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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1903. The Omaha Daily Bee. E. ROBEWATKn. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNINO. QUOD A OV II B 1 11 BA X K HIS. The linkers of the country should give heed to the suggestions and advlre of the comptroller of the currency In his address before the American Bankers' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. association. .o one " V1" " Pally Be (without 8unda), one Har.M) portnnity than he to know of banking &..BaUr?:..!r.':::::::!i! conditions aud his utteran.-e.-ln rein- Sunday Bee, One Xear f jJ iion to this are to be regarded 88 of the Saturday He, One Year J9-' ..,,. ti i Twentieth Century Farmer. One Ttear. 1.W highest authority. Mr. Rldgely said It delivered by CARRIER. i)ng i,oen evident to any careful observer ?lry 'or more than a year past that bonk Dally Bee (Including Buinlay). per weea.Hs onns jujve been expanding too fast Funday Wee, i er copy iQ . .... , . Evening bee (without Sunday), per week 60 power to loan still exists. The Ew,hV....V"?!" umy l" Btin ,n tue lmnk for e,"n'(,8 Compiainti''nf'ir'rVi'ui'nritir in silvery , n(j tuer B fla much money a. ever should be addressed to CHy Cirealat.on De- . . . partment In circulation outside of the bank, nnd OFFICES! Omaha The Bee BulMtng. Bouth Omaha City Hall Building, Twen-ty-fltth and M street. Council Bluffs 10 Peart Street Chicago 1641 Unttv Building. New York-232 Park Row P iPdlng. Washington iol Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. CnmfniinlnnHnna ralntln to Snd edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omahs ' bee. Editorial Iepartment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, exprwu or postal order iyar to The uee fuDimning v, and comfort to the attempt to scenro I live In Nebraska which goes to show court decision adverse to Its const It u-1 that the average Nebrsskan has a great tlonallty and submitted to the Inevitable deal more Interest In live stock than lu only when be had to. He did this I railroad stock. despite hi. promises prior to his elee tion to be content with the salary fixed I Seral-occaslonally the railroad mag by law. Teople who have no use for nates by a slip of the tongue give the sulury grabbers should remember this. I people an Insight Into their methods of benevolent assimilation. President J PJXOKns tF MUXiCIPdI. uhxership. j. run eor example, stated among ATI EMPIRE I THE BIILDIJU. Rapid Development of Alaska siai4 the raaaalaa North weet. Alaska being a topic of the hour, there la timely Interest tn the story told by YVIlllnm R. Stewart In World's Work of Its wonder fully rapid development. Mr. Stewart shows that the vast stretch of the fir northwest, Canadian ss well aa American, Is repeating the wonder story of Califor nia's magical growth. Within a year or two Alaska will b traversed by railroads almost from end to end. Nome, the west- Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepts!. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. the treasury. It Is not now so much the question of power as the disposition or willingness to loan. A. .to how far the country will go in .the tendency to contract loans Is a matter for the bank ers mainly to decide. - ' "What Is needed now Is business sense and good Judgment, not legislation," said the comptroller. "We need all the reserve money we can get, .but legisla tion wllf uot produce It." He urged that there is no occasion to be nervous or hysterical about the financial or busi ness situation, that If we have been too At the convention of the American otner thinjts at the Irrigation congress Gn. Light associntlon held In Detroit nc(j at Bismarck Inst week that five a few days ago Henry L. Doherty of railroads, his own among the number, terminus oi the railroad system of New York genera, manager of the had 8ubscrlbed $25,000 a year to pay lToT The ralCd .rTeM American Lighting and Traction com- for a campaign of education on the sub- run to Nome are furthest north of all the pany, strongly opposed municipal own- 0 irrigation and started It all over world; they are almost within the arctic circle. Nome has good hotels, dally papers, banks, electric lights, telegraphs and tele phonesIn short, a complete outfit of civil!- sation. It is connected by cable with St. Michael's and by telegraph with Dawson and Bkagway. w ershlp of public utilities. Mr. Doherty the country. The subsidised develop- declared that the threat of municipal met f the Irrigation sentiment was ownership was a menace to private un- brought to a fruition last year on the dertakings and had already , deprived floor of congress after a Judicious ex- many small communities lu this country pendlture of $125,000. The entirely dls- of the benefits of ga. and electric interested activity of Mr. Maxwell on plants. Mr. Doherty's trump cord behalf of irrigation Is now fully, if not against municipal ownership was that satisfactorily, explained. mismanagement was almost Inevitable In municipal plants because the best I It will be remembered that a year or STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. "oeorae B.TrVchicS0VltayUof tyhY'Bes hopeful we must not all at bnce become Say.' th'rNheira Sr fa"".n3 too pessimistic. t "Let eacl, bank stand rnrnnUl a. , Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of September, lows; 1 S9.120 t SV.STO ( BW,3TV 4 SwATO 1 HO ,060 4t,TUS 1 9U&tO SW.8TO StttWO U 2W.1BO u auoo If. 2W.310 U JMVtllB 14 ao.oao 1 Ksaoo The Dally Morning, rsu3, was a Iol- II S.3 j7 JJH.OIO It S8STO 11 gel. MO 10 VU.44A Jl 28.SSO 12 . U.. M.. .. M.. by Its customers and stand by the country, a It deserves. It never was in better condition when facing any such situation." Mr. Itldgely properly recogniees the vast power, which the banks exert and he simply reminds those who control this power of the U' duty and necessity of applying to its .it,Tao use business sense and good Judgment. He tells tbein that they should stand Total. B100 I bv their customers and hv the eotintrv. 27 ,,...g7,a40 .-- 3(8,700 It Is sound counsel and timely. A Judl- 2 8sBo clous degree of caution and conserva- ..atMiQ-eo tlBm j BiwaTg to be desired, but there .ttwtjtao Is in existing conditions nothing to war- Lew unsold and returned ooptos.... ront fear nn(1 p0flmlsm. No one who Net tout sales 864,744 will give intelligent consideration to Net avrag. - the facts which' the statistics of busl- subscribed la my prwence aud sworn to ness present can have any doubt that beiorm. thu hnh dy .r, - the country Is still prosperous or fail iseau Notary Fubiie. to be convinced that the general condi tions are favorable to the continuance Th last week of the campaign of 1903 0f prosperity. As Comptroller RIdgely !a on. Now for the home stretch I said, it is no sudden effervescense or bubble of speculation, but the natural. Yelser wants to sit on the district inevitable result of potent existing and a a. I A. I penca ana no aoesn i care wuo auown iu eontlnulng forces. It Is not going to dlsaonear or vanish tn n Anv honn 11 HA It is not always the 'varsity with the of a , -tocb. or t. ,vlIIflnHA . . . 1 i . I I . A. I " Diggest endowment mat uy uio a few union,.ritlng syndicates. "It may Biggest loot Dan score. be necessary to nnnae n llttl r cof ,.e breath after the paca we have aone. The democratic nominee for police but if there is any serious check it will Judge against Judge Borka appears to only be because we have lost our nerve be actually wasting good money get- anj courage. ting out campaign cards to promote his candidacy. STCDYtSO MILITARY VUXDITWXS. It is stated that the general staff of That Bennett will threatens to tane tho arnir wl Bend geutB to severa, up valuable time from Colonel Bryan couutrles of South America to study that he could readily coin into more military conditions, as a preparation for money man is invoivea in tne wuoie war ln that, part of the world in which touirovemj. the United States mlsrht be Involved. It appears .that already military officers have been sent to foreign parts and that these have been busy getting together all the information available that would be useful to our army. According to a Washington report, behind the activity of the general staff in studying military matters in South America is understood What irould Henry W'atterson do If It should come to a contest for the presi dency between Roosevelt and Cleveland as the standard bearers of their respec tive parties? : ' ' " When the railroads now building and pro jected are completed It will only need a short northern spur from Russia's great Siberian railr oad to give all-rail communica tion frnm K. Yfirlr t M Pn rim. closs of men could not be secured to two ago Joslah Flynt, the professional Meantime Dawson Is ths city to which all take positions dependent upon the re- author-tramp, was imported to tell us railroad building leads. Dawson has 1,200 stilt of elections after tenure. what a wicked citv Omaha Is the ob- population, and Its municipal equipment j i i 4. li .i i i . I Includes all modern improvements, its linn uiu uiiftut "r tuny lerrviiasc vim- jevute jmiiii ueiug lu inuuum "wmc i - til 000 00O dren. but will scarcely frighten grown effect on the then pending election. . . i,uiliiur a 16.000.000 water supply people. The great majority of Amcr- Now a preacher-e-angeiist is imported piant. lean cities own and operate their I to do the same thing Just in front of water works, and hundreds of cities. towns and villages ln America own and operate electric light plants and some their gas works. While there doubtless luis been occasional mismanagement another election. Same old game. The Yukon river Is open to navigation from May to October, and forty stern-wheel steamboats ply between Dawson and St Michael's, covering the 1,600 miles In about ten days. Frimarllly ths railroads so far have been A Foraottea Deal. Washington Post. Democrats who are poking fun at the present efforts to capture the delegates and some leaks in the operation of these I from tho territories should remember that buH.t to tap ths enormous mineral wealth municipal plants, the service rendered tne Hwal'an deicgata had tne aecicung of Alaska and the Canadian Yukon. But, to the public has in nearly every in-1 voto on the democrat platform of 1900. contrary to old notions, there Is Immense I agricultural ana loresi wenn.ii m u uo Grinds E.ltner way. I ,tnT.-A in ih. HiMaon hnv. North Baa- luan me service renuerea ny irancnisea Philadelphia Record. katchewan and Peace river districts, i corporations. When the miners reduced the supply of Neariy ooo miles north of the boundary This Is perfectly natural, rrlvate coaJ tM pnce' 01 course' wenl up oul now between Alaska and the Canadian north ma uira uiu. a,in vm iu iu. i west, in the valley oi tne eace nver, OITS1DH VIEW OF LOCAL POLITICS. Norfolk News: The efforts of the World Herald to -show that there Is a compact between Roeewater and the enndldate for Judicial honors on the republican ticket reads backwards to many readers, who sea In It evldencs of Jealousy that there la nut such a compact with Editor Hitchcock. Lyons Sun: The people of Burt county have had the pleasure during the last week of greeting five of the republican candidates for the district bench of this district, vis: Messrs. A. C. Troup, W. Q. Scars, W. A. Redlck, A. L. Sutton and I. F. Baxter. All these men are well quali fied, aa are also Judges Day and Estelle, for the offices to which they have been nominated. They are men of experience, I men of good Judgment and men of Integ rity. The full ticket should and doubtless will be elected. Kearney Hub: Edward Rosewater has agiiln proven the truth of the saying that he who laughs last laughs best. In the recent primary contests ths antl-Rose-waterltes scored very handsomely, but on ths finish the Rosewater element secured Ing meanness of spirit revealed by his own testimony. PKHSOMAL AND OTHER WISH. That sausage should fltrura In the menu of golfers la a delicate tribute to autumn tinted links. One thousand peopls are killed each year In the crowded streets of New York. The strenuous pace Is an unrivaled cemetery promoter. . Dealers ln cork legs and anus have de cided to boost the price. Vlcflms of the , automobile will hardly Consider this a corking proposition. When the water was thoroughly squeeted out of the Salt trust In San Francisco ths residue had shrunk from 111,00,000 to 137, 000. Scarcely enough is left to give each sucker a pinch. John D. Rockefeller Is building two sun parlors In his residence near New York City. Consumers of oil will be gratified to know that their money is brightening his life In two spots. Brother Dowte'a mission to New York vuu.u.Bi.uim uo nut aim op- ply 0 that tne prlce sha not g0 down. erate public utility plants for their The law of supply and demand catches the health but for profit. If these public I consumer both ways, utility corporations were rontpnr with - to tu-, . Jsmttce, Tempered with Mercy. a lunwiiuiuc iiuiii uu lueir aciuui i ii- vestment, the demand for public owner- Baltlmors American. President Roosevelt has certainly been ship would not touch the popular chord, almost more than Just In the caBes of the but most of the public utility corpora- West Virginia miners who killed the United tions have bepn orennlz a utnoh 1r.h. States deputy marshal by commuting the u,li concerns unu capitalized on enor- ever lt ha, ever the tendency of great " VI wonder nt-ruo j,. ,, , c fiuuio. ritqueuujr i presiaeiiis to lei justice lean lowwu uioiti, the plants are bonded for double or I ....... u.,u .mmuu. Minneapolis Journal upon minions or stocks are Issued on Mr. Eniott, the new president of the top of these bonds. To pay the interest Northern Pacific, came up from the ranks ou the bonds and dividends on millions on merit. He pursued the policy of always nf rvuro rvntor .,u.i. -. I doing Just a little more tnan ne was c wheat, barley and oats are grown In quan tities limited only by the number of farm ers. The most uortherly roller-process flour mill on the continent has Just been built at Vermilion. The wheat which took the first prise at the Centennial exhibition of 1876 at Philadelphia came from the Peace river country, which Is estimated to con tain more than 15,000,000 acres of good grain-growing soil. ' The postal service of this empire In em- Mall steamers leave the Pacific coaat dally, bringing bags from Sitka, Bkagway, Nome and other points by all manner of means wagons, dog sleds, eta Russian reindeer carry tne sacks over froxen lakes and snow-covered hills with remarkable rapidity. The highest sal- the factions, they came together Monday ' Is pronounced a failure. Secular nrninotara control of the county central committee, i have so thoroughly sheared the flock that Which Is pretty much the whole thing and the truly good cannot raise SO cents whertx Insures his control of ths party machinery Wth to start the rattle In ths box. In Douglas county next year as well. It H . Carrle Natlon lrlel, , brMk ,nl0 Brother a good thing for the party In Douglas r,owie-, conversation In New York, but county that It Is so. and ths united front j th9 rooa brotner wfu(Md t0 dlvM, tlme and ircauy uemg presented pears out mis opinion. Fillmore Chronicle! Douglas county has given Its assurance to Roosevelt next year In the most substantial way that Is, by every leader of avery faction uniting for A splendid victory for the whole stats and county ticket this fall. When men like Webster and Green. Rosewater and Cur ley, Moores and Van Dusen. speak elo quently for ths republican ticket from ths same rostrum, It means that a strong pace Is set for republicanism throughout the state. It means that they all see that Roosevelt will bs triumphant and ths great west will have a large part In making him so. and that the man or faction that sulks In ths tent this year will not be heard in council next year. Douglas county made the test. The result of pri mary and convention Is sufficient warrant for republican support, and that Is good doctrine In Fillmore county, where every candidate Is a clean man and was nom inated In a fair convention struggle. It Is certainly gratifying to be generally as sured that Fillmore leadors are not to be outdone by those of Douglas. Geneva Signal: A few weeks ago a lane harmony meeting was held In Omaha at which were gathered the representatives of the various factions of the republican party In Douglas county. This was before the county convention. It was freely pre dicted that the harmony would not last beyond the county convention. Although some of the candidates nominated "were personally objectionable to the leaders of told Carrie to hire a hall herself. Two stormy petrels cannot converse In ths same nest. Ths somber pathos of the parting of the Twenty-second Infantry was somewhat relieved by this toast: "To the ladles Our arms your defense, your arms our recom pense. Fall tn!" A Chicago wife seeks a divorce on the ground that her husband refused to kiss j her. The question hers presentd Is whether good taste should not be subordl ; nated occasionally In ths Interest of happl- . ness. j According to a ruling of a New York court a person who watches ths festive skyrocket on July Fourth or any other day and stops the stick In Its descent cannot pull the municipal leg for the price of the poultice and trimmings. SMlLi.U L13ES. I A A on4 nf rfninv If nr.ll acted from the publfc and from private No boy wh0 adopt, that policy will havs to consumers. Under municipal owner-1 hunt for a Job: the Jobs will always be ship the service charge would be based hunting him. on Interest npon the actual investment Yieidtagr to Temptatioa. and cost of maintenance and operation. New York Tribune. Another phase of. private ownership I One of the saddest Instances of yielding is the systematic pernicious tampering t0 temptation known for many a day la the emulation. Its cod banks are believed to to Jlna np f'of RooBevet aried postal official In the world serves In Alaska, He Is paid 125.0O0 a year for carry ing the mall fortnightly to Fort Yukon, providing bis own dogs and sleds for the purpose. Alaska has now upward of 1U postofflces and mails are collected and de livered regularly beyond the arctic circle. The fisheries of Alaska are rich beyond If railroad traffic and railroad earn lnaa are keeping uo without interrup tion what call is there for the railroads to be a reason more Immediate than the to reduce the service and cut off em- mere opinion that the maintenance of Dloyest Here's a chance for an ex- Monroe doctrine will be settled by planatlon. force of arm9 ,n toat Continent It is snia to nave come to the knowledge of Henry W'atterson is still chasing the the Washington authorities that mlll- devlt that inhabits the society set in tary agents of European countries are New York and Newport and ln the lu- busily engaged in coliectiug information tcrval giving thank, to heaven that be a. to the character of the roads, the did not happen to break Into the com- country generally, the food supply and pany of such a disreputable bunch. other things which it ia important for la military commander to know in re- If all the democrats vote for Dickln-1 gard to hi. prospective field of hostile son and Read, and several hundred re- operations. publicans ahould also vote for Dickln- Doubtless this is a work quite within son and Read, what chances will there the scope of the duties of the general be for the election of Ferguson and staff of the army. The information ob- )?age, the two democrat, on the patched talned may never be of any actual quilt nonpartisan ticket? - value, for it is hardly possible that we shall ever have to defend the Monroe One of the twentieth century features doctrine by a military force in any will be the establishment of political Bouth American country, but no harm portrait galleries in .every voting pre- can come from sending our military clnct ln order to acquaint the people agents, providing care is taken not to with the men who are willing to serve arouse suspicion and distrust of our In them without putting them to the trou- tenrion. on the part of the people of tie of a personal canvass. tne southern countries. There Is obvl- t ously some danger of doing this, since The president of the Burlington is there is a considerable feeling in some aid to have gone to St Taul to confer of those countries thnt the professed with the president of the Chicago Great friendship of the United States is not Western concerning the cut ln Omaha altogether sincere. Such a result, by grain rates. What Mr. Harris will say no means Improbable, would certainly to Mr. Stlckney and what Mr. Stlckney unfortunate. wtll av i tr Ifurrla will nrnhnhlT :r:Ji fort mty MAXtvrts. u uu.s" - "- Tbe military maneuvers at Fort Riley Since Mayor Moore', reelection the wU1 b concluded tomorrow and accord local popocratlc organ is not so crs.y ,n to ccounta they are. the moat suc for the immediate acquisition of the ce88ful held- The rpKular troop, water work, at whatever cost Had Participating have of course acquitted h. m.n..n,nt f the rltv. affairs wemteJvea nnely. That was expected. gone Into tho bands of tho democrats wuu tue municipal pmcers and es pecially with city councils and boards or puDiic works, which amounts to wholesale bribery and does more to un dermine and corrupt municipal govern ment than all other agencies combined. As against this evil the menace of In competency and inefficiency in the man' agement of municipal lighting plants is no offset "A. a matter of fact, the very best men are -willing to enter the service of municipal corporation, aa readily as. they are private corpora tions, and there is no more danger of their' losing their Jobs by changes in municipal' government than there Is by changes ln the directory of a corpora tion. So far as the. taxpayers and consura night at Washington hall before an enor mous crowd and there, with Mayor Moores presiding, John U Webster, Edward Rose- water, C. J. Greene, A. W. Jeflerls, H. C. Brome and J. H. Van Duen endorsed ths whole ticket It looks now as If the Douglas county republican majority would bo 8,000. Thls-general getting together of republicans In every county in the state looks like 10.000 for Barnes. The desire next year, en- .lt . a ...n.rlnt.nnnl nl Ih. Mmlffn' fTinll I ... . . . . I "t Z .Z .T. u.i.i k.T ,n weaun lnoB" ol ' conraged by known accessions In every pre branch of ths postafflce He had been ,1a. More tha half of our ,nUr, ,almon product clnct to the r,nklI , lnZtrZ thn ervtca fnr almost thirty years and had I . a t- -.-- if wnrih I .. """- ', is inspiring . . I is aiuui, im " line repuDiican candidates and ummltiMi worked his way up to an Important and re- ono.00()exactiy what we paid Russia for ,h. ,,. " ""V . !"m,tte! - - i - ".mwnfl u& victory, ana sponsible position, no iimu mm uu the whole territory. hundred men under Mm ana was not oniy The wntar, of Alaska are less rigorous popular wun menu uui ne enjuycu mo than thoM of -wying or Montana, and that for the whole ticket fldence of those above him. After so ex tended a term of loyal and valuable labors he was detected tn'SSeallnc money from let ters. He' was trusted thoroughly that the evidence of bis t yillt amaxed everybody who knew hlnv IMPROVED DIVORCE LAW. A MT9TERIOIS FROCEEDI3QL Wllllaaa Jeaalaaja Bryan aad the Bea- ' aett ejaeata. Minneapolis Tribune. 1 Mr. William J. Bryan places himself ln a rather undlimlfled position by bla testi mony In the Bennett will contest. In his Impetnoas Separatloalsta Receiver Check ia California. bought and all she sold. In 1892 was less bequest of I50.0P0 he frankly admits having . i... t.n fr ih. Aval I been a pensioner for some Years en the Chicago Chronicle. ' it reached a total bounty of a weak-minded admirer. The Th .nnrema court of California recently I ' ' I .n ii-uiiuua irsia upheld the Mellick divorce law, which pro- or ijo.wu.wm. vlriaa that final" ludement shall not be en- I tered within a year. The effect of the law Americans and British settlers are push will be deterrent upon Impetuosity seeking ng steadily north Into this great terrltry dlsnatchea In ers are concerned they have no more conjugal release for Insufficient cause. It a about equal numbers, and Mr. Btewart whether the money wi horses and cattle are worked there without fear of being frosen. The cold la Intense, but there ara no storms. Excep); on the coast of Behrtng sea all the. hardy vegeta bles are grown with marked success throughout Alaska and the Canadian Yukon, south of the arctio circle. As a measure oi Amaj a " i -.Harold whenever you say i noted that her total foreign trade, all she enort to secure an indirect ana dountrui spite of papa!' Philadelphia ii i - . icq. w. a I... I nwiiiHT nr , . . wm m.K T Mfimira mtih. i To "Things are not always what they seem ' This saying may be added : Full many a manly shoulder's not So bro4 aa it la padded. Washington Pott. "Paw, what Is a political machine?" "Any slot machine. Tommy, 'ihey'ra all under the protection OI tne politicians." Clucugo Xnoune. "De people dat puts ln de most time lookin' ion irouole," said Uncle Kben, "Is a very ones oat knows de least about what to do wit It wiien tley nnUS it." Washington Star. "No, I make It a practice never to carry money around with me." "What Is your reason T" "1 haveu't any to carry." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Franklin had Just Invented bla store. "1 hat s all rignt," exclaimed tna people, "but why dun i you Invent sowieoue to gut Up nrst to make the lire. T" beeing how signally lis had failed. Poor Rlciiuru turned ins attentiou to eteolrlolty. iw York bun. "Edgar," shyly asked the maid, "would you bo willing to omit the word 'obey' from the ceremony 1" "Why, oi course," said the young man, clamping her a trifle closer. "You a never Uve up to it, anyway." Puiladelphia 1'reaa. In the temporary absence of the beauty editor, this question banded by mis take to the spurting ed.tor; "How ahaii one get rid, of suparfluoui hairs on the upper lip?" "That's easy,' he wrote In reply. "Push the young man away. "-Chicago i'ribuna. "Do you think the methods of the trusts are strictly honorable?" "Of court I do," answered Senator Sor ghum. "1 don't know of anybody that ti more liberal or surer pay than a trujt." Washington Star. "Too are so persistent. Harold." mur mured the' fair maiden, "and papa is SO bit uriy oppoaeai to you I s oat can myt Can't you ae how it perpcxa saal Put yourself ln my place." "1 will. Bertha." said the young man, with a marveioua assumption ot feminine coyness. "Here goes'. 1 will marry you. Harold whenever you aay tn woru, in curious testament provision made by Mr. Phtlo 8. Bennett of New Haven needed the testimony of Mr. Bryan to make It even partly Intelligible. No one could re lation to the will whether the money was a to fear from the men employed in the win chlu tha base motive to cast away says that "the entire Canadian northwest I (ft o Bryan or fc ynKu ,rre,pon,ibu, public utility service than they have wlfe or husband order to take up at 18 taiy more American than Britisn in .duc,tlona, trusti to dl,po,ed of tn his own way and without accounting to any .i . v. w,. y,aw I ... .j.ini.t,.llv. avatem from the men emnloved ln tli mrnnr. . . . .1.. I . at Bnttia . -- - - - 1 Any law wnicn oucouniira rewn m iii i fresiaeni nuuoocii, r"'" lone. iiou -ervii-e. insteau or reinforcing tribunal which so frequently stigmatises t May last, predicted mat men now From Mr Bryaa-, testimony lt appears the so-called municipal machine, the the innocent and rewards the guilty and "WOuld see Alaska one of the greatest and thjU Mr jj.,,,, des,red to give him 50. tendency of an increased force on thai whose decrees so irequentiy inmnge me most populous states 01 1 e..i.. ........... ,n hli wllIi he nad preV0u8ly given him miinlHnnl nni-rnll n-mil.1 r. n t.i ngnts or cmianooa u 10 uo mumreuu, It may oe ma iv wm uovwi. -- considerable sums. Air. uryan miwnui municipal payroll would be to neutral- QMty coU8lon WU encounter a vigorous populous for one state, or even for two, 8ut.a that tb. money be given him ize and minimize political activity by obstruction In the Mellick law. ju area Is larger than that of eighteen ot n trut to dl8trlbute for educational pur- the popular demand for civil servlen Comprehensive reform or even material .ha nreaant states of the union. Including .nd th. the gift be embodied In a rules and the enforcement of the merit I mitigation of the divorce vice ln the United I fjew York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Indiana, I to Mrs. Bennett, as the executor system kt anv rate thnt hns Wn tha oUtes cannot be expected until tue states Louisiana and Maine. i u ana cW,r neir. ratner man in a lonwi " " -v w kAtA annlA a unl frtrm aiia r uta fnn. I a l 1 I tint illshil ITinrH lerrilUI Jr .1.,... . Ka will a- a. M i a ., . 1 I1Q.1I lsV UV.Va uiuiwiiu nvawiuvnui- nfLriftOll. AlttB ii.vii.-v. - vlHUOC VI HW w eutti oi intreascu actnuy la tile postal Mddlnr remarriage of the guilty party Iv-.n .h. vtritlsh Isles. France. Germany, I If Mr. Bennett complied with the sertice. l-wenty-nve years ago. When while the Innocent party lives. Adoption Portugal and Belgium all put together. Tne quMts, the money would come to hire mere were less than 5,000 letter car-1 f ucn statute may reasonably De hoped l ruture of such an imperial aomnin iuuoi i without any accountaouuy o tne prow court ror nis aispowii ot ii. n i mra m understand Just what the will provides rler8 and railway mall clerks emDloved for ,,ter a mor enerBl an1 more honest reat indeed! were irfateu -f the marrlaae bond has al. FIGHTING RATE REDIXTIOS. Character of th. Rallroa Araraiaeat Before the Mlaaoarl Cosaatiasioa. Kansas City Times. Tn hir effort to prevent a reduction from the meagre dispatcnes; out nr. Bryan Is claiming the CAOCO on the strength of a letter from Bennett, which he says la copy of a letter to Mrs. Bennett, which the executors refused to make public It Is an amaslng tangle, on which a little light Is thrown by Mr. Bryan's remark as political assets of congressmen and ready so widely distributed In the United senntors. The rostofBce was political States. headquarters In every cltv. and nnnt. I The more radical remedy, absolute pro- masters, clerks and letter carriers were ,llblt,on remarriage of divorced persons. hn i ji . t . cannot be expected while respect for the the leading factors in political primaries nt,.r. of th. mamare bonl, i. aud conventions, but now when we felt by so small a fracUon of ths present of freight rates by the State Board of Rail- that h, would not allow his wlfs and chll- hnve more than 33.000 city and rural generation. way and Warehouse Commissioners, the aren to receive a cent of nny unless delivery letter carriers and rallwsv r The churches can . contribute toward railroad officials at the present meeting In Mrt. Bennett were willing. What have uc.ntrij icuci laniera uuu railway DOS- . . . .. ..... . . . n .ilnmi meas- ki. ll. arnt phlldran to da with an educa- ... ,i maintenance ot tne true loeai oi marriage, this city nave mavi.t- - i -- tal Clerks organized on civil. crrli I .. .. -..imm nf their .in i im.l anvwav On Brvan'a aide I unfortunately, as tne statistics snow, an ures, dui navo suowu n . . -- - ; ,, lines the induence of the postofflce in effectuul discipline which church member- position by the very method, employed to tner. seems to be an effort to get the The t ' JntVf "le ,hat ,em y0ur large cities tiion local, state or national ship ought to Impose is now limited within sustain it. The chief argument advanced money Into hie own hands, which the ToJ m,m, ity blM., an(1 ihank the world THK CHJDSTOB OF FATES. tRoy FarreU Green la Suceeea.1 One iay when I. a hoy. bewailed ths wealth t m dctej. I reooiiect my L'n iiirana taking ma aside To chhie m for soy ptttuaace ojtd wluaper in say ear A bit ot iwcrkrepun. k'g'. aad 83dm facts uaesigned t tcr. "My bu.' h "ia, after jaars you U rwv-vguise that irlt. L' tuil aavt pwverty eaiy one best for p.; For neo. hke toula. duat gut aa edge es thtegs saiouca at wax It's Juji th rinJutuaa rvaglaess, lad, that sharpaos lg tb - Twm IJuooIV taa of sfattttg rails, Us buftvtmg by Fate la early lit, trat atadw him fit t steer tha saip f scat. A tow-path lit proved Oar9eafs steal, a tanarU s phca jurea eoani And weary round of wvra, hroogbt eat ths beat thero was in Grant. If each had hU within hia mouth, when txrn. a a.lvr epoo. . . And had not been so ground by Fata tha ho of life a forenoon. Tbeir brains that krenneas would have lacked to probe prcaaic facts It's Jual the grtndatone a ro'ighaeaa, lad, that sharpens up the axe. "If things went always emooth with you," my I ncia Hi ram vowed, "Tou'd go through life unknown and un- dlatliigulshed Iroro the crowd. More apt than not; while rasping want ans arliHiing wora. i v lounu. Will aharuen wits that steps may cleave to fortune's higher ground. politics Is infinitesimal. Railway mail continually narrowing area. clerks, letter rarrlpra anil r-wira in th. . I ... a )i.Dci,aiiuu ui ui. 'i'v i il ail iiuniv postofflces can no longer be conscripted by extending the partial remedy of the a. a result or last spring s city election lt would hare been yelping about pro-! c ras tins tion. But the National Guards have also made a most creditable record, show ing themselves to be possessed of that military Instinct which is markedly characteristic of American soldiers. Nebraska populUts have another 11-1 The Nebraska and Iowa regiments have lustration of the beauties of fusion In 1 received warm commendation for their the utter neglect by the democratic I general bearing and dlst lpllne rwhlch orgaus and campaigners of the two compared very favorably with that of fusion candidates for university regents, the regulars. It ao happen, that the regency nominees J That these maneuvers will have a were furnished out of the populist I good effect upou the men composing corner of the camp, while the demo- j the National Guard la not to be doubted, crats took the first place on the ticket. They. are. insplrltlug, they teach disci- Result no fight being waged ou tho pline and they tend to promote soldierly fusion side fir anyone but the head of qualities and patriotic feeling. , Every the state ticket I uia engaged ln them has obtalued use- j ful Instruction as a soldier and this Out of the $3,000 dollar allowance for I will certaluly not make him a less a county fair exhibit $1,000 was' paid I worthy cltlsen. The plan of baring for V) feet of exhibition space in the 1 these anuual maneuvers aud associating Ak-Sar-Ben carnival grounds at an ay-1 regular troops with the National Uuard preclably lower rate than was charged I will, there is every reason to. believe. other exhibitors. What became of the I be fully justified by results. It un other $J,000 has not transpired, luas-1 doubtedly must prove very beneficial to niuh as the county board voted thai the cltixen soldiery whole appropriation In a Iuujd aud left the fanners who form the taxpayers of when the law was attacked that Douglns county to make their own ulls-1 abolished the pffiee of clerk of tUe dis tribution without fillug a name or a I trtct court aa an unlimited fee office. voucher with tta 'county auditor. " I District Court Clerk Broadwcll lent aid or dragooned Into the political army and are absolutely free to vote asa they please, The trend of the time, is toward the neutralization of civil service employe, in politics and thi. tendency will grow from year to year as the standard of municipal employment Is elevated by the Introduction of professional men thus far against the proposed reduction of executors are resisting, either on behalf Conservative, trnhllo oninlon ran aaalat In 1 ,.i.i in Missouri Is that It might necessl nrhment. Including a reoucuon of wages paid '.o the employes. of Mrs. Bennett or of the educational trust More light on the singular affair may re- The of- I ileve Mr. Bryan of the suspicion of grasp- HIKES A SOBER SOLDIER. Melllrk law to the atatuta books of nthar flniala have not made thla argument in so states. many words. They nave noi iiwmb nolnt directly. They nave cnoaen an mu.- r.rt course designed to be very "foxy. Thiv have had soma of their employes ranresentlna- several organizations oi rail road men present a petition to the board asking that rates ba not reduced lest lower wages might follow. The petition recuea .m K.rln. tn n M hard. Tha grit that puts an edga on Is Juat what success exacts It's Just the grindstone's roughness, laJ, that sharpens up the axe:" protection of the taxpayers. Record ot "Oar Little Irtws Brother" la tha Army. Philadelphia Ledger. Our little brown brother. If ha does not make a remarkably stalwart soldier, makes that tha operation of railroads In Missouri a sober one. This wa aather from the an- I la mora e xbenslve than ln Iowa or Illl- wbose tenure in office must be guaran-1 nual report of the surgeon general of the I nols. There Is not much to this claim, but teed by laws and ordinances for the I rmy- Tn enrollment of about 6.000 native if there Is anything to It. tha difference Filipino scouts has added "a new racial between operating expenses are dui a mu element" to tha armv. and th lurieon I n.m aa rom Dared with the difference In general Is Interested In the comparative rates, effect ot disease upon them and upon our But ths railroad men ara not In a posl white and colored troops. For the whole I tion to argue that they cannot afford to army, at home and abroad, during: the I mika tha proposed rates. They cannot past year- the white troops had an "ad mission rate" that is, the rate of entries upon the sick list of 170 33 a thousand, the colored troops 1897.74 and i the Malay scouts 1707. In tha death ' rate, however. There Is nothing small about St Louis. The St. Louis exposition will not only be the biggest show that has ever been seen on earth, but the tit Loulslans also want to boast that they have successfully coaxed congress to give them leave to scoop more dollars out of the national treasury than any other Interstate or International exio gltion ever ha. dreamed of getting. Not content with the draft of $5,000,000 that Uncle Sam ha. already honored, they now propose to make blm cough up several hundred thousand more for sideshow, and Incidentals. For sublime audacity Chicago is uot ln it with St Louis. logically, even, hold out the idea, directly or Indirectly, that their employes must suffer a reduction ln wages If the rates are cut. Tha shippers admit that before the enactment of the Elklns antl-rebite Waltham Watches A faithful and true servant, 'The Terfedtd American Wtkh' n illusirtttd look of Interesting infottruiNon aW WcAi. U sent free upon request. American Wtlfun Wkh Company. Wdttum, Muss, Among the twelve states traversed by the Illinois Central railroad system 2.218 stockholder, own $14,434,300 of stock at par value, 1.324 of these own ing $11,871,000 ln stock reside lu Illi nois. ' St) owning $'K)3.2O0 reside ln Iowa, and only fuiuteea owulug $35,600 the variation Is much greater. It la but law there were riven rebates smountlng to 11 40 per 1.000 among the white troops, 24.11 1 about 40 per cent of the published tariffs. among the negroes snd 14.04 among the I This rebate, presumably, was enjoyed by Malays. The white troops evidently stand I all who shipped In considerable quantities. the rigors of the service much better than I Tha railroads made money. They were aat- the others. On ths other hand, while white I Isfled and the wages of the employes soldiers were admitted to tha sick report I were not lowered. Now the proposed re- on account of what the surgeon general I ductlon by the state board Is only about ti calls "misconduct ln the use of alcohol" I rp nt nf She DUblltfhed tariffs. It la at the rata of 24.71 per 1.000 and the colored I true that lt would apply to all shipments. troops at the rate of 11.70. the Milav scouts I for one oblect of the Elklns law Is to show tha extremely small admission rate 1 show no favors to ths heaviest shippers, of 62. That out of 1,000 men only three I who In nearly all caaea. are batter able to were treated for alcoholism during the I pay the regular rates tnaa are me smaiier year Is certainly a very striking evidence that drunkenness la not among ths Fili pino's vioea Drunkenness and the diseases commonly aaaoclated with It are every' where the Vmy'i bane, and the surgeon general thinks It Impossible not to attribute a large part ot their recent lucre to the loss of the aroiy canteen.. ones. Thla reduction of per cent on all freight would probably amount to about th same In taa aggregate as th rebate of 44 per cent to the larger shippers la times past. It Is, therefore, mere ruODisn to say that the proposed reduction would I eaua a loss to railroads or would naceaai- tate a reduction of wages. The men who wait upon you at our atora do not pride them-eWes apon their abllty as ealeBinen but aa experta in giving other men fits and we guarantee fit and satisfaction If our men do the fitting. 1331 ttar shoe sell themselvaa t4 $MI and 13 00. Direct from soaker Wears. - - - - ay