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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
'18 TITE OMAHA DAILY ItEE: BUND AT, JCOVEMI.ER 8, 1003. t t - f ncsisisM ciiahces. 27 QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID NOVEMBER 2, 1903. As projrnowtliSatcd by us three months ego, our quarterly dividends paid by us No vember t, I!i3, to nil our Investors reached the Imnifnne figure of 27 fer cent, ur panning all our former records for hsnd Kmi quarterly dividends and thoroughly ecllimlna; thoee made by any other com pany In existence. Remember these quar terly dlvldi-nds are In addition to our reitularly weekly dividends of 4 per cent. Owing to the Inauguration of new fields for winter operations we have no hesitancy In assuring our Investors that our NEXT QUARTljRLT DIVIDEND. February 1, 19nj, will mora than double any February dividends made by us here tofore. Iet us explain to you our methods, together with references In your own locality. THE METROPOLITAN ASSURANCE AS SOCIATION (Incorporated), 100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Y-"-962 8x THE C. E. RAND COMPANY, CO-OPERATIVE RA.C1NO STABLE . . . 'AND TURF ENTERPRISES. On October 1, isna. we paid all our investors quarterly dividend of t per cent on all moneys Invested with us, lnaddltlon to the regular I per cent weekly dividend which Is forwarded to all Investors on Wednes day of each week. This extra quarterly dividend has varied In amount according to the results attained by us In our enter prises. QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS s PAID. For the .quarter ending July 1, ma 7 per cent For the quarter ending October 1, 18 11 per cent For the quarter ending; January 1, 1003 t per cent For the quarter ending April 1, lt 6Vi per cent For the quarter ending July 1, isoa 84 per cent For the quarter (now ended). October 1, lu3 per cent Our aim Is to pay our Investors the full earning on the money Invented by them, as the above statement will show, and our enterprise is such a wonderful and grow ing success that we are confident the next ?uarterly dividend, payable January 1, DM, will reach much higher than the present dividend Just paid. Full particular and beautiful Illustrated book mailed free upon application. THK C. E. RANI) COMPANY, tt BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. Y955 8x READ THIS LIST Of business places for sale, all sixes and l prices. In Omaha and country towns: V Three hotels, restaurants, 4 cigar stores, V I confectionery stores, 2 news stands, 8 v1. grocery stores, ( stocks of general mer U chandlse, marble works, S shoe stores, 4 f hardware stores, Implement stores. )i J laundries, 4 livery businesses 8 barber ' 'shops, bakeries, X blacksmith shops, A .'country newspapers, 1 creamery, 1 drug intores, 1 dray ailu transfer businesses. 2 : jairles. 8 millinery stores, 4 meat markets, i several manufacturing businesses, I feed f'USinees, A coal uuninens, puui ruumv, a umber yards, 2 printing ofnces, 2 racket stores, 2 furniture stores, several oflloe bueineases, 1 photograph gallery, 2 bowl ing alleys, I flour mills, 1 mall order b uri nous and a good list of rooming houses and boarding houses. . WILLIAMS, 411 McCague building. Y103 8x $2,500 WILL, buy wholesale and retail busi ness clearing a year. Bee WIL LIAMS, 411 McCague building. Y 104 8x FURNITURE and undertaking for sale; good town 81,600. WILLIAMS, 411 Mc Cague building. X 104 Sx HOTEL BARGAINS In Omaha and country towns. Bee WILLIAMS, 411 McCague building. Y 107 8x TWENTY-ROOM fiat; rent t: furniture, 81,200; regular and transient roomers; cen tral. Sea WILLIAMS. 411 McCague build ing. Y 108 8x FOURTEEN-ROOM. modern, brick; cen tral location; rent, with water, 840; fur niture, 81.100; full of roomers and board ers; Income over $500 per month; good bargain. Bee WILLIAMS. 411 McCague building. Y-109 8x 100 LOTS FREE Flrrt applicants sending stamp will receive deed of a lot, size 26 x 100 feet, to advertise Westminster Park, suburb New York. 20th, Century Realty Co.. Wall st, N. Y. , T WANTED Partner with 85.000.00 to enlarge established buelness; guarantee to double money. Address U 20, Omaha Bee. Y-124 8x I CAN BELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where It Is or what it la worth; send de scription, state price and learn how. OfRoes and special representatives In 86 cities. W. M. OBTRANDER, Home Office 148 N. A, Bldg.,- Philadelphia, lROVEN BY V. 8. MINT RECEIPTS that this company produced over 800,000 gold bullion from one year's development work on one cjalm. It paid over 831,000 In dividends last year. The Nevada Key stone Mining Co. owns seven additional claims and It Is for the purpose of push ing development work on these that a limited amount of stock Is offered for sals. Bucb development work as has been done on the seven claims has demonstrated that they are richer than the developed Claim, the "Keystone," which gives the name to the whole group. Ten per cent per annum In dividends on your Invest ment la certain beoauae of the earning power of the developed mine, with a magnificent opportunity of Increasing the value of your holdings by the develop ment of the seven additional claims. The company courts the closest Investigation of both large md small capital. Dun and Bradstreet mercantile agencies have In- 1 telllgent reports on the company. Hlgh Mt Lank references. We recommend this as a rare opportunity for a safe and re munerative investment Write at once for booklet containing facsimiles of U. 8. mint receipts and "what others have to say." leaded Investment Company. BL Louis, Mo. . Y POCTOR If you wish to buy or sell a med ical practice or procure a partner address, giving particulars. Dr. W. O. Dyer, West field, Wis. Y IF YOU HAVE MONEY and would like to have It EARN MORE MONEY, write us today for particulars of an Investment that will pay over 100 per cent profit in SO days. MOKTON A THOMAS, BANKERS, Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa, VN Illinois corporation with a capital of 2260.uoo.uo established seven years and In successful operation In Chicago, New York and St. Louis, having decided to ex tend buslneea throughout the United States and Canada, deelres connection with competent man as exclusive terri torial manager who will Invent 81.000.00 In the dividend-paying atock of the company, with guarantee inat loss. fcalary ii'oOxu per month and la per cent of net protits, which will at leaat equal salary. Bytem protected by cop rights and In demand by y all merchants and manufacturers the year around. 96 per cent of customers have re Hewed CJiitructa fur seven years. System simple; complete mastery quickly ac quired. No scheme. No speculation. Straight, clean, honorable business. Will stand the most searching investigation. H IK dent commercial and bank references furnished. Address Director of Agenc ea. Tribune Bldg., Chicago. . Y Mo ax 430 ACRES wheat and alfalfa land, adjoin ing good town; will take Income iiroperty. Price. f;6 per aero. Write J. U. Cramer. Kiowa, Kan. Y ;i x 16 PER CENT WEEKLY. You can handle your own money and real ise an avtruge income at the above rate; nd for our fr booklet, which expliins our method In full. Oeorge E. Rnolds 4k Co., 60 Broadway, New York Cltv. Y-673 8x rut READ THIS. Your . Idle . - Capital To Work Where It will earn from 8 to It per cent, ker month. If you have 8-S0 or more to in ret, write for "Cereal Mutual" Booklet, txpl&lnltig our method of operating in the train marketa. Address Isbell V Co., 4 Bherman St.. Chl . Y-BJ fcx . fOR 8AI.B-Clty buslneas, paying $fi tenon per year; stock carrlei, ahnui tl.&giio. established ten years; ymIuxHp rontnt-ts; owner selling on account of ijor lw'th; price, (6Min; this la a snap for a luan Who Wants to set Into business. s Bholoa-Arnmtrone' Co..( Tel. 48, v- 7a-2 N. Y. Life. T-18 BISISESS CHAMCES. Bl'SlNEBS BAROAIN8. Well est. ptxr box mfs. bus., machinery, flxt. and stock on hand. New York City. Genl. mdse. stock and flxt., Wrlghtsvllle, Ua. Oenl. mdse. bus. bldg., stocks and flxt., liankinson, N. D. Bldg., 83,7uO. Stock 0c on dollar. Pat. on Impd. propelling mechanism for ve hicles. Suitable for any conveyance. Chopping mill property, i houecn and 27 a., near v Conahohocken. Pa., 87.010. Inc. typewriter supply bus. (mall order bus. Included), Chicago. $9,000. ItimkxuiHn and wood shops. Implement house and bus., dwel. and lot, Fairfax, Mo. Complete salt mfg. plant and 2 a. land, Kincardine, OnU, Can. Excellent Invest ment. Eat. book and stationery bus., Troy, N. Y. Oenl. hdwe. stock and flxt., Schenevus, N. Y. . Complete bakery bus., Mlddletown, N. Y. Vn'ufla mfg. property, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Est. medical practice and fine res. prop., Wiaaahtckon, Phlla., 212,600. Tailoring and furnishing bus., Boonrllle, Mo. Paper box mfg. bus. snd complete eqpt., Pawtucket, R. I., 817,000. Est. drug and Jewelry btif bldg. and stock, Wentworth, S. D.; large profits. Handsomely furnished hotel. Fort Meyers, Ela. Complete soap mfg. plant, Jacksonville, Ela. Oenl. mdse. bus. and stock. North, S. C. Leather and shoe findings bus., stock and book -acct., Worcester, Mass. 812.000. Hotel and restaurant furniture and flxt. and blacksmith stock snd tools In Md. town. Retail florist bus., greenhouses, stock, flxt, 24.000 ft. land. Clinton, Mass.' $7,000. Est. millinery and ladles" furnishing bus.. stock and flxt., Morgantown, W. Va. Two-thirds Int. In roller flour and feed mill, 2 dwellings and 28 a. nr. Butler, Ohio. Hotel and bus., Sunbury, Pa. 816.R00. Feed and custom mill, house and 1H a., Magnolia, nr. Evansvllle, Wis. 83O0. Pat. on Impd. hot air furnace. 83.000. Bteam laundry plant, Anamosa, la. 82,600. Grocery bus., stock and flxt., Washington Ave. and 176th St., N. Y. City. $3,260. Flour and feed mill, Dixon. Cal. $8,000. Oenl. mdse. and undertaking bus., store, bldg. and stock, cusning, uki. ft Grocery and meat market mis., stock nU bldg. loieao, J. Jing. a.ow, stock at inv, 176-111. roller flour mill, elevator and 8 a, warehouses. Henrietta, Texss. 81000. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. Bldg., Phlla. Y MS 8x FOR EXCHANGE. FOR sale or exchange, fruit ranch near Pasadena; valuable iota in Juos Angeies; cheap, to close nn estate. Carl Anderson, Victoria hotel, Omaha. Neb. Z M871 8x TAMMKRIXO AJID STtTTTKRIMQ. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 480 Rarage Bldg. STORAGE. OH. Van Btor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tela. 1558-Rfii 78 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. p. H. x'hiiDin, ltx J arnam. 'Phone 7i. 677 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow $900 to 81.000 at 7 per cent on gooa Boutn umana rental prop erty; security ample. Address T 26. Bee. M-803 WANTED, to borrow two hundred and fifty dollars for six months; good, security. Address U 85, Bee. i M183 x LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received at the office of Secretary of State up until 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, November 12, 1903, for belt ing and pulltes for use at the penitentiary as per Itemlxed statement found In the office of Secretary of State. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GEORGE W. MARSH, Secretary of Board. Nld lot TABLE AND KITCHEN Mean. BREAKFAST. . Fruit. Cereal. Cream. Plain Omelet. Baootb Toast. Coffee. LUNCH. Stuffed Peppers. Creamed Sweet Potatoes. Entire Wheat Bread. Cocoa. DINNER. Chicken Gumbo (canned). Macaroni Bails. Cream Bauoe. Potato Balad. Stewed Fruit. Coffee Cake. Coffee. Recipes. A Rich Chfestnut Filling The most ap proved chestnut filling for turkey Is madav of the boiled or roasted nuts, mashed, sea soned with butter, salt and pepper, but thorn who are willing to tax digestion for sake of variety may try the following: Roast thirty large chestnuts, remove the shells and Inner brown skin. Take about ten of the chestnuts and pound to a pasts with the cooked turkey liver; season to taste with salt and pepper, add a few drops of onion Juice and teaspoonful of mixed parsley; bind together with the yolks of two eggs. Fill this Into the cavity at the neck and sew up. For the body stuffing take five or six links of the tiny smoked sausage and cut Into small pieces. Mix with a cup of fins bread crumbs, pepper, salt, two ounces of melted butter and the remainder of the cheatnuts, using them whole. Chestnut Sauce, to erve with Turkey Remove the shells from four dosen large chestnuts and put them in a roaster an Iron pan with holes place them over a clear, bright fire and stir and shake them about constantly until the skins can be re moved easily. Then put them Into a sauce pan with a gill at whits wine or good sharp cldor and enough clear stock to cover well. Add an ounce of butter, a large teaspoon ful of sugar and a grating of nutmeg. Boll until quite tender, keeping them whole. Remove the chestnuts to a hot, covered sauce dish, reduce the liquor by boiling It down a few minutes longer, then pour over the chestnuts and serve with turkey, i Chestnut Cutlets Take fifty French or large chestnuts. Remove the shells and put the nuts Into a dish, with enough water or broth to cover, and cook until tender, then drain from the broth and pound or chop them very fine, adding a tablespoon of .warmed butter while chopping them; then add another tablespoon of butter, salt to taste; then add gradually a cup of good, sweet cream. When well mixed rub through a coarse clcve. Then stir In four well-beaten eggs, turn the mixture Into a double boiler and cook a few minutes, stirring all the time. The mixture should be a smooth, thick paste. Spread It out on a large platter, and when cool enough mould Into small cutlet-shaped forms; cover with beaten egg, then . with fine bread crumbs and fry In deep hot fat, same as croquettes. Chestnut Pudding Peel and boll fifty -or tlxty large chestnuts; when tender remove the brown skins and pound fine; add the grated rtnd of half a lemon or orange, quirter of a pound of powdered sugar and a flavoring of orange flower water or va nilla. Add a cupful each of fine bread and sweet bicult crumbs, a cup of rich, sweet cream, and mix the whole well together with six well-beaten eggs. Put Into a well buttered mould, sprinkle the top with pow dered sugar 'and place In a hot oven for a few minutes until a nice brown. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Retailers Report Quit to ImnroTement in Sale of Winter Gocda HARDWARE MARKET SHOWS WEAKNESS Cottoa Goods, However, Aro la a Very Stroag rosltloa aaa Loral Jobbers Look for No Bedae ' tloas la Prices this lessoa, The first half of last week's trade nn seasonable goods was rather qtilet, both In a wholesale and retail way. The latter part of the week, however, owing to the cooler weather, the retail demand showed considerable Improvement. That, retailers say, is good proof that they were -correct In saying that all they needed to make buslneas good wai seasinnMe weather. They are now more confident than ever that business will be good throughout the season. Trade Is naturally quiet with wholesalers as this Is their dull period. Not much trade, In fact. Is expected until merchants have had time to sell out a large part of the stocks they already have on their shelve. Future business, however. Is go ing ahead of all expectations, as traveling men are meeting with exceptionally good success. Merchants seem to be more will ing than usual to place their orders for spring lines, owing, no doubt in a large measure, to the healthy condition of the market on most lines. There now seems to be no doubt but what the high record established a year ago will euslly be broken. The markets have fluctuated about the usual amount during the week under re view. With very few exceptions, however, values are on as firm a basis na ever and those who are hest posted look for con tinued firm markets for some time to come. In fact, they say merchandise at present prices Is good property and retailers need have no hesitation about carrying large enough stocks to meet all the requirements of their trade. Collections are hardly as good as desired owing, no doubt, to the lack of seasonable weather, which hs made fall goods move slowly. With cool weather Jobbers look for a big Improvement lri this department. Coffee Still Advancing;. Wholesale grocers report the coffee mar ket as still advancing and say that present Indications point to prices ruling higher this year than for some time past. The earlier estimates of the crop have again been reduced, which has helped to strengthen the situation very materially. Early last week options were a trifle easier, but since that time the tendency has been upward and spot coffee In New York la now 4c higher than it was a week ago. Speculators and large buyers are now op erating very freely. There Is nothing new to report In the sugar situation, as both raw and refined grades are quoted the same as at last re- fort. The demand, though, has shown a lttle Improvement. Llmberger and Swiss cheese are reported firm at last week's advance, with other lines unchanged. The export demand con tinued to Improve and, as the factories are now closed down. It Is not unreasonable to suppose that still higher prices will pre vp'1 In the future. There Is a brisk demand for dried fnils and especially for raisins and prunes. The new crop of prunes Is now on the market and Jobbers say the quality Is far above the average. The rice market has evidently reached the bottom. It hna been stearllly going down ever since the opening. The small mills apparently were overstocked and anxious to sell and the weakness was largely due to the low prices made by them. Information recently received would Indi cate that the smaller mills are now pretty well cleaned up and as a result the market has reacted ViW-c above the low point. The market now has a much healthier tone and the general opinion Is that any changes In the near future will be In the direction of higher rather than of lower prices. The bean market, to the sfirnrlse of the trsde. has suffered a decline of 10Q15c per bushel. There Is very little change to note In the canned goods situation. The low prices existing on tomatoes have naturally In creased consumption. California canned goods continue in a very strong position and still further advances have been noted. There have been no price changes In woodenware and fancy lines. The demand fii I h. i.ti.. hnvae la r.rv hejkvv and i jobbers snticipate a very heavy trade for me noMiinva. In the line of Ash IIollRnd herring Is re ported considerably h!her than It was a week ago. Not only that, but Indications are favorsble for still higher prices In the future, even In the face of the large catch. Mackerel continues to advance steadily and the onlv sires now available of the Amer ican catch run 130 to 10 to the barrel. Prac tically no small fish were caught this ses nn. There are some Irish and Norwsy mackerel available, running no to 8S0 to the barrel, but prices are very high. Bo far as the dpmand for all seasonable and staple lines Is concerned, local Jobbers say thev never experienced a better trade at this time of the year than they are hav ing at the present time. C'ottoa Goods Adrsnrlag. The cotton goods market has taken a de cided boom during the Inst week or two. Leading four-yard goods have been ad vanced Vc snd all lines on which reductions have been expected are now In a stronger position than at any time this season. As reported through these columns a week ago the cotton crop Is much smaller than was generally anticipated. The frost of two weeks ago. It seems, did fully as much damage as at first thought and the top crop will be very light. From the most reliable estimates there will be a decided shortage this year and In fact It Is feared there will be less cotton available than the world's consumption for the last twelve months. The fact that no old cotton was carried over of course makes the situation all the more serious. Taking these fscts Into con sideration local Jobbers say It Is not reason able to look for any reductions In the price of manufactured goods during the present season. House trade with local Jobbers Is reported quiet, the same as usual at this time of the year. Order business, however. Is fairly good for Immediate shipment and for fu ture delivery It Is the best ever known at this time of the year. Traveling salesmen are naturally greatly encouraged over the success they have had so far In landing ad vance orders, and look for a good brisk trade throughout the season. Orders have been liberal In practically all departments, but dress goods have sold exceptionally well. Orders for underwear, hosiery and shirts have also been very large. Hardware Not So Firm. It Is very evident that the hardware market Is not In as strong a position ss It has been for some time past. Stocks are larger, which means that most manufac turers are catching up with their orders. It is claimed that the production of pig Iron the remainder of the year will be curtailed so as to prevent any great accumulation of stock and In that way keep prices up. Ioca! Jobbers as a rule are predicting that there will be no radical changes In the mar ket and say that while the market Is not a speculative one merchants may feel safe In carrying all the stock they need for their trade. ' A decline In nails Is reported amounting to 6c and barbed wire has eased oft the same amount. Linseed oil Is still weak and fur ther reductions would cause no surprise. The glass market is unsettled, but the de mand Is liberal. Galvanized Iron has also cased off a little and la selling quite freely at the decline. Carriage bolts have been marked down 10 per cent, but steel goods have been marked up a like amount. Loaded shells and ammunition are In big, demand, the same pi usual at this time. Trade on the whole is In very satisfactory condition to local Jobbers. The need of colder weather has been felt for some; time past to make seasonable goods move freely, but still the total volume' of business has not been at all bad. Holiday lines are now coming Into good demand and nresent nros- pects are that a big business will be done on those lines during the next few weeks. . No t'hnnae In Leather Goods. The situation with leather goods Jobbers Is much the same as It was a week ago. Immediate business Is still good, although colder and more stormy weather mlgnt make It still better. Shoe men, theugh, have been doing very little complaining about the weather or about anything else this fall, which Is a good Indication that they have been enjoying liberal patronage. Advance orders are also good and In fact considerably better than they were a year ago at this time. Rubber clothing Is selling to good advan tage and Jobbers say they have sold more stock this year than ever before. Rubber footwear Is still rather quiet. A snowstorm and cold weather Is needed to make that class of goods popular. There have been very few Important chnnges In this class of goods during the week under review. The demand has been of very satisfactory proportions. The prices on the various lines will be found In another column. Delirious Dessert and Supper Dish f 91 - wst: There Is mm an affinity between ' -t the crisp, nutty WHOLE'WHEJiT filaments and preserves, that charms the palate. Shredded Wheat has all the food value Intended by Mature for man. Dr. Chas. A. Barnard, Centerdale, R. I., writes : " It is the most perfect food yet offered to mankind." OLD BY ALL GROCERS , Beea Uercksali fall. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 7.-A receiver b. been appointed for I. Iindrrth tk. Bmit, I s ra mercnanta. j ne iiuoi'iues are about Ilbu.iM and th arrets mu h lets. Counsel for the firm suld the bus nax had been con ducted along th-. old line, employe ctiei for through th winter and petitioned In o d age Instead of being d smlued, nd that till cciiH.eiiUuu cf new huiuMis Could no lunger be faced. For rent at a bargain The large double store in Bee Building, formerly occupied by MaeCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feet plate glass front, the only one of its kind in Omaha. Treset monthly rental, 5175. Will rent to single tenant for f 133 per month. Or will remodel into two stores and rent each store for 75. Excellent location for men's furnishing store, shoe fctore, jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the 1m-"" mense Bee Building, City Hall, Court Uouse and New York Life-Building a possible patron. For further particulars, see MaeCarthy Tailoring Co., t :SMMaaaMkW Th e METKOFOLITAM For November WITH MORE than its usual number of illustrations by well-known artists, with a greater variety of short stories by famous authors, with a superb colored frontispiece, and with a cover in tints designed by Paul Helleu, the famous French delineator of feminine beauty, the November issue of The Metropolitan Magazine will eclipse all of its Frevious numbers and give to its readers a rare treat of timely art and literature, t is a safe prediction to make that this special issue of the Magazine will be the strongest and most beautiful of all the fall periodicals something to buy and enjoy and cherish for months afterward. more than are in some the 35-cent magazines. lOOFaa'es ? 1.W lOO Illustrations 17 full page reproductions are of the finest examples of Dry-Point Etchings by M. Paul Helleu, the famous French delineator of feminine beauty. Cover design also by Helleu. 4 Special -Articles "THE STORY OF THE COD AND HIS FOES." Broughton Braodcnburf Illustrated from Photographs by the Author and others. "MAKING A NEW PLAY FOR SARAH BERNHARDT." w. de w.x.tafie Illustrated from Photographs posed by Marion Crawford. "PAUL HELLEU AND HIS ART." .... Fitz Roy Carrlngton Illustrated from Dry-Points by M. Helleu. "JEHOSHAPHAT ........... Ewan HacPherson 1 1 tories "THE MAN WHO CAME BACK." . . Rebecca Harding Davis Illustrated from Drawings by Frank Parker. "MR. BILLINGTON, A POLITE RASCAL." Win. Hamilton Osborne Illustrated by Paul Bransom and W. G. DeMaris. "PUP: A LIKEABLE OUTCAST." Philip Verrill Mighels Illustrated from Drawings by , Howard McLormick. V"A PINK EVENING WITH POE.". Julia R. Tutwiler Illustrated from Drawings by George Gibbs. "BIRDS OF A FEATHER." Guy Wetmore Carryl And seven others just as interesting. 12 SHort S 11 F oeimsp Some of them are by Charles G. D. Roberts; Theodosia Garrison; Helen Leah Reed, and Curtis Hidden Page. All News-stands Price 15 cents. Buy of your nearest news-deal., or give him $1.50 for a twelve-months subscription, post paid, and he will forward it for you. SUBSCRIBE. NOW (AS) mm f t Kupoi it a ki m if 7 j ( . ' JP t Ax m ml ' The Above on Sale at Newspapers from All Over Our Specialty Moore's Stoves Always Please IS SHE GUESSING? Not Much! . the kitchen floor aod gue.ked the lime. Her mother Lit of the oven and guested the heat. This modern, up-to-doti woman doe neither, (or SH K KNOWS. She hat a New Moore's Steel Range, with a reliable Oikii TlutrmomeUr and every iacilily for cooking- with ae and certainty. Bo tare and give ua opportunity to show you these before you buy. For sals by lekntka Kiiraaltar Jt Carpet aoath Oaaaha, a ad by all tarae stove dealers. Co.. a QUAKER MAID RYE Pellghtfat as beverage, Heetthfal as a Tonic. . For sals at the lead- ng bers, cafes M ttrua stores. S. KIRSCH & CO. luiu City, Hi. i