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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1903)
Tnn OMAITA DAILY BEK: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. IfXtt. ,LVE UNITED. STATES ' tirei T1U Count 17 to Tki in Manchnrian Trouble. OF STATE SEES NO HOPE ias America Halrin Trade In 3'l Proline It Will Hot Driwi Inla Poll.lerii ' ; Complications. ; i OTON, Nov. J. -Sir. Chen Tung ; Jng, the Chinese minister hwe, (r Instructions from hlq govern j f 'tilng, has been partlr:ariy ac- ly In, the effort to interest the , e irwwnment In China' behalf i hurlan trouhles. Me wnf at tha 'rtment In purmilt of that object; .'purpose being to h if snjr way md by whlth the tnl((l Btatcs (t may be afrt. 6 svrV6' 'IrinA In ' ,-ncy. It appear,- however, that ?lay haa not bean enabled Xo hit .vlan of taction that would prom n China In this matter. . There Is ,i that tho event reported as Opened at Mukden regarding tha 2 ' that town are. apt. looked J friendly feelings by the officials S-i long as the United Slate gov '' nires and retains, trail Jo "Man- , Vill not be drawn lntotfco political rns of tha present situation. .., . . rn Courts J-rvfrstUtatloa. ''it the Investigation being made 1 fiuet Mr. Madaeri, third a distant V general, aald: "1 court the Jt moat searching investigation. j Sw the absolute falsity of auch Jhere has not been during my ad i. a single stamp sold or a single j 1 stamp sold by mo to any col- o any other person whatsoever. V ient to the contrary Is false." rir General Payne aald today that i .'charges made In the philatelic , h not directed against Mr. Mad t i legations, however, Involved hi t yt ot Alaskan Deelslow. ' ' Foster, agent for tho United . re tho Alaskan Boundary com - a arrived in Washington, bring- fUclal text ot the commission's ' A all the records of the American ral Poster had an Interview with lay In further explanation of the MJIto obtained at London, and ; e day dined with th president ' lellvery Of the findings, together 'ral Foster's own report within a t Secretary Hay win enter Into ne- with tho British government for itment of expert surveyors to i J lines of tho boundary as they described by tho eommlsalonsrs. lngs of th.e commission as they 'posited In tha. Slate department three pages of closely engrossed ! id bear the signatures of the commissioners. Lord Afverstone American secretary.' jteral Weston on iJoty. ' r General John Weston resumed i at the War department today j 'sary general of au,bglstace aftor I a of flvo m-mths, due to serious ils malady uras said U be aneu t o heart and his 'recovery, Is re 1 somewhat remarkable. Ha ap ' be in excellent health and spirits very way capable of dscharglng a pt htm office. " "' j ails Wlfa mi Himself. I prtfield today ihot and killed his i then committal sulcldo at their j1 house hers. Mortfpld was a pa j " lent of a hflspUJjJ, fps.thMnaana ' believed tho deal was committed j V of his fear oi' being returned j ylum. as arrangtimenta bad been j land Mortfeld to tho Washington Ospltal tomorrow, . . 7;, ! ;ay Cosaaaat Itatloaai joptroller of tho treasury. In a -atlon to the secretary of war, that tha later la authorised to r to tho proper state officials for of tho states' organised militia lgsged In "actual Held or camp Cor Instruction" the money valu . egular army ration Instead of th i kind. ' ) Eaclaecrs to Meet. ',, i . Storey and Major Murray of tho corps, IJoutemint Colonel Ray d Major Marshall of th engineer d Major Reber of tho signal corps m designated aa representatives of , Med SUtea army at the meeting 1 leero to bo held In New York City w, when consideration la to be what la to bo done by th World' i ngreiw of Engineers. d Advaaea Seearlia Case.' Attorney- Ueneral Boramerby of niea a mouon in tho United !"t"B" ,U( Ull 4(1' ut of tho hearing of tho case of of Minnesota against til North ' rltloa Company to December next, j r tho hearing in tha case ot tha j Stases against ' tha Northern Be- Company, which Js set for Decem IHa nied a brie?, setting forth that sea Involve practically tha amo s,- whlla counsel for th securities i f filed objections, urging that as vernment case involves a federal ti and tho state ease doea not, thar .ason for hearing tb two cases ,ttv f Th court took tl motion under ient. -4' ' .j , Shaw la Washlaa-taa.. t ary Bhaw returned today from a ; weeks' campaigning tour n Kan "i )h!o and Iowa. I fca Forta Rlcaas Ajra Cltlaaus. nt CommlHsioner Degetau of Porto i i day tiled In the United States su- court a request for permission to rief as amicus curia in the. case Vlla Gonsales. a Porto Rlcan woman ; a tier the emigration lawa waa le prlvlltge of landlug in jiew.Tork. Mt-getau contends that the ease tn . ha status of citlsen, of Porlo Rico i x v vr v J It Cifu of J are appreciated far , mors A they bear the UsJe-mark label show abova, 1 Dorflinger Glassware Up-to-cUie deslert are pf cud of tKe fact that they cU Dor- fit V ., . .. 0 an! that tha decision of tho circuit court for th southern district of New Tor, which refused to grant a writ of habeas corpus to th Oonsales woman, is Incon sistent with tho constitution of the United States. Iaa for Maekea Trial. The cases of A. W. Machen. Diller B. and Pnmnel A. Croft and George F. and Martha Lorens, Indicted on charges of conspiracy In connection with the sals of letter-box fasteners to the Postofllce department, were today set for trial on November 23 In crim inal court of District of Columbia No. 1. Douglass tk Douglass and Conrad Symme appeared as attorneys for Machen and the Lorensa and Samuel Maddox for the GrofT. Assistant District Attorney Hugh T. Tag gart, representing the government, asked that on account of the Ill-health of District Attorney Beach a date after the first week In December be fixed for th trial of the cases. He explained that It has been long and tiresome work performed by Mr. Beach in preparing the cases for trial. Which has made It Imperative that he take a rest. Mi. Taggart alio, declared that there are now fifty persons accused in the Postofflce de partment with enplta! offense which re quire tha attention ot Mr. Beach, and con sideration therefore should be shown him by the court. Ask for Early Trial. Charles A. Douglass and Samuel Maddox made plea for early trials, tha. former ofTcrlng a motion that November 16 be set a th date for the trial, with the under standing that If Mr. Beach Is then unable to attend court a continuance should be granted. Justice Pritchard announced that as "a compromise he would set the trial for November 23, and ha urged attorney for both sides to be ready at that time. In connection with fixing the time of the trials Justice Pritchard asked Assistant District Attorney Taggart whether he In tended to interpose any objection to the application of Machen and the Graffs that they be permitted- to examine certain reo ords In the postofflce In order to prepare for their defense, which application had been et for a hearing on next Friday. Taggart aald be considered the applica tion absolutely Inadmissible and attorneys for both sides announced their readiness to argue the question Friday. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Trlaco Taras Bonsersaalt la Raea at Lavtonla, gcrloaslr lajarlaaj Jockey Wilson. CINCINNATI, Nov. tTn the steeple chase st Tttonla today, which was won by Serge, Trlaco ti-rned a complete somersault at !he la ft lump. From tha grandstand It looked as though both horse and rider had been killed, but In a few seconds the horse was on his feet, apparently uninjured. Jockey Wilson was knocked senseless, and when examined by the track physicians It wna found that his hip was crushed, and he was Internally injured. Results: First race, six furlongs: Tha Goldflnder won. Fair Lady Anna second. First At tempt third. Time: last. Second race, six furlongs: Oudon won, Preakness second, Barney Drey fuss third. Time: 1.17H. ... Third race, ona mile: Silk Cord won, Chickadee second. Flaneur thlrit Tim.' 1:45. Fourth race, hsndiran. steenlerh.oe . c"ur! ferga won, Mr. Rosa aecond, Trisco imru. lime: BAm. Fifth rnre, rive snd one-hslf furlongs: Morning Star won, Woodlswn Bella second. Ruth I'arrlsh third. Time: 1:10. Sixth race, one tnile and one-eighth: Famed won, I.ubln second, Melbourne tllpe third. Time: 1:BRA. NEW YORK. Nov. t-Results: First race, six furlonas. sellina: Reveille won, Morcello second, Ancestor third. Time: i :j ilk Second race, seven fnrlnnn tiaftAinn Girdle won Early Eve aecond. Sabot third! lime; i;cofft. Third race, on mile, selling: Namtor won. Forward second. Our Numt thirrt Time: 1;40. Fourth race, seven furlongs, the Wood mere: Sweet Alice won. Irene TJnriaev oud, Futurlta third. Time: J:27. , , i Fifth race, five fnrlnnira- Tjiilii Von. Mlneola second. For Luck third. Time: ""- . . , Bixth race, handicap, on mile: Hello won. Elvrla aecond. Lord Ttxlva tht.i Time: 1:. . " CONTESTS DRAW ATTENTION Boxlaa; Eaklkltloa at Waaklaartoa HallVrlday Night Promises to B Well Atteaded. Indications are that tho boxing contest scheduled for Washington hall Friday night will be witnessed by a large crowd The principal event will be a 10-round bout between Tommy Ryan and Billy Rhoads. These two met on a previous occasion at Bt. Louln In a fifteen-round draw. Previous to the big contest, some preliminaries will be pulled off. Each of (ha llnwln mmnU. ...111 -1 i . Terry Mustaln against Danny Haley, Ho- llllul.R ......!..- , .. , ' I . "iwiBi aa.iia b tfouauu, A.ruvi;o againsv Bell. HnirliMaii Mint a thaau first class affairs and anticipate soma fine exnmiuons oi me an or ooxing. 'I ne sals of tickets already haa been large and the conynittee having the matter in hand an- expectations. Each of the contestants In are boxeia of ability. ASKS LINCOLN TO JOIN Preatdeat af Wcstara Ltsgae Waata Clak la Capital City Nebraska. LINCOLN, Nov. t. Lincoln baa been In vited to become a member of the Western Base Ball league next year and a can vass Is being made to secure the neeeesary backing to insure a franchise. It Is repre sented by those interested that there wfcll be a marked change in the circuit, making this city particularly available as a mem ber. President 8xtou, of tha Western league. Is expected to visit Lincoln, when a decision will probably be reached. . Board of Stewards Meets. CHICAGO, Nov. 1 At the regular meet ing of tha board of stewards of the West ern Jockey club, held here today, applica tions for reinstatement of persons and horses who had raced at tne Newport meeting lust winter were denied, with the following exceptions, which were passed for consideration at the next meeting: C. II. Marlman, owner; P. S.' llurreil, Jockey: James Rooner, jockey; Paul Egbert, owner; W. M. Taylor, owner; and tha horses Wyola and Kavensbury. . Upon application the following persons and horses were restored to good standing: Joseph W. Verkes, owner: Ira Cox, trainer, and Lady Burlington, property of Rloe Bros. Tha following applications for reinstate ment were denied: W. H. Flser, owner' W. W. Van Zant. owner, and H. Worth Ington and Frank Lawless, Jockeys. A special meeting of the board of Stew arts will be held- next Friday, when it Is said that Important business will come up tor consideration. Wltfc tk Bowlera, On Clark'a alleys last evening the Krug Parkr won two games from tha Waver- ya poors: KRUG PARKS. 1st. 2d. Id. ToUI. Clay 12S 121 ' mi m banks m 1.'7 iwi 4ft Hunter 148 1:3 lsi 4M Korene -"3 I 1M i;s bit iUmucrmun ILi l&y lua &ik Totals &rj t?o( M :Tjti .' WAVERLVS. ' i 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Belleck J3 1;W Reynolds 133 177 ItiS 475 Fowler 11 19-J I7S 614 Ortinihs ITS 24 1:14 Ut Uodgus 14 1 lot b!3 Totals J" l.Oa TTS fill Amerlraa Wlsi Ciolf tkaaiploaakla). BERLIN. Nov. 1 Dr. George O. Web ster, an American, haa won the golf cham pionship vt Germany from II H. Iils, an Knsltshman. on the twenty-flrst green. Iir. Wetwisr also won tho handicap cliam ptonsbll. Gaakoat Go.. Ashore. AMSTERDAM. Nov. t Tha British gun, boat Randrall, bound for Ymulder, at the snd of the North sea canal, la ashora off Kgcnod-Aaa-Zea. It la receiving assistance. MORE MONEY FOR P0ST0FF1CE ' 1 aa . Fostoo titer Central Fajn liki fox Larger f Appropriation Than Lait Teal DELIVERY SYSTEMS REQUIRE MORE CASH Rvrry Rraark of Service Will II Give a Increase la Fasti It Reqaest at Drpartaieatal Hf-t Is Hsscret, WASHINGTON. Nov. S-Postmaster Gen eral Payne In his estlmstes forwarded to the treasury for transmission to congress for appropriations needed during the fiscal yeas ending June tn, 1906, calls or an ag gregate of I1S8.0W.770 for the postal ser- vlc. The deficit for year ending June 30, 1908, Is estimated at $4,(13,703. The appro priation for the year ending June 30, 1904, was 3153,611, K0, and the estimated revenue for that year are ii4,304.S43. The estimated revenue for 1906 Is IM,SM,066. - - The total .tnoresse on account of city delivery service 'is $1,71,7M and rural free delivery Increase I 33,163,700. No estlmste Is made for th special fast mall facil ities, for which th last appropriation waa 1187,761 An estimate of 10.000 is made for pneumatic tub service. Tha heaviest Item Is l-'S.fitW.OOO to railroads for transportation of malls, an Increase of $1,468,000. Other im portant Items Include atar route service, $3,100,000, Increase $1,140,000; compensation of postmsVera, $24,000,000, Increase $2,2(0,000; pay of letter carriers, $-'0,731,260, Increase $1,602,460; pay of letter carriers and clerks, in charge of rural stations, $16,000,000, In crease $3,eot,ooo. Report of Navy. Rear Admiral Endioott, chief of tho bureau of yards and docks, In hi annual report to. the secretary of th navy say several ' of the yards, especially those at New York, are becoming congested, owing to their limited area and that, unless somo action I taken looking to their ef ficiency they will become restricted. The estimates for the coming fiscal year, It la explained, provide for continuing the work on dry dock at Charleston, New York and Norfolk, and th ateel floating dock at Cavite, P. I and that., with the exception of the estimate of tho Improve ment of th water front at the New York yards, $1,500,000, these are among the lar gest Items for which estimates are submitted- Attention 1 called to the need of more extensive accommodatlona for the (berthing and storage of torpedo boat and it la suggested that the construction of a small dry dock at Norfolk and other yards fot-the docking of th large num ber of small boat of tho navy would be an economical provision. Many works ot Improvement are necessary at the Charles ton yard If It 1 to be developed Into a station of moderate efficiency, say the report: also at New Orleans. i Momtkly Dekt Statemeat, Th monthly statement of th public debt shows that at tb close ot business October $1, 1903, tho total debt, less cask In th treaaury, amounted to $9,402,60L which is an increase for tha month of $3,649,966. Tho debt U recapitulated as fol lows! Interest-bearing debt, $906,277,060; debt on which Interest has caaaad sine maturity, $1,196,930; debt bearing no in terest, $392,666,913; total, $1,299,039,993. This amount, however, does not Include $319,843, 869 In certificates and treasury notes out standing, which are offset by an equal amount of caah on hand for tbelr redemp tion. Tho cash In the treasury Is classified as follows: Gold reserve, $160,000,0001- trust funds, $919,843,869; general fund. 149.222,991; in national bank depositories, $167,329,841; In Philippine Islands to credit of United 8iatea disbursing Officers, $4,670,205: total, 1, 831,070, 907, against Which 'there are demand lia bilities outstanding amounting to $1,012,- (04, . which leaves a cash balanoa on band Of $378,637,402. ' ' Ifceflelt for Octaker, The comparative statement of tho gov ernment receipts and expenditures show for the month of October, 1903, that tha total receipts were $46,963,213 and the expendi tures $51,901,478, leaving a deficit tor the month of $4,947,266. With the exception ot th month of July, when, It being the be :nnlng of tha fiscal year, there la always largely increased expenditures, there bas not been a monthly deficit since April, 1890. The principal falling off in revenues is In customs, where ihe receipts were $22,(69,- 962. a against $26,741,700 for October, 1902. Internal revenues show total receipts of $20,813,861, an Increase of about $367,000. The leading factor In the deficit, however, is tha Increase In the expenditures from $46,904,965 In October, 1902. to $61,910,478 for October this year. These expenditures were occa sioned by a deficiency of over $3,000,000 in postal revenues and over $1,600,000 paid to tha St. Louis Purchase exposition. Tba ex penditure on account of tha War depart ment increased about $2,000,000 and over $.',- 000,000 on account of the navy. 'Both of these departments were given Increased appropriation at th last session of con gress. For the four months of tha present fiscal year there Is shown a surplus of $669.26. Moatbly Clrealatloa gtatrmeat. The monthly circulation statement Issued ,by th comptroller of tho currency show that on October 31. 1903, th total circula tion of national bank note waa $119.610,GS3, an. Increase far 'the year ot $39,134,349, and a, decrease for the month of $816,862. The circulation, based on United Htates bonds, amounted to $as0, 666.871, an' Increase for the year of $44,867,632, and an Increase for the month of $1,134,997.- Tho circulation secured by lawful money aggregated $38,959,862,. a decrease for tha year of $6,733,283, and a decrease for tha month of $l,9i0,849. Tha amount of United Batea registered bonds on deposit to sweura circulating notes was $382.86.830. and to secure publio deposits, $168,39,G93. ' Colaaga Stateasaat. Tb total coinage executed at tha mint of' the United States during October, 1903, wss $3,872,220. aa follows: Gold, $1,640,000; silver, $2,324,000; minor coins. $8,220. In ad dition to tha abova there were coined 1,426, 009 pesos for tha Philippine.. ENGINE TURNS ON ITS SIDE Ea.tb.aad lists f Trala Wracked sat tka EiiIimi I. Killed. LA JUNTA, Colo., Nov. 2. Santa Fe truln No. 6, aaatbouod. which waa wrecked by unknown persons at Apishapa Creek, last Friday, met with disaster again today at Thatcher, where th engine left the track and turned over on Its aide, killing Fire man Charlea Everhart of Syracuse, Kan. No passengers were hurt. The accident la attributed to spreading of tha rails. HYMENEAL CrllT.a-Grler. A pretty wedding occurred at tha horns af th bride's brother, Lm Grler, u& South Eighteenth atraet, Sunday afternoon at $ o'clock, when Miss Effie M. Grler became tha . wife of David W. Griffen of Dei Moines. Tha ceremony waa performed by Rev. H C. Herring, pastor of the First Congregational church, and waa wltnesaed only by the relatlvee and a few frlenda of tha bride. The young people have arranged for an extended wedding trip t California and leave for the coast Wednesday next mm IX CLUB AND CHARITY From choice and otherwise, the women who attended yesterday's meeting of the Women's club were treated to an after noon of clvio Improvement. Some time ago the club was Invited to join the City Fed eration ot Improvement clubs. Such mem bership to entail a fee of $2 and a possi bility of being taxed $1 a month to help meet the expensea of th organisation. A discussion of the advisability of such membership occupied the greater part of the business hour, there being a variety of opinions. While the club Is heartily In favor of the city federation and what It proposes to accomplish, many of the women felt that such work was a little out of the line of the club, while others Insisted that ltfwas one of Its branches of work and deserved the support of th club. Others objected to affiliating with tha federation on tha ground that tha club might so be drawn Into politics, but altogether there was no very strong argu ment brought from either side and after a tire ho ma discussion the motion to Join was lost by one vote. Immediately after the decision, the member who hd lea.d tho opposition gave notice that tho matter would ba reopened in two weeks, when a larger attendance might 'be present, to act upon It Tha membership of tha club Is steadily Increasing and Is considerably larger now than at any time last year. The treasurer yesterday reported eight new members a having qualified since tho last meeting and nine new name were proposed for membership. Th remainder of tho business hour waa devoteii to a most interesting and instruc tive talk by Mrs. W. W. Keyaof on the St. Louis exposition, ilrs. Keysor was re ceived with applause a aha came to the platform, this being the second time she has addressed the club aince resigning It presidency on her removal to St. Louis last year. The afternoon program waa - In charge of the department of political and social science, Mrs. C. L. Loblngier leader, a piano solo by Miss Corlnne PaulBen being tho opening number. The work of clvle Improvement being one of the branchek of the department work, th program was devoted to this subject, Mrs. Tllden giving a resume of this work that has been done by tho club. The record waa altogether creditable and presented most Interestingly. Mr. E. J. Cornish was tho other speaker, "Park and Tree Planting," with special reference to Omaha, being his aubject. He emphasized the value of parks and boule vards, citing the Increase in value of prop erty in Han scorn Place a compared to other portion of tho city with greater natural advantages and leauty, because of Its location near Hanscom park. The same being true of the property along Central boulevard. Bern Is park and tho other boulevards. Regarding tree planting, he advised tha planting of a single variety along tha streets to preserve uniformity. Ha said it haa been tho experience of th park board that young trees planted here, In th spring or fall, will' do well If prop erly cared for, and that It had not been the experience of tho superintendent of parka that tho Soft maple rufTered from the winds of this climate, ns has been claimed by eoWe. Ho advised tho elm, how eer, as the most practical street troe, though th hackberry, locust and sycamore have also proven successful. Tho following are tha announcements of department meetings: Emersorr study, Tuesday afternoon, t o'clock; Bible, study, Thursday. 1:30 n. tn rnrnt ii,ni.a rr..- - - v, UJO- day, 8.16, November 10; English literature. inursaay, i:so p. m.; political and social science. Thursdav. S'an m x.w.i... - - a. - .ivrviliuvr 12; household economics, Thursday, 10 a. m.i parliamentary practice, Mouiiy,' $'p. tA.l English history, Tuesday,. 2 p.t m., No- viuuer iv, iaw Department, Thursday, 216 "' ' "The Passing Era and tho rnmi. ir- In Homemaklng- was the subject of an ad ores Dy Mrs. Harriet MacSrurphy before the home department of th ConnMi tjiiv. Woman'a club Thursday afternoon. , Several Nebraska women sr. tn n.. in the program of the meeting of tha Ninth u,"ln oi me lowa Federation of Woman's Club at Its annual meeting, to be held In Council BlufTs December 1 and 2. Among these are Mr. F. H. Colo, president of the Omaha Woman's club, and Mm. Mary Moody Pugh, also a member of the local club, birt a resident of Bellevue. where she la Instructor In domestic science at Belle vue college. DEATH RECORD. Cartala II. O. Warrea. RED OAK, la., Nov. 1 fSnocli.1 .re tain H. O. Warren of this r.lue i aa after an Illness lasting months. Hiram o. warren was In his 70th year when death took him from ri i c ...1,1... Hla birthplace and the home of his youth waa at Hampton. N. Y. At an early period In tho civil war he enlisted in th. thern cause and served full four yeara as a He waa for a time first lieu tenant of Company K. On. tinna,.j Twenty-third New Tork Infantry and waa later promoiea to the captaincy of Com pany C. of the same regiment. He wfl In somo of the hardest fought battles of the war and distinguished himself for lijs brav ery ana soldierly conduct, The deceased is survived bv Ma wif four step-children and itree grown sons! ennaren oy nis former wife. The latter are: W. E. and H. C. Warren, of Terr. ii.." Ind., and Jerome C. of Carrlngton, N. D.' Jiaei II. Loadernaa. SANTA BARBARA, Cal.. Nov. 2.-James H. Louderman of Bt Louis and this plaoa, a son of John H. Louderman, the St. Louis millionaire, died hero vesterdav. If a a. 61 years old and bad 'Wintered here for many year past. Walter C. Hotkrook. WORCESTER, Mass., Nov. 2. Walter C. Holbrook, a comedian, known for years throughout the country as "Happy Davo Holbrook," Is dead here from consumption. Holbrook died In poverty. Combs May Halt atlal.try. PARIS, Nov. t Th Figaro" this morrlng say it ba reason to believe that Premier Combe has determined to retire from of lice, but being unwilling to compromise tha passage of the budget he will not do o be fore th Christmas holidays, unle com pelled to do so by the advene vote of th majority. j TO A BIRD AND f i tti inai f nc bottle I ft " pil-tjftCC BY MtTft TO M BETTfln TNA 1 wiWfOwTtQ -I -T . W DESTROYS FOURTEEN BLOCKS ftm on Counj It' and Dei troy $ One Lift tnd Much Froperty. DRUNKEN MEN SAID TO BE RESPONSIBLE Two Waltera Locked l A ceased at Bettlagr Fire Wklek Caaaed Mack Damaae lad Distress at Pleasaro Resort. NEW YORK. Nov. 1-Fourleen solid blocks of bulldlnga In ruins, ona llf lost, two score persons Injured, 600 person homeless and a financial loss of $1,600,000 1 the outcome of an alleged drunken freak which resulted In the fir at Coney Island yesterday. Frank Connolly, J7 years old. and Peter Skelly, St) years old. former waiters In tha Albatross hotel at Sheepahead walk and the Bowery, are locked up, charged with arson on the'etrenjth of a atatement made by Barney Wolf, proprietor of a Haines law hotel at the island. Wolf says that on Friday night Connolly and Skelly, In the presence of a crowd, said that thinga wera getting dull on tho island and they believed they would liven the place up with a Are. Wolf say b saw them staTt a Are which he put out Again yesterday, ho aserts, they atarted a aecond lire, but he arrived just as the flames shot up and waa unable to control them a ho had dona on Friday, and ha gave th alarm. When he saw his own place go up Ilk tinder and heard that his brother-in-law, Albert Rubin, bad hla skull fractured by leaping from a window to aava himself, ha told tha police ot Connolly and Skelly. Tha story of tha alleged incendiarism was all over tha Island while the flame wcr at their height and feeling against Connolly and Skelly ran high. Today there la a great scarcity of food on the Island and hundreds are suffering lor th ordinal y necessities of life. HARRISON FIGHTS GAMBLING Mayor of Chicago Woxld Stop Trsss mlssloa of Racing Nevrs by '- Tickers. CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-In an effort to stamp out the handbook evil, a system of betting on horse races which has existed In Chicago for several years, Mayor Carter Harrison tonight sent an ordinance to the city coun cil providing for tho licensing of all tele graphic "tickers" In use in tha city. The end sought by th ordinance Is the preven tion of the use of "tickers" for the trans mission of racing news, betting odds or other Information for the making of bets or wagers on horse races, or any other In telligence for the purpose of gambling. The license fee for each ticker required by tha ordinance Is $1 a year, In addition to a bond of $1,000 that the applicant shall faith fully observe and keep all city ordinances. In explanation of the necessity for such a stringent ordinance Mayor Harrison, In a communication to the council, said: Many years ago the evils resulting from gambling engaged In through the Instru mentality of various lottery comoanies he- came so far reaching and demoralizing that sencrai promomve legislation by the fed eral congress was called for and secured. Tho evils attendant upon the prevalent crate for Rumbling on horse races cer tainly demand as vigorous measures as were resorted to when the united sentiment of the nation exacted from congress th stamping out of lottery gamblings now general ;s ine tendency of tha day to risk money on the outcome of horse races may be learned from the recent reports In the local preHS of notice being posted by the managements of large business houses prohibiting their employes from making wavers on horse races or frequenting places where wagers may be made. Handbooks today are mede In a large number of calooiis, In billiard rooms, barber shops and rlanr rtores. Indeed. It . serted, the suburban trains on various rail- roans are systematically worked by hand book makers, who also employ emissaries to make dally rounds of office buildings for the soliciting of bets and tha 1 ncrease nf patronage. 'ine revocation of th license of Si licensed Institutions proven guilty of har boring handbook makers has only resulted In driving the milkers of books Into places which rannot be reached by this means. For this reason, 1 have had the ordinance prepaied, and If It Is passed by the city council I feel confident it will put a stop to this sort of gambling. The ordinance will cut oft all Information as to odds.-Tlders, starters, etc., now given general currency through the medium of the tickers. laloa Pacific Man Proniotcd. TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. 1. Tha Uni Pa cific officials today announce the promotion of J. H. BrlnkerhofT of lxavenworth to th" position of assistant superintendent with i neauq uaiirn in iriivr, oir, xsnnaernofT has been superintendent of the L.. K. & W. railroad at Leavenworth for four years past. 3 n Hurrie Mornings Active Noons Weary Nights Heady Bits is always ready. wholesome and satisfying. "Made from perfect whole wheat, ambercd, peptonized, maltoscd and three times thoroughly cooked. Heady Bits stands peerless nnd original in form, taste and substance the best food the world has ever known." "In my opMon nearly Pit l the bot cereal on tho. market." Edw. S. Pimsox, Cashier Grwnvillo Banking and Trust Co., Jersey City, N, J. " I hav used all of the cereals, but none of them equal Ready Pits." -Rdicrt B. Mantell, Actor. Atlantic Highlands, N. J. E Mt! STOVES mm. i ' THB Detroit Stovb Works name and this Trade Mark are cast on each Y genuine Jewel Stove and Range. That is for your protection, and is a guaran tee that it is the best of its kind for the money asked. Every genuine Jewel Is a fuel saver, no matter what you pay for it. WHY BUY UNKNOWNS, JEWELS COST NO MORE! Sold and Recommeadett y Conkliii Hardware Company. l.eavea worth Stree, Omaha. Not Hungry wtiun you should be meana.dlsordarsd nerves, whict will lead to nervous pros tration. Pr. Miles' Nervine Is guaran teed to benefit you or money refunded. Book or. nervea aent free. DR. M.LE8 M EPICAL, CO.. Elkhart. Ind. k weli heated office for $10,00 per month Before tha cold weather seta In. It' mlrht ba well (or you U atop to think whether you are apt to freexe to death In ytm ot&oo this winter. There's no use staying in a cold office all winter. THE BEE BUILDING If you 'ask on of Its tenants you will find it's alwaK oomfort able, no matter how cold the weather. Tou would bettev. move before it's coM. Thar are three pleasant small rooms at $10.00 par month ona or two larger rooms at reasonable prlcea. R. C. PETERS & CO. RENTAL AGENTS GROUND FLOOR BEE BUILDING img isiaft Uii Announces the Opening of the Mi Short Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis Two Superbly Equipped Trains daily, making fast time. The Electric Lighted Limited leaves Omaha at 7:55 P. M., Council Bluffs at 8:20 P. M. Arrives St. Taul at 6:53 A. 31., Minneapolis 7:30 A. 31. The Day Express ieaves Omaha at 7:35 A. 31., Council Bluffs at 8:00 A. 31. Arrives St. Paul 7:38 P. 31., 3Iinnea polls at 8:10 P. 31. . The Fort Dodge Passenger leaves Omaha at 3:25 P. 31., Coun- 1 cil Bluffs at 3:50 P. 31. Arrives Fort Dodge at 8:00 P. 31. All trains leave Union Depot, Omaha, and Chicago Oreat Western Station, corner 3Iain St. and Ninth Ave., Council Bluffs. ' For further information apply to E. THOrJJAS . GENERAL AGENT 313 On&ha Hst'l Osnk Uig, OMAHA. 36 Pesrl St., COUNCIL BLUFFS. Hi