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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1003. REST IN RECEIVING VAULT B ij of Mr Eto Will Be Well Guarded for a Time. rAMIty APPREHENSIVE OF DISTURBANCE Interest la the oa Acroaat ol lla RarKr Leads to Rumors (hat Sngarest lanaoal Freraatioes. Tha body of Mn. Oeorge W. Btover will not be conslgiwd to the grave after -the funeral services re held this afternoon. Instead the metal casket containing the remains will be hermetically sealed and p aced in the receiving vault at Prospect Hill cemetery fur an Indefinite length of time. After the excitement and interest sttendant upon the death on account of I allied' has become a thing of the past the corpse will be placed In the ground in the cuutomary manner at a secret time and place. Relatives of the deceased woman came to this decision yesterday, after rumors had reached their ears that efforts would be made to secure the cadaver for scientific purposes.. The names of the persons who would go this fur to serve their curiosity are kept absolutely secret and it Is doubt ful If. they sre really known. However, the reports bear sufficient evidences of authenticity to cause the' family to take the steps It has to prevent the despolla-, l.on of the corpse. No one but the relatives- and Intimate friends of the family are aware of the manner in which the body is to be laid away. After the extraordinarily sensa tional and pathetic death of Mrs. Btover tiitre has been little other than sympathy and regret expressed at the home, 1417 North Twenty-fourth street, and there has Keen little show of curiosity or desire to probe further Into the causes which marked her end. The attending physi cians have declared that without doubt the sickness was a genuine case of rabies, answering to eVery known test for the detection and diagnosis of this disease. If this be true, it Is the first genuine case of rabies, more commonly known as hydrophobia, ihat Was ever been recorded in the state of Nebraska. It is an ex tremely rare disease In fact, one of the rarest known, and this combination of facts accounts for the extraordinary in terest shown by the medical profession. ' Last night It was said by men In position to. know that several hundred dollars at the least could be obtained for the corpse If produced In the proper manner, before disintegration had set In, and In such a way as not to excite suspicion and to evade publicity. Fa l AT THE PLAT HOUSES I Ferris Stork toainnr at the Iloyd. "East Lynne," thnt good old drama of the heart, which has dune duty for a gen eration, was put on by the Ferris Bummer Stock company st the Hoyd last night for the midweek change of bill. It 'was given a very creditable presentation, too, and none of the real tx-autie of the very pa thetic story were lost. Mr. Henderson ap peared In the cast as Archibald Carlyle, the too-good-to-be-true husband of Lady Isa bel, and formed an excellent full for the work of Mr. Ofcfrr, who had the exacting, but thankless role of Sir Francis Levlson, the most consummate cold-blooded villain In the whole range of English literature. Miss Tucker had the double part of Lady Isabel and Madame Vine, and really achieved a triumph In the emotional scenes. Miss Davis gave an excellent characteriza tion of the colorless Barbara Hare. The bill will continue the rest .of the week. . . Anfal Loss of 1.1 fe Follow neglect of throat and lung dis eases, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures uch troubles or no pay. 60c, 1100. For sale by Kuhn tt Co. EVERYBODY GOES TO CIRCUS Rlaarllnar Bros. Draw Two Immense Crowds Which ' Go ' Away . : , Well IMeased. Rlngllng Bros.' circus has come and gone, but It has left behind memories which will keep, the small but Imitative small boy In a state of activity for some time. It wss not alone the small boy and his sister who relished the performance, for the big ..tent was filled to overflowing at both perform ances with children' older grown who have very reason to congratulate themselves for having been there. - ;The performance has the merit of not 'only being interesting, but . It was clean. It has often, been said there la nothing new In a crcus, but this must be modified n this Instance for the spectacle, with ballet accompaniment, . with which It opens Is certainly new and withal attractive. The things which are not new are well done, the average of the aerobatlo performances be ing excellent. Nothing phenomenally sen sational Is done in this line, but on the other hand. It nowhere sinks to the level of commonplace. One of tha most attractive. If not the premier feature qX the show. Is the horses. They were not only numerous, but good to look upon even If they did nothing but canter around the ring. They not only dance, go through Intricate evolutions and do numerous tricks, but they dc it all with an ease and grace which Is ordinarily en tirely foreign to such acts,, the most spec tacular feat In this line being the forma tion around a large terraced cone, the anl mats taking their respective places with out other- guidance than the word from their trainer,' followed by a series of at tractive evolutions. One of them bore evi dence of having at some time strayed from the Sunday-school pasture and visited the midway... where It learned to danco the boochie eoochla. ' As .heretofore the performing seal were one of the stellar attractions. . The real attractiveness of the show, how ever, la not so much the superior excel lenoe of any one act as In the uniform high standard of the entire performance. Alt EDITOR Fooad That It Pays to Take His ' Wife's Advleo. ' Mr. A. U. Orouby, editor of the Abbe ville, Ala.. News, has tha following kind words for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy: - "Several days ago I was taken with something like bilious dys entery in a malignant form. I took medi cines for two or three days, but got worse all the time. We had a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In the house and my wife prevailed upon me to take a dose. The ons doss relieved me within an hour and I have not been troubled with It alnce. I consider this the most wonderful bowel remedy I have ever seen." A GREAT DRAWING CARD. The Jabour Circus , and Spectacle Crowds Coortland Reach Nightly. Courtland Beach presents the aspect of a midway these days. On every hand one heat's the familiar sounds of music and what not. The crowds aluo remind one of the exposition. It was a. good move on the part of "Manager Griffiths to secure the great Jabour circus and spectacle for the week at this resort, as It has practically crowded the place nightly. Np attraction has ever been seen at this resort that has brought larger crowds to the grounds. The show Is worth going a long distance to see, the spectacle alone being worth the trouble. In this 100 -people are employed and hundreds of dollars In fire works burned up nightly. Then the array of aerial and acrobatic acts are splendid. They em brace the best In the profession. The 'camels and elephants give their Wutre of the enter tainment by carrying people, about the grounds. " Tn addition to the big show all the attrac tions Installed upon the grounds are seen. Nothing has been ' curtailed. The Jabour company will remain until Saturday night, giving performances every afternoon and evening, rain or shine. " Isle Royale In Lake Superior Is a new and most de sirable summer resort. No hay fever there nice rail and boat ride, via Northern Pa cific "Duluth Short Line" from St. Paul. For special rates and Information address Chas. S. Fee, O. P. 4 T. A., St. Paul, .Minn. Roand Trip Rates Via I nlon Pacific to many points In the states of Colorado, I'tah, California, Montana, Oregon and Washington from Missouri river terminals. 117.80 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, dally to Sept. 30.' fSOMf to Ogrten and Salt Lake City, daily to Sept. 30. $44.60 to Spokane Aug. 4 and IS, Sept. 1 and IS. $52.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1 and IS. $45.00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles Aug. 1 to 14 Inclusive. $46.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Aug. 1 to 14 Inclusive. $60.00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles Oct. 11 to 17 inclusive. City ticket office, 1324 Farnam st. 'Phone Jl. Xotlco. Bids wanted for the erection of the booths, fences, platforms, etc., to be used during the Oriental Carnival of ths Knights of Ak-8ar-Ben at Omaha commencing Oct. 1, 1903, Apply Purchasing Agent, Armour A Co., South Omaha. B aerial Low Rate Chantawqaa. Exear. sloa Jnly $, ' Via Lake Shore Michigan Southern rail way; $14.00 for the round trip from Chicago. Return limit 30 days. A handsome Chautau qua book, with any- Information desired, may be had by addressing M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A, O. P. A., Chicago. Detroit Lake, f Battle Lake. Lake Clltheral. Bemldjl Lake, Deerwood. are a few of many of the North- em Pacific's lake resorts. Write Chas. S. Fee, G. P. T. A.. Northern Pacific Ry., St. Paul. Minn., for rates and Information. Chantaaqaa T-ake, ,. 1., aad Re torn, fl4.00. From Chicago via ' Erie Railroad, July 24th. Return limit thirty days. Trains leave Chicago 10:30 a, ' m., '8:18 p. m. and 10:00 p. m., for Akron, Toungstown, Chau tauqua Lake, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Al bany. Boston and New Tork. Write H. U.Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent. Chicago, III., or D. M. Bowman. General Western Pflssehger Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, -for Information and Illustrated Chautauqua Folders. For Sale Due bill on one of the best New Tork City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress E 64. care Omaha, Bee. The Delete. Short Lla of the Northern Pacific has many choice lake resorts along its Una. White Bear, Chisago Lakes, Forest Lake, Rush Lake, Pine City,. Taylor's Falls are a few ef them. Low .rates . are in effect. Writs Chas. 8. Fee. a. P. T. A. Northern Paoine Ry., St. Paul. Minn., for. rates and information. taUt aaaseer Resorts Aloac the Lake ' Ihere Mlehlsaa Soalhera Ry. Is the title' of a pamphlet that may aid you In deciding the perplexing question of "where to, go" for your Vacation. Copy may be bad by addressing it. 8. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly,' chief A. Q. T. A., Chicago. " Medietas Makers Favor Iaaoectloa. NEWXtORK. July" JS.-A Joint committee spputnted by the American Medical associa tion and th American I'harmacrutlcal as sociation to study and rexrt on the plans of the proposed national bureau of medi cines and food Is said to have derived In formation that a majority of manufacturers of proprietary medicines favor (ha move ment. The object of the bureau Is to se cure uniformity of standards In medicines snd food. Those manufacturers who are opposed to the movement say that the repu tation of the Individual house is a sufficient -guarantee of tha quality of Its product. , Little Homo Safes Free. Ws loan a handsome steel safs lo each depositor who desires It. Accounts opened tor $1 and 4 per cent Interest paid. . U BRANUEia HON U, On Hot Days Eat Mattel f (the ready-to-serve pure wheat food). A Cooling Satisfying Repast, Ask jreur grocer for Malt-Too riakea ESS Clearing 5a le of lien's Clothing mmm e Clearing, Sale of Boys' Clothing BIG SPECIALS FOR "DARGAIN FRIDAY" CRESS UUVUJ kj SILKS I mmvi Aft to iliv nan 1 0 LACES Our tremendous buninesB during the Clearing Snlc has left us with an IniiiiPiiKe lot of the finest remnants. We price them to clear away at all speed. 5,000 YARDS BLACK SILK MOUSSELINE 10c JL "a M 17c I A manufacturer of the finest Moussellne de Bole has Just delivered to us his accumulation of odds and ends in this stylish material. It comes in skirt lengths in polka dots, stripes also the finest plain Mousseline has been retailing at 60c a yard at a yard , High Class Foreign Dress Goods at 17c Piece Q 8llk Kollennes, Voiles, Ktamlnes, 811k Poplins In black and all colors that have ben seillnK at $1.75 and $2.50 a yard enough leiiKths alike for waists and skirts at a piece HOHAIRS AND BRILLIANTINES For waists, little dresses, jllri ' buthinjr suits, etc all colors at a piece 1 2-' SILK MULLS Mulls, MouBselines etc., accumulated odds and CSi ends roust be cleared at once a yard Ow 35c $1 and $1.25 Silks at 35c Yard 1 he prettiest shirt waist silks, handsome Foulards, Waist- ing Silks. Lining Taffetas, etc. in dress lengths and waist lengths well worth $1 and $1. 25 a yard at a yard.. ...... Black Taffeta and Peau de Soie remnants In two to ten-yard lengths at barely one-half their value. LACES In alt widths Galloons, etc. splendid -O-. SZl n quailty-at-a yard CmZQ" lUC EMBROIDERIES Galloons, Inserting, etc., wide 71 c and medium widths special bargain at IJCmUL" 1 2C"OC Amoskeag GiughamsBasement Thousands or yards of excellent quality Gingham; that became Oitrhtlv VLOf In roilrn-irl uiltknui cnaoiil nvi u luinuau nujuuui siftwiai A e ' 19 1 W enffig ry bargain at 2ic Also many bolts of fine colored Outing Flannel, slightly wet in the wreck, at 24c a yard. 2ji Dress Swisses Lawns, Dimities, etc. In dainty designs 2 worth 25c yard at MAC a yard Illiick Sateens Great bargain square of thin desirable m. . 12G cloth at a yard Percales Very best quality yard wide at French and Scotch. Chambray MlnKbanta On bargain f 1 square would be cheap at PilC 15c a yard at a yard vw 8lc Fine Mercerised Walstlngr.Damask and Vesting Pattei'ns rr plain white and black and S.TC' white worth $1 at a vard Fine .Standard Prints' none better at any price a yard Short Hemnanta of Wash (.onila Percales, Prints, Silkollnes, Nain sooks, India Llnons, De- r I : nlma, etc. worth up to 15c st a yard mm Lawns, nimltles, Ktc In bluck and white fancies worth 20c a yard at a yard 4ic 7ic 7Z. Ptnnbti & pon f. JX. Pztnttti & pons mTmmI"i 111 1 11 TTTiTTnTTVTI'T I 'l "in n 1 1 11 11 mm r 1 Smoke Omaha's Finest ' ) ffJ Sc Cigar-the ff v K If fi II i . Park A Telford- X I I I I I "J Ml Favorlta 15 slaes lllllJJ 8. RodriKuex Charle j I I V J J the Great-12 sites. I I I L EnuelU Lo pes Lord Temple 10 slze L II Tel 1B(JO f"p a bom w deliver yJ W.F. Stoecker Cigar Company J SC,F I PJ 1313 FARNAM STREET f.laminolh July Piano Clearing Salo Hearing the End. auu ni a rn for Plain rlAliU $120 for The best $200 Piano in Town 8& PIAN0$?Io Nice Looker Good Tone "ne PIANO &0 These Are Really Fine $350 ni A MA for' fancy PIANO $210 Beautiful Cases $400 ni a Tffc for clioiceriinU$240 for Will Grace Any Parlor $450 m a lf for artistic PIANO $270 Strictly 'Standard 2? PIANO ISoo ; i Exclusive With Us The Largest Piano House. Easiest Payments. Strongest Guarantee. Investigate. PHONE 1625. 1313 FARNAM ST. i OMAHA, NEBRASKA. fill fn THE HKLIABLK SIOHK. IQnlS 'it 1MB 111. HK.L.IAUL.t SIUUK' if! FRIDAY IS REMNANT DaY. OVER A CARIOAtl OF RKMNANTS WILL. UK ON 8A1.K IN THK IiOMKS- TIC ROOM IN ALL THK WASH IHHJDS, L1NKN8. MI'SUM ANL) i'RINlS. PRICKS Cl'T IN TWO OR ANY I'RICK TU C'IA)f.K THEM OUT. tOMPARB THESE PRICKS WITH OTMKH 1'RICES. . 40c COLORED WASH .GOODS, 1;k-. Remnants ot mercerised oxluid walsl lngs, mercerised iiiiKhaiiiM, lliu-n batlHle, linen Jacqurfiu bwimies, Maxname lact-il organdieM, piam hlnik slid lilue Persian InwnK, French stnieu and tiRurcd buil.xie, lmiHirted niauiHses, all In axaorted colors, in pieces ot from i to 10 yarua, were 4oc, now 16c. 30c COLORED WASH GOODS, Inc. Linen colored French batlHte, fancy striped French batiste, French musllna ami cambrics, French ana Irish dlinlttex, luce firlpeu bwjHscit, mercerized spun glnM lltlillVB t.loln t.laW - I...- I .. ..... . ' 1 .1 V ILIVITTtl LinilKLU, KliiKliamH, In pieces of from 2 to 10 yards, were 3ic, now lUc. 20c COLORED WASH GOOD8, 7VjC Remnartts of mercerised snteen, Hsaorted colors with small figures. French batiste and lawnx. Unlit ami dark ground! with small figures and stripes, In pieces of from to 10 yards, were 2nc now 7'w ISc COLORED WASH GOODS, Be. Scotch lawns, Irish dimities, assorted 25c WHITE GOODS, 10c. 40-Inch India linen, lawns, organdies, dotted Swlsseia, mulls and merest lset striped, lung mill emls,' not a yard worth less than &c, all go at luo a yard. 15c 1iNSIUI.K CAMBRIC. 7-c. 15c qua Illy of tine loitadale cambric, yard wide, lung mill eiulx. at 6 7-sc s yard. B4c ML' SUN, 5c. Extra heavy tine brown cotton, the "In dian Head" brand, yard wide, long mill enila, wurth 8W. Friday at ftc a yurd. K'c LONG CLOTH, 7c. English long cloth, yard wide, soft fin ish, cymes lit a to 2o yard remnant, wort u ldc, at" 7c a. yard. TI RKKY RK1 TAHLE Cl-OTHS, 7o Turkev red frltiRed table cloths: Inches wide. 2Si vards long, pretty atterns, guar anteed faxt colors, worth & on sale Ftl dn', at 75c ifie PILIOW CA8E8, i:io. lfio quality bleached cases, Rises 42x.M. nener nh. nninru .,run., ..... ..i...... . I mrtlo lrom vamatitta cotton, no of seersucker ginghams and yard wide per- j B"0, on tne "larket, on sala Friday at cales. In nieces of from 2 lo 10 yards, were i -MiC 15c. now Ac. KiO REMNANTS BLEACHED AND I'S- 6c SUMMER PRINTS, 3V. LU.EACHED TAHLE LINEN and TOWEL- Llght and medium dark colored summer ,NO ON RALE FRIDAY AT LESS THAN prints, In pieces of from 2 to 10 yards, nLF PRICE. CLOSING OCT SALE HAMMOCKS AND CROO.UET SETS. Hammocks and croquet sets are being closed out regardless of cost. HATDKNS GREAT SLAI'OHTER SALE REMNANTS OF TARLK LINEN, TOWELING, WHITE GOODS AND DO. MESTIC8 ON SALE FRIDAY AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRICE. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. Remnants of drapery cretonne and cur tain Swiss, worth 15c a yard, at Remnnnts ot embroidered snd plain white flannel at less than cost. Remnants of extra heavy bed ticking, worth ISc a yard, at 124c a yard. Remnants ot iHMnoh wide extra heavy , cotton llannel, worth ' 10c a yard, ut 6c. BIG BLACK SILK SALE COMMENCING FRIDAY MORNIHQ AT JEN O'C LOCK. jacqunru, t 'niicrn II Ben Brocade TalTeta in small de- 100 nieces of black silk, comprising such ouautlful styles Wmiaid satin. Armure Brilliant. Moire Rennalssance slzna Rtilendld for llntncs. drop skirts, for shirt waist stilts, for waists or entire dresses silks In this lot worth BOc, 75c and tl.uo all black on sale Friday morning, -at 10 o'clock, for 25c. Eyes Tested Free in Our Optical Department. Friday's Millinery Surprise V1N J F I'M i K FIRST FLOOR. IN THE BARGA $1.00 snd 7e TRIMMED Street Hats and ROOM. t KIMMED HATS VARIETY OF THE MOST POPULAR PATTERNS OF STRAW SHAPES AND ALL . COLORS. at FIRST K1X)R. IN A UrtOUAT BRAIDS-ALL 10c A FEW OF Any'brand of Laundry. Soap, per bar Highest Patent Minnesota Flour, dpi- sack Large sacks White or Yellow Kip Curnmeal SlW Neutrlta Breakfast Food, per package Fancy XXXX Soda Crackers, Cir, per pound...: Fancy Crisp Glngersnaps, per pound Tall cans Fancy Alaska Qc Salmon "w Groceries. OUR ...24c ..9Sc 10c 74c .5c ,44c LOW PRICES. Three-pound Jeans Boston Baked ' Beans (with sauce) U-pouml cans Potted Meats (iny kind) Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can Largo Italian Prunes, per pound Fancy Muir Peaches, per pound Fancy Sweet St. Michael Oranges, per dozen Plllsbury's Flaked Oat Food per package ...8Jc 3c ...3Jc ...31c ...74? ...12c ...5i FREE TO ALL A dee cold drink of Wild' Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer la pur Grocery Department. HAYDER3 BROS. the lih 5i -,.zr- 1 I Going Fishing? , We have all kinds of cheap excursions to the "Minnesota Lakes dur ing July, . August and Sep tember. " Our Minnesota trains leave Omahh at I:M a. m. and 7:60 p. m. We'll tali you about it at 1402 Farnam street, Omaha. Ju. W. H. BRILL. Dist. Pan. Agent. GIGAR PRICES GUT If TV0 We are still slaughterins; the prices of cigars We don't care whether the goods are made by the truat or the local manu facturer we 'cut the price a little (some times a whole lot) anyway. THESE ARE SHERMAN & MCCON- NKl.l. HRll'KS: Ujlllun ltusaell Clsara, for ISc, box W. (LW Nanon 1 mala. S lor 2.ic: uox luo ior .....u Pathfinder Cigara, 6 for 25c; box 60 Owl Ciuars, for 26c; box 60 for l.t6 Judge Taft Cigars, 8 for 25c; box 50 for 11.66 C'apadura Cigars, 6 for 25c; box 60 for.. 11.06 Geo. W. Chllds Cigars, 7 for 25c; box 60J1.8O Henry George, 7 lor 25c; box 50 for $1.75 Portuondo Cigars, for 25c; box M for...'.uo Pete Daily cigars, 6 for 2oc; box oil loi . l.Js'j Tom Keene t igars, 8 for 25c; box 60 for l.t(5 These are Sherman & McConnell prices: Robert Burns Cigars, Jockey Club, 3 for 260 'liini Moore I'ericcios, extra, t tor Chancellors Magnolias, 3 tor 26c; box 50 for 13.50 Chancellors Knickerbocker 10c; box 50, 4.00 Flor De Teller, Diplornattoos, 3 for 25c; box 50 for , 3.50 Flor De Toller, Buperbu, 10c straight, box 50 for WOO Mi Favorlta, clear Hsi. 3 for 26c; box 60 for l M Parties desiring to order any of abova brands sent by mail or express may do bo simply adding: For box of 60 cigars 25c. For box of 25 cigars, 15c. For box. of 100 cigars, 45c. WRITE FOR CATAIX)OUE of drugs, patent medicines and rubber goods at cut prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Wholesale and Retail Dragglsts. Coraer 16th and Dodaje Its., Omaha. I 4 I : : High Grade Railroad Watches J L-19-21-23 and 24 jeweled watches. The largest and most complete assort ment in the city. ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER 107 N. I6TH ST., U. P. R. R. WATCH INSPECTOR 4 Don't Miss It Tho Differonco between EXTRACTS made from acetic ether, carmine and other artificial coloring matter and HIRE Jl lCE OF THE RIPE FKl'lT ITSELF, accounts for the great difference between ORDINARY BoDA WATER and the kind serviui st our foun tain! Pure fruits and fruit lulces uro ...... long suit. Come in and we ll show you how Ol'K FLAVORS ARE MADE at Omaha s popular sisia corner. It 00 Peruna all you want, at Tc i6o Genuine Castorla xic .'& Hire RMt IWr, extract J Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills. $1 uu tHKl Mar sen 40u 6lc Paracampli tl 00 Pierce a Jlemeoiea 6oc Poan s Kidney fills x- 60c Cullcura Salve Sic ?fc Carter's Little Liver Pills lfto K La Hon Ami r rench Capsules 1 i) V)e Cramer s Money t ure. wuaraiiteed.. 40c OPEN AUj NIGHT. cniinccrrn'O cut price UUIIHUI bli U UKUU STOKE; Twe fheaee T4T aad TUT. lech aad Ceteeco Streets, Oasaha. Au opportunity Is offered at present to buy reliable clothing and furnishing goods for men and boys at prices far below the cost of manufacture. A good many things of the Levire stock which we have held In reserve, will be placed on sale toduy. Fine all wool outing coats and pants at VLW. Boys' all wool suits, 98c. Men's sus penders, 5c. Muslin drawers, to. Sweat ers, three shudes to choose from, 25c. Roys' shirts, lDc. Choice out of suits which Levtre sold as high as 19.U0, your choice, 1XM. Choice out of Levire s suits which he sold aa high as 118.00, choice, Sti.lft. Choice of straw hats, worth up to 45c, your choice, 10c. Choice out of felt hats, soft and stiff, worth up to COO, your pick. s9c. Choice out of dreis and work shirts which Levire sold as high as 75c, your choice, 2ic. Men's all wool outing pants, $1.25. Lots of odds and ends, such as odd coats, boys' wash pants, children's vets and many other tilings, such things as you may Just want at a fraction of cost of production. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1D1D-152I .Douglas street. Special For our usual Friday and Saturday special we offer for sale In the rear part of our main floor, men's underwear, 73c value for 25c a gar ment. Not more than two suits to any one customer. We also like for the public to know that we have received a new supply of silk,- mohair and sateen shirts and are now able to supply all stars again. Tho Dennett Company Our large Grocery Department la a money saver and the most satinfactory place to trade. Note these prlceE: Bennett's bariralii anan. 10 bars r Jelly, assorted, glass 5C r rciicii muniaru, giuhs, jar ana spoon. .ioc Imported sardines, can loo Preserves, assorted, Jar 8c Baked beans and sauce, 3-lb. can 10c Worcester sauce, bottle luo Salmon, 1-lb. can .10c Table Syrup, can ..10c Chilli Sauce, bottle Inc. Olives, bottle 8c Rice, pound Rc California prunes, pound 6c Farina, 1-lb, package 6c Matches, 1 doien boxes 6c FREE. Cup and saucer with every pound of tea. Fresh roasted Bantos coffee, pound ,...12c Dennett's Capitol coffee, 1-lb. pkg 2Kc A MARSH MALLOW SPECIAL, Several hundred pounds of fresh made vanilla flavored marahmallows, pound. 12c FREE. ICE COLD BUTTERMILK served to all customers at our Grocery Department. THE BENNETT COMPANY. ie Best is the Cheapest Acknowledged to be the easiest and best painless extraction In the west. 3.6(1 '. .8.85 Gold Crowns Set of Teeth Kllliaajs, from 2Se Bridge Werk from 2JiS Teeth Extracted FREE Incorporated under state laws. Work guaranteed ten years. Remember, you have no students to pactice on you all old. expert den tists to do your work here. Our re cord has stood the teat eight thou sand patients In the last eighteen months. We beat the sore-head den tists and dental See's. Complete vie tory for the Union. Established for years. Union Dental College, 1522 DOUGLAS STREET. Open dally till s. Sunduys to 4. JIOTfcXft. Perfield's Sfto. Be Bld., Room 7. Telephone 701. Wiser, alery Uarfc Ladwlf tealier. CHICAGO DEACH HOTEL . Um ftaslnant sal Ulw hkara. Lka-afa. A flummef keioitootnecity'sedpe. Nearly luuo teet oi V.I.D.U over-looking .k M ich. 150 juisfcls rooms, lit mia. toaa tows. aWeiei irs Organdie and Chiffon Dresses cleaned and pressed beautifully. No Injurious chemical used to bleach we use the utmost care and caution in handling all fine goods. We clean and card tine wool blankets and make them Just like new. Price, 11.00 to 11.60 per pair. We guarantee our work in every respect. THE PANTOMULl ' OMAHA. 407 So 15th St. Tel. 003 i .-irwHAi.'fSJinfiKAL R N IC I J H M Vmm SWmb md M Sw. SM Kftul SIM. MS Srt I Surf ISM UNITUO HTATUm VBfUMTUHV. I'isak Hw. I"". S a Wa. tw iwiU.i I.IM OrmA. .Mfctor F T Nt.ikv ama iwlrt SECOND NOTICr tumm REPLEVIN SALE OF SHOES From the Great Boston Wholesale Shoe House of LAM KIN & FOSTER, BECINS '; ' SATURDAY, JULY 25th 3 More and more shoes coming: In every day each lot better and finer than the other. Sale starts Saturday with every prospect of the most sensational shoe selling Omaha has ever known. This purchase, together with others equally as Impor tant, will make a sale of OVER $55,000 WORTH OF FINE SHOES FROM ONE-HALF TO ONE-QUARTER s THE REGULAR SELLING PRICE 8ee oupshow windows for some of the bargains for the opening day of the sale, SATURDAY. JULY 25th. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. Boston Store, Omaha. ALDUFF Caterer Hanscom Park Pavilion Sunday, July 26th Music Afternoon and Evening ; By the 22d Infantry Band Balduff's Ice Cream and Confections . . . . v, r mm Carefully brewed-thorouKlily oged abaolutely pure finest quality prlyate brand rkk flavor ii4)Icln prescrlb It befct of all 'oaU no wore. tf i i ii in, rn rtnrtifia grder a case from the Jt I I ClA X3rC.WIINU NUnnt te siir sut ef Onsks. Ceuscll Bluff, vr Settle Oeukks ca or LEE MICHLLL, V holeal Dealer, Council Bluffs. TeL 80, or Huxo F. till, U2i DourU Street Telep -ooe 1941