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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
V. 2!) TITE OMATTA PATLY RUNT) AT, NOVEMBER P, 1 MEET CREAT WESTERN RATES Ecc1: I land Adopt! Etickn'f Grain Tiriff an d Eur'.injton Mgtchei It. OTHER ROADS WILL FALL IN LINE", TOO Frelaht Official Declares o nlsrrlml aatloa I Worbril am Kaasas rity by latrodorllaa of Thru Low R-lrs. ' he Rock Inland and Burlington hare met the Great Wstrn's proportional rate on urn In between Omaha and Minneapolis and St. Paul and other local offices are expecting- notification from their head offi ces to the name effect. Thus the rate war which some railroad men felt was threat ened when Trcftldent Btlckney cut the rates Is averted and the hostile roads orced under the rod by the Independent line's action. Local officials of the Rock Island hare received a wire from the headquarters Ih Chlcaito Matins- that on and after "Novem ber 7" the proportional rates announced by the Ch'cngo Oreat Western to Minneapolis would be effective on that road, the new tariff having been adopted Just as the Chl- caso Oreat Western had made It. The ChlcRfro Great Western rates were put In October 24 by this announcement: "Effective October 24, the Chicago Oreat Western will establish a basis of cents on wheat and 1 cents on corn from Omaha to Minneapolis. When originating at points west of the Missouri river It will take a rate of 12 cents or higher on wheat and 10 cents or hleher on corn." Buturday the officials of the Burlington made the announcement that the propor tional rates have also been met by their company, and although the Burlington has not adopted the Chicago Great Western tariff. It has made an adjustment of Its through rates on grain to Minneapolis to meet the combination rat established using the local rate through Omaha, plus the proportional rate out, making the rate for Minneapolis at about the present Mis sissippi rate. The new rate la effective Monday. Makes No Dlserlmlaatloa. This is not making any discrimination between Kansas City and Omaha, but Just reducing the ratea In all cases," said an official. "For Instanoe, Beatrice has the same rate to Kansas City as It has to Omaha. There are some points which do not equalise, bur the gist of the new tariff ( that the rates to Minneapolis and Bt. Paul hereafter will be about the same as i the present rates to the Mississippi river, i In reality making about a t-oent cut." I. At the Northwestern headquarters no in formation had been received from the Chl ! cago office, but the local freight men said that any cuts that would be made would j be met promptly by thoir road. The offi cials of the Milwaukee said virtually the same thing, and all the competing roads now seem to be very eager to meet Mr. ' Btlckney'a new rates since some have taken the step. The Illinois Central freight men have bad no word about any" change in their present xlstlng tariffs, but they all believe that their company will lose no time In making a rate that will be on a par with the ones already established. Wiiat'stha Matter Wilt) Hanna? A riajority of 100,000 In Ohio fUkn the Old run' Heart Lap With' Buckeye Joy. m THAT IS WHAT'S THE MATTER. Caatloal Beware of bogus Instruments offered as genuine BTEINWAY pianos. A complete tock of Stelnways at lowest prices can be aeen- at the warerooms of the BCIIMOLLER ft MUELLER PIANO CO., 1311 Farnam St., and they are the only authorised Btelnway representatives in (Anaha and tributary territory. Sam'l Burns' front window. Delft dinner fret. 8.00. Card of Thaalts. Z wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my dear friends for their sympathy auid kindness In time of my deepest sor row, for the beautiful flowers and tribute of love at the burial of my dear son, Harry Morrison. MART REINHOLZ. nee LETZBCHMANN. Darla November. A handsome water color photograph of yourself Included free with each order of 13 or over. Omaha's best water color artist does the work, insuring the quality being the best Btoneoypher, photographer, 1311 Farnam street. , i . Chicago Laundry Best work. Tel. tot. The Bisters of the Good Shepherd will begin their sale of Christmas goods on November SO at 40th and Jackson (the onvent), .and lasting until December IS. Hot Bprlaars, Ark. On and after Sunday, November S. tha Iron Mountain Route will Inaugurate tt olid through fast train service between St Louis. Mo., and Hot Springs, Ark., via Benton. Train to be known as No. 17, will leave St. Louis at : p. m., arriving at Hot Springs I a. m. Returning, train No. IS will leave Hot Bprlngs 7:30 p. nv, arrive St. Louis 7:85 a, m. For further informa tion address Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agent, 8. K. corner 14th and Doug las its., Omaha. Neb., or H. C. Townsend, Ben. Pass, and Ticket Agent. St. Louis, Ma 1-4-11-7 waiting all want you. B. R. Patten, dentist, McOague building. Have Root print It. Horse covers ataae to nt your horsa Drueha Tent and Awning Co., Uth an Harney streets. Many fi are iuf abaat tne beaatlfal aatama bet da mot ae ea tea smack oa Its beauty aad da rati a 4t a cold wave saoald wooy dowa you aaay mot Sad It ea aleaaaat If yaa gret eaaakt wltk roar stove aat af warklasj order. Bo attead ta th repair laar la time. We carry la stork repairs tor mare taaa 1TO.OOO dlf ferrat atovra, raaea aad far Bares, aad we certaialy (kt ta kava what yoa waat. W have at water hraters for stoves, raaaes aad faraaees, ar aay spe cialty tor water keallas; wa aaak. OMAHA ST0YE REPAIR WORKS. 1207 Douglas Street Telepaoae (HW. I Th3 Latest Thing In Cloth la always to be found at this tailoring astabliuhment. If you have'ot a good tailor and ar looking for one, try us. One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for th hum money than w will give you, Iclgrcn 6 Gradntann Tailors 309 South Sixteenth. Bat the latervlewer Finds Hues Aorcllas Raying; Off at Mcatloa af tbe Prealdeacy. The newspapers say that Marcus Aurellus Hanna, United States senator from Ohio, refused to dixcusa his candidacy for the presidency and gossips now have it that the old man wants to supervise the Im provements made after March 4, 1906, In the White House. A majority of 100,000 In Ohio looks Interesting alongside of those New Tork figures and no wonder Roose velt people are turning their eyeglasses on that astute Ohio business man-polltl-clan. The BACKERS RESERVE! LIFE Is making no presidential states, but bar ring the fact that Senator Hanna Is past the Irutnrable age and Roosevelt Is only 43 years old. this young and aggressive western company might feel that the coun try could go a long ways In three direc tions from Cleveland and do a great deal worse. But th Bankers' Reserve Life Company Is in the life Insurance business and must eschew practical partisan poli tics. For that reason B. II. ROBl'OX, PRESIDENT, while adding voters to his agenoy corps as fast as he can secure good men In -new fields, looks more to their producing power than their political affiliations. With the best forms of modern policies and a rap Idly Increasing business, easy street runs In front of th home office of the Bankers Reserve Life. Each month records from 1300,000 to $400,000 In new business and a large increase of assets. Write to B. H. Roblson, President, and secure Information regarding the Bankers' Reserve's NEW ' GOLD BOND POLICY. SUES Hisses' 150 Shoes Mad especially for the misses going to high school. They have the wear ing quality and comfort necessary for a good school shoe, No. 1 kid plump uppers with kid tips heavy double soles, cork filled, and wide extension edges. Medium low' flat heel. This shoe has our guarantee to out wear any two pair of the ordinary kind of shoe. All the alien and widths for misses and young women at 13.00. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. OBsaha'a Uo-ta-Data shoe House '"n'l 'J ,",' 1 llil'-wiil'iaU.l".."-IWll mmuftQr A Great Ghango has suddenly come over several South Omaha druggists. They have even washed their windows and cut the Dries on a few patent medicines (when they have to). Here is a question we wouia line snswerea: WHT WAS A BONUS OF ll.OUO.OO OF FERED TO MR. DILLON IF HE WOULD CANCEL THE SALE OF HIS STORE TO VST ASK CHARLEY OF SOUTH OMAHA. HE KNOWS. 11.00 Her s Malt Whisky wsnt It? t l 11.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whisky 75 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder 12 11. 00 Cokes' Dandruff Cure 63 11. 00 Panslan Hair Tonic (guaranteed;.. ,ia 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine 15 26o Qulnacetol (guaranteed) coia cure, zoo I'i.OO Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal PUls.1.00 11 OA Peruna all you want 63 $1.00 Pierce's Remedies 69 11.00 German Kammell Bitters 75 60o "CATARRH REM" (GUARAN TEED) 10 60c Gem Catarrh Powder 30 Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. t BlJf Rwooa 7. Tclephooa 7UI Irakw Kw dCUrk, Ladwtg ncaaer. CllillOIICl Eltaller Piano-forto Makers. MAIN STORE 1313 fARNAM ST.. OMAHA. SGHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUO STORE E. T. TATE8. Prop. ih an1 Chlrajro. Omaha. 'Phones 747-787. 14th and N Bts., South Omaha, 'Phone No. 1 mm Reaeitt SHOES Should not hurt the feat to begin with or to end with. They should hold their shape as long as they last. Our ahoas are mad to fit bene they afford oomfort and ar stylish as kwg as you wear them. ONIMOD Tba shoe For Entire Satisfaction. Always $3.50 5$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 205 So. 15th St. It pays to buy your piano or organ at our store because we ar manufacturer and retail at wholesale prices. W sell direct and save you the middle man's profit. One year ago this week, we did the largest business In our history It Is our Intention to make thla week's sale eclipse the record made at that time. To do owe have cut the prices to the quick. In many Instance to cost. No such values were ever offered to the people of Omaha and surrounding territory. Our present bargain event overshadow all previous efforts. New High Grado PIANOS Hand made at our own factory la Omaha fully guaranteed for twenty years and xoelled by none. Regular Prlci $400.00 1375.00 f350.00 1325.00 0?r Price This Week $300.00 v $275.00 $250.00 $225.00 Wa take old Instruments In exchange at full value and apply same on first payment. Our Organ Offer Excclls all Othor Becauae we give you better quality, lower prices and easier terms than can be bad elsewhere. New Bchmoller 4k MueUer, Estey, Schults, Mason 4k Hamlin, and other renowned makes. , . Regular Pries $42.00 $52.00 . $62.00 $72.00 and up. . Our Prlci this Week $29.00 J-asJaa S39.00 ,r $49.00 V $59.00 and up Used organs, $10, $15, $20 and up TEKMS--$5.00 down and $3.00 per month. .Special values in used up right and square pianos. Steinway, Knabe, Vose, Em erson ' and other, celebrated makes of square pianos, $35, $45, $55, $65 and up. $68 Haselton upright, ebony . 7fl case ...... HP w New Tork upright, mahogany . $88 esses) ae wT T?or..fu.,.,..",,!: ..$8 Kimball upright. 7 CI OR Beautiful Stock concert grand, $218 Excellent Kr'anlcn' sV Bach parlor grand .jpaWiJ THE EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. Pianolas, Aeolians, Acrid Pianos and Orchastrplles. r-w ik in i is I a. mm "How long; does it take yon to do up a white eatr Bald the lanndryman: "Bout two washings." You're tip apalngt, a different proposition when It's a MacCarthy White Waistcoat. So la the laun dryman. All our white wash estln(?8 are aoap-bolled and shrunk before we touch 'em with scissors. They can't shrink. They won't rust. And, by the way, Mac Carthy 3-Button Double Brysted vThlte Dres Waistcoats are "it" for function wear. 18 to $15. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, Originators snd Designers Of the MacCarthy 8-Button Double-Breaated Back. J04-JO6 5 16th St., Next door to Wabash Ticket Office. Pbn 1S0S. fry Shoes Mean Shoe Style Shoe Quality Shoe Satisfaction IYy Shoes are the beat shoes made for the price, whether . SX50, $3.60 or $5.00. Fry Shoe styles and ' ma terials are selected from the best shoemakers In the world. . Fry Shoes are made espe cially for us, to sell to our own . customers, to make and keep our reputation with, to build our business on. Fry Shoes are sold under our own name and bear our own guarantee. They are always reliable, always fashionable, always satisfactory. See our new winter styles. FRY SHOE Trlnai Jujtja7B32ffegto the Hello Girl to- ins, '.ana for Advertbj3 - k xi v n i r iHi i i r- ib m m am r St A full Una of these wonderful self-playing instruments can now b seen side by aide at prices never quoted In this section of the country. Used PIANOLAS from $160.00 up. Used AEOLIANS. $50.00 and up. Aerlot Pianos and OrohestreJlea at less than cost. INDIA?! BEAD W sell and ship Pianos, Organs and Self Players any wher In the United States and pay freight charges both ways If after careful exsmlnatlon the Instru ment Is not entirely satisfactory to 'the owner. Catalogues, prices and terms sent free on application. Tour credit is good open an account with ua, no matter wher you reside. JS COLLAR (iNCOSaOSA? f 0) MANUFACTU RE-WHOLE 5ALC RETAIL PIANO S MAIN MOUBf AND tmCI! ISS racToat: ,'" "" TCLK'MONC 1a OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB IH 1TM OT. TSU CO. BLUFPS.IA oa BMoaowar U8BS gpeclal for one week only each 10c By mall, 20c. Refrular price 25c. Full line of Beads in all colors. Largest assortment in the west Pattern Books, Needles, every thing pertaining to the BEAD work. Also the largest and moat complete Yarn Department in the west WE WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, and can till your wants for any quantity. JOS. F. Bill 322 S. (6th St. OMAHA - - NED 'it iri4tlMtCuixt tl. i ann,i l aM ay V s. a a. . 1 tuxtHowomii. tin Btf el for Bktatat diKbuiM.uiawHSMUoua Irriutlou ar ulcerations i,' m ucll iMBtrtut, fuuit, Mtiia caul oc pu'ftoaoue- alola wroMWS. oj.otom. oroootd. toe ea. or a aoUlta at 7a. UiiuW saa oaoaj ' .a. U'EIIE.. BECJGETT I6lh and Harney Sts-OUAHA. pirns From ho Factory At Factory Prices Your Choice on Easy Payments Terms to Suit Customers By buying from us you will save from one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars on whatever piano you buy. We are able to do thla be cause we are not exclusive dealers. Being sellers of everything, we are able to run our- Department on the closet margin of profit WE 6IYE YOU YOUR CHOICE OF THIRTY STANDARD AMERI CAN BRANDS. WE 6IVE YOU YOUR CHOICE OF (20 SUPERB INSTRUMENTS No better chance for a bargain was ever offered to lovers of muslo or lov ers of home than the chance we offer for November. Tou can buy as easily and as pleas ingly by mall If you trade with us as though you called In person and In spected OLR ATTRACT! VK STOCKS. Va Bunch Our Stock Into Three Distinct Groups for November GROUP HO. 1. 0135 to 0185 j This lot Includes used Uprights of well known makes and are splendid pianos for beginners. 0140 A new mahogany Upright of good tone and action. OI50toSI90 New Uprights, In mahogany, oak and walnut cases, In a variety of de sign, llanos of this claaa have sold for very much higher prices. They are the greatest piano bargains ever offered In the west. Each In strument carries our guarantue, GROUP NO. a. 0185 to 0235 These prices are for pianos manu factured by firms of the highest repute, and are thoroughly reliable. We cannot recommend them toi highly. GROUP NO. 8. Baby Grands Parlor and Concert Grands are of fered at the same relatively low prices. Buyers . at a distance should write for Special Bargain List and also for schedule of freight rates on pianos. We ship pianos everywhere, A hand some Piano Book, illustrated In col ors, FR&il EASY PAYfJEHTS ORCANS All stylea aU cheap all on EAST PAYMENTS. Special November Sale of SHEET MUSIC and everything la MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. . WRITE TODAY, The Bennett Company letb aad Haraey Ste- Oman a. Nek. Bee Tools We carry the only stock In the west; V7m. T. Woods & G's celebrated tools. Send for 1094 catalogue. Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1511 Dodge Street Exclusive Agents Our Candy Prices Italian Chocolates, Bitter Sweet, per lb.. Sic Chocolate Chopsticks, per lb 25c Cocoanut Macaroons, per lb 26c Maple Leaves, per lb . 20c Home-made Fudge, per lb 2oc Cream Butterscotch, per lb SOo Cocoanue Bon-Bona, per lb 20c Peanut Squares, per lb 15o French Mixed Creams, per lb ......16c Pure Koarhound Sticks, per. lb 10c Jelly Gumdrops, per lb 10c Coal Hods 6c A large Una of novelty candy boxes at cut prlcea. k KM f 1 1 1 1 I THB RELIABLE) nm wni7v I JT.-I kyS Coupon Sale Coupons with'ercry purchase. The most liberal and Taloa ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Tho Biggest Clothing Salo Ever Held in Omaha Still Going On. The big stock of men's suits and overcoats, closed out from Max Ernst, and also the stook'of boys and children's suits and overcoats, of Loeb & AValdheimer, both of New York will con tinue to be on sale. Special Sale of Hen's Suits at $7.50 to $10 Hirt Schf fterl ( Marx Hind Tailored We have over 50 different pat terns to select from in all the latest and most up-to-date styles and col ors these suits were made to sell at from $12.00 to $15.00 Our special price for Monday, flO.OC and 7.50. For $12.50 and $15.00 we have largest and most complete assort ment ever shown in the city- in these lots you will find the finest and most perfect fitting garments ever manufacture In fancy chev viots, Scotch tweeds, eerges, fancy worsteds, thibets and unfinished worsteds, in Scotch mixtures, plaids stripes, and fancy mixtures and iilain colors any size or style de siredthese suits were .made to. sell at from $18 to $20.00. Our price in this big sale only f 15.0b and $12.50. . ' MEN'.S OVERCOATS , For $7.50 and $10, we have overcoats in all shades and colors, in all the very latest styles, medium and long lengths, in meltons, kerseys, beavers, vicunas, and cheviots, any size from 34 to 50-ln. regular stout and slim cuts any of these are worth from $12.50 to $15.00. Our price for Monday only $10 and $7.50. For $12.50 and $15.00 we have the greatest assortment of overcoats ever shown, in any style or color you wish, made in 44, 46 and 50-inch lengths, with loose back with or without the belt, in plaids, stripes, pin checks, fancy mixtures and plain colors. These overcoats are made to sell at from $18 to $20. Our price in this great sale, only $12.50 to $15.00. Also Big Salo on Children's Suits and Overcoats. At extremely low prices, SEE OUR 16TH STREET WINDOW FOR THESE CLOTH ING BARGAINS. nn lii rn buy mm nussiE hardware go. i Sir Acorn Base Burners $25 up jg Oak Stoves $6 up p Cole's Hot piast ...$IO up 3 The Best Steei Ranges Ever p Brought to Omaha - S30 up : sr We're quite sure that we're selling j more first-class stoves han any dealer S in Omaha. It's beca -ie of our stoves 5 and our prices. It is admitted that m j2lh Acorn stoves give more heat for the jp C'jrrrTrVr fuel ud ttiAn anv other make and our m- wla )s funm (itrm t )vrit 4tff'Si.a rtTinr r" ii u 1 j Jl i w' ij uum a. v aw iiin wuuui . aya.w pi( s4 that asked by others X Our statement in this respect is worth investigating Zl is it not? JjE JOIin HUSSIE IIAnDVARE GO. 2407-2409 CUI..IHQ ST. "IF YOU DUY IT OF HUSSIE IT'S RICHT.' THE TRUTH ABOUT PAINT... Lowe Bros'. High Standard IJquJd Paint Is a full bodied Linseed Oil Paint, designed to nil the highest requirements of a liquid bouse paint It has more eoerlng power, greater spreading capacity aad uiore durability than any paint In the market. It Is far superior to any lead and oil paint that can be mixed by hand. Therefore Its use "GIVES BEST RESULTS." It Is sold on an absolute guar antee, and made for all purposes. Floor Paint, Decoration Paint. Barn Paint, Carriage Paint, Radiator Paint In the fall Is the time to paint If you are thinking of doing painting of any description use our 'phone. No. t2b, and we will be pleased to hare our representative explain to you how economically it can be done with Lowe Bros', "iilgb Standard." I MYERS'DILLON DRUG CO. I6TH AND FARNAM. Pilct DepartsiDt, 1416 HARKEY GOLD CROWNS FROM $3.00 Work guaranteed. Special prlcea continued Until Korember a. We are here to slay. Consult the professors free. killings, from 26o Cet of Teeth for .. )2.00 Teeth Extracted ..Kil V UNION DENTAL COMPANY 1922 Douglas St, Room 4. Open Till 8 p a s" . t J