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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1903)
10 TTTE OMATTA DAILY T1EK: WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1D03. 1 To Convention Delegates and Visitors PI .4L. ti.i: f rjn..l.i l ui me naiiunai LUiiuiidi ass ii We xtnif a cordial Invltntlnn to dsy end take advantaK of It many room. frre telephone service, etc. In banks. Special Wctnra 5ela Third Floor JP5) HOT WEATHER CLOTHING Men's $10 and $12.50 Outing Suits at $5 a It 9 1 All M Lot Blue Men's Outing Shirts The finest grade Negligee Shirts, made of Imported shirtings, all the correct patterns, worth as high rv r-y as 12 and $2-6-1. special WcIC mid-summer offer at 11.60 & Ladles', misses' & men's All-over Lace Hose 85c?at I9C15C Danish in dress goods Dept. Watch Our J Windows delegae tickets filed Eepvblioans Who Want to Go to State and Judioial Conventions. CONTESTS IN ONLY TWO OMAHA WARDS nealelc ana Faweett Will HtTt Cos teat la sixth,' While Holmes ' Will Fight Dickinson ud Blair In Eighth. Primaries for the election of delegates to the republican judicial and state conven tion will be held In Douglas county Friday and in three of the . Omaha wards there will be contests between candidates for Judges of the district court. In the Sixth ward W. A. Kedlclc will try conclusions with Judge Jacob Fawcett, each having placed a full delegation In the field. Judge C. T. Dickinson snd J. H. Blair have put up a delegation In the Eighth with the understanding that their names are to be placed on the ballot and the one receiv ing the larger vote to get the support of the delegates if they are elected over the set put up to represent the candidacy of L D. Holmes. In the Ninth ward there is but one delegation and the question of whether It U to support-Judge W. W. 81a baugh or Judge Jee Eetelle Is to be de elded on primary day by giving the voters a chance to -express their preference be tween the two candidates. Judge George A Day and - Judge Guy R. C. Read have pooled their Interests- In the Seventh and that delegation will work for' the nomina tion of both the candidates from Its ward. The following delegations for the judicial and state conventions of the republican party, to-be voted for at the primaries Friday, were flld with the secretary of the county committee yesterday: Judicial Delegations. ' First Ward-E. A. Willis. F. W. f oleman, James J. Meyers, E. J. Cornish. Frank Cope, John Wolenshensky, Joseph Guggen uious. Allan Smith, Henry Ehrenfort. Second Ward William Allsladt Fred Behm, , W. W. Bingham. T. H. Dysart, Charles E. Foster, I) W. Gilbert, Frank llonu, F. H. lioye, M. I. Sugarman. Third Ward-A. S. Rltohle, Harry Bern stein, Theodore Brown, George Crow, G. B. Gray,' . Ole Jackson, W. H. Slioup, John Simon. MiU'k smart Fourth Ward J. I Kennedy, R. S. Anglln. J. C. Wharton, R. 8. Hall. J. XV. itnoiw,' Robert Purvis, G. T, Nicholson, V. W. Filch. C. C. Valentine. Fifth Ward C. W. l)e Lamatre. Bryce Crawford, Esra W. Fields. A. B. Hjnt, W. I. Kleratead, H. A. Myers, W. T. Nel son. W. A. Saunders. F. H. Woodland. 61xth Ward (Faacettl B. G. Burtrank, G. W. Williams, J W. Ung, John T. Caihers J. W. McUottald W. V. Eastman, Joseph Christiansen, W. T. Bauinback, J. N. Beach. Sixth Ward (Redlck) J. I.. Jacihson, E. D. Irtttt, Jr.. F. H. Oullck. W. A. Robinson, Adam Jamleson, George Wlnshlp, liumir J. Roberta, H. A, ".IIboti, J. 8. limes. Seventh War A. H Burnett, J. P. Breen, J. B Blanrhard. M. H. Collins, John Grant, M. J. .Kennard, II. E. V almur, John Steel. H. N. WimmI. Eighth Ward (Holmes) Adolph Brown, 3. B. Furay. P. E. Uwynne, J a. Helgren, Parasols and Sun Umbrellas ; .Besides, clvlnjt tho lest Roods ami pivttlewt styles made, we are maklue a b!g cut ou colored lmrasols for ladies and children. Black Bilk Umbrellas with handsome handles, price 08c. t2 00 $ M 13.50 and un. In colors, $1.50 up. OutiAf Shade 11.00, $L50, X0O and fZJbOk I - j U- ki.i i . n. 1... dim mc ncuras.a rics a ii. visit Vmr store at sny time during the ninvpnirnrM. Fi-pp Indus' waiting our bunk we rush cierka on nil other J. L. BR ANDT IS & SONS. Enlarged Picture Dept Third Floor Nothing la so cool n an out ing suit and there la nothing more stylish. For today we make a sppclnl hot weather olTer in men's Htrictly ha nl -tailored summer clothing. These are abe solutely the finest suits ever of fered Ht such a popular price. It Is absolutely Impossible to keep cool without clothing that Is made expressly (or hot weather wear, The suits in this lot are made of the swell, cool homespuns, light serges, cheviots, flannels, etc., all with shape-retaining 1 routs. THESE SWELL OLTING SUITS ARE WORTH $10 & 12.50 WE MARK THEM AT ONE PRICE-. Boysr Clothing Dept. Third Floor. of odds and ends Blouse Waists 15c Brownie Overalls at 18c $1.25 and $1.00 Washable Sailor Suits : 50c Men's Underwear Special The finest lisle thread underwear, worth as high an 11.50 a garment, the thin and cool under- p -v garment! desirable for the If hottest weather, at 89c and..-' vv Cloth Handkerchiefs -4 1 at 1 all widths of hemstitch! 2 worth 15c, .vWfltch Our on I?ie W.tirlnws Lee Helsey. W, W. Mace. C. E. Morgan. W. T. Mullen, Joseph Schmidt Auinhtt . "'cklnson-BlalrWames Allan, K. 8. Fisher, K. C. Hodder. B. J. Scannell. J. A. Scott, E. W. Blmeral, S. K. Spauldlng E 8. Swan. W. F. Wappich. Ninth Ward R. W. Bailey, II. h Boyles John Butler. W. H. ClarkeT'c. K. Coutant! . H. Gaines, J. M. Macfarland R. H Olmsted, G. W. Wattles. 'aa- " South Omaha William Bennett, Jay Wil liams, J. V. Cheilck, Frank Fanferllk. Ras T"'.1,1"8?!"' A a Reynolds, Frank Lee, A. C. Bailey E. .farmer, Fred Williams B. Grler, John McTytlra, T. J. Cooley George Houseman, Frank Madura, H D Mosely. Henry Petersen, Louis Humpel. " State Delegations. First Ward-F. W. Koetter, F. TV. Band hauer, P. M. Back. W. B. Benson. W. H Hanchett, John Pearson. Second Ward William Altstadt, W. W. Bingham. John Yerak, Samuel L. Morris. Ed Grimes. Ed Morris. Third Ward-A. 8. Ritchie, Ole Jackson. Crow Geo, W. H. Shoup, IL Bernstein, H. B. Zlmman. Fourth Ward John L. Webster, C. F. McGrew, Frank E. Moores, Robert Cowell Victor Rosewater, W. J. Connell. Fifth Ward W. B. Christie. A. a Hunt, W. T. Nelson, C. L. Saunders, W. E. Stockham. E. R. Woods. Sixth Ward Charles Anderson. Bert Bush, A. G. Charlton, W. II. Christie, George W. Elbourn, W. B. Ten Eyck, Wil liam G. Ure. Seventh Ward Ralph Breckenridge, John P. Breen. A. H. Burnett, Elmer Bry son. W. A. DeBord, John Detwellet. Eighth Ward P. C. Schroeder. E. F. Brailey. C. M. Peterson, C. W. Fear, Henry Heyman, Ed Malone. Ninth Ward John Campbell, A. H. Hen nlngs, C. E. Herring, C. D. Hutchinson, Herbert McCoy. II. J. Penfold. . A few minutes after the time for filing delegations expired yesterday a man by the name of Toy appeared at the office of the secretary with a lfst from South Omaha, but there was a protest against the filing of it on the grounds that it was too late and the signatures to the petition had not been secured In the regular way. Toy admitted that he had signed many of the names to the petition himself, but with the consent of the parties whose names he had used. It Is understood the delegation offered by Toy was put up In the interest of Judge Efctelle a,t the insti gation of J. H. Van Dunen. The comVnlt tee granted a hearing on the protest and then decided to reject the Hat. It developed at the committee meeting that Judges Slabaugh and Estelle had neg lected to pay in the 5 each necessary' for the printing 6f their names on the Ninth ward ballots and the committee voted to give them until this morning to "make good." The i,esselt Company. SC PACKAGE. Butter 8cotch, fresh, very delicious, regu lar price 5c pkg.. Wednesday special, each pkg. at 2V:, 2 pkgs. for 5c. GROCERIES. THIS IS THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND MOST VP-TO-DATE GROCEKT IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY. WE SAVE YOU MONEY ALL THE TIME ON EVERYTHING. BENNETT'S BARGAIN BOAP 10 BA.R3 FOR 25C. Twentieth Century Farmer best agricul tural paper 11 a year. Mrs. J. Benson Special This Week Prettiest dressing sacques and kiinonas made, at popular prices. Besides our regutar line we have a sam ple line that are slightly mussed from showing, not soiled, that we win sell oiie third less than marked price. nn it TIIK R KM ABLE STORK. WW NEW SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS, TERNS. THEY COME IN FOULAltDS. ON HALE TOMORROW AT ONE-HALF ino Women's Si!k Shirt Waist Suits Made in all colors, trimmed In fancy laces and embroideries. In pongee and fine foulards, worth up to 120.00 n AH for, each 9iUlJ Women's Wash Shirt Waist Suits In Ofi percales, worth U, for 0fC Women's Wash Waist Dept. MORE WAISTS THAN ALL OTHER HOUSES COMBINED, NOW ON BALE AT ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE. 60 dosen Walnts In all colors, made of percale, glnRhsms and lawns, IE worth up to 11.00, at COC 125 dozen Whlto and Colored Wash AC Waists, worth up to II 50. for f DC "5 dozen White Uwn Waists, elaborately trimmed with lace and embroideries worth up to JL',50 fiC for SDC Women's White Waists Worth q tfl up to $5.00, for i0U Dress Skirt 100 Rainy Day and Walking Skirts In all colors. Including black, worth J flrt up to $10.00, for sllJ 300 Black Dress Skirts Made of ladies' cloth, cheviots, mohairs, etamlnes and other materials, worth up to 1 AC $10.00, for 4l93 ou miik uress BKirta Made with separate leparate 4.90 drop lining, trimmed with chiffon ruffling at bottom, worth $S, for.. Greater Wash IN OUR CLEARING THE VERY BEST OF THE 815A80N B FABRICS ARK NOW OFFERED SLASHED PRICES AND GREAT QUANTITIES TO SELECT FROM. Black Silk Mull Regular 600 SC. grade, yard C9 Black Mercerized Persian Lawn Sic grade, yard 20c 25c 25c 25c 29c 68-inch Organdie White, eo and 75c grade, yard Silk Embroidery Dress Swiss 46 inches wide, worth si. ft, yard.,.. Silk Embroidered Novelties, worth up to vac yard, at yard 4S-lnch ALL LINEN ETAMINES Worth $1.00. at yard 44-lnch Chambrav (all colors). K ..15c onaaes of blue, wortn M yd., at ya Laco Sale Wide Lace bands, the most popular dress trimming of the season. We have re ceived the clearing up stock of one of New York's largest lace houseti These goods are worth 20c to 35a per yard, and go one sale Wednesday at Irt per yard IUC GANG OF YOUTHFUL ROBBERS Font Ladi of Tender Age and Strong In clinations in Custody. LIKELY CANDIDATES FOR REFORM SCHOOL They Will Hre o Asiwtr fer Reb berr ! b ay Fernltnre Faictery bmA Sev eral smaller Jobs. A list of orimlnal doings Has been marked un to the credit of four boys ranging from 18 to B vears. and the police think they will all be sent to the reformatory in order to be kept out of temptation's way. xne lads are George Fraser, aged 18. a reform school graduate from Boonevlle, Mo., and accredited with being the leader of the gang; Roy Glover, Eddie Enlx and Jay Wvman. The three first named are col ored and the latter Is white. Their heads just come to the top of the police court haa a lone career of petty thelvlng attached to him and Wyman was held to the district court wnne me oinr boys were held until further evidence oan be secured. One of the recent confessed exploits of the gang was to rob Beebe & Runyan's fur nihira . faetnrv at Thirty-second and Spauldlng streets. They got In through a window and purloined atout everyming portable In sight. Including wrenches. razors, hats and elothlr.g. Wyman found a bu-.icli or keys to an tne lockers and doors ar.d distributed them along the Belt Line track. Operations at the factory have been somewhat handi capped this week for that reason and this afternoon Wyman will help the policemen find the keys. The boys tore out the plumbing trom two vacant houses near the House of the Good Shepherd and snatched the purse of Lena ' Kocher. 1334 South Twenty-eighth street, deriving 90 cents, which was honor ably divided among the four. This crime was the one that led to their undoing, for they were suspected, srrested. ana tne other deals fastened upon them. There are other exploits charged up to the gang and which. In all proDarjinty, win nave io be explained, in the district court. The lads have furnished the police much trouble in the past. COLD KILLS TUB GERM. Lleet. Perry Rays There Are He Bald Heads la the Arette Region. The people who come back from Klon dike testify to the fact that no native bald heads are there. The evidence Is that the cold climate kills the germs that eat the hair off at the root. Lieutenant Perry, who went to the Arctic regions, gives the same evidence. Newbro's Herpiclde has the same effect as the cold climate. It kills the germ that eats the hair off at the roots and the hair grows again. Herpiclde Is the first hair remedy built upon the principle of de stroying the germ that eats the hair off. Its phenomenal sale demonstrates the cor rectness of the scalp gexm theory. Bold by leading druggists. Sena 10c In stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. cm Smokf) Omaha' Finest 8.CIgarCh4;' ff ""N f! If 7 II CSJ Park & Telford- II III I Y "S4 Ml Favorlta 15 sizes. I I i I I 8. Rodriguez Charles 1 ill J th Great 12 eizes. I J I 1. 'm " Enuello Lopez-Lord Temple 10 sizes. I I ir Te1, 1000 tor bo' We dellTer. I NsX W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company J Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the health office: Births Alsmlth Gannon, YA1 North Twenty-seventh, girl; Charles J. O'Connor, South Twentieth avenue, boy; Robert Towtie. 3U21 Chicago, girl; Wenceslans Mil ler, 12."i2 South Fourteenth, girl; Charlie l-e, 4ol Bancroft, boy; Clarence Oonyon, a Bancroft, boy; Edward Danforth. M South Twentieth, girl; Charles Young, eiarkson hospital, girl; William Gaade, ljus Norm Eighteenth, boy. Deaths Rosa Johnson, 23. 70$ North Thirty-second; J. F. Haves, $8. 610 Wool worth avenue; Mary Addle Norrls. $4. $J20 t'arker; Denojj W. O'NsUl, 41. UOJ North Nineteenth, Grand July Clearing Sale of WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR HOT WEATHER GARMENTS. IN ALL NEW SHADES AND I AT PONGEE AND FINE WASH SILKS, ALL PRICE. 2n0 Women's Shirt Waist Suits In ging hams and lawns, all colors, 9 Qfl worth up to 15.00, for i9U 100 Women's Tailor Made Suits-Made of cheviots, broadcloths and all other new materlftls, marie In neweat R Qfl effects, worth up to . for Uilw 00 doxen Women's Colored Waists Made In newest crentlons, worth HQ up to f.50, for V 200 doxen Women's Wrappers, made of percale, some trimmed with ruffles over shoulders and braid, all made with CQ. 15-inch flounce, worth 11.60, for U3W 10 dozen Women's Klmonas In white and colored lawns, worth t(r $1.00, for BUt Department 200 Women's Wash Dress Skirts- 90c 98: Worth $Z00, for 300 Women's Rainy Day Dress Skirts Worth $2.50, for , ASK TO SEE THE "CZARINA ITNDER SKIRT Goods Bargains SALE WEDNESDAY AT 8h!rt Waist Suitings Worth up to 0c yard, at yard Grass Linens 40 Ulcties wide, worth 35c yard, at yard 15c 15c Black and White Mercerized Waist- 10 Ar ings 40c grade, at yard Ifc" Jaconet Lawn and Swiss Mull i(r 180 and 20o grades, yard IVW SPECIAL SALE PRICES ON OIB EN TIRE SHIRT WAIST SUITING 8TOOK. Specials Wednesday PEARL BUTTONS, 1.000 Grass Pearl Buttons, dozen.. 600 Grass Pearl Buttons, dozen.. Beldlng Bros, best rewlng silk 20-yard spools , tOO yards Maohtne Thread, spool... 10 spools for Limited. . lo . 6c c mc 15c O) 0 This Atomizer 25cr(BV3,L) It works per fectly Fine water oil at omizer for fo. By mall. 76c Write for catalogue of. drugs, pat ent medl- . olnes and rubber goods of all kinds. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, - Omaha, Neb. North 16th St. illuminated Not with electric lights, like the AK-8AH-BENS do It, but with ItED DANGER LIGHTS, to keep, the unwary out of the chasms In the pavements! Oh, It's a good system. Chicago street is fine, though; the nicest pavement In the city, and that's cue reason why so many carriages come down from the boulevard to our store; another reason WHY Is because they have found OMAHA'S POPULAR SODA Corner at 16th and Chicago, 60c Llquozone our-price 40c 50o Paracamph our price : 40e 60c Bar Ben our price .' 40c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 3c 60c Cuticura Salve 9o 60o Burkhart's Vegetable Compound.... anc $1.00 Peruna all you want at HTc $1.00 Mile's Nervine 79c $1.00 Patne's Celery Compound 7!,c 15c Allcock's Plasters io (There are no 25o Allcock's Plasters.) 26c Pierce's Pills 10c 36o Genuine Castoria I4c $2.00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pills : ....$1.00 OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCilAEFER'S CUT PRICE Di? i in smip two 'rnones 747 and 71)7. 16th and Chicago Streets, Omaha. TUB BENNETT COMPANY. A Great Tomato Sale. WEDNESDAY, A CARLOAD OF TEXAS TOMATOEti. 6-lb. basket for 20c. Think of getting Texas tomatoes at the rata of 4c a pound. Wednesday In basement, Mb. basket for 20a NO DEALERS SUPPLIED. TAX COLLECTIONS FOR JUNE Real Estate Taies Show Increase Over Corresponding Month of Last Year. City Treasurer Hennlngs has Issued a statement showing the taxes collected In June, 10$, compared with June, 1002. The percentage of the real estate taxes-levied which was collected Increased from 64 per cent in 1901 to 70 per cent in 1903, though the amount, owing to the smaller levy, was considerably less. There was a de cided falling off In the percentage of per sonal taxes collected,, due to the fact that the largest personal assessments, those against the Parlflc Express company and the different railroads, have been tied up In the courts The figures are: 1902, 82.55 per cent; 19U3. (4.$8 per cent. But still the percentage of the total levy collected was almost as large as in 1802, a hen the fig ures were GS 47 per cent, as compared with 6S.3S per cent In 1908. For Sate Due b!! on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount Ad dres E 64, care Omaha Bee. DIED. O'ROURKE Peter, aged 60 yean, July , at his home In Florence. Funeral from residence Wednesday morn ing at 7.30 o'clock, to acred Heart church, lalerment Holy Bepuivber ctueUry. rf". I. "'fr SGIK.10LLER MUELLER. 1313 FARNAM STREET. Are Conducting at the Present Time the Most STUPENDOUS PIANO SALE Ever Inaugurated in the Entire West Our Annual July Clonring Sale of Tin nos Is the marvel of tho wholA Piano Tnide and this year we are bound to eclipso all previ ous records. Work is plenty, money ensy and no doubt of continued prosperity, therefore we predict this year's clearing axle our great est success. " ' High Quality and Low Prices Battle cs never before-some of the offerings are Truly Sensational Expensive pianos, in art cases, old standard makes, in Grauds and In rare natural wood finished pianos too costly for the average dealer to carry are selling right now at nearly One Half Price $1,000.00 900.00 800.00 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 pianos pianos pianos pianos pianos pianos pianos pianos pianos for $600.00. for 500.00. for for for for for for for 480.00. 420.00. 3G0.00. 300.00. 24r0.00. 180.00. 120.00,. On Te rms of Nothing Down Monthly and Five Dollars Until Paid In Full. I TELEPHONES: , ma ha 125 Council Bluffs JtS IOWA IRANCH: 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. The July Interest has gone into our books and may be drawn at any time. Those who prefer to let this Interest re main can have same entered on their paas books at their conven ience. Deposits made now draw in terest for the entire month. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid J. L. Brandeis & Sons. BANKERS ONIMOD SHOES MADE BY THE aio mora durable, stylish and ONA'MAN mora oomfortahle than aty other make. Price, always $3.50 -$2,50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. J 5th St. LfiLM $3,00 Gold Crowns from $2.85 FREE In order very man, wrk don. if This Off er S,Tr,5.m,' Good U, material II JulylO. to Increase our clinic, we want woman and child to have their teelh examined by the Pro fessors. Work guaranteed 10 ) car i'. Incorporated under fetaie Law. aamJirt3 Fillings Iron 2c Test Estrtctea FREE Aluulnua Plates trees . Bridge work frees 2.19 UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OP PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Ill Deaf 1st. Bscs Uty Wl t. Ssassrt Is . TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write (or Sample Ceay. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Aareea Oi iks, Veto. 1 II-. I Sale of Serge Coats FOR MEN Just the proper garment for this hot weather. One of these hot weather coats'will go a great ways in making the sum mer season one of comfort. A great many men use these coats for office wear. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will place on special sale all our light weight un- lined serge coats, at the following duced prices: $1.00' for serge coats worth. .. .$2.75 $2.75 for eerge coats worth . . . .$4.00 $3.25 for sergv coats worth. .. .$5.00 f&6 .. Wliydo people to any other beer? Becauso Storz Blm Ribbon la not alone a palatable, refreshing beverage, but its many good qualities are such as to render it a perfect health beverage. There is nothing which speaks more for the great popularity of "Stors Blue Ribbon," as doos the ever increasing demand for same. Bottled at Brewery only. . STORZ BREWING COt'XCII, BLUFFS OFFICE WA West Broadway. W. A. WELLS. Agent. JULY 15th la the ay we close our , M PER. CENT DISCOUNT s'.le on bur grips and suit cases. Come in and see us If you want the best for less than poor ones would cost you elsewhere. Repairing Done. Telephone IAHATRETOFACTOHY- ALBERT EDHOLM, JEWELER 107 N. I6TH ST., OPP. POSTOFFICE. RUBY BIRTHSTONE FOR JULY. indisputably the most precious of TiiKaei a nriraa l-anvina- fpr.m tl lf VVMISIK C V 'l IVID i HIIBUI5 II VIII fllhVV W f DOTTLE 0X0DEER IrMi Flavor sura-ro1ltr pure -ohysiclans prescribe It a eerfset malt and hop beveraae rich palatable healthful. . Dlier4 te ar prt of ObmIm. Ceoaetl Blsts-er Boeth 0 isa, Qrd,r.a ease from .JETTER BREWING CO. . - or HUGO F. BILZ. UJ4 Douflas Street, Omaha. Telephone 1542 or LEE MICHEU, W beleta e Dealer, Couacil Bluffi. Tel. 80 S5.00 for a Cure of Any Disease Uniil July 1 5 tit All the numerous patients who placed themselves under our trratment dur ing the past two weeks, were con vinced by an Inspection of our modern appliances and machines, that we could live up to our promise to tffrct thorough cures. After hearing a full explanation of our method of treat ment It becomes plain to the most skeptical patient that we cure only by honest and scientific measures. We cure permanently and give a written guarantee to cure Varicocele, L.est Maahood, blond Poison, 9tilrtare. I'lles, rtstnla. Or any ailment In our Una of practice for a fee of Only Fivo Dollars There is but one condition and that Is that the offer must be accepted without delay. After the 1Mb of July it will be withdrawn. COOK MEDICAL CO. 1 10 anal 1 12 5. 14th St, Omaha (Over Dally News.) OFFICE HOURS I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Didn't Get Your Clothes when they were promised, eh? That la the way It goes some places, but not at The Pantorium we make It a rule to get things out promptly and when promised. We give you first class woik at popular prices and guarantee It in every respect. Try us. THE PANTORIUM OMAHA 407 So 15th St Tel. 0C3 re- CO., Telephone 1260. 10S8. I20t FARNAM all atones. n tUVl We trs showing genuine It's All in That Wonderful Jturner. All we ask for them is 2.00 and IS. 00 rer month, or the wholesale price) for cash. Mrs. Beaufus, 1212 Ohio, says: 'The bur ner, being as large In diameter as the cover of a cook stove and perfectly flat and mak ing a low flame that don't melt the apouts and handle off and at the same time mak ing the hottest heat made by any other gasoline or gas stove, makes the Michigan the niojt desirable summer cooking aiiDa ratus that exists." "v T,' V. ... ....( l- - . , .nousn to cover every sheet of this paper. 60.000 Omaha S what gas costs, and they don't use them like people do who have accidents. Stoetzel Stovo Co., Oaly Eselaalve Stove Iter West ( . Cbloege. 714 South 16th Street. MFR( I IK.. Of OMAHA. I f MM rna mm4 ItU It mi USITRn UE)SITOJV lhr 1Mb, nwltt. F j. Rul 3tZ- -Jfit tjlichigan r