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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1903)
TIIH OMAHA DAILY HKE: WEDNESDAY, JULY fl, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Sentiment In Bogrd of Trad Grain PiU it Dto.d. diy Bullish. Prices soar under large demand Good Weather Kails to Affect Corn, Which rroctcdi to Mount the Value Scale Notch by Notch. 1 ' ; I CHICAGO, July 7. The sentiment In the grain pits today was Hgdi.i uuj.s.i 1,1 ires moveu iu an upwau direct. on. be.p leiiiijer wntat cloned vs'it ic nunc, be,. tumuer corn IVtui'Mi! !.-, v,.u oaisa liuue higner. lovlsioin, were wcsart., the hopiomuer picuucts closing irom 11 h'(mu '"Trading in wheat was active and the market iva deddealy uronn, whIIk iiiguer prices Were rwiiiea. Commission Louses were good buyers at the start and open ing pines were steady, bvpumuer o lower to o Ingner at Voc to iikj. Vvith outside market showing a big ad vance in prices and on the strength in coin the ueinand soon became more ur gent, while tne offering continued email, wnlch resulted in a gradual advance throughout the day. 1'ua uulilali fceritl inent was augmented by the u create of t,),m bushels In Bradstreet s world s Vls loie. There was a Bllgnt recession late l.i the day. but the close was extremely frtrong, with September lttlo higher at 77VU"c after selling up to ii7tunc. 'iiie lirst cur of new wheat arrlveu touay and was graded No. t red. Clearances of wheat ami flour were equai to 3u,5oo bushels, i'rlmary receipts were 2.M.AA) biiHhels, against 618,900 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and Duiuth reportea receipts of 166 cars, which with local receipts of So cars, 4 of contract graoe, made total receipts for the three points 01 181 cars, against 291 last week and 2S2 cars a year "Notwithstanding: the favorable weather conditions, bullish crop reporls were num erous In the corn pit and caused a lg general trade In that market. Commloslou houses bought freely and covering by shorts was a noticeable feature. Urm ca bles, a good cash demand and small coun try offerings all helped In the upward trend of prices, good advances being made In all deliveries. The September option was especially strong and closed lrflc higher at 62662c. a,t'r celling between 61 So and 62c. Local receipts were 662 ears with 42 of contract grade. Oats were strong, but the advance was not as marked as In other grains owing to heavy realizing by leading longs. Tho sentiment was still bullish on the crop prospects. The cash demand was slow. After selling between S415e and Sj;o September closed a shade higher at 3&o. Local receipts were 403 cars. Provisions ruled dull and featureless, with n easier tone prevailing. There was a decline In early on selling by outs ders and, although the market steadied later on the strength in grains, none of the loss was recovered. September pork closed 3'K! lower st 311.50, September was off 17o at tit 12 and ribs were down 2-o at f.62. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, to enrs; corn, 170 cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs, 87,'mo head. The leading futures ranged as followei Mlddlcboroua-h. The local Iron market was dull and nominally unchanged. No. 1 northern foundry l quoted at SiH.'ioiJ JO.'Xi; No. 2 foundry northern at IU.&o'b i.; No. I foundry southern, snd N6. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at IIS.ok, - OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations en gtnple and Fancy Prodnre. EOOS-Fresh stevk. loss off, 13c7U3e. LIVE Kll bTRY-Ili-ni, 7'iiSc. spring chickens, per lb., iS'tIic: roosters, accord ing to me-, 4 .5c; turkeys. 13'ulw:; ducks, C, erfcc, Mile. BUTTER Packlnc stock, 14'f?14o; choice dairy, In tubs, licil.c; separator, 2u21e. FREHII FISH Fresh caught troui. 9ei pickerel. 8c; pike. 9c; perch. He; buffnlo, c: blufsh. 11c; whileflsh, 9c; snlmon, 15c; had dock, 10c; codfsh, 12c; rerlsnnpper, luc; loh stens, boiled, per lh., 2ic; lobrters. preen, per lb.. 2.:c; bullheads. 11c: cat!lsh. 14c; black boss, 172df; haltb it. luc; shad roe. 4V per pair, 'roe shad, 81 each; era pile, 12c; her ring, nc; p- rcri, bc; white buss, juc; uiuenns. Sc. RRAN -Per ton. $1S. KAY Prices nuotcd bv Omaha Wholesale De'jei"' asHoclntion: 'holce No. 1 upland. : No. 2. ss.6rt; medium. It. 00: coarse. 7.&X Ilye straw. $7.00. These prices are for hny of good color nnd quality. Demand fnlr and receipts light. I1IIIM C. OATS-40C RYE No. 2. 4fie. VFGlfTAm.KI'. OLD POTATOES Home grown stock, per u.. 40 one NEW POTATOES Bouth'rn, prr bu., TBo. PAnSLEV-Per do. hunches, JOc. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40c. CUCi:MI3ERS-Per doz., 60c: home grown, HEAN9 Home rrown. was. tier market basket, 25c; string, per market basket, i&c' PEAS Home frown, ner market basket. 35c. CAUL.IFI.OWFH Tfnms rown nw dos.. 50c CAHuAQR New California, per lb.. 2c. TOMATOES Mississippi. Pel 4-baskct cr ite, ROo. P.HUPARB-Per lb., lc. NAVY HE A N8 Per bu., $2 60. ONIONS New California drv. tier Ita.. le: Texas, per lb., 2e Michigan, per do., Zbo. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, $3.00. BLACK RAKPUERK1EH Per 24-at. ease. RED RASPBERRIES Per I4-nlnt ease. $3 00. li lacks ER R I ES per 24-quart eaae.-iz.M. ULirEBEHRIES Per l-qt. case, $2.60. C.i o V"'ur"'". P"r. DO- i detracted from It. Influence Th. n... of Z?WZttZ"l.lf.eL x- the wheat crop was not considered so re- DOX, Artloles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Test'y. Wheat a July bJuly a Sept, p Sept. Sept. Pec, Sept. lec. pork July, Sept. Sept. Oct. Jllbs July Sept Oct. TTT8 V 79 Tr 7 77H 77Ws 79 77V4 7ST4 77 7H&77U 77 7H 77 76 76470 TTWii 76 76 50tf51 61 60 Sl 60 CIVUH 62S 1SCJ &0(& 61 6061! 49 40 ' 40 41 40 34 S6 3613. 34fi6 3o 5 36& 8636ia S5 .35 ., 16 SO 16 65 16 (S 16 76 1660 1660 16 & 109 60S T 95 7 96 6 12 126 S0 112 8 12 J 30 I 12 I 12 I 00 8 00 6 22 8 60 8 62 8 62 8 62 8 67 8 66 8 70 6 62 8 62 8 75 640 840 826 826 8 47 FLUMS California. Clyman, per L'o; uoose plums, per Z4-qt. dox, z. CHERRIES California, white and black. per 10-lb. box, $2. CANTALOUPE California, per crate, 86; Texas, per crate, $3. APPLES New stock. bu., 78c. WATERMELONS Oeorala. 40a each: Florida, per lb.. lo. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 75c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, ISc. vniimjco aiiioi mit iiavriB, itncy, lur 76 and smaller sizes, $4; for 150 and larger sizes, $3.25; Mediterranean, All sizes, $3.uo 3.2a: Jaffa. $3.&"4i3.50: fancy blood, per half box, $2; St. Mlckes, or paper rlne, all size, $3.ou&4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 360 sizes, $5; 240 to 270 sizes, 4.004.&0; Mea- lnas, $5. dates Persian, in 7U-1D. noxea. per ID.. 6c; per cue of 30-lb. pkgs., $3,25. f inh;ai'PL,e jriorioa, 2.(5; cuoan, Z-60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10a POPCORN Per id., 2c; shelled, 4a HIDES No. 1 green. 6Uc: No. 8 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., tc; No. 1 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., tc; dry salted hides, K&iUo; sheep pelts, 25&i5c; horsehides, $1.602.50. UTS Walnuts, No. 1 sott shell, per lb.. 17n; hard shell, per lb., 14u; No. 3 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb.. 12c: filberts, per lb.. 12o: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell. per lb.. 15c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12'Ac: small per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per do., tic; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $150. No. I a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were a follows: FLOUR Steadier. WHEAT No. 2 spring, T7jI79c; No. 8. 76 CORN No. 2, 62&52a; No. 8 yellow, 62 OATS-No.' S, 41e: No. 8 white, 8841o. uvtl KIa t bllilhln. RARLEY flood feeding, 40G143C! fair to choice malting, tiyulc. . m,'KTjft-No. 1 flax. Wo: No. 1 northwest ern, 81.01; prime timothy, $3.45; clover, con tract grade. $U.60611.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 816.20 T15.26; lard, per 100 lbs., 87.9698.05; short ribs sldss, (loose), 88.3Ofr8.60; dry salted shoulders, (boxed), 37.87tf8.00; short olear aiaes iDoxeaj, o.iam.oi i . Receipts. Shlpmenta Vlnnv hhia ' 18.200 20.100 Wheat bu 28 900 196.400 Corn. bu.. , 876,400 604,400 Oats, bu 876,200 288,700 vi v. ho 18.100 iliilor. bu 87,000 1,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady to firm; creameries, ID'uZOo. Fggs, steady at mark, casea In cluded, 13il4o. Cheese, easy, 106 Uo. JIBW YORK GEMERAI MtWCET, notalona of tho Day on Varlons Commodities. vptw TfyRIC. Jul 7. FLOUR Receipts. 17 lf,7 bhla.: exDorta 18.636 bbls.: fairly ao- tlve and firmer; winter patents, 83.90 tf480: winter atralKhts. .6o(u3.S5: Min nint natents. $4.3534.t6: winter extras. 32.9O'a3.00; winter low grades, 84.66; rye flour, firm: fair to good, $3.tw3.J6; choice to fancy, roKNMEAL Quiet: yellow western. 81.14; city, $1.12; Brandywlne, 83.1203.20, kiln ortea. RYB Quiet; No. t western, flOe f. o. b., Unit' state. ArrihWLr. t. a. b.. afloat. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 26c, c. L f.. New Tork; malting, ftifauic. WHEAT Reeelpts, 19.600 bu.; exports, . . tu-m V. . . Unn m Xln , nii liTkA .la. vator and R5e f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern. Duiuth, 92c f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 91o f. o. b., afloat. Op tions were generally firm all day, making active advances on adverse Iowa and Illi nois state reports, a higher corn market, complaints of heat In the northwest, good outside support and local coverings The m.tVket closed firm at 11o net advance. July, 83(aM0, closed, 84c: September, 80, closed, i!4C; uecemDer, mPsiqim id-too, Closed, 81 o. CORN Rece!ps. 68.100 bu.; exports M6.. 8S7 bu.; sales, 8(0,000 bu. futures, 32.000 spot. 6 Dot firm: No. 1. 6Xc elevator and 69c f. o. b.. afloat: No. I yellow. 69c: No 1 white. 69c. Options market had a further strong advance on heavy commission house ouy Ing, bullish state reports, local covering and higher cables, closing ff?0 net higher. July. R7(g5Nc, closed, 6dc; Sep tember, 67USRSo, closed, 6Sc; December, 8M1ie. closed. 68e. . OATS Receipts, 88.500 bu.: exports. t4! bu. Snot firm: No. 2. 43c: standard while. 46c; No. 3 47c; N6. S white. 46c: No. 8 wnite. 44V-c: iracx wnue, 44n43c. Options irregular nui generally nrm wun corn. HAY Pull: shipping, 80(0 86c; good to eli "Moo. n.ioriiu.w. , Hops Hull; state, common to choice. 17W?nc: 1901. 14M7e; olds, mtcic; Psclfln coast. 1903, 18Tc; Htll7c; olds, I HIDF9 Steady: Galveston. 30 to 28 lhs 18c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry. 14 to 80 lhs.. 14c. LEATHER Stesdy; hemlock sole. Buenos Ay res, light to heavy weights, acid, 24a JBe. ' RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4 ,4MUc: Japan, nomlnel. " ROVISlONS-Pef, dull: family. 810 00 ft" 00; mess, 88 6o9.00: beef hams. 819 6M w Mr. is.siwin.wi; city extra India mess. 8l8-17oft Cut meats firm: pickled bellies, $9 25ffl'10.8rt; pickled shoulders, 87 0 400; pickled hams. 312.00(?w. Trd weskt western steamed, $126: refined . weaker: continent. $ JO; South America 8915; compound. $7 60fi8.00. Pork essv fam ily. $ieofrmnn: short clear. $16.7518.00 mesa. 817SW18 0O. TALLOW Steady; city, 46c; country. Bit Me. .(TTTFR Recelnts. 12 nl pkgs: stesdv gtste dsirv, 1Hm30; presmerv. lTVfi'yiWo niEFSE-Receipts, l.ono pksn. : sfeadr ftill rren. large and small, colored and WMte. .0c. KOnR Receipts, 11800 pkgs.: dull end r. reru'ar: western seconds to extra. WltUe POI'I.TRY Alive stesdv; western spring entrkena. iiw: iowis. iw: fiirueys t pressed weak; wsten broilers, 164716c row'" ?r. furKeys. iwin. MKTA1S "pot ttn in Irfndon was In-i tnwer et 178 end futures were 1S ftd lower at rix. In "1 was also easier. eloeins at 87T nT?T 76. The Inndon Conner tnsrVet was Mghr: sheet there advancing T, M in cm its Kd and futures M to rr ss. Yvrsllr copper wss qu'et snd nonlnsllv nnchaneed. talio and electrolvtte ere emoted et 8M.Ofairi4.J1l. snd easttnar at tIS 80 av 4 no Iad was nulet and ituchsnaed In Nw Tork. t 34 1JU. bt AIIpM Xs d In tendon In 11 8a M. Spelter decllnln ft 88F74tnrt In the local arfcet rematneA tinchanred fa Y-nndon at 80 ISs. Iron closed 8vt lis 84 la Glasgow and at 45s T4 la shipment to Europe today. This, with the enaugement of li.mXV.uutf oy liiurii r reies and nV,tAat t " Oolom.iti, aaens ot Co., an nounced yesterday, make the total gold slilpments today U.TMm'i. NEW TORK. ITOIK9 ASD nO!VU5. steel Trast Serarltlps Flood Market, Trices All sinmplns;. , NEW YORK, July 7. There was more appearance oi specuhitlve Interest In to day's stork market. The resistance of the market In tho face of uiilliiers seemed to encourage nn attempt to put up prices. There was no news to account for ihe pt,l:it ri.a.- in St. Paul anil Missouri Pacific on professional operation:. Detvlte this not very stiiKing lemontrailon the market wr.s but a colorless uftuir up to tin? hojr, and the vol imc of ilca.lngs showed no appreciable Improvement over that of yesteiu.iy. There was sc me Indication of u speculative contest In the ,n-t hour in which neither slue gave t.l;,-i.s i.f any greu. Hlrc.ngth. 'ihe ruaike.t hud be nun to sag off from Innmuion, but. hud t.ifl!ieij 4-t.n,u . when u heay stream of L'nlten biutcb b;rl , stoc ks ..egan to pour upon th.' uurKC . TUo i common was c.rriid a point under lust nl.,ht, the piefciivd and lue second mort-. gutto si.ift itu m a li'se txie.ii. Nolh- j ing was Known tne pub.ic at the time i.I the hiwl.g for liio quarter ud to eainiiiK3, but the tiSi-muing of ihe directors ot i.ic corporation to consider tho report caused a strong conviction In the board room that the tape was giving nn accurate forecast of Its character. 'Ihe leur tn.t nn unUtur. uble showing of earnings wan iortheomlng discouraged tho speculative sentiment ami prices gave way throughout. The closing was In cnnseqjciice duil and easy. Tho early IlrmnesM was nue ar. muc h us anyihoig to the tact that yesterday s goid exports l.illed to bring any selling pressure on the market. The shipment id aold from Aus tralia for San and tho beginning of the Inflow of the Klondike product coun teracted the Influtncu of ihe outgoing to Europe. Tho exnorl of rid'd. however, arouses slight misi-iviiipsc white the demand for money ior Immediate use la so light. It Is considered probable that any rise In the money rate would chi ck the gold outgo, but til the present conoltlon urther ship ments would not cause surprise. Satisfac tion is felt in all departments of the finan cial world at the lulling out of the infla tion In the cotton inuraet, whlqji Went a sten further today. Uut It Is not expected that the curtailed demand for cotion will revive In any degree until conditions In that market become more placid. The weekly cotton report was distinctly favor ab'e and was so far a heip to stocks. The news of the corn ctod also wa hiahlv fa vorable, but the rise In the price of corn little demand, hardened later nnd closed Hi m. Ieaiets in Kattlrs were occuploi with tne can y over. Human amounting to 10,onn wss with drawn from ihe lunk of England toclsy tor Somh America. PARIS, July '.. I'.uslness on the Itourse today was animated. Pi lees at tne open ing were well susttitned but later they be ujiih heavier and inactive and ended hesi tatingly. Kc litis were firm and foreigners were heiv. Rio tinto.a lost two points. The rate of discount as 2 11-14 per cent. Tntec per cent rentes !'.f 80c, for account. Lxi-nntige on lAinnon, lit lr.c. for checks. l.i' ili.iN, July 7. Quotatlcns were main t.c.i d on the ourse unlay and trading tMieuieiy lino'.. Home railroads were fcc.gnai.l. I i.iiuclians were slightly higher. ExeiiniiEc" on London, iu maiKS, 3i pigs ior the account. Shipping; Trast Slock Slumps. NEW VOP.K, July 7. International Mer cantile Marine common stock rtVolined In Wall l!vt today to 4-io, making a new low retoid. The previous bottom price was lc. Rank Clem-Inn. assurliiK. The monthly report f Hie As- rlcultural department due on tTrlday Is awaited for clearer light on the con il'.m of the cereal crops. A break uf 9 points In Standard Rope and Twine 6s was due to fears that the Intecest would not ie '..Bid. This with a break of 6 In United states Cast Iron Pipe and of leas amounts in minor industrials and the weakness f in ternational mercantile niarlne stocks cn tho curb were unsettling Influences on the spec ulation. Not much attention ns liio to the late rise in call loans of a per tent although i.V outward of fcold and a significant drop In New York ex change at Chicago to 10c disount noy in dicate further demands upon New York banking reserves. The bond market was A fea ture Is the sagging tndaivy of sotuo of ihe high-grade issues. Total iales, par value, $l,uu5,000. United Stat.a uonds were all un changed on the last call. Following are the quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange: Tr, St. Lonts Grain and Pro-visions. ST. LOUIS. July 7. WHEAT Hisrher: 80c; July, 77c; September, 76c; Decern- per, 7e'Ao: wo. 3 naro, TZ'Osuc, CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 49c: track. 48ru4tc; July, 49c; September, 61o. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 38c; track, 39-84c; September, 84c; No. 3 white, 46c n i jii Bteaay at, eio. FLOUR Steady : red winter patents. 88 86 (34.00; extra fancy and straight, $3.5&S'4.80; clear, 83.20cli4.35. SEED Timothy, steady, 82.002.60. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.80. BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 78770o. HAY Steady: timothy. $!L(XKitl6.00: prai rie, $6.00tj12.00. IRON COTTON TIES. 8X06. BaQOINO, 66C HEMP TWINE, 6c. PROVISIONS Fork. lower: lobbing. standard mess, $16.70. 'Lard, lower at $7.55. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 89.60; clear ribs, $9.62; short clear, $9.87. METALS Lead, firm at 34.02d. Soaltar. firm at $6.60. POULTRY Fair demand: (Thickens. Bt4o! springs, 12c: turkeys, 12o for old; ducks, 7c; geese, l(ac. BUTTER Steady; ereamery. J6tff31c; dairy, lai7e. Hiuus uteady at ISO, loss off. Recel Dts. Shlnments. Flour, bbls litroo Wheat, bu 60,(00 tl,0"9 Corn, bu 113,000 HO.OOo Oats, bu 106,000 156.0U0 Ksniu City Grain nnd ProTlslons. KANSAS CITT. July T. WHEAT Jul v. 68c; September, 674frrC' Cash: No. 2 hard, 70(Q73c: No. 8, 769c; No. t red. 7173c; No. 3. 66if69c; No. 4 hard, 64365o; rejected, 6l(363c. CORN-July. 47c; September. 47JW7o; cash. No. 8 mixed, 47ij48o; No. 3 white. 4&c; No. 8, 48c OATS No. i white. 38o: No. t mlxad 84(S'35c. RYE NO. I, 600. HAY Choice timothy. 813.00: chains prairie, $3.JOiW18. 60. BUTTER Steady I cxeamarv. 17i?n in fancy dairy, 16(318a. tAiUb-irresh, lie Reeelnts. Shiomonta Wheat, bu 20.000 4.000 Corn, bu 16.800 12.000 Oats, bu 28,000 1,000 Visible "apply of Grain. NEW YORK. July 7. Special cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared wun lasi accounts: WHEAT United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 1.764. Ouy bushels; afloat ior ana in curope, decrease,, 1.300,0)0 bush els; total supply, decrease, 3,066,000 bushels. CORN United States and Canada iat of Rockies, Increase, 1.6&5.000 bushels. OATS United States and Canada, east Of Rockies, decrease, 101, OuO bushels. Among the more Important Increases re ported this week are those of 22 .',) bushels at unicago private elevators and 175,000 at Depot Harbor. The leading decreases Include thnsa of 433.000 bushels In Manitoba and 64,000 bush els at joiiti. AtchUon do pit Bal. A Ohio do pfd Cuiadlaa Paclfte Cantral of N. J.. ChH. A Ohio..., Chicago A Alton, do pfd Chicago 0. W, do 1st p(d Chicago A N. W Chicago Tar. ck do pfd C. C. C. A 81. .. Colorado Bo do lat ptd do Id ptd Dal. St Hurt.oD.. L. W 3anTr A R. O.. do pfd Erla do lat pfd do id pfd Great Nor. pfd... Hocking Vallar do pfd Illinois Cantral .. Iowa Cantral .... do pfd... K C. than.. do pfd L. A N Manhatus L alat. Bt. Ry Minn. A St. L...1, Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T ds pfd Nat. R. R. of Max do pfd N. Y. Cantral , Norfolk A W , do pfd Ontario A W Pennaylvanla P.. C. C. A St. L. , Raadlng do lat pfd , do Id pfd , Sock laland Co..., do ptd , at. L. A B. F , do lat pfd do M pfd at. L. 8. w do pfd t. Paul x Offered. 4i8t. Paul pfd 3H ,.U4V ,.17 .. ..1T .. ni4 ,.1 ..82 .. u ,. 47. ..170 .. 8H ,. It ,.UH 174 lc aSV, 24 4a h ao. Iaci0c do. Hadwaf do pfd Texaa A Pacific Toledo, St. L. A W do ' pfd Union PaclSo do ptd Wabaah do pfd Wheeling A l wia. cantral do pfd Adama Ex American Expreaa. United Btatea Ex. Wella-Pargo Ex... Amal. Copper .... Aroer. Car A F... do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil.... do Did Amer. Locomotive. do pfd American g. A R. do ptd Amer. Sugar Raf....lia mining c;o s . 14 . 43 . tl . Zl . 41 .121 AH .104 .1M . U . la . M . 10 . S3 . 13 . K) 44H 2 17VJI)rooklTn R. T.. 17 ... 46MCona. Oaa ...110Oen. Elwtiio .U inter. Paper . U Colo. Fuel A Iran... (lat 34 jt'olumbua A H. C... 17 ..111 ..171 .. 18 .. (a .. 414 .. u .. 48 H .. 1644 .. 6S .. JB .. 8H .. 62 St ao 122 St . 82 ' .KB Si . i . 41 30H . 40 .12f.S4 .. 4644 .125H . 7!'. do pfd.. Ixlnter. Pump .... xno ptd National Blacutt National Lead .. No. American ... PaclBo Mall , People'a Oaa I'reaeed 8. Car.., do pfd . Pullman P. Car on Republic gtaol do pfd HURubber Ooods .. as ao prd HT'enn. Coal A I. J3',iU. 8. Leather... T2S do pfd TMtU. 8. Rubber... tl do pfd 41S4.U. B. Steel ,. 17i do pfd MHlWeetera Unloa . 161 Stl 14H 74 12 Si 77 S 2W 8 84 II , 4Si , 29S4 . 8ci ' 83 Kew Tork Money Market. NEW TORK, July T. MONEY On cail. firmer at 2H-86 per cept, closing at 3((t3; on time, steady: sixty davs. au nr ninety days. 4 per cent; six months, 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6U& per STERLING EXCHANGE Firm wl.h . tual business In bankers' bills at 31 8736 4.8740 for demand and at 34.8526 for slxtv t'"". i.aur.y.oe ana 4.4Vi; mwr nr. .rlnl Kl 1 1 a CJ GK ' SILVER Bar. 62c: Mexican dollars. 41c BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as IIMIVR,! Philadelphia Prodoee Market. PHILADELPHIA. July T BUTTER Steady and fair demand: extra western creamery. 21c; nearby prints, 22o. ECUS Quiet and steady: fresh nearby, 17c, loss off; western. 16gl7c; southwest. ern. ir; soutnern, localise.. ' CHEESE Steady and In fair demand; New Vork ful creams, choice, new, l(,c fair to good new, HX(jlGc. Llverpol Grain Market. 4 T.TVirnPonT. Jnlv I t a . dull' No. t rr.d western winter, te 21; No. i northern spring, 6s 6d; No. 1 California, 8s d. Futures quiet; July, 8s d; Sep- wiiiiwr, oa riu. CORN SnoL aulet: American mW4 4s 10d. Futures quiet; July, 4s 8d; Sep- mir, tu; uciouer, nominal. Mlaneapolla IV heat, Floor and Urea. MINNTAPOT IS, July 7-WHEAT-Oash, 80c; July, Rc; September. IRUc; '-. h.iril. &;c: No. 1 northern, 86c; No. northern. 8,'.c; No. 2 northern. itioiCc. FIjOI'R Klrst patents are ouoled at $1 40 (Blf-i: second patents. $4.4.36; first clears, 83.2f'T3 36; second clears, 2.40a2.60. BRAN In bulk. 312.60. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAl'KEB. July 7.-WHieAT-IIigher. Closer No. 1 northern. 8Xc: No. 2 north ern. 87e: September, new, 770. RYK-Hlgher; No. 1. 65c. P RLEY Steady No. t 68S0c; sample, 41VftRtc. CORN-September. 66:e, Peoria Market. PEORIA, Julv T. CORN Steady; No. I. 38 V: No. 4. c. OATS Firm; No. t white. I7c; No. 4 white. 3io, Toleel feed Market. TOLEDO. July T SEED Clover, dull, steady; October. 86 67 bid. Ool4 Gees te Keren. NEW TORK. July t Heldelba.rh. Ickel belmer A Co. have engaged 1760.000 gold for tr. 8. ret. 3a. rag... do eoupoa do la, reg do eoupoa , do sew 4a, rag..., do coupon do old 4a, rag do coupon , do (a. reg do coupon Atchison gen. 4a..., do adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do I Si do conr. 4a Canada Bo. la C. ot O. as do la Inc Chea. A Ohio 4VJ. C. A A. iscji C, B. A t). a. 4a.. C, M A Bt P g. 4a C. A N. W. e. ta. C. R. 1. A P. 4a. C C C ft L g. 4a xChlcngo Ter. 4a... Colorado Bo. 4a Denver A R. O. 4a Erla prior lien 4a.. do general 4a.... F. W. A Ii. C. la. Hocking Val. 4V4a.. V. 8. Steel 2d 6a.. Rock lalaud 4a g Offered. -was,'! g, N. OB, 4, ,IVk . . t w,r. antral aa 7a .wist ao la Inc .214 .Host M.. K. A T. as rt .136', do la tl .110! N. T. C. gen. ll,a.. 7 -10. do la .' . MI4 N. A W. eon. 4a.. a" itaaaing gen. 4a 101 Si 7i IMi 2' Bt. L,. A. O A. .ions, Bt. U 8. w. la..., ,106;. do ta .1044, 8. A. A A. P. 4a., . l So. Pacific 4a .104 80. Railway ta.... . 74 Texaa A Pania 1. .. 4114T.. St. L. A W. 4a! ..107 .Union Pacific 4a... ..130 do conv. 4a .1011, naoaah la . 174, do 2,: . 11 do deb. B . 89 Weat Shore 4a.... . Wheel. A I,. E. 4a . S, Wle. Central 4,.,. 84V,; Con. Tobacco 4e... ,iu, t wio. r uei ba. 4 ,. 81 .. T7Vt .. 17 ..118 ..116 .. 7 .IO1H4 .. 6?4 ..11a .106 Si ,. 71 St ..108 .. HO .. iS .. il mo Penn. con. sst,.";.';.: Ji2 . M....m Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, July 7. Call loans. 3l pc.r cent; timw man,, a7,'icji per cent, urlicial closing prices on blocks ana ponds: OMAHA. July 7. Bank clearings for to day c ,e ll,..4..,::6i.l; Increase over corre tsponoing day of previous year, 3S-0.917.1SO. Co. ton Market. NEW ORLEANS. July 7.-COTTON-no.iiinaJ; no saies; goori ordinary, 11-ac; low Uc; niicuinng, lii'.ac; gooa mid dling, lj',',c; luidtlline, lair, 14 b-luc. rutuies ; uly, U.uui...-; Augunt, l-.iitf' 12.3 c; October, ..Ikickj 3.64c; Novemoer, v.iLm ..oc; December, 8.4c;iu.4tc; January, .ioti Nr'.W YORK, July 7. COTTON-Opened we ek ot n advance of two points to a de cline of seven. The opening advance w.xs coinined to August ana almost immediately this option became senulonally weak, in common with the rest of the list, under active selling for both accounts. It is n mutter ot common report tnat a powerful Wan street pool has been formed for op posing any further advance In prices and the xelllng by this Interest was exceedingly he;ivy. August, which had opened at 11.6.1c, sold down to 11.13c without a pause, while liny, which had opened at ll.ioc, resold to 11.60C on the -call and was next reported at ll.boc; September, opening at 10.6Su, sold down to 10.4c without any reaction and the bulance of the list nlso was weak, though not showing such broad movements. From this level the market rallied slightly, Au gust regaining about 30 points of Its loss under buying by locnl commission houses, which were credited with taking 20.000 bales for the account of the New Orleans pool, but the Improvement was of short duration, and was followed by another sharp break, which left prices at mid-day at the lowest level of the session, showing a net loss of 2661 points. Since last Thursday even ing, oefore the publication of the govern ment July report, the decline to the lower level of todav's session, was a matter of from 62 to 174 points, or of from 32 60 to $8.70 a bale. This Yiaturally afforded big profits to the shorts and following the pend ing of the weekly report of the weather bureau, which proved rather less bearish had been expected, the market turned firmer under covering and" further support ing of the bull pool, under which the prices regained from 11 to 26 point? of their earlier losses. The close was steady net 12'(:i2 points lower. Sales were estimated at 600, 000 bales. ST. LOUTS. Julv 7. COTTON-3ulet; c lower; middling, 12c; sales none; receipts, 166 hales; shipments, 166 bales; stock, 3,696 bales. LIVERPOOL, July 7. COTTON Snot In limited demand; prices 26 points lower; American middling fair, .64d; good mid dling, 6.4d; middling, 6.SM; low middtlng, 6 04; good ordinary, 6.74d; ordinary, 6.54d. The sales of the day were 6.000 hnles, of which 2.000 bales were for speculation and export and Included 5,600 American. Re ceipts, 1,000 bales, Including 900 American. tenures openen easy ana ciosea wear:; American mlddllnr. r. o. c. Julv. 6.03d: July and August, 8 03d; August and Sep tember. 6.02ft6.03d: September snd October. 5.frtffr5.66d; October and November. IV. 6.33d: November and December. 6.22d: De cember and January, 6.16d; January snd February. S.lfd; Febnisry and March, 6.14d; March ana April, Ssl4d. Wool Market. BOSTON. July 7.-WOOL-Has a better feeling this week, with less activity mani fested. The poorer grade stiffened, but there Is not much advance actually listed. Territory wools head the list. New nne wools are quoted at 62c(iu3c, with fine me dium at 48&50c and medium at 45j46c. old territory wool Is uuoted as follows: Finest staple, 66r67c; fine medium, tbiiOc; medium, 44a'46c. Territory: iuano, nne, Miaiac; fine medium, 16fl,17c; medium, 1718c; Wy oming, fine, Vlbc .fine medium, 16 17c; llT? I ... 1. ... .. ,1.. 1 C... M IIIC9UIU1I1, AOtltiw, J-mnuiu, uuo, iou. miw medium, 16c; medium, UftlSc; Montana, tine, choice. 18ii18c; staple. lK&iitc; me dium, choice, 1D-Ic. Fleece wools are much firmer. The old wools are entirely cleaned up, but the offerings of new wools are liarht. Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 32u34c; X, 28(.8c: No. 1, 31&320; No. 2, 30(31c; line delaine, m3oc; Michigan X and above, 2&g26c; No. 1 and No. 3, 27(g2So; delaine, 22t(33uc; Kentucky, Indiana, etc, blood, 23424c; blood, W'aM; braid, 1. it 20a. There Is a demand for Australian wools, though the high prices prevent trade to a large extent, rrices are very nrmiy held here, as follows: Combing, choice, scoured basis, ScKusoc; good, 7(3o0c; aver age, 76S7Sc. sr. LiOLia. July 7. wuuuin good De mand; medium grades and combing, 18i? 21c; light, fine, ltVftlSc; heavy, fine, lie ISc; tub wasnea, Jnr-e. NEW YORK, July 7. WOOL) firm. LONDON. July 7. WOOL The fifth series of auction sales was opened today. The attendance was heavy, competition was spirited and all grades were in demand. Scoured were In good request for the conti nent; slipes were unchanged; cape of Good Hope and Natal grades Were slightly easier; Merinos and fine cross-breeds" were steady and medium and coarse and fine cross-breeds showed an advance of 7&10d. Several parcels of coarse cross-breeds were taken for America. The offer. ngs amounted to 4,803 bales, mainly New Zealand. Follow ing are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 800 bales; scoured, Is ldls 6d; greasy, lOdfftla ld: Queensland, 4U0 bales; scoured, Is 3diifl2s 9d ; greasy, lOd; Queens land, 1,100 bales; scoured,- laid; greasy, 6(crlld; Tasmania, 300 bales; scoured, lOfii Is 2d; New Zealand, 6,6(4) bales; greasy, 61d (&lsld; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1,200 bales; scoured, ls6d; greasy, 8d. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef Siem and 'Com Glow Eale and Tally FiT to Ten Lower. HOGS OPENED A GOOD NICKEL LOWER Fairly Liberal Hna of Sheep, Mostly Western Rangers, bat Demand was Good and nn Aellve nnd Steady Blarket Wna Experienced. SOUTH OMAHA, July 7. Cilttie. Hog!'. Sheep. l,vi 3,803 3.144 2.S41 1o,Ik7 Reeelnts were- Ottlclal Monday . C'lncial Tuesuay Two days this week... 6.917 13.478 6,773 Same oas last week.... .oW lf,d2 .' be me week oefore ,4J 2o.j7 S.42J bums turee weeks agoKo.3 , 2i,v 2,7'6 Same lour weeks iiko.... 6,l..! lo.it7 l.b"4 Same days last year.... 6,244 11,1(0 7,342 Rii-CEIPTS lOil THE xEAP. TO DAI E. 'ihe loiiown.g tuois snow the teceipia 01 canio, ho,, sheep at uouiii Ociiaos for the ycai 10 date and compel lions run Inst ear: 1 ,pc. Dec. battle 14,;o 873.318 141.242 ufcs l,auv,oi ....... to. olitop Ui.t UiAii Ateratfe puce p.iu ior liuga at bouth Oiiiuna ior the last several uns with com p.ti isoim; active and prices wetkened, the lots ssles being right iiround 7c lower. The greatest wenkne:cs si Ihe close was on heavy hogs. T!in h ng string sold today at 86.40. with th choicer lemds selling as high as 8.nn. The rosnmonrr kinds nnd the late siiles went at $5. 4V e"'1 t'own. Representative sa les No. 31 ... 23.. M. . 7'i.. 63.. 61.. 71.. 65.. 64.. c9.. 76. . (.. 60.. 61.. 61.. Av. ..2.-1 , .i.'il ,.2ii . .VOti ..2S.4 ..244 ..isi ..?& ..kW ..lit) ..2'9 ..25 J ..ivt ..270 ..3MI 62 261 tate. ; iSOJ lyo2.lSK)I.liH0.lsil.;l98.lls.'. June In. June 16. June 17. June 18.. June 13. June M. June 2i. June 22. June u. June H. June 2&. June is). June il. June 28. June 29. June 10. July 1... July 2.. July 3 . July 4.., July .., July 6.. July 7.., I 0 Mo, I Vl 7 2& 8 4V '1 i4 l if Mil t W I 7 84 6 8o, J 41 .1 ! O So 70 J" 5 66 i 66 t 60 6 6e W K 6S'1 6 48 7 75 4 M 4 M I8 6 ti 6 tl 8 t. Dm 6 J 7 60! 7 68 ( W 7 &.' 6 7 61 I 6 83 7 to, b k 7 66 i 87 6 W 7 C2 7 64 6 89 7 64 6 83 7 62 6 74 e ea 7 64 6 73 V8 I t 03 6 4, 4 94 4 VJ i (JU a 13i . 6 10! 6 ti 8 U 4 Hl .01 4 K, 6 011 t 4H 3 bi e- I 64i .il 8 tn 3 uii i K.. 8 A I I 831 i Srtl 3 6i 3 61 6X IJ3I 1 n 3 rii 1 a 90 8 22 3 M I 18 8 evj 3 il , 3 1 S80) 3 6c 1 i 16 3 72 3 21 a iwi .1 .1 3 68 3 2-1 I tMi 3 -3 I 16 t 62 3 63 8 81 3 Wi, 3 24 3 661 3 14 8 6I1 3 18 3 611 3 18 3 21 6 08 3 78 3 Cfi 6 hi, 3 M 3 btii I IB 6 11 3 81 1 3 76 3 2$ b2 61 r.7 6S no 3"i 7: 60 D.' 62 64 cW . Ml 61 1.. 00. . 67.. C2.. 61.. 54.. 60.. 46.. Id.. 62.. bo. 65.. t.... 68 ,'I0 .2113 .2;:s .211 .24 2i;5 .245 .2.15 .272 ..241 . . , ?HS ...20 ...24S ...147 ...2JM ...249 ...240 ...3:6 ...22 ...30il ..2M ..2f3 ..2f:t .2Ih .Kl 69 lc 67.. 17.. 66.. 67.. 63.. (19. ..?270. ...SSfl ...32S ...2 ...M3 8h. 160 40 80 40 40 80 I! hi!) SO 100 '40 10 so 120 1 'io 120 '40 4l lf.0 160 160 12i so loo 40 4. WI 140 12D !t 160 80 160 'in so l'r. 6 46 6 45 5 45 6 46 ( 47 I 4.-, 5 47 6 47 6 47 6 47 6 4. 6 47s, 6 47 6 47 6 47 5 47 6 47 6 4i 6 47 5 4c S 4,'fc 7' j 47 6S 246 7S 27S 90 ?.13 64 ?f.6 72 222 64"!"!566 CS......264 w jxn Atchlaon 4a Max. Central 4s... AXchUou do pfd Ronton A Albaay. Foaton A Ma Be.;tun Klevated Il S' Amalfa mated ia ,iiciy weel , s, BliiKhani tlVCalumet Hecla. H Centennial 168 Copper Kanse .... 148 Dominion Coal N. V.. N. II. H...IW,,Vrmr,kllD ritehours std Union PavlAo , Max. Central nieritan Bugar .. do (d , Amer. T. A T Dominion I. at g. Oen, Klectrie Maaa. Klactrls ... do pfd I'ntted Fruit V. B. Bttel do ptd Adventure Allouaa .lit ilale Rovale ,. llHiMuhawk .. tlV Old Dominion ..licit, Oeceola , .lusparrot ..183 itlulncr .. ovinia K Copper.... . .17 iTainarac-k . . 14 ITrlmountala .. SVTrlnil filled Stitoa .. l'tlMah .. 8", Vlrtorla .. 4 Winona .. 64t Wolverine . MS4 . 43 . .443 . in 14 . tsst .106 S S . t . 43S, . last . 4tS, . tl . 5 IH .lou . (4 514 . US, . 24 . 4 St . 47 love Vsc'lc "l-lnir lnotallasi4 NEW TOllK, July 7-The following are the quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange: Adama Cos Alice Preere Prunawlrk Cnn aComatock Tunnel.. Con. Cal. A Vs..... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leaclvllla Cos , x Offered. in I Little Chief . , 13 lO.itarto IS 0.hlr 4 iufhoenlx t ll-otiiel 7S0 'Savage , 100 I Sierra Nevada 1.5 8,nall llosea . I Isiandaid .. 8 . .4-w ..laS .. a .. V .. 17 .. U .. li Foreign Financial. IyONDON. July 7. The release of divi dends Increased the supplies of monev In the market today. Discounts were steadier on the weakness of foreign exchanges snd a better supply of bills. Operailons on the Stock exchange were idle, but prices were stesdy. Consols were quietly supported and closed higher. Home rails were fairly cheerful on the strength of Investment buv liuj. America us opened Irregular, with Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, NEW TORK, July 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet and unchanged, with hold ers showing considerable confidence, how ever, and prime fruit Is firmly held. Com mon are quoted at 4ft6c, prime at 6tt 6c, choice at 6c, and fancy at 6w7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Spot prunes are in fair demand and firm, espe cially the larger sizes, which are In rather light supply. Quotations range from 3c to 7c for all grades. Apricots are firm nt 7'!j8c for choice and 10612o for fancy. Peaches are quiet and without special fea ture. Choice are quoted at 7ij7c and fancy at 6'al0c. . OH and Rosin. OIL CITT. July 7. OIL Credit balances. 11.60; certificates, no bid. Shipments, 110,840 bbls., average, 76,600 bbls.; runs, 12.309 bUs., average, uK,2c4i bbls.: shipments, Lima, 663 bhlH., avernge. 61. 0M bbls.; runs, Lima, 5,r,01 bblm. average, 43,((!5 bbls, SAVANNAH, Oa., July 7. OIL Turpen tine, firm, 47c. Rosin, firm. A, II, C, 11.60; I), E, il.65; V. 3170; G. 3180; II, 32.06; I. 32.65; K. 2.M; M, 12.90; N. 83.00; W. G., $3.10; W. W., 83.30. NEW YORK, July 7. OIL Cottonseed, steady. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, firm. Rosin, steady. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, July 7. COFFEESpot. quiet. Futures opened slcaeiy ut unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points, following lower European cables and the continued heavy movement, but ruled very quiet and at the close was dull, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were 6.260 bags. In cluding July at 8.60c: August, 8.7oc; No vember, 3.86c; May, 4. 50c; June, 4.65o. Sugar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. July 7,-SL:OAR-r)ull. open kettle, Vc(3 7-Hlc; open kettle centrif ugal, 3c: seconds. 2Girjc. MOLASSES itcfttle, nominal, IStfj! rV ; centrifugal. ocjlSc; B rup, nominal, 14i 24c. NEW TORK. July quiet; refined quiet. MOLASSE3 l''irm. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. July 7-DRY OOODS Indifferent buying i-till marks the sltua.lon, which has not chnnnoJ as as tne t'p ward tendenc y ot pines Is concerned. Tne fluctuation In tlm raw material mir,ti-t have not effected the stutm of p ece goods, nor will they with the curtailment 01 p o duciion that la In progiuss and con era plated. fftoek lu Sight. Fo'lowlng were the rce pis of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: 4 Omaha Chicago Kaunas City 81. Louis , Sr. Joseph 1 61c ux City , Totals Indicates Sunday, ee Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. U ses. C, M. St. P. Ily 23 1 Wabash Ry I 4 .. Missouri Pacific Ry.. 3 Union Pacific system 41 38 7 4 C. & N. W. Ry 1 6 F., E. A M. V. Ry.... 30 84 t C St. P.M. 4 6.... 23 15 B. 4fc M. Ry 26 24 8 1 C, B. A Q. Ry 6 8 K. C. A. St. J. Ry 14 C, R. I. & P., east... I 8 Illinois Central Ry 1 Total receipt 160 160 It ( The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: 'Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 466 1,638 436 Swift and Company 770 2,356 l,9r)6 Armour & Co 630 2.S76 661 Cttdahy Packing Co 1,150 2,750 881 Omaha P. Co., Kan. City. 114 Cudahy, Kansas City 198 Armour ft Co 1,233 L. F. Husz 44 Other buyers 146 Lea Rothschild 29 W'erthelmer la - Totals : 3.562 10,753 8,864 CATTLE Receipts or cattle were not ex cessive this morning, but sliil for this sea son ot the year there was a good supply 111 sight. Packers did not take hold any too freely, as the demand tor dressed meat lust at this time is not as good as it might be, and aa a result the market was slow liom start to finish. The morning was well advanced before many beef steers changed hands. The mar ket could best be described by catling. tt slow and weak to a dime lower. There was more or less unevennese to the trade, so that some sales looked better tnan others. The kinds that Just suited bay era sold without much difficulty, but others were hard to dispose of at satisfactory prices. It was rather late before the bulk of the offerings was disposed of. A bunch of 10 head of steers that averaged I.608 pounds sold for 86.06. The cow market was also rather unsatis factory to the selling Interests. The best grades of corn-fed cows and heifers did not suffer very badly, but still even those sold lower In a good many cuses. The medium and common kinds nave been selling so unevenly of late that It Is difficult to tell much about the market, but as a general thing it would be safe to quote thera iijloc lower, with some sales even worse. Trad ing was very flow on that class, and it was late before a clearance was made. Bulla were also alow sale, with the ten dency of prices downward, and the same was true of veal calves. There were only a few bunches of stock cattle In the yards again this morning, and if anything prices were lower than yester day. The demand Is certainly very limited. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 69.. 47.. ..2:.3 ..J25 ..213 ..278 ..IC 40 160 120 40 '0 80 80 io 80 to 120 120 47 47',', 17 47 6 47 5 47J 6 I7t, 5 47 6 47 S 17 5 i: 5 47 6 47 6 4'.i 5 47 6 47i5 b 47 5 47 6 5V r. 47 r. 47 t no r. to 6 n0 5 60 6 SO 5 50 6 ') b 60 S CO 5 60 6 60 6 50 r, so 1 y t 50 6 50 e so 6 60 8 60 6 60 S 50 S 60 6 F0 6 60 No. Av. flh. Pr. H9 2.3 1 20 I 60 67 246 40 6 50 (4) 2.ft ... 5 60 S6 217 ... 6 M) S 26 4 80 t 50 63 2.(4 ... 6 60 64 13l ... 5 60 56 219 ... S M 64 277 ... 6 60 74 231 ... 5 5H 66 22:) ... 6 50 67 2.16 40 6 60 68 216 SO 6 M 6.: 276 40 6 VI 76 2'.'2 40 6 50 70 246 80 6 60 Si 216 80 6 50 62 24 40 ii 60 W 251 80 i 50 61 244 ... 6 50 71 231 ... 5 50 7X 212 8" 6 F 76 240 i0 6 50 lie I'm 20 5 i'-" 104 ?5 100 6 60 71 2.'3 120 6 60 63 252 40 6 50 75 241 80 6 60 y 2H2 ... 6 50 75 241 80 6 50 63 262 ... 50 68 2J0 ... 6 50 60. .....197 120 6 50 72 237 ti ) 60 fiu it Ml I- 60 67 V65 120 t 60 67......"!f'9 ... S 60 64 151 80 t 50 81 25o SO 5 60 it2 26 .. 8 60 1 25? 40 6 60 74... ...255 80 8 60 , A 26S 40 6 M 6 2.16 ... 6 50 69 25.4 40 60 4? 2:3 ... 6 50 95 207 120 6 50 61. 243 80 t 50 M.... .205 ... 6 60 67 270 ... 8 60 67 279 80 8 50 60 2T.2 ... 8 60 268 ... 8 50 73 2 VI 40 5 W 64 256 80 6 60 73 328 SO 6 80 4V rvfl 40 8 62 261 ... M 64 264 190 t 82 62 304 ... 6 62V, 89 19S ... S M 69 259 ... 6 62 69 228 ... 52 46 Sll ... 162 80 285 80 I 62 71 267 40 I 62 75 233 ... 6 62 83 249 120 E ?,2 66 243 40 65 62.... 273 ... 4 K 47 262 65 277 69 216 SHEEP Theto was a more liberal run of heep and lambs here this morning, hut the demsnd was fully equal to the occasion n.r.d an active and steady market was experi enced. Shipments came mostly from Wyo ming and Idaho, although some fed year ling lambs arrived that sold for 34.70. Greta wethers and yearlings, mixed, brought 11.00 and wethers 83.75. Good ewes were senrce. Everything, though, that was nt nil de sirable changed hands freely and an early clearance was made. Tho feeder situation Is the same aa It has been for some time past, thnt Is, both re ceipts and demand re very limited. Qnotat'ons for grass stock: Good to Choice lambs, $5.75fi6.25; fair to good Inmbs. 85.1595.75; good to choice yearlings. 34.75(9 6.00; fair to good yearlings, S4.5tfi4.7G; good 1 to choice wptners, B3.7.nvM.y,; '.sir to irood I . a m.a nr. m . - i i . r a wcinerw,, aouci to .-noire pwn, .vnv 453 7R: fair to good ewes. 83.2fiV'3 5: feeder lambs, 82.61W3.50; feeder yeirllngs, 32 50ft 8 50; feeder wethers, 3;..V53.60: feedr eweg, t2.00tg2.75. Representative sales: No. Av. 8 bucks 93 406 VVyo-nlng wethers and ewc S7 1304 Wyoming wethere 661 Idaho mixed ewes snd wetn ers 657 Idaho mixed sheep and yearlings S2C Idaho mixed wethers and yearlings 5 native wethers... 319 native fed yearlings ; 61 22 western sheep nnd yearlings. f2 32 western lambs 63 Na. 1 At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 430 I 14 44 11 4 40 IT S4d 8 80 II 1111 4 46 tl 140 4 w aa iiiu 4 ia 107..., 7. 11CS 4 IS It Hit 4 44 I 1071 4 It II 1320 4 46 41 150 4 10 11 1371 4 46 M 70 4 34 84 1431 4 4 13 437 4 10 16.... 1371 4 10 1 1 4 4 38 4 1340 4 70 6 1010 4 35 9 1111 4 78 It 1040 4 14 11 1144 4 70 4.... 1065 4 14 1410 4 70 14 ! 4 U 4t 1194 4 It II 11SI 4 40 II 11J4 4 70 II 1034 4 40 It 4 1 1 13t 4 40 11 Hot 4 70 II IMI 4 40 41 ....144.1 4 10 1 1140 4 40 14 llf.4 4 70 12 tlt 4 40 . II v..13t 4 It 44 1014 4 41 13 111,1 4 71 17 1130 4 4t 41 1141 4 It IS 1064 4 48 1 1447 4 10 40 1314 4 40 14 1434 4 10 17 .....1104 4 to 14 141 4 40 44 lit 4 40 10 1437 4 44 39 U 4 SO li 1444 4 It It 1014 4 tt 41 13M 4 It !t Hv4 4 tt 15 1IT7 4 US 21 1215 4 tl II 13(1 4 U 11 1320 4 tt 120 1214 4 It li 1140 4 it 14 1341 4 lu 47 14c4 4 40 41 13.0 4 1.1 17 111 4 40 41 1104 4 a 14 H it 4 40 17 Mil 4 IS 41 11M 4 40 10 IfiH I ot BTKF.R8 AND HEIFERS. ti 131 4 00 II 104 4 ,t e 72S 4 00 lost 4 4t U 1010 4 li It I2 4 4t It 123 4 10 II 1243 4 i a 143 4 10 13 1125 4 tt a : t 4 l STEERS AND COWS. 14 10!"" ii!"'.! to!!!!', ji!!!!'. 13 IS m! !.'.'! 14 tt!!!!l ..Hut .. Tit ..100 .. to .. 4-1 .. t li .. T 4 ..11M .. 134 .. tlO .. Ill ..1100 ..10!1 .. '5 ..lual .. 91 .. 140 ..1011 .. 1i .. 421 .. 174 ..1140 .. t) .. 441 ..1310 .. 471 .. 443 ..HI . ,10i0 .. 4 .. 140 .. lit .. 0 .. Mi .. TlO .. tit .. ') ..1040 ...1140 .. 140 ..1020 ..1140 .1670 4-,;, " 4 84) COWS. 8 40 11 3i t M 1 St I HW I ) I 40 8 1111 t li 1 40 1 1320 3 ct I 40 11 llcl I 70 1 to a mo 1 70 1 10 8 722 I 75 I to 1 12 .2 I 74 1 to 10 11-.4 t 75 1 CO 10 1121 1 71 1 15 4 Ill) I 71 1 75 8 1144 1 SO 1 75 t 1071 1 no I 00 I 32 I to I 00 1 1140 I 13 3 "0 i'"Kf. 1 it t 00 JI 1:43 t ! I no ino t M t It 1 IU IV I It IT t.O 1 It, 1 it 1 r.411 4 4 I li 3 10'i 4 ,.) I 10 1 1.140 4 00 I 40 I ll 4 04 I t'j T CV o) I 40 M 1.14 4 Ot I 40 ; 1M 4 10 I te 1 in) 4 .'41 I to CALVES. I tO 1 IM f M 4 W 1 170 8 2.'. i 00 1 120 t M t " tu4 8 10 HEIFERS. I i.s I KX i 14 1 40 1 140 4 (W I til 45 1(4 I to 1 1010 4 is BULLS. t iO 1 1170 I 44 I 70 1 13711 4 u I 71 , 1 !o70 I 75 1 it 1 1 1410 4 V I 00 106 85 87 M !56 Pr. 2 00 S 65 8 75 t 80 3 97 4 00 4 C6 4 70 3 50 4 00 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Cuttle Incline (low, bat, with Hogs, Are Steadily Held. CHICAGO, . July 7. CATTLE Receipts, 1.5'W' nitrket slow but steady; good to prime steers, $4.SO35.40; poor ,to medium, il.9ttr4.66; dockers and feeders, J2.60S4.50; cows, Sl.5Octf4.O0: heifers, S2.25fr4.40; Cinners, 31.50tTi2.25; calves, 32.50t?3.50; Texas-fed steers, 8325(91.30. HOGS Receipts, 13,000; estimated tomor row. 25.000; left over, 3,500; light, steady, S2.50cTi4.60; good to choice, heavy. S5.60.7f6. 75; rough, 35.4 k!i5.60; light, 5.6i3'6.3; bulk of sales. S5. 60t 5. 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,000; fair to choice mixed, S3.004f3.60; western sheep, 32.801i3.25: native lambs, S3.5tXtt6.40; western lambs, S3.60(S'6.00. Kansas City LlTe Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, July 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,300 natives, 1,700 Texans; calves, 400 natives, fr"0 Texans. Corn-fed cattle opened steady to strong, closing; quarantine, slow but steady; native cows and heifers, steady to higher; stockers, steady. Choice export ana dressed beef steers, S4.46c35.00; fair to good. S3.00r4.4u; Blockers and feeders, S2.0o-o4.40; western fed steers, S3.00ttj4.40; Texas and Indian steers, S2.60t7.i4.0O; Texas cows, 12.003.-0; native cows, S2.O0(?r4.00; native heifers. $2.50 454.25; canners. S1.2j'4i2.40; bulls, S2.6oitt3.60; calves. S2.0OcS6.30. HOGS Receipts, 16.000; market 1026o lower; top, 85.72; bulk of sales, S'xfcXtfS.tW; heavy, 85.456.65; mixed packers. S5.4Ja6.ut); light. 15.50&5.72; yorkers, 16.705.72; pigs, S5.00BS.72. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 90? head; market active and strong; native lambs, S3.30cft6.30; western lambs. S3. 006.15, fed ewes. S3.0O(fM.9O; Texas-clipped yearlings, S3.25iS6.05; Texas-clipped sheen, S3.0O5.00; stockera and feeders, S3.00a-t.00. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 16 head; no siiles reported; dressed beef steady; city d reuse' I native sides, 6tv Sc per lb. Cables quoted American steers at flVrilOc, drensed weight; refrigerator beef, 9iu9c per lb.; exports today, es'l mated, 1,212 beeves, 1,050 sheep and J0J0 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 106 head; extremely dull, with few saln.a at about steady prices; veals sold at S.Mit6.50 per 100 lbs ; a bunch of nuttermllKs at 83; city dressed veals, 7B10c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 604 head, nearly all oon sltrnei direct; no sales reported. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 092 head; sheep generally steady and good prudes firm If not too heavy; Iambs slow and about fteidy In price; sheep, S3.00O4.50; lambs, Sa.nnffi6.Sa; one car st 87; dressei mutton, 6fr9i: er lb.; dressed lambs, gen eral sales, 8ttllc. 1. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. I ,.3 144 1"6T S.ll ,. 1.5"0 13. OOJ li.i'i) I ,. 3.3'i0 16 tk)0 9"0 ,. 7.000 10.5.10 l.&ocJ . 2,4 .0 112 0 161 . 60O 3,-uO ..17.S84 tVI.837 31, 478 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. SflO I '.'1 STOCK CALVES. STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 1 101a I 00 8 774 I 40 1' ,. 710 I 14 1 410 I U) 110 I 15 I Ill J 44 H Kaublsch S. D. 1 feeder. ..ll'O 3 60 17 feeders.. 108 3 80 1 feeder... 860 3 50 1 cow 930 3 26 2 feeclers..l": 3 80 IlotiS There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here today and the market opened a good nickel lower, or, In other words, buy. era took off all that they put on yesterday. In view of the reports from other points, though, salesmen ware willing to cut loose at the prices offered and as a result trading was active. The bulk of the offerings was out of first hands In good season. Toward th ciose, though, the nia-rkat was not as St. I.onls Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 7. CATTLE Receipts, 7,0(0 head, including 5.500 Texnns; market active and steady; native shipping and ex port steers, 81 .00iSi.'B.:5: dresxed beef and butcher steers, t';.S5'f;6.00: steers under l.fOO lbs , ;UiOfi4.6c); stockera and feeders, S2.6rtf) 4.00; cows nnd heifers. 82.25 4.25; canners, t20Ka2.26; bulls. S2.5'V'(j3.60; calves. H.OcKcj) 4.50; Texas nnd Incllin steers, 83.004(74.20; Cows find heifers, S2.Ofift3.0O. HOGS Receipts. l".00O head; market stividv; pigs and lights. 8o.70f(f5.9o; packers, 6.754T6 00: butc hers. SoA5a5 95. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Reeelpts. 1.600 heed: mark'H dull, ste-tdy; native muttons, S3 5i 141-4.0"; lambs, 84. '-fur's 30: culls and bucks. f2.-.'5M.OO; stockers, S2 CKXd3.16; Texans, 33.46 ill. 15. St. Joseph I I 8look Market. ST. JOSEPH, .ily 7 CATTLE Receipts, 3,450 head; lower: natives, 84.iRcj4.6: cows and heirers. ii.i-w. iu, stocK'.is ana teea rrs. S3.'r&.4.0i. HOGS Receipts, II. 300 head; 5T15c lower; light, 85 .57,,4.4I5.70: medium and heavy, 85.40 tj'.gs: bulk. S".4rfio.60. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 16 head; active to stronger. Sloas C'.tr Live Stock Msnc-kef. SIOUX CITY, Ia., July 7. (Special Tele- . r.ATTi nu.liC Hi li ,I,,.I,.M nnclionged and killers weak: beeves. Sl.009 6.0O; cow, bulls and mixed. 82.5tVfN.r5; i-tock-f rs aid feeders, 82.i04i4.00; calves and year lines. 82.&H43.80. HOGS Receipts, 3,500; -weak at 85.45414. 00; bulk, 3".50Tr3.5S. Railway Notes and Personals. The local passenger bureau held a meet ing Wednesday morning and took up routine work. The Chlcngo. Rock Islond ft Pacific has met the 10-cent cut In sugar rates from eust of the Illinois state line to the M'e sourl river, made last week by the Mil waukee. The Milwaukee wl'l Inaugurate the first of Its over-Sunday excursion to Lake Okobojt on next 8 indny. with a round trip for S3. The train leaves Omaha Sun day morning at 2:30 and arrives at Arnold s piu k at 11 a. m , and returning leaves Arnold's park at 8.30 the same even-in NO MONEY TO PAY SALARIES rolicemen, Firemon nd Oity Hall Employes Will Mi88ttQjo:t. THIS YEAR'S TAX LEVY IS INADEQUATE Salaries May Re Pali! t'ntll eeptnw lier, lint After Then Police, Fire and General Fnnds Will Be F.mpty. It Is up to the present council to say where. Ihe salaries of policemen, firemen and city hall employes are to come from for the next six months, and Incidentally to doing so the late council will doubtless receive many left-handed blessings for not having made higher levle for the gen eral, fire and police funds. The rath out) companies, for having tied up a part of tho assessment and taxes In the courts, will also come In for some attention In tho same line. Uut the men who, from present lndlcn lions, will have to wait for part of their 1WJ pay until after the 1904 levy Is made, will naturally raise the biggest row. They ore already beginning to calculate how much more they will draw direct from the clly, and what discount Ihey probably will have to bear If they assign thelv salaries to brokers. According to the report which Cortvp. trollcr Lobeck submitted to th clly council Inst night there Is sufficient money In th.' police 'fund to pay July salaries, In the fire fund to pay July and August tvtlnrles. and in the general' fund to pay July and August salaries of city officials nnd city hall employes. The amounts will be some what Increased later in the year as t;xes are collected, but not sufficiently so to pay more than the September salaries, bo that the clly will be In default for at least three months. To and Dead In lied. NEW YORK, July 7. George A. Kolb, for some time the business ngent nnd gen eral manager of the Marine Eng,ner.' Henevolent association, iwae found dad n bed at his home today. Early in May Kolb came Into prominence by reason of the strike of the marine engineers and by the fact that on Mny 4 he disappeared. About two weeks afterward he was found In Kan Francisco. Since Ills return to New York he had been under the enre of brat specialists. Wreck ea the Wabash. PERU, Ind., July 27. Wabash fast freight No. 13 was ditched at 8 utuvl le last night. Fireman Rlchirdson's .ekull was fractured nnd he was otherwise In jured. Seven passengers were injured, but not fatally. Briefs from Ihe fonrl. Cella E. Homan has been granted divorce from Harry 1 I toman on grounds of neg lect by Judge Rsxter. E. R. Scott has been allowed th s.i.n of S2.365 as attorney for the receiver of the Omaha Loan and Trust company. When the case of Ernest Stunt aninxt P. M. Back was called In the county court yesterday morning the attorneys were not ready for trial -und It was Informally parsed. The report cf W. K. Potter, receiver of the Nebraska Savings and Exchange bink, has been II led and approved by Judge Day.' The report shows a balance on hand of 83.570.09, with present liabilities In the form of allowed claims, unpnid dividends and trustee's account of S3X.0IS.O4. The court has ordered an additional dividend of 7 per cent to be paid holders of claim, these claims to be presented before October 1 for payment. The receiver has paid cred itors so far 40 per cent of the original claims and 56 per cent of the remainder. BCotes from Army Headqnarters. I-eave of absence for fifteen (lavs has been granted Second Lieutenant Scbrlng C. Meglll of the Eighth cavalry, at Jeffer son barracks. of the Department of the Missouri, has de parted for Lancaster, Pa., on a two months' . leave of absence. Major Jerome A. Wa trous will act as chief paymaster of the department during the absence of Major Mtchlenberg. The oflicers and women of Fort Leaven worth are preparing to give a reception Friday, July 10, in honor of General and Mrs. J. Franklin Bell. Genera! Bell has Just returned from the Philippines and will now assume command of Fort Leaven worth, and will alHo be In command of the general service and staff college at that station. REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday tea fur nlahed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust ctmpany, bonded abstracters, 1614 Far nam street: Deeds. John J. King and wife to Thomas C.s Bruuner, blocks 1, 8. 9, 17, 21, 22, 25 and 26. lots 1 and 2, block 4; lota 1 to 10, Inclusive, block 12: lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, and lots 18 to 24, inclusive, block 13; lots 7 to 13, Inclusive 16, 10 and 18 to 24. inclusive, b'oc-k 83: lots 1 to 12, Inclusive, lots 17 to 24, In clusive, block 24, and lots 1, 3, 3 and 4, block 27, all In Morse ft Urunner s add, also all of Morse & Brunner's reserve In front of blocks 25, 26, 8 and 9 except railroad right of way.. John J. King and wife to Thomas C. Brunner, lots 4, 14 and 15. block S, and lots 8 and 7, block 6, all in Nkrth Omaha add Mab'.e F. Partridge and husband to Sarah Comfort, w68 feet lot 1," block 2. West End add Joseph Osmera and wife to Maggie C. Beall, e lot 2, block 13, Improve ment Association add Joseph Osmera and wife to Emily P. Hood, w lot 13, Improvement Asso ciation add William J. Rider to Anna Wilson. s lot 23, block 17, Bedford Place add... Anna Corrtgan to John T. Dougherty and Margaret A. Dougherty, lot 3, block 6, Corrlgan Place add Barker company to Hannah Lovely, lot 19. block 8, Orchard Hill add Marv J. Pinkerton to Ida Rachel Hal lender, middle 22 feet lot 16, block 6, Kountxe's 4th sup. add Oliver Ames et al, trustee, to Mre. Hattte A. Farles, lot 7, block 6, Omaha View add Sheriff to John Knders, lot 4, block 472, Grandvtew add Thomas J. I-itxmorrls and wife to Elizabeth Farscutt, lot 15, block 9. E. V. Smith's add Samuel Bailey to Frank Nrlss, nH3 feet wllO feet lot 24, block 1, Mcin tosh's sub Mortgrasea. Gilbert M. Brown to Madge L. Harris, lot 8, block 3, Albright's Annex add.. William Gentleman and wife to Cath erine Frenxer, n ne sec. 32-16-12.. Lottie Plckrel and husband to Omaha Loan and Building usoclatlon. w lota 24 . 25 and 26, block 6, Jerome Park add Hattle A. Farias and husband to Omaha Loan and Building associa tion, lot 7, block 6, Omaha View add Harry Hallender and wife to Omaha Loan and Building association, mid- . block f. Kountxe 1 4th sup. add... die 23 feet lot It. Caroline Cahn and husband to United 81 a ten Mortgage and Trust com- Jiany, extension of mortgage In book 64, page 180 , Caro'.lne Cahn and husband to United States Mortgage and Trust company, extension of mortgage In book 280, page 341 Mlnnlo (.'. Montgomery and husband to Conservative Savings and Loan association, lv4 , block 120, Dundee Piece John Mlklons and wife to Conserve, tlve Savings and Loan association, 45 feet n75 feet lot 4, block 68, Bouth Omshai Carl J. Palmqulst and wife' to Con servative Savings and Ixion associa tion, lots 4 and 13, block 20. Orchard Hill add 1... Eflelle Vodrle to Conservative Sav ings and Ixxin association, w30 feet ti feet lot 31 and w.Hi feet etV) feet lot 40, Griffin V Issac's add, also strip adjoining 100 200 3,000 1 1 700 300 750 1,000 700 too 1,600 1,300 1,200 2,600 1 300 SOD 750 12,000 4.000 t0 900 too 450 PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. GRAIN, PR0VI5I0NS AND SIOCKS 124 Board cf 1'rade Bldg., Onaha 'Pbuiiea lu und lull. Membsia fil prin cipal exchanges. Write lur caus U:y mar ket Utter.