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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
f.1 he Omaha Sunday PART I. g PAGES 1 TO 10. t Bee ESTARUSnED JUNE 19, 187L OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, OCTOBEIJ 23, 1903 THIRTY-SIX fAGES. SINGLE COVY FIVE CENTS. I it lUiMUNCES A LEGACY ) Pop Flu EefTntf to IVabl.ah Eis Eight to Property in Court of Justlo t Maannm-n may be prisoner but short time Font fT AoDoacoei Hie Intention to Ho ' Longer Bemain Behind" Wall , WAITS FOR ITALY TO INSURE SAFETY Has Premised to Visit tb Monastery of ' 8alnt Cecelia. i MERRY DEL VAL'S SELECTION NOT LIKED p ' Italian PrM Taulmoailr TJnfavor- able, Hew iMrctarr of Stat I , m Foretgaer and If ot rrloadly j to Government. L X .Copyright, 1KB, by Pres Publishing Co.) ? ROME, Oct 24. (New York World Ca ': blegrnm Special Telegram.) In the last j' ear of tha pontificate of Leo XIII a ,-ioapoIltan priest left all hla property, ' mounting to about half a million lire, to .ib pupa, who acoeptcd the gift, not ex i peeling any opposition. The priest' rela f, tive. however, eonteated tha will, and ,t while Leo lay dying the oourta decided In ; favor of the pope. After the election of Flu x the relative resumed their fight and M. Fartlarea, the lawyer representing the Holy Sea, came to Rome for Instruc tion and a written authorisation to con tinue to defend tha papal rights. Plus X, boweyor, after obtaining Information regarding thee relatives and their finan cial condition, decided to send to the court, through the archbishop of Naples, an un conditional written renunciation of all hla right In favor of the poor relatives, who wera contenting the will. The court acted js, mo expresses wisn or in pope ana I Tkllowed the property to b distributed. . May Oo Oat of Vatloaa. I Tha announcement made on tha very 'lay of the election of tha new pope, that Pius X did not Intend to follow the policy of his predecease toward the Italian gov ernment, by remaining a prisoner in the Vatican, has received confirmation on sev eral occasions. Pius X has made known his decision to his sisters and relatives, whom he dlreotly authorised to make the statement public, that h intends to come out of tha Vatican as soon as the neces sary arrangements for his safeguard are made by the Italian government, with which Mgr. Merry del Val la arranging tha details. It Is believed that this Important change of policy will b seen next month, when Pius X has declared ha will pay a visit to tha monastery of Saint Cecilia, In Traste vero, whose inmates are Benedictine nuns, tinder tha strictest role of enclosure. Car dinal Rampolla Is the protector of tha order and on tha Feast of Saint Cecilia, November 28, ha usually presides at the pontifical mass. It to not Improbable that Pius X will assist In person at tha celebra tion as a apodal mark of regard to the nuns, who, of all the religious Institutions of Roma, have been especially devoted to tha Holy Sea under preceding popes. Dliilike Hew Secretary. The nomination of Mgr.' Merry del Val as secretary of stats, though not unex pected, has created great excitement, the Italian preaa being unanimously unfavor able, not fjnly because the new papal premier Is a foreigner, but because under the reign of Lao XIII ha gave many evi dences of being opposed to a liberal policy toward Italy. Austria, whose government a few weeks ago rejected hla nomination aa nuncio to Vienna, la also considered to be hostile to the young prelate, while In the sacred college many of the cardinals are openly making oaustlo comments ajid criticism regarding the selection of so young a man for on of the most Important office of the church. Th new secretary of state will need all the tact and diplomacy he can command to keep hla position long In th fac ot suoh open hostilities on the part of many of th moat prominent prelate of th curia, who will at least attempt to make his tenure of offlc rather disagreeable. Another promotion recently made by the 0"w pop was that of Mgr. Blaletl as Xi.;:$m0' an offlc which involve ... vi"" authority over th Vatican palace. f A Jgr. Blsletl ha been devoted to hi I ' I lutles aa maestro dlcamera sine the ao I I eaalon of th new pope and. although the j J lemocratlo manner of Plus X and his """ aim sxciusiveness up- et many of the long standing traditions if th Vatican, he never opposed the new i oilcy and allowed every one who so ' vlshed to hav eaay acoeas to the pontiff. H Mgr. Caglano Dl Asavedo, the preceding najordomo, although a little disappointed it not obtaining th dignity of cardinal, fhlch I customarily given to the ma i ordomo after a few years of service, is V tatisfled that Plua X has still th highest 1. egurd for him nd the service he has t endered to the late pope. I' Piu X has revived the office of prefect t f the apoatollo palace (long In abeyance), knd Mgr. Caglano has been appointed to t i position, which carries out the long herished Idea of Piu X of centralizing all 1 he Vatican administrations under one lead. The new perfect of the palace will i ve supreme control of the Interior f nancea or me Vatican, th paying of iiane and th settling of all accounts, iu uniting In on ofln th several de triments. arraives Open t Btadeat. The Vatican archive, which contain th oat important historical documents In any rarv In th world, have Just been thrown en by Piu X for the investigation of j dents. For centuries this important eol- ... . . x 'tion of documents have been Jealously I wuwiuq inspection ana it was ly recently that Leo XIH allowed a few ivlleged personages to peruse th treas m contained In the Vatican collection, i X has don even mor and hereafter ;ry student will hav a to Wje ough this sea of historical information, tie Vatican archives occupy thirty-six ms in tne rear of the palace and con- n an tne documents relating to nuncio ,1 papal envoys, many autograph letters j" kings and emperors, the draft of f Utle with foreign government, the or 'cial acts of the many councils of th ; irch and many of the most Important ; -umerits regarding the hist jry of nations. Is because of these Important archives t Germany, France and Auatria have sly established In Rome schools of learn- whee students of history may come J be near this remarkable collection. .1 1 'lie portion of the archives will, however. kept strictly closed to public Inspect i vn. This Is the one which contalna all I document of holy office n, .i,.,. ' ' - u.lul .U- (Continued oa Fifth Pag,) VISIT EXPENSIVE TO KING Altaoaah the Oaest of th Katloa, Itallaa Moaarca ' Ipeat f,000 a Day. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct. 24 -(New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Although King Emmanuel of Italy was the feuest of the French nation he did not And his stay In this cspltal cheap, lie gave $10. UW for the poor of Paris and $i,0W) for the Italian poor here. This, added to the sum he spent for Jewelry and watches be gave away aa prea ent at the ministry of foreign affairs, where he was lodged, bring the total to about $26,000. making th visit cost him over $4,000 a day. That 1 mor than most Ameri cans pay, even with the bill of candles In cluded. The Paris papers caused amusement by saying that the queen of Italy, who 1 a Montenegrin princess, gave audience to a deputation of Montenegrin students, al though only bne student from Montenegro is registered in France. This oddity is emphasized by the fact that Montenegro la represented at Paris by two consuls and the Montenegrin colony In the capital num bers four persons. Queen Helen won the feminine hearts by her natural demeanor. She did much to help the Rue d la Palx modistes make popular green as the most modish color for trimming hata the coming seaaon. Henry Rochefort has raised a great out cry In the Intranslgeant against the arbi trary action against individual liberty taken by the French government to pro tect the king of Italy during hi visit here. Hi particular and loudest complaint is be cause Police Prefect Leplne arrested more than 100 persons alleged to be suspicious character th day before the king arrived. CLERK MIXED THE NAMES Wow Kaa Who Desire to Marry Mast Show that n Was Bora. (Copyright 1908, by Pres Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 24. (Now Tork World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The town clerk of Crauxtlle was thoughtless on day away back In 1STS. Tortured by love or a toothache, preoccupied by debt or a rendesvous, the clerk wrote In Crauzille's register: "Born, this day, a child, Eugenia Sauxanet parents" Concerning the parents It matters not The clerk should have written: "Born, a child, Eugene," not "Eugenie." All un conscious of the clerical error the child grew up and ever one called him Eugene. Necessarily when he was old enough he was - conscripted and served his military term, as th army I not particular about first names. Being a handsome man, a young girl fell In love with him and he with her. Everything had been arranged. Mademoiselle Marie' papa and mamma had consented, the amount ot the little dot had been fixed. Pere and Mere Sauvanet wer delighted. Then the wondrous man-lags law of France came Into play. Spinning red tape by th meter, the law examined the civil register of Crausllle and discovered that Eugenie, not Eugene, Sauvanet was born that day In in "How Is It possible for Eugenie to marry Marie?" asked th law, enveloping Itself In red tape absolutely. Now th wedding dress I put away In lavender, mademoiselle discovers herself In tears. It remain for Eugene to prove to th law that it 1 Eugene and not Engenle who burn to marry, and It will take sev eral month to prove this, thanks to tha law's red tape. SIBERIAN RAILWAY IS A FAD British Smart Set Find Trip Over Hew Line I Just the Thin. (Copyright 190S. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Oct U (New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The latest fashionable eras among the English Is to cross Russia to Asia by the Transslberlan railway. Lady Lyster Kaye, formerly Mil Yznaga, and her husband have left with a retinue of servants and stacks of luggage and fur to make the trip. They have planned a six months' excursion, including Japan and returning by way of San Fran cisco. If one want to be right up to date in British smart society he must do the St Petersburg season and the Transslberlan route, if one can afford the extravagant cost The train Is said to be the most luxurious thing ever designed In Europe, and th comfort of traveling on It are re ported to be reduced to fairy tale real 'lo tion. Most Americans here want to make ihe trip, but they live at such a rate that they object to the time It consumes. CARTOONS ON POSTAL CARDS Visit of Royalty to Fraac Ore, toa for Maay Hew Desla-ns. (Copyright 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct. 24. (New Tork World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Th king of Italy' visit brought on a rain of new Illustrated postal cards, running the gamut of-French and Italian colors, In all fash ions Imaginable. There are likewise carica tures of the two heads of government. The favorite one for M. Loubet represents him presenting a. tray of doughnuts of Montelmar, his birthplace, to his royal guest The most significant, perhaps, represents Loubet In feminine attire, dressed as a bride, with wreaths and veil, surrounded by aspirants for his hand. The csar is seen in an attitude of entreaty, hla hands clasped Imploringly. The king of England Is uncomfortably kneeling at his feet, the king of Italy stands opposite him, in be seeching attitude. In the distance Em peror William ofOermany is seen In mili tary attire. CLUB FOR LITERARY WOMEN Oa with Modera Feat ares to Be Opeaed Sooa la I-oadoa. (Cepyrlght. 1303, by Press Publishing Co ) uinuun, uci. ii tisew Xork V Cablegram Special Telegram.) A new World wo th mans literary and sclenytto club, Lyceum win soon oe opened on th Strand under th auspice of th leading women of the day. They Include literary women newspaper writer and authors, black and-unl- white artists, doctors, women with versity degree and th wive of dl tlngulshed literary men. The club Is International and will b rated with the leading clubs of th aa m rnaracter in America and on the c of Europe. In addition to Drovidinc continent meet- Ing place for intellectual women. It will also hav residential quarters at cost moderate LOG OF AN AERONAUT Archduke Leopold Salrator fiiyei Eeoord of Beont Flight in Balloon. GOES FROM PARIS TO NEAR LUBECK Covers Mors Than Tirs Hundred llilei in Remarkably hort Tim. AVERAGED THIRTY-SEVEN MILES AN HOUR Tiip Wat Stopped bj Close Approach to Baltio Sea. SANTOS DUMONT'S BRAZILIAN V SIT Compatriot So Eager ia Their Greet lags to laveator that People Were Injnred la Crash at a Reception. (Copyright 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 24. (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Archduke Leo pold Solvator, a kinsman of Emperor Fran cis Joseph, who expects to compete In the balloon races at the St Louis exposition, kept a log of his recent notable flight of ovor 600 miles from St. Cloud, France, to a poiat near Lubeck, Germany. Here It Is: "Description of the airship: The Centaure, 1,60 cublo meters (166.600 cubic feet), piloted by his royal and Imperial highness, Leo pold Salvator, and Count Henry de la Vaux; assistant pilot. Chevalier de Corvln. Four hundred kilo (about 1,000 pounds) of ballast "Records of the travelers: Th archduke, 23 ascensions: Chevalier de Corvln, S7 ascen sions; Count de la Vaux, 98 ascensions; total, 176 voyages In the air. "We had no determined plan. We wer asking nothing better than to go aa far aa we could and to surpass th other three balloon which had made the ascension l'Oubll, the Aeroclub and th Orient We have succeeded. "Quitting St Cloud at 4 o'clock we leave Mont Valerien at our left and traverse the Seine at Argenteull. At 700 meter (12,300 feet) altitude we pass along tha border of the Olse betweeen Boran and Morlaye. A good wind carries us along rapidly, and at 4:40 p. m. we perceive the Aeroclub, which the Duke and Duchess d'Uses and Jacques Faure occupy. Then we pas the Orient, piloted by Castlllon de St. Victor, accompa nied by Don Jayme de Bourbon. Midnight Hour of crime. We are 1,900 meter (6,200 feet) above a country which appear to us hilly and wooded; no light, no life; one sleeps; It Is like death. At 1 o'clock we pass Ems, then Hunter. Th country that we hav passed must be thickly Inhabited; on all side appear cities, scintillating with thousands and thousands of lights. A great city girdled with a silver river palpitates under th bal loon basket It la Namur an l'Escaut "We mount to 1,300 meters (4,000 feet), per fectly balanced; the moon pierce the clouds, appears, laughs or weeps, but re joices us mightily. Here ws are, then, out side of tha shadows. Th great luminous e enters become rare; we travers silent re gions Ilka deserts, where Immense marshes extend. . - " Hear German Soaa-s. "On that hand there Is a city which es cape us, but it Is celebrating a fete, for w hear, under th Centaure, German music. We recognize the air, a very popular on beyond the Rhine; w hum It W pass the Elbe, the Weser; at our right Is Ham burg. We are very wide awake, for by turns we have taken a nap. "We float under the rain In a thick fog; the moon and compasa Indicate the direc tion; we veer always to the northeast. The barking of dogs and crowing of cocks assure us that we ar still above th earth. But we are near the sea. for we hear tho whistling of the sirens. We traverse a great noisy city, whose nolBes grow dls tant, cease; then the country again, and silence. "A turn of a valve and we descend and are at 200 meters (700 feet) of altitude. A valley, precipitous to a landing, presents Itself; another turn of the valve and the basket comes to earth. The voyage has terminated, and at Kllngberg. commune of Gleschendorff, northeast of Lubeck, duchy of Mecklenburg. It is 8:60 a. m., and we ere four kilometers (two miles and a half) from the Baltic. "Had It not been for the. fog we would have continued, and a we had still 140 kilos (376 pounds) of ballast, we would have gone far. "But we are satisfied with our race, 850 kilometers (528 miles) at sixty kilometers (thirty-seven miles) an hour." Santos-Dumnnt has confided to a friend that he means to attempt to cross the English channel in a balloon. He said so on his return to Paris after hearing of the voyage of his rival. Count de la Vaux. Santos-Damoat la Brasll. It has been learned that the fifteen days he spent In Brasll on his recent visit were as many days of uninterrupted triumphs. The enthusiasm of his countrymen over flowed. Flotillas wer chartered by thou sand to meet him at sea on ar. rival. No gig In the navy was good enough for bringing him to shore, so they took the label off the barge in the museum which iiau never wen usea dui py Dom Pedro and Dom Juan VII, and In that ha landed. Once on land enthusiasm became delirious. Along the 2.000 mile he traveled to greet relatives and friends there was continuous cheering. On his return affairs at one time threatened to take a tragical turn. He went ashore at Pernambuco, where a irrand dinner Vas offered him by the gov- I ernor; the palace was Invaded by th crowd, and In the crush that followed a number of persons were Injured. On San-tos-Dumont's request the reception was In terrupted and he had to be protected by troop in order to get on board again. On being asked why he had not brought an aeromotor with him he spoke of the ex pense. Thereupon a prise of $100,000 was voted by congress for an Internationa com petition of a course of sixteen miles, th greater part over the bay of Rio. "A rather dangerous undertaking," says Santoa-Dumont. "mora dangerous than at Mont Carlo, for the bay simply abounds with sharks." Lieut. Von Korwaln. chief of th Aus trian military aeronautic department, and companion of Archduke Leopold Salvator, on leaving Paris last night for Velnna, said to the World correspondent: "I have concluded an important arrange ment with Count de la Vaux to take part in the ballooning contest In th St. Louis exposition. Count d la Vaux says he I awaiting favorable conditions to undertaks another sensational balloon trip, accom panied by Count Castlllon de St. Victor. Pe la Vaux is experimenting with a new balloon fitted with a powerful motor. When fitted with lu mechanism tha balloon will resemble an aerial automobile. It ha already bean called th spherical automobile. DEPOSED MADAGASCAR QUEEN Create Comment by Reported Plaa f Afcaaettaa oa Repeat Visit to France. (Copyright 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 24. (New Tork World Cable gram Special Telegram.) A plot was laid to carry oft tho .former queen of Madagas car during her visit to Paris, according to the newspapers. Ranavola formerly was monarch of hnr native Island, but France sent an army there six years ago, conquered the natives and sent their deposed queen Into exile In Algeria, where she has been kept In seclusion and on the most meager allowance ever since, for fear that if she were given her liberty her loyal people might rise up and make trouble. Two years ago she was permitted to come to Paris, always th city of her dreams, and where she had her gowns made when she wore a crown and had a court But she was only allowed to stay a little while and then sent back to Africa. Not long ago she was per mitted to go to South Africa with her aunt and her little niece. The story of the plot to kidnap her waa based on a fervid espousal of her cause by the "Emperor of Sahrabs," picturesque Generalissimo Labordesque, a noted duelist, who struts the boulevards In a scarlet cloak and self-sufficiency. He wrote to tha gov ernment: "You allow th queen to literally die of hunger. If you refuse to allow her a pen sion of 60,000 franca ($12,000) I shall keep her. If you refuse I shall open a public subscription, and In a few days shall have millions." "The abdication did not take place, how ever, and the queen returned to Africa, probably to live in an Alegrian boarding house at $6 a week, which would be about In keeping with the allowance of tha gov ernment Ranavola earn to Parts from Vic-8ur-Cere near Auvergne, where she excited no little Interest. She was accompanied by her aunt, her little niece, Marie Louise, anil a French companion, Mrs. Delpen. She flees the Journalists as she would a pestilence sin.'e one reporter falsely reported an inter view he had with her. The queen was greatly pleased with her surroundings in south France and often made exucurslon Into the mountains, but In order that no photograph should be taken of her she continually wore a whit veil. She is very childish, loving bright pretty things and gayety with th same eagerness that her niece does. When an obliging person took her automobile riding she was enchanted. But soon she grew frightened and asked to be set down. She takes great interest In her toilet, though It Is very modest Now this poor little queen without a crown does not know what will become of her. Her movements are re stricted and her Income Is very small. Bha would be very happy to live in Paris, but ha accept her fat with an almost pa thetlo submission. LEBAUDY IS JMAKING STAMPS "Emperor of Sahara" Cannot Enter Preach Territory Wlthoat Betagr Arrested. (Copyright, 1503, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 14. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Jaque Le baudy, "emferor of Sahara," 1 again claiming publlo atteiftlon. He owe France thirteen day of military service, which Is compulsory In this country, but he refuses to serve, saying: "I am now a Saharan. You might as well expect the German em peror to come and serve as a French sol dier." This contention Is unlikely to "go" In France, and If Lebaudy crosses the fros tier two gendarmes will be sent to arrest him, and they ar not likely to call him "emperor." ' Lebaudy 1 more Interested in things philatelic than In military service. He Is occupying himself at the moment with th issue of a series of stamps, carefully mak ing the condition that 10,000 shall be re served for collectors. The Saharan stamp bear aa a design a ship with a desert on the horizon, with three letters, "L. B. D.," the abbreviation for "Lebaudy," and th Inscription, "Africaln postes," with the value In centimes. Meantime Lebaudy" legal troubles have been complicated by the death of Picard, the boatswain of Fras qulta. In which he made his first visit and conquest of Sahara. BIG MONEY IN POSTAL CARDS Toons; Englishman Who Saw Their Possibilities Ha Made a Fortune. (Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Oct. 24.-(New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Evelyn Wrench, whose coming of age was cele brated by a banquet in the hotel Cecil th S week. Is a remarkable example of inborn business Initiative turned to profltabe ac count. He la a son of yrlvy Councillor Wrench, one of the commissioners under the Wydhara new Irteh land act On leaving. Eton school he want three years ago to complete his education In Germany. There he foresaw the future of the picture post card craze. He returned In three month to London and opened a small shop on the Haymarket, -with agencies In Germany and other countries for picture post cards, and lesi than three years trading finds him with over $5u0.000. He began on $250 and now U earning $100,00o' a year. The business has been turned into a Joint stock company which Is publishing 60,000,000 post cards per annum. CHARTRAN MAY NOT COME French Artist Plaaaed Trip to America, bat May Be Toa Basy. (Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 24. (New York World Ca blegram.) Special Telegram.) The well known artists, Chartran and Carolus Duran, are back In Paris after a summer's, outing, both eager to be at work. Carolus Duran Is soon to begin a painting of the countess of Castella and another of her three children. Chartran has a commis sion from th government for a fresco in the Pantheon. Chartran thinks it prob able that be wlft he too busy this year In Parts to pass hla winter In America, as he had Intended to do. FAULKNER IS AJ THE HEAD Remain Chalraiaa of Art Committee of Aaaerleaa Artist' Associa tiva la Paris. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct. 24. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram. Th American Artist association was presided over at Its meeting this week by Mlelxlner a mlnlatureist at th autumn exhibition. Herbert Faulkner, a painter of Venetian scenes, was r-lected chairman of th art committee. C110ATE MUST REMAIN Etiquette and Preienoe of Alaskan Com muaionera Keeps Him in London. REPRESENT THE PRESIDENT PERSONALLY When They Leave American Ambassador Will Make to Paris, PREPARING FOR A NOTABLE WEDDING Marriage ef Lord Herbert and Beatrice Paget Late in Winter. PROBABLE GIFT FOR KING EDWARD Mrs. George Keppel Takes Great la tere! la Mlalatar ef Herself Which is Being; Made by Miss Condert. (Copyright 1903. by Prea Publishing Co.) LONDON, Oct 24. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Ambassador Choate, according to dlplomatlo etiquette, cannot leave London until all tha Ameri can of th Alaska commission hav de parted, as they represent th president per sonally. Becretary Root who 1 being entertained by Secretary White at Wilton Park this week, with a party Including Mr. Choate and Craig Wadsworth, la the last on th around, but will go away next week. The ambassador will then start to Join Mr, and Mis Choate In Paris. Second Secretary Rldgely Carter, who acted, aa secretary to th Alaska com mission, ha already left for Scotland. Secretary White will go to Washington in November. Miss Beatrice Paget, th beauUful young daughter of Lady Alexander Paget I to b tha bride of one of th moat notabla weddfngs of th late winter season. Her husband Is to be Lord Hrhi-t. tha hi- of the earl of Pembroke and a nephew or the late Sir Michael Herbert, British ambassador to the United Rtnta anil T.d Herbert formerly Leila Wilson of New xora, wnose niece. May Goelet Is soon to marry the duke of Roxburghe. Mrs. Arthur Paget is enjoying the whirl of Viennese society, the most exclusive In Europe. She has been taken up by one of the Austrian archducbeaa;s and confesses that aha la so fascinated with the Viennese gaieties Bne win remain there until the season ends, after which she is booked for soma vlnlta to Hungarian castles. Phlpps-Grace Wedding. Michael P. Grace' second daughter, Mar gareta, who la to marry Jay Phlpps, Jr., In November, will have a country weddlnr. which Ic "the right thing" In the off season. Besides Battle Abbey will be glorious for the occaaslon. The trees and garden ar superb now In the fading reds of autumn. Tha bridegroom has not yet arrived from New York, but th ret of th Phlpp family ia In London, stavlnar at ClarMara-ai Th Mr. Phlpp who wUl be th best man is escorting th bridesmalds-to-be around town to th various shop, where frocks and hat ar being mada, Tha bride's dress will be an exquisite creation of white chiffon flecked with dewdrops. According to the American ous tom, she will wear soma splendid Jewelry given her by the bridegroom, ' including a fine diamond tiara. Ther will be four bridesmaids, tha un married sister of the bride, two sisters of the bridegroom and Miss J. Eyre, a cousin of th bride. Their dresses will be gor geous Composition Of White velvat mr,A chiffon, with large whit hata with feath er. The best portrait ever natntad t Amelia Kussner (Mis Coudert) is the on she ha Just finished of Mrs. George Kep pel. It Is smaller than usual and when rimmed with diamonds and nenrla ran ha carried In the pocket. It Is possible thit it is Intended as a Christmas gift for the king. Mrs. Keppel has been verv anvtnna about this miniature and has sat very often, although not fond of posing. Letter reach ner rrora all manner of artists, asking her to alt to them for portrait, but aha ig nore them all. BRIDEGROOM IS BANKRUPT Wlf 1 Rich American and He I Friead of King Edward. I (Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Oct 24. (New Tork WfM Cablegram Special Telegram.) General hit Seymour Blane, who married a pretty American widow. Mr. Henrv Blak. anriu this year In London has Just been adjudged a Danxrupi. tie ia described as a director of publlo companies and a member of White's club. At present he Is traveling with his wife on the continent Sir Seymour got many valuable nresenta at his wedding, Including a hindsome gold mounted cane from King Edward. The debt which brought bankruptcy is $3,000 of borrowed money. Mrs. Blake la wealthy and has a beautiful house on Hans Place. CZAR IS PLACED UNDER BAN Armenian Archbishop Caases Sensa tion by Placing Carso Cpoa Rasslaa Raler. (Copyright 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 24. (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) Th Armenian archbishop, M. Klrtlllta, ha caused a sen sation In Russia by publicly and solemnly anathematising the emperor and his gov ernment. The ecclesiastical curse was pro nounced by the archbishop during divine service at Tin Is and was provoked by the confiscation of the Armenian church funds. The French press, commenting thereon, says It would be In order to bestow an ec clesiastical curse on Premier Combes, who is now commonly represented by the French as a devil with horns and a tail. TO HELP FRENCH PRETENDER Committee Formed to Bapport Claims af Francois d Boarboa to Throne. (Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Oct 24. (New Tork World Cable gram Special Telegram.) A committee has been formed her to support th cam of General Francois de Bourbon, duke of Anjou, to the throne of France. He I at present In th service of hi cousin, the king of Spain. The duke of Orleans, an other pretender, ha not been heard of In some time, whllo th two Bvnapartes, Princ Napoleon of Brussels and Prince Louis of th cur's army seldom com Into promlnnc. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nehrsskn Fair Sunday and Monday; Cooler Monday. Page. 1 Pope Plaa Reaonnrea a I.eaacy. n-tllooalst Describes I.ona Jonraey Choate Mast Heme In la London. ton nilloa Premier of Trotter, a Clark Comes to Rescue of Batte. Carriers' Offices In sooth Omaha. President Ha Brlatow Report. S New from Nebraska Towns. Fleming; Explains III Position. 4 Omaha to Have Golden Jubilee. B Soldiers at the State 1 alverslty. Work of Stat Labor Bareaa. Past Week In Omaha Society. T Nebraska Outclass Colorado. Neither Tork Nor Omaha Score. 5 Council BlhlT and Iowa New. 9 Ball Men Wlad Vp la Harmony. Dowle Make a Queer Move. 19 Amusement and Maalo. 13 Sporting Review of tho Week. 14 Editorial. 15 A agora Goat I a Money Maker. Bring a Valise Fall ot Gold. IS Characteristics of Tom Murray. Kaaaaa Fight with Bank Robber IO Finaaclal aad Commercial. SI to 8U Illustrated Be. FOOT BALL. RESULTS. Nebraska SI, Colorado O. Omaha High School O, York O. Mlehtgaa 47, Drake O. Prlacetoa 18, Dartmouth O. Minnesota 4U, Belolt O. Tale IT, West Point 6. Chicago 18, Illlnol 6. Wisconsin R7, Knox O. Northwestern SB, Cincinnati O. ' Haskell Indians 12, Kansas 6. Harvard X, Urowa O. Cornell 41, Western Reserve O. Lafayette 6, Navy S. Columbia 18, Pennsylvania . Washburn Lincoln Medio O. Iowa 17, Orinnell O. Carlisle Indian 111, Swarthmor B. Orinnell 12, Clinton O. North Platte 12, Grand Island O. Fraaklla Academy (, McCook O. Slghlaad Park 40, Crelghtoa 0. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Deg. Hour. Dear. B a. m 4 1 p. m .03 6 n 40 a p. m (iu a. iu 40 U p. m...;.. 0 8 " 43 4 p. m 7u 47 6 p. u ) 10 - " Bl e p. m on 11 a. iu nti T p. an tt4 13 m. Ott MAE WOOD A FAIR DIVORCEE Former Tonna- Omaha Woman Was Once Married to Mtchla-aa Man. The publicity attracted by th Bide role played by Ma C. Wood, formerly of Omaha, in the recent nurrlaaa nf Thomas C. Piatt of New York, has de veloped the ract that the young woman In question was married before ah located here. During her rosldence in Omaha, whisper of a divorce were heard, but no on took the trouble to verify them. Th Cincinnati Enquirer print the fact aa gathered by it Bay City, Mich., corre spondent to the eect that May Catherine Wood was formerly th wlf of Albert C. Wood, a Jeweler, now employed there by John Lelth. They were married in Colon, Mich., December 19. 188S. and . iiv to gether for five year, when it is alleged. sne lert mm, going to Nebraska, They went to Bay City In 1889. when ha ac cepted a position with his brother, a Jew eler, wno died soon after, and A, C. Wood managed the business for his hrnthae-a widow several years. September 29, 1889, Mrs. Wood filed a bill for divorce, alleging drunk.nnaaa an infidelity, and In her complaint stated that once Deiore sne was obliged to leave Wood an9 took steps to procure a divorce, but returned to him on promises of better be havior. Wood filed a cross-bill, denying all her allegations and praying for a di vorce on account of cruelty and desertion by Mrs. Wood, who had at that time sold the household furniture and gone to Ne braska, H alleged that he got abuslv letter from her dated Omaha and Denver. Mrs. Wood did not prosecute her suit Wood discontinued the cross-bill and started a new suit on the same allegatlona. One witness testified that Mrs. Wood had married for spite. If 'the marriage took place In 1885 Ma Wood must hav been not over 18 when she married. WHERE, OH WHERE, IS DIETRICH Millard Woald I.Ik His Colleague to Let His Friends Hear from Uim., Senator Millard Is wondering whether h ought to send a search .warrant out for Senator Dietrich to satisfy the people who are constantly inquiring aa to the senior senator's whereabouts. The announcement was made over a week ago by the Associated Press that Senator Dietrich had landed in San Francisco from Alaska, but since this dispatch nothing has been heard from him. "I don't know where my colleague Js sir." said Senator Millard when asked about Senator Dietrich. "I have been try ing to find out myself. I have been In communication with his private secretary at Hastings, but he insists that he Is as much in the dark aa I am. I think Senator Dietrich is old enough not to get lost, but It would .relieve me grtutly if he would let hi friends know wher he Is and when he expects to show up in these parts.". Senaor Dietrich left for Alaska June 1, to return to Nebraska October L and Is therefore about a month overdue now. Self-styled Unaperur Banished, NEW YORK. Oct. 24.-Jaoques Lebaudy, the self-styled emperor of Sahura, accord ing to a Paris dlsimtch. was banished from France as the result of a recent visit of hla to the Morocco coast. The governor has Issued a proclamation against hira under a section of the penal code whlrh provides banishment for anyone exposing French men to reprUals from foreigners by acts that are not approved by the governor. Movements of Oeeaa Vessels Oet. 84. At New York-Arrived: New York, from Southampton. Palled: Tmbria, for Liver, pool: Minneapolis for London; Pretoria for Hamburg via Plymouth and Cherbourg Kroonland. for Antwerp; Princess Irene for Genoa and Naples; Furneasla, tor Qlasl haWen rge' tor CnrUanla and Copen- At Philadelphia-Sailed: Haverford. for Liverpool. ' At Nanturket Lightship Passed: Arable York. "P001 "ml Wueenstown, for New At Liverpool-Arrived: Campania and Celtic, from New York. Silled: Etrurla, for New York. At SouihHmpton-Salled: Philadelphia, for New York via Cherbourg. At Cherbourg Arrived: Itlueoher, from .ew York via Plymouth, for Hamburg Bulled: Phllidelphia, from Southampton, for New York. At Havre hailed: La Tourslne, for New York; La Champalne, for New York At WHrsellleiArrived: Claverhill. from Horr Kong and Manila. At Bremen Ba'led: Frederick der Grosse. for New York via Southampton. At fjenoa ArrlvU; IloheuaoUern, from a!. York QUEEN OF THE 1DRF Lou Dillon Bednoea the Trotting Eeoord 0ns and One-Fourth 8eoonds. WORKED UNDER ADVERSE CONDITIONS Strong Wind from North Swept Down Baokitrotoh at Memphis. BAD DAY FOR THE FORMER CHAMPIONS Three Heoords Broken in Tensest, 0n in EhoJe Islaid. DARIEL FASTEST OF PACING WARES tamsBBBanBBB Trotting; Record I1B8 1-3, Pacing Ree rd for Mare 830 1-4,' Trottlas Reoord to Pole 8iO 1-4, Pacing, Half Mile, OiB7 1-3. MEMPHIS, Oct 24.-LOU Dillon, th peer less trotter, owned. by C. K. G., Billing pf Chicago and driven by Millard Bandera, this afternoon proved her right to th proud title of queen of th turf by trotting a mils under adverse conditions In th re markable time of 1:58H- Th daughter of Sidney Dillon was paced by a runner, driven by Scott McCoy, and another runner followed closely to urg th mar to a supreme effort. Th track of the Memphl Driving club never showed to better. advantage. Team and sprinklers wera employed throughout th day putting on finishing touches, and when the tlm for Lou Dillon's trial arrived the course was perfect. A strong wind from tha north swept down the long baoH r.retch, however, and Judge Newton an nounced to the spectators that too much should not be expected of th gam llttl trotter. Lou Dillon appeared on the track at 5:10 p. m. and after a preliminary canter, San ders announced that he was ready for th start. The two runners were aligned In position and It was noticed that a atrip of board a yard wide was fastened to tha pace maker' ulky. This, It was an nounced, was used to keep the dust from the mare's face. At the first start Sander nodded for the word and th flag dropped. Trotter Crowds Runner. After going an eighth of a mil Sander yelled to McCoy to drlv faster and It looked as If the mar would catch th runner. Making the first turn, th remark able work of Lou Dillon could be better seen by the thousands present and Ilk a pleca of' perfect machinery she reached the. quarter pole In 30 seconds. In the turn for the back stretch many expected to tee the champion falter because ofth wind. To the sjrprise of everyone Lou Dillon seemed to travel faater, and when th half mile was reached, th timer clicked out 0:6914, a great cheer arose and many horsemen predicted that a new mil record wa making. On th far turn, McCoy was forced to whip tho runner to keep, clear of the trotting marvel which was puhin hlra closely. Th three-quarters pel wag passed In 1:2SH and th mar had turned for home. The wind now waa an advan tage rather than a detriment and with a superb burst of speed, Lou Dillon, urged on by tha shouts of th driver of th run ner, dashed under th wir In 1:6814. When th tlm wa flashed to tha spec tators, hata wer flung high Into th air and cheer followed cheer. 8anders waa literally lifted from hla sulky by aa ad miring throng and Mr. Billings was showered with congratulatlona. It was a noticeable fact that the watches of tha three official timers agreed to th frac tion and many horsemen standing In tha Infield caught the tlm as officially an nounced to a fraction. Th timer wra Bud Doyle, Fred Hartwell of Chicago and John Dlckerson of New York. After the mare had been blanketed and sent to her barn, Sanders, her driver, saldi 'I am not a bit surprised at th result of Lou Dillon's effort. I expected to break the world's record despite tha advers con ditions. I desire to say that It Is my candid opinion that Lou Dillon can trot aa fast aa any horse in the world can pac and next year I will demonstrate this atatmnt With perfect condition today I would be afraid to say how fast th mar would have trotted th mile." Two Other Record Go. Two other world' rcorda wer broken, Darlel, a bay mare, by Alcande, driven by A. McDonald, paced a mil In 2;004. Th former pacing record for a mar wa held by Fannie DUlard, 2:03. Equity and Th Monk, from Mr. Billings' stable, wer sent a mile against the M2 trotting to pole record. The two horses wer driven by Mr. Billings In faultless style and passed under the wlr In :o. Four other In teresting races were decided. Summary: Pacing. 2:11 class, nursa tt non- Cascade, br. g., by King pilot by Masker (Wallace)...". Cousin Madge, bl. m. (Benedict). Tess, br. m. (Jamlesnn) Daniel J, bl. g. (Fleming) Minnie Christy, b, m. (Johnson). Stipulator, bl. h. (Young) Tony W, br. h. (Robto) Bow Sebastian, b. h. (Zapel).... Time: 2:074. 1:071$. Pailno 9 (V7 ! u ..,aaaA dr fWMa. dam Star Pal, brv h., by Bwon Hal Steel . 1 Wlnfield Tratton, b. h. (McOulr) Foxy Curd, b. m. (Rea) Chestnut, ch, g. (Bell) C'ubonala, bl. h. (Geer) Trt'by Direct bl. m. (Walker)., .. S .. 4 .. S .da Half-mil pace to wagon, amateur drlv era: Primrose, b. m. (Mr. Roberts) Bade Ailerton. br. ra. (Mr, Jartwell). II 1 11110 . 4 i .unia. Pacing, 2:2u class. Emerald handicap.' purse ti.OoO, one mile and a half. Hal Chapln, br. h., by Brown Hal-Bessie Mi'hwen (Geer) j Mury Anna, b. m (Snow) S Dlabllto, b. g. (Walker) ... Five Points, bl. h. (Hogan) 4 lime: :ibh. To best i:VS. world's pacing record for mares, nem vy r anuy umara: . - Darlel, b. m. (McDona'd) .1.'... Time by quarters: 0:2tft. 0:5Vb, 1:2, IiOOU. rr n . 1 , . . . . . it ucat wuiiu ironing record pole: Lquity and The Monk (Mr. Bllllriaa).... ."a. To beat tha worlds Imltlr, .- 1 held hv Creacaua! ' Lou Dillon, br. m., by Sidney Dillon Lou Medium, by Milton Medium (Mil IAIU DailUPl.f ' Time by quarters: 0:30,,0:64, l:2SSi. Prince Alert Lowers Reeor PROVIDENCE. R, I.. Oct. i4. V tha matinee race held at Narraganseft park mis aiternoon under th auspice of th Narragansett Park association Princ Alert the bay gelding owned by Jams lianley of this city, clipped a quarter of a second from the world' reoord for half a mile, by going the distance In fi:7U. Tha time for the quarter wa 0:294. Mert Demurest, tha driver of Prlnu ilrt telegraphed to E. E. Smather at Memphl after the race that he would match Princ Alert againat Dan Patch, Mr. Demarest stipulate that th match rac shall tak i . j. 1 piac at Lmum November U ).