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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt BUN DAY, MAY 24, 1903. 17 FOR RAt.E FtKAL ESTATE. Do You Want a Good Farm or Are You Interested in Grazing and Ranch Land? The lands given below are only a few, selected from a long list of farms, grazing and ranch lands in the different counties of the state. Ne braska lands have increased In value from 5 to 25 per cent within the last year, and we look for even a greater increase in the next 12 months, es pecially in the Great Platte Valley where farmers and investors realize such great returns from even small, investments. Read each description crrefully, and if you don't see w.ut you want, write us we have it Rail road fare refunded to purchasers. 4203-40 acre In Cass oounty, I mllss south of Plattsmouth: -room house, barn with f?.,J:iyn,aC,r:.r.rrl.b' hTK Pav' hoKho'iso. chicken home: all fenced and crowt ruUlva'ted Price $2660 r,,,,Pberrle8- 1 crB rP. acrea pasture, balance rr7 'n Merrick' county; splendid alfalfa land; $0 acrea cultivated. 10 acres In i ,tK..?Mi?L'. ,e,no' .""?, eross-fanced; good new houae. barn, ahada and other outbuilding; I windmills. Price, 24 per acra. 116-1W) acres hay land In Merrick oounty: yearly Incoma from land averages $4.6 per acre, more than 450 Kind In Iowa will yield; taxes about 110 per quarter; no bet ter land In the aama neighborhood hna been sold at $40 per acra. Price now, $36 $09482(1 aorea I milea from Orand Island; 140 aorea In cultivation; no buildings or fences; all Rood land and will he worth $' within 12 montha. Price. $25 per acra. R400 4M acrea of laud In Buffalo county, milea west of Kearney; 75 aorea In alfalfa, I .A?1"" PBtur. 146 crc good farm land; good houae, large barn and all out buildings; canal runa through It; Improvement worth 13,000. Thla la a bargain. Price, $12,000. 1197 4M) acrea In Oreeley county, near Bray ton; 160 acrea cultivated, balance In two paaturea with windmill In each; very beat soil; good 10-room houae. fine barn, crib, aheda of all kinda, modern pig breeding housea; no better equipped farm In the slate. Price, Ui por acre. 1201177 acrea In Harlan county: elegant 10-room residence, fine barn, big aheda, ele vated water tanks, everything to make It a flrat class feeding atanon in every particular; 140 acre In finest alfalfa; depot of Ropubllcun City located on one end of farm. Worth every cent of $12,0M. Price, If sold by June 15, $9,200. CO 8 JO acrea In Dawson county; all perfectly level; 100 acre In fine state of cultiva tion ready for alfalfa ; hilance In hay and paiture; email houaa, atable, wind mill and tank. Price, $20 per acre. $134 s acrea In Lincoln county, milea from North Platte near Herahey; 80 acrea corn land under Irrigation; 40 acrea fine atand alfalfa; IrtO acrea pasture and hay; 4-room houae, tine Kirn, crlha, granary and all outbuilding; 10 acrea bearing oreh i ard. Thla farm la worth $10,0u0. price, $7,000. $188 820 acrea deeded land. 80 acrea leased; S-room houaa, bam, oorrella, wlndmllla, atone clatema; fitted up In good shape for ranch purpoaes; abundant rang near by. Price, $2,200. We shall be pleaaad to forward full particulars and description, terms, etc., to anyone interested. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Building. Omaha. "The Alfalfa Land Men." -' RE-434 24 DON'T WORRY About building, for you can Buy a New House All ready to move into, built better than you would build it and BUILT FOR A HOME. One on west Harney St, excellent location, lower loor has hall, front and back parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room; second floor has three bed rooms besides an alcove room and bath; third floor atic; cellar cemented. Can probably be bought on a payment of one fifth cash and one fifth ech year. Price only M.750. One of six rooms near Sherman Flats, all modern except furnace, pav ing all paid, desirable location. Price 2.50O. One of seven rooms with five acres of ground, choice location, sightly and fine, about three acres in fruit; good barn, chicken house, city water, cistern. Cheap at M.500. YV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE 403-24 SPECIAL, OFFERS. Ala., Cherokee co., l.OiO a. and tmpta.: 750 a. timber, 25J a. cultivated: nne fruit land. Ala., Chilton co., 120 a. and lmpts. Cal.. n. e. of banta barbura, a. suita ble for bldg. lota. Cal near Jackson, valuable gold quarts mining claim. 860x500 ft. ; bargain. Can., Ansa., N. W. T., 320 a. and lmpts. Conn., Hartford co., 850 a. atock farm; alao fine dairy farm; iiO sheep Included. Fla., near Crescent City, house and 20 a. Chicago, W. Side, moucrn lo-r. brick rea. and lot, Washington blvd.; good repair. 111., Cook co., 160 a., all highly cult.; good oubatantlal houae and outDldg. Kan., Kiowa co., 660 a, and lmpta. Kan., Wabaunaee CO., 376 a. and lmpta.; ou a. timber; land adapted to corn. Ma., Franklin co., 75 a. and lmpts. Mich.. Otaego, 12 a. suitable for building lots. Minn., adjoining Odessa. 97 a. and lmpta., all tillable; grain and vegetable land. Minn., adjoining Owatonna, ISO a. farm and country home; modern H-r. house, Paul, etc. Nebr., Lancaster co., 820 a. and lmpts.; 230 a. cult.; 2 orcharde; near R. R. Nebr., Omaha, 6 fine rea. and 2 lota. Henry at Shelton'e add.) modern lmpts.; now rented at 435 per mo. ea.; can be made to pay more. . N. 3.. Somerset co., fine farm 180 a ; 8 good houses, good outbldgs.; fine location. N. J., Burlington co.. 8 excellent farma. V). 78 and 150 a. respectively; good houses and outbldgs.; IV. ml. from R. R. station. Brooklyn. Rugby E., bldg. lot, E 88th at. N. Y Trumansburg, 14 r. rea. and 2Vk a. N. Y.. Rocheater, tine mod. rea. Union park- N. Y Niagara co.. 170 a. and lmpta.; 180 a. cult., 4) a. orchard; near elation. N. Y Lockport, modern l-r. rea. and cor. lot. High at., stable, shade trees. N. Y., Owgo. 2 good lots, Park ave. pa.. Union Hill, near Welssport, l-r. rea. and 10 a.; outbldgs., orchard and Umber. Pa.. Mercer co., 72 a. stock farm, under laid with coal; 200 a. tillable. 40 a timber; brick houaa, 11 rooma and bath; barna, etc R. i" Washington co., 1SS a., and lmpta. ft. D Buffalo CO., 820 a. and lmpta. Tex., Donley CO., 2560 a., lmpta, and lock, n,iint vraxlnc and farming land. . Tex.. Abilene, good bldg. lot. vi W Va . near New Cumberland. 8 nousei snd 1 a., suitable for brick yard. Wis.. Junean co., 80 a. nalmpt: Brooklyn. 2 fine 2-story brick re, and plot. laixlOO ft.: furnUhed and now ud a private school and dwelling; excellent Drug'bua.. atock and flxt.. Wlllmette, 111.: fine location; est. trade. . Complete dairy. lota, 1M1HI i ffcl -wjj dwel.; all neceaanry outbldgs.; 2T thor oughbred cows; Hugo. I. T. llattre. window shads and upholstering hu.. stock and flit.. Brooklyn, N. T Pal'ent on tread pan. new and highly aat- isfactory article, good profits Grist and sawmills. Bunonnvllle, N. T., LI t00 Complete lvindry riant and bus .. McKees- port. Pa.; well 6SVKH. North American Pulldlhg, Ph'f FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to 52 per acre for ranches. to $12 for good farm lands- One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER, Land'Comissioner.Unlon Pacific R. R. OMAHA, NtBRASKA. PFAUTIFUL 8-room brick residence on W est Farnam motor line, modern except furnace; two large lots, fruit and orna mental shrubbery; pn-e. 2 . amount down, balance """"thly. " rent Bomla. Paxton Blk. RE 4J -I MONEY to loan for building purpoaes. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bk. Bi M U an'endid condition. In Council Pluff; 7-oo- house, modern: three lots, ich 41x13".: r-vn m'nu'e. llJe on motor to heart f Omaha, so you can com home to luncni term """""' " F. U Peaxl at-, We-U M FOR IALR-REAI ESTATE. If you are looking for a home in Omaha, call, write or phone for our "100 bargains in Omaha real estate." Some rare bargains are offered. BENSON & MYERS, 318 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. PHONE 746. RE 415 24 THOROUGHLY modern houae of 14 rooms within 5 blocks of P. O., excellent neigh' borhood; price, only $4,500; '4 cash, bat' ance to suit. Bemls, Paxton Blk. RE 429 24 NEW WEST FARNAM HOME. A BEAUTIFUL 7-room. new dwelling near Weat Farnam car, with every modern convenience, juei reaay to move ngni Into, to bo Bold at once at very moderate price and reasonable terms. For full particular see ua witnoui aeiay. PAVNE BOSTWICK ft CO., Sole Agents, eui-z-l x. Late Biag. rnone ioi. RE 438 25 F. D. WEAD (SNAP.) Six-room cottage on Webster at., near ISth. paved at. luuy paid; 83x132; call for price. tT. U. WE.AU, UJA WUULAS. RE-282 24 DESIRABLE RESIDENCES FOR SALE. $12,500 10- room, modern brick and atone residence, lot luuxizo reel, on lum at., opposite urowneu nan. im provement alone coat over 218.000. 210,000 il-room. modern, brick house, lot 108x137 feet, Worthlngton Place, near Brownell Hall. 24,000 9-room. modern houae. No. CO Park ave., lot 76x140 feet, 75 feet east front on Park ave. and 75 weat front on 30th et. Improvements alone cost over sh.uuu. PROPERTY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. 82.500 Southwest eor. 25th and Chicago sts, 82,000 6 feet on sa Detween camorni and Webster. 21,50083x132 feot on Webster at. between I7tn ana mm sis.; Dinning on rear of lot now rents for $10 per year. Special taxes paid In full on all of tne aoove property. GEORGE it CO., 1601 Farnam St. RE M461 25 80 acrea good land, very productive, Mill Co., Ia. ; only 220 per acre 21,000 cash, bal ance to ault; great snap. 320 acrea finest land and Improvements In Ca Co., Neb., 270 per acre; easy terms; bargain. - ISO-acre fruit farm; finest In the state pays 110,000 a year 4100 per acre; half cash, balance to ault R. C. PATTERSON, 1234 Farnam at RB 300 24 W. H. GATES. it N. Y. Life. Phone 1284. 2500 B-room cottage, 2 blocka from car Una, n sxt fat rkl 1 1 . $7507 large rooma, one story, full lot, close ISt'o A neat 4-room cottage, most hew, nice yard, 2&i0 Grant. 21,5tv 7-room IM story, barn. N. W. cor utn ana lks. $2,0i0 A nice home of I rooms, modern x cepi xurnace, omrn, cm ru. j.iii $4,608 rooms, modern, on paved st, on nf the beat In Kountze Dlace. ti fjYiVfMt end. 8 rooms, modern UD-to date, moat new, plenty of shrubbery, east front on 3Bd at. ... One of the highest lying corner ioib in lirmls pam, in ana ave. Nnn-rmiilrnt owner -. sell for Su&0. tSxUt on Sherman ave.. near Locust, only $-.6c. SPECIAL A client of our owns two cottages near 28th and Lake sts., on which there Is an encumbrance of about $760. He want to trade hi eqully lor a good ?cant lot. these cotlagea rem ior tis per nn PATNR t?t VESTMENT CO.. Wain floor New York Life Bldg. Phone 171 lC40 1 W INVESTMENTS. 8 houses, rental $i-i0 yearly; $4,000. $ frame house, rental 'f 0 yearly; $5,000. 2 brick houses, rental i iiO yearly; $,. .. . t rial r.rl.l tl 10U vrirlv 17 000. Kleven 4-room brl-k houses, ground 1011x144 ft; rental i,-tj rr year, u,wu. t.rirk huildlna. near P. O . $18,800. Douglas, near luh St.. S-story brick, $':J.0n0. Farnam, neaf 14th St.. S-siory brick, $Jt,000. AAreaae Cloae In. V' and upwards. 5 acre on N 24th St.j $ block from new car line, jn.uw. . t'nlniproved lota. $B0 nd upward. Trackage lal.:- $300 and upward. Rexldrnce. $,M and upward. U0 acre 12 milea west, $7$ aere. JOHN N. FHEN2F.R. OPP. OLD P. O. RE UT 24 ONE (-room house; also email store build ing, id ) muveu, envap. d. eneparo. TWO l-room houses and barn, full lot vearly rental $130, newly palnied. $1,000 (0 cash, balance monthly payments Walter ureen. me a. inn. lit; uu r4 14-ROOM hotel in 8outh Omaha and two good Welling housed; price. $.M; good Interest on this amount from rents; will trade for acreage, er modern house I Omaha, vali4 at li,tte are ml a. Psxton EVERY MAN IN OMAHA SHOULD OWN A HOME. BY WATCHING THE REAL ESTATE ADS. YOU CAN FIND ONE AT A BARGAIN. FOR SALE RKAL BSTATB. D. V. SHOLES TELEPHONE 49, N. Y. LIFE BLDG. IMPROVED 45oFour rooma 70x122 feet, eaat front, on tth between Boyd and Bprague. 7004204 N. 87th.' 76x122 feet, three rooms, two berne, horse and phaeton, aprlng wagon, 2 thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens, and garden, with lease on 2Vt acrea. 400 4 rooma, 480 Parker, lot 60130, corner. 650 Sf-n niondo. I rooma. lot nOxiJO, high and sightly. I $1,0001715 N. S5th, $ rooma good repair, W feet front. 1 two 191$ Caatellar, ( rooms, lot 60x128. fine treee. $1,600261$ Heeee at., large two-atory, ,t ro ems, sewer, wtter, fas, being put In good repair. BNAP. I it Hon 7K1.1 Rrant lnrr Iwn-atorv. It rooma. $3.0i 3705 N. lth, large rooms, sewer, water, bath, electric lights, large lot, fine repair. BMAf. $2. Son 2S29 Seward, 7 rooms, sewer, water, gas. lot 60x127. $S.2ft0 7ijS B. 81at, I rooms, modem except I urnao. lot 14x181 18,000 130 B. 27th, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, 50x127. CHOICE. js ono154$ 8. 87th, $0x150, 7 rooma, modern, fine treee. IS, 000 1838 Georgia ave., I rooms, all modern, fine repair. CHOICE. $4,200158 Georgln ave.. 8 rooms, all modern, fine corner lot, KxlOO feet, beautiful location, want to sen quick. neaonanie oner ronwaerwu. $3,1008 rooms, well built house, all modern, cloae to 46th and Farnam, a splendid bargain. $3.600 4914 Chicago (Dundee), large 8-room brick, 100x124. BARGAIN. The John Francis place on 87th south of Leavenworth, large ground, fine 8-room house, with bam, two bath rooma, atnotly modern, excellent repair. rropost tlons wanted. Price reasonable. 800117x800 feet, 44th and Dewey the best bargain In West Farnam district. Will furnish part money to build. 88080x90 feet on Plerca between 2th an d 87th. eouth front, with sewer, water and gas. BIG BARGAIN. Or will build to suit. I 1 450 6-t140. near Manderson, facing Bottl evard and 18th at., double front. I 250 Choice lot. 80x128 feet, eouth front on Castellar, one block west of Georgia, ave., $50 cash, balance time. f 17575x130 feet, near Kavan and Arthur only tnree mocks rrom ena oi ism street car line. 250 N. W. corner 88d and Miami, 50xl2S. $80 down, balance time. Win 75x132 feet, east front on 14th near 8 orague. All specials paid. $1,27680x124 feet on 14th near Manderaon. INVESTMENT Four 8-room pressed brick houses, rentln g WE HAVE HOUSES ANI LOTS AND VACANT LOTH IN ALL PARTS OP THK CITY. IF NOTHING IN THIS LIST PLETB LIST. Payne Investment Company's Bargains 153 On 8. 12th St., near Do sea, I new modern, 6-room houses $6,0oQ. It will pay you to Investigate this property It you are looking tor something nice In the south nart of town. (412 In Kountse Place, a fine home, I large rooma, gaa, city water, eewer, wired for electrlo lights, good furnace $.1,500. If you want to buy In that direction you surely want to see this place. 1454 ijn Jackson near the new Boulevard, a 7-room house, all modern and mceiy arranged, wltn cellar under the en- tlr hnnn. 12 &00. 1734 On Bristol t., rrBT jsth, a 7-room, 2- etory house, modern except furnace t2.Ofi0. 6435 In Clifton Hill, one block from Ben son car line, a 6-room nouse, moaern except furnace; large lot, several shade trees 41.660; easy terms. 153 At 3810 Decatur St., a 7-room house, modern except furnace, lot 50x140, south front 41.600; easy terms. 201 On 27th near Shirley at.. 4-room houae, lot 76x140, nice shade trees 41,400; eaay term. 2818 and 2820 Grant t, full lot, rent for $14 per month; price 11 SAO; eaav terms. 6394 On 26th north of St. Mary's Ave., a well-built, 7-room nouse, tun lot, on paved street, which the owner Is anxious to sell. We want an offer. PAYttK INVESTMENT CO.. Main floor New York Life Bldg. Phone 178L F. D. WEAD 2604 Spencer, new modern cottage, one year Ola; owner must sen. ewa.w cua, uim monthly. $1,600.00. . 2812 Miami, 6-r. house, just put In first-class repair and painted. $1,100.00. 2578 Spaulding St., 4-r. bouse, good repair. $1,600.00. lth, near Manderson, 5-r. cottage. $1,109. N. E. corner ua ana case, i i-room cot tages, with paving on DOtn sireei paio. 14 ntfi 00 takes both. me, California. 10-r. modern house. $3,000.00. 6-r. cottage, 6312 N. 26th, on new car Una to Florence; easi irom iuu ioi, easy icrui. utKn no $16 B. 18th at.. Just south of Leavenworth, 12-r. house and Darn; mui sen cneap. ORA PA S. E. corner ldth and Fort St., house of 4 rooms, wun to ioie, on paveo eireex, iuur nM 11 ano on 1922 8. 35th ave., 8-r. houae and barn; nice repair; one-half cman. Daiance on lime. $2,000.00. F. D. WEAD 1S24 DOUGLAS. RE 484 24 R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground floor, Bee Bldg. We have A nice -room cottage, with email barn, on a full lot 4500. 4-room cottage, city water, close to ear line $460. t , 7-room, modern cottage at 85th and De catur, within two blocks of good car line, one block from achool, which must be closed out at once. We are ordered to .nt ti mrf) If aold at ones. 4-room houae, modern except furnace, hard wood nnisn aowneiairs, iwo iuu ma with 40 gooseberry bushes. 84 cur rent bushes, 14 cherry trees, besides apple, pear and plums gnd other orna mental shrubs, for 43.400. We can Accept $1,400 cash and balance In I years. Thla I well located In Dundee and must be 10-room. modern, hard-wood finished house, m oak. maple and cherry floors, fine stucod UIL LI AMSON SHABLE?. ceilings, nwly papered; in firt-claaa con W lL.llAm3Wn Karnara etrett dltlon and cement basement under whole Rg4W house: good bam and nice lawni near ' . "J 1 I - - st and Burt. This hou.e Is fire-proof HOUSES and lots Id all pfts of city talse and cost over $4,000 to build. Owner has aere property and farm lands. The O. F. been holding at 44.000, but wants offer at Davla Ce., Room 608 Bee Bldg. RE 1.4 CalTat our office or 'phone 898 for full par- FARM BAROAINS-160 northwert Missouri tlculars about the above properties . farms, ranging from 40 to 400 acre; price, RE 401 24 $40 to $60 per aere. Call or write for par- i tlcular. J. W. Everman, the Land Man, CARS ARE RUNNING. Gallatlh, Missouri. RE M7 Aug 14 Onlv tM upward for lots on new car line , - which commenced running yesterday. MONET to loan on city property with Thev are near Fort Omaha, adjoining and privilege of making partial payments on overlooking Miller Park. Only 45 down any Interest date. W. H. Thomas, i Irst and only i6 per month. Bemi. Paxton Nat Bk. Bldg. RL 409 24 Block RE 428 24 10-ROOM modern house. 11 block frem poitofhee, for tale cheap. Iuu N, UOi 8-ROOM. ALL MODERN. benewa A Co, RE 172 4-room house, with furnace, porcelain $4.600 10-room house, I gcres fruit, near bath, tras, sewerage, oak finish down jjooroom'eottage. 27th Ave. and Grant; stairs, full em front lot Oh ulevard; """WVaIoN; 444 Be Building, no special tanes; owner compelled t " RB-MS84 make a chahge and off erg the property - - . 1 ; V . l. imw,, w.a.. .Arista RANCH! nd farm lands for sate I the for quick aale at !.8O0; most edmpltt t'nlon Paclfle Railroad company. B. A. Small lioma oh our list; act quickly II In- McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa- . . clfio Ileadauarters, Omaha, Neb. a terested. RE 171 HARRISON t MORTON, ' -- (12.ll K. V. Ufa. tel. Hi NEW I ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN RE M283. Sightly location, south front, on block - i from car, tol 40x183, with alley lit rear, $750 BUTS small cottag, cm I9ulet'ard gve- , fc , , room, a houM b(lWel nue, half block South Omaha car line; . . " ... . ! house newly palnied ahd paperedl ver Uth and good celUtr; big bargain at $1,760. easy terms. Walter Breen. fM"?B HARRISON & MORTON. . 1 111-14 N. T. Life B:d. Tel. 814. FOR SALE A church property at 27ttt and RB 440 Bprague, slso a church property at 26th and M.rcy. mc, at $14 fcRhM7TOI9, A FARM IN DAKOTA ! ' 11 On eiay payments; small payment down; FOR SALE 40 acrea land. 1H miles from interest and lasee paid to date. Write te Beaver City. Neb., $10 per acre. For par- a. Feidhuaen. N. 47 ave.. Omaha, tlcular and term writ O, L. Miller, RK 451 24 Ravenna. Neb RE-S60-24a , , MONEY to loan c. residence property." W. A DAKOTA. SNAP H. Thomas. First Kat. Bk. ,crw ,torU B Rrown county, : near Aberdeen, at 111 60 per acre; will pay 1 GET CASH OUICK for your real estate '''" r.hiTi" wk!-;Hfr.e?-,"r?JKb"r' or bulne... If yoj wUh to sell, send A. Feldhuiien, 102 N. 4ith ave. Omaha description and brira. Booklet free. N ronmlaslon. Emersori DePuy Spertaliat, ti ' Pes MolneS, fa RR-N902 Jane . 1 tTAHMERINCi AND gTlTTICBl0, MNET to loan on city property. W. H. . Tbuwaa. Flrat hat Bk. Bldg CURIO. Julia, Vaughn. t Rami Bldg. RJ6 M M POR ALE REAL ESTATE. COMPANY. lot 6ftxl2S. ats., lies fine, $75 cash, balance monthly. permanent walk and specials paid. for $1,440 per year rice, $11,400. THIS IS A BARGAIN, THAT STRIKES TOU ASK FOR COM. KB 4) 24 JOHN W. ROBBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. TELEPHONE $29, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ' HOUSES. $6,000-9-room modern and barn, east front on G;orgla Ave, near Poppleton, SPLENDID HOME AND CHEAP. 5,500-9- room modern, tine east front lot J5xlJ5, street paved and paid for, in best of west Farnam District. $4,750-10-room modern and barn, full east front corner, both streets paved, one block from Hanscom park VERY CHEAP. 13,100-9-room modern and barn, close in. 13, J00-J-room cottage on lot 108x115 feet, on paved street, witnin 2 blocks of High school, a bargain. $2,350-7-room modern, except heat, east front on paved street, A NICE CHEAP HOME. 12,100-ft-room nearly modern, Hanscom park district, east front, fine shade, MUST BE SOLD. $l,800-5-room cottage and full lot on 16th street, south of viaduct. BIG BARGAIN FOR THE MONEY. 4,000-3-stores and J cottages, 13th and Williams; annual rental $516. Must be sold to close an Estate. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS $3,000-104x150, corner 28th and Pacific. $1,500-100x138, Lafayette Ave., near 36th. $l,050-37txl40, 29th So. of Farnam. $900-621x150, Webster and 38. $300-50x128, choice south front, Dundee. 1 HAVE OTHER BARGAINS IN BOTH VACANT AND IMPROVED PROPERTY, IN EVERY PART OF THE CITY. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE ME, RB-431-24 MONET to loan on city property tn Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. W. H. Thomas. First Nat Bk. Bid. RE-4j 24 NEW and stylish cottage, just completed, recep tion hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen on 1st floor, 3 bedrooms, and bath on 2nd floor. All nickle plumbing including porcelaine bath, marble lavatory, closet, enamel sink, hot and cold water, gas. Well built, fine location, north, close to school and car lines, lot 42x132. Price Is only $2,000. Be sure to see this at once. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. Life. Tel. 1472. RE 411-14 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. House and lot on South 20th street, paving tax all paid. Only 41,000, Thla ia a great Fulirotnnd three houses on North 1st street. Price. $2,260. Rent, $27 a month. Full lot and $ houses on South 26th avenue, newly fainted and papered, rented $1KN) a year. Price. $8,000. $4,000 will buy one of the beat residences in rimh.i laxa-a houae and barn, south front, street paved. This Is worth Inveetl- a Mnf fllOUAt BRENNAN, 804 SOUTH WTH. RE 407 24 FOR SALIC REAL ESTATE. Buy Gocd Cheap Lands That will advance In value Instead of high prl ced lands that will go down. We have just what you want In Western Canada. The finest agricultural lands at from $6 to $10 an acre. EXCURSION JUNE 2 AND JUNE 14 Go with us and be convinced. Write for June bargain sheet. Hastings & Heyden, 510 N. Y. L. Bldg. RB-430-34 FARMS FOR SALE. 8ARPT COUNTT FARM FOR SALE. $10,000 for 2M acres about 6 miles south of Paptlllon, about 160 aorea under culti vation, balance pasture and hay land; fair Improvements; rent for 1!"JS goes to purchaser 44.000 cash, $4,000 long time at 6 per cent. GEORGE A CO., lfioi Farnam St., Omaha, or 417 N. 25th at., South Omaha. M450 (1 FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES, partly timber, at Florence. 4 aorta of block 102. 2 acrea In Washington Hill, near Dundee. 17 acrs, with nouse, west of Fort Omaha Apply F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglaa St. 222 22 FARM FOR RENT. 17 acres, with 4-r. house and barn; weat old Fort Omaha. F. O. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. -290 24 FOR RKIHTHOUSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., omce iouh arnm, or xia. uou-ftii. 1 U7 HUUOC.O c. Peters Co.. Bee Bldg. D 118 FOR RENT. 4-room house, all modern cept furnace. 704 N. 40th St., $20.00. C. M. tsaenrnan. raxion am. u 4a FOR RENT, near High school. 2541 C&Dltol Ave.. 10-room modern, lift Tel. 674. B. H. Roblson, 264s Capitol Ave. D-29S HOUSES $5 upward. Bemla. Paxton Blk. D 11 CENTRAL, modern, 6-room flat, 220 N. 23d street. u MZ6Z 860 SOUTH 23d. 4-room flat; $10. 611 So. 23d, 8-room flat, bath; $9. Win. K. Potter, receiver, 808 Brown Blk. DM MS FOR RENT Seven minutes walk from postofflce. 6-room atrlctly modern house. furniture of which is for sale: cheap for caan io leimin. Auureas ii ay, tfee. D-MiM24 HOI ISFS,nUr?arJ" 5.' city. The O. nUUOCJ r. r3avi, c., t0 Bee Bldg. miuni-rooin orica: an moaern conven iences. Keys 2601 Capitol ave., adjoining. P MI(i aix FOR RENT, modern 8-room house, $46 per month. 220 North 17th street. Inquire of xx. . vvinusur, iou uoage street. D 189 4-ROOM houae, 2314 Boulevard ave., newly paparca ana paimea, 90.W, l-room, 2018 South 2d, $5. WALTER BREEN, 409 South Wth St. D-M260 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. J i STRICTLY first-class modern 4-room house; nice location; shade. $18. 2812 Beware iiey next door. D M267 24x FOR RENT. May 1. 8-roora brick, modern. inquire s:o N. 23d St. D MS88 WE MOVE planoa. Maggard Van at Stor age wo. Tel. IV. umce, 1711 Webster St D M121 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO.-Cholee houses. 601-601 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1014. EIGHT-ROOM cottage, 711 So. 19th St. D MT7 MY RESIDENCE, 10 rooms, and good bara, 614 D. ZOtn St. U M140 Z3X FOR RENT, eight room detached houee ana Darn: large lawn ana strictly moaern. Apply 2904 Dodga St Can be seen today. D 162 MODERN l-room house; ten minutes from downtown; l.s. uannett, oil Brown mock D M210 24 ONE of those fine, all modern, 7-room brick nouses, win ana iiara bis., ioj.uu. u. rj luraingion, coo tjee. u mm COTTAGE, 4 rooma. 2501 Franklin. D-M2S4 24 X FOR RENT Large modern resldenoe. No. 1046 Georgia ave.: newlv nalnted and ca pered; all In good repair; 64 feet east iron i 101 ana plenty oi snaae. John W. Robbing. 1802 Farnam St. D-M175 1 8-ROOM modern house, 2118 Chicago et L. L. Johnson Co., 814 So. 14th st. l mot i 26x B-ROOM flat. 1141 N. 17th st $1$. D-494 28x FOR RENT. $36 K month, 7-room Com pletely modern house, nickel plated open plumbing, houae newly painted, papered and varnished throughout; good base ment wun eiate launary tup, dckuuiui . . . , i.r. a A ... u .1,1. & . Hanscom park car lines. Th Byron Reed co., in B. i4tn st. v mux 281$ WOOLWORTH AVE., 4 rooms, mod- Srn, $2S; 1619 Howard. 7-room modern flit, 1. . T3,mm.a1. UAfcUAA Bib f.o . uijieia. n OIL CIUI., PHI." X I IV D 40124 2958 DEWEY AVE., Sroom house, ga. elec trie lights, bath, closet, beautiful lawn excellent location, easy walking distance, nnlv 635 2920 Grant ot., 6-room cottage, good repair, well, city water, close to car line, t 266 Sahler St.. 6-room cottage, good repair, well Duiu, oarn, gooa wen, i. 21' Elm St., 6-room cottage, good repair, well. 17. 281 Dewey Ave., 8-room brick flat, bith. closet, wasn howl, nrst noor, lio. PATNE INVKSTSIK.NT t'pMPANY, aln Floor New York Life Hulldlng. Mai 'Phone T81. D 104 24 ELEGANT 8-room house, modern Improve ments, a per montn. water rent iree. 2217 Casa St. Inquire Jon. Goldsmith, room 18, united mates BanK uulldtni D M402 26x FOR RENT, 12-room brlek residence, 131 South 26th street, In good repair, bath, gas, stenm heat. Apply to E. Garrett, 144 N. Ua Bt. D 39 FOR RENT, 2565 St. Mary's Ave., good modern nouse or rooma, warning dli GARVIN BhOS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D-28S 24 10-ROOM, modern, 566 B. 21 h St., 432.50. D 418 24 PAYNE. BOSTWICK at CO.. 4012 Nicholas St.. aood 7-r., modern house, in firat-clasa renair: nnlv 276U Grant, 6-r., city water, barn; only $16. X1 Sahler. 4-r.. city walar: onlv $7. We have others. Bee our list before you move. Payne, Bostwlck Co., 401-$ N. T. Life. U Btt 24 FOR RENT. 4-room houae. 2839 Farnam St.; modern except furnace. In complete repair. newly papered and painted throughout, inquire at dot iv . ur nmg i u 454 10-ROOM house central location, all mod era i enquire of T. J. Beard 4t Brn.. 1410 IMuglaa St. avmeu-N FOR. RtHT-lfOliEs. TWO $-rom modern cottsgea. $18 $0 and $30; on block from car line, near Hanscom park. CHAS E. WILLIAMSON, 1!08 Farnam St. D-291 24 FOR RENT, modem dwelling spartment. ana a euii of two nice omce room, oom In th Davldga building, opposite city hall. JOHN W. BOBBINS, L2 FARNAM ST. D M37 2 MODERN, -rnom flat near 25th and Far nam I good condition I. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON. IMS Farnam St. D 470 24 BISINSCSfl CHARLES. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 'Phone AJ3S7. 812 214 Prown Block. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF RrslNF.89 CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. $400.00 buys one-half ' Interest In business manufacturing staple ariicie. i-ronts very large. This will Interest you. To Physicians: $1.50000 will buy a clean and navlnc specialty business, estahllsnctl ten years. . lea red $3.500 00 last year. Owner compelled to sell on account of falling eye sight. Will bear closest investigation. Electric light plant and flouring mill In Ne- brasHa county seat town. Mill ou narreis capacity; latest Improved machinery. Electric light plant equipped with latest machlnerv. Ten-year franchise. Both Faying big. Ill-health only reason for acti ng. Price, $12,600.00 for both. Tim on part If desired. 80-barrel mill and grain elevator combined. Brand new 1 montha ago. Fine com munity, large business. Do both merchant and custom business. Latest Improved machinery. Price. $10,500. One of Omaha's best up-to-date boarding and Ilverv barns. Over 40 hoarders ana business will clear $600.00 per month. We can ault you In furnished flats and nouses, as our list is large ana vaneu. Furniture and lease of 80-room hotel In county seat town, owner naa ciearen above all expenaea $160 per month for the last year. Reason for selling, wishes to get Into Isrge hotel In city. Price, 81,700. WE HAVE SOME SPLENDID HOTELS BESIDES THIS ONE. SEE US BEFORlii BUYING. $900.00 buys a tip-top grocery located In best f art or city, uauy aaiee irom iw iv 40.00. . $7,600.00 buy a business manufacturing building material. Contractors or Inves tors snouia see us bdoui mis. $3,000.00 for brickyard near Omaha. Product very nne; commands nignesx price, capa city 16,000 per day. Tim if desired at I per cent. $1,100.00 buy a a $1,800.00 drug stock In eastern Nebraska town. I nis includes in oniy soda fountain In town. Only one other drug store. Doctors do not nil their own prescription. CREAMERIES Three creameries In Iowa stations tributary to each. Creamery men call for full particulars Tuesday or later. Our list I large and Includes every line all Srloes. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO ELL OR TRADE, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT IB WORTH, OR WHERE LOCATED. LIST WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOB LB TO HAMULI. , THE ABBOTT COWAN CO. Y-23 24 A BARGAIN YIR8T class flour mill In northeast Ne braeka, Address E 46, Bee. Y-M362-24 WHEN you want to buy, sent or exchange any property or Business quicx, see j. it. Jonneon; 441 N. 1, Life. Y-169 TO LEASE OR FOR SALE, good business lot, 114x196, on 11th, south of cement worss. ttox u so. . x um six MINING in Wyoming. For reliable Infor mation regarding mine and other indus tries address I. A. Carpenter, 264 3rd street, jaramie, yo. i-im-.tu FOR SALE A good retail coal business, in good location, in best town In east ern Nebraska; plenty of room to put la lumber yard. Address ta is, iee. T M171 26 GOOD new stock of general merchandise In good eastern Nebraska town for sale: big bargain. Address E 21, Bee. Y-M196 24x FOR SALE, a good furniture, hardware and undertaking business, store building and residence aiso. Address Box 168, Ply mouth. Nsh. M19S FOR Rent A restturant doing good business. One block Irom the new union depot, in Fremont, Neb. Wm. Arnold. Y-MJlt -6 NEWSPAPER Experienced man would buy small newspaper; win pay izw casn, balance to be on easy terms. Elmore, 2102 N. 27th avenue Omaha. Y 178 24x FOR SALE or Exchange, a good paying bottling works; city, e.uuu; gooa territory Address B 24, Bee. Y 217 24 RENTAL, Abstract or Inaurance Wanted, to purchase Interest In established busi ness in southeastern Nebraska or south' western Iowa. E 27. Bee. Y 22S 24 HOSPITAL and practice for sal in Iowa town; $46. Address K w. Bee. Y M234 24x FOR BALE Growing dental practice with or without outfit. Tn good town. Central Nebraska; uctoDer nrst, Aanrrss a t Bee office, Omaha. Y-M283 24x FINE offlc business, only $900. Investla-ste. Address E 44, Bee. Y-M247 GOVERNMENT positions. More than 13,000 appointments last .year. Chance better for J908. Latest book, with full particular and ten week's course In all departments, eve. iniana. r.xcnnnge i o, Topeka,' Kan. Y-447-24x 120 Earns $1000 In One Month. This represent average profits for past Six months. in tnree ween recently $1,476 was earned on a $M Investment. A Straight-forward, honorable business prop pal tlon, coming from a corporation with linn 000 nsnltal National bank references. Write for particular. Staf ft Crecent Co., uept. A, ifi-vi Bane oi., cnioago. i wiu SEND for handsome booklet showing how you tin make $1,000 on every $100 you In vest. No gambling on stocks or specula tion, but a straightforward business proposition In bne of the most profitable Industrie in ine worra. unuiieiimi Sugar Refining Co., St. Louis, Mo. linn WIf.I. WARN 82 600 COMING WEEK "The Old Reliable's" continuance of phenomlnally successful TURK opera tions, Justly conceded the largest, Insured by straightforward conservative Invest ment methods, indorsed Dy mousanns. Fortunes won dally. Extraordinary facil ities for procuring trustworthy Informa lion affords customers ineomparaDie pos slbllltles for enormous dividends. Furth ermnre. Investments absolutely safe. In asmuch a you can Play advice at home. here anywhere. Besides handle money yourself. Hook, particulars, telegraph code rtT&. rruaenuat nurrau, sors' Bldg., Chicago. Y-464 24 x FRTTlTi confectionery and talonety store, with soda fountain, for aale In live gold mining town of 8 000 population; clears $10 per month. Will sell at invoice about tz.&uu; must nave an casn. v. t. nmt. Lead, . U. i aas mjn FdR EXCttANOE, a country toek of gen ml merchandlae. bnuaht less than flf teen months, consisting of medium-priced dress good, callcoe, print, percale, hsilnv ahlrtlnv musl ns. outing flannel lawns and all kinds of notions. Ladle', men's and children's furnishing good, etc.: nq fixture or millinery. Lines all welt filled and in first-class condition. Stock Invoiced at about $10,800, all solid goods) open ana, suojeci to inspection; never was traded before; a majority of nb in kiimmee nori. Owner In debt: will give k good trade for a small amount cash and some property; will assume some. This Is a rare opportunity. Ad dress 598-9 Hall Uldg., Kansas Y 439 24 a rvmPORATIONS ORGANIZED T'nrie United State laws for District ef Columbia. Cheaper, safer, broader pow- ere. No annual taxes, aanrmi j. ti Kug!ef, 41 Wall street. New York. T- DO YOU wsnt to file In your own name and rlgnl en 1W acres oi vow v., Tampa voai r irius ui nun ..,,,,, Colorado? The rotnlng Eldorado! Our ' . . I , . V . ,.J -v,- engineers cfininntiT jn m. u,. v o. E. Barrlck, 224 Mack Block. Denver, Colo. tU SIJBSS CH 4NCE9. RESTAURANT for sale, only one In town t( ?U) Inhabitants: have a good tradei beet reason for selling: save stamp If you haven t $.fc0 to invest. Address rO 5o. Bee. 1 4a 24x BUY July wheat and corn "now." 81 on 00 Invested In grain or stocks by our 'Mod ern Method Plan" should result In largo profits within thirty ilaa; wrlle for par ticulars and -scud for our free honklet," "Modern Methods for 8ale Investments." Flower A Co.. Pnnkere and Brokers, Traders' Bldg., opp. Hoard of Trade,. Chicago. Y 434 ;'4x , WANTED I own 7.000 acres of good cattlo pasturage tn Missouri, fenced, will rent or Join party In establishing cattlo ranch. Address U 2. Bee. Y 319 :'4x 11,600.000 FOR meritorious railroad, mining., electric snd Industrial enterprises, f. Au gustus He ton A Co., Hankers, 79 Wall St., New York. Y l!4x AN excellent opening In central Nebraska for a man with some capital and experi ence In general int-rchnmilse business.' No such sto-e there at present. Address E 8a, Hee omce. Y Ais 24 AN Income of 23 week can be earned In whole or snare time by anv mrsun able to writ and willing to work; proof sent free anywhere. Andreas envelope, Em pire, lad Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Y-O 24x A TRIED AND PROVEN GREAT MONEY-MAKING ENTERPRISE. For thirty year C. E. Hand hna promptly lumiieo an contracts to ni co-operaiora and investors. The C, E. Hand Company, co-operative owners of race horse anJ general turf enterprises, receive invest ments of $20 and upward, for which they have never paid less than 8 per cent per week on every dollar Invested. Dividends are remitted to all Investor on VYednea day of each week. All Investment aub Ject to withdrawal with Interest to date upon demand. Those having little Idle money would do well to become thor oughly acquainted with all details nf the business. Financial and professional references, covering a period of thirty years. Write for particulars. THE C. E. HAND v.HMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Y WO 24x BUY wheat and corn now; $100 marglna 6,000 bu. 2c; send tor Booklet "How to in vest But cessf ullv" and market letter, sent free. Kveringham & Comstock 32 Com merce Bldg., Chicago. Y 174 24x WANTED, a reputable firm (manufacturers agent preferred) to sell as a, aide line, on. a commission bssis, our "J. H- Disinfect ant Cakes," (patented), for urinal biisinn; cukes sell on sight. Vt rite Jenkins Bros., U&-t Pulaski bt.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Y-M3S4 26x "THIS Beats New Jersey." Charters pro cured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars; write for corporation laws, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law-, rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle Co., S. D. Y 394 24x EVERYBODY who Is Interested in horse racing should know of our mathematical system, which doubles capital weekly. Recommended by leading turf authorities;, full particulars free; gambling element eliminated; no get-rlch-qulck Ideas or fraudulent pretenses; splendid chance to get back your losses; you can play sys tem yourself, or we will on commission . basis. Absolute security. Addroas, Never Fall System Co., 160 Washington St.,' Chicago. Y m 24x MANAGER One of the largest cereal food. manufactories In the United States, with a capacity, of "0,000,000 packnges per an num, located at Battle Creek, Mich., good credit and highest bank references, finds It necessary, om-lng to the Increasing de-, mand for Its products, to open a branch office In Omaha, and we want a capttble man who can come well recommended to fill the position of local manager; salary, $1,600 per year nnd percentage ,of gross sales; our manager should make at least $2,600 per year In this territory; must In vest $1,600 In accordance with our co operative plan of doing business. Address -Pure Food, 146 Dearborn St., Chicago. III.- Y-iS Six VI8IT World's fair, paying 78 cents week; . ciuu urgHniivr wsntea; terms ana rerer--" ence. World's Fair Hotel Co.. 416 Bur--' ilngton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y 389 24x WHOLESALE and retail liquor store, ei' tabllshed In 1877. In central Nebraska, will Invoice stock, doing a good business Owner wishes to retire. A splendid op portunity. Wm. Madgett, Real Estate. Hastings, Neb. y FOR SALE Clean atock of groceries, queenaware and men'a furnishing in a live Nebraska town; nice business; rea son for selling poor health. Address D 22, Bee office. y 100 LOTS FREE Send stamp for deed 25x 100 feet. Suburb N. Y. Title guaranteed. 20th Century Realty Co., 6 Wall St.. N. Y, Y PATENTS . GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FREM opinion as to patentability. Send for il lustrated GUIDE BOOK and list of In vention wanted, finest publications IssutiP for free distribution. Contain valuable information regarding patents, trade marks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents secured by us advertised free lnJ the PATENT RECORD, SAMPLlfl COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS, WILKIN'S A CO.. Registered Attorneys, 503 V St., Washing ton. D. C. Y A $3,500.00 PLANING MILL complete, best In South Omaha, for $2,000; big bargain. J. O. Detweller, 606 Paxton blk. Y-M449 24x BUY Pick up these atock Alder Creek, Gold Cord, Mount Shasta, Gladiator. at present low prices. uet my price on any ius. you want, i Star Petroleum. can give you aood Hidden Fortune, advise and save you N. Am, Mining. money. ' WILLIS TODD, 625 N. V. Life Bid. Y-402 $4 PLEASED to meet you lldn't quit catch your name. That' Just what we want your name and address. Keep time with' us you'll have to hurry. McKelvev-WlU. cox Co., Indianapolis, lnd. Y 294 24a, 460-ACRE stock ranch, all fenced; stabling 160 cattle, 60 acres In rye; best opening In this, cream of stock countries, $3,000; short time only. Box 73, C'hadron. Nebv Y-M454 80 HORTHAKD AWP TV PKWR1TISO. MOSHER S.H., Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Ora. Com. Col., 17 & Doug." zutt A. C. VAN BANT 8 achooL 717 ti. T. Life. 2u NEB. Bualneas & Shorthand College, Bord Theater. 210 - STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511H Farn. Tela. 1U4-8C2. ' -212 EXPRESBMAN'S Dt;L Co. Tela. 1186-1145. , -414 ' TOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stovei cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Work. Tel. 940. -M214 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. II. Pbtlbln, 16t Farnam. 'Phone 764 -214 TRANCE MKDIIM. BEND 25c and stamp, with data ot birth, and get trance reading of your past, pres ent and future, t tell full names, dates, full name of future husband or wife, with age and date of marriage; give advice on love, business, marriage, speculation, di vorce, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love is true or false guarantee satisfaction. Address Mine. Le Vre, Lock Box 916, Kansas City, Mo. S36 24x THINKS AND BiliOtOE. THE DEPOT ea time. L U. B. Tel. 7M. -414