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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903. 6 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Scorching Weather Driei Up Grains" and Bool is Board of Trade Pricei. CORN IS EXCITED AND STRONG ALL DAY Wheat aa Oats Are Alio Ianoerieed, While 6'roalsloaa Oala a Trifle a Small lloaj Re celpts. CHICAGO, July 23. Grains were strong and higher today, September wheat closlng with a gain ot Vu:te; curn was up arid oats Jhciwta an advance o -vtx-vsc. l'rovlsions cloned steady, at bu10u higher. Reports of extremely not weatlier In tne norm went and dlMHppoltiitng threading re turns, together wltn light movement, cre ated a bullish sentiment In wheat and Sep tember aold up under free buying by St. Louis houses and local bulls to i6-,c, after opening steady at about yesterday s close. Borne of the early buyers took profits on the bulge and this caused a reaction to 7fVo, but on the strength which ueveloped In cern buying was renewed nnd the late tone was strong, September cloning at Trti:, a gain of S'lic. Local shorts who over sold on yesterday's break covered freely and helped the late tone. Trade was larKO and active. Clearances of wheat and (lour were eciual to 839.000 bu. Primary receipts were fcil,(s0 bu. against 1.037.oti0 a year agu. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 1K1 cars, which with local receipts of bi cars, 16 of contract grade, made a total for the three points of HIS cars, against 16 last week and M a year ago. Hot winds In Kansas and adverse crop reports with small receipts gave a strong and excited corn market early In the ses sion and with alight depressions here and there, the strength held until the cloae. in fluential selling on the early advanc caused a decline from the high figure but flnnl prices showed September lHiil'tC bet ter, at 5u7'&&lc, after ranging between (Wo and 61c. There was a big trade with a better demand, nnd buying orders were In evidence on every hand. Local receipts were 1KB cars, with 13 of contract grade. Oats were stimulated to fair activity on a higher range of prices by the bull move ment in corn. Shorts covered freely on the upturn, and trade waa general without Im portant transactions. On the whole the market was firm with local bull traders Inclined to favor the long side of distant futures. September closed Vffic higher, at 3aHc, after selling up from 3--c. Cash demand was slow. Local receipts were I'll cars. Constantly declining hog receipts and higher prices at the yards caused strength In provisions. There was some good out side buying nnd better prices ruled all arourfd. Packers sold moderately on the advance, but the market held steady, with September pork up 74c at $14.3214; lard, "VnlOc higher, at $8.0tt, and ribs, BtiTc better, at tH.KM, Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars; corn, 135 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs, 15,000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: unchanged In both markets. Iron closed tfook for continuance uf general quiet 6.S .-1 in Ula-gnw. and at M In Mldules norough. Locally Iron waa quiet and easier. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $I.V26rf 175; No. a foundry northern, 1 7..V; No. 1 foundry southern and soft, 117. 18.00. Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat tJuly 75 7 75V4 75 "5 IJuly 78 76 75V. 75 7o7 tSept. 76'i 7H 75' 78V, 76 Sept. 75V4&- 76", 7bV. 76Vi&H way, son bo. 50 49 Sept. BOfu 61 60' BOTttfol 4vfc Dec. 49Vtif 60 4Vi 00 4SV Oats July 38 40 SS 397, 87 Sept. 32ij 3V4 32 33V,32Vi Ilec. 33 3.1 33 33cT,33Vi'i May S&4f V 36 35 36&J to Pork ( Sept. 14 M 14 35 14 80 14 82ttl 14 25 Lord I Sept. 8 02VV ( 074 t 00 I 074 1 85 Oct. 8 75 7 82 7 75 7 80 7 83 Bibs Sept 8 424 R 374 t 424 8 874 Oct. 20 8 224 174J 8 224 8 074 OMAHA WHOI.I-.SAl.K MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations tattle and Fancy Prodaee. EGOS Kresh stock, loss off, 13c 1.1VK 1'OULTRY Hens, IKiKc; spring chickens, per lb., ISc; roosters, accord ing to Hte, 441 jo; turkeys, labile; old ducks. He; young ducks, 9ttltc. HUTIKR-Patmi.g stock. 124130; choice dairy. In tubs, l(V4l7c; separator, c. KKKStI 1' 1811 iresn caufjnt trout, 4c; pickerel, 8c; pike, c; percn. He; buffalo, 4o; bluetlnh, 11c; whltensh, He; salmon, 14c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., i&c; lobsters, green, per lb., i3c: bullheads, lie; cAtlish. 14c; blrtck bass, 20c; halibut, Hie; crapple, Kc; herring, 8c; peich, tic; while bass, 10c; blueflns, Sc. HKAN-Per ton. 115. IIAi'-I'rlces quoted by Omaha Wholesale Iealers' association Choice No. 1 upland, $.U); No. 2, .s: medium, 17.00; coarse, $7. Rye straw, J. These prices are lor hay of good color and quality lemand fair and ici elpts light. 'UitN tbc. OATH She. liyjfi No. t, 46c. V EG ETA DT.E9. NEW POTATOES Southern and home grown, per bu., tK7ac. PAltSi.jr Per uos. bunches, 80c. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per doa., 40 (4bc. BEANS Home grown, wax, per market bat-kef, 60c; string, per market basket, 60c. PKAS Home giovvn, per market basket. Sic. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doa., 50c. CABBAGE-New California, per lb., 14 3lc. OKEEN CORN-Per doa., &58o. TOMA'lOEb Texaa, per 4-baaket crate, 7S(ii85c. KHLHARR-Per lb., la NAVY BEANS Per hn.. J2.60. CELERY Michigan, per doa., 2E330C. ONION'S New California dry, per lb., 2c. FRUITS. BIACKBERRlES Home grown, per 24- quart case, .0iKf(2.b0. , rLiCAiB Hurnunks,; P. D., per box, tl.25(U'1.36; Washington, 1.2u1.35; urausnaw, el mi&i. S). I'KONI'.t'- iiHtjeay, per box, 81.85. I'KACHKS California.- 8t. John's earlv fieemones and eilVly (.raw fords, 11.15. LLKHAMS-i-tr lti-ql. case, $2. GOOtiEBEKRlES Per lb-qt. case. 82. PEAKS Culiforulu. Bartlett's. per bo. $2.6 2.75. can l aluui'E Texas standard, per crate, .50; per crate, 81.75. APPLES NOW stock, 4-bU., 76C. WATERMELONS Texas, 25-&30O each. TRpPlCAL FRUITS. FIGS Turkish, 18-lb. box, per lb., 18c. ORANGES Mditerrant an, all slz?a, ti.2i; St. Alickes or paper rind, all sizes, 83.001 4.IP0; Valencias, H.25. IEMONS California fancy. 800 to M sizes, 35.7ugti.UO; 240 to 270 sizes, 84.50(5.00. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., lOo. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4o. HIDES No. 1 green, 4c; No. 3 green, 5Vic; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6o; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to li! lbs., S4c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry suited bides, KTyi 12c; sheep pelts, 26didc; liorse hides, 3l.50ji 2-6 NUT8 Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shetl, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., li!c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., Uc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., Kc; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, l:irge, per ib., 124c; small, per lb., lie; cocoanuts, per doa., blc; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 64c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; biaca walnuts, per bu., 87; hickory nuts, per bu.. 81.50. St. Ionla Grain and Provisions. ST LOUIS. July 23. WHEAT Higher; No. t tOld. New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter natenta, 83.76(h) 1.90: straights. 83.40dt8.7O: soring oaten a. 34.00Q'4.40; straights, 83.ftJ3.0; bakers', 82. 6 J WHEAT No. 1 red, 7576e. CORN No. J. 61c: No. 8 yellow, 6l4e. OATS No. J. 32(&34c; No. 2 white, 4041o; xso. 1 wnite, i'aic. RYE No. 2, 60H5245Sc. BARLEY Good feeding, 42o; fair to choice malting, 4B5fjOc. SEED No. 1 flax, 90c; No. 1 northwest ern, 954c. Prime timothy, 88.80. Clover, .1 - 119 Vb.14 Kit PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbL, 814.00 iara, per iuo ins., fi.vwtpj.Ki. snort rins sides (loose), w.ihwx.30. ltry salted snouiaers tnoxed), (.tx"a',.tJ4; short clear sines (Doxed), .6(K0S BJ4. The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 21,314 14,421 Wheat, bu 49,060 lo.9:o Corn, bu 177.2HO 226,035 Oats, bu 800,150 150,833 liye, ou 7,600 .... Barley, bu 28,198 On the Produce exchange today the but- xer marKet was steady to easier; 1 cream erles, 17C((19Hc; dairies, 15gl7c. Cheese, sttady 111140. Ergs, cosy; at mark. i-uaes inciuuea, ncaMC. ude until Jobbers' trade commences to show more signs of activity. Prices. aie held fty-mly. but In certain lines buyer are finding It slightly easier to negotiate with manufacturers and their representatives. No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 77Vc; track, 78 fcM)c; July, 78c; September, 77774c; De cember, 78c; No. 2 hard, 744j:;6c. CORN-Hlgher: No. 2 hard, cash, 494c; track, 4!x&494c; July, 44c: September, 60c; September, 4Syffj48c. ' OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 344c; track, 3o4c: September, S2c; December, 2234(2 33c; No. 2 white, 40c. RYE Quiet. 49450c FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, aS.WVfT' 4.00; extra fancy and straight, 83.604i3.86; clear, 83.20fi3.35. 8EED Timothy steady, 82.60. CORNMEAL Steady, 32.70. BRAN Dull, lower; sacked, east track, 68c. HAY-Steady; timothy, 88.0OiS15.60; prairie. IRON COTTON TIES 8106. BAGGING 6(tj6c. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Inbhlnr. standard mess, 814.724. Lard, unchanged, (..-). nncon, sieany; ooxea extra snorts, 88.874; clear ribs, 89.124; short clear. 89.624. METALS Lead, firm. 31.124. Spatter, firm, 85.50iT5.55. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 94c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese, 3-4c. BUTTER Steady;, creamery, 15fc21c; aairy, liyiitc, EGGS Steady. 134c, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. I' lour, bbls 4,1,00 7 000 Wheat, bu 114,000 . 47.000 Corn, bu 36,000 67,000 Oats, bu 41,000 67,000 HEW YORK. STOC KS ASD DOSDS. neaewed I rnent I.lqaldatlon Breeds Fresh t neaslnesa on Market. NEW YORK. July 23 -Excitement snd uneasiness developed again In todny'a stuck market as a result of the renewal of the urgent and apparently forced liquidation. This was helleved to be due to the special needs of Individuals and the Identity of these Individuals was the subject of the usual gossip and the usual apprehensions. Amalgamated was the center of the excite ment and much of the selling of It was Slid to be for Boston account, as reports were received of a violent brenk In the copper shares generally there. There was nothing In the news of the trnde to account for the brenk the metal advancing sharply In tbe London market. Yesterday's break at the Metal Exchange here was not followed by any further recession today. Wall street showed considerable anxiety over the news of the failure of an Important building Arm In New England, as it was believed to In volve ramifications In the New York de partment of that Industry. The United States reslty shares were mnde to suffer acutely by reason of this uneasiness, not withstanding authorized assurances of the soundness of the corporation's affairs. Amalgamated with Its 14 per cent dividend off sold down to 39. a break of 64. nnd the lowest price on record. 1'nlted States Realty lost 2 and the preferred 5, the last named rallying 2 and Amalgamated closing only above the lowest. The fear that this violent liquidation was the outgrowth of the New England business trouble gave currency to many rumors of business em barrassment In New York, which were often due to the sharp declines In special stocks In which Individual brokerage houses were believed to be largely Interested. None of these rumors could be substan tiated. Another unfavorable Influence on the stock market was the renewal of the vlotsnt speculative fluctuation in the cotton mnrket. with reports of purchases 1 n Liv erpool for reshlpment to this country for the relief of the distressed shorts. The stock mnrket hss been inclined to respond with declines to the lumps In the cotton mnrket throughout the prevalence ff the resent cotton corner sna it is common n. f that Wnll street operators have been very persistent short sellers at the high levels prevailing In the cotton market. The excitement developed In the corn market today was also aemmemai 10 310,1,. olned,as It was to reports ui nui wmun he corn belt and nanger to um corn not'. The suggestion of the Iron Age tnni ige great decline In securities migni cnecs, new undertakings and thus adversely effect de mand In that trade, hurt the Iron and steel nj.clntlv those of t Independent companies. The United States Sieel stocks were not notably afflcted until the general weakness developed late In the day. 1 no tnndord dividend paying rnunnu were also incnnea 10 m-i u.r until Into In tbe nay, nut oncuii" ..l ov tween 1 snd 2 points from Inst night be- .t.i The mnrket Pad stendled near the Inst, but Southern Pa cific a downward plunge 01 in iu 10 the Hose feverish and Irregular. There were some violent dec"nes It bonds, but a few advances kept the tone rregular. Total sales, par vamo, "pttrd States oonns were uni;imoR.. . call. . .... ,- m. Following are inr nw"' " fork Stock exchange: . ao piu . m.So. Pucnlo 42' . k- bo. Hallway .ml do pld ' .ll'Txa PaclBc H Toledo. St. U A W. M . kW1 do lft . irL'uion rucinc 'i . 4iJ do pld . It, WlAab . u)t! Pt(i CU.cso W 1.4 !''" f' er. ir.. n v...v. -- liW ao itiu t lAdama Ki 2i lia'AmcricJtii Kx 17V 6i ilnlted Htatea Ex... .100 Wilia-Ftrgu Kx 1H lt- Aniai. copper 4o lMtiAui.r. 1 . 1 J1 II 2Xi uo pid auVl , Amer. Lin. Oil II do pld 27 lAmtr. Louoiuotlta .. 17 ilil do pld it 17u iAniitrlvan 8. ic R.... 4i ,, do pld k.'j lAmcr. ttucar Ret. 12W'AtlAG )aluluC t.'o t I, Uruoklyu H. T 4 6JiK"io. fuel A Iron.., tuCoiumbua A H. C... Ht Ing In Interest. Fresh realisations In rentea were the feature of the day. Rio Tlntoe gained 3 polnis. The rate ot discount-was 2 11-16 per cent. Throe pei cent rentes, 97f 874 for the account. Exchange on London, i6f, for checks. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 9M'75,"0"f ; tretsury accounts current, Increased 87,825.i f ; gold In hand, increased 99.2.V,00if ; bills dis counted. Increased 82.17o.Oucf; silver In hand, Increased 2.2S5,(Oif. BERLIN, July 23 Business on the bourse today ocned quiet, t'anatllan Pacific was slightly higher. Later trading In all de partments became more stagnant. Exchange on London, 20m 8 pfg, for checks, ltlsconnt rates, short bills, 3'i per cent; three months' bills. 3 per tent. London Stock Market. LONDON. July 23,-Closlng quotations: Conaota. money do account.. Anaronda Atrhtaon do pfd Hr.ltlmore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago O. W C., M. A St. P.... PeBeera Denver A R, O..,, do ptd Brie do let pfd do 2d pfd tlhnolti Central Lotllavllle A Naah. M., K. A T 1 U-14 N. Y. Central Ut ... II Norrolk A Weatern.. t ... 4 dh pfd II . .. St,., Ontario A Weatern.. t4 . ui 'v cnnayiTunia K . t.iVt Rand Mlnea lit .': Heading 2.i . 34' do lat pfd 41 .It' do d pfd 15 .14 8onthern Rjt I2V4 . 2i do pfd . JUS Southern raclflc 4 . l Lnlon Pacific 1 . n do pfd la . V. 8. Steal II v . t2V do pfd TS .1:14 Wahaah 12 .lift do pfd Wti MONE-14Hl per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills hii-Yi' 4?" an1 for three-months' bills Is 2&2 7-16 per cent. Ken Vork tllnlnt Qnotatlona. NEW YORK. July 23-The following are the quotations on tne New York 8tock ex- cn..iie;e: NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qnotatlona ( the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. July 23 -FLOUR-Recelpts, 15,i88 bbls.; exports, 20.827 bbls.; market fair ly active and firm; winter patents, 83.SHMi 4.30; winter straights, 83.60iM.85; Minne sota patents, 34.4tvji4.65; winter extras. 32.awS3.20; Minnesota bakers, 3S.60(fi 75; winter low grades, 32.7off3 00. Rve flour steady; fair to good. 83.0O&3.S5; choice to fancy, 33.40i54.60. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, 81.11: city. 31.10; kiln dried, 33 2o3.25. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 484c. f. o. b., afloat; state, 5S(&4o, c. I. f., New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 62c, c. I f New York; malting, 514u.67c, c. I. f., New it'in WHEAT RecelDta 98 878 hu snot arm- No. 8 red, 804c elevator and 81o f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 82c f. o. b. ; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 92'ic f. o. b., afloat. Options opened a trifle lower but at once became very strong on covering, started bv a lolent advance In corn. After midday realising and a decline the market again advanced on drainage reports following hot weather In the northwest, and closed fic net higher. July closed at 81c; September, So4t81o, closet! at 81c; December. 80 fclc, closed 81 c. CORN Receipts. 60 900; exports, 121.646 hu. Spot firm; No. 2. 67c elevator, and 67Vc f .0. b., afloat; No. yellow. 68c; No. 2 white, 68c. Optlona experienced activity and strength on reports of hot winds In Kansas and general covering. It reacted at noon, but again steadied up with T-hcat and closed lo net higher. July. 87457c, closed at 67c; September, 6t'.ti6t;c. closed at 66c; December, fj6f5i".e, closed at 5tic. OATS Receipts, 78.000 bu.; exports. 11 00 bu. Spot ilrm: No. 3, 404ff40e; standard white. 4141 41c; No. 8, totittio; No. 2 white, 42ii42c; No. 3 white, 41411,e; track white, western. 44j47c;' track white, state 40ii47e. Options quiet but firmer with other markets. - FEEI Steady. BRAN l,ower: spring. 3l7.00i5rl7.50; mid dling, 319.CKKu20.50; winter, 818.0OSv-'O.O0; city 81i i" '. ). HAY Steady; shipping, SOtJ85c; good to Choice. 81 ItcallS. HOI'S Quiet ; state, common to choice i02 crop, 15'ti-214c; 1901 crop, IOCtISc; olds! 6'(t7c Psclfic coast. 1902 crop, lio21c; l'jul crop, JSilbc; olds, 6ftSo. HlIEr Dull: Galveston. 10 to M ih. ISc; California. II to 26 lbs., 19c; Texaa dry 24 to 30 lbs. 14c. LEATHER Steady; add, t3J25V4c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4V0 -; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, ateadv; family Ho 00 fil0.5o; mesa, 88 00(ii8.5O; beef hams. 820tVhrt 3i.uu; packet, 89.0-u9.60; city extra India mess, 315 t"i 16.00. Cut meats. Irregular- Pickled belllea, is.s&rru 00; pickled shoulders 80 60; pickled hams. tl2.50j1 V25. Ird, steady; western steamed. 80.IO: July closed at 88.10; nominal; retlnxl quiet; continent, 88 10' South America, 88i5; compound. 37.50ii7 75. Pork, steady; family, 8l7.6'i 1 S Ou; short clear, $lo (VU17.76: rai. 8l6.6tm 17.26. TALLOW Steady; city. 6Vfc&4o; country, lync. BUTTER-Reoelpla, 14 833 pkgs : steady; atate dairy. 14il8c; creamery, liiic. CHEESE Receipts, 6.781 pkgs.; irregular; state full cream, fancy small, colored and white. 10c; large, colured, loc; large, white, 7ic. EGGS Receipts. 8.651 pkgs: unsettled; Western seconds to extras, 14,ilS4c POULTRY Alive, easier; western spring chickens, 17c; fowls, 144c; turkeys, 11c; dressed, firm; western broilers, 18j2uc; fowls. 114;'; turkeys, ll&c. MET A 13 Spot tin advanced 2 Is in Lon don, closing at .115 16a, and futures were i 2s Kd higher, at 123 7s d. Locally tin was firm at 87 Soti 27.76. Copper In London was higher, spot advancing U's (d to 4io 12s 6d. and ftilur 7s sd to li:o 7s d. Locally copper was quiet and more or lesa nominal at 818 261 11.60 for lake and electrolytic, and 313.00 for casting. Lead was steady and un changed In I-ondon at 11 7s 6i. and 34.60 In New York. Spelter closed at M 6a In Loudon, and at eiCIa In Hw Yoife. fcelng Kanans Cltr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 23.-WHEAT-Sep. temher. 0t4c: December. 67'ii6;lkc: cah No. 2 hard, 6S4c; No. 3, 67(8674c; No. 4. 63 ltc; rejectea, Btxatcc; No. z red, 7172c; No. 3, 6S(fi70c. CORN September, 47c; December, 45(0 4oc; casn, xmo. 2 mixed, 4,4c; No. 2 white, 604c: No. 3. 494c. ' lATS No. 2 white, 40c; No. 8 mixed, 34 y on.. KYE-No. 2. 60c. HAY Choice timothy, $13; choice prairie. BUTTER Creamery, 1618c; fancy dairy, JOC. EGGS Kresh, 114c (Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 206,600 72,800 Corn, bu 24.000 24.800 Outs, bu 12,000 4,000 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts NEW YORK, July 23. EVAPORATED APPLES Shows no change from the gen eral condition recently noted, and wn H the tone Is steady business Is reported well within the nuoted range. Common are quoted at 4(ti4c; prime at 5itj6c; clioice at 6V(ii4c, and fancy at 64j74c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Snot j prunes showej a somewhat easier ten- j- itw li nn mitt on lair SlZt'O: nrtlers sllaht concealons would be granted Quotations, however, ranged from 8c to 7c lor an grades. Apricots remain in steady at 7(Q4e. for choice and 1043.1240 for fiiey. Peaches are quiet, with choice quoted at t,(o4c, ana fancy at of 1040. Minneapolis Wheat. Vlonr and Brati MINNEAPOLIS. July 23. WHEAT lasn, Me; July, Mftsttc; Septemtwr, 74c December, 74c; on track; No. 1 hard. 86c No. 1 northern, 84c; No. 2 northern, 81'li1 o., . V . ,, -. . - . o-t:. i o. - hoi iiiern, itfouc. Vt.Ot'R !'( r r niiu. In tmA 9 n K Minneapolis, 84.ttiij4.tA; second patents, 84 40 Ti4.w; nisi clears,'y j.ou; second clears, XJ.tlKJ3.DU. BRAN In bulk, 3120ft12.60. Philadelphia Produce Market. PH1LADEI-P1UA. July 23 BUTTER f irm; good demand; extra western cream cry. ; nearby prints. i3c. EGGS-F'lrm: good demand: fresh near. by, l4c; do weatern, 1m;; di southwestern, ltxti i tc; ao southern, loc. CHEESE Steady : good demand: Ne York, full choice new, 10104c ao lair iu gooa, 'iUiK. y Mlltrnnkee Grain Market. MH.WAI'KRK. -T.tlv ) WlIFlTlfl. No. 1 northern. N6VstiN7c; No. 2 northern. 84 tiNic; new September, "6'iK64c. H v !; tstaiy ; no. i. 6-c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 8860c; aample CORN September, 60T,c Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, July 23 8 EED Clover lower and weak; October, 85.24- Prime timothy X1.MJ. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Julv 23. WHEAT flnot. No. ! red. western, winter, dull at 6s 2d; No, l northern, spring, steady st fist4d; No. California, dull at lis oVjd. Futuiea, steady July, nominal; September, 6a27d; Decern ber. s 24d. COH.x-Spot, American mixed, easy at 4a 4d. Futurrs. steady; July, nominal; Sep- limuer, s iu. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 23-CORN-Flrm; No. 8. tV; io , c. OATS-Dull; No. 8 white. 32e; No. BV Vi t till M WllSKY-On the bails of 11.80 for On laneo goods. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. July 28. WHEAT In store No. 1 hard. 86c; No. 1 northern, 844c; No, miruiem. eo4-; 10 arrive, IN o. 1 aartl, lie No. 1 northern, 814c; No. 3 northern, Wc rfuiy, 4c. OATS 34c. Adams Con Alii breitce Illrunawlck Con Cometock Tunnel... Con. tal. A Va Horn Xllver Iron Silver xLeadvllla Con x Offered. 10 iu 16 4 Little Chief ., xontario Ophlr Phoenix 7 125 Barege l(i I Sierra Nevada 1B0 Small Hopea .. o jxtitandard .... .. ..130 .. a .. .. it .. to .. 15 ..100 ao piu Dal. At Ohio ao pia nadian Pacific Central o( t. J.. tie. A Ohio.... Clucato at .iiioa. do ptd Chlcaxo A U. W. do lat pia do pia C. C. c. ak at. L Coloraao bo ao let pld uo 2d pia Del. A nutltoo... Del. L. at W IMnver A K. O... do pld.. Erie do lat pld do Id ptd Gnat Nui-. ptd... llcxkiug Vauejr . do ptd Illinois central .. lows Central .... do Pld K. C. soulllcru.. do Pld L. A N Manhattan L...... Met. at. Rr Minn. A St. U Uo. PaclDc M., K. A T do pfd Nat. K. R. at Max do pfd N. V. Central , Norfolk A W do Did Ontario A W Pennsylvania P., C. C. A 8t. L. Readlnt do lat pfd do td pfd Rock liland Co do pfd St. L. A a. r xdo lat pfd do Id ptd 8t. U 8. W , do pfd St. Taut x Offered. cone. Uaa ...lou4aj(len. Kiectrto .., ...13Jlln'er- Paper .... ...llfcfcl ,do P'4 ,,, n jilnter. Pump ... 971 xuo pld ... li, National Ulacult ... M iNaliunal Lad .. ( iNo. American . , si l'aclflc Mail .... .1173, People's Uaa ... . t3 Preaaed 8. Car.. . in I do pfd . I2t 'Pullman P. Car, .KiiHiiitapublle Bteel , a i do nfd 4y, Ruiibtr Ujoda 1 do pfd I Tenn. Coal A Iron. U U. S. Leather 4,4 do pfd 61 II. 8. Rubber 16 do pfd 4H U. B. 8teel UW do pfd 11),. Weatern Union ,140 .101 . 14 . . 40 . 7S . KVa . in . tVb . S1V, . 40 . 4 .101 . 12'a . 20 . '.a, . . o . n ,. 4.H . it a . 10 . hi (JilAllA LIVE STOCli MARliEl Moderata Cattla Beoo pia and Prices Baled a Littla Stronger. HOG MARKET SLOW AND UNSATISFACTORY Liberal Ran of atieev, bat They Were Mostly Feeders, Which Bold Felly Steady Good Killers ttooted Steady, bnt Others Doll. SOUTH OMAHA, July 23. RecelDts were: Cattle, lions. Sheep. Uniclai Monday g.oJtt Gluclal '1 uemiuy 8,-lo onicial Wednesday 8,oiu Otticlal Thursday K.SlI Four days thla week.. 10,748 Same days last wetk....lAWi Same week before U,uoti Same three weeks,t2 Same four weeks aao. )' Same daya last year .ol4 RLcKlxlS FOR 1HK VKAR To DAfe.. The followlna- table shows the receipts of cattle, nogs and sheep at South Omana for tnn year lo date and comparisons with last year: una. Inc. Dsc. cattla &&l,SfV0 40Z.700 14V,iW Hogs l,4i(o,Jli l,4twi,st.8 ii,rl Sheep tKM.WO 48J.061 146,4t Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last aeveral daya with comparisons; b.ft- 11,140 V,yi l:f,i(V) 6,U38 t.'J'ti ,U81 6.1A1 27,824 t.m 3,Mi to, iini J.SM 11.UM 4o,4Xi ,M 4i,o24 l-.Mo Z9.U30 U4.7J7 Date. 1803. 18O8.l)l.1800.lo9.IU3.18I. July 90 74k 8 78 8 all I 18 Jul it.. ..I 8 boi 1 M i4 lti 18 till 8 18 Ju y j ... a io 7 a. t 8 ti I n a July 4. ...i j e ! e ! i i ee New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 23. MONEY On call. eaaler; lowest, 1 per cent; highest, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; lust loan at 2 per cent, closing at IVt'U'i per cant; time money, nrm; sixty uuyn, n pvr ixm; ninety days, 6 per cent; six months, 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6VWJ6 per cent. , KTKRLING isxciiANUi'-steaay at 84.MUo for demand and at 84.84U!.o40S for sixty days, poneu ruiw, .Oiit(f'j; com mrrclnl bills. 8t.M. i bh.vRR r,5c: Mexican dollars. 42Uc. MoNDS Oovernmuiil, steady; railroad. Irregular. Tbe Closing iiuuvuliuiis un uonus aro as follows: V. a. ret. to. ra...10SL. A N. unl. 4s do coupon vii mex. ventral a i do U, re( lo.i.1 do la iuc 1 do coupou lvsiMlun. A 8t. L. 4a.. aSt do new 4a, res 1.14 VM., K. A T. 4a til do coupon 1HW do ta 77ts do old 4a, reg Ill IN. T. C. gen. I'a... H do coupon HI UN. J- C. gen. 6a. ...117 do aa, rag 1"1 No. Pacific 4a VS1 .iva ao aa Tia . 4a N. A W. con. 4a IS . (7 .Reading gen. 4a 4 .101 St. L. A I. M. e. 6a. HOI, . z M. L 1 '. 4a.... ,. .100 8t. L. 8. W. Is fl .10 I do la T4 .1034 R. A. A A. P. 4s.... T7 70 ;8o. Pacific 4s Hfi 7!Bo. Raliwar 6a llv'S du coupou Ati'hiaon gen. 4s. do ad). 4s Unl. A Ohio 4a... do t4e do couv. 4a Canada So. 2a Crntral of Oa. is.... do la tne rh,i A Ohio 4 '4a.. xchicago A A. Sta.. T4 M A et P g. 4a.. ins C. A N. W. e. 7a. ...131 C, U. A Q. n. 4a ... MtsfT., St. L. A W. 4a t'nnin recmc aa do ennv. 4a Wabaeh la do i'a do deb. B West Shore 4a Wheel. A U B. 4a. Wa. Central 4a t on. Tobacco 4a. C. R. I. A r. C C C A at L g. 4a xChlrago Ter. 4a... Colorado ao. 4a.... fenver A R. U. 4a Erie prior lies 4s.. do general 4a r. W A D. C. ls....lo4Va Hocking Val. 4a....l04 a Offered. 100 7t 7 7V, 17 11W Texaa at pacific la . .11. 71 1HH 6W 107 so ta 67 14 Colo. Fuel. con. 6a.. I,',, lloeton Stork ((notations. BOSTON. July 23. Call loans. 8gl per cent; time loans, Sfi6 per cent. Official clcsing prices wn siock ami Donas; AH hlaoj Atchison do pfd Piiaioii j Albany noston A Me li.ion K leveled I Amalsamated 49u .. C'i n .. amtaiumei Heela.,,,420 146 ICentennlal 14 .141, 'Copper Range 41Uj .lis .rtomlnlon Coal S4 N. V., N. H A H... 196V, Franklin 1 Fltrhburg pfd 13 jlxle Royal (Uj In ton Paclfls 76S Mohawk ut Mel. Central lipoid Horalnlon J.n, American augar U4 Ci.neola il do pld Ill f'arrot li Amtrlraa T. A T....lW'4'Uulncr M nomlnlon I. A 8 i:w Sunta Pe Copper 1 tln. Klertrio .140 .Tamarack T6 Masa. Klectrle UH.Trlmnunialn kl do pfrt aOSt Trlnltr 4x4 Vnlted Fruit ' Vnlted Stales n V. a. Steel 2!1 i'tak 14 . do pfd 7o Victoria H Wotlimh. Coairooo. . 16 .Winona T Adventure 4t Wolvorlna 4) Allouaa in , Fnrelain Financial. LONDON, Jjly 23 Discounts were stead ier and money quiet. Hulnet on the Stock exchange had a rather better tone. Consols were dull on the lssuinif of new colonial and corporation loans. Americans o; cned dull, grew nrmer ana rose 10 above p.irity, some or tne uesi cihhss 01 secur ities being picked up for English account. owing to hopes of an early reimund. The tone, however, remained undecldej, opera tors being still nervous reg trdtng the fu tore. The market closed uulul. The Bank of England's rate of discount remains unchanaed at I per cent. The weekly statement of the Bank of Knirland snows tne following cnanges: Total reserve. Increased 114.o); c rculi tion. decreased 15o.Uou; bullion, decreased 41 2S4: other securities. Increared other deposits, decreased 2t3.0; public deposits, incrvssea .&.. note reserve. Ini'reaaed lil.0uu: government securltws unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability this week Is ilH per cent; last week It waa 8187 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 23.-COTTON-Btetuly; sales, 2,310 hales; ordinary, 9 15-lc; good ordinary, lP4c; low middling, 124C; middling, 13'c; good middling, las,c; mid dling fair, 14 5-li.c; nominal; receipts, 1,072 bale; Block, 6,118 hales. Futures quiet and steady; July, 13.6ttti 13.75; August, 13.6'tfr l:-..5; September,'ri lo.i9: October, 9.77 '?! November, .6S'a.0; December, I.M 9.i; January, 9.55'i(i 57. NEW YORK, July 2.1-COTTON-Opened strong at an advance of i'alZ points for the flist half hour or so ruled excited and ac tive under covering and more or less buy ing for long account based on the Arm ca bles and the continued heavy demand for spot cotton in the English market, where sales of 14.0C0 bales were reported, Including 8.00(1 for export. Reports that these 8,('0 bnles were for shipment here, presumably to be delivered on the July contracts, only added to the uneasiness of nearby shorts, who accepted the statement as indicating that the outstanding short Interest In July was larger than expected. In addition to the higher cables and the approaching ma turity of the July contracts the weather map retlectcd continued hot, dry weather In sections of the belt and for a time the shorts appeared utterly demoralized. July, which had closed on the preceding night at 13.20 bid. was hid at 13.H0 and was not sold until 13.70 was reached, and immediate ly another sole was reported at 13.75, or 45 points hver the previous high records. In the meantime the balance of the market had also shown great mrencth. August be ing forced up to 12.75 with the general lists showlngVnet gains of l.KTioG points. The at tainment of this level, however, exhausted the demand for the time being and realiz ing cased the mnrket off from 7 to 27 points from the high point with July selling down to 13.S0. Around midday there was another upturn nr.d a partial recovery under re newed covering, but in the early afternoon the market again turned very weak under further renlir-lrg which appeared to be based on reports of rains In the territories supposed to be In need of moisture and ns the bulls made little effort to support prices moved rnnldlv downward. StoD loss orders were uncovered and In the hiat half hour the mnrket was at the lowest level of the session and almost ns weak as It had for merly been strong. In the last few minutes covering by room shorts helped matters a little and there was, a, recovery from the lowest of 2 to 6 points. The market was finally barely steady and net 3 to 7 points lower on all options? except July, which was last sold at 13.40 and closed 13.30 bid or ret 10 points higher. Sales estimated at Son. or bales. ST. DOl'IS, July 23. COTTON Steady ; middling. 12c; sales none; receipts, 6 bales; shipments, fi bales; stock. 2.783 hales t.Wrnpmi.. Julv 23. COTTON Spot good business done; prices 14 to 18 points hlirher: American middling fair, 7.14d; good middling. a.sKd: middling. fi-Wd; low mid dling fi42d; good ordinary. 6.12d; ordinary, 5 p-'d The sales of the day were 14.000 hnles, of which R.fW were for f.peculation and ex port and Included I3,fifn bales American. Receipts. 7.300 bales, all American. Fu tures opened Steady snd closed barely uteadv; American middling, g. o. c, July, 6.4V'B.41d: July-August. 6 39d; August-September, .85ffW.3fid; September-October. 6.KS ifi5 89d; October-November, 6jl7d; November-December, 6.3t'.d: Jnnunry-rr""1- 6? (fi5 30d; February-March, 6.28yS.29d; March April, 5.284i5.29d. Wool Market. ST LOUIS, July 23. WOODFIrm; m .i ' Vifino. ,,ri elothlna. lmiic: (light tine" reiser heavy fine. 12Jl5c; tub WNEW YORK? July 23,-WOOD-Flrm. BOSTON. July a.-WOOL-Quotations: Kentucky and Indiana, three-eighths blood, "Ic- braid 22'4c; Texas, twelve months, 19 i20c; six to eight months, 17'a 18c; fall, 15r. hie. California, northern, choice. 19c; mid dle counties. HWil7c; southern, 19 "e- O" rnn eastern, otaplo. 17ilc; clothing, 14 foe. Territory. Idaho, fine, 1 '?.;: tine me dium, lWfliy.ic:. mfum, lwl?1?,v,JXX: omlng. hue. iVtlSc; tine medium, 1uV481i4c; medium. 18dil9c. Utah .and Nevada, tine Keltic; fine medium, 17Wc; medium. 18 1 inc. Dakota, tine. IfMiMc; fine medium, 1W lihhc medium, ii jic. monition. m" wnu.,.,, ,.,..,.:. a ,1 a v ,11.. ii!Wilic: tine me dium choice. l&MSc; a verage. liliHc. Col orado. New Mexico, etc., tine, lKal2c; fine medium, 14fjl&c; medium, 1&&1dc; coarse. Uyl;c: ...... M ,,A -i- t sheepskins was held In Mincing Uane to day. Tne oncringn amuumru T ,?7i The attendance was moderate and bidding was fairly active. Merinos sold at un changed prices and crossbreda were un changed to 5 per cent higher. Following are the sales and prices obtained for cloth ing and comning: isew nnum wai, 00 bnles. at 4'yi7',id. Victoria, 18 bsles, at i.,wi..rl Koiith Australia. 4X2 bales, at 3rtlA. West Australia, 487 bales, at Wt I 7'd. Tasmania. 611 bales, at 4ii7,d. New j Zealand, ia naics. si 11 nu. F'!"" Arenas, 55n bales, at 2'ii'tA4d. Falkland Islands, 20 bales at CViiiO-d. Oil nnd Rosin. Oil. CITY. July 23.-OIU Credit bal ances, 81. 5; certlilcates, no bid; shipments, M,3t3 bbls., average i.7oi bbU.; runs, 99, Z'M bbls., average 74,90 bbls: shipments Lima, 61,142 bbls., average o2jl; runs, Lima, 76.9-2 bbls., average oa.820 bbls. SAVANNAH, July 2J OlDTurpentlne, fiROSIN Firm; A, B, C, D. 11.85; E. 81.70; F. 81. To. O, 8185; 11, 82.30; I. 62.76; J, 2.9; M. 82.3.1; WW, 3.46. C1IARL.BHTON. H C, July 23. OlD-Tur-penllue. fcicady, 4kic. RoSIN Steady. LIMA, O.. July 23 OIL Crude advanced 2o on western and 3c on eastern oil today. Korth l.lniii is now 81. 18; South Lima and Indiana. 8113. This Is the highest figure for years. NEW YORK. July 23. -OID Cottonseed, firm; prime crude, nominal: prime, yellow, 42Vy43o. Tetroleum, steady. Turpentine, firm. ROSIN Firm. July July 2.... July ... July 4.... Juiy .... July .... July 7.... July 8.... July v.... July 10... July 11... July 12... July 13... July 14... July 16... July lo... July 17... July 18... July 19... eluly 2u... July 21... July 22... July 23... 7 64 t 73 8 66'Al f i -.91 6 39 j 7 82 I 82, 44Hl 7 fcU 8 M t 82i 7 Mi 8 So 8 13 8 U e I 13 m lsi a K2i X bu I 2o I U i II I 8 fco 8 81 S 32 a su 3 36 3 M 8 7 7ii 8 W 6 04 8 8b 3 70 I 7 771 6 96 8 U2 4 t4 3 73 3 18 6 2S'A 6 1 7 721 8 lot. 7 7t, 6 831 7 Wl 6 9b 5 13 6 0 B 771 6 Ml 6 02 t 19'.l 7 721 6 60I 4 91 e u'i, 1 i.t 0 bo 1 i 6 22H, I 6 t 8 ii I 7 63 1 & ib4 7 41 0 6S 6 a 7 W 6 71 4 9s 6 0 e 6 15 4 OJl 3 821 8 14 4 06, 3 77; 3 lo 3 9 3 77 1 t 17 I 8 82 3 20 4 Oil I 3 26 4 lb 3 821 4 28. 3 89 3 32 4 19 3 8b 8 8o f il i M OO 4 341 3 791 8 it I 3 fez; 8 5 STOCK COWS AND I1BIFKK& 1 eext I ta 1 i'w I M Blut- Ktia ccutsna. 11 HI IN 4 s;o 1 t4 10 sat I et 1 46 I at 16 It. ',. 1 110 in 1 SiO "V. 1 11J0 tea j 710 I It It 1't 0 I tot en NEBRASKA. 1 feeder... 730 8 00 2 feeders.. 916 8 66 6 lecdrrs.. 844 3 66 1 feeder... 9.0 3 00 rentiers.. 873 8 66 8 feeders.. 8h8 860 lUxiS There were more hogs reported on sale today than arrived yesterday and the market as a wnole was in very unsat isfactory condition. At tha beginning the prices paid averaged about the same as yesterday morning, although there were some strong spots and some weak spots. Trading waa very alow, as salesmen knew they were not getting enough tor their hogs, but at the same time they saw little prospect of getting any more. Buyers did not seem to care whether they got many hogs or hot and the close of the market was extremely dull, with prices unevenly lower. It was very late In the day before anything like a clearance was made. The bulk of the first sales went from 36.224j to 85.27Vj. with a few of the choice light weights selling from 85.30 to 85 32H. The heavy hogs sold from 8j.2o down, some choice heavies sold early as low as 85.20. Representative sales: The close of the market was Just about a nickel lower thnn the opening, the iato sales going largely at 85.20 and 85.224. Nearly everything was disposed of by noon, although there were a few hogs still In first hands at thai time. Representative sales: No. Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars ot stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. bh p.H'sea. c ., m. at Bt. f. iiy... 4 Wabash 1 Mo. Pacific Ry Onion fac. System. 30 C. ot N. W. Ry 6 F., E. A M. V. R. R, 45 C, St. P., M. St O.... 4 B. At M. Ry 17 C, B. oc Q. Ry 8 K. C. At HU J. Ry.... 6 C, R. i. Ac P., east... 10 Illinois Central Ry... 2 Total receipts 131 The disposition ot the day's receipts vu as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tne num. ber of head Indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep omana packing uo til Swut and Company Armour Co.. 1 18 11 1 11 35 1 13 18 1 1 19 1' .. 124 27 1 21 608 Cuuahy Packing Co mm Omaha P. Co., bt. Joe.... 74 Armour, Sloax City 71 Carey Ac Benton 66 Huston Ac Co 3 Hamilton 3 L.. F. Husz 16 Wolf & Murnan 67 Other buyers 129 1,181 til 1,194 6o9 2,3od 2u6 4,6uJ Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July S3. DRY OOODS j PARIS. July 23. Stocks were heavy on Are without marked change aad Uie out- the bourse today and I Us trading; waa lack- Totals 2,733 8,216 7,701 CATTLE There was enly a fair run of cattle here today, and as the demand on the part of packers was In good shape the marKet ruleu active and steady 10 sirone; on all desirable grades. All the early ar rivals were disponed of In good season, but some of the trains were late, which de layed the market to quite an extent. Beef steer buyers took hold with consid erable life and the market could oafely be quoted strong on all desirable grades, wltn a good many cattle selling 6ffluc higher than yesteraay. The part fat kinds ana those lacking In quality did not show much improvement and were somewhat neglecteu. As a general thing, though, the prices paid were very eatlafucto'-y. Tne ouik of the fair to good 'cattle sold from 84.60 to 86, with fancy grades from that up. The com mon kinds sold trom tt.oO down. Chicago was quoted as closing lower on steers, and as a result buyers aid not take hold of the late arrivals here with as much Hie, but still they pah! about steady prices. There wus A small supply ot cow stuff In sight this morning and as a result any thing that had any kill to it sold to good advantage. The better grades of grader and good to choice corn-feds coulu satcly be quoted steady to strong. 1 he minium and common stuff, though, was rather slow sale the same as and did not command any more than steady prices. Owing to the light receipts, though, every thing was out of first hunt-- In good si anon. The demand fcr good light and handy weight bulla is In good shape and the mar ket on that class can sifcly be quoted steady. Coarse heavy bulla, though, are rather slow sale and weak. There Is no particular change In veal calves to note. There were Just a few bunches of stock cattle In the yards and although the de mand has shown no particular Improve ment, the few that arrived today sold without difficulty at fully steady prices. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. . No, 7. 17 1)0.... U 111.... u t 4t II 61 34 10 67 44 71 .... 4... ao.... to.... 40.... f.4... SO.... 14.... It.... 7t 10.... 14.... It it.... M 17.... 65 61 71 Tl ti 70 l 46 tt 2 l tt 4 (6... 61... 63... f.1... to... 73... 71... 4... 60... IS... At. h. Pr. 170 130 i 10 100 40 ...XI ...171 ...141 ...m ...Kl ...11 ...IMS ...177 ...IU ...141 ...170 ...0t ...191 ...144 ...l.'.4 ...177 ...164 ...304 ...lit ...241 ...167 ...240 ...173 ...26 . ..til ...140 ...2C4 ...200 ...!55 ...220 ...215 ...29J ,2tl .244 ....141 ....!5 ... .2.-15 ....241 ...,25 ....!, ....11'3 ....171 ....233 ....101 ....171 ....!.! ,...2St ....161 ....161 ....185 ....110 168 I 20 I 10 6 20 I 20 I to I 10 6 10 I llVtj I 12s. I I 22 j i 27 '4 22V I !24 I 12 I Sl' 8 12U, I 13 Slli' 62." 6 22', 1 1: 6 SI I 12 6 22', I 22 I 22 I 26 6 25 8 26 I 16 I 16 6 26 I 25 I 26 t 26 6 26 t 16 6 2.-. I 25 t 28 6 28 6 26 I 28 6 2o 6 26 I 26 5 26 6 13 i 26 26 Ne. 11.... (I It.... 110... 16.... Ft.... I.... I..., M. . .. Vt.... 6.... M.... 4.... 10.... IS... .... It.... 61.... to.... 61..., ft.... 72.... 17.... 61.... ft.... 77.... 74.... .... t:3.... 71.... 71. tl. 2. 7t. ri. 14. 61. 71., to.. M., to., 4 At. .Ill ,146 .lit IM .261 ." .i;8 .in .27 133 .16 .14 .191 .197 .113 .260 .231 .171 .173 .20 .266 .261 .244 .270 5?4 736 2J4 2.M 26 2?4 242 230 230 Ill IU 290 2M 263 t.'.t 221 247 Ml 2nt Sh. Pr. M t 28 i 26 I 1 I 16 6 26 I 16 I I 16 I 25 I 15 I 16 I 25 I II I 26 I 15 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 27 t 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 6 27 I 27 I 17 6 17 t 17 6 17 6 27 I 27 I 2 I 17 I 27 t 27 6 27 6 27 6 10 I 30 t 10 I 30 5 30 6 30 I 30 I 30 8 30 I 30 I 30 I 32 6 32 lambs so 110 10 120 'io io soo 40 too 40 120 SO i;o ISO 120 40 10 40 80 10 0 40 'io 120 67 1F.5 2". 223 ft 113 S3 2W 66 217 "! 130 42 tftf 0 mi 70 231 76 223 67 231 SHEEP Receipts of sheen and Were not auite as heavv todav as vester day, but still there was a liberal supply In sight, which makes the receipts for the week far ahead of last week and also of the same week of last year. The bulk of the offerings this morning was made up of feeders. There were some killers, but they were mostly of Inferior quality, and as a result packers did not take hold with much Ufa. They claimed they were willing to buy good stuff and that they had liberal orders for that kind, but they do not reem to want the part fat stuff. The market today could probably best be described by calling It steady on good stuff, but very dull on othera. There was a good demand for feedera and thp prices paid looked steady to strong, with tracing quite active. 3ome ewes sold for 32.8 and four doublca of Idaho feeder yearlings- brought 83.40. Quotations tor grass stock: flood to choice lambs, 85.60gfi.75; fair to good lambs, li.Q0gr5.5O; good to choice yearlings. 83.75(3 4.00; fair to good yearlings, 83.50tjli3.75; good to choice wethsrs, 83.60tgs.75: fair to good wethers. $3.ftiS.3.60' good to choice ewes, 8.753.CO; fair to good ewes, 32.502.76; foeflcr lambs, 83.50(4.00; feeder vearllngs, 83 0Oj3 6O; feeder wethers, 12.75-23.25; feeder ewes, 31.502.60. No. Av. 5 western cull ewes 68 1.037 Wyoming fteder ewes 100 91 Montana ewes ,, 82 447 Monthna feeder ewes 88 3 Wyoming wethers 73 361 Wyoming wethers 106 42 western yearling ewes 69 282 Idiho feeder ewes 4A1 Idaho feeder ewes 419 Wyoming feeder ewes.... 497 Wyoming feeder wethers 919 Idaho feeder yearlings.... iiiano reeder ewes , . .1 T .J .. V. mixed, 31 60114 50: storkera and feeders. 8i.7f tj4 .60; calves snd yearlings. 32..Vxv3.7. HoiiS Receipts, 8.800 head; 6c higher, selling at 8o.h'u6 37V,; bulk. 86 264(6 30. Bt. Joseph Live Rtov'k Market. ST. JOSEPH, July 23. CATTLK lie celpts, l.tiils bead; active; natives. 8..s5u 5.36; cows and heifers, 31.75'u-4.76; Blockers and feeders, 32.7i'ii4 3.Y I Receipts. 5.SJW head, mostly 5 higher; light, 8i.3C'a.42H; medium ami he.vy S5.oVgr5.50. SHkEP-kecelpts, 3,034; active; top, Iduho wethers, 13.75. BURGLARS FIND EASY SAFE Tap the Strong Doa at rotter Print ing Shop with Little Dlfflealty. Tha safe of the Potter Printing company, 317 North Fifteenth street, was robbed Wednesday night and the sum of 83S ob tained by the burglars. Entrance was made by a skeleton key used on the lock of the front door. The burglars evidently had no trouble In working the taf combination, ns they swung the door open without Injuring the mechanism. The box containing thi money wsa then pried loose from Its fasten ings and carried Into the basement, where It waa broken open and the cash removed. There are two quarter-ln-the-slot gas meters In the basement, used by faml'Us living In the building. These contained about S5 each and they were broken open and the coins carried away. This loss will be the gas company'a. PROSTRATED BY THE HEAT Yonna; Woman Walking; In the nn on Park Arenne Is Overcome. Miss Amanda Nelson, a young woman living at 846 South Twenty-second 'street, was overcome by the heat at 1 p. m. yester day while wnlklng along Park avenue. Ulic was alone nnd had no sunahade and wu seen to suddenly fall forward on the walk. When assistance reached the young woman she was unconscious. The patrol wagon was summoned and conveyed hrr home, where rhe revived anil Is consMcre.l out of danger. Dr. Dnhlstrom was the flrst physician to reach the woman after the prostration and Police Surgeon Me Dlarmld arrived With the patrol wagon. 1"0 Idaho ewes 16 Idaho ewes 127 Wyoming feeder wethers. 703 Idaho wethers 444 Idaho iambs 8 78 91 92 83 75 109 91 92 lii Pr. 82 2 65 2 70 2 90 3 25 3 25 3 60 2 40 2 40 2 60 3 0" 8 40 2 75 2 75 2 80 8 05 3 25 5 35 Denies Writ of Injnnetlon. The argument on the motion for a tem porary writ of Injunction In the case of Oeorge A. Whltakcr against Kilgore and others, officials of Buffalo county, to re strain them from collecting taxes on the property of the plaintiff was heard before Judge Munger yeaterday. After hearing the arguments Judge Munger denlud the writ, on the ground that It was a matter that pertained to the state courts. The contention grew out of the plaintiff settling upon an island l.i tha Platte river adjacent to the old Fort Kearney reservation, com prising some slxtyor more acres, and which he stdtes was never Included In the sur veys of the reservation. April last he made a homestead nung on tne land, which Is still pending In the United States land office. The case will now be carried to the supreme court of the state. Ao Official Paper .Selected, The council committee having In charge the counting of the subscribers of the news papers In the matter of the selection of an official city paper met yesterday and Immediately adjourned unlll Fnuay. in spite of the decision of Judgo Dickinson to the effect that posting notices on the bulle tin board In the city hull will comply with the requirements of the charter amendment regarding advertising, the city attorney says that he will advise the council to take no action where publication Is necessary until an official paper has been designated. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. loiar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, July 23 8CC1AR-Dull; open kettle, 2(j3 7-16V ; open kettle cen trifugals, I'lliiat; centrifugal whiles, yellows, 3S'(Hc; seconds, 2(y3c. MOl-ASM-.ei Open kettle, nominal. 13? ltic; cuntrifugul, 6jl8o; syrup, nominal, 19 folMc. NEW YORK, JVIy 23 SUOAR-Raw, firm; fair refilling, 13-lfic; cenlriiugal, 94 text. 3 11-loc; molasses sugar, 315-ltic; Re fined, nrm. MOIAHSES Firm. ' Code Market. NEW YORK. July 23 COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; mild. easy. Futures opened un changed and ruled very quiet, though devel oping a slightly easier tone as the. session progi-ettaed under offerings encouraged by the heavier movement and In the absence of demand. The market was finally quiet at unchanged 5. rices to a decline of 6 points. Biles were 9.750 bags, Including August.; September. 3.. 6c; October, 3. lie, May. 46Cc; June. 4.60c, No. I.... 1.... 1.... I. ... 11.... 4.... 4.... I. ... 63.... 16.... II. ... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... II.... II. ... II.... 16.... 1.... 31.... 46.... 17.... 1.... II.... 1.... II.... 10..., 14..., II..., I.... 7..., II.... 8..., 1.... 1..., 1.... I... 1..., I. ... I.... 4.... I.... I... 4... 1... 6..., II. .. I... .1... 1... 1..., 1..., II... I .. 1... 1... 1... 10... I .. 1... I. .. II. .. I... 1... I. .. 16... II. .. I... t... I... tl... I... ... 1... 1... 1... I... !... t... 1... 1 .. 1... Bank Clearlaae. OMAHA, July 23 Bank dealings for to day were Sl.lt4.7w 4; increase over corre syundlu day of yievioua er, M. 497.81. Ae. FT. I9t I 00 II 11M 4 to .... 110 I II 21 1230 4 10 ....100 I 60 II 843 4 10 ....1020 I 75 63 1301 4 Bfi .... 166 3 75 61 1327 4 16 .... InO I IS II 1144 4 15 ....1037 I 16 47 1110 4 15 .... 140 I K II 1367 4 M .,..1103 4 16 1 1350 4 15 .... 174 4 SO 12, 1375 4 M ....1065 4 36 41 1100 4 16 .... Ml 1 W 13 143 4 16 .... 10 4 40 II 1343 I ta) ....1240 4 60 21 1231 I 00 .... 171 4 60 29 1211 I 00 ....1110 4 60 M 1161 6 00 .,..1131 4 TO 1 1110 I 00 ,...1173 4 70 12 1257 I 00 ....1114 4 10 40 1264 i 00 ....MM 4 76 1 lint I or, ....1140 4 78 17 13l I OS .....12:5 4 71 16 1422 I 06 ....10X2 4 M M 1414 I 06 1064 4 M 41 1421 I 06 1340 t 10 - I..., 1428 I 05 ....12W1 4 10 13 12J.7 I 10 , ... .110 4 15 II 13l'4 I 10 1121 4 16 11 12fc I 16 ,.(I.1I6I 4 15 41 1614 I II 1337 4 16 II 1606 6 II 1?40 4 6 1 IKK) I 0 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,....125 3 60 I tal 4 40 H I 13 1110 t U 110 4 00 II 1311 I 10 .... lot 4 35 16 1470 I 10 STEERS AND COWS. ... ant t to 151 I 6 I.. COWB. I 14 1 1 1 ... 130 1 00 ... 150 1 75 ... 130 1 00 ...1U26 I IXI ... I.U I 00 ... IM I 00 ... I7t I 10 ... Ill I 10 ... 164 I 16 ...1060 I 15 ...; 1 it ...1004 I 16 . . . 170 I 30 ...161 1 10 ... 590 I 10 ... MO I 60 ...110 I 81 ...1150 I 40 ... 10 I 60 ... 4 I 60 ... 161 1 60 ... 140 t 60 ... 170 I 60 ... i:0 I 60 ... 3S I to ... 1.10 1 Tl ...100 I 71 ...100 I Tl ... 130 I at ... mt t at ...UWO I so ... it I to ...too I re ... M 1)1 ...lost t Sft ... t 1 tt ...not 1 ao 963 I 00 t it.'!!.'"!..'! it!.".!'.!!!'. ji!!!!!!!!!! 1 h... 14"."!!.'!.' ii!!'.!!!!!'. 11 14.!!!'.!!!'. n!!!!!!!!! 11 COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 tt .... 71 1 00 .... 120 1 00 ....lino a 00 .... aso 1 00 .... 156 I 10 .... aao 1 10 ....llkO I 11 ....1256 I 16 ... .11(37 I 15 ....low I III ....till I 10 ....1161 I It ....120 I 16 ....1030 I It .... Sbl 1 4, .... HI IM ....1220 I 40 .... 110 a a .... 171 I 44 11.0 I 60 ....1(1 60 ....11X0 I 10 ....lutO I 10 ....1041 I 60 1110 I at ....1060 I tO .... 176 I 10 ....lilt I W ...At I 16 ....100 I Tl ....1043 I Tl ....1170 I TS .1110 I Tl .170 I 10 . m 1 at . au 1 at 61 4 00 t... I... 1... I... 10 I 16 10... KM 8 15 HEIFERS. 430 I 0 1 tH IM t IN 111 1 BULLS AND ST AOS. .. Ill I tt 1 let 4 M ..160 4 00 CALVES. .. lit 4 t II Uf 4 M lust' ' 10 4 71 " FEEDER. .. Tie) I tv til 3 4t TAQ8V ... IN IN . IM 88 .... 4 i 10 .... ISO I 60 ....1140 1 60 ....lltt I tl ....11O0 1 tt ....ISM t 16 . I 76 ....n-w I 75 .. 8 48 ... Ht I at ... iti a to ...too 4 it ... im 1 aa ...list 1 10 ...1110 1 it ...n;t 1 11 1 it 1 10 ...1111 I to .153 1 at CHICAGO LIVE: STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheen Are Steady, While Host Go Higher. CHICAGO. Julv 23 CATTLE Receipt' 1 9,000 head, including 300 Texans; setlve and steady ; good to prime steers, 86.26; j poor to medium. 34.2iViS.25: stockoi nd leeders, 8.5it(-l.40; cows, l.6t.60; hellrs, 82.264.i4.N5; canners. Sl.tXii'l.SO; bulls, .fi4(,' I 4.0; calves, 83.OiK7ftl.60; Texas steers, 83.60a 1 6.00: western steers, 3100. HOOS Receipts today, 1B.000 neari; esti mated tomorrow, 15.000 head; left over, 15, 000; mostly 6c higher; mixed and butchers', 85.45fi6.S6; good to choice heavy. 35. 7001). W); rough hesvv, 3R.i0fiS S; light. 8S.tWfiS.IVi; bulk of sales, 35.6ogi6.WV grEKT K" 1, MrtetPf- - in.nnf) head; steady; lambs steady to Uo Blgnerj good to choice wethers. 3.7Vu4.i.. . . to choice mixed, ffl.WMfrS.!; western sheep. 33.25 ifi.4.25; nn1v- lambs, 33.256.25; western lambs, 85.40(86.90 ' Kansaa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. July 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head natives, 800 Texans; calves. 60 natives and 60 Texans; beeves ac tive and steady; cows steady to strong; n .1 t n A n wt. e ..n. .tn. . . I I VT ' puirnQin niin i t-w.-. n i,,, v ....... n. .... choice export and dressed beef steers, 34. is 476.26: fair to good. 31O04f 4.75; stockers pnd f7.c.lcr. 83.76434.86; Texns and InrtHn rtr 32 25f4 80; Texs cows. 31 7MM.2S: net'"' cow. 3:.0O(lM(y; nstlve $2.5t (g'S.OO; r.,r., tl.0O32.2S; bulls, 32.30(83.50; calves, 32.' 016.00. . H0O8-Receipts, 8.000 heart; mnrket St 10c higher than yesterday's close: top, 85.46; bulk of sales 3-,.J-.40- he- vv. 3V J2''- ' mixed packers, 853595.40; 1'nrbt. 5.S5(8.46: yorV. .42K.rS.45: rte- 85 42V,frr5.45. RHTSEP AND T.AMRrV-Recel"t. W a. . . . . . .. native tntnbs. 83. In, no- . rr. ll ..a. .dinar 4. 1(Vrs no Terns cllrm eep, 32.7tift4.80; stockers and feeders. 32.7W3.70 , T.nnls 1-Ito mnrU Market. j trr TriTTTR. jtv n.-A-rTLTA-Reoelnts ; S.OOft bend tm-ludlnsr 8 Texin'! mnrs-r .Mir. end -L"' ;!,L. r pins- an" no't e--- - ( beef and W-her tee.. 84 0O?W W: steer; under 1 " !b. 8JSOW5.15: ticker j" . ' a imMM' ew and belfera 8 l 4 e"r 82.ntvrtJ.50: bull". 32.vrS ": exAffiW: cnw snd heifers. 82 on3.0rt . . . .MM V. . a mnrlret strong esrly. hot closed weak, with sd- 222 JT'n.cW- K 4 70: butcher, and ve. v.vy, 85 WWi.Wi. RHEEP AND T,AMR-Recelr,ts. JrJ be"d; msrVet seadv: natlva "ut,?nl,fci0 1 ftrfi4.00'. stockers. 4.wtB . a ..... 33 50. I . - . . . W - .t. a -lew T oris l it" .p - - -NKW TORK. July PcC-TTJ-7-J'Mll';- rsed native sides. .4rl3e per nound cliwe. receipts only two head; city dressed stronger, even rnur, '-"-,.., - pens about ciescei.i. '"-' j. ft 4 60 per hundred pounds: lambs at W 0 i -. . . . A u.fl&Lo tier rjound 720: nrewen -u - ' are-s-rt- lmbs. 8fi12e Arm except for heavy pigs. Tytjter strong Afl'rl of mixed was not sold at 35 per hundred. toek la Slaat. Following were the receipts of llvs Block at tha six principal western cities yester day: Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 114 Vnrnam .street: Joseph V, Valashek and wife to James Kasper. lot 3 Oak Hill addition IDOO Atlantic Realty Association to Martha J. Watts, lot 26 In replat ot block 6 Bemls' Park addition 450 Ida Scholtlng and husband to Annie Meyers, lots 6 and 6, block 11, Al bright's annex 1,460 L. O. Wllllnmson and wife t? Margrete E. Hengen, lot 11, block 15, Hanscom place 2,600 Ilnrvey B. HInton and wife to William Eberspecher, s "4 sub-lot 1, tax lot 34, a e a w 14 sec. 10-15-13 1,600 Frank Dnhlqulat and wife to George P. Bemls Real Estate Co., euat 23 feet of lot 6, block 4, Dupont place 650 4 O-nsha Chicago Vana City .. at. TMllS Ft. Joseph Bloux City .... Totals Cattle. Hon. Rheen. 8 (Ol a.oai S.1--I t ono la.on 4 V O nno fv " 1 nA 6. mo J.o n 868 44.268 21,854 Ions Clr !' Mafic Market. BlOtTX CTTT Ts.. JuW . fHpth-tal Tele .m" - CATTT.r - Reoslpta, 200 head: steady; beeves, 84.0036.00; owe, bulla and &he Bost of Everything li The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago THE Omaha train par excellence Is No. 8 a solid train made up In O nana daily ON TIME at 6:60 p. m., arriving at Chi cago 7 IS next morning. Library-buffet car, barber, r.ew standard sleepers, chair tars EVERYTHING. Clty Offlcatv: 14011403 FARNAM ST. ( OMAHA TCU 624-661 OR. McGREW 8PKCIALUT. Treats tll loriaM t DISEASES Of MEN tl 7r iprtci.c, 11 yeart la Om-h. 1 eurtd. Kitbl4S. uc c awful. Cur. cuarauiMd ( titvrfM low. lratioiii by mull. Call or writt. Bnt V'.$. Offlo orrr Ja . J4ltl Mt . UMAHA. VK!I, m. ta .a.sat iVtM CS.-S5S? PEN-TAN-GOT tlsfaaajJl I a.ia la A.akt k t... - M Israg Oa. kUii aetan aulaa, tWt s-ale4 PRIVATE WIRES OEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. 834 Board at Trad Bid.. Omaha 'Phone luMt aad loll. Members aU prln tapal eachAusea. W rile (or out dally mar as I tattar.