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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1903)
I TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. OCTOBER 26, CURRENT COUNCIL m PAI DEAR FOR MISKT Xiiinsapolis Vu Impersonates C&ccr to Gv P mxi voi of Jog;. OWNER OF THE LIQUOR FROM MISSOURI Appeals PllrrBi t Prefect Hit Tenia; aad Arrest at the Preteaded Otlcer Pol. lewe. W. E. Case, a 11m W. K. claiming to be a barber, and a recent arrival from Minneapolis. is behind the bar at the city JaD, charged with 1m persona tins aa officer. A section boss on th Northwestern rail road, whose umt the police refuse to di vulge. Is the complaining witness against Case. The section boas In question came to Council Bluffs on business Saturday, and 'when starting for horns decided that a Jug of whisky would be a nice thing to take along with him. While waiting for his train Mr. Section Boss got Into a conversa tion with Case and incidentally offered him a drink from the Jug. and right here is where lha trouble for Case began. Case promptly accepted the drink and It tickled bia palata so that he at once made up his mind that he would like the whole Jug full. Waxing confidential, he told the section boss that he. Case, was a deputy United States marshal and that he had very reason to believe that be. the section boss, waa nothing more or leas than a bootlegger. This the section boas Inilfnanlly denied, but his new 'made acquaintance In sisted that be was snd that In order to avoid arrest ho bad better turn over to him the Jug of wMsky. Now It happened - that the section boss thought more of the Jug ef whisky thsn he did of the alleged Vruted Btates officer and be told Cass that he believed he waa noth ing more thari an Imposter and a poor one at that. Case at this point attempted to cut the acquaintance and make himself scarce, but the section boss would not have It that way. He Insisted on keeping company with Case until he found a policeman, to whom he confided his suspicions that Case was a fraud. - with the result that Case was taken Into custody and will now have to ... Ka k . . . ... answer to the charge of Impersonating an officer. Plumbing and heating.' Blxby A gaa. Charged with Vlolatta Law. LOG AN. J Is..' Oct. tS-kSpecUDPapers filed la the office ef the' clerk of the dis trict court today by 1 W. Fallon, county attorney ' of Harrison' county, bring ' suit la the name of tbe State of Iowa against Raymond Jones and A. H. Miller, both of Persia, la., oa tbe charge of eel ling liquor wKbout license. Miller owns the store building and fixtures la which Jones runs a drug store, knows aa the Jones Phar macy company. It 1s alleged Jones did net use due care In seeing whether thos who bought liquor had a physician's order or net. Action waa also brought In the bum manner a gainst Catherine Enrlght let Julia Rockwell on tbe charge of run lill a bouse of Ill-fame at Missouri Valley. charge ef selling liquor was also made against these nertlea, Court convenes at November 4. Bare Killed sal Baggy faaakea. Booth Main street was tbe scene of sn exciting runaway yesterday afternoon, which resulted In the killing of one horse and the demolition of a rubber-tired burgy belonging to the Keil livery barn. Tbe double team and the rubber-tired buggy was hired by a young man who desired te take his best girl oat riding. The young woman lived on South Main street and the young man hitched the team In front of her residence while he went in. A passing , " " " " motor scared the horses and after one or . .a a - a ft. x.1 1 I WO piUnC" inr y lUCCVCQro in vr?.aYinB : 1 .t,rrf ith i a run. I Jurt th of th. Bur'lngton depot the team j ran Into a telegraph pole. One of the horses dled la a few minutes from its Injuries. while the other escaped unscathed. The buggy waa smashed lato kindling wood. The orthodox Hebrews of this city have purchased a lot on Mynoter street, be tween Bixtn ana Bevema nnei on n men erect tney propose, in inv nnr luiuir m erevi a ivmi eofiM. ArtirlM ef incoreoratuMi for 1 tbe new congregation have been drawn and will be filed this week. Tbe Incorporators . .. . . are Isaac . uuinaay. u. vt niieooo, M. , tendered a surprise party Saturday even Friedman. M. Solomon. H. Glllnsky. Sam Ing at his home on Fifteenth avti.ue l.y v iw,, mrlA vf r-,,m r. ' a number of bis Pythian brothers. Mr. Snyder, E. Pill and M. Marcua. The so- Ke)lh , flimllr wUJ. r,malll )n couudl dety, Which la a reorganisation of th I B.uCs unul iixt spring. Blkor Cholla tom pie oangregattoa. which A n-.eetlrg of the Improvement club of had Its place ef worship on North Main 1 te Ketone precinct of the Second ward . . r-k . t' v.i has tmrn called for Tuesday evening by street, will be known as the Cbevra B Nal jresJeM. conrad Dlatman. a me7nlr TlaroeL- Sam Snyder has been selected of tte poUce turce. The mt-etlng will be as president of tbe board of trustees, , l--d st the oorrer of Ninth street and Ave whe will have the building of the tew 1 Bu "'. PVK'". ll '. cluo . - synagogue In charge. Oeta He Pay. Judg Wheeler of " the dlatrlct court handed down bU decteloa Saturday In the hr the Globe Publishing com- Bany against the county and city to re- eover bill for publishing th notice of . - th -1 -rlon lar vMr Tha a o , L JrJ,, oounty IWftawd to pay It on the grounds 4. -A ' - - M-AmemA niihliahrfl hv a ..- ... .,, i ... . ' . . root tne ui n .run- oounty was liable for all expeasea In con- BsctUm with the aeneral election. . . n ' . ".w .v. Judge Wheeler held that neither """" for the tij , , s provision oounty nor the city waa liable as the law made no' express provl ma!ng either liable fur such publication, although the law providee that the mayor ahall cause notices of registration to tc published. - , . aslaeea Calleae Caarse Pri I have aa opportunity tor a boy or girl willing te work for what they get to work for oollcge tul'lon and buard; one In cuun- try bear Coutcll Bluff preferred. Address F, care Mee effloe, CeaacU Bluffs . rkaags la Newspaper Clrelea. Robert Hendersoa has resigned his - altloa as secretary te Congrassmaa 8a I a ana wui succeea r. v. oecamaa as man- aging editor tif tbe t uaacU Bluffs Voa pareil. Mr. Henderson, before becosa ng secretary to Congressman 8mlth. was lty reasali the Weeld-rasewes PALMIST, CUIEYGUIT AID AOVIUI PROF. KIRO Sua Fear a Street, rwaaell BlaCa, Ssu Ter Fourth Pt aad Willow Ave. ) FEl'lVEH PKICES: Ladles, fc-r. gentle saea. Sl.m. Hours lrtn I a. at. to I S. p. m. risy pntt' an? conieii LEWIS CUTLER MOKTlCiArT. , Coaasl kaaa. NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. editor of the paper of which he now will es-ime the managing editorship. W. R. Copeland. aa attorney of Extrs. Aud ibon county, will succeed Mr. Henderson as , secretary to Congressman Smith and will j accompany the latter to Washington No- ' vember S, for the extra session of ton- I grees. Missies; Bey Is Feead. Oscar Fais, the 13-year-cld boy who ran awsy last week from his home In Eddy rtlle. la.. In company with an lS-year-old youth named Lyle Rawson. and In search of whom his father was here Friday, was found by the police yesterday afternoon. The two boys were camping near the Union Pacific dump In the southwestern part of the city In a small tent they had pur chased here. Toung Fsls. when the of ficers found him. was cooking supper for himself and companion. They had been working for the last three days for A. Ellsworth, the dairyman. They were taken f rii. h..4n,..r.F. wh.r. thv will be detained until young Fala' father is heard from. Among the elder boys effects the j police found a revolver. Old Take a gala. Pioneer members of the Ganymede club, who have rot mounted a bicycle for several years enjoyed a reunion and run to Ruser's park, Omaha, yesterday morning. The run , way the vacancy can be legally filled. It from here to the perk, where refreshments ' they do not make a nomination the chances and a social hour were enjoyed, was made are that the district will not have a sena la fifty minutes, but the return trip, owing ; torial candidate on the republican ticket, to the party having to face the wind, con- ; The latest news from the district Is to the sumed a little over an hour. Alderman : effect that Mr. Soesbe, who controls the Casper paced the party In his automobtie. j convention, will Insist upon his own nomln The pioneers who msde the trip were Ed . atlon and that after he Is nominated he Duquette. George Williamson. Ray Blxby. will withdraw because of the fact that so Winn Jacobs. William Carrutbers. T. Da hi. H. P. Barrett and Roland P. Robinson. N. T. Plumbing Co., TtL 30. Night. FVH. MIKOR MESTIOS. Davis sells drugs. Stockert sells cigars. A store for men "Be no's." Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 4CS B y. Celebrated Mats on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal tings at LeHert'a, u Broadway. 14-K and 1 K wedding rings at LeOrt's, 00 Broadway. W. K. Bernard of St. Joseph la the guest of O. G. Butts and family. Twenty per cent discount sale oa picture framing. Alexander's. 331 B'way. a'i Aiuiun ' i Auanur, 11., is uic Kuril f MlM EtneJ cKlk of tkland .venue. Mrs. J. C. Norton snd daughter, Miss Ida. have gone to California to spend the winter. Mr. snd Mrs. M Wollman and son are arranging to go to California to spend the winter. ssiss aavw nnam oi voiuraao ppnnn, , Colo . te the guest of Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Sixth avenue. ' For Bale One Radiant Home base burner, j good aa new. only to Oole-Hre.stord . tiardwars company, 41 ti. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reed of Cumberland. Ia are visiting City Auditor F. L Evans and family enroute from a visit In Mis souri. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the board of the Council bluffs Woman's club will be held Friday afternoon In the club rooms. Mrs. C. E. Van Court of Chicago, for merly Miss Kittle Ogaen of this city, is the guest of Miss WtcKham of South Sev enth street. For rent. jQlce room, ground floor; one of the moat central locations In tne busi ness portion ef tbe city. Appiy to The tx-f -' city. Misses Pearl and Edna Geise of Nrola : " snu Mies Cecilia mig of Denmark, la., aa one calling lor discussion in me puipii are guests of Mis Marie Geise of Wain- u,, by agreement a concerted effort was tngten avenue and Franc street j mm(Je to arotl,e a healthy public sentiment ho'r reshtaT i that would back up the county official, an sect Exterminator Manu.actunng company, j courts In probing the matters to the bot Councii Mluir. la. i eiepaone -t. tom. There Is a general belief that rolten- KT' I J- Urookes, rector of Grace Evis- i . has. prevailed In the administration of copal church, and wile have taken apa.t- " ' . y ., .... nients temporarily at the nome u Mr. and Jutlce for some time and that the time Mrs. W. a. Hue oa Washing ion avenue. J Is -Ipe for a thorough bouse cleaning here. The funeral of the Infant son of Mr. and I Mrs. Chris Jensen waa held yesterday rowTp" rtirzzv. ! terr. I Chief of Polics Tlbblts is home from Junction City. Kan., ahere he mited reia- lives Wliuo mere Cluef 1 lObits took in th, military maneuvers at Fort Klley an.j . L, . T x-. t. .. a. . . iiiru uiv VFKjy m ui v. um La ii 7 l. r ilij niiu regimeni. lows niuonai umra. w?Jj't physical culture Separtment will meet eoneiay anernoon ana ine nouKOma The city council will meet this evening In adjoun.fd icgulor session. The meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers a&o.-aUi In will go to Ked Csk This was practically decided upon by the executive committee at the cios" of the meftinc here Saturday. Coun cil Bluffs bas entertained the annual meet- ' Ul 01 lhe "ut,mUo,, ,or the UM touT j rears. : 1 1 ' ..1 , k Ill leave November 1 for Portland. Ore., where he will make h' ,!!u"''r " .'p'Jri. ui"'f, the Cnlen Pacific on the Pacinc ctat, waa 1 Boiiucsj ors-aniaaiion ana csnainaies on me county tU kets hire been invited to address t it Tuesday evenii.g. Jcbn Booth, a resident of Council Bluffs ' hr. 1SALL d.efl vmiMiv mirnm m Ik. I honi. of hi. daughter Mr. . Ali . Btork! 207 Harrison street He aaa US rear, cf "1 jTMr. nfM &flLn a. C. Stois; of this city, Mrs. w . .T nf iv,.. w.v mJ v V i7. , of New York City and Mrs. J. J Baner 01 ivans -ny. ana one son. jonu A. ! 'th lhU w- , choree FrrlU a veteran of the civil war. i A .1 . , .H - - r. m . ft U , . . . . street, aaed . vears He was a men .her of the I ni"B eteran leginn nd the lnde- pendent Ord-r of CMi Fellows. Hi. wife ; and step-daunltier. Miss U Ntv!r, survive hl 11 Juneral will be heid Tueadav lafiernoon at 1 SO o'clock from the residence , and will be under the auKplce. of the Odi ; Felloes. Interment will te in Fairview i ctmeterr- Farewell te Departing Paster. Hl'HOS. 8 D.. Oct. S Opeciil V-Rev. IH S. Wilkinson snd family departed foe Mitchell rrlday morning. Mr. Wilkinson has filled the pulpit of the Methodist church here for the past three years with much rid. snd satlefaction. and goes to Mitch- eiI , taVe tbe pastorate of the Methodist . eaurrb ef that city. A farewell reception wa, -iven In their honor Thursday even- lrg A Urge number were preaent and addresses were snada by Captain Phil Law. rence snd the Hon. H, 8 Mouser. to which Mr. Wilkinson responded. The Methodist pui,,it here will be filled by Rev. T H Your.gwisn. who cornea from Mitchell. Ceaeral Hasalltaa ta Oa Haas. NET TORK, Oct -Ueutenart General Sit Iaa S- M. Hatnilioa. K C. B.. euar - trrmostee general of the Brttiah army, who s been vlaitlng Canada and the I'nited rtes r a month. Is booked to sail oa Kvfrr Wtlhelia l)er Groaee. which leaves i Tuaay for Plymouth. Cherbourg aad lire men. rrwaalaeat Peaple Arrive. KtW TORK. Oct. SL Among the pas- aereera wha arrived todav on Arabic trm Uverr4 and Oueenstown were Richard I CmJIWo Juha A. Hoi slra Colonel W. P. Otter. C. B . and Re ev. H enry T. acuddrr. i all Rivala. No eerra. lotloa. balm ee est aaa eampara with Backlaa's Arasoa Salve lur kaAUag It kills pala. Cwras or mm pay. Sae, ffWf aaki by kaha SU, HOLD SECOND CONVENTION Will Try to Complsto Bobb tor sl Tick it ia Iowa District. DOCTOR INOCULATED WITH TETANUS Cerraptlea Dlscaeeeel la Dri Melaes Palplts lews Cearts Will ray fsr Dlstaraaeat Pi lace. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Oct. 5. (Special.) The second convention of the republicans of the senatorial district comprising the counties of Bremer and Butler will be held In Shell Rock on Monday. The convention was held nearly two months ago and resulted In the nomination of W. N. Larkln over E. W. Snesbe. There Is not much doubt that what happened waa that two of the dele gates who hsd been selected by Mr. Soesbe his personal representatives deliberately c"1 thrlr ballots for the other man. and th the whole plot was well understood ,n advance and expected by the delegates from Bremer, the smaller of the two counties. The State Ballot board refused to place the name of Larkln on the ballots. Now the delegates have been called together again, as It Is held that this Is the oniy much trouble has been raised over the matter and some third party will be nomi nated. It Is regarded aa probable that Senator Craig will be the nominee, though be declined to stand as a candidate before all other nominations have been made and the lists of nominations have been certified out to the county officials, but In case a nomination is made In thia district th correction can be made on the ballots before 'they are printed. A similar case has never before come to the attention of the authori ties of the state. Remarkable Case ( Leekjaw. Dr. L. V. Rood, a practitioner of this city. Is suffering from what Is believed will develop Into a case of lockjaw or tetanus. Last week he waited on a boy, who died of tetanus and some of the poison was com municated to the doctor's hand. A swelling followed and he Is regarded aa In a danger ous condition. Tbe boy's case waa equally remarkable. He and another boy were playing In tbe yard when he waa struck on . ... . . . , . . "e forehead wrtn a toy wmpiaan. ."s abrasion of the (kin followed and nothing T&a done to heal It aa It waa regarded its in-teniflcant- The matter grew worse anJ a case of lockjaw followed from which tbe boy died. r reaches mm Cerraptlae. Nearly every minister of the gospel In the central churches of the city today re ferred more or less directly to tbe Indict ment of township officials by the grand Jury oa charges affecting their official In tegrity. The matter has aroused a great deal of attention even though the evidence was procured from sources that throw aoroe doubt, on its authenticity. Tbe ministers of l .. ail uAMfaBi4 tHeh atllheaWt Atteraey Fees la Dtsearsseat cases: - though there Is no law dlrecUy to that 1 effect, attorneys mutt be paid when they apf r , proute In disorment cases. ! ., .m itn ,nv where ' Tee case came from Ham.lton county where . ik. 1 . . 1 IJ.-att at tawl a gc lttnrTiV j urc ltz guuc ijm, - in proaccuuntr two lawyer- i ne omw -t persons, who been admitted I to the practice of law, but have, by mls- conduct, forfeited the right to pursue the profession, is as much a matter of public concern as the defense of those who are charged with crime." sys the court. "A disbarment proceeding Is not necessarily In the Interest of members of tbe legal profession, but In the interest of those 1 who. desliiaa" to have the services of an j attorney, may be misled to their Injury. or defrauded In employing a dlsquauned 1 or dishonest attorney, by reason of the c,ton of the "'"e ,n "drnttlng him to ,-- , k..k. iniii hJnniiif him practice, thereby impliedly Indorsing him aa one to whom legal business may be prop erly entrusted. When the state under takes to regulate tbe admission of at torneys to practice In the courts It thereby assumes a duty to see to It that unworthy and incompetent persons are not held out to the public by its Indorsement ss quali fied to transact legal business. Other mem bers of the profession, fetUng a Justifiable nriA. in tVe renutxtinn and standln at the t'rld" w tbe rutuoa na etanamg or the prortssion may reause more acutely per- haps than the public In general the . ... . i ...,kit - j . . lu "w - . . trace 10 tne otner roemoer. e. me 1 llTl XiJlZ ' ' " " J I""' s yi..i. w 1 apparently, provided for In any way a. a . ,h- i..v .,rf M . ' " - i reason wny an attorney required oy tne court to discharge tbe duty of as: ta uiklng away from a brother attorney . . w - ; who uohy of the trust him, the right to further rec imposed la recognition by public authority, as an f ..,. .. ; render such services at h ( attorney, should his own expense. After aa Atteraey Fee. An Interesting suit la to be tried In Fort ""s lnI " I or attorney -JV a- la a case WHICH llad peculiar ending in the supreme court, Th hrm hd "a ngaged aa attorneys ; f Vr- Bophia Oleson In a breach of Promise suit against John Anderson, on a contingent fee, and Judgment was secured tar 91.m. Ths case waa appealed by An- raon te the svprerae court and had been , fullT argued orally to that court. But ' Anderson, without consulUng attorneys. ; thought to en the cses and put a stop Chief Justice Bishop In the supreme court j with Mrs. Olesoa and asked htm to marry 1 them. He refused, but they were married immeciate.y anerwaroa tne appeal .was dismissed. Now the payment ef the attorney fee ft resisted by Mr. and Mra. .-a .,. k- L,,., anderson, and suit will be brought la court on that ease. The following perse ns ware suecassful la exasalnaUens Before the Stata Phar macy board and win receive cartlaeatea as registered druggists: I Jamas A. tfoeale. Earlvlllei Samuel C. hh. Nevada; L. K. Cwflwar, IVs i m wuiam v, MncM. lTm : I.. R. eUdnMre. Palrneid: K K. Pearson. Kart- hi: J T. Remoa. Ked Oak: J. M Hia dale. Masoa City I R. P. Kstrlun, Mulnwj J. Clare VUlrt Vtclareet: Mai Hruwa Monrua; PrsBk C A llaa,; Aimw T.. riTetth, Maeoa O' t ! EMware C. Al:iaea Wtutinr; Juha A Krt-aa. slssao C!iy; l A. Ki U a. AnCita: Harry Wast. turn Motnce; John L Beaa. Audubaa: C. D. Poo worth, Msd-M: T. R- Smmmers. Va Meter; Liod . Wilson. Lake City. PLAN A FLOOD CF ORATORY epahllcaa Dwctrlae ta Se Preached fresa Haay Platfarmo ta the Cess I a W eek. (From a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES, OrL 3. (Special.) Nu merous republican meetings will be held throughout the state durrrg the coming week, which Is the last of the campaign. Governor Cummins, Senator Dolllver. Sec retary Shaw and practically all of the congressmen will matt speeches. Several of the congressmen will spend all their time in their own districts, but three or four of them expect to make some speeches In other districts. Congressman Cousins, who has thus far made no speeches In his own district, will spend all of the coming week there. In addition to the speakers who have been at work throughout the cam paign, a large n amber of others have been assigned for meetings during the coming ek. Manager A. F. Dawson, of the Speakers' Bureau, has arranged one of the best weeks of republican meetings that has ever been arranged for a campaign In Iowa in any other than a presidential year. In addition to the meetings arranged by Mr. Dawson, many counties have arranged for a series of meetings by local speakers. These will prove very effectual In arousing Interest and la getting out the vote- The following is a list of the meetings that havt been arranged by the state committee for the coming week: A. B. Cummins October 26, afternoon. Pella; Octooer 27. afternoon, Creston; Oc tober . afternoon. Washington; October 29. afternoon. Mount Pleasant; October evening. Cedar Kapids; October XI. evening. Davenport; November 2, afternoon. Ma qui ike ta; evening. Clinton. J. P. Dolllver October 2. eveninr. Eld rlrtr; October 30. evening. Dea Moines; November 2. evening. Dayton. , Leslie M. Shaw October JS. afternoon, Leoo; evening. Ottumwa. B. P. Blrnsall October 2. evening. Na shua; October a. evening. Whitlemore; October 3. evening. Pocahontas. R. G. Cousins October as. evening. Wv oming; October. 27. evening, Vinton; Oc tober, rx. evening. Grundy tenter; October 2s. evening. Mtate Center; October SO. even ing. Cedar Rapids; October Si. evening, Tipton. J. F. Lacey October 3. evening. Mtir tins burs;; October 2. evening. Birmingham; October SO. evening. South Ottumwa; Oc tober Jl. evening, AJbla. J. A. T. Hull October 2fi. evening. Roland; October Tl evening. Maxwell, October evening. Slater, October Si. evening, Mit chellville. Welter I. Smith October 26. evening. Bray ton; October 27. evening, Kimballton; October , evening, Manilla; October 30, evening. AUantlc; October 3, evening, Greentleld. J. P. Connor October S8. evening. Have lock; October 27. evening. Varina; October 0. evening. Randall. M. D. O Conneli October 3S. evening. Du mont: October 27. evening. Alden; October 2s. afternoon. Marshalltown; October 9, evening. Lake Mills; October 30, evening, Bancroft. M. Lv Temple October 2C. afternoon. Nea Providence; October 27, evening. Radcllffe; October 2. evening. Plover; October 28, evening. Laurens; October 3. evening. Sutherland; October H. afternoon. Paul ina. D. J. Palmer October !S. evening. Lone Tree: October 27. evening. Ladora. J. M. Bren ton October 2. evening. Ko sata; October 27, evening, Millersburg; Oc tober 2S, evening. North English; October 29. evening. Oxford: October SO. evening. Wilton Junction; October 3L evening. De Witt. B. F. Carroll October 28, evening. Keller ton. 8. H. Hedrlx October St. evening. Oak ley. J. V. Sammls October 27. evening. Maple ton; October 28. evening, Smlthland; Oc tober 29. evening. Anthon; October SO. even ing. Alton; October Si, evening, Ocheye dan. Shirley Gilllland October 5. evening. Henderson; October 2. evening. Emerson. C G. Saunders of Council Bluffs October 36. evening. Henderson. S. P. Miles October 2. evening. "Bancroft; October hi. evening, Burt. S. H. Harper October 2s. evening. Dahl onegal; October 31. evening. Blakeburg. J. T. Brooks of Hedrick October XI. evening. Blakesburg. E. H. Hubbard October Si. evening. Charter Oak; October 27, evening, t'te; October 2s. evening. Klngsley; October SO. evening, bioux ttapias A. w. Buchanan October 27 Keb. evening. Will H. Adams October 27. evening, Paton; October 2S. everilng. Robertson; Oc tober 29. evening. Buckeye; October 30, evening. Cooper. ' S. D. RJniker of Rock Rapids October 58. evening. Harris; October is. erening.-Mel- vin. Simon Fisher or Rock Ranids October 2. evening. Boyden; October 27, evening. Hoi pers. N. E. KendaU of Albla-October 27. een Inr. Grlnne'.L Vlrtor B. Dolllver of Fort Dodge Oc tober 3S. eveninr. Hawkeve: October 27. evening. Clarksvllle; October 2S. evening. Gladbnick: CK toter 29. evening. ElJora ; Octier 31. evening. Barnum; November 2, evening. Liehirh. L. F. Sutton of Clinton October 29, even ing. Bennett. Charles M Dutcher of Toas City Oc tober 28 evenine. Iowa township; Otober 29. evening. Pilot Center; October SO. even ing. Uncoln Center; octooer jl, evening, Riverside Sidney A. Post er October 56. vnlng. Mount Arr: October 27. evening, vlarinds October 2V evening. Malvern; October 2S. evening Exira. John T. Stone October 2S. evening, Emer snn. Genrge C. Siott October 28. evening, S-tth'and: Octnier IS. evening. Anthon. Fred W. Myers Ocloiier 2. evening. Palmer: October 27 evening, ware; Cc. tober 28. evening. Bradgate; October 29, .vnlnr. Tbor. P A. Smith October 27. evening pilot Mound: October 7 evening. Farlln; Oo uir sii eveninr. Cooper. W H. Bvers of Hnrlsn October 28 even inr. Akron; Ocfber 27. eveninr. Merrill; B erenlnr. Prtmrnsr: October 29, evening. Pomeroy; October 30, evening, Ne- A. E. Kerrford "f Ida Grove October 28. evening. Pe-sla: October t. eventne. Buck nr.-iv- Oct"Vr 3 eveninr. Dow City. I 8 Stmb'e Ootoler 27. evening. Siblev; Octoher 2. eveninr. Sanborn; October 23, eveninr. Ppirit Lake. Ole O. Roe October 2, evening. Garden rit B. I. Salinger October SO, evening. Dy sart. r. H. Van I .aw October St. evening. Zear- irr. Iafe Tonnr October SO. eveninr. AtL"1c. David Brant tvtofer ever"'ir. v u lis hury Vober SI evening. Victor. Waller M Dsvis Oi 'nier ?7. eveninr. La dors - October 28. everlng. Pilot Miund. John Morrison Octuber IL evening, Blad. efblirg. R F Pmuty October 38. Pnlk Cltv; Oc tober 27. Gnnrf'l' Ov-tober 28, Enterprise fw.trtUr ?9 Runnells. j. A. Dver October . CoI!!ns: October Su. Rhodes. Nave Fearsboro. CHILDREN ARE RECOVERED Sewth Dsheta lastltetlea Takes Thesa frass Mather aad Will Preee- rate Ahdactara. BIOCX FALLS. S. D.. Oct. 3.-'6 pedal r- The three children of Mrs. Farmer cf Can ton. who were kidnaped by the mother from the Children's home of this city, have re turned to tbe home. Mrs. Farmer returned to Canton with Uena. Deputy E he riff Crooks of thia city secured the children, but not until after aa exciting experience. Tbe mother endeavored to Induce ber neighbors to mob the officer, but with tbe aid of County Judge Cuthbert of Lincoln county, Deputy Crouks was able te secure posses aloo of the children. Superintendent Eh err a rd of the Children's home has sworn out warrants for the ar rest of Sadie and Wllmct Richardson, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Richardson, well known residents of Sioux Falls, for their alleged connection with the kidnaping. It Is alleged that Sadie Richardson took the eldest Farmer girl away from an assistant who bad them la charge by force, and that Wllmot Richard sea waa the person who remained la tbe buggy while Mrs. Fanner entered the Bast Side school, which ber children were attending, and seeored poseeasloa ef the other two children. What Makes Sakr Un. The pure. rWh blood saade by Dr. King's Hew Life PtUa. They promote beauty, give clear skla. rosy chaos., She. For sale ky SCaaa Oa. ifiTAIMBCi E Three-f cm rtha of the food eaten contains starch. Tbe first process ef digestion to tbe rotreersJoa of starch Into dextrine. W require starch, bat when foods ccttaioior. aa excess are contioaoualy eaten a cof la the first wheel of tbe digestive machine to knocked out and the olbrr wheels of tbe machine soon, ia svrEpatb-r, tbe wboke pmceaa of diceerioa gnea rroBf , causlny; tbe comioooest form of indigestion starch dyspepsia. Most of tbe ao-caUed breakfast foods contaia aa excess of starch, while D o Is twice baked at a high temperature so as to destroy tbe excess of Pahtablo lufritious Easy of Digestion My etgwataee ea stryssssajv. Dr. Price, th creator ef Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Delicious Flavoring Extracts, A awak bowk awataiaiaf 7S ax sen sat rwoeJsta far walaa the Feed sMllew free to gavy aeareaa. Prepared by PRICE CEREAL FOOD COniPAHY. Chicago, Illinois. MINING IN TIIE BLACK BILLS SfEfstioDkl BiJcoTry at Clever Leaf Com- pacy's Uncle Esm Uice. PURE GOLD BARS AS 6IG AS A FINGER Weaderfal Strike Said Sarpass Aaythlag Ever Seea la a Mlalas Casap Special fiaards M atch the Prwperty. DEAD WOOD, 8. D , Oct. 5. (Specials- One of the richest discoveries of free gold ever made in any mining region la re ported from the Uncle Sam mine of the Clover Leaf Mining company at Poubaix. The strike was made last Friday night and since that time many thousands of dollars worth of the tlch i re have been removed and on account of the great Quan tity of metallic gold exposed in much of the rock tbe corrpany has deemed It wise to place g-uarda over the ore, both on tbe level where It is mined fcna on the top. Thia ia to prevent the carrying away ef any of the rich pieces. Tbe ore waa found on tbe C00-foot level. Fragments of the ore as large aa a man's hand have been taken out In which there seemed more gold than quarts. It ia not uncommon, so It is claimed, to see pieces of ore In which bars of the pure gold as large aa a man's finger protruded. A mod erate fortune could be carried away in a few pounds. The report of the discovery has produced something of a sensation. A number of men who have seen the selected speci mens U.ken out during the last few days announce that It surpasses in richness anything they have ever seen. These were mining men of wide experience. It can not be determined at this time .bow much ore there is. any more than If can be de- term!ned bow much ore the Homestake has thead. It ia sufficient to know that the Clover Leaf company is at last in a fair way to gain some return for the targe amount of money It has Invested In tbe development and Improvement of this property- hated far Its Rich Oreo. Tbe Uncle Dam mine has for many years been renowned for the richness of its ore. Many of the most beautiful specimens of j rree gold quarts taken irora tne uiacx Hills have been found in thia mine and have been scattered tar and wide aa testi monials to tbe richness of the Black Hills' gold resources. It is conceded by every one who has seen ore from the new strike that It la of surpassing richness and beauty. The Dakota Gold Mining and MlUI'ig company will begin the removal of Its cyanide plant from Deadwood to tbe mine near Portland immediately. The mill build ing at Deadwood will be torn down and a new building erected on the new site, into bich the present material will be taken as soon aa possible. The work of excavating and ' laying foundations will be pushed with all dispatch and If possible tbe new mill completed some time this winter. If the cold weather Interferes with the hand ling of cement and mortar, then it will be ccmpleted as soon aa tbe weather will permit in tbe spring. lhe site decided upon for tbe plant la on the Lucy ground between the spurs of ths Burlington and Northwestern railroads that cross the Dakota territory. Water for the plant will be obtained from two sources. Squaw creek and Annie creek. At the present stare of -Squaw creek it will furnish, accoidlng to careful measure ments, eighteen gallons per minute, and the company's plant only requires twelve gallons. Almost as much may be obtained from Annie creek, which heads on the Da- I kota ground. This water will be raiaed j to thetplant with pumps. WUI Slak ta ttaartslle. Tho Dakota company will also begin a shaft for the purpose of sinking te quarts Its at once. This shaft will be started at a point near tbe proposed new mill site anJ la designed as the principal source from which ore will be taken for the mill. Here tofore all ore mined by the company has been taken from the upper measures on or near the surface and no quartxlle explora tion has been carried on. It ia estimated that quartxile Uaa a depth In that locality approximately .) feet. John Blatchford. mine superintendent for the Oolden Reward and possibly more familiar with the quarts Ite measures of Bald mountain than any other Individual, haa advised the Dakota company to sink and gives It aa his opin ion that good bodies of ore will be found. Mr. Blatchford is firm In his belief that the ore sone found at or near Terry extends beyocd the Dakota territory and that it should be found to carry just aa much and Just as good ore as It does further to the southeast. While the Dakota company haa a world of ore la its upper measures, it Is believed that thia is only aa index to the quantity to be found on quart site and. according to all practice and experience, the latter should be cf superior quality. Maeklaerr far t yaatde Pleat. TERBT. S. D Oct. -BpeciaL-Tbe ' first carload of machinery for the new cnayide plant of Lund berg. Dorr and Wil son, haa arrived and steads on the track waiting to be unloaded. The mill building ia completed and all ntachlnery haa been purchased. Aa soon aa It arrives it will only be a saattar ef putting It ta place and the plant will he ready for commission. The plant ia designed to treat the errs ef the Big Bonaaso aad Buxtua mines, ownej , hr Jofca Laiadberg, J. V. M. Dorr end A. I mmm EI ii JJi rJHEAT FLAKE CSLERV D. Wilson. The plant Is going up on the hillside, a short distance below the Bux ton, and ore from that mine will be trammed directly Into the top of the mill. The owners expect to begin immediately upon excavations for the receiving bin. Ore from the Big Bonanza will be conveyed to the mill by aerial tramway, about 1.000 feet long, across the gulch. The tramway will be built w;th only one span, and will be about 100 feet high over the wagon road, where It crosses the gulch. Tbe mil bin will be about loo feet above the bottom of the gulch. Tbe cable will be operated by power, as there Is only fifteen feet dif ference in elevation between the mine and mill bins. The plant is planned to operate on a -ery economical system. From the time the ore is delivered it should not be touched until it is carried out to tbe tail ings dump. Power for the plant will be supplied by the Kelt Electric Light and Power company of Lead by electrical trans mission. Bear Batte Prosalaea Well. GALKNA. S. D.. Oct. 2S (Special.) There is an encouraging outlook for mining in the Br Butte district or the Black Hills this autumn and the owners of prop erty in this section are confident that their long deferred hopes are about to be re alized In a few months the Ruby Gold Mining and Milling company will be running a new mill In Ruby gulch, a short distance from Galena, and the Branch Mint Mining com pany will have a cyanide plant In operation In the same vicinity. It Is also asserted that the Gilt-Edge-Matd company has under way plans looking to the completion of a mill In Strawberry gulch for the treatment ef Its ore. Tbe Ruby company will Install the amal gamation process. Tbe building is situated on a hill side where excavations have been made of four benches. Is completed, roofed with corrugated iron and sided with heavy building; paper. The general manager ia now In the southwest for tbe purpose of looking into the merits of various mills. It has been decided to put in Chili mines, but which type Is not yet known. The Gilt-Edge-Maid is owner of the well known Dakota Maid and Gilt Edge mines, the former having belonged to the estate of the late Joseph King and tbe latter to the Specie Payment company. HORN MAKES FiNAL APPEAL Writes ta Witnesses Agalast Hiss Asklag Thesa to Re- e:.t. CHETENNE. Wj o.. Oct. S (Special ) Tom Horn, the condemned murderer of Willie Nickell and sentenced to be hanged on November 20, is, aa a last resort, writ ing letters to the leading witnesses for the state who gave damaging testimony against him. Frank Mulock of Denver and Charles Ohnhaus of Cheyenne have al ready received letters and Horn has writ ten to his friends to see other witnesses personally and get them to make affidavit, that their testimony at the trial was false Horn's letter to Ohnhaus is dated October 3. and opens as follows: "I was informed by the sheriffs and my lawyers that tbe supreme court had refused to grant me a new trial and that I was to be hanged on November X. Now. sir, I am going to make an appeal to you to act In my be half and It Is certainly not much that I ask only that you make affidavit to tbe facta In this supposed confession of mine." Horn then takes up the confession para graph by paragraph and after asking why Ohnhaus left out certain portions of the conversation he had with L&Fors. he de nies having made the statement that "It was the best shot and the dirtiest trick I ever done." lie also denies the talk rela tive to placing a stone under the head of Willie Nickell and leaving It there as bis sign for the collection of his money. In writing tbe letter to Ohnhaus. H to LOW S OK fill T EaD rnmciico' 1x38 Angeles, ZuiUl) Seattle, Tacoma,and Portland, Ore. $22.50 To Spokane. $20.00 To Batte, Salt Lake. liMitM !!lii!ir J. B. REYNOLDS, CITY PAtSIMGCR AQENT, 1502 FARHAM STREET. OMAHA. starch and render It and Read to Eat evidently forgot that on tbe witness stand he himself admitted that the en-:re con versation was correct. He did not i '.mem ber saying anything about the lest shot and the dirties '.rick, etc., but said that if Ohnhaus had It In his notes he had no doubt but that he had said It. Horn charges that Ohnhaus probably rot a sum of money for making his not', to fit ths case. He closes with an appeal to Ohnhau to come forward and save his life on the ground that he, Horn, never harmed Ohn- hauN and that unless he does this he will never be happy through life, knowing that he took Horn's life, when by telling the truth be could have saved it. Hearts Speaks la Pawnee. PAWNEE CITY. Neb, Oct. 3.-(Special ) C. T. Res vis. republican for Judge of the First district, tpoks in the opera house this af ernoon on political Is sues to a large and appreciative audience. A Bart Sever Harts. After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is sp elled. Kelleves piln :ntanUy and heals at ths same time. For . or beast. Price. , FORECAST 0FJHE WEATHER Premise of Fair for Monday aad Taesday, with Wamser Taeeday. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2L Forecast; For Nebraska and South Dakota: Fair, Monday and Tuesday; warmer. Tuesday. For Iowa: Fair and cooler, Monday; fair and warmer. Tuesday. For Illinois: Fair and cooler, Monday; brisk, north winds; Tuesday, fair and i warmer. For Missouri: Fair and cooler. Monday: Tuesday, fair- and warmer. For North Dakota: Fair and wanner. Monday and Tuesday. ... ; For Kansas and Colorado:-'- Fair. Mon day and Taesday. - " For Wyoming and Montana: Fair, Mon day and Tuesday. - Loeal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. Oct. 15. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years. 131 ijrrj. i!. Maximum temperature.... 7S 75 74 Minimum temperature.... 44 51 82 M Mean temperature i ( M Precipitation T .0 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this duy and since March 1. Normal temperature , 4 Kxcesa for the day S Total excess since March 1 30 Normal precipitation 7 Inch ix-nciency for the day 07 Inch Precipitation since March 1 30.44 Inches Excess since March 1 S Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1W.... Z.sstncbe , Deficiency for cor. period. lyut.... inches Be ports frosa Statloaa at T P. M. CONDITION OF THI WEATHER. Om.hs. clear Valentine clear Nrth Platte, clear "beyenne, cle.r Salt Uk' City, clear.. Rapid City, near Huron, clear WilHston. Hear Chicag'i. clear St. Iuis, clear PL Paul, cle.r Davenport, clear Kansas (ity, clear.... Havre, clear Hrli-ra. ltar Hifmarrk. clear Ualveatnn, tieur t T indicates truce of precipitation. L. A, WELSH. Local Forecaster RATES Anaconda, Helena and wJISs. !i f f Nil li Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points. Call or write (or folder firing foil tnfomatlon. Thro' cars to Bas rraoclaco. Log A teles aad fteatUa. LiLL iV HZ . S4 b .) a 7 . f M' as . r re . 5 'I uSi ,iO bZ M .an li.'- 74 ' W . S4 M' . s 7 . s: m . ft: . 4 ec . 4 : .