c; low middling. 10v4c; middling, I0S0; srood middling. 1013-16c; mlddllna fair. 11 3-16c; receipts, 12,603 balea; stock, 148,052 bales. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 7.-COTTON-Flrm, Ho higher; middling-. 10Kc; sales, none; re ceipts. 2.341 bales; shipments, 1,88 balea; etccK. 7 ww naies. LIVERPOOL Nov.. T.-COTTON Soot quiet: prlrea 6 polnta. higher: American middling fair, 6.2iid; good middling, 6.U6d; low middling. 6.94d: good ordinary. 5.84d: or dinary, 5.C4d. The sales of the day wer 4.W0 bale, of which 5t9 were for specula tion and export, and Included 2 500 Amer ican. Recelpta, l.OuO balea, including 600 American. r inures orwneu ana closed steady.. American middling m. o. c. i No vember. 6. alu; .November and December. 6.75d: December and January, 6.7Sd; Jan uary and February. 6.71 uj. 721; February arid Aiarcn. o.iia; warcn ana April, 6.70l;5.Tld; April and May, 6.7ol; May and June, 6 70.1; June and July. 6.a9d: July and Auruat. a. uoa Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. T. COFFEi?i-flt Rio ateady: No. T Invoice, free: mild firm. Cordova, 7tQl!'-.c. Futurea opened quiet at a decline of 6 points snd th absence of important demand and ruled oulet dur. ing in pest part or tne morning, cables wer featurelesa and th receipt light, but crop new recently had a little better aver age and before the cloe realising axles became more active, with th result that th market closed ateady. 6 to 10 polnta lower. The world's visible aupply atatement showed an Increase for the month of 147, 7i3 bars, making the present amount 13. 9)8 i:il. agalnat 13,770,429 lnt month and 13.233.204 bag last year. The Increase was below early estimates, but about a had heen expected during the 1-iat few daya. Biles were ai.?V) brM. Including? November 6 46c: December. 6.65W6.90O: March. 6.t. 9t1c: Mi v. BUbtieioc; July, .ioq.30c; September, axes-eye. Evaporated Applee aal Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Nov. 7 EVAPORATED APPLES Th market continue firm with lllfht supply, so that a moderate demand melntains prices: common are qimtei at i.c; prime, vvc; choice, 4'uo; CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIMTS Prune. Col", there being only s light lobbing de mand and the tone of the market rathe env: ouo'atlors range from Vo to 7o for sll grades. Anelcots ar quiet: choice ar ouofed at Ai9!e: extra choice. lOw'ftc; fancv. lltTlSWc. Peaches r dull: crolc entiled e 'Hi'QTc; exits, choice, T4Si4c; fancy, 8ac. mn LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle frciptt Vort Modrt for th Weak and Trioet Bont Hightr. HOGS HAVE GONE STEADILY DOWN Sheep au4 Laanba Lower for Week, Derllae oa Fat Stag? AmouatlBai to Fifteen to a Quarter aad oa Comatoa Feedera Evea Mare. SOUTH OMAHA, Notf. t. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday...; 11,711 !).&' Otticial Tuesday 4.9NJ Ivll-4 i.ttiiO 4S 4.17 4,700 15.818 11. (no titn.l.ii Weunesday 4.416 Official Thureaay 8.8' Olllclal Kih! ay 2,446 Otllcial Saturday 13 18.4a 7,66 BM Week ending Nor. 7. Week ending Oct. 31.. Week etiniiig Oct. ii4... Week ending Oct. 17... Week ending Oct. 10... Week ending Oct. I... Same week laat yea.. ..27.4S13 ..34.1i4 ..34.6-I6 ..27.113 ..31.8,7 ..Jl.Wt 26.638 it. MS 18.4.a l,Uii il.fcA) 26.512 16,376 72.H.-.7 76,t9 7B.D2 15.3 6 1. 7.0!0 70 616 ,.S4.4i.i RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATS. The following tabU shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at bouth Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with lust ax. 1903. Cattle 8UJ,8H1 1901. Inc. Dec, 843,404 84.891 ..... I,89i.9il3 fctl 1,413,879 1U.8U0 Hoga l,M.i,52 Sheep l,tW6,ti Average tuices i.hhi lor hogs at South Omaha for the last aevsial days with cum parisons: Data I IMS. I1902.I1K1.I1800.I1IM.1KM U8M. Oct. 18....; Oct 18.... Oct. 17.... 691 7 00 6 18 4 K $ 091 3 l a rn t tti 6 2; 4 7. 4 20 $ 5 f It 6 2VI 4 64 , 4 14 70l Oct. 1.... 1 02 V 6 k.-'i 70 76 6 2; 4 H 4 10 6 7 6' 4 611 4 151 S 7i W Oct 19 fllVil 6 ojv 6 lli S t Oct. 2i.,.. 4 631 4 611 8 ll Dl let a.... Oct. 2i.... Oct S3.... I 6 OS 4 141 1 66, $ H 52 if1' 4 61 4 4S 6 li 416 S 61 3 661 8 681 8 WI. 24...'. 6 144. 6 741-6 01 71 6 05 4 14 Oct. 26.... 4 18 4 1 Oct X.... (26 I 6 00 4 t8 4 641 Oct. 27.... Oct. 28.... Oct. 29.... Oct. 80.... Oct. 61.... 5 1 81 4 lUi 3 bil 8 ii 6 VI 4 9 6 61) 6 89, 6 61 6 81 4 10. 3 471 $ 38 I 8 641 3 88 4 OS! I H 4 U3 $ 601 4 01 I 66 1 21 4 041 8 4ul 8 41 4 62' 4 59 6 72; 4 50 4 0 4 60 6 61 6 64 6 6' Nov L. 6 73; I 72 NOV. t. 4 04! 4 tMVki 4 kok' Nov. Nov. 6 61 4 04 i 8 4b 8 43 6 49 6 8 4 m 2 611 3 43 Nov. Nov. 4 73 6 51 6 71 4 60 3 6, 8 44 4 72H 6 62, i 77 6 66 6 71 4 64! 4 01 I 3 ii Nov. 6 68 4 b" 4 0: I S 65 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cara of stock brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hoes. BU p. H r'n C. M. St. P. Ry. 24 vvaoasn Mo. Pac. Ry I i.lon Pacific System. C. N. W. Ry 1 7 16 2 12 F.. E. ft M. V. K. R.. C, Bt. P., M. A O. Ry. 'i tt. A itt. ny U..-B. at Q. Ry C, K. I. & P., east.. Illinois Central Chicago Great West.. 1 78 Total' recelpta 6 17 The disposition of the day's receipts wag as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: . Buyers. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co ,. 474 Swift and Company - 22 617 Cudahv Packing Co.. M6 30 Armour & Co 81 ... Armour Co., from S. C. 1,596 Martin A Q. 26T Other buyer 37 649 Total 5 4,731 679 CAT 1'LE There were just a few odd bunches of cattle In the yards this morn ing and not enough to make a market. For the week receipts ahow quite a falling off as compared with last week, the loss amounting to about 7,0o0 head. Aa com pared with the earns week pf last year, however, there Is nn lncreaae of about I. dun head. The market aa a whole haa n In fairly good shape ana price are a little better on most lines than they were a week ago. The better grades of cornfed ateera have been In light aupply all the week and on that olaaa pricea are about steady. They Could be quoted from $6.00 to $5.60. The le?s doalrable grades, though, and particu larly the short fed stuff, such aa Bella from $4,00. to $4 6 haa. been neglected and ia a little lowers than a week ago. It la very evident that packers are not at all anx ious for these wanned up so long as they can get th weatern graa steers at a much lower figure. The tair to gooa graae that go from f4.76 to f&.OO are barely steady I for tha week. I The cow market reached the low point lot the season to date on Monday and Tuea 1 day of thla week. Since that time th tendency of values has been upward and an advance of 16(i26c Is noted, or of about lOtrlfto. aa com Dared with the close of laat week. Cannera ar now selling from $1.6 to $2.00, fair to good from to $J.6t, and choice from 82.75 to $3.00. A few cornfed cowa an d heifers are beglnnlnf; to show up in the receipts, but tney are mostly snort reds ana are not selling to gooa advantage. In fact, they bring littl more than good grassers. Hulls are selling a littl stronger than they wer a week ago. Fat grass bulls ar selling from $2.00 to $2.60, bologna bulls from $1.76 to f2.0. Feeding bulls bring about tha same aa killers. Veal calves are unchanged, selling all the way from $3.ou tO 86.00. .. . . Th demna for feeaers was very iignt thai neat two davs of thin week, owing no doubt to th election, which kept buyer at horn. As a result prices eaaed off con- sideramy. nince mat urn prices umi moved steadily upward and all of the Ipsa has him remlnnit and mora. too. 0 that pr'ce are, If anything, a little higher than they were .a week ago. Th advance would lie covered Dv loraioc ana is iiiimeu al most entlrelv to the cattle showing duality. Common kinds are low sale and are no higher than they wer a week ago. Ther is now a 'strong demand for yearlings as well as for choice fishy feeder. Btirh kinds mav he n noted from $3.76 to $4.00. Th fair to good grades go from $3 00 to $3.60 and common kinds and horned cattle from I'J.eo to I8.00. . . Tha 1.1 hulk of th receipts all the week conalHted of western grass cuttle, but only a few ot them wer good enough for killers. The quality, tnougn, or tne nun 01 intm was fur fnim heln srood. The demand has been In good shape and prices are generally mrntlKc hlirher than tha cloae of lust week. Oocd to cho!c graces may b quoted from 84.00 to 84.60. but very few ar coming good nr,tiarH tn rtrnm vnose nrices. ins duik n the medium grades ell from $3.00 to $3.50, w'th common one from $3 00 down. HOGS There was about th usual number of hogs on ail thla morning and the mar ket improved a littl at all points. At thla market the advanoe amounted to Just about a nickel. The heavy hegs sold lurgely from $4.70 to $4.75, medium weights went from $4.75 to $4 .80, snd llghta all th way rrom uui tn xh no. Thi ton rjnca was xua for plga. Trading was not very active, but still all th arly arrivals wer disposed of In good season, the same as uaual, though there were some late trains, so mat me day waa well advanced before th market cam to a cloae. For the week, receipts nave oeen anotu IfXO head heavier than for laat week, but shout inoon head leas than for the oorre annmllne week of laat vear. Prices hav moved vteadlly downward ever since Mon day, with the exception or toaay, ana a net loss or anoui iuo is noteo. uni aelghta are still aelilng st the top prices snd plga also frequently top the murkt. but thev must b good. Plus that show the effects of sl"kns ar sold subject. About noon todsy several cars of bog arrived snd packers seemed to want them. They charged handa freely at orloe fully aa good na those paid earlier in in aay. Representative sales: Na. At. tU. Pr. No. At. Ik. rr. I 4t 144 eti 4 10 it.. m US 4 T74 II ttl 40 4 14 M t W 4 174 U UI Ml 4 10 47 171 ... 4 Ttii 14 Ut ... 4 10 U 14 840 4 TT-J 10 ') ... 4 1 M .' " 1M 4 l"t 16 loi) ... 4 t IVfc M 11 .. 4 Tl 0 II 140 4 It M I1 110 4 W 40... lot 1(0 111 U tt 40 4 W M teo 4 ti u :4 so 4 a 11. ...... .171 Uil ITI M. Ml 40 4 SO 44 Ut ... 4 Ti 47 10 M 4 0 41 IH 1M 4 11 , II 171 40 4 M 17 tut lie 4 TI II 144 10 4 10 40 teo 40 4 TI M 2M M IK 46 110 Hi tit ti 4 lea 4 to 41 ti 10 4 11 41 140 144 4 W 14 114 ... 4 11S4 47 U iuO 4 10 14 171 824 4 It 1 eO 4 K) 41 M eO 411 to fa 14 4 10 3 I t 4 4 riVi II HI M 4 Hi 14 1(4 140 4 17 14 121 (0 4 el 40. Ml ... 4 17 IT 144 ... 44 11 ri 130 4 IT H ITI 44 4 W 47 tit 120 4 17 tl 134 ... 4 00 I 41 Hi HO 4 17 iS 141 ... 4 00 SHEEP Receipts have been about 4.000 rr. I Head llghte.' this week than laat, but aa compared with the Corresponding week ot last year, there Is very littl difference. Today there wer not enough offeied to nuts 1 test of the market. The tendency of prices thl week ha been decidedly downward. The quality cf the offering has been rather Inferior and thai no doubt ha had considerable to do with the break In values. Th general ruu of, mutton sheep ar 15J25C lower than a week aso and the lamb that hav been coming forward . ar off lust shtint tk&t amount. ho good to etioic fat luuiba bav been sale and ronaequer-'iy n la Impossible to tell whst that kind would bring. The feeder market Is slso lower for the week. The belter grndrs are nlxnit lBfiiV lower, btit common stuff such aa old ewes and light lamhs have been very slow sale at any price and are being quoted 15u 'iv lower than a week ago. l"rUea on that class of offerings are now at the low point Of the year to date. Quotations for grass efck: Choice west, ern lambs, $4.6ftH4.7a: f Ir to mod lambs. S4.2:iirj4 50; choice yearlings. $3.2-.WI.40: fair to good yearling, $J.0Wi3.26; choice weth ers. 13 i.vui zo; tair to goon wetners. : atrtr 9 16: good to rholce ewes. $2 5"4i2 7!: fair to good ewea. $2.25ti2 BO; choice feeder latiba. ll.W4.10; fair to gooi feeder Itmha, $3.2"4I $75: bbv lambs, $2 5'ff3 (: f-eder year llnen, S3.1lfi3 sn: feeder wethers. $f SfMri15; feeder ewea. $2f32.; culls, $1.0JtSiOJ. Rep- re-entativ saiea: No. Av. Pr. 7 native ewea 95 1 CO $3 native lambs 6 4 40 CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Llht Reeetpts, with Steady, Strong aal Firm Market. CHICAGO, Nov. 7.-CATTLE-Recelpta, t"0 head: market ateady; good to prime Steers, $:.Oi4f6.5o; poor to meillum, H.Miij 4 75; (lockers and feeders, $3.uOj415; cows, fl.otfa3.6o; heifers. $2.m(a4.75; canners, $1.iiu t-2 2-i; bull", fUclM 21: calves, $2 H0ft7.25; Texas-fed steers, $J.O 4j3.E0; western st;rs, f2.90iS4 16. HuO 8 Receipt today. 11,000 head; esti mated Monday, Su.OtO head; market tronger; mixed and butchers, $4 iHfj 2.; flood to chclce, heavy, HXi4 W; light, 4.70S6.25: bulk of sales. $4.7vjo.oO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000 head; sheep, firm: lamba, ateady. Oood to choice wethers, $3.4odi3.85; fair to .cholc mixed, $2.6013.30: western sheep, $2.0taj.,t.60; native lambs, $3.60410.76; western lamb, $3.5v85.15. ' Kansas City Lire atock Market. KANSAS CITT, Nov. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1, head; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, $4.4Vtji.;ifi; fnlr to good, $3.1 ifU 4. 45; atockera and feed era, $2.01)3.75; 'Western-fed steer, $2.15W 4.00; Tex a a and Indian steers, $2.15ii43.0t; Texas cow. $1.352.05; native cowe, $1.25(i? 2.70; native heifers, $2.ST,(JM.40; canners, $1.X lf2.00; bulls, $1.7r2.3T; calves. $1.7566.00. Receipts tor week: Cattle, 67,500; calves, 6,627. HOGS Receipts, f.000 head; market waa steady to trong; top, $R.1J; bulk of sales, 34.75tt5.05; hewvy. $4.75(54 ; mixed packers, $4.9f.(u.j.lO; light, $4.04i5.L'l4) yorkers, $5.05, 5. if; plga, t4.5txy6.oJ; recelpta for week, 34 4i0 SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts; mar ket steady; native Jambs, f3.2Afr5. 20; west ern lamhs, $2.9"ttT5 Oo; fed ewes. $2.3rvf?3.75; Texaa clipped yearlings, $2.5tK&4.U0; ' Texaa dipped sheep, fi.4tnif3.7a; stockera and feed era, f2.0O3.6O; receipts for week, 29,800. St. Loala LItc Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 7. -CATTLE Recelpta, 400 head. Including 200 Texsns; mtrket steady; native ahipptng and export steers, $; dreaded beef and butcher steers, fn.5tfi6.20; steer under 1,00 lbs., $.1 5nt.r4.75; stockera snd feeders. $2 20J13.75; cows and heifers. $?.25(f4.50, the top for fancy, corn fed heifers; canners, $l.75?!2 00: bulls, $2.35 4,00; calves, $2.50i6.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2,2013.40; cowa and heifers, $1.60 1 2.40. HOGS Receipts, z.fjnn; market strong, 100 higher; pigs and lights, f4.904jij.26; packers. x4.6vtta.ib; Dutcners ana oeat neavy, .oo 1 Q6 26. rJHt-lii AINU l.AMbio i-ieceipis, nj nen; market stendv: native muttons, f3 0'n ' Ol; ' lamba. 84 00O5.2i: ctil's and bucks. $2.50 3.50; stotkers, $3.50.70. Sioux City Llvo Stock Market. OlrtTlV CITT ta Vnw 9 flnarlsl ToL intm.f cai llan, neceipua, iw nesu, t teady; beeves. ft.Oo-gs.oo; cowr, bulls and I mixed $2.2 J4J3.00; stockers ana reeuers, fi iv 4(3faO; calves and year.lntrs, f2.25t3.40. I IfKlS Receipts, 8.00O head; 5c higher, $4.fx,,4.t2Mi; bulk, $4.75. St. Joseph Lire stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 7 CATTLE Re ceipts, 676 head; market steady. ttuua Kecetnts. tu neaa: maraet steady to 5c higher: lights, f4.9nti5.10; me dium and heavy, $4.7."(yo.ii7V4. Blit-i-f ajnjj LAMtiB-rteccipts, none. Stock in Sight. Following are the recelpta of !lve stock st the- six principal western markets yes- tcroayj 1 Hogs. Sheep. 4,700 926 11,0(10 1,000 8.000 2.500 100 8 3.15 3,000 t 27,635 2,026 Cmaha Chicago . 123 . 2"0 .l.ono . 4ii0 . 676 . 100 Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph ... Sioux City .. Totals 2,! Oil and Itoeln. OIL CITY. Nov. 7. OIL Credit balances. 81.77: certificates, no bid: shipments. 64.704 bbla.; average, 87.744 bhls.; runs, 63.S49 bbla.; average, 78,476 bbla. : shipments, Lima, 86. 151 bbls.: sverage 71 oko bbls.; runs, 08,597 bbls.; average. 64,478 bbls. SAVANNAH, Nov. 7.OIL Turpentine, firm. 60c. Rosin, firm; A. H. C, D, 82.30; K, $2 35; F. t2.60; O. $2 55; H. $2.60; M, $2.90; N, $3.10; WO, $3 55; WW. $3 60. NEW YORK. Nov. 7 OIL Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 3VH.Xio. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, $9.30; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $9.26; prime, in bulk, $3.35. Turpentine, ateady, 69Vi60c. Rosin, firm; strained, common to good, $2 80. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. METALS A oulet trade was reported In the leading metals today and prloea showed little change from last quotations. The Iron market continues In an unsettled condition and prioes quoted ar entirely nominal, with tha tendency downward. Tin wa weak with spot quo tations t25.25lC25.40. Copper ruled dull and nominal, unchanged; Lak at $1175; elootro- lytlc, $13.62. sna casting. 113.00. jaa was steady; spot, $4.60. fipel'er, quiet st $6 00. BT. LOUIS. Nov. 7.-MET ALB Lead, dull, $4.26. Spelter, lower, $6.20. Kovr York Imports and Exports. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Imports of dry ?oods and general merchandise at New ork for the week were valued at $10,888,771. Imports of specie at this port for the week were $32,371 silver and $323,673 gold. Exports of specie from this port for th week wer $701,170 silver and f26.228. gold. GOSSIP ON COMMISSION ROW Italian Garllo fs Abroad oa th Market Decelvlaar People tvitk - its Pretty Fsvce. A quiet littl vegetable that the western produce usually plays for a tenderfoot Is th Italian garlic. Th bleached exterior and quiet inarket value of thl staple really do lend themselves to a false impression. but whan" It comes to a showdown or any other article of the Vienna sausage tribes It will be found as game a vegetable as moves about. The price for th Italian, which come braided together by Its back hair and having; much th appearance of a centipede, Is quit steady and Is usually to be found at 13 coppers wholesale. Th Mexican and California garllo ar of poor selling quality, lacking the size of the Im ported, and Its genuine warranted-to-klll-at-forty-rods bouquet. If anybody can discover a pumpkin mlns WOULD YOU INVEST $50.00 TO HAKE PROFIT OF $5,000 VSSSSJISSSSi U COLUMBUS CONSOLIDATED cold ninirjc company's stock Of the Black Hills, 8. D.. at 80 Cents Per Share. This prlo subject to previous sal, as I hav only a limited amount ot tock to offer at this figure. Fifty dollar lnMsid In Homos Lake stock when It first started shows profits aa above, and there I no reason why COLUM BUS CONSOLIDATED should not do well, a It claims cover part of th sam or deposits as ths Homsstaks. Th Columbus Company start with 4i5 acre of ground, working seven mine ho a small mill In operation that I producing about 810,000 monthly. Th company IS out of debt and haa 8150.000 on hanl with which to build a l.OOo-ton mill, contract for which Is about to be let. As soon as this mill Is finished th property will be on a dividend paying, basis. This Is the , Csst Preposition Ever Offered to tho Public In the way of a mining stock, as ther ar at least 810 worth f gold or In. igut for every ahare of atock Uauod. I will agrea to pay th expenses of a trip to the Black Hill and return to any on who will agree to take st least IJ5.00 worth of th stock If the proposition Is as represented. Don't fall to writ for full particulars concerning this company. Btock la sold on th in-' stallmcnt plan If d mitred at ) per hundred bara, io payment of 17.50 down and 7.U per month. HERBERT S. SHAW Offlo)), 14 nil 18 Brown wiac Hotol, DENVER, COLO. REFERENCES: WESTERN BAik OF DENVER, COLORADO. on j 1 he I a mad man. The heavyweight ar so scare this year that It was with the extremes! difficulty that enough could b gotten together for the Hallowe'en partlea. And they wer offered Inducement, too. Glenwood, as usual, has don well for Omaha and has supplied more than Its share for work In the local pie factories. Th squash, which bears to th pumpkin an exterior appearance about lik that which obtains between the green and awkward lobster fresh from the sea and th flushed and composed crustacean which does the restaurant "half ivc," usually appears In the pie clandeatlnely when there Is, as now, a 'shortage of pumpkins. Rut this year th sqtiaahea are having all they can do them selves to keep from becoming cattle feed. They are far from first-class. Vtah something of a novelty ha con tributed to the local arple aurply for th winter. A car of Jonathans and Wlnesap from this Irrigated stste was received this morning. They seem to b good goods. Mast Servo Twenty Years. TOPEKA. Kan., Nov. 7 George W. Dull, who was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years for the murder of Dr, Row land, at Herndon, Rawllna county. April 18, 1902, will have to serve his sentence. The supreme court today affirmed the de cision of the lower court. No motive waa assigned for the deed of Dull and he was convicted on purely circumstantial evi dence. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterdsy, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee snd Truat company, bonded abstracter, 1S14 Fa mam street: Elmer D. Luddlngton to Ellen D. Crelgh, lota 1 and 2, block -V. Kilby Place addition f 7o9 Amelia P. Webster to L. L. Owens, eo feet lot 10, block 1. Donnecken s addition 600 City of Omaha to Sarah F. Hunter, lot 8 block 8, Jerome Park addition 1 Henry Hueck and wife to iJtrs P. Harden, lots U and 12. block 145, South Omaha 1.600 The Metropolitan Inan and Trust companv to Fred Httibbendorf. lots 3. 4, 6. 6. 8 snd 10. block 2, and other Iota In Burr Place addition 1.000 Same to aame. lota 1G, 17. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. " and 28. block 1. and other lots In Leilas' 1st addition 3.767 Robert N. McCarthy and wife to Sarah E. Ashbnrn. U lot 16, block J, Rush Selby's addition 850 Charlea A. Wilson and wife to Clifford M. Anthony, lot 8, block 14. walnut Hill addition Clifford M. Anthony and wife to Jo seph P. Cleltnd. sarre .. Edward Dlcklnaon and wife to Joseph S. Svkes. lots 4 and 6, block 20, Omaha View extenalon John S. Paul and wire to Csasel Realty company, n44 fleet lot 8, block 24, Florence Andrew C. Busk and wife to Ann E. Rlehel. lot 8, block 3, Hamilton square :-vv Same to Edward F. Slney, lot 9, block r. Hamilton sonnre W. O. Shrlver and wife to Roacoa J. Conklln. lot 7. Olse addition.. Josenh H. Buckles to W. O. Shrlver. same ' CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPILII Room A rianhattan Bldg., ST. PAUL, MINN. duords, Uood Bi!o Dernier In Grain, Provisions, Stock) Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable , margin. Member Importaat Biekassea, Prte at Wires. ' Write for onr dally market letter and prl- , vat telegraph cipher mailed re. Ship Your Grain to Us. East Fa cl lit lea. Liberal Advancea. Prompt Return. 300 Dee Bids. rhoae MI4) Oaiaka, Nebraska. . Dolatk. iVlaalp. : CESSION COLIPiHY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS W have over 150 offlces. References: 17S State and Nat l Banks. Ot It HKHVICIS IS TUB REST. Out of Town Business Solicited. Omaka Branch! 1618 Far am St- Tel.J467. TII0S. M..WADDICK. Crrrespondent The Alcrchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. U. $.? irjf . Capital and Surplus, $400,000 run mwm, rr. ieji t. woof, v. rm. LUT8t$ D1AKC. Caikler. riANK T. lAMlLTOI. Alt. Caskets. It naive aeoauats at staka. hsakeim, atleua, trm ast ts6Tlale a tavarssl terms. ' Fvrst-ra Bseksncs bought aa4 sold. Letters ol Credit leaned, aeallabl la all Saru ot ttve world. taterest sal ea Tims CertlBcatee of Deposit. Cotleoilone aiade aroinptir aad eceaeoiiullr. Wa roquest eorroapoudoaoe. MONTHS FREE tp-to-oate Mining Paper ' (fully Illustrated , contatn 1 1 -e all th latest new from tile famous guld camps. Including Kia t'HKKK AND THUNDER rJOUNiAIII I'. H. Ml.VIKO JOtHXAL, JO? Nassau St., N. V. fmzwn capital NOT AFFECTED BY WALL STREET. Enabling owners of approved properties to 8 0 V K l.O P 10 )i I K M l I P INDlaTHlAI.S, ItAILWAV", and similar enterprise. Addrass with full details. J. B WHITR, Manager. Becurlty Life Ins. Co., 61 WALL BTKEET, NEW TOHK. SO, BUY: tb:t Pi