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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
TITE OMAIIA. DAILY TtEE: SUNDAY, OCTOREU '2. 1903. 19 Na f GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Manipulation lit St. L:nii Caused 8htrp Adtatos in Price of Whtat, PRICE Of CORN WAS ALSO ' HIGHER Inflaencet r Alhrr Grain Oat Are Higher ! rrovlaleaa Firm X After a Break la Prlea - - t Rib. PHTCAOO, Oct. M.-Manlpultlon of D wmlwr wheat at St. I -on In wan the domt satlng Influenc In the CTaln market and aused a shsrp advance in wheat; th Ie ember option closing v.;i a gsin of 1HD 1o. Peoemher mm wau tip t,c, oat were rt higher and January quotation ioQVPfro higher. Ituylng of both tecemher and Way wheat hy houses with 8t. Louis connection wa the feature In the wheat pit, and the de mand from that sour became so urgent with only light ofTwrlngs that the market strong throughout the day. .Local trader showed more disposition to buy than for" some time past, although there waa notning in the shape of news to war rant such action. The only semblance of bull factor wsa the possibility of war In the orient nd the small movement In the northwest, but thl waa sufficient to create at strong demand. December opened He lower to higher at Prqxt)a.. and soon after the opening when the price of De cember at (It. Louis began to advance by big stride due to the congested condition of the market there, the price here followed ult and remained strong. The high point was reached lust before the close, when recember sold up to 81V- The close wa at 8iv&slc. a gain of l1'alV,c for th day. Clearance of wheat end flour were etual to 273.100 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,067,800 bushel, against 1,271.000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 611 cars, which, with local re ceipt of si tars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 672 cars, against 649 car last week and 8S3 cans a year ago. Corn was firm In the face of a somewhat Isns-ntd trade, entailer receipts than esti mated, strength In wheat and a fairly good hipping demand were the main supporting features. Cash house were buyers of both December and May and there was also good buying by commission houses. After selling between 44V40 and Ac December closed with a gain of 44.C at 44N,c. Local re ceipts were 114 cars. 133 of contrsct grade. Oat were Influenced by the bullish senti ment In other grains and the market how a . good advance. There was con nlclerable anxiety on the part of local shorts to cover and-offerings In general were light. December closed with a gain cf c after ranging 8tVifc.Wc. LrOcl re elpta were 2X7 cars. Rlha for Dctnhsr deliver v had a shard ja. break early In the day. but later reacted, , recovering all of th early loss. The balanc or me list was nrnv tnrougnour. me session, tho strength In grain being the chief In fluence. January pork closed 220 higher at $12 15, January lard wa up l&c at b.70, while ribs were 10o higher at $6.35.. 'Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, at cars; com, 3S6 cars; oat, J30 car; hog, 81,000 head. Th leading futures ranged, as follows: - Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. I Close! Yes' v. Wheat ' . f I Dec. SO-fJH KS 80 - MHl SOU Corn Oot. 43 4!04 Dec. ,444 44H 44Vi 44H 444 May v)t ay, 43Vt3 htfi : 43 . Oat III Oct J1 M Dm.:, 8H 36H H 3V iW May - Stf 37V. i' W POctT 11 25 11 15 11 af 11 25 11 1 Jan. 11 7H 12 15 11 7H 12 15 11 May 12 10 13 32 11 10- I 12 S2Vi U lb Lard- I I Oct. BZH 65 6 6 56 I 6 40 Deo. - 62Vk 8.674 52', 6 674 45 Jan. '6 55 6 70 6 55 6 70 6 55 May (66 67V4 6 65 7741 6 65 Ribs Oot. . 750 T 75 7 85 7 75 775 Jan. 625 685 625 685 6 2ft Hay 45 6 47 Iti (47V, 6 17V NtX 1 NW. Cash quotation were a follow: FLOUR Firm; winter patent, 84. 00-3 4 20; straights, 83.70Zf4 10: spring patents, $.1M14.W: straight, fa.7090; bakers, KM tM.4o. - - --- , - - -' No; , 764o;' No. red. 81 88ic. ' ' ' ' CORN-Ntx X 4414c; No. S yellow. 45M346C. OATS-No. l76Ho; No. a white, S8c; No. I whits, WtfBKc. . RYK No. , 666. , , KARLBY Pair to choice malting, 47(JJ66c. 8EM"ti No. 1 flax, Wc; No. 1 northwest rn, SOVfco. Prime timothy, $2.66. Clover, contract grade, $10.75. . VROVISIONa Mes pork, per bbl., $11.25 ?U.30. Lard, per 100 lbs.. WS7V,g60. Bhort ribs lde (loose). $7.0(kQ1.. Bhojt clear aide (boxed), I7.2CC7.37V4. The following were the receipt fcnd ship ments of flour und grain: Receipt", fltilpments. Flour, bbl 29.100 23.6'H) Wheat, bu K,400 221. (WO Ctrn. bu S.1W 4,&u0 Oat, bu. ,....l!7,7oO . 3u.Ui0 ' Rye, bU 50,000 114.H0 Barley, bu. 8S,4oO l,2o0 On the Produce exchange today th but ter market waa steady; creameries, 15V1 21c; dairies, 14&18c. Kggs, steady; at mark, case Included, lhylilc. Cheese, easier, W KKW VQRK CESE-HL MARKET. (taetatlana of tk Day ' oat Varloa C'omuiodltles. NEW YORK. Oct. 24 FLOUR Receipt. to. 131 bbls. ; exports, lU.ftBJ bbls.; maraet (rung, put not active; winter patents, h ou ti-t.36: winter stratghis. 83.90(a4.10; Minne sota patent, $4.jfe4.k6; winter extras, 14. B0; Minnesota DaKers, x4.TdQ4.iu; winter low giaaos, i.f(iuj.ii. uy nour,; fair to good, i3.26vi4M.4o: choice to fancy, i VStyS 60. ' Buckwheat flour, itrro, tl io. B U CKWH EAT y ulet, 61c, c. I. t, New xora. . CORN MEAL Quiet; yellow - western, $1.08: olty, $1.04; kiln dried, 83.203.2S. RYE Dull; No. 3 western, 6Jc. nominal, r. o. p., anoat; slat ana jersey, objuuanu. . BARLEY 4 ulet; tseuing. 40, c. I. f., uuf fata; malting, ooibijSu, v. 1. f , Buffalo. WHEAT Hoceipts, Xi.tlj bu. ; experts 77. CS0 bu.: saiea, l.tww.wM bu. futures. ,oou bd. apot. ' Rpot, steady; No. 8 red, kbso aievator and 874,0 f. o. b., afloat: No. I uortnern Duluth. 83Ho, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hird Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. There was a strong advance In December wheat today on very light ofTarlngs, lower oU, with better cables and ftais of an aamu. to manipalaie tho Deceiuber. itie cum wa Very strong, at VtJe net advance, helped by a big lis in Si. LouM. Mav. iaJ-16o, closed at 83 7-lSc; July, tjJOc, olosed at 80c;- December, 8ti87 -16c, closed at 87c t'OUN Receipts, 47S.863 bu.; exportr, 31, 4S3 bu. SpvM, firm; No. S. 61 Ho, naaninal, levator aud 62Wo f. o. b., ufloai ; No. 2 y 1 low, bic; No. 1 while. Uc. Market was uulet. , but likewise tinn , and nomeWhat higher on cash conditions at Chicago and the strength of wheat. The close was firm and 44?Vc et higher. My showing roout strength. Devembrr, fclijjlc, I'loeed at aiy:; May. 4-JH4v-. rksed at 4HV. OATS Hei olpis. 118 50) bu. ; expone, 46 -621 by, BHt, Hrra; No. 2, 42 Wc; standnrd white, 43c; No. J. 40c; No. 1 wa.te, 434o; No. 3 white, 4Jl,c; tck white, 41 4H.V HAY Firm; shipping, 6t5c; gooj to ch-iloe, SSic. HOPS Steady; state, common to rhob-e, 180S. toflXIc; IS 12. 8'ri2S4e; o.d. ftrtfl-; Ma rine ooaat, !, Ss2c; 19)2. 2iy'c; olds. ul2c. I11DE9 Steady; Galveston. 90 to II Iba, 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. to lbs . 14c. ' LEATHER (steady; acid. S3ftXVs. ' PKOVISIONB-Beef. Quiet; faailly, $1(1 00 910.15; beef hnns, $2150-3 00: packet 9 00 ttlo.ou; city, uiim ludia mess. $14. 00 16.00. Cut meat, quiet; pickled bellies, 9uile; rlukled shoulder.- 6t6c; p'rkled hams, iVjlJWc. Lard, steady; western oleumed, 7o; reAnnil. quiet; rentlnenl, $7 76; So'tth Atnerka. 88.01). Pork, s'eady: fumlly. short clear. 814.0o1100; mess. .2.7M 11 So. FilCK iteady ; domestic, tulr to extra, 46c: Jiimui, nominal. BUTTER Firm; extra creamery. Jic; creamery. nunon to chclce. lwJiaVy; irrl i tat Ion creamery. )6&i8e; state da'ry. lifljjo; factory. ln,iHi,f renovated. 134H7C. CHEESE (juiit ; state, full cream, fancv, small, colored. imc; Urge, colored. UVe: , small, whits. !lVc: large, white. HVic. Et-KJS Slrons; slate and Ptnnsvlvanl . fancy, mixed. 26c: state and Peiinsvlvs-la H-onds to ilmt, 31:'4c; western ex ras. a.;; wvsturn thirds to so. I'lidn 17'fiXc; westers Brsts. 4o: refilrated, IMi-'lc. TALIAJW-Dull; oily. 4V; country. 44 POULTRY All V. nominal- ilr....4 1-- il'i'L"!r: M,,er" chickens, 12V,o; fowls'. 12V, . J , H 1 1 0- til, oral. P,rt.lo... KANSA8 CITY. Oct 14. - WHEAT -r-oiDhrr. CH. ?,.; Ms W.WOSu; csh N.l brt 7K.-; No A 70'7lVi N 1 'M' Krjjs-t-d 3(jk-; No. J ri 8.' Uw: Nil 3 wmKIc. r COlt.S-Deo.u.ber, S7ytf7; May. S7o; rash No. 1 mtsed, GMtC'No. 1 whJle. Vc; No 3. Tjc. Iath-No. 1 white, toisc; No. t nixed, K 1 li-No. t 50a HA If Ciio.ce timothy, tttCQIOiOO; choice prsitle, lXi.00, Bt'TTtR Creamery, lSVktn"; lry, fancy. 17c. OrilH Klrm; Missouri and Kansas, case returnvd, JVc; uew No. 1 wbltewoud case Included, lc. . Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu Wi) lo.9 t o. n, tu 11.20U t.6 Oat, bu 2o,0tO 'U.vuO OMAHA WHOLES ALB3 MARKET. '' Caadltloa af Trad aad 4aottloa taple aad Faaey Prod ace. R(ia Fresh stock, loss off, 19c -LIVE lOULTRT Hen, 'iT.Vkc; prtng chickens, 7Vyo: roosters, according xp Je, If (Tic; turkey, Yi'iiUc; ducks, 7'tfsc; geese, 7c BUTTER Packing stock, 13c; cholca to fancy dairy, In tubs. 16yic; separator, tie. FRE81I FISH Fresh csught trout, 10c; pickerel, 8c; plko, 10c; percii, 6c; buffalo, 7'inSc; bluellsh, 15c; whltehsh. 13c: salmon, lie, hsddock, 1'Jc; 'oodtlsh,' 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters polled, per lb., 70c; lobs mis, green, per lb., ,c; bullheads'. 11"; catfish, 14c; black bass, 2o2&c; halibut, be; ci apples. Tic. henlruf. tci wtilte base, 10C; bluellns, o. OY8TEKS New York counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2.00; extra- selects, per can, 3ic; per gal., $1.76; standard, per . can, 27c; per gal.. $1.35. . tiRAN-Per ton, I14S6. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Denier association: Choice No, 1 up land. $X60; No. 1. 8S.00; medium, $7.; coarse, $7.00. Rye straw, $7.00. These price ara for bay of good color and quality. De mand fair and raoetpta light. . CORN 48c, OAT8-31C ' RYE No. I, BOa VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 75gOc: Dakota, per bu , 7o;6e- native, 66T70o. SWEET POTATOKI4 Home grown, per basket, 75c; Virginia, per 4-bu. bbl., $o.ou. UEAN8Honn grown, wax, per market basket, Xu0Oc; strlug, per market basket, 40,'ifdoc. t TOMATOF.S Horn grown, per basket, 60c. NAVY FEAN8 Far bu.. $2.65. CKLERY-Sroail, per do., 2035c) large Western, 46c. ONHiNHNew home grown, dry, per lb., lVic; Spanish, per crate, $1.50. CAHHAOE Missouri Holland, 1VC. TURNIF8 Canada Rutabaga, per lb., lc, FBUITH. PRUNES-Itallan, per box, H.00. PEACHKB-L'tah freestones, 80c; Colo rado Alberts, $1.00. ' - PEARS-Colorado and UUh Kelfera, $:.00; winter Nellls, $2.60. A PPLK8 Jonathans and Grime ilolden, $3.76(64.00; Michigan tak, J3.25&3.60; Cull foruia BellMowers, per box, $1.60; New York stock; :i.2('j3.50; Oregon stock in busliel boxes, $1 16(Bl.28, ; URAl'KK-Callfornla Tokays, $1.66; New York, per 8-lb. hnsket, 30c. CRANBEURIK-Per bbl., $8.50; pe box, 93.00. - CALIFORNIA Qt'INCEB Per box, $1.65. . TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, all sixes, $4.00. LEMON b California fancy, 8w to 8G0 sUen. tiM; choice 240 to 270 sixes. $4.0O4 26. FIOS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 86o; Imported Bmyrna, 2-orown, 15c; 5-crown, iic; -crown, ic ' - I DATES Persian, per box of 30 package, .w: per id in bo-in. tmxu. no BANANAS Per meiftura slxed bunch. $2.00 O2.60; Jumbo, $'.'.753.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, ful cream, UVjc; Wisconsin Young Americas, l.Htc; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, Uigo; yi-onHiti llraberger, 12c. HONEY Nebrassa, per 24 frames. $i50; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.60. CIDER Per bbl., $5.76; per Vi-bbl., $3.25. POPCORN Per lb., 2Vc; shelled, $&3V,c. HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 doa., packed, 80c. ' - NUTS Walnut, No. 1 soft -ahell. per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell, per lb. 18c; No. f bard-shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., lli&livtc; filberts, per lb.. llifllltci almonds, soft-shell, per In., oo; . Per hard-shell, per lb.. 13c: pecans, large lb., lO&llc; small, per lb., 9V10o; peanuts, Per lb., tVso; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; 1 1 1 1 n .milium, . 14 l, iai. lllm.l J nut.. per bu., $1.25; shell-barks, per bu., $1.76'i i.oo; Diack walnuts, per ou., 11.26; eastern chestnuts, per lb., ISUc. , HIDES No. 1 green, 6V4c; No. 1 green, 6Vio; No. 1 salted, TVic;- No. 2 salted. 6Hc: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., $ic; No. 8 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs.. iV,c: dry salted hides. 8'di 12c; sheep pelts, 276c; horse bides. $1.50 $.60. It. lioatla Oral aad Prarisions. 8Ti LOUIS- Oct. i-S4.-WHET-iHlrher: December, 89ic; May, blc; No. 2 hard, 71)4? sue. CORN-Hlgher; No. S cash, 4ISc; track, 43c: December. 40Sc: May. 40c. -UAlo lilgner; No. 2 caah, Hc; track, sfc; may, aic; no. I wmie, a,c. RYE Steady. 64o. . FliOUR Dull: red winter patents. $30&4.10; extra fancy and straights, $3.60 t(3 ; clear. $3.303.40. CDKNMKAL Btesdy; 83.40. . BRED Timothy, $2.00(63.00. ''BRAN Dull: sacked, east track' 72tfi 76c, HAY Dull, heavy and lower: timothy. i(.tK(i jz.ou: prairie, c aw io.oo. lnurt uunun iia.o-ti.vo. BAOOtNO 6MfVic. HEMP TWINE lc. PROVISIONS Pork Higher: Jobbing standard mess, $11.85. Lard Higher. $6.4s. Bacon, lower: boxed extra shorts and clear ribs. $8.75; short clear. M.26. POULTRY Steady: chickens. 8c: springs. IVto; turkeys. 11c: ducks, 410pi gese, 7Uo. BUTTER Steady: creamery. dairy. 1418c. EGGS-Steady, 21c, Flour, bbl, Wheat, bu Corn, . bu Oats, bu. , loss off. Receipt. Shipment. 11.000 10.CO0 .106.000 . 47,000 . 61.000 81 010 3S.0O 60,000 Sagar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. 24 SUOAR-Raw, quiet: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3o; molasses sugar, 3c. Refined, dull; No. , 4 86c: No. 7, 4.S0c; No. 8. 4.25o; No. 9. 4 20c; No. 10, 415c; No. 13. 4.05c; Nix 11. 4.0Oc; No. 14, S6c; confectioners' A, 4.60c ; mould A, &.D0c; cut loaf, 6 35c: coarse, 5.3 ; powdered, 4.buc; - granulated, 4.75o; cubes, 8,00c. MOLASSES Steady ;, New Orleans, open kettle, good to rholco, 81043c. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 24 -81'OAR Quiet; -open kettle, centrifugal, 33 centrifugal, white 44c; yellow, new crop, SSii4c-, seconds, 2t3',,c; new cane syrup, S6c. MOLASSES-Dull; centrifugal, 5jr'18c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 24.-DRY GOODS Th week cloaca with material conservatism ex pressed by buyers with regard tu purcnuses for delivery. There does not seem to b any definite Idea that lower prices will be secured by waiting. The financial situation Is audi as to lead heads of houses to advltte toward I lie continuance of the general con servatism which has marked buyers' opera tions. Phllndelphln Froneo Market. PHIIADKLPHIA. Oct. 24.-Bi:TTER-Steudy; fair demand; extra western cream ery. Jlc; nearby prints, lie. EttOaJ Firm : good demand; fresh nearby, 27c loss off; western, 2fv.o2tk;; southwestern, 24'if'Juc; southern. S4f23c CHEESE I'nchanged; New York full creams, fancy, lie; clitiice. llc; fair to good, ll&liiio. Whisky Market. ' PEORIA. Oct. ?4.-VlI18KY-Steady on brf-1' of finiHhed gondn, (1 'St. J. LOL1S. OcL 2l.-WllIjKY-Steady CHIOAOO, Oct. 24 WHISKY On basU of high wines, steadv at 11 26. CINCINNATI. IVt. 4.-WH1SKY-PUU11-lor's finished goods, steady uu basis cf SI.. lllaueapolla Wheat, Flour and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 24. WHEAT-Do-ceinber, 8tSc: May, 7c; on track. No. 1 hard. 83Vi; No. 1 northern. 8J'ic. FLOl.'K First pateiits, 4.&, 1.6); second patents. 4i'ii4 60; first dear.-., titOJW; aei'imd clears. ti 4ui 70. RRAN-ln bulk. lii.aO. Liverpool Ural a and Provisions. LIVERTOOU Oct. 24. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red. western, winter, 6i lnd; No. 1 northern, spring, no stock. Futures, dull: October, nominal; December, ti&Wd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 4 6d. Futures, dull: November, 42td; De cember, 4s January, 4 d. MHwnnkoa Ural Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 24. WHEAT Firm; No. I northern oSittoVc; No. S northern, oL'i"4n'; Nremlicr, l:o bid. . t 1 )KNV liecember, 4Sc asked. HVE-Ktrm: No. 1, We. UAHLE V Firm; No. Z. tic; sample. 62c. tnlatk Uraln Market. DfLTTH. Oct. 24. WHEAT On track. No. 1 noriiiern, JSc; No. 2 northern, u'c; December. 77t'7lK OATo-JCSso. reorla Uraln Market. PrORIA. 111., 0t. 24-CORN-rirw; N. 1 IAf; . No. 4. 4:'"c, OA I rt-Meady; o. t whit. IiX36Vc; No. 6 WUila, So-MO. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Wall 6trtt DiiooTers to Iti Surprise that tie West Bu Hone;. 4 ''' " FAILURE OF DEMAND CAUSES COMMENT . . Boa 4 Market I Becoming; Active aad (or Tim SAle Exceeded Those of taehs, with Advaaca la - Prices. KKW YORK. Oct. 84. TodsV .stock market waa almost Inert throughout The appearance of a bank statement caused a sluggish'' market, but the movement was merely fractional and was not maintained, the olose being Irregular and very dull. The reserve Item In the bank statement proved a surprise, the decline In cash re sources being reported at only $3,009, In iace or an apparent outward movement of caslt during the week of between $3,000,M and $4.000,0o0. Bank officials were some what at a loss to explain the discrepancy, btft some of them asserted that there had bepn considerable receipts of currency from iiuibko ana in west during the week, and the explanation was hasardect that this movement might have served to offset the heavy outgo to Paltlmor and Pitta burg and the cotton regions. in iaiiur or the customary demand from the west for currency at tht wmnti has been the subject of much comment In banking circles, but that there should have been so considerable a movement In the contrary direction In th middle of October l quite unprecedented. It was suggested a possible that local trust companies had made transfers of cash deposit to the clearing house banks. London' uneasy feeling over the war outlook In the far east had some slight effect In the local market and there was a repetition of rumors In circulation for sev eral day which hav been a often denied of an Institution In trouble at' St. Louis. Thar was a deposit of 6100.000 at the sub- treasury today ror telegraphic transfer to St. Louis. The varied v of the demand for bond was as conspicuous as for several days and the number of quotations on the tape for bonds exceeded In number and variety those for stock for a good deal of th time. A recession to 68 In United States Steel preferred waa the unaettiinv Influence at thw close. Th activity of the bord market ha beetl pointed out. United States 2s ad vanced V the 8s and old and new 4s, H per cent over the closing call of last week. Following la the numhnr of .Imn.. r stock old. range of prices and closing bid on the New York Stock exchange; Bale. High. Low. Close. Atohlson 7,u0 64 6Ti do Pfd 21X1 KXU. KliU W4U Baltimore & Ohio.... $,9Jp 74 73 73 do l)(d K7K4 Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J 550 116' llK'-4 llStk 7Vx Vni'i 100 15' Che. Ohio Chicago afc Alton 200 9i0 100 400 2D '4 Z84 27 64 14 27 64 " do pfd 64 14 26Z Chicago Ot. West.... ao B pfd Chicago & N. W 600 163 162 163 16 70 12 8" 153 230 19 66 26 66 4 4 100 70 81 l.- 18 94 17 31 Chicago T. A T. do pfd ' C, C, C. & Bt. L.... Colorado Southern .. 100 '266 12 21 12 21 do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Delaware & Hudson Uela.. L. & W Denver & R. O do ofd Erie 8,600 800 600 27 66 49 27 66 48 do 1st, pfd do 2d pfd Ot. Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central 100 81 300 131 81 131 do pfd Kansas City So do pfd Louis. A Nash 1,10 lOOtf M 100 Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Minn. A St. L Missouri Pacific .... 100 1334 133 133 400 107 107 J07 42 89 16 83 39 117 R6 1,600 'ioo 90 35 89 is M., K. ft T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central... 160 118 117 300 56 66Vt Norfolk A West do pfd 5 800 20 20 20 60 11S 18 118 Ontario A Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C. C. A St. I 100 eo 60 69 Beading 1 18.200 .100 t.600 100 4B 75 2S 60 do 1st pfd Rock Island Co 1 do pfd fit Loul A 8. F.... do lot pfd do 2d pfd Bt. Loul 8. W...... 75 24 60 Tfi 25 69 63 . 200 45 46 'do pfd ' Bt. Paul do pfd Southern" Pacific .... Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas A Pacific T.. St. U A W, do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do pfd W. A I E..... Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Express American Express . , V. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper Amir. C. A F do pfd 6,300 139 138 138 S.600 41 40?4 41V. 300 17 17 17. 7 22 18 800 7.270 25 71 3 2T 70 7 84 4J0 1S 18 1S 1,000 31 SU 31 .... .. .. 14 .... .. .. 15 ' .. 84 .. 2?o 1ST. 100 200 17,9-V) 35 84 35 8f tn 20 an, 100 66 66 66 Amer. Unseed Oil... do pfd z. 13 78 42 85 Amer. IiOcomotlv . do pfd Amer. 8. A R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refine. Anaconda Mln. Co. Itrooklvn Ranld Tr. 100r 13 1270 42 13 ': 410 114 114 14 100 60 AO (V) 2,01 t 8.1 31 Colorado KftI 400 30 40 80 Columbus A H. Coal Consolidated Oa ... General Elect elo '. ... 10 Kit 61 . 30 er 34 13 73 20 MU, 13oH 70 213 7 62 14 68 28 T 76 13 8? 2C0 14S 14S International Paper., do pfd International Pump.. UU IU National Rlscnit .... National Lead North American .... pRflne Mail T'eonle's 0 Pressed Steel Car.... do nfd Pul'mnn Plaeo Car. Renub'lo Steel do pfd Rubber floods 1 do pfd Tennessee P. A I.... V 8. leather do p'd I 8. Rubber 100 70 70 1.600 93 93 I jmo 100 kin lt 5?K 14 76 '406 j '6 76 do pfd T'. 8. Steel W d0 nfd i: . 68 Weo'ern 7Tnlon Vnethern Bcvrltle 13 68 85 Total sale for the day. 124.000 shares. , ttnaton ntoek t)ootntlons, , TtriSTON. Oot. 24. Call loans. SfJN rer ?!: time loans, M? per cent. Official i-1-.-tnaj prices on stooVs nnd bonds: Atchleon Asialxamstad do 914 liaiy Wal 17 Koa-on A Aitnor 4I Binfham 1 p. woi A M 11 ! aluaM( A Heels. ...4M fWQ Elerate lW'-j Ontenalal 171 N Y. . N. H. A H...ll I'ooiw Rans 4 FItrhhura std.. IM't Dominion Coal tin t'nlon Paeisa TO Kranklln, 7 M.I Central 'iitrl Itt Miinawk -A n Mnhawk :h Ajari rlran Sucar ... ..114 Dacaola , ,.ti;VPrrol .... ..1J44 Oulnry .141 ISanta fa Copsar.. .. HialTamarark .. tHa'Trlnllir .. at t'plta ttatas ... ... Mi ... l"i ... to . ... I ... f ... 114 ... la std Americas T. A T.. Co. F'eclrla .... Mafia. rieetrU ..... d put t'nl'ed Kntll f. . Staal do pfvl W-ailnaa. Commoa AaTemura Allow ea ....'.a UUj I lah ... ' U Vlitorls . Wlnoaa Wolverine ... I at 4 .8 ... H ... London Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 24 Closing quotations: fonaels for siooaj... a)4Naw York Central .. I ri do amount i Norfolk O Waalora.. 71 anaconaa ' sia Atrkiaon . '. " 47 VafOutarle A Vaatara... 4 ;( I Paanarlaata Baitlmora 4k Ohio .V, t'S Band Mlnaa i.... Caaadiaa Farias .. 11141, Hra41ns '. .'. as tl is. Chaaapaaas A ukl.. M I da lat pfd , sa II Ckicaco O. W. ll4! do d pld sa nfa C. U, SI p twDaar lMMinr A k. C do std , Kris do lat pfd do Id ild... Soiasani Railway.. Wi do pfd lS, aunt bar a Paelts..,. 4,Lnlos Paiilo .... T'a' do pfd ttlt.L'Mlod Stales Steal. do pfd : 1IH las, 4:a ST 14 tu Illlaola Canlral. II', L.iu,.lll A Naati..lM I da Did. NiaaoMn. a a T-. Il HAM SILVER Uncertain: Ki pr Durirv. . ' MONEY 1V.JT1 per cent. The rata of rlla. count In the open market for short bills la J1 per and for three-months' bills (a 3 'n't' 3 per cent. . Weekly Stank Statement NEW YORK. Oct 24-Th statement of averaar. uf the clearing hulM bauks of tills my It.r tlm rrk alir-wa: Imua, "7, r.i!; dei ia, 81.1n 6ak IM'"a"a. jWsi.. 714.0.V; dvcicaas. l2.lM.J. Circulallvu. eii, 802.000; Increase. Si;. 400., Legal tenders. $.. SfcO.o'iO; Increase. $il.Ji. Specie, $171.7".a; decrease. 8164,2X. Reserve. 824,8T3.1I'; de crease. $3.. Reserve required. $122 428,ff; decrease. $."!4,200. Surplus, S17.JH4.4fsi; In crease, $T.ll.2oo. Ex-l"nlted States deposits, $J7,244,5o0; Increase, $01,823. Kew York Most Market. NEW YORK. OM. 84-MONF.Y-On call, nominal; no loans; time money, steady) sixty days. 4 per rent; ninety days and six months, 4Ht6 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 5tVU' per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bllU at $4 R57 4 fv.75 for demand and at 84 S22S and $4 8230 for slxty-dsy bills; posted rates, $483 and $4"H; commercial bills, $4 82V. SILVER Bar, 0c; Mexican dollars, 4Nc. The closing quotation on bond are a follows: V. 8. rf. Sa, r...107V. Horklns Vsl. 4s...1M do eoupoa Id L N. ual. 4 44 So s rex I'M jMn. COO. (old 4S....1U So eoupoa 0t Maxicaa Ceo. 4 11 ia naw 4a, rs lttti no lit Ine U coupon tr.H vise. St. L 4s... H do eld 4s, re Ill iM.. K. A T. 4s 7t do coupon lit I do ts 74 . do ta, rag 101U. N. R R ot M. r. 4a. 14 .do cuupoa liHI N. T. (;. sen. !.- H Ati hlson sen. 4s lOOVt N. 1. C. sen. H lto do ad). 4 t INo. Tarlnc 4a 102H Atlantic C. L. 4s.... KH do la tol Bal. Ohio 4i 1004 N. a W. eon. 4a N do I Ha 7 Ore. g. L. 4a A P.... 1 Central ot Os. (s Pnn. eon, isi IT Mo It Inc HI Itesdlng (en. 4a M4, tTi.a. A Ohio 4Sa...loi St. U A I. Ctalnio A. SSa... tJ gt. L. A 8. M. e. la.lllH r f. 4a. II '4 C H. q. a. 4a.... M St. L. P. W. la. -ti r, c M A 8t P g. 41. .ln Saaboanl Air L. 4a.. A N. W. t. 1a....lsiH'o. Pai'lfle 4a . n , r-4 in .114 , 7 .10J .lit . 14 . II c, r. i. a. p. 71i So Railway Sa n ITaxaa Jt Parlflr la., XH'T . St. I.. A W. 4a. ?3S t'nlon Pacific 4 M I do ronv. 4a M If g. steal 14 (a.... H Wahaah la T14 do deh. B do col. na OCCAStLs. 4s f'hlcaxo Ter. 4a.... f'on. Tobacco 4a.... Colorado So. 4a Denver A R. O. 4a Erie prior lien 4a... so general 3Wheal. L. B. 4s.. F. W. at D. C. Offered. U...104Uj Wis. Central 4a.. York Mining; Quotations. NEW YORK, Oct. .-The following ar tno quotations on mining siocks: Adams Con. ! 14 baadvllla Cos. Little Chief ... Ontario (iphlr Phoenix Savaae Blcrra Nevada Small Hopos .. .. 1 .. I . .4M ..1W .. 1 .: tt .. 5 .. 14 Alice breeee Hrunawlek Con...'.. Comatock Tunnel... Cos. Cal. A Vs.... . 19 . 8 .. .110 ..MS .164 Horn Bllvor ....... Iron SIlTsr Offered. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, Oct. 24.-Bank clearing for th week ending today were $8,240,213.47, an In crease over the corresponding week of last year of S1.1C9.4P3 98. This week has been the largest In the clearing house for the last few months. The comparisons for each day of the week for this and last year follow: . 1903. 1902. Monday!. $1,602,971.40 $1,833.240 17 Tuesday 1,371,459.81 1,246,840.03 Wednesday 1,409,457.10 1,079,611.11 Thursday 1,287,267.28 1.111,544.33 Friday 1,369.463.43 1.132,603.50 Saturday 1.199,694.43 1.167,981.36 Totals. .88,210,213.47 S7.070.719.4S Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 24-COTTON-Tho market opened steady at an advance of 7 point to a net decline. of 1 point on cov ering and buying for long account, pro moted by report of frost through the cen tral portion of th belt. Receipt were rather light, but the cable were under expectations. After a little further firm ness on the call the market, apparently with expectations for a heavier movement next week, eased off to about last nlsht prices and ruled rather quiet but steady Around that level. Trading waa chiefly of a professional character. . NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 24. COTTON-Fu-tures, steady; October,- 9.78c; November, S74i9.76c; December, 9.74rH9.75c: January, 9.804i9.81c; February, 8.86fo9.K8c; March, 9 9i tt9.96c; April, lO.WKj 10.02c; Mav, 10.06S10.07c; June. July. 10.1310.15e. Spot cotton opened quiet and closed firm; sales, 6.8O0 bales; ordinary, 7S-16c; good ordinary, 8c; low middling, 9Hc; middling, 9c; fiod middling, 101-16c; middling fair, 0 7-16c; receipts, 11,141 bales; stock. 116,800 bales. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 24.-X)TTON-apot,'ln limited demand; price unchanged to 2 point lower; American middling fair, 6.02J; good middling, 6.84d. middling, 6.72d; low middling, 6.66d; good ordinary, 6.64d: ordi nary, t.34d. The sale of the day were 4.000 pales, 01 wnicn 400 were ror speculation and export and Included 3,20 American. Receipts, 14.000 bales. Including 13.700 American. Future easier; American mid dling, g. o. w October, 6.49d; October -and Novgsnber, 6 jtfxl; November, and December, 6. SOd: December and January. 6.2Sd: Janu ary and February, 6 2oa5.27d; February Hhd Marcn, ; Man n ana .'April, o ztui; April and May, 6.66d; May and June, 6.36d. Wool Market. ST. LOUI8. Oct. 24. WOOL Dull and tin. chanxed: medium grades, combing - and clothing, 17i21Hc; light line, 15'al7c; heavy pne. iL'r()'i4V4c; tuo wasnea. vy(fc. BOSTON. Oct. 24. WOOl The follow ing are the quotations for lesdlng de scriptions: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, S4rj36c; X. 30ft31c: No. 1, S2f?33c; No. 2, 31ijj'32c; fine unwashed, 24025c; half- blood unwashed. 2.MiTii'c: three-eighth blood unwashed, 25(ti26c: quarter-blood tin- washed. tfriaW. nne wasned delaine. 06c; Michigan X anil above, 27 H; 28c: No. 1, 219 30c; mo. z, zxijj2tc; nne unwasnea, zir?o; ouarter-blood unwashed. 24'if25c: three- eighths-blood unwashed, 24&'2uc half-blood unwashed, 24i2oc; fin washed delaine. 82 33c; Kentucky, Indian, etc., tnree-eigntns-blood, 2425c; quarter-blood, 2425c; braid 2-ii23c: Territory and Idaho tine. 14fU5c fin medium 1617c; medium, lfll9o; Wyoming fine, 14Sjioc; nne meatura. lai7o medium. 18V4'9c: Ctah and Nevada fine. Uyl6c; fine medium, 1717c; medium, 19'dl 20c; Dakota fine. 151c; tine medium, 164tf lmc: medium. IW200; Montana nne cnoioe. 19(g20c; line medium choice. 19620c; staple. zosi zio : mea um cnoioe. vnitie. NEW YORK. oct. 34. WOOL steady i domestic fleece. 2841 32c. LONDON. Oct. 24. wool Arrival for the sixth series of auction sales amount to 60,412 bales. Including 10,100 forwarded di rect to the spinners. Coffe Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2I.-COFFEE Snot Rio. firm: No. 7 Invoice. 5 15-16c. Mild firm: Cordova. 7i4fi)7V4o. Futures opened steady at an advance of 6 points on all positions. Th gains were due to further active demand from various commission houses, who were encouraged to buy by firmer European markets and continued liirlit reeelnts. Naturally realizing sales were heavv. but the buying was sumcient to atorb them and arter tne opening the market ruled firm, net unchanged on the spot month, but 5410 points higher other wise. Bales were iWiai usg including November st 1.20c: December, 8.45c; Jsnu- arv. o.pAwim.rsc! Marcn. . (".iro.fac: April, ( 75c; May, 6.W3.90c; July, B.96c; September, S.UOtj.UfjO, 4 Evaporated Apple and Dried Frotts NEW YORK. Oct. 24 EVAPORATED APPLES Firm In tone, with supplies light. Common, 4filc; prime, 6;i;6c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune j are still In light demand and coat advices Indicate a slightly easier market; spot quotations range from J',c to ic lor all grades. Apricots are attracting a Httle mora attention and rule generally firm choice are held at 9 'to, extra choice a lOliloiac and fancy at 1 Kit 11 Wo. Peaches also seem to be meeting with a little better Inquiry: choice ar held nt 7''&7to;. extra choice, ?3atJta.o. and fancy, SWoloWc. Metal Market. " NEW YORK. Oct. 24. M ETA LS The volume of business reported at the clos In the metal market today was small snd price . changes were few. Copper, while more or Ies nominal, whs flruier in tone, with lake held at $13.374rl3.50. electrolytic at $12 and casting at $12.a24. For tin there was good Inquiry and prices held firm at $26,25a: 50 for vot. Spelter waa firm and unchanged at W. 12H Lead was quint; spot, if 50. Iron, nominal, quiet and un changed. Exports ana Import nt Now York. NEW YORK. Oct. 24.-The total import nf dry goods and genersl merchandise at th port of New York for the week wer va'ued at $12,634,(01. Export of specie from this port for the week were $931.3 stiver and $i7.0r gold, the Import being $22,136 silver and tX.SuO guld. . . Toledo feed Market. TOLEDO. O., Oct. 24-8EKD8-Clover. October, $8f7H,lld; Decemlter, $6.60. bid; J tnuary, 56 66, bid; February. l.67V.b1(l : March. $6 70, bid; prime timothy, $10.40; prlir. ulalke, Wn T Ions City I.I v Stock Market. ' SlOirX CITY. Ia.. Oct. 24. Bpecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. lf0 head; mar ket steady; beeves. 14 0oxi5.Su; cows, bulls nd mixed. $2 T3 41: storker and feeders, $2 6173 6u; ralvea and yearlings, I2.2idil.4e. HtiCiS Rc-relnts. 1.900 head; market ic Liwrr at le.uOviA.ZS; bulk. tj.a,!j.lo. t OH nm-.i noaln. OIL CITY. 0 t M OIL Credit balances, $124: certificates, no bid; shipments, 7411 bbls ! avert, 76 4y t.bU. ; rui.a, 12.710 : aersge. 74 DS3 bids : sbitmenis, Lima, 14 a j.i li : average. a.4.'l 1,1.1s : runs. Lama, tn. .41 puis.: average, tr,wv buis. OMAHA LIVE STOOL MARKET Beef Bteers 8teiy to Btroo; for Week and Cows bad Best Feeders Steady. HOGS A LITTLE LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Veneral Ran of Fat Rbeeo aad Lanabs Ton to Flfteea ruts l.uwer for Week-t'smsjos and Lightweight , La sabs Fifty Ceats Loner. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 24. Reeelnts were' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omriai Monday Orheial 'i'uesuay Official W'efliiesday Official Thursuuy . .. 9.9L1 ... 8,USo ... 9.517 ... 4,044 ... 2.311 ... M 1, 446 ls,a2l 3,810 4,039 2.Wf 8,tit 2,930 li7297 19.22H 21.MI 26.513 19, isS lk).2t -4 18,1.5 .4h3 tmciai vlds y Orheial Baluruay.... Week endlnv rixi 91 u ci 78,151 90, 6 91, W0 Vi.oro t,3M Week enulng Oct. 17. ...27,113 week enulng Oct. 10..:. 81.877 Weea ending Oot. 3 3!.!W1 Week enatng Sept. St.... 33,927 Same week last year 36.&441 24,987 Rk-CEIKia FOR THE YKAR TO DA TIC. 1 tie loUowliig table shows the recemts i.i c-tue, hogs and Snetp at South Omana for year 10 uate ana compaiisons wun ihsi year: io2. inc. -'ttia 860. 7t 773.8i5 83.133 itOK .-. l,o3;, l,o23,;-t 14.1.0 beep 1,3,6.1 l..',614 108.3J? Average price pAtd tor Hug at South Omaha Iir wm lai davi with com. parisoua: Cat. 1903. 190. 11901. 11900. DB.H3. 11897. Oct. l.,i Oct. 2.... 6 62WI V 141 761 k 121 I 3 711 8 8i S alaj 7 Alt a b, 11 4 Sl I I .' Oct. S....I e ttMI I 4V t is, 4 U S 66 oct. .... Oct. ...' 6i 20 4 9.1 3 04 8 H V a3 luf 4 all I i4 I 71 (Ct4aJ Oct. i 111 4 4 I 3i 3 64 4 to 3 Ml I 64 6 OS I k 691 I 63 0 U2 8o j 8 53 4 921 4 831 t 64 Oct. 7....I Oct. t ... ' I 11 4 il I N M 6 41 V 7 1 6 49 7 381 831 6 Oct. .... O 111 141 1J Oct. It.... Oct. 11-.... Oct. 12.... 1 ?4 14 4 92 a 6 15j 6 20 4 U Ul 3 67 3 69 ( SOU1 m 7 07 4 93j 483, I S3i 4 72, 4 XI 4 20; 8 fc 3 64 3 69 8 64 8 63 I 64 Oct 13.... Oct, 14.... 4341 '1 1 6 28 44 a 4 20 Oct. 16.... 4l7St I OU li 8 68 8 61 3 69 a 3 61 a tw Oct. 16.... 6 8bH 6 91 6 22 Oct, 17.... 6 224,1 I 15 6 29i 4 64 4 16 3 70 Oct. 18.... Oct. la.... 7 02. 6 2 4 62i 4 10 8 67 I 11H 6 23 6 26 4 51 4 15 t 73 Oct. 2o.... J 6 IMS 6 92 4 681 4 61 3 71 8 64 I 66, I 62 3 661 I 68 Oct. 21.... Oct. 22.... Oct. 23.... 6 07-t 82j 6 16-al 8 701 6 14? 761 6 14,1 6 74 13 6 iK i 99i 4 62 4 61 4 16 I 63 Oct. 24.... 6 01 4 61 4 14 8 56 Indicate Sunday. ' The OfMrlnl niimh. nf na m rtt alnclc brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hoars. Sh'o. H'sea. xi. Br ot. f..., 9 11 " 61 3 19 Mo. Pacific 1 L'nlon Pacific ' C. A N. W F.. E. A M. V 1 C, St. P.. M. A O ti. ct M.... B. A Q K. C. A St. J 7 C, R. I. A P., east C. R. I. A P., west.. .. Chi. Great Western.. .. Total receipt 9 The disposition of the day's receipt wa a follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 2 . 85 ... Swift and Compary 166 60 Cudahy Packing Co 937 118 Armour & Co 868 ... Armour & Co.. Sloug City ... 364 Boden Packing Co 226 ... Other buyer 41 ... 420 Total 206 $.109 638 CATTLE Ther were only A few odd bunches of cattle In the yards this morn ing and consequently a test of the market was not made. For the week, however, reeelnts have been fairly liberal, showing a gain as compared with last week amount ing to about i.ouo neaa, out a comparea With same week last year there Is a loss of about 2.000 head. Taking the week a a whole, th market nag been la very satis factory condition. Ther has been only A fair supply ot cornfed steers on sale and a packer hav all wanted a few the average price for th week I a little better and th close could be quoted steady to strong as compared with tho close of last week so far as th better grades ar concerned. The Common and warmed-up kinds sell at such uneven f rices that It is nara to quote a market on hem, but they are probably no better than they were a week ago. Good to choice grade sell from $5 to $5.60, fair to good from $4.76 to 6.00, and the common and short fed grades go from $4 60 down. 't ne weeK openea wun a aecnne in tn price of cows owing to a more . liberal proportion of the receipts being made up of cow stuff. After the middle of the week, however, th tendency of prices was again upward, so that the loss has lust about been regained. There has been considera ble unevenness to tne market an tne week. so that In some places the market still looks a little lower, but th change la hardly enough to be worthy of mention. Cornfeds are still very scarce, but could be quoted from $3.73 to $4.40. Common kinds sell from $3.60 down; good to choice grass cows sell irom $2.90 to $3. 61; fair to good from $2.40 to $2.80, and canners and cutters rrom i.7 to Bulls ar very little different, from, a ar scarce, but could be quoted from $3.00 to 34.00. Grass bulls go mostly from 32.00 tq $2.60. Veal calves are about steady, the best grade selling up to $5. Receipts of stockers and feeder hav been very liberal all the week and the demand has not been as brisk a might be expected. The best grades though hav held Just aoout steady, wnii tne less de sirable kind are slow and fully lO'rilSc lower than a week ago. The cattle selling to the best advantage are the good heavy dehorned cattle and also the cjiolce year lings, eucn kinds may De quoted rrom 33.60 to $4.00. fair to good from $3.16 to $3.40, and the common kinds go from $3.00 down. Most all or the feeders now com Ing forward are western rangers, very few natives being offered. The demsnd for western rang beef steer ha been In good shape all the week and the same as with cornfed steers, the bet ter grade mav be quoted steady to strong and active. The common kinds, though, of which there Is a large supply, are rather slow, snd no more than steady with Inst week. Tho better grades sell from $3.75 to 84.50. fair to good from $3.55 to $3.60, and th common kinds from $3.1S -down. Range cows and Blockers nnd feeder are selling In the notches minted aonve. a BEEF BTEERS. No. Ar. ft. No. At. , Ff. ii isis 14 n WESTERNS COLORADO. it feeder.. 754 $ 50 26 feeder.. 752 8 66 18 feeder.. 711 8 60 27 feeders.. 754 $ fO 10 feeder.. 601 2 76 26 feeders.. 606 3 65 69 rows 926 t 60 43 cow 934 3 60 SS cows 871 1 60 HOOS There was another light run of hogs here today and. tne same as usual, the trains were slow in arriving, so that hogs kept coming In all the morning. The market unenaJ steady to 5c lower, the de rllne being mostly on the heavy hogs, and rarticularlv on those of common quality. The sood heavies sold lsraely at $5.10. with the rough nnes going from $5.10 down to 8n. Th medium weignis sola largely rrom $o.l0 to $5.15 and the lights all tTre way up to 85.36. There were more light hogs her today titan yesterday and that fact of course helped out the average and made the market on paper look better than It really was. The market held up In good sliape until about noon, when a few load arrived, and they sold a trifle weaker. The receipts of hogs- for the week ar about the same as for last week, but are about 6.000 head short of ths same week of last year. Prices have been fluctuating back and forth to quite an extent, but the general tendency has been downward and the net loss for the week amounts to nearly a dime. The market, however, Is about 11c higher than the low day of the week which was Tuesday. Keyreseniauv sale No, At. la. Pr. No. At. k. r 1 ... t SO 41 tO ... 4 Mt rf 124 4 u 14. IM ... 4 10 t7 Iti 140 ( 44 41 tSl la I W n Jit id 4 i V ut w m (1 s 4U I OT tl ... 4 M ie txt ttu i m to I4i M t it IT .! KA I 14 12 IfcJ ... 4 10 M tm III It 4 ... I I24 4 ill 14U I 1 It Ill ... I W M t UU 10 V ll 4. I H ad m tu 111 SK) IM lit M 171 140 t 1!', 41 ;7 ao 4 10 41 u 40 4 Ult u tad tut I 10 no ... I tl Tl t lie I UV4, It 1.1 40 4 15 (I I7T U0 t K t ksl it I 16 la H4 ... 4 i:v, ao a4 I I 11 4 to lto 4 tl M 2W ... I II HIM IW IK O : H I li M M 40 4 M M 171 W I 11 SHEEP There were a few car ra ported this morning, hut nut enough to mv market. For the week receipt shot- diicrase a rjcnirnri-d with last -ek amounting to about S'.ou) head, but as com pured with the corresponding week of last year there is a g:ilu of ubout 7,uu0 head. The tendency of prices ha been down ward at all points this Wees, ana as rvault prices have suffered to some exlen here, but Quotations are still well In line with other markets. The declln on (at stuffs aimiunts to about IvfJIM In tlie Htaj4.rlty of rasve. tnouxli home sale pav ahuwn a Uttle wore lua than that. The grestest decline seem to hav been on yenrllngs and wethers. The demand for feeders has not been quite as brisk thl week, snd as a result price have eased off a little. The am a with fat Stuff the declln on the gen eral run of sheep amounts to about IOuIdc. Old ewes are around a quarter lower, end owing to the big supply of light weight snd bsby lambs, tho market on that kind has slumped off In bad shape, sales show ing a loss of 60c during the week. Baby lamb are now selling from 82.60 to $::.uO and fair light weight lumbs (ell from 83.00 to 83 50 Quotation for grss Stock: Choice west ern lambs. 846o4.76; fair to good lambs, $4,2644.50; choice yearlings, I3.4f.r8.; f tlr to good yearlings, $3.25340; choice weth ers, $3.1Vf,3.36; fair to good wethers. $8.10 $.36: good to choice ewes. $2.7V30O: fair to good ewes, $2MVfJ20; choice feeder lambs, $4.004.25; fair to gins! feeder lambs, $3.25l 4.00; . baby lambs. $260fi3 00: feeder year lings. 83.2Mi3.60;. feeder wethers, $3.0(Vi3.2S; cull and feeder ewes. $1. 60112.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. ' Hog Price Lorrer-Cattle Market Nona laal Sheep Market gteady. CHICAGO, Oct. 24.-CATTLE-ReceIpU. 800 head; nominal; good to prime steers. $3.404y 90; poor to medium, $$.6fV.00: stoVk ers and feeders, t2.25ti4.20; cows, tt.SS4f4.r; heifers, $2.Hfio.OO; ennnrrs, $1.8S'rtf5.50: bulls, $3 0f-r4.te; calves, $2.fyu7.00; Texas fed Steers, $2,7S4fi3 60; western steers, $3,004(4.75. HOOS Receipts. 14,000 head; estimated Monday, 85.000; market PfjlOo lower; mixed and butchers, $6.40'tj 5 80; good to rholre heavy, $.i.ili5.70; rough heavy, $5.00fr5.S5: light f5 rs-fj.fli: bulk of sales, $3.S5'fi3.t. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head: market steady; good to choice weth ers, t3.0O4r3.n5; fair to choice mixed, COt J.00; western sheep, 82. 2604 25: native lambs, $3.26fe6.60; western jambs, $4.00S4.25. Kansas City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 24.-CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.000 head: market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, 84.50?S.SO; fair to good. $4.00(84.60: stockers and feed ers. $2.4nti3.20; western fed steers, $2.3;iM 4 26; Texas snd Indian steers, 2.7Fir 40; Texas cows, $2.10tfi2.6O; natlv cows, tl.TTM 866; native heifers. $2.8fJ3.90; canners. $1.00 1(2.30: bulls, $2.0053.00; cslves $2 6.25. Receipts for th week wer 64.709 cattle and 11.108 calves. HOOS-Receipts, 2,000 head: steady; top, $S.47i; bulk of sales, $5 1F'o5.35; henvy, $5.00 y5 26; mixed packers, 16. 2r.)6.40: light. t.331 6.40: yorkers. I5.35TK.40: pies. W3.vjj5.45. Re ceipts for the week. 81.800 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.800 bead; market .strong; native lambs, $3.26J9 520, western lambs, $2.90i6.10; fed ewes, $2.800375; Texas clipped yearlings, $2.50ffJ 4.00; Texas clipped sheep, 82.4Wvl.75; stock ers and feeders, 82.00&3.50. Receipts for the week, 44.600 head. , St.' Loots Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS, Oct. 54. CATTLE Receipts, 600 head, Including 400 head of Texans- The wiarket was steadv. Native shipping and export teer, $4.25b565, the top for strictly fancy; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.00(35.40; steers under lbs., $3.40j(6.25: stockers and feeders. $8.00f3.75; cows and heifers, $2.25tf4.75. the ton for fancy corn fed heifers; canners, $1,751)2.15; bulls. $250 ti4.00; calves. $3.O0fj7.OO; Texas and Indian steer, $2.2034.26; cow and heifer, $2.0o 2 90 HOGS Receipts, i.000 head. The market wss steadr to a shade lower: pigs snd lights, $5.366.65; packers. 15 2V&6.&0; butoh ers snd best heavy. $5.45135.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700 head!. The market was dull.prlces nominal: na tive muttons, $3.253.75; lambs. $4.00f 5 40; cull and buck. $2.004.00; stockers, $2,009 3.00. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. BEEVES No re ceipts nor shipments reported: dressed beef steady; city dressed native hides, extreme range, 6Hfi9o; Texas beef nominal; reported exnorts todav, 9S9 head of cattle. I CALVES Receipts. 12 hed: no sales re- nrtrteri- eltv dreased Venls. tfi2VLC. HOOS Receipts, 2.273 Tiead: no ale. I BVIF-F.P AND LA MRS Receipts. 1 OOfl I head: market nominal; reported sales of few sneep at Xo.uiaw.orj ana oi tew mmun at $5.25iVf6: dressed mutton, 5fi7c; dressed lambs, 7(fl0c. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, OcL 24 CATTLE Re ceipts. 68 head. Th market wa steady. HOOS Receipts, 2.121 head. The svergo of the market wa teady: light, $S.205.40; medlvm and heavy, $6.10(&5.40. SHEEP Receipt, none. Stoek In Sight. Following are. the receipt of lly stock t the six principal western elite yester day: cities. Cattle " Ilors. Bheeo. Omaha son Chicago 3"0 80S 14 poo 8.000 8.000 2,m 1,800 2.000 1.500 TOO Kansas city 4.'"' St. Louis 600 St. Joseph ss Sioux City 100 Totals !.: ,2.8S1 i B.0K6 REAL E9TATK TR ANsFBJIS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland t.uaraniy ana Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fnrnam mreet: Augustus SttJidnerg to Anna Carlson, . nart lot 7. block ff. Park Place add...$ 22 The Benson Land Company to Sarah M. . McMlchael, lots ana i. uiock 39. Ueninn 400 National Bank of Commerce to Hjlda C. Northwall, part lot l, piock Rnmia Park add 800 Charles H. Swlhurt and wife to Jame w. shumaker, on acre in ne in sec. U-18-10 LOW Mary McD. Vosburgh to Jeremiah M. Fitzgerald. lots jj ana i, mocn i. fotter e i onp s seconu iuu Joseph D. McHugh and wife to Qene- vleve lylee, lot a una souin nan ijv 2. Mock 2. Hascair subdlv. ec. en-it 1,500 Bam to same, lot $ and , block 79, South Omalia Same to same, south half lot 4, block 41 Hnuth Omaha 1 Otto L. Belndorff and wife to Charles . ReindortT, lot 3. Terrace aon. Omatia; lot '. block 1, Patterson add. to South Omaha, and lot 14, kii. a wii HMf arid, to Omaha.... 600 Willlum F. Lorenien and wife to Emll Karsch. lot . DlocK z. usanoma P.rb .llll 1.150 Annie Florence Hester and husband to Patrick s. wcuuire. pan una i a i.i. .. u "4 Hnuth Omaha 4.200 Annie Wucrth and husband to WU- Hani Bena, eV sev sw sec. s-io-ja.. j.-w FOREIGN CAPITAL NOT AFFECTED BV WALL STRKF.T. Enabling owners of approved proiiertles to DEVELOrWBXTESiD KttllH I'SniSTHIAI.S, HAILVAVs, MITiK and similar enterprises. Address with fui! detail. .. ... J 8. WHITE, llAnager. Security Ufe In. Co., 61 WALL oTKEET, NEW YORK. watBEsnBszsmsRtii'an Voult! You Invest $100.00 to Llako $10,000.00 in PrfHs.Dcsidos Hany Times Your.Uoney Back in Dividonds? IP SO BI Y COLt MBI H O.V!4. GOLD MIMXi I OMIMM'1 STOCK OF fHB BLACK HILLS, . !.. AT HO l'KXT8 PKR MHAItK. HoniPtitako 8to k gturUd at around fl.00 por ghare. ' uilvnnoiHl to $115.00 per nhure, and hn never nilsm-d a monthly dividend In lb pant twenty-four yearg, thus, an, titvrs tment of $ lias !iovii tho ubove proflta. ITiere 1h no reason wliy'OOUrMBrS CONS. HTOf'K aliould not do aa well, aa this company, us It 6wnn 045 acrea of ground adjoln fnir the Homontuke and fovprtmr; jmrt of the um grt-ut uilnr-ml de posit. The company lit inakliiif jstsjudy thlpmeuti to lis mill which U ghowihK larg' profits, 1 Tho company la out of dobt and has firsMsJiMio In the treasury towards the erection of a mill, which, a hooii aa coyi plettHl, will put the oolnpnny on an euortuoua dlvidond paylntf Imala and cause the stock to show an cnoriuou advauo. Mrlte for (nil vartlsalar. Tfcf stock ran fce purchased an th Inatallnaent plan If lealveaL. HERBERT S. SHAW, OFFICES 14 aai 15, Brjfi Pj!io Hotel, DsiYtr, Colo. HE KKKEN'CE Western Hunk of Iienver Colorado. , Burns, Haskell Company ;. hsi (TO ANY OF OUIt ISO IFHCES IT PRICES ON VfllEAT.nATSp.Orul V hart the largest private wire system Is America, and will give you the latest telegraph prices at chloago, Minneapolis and Duluth. Order for futue delivery executed st th anarketi prompt scrvks rtvent Comerrisskans: Whest, l-loc per bt on osta and corn, l60' per ba. tmunisslon on stock. 1- 4 per cent. C ft 1 n IT4S VOW WMRAT AH" V 3 OTHER UKALVs. W guarantee highest cash prices and prompt return, paying drafts In advance upon con signments. Commissions, He per buabeU No Interest Charged for Carryrnf Long Stocki. itTKTS COMMISSION COt 11 Sf anf CAP. SURPtUi 30CV000 Vgkain stocks 4TENFRAL OFnCPSj NBW YORK I !FH BLDQ., MINNEAPOLIS. R0BT. VANCC, Correspondent. Itlt.H Farnana St., Umaba. Tel. 84117. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS Room A . flanhattan Bide;., . ST. . PAUL, MINN. Dealers In , Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable margin. , Member Importnnt Exchangre. Prl nte Wires. ' Writ for our dally msrket letter and prl-1 vate telegraph cipher mailed fre. ' Ship Your Grain (o Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advance, i Prompt Returns. IOO Bee Bldgr, Om Dnlath.. Phone 14 Nebraska. Winnipeg; WEARE GRAIfl CO. 180-11$ Board of Trad. OMAHA, NEB. . W. Sword, Manager. Tel. 1511. The Merchants National Bank , of Omaha. INtJb. U. 1. DaDOirl s Capital and Surplus, $600,000 nun MUKfirr, Pres. ' Mt. . wood, v. tm. LUTB8PIU8E. CaUlar. nUfl T. IAMILT0. AMI. Uikltf. ItaealT seasanls a? tanks, bankers, eoreor atlaua, Ima aa4 IsdlTidaals ss favarsbl tarma. . Foralra Krehanga ksrt and sold. Lattars of Credit lamed. rsiUtal I alt arta of Um narld. Intaraet paid an Time Certlflrataa at Papriilt. Cotlaatloaa aiada fromptlr ant soonanilcallr. Wa raqoaat aorraavondeBa. U. S. STEEL It cost you only 8248 Interest to carry 100 shares preferred for one year. During that time you will receive 87(3 In dividends, beside the profit of advance In price, which should not be lews than 13" per share, amounting to 82,000. We advance you money at 4 per cent, to flnanoa this deal. Do not fall to get our special letter and term. AMERICAN ft)M MISSION CO. (icorVrated.) " Capital, , $ltMMNM. J07-308-J09 Keystone Bank Bldg. . PITTSBURG. PA. Buy Stocks Nsw York Stocks & Grain ' We receive the New York Grain Market! and Stock Quotation direct from New York. Prompt service on all order. . JOHN L. BOYD, Broker' Room 4, II Y. Life- Telephone 1OB0. Omaha, Ken. MONTHS FREE Up-to-date Mining Paper (fully Illustrated), contain ing all the latest news from the famous gold camps. Including BIO CRHUK AND THUNDER 1:0111! I AW l. N. M1MI.HU JOIHN AL, 1ST .Hassan tt., N. Y. 3C i ki nxi w F0RnW.E MARKE TJood 3 INSURANCE riR? ACCIDENT LIADILITY UOMD 320 fl. Y. Life 005 Phcne 4 j