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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: MONDAY, OCTOBER .20, 1D03. man Is. th more daxterous, ths shrswder the bnlclir, the more dangerous he Is, if f) ha not the mot of riatit living and rf t thinking In him and that Ik Inn In rrlratA Ufa, anl even mora In public Ufa. Kxactly aa In time of war, although you nel In each fighting man far mora than courage, yet all else counta for nohlr If there la not that durase upon which to baaa It Bo In pur civil Ufa. Beareaty the Keaadatloa. Although w ne-l that tha average man In prlvem life, that tha average publio servant, ahall lia lar more than hoitrat, et all oilier qualities go for nothing, or for worae than nothing, unless honest underlies them not oniy the honeaty that keeps ita skirt technically clear, but tha honesty that la audi, according to 'tha aplrlt aa weil aa tha Irtter of the law, th honeaty that Is aggressive, tha honeaty that not merely deplores corruption It la easy enough to deplore corruption but that wara against It and tramplea It under foot. I k for that type of honeaty. I aak fur militant honesty, for the honeaty of tha kind that rnakea those who have It dis contented with themaelves aa long aa they have failed to do everything that In them Ilea to atamp out dlhonesiy wherever It can ba found. In high placer or In low. And let ua not flatter ouraelvee, we who live In countries where tha people rule, that It Is poeaible ultimately for tha people to cast upon any but themaelvea the re sponsibilities for the shape tha government and tha aortal and political life of tba community aaaumea. I aak than that our reopla feel quickened within them thrt urnlng Indignation agnlnat wrong In every shape, which ahall take effect In condemna tion, especially condemnation of that wrong, whether found In prlvaU or In publlo Ufa at tha my nan t. Ckarah Mast plrm Leadership. I am only asking for condemnation of wrong In ita oiudi form, ua 1 mo tba uuBipaiutoa wbtia ago wban 1 auk that a sululsr shall have cuure, 1 aa that wa a haul have a right to bsmud fiwus evaiy dm who waia ino uiil.urm. It cot aa much a, crault to hiui to have It as It Is a Shims to nlm, unaitarab.a, that be lacks It; so when i ask for hoiwa.y I aak lor aomaihing which wa have a r.ght to demanu, doi as emitting tha poaeor to pralae. but aa Warranting tna heaviest conueiunalton Dosalbla It ha lacks It. Hure.y In every movement lor the better ment of our III, our Me socially, in tha truest and deepest aenaa our 11. a pjli.lcai, wa have a aueuiai riant to auk not merely support, but ieaderal).p from those oi tha cnurcn. wa aak mat you nera to wnom muoh hat been given will rt-membor tnat from you rightly much will be en peeteil in return. For ail of ua hers tna II. .ea have ' been cast In pleasant places. Each of us naa oeen given one taient, nvs ana ten, ana each of ua Is In honor bound to uae that talent or thoaa talents aright, and to show at the end that he la entliit-d to praiee aa having done well as a faithful servant. I greet you this afternoon and am glad to sea ?ou here, and I trust and bel.eva that after his servica each and every one of you will go home testing that ' na or ana nas Deen wsrranled In coining- hers bv tha way in which hs or shs altar going home takes up with fresh heart, with fresh courage snd with fresh and higher purpose the burden of lite as that burden has been given to him or to. her to carry. (Ap plause. FIRE SWEEPS .SUMMER RESORT 'Work of Craws ( Ml (avls-a- Stav- tloa saves I (rasa Baiag To tally Destroyed. NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 28.-But for the betolo work of the crews of the life-saving stations the entire summer resort of Vir ginia Beach, with Ita two larga hotels and half a hundred 6r more -costly homes, would tonight .' probably . be a mass of charred timbers and ashes. As It Is, fire handsome cottages are destroyed and many thousand dollar lost, with no Insurance, At 1 o'clock this morning E. B. Fosburgh, who with his family 'was occupying the cottage of Hugh C Davis, awok to And Iila room In .flames. About tha same time a curfman from tha life-saving station, who was petroling tha' coast, saw tha firs and gave tha alarm. - In only scant attlra tha Fosburghs escaped from tha burning be lid Inf. ' An east wind waa ewseplng on the shore, driving aleet before It and carrying flaming brands to ths roofs of nearby cot tagas. a. . Tha life-savers notified tha crew of Capo Henry and Dam Neck Mills stations of th firs by telsphond and both 'Stations re sponded, la the meantime the brands had Ignited 'Several other house and fire was rapidly eating Ita way . to th Princess Anns hotel, and for a while that immense structure seemed doomed.1 A sudden shift of th wind turned tha flames back upon their trail and swept them northward. This gave th fir fighter an opportunity to head them off .by knocking out th south slds . of Rev. Tucker's horn and fighting from th Inside of that building, , Only two of th destroyed homes were occupied, th Davis cottage by Mr, Fos burgh and tha Tucker oottag by N. M, Bateaon. There Is no fir protection at th beach and none of th burned building wer Insured. Th loss' Is not yat esti mated, but will be heavy. FIRE RECORD. , . ncavy ms la wiasoaala. ' ASHLAND, Wis.; Oct. J6.-Th loss in th burning of th 8 haras block early this morning will foot up to the neighborhood of 1150,000. with about 130,000 Insurance, The principal losses are: Warner Bros. 160.000; Dr. Aggistas, riS.000 and E. A. Shores, owner of th building, t7B,000 In th Shore block a most brilliant res- u waa that of Mrs. Wteka. th wife of an abstractor, who, with her husband, oc cupied a third-story room. In raising a ladder to her roc m It waa found to bs short, Ifir Chtf HohilAtaAl atAwf Aft tftn . Ik. ladder and th woman waa just able to roach h'.a shoulders with her feet Th hisf called out to her not to Jump, fear, big that she would cause them both to drop to th pavement, but aha collapsed M fell on his head and shoulders. Th Chief swayed for a moment, but succeeded tn grasping a rop and steadied hlmrelf Wo ill be could reach th ladder, and brought her down safely. . .- . gaauaer Hotel aad gtores. HAMPTON BKACH. M. H., Oct.. Fir that originated In th Washington House today destroyed th hotel, a summer boarding house, combination studio and oaf and two emaH atorea. . Th building wer all or wood, built Inexpensively for uairner occupancy only. Th total lossea will not much exceed 114. 000. DOCTOR KNEW Had Tried M Htaaaelt. Th doctor who has ' triad Posture Food Cuffe knows that It Is an sary. oertaln, tnd pleasant way out of ths coffee habit and all of th ails following, and hs pre arribes It for his patient a did a physi cian of Proa pert own. N. J. Ons of his patlenia says: "During th summer juat past I suffered terribly with a heavy feel ing at ths pit of my stomach and dUiy ftrllnga in my. head, and then a blindness would com over my ayea, ao I would have to alt down. I wou'd get so nervous I cuold hardly control my feelings. ? finally I spoke to our family physician about It and he asked If I drank much runVe, and mother tnld him that I did. Ita told me to Immediately stop drinking cof fee and drink I'uatura . Food Coffe In Its place, as ha and his family had used Pos turn and found It a powerful rebullder and dalloloua food drink. l hesitsted for a lima, disliking th Idea of having to give up my coffee, but Anally I gut a package and found it to b al! th Dr. said. Blue drinking tha Pnatum In piar of coffee my dlasinees, blindness and narvouanesa are all gone, my bowel ar regular and I am again wall and strong. That Is a short statement of what Post urn hit don for in." Nam given by Postura Q., Bat tl Creek, Wtch. lxxjk In each pckae for a copy of the famous. Mul, k'. VTh Well Mile. BUSY WITH CAMPAIGN JQRK Practical' j No p'ing Being Doie, bat Crganlut n m Per.'ettci FUSION FORCES ARc' NOT HARMONIOUS Postanals ftaaplrtoas of th Deme- at kaa Latter Itaa Family , Troablea el Ita Owa to Attead To.'" ' ' (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 28 (Bpecial.)-The ab aenco of apellbinders and excitement and enthusiasm Incident to an Important cam paign la no sign there Is nothing doing these days along F'lttcsV lines. Probably In no judicial campnlgn has the republican party at least been more compactly organ ised (Ond'the party machinery In closer touch with th voter than In this ona. The republican hdqiartere at the Lindell hotel Is a hive of -industry and all hands ars kept busy checking up poll books and answering correspondence, to the end that the state commltte will be In closer touch with the people of the state. Th managera of these headquarters ar not given to talking, but th air of cotifldenc that pervades th committee chambers speaks louder than words the committee' opinion of th ofct com of th battle. At th populist headquarters, too, they ar talking of winning and they ar busy with th perfection of their organisation. Down there, however, th task will be a moat difficult one. From on end of the tat to th other come reports of dissatis faction In th fusion ranks and of th dis trust on end of th aggregation has for th other. It I th hop and dcslr of th democrats to break away from th popu list without losing populist votes, and It la th fact that th populists know this that la causing th dissatisfaction. Th fight on between th democrats In Douglas county aa to whether to divide th two parties at th head of th ticket or to alio them to go In the bracket, thus bring around a state of affair that a Philadelphia lawyer could not unravel. In order that a few vote might In this way be thrown to Judge Sullivan, has occasioned some more populist dissatisfaction and opened a few mor eye. Democrats Ar Divided. And while th democrats ar trying to make a show of putting up a Judicial fight they ar also trying to keep down the fight now browing and getting hotter every day a to whether th dyed-ln-th-wool Bryan democrats or th conservatlve-atay-ln-the-party brand of democrats ar to name th delegates to th next national democratic convention. This keeps continually crop ping out, and while it may be kept from exploding until after th judicial votes ars counted, It Is not likely to. Both sides have rushed into print In this matter, and both side ar trying to line up their following) Th headquarter for both factions ar located In Lincoln and while there la no Ign over either door, th work Is being don and Instruction ar going out every day. Th republican party baa no iuch fight on Ita hands, and la that much to th good. In th meantime th harmony In th re publican party of Douglas ounty is attract ing more attention out In th state than th residents of that part of the earth have any. Idea of. Visitor to th capltol be lieve th harmony I genuine and It I the greeting between all Visitor here. It Is the opinion of th state that this movement In Douglas county will tnetn much to th republican party of th Stat a well a to Omaha. . , .. , .- .' .i f . - v , '. " Celleg Thrives. College settlement work i thriving like a 'green bay tree and new helper' are dally being added to ' the ah-eady large number Intereated. "At a meeting of the board held laat night a commute was appointed to eonfer with the labor unions of the city to get them atartcd In th literary and social classes. This Is th result of th Interest taken In th debate last year by msmbers of ths unions. At that time several meetings wer held and the labor situation was thoroughly dis cussed, regarding the strikes then on and th condition of laboring man In th country. It wa th wish of th unions that th debates be resumed this year and It waa for that reason that the commute was appointed. A class In mechanical drawing I a new featur of th settle ment work that will be started next Batur day. Thla will b In charge of Mr. Brown of th engineering department of th But university. New equipment haa been bought for thla class and a room parti tioned oft In th baemnt In which th class will net. Th carpenter das room ba also been , partitioned off and Work will begin In this department, and In the aawina school and cooking school next Baturday. Miss Wnadon will hav. charge of th cooking class. Bh I a member of tha domestic science department of th university. At th board meeting last night It was announced that th Woman's Faculty club of th university had given 160 toward fitting up th cooking room. Th equlpmsnt will b bought thl wek. It will be conducted from 3 till 4 In th afternoon and th aewing claa will r- ociv Instruction In th mornings. Next Baturday th faculty of th But university will give aa exhibition in ath letic sports, th proceed from which ar to ba ariven to th settlement work. Th stunt Is advertised aa "Faculty Foolish ness," but th Interest . taken In the foot ball games by th faculty and th close ness with which each teacher watches very play may result In some surprises when th two teams or th faculty meet on th gridiron. - It I now announced that Chancellor Andrewa i to be th fullback on on of the team, but it may b that h will be placed In th mor dangerous poa'tlon of referee or umpire, aa It I be lieved h would be able to cop with any d'.aaatlafled player. Prealdent Prevay said he expected th proceed of th day' sport to be sufficiently larga to run th settle ment the entire year. H to mor than pleased with th Interest being taken, espe clally by ths students of the Btate unl verslty, who hav voluntarily aided him In many waya. Woaaaw ierleaaly Boraed. TECUM8EH. Nab.. Oct . (Special.) Mrs. Oliver Davison, sr., of this city Is suffering with very sever burn of th hands, arms and face, th result of an accident with an overloaded heating stove. The family haa just moved . Into a new horns on First street, and when ths accte dent occurred Mr! Davison was attempt tn ar to build a fir In th heating stove in the parlor. During th moving period the stove bad been stuffed full of paper and traah. Bhe lighted the. waste from below but It did not serin to burn wall. Bhe opened the stove door and proceeded to attr th fir when a draught from below blew the fire out of th door all over the woman and th air waa filled with, amok and burning particle. Mrs. Dsvisoh's face waa quite severely burned and th hair on on side of her' heed was singed off. Ths handa were thoroughly scorched snd her clothing eaught fire. Bh maintained her presence of mind and tor th portion of her garment off which wer on fire and prevented more aerloua Injury. -V rail' Ia- atrokesi. TECrVEK. Neb.. Oct. tS.-(8neetl - Frances " the "Tf -vesT-old" daughter if Mr. ai.t Mrs. IL II Hunt, who lire south of town, la suffering from a broken rg. Miss Fraiioea had been skk for- some urn and on a bright day her mother told her ah had better go out and walk down ths road and get the benefit of the sun shine. Bh was walking down th road when two boys came by on horses which they, were racing. One lad lost control of his animal and th sterd ran Into th girl. Bhe was violently knocked to ths ground and both bones of her left leg were broken. ASKS BANK T0 PAY NOTES 'glgaed by Prealdeat af Hamboldt ! tltatioa aad Holders Thoaght These CertlBcates. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Oct. (Special ) Judge J. H. rtroudy of Lincoln aa attorney for Mrs. Sarah Patterson, the wife of a farmer near here, has filed suit sgalnat the First National bank of this city, the suit being for the purpose of recovering trora the bank a sum of money due on a note signed by F. W. BamuMnon, former prealdent of the bank, the complainant claiming that she intended to deposit the money In the bank but the former president handed her back a personal note Instead of a cer tificate of deposit as shs supposed at the time. The truth was not discovered until quit recently when other similar transactions cam to light. Now those holding this clsss of paper hav pooled Issues, It Is un derstood, and will endeavor to make the bank redeem th epaper which It la claimed amounts to it considerable sum. Mr. Bam uelson retired rom th bank several months sgo, hsvlng disposed of his holdings In th Institution. Caaalag Canpnay geeks Location, FREMONT, Neb., Oct. . 25.-Speclal. Two representatives of an Iowa canning company wer in th city yesterday looking for a suitable place for th location of a branch factory her In case they can pro cure contract from farmer for not less than 1,100 acre of .sweet corn. A a can ning factory has been wanted here for some time th corn will be easily cecured and negotiations are pending for ths pur chase of th old Fremont creamery build ing and th construction of a side track from th Union Pacific to It. The ship ments of th company will amount to about ISO cars of canned goods for th first Season. Th prlc to be paid to the farmer for the corn I It. 50 per ton, deliv ered at th fabtory, ' snapped but not husked. Heavls Flays His Critics. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Oct. .-(S(peclal.)- Hon. C. F. Reavls of Falls City, one of th candidates for district Judge of th First judicial district, addressed a large and attentive crowd at the 'Table Rock opera house Isst night, and to say that he fairly flayed hi political opponents is putting it mildly. It waa done, however, In a very genteel manner, considering th base and disreputable methods of those who ar endeavoring to rob him of hi reputation. The people of this county ar very much Incensed over the attack upon him. Lease a Haatlaar Preserve. TECUM8EH, Neb., Oct. (Special.) A company of young men hereabouts ha leased McLaughlin' lake, some ten inlles northwest of the city and hav formed a gun club. The club ha been named the Union Qun Club, and outsiders caught hunt- inr at th lake will ba promptly prosecuted. The lske haa long been a mecca for local huntsman, and ' during Certain- aeasons of th year duck and snip abound there. Ftahlng I good there, also, during the warm months. ' v . -' ;- ; Celebrate Sliver Weddlagv HUMBOLDT, ' Neb!, Oct .-(8Dclai. About 100, old friend 'and neighbor gath ered Friday ','afteruoon at the farm horn or Henry:; Brenner and wife, a few mile east of the city and gave them a pleasant surprise irt honor of the twenty-fifth anni versary, of their marriage. . Several from th city were In attendance and some hand some plecea of furnltur were given them a token of esteem. Stop Jowraey to Old Home. WEST POINT, Neb.. Oct. 26.-(8peclal.)- Charles F. Nelson, an old Bwedlah resident of Cleveland precinct, commenced his Jour ney with his family to his old home in Sweden thl week, but on their arrival In Chicago his wife became dangeroualy sick and had to be removed 'to a hospital. In th meantime the family will return to Cuming county.' ' , , Iowa Iteekmaa laveata. FREMONT. Neb., Oct. 26.-(Speciar.)-A real estat deal of considerable Interest waa closed here yesterday, In 'which W. E. Lee sold to William Polite,' an Iowa atock raiser, 660 acresv of land east of this city on th Arlington road for ICS per acre. Mr. Polite la a breeder of polled Angus stock and will bring hla cattle her shortly. EXPIRES ON HIS BIRTHDAY Prof. Taarstoa of Coraell University Dies taddealr tat Hts Library. ITHACA, N. T Oct 28,-Prof. Robert Thurston, director of the Bibley College of Engineering, Cornell university, died sud denly tonight at his home on the campus. H wa sitting in his library shortly before o'clock, awaiting the arrival of Former President Andrew D. White, Dean Huffuld of the College of Law, and others who were to b hi guest at dinner today, being his sixty-fourth birthday. He seemed to fall aaleep. but when hla wife made efforta to arouse ' him, she found Mm unconscious, and h was dead before a physician could do summoned. Heart disease wa th cause of death. He had been In apparent good health and spirits, and had Just re turned from a brisk walk. Dr. Thurston waa one of th best-known of th university staff, and ranked very high In hi profeaalon. He was born at Providence, R. I.. In 1831. and wa gradu ated from Brown university. H served with distinction In the engineering corps nf tha United States nsvy during th civil war snd at It close wa amlsned to th faculty of the Annapolis Nvl academy, In 171 b becsm profeaaor of en i nee ring st Steven's Institute, and In ! earn to Cornell to tek th directorship of Jtfhtey college, then shout to ba orgnnlsd. His ad ministration waa very succeaoful. Hs ws the author of many ensineerlna; treatises, and waa a member of the leading aclentlflc social ! of Europe and America. REVOLUTION jS SPREADING ProTlsloaal Goveritsaent Established at Puerto Plata la Baato Domlaare. CAPE HATTIEN. Oct. .-Th Insurgent movement In the Dominican r?pub:.o Is spreading throughout all I ha northern part of the country. La Vtga, Mont ChrUt and Santiago hav com out In favor of the movement. A provisional government was estab lished today at Puerto P.eia, on tha north coast under the pres.dency of G Cera Moralea, the governor of th post " .The Peril of Oar Tlaa la lung disease. Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption. Coughs and Col la cute luug trouble or n pay. , U 80. f sale by Kului Co- J APPEAL TO BE EXPEDITED lu> 0'ancy AUndom Hunting Trip to Help Mat1 m Long. POLICE STAND GUAR!) OVER HIS HOUSE Promlaeat Mem Aakew to Mediate Be - twen the Warrlag Faetloa of .the Amalgamated Capper Cotapaay. BUTTE, Mont, Oct. 26. The most Im portant development today In the copper war situation was that Judge William Clancy decided to forego his Intention of thooting elk while thousands of Idle miners am looking to hlm for whatever relief Is poeaible. Judge Clsncy today stated that he will not leave th city and will do all he can to expedite th appeal from his decision to the supreme court. A ' local committee of the miners' union called on the judge this afternoon and had a long consultation with him- on th subject of postponing his . hunting trip. The Judge had already Informed ' Mayor Mulllns that he had decided to give tip the trip. Th fact that av number of armed men wer around the depot last night, when It waa reported th Judge, Intended leaving th city, caused the; mayor to take extra precautions looking to the personal safety of Judge Clancy. All Baturday night faur policemen guarded th home Of Judge Clancy and two th home of Judge Har ney. Mayor Mullins said today that he would employ 60 special policemen If he found that th situation warranted It While there hav been no unusual demon strations, th mayor saya he will tak every precaution to prevent Anything that might Incite a riot or disorder. Smoke Is still Issuing from the Colorado and Wnshoa smelters, but it Is stated that th fire probably would be withdrawn In both plant tonight or tomorrow. The en gineer and pumpmen at all th properties of the Amalgamated Cppper company are still being employed In keeping th mines drained of Water. Th city tonight I quiet, though thronged with idle crowds. Haa a Boothlaa; talaeaee. The announcement ' of Judge Clancy's abandonment of his hunting trip haa ap parently had a soothing influence. Indig nation la still rife over th' departure from the city of John MacOinntss. Late last night an effigy of Judge Clancy waa discovered harjglng In on of the' prin cipal streets of Great Falls, where th big smelters of the Boston Montana com pany, la located. Laai evening telegrams wer sent from Great Fall to Senator W. A. Clark of this city, Governor J. K. Tool at Helena and Representative Joseph Dixon at Washington and J. J. Hill, president of tha Great Northern, asking each of them if they would act with tha other gentlemen named and Senator Gibson In an effort to medidate between the warring copper In terest with a view to keeping open th mine and smelter of the Amalgamated Copper company. The telegrams were th outcome of a consultation of the Business Men's assoclatloh of Great Falls. Before taking any, step tn th matter Senator Gibson waa consulted. Ha ap proved the. plan and said he would be' only too .happy to do any thing, that he Could In the matter. Th Idea of the oltisens who Initiated this plan was that this committee could act between 'the partlea to th cop per war and the courts in any way that they might think, beat as soon as they could consult wltbj.ooch other. ' ,,. Wf Ulna;. tWvAeoept Task. .., Late last night ana'tor Clark was heard from In the following telegram:' "'-..' BUTTE. Monf.. Oat. 14-lierhrt Mtratn. President, of the Buninesa. Men'i aasocla- tlon. Great Kaila: Will be glad to act with tna gentlemen named and see, what may be don. (Blgnad).. . ... W. A. CLARK. , From J. J. Hill,. the following message waa received tonight: - " - ' ST. PAUL. Oct. 2S. Herbert Strain, rtroo Falls:' Message received. Would be very much pleased to asHiat. but there miiat ba Indication of willingness on the part of the umpuuinia or enoris in ine direction pro posed can aocomplibh nothing. - toigneui JAnto J. K1I.L,. b'l'. PAUL. Oct. i5. Senator Ulhann. nraat Falls: Mesnage received. Have received meaaaaa fram Herbert Strain and ran nnlv add tnat if 1 cau be of any assistance I anau oe oniy too glad to do everything In mi 7 iwwar iu relieve me Rituaiion. JAMfc.8 J. HILLk A telegram waa also received from Gov ernor Toole signifying hi Intention of Joining In th effort to effect peace. FEVER CONDITIONS IMPROVE Hope Kapreaeed that Disease Will He ' Btaaaped Oat la m Few Day. LAREDO. Tex.. Oct S.-Yellow . fevar condition hav s greatly improved, that there Is no longer any doubt but In a short tlm th disease will hav been entirely stamped out and bualness, which haa suf fered greatly because of th presence of th disease, will then , assume Ita normal aspect. ' The official bulletin Issued at the Stat Health department headquarter tonight ahowa the following for the past twenty, four hours: New oases, 12; deatha, 1; total cases to date, 134; total deatha to data, 44. There waa no official bulletin Issued re garding th situation In Nusvo Laredo today. , No additional cases have been re ported from Minerva. GOES ON VISIT TO MENELIK Vailed . Btates lo Opea Dlploaaatlo Relatloaa with Afrlraa Poteatate. MARSEILLES, Oct. 26. Robert P. Bkln- ner. United Btates consul general here, who la going to Abyssinia to establish dip lomats relations with' taht country and invit Emperor Menlllk to visit th Bt Loula exposition, left here this morning, accompanied by Mr. Well, hla aecretary, and Dr. Pearce. on the steamer Balkan, for NRplea, where he will be joined on th rth Inst, by Captain O. C. Thorpss, United Btatea Marin corps, who goes with him. Th expedition begins officially in th har bor of Naples, where th stores and other equipment for th trip will be trans shipped from the Balksn to ths gunboat Not tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla?Then you haven't tried Sarsaparilla! w.i AysrOa., fMnchUa. Prom Naples Machlas will pro ceed st one for Abyssinia. Lieutenant Charles L. Hussey, U. 8. N.. will join the party at DJlboutll, where Machlas prob ably will arrive November . Mr. Skinner expect to reach Adls Abeba by December II. Ho will stop and visit Ras Makonnen, cousin of the emperor and the governor of Harrar, on the way. It Is reported her from Abyssinia that Emperor Menlllk feels very much flattered at this visit from Mr. Bktnrfer."' TELEPHONE COMPANY GROWS Will Coaaeet with Colorado aad Cons, plete Hew Omaha system Before '' Gras Tim. , E. C. Salisbury, a traveling representa tive of the Nebraska Telephone company, ha just returned from an extensive tour of thl state and the Black Hllla region In the Interest of that company. He said: "The Nebraska company expect to have long dlstsnce connections with th Color ado and Rocky Mountain Telephone com pany and thua give Omaha long distance connection with Denver and other western cities The Nebraska company's territory now Comprise a portion of eastsrn Iowa, part of northern Kansaa, th Black Hill region of South Dakota and all of Ne braska. "Arrangementa also are rapidly progres sing for th Installation of th new system of telephone In Omaha. This system al ready has been Introduced In many of th cities of th stat and is a big Improve ment over the present system now pre vailing In Omaha. Before th graaa gel green again Omaha will b enjoying thl Improved system. It doe away with th annoying old aystem of ringing up every time you want to talk with a subscriber. The simple taking of th phone off a hook connect with tha central exchange and all you have to do Is to commence talking. Mr, Bell, son of A. Graham Bell, was tn Omaha this week enroute to Colorado on telephone business which may hav some connection with th combining of '. th Nebraska and Colorado systems. There Is a short gap between Culbertson and Fort Morgan that needs filling to com plete the Denver circuit. With th nw system It will require not to exceed seven second to connect with a subscriber be longing to the asm exchange. In brief, the telephone line ar being rapidly ex tended and we ar acquiring new sub scriber really raster than w can aupply them with 'phones." REVIEW LIFE0F EMERSON Jada-e Blair, Who - Kaetr Writer, 'Lead la Celebratloa of HI . Ceateaalal. Th Phllanthroplcal society met yester day afternoon at the parlors of th Psxton hotel with a good attendance. The special occasion waa the observanoe of the cen tenary anniversary of th eminent Concord philosopher and poet, Ralph Waldo Em erson. The principal feature of the meet ing was a very Instructive lecture upon Emerson by Judge . Blair of Omaha, which waa made additionally Interesting from th fact that Judge Blair wa per sonally acquainted with Emerson. Hla address waa In a large measure reminiscent Emerson waa born In 1808, ntered Harvard university at the ag of 14 and waa graduated at IS. Ha waa recog nised by English and American writers aa th foremost writer and philosopher of hi time. In addition to several volumes of pros he wrote two volume of poetry. Judge Blair read a number of selections from ,Emeraan'a , writings. Inclusive of his "Concord Hymn" and his "Apology" and Self-fte'llance." -v."! .....- -t '. . -t . .. Short talks were also mad upon Emer son by Mr. Burbank, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Parker, Mr, Points, Mr. Btorch and Presi dent Emery of the society, Judge Blair brought - with him an old photograph of A. Bronson Alcott, father of Louis Alcott, taken many year ago, showing him to be a New Englandef of the typical school. The meeting of th society next Sunday promises to be a moat entertaining ona. Judge Ogden will be Ihe principal speaker and will deliver a lecture on the subject of "Vegetarianism." Short Impromptu ad dresses will b mad by other member of th society, to ba followed by brief dis cussions on the topic presented. BRING L0JS 0F GAME HOME Federal OMclal Reform Well Repaid for Their Haat la the sUrd Regions. Deputy tinHerf State Marshal Henry Homan and United States Circuit Court Clerk Thummel have Just returned from a hunting trip north of Omaha and report quail and prairie chicken, abundant, with also many wild duck. Both brought a big bag of gam home. Th chicken season Is now open and th quail season will begin November 1, continuing one month. "It seem to be th prevailing opinion among hunters and farmer that th e'osed season for quail during th past thre year haa been the mean of reducing the num ber of quail rather than Increasing them," aid Mr. Homan. "This Is accounted for In (he fact that the quail have become par tially domesticated, are. d'spoced to bunch together during th cold season, that thou sands ot them ar frozen in these bunches and that they do not bread rapidly enough to offset th losses by weather. When th season wa open th bird would mat in mor numerous pairs, raise separate broods and seek the shelter of the draws and canyons rather than the hedge and hay stacks,, aa they now do. and thua obtain better ahelter. Thousands and thousand of quail arc frosen to death every winter along the hedge rowa and smothered by the snows that drift against th hedges. Being leas wild, they bunch nearer th houses and In greater numbers and hence perish In bunches." TURKISH OFFICER KILLS SELF DepadBt Over Fallar of gullaa to Bead Hlas For to Sappress . t'prlalag. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct 2S.-U Is re ported her that LouftI Pasha, a military governor of th. province of Ailr on th Red sea and th adjoining yemen In Ara bia, coaimltted suicide In respair because th government st Constantinople Ignored hi repeated demands for reinforcements. This refusal to send aid wss followed by a general uprising In Atlr, In which the governor of th province wa killed and a battalion of troops cut up. Reinforcements ar now being sent to Aalr. Maaeheator Cloth Market. MANCHESTER, Oct 25 An Improved tone prevailed in the cloth market laat week, there being an Improved demand for piece goods and Improvement In sev eral departments. The Undency of price is asalnat buyers; many makers srs at taining a stroi gr position, whlla optlmlailc vlvwa concerning the cotton crop ar be coming leaa geneml among uaera. Chlnn i purchasing staples wher tlm and frloea are negotiable. There waa a fair ndla luituiry. but the buaineaa in hii-h trade blearhlng cloths was freer. The Bourh Atoorli-in and other leaser outlets provided a moderate miscellaneous trad. Although tl trade In yarna was below th normal, tha turnover allowed an Im provement. ' ttptnnera are getting better prU-ea; soma yarna wild fairly well for th early numtha and manufacturers nod them Occasionally unexpectedly stiff. ' If It's a "Garland," that all yoa need U Know about stov or rang. JAPANESE LEADERS CONFER Inolined to Intiit on Frminnt Settlemom ef Eai.rra Qaeit.on. HOLD RUSSIA TO PLEDGES IN MANCHURIA laiaraaee Compaales, Bellevlag War a Certalaty, Refas to Take War Rltki oa Japaaea Veaaela. YOKOHAMA. Oct. 2B.-At the conference held yesterday between the minister and elder statesmen of Japan, when the far east crisis was discussed, there were present, among others. Privy Councillor Yamagata, Marshal Oyama. Count Inouye, Privy Councillor Count Matsukata. Baron Komura, the foreign minister; War Minis ter General Terauchl and baron Yama moto minister ot marine, tn addition to Premier Katsura and Marquis Ito. It Is officially reported her that Haghl Warashulchl, aecretary of th Japanese legation at Seoul, Cores, and hla party hav been prevented by the Russlana from landing at Yongatnpho. Thereupon th party proceeded and landed at Wlju. Japa nese reports of a visit to th alleged fig hat station at Yongampho ar to th effect that there Is a fort there. ST, PETERSBURG, Oct. 25. United State Commercial Agent M. M. Langhorne la at present her on hi way back t America from Port Dalny, th new port on th eastern shore of the Llaho Tung peninsula, about twenty miles from Port Arthur.' He saya that on th railroad trip from Port Dalny he counted seven train bearing Russian soldiers going esst. Port Dalny Is not progressive, according to th commercial agent, the trade remaining at New Chwang and Port Arthur. The latter plac 1 favored by Viceroy Alext eff. Waal Immediate Bettlenaeat. LONDON, Oot 25. According to reports received here the conference held Baturday between the cabinet ministers and the elder statesmen of Japan did not result In a final decision. It Is understood that Baron Von Rose, Russian minister to Japan, has received rfosh instructions from his govern ment and was to hav had another confer ence with Foreign Minister Komura to morrow. It la understood a majority ad hered to th country' past policy. Insisting that Russia should fulfil Ua pledges with regard to Manchuria on th ground that any agreement would only postpone trouble. LIVERPOOL, Oct 26. -Believing that war between Russia, and Papan cannot long be delayed, the marine underwriters decline to accept war rtska on Japanese steam ers, ovei) at th tempting price of 26 guineas per cent A Mara "ever Bnraa After Porter' Antiseptic Healing Oil I ap. pllsd. Relieves pain Instantly and heala at th same tlm. For man or beast. Price 2t& CREDITORS CLOSE NEWSPAPER Editor Js la Jail Her via a Oat a eateaee Imposed for ' Libel. BAN JUAN. P. R, Oct. 26. -On October 24 the San Juan Newa published a fierce attack on the government. Immediately following thl publication. Deford dc CO., bankers, served a writ of attachment or th New on k 'promissory not for M.1'0 and thsr wa no Issua ot th paper-today. F. O, Halt has been appointed re ceiver. Other creditor of th paper; ar pressing for payment. Hobart F. Bird, editor of th New, be gan serving a ' two-months' sentence in Jail laat week for having libelled Judge R. Thomas. -He made an appeal for a writ of habeas corpus, but It 1 rufored tonight that this appeal wilt not be granted. Bird will have to servehls term In jail. Other libel suits are pending. The New waa the organ ot the social Iota, anarchists and federate of Porto Rico, who are provoked at the loaa to them of the menaa of giving publicity to their views. Governor Hunt ha written a totter to Santiago Iglesiaa, president of the Federa tion of Labor of Porto Rico, saying that ti will ' not tolerate disorderly meeting or Insults to th American flag. Mayor of : Porto Rico hav Issued orders forbid ding the draping of th flag In black ex cept for funerals. k Gaaraateea Cure for Piles. Itohtng. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding PAZO OINMENT falls to cur yon In t Pile. Your druggist will refund money If 14 days. too. ELECTRIC CAR RUNS AMUCK Da Per so a Killed, Heoa la Wrecked .aad Car gaiaahed lata ' gpllatcra. JOLIET, lit., Oct. J6. A runaway leo- trio car on th Jollet A Chicago line today killed a man, demolished a houss and re duced Itself to splinters after a terrltio plunge down a steep Incltn In thl city. Just as th car began to descend th steep hill, motorman Bourafy fell In a faint and rolled from th platform. Mis Anna Weil borg, th solitary passenger, saw her peril and Jumped from th car. escaping ylth some painful bruise. . Th car bounded forward, going down ths hill at teniflo speed. At th foot of fh hill, where there I a shsrp curve. Pater Sharp, II year of age, waa waiting for th ear. He had not noticed that It waa running away. When th car struck th curve It Jumped th track, scooping up young, Sharp on th fender and crashed Into Charles Hollsteln'a dwelling. Bahrp'a brain wer battered out agalnat th foun dation. Th aid. walla of th hous were battered In and th entire hous wrecked. Mr. Hollsteln waa alon In th nous at th tlm and escaped without Injury, com ing through a window. TROLLEY CAR STRIKES WAGON Five Peepl Are lajarod, Two ot Theaa Berloaalr, aa a Reaalt. KANSAS. CITT. Oct . Five persons were Injured, two seriously. In a collision between a trolley car and a wagon n this city tonight Th Injured: Mrs. Kate Wedge, Internal Injuria, se rious. Mrs. Haiti Cross, contused wound at base of brain, aerloua. Mrs. Nettl Cross. R. K. Wedge and Archie Cross, sit seriously bruled. . All of the Injured wer occupants of ths An Tha ear-waa aolna st a hlfrh rata of speed snd when It struck th wsson occupants wer thrown violently from tbelr seats. A yoiin baby In th arms of Mre. Nettle Croas wss uninjured. Porelca Flaaaelsl. LONDON. Oct. . Dullness and derrea- 1 . LJ-JJ U 9 Alwyg Ria"nar tag uU lama Cure A CoU k Ofe Day, Pay Crl rvsry rzrtfz lex, zu slon characterised all departments of th Stock exrhanite during the last week, ant until the rumors ot war In th far eim are dlapelled there I little likelihood ol any aiiatulnod Improvement. Not only tin stocks Immediately affected by the wai rumora, but home railways Iho surTrrec heavily. American securities were anrt. by failures in the United States. So manj adverse Influences are at work Irt the mar ket that the Inventing public la holdlm completely aloof. The American market ws sustained bv bear repurohnws, but or the whole It shows a sagging tendency. Coold Sot Sleep for Coaajhlas;. "In the winter of lSoJ t contracted a se ver cold and It resulted In pneumonia." says Mr. Bert Hatch of South Dayton. N. Y ''For five days and nights t could nut sleep, wss constantly coughing. Mr. J. J Rundell, knowing of my Illness, sent ml a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and In a short time It gave' me relief, ac that I could sleep, and two bottles of tht remedy cured me.. I had taken five dif ferent remedies, but could get no relief until I began using Chamberlain's Coiigr Remedy. Too much can not be said fo' such a medicine." When a druggist tnkel the liberty of sending a medicine to a friend you may know that the re.n.v ent Is a good one. R. V. COLE. W. It. MCKAT. Cole-McKay company, undertakers Ami mbalniera, 1517 Capitol ave. Tel. 404. Hore -cuv, re made o nt your ho-sa Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. nth and Harney streets. ayvtva last season wbst anbal proof of pul- w lie endonemenL S 15. 20. 25, 30, 35 cenu. 5 AIlDeaW L: .the P-irner N 0 " 1 f . - ... X UY& ' Y, r Z?f)e Bost of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago : : w . ' . 'i : it ' : -j ! - Tne Omaha Traui -. Par ExcdUno U No. 6. A Solid train mad up in Omah, dally at 6:30 p. nu, arriving at Chicago 1:1a p. m. ntxt morniuu. Libruty Buffet Car Barber Yew . .standard SUepen Diner CAat'r Cats Everything. ZIXJ Office: 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA tcu 24-eet Dr. Soarles&Searlos SPECIALISTS ' Curs All Ipeolal . ' DISEASES OF . ISE1 , rN WEAK,' NERVOUS MEM r Jm KIONEY AND BLADDER . . DISEASES . Troalateat aaa Mealolao, S5.Q0 PER MONTH Examinations snd advle fr st offle or by mall. Written contract givn In all curable dlaeaaee -ir refund money paid for treatment. Treatment by mall. M year In Omaha. Co. th aad D !. OMAHA, EB. "THIS "LITTLE PQ wvwnini vwt Ukv trod 'ruduoCa svr mud si'ltwively fnoai LiitU PI fork of our ou nlaing and rm not b indnt4 nf "pliBt." itUlr l ltj HKQgMjjtw), feftUMIfw Mftnt, fisUDB. Hawvio. to. M Brrup, Mai'i HutfAf mu4 JVurj Btck wheat Flftor r hotm crtma tad b " m4m. Writ ftw BwukJr. ems Dairy Farm, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. old la Daaaa br QUaeme PtlN. aoleaivean ciuibni u re.uiui uf atu.n. lauiMMia. arliit, IwM-t-a, meu ana lnn intending lo inr-r ainiuid io a b.; aauKiiMima rwuiui waik Dri ami if. cuwur mwmi. tiAUat aberman A MoC'onnell Drug Co,. Omaha, AMI HEM ESI T. nnvn'e i woodward UUlai O I Burs, AVj'ri TOXIGHT Tl'EaUAY RIGHT, EZRA KENDALL N ' - ' "THE VINEGAR BUYER" Prices Jia, 60c, tCo, $1.00, $1.60. WEDNESDAY MATIN KK. ' NIGHT, AND THURSDAY NidUT. "BURIED AT SEA." Prices Mat., 26c, 60c. Night, Jbe, 60c. 76c. ORIItNTeg telephoir in:u Every Nlghf. Matinee Thursday, Bat uruuy and aunday. MODEM VAl DEV II.l.r:. Wright Huntinfrton A Co. Ohenk Krolhers, Pnnc a. .Lo-rr. Chd in Krnext, Brother HI . TSrwntat flavllie, Th Brlitoni, and th Klnodroine. , PRICES 10c, 16c. 40c. KRU3 THEATRE ".ntt-"' PIIONJS 600. r":;:. ':;::""' thIcm 'at :i5 gTUjy Ula g giaviiis f " ' " : V. KDN KM A Vf , . ; ACP05 ! f.!...A.Tf-.: ! THK HACIFIC Thursday Nlgbt-"AT CKIPPUC CKKEkV 5 21.689.765 genuine WeJ- bach mantle I wruearM II 1