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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
20 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1903. OSTRACIZES THE ONE WOMAN Kay Ba Good Entngb, for Bona, bat Canote fitaj ia Ontba Librarr. WITHDRAWS AND SEVERELY ARRAIGNED Vise Tobltt FM ilrt Aether as Well Book mm OalU It Factor of saorallty. "The On Woman; a Story of Modern Vtopls," has been withdrawn from circu lation In tha Omaha Publlo library. This happened Tuesday after the book had been accessible to patrons for six weeks, or from the time published. f Miss Edith Tobltt, librarian, aaya tha novel Is "coarse, irons, crude and with a tendency towards the Immoral." Despite these flaws It has been, the most popular volume of, fiction In tha llberary thla year. Mora calls have been received . for It than for any other book. It haa been read with avidity by all classes. No protest sh eve been registered officially and Miss Tobltt says, frankly, that she has cast out the book because she does not believe It Is worthy of a place on the ahelvea from the standpoint of literature, esthetics or ethics. . Briefly and bluntly ahe has no uae for "The One Woman," Which was written by Thomas Dixon jr., author of "Tha Leopard's Spots." "Had I read the book before It was pur chased It nerer would have been In circu lation In thla library. ' The novel seems to me so crude and melodramatic that I can find no reason why It should be considered even commonplace literature. It seems to teach no lesson, although the effort to moralise Is evident at any rate It falls to Impress in thla regard. Farts that are pro fessedly Intensely serious ere funny. The pardon Incident and the myriad difficulties that surround It have the ring of the genuine 'ten-twenty-and-thlrty-cent' pro ductions. "Judging from The Ieopard's Spots' I anticipated the author's 'last novel would be superior, but it is not. It la utterly , im possible to read every bok before it Is admitted to the library, bue I am sorry I did not have an opportunity to read thla one first. There have been mora calls for it than any other novel of the year." Not Kit for Edith. Unofficially criticisms have been blown about concerning the asserted unfitness of the "One Woman" frr the mind of tha young and tender. Olie mamma la quoted as saying that she sat up very lata read ing the novel "with great Interest," but ahe would not like to have Edith read. It. Edith never got the opportunity, as the book was disposed of the next day and the household knew It no more. ' Says Miss Tobltt: "I should call It a caricature of a novel. The author tries to preach and ha makes you laugh. On the whole I think The One Woman' is coarse, In fact about tha coarsest thing I remem ber reading. ln my opinion tha book does i not make immorality especially detestable. and yet It deals with grossly Immoral sub jects. Whatever la bad In the book eth ically Is not relieved by literary excellence. There ia no fine or delicate construction to aweeten the bad taste." Tha baslo themo of "Tha One Woman' ia tha so-called "Christian, aoclallsm" and its ultimata and disastrous effects. Love of . the most Impassioned and unrestrained variety makes the novel of Interest to varyons who reads. It might have been Inspired by some incidents In tha life of Prof, lierron, tha Iowa, educator who found Justification In his philosophy to desert his wife and family for another woman., In reviewing tha book Tha Bee said: "But Gordon could not be convinced. If ever ft man waa made to drink deeply of tha waters of Borrow, shame and degradation that man waa Gordon. His faithful wife waa true te him to tha and and before tha cloae of tha story they are reunited. The book is a splendid and forceful defense of tha saoredness of the marriage ties." , Btop scolding tha operator and talk with your lips cloae to the mouthpiece, of your transmitter and your telephone service will be much Improved. ' la Attractive Loeatdaa oa the Omaha V Eitemslea Chicago (treat West era Railway. Tha townslta department of tha Great - Western railway announces that an open' Ing sale of lots will take place at Wight man, Calhoun county. Iowa, October ST. Special provision will, be made to accom modate thoae who wish to attend the sue tloD. Including a one-fare round trip rata from all atatlona on the Great Western Railway to Fort Dodge, Ia., and excursion trains leaving Fort Dodge at 1:30 a. m., and Omaha. Neb., at :30 a. m.. on date of aale. For particulars addresa E. B. Maglll Manager Townalte Department, C. G. W Ry.. Fort Dodge, la. ' Horse covers maae ro fi your horse. Omaha Tent and Aanlng Co.. Uth and Harney atresia. Very many of the errors . In telephone Service are cauaed by tha subscribers them elves. A subscriber calls for 13SC. Ho gives the 1 rather faintly and the S9 In a louder tone of voice and central hears only the S3. If parties would give each number aistlnctiy many errors could be avoided. Waatod, Ftrat-Claas Bookkeeper, "One who haa had several years' expert once In a bank. To the right man a good alary will be paid. Address T 11. Bea office. ft. V. COLE. W. it. MCKAY. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and embulaaera, 1617 Capitol axe- TeL tA. ' DOG IS SENTENCED TO DIE Caalao Who Bites a llolo Throagh'a Los; ia Ordered Shot by .ledge Berka. Judge Berks baa Imposed a death sen ten re. Battle Smith complained that her neigh bor, Anna Davis, was harboring a vicious dog. The Davis woman denied the charge and claimed her dg waa aa mild mannered aa any little lamb ever born, whereupon HatUe Bmltu produced In evidence a sonv fcer-tlnlea youth named Peter Olaas, In . whoso leg the Davis dog had Inserted his beautiful white teeth, muklng a hole nearly big enough to aee through. This evidence of the dog's vicious propensities decided his fate and be waa ordered shot. The Davis woman protested and waa fined K. whloh fine Is to stand auspended when the dog breathes Its last. Court Sergeant Whalen was delegated to execute tha will of tha court In regard to the dog. Much of the poor telephone service Is due to the parties not placing their Hps close to tne part or toe instrument which trans mits ins sound. I-i-U-T waiting all want you. The telephone romunv furnishes eehe ap- parstua. but good service depends oa how i im m vf uiv lugKnucr, jail vur lipe close to the moiuhpleos. Have Root i-nut it. tin uit:u. rwi"..L-A. E. vara 8 years, October t -I rf.v it I )). dl from elJui LORD ALVERSTONE A GENTLEMAN Every Amsrican Take Off HI Hat to tb AM ana Felr-niaded British Representative oa tha LAS KAN BOUXDAIir CQUMISSIOX Asserleaa . taatentloa. Ho ' Waa '. Big Katsgk Jast F.aoagh to Bay So. , Tha Alaskan boundary question haa been more or less menacing since Secretary Seward paid Russia $7,900,000 for Russian Amerlra. There has never been much oubt about the terms of tha treaty with Russia, but after Alaska and tha North west Territory began to attract attention Canada and tha United States Have been trifle Irritable along, tha coast from .Van couver ' to Mount St. Ellaa. When tha Klondike gold fields were discovered the prospect of friction was promptly discov ered. With characteristic good senna AMERICANS AND CANADIANS agreed upon a tentative line and each government has recognised that line as the International boundary. For more than two years we have gone about our bualneas and patiently awaited the conclusion of the matter. Our patience Is rewarded by complete victory and the victory la ours becaase the British representative on the commission was broad enough to do Justice even at the risk of offending a British colony. ' TUB BARKERS RKHERVK L.IFB, congratulates Americans upon the result of this arbitration. It regrets the disappoint ment of the friendly folk to the north, but both sides In a hot . contest cannot win, In every contest waged by this aggressive young home company for Western Ufa Companies as against the Life Insurance TrUHt, the Bankers Reserve Life has found Americans , favorable to. air dealing. Jus tice appeals to the noble impulses of Amerl cansand when i D. H. ROBI801V, PRSIDKHT, sends his efficient campaigners out to pro claim the glorious gospel of home industry In Life Insurance as in business generally against alien combines, be directs the rep resentatlves of the Bankers Reserve Life to deal. fairly and hone&Jly with competitors ana all others. No other policy pays. . Eng land, through Lord Alverstone, recognises the principle and Canada will sooner or later bow gracefully to the Inevitable. DOCTORS HOPE FOR RECOVERY Physielaas Atteadlaa- Staaley Rose. water Hold Oat Brighter Prom. ' Ises to Pareata. Letters from ClTy Engineer Rose water. who la at Ann Arbor, Mich., at the bedside of his son, Stanley, who Is seriously 111 with typhoid fever, indicate that the doo- tora are hopeful -of the young man'a re covery. Mr. Roaewater writes that he and Mra. Ronewater will remeW until the crisis la passed. . . , When you are talking. Into your trans mitter with your, Hps cloae to the mouth piece and you, do not hear the other party It la because he ia not talking with his Hps close to ha mouthpiece and you ahould tall him ao. Bosssis SeBBl-Aathraelte Coal. No smoke, no cllnkerlng on grates, Is par ticularly well adapted to thla climate. Dur ing mild weather, when' very little fire la required, by closing all drafts Bonansa will make a alow, smoldering fire, thus keeping the house at a. uniform temperature, while Pennsylvania anthracite will die out en tirely. Price, K per ton. CENTRAL COAL AND COKE CO., 409 0. 16th St Talephonea 1221 and 1695. A .very entertaining concert and dance will be given at Osthoffa hall. 616 N 16th St., Tuesday evonlng at '7:30 o'clock, under the auspices of the Progressiva club, at which Hon. Edward Roaewater and James B. Allen, candidate for sheriff, will addresa tha meeting. A large attendance of colored people Is assured. lloneseekers' Exeajrsleas. On Tuesdays, - November I and 17, the Missouri Pacific railway will sell both one way ' and round trip tickets at very low ratea to certain, points In Arkansas, Kan sas, Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri. Texas, etc. Stopovers allowed on the going Jour ney. Limit of tickets Is twenty-one days. For further Information call on any agent of the company Tho. F, Godfrey, Pat. and Ticket Agent, 8. E. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. Omaha, -Neb. Dr. Hersel Nordaw gate No, 14 and Bisters ot Zton gate No.. TO. Knights of Zlon, will , give us annual nan. ana ounce Sunday evening, Ootober 25, at Woodmen hall, corner Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue. - Car of Thaaks. We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our dear friends for their sympathy and kindness to us In time of deepest sor row for the beautiful flowers and trlbutea of love at tha burial of our dear son Harry. Especially do we wish to thank the govern ment' employes of the bureau of animal Industry at South Omaha. May God bless them all and raise up friends for them In time of need Is the prayer of MR. AND MR9. W. K. JACOBS. Car af Taaaks. Wa desire to express our appreciation for the sympathy extended us by the fire and police commissioners. Acting Chief Mostyn, tha Ancient Order of United Workmeti and our friends In general In our bereavement. SAMUEL CL'SICX AND FAMILY. Dcssarrer Is Deferred. Tha .hearing of ths demurrer filed byathe Board of r'lre and Police Commissioners to the writ of mandamus Issued by Judge Sia baugh last week, asKlng the chief vt poilce and the lire and police lonimlssion to show cause why they should not sfti-ct the arrest of the proprietors of .the "Diamond pool room," where. It Is alleged, gambling Is being carried on. wss deferred by judge Baxter until Monday afternoon at io'cliK-k, when Judge Extelle will have returned and the demurrer will then be taken up for ad judication. Metarr Settles tor May. On the arrival of the mother of Frank Goodwill from Tekamah. the young lad charged by Clarence Tunnel! with the theft of $41.76 from tha American newrstand, 2UI South Fourteenth, Ave weeks ago; a settle ment was effected and the boy waa given his '.iberty. Mr. Tunr.ell sold that It waa not lila desire to pruaecute Ooodwilt: all lie wanted was his motley back,, and this being arranged by Goodwtlra mother ths charge aaainat him waa quashed with the permis sion of the county attorney. Mortality Statistics. Tbs following birth snd tths save been reported to the Board of Health: iiirth-John B. Klc. 6010 poppieioa ave nue, girt. Deaihe A. K. SawaUI. 191$ Douglaa, M: P. J. U'Hrun. died In Salt Lake city, ki; Alfred MlLheela. died In Wise MemorUi ho Ita', buuta Calhoun, Neb., lu. Many people become angry when told how tj use a telephone and yet very many peo pU Uo not use It properly.' Talk with your l!ta close to the moutlipicca. O lms LevoJi f-het work. Tel. SOS. UNEXCELLED COMMERCIAL SERVICE NOW ESTABLISHED IN OMAHA The character of the service of a broker age house Is the first consideration to any ons Interested In grain or stock speculation. Assuming that a broker Is honest, which he must be to remain In business year after year, ma otner easenuais 10 me success or his customers are summed up In tha word service." What ia meant by service ran hardly ba described In a brief statement. It means promptness In the filling of orders, accu racy and reliability In the market quota tions and fair dealing upon business lines. These are the qualities that have built up the business of the Coe Commission Co., which has recently extended Its Inter national wire service to Omaha, Sioux City and intermediate points. The same quali ties have been tha basis of upbuilding of this concern years ago until It now ex tends from New- York to the Pacific coast and from Winnipeg and Montreal to Mason and Dixon's line. It' will readily be under stood that an extensive wire system cover ing the country as does that of the Coe Commission Co. gives facilities not equaled by any other grain and stock brokerage house In America. A list of the cities In which tha Coe Commission Co. and Its recognised corre spondents are now operating embraces every principal city and town In the north western states and as far north as Winni If we should call our 'place of business the Omaha Duplicate Works you would not know what It meant, but that is just what it Is. a place where duplicate parts of your Stove, Range or Furnace can be had without waiting to send north, south, east or west for them. It is for your nccommoda t on and our pleasure that we carry In stock almost 1,500,000 pounds of such duplicate parts. Our fur nace men are skilled, and prompt attention can now be given to your orders. OMAHA ST0YE REPAIR WORKS. Tel. 960. When your feet nche and burn, when your corns bother you, you can cot relief by wearing our shoes. "Ease, Elegance and Economy" Is our motto. Onimod 0na-f1an 'Always $3.50 5 $2.50 Regent Shoo , Go. 203 So. islh St. THE 80 CENT STORE J5l3DodfeSt Biff Picture Sale Monday. A special line of framed pictures, new subjects, complete, Afn worth 12.00, at JG iSo for framed pictures worth 60c. S9o for framed pictures worth 76c. 49o for framed pictures worth 11.00. 98c for framed pictures worth $1.50. 11.98 for framed pictures worth $3.60 Fine framed pictures at leaa than half value. Pictures Frame J to Order A IIYGENIC SHOE A newly constructed shoe for both men and women. Made with a heavy whits felt Inner aula, making tha sole very flexible. A noa-conductor of oold and damp, leaving the feet always, at an even temperature and perfectly dry. As these shoes ara made on the foot form last, together with this added Inner sole, It makes them vary flexible and comfortable. Any else or width, H. ' For either man or woman, DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. aaaka'a L)0-to-Dt Stug H ouae TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rassUr aaa llately Articles. I t-M Or. peg and Brandon, Manltobs. This covers the whest country of North and South Dakotaa and Minnesota, the wheat centers of Minneapolis and Duluth. the mining country of Montana and the Lakes and tha wheat areas ot .Washington and .Oregon. It also extends through Chicago to Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo to New York and into Canada, connecting Toronto, Montreal and Intermediate points. Over 176 national and state banks are tha depositories of thla giant brokerage system, which haa offices In over 150 cities and towns In the territory stated. Tha liberal policy which haa been adopted by the Coe Commission Co. from the be ginning has had much to do with tha growth of this business. These are covered briefly In tha following rules of business. (1.) The commission charged for handling wheat is only half that usually charged by brokers that la, l-16c. (2.) The Coe Commission Co. char gee no Interest for carrying long stocks. They announce in some of their business literature that "If you are paying Interest on long stocks you are throwing money away." The local office of the Coe Commission Co. Is at Room A,New Tork Life build ing. Thomas Waddtck la correspondent in charge. Automobiles Cadillac $750 , Autvear $1,750 , Parkard $2,500 White Steamer $2,000 Every rtachine Is a Leaser In It Class We Have on Hand . A Brand New RAMBLER This machine has not been run a mile and was taken In trade for one of our Cadillac Runabouts. It sells ordinarily at $750 f. o. b. Kenonlm, Wis. It Is equipped with clincher tires costing $10 .extra and the freight from Kenosha amounts to $3T. This makes a total of $795. We sre not agents for this ma chine and In order to dispose of It at once we offer It for - S650.00 aasassaej ' Andersen-Millard Co. 1516 Capitol Ave. ' GOT KIDHEY TROUBLE? WANT TO GET RTD OF ITT t)tD YOU KNOW WE GUARANTEE CRAMERS KIDNEY AND LIVER CI RE TO CURE KIDNEY TROUBLE? WELk WE DO! YOU TAKE NO RISK ONLY TAKE THE MEUICINK LIKE THE LABEL DIRECTR We sell the 60c size for 40c and the $1.00 sise for 75c. Mall orders filled for everything In tha drug, patent me Heine, rubber good surgical Instrument, fa mil v liquor, toilet or sundry line st CUT PRICES. $1.00 Peruna r- CTo $1.00 Pierce's Medicines fee $1.00 Temptation Tonic 23c 36c genuine Castorla 24o r&c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne 16c 25c Quinacetol guaranteed 20o 50c Donn's Kidney pills , K9c 50c Cuticura Salve 89c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills- 15c Bic "Catarrh Rein" guaranteed S0c $1 Chester's genuine Pennyroyal pills. .$1.10 $100 German Kimmell Bitters Too LOWN12Y B CAM'"va. O'BRIEN'S CHOCOLATES. SGllAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUQ STORE B. T. YATES, Proprietor. Tst Paaass T4X aaa TT. lath a ad Chicago Streets. Ossaha. Shoes of Style for People of Taste Correct dressers alwaya And a shoa to their taste at thla store tha correct and fashionable shoe for any occasion. FRY SHOES ar sold through us DIRECT FROM MAKER TO WEARER. They are made especially for us. to sell to our own custom ers, to make and keep our repu tation with, to build our busi ness on. They're right In style. In quality and lnx price. I T 1 jb0LLAR i i ir irr i 1 "" THE BENNETT COMPANY THE LEADING PIANO HOUSE OP THE WEST. OF - EXTREME' INTEREST TO ' PIANO PURCHASERS A piano, Just at the present time, may be secured on terms unusually favorable at Bennett's 100 PIAUOS At astonishing reductions to make room for stock now arriving. Pianos by nearly all the well known makers Included in this sale. For tha sake of convenience wa divide them into three lots. Lot No. I- $135 to $185 This lot Includes used uprights of welt known makes. , Splendid pianos for beginners. Also at -$140 -"'Tra niwv hi iT tono and tloji. And at $150 to $190 New uprlRhts In mahogany, oak and walnut cast's, In a varity of designs. Pianos ofthls class have sold for very much higher prices. They are the greatest piano bargains ever offered In this city. Each instrument carries our guarantee. Lot No. 2- 5135 to S235 These prices are for pianos manu factured by Ilrms of the highest re pute, and are thoroughly reliable. Wa canot recomend them too highly. Lot No- 3- Baby Grands Parlor and Concert Grands are ot tered at the same relatively low prices. Buyers at a distance should write for wpeclal bargain list and Uso our schedule of freight rate on pianos. Wo ship pianos everywhere. A handsome piano book, Illustrated in colors, free. EASY PAYMENT8. Special Sale of Stiest Music MUSIC FOLIOS, Ml'SIC BOOK8 AND SMALL INSTRUMENTS from now on to November 1st. 7ao music, for 3no .600 music, for 2fc 10c music, for 0o New Starr Dance Walts. No. 3, . regularly sells at 75c, for..... 40c New Starr Hand Waltz, regularly -ll for 78r, for Co SPECIAL SALE on new and popu lar instrument and vocal pieces. Get 'Anona,' "Polka Lot." Rumbling Moee," etc. The Dennett Co. I6tb and Harney Streets. rim i T nit: I INDIAN BEADS, t The fad of the Day. We carry tho largest line of colors In BEADS of any house. Bend us your mall orders of any color possible; we can till your wauls. Loomn to weave beadwork, out tern books, needles, everything pertaining to the BEAD work. Also the largest and most comp'eto yarn department in the west. We WHOLESALE or KETAIL. and can fill your wants for any quan tity. JOSEPH F. blLZ S3 8. 16th St. 1 OMAHA, . - NEBRASKA. X He has . designs oh" ,you 'Xb kind that Biases your a siaOil out that make; catalogues effectlva Wkeatoa, Ut Artist.; Telephone M .1 s. ,r B32a . A .OasNssfM sma let balaW- Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. Bea BtJj, Room 7. Telephone 7Ut wsr. MeryaClsrk, LuSwij &", , 4 nn 111! MB 3 THE) RKLIABLK Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the, prices quoted, for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer sqch GREAT SALE Tho largest and most ovoa shown. HaftScraflTacrl ( Marx Hind Tutored lal JV Ml Acorn Stoves and Ranges Get In their work. Tha reputation of Acorn Stovea ia euch that buyers come from all parts of the city and South Omaha to aea them, and when they find that notwithstanding their very high, quality, our prices ara from five to ten dollara lower than othors, tha sale Is about made. Ara you willing to get tha best and eava a few? Oak Stoves, $8.00 up. Acorn burners, $5.00 up. v Cole's Hot Blast, $10.00 and up. mm aa e fll I jgim iiussie iiarCaWaro uo., rcaix 2407-09 Cuming "If you buy It of :--,,PspW,-rsltjfcvWjl.Vi fr. "OUTLIGHTS ALL Kern Incandescent Gas Llffht Company. Chicago. D. W. Dudgeon, Agent, Plumber and afltter. 'Phone I96& 2910 Farnam St. YOUR DEMTAL WORK FREE ' Our .ucoess Is due to the high grade work done by tha professors of thla "UPKl,NrrU.r -y O.r ew Patent Method. 1 SaveYour Teeth. gave your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old roots. We can save 86 per cent of . teeth others extract - 'In TV.AV'VTm'aI ? "tH "aKOKS TeetU E. raced KKKK ...... m x&e .m-J.oo Bet of Teeth - UWIOrJ DENTAL. POl'GLAI 1, U V H WEBSTER SAYS A BOOSE IS 1. A large web-footed bird of the sub-family Anserlnae. J. A tailor's smoothing Iron, t. A silly creature, a simpleton. You can see the first In sny barn yard. The second we can show you in our tailor shop. The third U tha man who wears alop-ahr. hand-me-down, lll-flttlng clotiies, when he can have us makeiiin Imk like a gentle, man In perfect fitting, stylish gar ments. You can aee him on the street every dsy. HELCREN & CRADMANN, TAILORS J09 South Sixtcantli St. For Menstrual Suppre3slon'-M. SZrSSS. PEN-TAN GOT 1 a os : . M BM Ui Onutas tj Ikiiwa HCvuuali 1U4 CO. MkU . Xl-i xtMrlua sssaaVsyssiaas i a Tn7nnderful Coupon Sale values. OF OVERCOATS ' complete lino wo have For riO.OO we can show you the best 4. 11 wool Keesey overcoats ever manufactured for tha price. These overcoats w 111 not only wear and give satisfaction, but wa also guarantee them to be fust colors and re tain their shape these coats are made up of very fine all wool Kersey cloth and come In black and blue made up with black mohair sleeve lining, kersey facing to the armholes, and have a very fine Italian quilted body-lining, and are all hand tailored throughout None worth lens than $15 our special I A flfs price for Monday only lU'Wll For 112.50 and 115.00 we have over Z0 differ . ant patterns, in all the latest and most up-to-date styles to select from. In cassl meres, frleses, cheviots, fancy cheviots and vicunas, in oxford grays, brown mix tures, fancy mixtures, plaid and atrlpes and plain colors, made In medium and long length, all with hand-made button holes, concave shoulders and havo close fitting collars, tailored equal to any IX.00 t $35.00 mude-to-order garments. Our special price for Monday If? It f 1-VfyO nnd iQiUtJ liOYS' OVERCOATS AND REEFEltS. . Boys' overcoats In all the latest styles and fabrics, In medium and Jong lengths, In plain blacks, oxford gray, brown . mix tures, gray mixtures, plaids, pin cherks snd pin In colors, at $.175, $4.50, i An $5.00, $7.60 and up to... IC'UU Boys' renters. In ages from 4 to 16 years, in Irish frieze, vicunas and chinchillas, all made with high storm collars - and knee length, st Q Cfl $1.50. $2.30. $2.!6 and OlWW Knocked Out... Competition is invariably knocked out when our low pricea on fl f St- Hussle lr rifirht )S(Sd y-Mv- if y Saves 80 Per Cent in Gas Bills The Kern Burner Highest candla power gas burner in tho world eirea to suit space to be lighted. -Shapes to suit your fanoy. No blackened mantel or 'wire sup- port; ' . , OTHER LIGHTS." ttr- ua t.roltan nn llr .UA t,rnlrAn rinwn teeth. We restore dlacolored tetth. We perform all branches of dentistry. Work .O Guaranteed 10 Years "oB ' M ATKHI AK CuJI el'rly and'avold Al-aiiaaw fraai... .H.OO irowns, irwm . lllitr fluni trewsi ,,I.W COLLEGE ZlMfrtf9 - - - . -r W. T. WOOD & GO'S CELEBRATED Bee Tools. Beat tools made and we ara ex dualva western agent.' ' Tin we carry tbs largest lias of Builders' Hardware Contractors' Supplies Tools for all Trades Pocket and Table Cutlery IN THE WEST. JAS. MORTON & SON GO. IS It Dodge St.