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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1903)
0 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1003. TlIE OMAllA DAILY DEE. E. B08E WATER. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Pa'ty Bee (without Sunday). One Taar.M lally Be and Bundsy. On Tear Illustrated Bw, Onn Year IM t ilmlsjr Bee, On Ifar., 1W HrViy Be. Una Year I-W '1'wentieth Century Farmer. On Tear. l.M DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Ialljr Bee (without Sunday), per copy., la )ally Bee (without Bunriay), per week..12o lalljr Bee (Including Sunday), per week.Wa 1 undny Bee, r er copy 0 Kvenlng Bee (without Sunday), per week a livening Bee (including Sunday), per week loo Complaints of IrregulnrltlPS In delivery should be sddressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Twenty-fifth and M atreeta. Council Bluff w Pearl Street Chicago 164 Unltv Balldlne. New York 232S Park Row Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to newa and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha l;ee. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, exrres or postal order payable to The Bee Publlahlnc Gompiay. lnly t-rent stamps accepted In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OT CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa.t George B. Tsschuck, secretary of The Be Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and implet .copies of The Dally Morning, Kvenlng and Sunday Be printed during the month of September, 1SCJ, was as follows: .. sa.nso ...M,10 ...xnjtjo ...8S.840 ...Xe,48 ...28,880 ...88,880 ...aswo ...28,730 4 n,io S9.STO sstro 8UJJTO ' t.. ss,sso S6.TM 7 s,S20 29,37 S8.30O I. ' 30,100 II 80,290 1.' SV.310 ti am,ad so.ouo u as&uo Total .... 1 IT.. .. u.. 20.. XI.. .. a.. M.. 88.T20 H ItW.aoS 17 2T,ii0 2 28.TOO 28,880 10 Ii,OtO 4U.2;io Leas unsold and returned copies.... 0,4 Net total sales M2.T44 .et average sales 2JM24 GEORQB B. TZHCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn t lefor ro this 3uth day of September, A. l- lf M. B. H UNGATE. 8eal . Notary Public. Kever nilnd, we will have congress with us by next week. It Is all over but the voting, and that will be over by tonight. Coroner Bralley may confidently count on a commission to continue to look after the dead. ' Don't overlook the importance of the county board. Vote for M. J. Kennard for county commissioner. Vote early in the morning. Take no chances on losing your ballot by being crowded out In the closing hours. It has been a long time sluce Douglas county has indulged in a third-term rueriff. Does It want to begin again now? From now untU Thanksgiving the.col l"Ke foot ball players may monopolise tlie limelight of publicity all to them-e'lveg. No one has complained that politics Ihls year has disturbed business. The campaign has beeu too apathetic to dis turb anything but the candidates. Why are all the railroads for Barnes? ..Nks the World-Herald. The railroads ure not all for Barnes and no one knows this better than It. E. Lee Herd man. A political campaign la Nebraska would not be the genuine article if the Liquor Dealers' association or the Anti Saloon league did not insist on occupy ing a front seat on the platform. The public schools of Omaha hare been under the management of a repub lican school board rver since the school board system was inaugurated. It will not be different this year or next. ' Harry D. Reed is by fur the ablest and by far the most competent and reliable cHndldate for county assessor and every home owner in Omaha should not only vote for riini but see to it that his neigh bors also give him their support, i . , . Experience counts over Inexpmlence In the management of the county treas urer's otftce. The republican candidate, IJobert O. link. Is an experienced man. No one und-.Ttntees to make tho same claim for his dtiiocntllc opponent. It will not do to attach any slgnltl canee to the fact that the Vatican has suffered a visitutiuu t fire so soon after the advent of the now pope. The flro might have broken out there Just the same if Tope Leo were still the oecu pa ut. When the sham reform organ dubs the three emotional member of the Ueal Estate exchange, lax committee, who have taken It ittn themselves to en dorse Judge Kullirau, as "stalwart re publicans." it exhibits Its usual lack of veracity. i Jt.wl Sullivan pledged his democratic nti'.l liopullst friends to u clean cam paign. If the iniid-slinsins they have lulti!vd at Judge Barnes durlus the pant few weeks Is their Idea of a clean campaign, deliver v from one tlmt Is U'low that standard. . ', OH AS A-It DUTY TO JtVOB 8ULLITAH' Three prominent real estate agents, who were idenUOed with the movement to raise the assessment of the fran rblsed corporations, have allowed them selves to be decoyed Into an appeal for the re-election of Judge 8ulllvan In rec ognition of the services rendered to Omaha in the decision sustaining their contention tefore the supreme court. These well-meaning but credulous gen tlemen throw a bouquet nt themselves in claiming credit for originating the move ment to compel the conorntlons to bear their share of the burdens of municipal taxation, seemingly oblivious of the fact that nn educational campaign in favor of corporate taxation has been carried on for nearly a quarter of a century by The Bee, and battle after battle has been fought in this community to en force the provisions of the constitution against the railroads and the allied cor porations. : j It is a matter of history that the rail road tax clause for which the Ileal Es tate exchange Is now fighting was em bodied In the first charter for cities of the metropolitan class introduced by Senator Linlnger in the legislature of 1887. After this charter had passed the senate It was referred In the house of representatives to the committee on cities, of which C. J. Smyth of Omaha was the chairman. When Mr. Smyth was about to recommend the passage of the. charter as passed by the senate it was wrenched from his hands at the instance of the corporation lobby and placed for amendment in the judiciary committee, of which Judge Sullivan-was a member. - . When the charter was reported bock from the Judiciary committee the pro vision requiring the railroads to pay their taxes was cut out, and so was the provision giving Omaha the right of eminent domain to acquire public parks. In that form the charter was railroaded through in the last hours of the session and Omaha 'was crippled not merely by the exemption of railroad property from municipal taxation, but by the park pro vision that forced the city to bond- itself for $400,000 for the purchase of park land, when it could have secured park grounds in the center of the city by emi nent domain for less than half that amount. For this blow at Omaha's prosperity Judge Sullivan was justly held respon sible. Crediting him with making some reparation for the Injury to Omaha In his decision on franchisee! corporation tax assessments, we fall to Bee where Omaha Is specially obligated, in view of his refusal .to give its property owners relief when It was within his power so to do In the railroad tax decision last year. ' beaten for a nomination at the hands of his own party ha shall give the same loyal support to his successful com petitor that be would have expected had be won ont and his competitor been rele gated to the ranks. PUT THIS rntDtCTWX OA ACCORD, . In a campaign symposium in the laBt issue of the Nebraska Independent, the official populist organ in Nebraska, one of the contributors, over the signature of Elmer E. Thomas of this city, among other things declares: I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet I have had the gravest fears thit we would be defeated this full until very i -cently, but I say now that If we are de feated we will be defeated In the hour of our friends. The republicans will do their full duty by Judge Bullivan. I have talked to a very large number of Omaha, repub licans, and everyone of them who has com mitted himself has told me that . he in tended to vote for Judge Sullivan. Ther were 8,100 Independent votes cast for Mr. Benson for mayor last spring; 1,000 of thsf were republican votes, and I firmly, believe that a very great majority of all these In dependent republicans will vote for Judge Sullivan. -.. t While we do not put any faith in what Mr. Thomas says, it will be well to record several things In this connec tion before the votes are counted. Mr. Thomas, who writes the article quoted, is a populist lawyer, for some time sub sidised by the democrats with the posi tion of deputy county attorney. In the municipal contest In Omaha last spring he was one of the managers of the Ben son mayoralty campaign and actively associated with the leaders of the antl faction of republicans. When Mr. Thomas refers to conversa tions with a large number of Omaha re publicans he means that he has been talking with the Bensonlans with whom he worked a few months ago, and the republicans whose votes he confidently expects to be cast for Judge Sullivan are the republicans who refused to support ' the regular republican nom inee for mayor because his name hap pened to be Frank E. Moores. As already noted, we do not believe Mr. Thomas' prediction will pan out, buj If he proves to be a true prophet we want the blame put where It belongs. We have made noticeable proi'ts-i in the counting of the vote lu recent elec tions due fhlefly to the higher tituudurd of election officer. Let the Judges ami clerks make a still better record this time for prompt, efficient, and intelligent discharge of their tint leu. The attcntyt of It. E. le Herd man to stampede lHuglus county republicans from Judge Barnes to Judge Sullivan will prove a dismal failure. Itepubllc aus In these parts understand Mr. Herd man's unselfish motives. Few patriots would allow thvuiselvea to be pried loose from a f 12.000-a-jear Job. Tag PUBLIC LAS U FRAUDS. That there has been fraud in connec tion with the disposition of the public lands is not to be doubted. The in vestigations made very conclusively show this and Justify every effort on the part of the Interior department to determine who are ..guilty of sucji frauds and bring them to Justice. It is quite possible, however, that there is some exaggeration In regard to the ex tent of the frauds and that accusations have been made which cannot be sus-. talned. Referring to the matter the San Fran cisco Call says there Is something sus picious in the- effort to luflate the land frauds Into a. gigantic meusure. It as serts that "the holders of I And serin have an organised campaign to procure the repeal of all existing laws by which public land may pass Into private own ership," and .that if this is done the outstanding land . scrip becomes, very valuable, sluce by Its location only can land be secured. "The best way to pro cure the repeal of the land laws," says that paper, "is by making tile country believe that they are the means of fraud. To this end the preposterous theory is propagated that, when aq owner sells land that has been patented to him that act Is evidence that bis intentions were fraudulent." That paper regards as purely sensational some of the state ments that have been made In regard to land frauds. A like rlew is taken of the matter by the Portland Ore gonlan, which makes a vigorous defense of the senators and representatives of that state who are alleged to be di rectly .or indirectly Involved lu land frauds. After pointing out what It be lieves to be the injustice of such a charge, the Oregon inn says: "Corrup tion must be apprehended and punished where It exists, but Indiscriminate charges of fraud and venality against public, men not only sacrifice truth to sensation, but create a false atmosphere of suspicion aud cynicism which is un friendly to the growth of private arfd punuc virtue. iiiey who are ever ready to Imagine faithlessness and ve nality In others bear very poor testi mony to the quality of their own na tures." The Interior department has been pur suing its Investigations, begun nearly a year ago. with all proper seal and en ergy, aud it Is authoritatively stated that the belief is that the guilty parties will be apprehended and speedily nrougui to justice. Tuere can be no doubt as to the earnest .purpose of the department to ascertain who have been guilty of frauds and as far as possible to hold them to an accountability. There Is evidently no substantial ground, bow ever, for the sensational reports that have beeu published In regard to public land frauds, particularly those alleging that western nieinlxrs of congress have made many millions in this way. ' There have been frauds, unquestionably, but there Is no doubt that their extent has leeu very much exaggerated. HIS UlfPAKDUHA BL t! CHIME. When W. O. Sears declined to support G. M. Hitchcock's father-in-law for United States senator he committed the unpardonable crime and subjected him self to unrelenting persecution at the hands of the World-Herald. From the day he was nominated.. for district Judge no pains have been spared to belittle and besmirch him and make him appear as an incompetent, a traitor to. his con stituents, unworthy of the support of honest men. Invidious comparisons , have been in stituted by the Hitchcock organ between Mr. Sears and Jndge Dickinson, when it is known to all men who know anything about the relative standing of these two men in their own county that Sears has always been recognized as the abler tawyer of the two and has always en- oyed the respect and confidence of the people of Burt county, while' the con trary is true of Judge Dickinson, who had lost the confidence of the republican rank and file to.the extent that they re fused to give him countenance or sup port for a tblrd term on 'the district bench. But why should Mr. Sears be stigma tised and sandbagged because of his re fusal to support Mr. Hitchcock's father-in-law for senator? It is nn unwritten law that representatives in the legisla ture are morally obligated to carry out the will of their constituents whenever it has been voiced either in convention or through the ballot box. The prefer ence of the republicans of Burt county, as expressed , through the ballot box, officially certified to the secretary of state, credited Edward Itosewater with 890 votes and Lorenso Crounse with five votes What right had Mr. Sears as a representative of Burt county to support u candidate who had received only five votes In his district as against candidate who bad received almost a majority of the entire republican vote cast for McKlnley in that county? And yet Mr. Sears did cast several votes for Loreneo Crounse at the outset of the senatorial balloting us a compliment to a neighboring county which had not re corded a solitary . vote for Mr. Hitch cock's father in-law for United States senator, although he was a resident of that county. Taking the vote cast for senator In this judicial district, in which McKlnley received 18,727 votes, the offi cial records make' this showing: VOTE OF PREFERENCE. I I Mint forget that Judges Read and Dickitisou only sought and secured dem ocratic nominations after they had en tered the lists for republican favor and had failed of nomination In the repub lican cuuventlon. The unwritten law of politics is that heu a man is fairly For E. Rouewater: Burt county S9t Sarpy county.... Washington Co.. 847 Douglas county. 9,179 For L. Crounse: Burt county 5 421 Sarpy county 0 Washington Co 0 Douglas county 15 historical students for all time to come. The genius of Moromsen la sure to be appreciated more in the future than It has been during bis lifetime. e -1 t'i The United States is exporting boots and shoes nowadays to the value of $1,500,000 a year, while Us imports of shoes, have become unimportant For this reversal of the situation of a few decades ago the country has to thank the republican protective tariffs, which have built up this borne Industry to its present colossal proportions. The only safe plan for republicans who want to insure the election of their judicial ticket is to vote for the seven republican nominees and for no others either by putting a cross In the party circle at the top of the official ballot or In each of the squares opposite the first seven names on the Judicial ticket "The police judgeship of Omaha has cut little' figure In the current campaign. The administration of the police court since the advent of Judge Berks has shown 'such marked Improvement that everybody but the petty criminals who go up against him is eager to let well enough alone there. Will Maker, Par Exeelloaee. ' Chicago Chronicle. Anybody who wants his wUI drawn In such a way as to prevent th possibility of his relatives dying rich should spend a few days at Lincoln, Neb, Will Nebraska Ezceatf Philadelphia Press. The matrimonial ' wave now sweeping over the United States senate Is something that no member of that body abov th age of 70 feels able to dodge Foot Ball Grswlsg Taaae. Chicago Record-Herald. , Less than forty boys have been killed on the gridiron so far this fall. Foot ball will be getting Itself referred to as a young woman's game the first thing It knows. Lucky Canada. ' New York World. Sir Wilfrid Laurler says he "often re gretted that Canada was lying alongsid a grasping ' and powerful nation ilk the United States." If the United States really were the grasping nation Sir Wilfrid says It Is Canada would not now . be "lying alongside" It. It would, like the Iamb with the Hon, be reposing inside. Dancer la Great Corporations. Minneapolis Journal. If there is any need of an object lesson to show to all men that It Is possible for corporations to grow so great as to be a source of danger to the state. It can be found In th plight of Montana. It Is a waste of breath to deny that a power that controls the business life of a state cannot and will not control the politics of the state. Prolonging; the Sqneese. Philadelphia Press. It Is a cause of deep regret that the an thraclto coal companies) find It necessary to resort to the old methods of closing the mines, to curtail the production of coal. Some 86,003 employes of th Reading com pany are laid oft for a week for that pur pose. -Many persons persist In thinking, that a reduction In the price of coal would be a much' Abetter and wiser method of meeting th difficult)'. .. -;. 10 Total 11.343; Total In the face of these figures why should any elector, whether he be a republican or democrat, withhold his support from Mr. Sears ou account of the course be pursued in the senatorial contest? What do the democrats of Omaha think of the contemptible sell-out of Judges Ferguson and Doane by the sham reform organ of noupurtlsanshlp that Is devoting all its energies to, the election of Judge Dickinson, who claims to be a republican and has been an on compromising opponent of the nonpar tisan judiciary both when he ran for the first term and when he ran for the second term? The squabble over the bequest to Colonel Bryan lu the Benuett will Is but another object lesson reinforcing the declarations of Mr. Carnegie that tho only way to make sure of posf-morteni bequests is to hand the cash over while the donor is alive. The death of Theodore Mommseu takes away the unquestionably greatest historian of the day. Mommseu's works will go down to future ages as classics and will command, by their scholar! character, the admiration of f "Irlderceat Dream.?' "Independence without separatl6n" might be a good thing for Canada, but wher would Great Britain com In? With her laborer taxed on their bread to protect Canadian grain growers she wou'd be asked to stand by unheard while Canada got into trouble with some other power and then to step in and take the quarrel off her hands. Independence without sepa ration is an Iridescent dream, but It Is in teresting to note that both parties In the Dominion seem to be cherishing such a dream. Where Despotism I Effective. Philadelphia Record. Despotism has Its advantages. An epi demic .of cholera having broken out at Kabul, the ameer ordered his army Into healthful camps on high ground and for bade his people to eat vegetables or fruit or drink unboiled water. Th penalty pre scribed for disobedience or th . Infringe ment of any sanitary regulations was death, and in order to leave nobody with an exuuse for noncompliance those ' who pleaded poverty received rations of the right sort of food to be eaten when cholera Is abroad. Th pestilence was stamped out Where Responsibility Lie. Philadelphia Lc jger. It Is the national habit, nowhere more commonly displayed than In this great commonwealth and city, to inveigh angrily against, dishonesty In politics and official life, but they whose railing accusations are the loudest, are too often not unlikely to be those who make no practical protest on election day against the prevalent wrongs. The people themselves are re sponsible for the political dishonesty which flagrantly, Insolently despoils them of their substance and which' aeeks to control the very fountalnhead of the safeguards of our liberties, prosperity and happiness the courts of Justice. If the people would re form the situation they must act-do some thingnot Impotently rail. . Ex-Slave Pension Scheme. Washington Star. In denying further use of the malls to the ex-slave pension schema the postmaster general has probably put an extinguisher on that malodorous enterprise. There never was the slightest reason to suppose that congress would vote a dollar for any such purpose. The absurdity of th proposition was promptly exposed by men of both po litical parties. Still, ten of thousands of ignorant negroes had their hopes aroused and many were induced to contribute of their little savings toward "pushing the good thing along." In this day of graft this is one of the very worst specimens of that Industry, as the victims were such easy marks and so little able to stand a drain of that kind on their small hoardings. AFFAIRS IX THH ARMT. Matters of Cnrreat Interest Glean fmaa the Army anal Savy Register. It Is likely there will b an attempt made during the coming session of congress to chang th law so as to make It possible to rT In Mexican currency troops, espe dally native scouts, at Isolated points In th Philippines, when such exchange Is desired. It has been found that troops located In this way are seldom able to get the full benefit of the discount of this kind of currency, and, consequently, they re gard themselves as not on the same footing respecting pay as people more fortunately situated. The army paymasters who have to do with this matter Interpose no objec tlon to the project, and would. Indeed, pro vide for these payments now were th action not prohibited by law. The payment of troops In the Philippines has been mad bi-monthly except In Instances wher th stations wer remotely located and difficult of access, and in such places th payments hav been monthly. The general staff of the army has had under consideration th project of estab llshlng a general service corps, to which shall be ssslgned employes of the army, such as, wagoners, clerks and others who may not be regarded, strictly speaking, as having military duty to perform. Th dis cussion of th project by th general staff led to Its rejection. . Th statistics of th ' army subsistence department show some Interesting sources of supply. San Francisco supplied the largest portion of th articles of th ration and many sales stores. Chicago furnished th bulk of th salt meat and meat prod ucts, while Kansas City and Omaha wer also drawn upon for packing house prod ucts. St. Louis furnished a tew articles which that market could most economically supply. New Tork furnished the greater portion of the srticles for sales to officers and enlisted men. The policy of the sub sistence department Is to purchase In the most advantageous market, considering cost and quality and the Interests of the government, and always favors the home or local market, everything being equal. In pursuance of this policy the following articles were purchased at Manila: Fresh beef, fresh mutton, rice, potatoes, onions, teas, issue sugar, ice, matches, butter, cheese, cigars, clotheslines, ginger ale, Australian milk. Pear's toilet soap, table salt, cut loaf sugar, granulated sugar, powdered sugar, Tansan water, ' toilet water, stewards' stores for transports and exceptional articles. l The transfer of officers between the field and coast artillery in the army will not be made at present as was intended. It has been found necessary to postpone this action. No orders will be issued now. The general staff of the army Is now In possession of the reports filed by special InanaKtnn unit others detailed to visit col leges during the last year to ascertain If the provisions of general order 04, A. O. O., prescribing the course of military instruc tion and imposing other conditions . have been complied with. In many Instances these reports show that the colleges hav closely observed the provisions of the or der, especially as to practical and theoret ical Instruction. It is slso stated that friii(r. encouraarement and aid are granted the professors of military science and tactics. It Is observable, nowever. mat there are a few Institutions wnicn ao noi com up to the required standard. It Is said also that the purely military colleges find no difficulty In runy meeting every xnirm,nt nf the War department, as their special and particular aim Is to turn educated for the profession of arms. One consideration to which the gen' eral staff has been giving Its attention IS - or ins nrniiii Instructed youth. Students of mili tary colleges now 'receive from the government the caliber .46 Springfield cadet rifles, an antiquated weapon that dnea not romnare with th modern rifle and must necessarily hamper the young men In their work. It nas neen recom mndd to the areneral staff that a more up-to-date rifle be furnished the military colleges, it being pointed out that these students should be as well armea as me nutinnal suard and that when the latter Is supplied with the latest and best weapon the military colleges snouia ue aiso simi larly equipped. , Some Interesting statistics will probably be presented In the annual report of th quartermaster general of the army on the subject of blindness in army animals. There has been an appreciable decrease In this affliction, there being only 211 animals during the last year presented for Inspec tion as against 411 of last year and nearly 700 of the year before. This marked de crease in the blindness of public animals Is ascribed to the withdrawal of troops from Cuba and from Porto Rico, where blindness or diseases of the eye appeared to be epidemic among the public animals not foaled ther. Th officers of the quartermaster's de partment who have with th details of the army clothing report continued diffi culty In acquiring what Is known as fast colors In the shades of cloth adopted for chevrona and facings of the military uni form. There has always been more or less trouble In this respect and It seems that the Imported goods are no more virtuous In this respect than the domestic product. Recent experiments have been made under direction of Major I. W. Llttell. In charge of th clothing branch of the quartrmas-- rrlrars office, for the purpose of as certaining what effect the laundry test has on the color. The exhibit is impressive and shows the need of some method by which the dy manufacturers will produce enduring colors. It la known as the "soap- Koii" t. In which the bit of colored cloth Is boiled In water Impregnated with soap and has proven specially oesirucuve 10 these original shades. This Is notably tru of brilliant colors which ar converted Into all sorts of degraded shades by this pro cess. The experts In th quartermaster general's office have found, however, that goods of the same shade, altheugh not so brilliant In color, will stand the sever laundry test. This Is by using a dye which has been discovered and which is believed to afford a shade of the desired durability and sufficiently near th standard to be acceptable for all th purposes of official dress. Ramiacattnas t Last Grabbing;. 8t. Loulu Globe-Democrat The land frauds brought to light In Ore gon are found to hav extended Into Idaho, Montana and Nevada, and Indictment hav consequently been returned for forgery and various forms of fraud. In considering the rush for public lands under false pretenses It would b well for congress t look Into th evasion practiced under the homestead law by which a title Is completed In four, teen months by the payment of 1.2S an acre, after which th land speedily finds Its way Into the possession of large com panies. The homestead law was Intended to benefit Individual settlers, not land mo nopolists operating covertly on a large scale. What is left of th public domain should b reserved for th people, not for th enrichment of syndicates. In eases wher frauds ar practiced the govern ment should take vigorous measure to re sum possession. rKRIOHHL MOTES. As th situation appears at this distance the wurst Is yet to the striking sausage makers In Chicago. Since th Introduction of asphalt In th French capital th Paris mob must content Itself with throwing epithets Instead of paving stones. The next transport to the Philippines will b a trying ship for old bachelors to travel In, as It will carry out nineteen newly mar rled couples, all of th array, on their wed ding Journey across the Pacific. In tn opinion of th editor of the Mirror, a paper printed In English In British India, "American womanhood Is admittedly the finest th very beat, physically and Intel lectually, of all th womanhood of th world." Rear Admiral Schley, retired. Is writing his memoirs and has reached that period of the Chilian rebellion when h and his ship wer ordered to th seen of trouble Th admiral's story of th fight off Santi ago will be a straightforward narrative. backed up with references t official docu TilEOlB REUMl'M v.;'.Vrvw iii.i f ' :" V v ! V- f T O " .;. i (ft - I Absolutely Puro -TflEHEJS K0 SUBSTITUTE ments to bear out assertions he may make regarding controverted points. Juan Navarro has been Mexican consul general in New York City for forty years. Senor Navarro Is 80 years old, but Is sdll In vigorous mental and physical health. He has Just returned to his post from the City of Mexico, where he has horn a vacation. y Mr. F. Augustus Helnx says Mr. Thomas W. Lawson is a mountebank. Mr. Lawson says he will glv fS.OOO If Mr. Helns will com to . Boston and "say it again." Per haps th public will contribute a mUch larger sum if they will both suspend con versation.' ' Senor Arclnlagas, the Colombian diplo mat who is now visiting Washington, la a linguist of notable attainment. He has mastered nearly all the European tongues. as far as to read them is concerned, his object being to study the literature of th various countries, but has never learned to speak any of them with ease. WHAT MAKES TUB AMERICAN l EdaeatUa, Nerve, Push and th Inspiration of Liberty. Indianapolis News. Alfred Mosely, th Englishman of many commissions, to learn '.'What's what In America,", so to speak, is here now, en deavoring to asoertaln . to what extent school and college education In America has affected .or will, affect our commercial and industrial efficiency. "We wish to find out," he says, "If It Is the American school that makes the American man, or If other factors, climatic, social and . economical, have developed him." Th tru answer to that would interest us as much as any one on earth. But a full answer it seems to us would have to take Into account the similar conditions In the country with which th comparison was mad. There is this broad fact: The American in this country during the colonial period and, broadly speaking, until 184t, at least, was simply an Englishman dwelling In this land. me stoca was as pure .English, Scotch and Scotch-Irish as was to be found on the earth. Since then there has been a great admixture of Irish, Germans and latterly some of all peoples. Another thing Is certain: Th American Is as different' from the Englishman today as two men can be, albeit speaking the same language (If the English artll admit that) and living under practically the same laws, reading much the same books and looking on life in the same light ss to ethics and pretty nearly as to economics. Now, whence, indeed, comes the difference? Is it the common schools, or is It aomehlng or many things else? Institutions, for ex ample. Is not her on great fact? We ar perhaps the only people that have grown up without th fear of invasion. That Is a fact that neither we nor bthers have per haps reckoned at Its true value. We do not know what It is to live in fear or at least in contemplation of the possibility of having to fight for our national existence. The vast security of our continent has sim ply pervaded us like an atmosphere. This must have a profound influence, es pecially as to th status of women, as an acuta German scholar has noted.. A society In which the man has not the artificial value that th fighting factor Imparts must be a different society, and one In which women will occupy a different place from that In which the military Ideal Is a great or an all-pervading factor. This, taken with the fact of the freedom of democracy; th entire absence of any respect for rank or cast; hereditary authority unknown, and those temporarily In. authority felt to be the creatures and servants of the people, of everyone, made and unmade by them very year or. so, must breed an attitude toward life p. different from that which prevails. In a land wher all these things exist as to account for. much. And this is attested by the fact that an Englishman or Ocrman, or whatever foreigner who Is not touched by the education of th schools, be comes "Americanised" In a few years' residence here; takes on all th characteris tics of those "native and to the manner born." It is a subject of whl not easily get too much, and t Mosely finds out about ,' it servioe ha will do us, as well i country. , ' GENIAL GAB. Husband (during spat-You t shut up now. The foolklller ls Wife Oh. isn't that lovely. A.) your 11 f Insured. Insumnc Q. heavy vll vllj Friend Your new adapted to th role. Theatrical Managers-Yes nounce the word ''revenge" wl r'a and lnnk It with thtrtv.Ju "Do vou believe that Georr i . never told a Her II "It's possible. He never wsJ. J "I don't see why your aoartr be so cold. Don t they suppH neatT . "Yes hot air from the lanltn us how thev ar aroint; to Imnrol Inr facilities next . SDiina." Tlmes. . v. J. Caller What a beautiful 11 have! Don't you Just Joto on y 1 Mrs.- Selldom-Holme Ye-es, o enjoy my. books, but I'd so m converse, don't you know I CI. bun. Bertha Are you and Miss Ki. tives. Bessie?..- ... I Bessie Well, no; I suppose y( call us that, although we' havck posed to by the same man. Bo script. ( Th Pressman of th Great 1 you noticed that the stock we ' now gives the paper a very h anee? i The 'Manager Fudge'.. I don't t, color It is as long as it's read'. ' Plain Dealer. ' ' "I want my stationery t be , and appropriate," said the man starting a collection agency. "How about a light blue pap gested the printer. . "I had thought of gray." : "Well, that's so. a dun color t appropriate.Vr-Philadelphia Presi. "But you'piay' ket.-'oad." boy. i , j' -. j "Oh. yes, , I play occasionally,") the father. . ! "Then why can't IV "Because, my boy, my : Incoi stand the drain of more than player In the family. "7-Chlcago ) yr limp PART it Wn ... - Bismarck Tribune. . "Hard by yon hedge that skirts th (1 guess that line will do It's quite like any Goldsmith Btl "And modest flower grew! It flung lu perfume In tne air" (That Bounds a littl slow, ' But someone's calling . ''Copy 1" t I'll have to let It go!) "A "flower It was of beauty' rare Oh, Lord! That's worse and wo Now shall I use "compare" or "fi To flnlah on this verse?) - "It's sweetheart, Westwlnd. bend) Pressed on Its Hps a kiss" i (I think I certainly deserve. To get a band on this!) ' "The Westwlnd stopped. Its love ti At mnm . ml tiluhl b iijA nnna.1' (Say, Finnegan, for Heaven's cake Don t whistle that darned tune!) "All thru the summer, tho unhaarr Tney piengea tneir love anew (I wish 1 had some other word To rhyn.n back there with " 'In autumn w will wed,' said hi And brouKht a rosy slush (I've got to work In something hi About the twittering thrusn.) "He bade his sweetheart then goot (How much? Two verses more You say you need? This is a Jrlg' I wish I'd known before!) . "In autumn then the Westwlnd cs (Now what. w 111 rhyma with that. Oh, yes!) His bride the Flower to (I call those' two line pat) But lol His sweethearr'lay In dust (I hate "Chill WlntorSi breath," But here noes! It I must I must!) "His brid waawed Willi Death!' "And that Is why the,vestwind si Because his heart la sore (I'd like to quit her, but I ve s To work In six lines more.J "He's chanting dirges o'er her are The Flower whom Death had wo (HI ther! Hero Is that Sunday sti Thank goodness that la done!) We Are Designers and builders of Tailor-made Rain Coats or ( venettes. Employing in the coDstjraction, every up-to-c" principle of modern tailoring. Others may have the si cloth, but without the facilities and ehop equipment, same results cannot De produced, lr it is a gooa ruin c you want that rain will neither wet nor spot, ; will choose one of cur make. Answer every purpose t a fall top could.. Just as dressy and much more servicea! $12.50 up to $28. And umbrellas for those who ran make up their mind to a coat at f 1.00, f 1.50; $2.50, $3. etc. rrC W V" K. S. WILCOX, Manager.