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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1903)
THE OMATTA DAITT BEE: FIUDAT, JUL.V 21. 1U03. .V It SPECIAL IIOTICES ' will h tahea aatll is wm. for th evewlaar edltlea aad til M 80 . am. fee rta aed Ia4af eSHiea. States, 1 l-x a ward Sre! linrtln, I ward iktrnlKr. Jthlas 4akea far leee thaa SB for tke Srst ler tie. Thee advertise! aaast be raa eoBeeeatlvely. Advertiser, by retlBj m here ebeek. raa haw Miwtn dree4 ta a tiakcrrl letter la rara f Th Raa. Aewere aa addreesed will b deliver aa preeestatt at th aaaJk ly. iTl'ATIO WAMTED. TOTJNCJ LADY desires position as stenog rapher or assistant bookkeeper. Addreaa J 28, Be. A M5M 24 1 WA.1TED MALE BELT, , THE SUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE . la now open, yet it Is not too Ute to enter. every aay la enroumeoi amy. Bualneea, shorthand, typewriting, Ed Inn. Oet a, catalogue. 1L 11. BoYLES. president TeL 1984.' - N. V. Life Bid., Omaha. OxiA WANTED, for United Htatee army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 'ta; ciuwna u( United State, of good- character and . temperate habita, who can apeak, rend and write English. For Information apply to recruiting of ficer, lbth and DoUge BU.( Omaha, and Grand Island, Neb. B MI76. WANTED Cabinet makers; steady work. H. fchrllch at Bo' factory, 8t. Joaepn. Mo. B MW8 :4X WAMTKriL men to learn barber trade. We guarantee positions and give an outfit of tools. Our diploma assist graduate to Iod wacea. tiood season to begin. Call or write, Moler Barber College, l.tol Doug la fit. , .. B M7C3 24X BOOKKEEPER wanted, competent young man to keep city ledger. Muet be good penman, have practical experience and eome well recommended. Call at office of J. L. Brandels Bona, lSth and Doug- lea ata. . tyow WANTED Agent to take orders for authorized ,:Ufe of Pope Leo XIII." Writ ten with approbation and blessing of hi hollneaa. Over too pagea Elaborately 11 luatrated. Bella at Bight Beat terma. Booka on oredlt; freight paid. Sample, with full lnatructlona, poatpald free on application. Addreaa Globe Bible Publlli lug Co., 12 Chestnut at.. Philadelphia, Pa. B Mi Si WANTED SALESME. . t IF YOU AUK A SALESMAN and making less than -.00 .a week, write us today. V'e are selling groceries to farmera and other large buyers at wholesale prices. Good hustlers can make up carload lots at avery -town IA tha ertc lltural state. Profits are larger-than In any other lme. trade permanent, work pleaeant and healthful. For-full particulara address George Meldrum at Co., N. Green St., Chicago. HI. M fe8 2tx j-SALESMAN Flrst-elaaa, for Kansas and a Nebraska, u can on tn a rug uia rara- 1 antra trade: aalarv and exDenses to right! man. Address, giving particulars as to past experience, salary expecieo. etc j v fee. ....... lltlOo 26X WANTED A good grocer delivery clerk. Apply to O. J. Wllda, 64 8. 18th. B M604 24x WANTED Oood platen pressman. Steady Job for right man. Inquire Jacob North ft Co, ; Wncoln, . Jb. . B-M0f 24 . WASTED FEMALJE HELP. WANTED,- at once, girl for general house work; wages 16 to 4 for competent cook, til Couth, WOt Ta. O M3M loo Girl. Call Cansd'r" ofSoa, 16th ft Dodge, . 161 WANTED Ohrl' -hr1 small" family : ' good wages. Mlag RobL H. Boyd. 431 Gran: st. , . C U&3UUX wwrrn la riles to learn halrdrasslng. n.f,i.urin or facial massage: our dlulo- maa aaslat to top wages; hundreds Of graduates - 10 recommend our system. S..i.1 inducements to distant applicants. Catalogue rr.alled free. .Moler College, ijx Douglas at. c M'W x GIRL for general housework: three In fami:y; wagei 14 a- week. 2S17 NJJth St. L otol 29 WANTED, competent ' girl for general house work. 2u.2 California a tree u C 681 23x COPY lettsra at home; tliW paid weekly; send stamped envelope, - sample letter. Eureka, Co, Duene t-, New York. S Ja'-AJi AZZ ;yg SCUT HOUSES. kVlrIICCJ in all parts of the city. R. WUlJjtj c Patera ft Co., BeeBldg. FOR KENT, I-Koosa house, all modern ax cep furnaise, 14 N.-sVth sL. M0. C. M. Baokiaan. 4a- Pax ton blk. D-44H tint IC EC In ail parts ot f he city. The O. HUUb tp F. Day is Co., out be BUI PiTKIt-ROflTMICK ft CO.CtloIo house. tul-4 New York Life, Bldg. 'Paona lulA W MOVE pUnoa Magg. Van ft Stor. ega Co- Tel 14ft. Ofllo, 17U WabsterSW ' xjtMi FOR' RENT, tea-room modern house near High school. No. 412 North 2d street, lo autre next door or at 41 N. Y. Life bulld-Ing.-' . .-. D- . CENTRAL, lat-daaa T-room bovaeOtXt HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. U IMi Twr t.rAAm houses, all modern. C M. xiacamann, vts-si ruun piock. . D-M7 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Stoiags Co.. omce UllSe Farnam, o Tela. 166S-ot. - '. i D lo ' 1 I '. 1 FOR RENT Six-room modern house, al-1 most new, la nrsi-ctaas oonaition; rent. fc&.OU 21 N. "in SL D 607 a 4-ROOM house. 822 8. Cat St.- D 6H4 26x FOM REST FIRS1SRED ROOMS. ' r DBWEY European hotel. Uth and Farnam, , E lo ROYAL- HOTEL. European, Win ft Chicago. 1100 to 12 00 per week, 422 S. Uth Bt, one block south of court house. E 171 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; Gentlemen preferred. lta n. uia. , E 207 MCE eoot rooms. US So. tvta. IS up. E-S2S 28 O. M. E. hauls trunk. Telephone CU. FRONT and other desirable rooms, bath, roel and central, for geatleman. 1417. Caa ac hV-M80T a4 AETNA HOUSE. European. Uth ft Dodge K 17e Hotel Hjbbel, Uih ft Howard; 'phone 2 E M4l At - t NICE ROOMS. light heusekaeplngv 1UI 11th. e saua ITTH Cool front rooms for two. -. -. . K-M44A11 NICELY .furnished roocas. Inquire Omaha laundry, 175i Leavanworia. f hone u,e.. .. . . - avsi NICE room; modern.. XA) Harney. K Mi50 n FIRRISRED ROOMS AHD BOARD. ARABLE rooms, the Farnatn, Vhtx and UUO. . F 1.4 a UTH AVE.; prtvaks ta rally. F-17S THp KENWOOD SOS Faraaia Street trttmm eaV w-um FIRKISIIED ROOMS ASD BOARD. DKSIRABLE room at the- Pratt, 2 8. t&tb Ave. r-iiifcn THE HOSE, 20S Harney, nice cool rooms, good board; ratea reasonable; aiso meai tickets. F MS-6-Al ROOM and board, smalt cottage, good home for lady, per week, eit rx. am L F-M0 VERT nicely furnished. pleasant, cool rooma. an Harney St. t niftis 2?x FOR REST VSFVHSHHED ROOMS. TWO OR THREE unfurnlahed room In modern houae; reference exenangea. ji Jackson at. U 2 THREE beautiful modern, cool hounekeep- lng room. Z14 Boutn 2X1. u-aw FtRSlTlRB PACKING. PETERSON at LUKDBERtl, lit So. 17th. T1, L,-23o. H-OJS r- - - - 1 t a FOR REST STORES AMD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the bulldica formerly occu pied by TIi Bee at iio t amam ol ii naa lour atone ana a wkdioui wuiwu wa Ii.rm.rlv uaed aa Tha Bee Dresa room. Till will be rented very reasonably. If intereated apply at oQlce of C. C. Rose- water, secreuu-y, room ivu, t ouiiuing. I Ml FOR RENT, .building suitable for whole- aula purposee at Hi arnam, ui, jour at,w isa and hrBt-claaa cemented baaemenu elevator. Ore and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixture. For pries and particular Inquire C. C. Koaewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co.. room lw. Bee building. I Mu7 AUENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvaaalns; agents in every pminr, to aoiicii UDcriuLion to iua Staadv emDlovment with aeaured good In come. Agenu In the country wltn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make eaalW 0 to $10U per month. Ad- dre Century Fanner Solicitors Bureau, Bee bulldiwg, umana. J-Zil AGENTS wanted to sell tha "Life of Pope ljn XIII." written with tne encourage ment, approbation and blessing of His Holiness, tne i'ope, Dy Monninor uer- nard O'Reilly. HI faxton iug. J M364 ix-it all of the different Pooe Leo XIII books. Best terms. Freight paid; outfit free. Call or write W. A. Hlxen- baugU ft Co.. 600 Ware blk., Omaha. J M86J WE WANT 10 men and women solicitors immediately for Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs: salary or commission. Inquire room 623, N. 1. Lite tsirg. J M569 24 WANTED Agents for the authorised life of io xiii. nv Katner jamea j. mcuoy- ern, D. D. Approved by and Issued un der the official sanction of Archbishop Outs-lev and endorsed by Cardinal Olb- bons. Every American cltlieSi, regardless of his creed, will be Interested In reading e Klstory of Pope Leo, contain-i a complet Inc large portiona told ln jjils own wnrrla lnrllldinB: rellrlon. marrlace. divorce, education freemasonry, labor, etc. Illustrated with beautiful colored and half-tone pictures. I Best terms. Freight paid. Outfit free, on receipt of 28 cents to pay express, ao dress American Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. J-xum vir A VTirrvri.Tierl a rents to travel and appoint agents to sen lire oi rope jeo XIII In Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Ne braska. Salary and expensea. Write to day for particulara. American Pub. Co., . Omaha, Omaha, Neb. JM-693 t Ttrv. nf Pnm JKt "TIT I. Arents ret busy at once. Our book is autnenuo ana en dorsed by the cnurcn. liDerai terms. Outfit free. D.- B. Zlmmer ft Co.. N. Y. Life . Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J 67s 24x IMPORTANT LIFE OF POPE LEO XIII. OniT nmciai ana autnentic worn Duousnea. Contains large portiohs told In his own words. Beautiful 12-color memorial litho graph free to each customer. Published fn na-lth. French. Italian. Soanlsh. Ger . V..l. Dul ft&Mma ll a tl ,1 fit t outfit free. Call' or write M. Zlmmer, 623 N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha. J-M594 AOE.fTH ni, lAttt ot row, um aiii. Over sou pagea. Nearly bj illustrations, i niira rtn eradlt! freleht nald : - special I i.rm. Published In five lanaruares. En- dorsed by eminent Catholics. . Colored portrait and outnt, containing iwiiiustra- tlons, maiiea iree. Aaaress ainonc nooa Company, 1017 Chestnut, street, Phiiadel- plua, Jr a. j m -ox AGENTS Catholic agents, attention! "Life of Pope Leo XIII." only authorized edl tlon; written bv the Dooe's order by Mon mrntv O'Relllv: endorsed bv entire Cath olic Hierarchy; price a. 50; large colored portrait worm j ijo tree to suDscrioers. Agents wanted: highest terms; Immense demand; outfit free, international r-UDiisn- Ina- Co.. 44 N. 4th at.. Philadelphia J MV7 S"X WASTED TO REST. WANTED, room and board tn private fam ily. Address J XV ueo omce. k. msj tax WANTED In Kountse Place, one large) .unfurnished room; room wltn alcove pre- f erred. Address J tl, Bea K MW1 ?4x WASTED TO BUT. WANTED, to buy, gome good dental . chairs. Union Deitai college, k-ujii ihr P. BOILERS: 1 (6 H. P. double drum haulage engine; x email eiectnc ugni plant; 1 10-foot exhaust fan. Address J Zl, Bee omce. Mast sdx FOR SALE rCUJMTCRE. . anCAGO Furniture Co.. 1416 Dodge. TeL ffl0 New an second-hand bought, sold. exchanged. O 180 FOR BALE, one large six-passenger closed family carriage, one large open iamuy carriage, one large platform-eprlng spider 1 phaeton! all rubber-tired; two double sets cf harness, one silver mounted, and one single set of harness. Call Frank E. Moores. City Hall. OMIlt FOR SALIv HORSES, WAUUSS, MTC, HAVE your rubber Urea sat while you wait. H. Frost. 14th and Lea ven worth. P 181 MONROE sella pleasure re hide t til N, Mtn at. . r-aw FOR SALE, pair standard bred marea; can be seen at ti oilman a, uu street atauies. WUUam A, U. CobD. Vb&U 24x you SALE MI8CELLASEOVS. FOR SALE 1.600 feet at sscond-hand wire rope, in owi niumuun. Avpiy to or addiess "Superintendent of Bee Build ing. Oman. J.e I NW Md id-hand typewriters. Ill Farnam, i at ua inHAND safe cheap. Derlght, LUt Farnam I Uxti FOR BALE Second-hand Looomoblie, In fttst-clasa shape, at one-half price. Call or address 1&4 Farnam au U ol FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. 26 cents eacn, larsw, wvu iuau uauci., ruaae uri rlaas garbags receptacles. Fred Youns a. foreman Bee pree room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Vr-Mtll indian goods and relic. ui Farnam. v u imn haLB A new 800 ampere double cola switch; never been used. Apply to or ad- drees "Mupennieoaeni tic Building, Omaha.- . W M.w TELEPHONE poles, long fir umbers; chicken teoce; oaa piung. mil uougiaa. Q lis) FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; caa be used either passenger or freight: com' plete. Iron guide post, cage and wire en closure. . . oranuia m IRON asd wire fencee. tree guarda. trel- lle. Weatera Anchor Fence Co., S06 N. 17 Lk aL Q 1M FOR SALE. No. I Hubbard portable bake oven; only ueed three; months; good as new. write luck box i, unnwf.i. la. U aU.3 ni FOR SALE, good, Urge, rangy, bay horse. eW 1'syne. ivwtwica ft Co., fui-l N. X. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1014. Q 678 24 PHOTOGRAPH CAR hose Art store for sale. Apply o va CATALOGUE cut drug ftrlcea free. Bhcr- maa ft McCoBaall Drug Co Omaha. EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE Al A BARGAIN. FOR SALE M1SCELLAHEOIS. WAREHOUSE ecalea cheap. Sam'l Bums. Q MM4 All a.nro BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Btnlth ft Co., ISO) rarnam hl FOR 8ATE Coal business. Capital ra- quired. 12,0'XI.OU. J Zl. Bee. ALMOST NEW Remington Typewriter No. (; cheap. Teiepnone a w sij m CLAIRTOVNTS. 11UR L.UCRETIA. medium, 179 California. ue A MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN L.ADT UlEEN of elalrroyanta; every thing told; past, present and future. Bat ' infection or no pay. 907 N. 18th. . ft 1W ELECTRICAL THE ATM EST. GRACE O'ERYAN,. Be tha. 720 g. Uth. i aiow MME. SMITH, baths, US N. IS, td floor, r. 1 MISS HOWARD, elegant masaage and vapor battis: alconoi ruobing. au . 15th, flat E. T M265 al MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St., front rooms; tub bath; first-class attendant. - X AS PERJOSAL. ous hair removed by electricity. R. 1 and S, 1Mb Farnam st. U-ll VIAVI. a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment lor aiaoraers ot women. Free booklet. Viavl Co., 34 Bee Bldg. U 11 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES, u US At druggists. U. RIVATE home during confinement: bablei adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium iJi 1st Ave., council wuaa, ia u m CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, facial, hygiene ana special massage laugm ana praciicea. a., s&ayei, ol-z ciuk. li mitation free. U Ra-No-May Powder, u um PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: babiea ooaraea ana aaoptea. Mrs. Gardels, xa Lake. 11. iiea-iM U JlM TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messenger, ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. i-axton. B J. Bcannell, agent, sw " oionj. II JftMl -.wE.Cuf CURE RUPTURE FOR X30-N patients: send for booklet, etc. Empire rom ousines; xa.vw curtu Kunture Co., New York Life bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U 13 private Santltarium for ladies before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Geriscb. Sun uaiitoruia ou ic' '"z '"?"1L" able. u-w w7a PRIVATE horpltal before and during con- flnement; nesi mmici ':'a Mrs. U FUher, 15U1 Vinton. TeL IS PERSONS holding ten-year bond contracts in any company can vlUl interest to themselves by address ing box 258, Dee Moines. 1 U-M602 26 MOSEY TO LOAM-JlEAli ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. U2u Farnam .treeL f sva Farnam Bt-. Bea Biag. FARM and rJav ontM. VT . H. Thomas, First Nat I Bank Bldg. miM an N Y. Llfi riUYs-i" ; yrjp4 ' 4 TO I P. C. money. Bemla, Pazton block W 206 rTVT ln.M. Qarvln Bros., 1604 . w 204 Faraam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglaa. I HAVE private money on hand to loan. 1 U. ttcimes. iu. r.. . ,. TV B1VV w MOSEY TO LOAR CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY Beat explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse reoelnta. etc. Or if you have a permaueu cositlon we (in make you a UALARi LOAN t I witnout. securn, r "."ri ment to repay. Our service is quit confidential ana we ) " All that we ask Is that you give us a call Ufore you borrow elwhere. . . li Board of Trade Bldg. .Tel. 2296. tEstabliahed mi.) 06 So. Uth St. -t 20s MONEY losned on plaltr note to salaried People: DUStnea cnmiumii.,, '"7 " tu Paxton block. Tha J. A. Hutton Co. X 211 MONEY Tn salaried amoioyes and wags earners Get our system oj loans iu.i a"- rf.v.t Anv lady or gentleman. machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Just on tils nois. Monthlv. Monthly. Weekly. . t ij: ar 113 36 or tt 66 I 60-R.turn to us... 13 33 or or 8-i6 1 oc ti.n.rn ta us... S.6e or 133 or I7Llc.,,rn , Li... 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 t- . .arn,a lowest rates. conBdentlaL lnauines. wuiwa. I the STAR LOAN CO, S44 PAXTON BLK. I . X A MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURANOaVE STOCK. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Ttv hi if you want to eave mdney. as Txtoik Block. 16th and Farnam St A ill . oora-r nt'RINESS IN IXJANS IU ,-ir,,oi . nl. aam. tere boarding houses, etC;. without se T ..., i.m,. 40 offices in prin cipal cltlca Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-212 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan CO.. sue. to xj. urwu. A ita MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Je C. F. Reed. 211 S 11 eiry, norsss. cows, x as CASH IN ANY AMOUNT-810 to eVM) loaned on furniture. rianu. holding a ateedy position, without secur ttv or rrubllcliv. at the very lowest rates; payments can be made to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CHE LUT ttJ . Rooms 807-30 Paxton BlocM0 BISISKSS CHASCEfc. WANTED Photographer, to rent gallery In tuwo of on new crimen oi i. . K. R.,.ln Northeastern Nebraska. Only gallery in town. Write -. tsee. Y-M6a5 J4x I JOB office for sale, county seat town S.Ouo good country, three railroads, facturte mills, etc.; good patronage Terras, cash or part caah and one year's tlms on bal anc. au area. 4 c m. i-wui FOR SALE, by administrator, good dean slock of gvoeral xnercnanaise tn good brick building in good location, ready to begin buMneaa at any time: tavoioa about 84080; must be eold soon. Call on or addreaa B yi , Chambers, administrator, Blair. Nso. x M a FOR BALE; at a bargain, bakery and con fertlonery; good location; ettrgant soda fountain, nxturea and furniture nearl new; Ul sell on one yeare time, wit approved aaturtiy. Address Mrs F. E. Bakr. West I'oint, Neb. . Y M864 25 FOR SALE Clean, new stock , of general .m err handiae- and building: invoice about 17.00. well aatablUhed trade: good com uuaiur. Aourea 4 t set. j aisub as HlSIF.S" Cll 4SCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchsng any property or Dusiness quick, see j. it. Johnson, B N. T. Ufe. Y-C7 FOR BALE Honse and furniture; only 2 lay house In town of beet location in northeast Nebraska. For further par ticulars, write to H 6, Omaha. Neb. Y-MlSJ 28. FOR SALE Real estate, rental and In surance business, tn best county In Ne braska; a snap for a man wl'h a little money and some push. Established ten yenrs. Address lock box 34.1. Wfnrlde, Neb. Y-M8U6 A FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., UOt Farnam street RE 211 W. C CHIB8ELL, S3) N. Y. Life Bldg. K1S-M1M AT FINE RANCH, bargain: UK) acres. 127 cattle, 12 horsea, good improvements and machinery; 10 miles fencing, large lake; 1,XM tons hay; price, tll.hrt. Box Zil. Bur well. Neb. RE Ml&l 2Sx. 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from Eostofflc for sale cheap. 1M N. nth. enewa ft Co. RE 220 NO. ISo S. S2D AVE. Splendid house, fine location, good barn, etc.; win sell at a reasonable price for short time. Graham ft Ure, Bee Bldg. HE 606 2& HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: also acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 608. Bee Bldg. RE 221 DO YOU want to trade your city property for land? Hume Investment Co., S19 New York Life Bldg. RE M524 Hx RANCH and farm lands for sale k tha i.nion racmc ttanroaa company, a. A. McAllester. land con-.mlesloner Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE Ml SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars ai once. jr. ti. jonnson. uorrnester. Neb. IRE M 592 A22 Tukey & Son Want to Buy For Customers Five Cottages Mutt be well located and have full lot with each house. Owners or agents who have such houses at the right prices will find casn customers ny notiiyinn us. A. P. TUKEY & BON, 444-445 Board of Trade. RE 600 25 ACCORDIOS PLEATISG. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. M 772 BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 18th. 222 R. R UMBEL SON, only tie factory in the state. Try. us. Hth and Nichols a Tel. F3369. - M-7S 23 CARPET CLEANING. A. K, JETT calls for carpets. TeL A-3301 M-'94 Al CARPESTERS ASD JOISERS. ALL kinds of carpehNir work and repairing promptly attended tow i. . Ochiltree, 2oth e, r, 't -470 ana i-aute sireeia. v, DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-W3X. . EXPERT ACCOLSTAST. R. Rathbun. room 15. Cora l NsL Bank. 227 ' FLORISTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -221 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1415 Farnam St. at FIRNITtRB PACKIRG. GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire springs tlgntenea. Tel. 1706 Bt. Mary1 Ave. 253 FOISD. FOUND Shirt waist set. Address J 18, Found M546 23 Bee. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleaat cesspools and vaults, removes garoaae and dead animals at reduced price. 44 N. Uth. Tel. 1778. 280 GOLD ASD SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. TeL 2635. LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcbolr, Uth ft Howard 232 LAWNMOWER8 sharpened, saws filed. umbrellas repaired, keys, etc., 3u N. lth. Tel. 274. 2S2 LAW ASD COLLECTIOSS, BTILLMAN ft PRICE, 2 U. 8. N 1 B k. bid. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life Blag., attorneys ana collectors every where. 236 MACFARLAND ft MAT, New York Life Bldg.. room 304. 'Phone 1561'. 13 LOST. BTRAYED, dark brown horse; scar on left side, bcnialler, Z&tt Military Ave. I. MUSICAL, THOU. J. KELLY, voice. Davtdce Block. tut OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 316 Range Blk.; summer term. Apply t. it. wngiil. L. L. C. M.. Director. Phone 1101. 617 MEDICAL. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney ana bladder disease cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D.. 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New Turk City. DR. NEIBERGER'S SKIN LOTION cures Prickly Heat. Barbers' itch. Chlggera, Poison Ivy. Polaton Oak, Ulcers, Pl;upl-a, Scrofula Sores and all Skin Eruptions, price. 21-0 per bottle. J. C. Northeraft, Prop, and Dtstr., Orpheum pharmacy. 911 w. ritnia bi., ivaosa tuy. mo. MU0 28 x. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E- ft ALICE JOHNSON. osteoDaths. Suite Us, New lorx LUa Bldg. TeL lw4 su i . . The Hunt Inflrma ry, MoCague ttldg. T. 2351. 1 AUi Ataen ft Farwall. Paxton Blk, 804-7. T lkA MJil DRS. FINCH ft MILLER, 124 & 26ta Bt ta Dr. Or ace Deeg.n. I0 McCagua. TeL 2362 PATESTS. H. J. COWOTLL No fee unless success fuL tit S. 15th Bt.. Omaha. Tel. 17M 14 . . . .. PAWS BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aeeommodat- lng, all business confidential. 1S"1 Dougiaa PLIMBISG. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS team and gas fitters; Jobbing neatly done; an orders promptly attendea. iL an. 21 Leavenworth. nro MAStFACTfRISG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. Tel. 2m. 242 STAMMERISO AHD STITTERISO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 247 UORTHASD ASD TPEW11TISG. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 242 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd's 24 1 neater. STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 16UH Farn. Tela 1559-s;2. .so TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. 663 TRISKS ASD BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. .TeL 780. POSTOFFICB SOT1CE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, aa changes may occur at any time). Foreign maila for the week ending July 25. 1903, will clo-e (PROMPTLY in ail caeea) at the ceneral poatulllce as follows: Par cels-post malls close one hour earlier than Closing time snown below. rarcela-oi mans tor uermany ciose at 6 p. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time ahown below (except that sup plementary mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at roreign elation;. Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. tor SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Columbia (mall must be aireciea - per s. s. Columbia 1; at 8 a. for BELGIUM direct, per a a. Vaderland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Vader land"); at 12 :3u p. m. (supplementary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. .Campania, . la trfutreiiifiuwn. PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class ot mail matter tor wtber pant of Europe win not be sent ny mis ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above arl.ii. tlonal Supplementary Malls are opened on the Dlers of the American l. nlih French and German steamers, end remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour 01 sailing 01 steamer. Malls for SoatK and Central Amerlea, West Indies, Etc. 1 jwiai ai u in. jor sni-Aiuu, per s. a. ..ingB.ia, via lamiiiuu (man . must directed "per s. s. Niagara "); at 1 d. for PORTO PLATA, net a. s. Fnihoii from Boston (mail for other parts of the Dominican Republic must be directed per b. s. i-oxnau ); at 8:30. p.' m for SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for Ruivn' per s. s. Syracusa, via Perna-nbuco and Santos (mail for Northern Brazil must ue airectea "per s. s. (Syracusa -); at 6:30 a. in. mi Anun.iiwt,, LKLUUAI and i-AKAtiUAi, per s. s. Casilda; at 7-30 a m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a s Silvia; at, 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 8-3ti ; ) for .PORTO RICU. CURACAO ind VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for fcayanllla and Carthagena must be directed "per s. a. Caracas"); at 9:30 a m tBuppiementary iu:ju a. ml ft,- rnu TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (maU for Costa Rica must be directed "Der s. s. Altai ); at iu a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 11:3.) n. .1.. u.Lc-iii;iiia,ry u, mi fnr INAGUA, HAITI and SANTA THARTa! be directed "per s. s. Athos"); at 12 p. m. ror cuva, per s. s. Ollnda, via i Malls Forwarded Overlaad, Ete eept Transpaelfle. CUBA By rail to Port Tamps, Fls.. an thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (the luiiucviiii. man. HUM nrrw on AlOndSVa Wednesdays and Saturdays). . mr.Ait-tJ 1. 1 1 r overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer at this office dai!, except Sunday, at 1:38 i. anu ii.jv y ux. ouiiuiii at i n m NEWFOUNDLAND Br rail to TCnr.h c.j ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday and ' Saturda). . JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thsnce by steamer, closes at this office at 3u p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. igttU)K-y rail to Boston, and thence ?V " orac Jiy at BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and UATR MALA Hy rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office ?a,lX' ePt Sunday, at 1:S0 p. m. and u.du p. in-, ou.iua at t, p. m. and 111 3D p. m. (connecting mail close here Mon days at 111:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orle-ins anrl thence by steamer, closes at this offics dally, except Sunday, at II ifl n m 1.11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. -z. and 111 HO . . n tnnrt n a.., I r v mall . . I . ' 5' ; ,i .7 "" t"w nere lues vmjm i. .aw V lu. IRegistered mail cloaca at ( p. m. vioua day. pre- TraaspariCe Malta. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to July Lain, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. bulnauo Maru. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here cany ai .w p. m. up to July ljuth in ciuaive. tor uespatcn er a s. Alameda. Lni.iA uia MrA.t, via Vancouver an Victoria, a. ., close nere dally at 4.J0 p. in. up to jujy i-ist. iiiciumve. (or des patch per s. s. Empress of India. (Mer chandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and especially wan tur use x'iiiL.i!Jh'i "s E ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 v. in. up to July Uiiih. In clusive, for dt-bpatch per . s. Nippon Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vie San Fran cisco, close kere dally at :i p. m. up to July l-Tth, Inclusive, for deapaicn pur U. 8. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. close here dally at . p. m. up to July lath, inclusive, for despatch per s. a i'iWn,i. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except V't V L IV I1 1 I L'li. iVI 1 r . . v . ..........4ft jpiji, ba MOA and HAWAII) -via San Francisco (lose here dally at 8:30 p. rn. up to Au gust ( late. Inclusive, for despatch per a s. Ventura. (If the Cunard ''earner car rying the British mail for New Zealand doea not arrive In lime to connect with this despatch extra, miill cloing at 6 JO a. m. 9.30 a, m. and 6:JU p. m. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 4.3u p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar- rival of the Cunard steamer.) HAWAII. CHINA. JAPAN and Pint IP. PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close nere oaiiy at e au p. ax. up to August lid, liu lunlv. for deai-ati h per a a. Siberia. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San ranclaco. close here dahy at 6:30 p. m. up to August l!0th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Mariposa. AUSTRALIA (except Wm). fin ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver ana Victoria. B '.. cloae here aauy ai -u p. m. up to August lialh, la- ciusive, ior aespatcn per s. s. AorangL NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwnrded via Europe, and New Zealand and I'Mlliinlnes via Han Fran cisco th auickest routes. rhJllppinea spectally adoreaned I'tta Canada" Luxwjye" uiuat be lulxf prcaftad at or ihe Ijc- rosTOFricu notice. rljrn rates. Hawaii la fos-erarded, via Baa Krsnctsco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closing la srrangeii on tne presumption or their nlnterruptd overland transit. Re;tstered an no at p. m. previous day. U' M AN WIT, f Post master. rotofTiee. New Tork, N. T., July 19, 1J01 A1LWAT TIME CARD. SIOS STATIOS 10TR ASD MARC) re low PaclSe. Leave. ...a 8:40 am Arrive, a 7:60 pm a 1:25 pre Overland Limited. The Fast Mall sllfornla Expi a 4:20 pra alLMptn Pacific Express.., Eastern Express. , Ihe Atlantic Exit a 1 :80 pra a 7:80 am a 140 am a 1:40 am bll 50 pm a 6:16 pm b 8:25 am The Colorado Special Chicago Special .a T JO am Llr.coln, Beatrice . and Stromshurc Einreea .b 4:n0 nm North Plstte Local a i-flO am Grand Island Local b f :80 Dm Chleatro). Mllwaakte ft St. Paal. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:lS pra Chicago Fast Express. .a (:4fi pm a 1:40 pm Chicago Limited a t 06 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines Express. ...a 1:46 am a 1:40 pm Chlcaa ft Rarthwestera. Th Northwestern Line." Past Chicago ..a 3:40 am a T:M am Mall ..a 8:00 pra a 8:30 am ..a 6:10 am a 3:30 pm ..a 7:46 am al0.28 pra ..a k no am all:10 pm ..all Ivan, a 6:10pra .. 6:10 pm ..a 8:16 pra a 9:15 am ..a 4.00 pra 8:60 am ..a 6.60 pra a 3:46 pra ..a k.i pm a 8.16 am ... a 2:40 pra ..b 4:00 p.-n b 8.60 am Local Sioux City...... Daylight St. Paul Daylight Chicago .... Local Chlcagc .oca) Cedar Rapids.., Limited Chicago ..... Local Carroll aat Chicago Fast St. Paul, Fast Mall Local Sioux City Norfolk ft Bonesteel. ..a 7:26 am al0:36 am ,.b 7:26 am bl0:36 am Lincoln ft Long 1'ine Ckicago, Rack lalaad ft PaclSe. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d..a a 66 am a I 60 ant Chicago Uaytigm iocat.a l i am a. w.eo Chicaa-a KxDress. ........ bll :1 am a 6:36 pm Des Moines u,xpreaa....a . pm uu.w mja Chicago Fast express.. a :as pm a i: pa WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln, uoio. npringe. Denver, raebia ana West a 1 JO pm a 6:00 pra Colo., Texas, CaL aoc Oklahoma Flyer a o:u pm au: pm Wabash. St. Loula "Cannon Ball" Express 6:65 pm a 1:20 am St. Loula Local, Coun cU Bluffs. ...a 9:15 am al0:80 pm Missouri Pacts)). Bt. Louis Express.... ..al0:00 am a 8:28 pra ..a!0:60 pra a 4:16 am ..a 7:36 am a 1:10 pra K. C. ft 8L L. h.X..., Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express Chicago, Minneapolis ft St. Paul Laraiiea a i .au pm a :t am MlnneaDOl s ft Bt. Paul Ex Drees D i am ciw: pm ri.lcaso Local .- 10:36 am Chicago Express al0:35 am WEBSTER DEPOT 1STII ft WEBSTER Chlraso. St. Paal, Mluneapolla A Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin ritv Pasaenaer...a 8:80 am a 9 10 pm Bloux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pra al:20 am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b :ii am Missouri PaclSe. Nohraak Local Via Weeping Water.. ......D 1:10 pm aiu:a am Chleagro ft Rorthweelcrn, HebrasLa aad Wyoaalas Dlvlsloa. Rlar-lr Mills. DeaAwood- Lead. Hoi springs a i:w pm a :w pm Wvnminir. CasDer and LOUglaS .A a.uv ui tj w.vw yux . . a .AA CIA bastings, York. David -itv. Huoerior. ueneva. Exeter and Seward... -b 3:u0 pm b 6:00 pm BLRLINGTOM STATIOS 10TH ft MASOA ..ih City. St. Joseph ft Coaavli lllaCs. ' ' Kansas City Day Ex... a 9:15 am ilMpa St. Louts Flyer em pm all .06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am Barllngtoa ft Mlssoarl River. - ieave. Arrtra, tt'vmnr. TJaatrlCS and Lincoln a 8.60 am bU:0t pm NebrasiA Expreaa. a 8:60 am a 2 46 pm Denver Limited.... a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am R ack hi is -ana iuxei Round Kxnreas...: all:10 cm a 1:10 sm C o 1 o r a d Veatibulei Fiyei ai iopm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:52 pra a 1.-08 am fnrt Crook and Platts- mouth D i:a pm tio:36 am Believus & Pacific Jot. .a 7:30 pm a 1:27 am Believue ft Paoino Jet.. a I:u. am Chlcaso. Barllagtoa ft 44alaey. Chicago Special .....a 7:08 ami a 8:55 pm Chlcaao Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 9:18 am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a 8.05 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mali a 2:40 pm a Daily, b Dally exoent Sunday, d Dalle except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. STBAMSUICS. ICHOR, LJNB U. S. ; MAIL BTKAM8H1P8. NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND OLASQOW, NKW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation a. Eie1lent Cnltin. Tin Comfort of PiiwniTfri Carefully Consllaraa. Slnsl or Hound Trip Ticket 1mu4 betwoea New York and Brotca, Kcglltb, Irttn sod all principal continental rilnu at altractlT rate. Bend for Book of Tour, or ticket or (enaral Information apply to any local agent of tne Alienor lAne or la HENDERSON BROS., Oeu'l AseuU, Olleaga, 111. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, New Twin-Screw Rteaeier el U.404 Tan NEW YORK ROTTERDAM, 1 BOULOONfc gelllaf Wedaeadar it II i ll Kstterdaat ...July B Ryadam Aug. II poudaoi Aug. I Noordam Au. ! Stateadam Aug. It I Rotterdam ...BapUmLer 2 . HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, Ot Dearboru St.. Chlcaso, III. Harry Mooraa, 1M1 rarnaai St., C. Rutaerferd. IMt rarnaai at-, B. Kat-aolda, 108 ruua m. LEGAL KOVICK. PROPOSALS FOR SITE AND DONA 'HONS FOR A NEW STATU NORMAL BCHOOL. ' . In accordance with House Roll No. 1, a bill for an act to locate and establish ons til additional state normal school, and to provide for the erection of buildings, pay ment, maintenance and receiving donations for the aame, the Board of Education ot the state normal scnooi nereoy solicit pro nosais for donations to the state of a suit ahla alts for an additional state normal school, but said proposed site must Include a suits ble tract of land not less man twenty (JO) at Tea in extent, said land to be worth at least seventy-five (1.0) dollars per acre, and said location of site for said school must be west of a point not ex reeding five miles east of the ninety-eighth meridian. Said donations or proposed do nation for a site may include a building or buildings, and such proposals may also Include donation of money or duly regis ter! municipal bonds to the state for the use and benefit of such normal achool. All such proposals shall be in writing and transmitted to the secretary or said board tn sealed envelopes, which shall be opened In the uresence of said board on Tuesday. July tn. 19"3, at t o'clock p. m.. In the office of the superintendent of public in- . 1 tH . V. ... . . 11 .1 1 ., e T Nebraska, "and the properties mentioned i said proposals shall be examined and Investigated by said board and the ad vantaaes and dlssdvantages of aald pro posed site shall be considered, and said board In accepting or rejecting any pro noHal shall take Into consideration the lo- t atlon or sucn proposer site, in cnaracter and value of the aam he character and value of the bulldlnfc. or buildings thereon. If any, whether such bulldlns-8 thereon are proposed to De aonatea or soia to tne state, or to be oartly donated and partly sold. the amount of money. If any. proposed to be donated oi the value of sny bonds ac eomoanrlng surh proposal, ar.d may accept such proposed donation and locate such normal School upon surh site which, in the Judgment of Such board under all the facts and circumstances, may sppear to be for th Heat Interest of the stats In the Dremlses." By order of the Board of Directors of th State normal acnooi. WILLIAM K. FOWLER, Secretary Board of F.ducstlon, Buperln tendent ot Public Instruction OEOROE ROGERS. President Bosrd of Education. Lincoln. Neb July W. 1908. Jy lid 14tm Sealed bids will be received at the of. flee of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of July 29. 19ta. for lumber for use st 8. ft B. home at Qrand Island as be architect's estimate on die In the office ot secretary of atats. The board reserves tha right to rej-et any and all bid. GLOR'IK W. MARSH, Secretary of Board. Ji) 4 i tm GO VERS M CRT XOTI4BCS. PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEtlETA- bles otllcs Purrhssing Commissary, U. Array. Army Building. Omaha. Neb., uly 2, 1503. Sealed proposals, In duplicate. will be received until Hi o'clock a. in. uly 30, 13, at which time and place they 111 be publicly opened for furnishing and ellverins uch uuantltles of f r in xoia- oes, onions, cabbage and beets as may tie required by the Subsistence department at maha, iseb., during tne montn ot August, a information furnished on applli-atlnn. Invelnpes containing proxirl should be nilorsed. "I'rtiposale for fresh Vegetable. be opened July ju. i).t" ana auuressea a the uniiersignea. v . n. nean. Major. Commissary, Purchasing Commissary. -i t luiKitni FORT MEADE, 8, IV. JULT 2X lH Dealed nroDoanls In triplicate will be ie- celved until 2 p. m., August 10. 1903, for constructing addition to hospital here. In formation furnished upon application. U. 8. reserves right to aoeept or re)ect any or .11 . . .. . 1 - ,nw n.r. K . r-. fl.ll .'ivru.vntn " . ..... " . 1 w . . .-. i-.lnn.. irntalntn- nronoaala to ha mark.A -I'ropoaais ror tioepttai Aoamon, ad- A r. A i- XX VaA.u Cantaln Jy23 d4t AI-6M INSPECT PORTABLE BOILERS Sasgestlen of Ameadaneat for Ordi nance Cornea from City Roller Inspect or Scheldt. At the requeet of a number of lntereste.1 partlea Joseph Scheldt, boiler Inspector, Is considering the matter ot -asking th city council to amend Ihe present ordinance relating to the Inspection of boll era At present, according to the Inspector, the ordinance contains no provisions covering boilers attached to portable engines, and there are a number In the city which should be Inspected almost aa closely s those used In connection with stationary engines. This Is particularly true of th boilers used on steam automobiles, of which there are probably half a doxen In the city. These boilers are designed to carry high steam pressure, one at least carrying normally about 250 pounds pressure to the square inch of surface. The boilers are all made of the strongest material known to the trade and leave the factory In excel lent shape, but this Is true of all boilers In their various classes and a portable boiler Is as much subject to bad treatment or depreciation as one permanently lo cated. The Inspector has not finally decided upon the form of ordinance which will cover the rasea mentioned, and. In fact. has not fully decided to ask for the amend ments, but Is looking for light upon the subject. MEASURES MUST BE SEALED Judge Berks Glvee Mllkmaa a Clear luderataadlng of tha Maal rlpal Law. i "I fine you 15 and costs,", aald Judge Bcrka to Rasmus Nellson, a tnllkman. "I want you to understand that you must use measures which have been Inspected and approved by the Inspector of weights and measures, and you must submit these Tea sels to him for examination whenever ha S3 requests. This is a light fine, but if you ate brought here again I will make It much heavier." Nellson had been arrested on complaint of Inspector Mahammltt, who aald he was us ing quart measures with a large Hp, so that unless the can la filled to tha very top It la about an eighth of a quart short. Nell son had refused to let the Inspector look' over his utensils, but declared they were full meaaura, because they could ba made to hold tha standard amount Judge Berka looked . over the measures and concluded that tha blg-l!p" dodge wag a subterfuge worthy of severe condemna tion. . Ins pec to Mahammltt has Mher milk- ' men In .view,, whom he will Ale, complaints against If they do not cease Using tha same ' kind of quart measures that got Nellson Into trouble. Tha latter paid hla One. Hum Dovvat hy Wagwa. During the drcua parade yesterday a butcher dell very wagon, driven by a man giving the name Charles Johnson, ran down a small boy. The latter was taken in charge by Attorney F. A. Brogan. who had him taken to the City hotel at Tenth and llarnev streets, where the lad Uvea. John- son was arrested by Officer Maloney and I . I 1 . - . ,k.nAlln. .falln. I . 1 I - . Mf lie i' . . . v " . uv, ai i ir a mjx. the City hotel failed to produce any In formation concerning the Injured boy, the statement being made that no accident had happened to anyone living about the place. Mr. Brogan, who did. not learn the name of he boy, said he aid not tnink the injuries were serious. For 'Cruelty to AalsasUs. William Perkins, a manufacturer of nat- ent medicines of his own discovery, was ar rested yesterday by Officer Murphy on com- lalnt of Aiirea Aimera, presiaent oi the iumane society. Millard stated that Par ens had a horse with a sore shoulder. which he persisted In using when the ani mal should be In the hospital. The horse In question formed ons of a team attached to a phaeton yesterday and had hauled Per kins downtown irom nis residence, x,u Fort street. The horse was placed In a livery stable. Perkins, soon after arrest. was released on Donas. SEASONABLE FASHIONS 4471 Cottes Cv4t,ll U 40 bmft,. Woman's Coffee Coat na. Tasteful house coats, or breakfast Jackets are among th essentials of a satisfactory wardrobe . and are offered In many matertala and designs. This pretty and graceful one Is made of ring-dotted lawn, with trimming of lace that forma a stole, edged with . beading threaded with narrow ribbon, and deep frills, but th i model Is suited to tha entire range of a vi liable material. Cottoa and linen fabrics are charming for warm daya, such wools as aJbatroa, chillis, eashmars and French .Cancel for cooler weather. The coat 1 made ewlth fronts and back that are gathered at their upper edges ajA joined to tha stole, tha shaping being ac complished by means of shoulder and un- der-arm seams. Over tha shoulders, mast ing tha neck portion at tha stole. Is exceed ingly becoming. Tha sleeve are snug with deep frills that are graduated la width and form points that fall ever tha fore-arms. The quantity of material required for tha medium six (4 years) la 84 yards a Inches yards 22 Inches wide. 1 yards 44 Inches wide with 1 yard of all-over lace for stole ami ti yards of lace Inches wide for frills. The pattern 447 Is cut ta stsua for a IX .84, M, 28 and 40 Inch bust measure. For the accommodation of The 1 Bee readers these pat Urn , which usually retail -at from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 19 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get s aettern enclose 10 cents, (Its number and elms of VeAlern,