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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1903)
Omaha Daily ESTABLISH EI l JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOKN NO, NOVEMBER 2, 1903. SIXGLI? COPY THREE CENTS. The Bee. ? I. t MM DIE IN FLAMES! Twentj-TiTe Fersoni Killed u lesult of Firs in Tenement Home. THOUGHT TO BE OF INCENDIARY ORIGIN shamanmsssnni Erdence to Show Hew York Disaster Til Consnmmation of Plan. EXTINGUISHED IN TWENTY MINUTES Ehoit Time of Blau Ee mark able for Iu eriom Oonetqnenoes. HALLOWE'EN PARTY WAS IN PROGRESS This Inrmted Hinhrr la Already Crondrt llonse a ad Dead Bodies f People Blocked Kgrni t the Living. NEW YORK, Nov. L-Twenty-one men, throe women and a 10-months-old babe were burned to death or suffocated in a Are that started early this morning- in the House of All Nations, a tenement house at 426 Elev enth street. The police and coroner believe the fire to be of incendiary origin. Borne peculiar features of the disaster in addi tion to the startling- loss of life are that the fire was practically extinguished in twenty minutes, that the police could learn of but one person being injured other than those who lost their lives, and that the property loss was only 17.000. List of Iead. Following- Is the list of the dead: OL:8SEPPE ROSSL AN'lONiO ROSSI. JL'STINU ROSSI. NICHOLAS NAUAL. P1KTHO DEHKSI. ANTONIO WK'KHA, Ml'CULETA VINHKJUERRO DORRESI. HIIU)MENA DHESL a baby. ANTONIO VILLMO. FRANCES VILLMO. BAKAH O'TOOLE. ANTONIO D'ANUELOl PAHgUAL MAKOTTO. FRANK MASTRKNI. MATTIO VRENDO. JOSE MASTRIMOR MASTR1LE. PIKTRO DONYSKA. JOSEPH ZO ROW ITCH. FRANK DJELMONIO. ANTONIO BEROLICH. ANTONIO UCILLINI. OIU8F.PPI CAPPErXT. THREE UNIDENTIFIED ITALIAN LA BORERS. The only person Injured, so far as can be learned is Mary Jane Qulnn, who was burned about the face and hands and se verely bruised by leaping from a second floor Are esoape to the ground. r Ft re Escapes Blocked by Dead. In several apartments in the tenement Hallowe'en parties were in progress and the guests at these added greatly to the number of persons in the house and made the crush ar-d jam to escape mora than It ordinarily would . have been. Al though plentifully provided with Are es capes, front and rear, escape was cut off a few minutes after the fire started by the bodies of the dead becoming wedged In the openings to the ladders. The fir had been burning some minutes bef or-1 . waa 'discovered. .It bad started In the basement, and rushing upward bad attacked the stairway leading to the apart ments. .In a short space of time the Aames bad so enveloped ;he stairway that egress from the building by it was impossible. The house from the third to the fifth floor was destroyed. At the windows, front and rear, bodies of men and women were jammed, showing that a desperate struggle to get tree had resulted In the choking of these exits to the Are escapes and caused a number of inmates to be suffocated.. Lying on a bed beside a window at the rear of the fourth floor the firemen found the bodies of five men. Each had clutched the one next to kirn In an endeavor to push him away in order to get to the Are escape outside. The features of the men were distorted. some with rage, others with agony, and, in two Instances , the men had gripped each other so hard that 'blood had been drawn and had run over their hands. On the third floor were found the bodies of Vaculetta Vlnguetrro and her baby. The mother had crawled to the front window and had succeeded In grasping the sill, when she was suffocated. Oa her arms lay tha body of her child, - , ratal Close of rarty. On the third floor in an apartment where a Hallowe'en party was being held, John O' Toole, one of the occupants, started to go to the street. He was met by a volume of smoke as he opened the door. He ran to the Are escape, followed by all those in the flat with the exception of his mother. whose charred body wss found lying at the entrance to the apartment. O'Toole and others escaped. When the flremen reached the scene there was a mass of flame bursting through the middle of the roof, while the air was Ailed with heartrending screams of the - women and the curses of the men. ,Many daring rescues were made by the flremen, who at times had to use violence in their attempts to disentangle the mass of writhing human beings struggling In vain efforts to reach safety from the crowded Are escapes. One Areman crawled to the fourth floor, where a window was Ailed with a mass of people, jammed In and fighting to get out. He struck the heads of all the men he could see with his fist and they fell back. He then handed down to the Aremen oa lad' ders below three women and a baby. An other Areman performed a similar feat and rescued two glila from the fourth floor. Life nets played a prominent part in the work of rescue. The flremen dropped men and women, dead and alive, from ons floor to another and Anally the men stand ing on ladders on the first floor let them fall into the nets held by policemen and flremen lu the street. The building was known as "The House of All Nations, herause of the different nationalities of Its tenant. Farmer Dies ta Field. SIOUX FALLS. 8. IX. Nov. l.- Special ) Auauat Srhwarti. a wen Known larmer i living near Ramona, was found dead In one of his fields. When lust seen ne was en gaged In trying to extinguish a Are which was sweeping over his stubble. His death resulted from heart disease caused by over exertion. Manchester tlota Market. MANCHESTER, Nov. L Cloth makers are gradually obtaining a stronger poMtlon though business was evenly dUtrlbuted last week, soma tellers ha vine met the Improved demand, while others report a poor turn over. The market had a generally harden ing tendency. Further sales of gray and bleaching qualities nere effected for t'h'na. The India inquiry for fabrics was plentiful, but there was comparatively few transac . tlor,s. owing to the poor limits offered. r printing and finishing goods have been In moderate request, recent rates have been i h'-xvy and i'hhu move slowly. Yarns vira 'edier and unlet. Business n,a bardiy lacUsXile at, LUa advauc la Aullan. .... : I f i h ' enha V, v, -. rila-rlmaa-es to Orates ' lon af Cemetery v ft"', "lowers, s VIENNA. . iay being the Fen st of All Bah. .sands of Viennese made the customer, ilgrlmage to graves of relatives and friends. By far the greater number of the pilgrims went to the Friedhof cemetery, where more thsn 7.000 persons are burled. From early morning until almost dusk the roads leading to the various cemeteries were thronged with ve hicles and pedestrians, the former almost entirely hidden under the masses of flowers and wreathes and the latter carrying lighted candles which were placed In the graves and which, when darkness came on. lent a weird aspect to the burial grounds. The monuments to Moiart, Beethoven, Schubert and Oluck and the common grave of the 600 victims of the Ring theater at tracted many visitors. The pilgrimages will continue tomorrow, AH Souls' day. Many wreathes are being sent by members of the imperial family and a number of wreathes have been placed on the tombs of the Empress Elisabeth and Crown Prince Rudolph In the Hapsburg burial place under the Capucln church. CUBANS TO BOYCOTT STAMPS Levy of Tax an Commodities Resalts la Raapennloa of Business oa Island. SANTIAGO, Cuba, Nov. 1. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held yester day resolutions of protest against the stamp tax, which went Into effect today were adopted and forwarded to President Palma. The cigar factories and whole sale liquor dealers of Santiago agreed to close their establishments today. The re tallers followed suit with the exception of one .American, who said he would pay the tax. He tried to buy stamps for bis stock on hand, , but found that none had arrived. He put In an order for stamps and did business today. There is talk of a strike movement against the new law. One thousand cigar makers and persona employed in liquor houses already have been discharged. They are mostly without resources. Several saloonkeepers will open their places to morrow on a technicality unless the stamps arrive in tha meantime. PLOT TO KILL ARMENIANS Foar Members of Revolstiosirr so. clety Faetloa Were ta Be Removed. LONDON, Nov. 1. The Press association today learns that a plot for the removal of four Armenian members of the Hunt- chaklst revolutionary society was arranged at a meeting held In New York even months ago of the Alfarlst, or physical force faction of the society, and received by the Huntchaklst section through an er ror in sending a report of the meeting Of a branch at Helford, which had seceded to the Huntchaklsts. The Boston and Lausanne attempts at murder were out comes of this plot. Bagatell Sagouni, was the third man to be killed, while the fourth intended victim at present Is In London and taking precautions to protect himself. PROF. MOM MS EN IS NO MORE Celebrated Germaa Hlstorlaa Dies at Charlottenbere; Sunday Mornlna, Aged 6 Years. BERLIN. Nov. I. Prof. Mommsen, the historian, died at Charlottenberg at 8: this morning. He passed away without regain ing consciousness. The change from life to death was observed only by his physician, who watched all night with the family.' United States Ambassador Tower and other ambassadors here, as well as a num ber of cabinet ministers, called at the Mommsen residence this morning to In quire about the sick man and were Informed that he was dead. Emperor William and various of the lesser German sovereigns have sent their condolences to the Momm sen residence. Prof. Mommsen was born in 1817. LEISHMANN GIVES RECEPTION United State Minister a Tnrkey Opens New ( Balldlasj for American Legation. ' CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 1. United States Minister Lelahmann gave a recep tion today to the American colony here upon the occasion of the inauguration of the handsome new premises of the Ameri can legation. The reception also afforded Secretary Spencer Eddy, who haa been transferred to St. Petersburg, an opportu nity to bid farewell to the Americana at Constantinople. Mr. Eddy will leave for his new post tomorrow. Settlement of American claims against Turkey Is expected within ten days. KILLS THE CHIEF OF POLICE Hallowe'en Prank by Illinois Negroes Resalts la Flsjht with Fatal Ending;. CHICAGO, Nov. I. The celebration of Hallowe'en was responsible for the killing of the chief of police of Morgan Park and a threatened race war early this morning. It was only by a desperate struggle between the police and an armed mob of enraged whites that a double lynching was pre ventod. A woman's Hallowe'en prank started the trouble, which ended In the killing of George. A. Alrle, chief of police at Morgan Park, by Mack Wiley, a young negro. Mrs. James Payne who is a sister of Wiley, and three friends started out for a lark. While overturning a lumber pile. It la aald, the woman waa struck by Chief of Police Alrte. The negroes went for reinforcements and upon their return a second meeting with Alrle resulted in a fight In which Alrle was stabbed In the neck by Wiley. The news of the tragedy spread through the suburb, and soon a crowd of half a hundred men and boys marched to the Morgan Park jail, where four of the negroes hud teen ocKea up. w nue tne place was surrounded by a mob clamoring for vengeance, several shotguns being in evidence in the crowd. Wiley and his com panlons were placed between a number of policemen, who had been summoned front Harvey and other nearby suburbs, and a dash wss made for a carriage that had been sent for. Despite the threats of the officers that any interference by the crowd meant in stant death the enraged villagers, who by this time had secured a rope, rushed on tha prisoners. A fierce fight followed, in which the negroes were severely eut and bruised with sticks and stones, but the officers finally managed to get the negroes In the carriage and drove off under a shower of bricks, stones and other mUallea The prisoners were taken to the Englewood jail. where Wiley, confessed to having killed Au-le. RECEIVER MAKES CHARGES Aocusei Promoters of United States Ship Buildinj Company of Fraud. RECOMMENDS THAT SUITS BE BROUGHT Woald Recover from Persons Who Received Stork. Wltboat Paying Therefor Sufficient' to Pay Debts of Concern. NEW YORK, Nov. l.-Sensatlonal alle gations of willful misstatements, falsifica tion, swindling and fraud in the organisa tion and flotation of the United States Shipbuilding company, of attempts to mis lead and deceive the investing publto by erroneous prospectus statements and of a deliberate plan to wreck the company by withholding the earnings of the Bethlehem Steel company are contained In the report of Receiver. James Smith, jr., of the United States Shipbuilding company, made public here today. The report concludes with the recommendation that suit be brought against all persons who received stock of the company without paying full value therefor, including the promoters of the consolidation, the vendors of the con stituent plants and Charles M. Schwnb to recover from them such amount as Is necessary to pay the debts of the company In full. Receiver Smith also recommends the sale of the Crescent ship yard plant in New Jersey and the Harlan & Holllngsworth plant at Wilmington. Del., subsld'ary plants In partial operation, to avoid fur ther loss by depreciation, end the enforce ment of a receivership for the Bethlehem 8teel company to Insure the payment of dividends in the Bethlehem stock held by the United States Shipbuilding company. Calls It an Artistic Swindle. In the words of the report, the organisa tion of the company Is characterised as an "artlstlo swindle," Receiver Smith stating that the value of the plants, their earnings and working capital, given -in alleged thorough reports of accountants vary so much from the actual figures "as to impel the belief that the figures were willfully misstated," that it is extremely doubtful If such accountants' reports were sub mitted at the reorganisation of the com pany; that the organization was effected by "dummy" stockholders, directors and officers; that statements In the prospectus issued on June 4, 1902, were Incorrect; that for property worth S12.441.51S the ghlpbutld Ing company paid In stock and bonds 167, 997,000; that "the accommodating directors of the United States Shipbuilding com pany, in acquiring these companies, de llberately gave away many million dollars In the stock and bonds of their company, "wholesale, plunder," the receiver terms It, to a few persons, and that so far as the Bethlehem Steel company la concerned "Its earnings have been withheld in a deliberate attempt to wreck the United States Shipbuilding company." 1 The report deals fully with the name of Charles M. Schwab and the t.ature of the Rethlehem transaction lays Mr. Smith "Is such as to justify him (Mr. Schwab) In say Ing that be did not sell the Bethlehem Steel company, but took over the United States (Shipbuilding company, the directors of that company giving him 30,0b0.000 In stock and bonds for taking it off their hands. Recommeadatlone of Receiver. The recommendations on the report In full are: v First That In order to avoid depreciation by disuse and because of the existence of controversies as to the validity of the en cumbrances upon the prem.aea, the Cres cent shipyard be sold free and clear of all such encumbrance as soon as the. work now in contemplation Is completed. Mecnnd That similar action be taken with reference to the plant of the Harlun & Hol llngsworth company, Wilmington, uei. Third That as soon as the debts of the company should have been ascertained suit be instituted against all persons who re ceived the stock of this company without paying full value therefor to recover from them such an amount as thall be necessary to pay such dt-bis In lull, under bed in 3 of an act of the legislature of the state of New Jersey, entitled -An act concerning corporations." (Revision or lxsw.) r ourtn mat sun ue iniiuuicu annuim the Bethlehem Steel company to procure the appointment of a receiver and to com pel the appropriation of the earning of that company by way of dividends on the stock. The report first deals witn me incorpora tion of the original United States Ship building company with 13,000,000 capital and 'dummy" directors and officers In June, 1902; the offer of promoter John W, Toung to sell to it the' Union Iron works of Ban Francisco, the Harlan & Holllngsworth works of Wilmington, Del., the Eastern Shipbuilding company, the Canada Manu facturing company, the Crescent Shipyard company and the Samuel T. Moore tc Sons company of New Jersey, the Bath Iron works and the Hyde Windlass company of Maine and the Bethlehem Bteel company of Pennsylvania, and the .action on this offer by the company. Damuty" Directors Chosen. The incorporators of the company, the re port states, were Howard K. Wood, Howard 8. Gould and Kennetn McLaren oi jersey City, holding colleeWely the fifteen shares of preferred and fifteen shares of common stock of the company. On June 24, 1902. Frederick Howard. R. Newman and Ixiuls B. DUley were elected directors, the minutes reciting that Howard K. Wood, one of the Incorporators and sub scribers to the stock had assigned his right to one share of stock to each of the above named to qualify them as directors. No stock of the United States Shipbuilding company, however, was Issued to or placed In the name of these directors, so far as the records of the company disclose. Newman was elected president, Dalley vice president and Seward secretary and treasurer. Wood, Gould and McLaren were at the date of in corporation all connected with the Corpora tion TruBt company or New Jersey and the directors were employes of the same com- pany. At this meeting tne orrer or Promoter John W. Young to turn over to the United States Shipbuilding company the several constituent plants was submitted, the terms for the sale of the stock of the companies being as follows: Terms af Psrekue. In connection with the purchase of the stock of. the Union iron Works of San Francisco Henry T. Scott and Irving M. Scott were to agree to enter Into a con tract with the shipbuilding company not to compete with It in Its business and not to employ their capita or to personally en gage In shipyards or shipbuilding- business for the period of ten years, and the com pany was to contract to engage O. W. Dickie, K. Forsythe and John C. Souit as officers or managers for Ave years at an nual salaries of $10,000, W. H. Gould as mining engineer for five years at 110.000 per year, Lawrence E. Scott as assistant con structor at 15.CM) per annum for Ave years, W. P. Scott as assiKtant to the president of the shipbuilding company for Ave years at an annual salary of 16.000, H. A. Scott as assistant to the engineer-ln-chief for Ave iContlnua on riftb.Pge.J SERVICES OVER Pablle Gathering DEAD CONSUL a Honor of Mrs. Held In New Boat h-Tar her York. NEW YORK. Nov, 1. Funeral services over the remains of Emma Booth-Tucker, consul of the Salvation army.' were held this afternoon In Carnegie hall. The audi torium was filled to overflowing and hun dreds of persons who had been unable to gain admittance waited in the streets until the ceremonies had been concluded that they might file past the catafalque and look upon the face of the dead Salvationist. The services, which were conducted by Colonel E. J. Huggins, chief secretary of the Salvation army in America, were most impressive and consisted of a musical pro gram made up of the favorite hymns of tha dead woman and by eulogies of her life and of the good she hnd done for man kind. The grief of Commander Booth Tucker was most poignant and as he knelt by the bier Bobbins; pathetically, the greater part of the vast congregation wept with htm. General Balllngton Booth of the Volun teers of America did riot remain for the memorial services. According to his sec rotary, he had endeavored to arrange for a family gathering atu short private sorv lces In Carnegie hall before the public funeral took place. General Booth arrived at the hall three-quarters of an hour ahead of time and waited for ths expected family gathering, but learning- that It would not take place, left, saying that he did not care to stay for the public services. Her bert Booth, his brothjr, who was formerly commander-in-chief of the Salvationists In Australia, at the request of the general. remained to represent, the family, and If possible to say a few words to the audi ence. if Herbert Booth twice asked permission from Commander Booth-Tucker to sieftk, but each time It was refused. Commis sioner Eva Booth was to have spoken, but was too overcome by grief to do so. At the close of the services, however, she ren dered a prayer. I Cablegrams were read from General Wll Ham Booth, and Chief B ram well Booth of the International headquarters, London, at the funeral. ' ' The ceremonial partook somewhat of the character of a military funeral. The pro cession moved down the aisle, led by two standard . bearers carrying white satin streamers and followed by the members of the general staff. Preceding the casket was Colonel HIgglns, bearing the Bible and bonnet of tho consul. Commander Booth Tucker and his Reven children, two of thom babes In arms, followed the casket The commander occupied the center of the stage ouring the services, while In the front row of seats on the platform were relatives and the national headquarters stanr and band. Ensign Dammes, secretary of the consul, who was with her at the' Hire of the ac cident, gave a description of the wreck and the death of Mrs. Booth-Tuclter. After ward Commander Broth-Tucker spoke, pay ing tribute to the life and work of his wife. PROSPECTS BEFORE ELECTION Sanda? Generally Passed Qaletly In States Wher Vote Are Cast COLUMBUS, O., Nov. l.-Chalrman Dick of the republican state executive committee tonight Issued the following statement: "Basing estimates upon careful reports received from-county organisations the Ohio republican state executive committee feels justified in the prediction that the election returns on Tuesday next will show a total . vote for all parties r.ggregatlng 900,000, that Colonel Herrlck's plurality for governor will exceed rather than fall below luO.000. and that the legislature will be re publican In both branches, with 8enator Hanna's re-election assured by a majority or least w on joint ballot. CINCINNATI, Nov. l.-Whlle the Ohio political campaign closed with others last night, the socialists will hold two meetings tomorrow. Tho republicans had one meet ing in this county. The democrats have had many, most of them at street Intersec tions. Sixteen of the thirty "street speak ers nere were from New York. Chicago, Kansas City and Boston. Congressman Robert Baker of Brooklyn, William Everett Hicks of New York and Weston Starr of Chicago have spoken at almost every cen tral street Intersection. The socialists often conflicted with the Johnson speakers. It Is a mystery to all how the socialists secured "Pi" m auiinmiting wsgonlonds of literature and maintaining many sneakers HALTlMOnE, Nov. l.-Today was a Av of absolute rest to the campaign leaders on both sides and the various candidates. The campaign headquarters were tightly closed and there was not a conference of any sort Dy me managers. Such of the state candl aates and leaders, the latter Including nenainr viorman. wno live near Baltimore spent Sunday In the quietude of their coun try homes. There waa no campaign de velopments whatever. The feeling among voiers generally throughout Maryland and in waitimore city continues to be one . .. - ..... wuu-uiiii ui nexi 'i uepqay a eiecnon. mere la mutual apprehension among voters that owing to the complexity and unusual slse of the ballots, and the stringent requirements of the election la ci n Knw ka 1 . . snail un maraea, a areH many votes will be thrown out and nnt counted by the election officials, and this vonuition aaas mucn Jo the feeling of un i-eriainiy as io tne result. FIND .HULL 0F LAKE BOAT Captain of Schooner Sees Ovcrtnrned Derelict Which Cannot Be Aeconntcd For. CHICAGO, Nov. 1 A report was received at the Hydrographic office here today from tho lighthouse keeper at Frankfort, Mich., stating that the captain of the schooner ega naa eigntea an upturned hull an parently that of a vessel 200 feet in length floating in Lake Michigan about flfty-flve mile south of Frankfort- There was noth ing in the vicinity to give any clue as to tne derelict s identity. r rom me aetcription or the wreck th vessel Is believed to have been a schooner engaged in the lumber trade between Chi cago and lower Lake Michigan points. Ve sels of this clans carry crews of about seven men and it is believed that all1 of the crew were lost, as there has been no rough weather since the storm of last Bunday, and had the crew escaped ample time ha: TiBfjBt-u iur ' nrm iu nave reacnea some o the villages along the Michigan shore line Gold a Jabtlre Celebration. CINCINNATI, Nov. 1. The golden Jubilee of the foundina of the dlnceae of ('ovlnaton and of the consecration of Rt. Rev. George A. Carroll as Its nrst insnop, was ceieoratec lv the Catholics of eaftern Kentucky to Any. The principal celebration was at St Mary s cathedral In covingion. Archblho Klder of Cincinnati. Bishop Maes of C'ov Ingtnn, Rlnhop CtiMthart of Indianapolis Ru hier of Grand ttapiaa ana u Uormaa o Sioux Falls, 8. L.. ana Mgr. J. f. Hurra ft at. Marv's seminary were irrenl bishop o Guriuaa jyioaUie4 tha thauJuclT' itia airmen. SERIOUS FIRE AT VATICAN Hall of Inscription! Principal Bufferer from Flames tad Water. IBRARY OF LATE POPE LEO DAMAGED City and Papal Firemen Make a Herole FlaM and Gala Control No Estimate of Loss Can Be Made at Present. HOME, Nov. l.-Fire broke out at 8 30 this evening In that portion of the Vatican containing the Hall of Inscriptions, where the pope gives his audiences and which Is adjacent to the famous Plnacoteca. or Gallery of Pictures. The alarm caused much confusion and excitement in ths atican. Strenuous efforts were made to control the flames and the firemen assisted in the work. At 11:15 the fire was under control. No lives were lost. No Idea of the damage can yot be obtained. The pope came to the scene In person and remained until the arrangements to fight the Are were com pleted. The fire caused a greater sensation in Rome than has any other event since the death of Pope Leo. Fires in Rome are ex ceptional because of tho heavy stone and brick construction of the bulldfngs and the outbreak of flames this evening in such a conspicuous place wherein many treasures. brought out great numbers of anxious peo ple In rpite of the heavy rain which hnd been falling throughout the day. The saf ety of the pope was the first thought In everyone's mind, but this was soon assured. When the pontiff arrived at the scene he ordered everyone to sssist in extinguishing the flames. Starts from Kitchen Fire. The first Intimation of tire was had when smoke waa seen Issuing from the apart ments of M. Marie, which is located above that of Father Ehrle, the librarian, who lived over the library itself. M. Marie is celebrated restorer of ancient manu scripts and Illuminated books; he is at present engsged in copying a work and his first reproductions have been selected for part of the Vatican's exhibit at the St. Louis exposition. The famous Branante staircase leads to that part of the Vatican where the flrei broke out. The gendarmes broke In the doors of M. Maries apart ment and found hrm in a heavy sleep. It is supposed that he retired and forgot to take proper precautions with his kitchen fire, which probably biased and Ignited some neatby hangings. It rapidly assumed such proportions that the gendarmes, who were the fl.-st on the scene, gave an im mediate general alarm. The entire palace awoke to Instant life and there was much excitement. The Swiss guards, the papal flremen, gendarmes, priests and domestics all rushed hither and thither in Ignorant confusion, asking what was the matter. no one knowing where or what the danger was or what to do. News of the fire was Immediately con veyed to the pope, who was found kneeling in his chapel for his usual evening prayer. He Insisted on going at once to the scene. notwithstanding the fact that he was begged td think first of his own safety. He proceeded to the library, accompanied . by Mgr. jluVry DeT-Val, the papal secretary of state; Mgr. Blsleti, the papal Major dorao, and Mgr. Dellachlse, and followed by the members of the noble guard attached to his person. x , ... Pope Calls City Firemen. ' The moment he arrived hla mind grasped the gravity of the situation and he ordered that the firemen of Rome be called. This was done by telegraph. The firemen ar rived in about ten minutes, and although they brought four engines with them and were at once ready to begin operations It took some time to find the best way to get sufficient water supply with which to fight the fire. In the meantime the flames had begun to break out of the windows of M. Marie's apartment and were destroying the roof. The flames lighted up the entire dis trict and gave the Impression that nothing could stop their fury. . When the fire engines began working three rooms were already entirely de stroyed by the flames, which were extend ing to the other apartments. The pope withdrew, as soon as he saw that every thing possible was being done to fight the Are. ' Information hod been sent to the Italian authorities, who . hurried to St. Peters. They were courteously invited to enter and did so. Therefore, for the first time since the' fall of the temporal power of the Vatican the mayor of Rome, the prefect, police officials, and even SIgnor Ronchettl, the newly appointed minister of justice, entered the Vatican In their official capaci ties. They gave orders directing the work of - combating the flumes and participated personally in tho fight. It was a very dif ficult fire to overcome, as there was a number ot old and Inflammable objects in tha apartments of M. Marie and the wooden roof over this room facilitated the passage of the flames to adjoining rooms, also full of combustible materials. The competition between the papal flre men and the flremen of Rome to see who should work the harder and do the most resulted in a display of courage which was really admirable, some of the fire fighters risking their lives until they were restrained by their superiors. Blase I'ndcr Control. . At a little after U o'clock the Are was under control, but the work of the Aremen will continue for some t'me and It is doubtful If they will leave the scene before tomorrow morning. Fresh relays of men are being sent to relieve those whose ef forts have exhausted them. The entire Museum of Inscriptions, the rooms of Father Ehrle, part of the library and the printing houses were entirely flooded with water. ' It is Impossible to reach even an approximate Idea of the extent of the damage. Many articles were saved, including some ancient and very valuable arms which were recently moved to the library room from the Borgia apart ment In order to make room for the new residence of the papal secretary of state. Many things that escaped the flames were Injured by water, especially the precious private library of Pope Leo, which Father Khrle had been rearranging in accordance with the last wish of the late pontiff. TO DEEPEN RIVER CHANNEL gl. Lrfinls Merchants Send Report Investigations o wankiaxtos for Consideration. of ST. LOUIS. Nov. 1. The report of the joint committee from the Merchants' ex change and the Business Men's league, appointed to secure data for a report on the commercial features Involved In the deepening of the channel of the river from St. Louis to Cairo, 111., was tonlaht for warded to Washington. The report con sists mainly of answers to questions fur nished by the department of commerce and CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday nd Tuesday Teraseratnre at Omaha Testerdayt Ho nr. Dear. Hoar. lea. 5 a. m , .1 1 t. m nn e a. tn Rt S p. m Ta. m .tit Sp. m ll 8 a. m n:i 4 p. m ...... "a S a. m...... Hi It p. ni tt 10 I. si,,,,,, M H p. m BT It a. m...... Rd , T p. mi ft 11 BS M p. ni ft" A p. m. . . . . . ftH STRIKE IN SPAIN AT AN END Miners Granted Better Condition for Life and libor Than Formerly, BILBAO, Nov. 1. Never In the history of Bilbao has there been a strike of such momentous consequences to the ironwork ers of Spain aa that which terminated today. The miners will no longer be com pelled to live cooped up In the barracks provided by the mining . companies, and they will no longer be forced to purchase food from the company stores, which has often been declared unfit to eat; Instead of being paid by the month they will hereafter be paid every week. Thy have been re fused, however, the right to organise a union, and it is believed that this will lead to trouble in the future. 1 According to statements made by the miners to the representatives of the Asso ciated Preos and confirmed by their counsel, they have had heretofore to live under de plorable conditions. In the mines outside of Bilbao the men were herded Into crowded and squalid barracks. The food sold them at the company's stores was sometimes bad, but as they were paid by the month It was almost Impossible for them to purchase elsewhere. Tha miners were attracted by the propaganda of socialists snd anarchists and they determined to strike unless their demands for better living conditions were granted. These the operators refused and the strike was Inaugurated with 30,000 men, but nil the trades In Bilbao joined the movement in sympathy. There waa not a sufficiency of bread In Bilbao, and the miners who poured Into the town entered stores and demanded food. On Wednesday of Inst week Field Marshal Hemandes saw that strong measures were necessary and he ordered the soldiers ' to disperse the strikers. Some of fhe strikers poured petroleum on the church of the Jesuits In Bilbao and then applied the torch. The troops ex tlngulshed the fire and little damage was done. Reinforced by cavalry the troops succeeded In driving the strikers over the Ban Antonio bridge. Strikers Flaht Behind Barriers, The strikers, however, erected barricades at the center of the bridge, and in front of junction of two streets. These barricades were composed of pieces of Ironwork from the bridge,- overturned carts and barrels filled with stones. The miners behind the first barricade were armed with picks and snoveis. and a few revolvers. The cavalry charged across the bridge, dui was unable to pass the barricade there. Troops were then sent to the right nd the left of the bridge to flank, the miners and a second charge was made. - The bridge barricade was held for some moments, but the men there were soon forced to fall back to tne second barricade. This the soldier also rendered untenable, and the miners retreated up the streets, parrying with them some of their wounded., among whom were some women. It Is said officially that four persons were killed and twenty-one wounuea during the lighting, but more peo pie were wounded than is given out olfi dally. When driven from the city the miners endeavored to blow up the reservoir and the electric light plant with dynamite. The troops were too quick for them and gained possession of the dynamite factory before the strikers could carry out their design By this time there were 10.0)0 Infantry cavalry and artillerymen In the city, as well as three guns. The arrival of Lieutenant General Zap plno, commander In chief of. thi Bnsqi.e provinces, was followed by conferences which resulted in a settlement After the miners were driven out of the city they pll-, luged nearby farm houses and held the country side In consternutlon. The strike wa in no sense against the government. Colorado Miners Strike. TELLt'RIDE, Colo., Nov. 1. One hundred miners employed at tha Tomboy mines have struck, pursuant to an order issued by the miners' union. The strike was called for the purpose of preventing the resumption of operations at the Tomboy mill with non union men on a twelve hour scale. Out of BOO stamps In San Miguel county only fifty, those at the Bllver Bell mill, are In opera tion. John Mitchell Hesnmes Trip. SCR ANTON, Pa., Nov. 1. President John Mitchell, despite his severe Intestinal af fection, proposes to continue on his eastern trip previously arranged. Tonight he left for New York to spend a week and Sunday next will go to Boston to attend the meet ing of the American Federation of Labor executive council prior to the assembling of the annual convention of tho federation November 9. St. Joseph Parkins; Lnlons Confer. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. L A meeting of packing house employes was held In South St. Joseph tonight to discuss the advisa bility of giving encouragement to members of the kindred unions in Chicago and other cities who are on strike or are about to quit work. Financial and moral aid will be given the unions referred to, but It Is not known at this time whether the em ployes of the South St. Joseph packing houses will join the strikers In demands for, a re-arrangement of the wage scute. Rival l nlons Cause Tronble. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. l.-It is reported here tonight on Information received by the national headquarter of the Brother hood of Carpenters and Joiner that be tween 4.0U0 and 6.0U0 men affiliated with the Structural Building Trades' alliance and employed at the St. Louis exposition grounds, will strike tomorrow in pursu ance to an order Issued by the officers of the alliance today. The trouble arises from a three-cornered fight between the exposi tion officers, the plumbers and the steam fitters. W. J. Spencer, secretary-treasurer of the alliance, was in consultation with President Huber and Secretary Duffy of the Brotherhood of Carpenters today and urging them to hasten to Bt. I-ouis to effect a settlement, but neither can go on account of other engagements. Secretary Duffy leave tomorrow for Boston. Th difficulty grows out of the question of whether the plumbers or steamfttters should work on ha piping of the cascade. Wealthy hew Mexican Helcnscd. PUEHLO. r-olo., Nov. 1. N. Archuleta and his partner, Emunuel Homes, ruptured with wire stolen from Indian reservations In New Mexico, have been acquitted after a trial In the United fetutee district court. Archuleta Is one of the waUhust clliieii J iit New Mcilcu. . Party of Crows ted Sheriff's Posse Clash in Eastern Wysming. ONE OFFICER AND THREE INDIANS DEAD Sheriff Miller and One Deputy and Hcmrer of Indians Are Wounded, RED MEN STRIKE FOR THE BAD LANDS Posses Hurriedly Organised to Oo in Pur suit of Them. GOVERNOR MAY CALL OUT THE MILITIA Tronble Arose Over Attempt of Officers to Arrest Indians for Violation of the Game Law. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 1. (Special Telogrum.) Meager reports have been re ceived here of a fierce battle fought lata yesterday afternoon on Lightning creek. near Its junction with the Cheyenne river forty-five miles north of Lusk. In (Astern Wyoming, between Sheriff V, H. Miller and a posse of six men from Weston county and a band of Crow Indians under Charlie Car ries Elk, erjroule from the Crow agency In Montana to the Sioux agency at put tuuge. Sheriff Miller and one of his deputies were fatally wounded and one deputy killed. Three Indians were killed and several wounded. The new ot the battle was bt ought to Lusk today by one of the deputies who escaped the murderous Are ot the Indiana Posrcs were Immediately started out from Lusk, Douglas, Newcastle and other towns and ranchmen In the vicinity are armlnit and flocking to the trail of the Crows, who are said to be fleeing tn the direction of the Bad Lands in northwestern Nebraska and Dakota. Once the Indians reach the Bad Lands it will be difficult to arrest them and they know this as well1 as the authorities. It I feared the Indian may have sent a courier on ahead to notify the Indian on the reservation of the difficulty and serious. ' trouble Is anticipated. Governor Chatterton haa been advised of the trouble on Lightning creek and he I now Investigating. A. hurried call waa re ceived this evening from Newcastle, the home of Sheriff Miller, for troops and the companies of Infantry at Douglas, Buf falo and Newcastle have been ordered t6 be In readiness to take the field at a mo ment' notice. The governor says the Indians must be arrested at any cost and he will do every thing possible to bring- the murderers to justice. s Tronble Over Killing; Game. For-many years the Crows, Bloux, Arap ahoe and Bhoshones have been in. the habit of traveling back and forth between the Wind River reservation In central Wyoming, the Crow reservation In south em Montana and the Sioux reservation In South Dakota on visits to each other. These trips . were usually made In the . fall of the year wt,en-game Is. plentiful and the trails ot the bands of Indlah have been marked with the carcasses Of hun dreds ot antelope, ' deer and other wild game. ' Game laws were enacted by the state to prevent the wanton destruction of the game by settlers and hunters, and while the laws have been obeyed by the whites, the Indians have repeatedly vio lated them. Repeated efforts have been made to arrest . the Indian and Inflict . punishment, but they either got away or made such hostile demonstration that the authorities let the mutter drop. Of late years the Indians have not only killed deer and antelope at will, but they have also . slaughtered the cattle and sheep of ranch men. . Nine days ago Sheriff Miller and a posse composed of B. F. Hilton, Jim Davis, D. O. Johnson, R. B. Hackney and Fred Howell set out from Newcastle after 'a bund of Crows who had been slaughtering wild game and Block south of Moorcroft. The officers came upon the Indian In camp on Beaver creek. Most of tho bucks were out hunting and the squaw were skinning game and preparing the meat for winter use. The men In camp, together with the women and camp outfit, were taken In charge and sent back to New castle, the balunce ot the posse, reinforced by a number of ranchmen, continued oa after the bucks. For several day tha chase continued. Sheriff Miller Anally com ing upon the Indians on Little Lightning creek lust evening. The deputy who brought' the report of tha buttle to I.urk said the Indians numbered fully twenty-five. They are well armed and appcur to he In a fighting mood. Th deputy made his escape as soon as the battle broke out, for he saw that the little handful of whites would stand no show with the red men. Prime Caaae of Tronble. It Is said that one of the cause leading up to the present trouble la the fact that the Indians on both the Wind river and Crow reservations have been practically thrown on their own resource, their ra tion having been greatly curtailed by the government. This forced those of the In dians who were without any other mode of making a living to hunt for wild game to sustain themselves and families. Recently the Indians have said that they cannot till the soil, for they do not know how, and that If the government will not provide them with food they will have to secure the necessaries of life the best way they can. The laws prohibit their hunting out of sea son they know, but they must have food, and it is either fight or starve to death, and they prefer the former. A late report to the governor state that . Sheriff Miller was badly wounded and may die; that one of his deputies was killed and one other wounded. Three Indian were killed and other wounded, but their com rades carried the bodies away. A telegram from Douglas this evening says Sheriff J. A. McDermott. formerly United State marshal, left there tonight with a large posse, of well armed, men, mounted and carrying provision and am munition sufficient for several day la the field. A posse left Lusk earlier and Is chas ing the fleeing Indians. Another posse Is being organized in Newcastle to take the flfld In case the governor doe not order out troops. NO IMPROVEMENT AT LAREDO Yellow Fever Conditions Remain Abont tha Sam la Stricken Texas Town. LARKDO. Tex., Nov. 1. There has been no decided Improvement In the yellow fever situation during thi last twenty-four hours. Tonight's bulletin: New caaea, 17; deaths. J; total number of cares to date, 69); total number ot death to date, St. labor, aa Is accompanied by special maps.