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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; BCXDAY, KOVKMPEIt 8, 1903. 17 FOR IALR RF.Ali ESTATES. D. V. SHOLES CO., Quit paying rent we will sell you a house in such a way that you pay for it the same as rent. (1,0002940 Arbor St., two blocks south of Hsnscoin Park, and Georgia tvt. car Una, lota 60x12 fret, lie fine; 4-room nrw house, with sewer connection, city water, enamel sink; piped fur gas; all sodded. Terms, HO cah down, balance $12 per month. You cannot beat thla In tha city of Omaha; Improvements coat $760, and tha lot la worth $M. eO0O WH4 Castellar, name aa the one above and on the lame terma; Just a block north; possession any day. Investigate 1760-231. Bo. f7th Bt., two lota, 7Gxll5 feet; rood 6-room houae, In good repair; a bar fain. B. E. cor. 41st and California Bta., B.Urce room and bath room, full Go-foot. cor. lot, la r ire frame barn; this houae needa some repair, but It la much better on the Inalde than It appears from outalde; non resident wanta to cloae it out quick; it can be had at a nnap. 12,10042(17 Cuming 8t., 7 rooma. Water, and bath, gas; paved afreet; $6u0 caah, balanoe auit; thla la all right. 12,000211 Pierce St. Here la tha smooth eat cottage on the market; thla la atrlctly modern, - except furnace; nicest kind of plumbing, gaa, double floors, covered with ahlp lap, papered and aided with building paper between atuda; built by the owner for permanent home; everything the beat; location choice; right on top of the hill: WALKING DISTANCE; lot 80x193 feet. 12,70 4716 Leavenworth St., rooma, mod ern but furnace; lot 70x112. 19.600 For a-room house, near All faints' church, atrlctly modern, oak finish, I years old; rents 130 per month; owner about to leave the city; oonalder caah proposition thla week. tjTTooo For 10-rootn houae, WEST FARNAM Dlst., cloae to car line, fine repair, atrlctly modern and up to date; beautiful oak Krquet floors, fine oak book cases. Two tha, gaa, and electric light, with good barn; lot 6xl20 feet. This la the beat proposition that la offered. 17.000 On Georgia Ave., near Woolworth, e. front, t rooma, hot water beat, beat of plumbing, fine cement and brick cellar under entire houae; 60xll0 foot lot; might - entertain noma good farm land or a good mailer residence property In part pay. JO.ono For tha finest brick, atone, slate roof modern realdence, with fine barn, nice lot, 6S feet frontage, atone paving, Thla la a SNAP If there waa ever one of fered. la a BNAP If thare waa ever one offered. U ano The EDWARD DICKINSON houae, U02 Park Ave., lot 66x167 feet, with ele gant 10-room, atrlctly modern residence, rooma large and beautifully arranged; fine Oak floor a all through, up and down stairs, magnificent barn, which coat $3,600 ; 6 stationary wash bowla, two bathe, ele gant ahade, and at leaa than you could build the house and barn alone by at least $2,600, and tha lot besides Is worth $4,004 VACANT r 30-60x128, Dupont, block weat of Georgia Art, car; snap. tS.eoo a W. cor. Wth an4 Jackson, apposite three ef the finest plaoes in Omaha; can not beat thla for a sate located home, 0x185, Joining on Inside, for $3,900. $3.600 For the s. w. cor. 86th and Jackson, opposite Kuclld Martin's home, 65x137 foet, both streets paved and paid. ACRES I sores near L street, south of Ruaers Park, lot 17. Spring Valley, for $500; it is a snap; must be cash. . TRADE M acres, miles n. e. of Co. Bluffs. T acres young bearing fruit, 4 aorea timber, bal. cultivated, 4-room house, barn, etc; all nearly new; eno. $X00; will take good Omaha rental property; this Is all right, , but owner cannot occupy It, reason sell ing. - FARMS RANCHES i0t acres all In body, fenced, 1,734 deeded, balanoe leased, good ranoh improvements, out about 1,000 tona hay; price for deeded land, $3.60 per acre; can put In 134 head of cattle and other ranch Implements, with I head aaddle or driving horaea, for $2,800 additional price; splendid cbanoa for right party. 825 acres highly Improved farm la eastern Lancaster, close to good town, elegant 10-room houae, with good orchard and ... farm buildings, ISO acrea very finest corn .. land, 76 acres blue grass pasture, with running water; fine stock and grain farm . CHEAP at per acre. Write us for information. LOTS! LOTS ! I LOTS'.I Lots of lota near Miller park and cloae to Fort Omaha $100 to $200; $6.00 down and balance $o.00. . . Get a home of your own and stop paying rent. The way to do It ia to make a start by buying a lot and then building. Come in and get plat and prices. Bemls, Paxton block. RE 181 I IT'S UP TO YOU LAST CHANCE To get tha V. K. corner Mth and Douglas, with l-r. houaa; never before offered for v leas than $2.u0. (This Is the property for which the owner was once offered $12,000 ) Unless you raise an offer by at least $134 your LAST CHANCE has slipped by you. , The offer Is $2,3301 buyer to tuke care of a little expense; some $19 for taxes and an abstract extension. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BUK). RE , FARM AND RANCH. V ill -. LAINUb. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. SOc to 2 per acre for ranches. $) to 4M2 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land Commissioner, Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RB A GREAT BARGAIN titLet 60x130, house 1-story, 7 rooma city water, on Parker near 38th at. Price, $1,260. Easy terma., Payne Investment Co. Mala Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel, 171. RE Great Snap beautiful building lot near 334 and Far nam for $2,260. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. 43 Board of Trade. RE 187 tx GREAT SACRIFICE SALS of lota near Fa mum car line. Two fine south front lots, Dodge, ne&rtMh, perfect grade, for $1,460 each. Three lota, id near Farnttm, $1,160. Three beautiful lots, liarney snd 41st, $1,563. Three lots, 41at. near Dodse, tor $ti?6? HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 4Jt Board of Trade. . RE US ax H New Houses H We have new houses that have Just been completed In the north, southwest ni west parte of the city that are all modern. IrfL cn eell for II. two, $2,J0. UMI and M,iu0. Coll and get full particulari Histincs & Heyden, S10-6U N. Y. Ufa Bldg . re m is 120 Acre Farm F" Calhoun, only 13 ml'es from Omaha, well Improved, orrhr-rd of tot Jr."- 71 00 Vr are; li s a s up. C U. Glover, first Hour N. Y. L. 'Phone US, . RE-lIsi I M . . FARMS FOR BALE. MM Acres within ten miles of bouth Omaha, good land. Improved. $J0 per acre; a rare opportunity to ae.-i.r. a good farm at a Utm prion; f,,r further Information ca'l on .... uraii m vvtuvaiiy. isui Far. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ws wish to call your attention to soma Very good bargains In real estate which we have to offer thla week. In fact we be lieve If you will look these over carefully you will find more real bargalna hare than anywhere else on thla page. 640a Agood little t-room cottage with well, ctelern, barn, nice yard; one block from South Omaha line. The owner la ask ing $H0.00. Very easy terma. 1428 Here la a splendid a-room cottage with bath, toilet, hot and cold water, cis tern and pump In houae, gaa for light and fuel, cemented cellar, coal bins, etc., good barn, chicken yard and house, full lot with ahade and shrub bery, right on one car line and only a few blocks from two more. The rental value of this property Is 120 per month. We are asking $2,000. Come In and let us show It to you. ' 979 This Is a 7-room house In first class repair, large rooms, nice yard, two blocks from car, excellent surround ings. House contains bath, toilet, washatand, hot and cold water, gaa, cemented cellar, good furnace. We can sell you thla property for $2,300 and It la worth every cent of It. 1360 In Hanacom Park district, we have a very pretty a-room cottage, modern except furnace, beautiful lot with all klnda of shrubbery, etc., which wa will sell you for $2,850. Call In and we will tell you where It la. 1310 This Is a 7-room house, all modern, within one block of the new boulevard, two blocks from a car line, and Is cheap at $2,600. 617 Here la a brand new t-room cottage with a good cellar and gaa, porcelain bat)i, toilet, marble lavatory. This house la In Remla park, one of the prettiest realdence dlstrlcta In the city of Omaha today. The owner will sell this for $2,500 on eaay terma. 6173 Here la another very fine 6-room cot tage on the corner In Bemla park; tt has all the modern oonvenlenoes, nicely finished throughout, which ws can sell you for $2,800. A 3J-ACRE FRUIT FARM 1297 Only six miles from Council Bluffs, ' has a l'tj-story house, barn, chicken houae, well and clatern and has a large amount of fruit of different kinds. The owner will trade the equity In thla property for rental property In Omaha. It la encumbered for $800 due in four years. VACANT. PROPERTY 6581 Lot 00x200 feet, south front on Lincoln Boulevard, weat front on J4th at.; beautiful surroundings; just the place to build two or three good houses. We will sell this lot for $1,200. Come in and let us drive you out and see It. Of course this la not the only vacant lot we have. Don't think that for a minute. We hav. others all the way from $100 up. Come In and ask about them. Wa also have five aorea of land In Spring Valley addition directly weat of South Omaha, which we can aell for about $1,000. These are only a few of the many bar gains we have for sale and we will take pleasure In giving you any more Informa tion regarding them. Payne Investment Co. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17R1. -RE NEW six-room, modern house, ' In good location only; i.ioo down and bal ance on eaty terms. Bemla, Pax ton block. RE 180 I TAKE TIME By the Forelock and Buy Yourself FIVE ROOM COTTAGE WITH A 40-FOOT LOT NEAR SPfcNCER AND 26TH STS. Before the Advance in Real Estate Begins. ONLY $1,200 AND EASY TERMS. ' WYMAN, SH RIVER CO., iOOS NEW YORK. LIFE BLDG. RE MISS t H Bemis Park Lots H We are offering several choice lots In Bemls Park for $400, $700 and $W0 that are genuine bargalna Call or 'phone us about them. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 N. T. Life Bid id RE M191 fx Bran New 8-Room Modem House, . Bemla park, Mth and Lafayette ave., corner lot, elegant location, parlor, vestibule and dining room, ..nlahed In Belgian walnut. Look at tt Sunday, buy It Monday, not for Bale after Tuesday, $3,000 $1,200 caah, balance payments. $21.00 per mo.: leas than rent. C. R. Glover, 'phone, 133, first floor, N. Y. L. RE 186 I NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE IN BENSON Blectrio light new clean one block from car two lots. Price, $1,J0.00. THIS 13 A BARGAIN. BENSON at CARMICHAEL, 41 Pazton Block. . RE 1M I OR -ROOM house, lot 60x110, and barn, In good location, close to school and street car, $700.00. I-atory T-room houae, city water, gas, stable, cloae to street car and school, 1,660.00. AH modern t-room house, tn good lnca tlonot $0x130, a beautiful property, All-modern l-room house. In first-class con dition, 6tV-foot lot, close in, $2,800.00. I have also some very cheap acre prop erty near Krug Park. Benaon or Flor enca. Give me a call. J. A. LOVGREN, 434-T Paxtin Block, Omahq. RB-MW 8 CALIFORNIA Bargains In farms, orchards, ranches unit other dealrable propertlea, both Improved and unimproved. W. A. Webater, Barker Block ' RE-11S I FOR BAU-Houm and lot, southtast rront, fine shade, reasonable If taken at once, tiul Marry. RE 130 tx ..?.K R?AH E8TATH BARGAINS. .! honl. S-r. houae and lot Ark., Washington Co., 240 a. and lmpta Cal., near Corning 10 a. fruit land. Conn., Walllngford. 8-r. rea. and lot D. C, Brookland, 2 well located lota. laA.P'' M'a,m- ? Co., 6 a. truck land B. Chicago. 6 lota, in great mfg. center. dlv 0' ,0t"' Anthony nd Harveys Chicago. Western Springs, modern U-r. res lot A'nd, Riverside, -r. res. and Boston, Bomerville, modern -r. rea. and lot Masa, Berahlre Co., 175 a. and lmpta. Minn., Uuluth. bldg. lot, Portland division. Minneapolis, houae and 4 a., suitable for Miss., Jones Co., 10 a. and lmpta. Neb.. Burreaa, 83 bldg. lota and undivided Vfc Interest in 19 a. N. T. City, Jamaica, good bldg. lot v n, , buuu niug. iota. Ohio, Columbus, i brick rea. Washington Pa., Wyomlaelng. near Beading. I bldg. Pa.. Erie, modern 14-r res w lotfc at 8. P.. Aberdeen, t good bldg. Iota. Vt, Bennington Co., 12$ a. and lmpta Va., South Norfolk, fine lot. Hawthorn ava. Va., Prince Edward Co.. Stt a. and lmpta. vw &xa.. . . jitui., rniia. HE-W 8x SUBURBAN aero tracts. In all dlrectlona, all prices; soma Improved and soma va cant Come la au4 our list. Bemls. Paxton block. RE 177 t BARGAINS. 1210 North 2Un St. Submit offer. 4.131 Tcaiur; born, etc; $1 2J0. r.'47 plarce. tOxlaa feet. $1,260. Brick house, naar CiJ and Leavenworth. tl.ioO Nvar Uth snd Dorcas, lot snd houae. $1 900. Hume .Mil place, rooma. modem. $1,600. 6M Bouth r7th, paving paid. $2,700. Near Hlxh schiol. ini.d.M u houaea, $3,600, Modern house, cloae In, t rooms, 64,600. West Faroiun district, I rooma. modem, $o 6.T0, ArHKAOB, HOUSES. LOTS. FLATS . 8TOME.S. AIU PARTS OF CrTyTAT LOW PRINTS ' JOHN N. rivuNZEB, OPT. OT.n P. O. FOR tAt.R RKAL KSTATK. N. P. Dodge & Co. THE QUE AT WESTERN will soon put on the market nearly sixty houses in the neighborhood of 19th and Pierce streets, to be removed by the pur chaser. We suggest that you buy one or two of these houses and move them on to the following lots that belong to the Omaha Savings Bank, and must be sold at once in order to pay the depasltors. 60 feet south front on Pierce St., near SJd. they will rent quickly. The northwest corner of 22d and Popnleton ave.: n 1 1 m navin n mm. LiH, Anywhere from one to four houaea can be put on this lot, with an east front on Ed $700. . . East front on ?7th at., second lot north of Poppleton ave. Splendid lot to move a neat cottage on for a home. $800 The northwest corner oT 4th and Jackson ats.; lot Sxl32. Four houses could be put on this lot, with sn east front. New boulevard crosses at the corner. 700. North front lot between J4th and Sfith, ffix 132. Plenty of room for two houses on this lot 5900. Southeaat corner of the boulevard and Leavenworth st, 46x121; very sightly lot with handsome shade trees. One good house on thla lot will make a very attrac tive home. 5500.'' West front lot on JRth, Just north of Marry, 4Axl40. Thla -houae la below grade, but houses on It would rent well. 5900. The southeast corner of list and Jackson, on grade. Handsome shade trees. 5600. East front lot on 38th St., just north ef Leavenworth. 51200. Southwest corner of 2Sth and Douglas, 7 feet north front on Pontiles. Houae on lot rents for $10. Room for two mora. 53.00. The northwest corner of 6th and Cass sts, 60x128. 5350. East front lot on J6th st, north of Daven port, (0x130, 5450. West front lot on $4th St., north of Daven port, 6OXJ30. 5650. Northeaat corner of Hat and Elm sts., 43 180. Room for six small cottages, west N. P. DODGE &CO. TEL 829. front 1614 FARNAM ST. RE W. H. GATES, 817 N. Y. Life. I'hone $900.00 6-room house and lot $0x100, near jam inu L41Q. $1,060.007 rooms, IH-story, well arranged, on ei in, near coroy. $1,100.00 Small cottage and lot, 48x122. a nice location, zuis ejpruce. ' tl,2u0.00 a-room- S-etory house, good order and well built for barn; rent $16.00; SOU Dorcaa. l,b00.w--room house and lot, 13x140, 1S43 N. 18th, near Grace. $1,760.00 a-room new cottage and ground $0x 140, 8821 N. 17th Bt $1,760.00 6-room new cottage and ground 80 140. $823 N. 17th St 1.760.00 7-room lfc-story and lot," 8$xl40, east front, on of the best locations on 8. 10th et $1,600.00 7-room house, newly repaired and painted, lot 100 feet front, barn, shads trees, In Weat Emmet Bt $1,500.00 For small cottage and ground, llftt 1B. on ' Webster; near Ud. - $400.00 For nice south front lot on Web ster, just west of 83d 6x160. $800.00 For lot 40x140, on 22d, near Bur dette, east front. V $2.'60.M For lot 60x127, on Miami, east of 80th. has sewer. RE 137 $ F. D. WE AD. I have three big bargains If sold this week. f-room cottage and barn, $865 Frank lin; this Is a neat home on a good satreet $1,250 g-room house and barn, 1922 S. 36th ave; the owner haa moved to Lon don; aays offer my home 1,750 11-room house and barn on 18th St., just south of Leavenworth; the rail road will want thla aoon; property on aouth sold for double the price; If sold this week, price 1,600 F. D. WKAD, 1524 Douglas. RE-141 Have you seen the houses at 1710 and 271$ Parker at 7 A bargain for somebody. Rents for $JO.0O per month. Street Is paved and ald for; good neighborhood, lake us an offer. THE BYRON REED CO. RE 141 OEORQE A COMPANY, 101 FARNAM STREET. $6,600.00. 610 Park Ave., wnn kxl40 ft, east front on Park Ave., t-room house, all modern, new plumbing throughout and In first-class condition. This place is one of the most desirable looatlona in the city, and la an opportunity for aoms one to aecura a good home at a low price; house la vacant and Immediate possession csn be given. $2,160.00. 1111 N. 18th rlt , 4-room house, olty water, sewer, gas and; In first class condition, within walking distance of city. $2,100.00. 2504 Bt Mary's Ave.. -room cottage, good condition, south front, fins location and da Nlrable neighborhood. $1,660.00. T-room cottage on C4th Bt., near Cuming, eaut front. $1,600.00. KO 8. 24th Bt., (-room cottage, ranting for $18.00 par month. RE 160 I FOR BALE Good 7-room, all modern house on Bristol st. $2,700. Good 7-room house, part modern, on Emmet St., near 24th; loO feet front $1,700. t-room house and corner lot 24th and Davenport ats. $2,600, Address U $0. Bee. RE-142 ts CHEAP NEBRASKA LAND. 10 ACRES, all under plow, fine Platte Val ley land, near Hhelton, Neb., tl.tu). $40 ACRF.S, rich valley land near Arcadia, Neb., fine for alfalfa. $3,000. t40 ACRES, fine level land, rloh soil, near Asbton, Neb only $16 an acre. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 43 Board of Trade, RE 18t 8x FOR SALE, twelve-acro fruit farm at Braldentown, Florida ; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good houae. Address Lock Box to, OUtner, Neb. RB I9t CHOICE trackage lot and good brick store building, near 11th and Caas sts.; make offer. Bemla, Paxton block. RS-17 I 96 FEET Eaat front on Park ava near Mason at Price. $,oflo. W. A, Webster, barker Block. Kl-110 I AUTHORITY on realty. Farms, ranches, city properties wanted everywhere. De aciibe your vania. We aupplv or aell real estate quickly by new, original plan U. S. Realty Trust. 187 Broadway, New York. RE , FARMS FOR SALE. For Bala, fine farm of 60 acrea; four good houaea; barns, etc. Can be divided or sold as a whole. About half la corn; bal anoe In meadow and paetur. Long time can be ylven on deferred payments. Chaa. T. Officer. 411 B'y., Council Bluffs. Ia. RB FUIX east front Hanacora Place lot; new aaphalt pavement, slagollthlc walk, sower. AU these specials paid for; tl.tOO, for quick sals. Harrison A Morton, tit N. T. Ufa. Tel. Ui It E too FOR iALK ftKAI, ESTATR. H H SPECIAL BARGAINS Now is the time to invest in Omaha property. You will never be able , to buy at the price you can now. HOUSES 60 buys a t-room house at $117 Marcy. Lot alone worth 11 mm tl,2oo buys a good 6-room house, on the corner 26th and Burdette. Just newly Kpered and painted. Inside and out. Can sold on very easy terms. tl,7'0 for a good 6-room modern houae st I4tmani caatellar. Oood location, ahade and close to car. $2,250 buya a good modern 7-room house at 3"th and Chicago, on paved atreet, near Mr. Yates' residence. Fine location. H.800 for a brand new cottage, east front, at Mth and Blondo. One block from Harney street car line. t6.000 buys a fine east front l-room all modern realdence on Uat St. Half block from Hanacom Park. BUILDING LOTS $400 for a large lot. 66x150 feet, on Webater Bt.. weat of Crelghton college. $700 buys a Urge corner lot at 36th and La fayette Ave.. Bemla Park. $1,000 for the finest east front lot, 63x140 leer, on rxortn ism tit., near Burdette; trees and ahrubberv. 8ee our sln. $2,200 for 87 feet, east front on Svth, near iur, t-. aouniie s resiaence. ACRES TV.. MnAa I. IIahhma W Wilt ' 1 1 J utn n ,1. I V, 1 IT u up Ull K 1 in ,1 1 11. Una )..i,rii .u- n..kB r . . 1 1 ....... w ii .... . ... .iv i Miiivun. vvuilUll Bluffs and the river. Nice native shade trees. Thla will be sacrificed. Let us show It and then you make the offer. 10 acres south of South Omaha. Only $800. Adjoining land held at $12i to $150 per acre. SO acres land, three miles north of street car in Florence. Cheap at $1,060. 10 acres adjoining Dundee, $160 per acre. 744 acrea. one-half mile south of Ruser's. on main traveled road. Price $130 per acre. iu acres in nenson, witn irun, iioj per aero, to acrea In Benson at $3,000. Fine tract of land, with new 7-room house, in Benson, high and sightly. Only $26,000, on terms, 10 acres In Benson. Very choice. On Mill tary roaa. si.tu. If you don't find what you want In thla list call at our office and wa will show you ore. , HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-611 NEW YORK LIFE BLDO. RE 131 I tl acres near Florence, Improved; bargain - $2,000. ttemut, raxton block. Ktt Has Buy on Monthly Payments. A full lot on tlst st. between Pacific and Poppleton ave., paved street, permanent walk. Bmall caah payment, balanoe monthly. THE BYRON REED CO. RE 160 I REAL EBTATE FOR SALE. CUSTER COUNTY NEB.-320 A. 140 A. under plow, 246 A. level valley: 6-room house; barn and outbuildings; 8 m. to R. R.; Price $2,500. Write today. Wm. T. Brown, Brown Building, Lancaster, Pa, m ta ax I CAN sell your real estate or business, no matter what kind or where located: send description; state price. Oeo. N. Orear, Marshall, mo. itCi ACRES. ' IN BENSON 6 acrea, $1,000.00. 10 acres, with bearing fruit, $1,600.00. 20 acrea, $3,000.00. BENSON at CARMICHAEL, 641 Paxton Block. RE-136 1 CHOICE trackage lot near 9th and Leav- - enwortn ata only $5,wu. jdemis, fax ton diock. kjl no s W. Farnam Smith & Co. An excellent t-room modern house, bam, large yard, fine shade trees, shrubbery, on Ohio st., near boulevard. If you want thla at $3,250, you will have to secure It this week. Look at 2tS4 Caldwell St., 7 rooms, gaa and water, fine, large yard, shade, paving all paid. Must be sold. Price. $1,750. In the Weat Farnam location, I rooms,' new, excellent construction ana ouiu ior a home. Price, $4,760. A good lot closer in might be accepted In trade. No poor "w. Farnam Smith & Co. RE-100t $2d st near Poppleton ave., cloae to Whers the elevator win oe Dunt, i.wu,w. Lot 60x140, south front, paved st. and side walk, t or t-room house, city water and bath and sewer, close to tlat and Mason sts, $2.t00.00. t-room houae, south front, on Capitol ave. and 26th at, $2,100.00. Five t-atory g-room houses, east front close to schools and street cars; brings In in come of $100.00 per month; a bargain at $8,600.00. J, A. LOVGREN, 439-T Paxton Block, Omaha. RE ft t ALL about North Dakota and where to buy f;ood lands cheap; descriptive folder and 1st sent free; reliable representatives wanted. Whitney A Wheelock, 1$ Broad way, Fargo, N. D. tWl RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Paolflo headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RB-661 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also aore property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 60S Bss bldg. ' RE 650 Elegant 8-Room Brick realdence In Weat Farnam dlstrlot, has ce mented cellar, poroelaln bath, Inside wood work Is of quarter suwed oak and curly maple, one door alone in thla house coat tM. Owner In California saya It muat ba sold at onoe his prloe $4,000, but might take less, ansae oner. ENGLISH V CO., Paxton Block. RE-MI 100 acrea, near South Omaha, good Improvs- Paxton block. RE 174 t TRACKAGE AND BRICK WAREHOUSE. Good slsed, well built brick warehouse with 121 feet trackage oh Mo. Paclflo at 47th ''sad Dodge, admirably adapted for small coal or building material business; for quick sals, $1,100; Improvements worth mors Money. Harrison aV Morton, tl2-tlt N. Y. Life. RE 866 FREE homes; send 1-cent stamp for map of Rosebud reservation, giving full Infor mation. D. W. Forbes, boneateel, B D. RE-M477 WHY NOT get' one of those lots wa ara advertising for tOuO.00 near 27th and Poppleton, or take that nice lot on S. 26th st paved and paid for? Yours for $1,000.00. We have many Others. THE BYRON REED CO. RE-44t t . FINE BUILDINO JXYT FOR SALE. $760. 00a Bouth front on Burl Bt., Just weat of Mth fit. Lot is on grade, a One location. GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 Farnam Bt RE M6D7 I $2,400 New six-room house at $716 Leaven worth; modern except furnace; corner lot: 7S feet front; car line passes door; $400 caah, balance eaay payments at t per cent Telephone 2736. RE M0 SALINE county took first prise at Ne braska's fair; bargalna in farms; $36 to tl pr avre: H section of valler land In Dawson county very cheap at $7 JuO. F. Q. Johnson. Luivsrslty , Place. Neb. RE-MS8I 20 FOR RAI.R-RKA, KSTATK. . R. C. Peters. M. D. Cameron. F. J. Fttigerald. R. C Peters & Co BEE BUILDING. Loans, Real Eaiatc, Rentals and Insurance. 166B 8 full-lsed lots, J3d and Ames ave. $100,110 each. 106 bu by 1, aMh and Seward $T50 .00. 7x nt by ti, Itlt ami California gVio.OO. 63760 by Ui, 14th and r.mmet; paved Street $)4.ti0. $70-60 by 120, 26th and B streets, fronting park. Bouth Omaha $l,2n0.t0. 1361o0 by i4i, 16tn and Madison ave. $1,600.00. by ts, 13th and Harny-$fi,000.00. Homeseekers' Opportunity. 13C2 t-room houae and barn, good shade, t7th and Burdette 713 4-room house, barn, buggy shed; olty water; thih and Bewaru (t.lbO. $21 6-room house, large lot, K3d and Burt street, cioee to two good street car lines; owner removing to California; must be sold by Tuesday. Has been holding this at L&u; will take l,2i If sold at once, tit t-room house, lot 44 by 100, city water; east front, tvth and Hamilton street $1,650. 130 t-room house, city water, gaa, sewer; lot 0 by 100, east front, corner S2d and Webster $2, HJ0. 00. 636 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace: good barn, 2d by 60; nice shade iPi. lawn, 27th and Hamilton stredta $3,000.00. 18 10-room house, alt modern except fur nace, 29th and Martha streets 2. inn nace: good barn, 36 by 60; nice ahade ejidlawn I7th and Hamilton streets t31 t-room modern, slate-roof house, has Just been repainted, papered and dec orated; good barn; two full lota, south front close to car line. In the beauti ful residence district of Dundee. A bargain $3,100. 944 8-room, modern, hard-wood finish downstalra, south front oth and Sew ard $3,0u0, J74-7-rom, modern house, cement cellar, cement walks and steps, east front; ..-i iiicnr inrirra; nouse in nr.t- lass4 uEoo oi. tre8t ,au,h cf Ma"-y Acreage and Farm Lands. jAewest of Dundee, south and ast 10 'h1""' w'"1 Hamll,n street, aouth M6-10 quarter sections, good hay and pas- ture land, Holt county-600.00 per ,STriJrJl.!mro ia Washington w. Vi1". w,,h,n 4 ni,"" of B,R,r. aian " 5.' V"u'"y i.uu per acre. 946320 acres. Cedar county, near Harting. W3 320 acres In Stanton county, all fenced v-a 'JiivVA lU.'ArV.UV, List Your Property With Us For . Quick Sales- We Have the Buyers. . RE I4t NKW . i . iuil . . . UB01 nmr otn ana ran s J; h iy ' aown end balance earns as ""n acinus, x-axion diock. rte 17a g Omaha real estate is on the rise. Now is the time to buy; now is the time to sell. IMPROVED PROPERTIES! i? ,f,u"nain Bt- " rooms, large reception ,,,.iii im itmiB, turnuce, oatn, $3500 ' ,'undrr flne repair; price, 26il' Dodge St., T rooms, oak finish, furnace! mantel electrlo ilo-hr h.o, ln..i , - - n - - . i, i 1 1 . t: v , ...ii bowl, laundry, paved street all paid, per manent walk, nice shade, party leaving city; prloe, $3,300. " .' . $16 S. 2th ave., half block north of Farnam St., two-story house, g rooms, hard oil finish, furnace, mantel, gas, bath toilet, wash bowl; property renting for $15 per month; price, $2,4oO; Snap. . Ed and Lake sts., 7-room house, hard oil finish, electric light, all modern except furnace, large lot; $3,200. Two 6-room cottages on Charles, between 8Rth and 86th, to be sold cheap, c , Five-room house, two blocks from Harney "?..Un. Dr,c reduced $l per day until sold. 2616 Cass st., within walking distance, a nice 6-room cottage, in excellent repair and very convenient, with city water and clatern In kitchen, bells, screens, storm ii, v-vmi sneu, cnicaen nouse, nns fence. shada, fruit; only $1,700. 2 f-L1()tn n'ce 7-room house, hard oil finish, bath, toilet, waah bowl, cemented cellar, renting for $11 per month; price, . $l,6uo; might ahade thla for caah. V In Bowery Hill on 8. Uth St., four houses with cellars, cistern, water, fence, good repairs, ground 132x138. rental value $0 ir moma; selling pries, K.,000; nne In vestment. North tart of rlt v twn a-mnm nnito .u renting for $14 per month, can ba boughi lur fi,iv. In Walnut Hill district, good t-room house, hard oil finish, furnace, gas, bath, closet waah bowl, cellar, screens, storm sash. On OeorrlA. iva n ma r ir.uin m w iy. reiwir. n, 1 1 11 1 it 1 1 univ 13 ikii e-room nouse, all modern, renting for $30 muiiing prrre. -'.itdo. MMiinma Trvrsi East front on Georgia ave., near Poppleton, aee ua for price. Two east front lots In Kilby Place (or $260 each. On Franklin St., near Harney car line, good building lot for $360. On tnth ave., near Bt. Mary'g ave.,' nice uuuuinf tut ior si.chju. 160 Acres In Washington county, good level ana wun new nouse. Dam, cattle sheds, granaries and other outhuildtnrs; In fact a first-class farm: Ttrlr KfrA In Washlnaton countv. 836 acres, well lm. provea witn orchard, wind mill, etc., to vm suiu lutsiner or uiviaeu. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth floor. 601-3 N. T. Life Bldg. Rkl t rooms, city water, bath, gas, brick slde- waia, pavea atreet, an paia tor; esment sidewalk In yard; large barn, nice lawn; close to car only $1,8 m: $100 and balance $26 per month WITHOUT INTERf.ST. Bemis, Paxton block. RB 17t t FOR SALE-OR TRAOB FOR SMALLER rnurtni i s-room moaeni nouse and splendid barn; lot 42xlua. Apply owner. 2514 N. Uth St. R&-M724 It t-room house, full lot, barn, near S3d and Ames ave w.sju; i-w aown, balance to suit Bemls, Paxton block. Kk 170 I FOR SALE, fins 6-acrs tract of land near siorence. 4 milea from Omaha. A. Mac Asian, Mi N. JTJth, Omaha. RK M891 ix WHY PAT RENT When ws will give you ons of the following Humes uu mummy payments same S3 rent, by your paying $100 tr $U0 down and $10 to $16 oer month on balancer Five rooms and stable near Bemls park. $1,200. Four rooms and stable near Twenty-fourth and Amea ave.. I7S0. Two rooma and stabls near Twenty-fourth and Ames ave., $600. Two houses and lot near Mth and Leaven worth. $1,000. Two rooms and basement near Mth and Leavenworth, $700. Five rooms and stable. 2tth and Lake. $830. isn,Mia, paxton HI. RE-M8i I FOR EXCHANGE JOA ACRES OF LAND In Buffalo Co., 4oU Nebraska; 100 acres in cultivation, balance In pasture and hay. all under fence; 4-room house, barn, gralnery B n H .1. k.II . I 11, . 1 . ..u ,cm, wc, wiiiuiiuii, cisiern anil link,.' IA ir.. Sv.a .ir.ll.. K 11 .. m I . " : v. ua.v 11 -I1B , M 111 1 1 1 irQIQ railroad town, and achoolhouae on the land; $6 head of good cattle and 26 head of hora; P" "'ni un place, oui can give noun. alon If wanted. Thla Is a fins stock farm, fcarm land la rolling, but no sand. Will trade earns for stock of groceries or hard ware. No professional trading. stock wanted. Price for aU $8,000. Write U 14. ears Omaha Bee. RE MKS 1 A FINEHOME CHEAP SEVEN rooms, modern except furnace; in uiiv rrumrj w wiim, bOOK It Over. SO Locust street. R. H. Landeryou, 4U Board of Trade. Rk-M.$ I $550 buys one of the best lots In Bemls Park. R. II. Landeryou. 44$ Board of Trade, TeL 1161. RE M874 CHAS. Williamson Co., ' . . RO-64N 15. t-room house tn Walnut Hill; modem ex cept rurnace (lKAl: bargain. Bemii, t ax. UB block, Btr-16M FOR. AIR URAL ESTATH. SHIMER & CHASE Bulldera of Modern Houaea Itanacom Park New 6-room himse, two blocks from car, eaat of park, entirely modern except fur nace, enamel bath tub, closet, hot and cold water, gas in every room, large cemented cellar. A gem for $2,360. NORTH TWENTY-EIGHTH ST. t-room cottage, city water and gas In kitchen, corner lot splendid home for $1,100. Biwak quirk. TEMPLETON ST. l-room pottage, entirely modern except furnace, nearly new, nicely papered, mod ern plumbing, south front; owner leaving city. A fine home for little money; $2,100. WEST FARNAM t-room entirely modern house on Farnam st.. corner lot. splendid repair; $2,600. An other t-room house, with two large lots near by, fruit shrubbery, barn, eta $3,200. NEW COTTAGE. 6-room cottage, iuat completed, north, south frent on car line, gas In every room, hot and cold water, enamel bath tub, cloaot. cemented cellar, a complete little home, ready to move Into, for iLtM. TO BE BUILT. We will build to suit you on either of the following sites: WEST FARNAM. Grant end Mth at Kountse place. 24th, near Amea ave. Hanacom Park. Plans snd particulars at stir office. This Is our specialty, and we ought to be able tn give you better than you can make else where. SHIMER & CHASE, 604 Bee bldg. Tel. 1442. RK It I 4-room house, large rooms; stable; block from car only $;00; $60 down and oalancs $12 per month. Bemla, Paxton block. HJfl-m I t '' FOR RK.KT IIOISKI. HOtJSF? ,n "u 9t te elty. It UUUJLO c. Peters 4k Co., Bss Bldg. t 4. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Parker Bllt am HOUSES .to .u.rU ot ne city. Th "UUJ" O. F. Davis Co.. tot Bee Bldg. D 4W TO MVB right get Omaha Van Storage Co., nfllcs lli farnam, or Teis. 166rf-8Si. D-600 FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and . barn, In West Farnam district Wm. i. Potter. Reo., No. sut Brown Blk. V-601 FOR RENT, 6-room house, 2603 Woolworth Aye., $20 per month; possession given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl. caie Dally News offloa, D MW PAYNE-BOSTWICK 4k CO., choice houses wa-Wtt New Xork Life BlcUj. Phone imi' D-60J SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris faoyer, 3M and Cuming. 'Phone 204t 1-MU0 NEW t-room modern houaa Immediate .possession given. J. N. Marsh, 'phone Slal. 446 Board of Trade. D-14? FOR RENT, 7 room house. 1827 N. 18th D-68S WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Btor . age Co., Tel. 14IW. Office, 171t Webster st D-603 rnn nirNT ft37 Decatur, 7 rooms 519 J114 Blnney, 8 rooms $S16 B. aoth, t rooms 'I j 70S S. 16th, unfurnished rooms 17 ii, uiiiui 111B11B11 ruumi ... N. P. DOIX1E A CO., 1014 Farnam. Tel. fJ3. D-M780I EIQHT-room houae, Ult Leavenworth. D M843 tx S UNFURNISHED rooms, bath, gas, fur nace, lawn. I7U N. 22d st D M86J 6-ROOM cottage. 607 FrxnkUn Bt DSU AXFORD'S addition, 18-room, modern, well built. $26. tut Lake st. . D-Mli7 tx FOR RENT. T-room houae, city water, gaa. u 1 j -. . 1 .iiuuoi n, v.ii I m I a., fgu. 4-room house, city water. 8124 Mason st. v., . uauiimann, -( raxton biock. , - D M8SS IJOR RENT, lrnlshed 7-room house, all modern; walking distance. U 15, Be a D 8X1 tx 6-ROOM modern ootUge, J 411 N. tnth. Tel. 2661. . , . D 04 J918 Grant st., t-room cottage, city water in yard $8. 4016 N. isth st, a splendid cottage, gas, city water, toilet; newly papered; half block from car. To a nrst-claas couple with no children price reduced to $16.60. t8ia Templeton st, a new 6-room, modern cottage $18 net H15 N. 17th st..' t-room cottage, new, city wabneemented cellar, gas; good looa- 6023 N. 84th ct., 6 rooms. This Is a fine little home; must be seen to be appre ciated tit and water. Mot Emmet st. a fine t-room, all modern houae, with barn $27.60. Sit N. 88th at, a lt-room house, fine lot; rents for $16. Will mske this house mod ern for desirable tenant. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. T. Ufa. D 103 t GOOD HOUSES t-room cottage, almost new. water, sewer and gas, $15.00. . . t rooms, new, city water, enamel sink, gas, $7.00. 6-room cottage, new, modern, $11.00, ERNEST SWEET, tit N. T. TEL. 1471, D 104 8 FOR RENT To couple without children, furnished five-room flat with heat; nloe location. Address U $4. Bes. D 123 tx 124 Bo. 86th ave., T rooms, mod $35.00 (Spruce, a rooms, bam 20. 0) 4428 Decatur. 6 rooma new 10. oo toi4 Ames ave., t-room fiat 10.00 i204 N. 17th, 4 rooms t 00 GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM BT. D 111 I HOUSES! HOUSES! N37 8. 18th ave., $-R., elty water, cemented . cenar, si. 424 Dorcaa 4-R., good wall, $6. lltS. 88th. 6-R-; just put In flrst-claes order. $16. 1607 Caaa St.. 4-R.. city water; Just painted and papered throughout, $12.60. 1411 N. 41st st, 6-R., bath, gas, grate, etc.. 806 N. 89th, 8-R., ALL MODERN. In good shape: will rent FURNISHED or un furnished. 4021 Farnam, 8-R., bath, ras, city water, ... . 1 ...... i .4 K . i in CIO. . BIDIIUIU imnit vo.dv. 130t B. 26th, good t-R. house, all modern conveniences, large yara and good barn, t27. 1210 N. Mth. t-R. house, with bath, gaa, city water, etc., on lith car line. $25. S63S Davenport. t-R., all modern; walking distance; $28. tOOt Farnam. splendid t-R. ALL MODERN houae. within walking dlatance, $40. ltft S. 82d ave.. 12-R.. ALL MODERN, $50. See our Hat before you move. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. tul-l-s N. T. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone MM. D COTTAGE at 836 Park ave. W. A. Webster, 1 . 1. L 1. ... - 1 kcr imulk. U ill C FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large 7ru, in juuu i-iinuiiiuu. n n. . iotter, reo., $01 Brown block. D M114 l-ROOM house, all modern lmprovementa fill 1 .- tj a 'H , V. r . , . . .. . ww mt MikM w S 1x9 SX FOR RENT. 677 N. T7th ave.. 7 rooma, barn, large yard. $16.00. THE BY RUN REED CO. D 161 I TH REE-room basement flat, all modern. zoud w ooiwortn ave. i 1&4 tx ONE t-room houae, one 6-room houae, one t-room houta, two Id-room houaea at very reasonable rentals. Bemls, Paxton hlo It D Usi I T NICE rooms above store, near Esih and Pumltir til t-room houae, B. lKh. near Vinton. $8. CHAB E. WILLIAMSON CO.. V. . National Rank Bldg.. Kevin U. P16t IMSUrM f-HAXCKg. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any properly or buslncsa quick, see J, H. Johnson, 643 N. Y. Life. Y 647 FOR BALE to active man. Interest In es tablished business; personal services and $A.O"0 required. Kxccllent opportunity lor right party. Address T $7, Bee. Y 416 EXCHANGES of all klnda: to buy or sell a business of exchange merchandise for a land or city property, rail or write Pholes Armetrong Co., 721-2 N. Y. Life. Tel 48. T M793 DRUG BTOCK foe sate. On account ct ether business I wl'l Sell my stork of drugs. Including the best soda fountain In the country, at a bargain. Best location; will take some land; Invoice about $6,0u0. Address K. Bee ofBce, Council Bluffs. Y MS21 8x FOR sale, only dnig stock In thrifty town of eastern Nebraska, German settlement, food crops, two physicians; best opening or a young and setlvs man. Invoices about $1.0(0; terms part Oftah snd bank able notes, or all caah at reduced price. Address U 10. Bee. V-MST7 t A FIRST-CLASS saloon and restaurant huslnesa, stock, fixtures and furniture; rent $; If sold at once, OT; It's a money maker, but owner Is leaving city. Address T 63 Bee offtoe. MSu I FOR sale. In fertile northweetern agri cultural county, abstract set and Incl denteal bualness paying U0 yaarlyj price $6,000, Address U It Bee. Y M86t U ELEGANTLY equlpr basrher shop on ground floor; ore of the finest on the Paclflo coast; location most desirable; palatial hatha; everything up to date. This proposition clears big money and will bear most searching investigation. For full particulars address P. O, Box 66. Oakland. Cal. T-M807 lox GROCERY store, well located In esst cen tral Nebraska, Invoice about t2.600, cash sales over $70 per day; investigate Ad dreas U 17, Bee. T-M880 8x WANTED, partner. I own Taluf-hla con cession st World's fair; want Intelligent fartner. widow preferred. Call from t to until Monday. Carl Anderson. Victoria hotel, Omaha. Y-MS96 tx LEWIS EPP8 St CO., 11 William St.. N. T., will buy or sell any outside or Inactive stocks or bonds which have no reudy market Write us. Y 883 tx FOR QUICK, sure profits buy Etowah Gold mining stock: Governor Candler of Georgia president; your own broker or the company direct 41 Wall t-TTg MANAGER A Chicago Packing Co., who handle products that are used In every home, wanta a capable man who Is well acquainted In this section to msnage tnlr branch wholesale office and distributing depot which la to be established In Omaha. Salary for the first vear, 11.800 (payable monthly) and comnilBslon on business done. Applicant must be able to Invest tl.600. which will be held by the company as security during term or smpioymanrj snd returned at expirftion or coniran Address w. B. Mills, ue-lty tss" m Chicago, 111. x wa ox , DECEMBER WHEAT at this Urns offe greater opportunities for profits than at J other investment, conanions are rerr so favorable as they are lust at this U and vmi will b mlsslna one of greatest money-making opportunities have ever had If vou do not take vsnshra of tha iwullar combination o circumstances now existing In the wheat ,7" ' mnraei. write ior vur irn i.mic. which tells all about our original methods. No booklet ever written on the subject of marginal Investments more clearly ex- plains the wonderful advantages of this method of trading. We are a responsible company, and Invite the fullest Investi gation. Should you Invest through us your account will be subject to with drawal on demand. Lack of experience should be no excuse, snd large capital Is not required. The president of this com pany la a member of the exohange In this city and has been for twenty years. Thla guarantees prompt service, fair treatment and the services of an experienced and reputable broker. We furnlah the beat of references. Do not fall to writs for our booklet. It costs you nothing and should add to your capital. Address Delmar Grain Co., Suite 16, Granite block, Bt. Louis, Mo. Y-830 tx FOR SALE Preserving plant making well known brand of goods; very profitable; will stand cloaeat Investigation. Price, tfl.OOO .00 caah. Principals only. Wilson, 233 W. Randolph, Chicago. . Y-Wti tx A REGULAR INCOME GUARANTEED. t to 7 per cent weekly on accounts of $28.00 and upwards has been paid by us every Tuesday of 1803. Ws are but In tho Infancy of our career and yet ws lead the country In Our line of bualness. Positively no mining, oil,' stock or betting system, but a plain, straight business proposition, commendable for any man or woman possessing a small amount of Idle capital. Principal returned on demand. Hundreds of professional snd business men throughout ths country have In vested with ua Why not yout Unques tionable banking ana subscribers' refer ences, together with our handsome free booklet furnished upon request. JOHN R PEARSON 4 CO., Incorporated, Bnotwell Bldg., 66th St & Washington Ava. Chicago, 111. v Y-900 ex FREE FREE FREE - REMIT AFTER PROFITS ARB REALIZED. Those accepting our special offer In the next to days will positively not be required to remit us until profits have been earned. We are an established corporation with tlOO.OOO capital. National bank references. Star at Crescent Co.. 223 La Salle St.. Chicago. Y-W8 8x STOCKS GRAIN COTTON. 120 00 margins 1,000 bushels grain; $36.00 to $60.00 marglne 10 shares of stock. Wa exe cute grain orders of 1,000 bushels and up ward: and stock orders of 10 sharai and up ward; send for our booklet on speculation and market letter, mailed free. Flower Co., board members, 263-261 La Balls St., opp. Board of Trade, Chicago, 111. Y-eii tx FREE t months. Illustrated mining paper; full news from all camps; invaluable to Investors. Write today. North Amerloan Miner, M Broadway, New York. Y-127 tx FOR BALK State and county rlxhta of great national picture having enormous sale. Profits large. Ability and highest commercial references necessary. Depart ment B, tot Tribune Bldg., Chicago Y-t2t tx PATENTS GUARANTEED. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FKEB opinion aa to patentability. Send for Illus trated GUIDE BOOK and list of Inven tions wanted; finest publication Issued for free distribution. Contains valuable In formation regarding palenta. trade marks and copyrights; how to obtain and sail them; 100 mechanical movements, eta. Patents secured by us advertised ftwe In tbe PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS, WILKINB CO., Registered Attorney. 6u$ F Bt, Washing, ton. D. C. Y-tli-8x FIRST-CLASS bank cutflt for sale cheap, or will exchange for luWa, Kanaaa or Nebraska real estate. gvfe made by Dlebold 4k Kelnzaa Manufacturing Co. of Cincinnati. Largest alxe; double front doora, each with combination locks, made by Yala I-ock Manufacturing Co. of Slam ford. Conn., together with. $250 tlms lock attached; vault witn casing and double doors Inalde; outalde door, large, single, with combination locks, made by the Dlebold Canton Safe Co. Canton, O., with steel lli'li g for roof; 64 . deposit boxes, suitable to rent; cashier dt-ek, money countor. with mirrors ana drawera. Real estate men, brokers or persons contemplating going In the bank- Ing bualness can do no better than to call . on the owner and see property, or writs 1 J. C. Boone, Salem. Col. Co., Ohio. Y CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale aend ua description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 21$, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y WANTED Agents to aell as a side line our "J. B. Disinfectant Cakes" for urinal basins. Cakes sell on sight. large proM. Jenkins Bros., PuUakl St. Brooklyn, N. T. Y-MU5 6 WANT a business for equity In brick store uu mi rvuuna ior s-c iMsr montn. ztin sua Laks sts. Address U Si. Bee. Y 143 tx FOR BALE Stock of hardware and linpla- iii,viiiiii iuwii Huv, lut-aiea in fine farming suction of Iowa, sixty uillus , from Omaha; thla stock Is now In tbe hands of a trustee snd will be sold. In oulre of Wright & Wllhelmy Co.. Omahs. Y-1M t PHOTOGRAPH QALLERY for rent or sale. For full particulars address V $4, Y-1M tx COAL snd Ice business for sale. tZOoa or with the real entate $7,000. WMJ.IAMS. ill McCague building. TM t