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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BET!: WEDNESHAT, JULY 8, 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES rill be take til 13 in. for th IMC edltloa aad 111 n.H p. M. tmr Monlif aad Ka4r edltlow. Rates, 1 l-3e a word first laaertlaa. la a ward thereafter. NotLtsa takra far less tkaa ZSe for the Brat laser, tlaa. These ad vertlsesaeat Baaat ba eoaaeentlvely. Advertisers', kf rrittlla a nam tarred cktrk, eta hare aaswera ait dreaaed to a am lie red letter la rare f Taa Bee. Ananere ao addreacrd will heeat oalr. WANTED MALE HELP. THE BUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE , la now open, yet It U not too lata to enter. Every day is enrollment day. Business, shorthand, typewriting, Eng lish. Get a catalogue. II. B.liuVLE3. President, Tel. 1864. 1 Y. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. . ' . B 158 U SCHOOL teachers for summer work at good salarlca. ee Manager, 600 Ware Blk. B li8 WANTED, several good portrait sollcitora or men who have been successful as gen eral solicitors; must - be heat appearing and furnish Al references. New propo sition, pig money office. Address . O 53. Bee B M727 111 WANTED, men everywhere, good ftay,- to . distrlbuto . circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. ; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M3J8 fx . i .1i i '.i' WANTED, , Men to learn barber trade. Quickly taught by our method of prac tical experltiice," Instructions,' etc. 'ax ef apprenticeship saved; wage-. Batur daya; tools, diplomas and positions, given. Cat Hog ue free. . Moler Bej-ber college, 13.0 Douglas t. ' B-M7J7 lOx TRAVELING MEN, visiting the grocery ni nrut trade, wanted to lade" as 'a' side line; good cald. W. H. elemental. II commtssidft g. Uth St.,- B MS11 .. Omaha, Neb. WANTED A' good saleWrhs.n or solicitor, prefer one who haa had experience In selling goda, In . the country ond tin the rural- routes. Will, give a .competent and experienced person a permanent position at m a week ana exyense. AfldreM H 23, - Bee office. i BMi96 llx . BOOKKEfci.r'EI wanted;, one who has had practical experience; state same; salary expected; where last . employad. and reerenoea.- Addresa 11 47 Bee. . - ,-, . , a.- 9 J ' WANTED, paper cutter; also paper rurVr.' Roth ateajlv. HAKrr-VftWWiVir,, .iwi. son, Kan. B 353 10 tuu i wpmt noaltlon for a man of good babUs and energy to , represent large manufacturing establishment known to every bank In the United Statea; salary 1900.00 per year and expenses; opportunity J. ..uniMnt.. Annlv. stating age and qualifications, to Manager, Dept. I 8. Box 4, Philadelphia, Pa. B M369 Sx WANTED, barber; other noed apply, tie, la. flrst-clnsa, sober; no E. O. Banders, Atlan- B M36 BX WANTED, a merry-go-round, a bowling .it. v unit luvenlle performers. Oleson i-i, tr- fx.riarn. la. M. J. llalre, man B M3S5 9x ager. A good position la alwaya open for a corn- .1, .vu-niiv. technical and clerics! Openings for college men. "Right places for right men and right men for right place." Write for plan and booklet. Hapgoods (incorporate, duh. nadnock Building, Chicago. B gALESMEN WASTED, r a-w-rirfwiinbla salesman to handle first-clans Una of mixed painta and other nw.liltlM-. references required. Ameri ca.!. Uno-Oll Co.. Cleveland. O. M311 sx WANTED FKMALB HELP. 100 OifuK ' OBllCfcnadtan erfBca, 15th at Dodge. i . ". . . , lul. LADIES ean make Trom $75.00 to $100 .00 per month aelllng our aulta. walking skirta. coraets, etc.; no experience required: -can devote part or all of your time. Wrlie for partlculafa and outfit National Cor aet k Bklrt Co.. iMUoU. VmM U WANTED, an experienced good wages. - 2241 Howard. aecond glrli C-M8J5 AN EXPERIENCED demonatrator wanted who can place a demonstration for a aklrt supporter and waist former in one of the leading department stores: good aalary; Mate artlclea prevloubly demon atrated. Addresa- Spencer & ftoedefeld, Adama Bldg., San Francisco. Cal. -, . . C M25 x WANTED, 'a cook. Mra. Joaeph Barker, lie S. th Bt. C-iLm tx LADIES, we will teach hairdresslng .mani curing or facial maaacge in four weeks; posiUoha guaranteed. Call or write, Mo ler College, 1302 Douglas sL . . .. - jutia lux W nr.vrT.w-T-, .H-l U H general T,n,ie--o-lr In tsth Ave. . C--443 WANTED, competent girl to do plain housework; l& per week. uavenport. Take Farnam car. C 343 a. DEPARTMENT etore wishes thor oughly competent, experienced cloak and auit saleslfld es: good Kelarlea to the right parties: none others need apply. Address H 26, Bee u MJ4 Sx WANTED, at once, rlrl for general house work; wagea f to K for competent cook lis South 3-itn ave. ta3 FOR RENT HOI SES. UrMICCC In H Prts of the city. R. IlWUJL,g G, Petera 4k Co., Bee Bldg D Ifi FOR RENT. 7-rootn, hou3e. all modern ex cept furnaee, ,o N. Suih at., t-'-J.. C. M. Bachmun, iM-ll Paxton blk. t 3 14 fM In parts of the city. The O. tlUUJl.J F. Davie Co.. 6uS Bee bldg. 1 loi P YNE-ROSTWICK & CO. Choice housea 01-J New York Life Bldg. 'Phone mi. D 66J HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. l lt7 LARGE, pleasant, furnished bouse for rent Address U n. Bee. 1--Iu4 1.x HANDSOME new two-story modern cot tax, rue location, north. 123. oj. ERNEST SWEhX, alj N. V. U TEL. 172. D Ma TWO l-room houaea, all modern, SlfvOO, C. M. itachmann, 438-37 Paxton block. D M7JS TO MOVR right get Omaha Van Btoiage to., omce uiis r arnam. or leia. laut-bu. -.-.( DU -ROOM eottac. Frank Un St. D--299 U'K MOVE Dl&noa. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 14M, OtLo. W1J W ab.-ler St. ONE of the line, all modern, 7-room brick houses, :tnn ana ixara is., ju. u. ti Turkmgton. o-o nee. 1 M224 1457 tt A n r-1 , -rooro mouam, per msnitu n m. iv. ruiier, iwt, urown blk. CENTRAL, lt-claa 7-room house, 230 N. 23 U- M477 FOR RENT, ten-room modern house nea lilgn scnooi. ro. i ixorin i-a street. In quire next door or at t!9 N. V. Life build (quire 11c Jng. FOR RE lng. rOR RENT. 11& South th street, thor ougniy moaern six-room nouae, tatA, gas. electric iinis. lurnece. open piunoilng T D-M Tx FOR RENT Nice modern furnished houae ef e rooms, win rent tor July and A.i guat to rta-M ftarty; houae new: forrrtture new. w. rarnam bmitn t o. D-MS47 4-ROOM cottage; kith. gas and water, rni D Sug Tx FOR RENT Ft RM SHED ROOMS. PSWEI Eujrwpeaa botal. Ilia ksd F rr --n for rent furnished ROOMS. ROTAL HOTEL, European, 16th dt Chicago. E 1.1 L. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone 70. E-178 II f0 to $2.00 per week, 422 R. block south of court house. lth 6t., one E 173 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; Gentlemen preferred. 143 N. 17th. E 207 ELEGANT room,, 1909 Capitol Avenue. E-270 11 CENTER hotel, European plan; south cool room, tl to 14 per week. 210 N. 17th St. Tel. B -2647. E 7.12 20 NICE cool rooms, 115 8o. 20th, $3 up. E-826 25 THREE Urge, cool, elegantly furnished rooms, all modern convenience. Including telephone: suitable for light housekeeping. 116 So. 26lh St. 'l'hone, B-2S50. E M2S7 DESIRABLE rooms at tha Pratt. 312 So. E 146 27 25th St. O. SI- E. hauls trunks. Telephone "SO. E--665 NICELT furnished rooms. 2312 Douglas E 10 FRONT and other desirable rooms, bsth. cool and central, for gentleman. lsu Ca?s st. E M807 a NEWLY furnished rooms; modern; best lo cation: with or without bosrd. tiSi in. 19th. E M371 12 AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth & Dodge. r; i . FIRMSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. THE FARNAM, 19th A Farnara. r-i7 m B. 25TH AVE.', private family. F-'-lTS NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; day board or meai ucaeio; rea sonable. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago fits. . : . - THE KENWOOD ,2616 Farnarrt Street J'ftone ,,-vj. F-M52S THE BOSE. 2020 Hartley. nCce oool S"ooms. good-board; ratea reasonapia; aim mt-ai tickets. F-Ms4n 17 FOR REKT-CXFlltMSHED ROOMS. A FRONT room and a aide room, Id floor. cheap, partly larnlsnea. u aesirea. vca a. 21 st Ave. Call in basement. G 345 lx FCRSITt'HE rACKISG. PETERSON &. LUNDBERQ, n Bo. Uth Tel.'-L-2Slo- FOR REST STX)RES AND OFFICES. FOR KENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Wee at it r arnaru m. ii nao tour atoriea and a basement which was formerly, used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee bulldmg. I 2tl FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 91G Farnam. 22x90. four stories aud tlrat-elass cemented basement, elavator, fire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and .riiAi,i.ra Innnlre C. C. Rosewater, eec- retary the Bee Building Co., room 100 Bee building. I-MM7 AGESTS WANTED. winfTrn canvassing agents In every ' county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CE,MtK5 JAKMit.i, c... .mntovment with assured good In come. Agenta in the country with horse and buggy especially dealred. Canvassera make eaally P to W0 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitor Bureau, Bee building, umana. X. AGENTS wanted to aell the r'Llfa of Pope Io XIII." written with the encourage ment, approbation and Messing of His Holiness, tne rore, ujr jimii-,iiu nard O'RelUy. 631 Paxton Bldg. el WANTED TO REST. WANTED To rent, a tent about x40 or 10x80 feet, with aix-root siae wan. in gwu condition, for season of eight weeka begin ning August 14. -aaaresa, wiin iim f tlculara, tt la, x-e. v-" WANTED, room with or without board by young physician. Aaareea xi is, a WANTED TO BUY. xwA VTirrTo buv. a rood cecond-hand tent about 20x40 or atxso leai, wim bix-iooi Idewall, ropes, poles, em. Aaaress, quoi-lna- lowest price and lull particulars, li It, Bee. , N-M326 lOx FOR SALE FURNITURE. rutrinn -Curnlrnra Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. ACQ. isew anu aecona-iana uuugni, excha n ged. oiso FOR BALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HAVE your rubber tires Bet while you wait. H. r roat, mio ana Mnvraworui. - P lal MONROE sella pleasure vehicle at 811 N. 16th at. t- aioui DRIVING horse and rubber-tired buggy, and harness, or win oxenange xor piumu lng. 31 Barker block. P M361 9x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and f alias. Wirs works, an 0. iotn. xei. i.iM. Q-676 U FOR BALE, first mortgage note bearing ( per- cent interest, payaoie every six months; haa about years- to rub; good security and endorsed by responaiole party; amount.- 81,800. - inquire C. M. liachuian, Room a, Paxton block. Q 664 NEW and Id-band typewritera 1119 Farnam. Q 150 ZDHAND aafa cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-l& PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sale. Apply Q 143 Jrlose ATI store. inn RALE Second-hand Locomobile in yirst-class siiape, 11 one-naui price, tail or address lti-1 Faruam au Q 13 INDIAN goods and rell?a lilt Farnam. w 18 FOR SALE A new 600 ampere double' pole ewltcn; never oeen uhu, Appiy to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." 4J M767 FOR BALE 4 celling e ectrle fana. jriO.uO. W. 8. Ualdurr, lajo arnam at. y aj a IRON and' wire fences, tree guards, trel lises. v estern Anchor ence Co., 205 N. 17th St. Q-1M CATAIX5GUE cut drug prices free. Sher man t McConnell Lirug Co.,. Omaha. Q-1S6 NOTICE OF BOND BALE. Notice la hereby given that tills will be received for the purchase of 7.2uu.(H) 6 per cent, 5-yetr option, twenty-year Water Honda or the matte or J'lalnvlew. Ne braska. Date' of Issue, April 20th, 1903. Six bonds for 81,"O0.0O and one for 8l.200.iX). In terest, rayable annually at Fiscal Arencv. K V Honda to be Sold to blithest i.l.lrl.r July 26th, lio3. at 2 o'clock, st which time sealed bids will be opened. Bids to be ac companied by ceninea cneck for IJ00 to. Risht reserved to rrcct any or all bids. Address W. L. Mote. Clerk, Plalnvlew. Neb. Q M3B7 8 FOR SALE 1. bull feet of second-hand S wire rope, in good condition. Apply to or address ' bupemiiendeni of Bee Build ing, Omaha. Q il,w TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; chicken ience; oaa piling, ru uougias. Q-lJj FOR SALE Crane hydraullo elevator; can oe iiuea enner i'i,imrr or ireiuni; com plete, iron guide poata, rage and wire en cioeurea. J. L. B rondels dc Sons. FOR SALE One French burr mill, go d aa -new; one j umoi corn nun; one 1-n.p Webster gaaoune engine, almost new: cue amall machine latiia; one 30 drill ure a two emery wheel stands: one-hore Iuti- ler wagoa O. t- Carlisle, Zs 8. 14th Bouin (.unana. w am ax t DIAMONDS karats each, at a bargain U au. aaa- MEN AND WOMEN LOOKING FOR POSITIONS PLACE MISCELLANEOUS. HAMPLETONIAN stallion, Bannockburn, the largest and fastest horse In Omaha, sired by a grandson. dm a granddaugh ter of Hambletonlan 10; will stand for stock at 4021 N. 18th st. Adam Thomson. R M2S7 CLAIRVOVNTS. MRS. CARRIE BMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future. Bat tsfaction or no pay. 07 N. lath. S l!1 MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1706 California. 8-ue A4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. GRACE O'ERTAN, Batha. 720 8. 13th. T-M69S MME. SMITH, batha, US N. 15, 2d floor, r. T 909 EMOLINE BHEPARD. and batha; assistant. ' N 18th St. mas-age, vapor Second floor, 6 T-M448 AS MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St.. baths; first class assistant. T 2,3 Jyll MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing, i'.lhk N. 15th, flat E. T M265 al PERSONAL DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. a and a, 1505 Farnam at. , U 191 ELITE PARLORS. Hi B. l6th St.. 2d floor. U 193 VIA VI. -a wholesome nerve and Ufsue food and home treatment for' disorders-1 of women. - Free boeklet. Vlavl Co., 348 Bee Bldg. ; , . i , U 193 MAGNET PILE - KILLER. IT CURES. U-145 At druggists, fl. PRIVATE home during confinement; bal ie- aaopted. 1 tie Uood Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. .U C. EDERER, Bristol Bt florist. Tel. 1795. U-1D7 CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp, . facial; hygiene and special massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 513 Bee Bldg. Con aultatlon free. Uao P.e-No-May Powder. U 198 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c per week; we repair ana sen parts for all makes of machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., cor. 15th and .Harney sis. 'Phone 1063. N U Mi63 Jyl 830 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR 830 No detention from business; 15,000 cured ?atlents; send for booklet, etc Empire tupture Co.. New York Life bid?., Omaha, Neb. , U 194 PRIVATE Kantitarium for ladies before and irlnir confinement. IJr. and Mra. Gerlsch, 3625 California SL Terms reaaon able. U-8S Jy25 PRIVATE horpital before and during con finement; rint medical care and nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher. 1501 Vinton. Tel. 1SS9 U 688 WANTED, 500 ladles to visit our Gsrment t utting college to see jib workings ano test its merits by taking one lesson free. Room 627 Paxton block, corner inth and Farnam Bt- U-M647 20 PRIVATE hospital before and daring; con finement; babies boarded' and adopted. Mra. Gar dels. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red -14. U M2S4 TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messengers. U-200 BRIGHT girl t years old want permanent home. Address H 81, Bee. U -M363 lOx MONEY TO LOAN, REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants.. W. Farnam Bmith & Co.. 1320 Farnam street. W 201 - WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peter & Co.. 1708 Farnam BL. Bee Bldg. W-202 FARM and city loans; low tatea. W. H. TnVmaa, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. , W JJo PRIVATE money. 6herwood, I7 N. Llfe. 4 TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block W-205 FIVE PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., V504 W 208 PRIVATE money. , F, D. Wead, 1520 Pougias. W iSJi . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, rilATTEL salary and lewelrj' loans. Foley CSoV7wi to D. Green. R- 8, Barkerbk. MONEY loaned on plain note to aalaried people; Business romiutiij. ' ,y A 614 Paxton block. The J. A Hutton Co. X-218 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our eystem of loans that gets you out of debt. Any dy or machinist, engineer, etc.. having reliable employment can get, just oj" not' uihi. Monthly. Weekly. 8100-Return to us. .I2J.M or 813.3J or 8 66 160-Return to us... 13 33 or W 1 25 Return to us... 6 or 8 33 or l.b6 1 rTu.,., in in... 4.00 or 2.00 or J.90 t- i,.iri' Oulck aervlce. Courteous imi - - -i - THE STAR LOAN CO.. 44 PAXTOBLK. EASY TO GET TO PAY . 1 1 - Hia mal Virutk rt-&2. "sirs rece,l etC. IT II ' " - " can mnlte you a poi SALARY LOAN OMAHA MpRTQAGE 1. J19 Board of Trade Blg tEatabliahsd lii.) W6 b LOAN CO , Tel. Z-"W. So. 16th St. A an ZWS STOCK. FlRN BAUK1E3, ETC. Low ratca ond easy terrai. Business Confidential Try us If you wa n 1 .0 .' i,v" cnrniT CO 633 Paxton Block. . A, -11 ' X-216 no YOU NEED MONEY? 1)0 MONEY TO LOAN TtJTTURr3 AND SALARIES FURNl l i-rvo ... .-op PIANOS. 110tosi VVriED vKOPLE at very fw- ?;tea and for any length of time. wThorpulliclt, or mov,nga h.rop- fr ?; Call and get our term. bfor 5LIA'NCEhCREPIT CO Room 808. P.xtonBlock. Room og x ao :.. .HT T)AKB UPON PIAIN NOTES BV:A"..iA.. Paxton block. 34 floor siuviimu X. 714 . . m-slWF.98 IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchanta, te B.LAIiilin houaea. etc.. without ciirlty; easiest terma e"l cltlB. Tolman, Bldg an offices in Prln 4t0 Board cf Trade A. 1I BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange anv property or ousineaa quica, see a. ri Johnaon. 8S N. Y. Life. Y-237 WANTED. 10.000 homeseekere, farmers and stockmen to loin colony to Argentine. Rich corn and alfalfa land. 60 centa to 82 per acre. Write tne south American Coloptsta Co. No. 1. Chamber of Com meica, MlniaeeXilta, atioa, J-Mno ta neio READ BVglltKSS THAXCF.g. FOR BALE Phylclan practice worth Twenty-five hundred per year; will aell at a sacrifice; lorated In co. aeat town, good farming country; retiring from business. Addresa H . Omaha Bee. Y M308 x FOR BALE, 4 Interest In a profitable music business. A good piano salesman vrith some capital wanted. Addre-s H 29, Bee office. Y S. ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 1203 Far nam street. RE 21 S lo-ROOM modern house. It blocks from 6ostom,?e Mr saie cneap. iue m. isth. enewa A Co. R B 220 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: also acre properly ana rarm lands. The O. F. Davie Co.. Room KM, Bee Bldg. RE 221 RANCH and farm landa for sale bv the Union Pacific Raliroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaka, Neb. R3-219 W. C. CHISSELL, SSJ N. Y. Life Rldg. RE-M3tt A7 I-ROOM modern house lot In Kountie Place, clol taxe paid. Hot ' Only 13.000. and ham and full Street paved, spe ixter heating plant. THOMAS BRBKNAN, 80S So. lllth St. RE M390 14 40 ACRES Improved, Sarpy Co. Address O. 41, ee. KtMSii 14X ACC6RDEON PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M-773 BABBITT METAL. FRICTIONLES8, worth 23c; closing It out at 18c H. S. Mann, R. 17, Com. Nat 1 Bank. ' -735 21 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., Ell North 16th. - -222 R. -RUMBEL A BON, bnly tie factory In the state. Try us. ' 14th and Nicholas. Tel: F83M.- M 768 23 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2oth and Lake streets. - 870 CARPET CLEANING. A. K. JETT calls for carpets. Tel. A-3302. M2M Al CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON. 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2836. DENTISTS. C. H. PAUL, removed Burt. Tel. F-2753. to residence. 202 226 DR E. H. BRUENING, 439 Paxton block. Phone 874. M233 9 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 517 Karbach block. Tel. A-iK2X , i2e EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. Rathbun, room 15, Cora'l Nat Bark. 227 FLORISTS. HESS 4V SWOBODA.'l&5Tamam. -228 Ia HENDERSON, florist, 1415 Farnam St. 229 FURNITURE PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., -woven wire springs Tigntenea. Tel. tt-Z07&. 1705 St. Mary's Ave. 253 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleaiu cesspools and vaults, removes garbaze and dead animals at icduced prices. C21 N. 16th. Tel. 1779- 230 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO, Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. ' 231 LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcbolr, 18th at Howard ' -233 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc., 309 N. Ifith. Tel. 2974. 233 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 6TILLMAN. at PRICE, 3 U. 8. N l B k. bid. 234 NEW 8NOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Lire Bldg., attorneys ana collectors every where. 235 MACFARLAND A MAY, New York Life Bldg., room 804. 'Phone 1552. 23R LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-LK3. 27 LOST. LOST, gold brooch, between Hanscom nark ana Minmer Darn, nrturn to tu Simon, Hayden Bros., and receive reward. T ... OCT -7 LOST, one thoroughbred Jersey cow: solid color, dark tongue ana switcn. isotiry L. L. Kountxe. Lost m LOST, lizard akin silver clasp pocketbook. containing small cnange, oetween loug las and Chicago Sts., on 20th: suitable reward to finder. Job R. Lehmer. 1218 Ksmam St. Losu-M362 10 MEDICAIm Piles Cured without nain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney ana madder aiseaaea cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M D.. 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. MUSICAL. THO& J. KELLY, voice. Divldge Block. -80 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, 816 Ramge blk.; summer term. Aptly Jr. H. Wright, L. L. C. M., Director. Phone 1101. -MM 15 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Bulte 516. New Vork Lite Bldg. Tel. It. 239 The Hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. T. 2351. ' MO AUen A Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T 13S. MZti DRS. FINCH MILLER. 124 8. 26th St 481 Dr. Grace Deegan, 509 McCague. Tel. 2358. 2H PLUMBING. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS ateem and gas fitters; Jobbing neatly done all orders promptly elleoded. TeL 241. a LeavaavorUk, THE WANT ADS. WHEN YOU HAVE A PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. HIS S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 179t 43 PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. CALL tip Gardner Printing Co., Tel. A -823, for all kinds of Job printing. 617 S. 1.1th St. -r PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 1 641 PAINTING AND P A I'ERH ANG1NQ. PAINTERS and paperhangera, 707 S. Hth St. See us for first-class work, or tele prone 2141. Ward & Harpster. 179 I RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Reg Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2ong. 242 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rarage Bldg. 247 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. T. Life. Hi NEB. Business 4 Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. Z4 STORAGE. OM. Van 8tor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tela 1569-Wtt. 250 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1505 Farnam. - Phone 784: 653 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E., Tel. 780. -251 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by al) interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending July 11, 1903, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postotllce as follows: Parcel-post mails close ono hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and Friday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station;. Tranaatlantlo Malls. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, ptr a. a. New York, via Southampton (mail for Ireland must be directed "per s. a New York"); ut 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. a. Ryn dam (mail must be directed "per a. s. Ryndam"); at i:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. ra.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Teutonic, via Queenstown; at 11 a. m. for DEN MARK direct, per s. s. Helllg Olav (mall must be directed "per a. s. Hellig Olav"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, PORT. UOAI. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QL'EZ, per a. a. La Touralne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be airectea - per s. s. ia Touratne . SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. b. Kaiser Wilheim der Grosse, via Plymouth, Cherbourg iind Bremen (mall for Ireland must be directed "per a. Kaiser Wllheltn der Grosse"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Zeeland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Zee land"); r.t 8:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. a., Astoria (mall must be di. rected "per b. s. Astoria"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 8 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla, via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial pa vers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other part of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malta nntmed above, sol'. tional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the America nr English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Sonth and Central America, Wast Iadlea, Ete. WEDNESDAY-At J a. m. for .NEW FOUNDLAND, per . a. Silvia; at 13:30 P. m. for BARBADOS, TRINIDAD and DUTCH GUIANA. Der s. s. Piemonte. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. ror CUBA, per a. b. Esperanza (mail for Mexico, via Pro greso, t.umpeche arid Vera Crux must be directed "ir s. s. Esrerunxa"); nt 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA Pr 8. g. Fontabelle. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per 8. a Matanzas, via Tarnplco (mall, must be directed "per s. s. MHtanzas"):' at 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. b. Bene dict, via rara ana Manaos; at 1 p. m for PORTO PLATA, rer a. b. Foxhall from Roston (mall for other parts of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per . . Tr u. II " . .. f 'J , . . T C T b f u.11,11 , . l ,,w y. 111. 1111 cuv Ml'DA. rer sletmer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. s. Newton; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA per a. a. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at SO D m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. HAVA- NILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. 8. Alle ghany (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per s. s. Alleg-hany ): at 9:30 a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for 1NAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a. a. Adirondack (mail for Savanllla must be dlrecte-i "per s. 8. Adirondack"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Morro Castle via Havana: at 12:80 p. m. for CUBA. per 8. a. cuntyba. via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overlaid, Ete., Ex cept Traaapaclflc, CTUBA By roll to Port Tampa, Fla., and tnence oy ateamer, closes at tr.ia omce daily, except Thursday, at fo:30 a. m. (the connecting mans ciuse nere on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless sneclallT aaaressea 1 or aespatcn ny steamer, doses at this office daily, except Sunday, at 180 D. m. ana ij:ju D. m. tiunaavs at 1 n. m and '.1 30 p m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd- n-v, and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday and Raturaay. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes st this office at 6:80 p. m. every Tuesday and Thuraday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, clobea at this office .dally at O U. III. BI1LIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA Hy rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer. cloaea at this office oaiiy, except eunaay, at ii.w p. m and 11:30 p. m., Sundaya at 1 p. m. and III 30 S. m. (connecting mall cloaea here Mon aye at H13o p. m ) COSTA RlCA-uy rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes st this office aatiy, except cuimj, ii i:au p. m. and 11 80 p. m.. Sundays at 1 p. si. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes here Tues days at 111 w p. m i IKegisierea man closes at p. rn. pre vious uay. 1 Trasapaelflo Mails, CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, eloaa here daily at t:au p. m. up to July I5th, Ineljslve, for despatch per s s. Aki Maru TAHITI and MAKyif.HAS 1SLAND8. via San Franctaco, close here dally at 6:84 p. m. up 10 Juiy tain, inclusive, for des natch Der s s. Maruxisa. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here Onl!y at ' p. m. up 10 juiv iuin. Inclu sive, for despatch per s. s. City of Peking. NEW iEAl AUSTRALIA ( West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. after June jrKh and up to July filth. Inclusive, for des patch per 8. s. Bonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not srrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m . 9 30 a. m. and i to n. m : Sundays at 4 3 m . a. m. an i .50 p. m. -will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of Ins Cunard steamer ) AUSTRALIA taxeayl WaaU, rU rovrorFictc hoticr. ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C close here daiiy at s 30 p. m. after July lllth and up to July lth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a Mloweta. HAWAII, CHINA, J A TAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6 p. m. up to July flSth, Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Doric. HAWAII, via Han Francisco, close here dully at 30 p. m. up to July 2th, In clusive, for despatch j-er a. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver snd Victoria, B. C, close here dally at C.3u p. m. up to July 21st. Inclusive, for des patch rr s. s. Empress of India. (Mer chandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran circo, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to July 27th. Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to July 7xth. Inclusive, for despatch per a a. Oljmpla. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran cisco the quickest routes Philippines specially addressed "via Canada'' or "via Europe must be fully prepaid at the for eign rales. Hawaii la forwarded via San Franclsoo exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. IReglatered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN" COTT. Postmaster. roatofTlce, New York. N. Y.. July I. 1903. IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION tOTH AND M ARC V, Union Paclfle. Leave, .a 8:40 am Arrive, a 7:50 pm Overland Limited. The Faat Mail a 8:26 pre California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:80 pm Eaatern Express a 5:80 pm The Atlantic Kxnress... a 7:80 am The Colorado Special. ..a T.H am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a 8:40 am JUtrcoln, Beatrice and Stromshttrg Express. .b 4 00 pm bll:50 pm North Platte Local a 8rr am a 6:16 pm Grand Island LcU.....b I.JO nm b :S5 am j CJtleaaTo. MJIwauakea. A St. Pnt. Chicago Dsyllght a 7:4 am all:l$ pm Chlcaa-o Fast Express.. a 6:45 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago'Limited a 8 pm a 7:50 am Des Molnts 'Express. ...a 7:46 am a 8:40 pm Chicago A Northwesters. "The Northwestern Line." Fast CWcago ;., ....a 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mail a 8:00 pm . 8:80 am Looavl ftfduk City. .;..... a 6:10 am a 3:30 pm Daylight St. I'uul a 7:35 am al0:25 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am 4.11:10 pm Local -Chicago all:30 um a 6:10 pm Local Cedar Rapids 6:10 pm Limited Chicago a 8:il pm a 1:15 am Local Carroll a 4:00 pm 9:60 am Faat Chicago ,...,a 6:50 pm a 8:45 pm Fast St. Paul a sue pm a 1:16 am Fast Mail a 1:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7:26 am al0:36 am Lincoln & Long Pine....b 7:25 am blO.35 am Chicago, Rock Island A FaclBe. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 6:00 am a 6:46 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:'J0 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express bll:15am a 6:35 pm Dea Moines Express. ...a 4:80 pm bll:50 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6 .35 pm a 1:26 pm . WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d. a 6:50 pm a 4.65 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. inf Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Wabaah. St. Louir "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 pro a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs.... a 9:15 am al0:80 pn Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express a 7:85 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 1:05 am Minneapolis t i. raui Express .b 7:38 am M0:85 pm Chicago Local Chicago Express . iv.ta am al0:85 am ,. 810:00 am a 6:25 pm . .al0:50 pro a 6:16 am allaaoarl Pact do. St. Louis Express.... K. C, Ac St. L. Ex.... WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH WEBSTER. Chicago, St. fmml, Mlanenpolla t Osiska. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm al!:20 am Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b 1:4a am Missouri Paclfle. Nebraska Local Via, Weeping water D f :10 pm aIU:X am Chlcaa-o Northwester. Nehraska aad Wyomlngc Dlvlalosu Black Hills. Deadwood, Lead, Hot bprtngs a i:txj pm a 1:00 cm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas a :w pm t:w pm Hastings, York, David City, superior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 1:00 pm BURLINGTON STATION lOTH st MASON Chicago, BsuflinaTtoB A 4nlacy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:56 pm Chicago Veatibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local a 9:18 am ail:00 pm Chicago Limited a. a 8:06 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mau a ;tu pm llurllagrto 4c Mlssonrt River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am W2:06 pm Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7 46 pm Denver Limite. ...a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Ex Dries aU:10 Dm a 3:10 nm Colorado Veatibuled Fiyei a8:10pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:61 pra a t:08 am Fort Crook and Piatta- mouth b 8:10 nm hlft an. Bellevue A Panlflc Jet. .a 7:00 pm a 1:27 am Bellevue A Paclfla Jot.. a 8:50 am Kaaaae City, Bt. Joaeph A Coaaetl BlozTs. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am a 8:05 pm St. Loula Flyer a 5 ld pra all:06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:S0 pm a 615 am a Dally, b Dally except Bundav. d Daitv except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. AMCIOh UkS) V. S. Han, rrKAatSHOT MaTW T08LX. 10NDONDBJUIT ANO OLASGOW, PSW Y0B.K. OIBKALTa AMD MATLtS. Superior eceasukoeatioa. Bieallent Calatss, The Cemfolt at Puaaossra CarafullT CQbldr4. Slaale ar Sanaa Trip Tlckaca laaaae aatwaaa N,v Tor a .4 toa, Basil. Iruk sua all principal ceuitQMiaJ peiaia at attracuva imtaa 8aa lor Book Tears. rr Uekaw ar sanaral tnfoiwaiiea avplj te aa local asaut el tk Anchor Lias r t hSNUKHSUN BKU4., oa I Asaaia. caieaa, m HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Nav Twln-Scrav SUamara of 12 400 Tons MEW YORK ROTTCROAkt. via BO I 'LOONS. Sailing Waduaadar at 14 A. M. Koordaai Jul? Hi StatraAaia Au, 11 Roturaaa Ju'r x Kynanin Aug. 11 rotaaaia An. atKooraaia Aug. 84 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINK, e Dearhora St Chicago, 111. Many Moor. 1401 Farnam at., C. Ratkrfor4, U2t r arnam at., J. B. Bsraolda itot Parnaai st. GtNtPJLTRN5ATTJlNTlQUt mrl ,H1I I MM IV' w AA"t cicantic ITWIM 4CKW ' t. l I-eW-Tt ralW.lJ unt iDPSUS uwitb in ttirmV - XTXAMUS Caaamandae bjr Naval Oflcara. atrlct m.u- af-aar dlaclpllaa. Erary tutk Cantury Sevlca for eoaafort, apae4 and aafaty. Calabratad aul alna. Ceoapaar'a Spacia I Vvu Hour farlar and Dining Car Tram awalta paaaaugara at Doafe Is Bam tar raria tha haantltul, whara coaTnaieni connectlona are made lor all ean tlnantal polnla. Marconi Wlralaaa Talagra pbr. engllah-apaahlng attandanta- For lllua trated hootlata and apactal lotarmation apply to Hany B. Moora, 101 Fa nana l , 1. B. Rarnolda. ltul Farnam St.. Kim National hank, ttastga B. Ahhott, IU4 Famaai St., SAIUNC DAY.fl T6 THURSDAY 1 rt HAVUC .fsottNtaivOPw Jaalle Altstadt's Birthday. Justice Allstadl, who la one of the beat known Juaticea of the peace In Omaha, waa 66 years old Monday. "1 wouldn't know It If It wasn't for the record, say the jus tlee. "I feel ss young aa when I waa U. This la a aood country and I'm glad 1 am In It." He celebrated the event Quietly with hie aeven grown children and four "other children at bla home Monday even VALUE OF STREET RAILWAY Count Bosrd of Equalisation is Taking Erideic on the Subject. MANAGER SMITH GIVES GENERAL FIGURES Saya Property Sold to New Coaapaas- for flO,ooO,ooo la Worth $S(too, woti, bat Does Net Espial Apparent Dlaerepaaey. The financial aflalra of tne Omaha and Council bluQs Street Railway company waa given a hearing before the county Board of Equalisation yesterday In an effort to secure the valuation of the prop erty cf the company tor the purpose of taxation. The length of this hearing and the fact that the hearing of the matter of tha assessment of the Union Pacific railroad property promisee to be long caused tha board to extend the length of Its term until July 11, next Saturday. The first witness to be called In tha street railway case was W. G. Ure, who testified, over tha objection of John L. Webater. ta the value of the personal property of the company as returned by the assessors of the county. An attempt to testify as to the assessed valuation of the personal property was forestalled by the attorney foe the company and Mr. Ure was excused. The second witness wae W. A. Smith, general manager of the company. He testi fied as to the recent reorganisation, ear ing that his Btock had been sold for SO cents on the dollar and that the other stock aold from 80 to 90 cents on the dollar; that he did not know the exact time tha transfer from the old eompsny to the new took place and did not know whether ha voted for the transfer. ' aa he could not rememh.r . t0,t n waa ' present at the meeting where, the tratiBfer was authorised by the stockholders -or the old tympany. Smith Gtvea Flawrea. He said that st tha time of the transfer there were outstanding bond to tha amount of r?,5i,000. aid, . stork to the value of 85.000,000,. and that the total value of the tangible property af tha company, at the time of the transfer, and at the present time. Including tha value of the franchise, was 89,600,000, of which the franchise repre sented about 11,000,000; that from ( to per cent a year would be earned on a capitali zation of 83,600.000. . Harry P. Deuel, register of deeds of tha county. Identified the record showing tha transfer of tha property f the old com pany to the new for an expressed con sideration of 110.000,000, and a record show ing a mortgage deed from the new com. pany to a trust company, representing bords to the amount of $10,000,000. All of this evidence was offered over tha objection of the attorney for the company, who said the prloe at which tha property sold In December, or tha amount for which It waa bonded haa nothing to do with tha value of tha property for the purposes of taxation, and especially when tha sale took place several months before the assessment Is required by law to be made. A large number of persons were present at tha hearing and-followed the proceed ings with Interest. There waa much spar ring between tha attorneys as to the ad missibility of evidence and tha proper pro ceedings before the board, Mr. Webster succeeding In gettlrtg an order that all witnesses who testify are to be sworn. Webster the S4ad. At tha afternoon session ef the board John L. Webster was placed on the stand by tha complainants and told of the reor ganization of the company. Ha said, ba drew up the deed which transferred tha property from the old company to the new and that tha consideration wan placed at 810,000,000, because be believed In giving a good round sum as the consideration In such a dead; that tha capitalization $15, 000,000 was all on paper except $5,000,000,' which had been issued to replace the $5,000,000 of Omaha Street Railway company stock retired, and. that It was Issued to' cover tha suburban lines which tha man agers of the company had In contemplation at that time. C. L. Saunders testified to the sale of the' stock owned by the estate of the lata Alvln Saunders In the company at 90 centa on the dollar, and at the conclusion of this testimony Mr. Breen asked that the board assess the company's property on the basis of a cash value of $6,760,000, or $1,135,000. The board announced that ft would render a decision at 10 o'clock this room 1 nr. That Awful Cold, And Its terrlbla eough can soon be cured by Dr. King'a New Discovery for Consump tion. Try It. No cure, no psy. JOo, $1.00. For sal by Kuhn A Co. - - PICKEREL AND pike go north Warns Weather Drives Then) te tha Great Lakes aad Priees Ow I'p. The pickerel and the pfke ara Belflsh fish and have gone off to tha summer resorts without a thought of the market, so that the price, which was two weeks ago 7 and I cents, respectively, ba crept up to I and 10 cents, and the poor but respected feeder of boardere is retting sore. For fish wsre her only resource In these daya when beef and pork are on the seventh story and waltli.g for the elevator. Tha trouble te that the gamey pair Ilka Sold water and tha warm weather has caused them to strike out for the bottom of tha great lake, consequently they ar scarce. But they will return to be caugt.t later fn tfca season. The trout is now preparing to ' be scarce, but the good old standee white fish haa not forgotten his duty and wtfl continue to visit the kitchen on Friday. Tha fish have the finest mode of travel at this season that can be Imagined. A car got in yesterday from Bayfield. Wla., the party .consisting of whit fish. trout, pickerel and pike and a few others. The party was as cool and fresh as possi ble and free from the dust of travel Aa a matter of fact ft enjoyed more lee than a champagne bottle. When the fish agreed to leave the lake, they were tidied up Immediately In the boat and mad com. tortable In chipped tea In. special compart, ments, In which they remained undUttii-bett uatlt taken from tbalr refrigerator car fn this city. Some cultured lobsters from tha Main coast ar spending the summer bare and ar putting Ideas Into the heads of om of the local people of learning especially at night Th lobster command better pay thl year than usual, from th fact that th spring storm along th New England coast ruined th lobster trap. There la not at this time of year a heavy demand for the glad-handed crustacean. Veaeaa tB "Esa. No poUosaa purgatlT atr lata Dr King' Nw Ut Pills. Easy, but prompt they cur or no pay. Only 15e. For sal by Kuhn at C. Oall (or ( lly Warr avals. City Treasurer Hennlnga has called In these warrants. Interest ea which will Cease July 10: Bchool, 681 to 2,040; library. 3W to bZK, fire. 121 to 1.2); police, 200 to 1.079. It will require 8460.000 to pay the warranta. Another call for general and other fund warranta will be Issued in a few days. All school wasrants registered after July 14. In accordance with a law passed by tha laat legislature, will drew only I par eant li, Ureal. ... i