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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1903)
THE' OttAtTA "DAILY KflEt BUKDAV, MAY g, 1003. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES trill be tafcea til 19 tu. far tk ftralnc eitlttea and 111 aa. for TnoralDK sad Bandar edition. Rates, 1 l-2o word Srst lasertloa. la a word thereafter. Nothing take far lees lliaa Sfte far tha first lsi tlaa. There lTrtlifati Blast b ran eoaser ntlvely. Advertisers, by reajaaalla a here eheck, emu km aaawara ad dressee! to a marred letter la eara af The nee. Answers ao addresaed will be delivered aa presentation at tka heck only. WANTED SITUATION. WANTKD nnaltlnn m Mleimin. book keeper or any kind of office work. Ad ores m u, nee umce. WANTED POS1TION-A young married man, good education, speaking several languages, wanta food permanent posi tion. October 1st. Address E St, Mas office, Omaha. A M281 l4x PHARMACIST, registered, wants position. Address E 67, He. abi-uq AN EXPERIENCED lady stenographer and bookkeeper desirous of position; ran rurnisn gnnn reierenuc. nu"n" Council Bluffs. A-4K9 24x WANTED MALE HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. t u.Bn graue sviiool ot uu.c, siioiiuaiu, tuucn typewriting ana Av,ngun uraucnes. Cft'.U write or 'pnone lor prospectus. H. H. tHJXL&d, presiuent, ti. Y. LilJ Biug., Urnniut, Neb. B 106 FIRST-CLASS messengers wanted; good salary. A. Ai. X. CO., au bo. "J wiNTin. foe TT. 8. armv. able-bodied un married men between ages of ill and to; citlxena of Umteu, ot goou cnar- ai'iiir and tniDerat habits, wno can soeak. read auu write Engiisn. t or lnior- luauon apply 10 Kecruiung Glncer, loin ana Doage sis., Omaha, uuu Montgomery uuiiuing, A,incoin, ANeD. MAN AND WIFE for cooMng and dining room work, sai a montn, room aim usuu, goou place, steady worn. baX CutnDerutoo, uruuviiit noisi, Aiumpnrey, nso. xi in-ur ua TWENTY-F1VK school teachers for sum mer work at goou salaries, bee Manager, euu Ware out. n ai WANTED Boy with wheel. Good wages. bfierumu c Mcwunueu iJrug Co., vur, inh and Dodge. B M244 WANTED, boy between 17 and 20 to take care, of doctor's oiiice and team.. Ad- oress Hi 44. Bee. B itx. I'HESSMAN WANTED Young man to take cnarge of room. Must oe strictly souer, steuay ana capable. Address hi 4a, WANTED MEN EVERY WHERE Good pay; to dlsirluute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing.' National AUV. curwu, Wlinted. a band of fourteen to travel wlth fli st-ciasg show. Addreas a 48, Bee ottlce. nDiLrauiTM w,ntii nuloki permanent for aavaacement. UuS Monadnock block, Chicago. B Su6-24x ... - . , M.m.-nnt mvm I YOUNG MAN, $16 weeWy: r"' tistic employment at he;h".expece,0i! narisii! material furnished, .enctoeei needed; material """"""j,,.' rf stamped addressed envelope, NcJ?Jr?-' nil west Ma ew - . ..mi.r. l..i.U, anrf Mmnlll dlStrlbU" ..r. .ve'rvwhere. No canvassing. Good pay. Co-operatlvo AdY. Co., NY STRONG, steady, young man. East Omaha MANAGER wanted livery I-grg .."cl.1 'rney" "'..lot ahlne. sTrlotly lawful everywhere; rented or eold on easy pay- nlneham Furniture Co., department Ha, Chicago, HL B 472 24 ANY Intelligent person may earn good In some corresponding for newspapers: ex- I nerlence unnecessary. Bena tor parucu lars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. x. him with references for commercial trav- .1., a fa An merchants and agents; experience not required; salary, M per weeK, Witn expenaea luvmrau. 330 AJearborn oi., tnicagu. WANTED Live, ambitious man to distrib ute umnin and collect: salary, $18; ex penses advanced; old house, good route; Av,unnA fnr arivuncement: enclose ad dressed envelope. Advertising Dept., Star uimJ r.hi B 321 24x DETECTIVES Every locality good salary; experience unnecessary. inierauoni tsctlve Agency, Miiwauaee, vr i. B 316 4X SALESMAN wanted to call on doctors only Ct Sent staVe experience; Addresa P.0. box t - p I DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted In every locality fer profitable eecret unilu! exnertenca unnecessary. Write American Deteotlve Association, . Indian- spoils, lnd. B-878 24x WE WILL pay any man $85 per month and all traveling expenses, such aa horse hire, H. K. fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders lor the greatest portrait house in the world; your salary will be guaranteed and paid to you weekly if preferred. Address V n. Rurrv. Dent 17s. Chlcaao. 111. B-877 14X ; FINANCIAL corporation offers excellent opportunity to a man ot character and ability who can sell bonds and high-grade securities. ' Address National Securities and Finance Co., luS4 National Life Build- In. Chicago. B 876 Ux EDUCATED, honest and agreeable gentle man wuiu situation wltu family or sin- sis naraon aolna to Europe: havs traveled over the whole world and speak different languages. Ad drees 4s, alee.- B 378 14 X ENERGETIC man as traveling superin tendent to manuge our business in your - own and nearby counties; salary, $u0 yearly and expenses; honesty and so briety mure eaacuiiui man experience. National Silverware Co., Chestnut St., Philadelphia. B 387 Z4x GOVERNMENT positions; 14,983 appoint ments lust year; excellent opportunities for young people; our civil service cat a logue gives full information free. Colum- blan Correspondenos College, Washing- ton, D. C. AA WANTED, local branch office mgr., $60 month and com. Bend stamp. Godfrey CO., Bt WHOA, B 3HA SIX LEARN Droofresdlnc: situations 'aacurad. Hi to $. weekly. Home Correspondence school; rmiaoeipnia. o WANTED, a bright, strong boy to learn the carpet trade. Apply Monday morn- lug to superintendent, the People s Store. 11448 34x BOYS for work ta Beet Fields of Northern Michigan, rvice trip by boat, five months' slay by the lake, good wages, easv, round trip transportation iree. snip June 3d. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. 15th St. B-M443 36 BOOKKEEPER and general office man for Beet Sugar factory in Northern Michigan. A tip-top Job for the right msn. Omaha Kmployment Bureau, m xo. vin st. B-M441 26 FAMILIES for work in Sugar Beet Fields of Northern Michigan. Five months' work located on lake front, good pay for little end big, free rent and free transportation both waya. ship June S-i Omaha Em- nlovment Bureau. 131 N. l&th at. B-M441 WANTED, 60 men for company work In St. loula. Mo.; $1.76 day. board 83.&U week; Steady work guaranteed the year around; ship 6 tx m. Monday; free fare: open Sun day. O. K. Kmployment Bureau, 313H 8. 14th st. Omgha, Nvb. (upsuirs ) B M440 BX W ASHMAN Situation by Al washman In Sood laundry; steady and reliable. Ad reaa I. W. Cadwell. eare Kilte Laundry, Colorado Springs, Colo. B M444 24x WANTED A, at onoa. for boys' Industrial school at Kearney, Neb.; single man pi if erred; give references. Address avuut lad us trial Svhool, Kearney, Neb. . B-tM 84 WANTED MALE IIF.lPi WANTED, men to learn barber trade; systematized course of nrarttoe and In structions that saves years; established In 193; splendia season to begin; tooia. diplomas and positions riven, can or write. Moler Barber College, 1301 Douglas street. - B M423 i!&x WANTED - A eomnetent male nurse: steady employment to gonl man. Aoaress A, Bee office. Council Bluffs. B 467 24s SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com mission. C. F. Adams Co., lwo tiowara t iiw SALESMEN for Lambert Twpe writers, $30. Nona better, Monroe Co., u in. imn. -sis SALESMAN Wanted, reliable salesman, mwnfrv Una nmfrrftfl. to rarrv aooa wy Tnm side line: reference reaulred. Write Hew lira China wo., Avasi, uvrrpwii, y. J WE WANT a first-class msn to handle our lino or wnite ana aecoraiea Amtnun ware In Kansas and Nebraska; must b acquainted with the trade; will pay big salary to a salesman mat can sen io, no boys or cheap "kates need apply. Ad- I dress International China Co., Indian' spoils, Ind. 19ft M 2&X I2t month. You nav votir own expenses. Aaaress Manager umasii w., Kan. aw-nx SALESMEN desiring good paying side line on commission oasis appiy wim i niricjivi giving permanent address. Address E I 42, Bee. TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska to sell retail traae. Attractive saiaDie une. Established blcn ratea nouse. box ai, Detroit, Mich. --2 WANTED At ones experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska, we want a sales man: no baa-been neea apply. Aaareas Drawer 8., Chicago. -348-24x WiA?IEPf,b.1itItVl,1L "ifeo11 tnw I Nebraska to start at once. If open for engagement address box wo, Bi. Aouia, Mo. . o-. SALESMEN John Sexton Co.. Importers of teas ana con-ees ana wnoiesaie s ra cers, It to ,22 State St., Chicago, want AvnAHnnMil hnnnit. energetic, high- grade men to sell farmers and other large buyers. We are the largest grocery house K "TSTJEL K:;7 .nTl the originators, of. honest and moaern methods of conducting It. We handle the rMt rnnHi anit auArantee auallty and qulr8dyexc!usTvaerrlto glvenYn'whlch I en eetADllnnea iraoe innurps now iitwin,, i We are ... ' w nli. nrm tn I-' t farmers' headquarters In Chi- cago. wm CIGAR salesmen wanted everywhere: ex- norionn unnenessarr: ma monm ana ex penses; secure your own territory: enclose stamp for particulars. The Pioneer Cigar Co., Toledo. Ohio. 427 24 TRAVELING salesman for mill Una of blankets, outing nanneis, eio. Awiiau trade, F. C. Hollman A Co., Mfgr's., Philadelphia. aa 24X WB WANT a good traveling salesman to sell our. stock rooa ana animai remeaies; goods are handled by all classes of deal er: state experience; can carry side line; big commission; liberal Inducements to trade, Columbian BtocK j ooa v o., ou Bates St., Detroit, Mich. 333 24x wanted; two first-class spe- , u to rut their experience clalty salesmen to put their experience against $100,000 Invested In a highly profit able business proposition. Aaaress tn is, Bee. . , , iws zix t SALESMEN, TRAVELING OR LOCAL, I aikJTJ i.i Cj, ao rn.iv v c i uminio- I BION: GOODS NEW. SELL TO EVERY BUSlkEBS, CITY OR VILLAGE;.. SAM- t vTinTn . mnti?aa t . m SIDE LINE, 26 PER CENT COMMI8- PLE CASE FREE. ADDRESS L.- W. CO.. 24 B. 126TH ST., -NEW YORK. . ' s r -337 24x EXPERIENCED salesmen. To sell line of perfumery and toilet articles especially preparea ror ary gooas ana general mer chandise traae. box juai, nt. iwouis. mo. - - 320-24X SALESMEN wanted, calendars and nov iVJX X28!&fi& .t., Newark, N. J. elties; good commission and territory to I Broaa 25x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; tilgn commissions, with advance of $100 monthly: permanent posi tion to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. 317 24x SALESMEN for gummed labels and adver- Using, stickers; a good side line; liberal commissions; send references. li. Ai. Wlllson 4k Co., 827 Dearborn St., Chicago. SIS Z4x SALESMEN WANTED, wages weekly, eg. nerlence unnecessary; permanent. Man ager Western Nursery Co., Lawrence, van. SALESMEN Automatic copying book. new. neeaea by every business man; oonanxa ror agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., south Band. Ind. . . WANTED, salesmen. $60 monthly and ex- pensesi permanent. Heme Seed Co., nocnester, an. i. WANTED FEMALE HELP, CaU Canadian offic, 15th Dodg a ' L m ' W .Ull.l MVIMVWVi A. iWV Georgia Ave. c wo WANTED, girl for general housework in a family ot three; good wages to compe tent gin. uzy cnicago at c io SETTLED woman to do general house work, m BOULU .iliiUMMiUA si, CM211-J11 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1828 California street Call after 2 p. m. ' J M246 WANTED Experienced crockery sales lady. Aaureas tu u. ams. c mz WANTED AT ONCE A first-class waist draper; good wages. Mrs. Patrick, Her- polshelmer Co., A-,inooiu, net. C-M286 U SEAMSTRESS wanted one who can cut and nt; also apprentice. Mrs. M. Flllman, (10 a. 13th, second noor. u MZ76 34x WANTED, German cook. 1606 Webster st c an rex M PER 1,000 paid weekly for copying let- terms at home; no names to supply or envelopes to address, and nothing to pur chase. Address APOLLO COMPANY, Bplngarn building, Newark, N. J. &-61-24x $6 PER hundred for addressing envelopes: send aims ana stamp lor run instructions; steady work. C. hi. Miller & Co., Ely bldg., Chicago, o-4-Z4x I LADY WANTED, $16 weekly; permanent artistic employment at home: no experi ence needed: material furnished; enclose stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co., 131 west 83a s)t, new xor. c ux LADIES to copy letters at home; $2.00 per 1U0; short letter to wTlle; no names to buudIv. Addresaed envelope for copy. Practical Mfg. Co., 138 Market St.. New ark. N. J. C-840 24x 1 WANTED, girl for general housework. I 1911 Chicago Ht 4J M414 W WANTED, an apprentice at Mlsa Watson's , Hair Dressing Parlors, AUls iougias. . C-379 14 LADY wanted, a lady agent for rapid sell ing article: sells at sight; big proms; lor free sample ana particulars saaress Mari etta Stanley Ca., 41 4th St, Grand Rapids, MlCh. V 43a Z4X WANTED, ladlea to learn balrdressing, manicuring or facial massage; thoroughly I ayatematlaed course that aavea years;! tee villus civil inaiiuvuuii w v . , twin, diplomas and positions given. Bee our offer and catalogue. Moler College, 1303 Douglas St C M424 29x PLAIN writers, home employment, filling small blanks; rate, 160 per 1,000; ad dressed, stamped envelope. Ladles In dustrial League, Mgr. A. J., Chicago. ' C 341 24 X WANTED Girl for general housework; family of three, residing In small flat Work easy. Call UW Sherman Ave., huum liotir. C toe wbX WANTED Experienced shlrtmaken. None otner need apply, j. kt. Terrtll. Hoom In, i t uiuii siuca. c 2 x LADY piano player to go on tha road as partner witn professional gentleman. Ad- areas r, net. c 370 ux GOOD 000k for family of four; no wash ing; good wagea to right party. Ap pari Bau ply at once to Mrs. 1. E. Baum, 346 Harney st C 44 Ml WANT A GOOD ROOM ? THE BEST DIRECTORY OF ROOMS FOR RENT IS ON THIS PAGE WASTED FEMALE HELP. LEARN proofreading: situations secured. ia to t weexiy. Atoms worresponaence School, Philadelphia. C HELP WANTED. DEPUTIES, men or women; splendid con tract. The Gardners, 407 Bee building. Miia AGENTS wanted; light work: no outfit re quired; any age or sex; 15 to $10 dally easily made. Write Immediately for par ticulars. International Business Exchange, 1135 Broadway, New York. 862-24x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th ft Dodge. E 124 LARGE southwest room, suitable for two persons; JS per month; nice neighborhood. 20 8. 20th. E M268 24x FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern; will furnish u aesireo. 8U6 & mn st. k ztu. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 18th dt Chicago, E 126 L. M. K. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. Hi 1ZS $1.00 TO $2.00 per wee. 422 S. 18th St., one diock soutn oi court nouse. hrui ROOMS, $1-60 to $$ per ween; board. $1 luunign coiei, adio ana jacason sis. . mum ji NEWLY furnished, clean rooms; nlc. col place; If y ou want thee rooms come E M455 soon. 811 S. 20th. 1709 DODGE, first-class board, $4 per week. noma cooaing; single meal an. E m728 J.t 220 N. 17th sL, neat, desirable room. E M 7 44 jeio URGE south front room; first class loca- 'm,"'"AY"t' L LIGHT housekeeping for two. Tel. A258S. . NICB rooms, 2580 Harney. Tel. L2666. ti MZZ8 Z7X TWO large front rooms, modern. 714 8o. I7tn ave. is M2B7 zbx ROOM, 1908 Capitol Avs. E M420 26x FOR RENT Summer cottage furnished. near Manrtou, t.oioraan. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Bo wen, S16 N. 42d, Omaha. E M3B4 a FOR RENT, pleasant furnished room, mod' rn R ... nwon am! ,haHa lariv amnlnviul lirererrea; rererence. . vv. cor. zist ana AaK HtS. ti 412 Z4X PLEASANT room for gentleman; private lamuy. zzia Burt st. Zl PiVJJhoile h mLsSSIktymX na telephone, mi Harney st. house modern, E 445 24x TWO modern furnished rooms. i s. loth st E 296 24X ELEGANTLY modern, furnished and un furl g B"e furnished rooms In nice new brick build- close to business center. 1616 Web ster st E 460 24 604 No. 17th, nice furnished front parlor; also room for light housekeeping. Modern ana central; prices reasonable. E466-24X TWO- elegant furnished rooms suitable for two gentlemen eacn,. witn use or phone ASB4. 17U JJOOge. JU44-Z4 NICELY furnished south, cool room for one gentleman, (a per month; Use of tele phone jB4a. zus Harney st. ;4tvZ4X FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates, oiiuian? uoiei, ivtn ana Chicago. ' 430 1816 DODGE, front parlor and other rooms. Telephone A-2407. F M833 NICE rooms, good board. 415 N. 26th St j JT 131 ROOM and board; first-class. 213 . 26th street . ' NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board: day board or mai tickets rea sonable. Midland hotel 16th and Chicago $U.' ' F M420 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam. F-941 FURNISHED rooms and board; rooms $1.60 to 13. M per week; meal ticket, 84. Hltoh hart hotel, 616 N. 26th st, South Omaha. Best service In the city. FM 637 NICE single room, 60S So. 26th ave. . ... F m 728 rXE TEX 'm b ,7" newly new eek or F M1&0 J16 SUITE of I unfurnished rooms with board; all modern conveniences: also 1 furnished room. "Phone F2738. Mrs. G. L. Dennis, 1502 S. 29th st F M156 FOR RENT, two office rooms in ths Crnunse mock, lis isortn jotn street, u per month each. Inquire of H. J. Wind sor, 1618 Dodge street F 190 ROOM and board, reasonable; all modern, with 'phone A2691 . 2406 Caaa st F M206 PRIVATE family, 1323 8. 27th. near Hanscom park. F M299 SOX SUMMER resort, Tha Riley, Manager. Merrtajn. Mrs. F M459 624 8. 10TH. tsoard. with or without rooms; home cooking; (3.50 and $3.00; use of tele phone, B22S2. F 458 84 FOR RENT VN FUR NI SITED ROOMS. FOR RENT, unrurnlsnea rooms, single and ensuits. wiinoen ".,"'" Harney. N. P. Deage & Co.. 1614 Farnam. G M765 FOUR basement rooms; take wasg tor rent ha ao. asm. " M - FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pled by The Bee at 14 Farnam St It has four stories ana a oasemem wnicn was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1861 uiKrwriME brick storeroom. 22x60 feet: I eapedally well located for drug store; at nVu l ner month. Payno. Bostwlck Co., SCtt-W. N. Y. U n-rio brnt building sultab aala nurposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented paaement elevator, nre and burglar proof vault cftlce counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewatar. sec retary ths Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. I-M567 OFFICES In The Bee building, $10.00 per monta Vp; rental pnm ittciuura neac, light and janitor service. It C. Peters 4k Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1366 TWO yiNB officea In Omaha National jimk building directly opposite elevator. v.iec.lallv suitable for an attorney. Omaha Safe Deposit at Trust Co.. log 8. Thirteenth st Telephone Uu. I M216-26 CHOICE lot-atlon for hardware or harness, In splendid Dunoing at isnra turning St.: modest rental. This must be rented ai Payne, Bostwlck Co., 601-2-1, N. Y. l 14 H URGE, cool office room, two east windows prominent business nioca, ror rent until rnr. An'irew n o.-. rte. i v, x AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted in this territory to Bell the underwntera fire r-xtinguianer. "Examined under the standard of tha National Hoard of Underwrltora by the National Fire Protection association and approved for use. Our success means auoceas for our agents. Quick sales, large profits and a permanent business ran be . . 1 V a nh.. . a, . , ecureu. cviiiKi" m ihvihmi a v tun. et, Boston. Maso. J J3S iix AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, oil agents tn every eour-tv; re- uaoie, energeuo men to sen on commis sion, specially to the farmers and thresh era, our line of high-grade lubricating ells, greases, also roof, barn and house paints, Arply at once. Address The Woodland Oil and Grease Co., Cleveland. Ohio. J-287X WANTED, canvassing agents in ery uuuiiiy iu vouch siinBcri prions ! rint TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 211 AGENTS selling fire extinguishers wanted to sen A- ynciue; wiu pay you handsomely. For particulars In confidence, address FYRICIDE, 44 Murray, N. Y. J-M1& !6x FOR sure winner get our new postal card scneme. won per ween guaranteed to nust lera. Either sex. We mall It complete In , neat booklet containing full details. Only 26c silver. Coon dt Co., Memphis, Tenn. J-360-24X $30 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to introduce our poultry remedies, urwon Rem. Co., Dept 60, Parsons, Kan. J-W-Hx WANTED Reliable stents to handle our nousenoia necessities, you can mane -i to 6 dally. Illustrated catalogue fur nished free. Home Suppliers, 63 River St., Chicago. J-342-24X BEGIN business for yourself; stop working tor otners, we start you in prontaDie mall order business at your home. Pleas ant wora; immense proms; unumiiea Sosslbllttles. Full Information for stamp. 'r&nklln-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. - WE start vou sellln diamonds. Don't ao- cept employment until getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co.. r, .. . . , r rwn . , . " o.vmuuse, .1 . x. w w A TIME TO STOP working; for small profits. Men ime you are maKing X3 to per aay selling our famous "Pocket Atlas of the World." This handy volume contains maps of every state, territory and coun try on the globe; official 1900 census; con' else, convenient and correct In every par ticular. It makes money for us; It will make money for yeu. Sells profitably In every city, town, village and farm house. Send us 25 cents for a sample Atlas and tart taking orders right away. Rand, McNaily & Co.. Chicago. . J 423 34x WANTED, oil agents In every county, re liable, energetlo men to sell on commis sion, specially to ths farmers and thresh ers our line of high grade lubricating oils; greases, also roof, barn and house paints. Apply at once, address The Woodland Oil A Grease Co., Cleveland, O. J-32S 24x AGENTS, $36 paid weekly writing for us at home. Send stamp for bank refer ences, contract and outfit. Seaside Co., Dept A., 187 Broadway, N. Y. J 326 24x MR8. DR. LEON, electrlo and medicated baths, restful and curative; first-class at tendant. 1621 Leavenworth, left hand flat, parlors 4 and 6. J M408 26x AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly easily made; we prove this; luminous nameplates, num bers, signs readable darkest night; tarn- Fles free. Right Supply Co., Englewnod, 11. J-374 24x AGENTS WANTED Hitch horses solid In stantly; patented; weighs but few ounces; fits pocket; eli;ht seller. Address Pocket Hitchtngpost Co., Richmond, lnd. J-373 24X WANTED, magadne subscription agents; authorized illustrated history of St. Louis exposition, published In consecutive is sues of Campbell's Illustrated Journal; similar to that made of Chicago World's fair; exceptional opportunity; large oom.; steady work until January, 1906. Send lOo postage for Exposition Dedication num ber, colored view book of exposition buildings, full particulars and territory. Address Exposition Dept., Campbell's Journal, St Louis, Mo. J 385 24x AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them. selves; one agent writes: "Exhibited sam ple to ao women; took-10 orders;" time required, 45 minutes; profit over 160; guar anteed to do a washing In SO minutes; furnishes Its own power, requires neither labor nor attention; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive territory furnished; $60 week guaranteed; thousands of testimonials. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chloago. J-W7 24X MEXICAN Devil's Jumping Beans; re semble large coffee berries; drummers sgents. street men make big profits; ft for 100. Illustrated catalogue Included. Charles Ross, Laredo, Tex. J 393 24 x AGENT8. our man are , - day fitting glasses; our free eye book tells r, . X .. "U"" i"oay. jacxsonlan On Ucal College, Dept 24, Jackson, Mich. . J 392 24X A T-k-ea - . . c1n;,a"B? .ror "omethlnn good. '" ou. A,, Atn. J M3S0 LAMP that makes Its own oil, tmuiiieysi sens ror ons dollar; lamp free to those wishing to work for us. Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St, New THE AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO., Elkhart, Ind.. lMurea persons from 80 to 84. Seventeen years in business Liberal contracts to agents. J- BIO WAGES to agents everywhere to show Rector Cream Separators to farmers. Hrris-Ooar Mfg. Co.. Dept F, Kansas THE GREATEST of all Automatic Ma chines is our Sandwich Vendor. Write for exclusive territory and particulars. Leo Canda Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of all Kinds of slot machines, Cincinnati, O. J- WIDE-AWAKE agents newly patented stable device: 20 other specialties. Soudan Specialty M'fg Co., 8ti Alexander St, Milwaukee, Wis. . J WE INSURE TIP TO 84. Good side line for insurance agents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24. Elkhart, Ind. GENERAL agents for latest patent char- ctiai natirons ouv a kinds; lowest prices. Newark Iron Co.. Bplngarn Building, Newark. N. J. J-471 14x WANTED TO RENT BY LADY, engaged during day, medium. aisea soutn room, witn or near board; prefer southwest part of city. Must be clean and modern. E 58, Bee. K 464 14x WANTED TO BUT. WILL purchase one half or whole Interest in retail lumber yard. Small town in Nebraska or Iowa. Good farming com munity. Addresa B 19 Bee, N M345-25X PARTY with experience wishes to buy In terest in established abstract or insur ance business. Address B 45, Bee.' N M174 25 WANTED To buy horse and runabout cheap on good monthly payments; state where can be seen and price. Address E 47, Bee. N-M371 36X ONE THOUSAND yards of dirt wanted at Z4tn street ana uingaon court, c a. Shepard. 831 N. Y. Life. N 428 24x M. GOODMAN. 1716 or 1321 Douglas street, pays caab for all kinds of mercnenoise. N-MI01-J-23X FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and second-band bought, sold, exchanged. O 131 FOR SALE cheap for cash, furniture al most new: parlor, 1 bedrooms, kitchen. Address, E 17 Bee. O M263-34X si 1 'i 1 -e POlt SALE HORSES, WAi...-. ETC, WAGONS repaired and all kinds of new work. 11 Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P "134 FIRBT-CLASS painting trimming, repair Ing, rubber tires put on; also carrlacss ur saie. vrm. rieinsr, oju (7q MAKE me an offer for my open carriage, trap, rockaway or ruAtabout Address, E M, Baa. P-M308-i4 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR RENT stabls room for six horses I no. iitn. i crviju i- THREK young saddle horses, one big work horse, an sound ana straight. ree mrner, 86th and Center ats. P M268 24 X FOR SALE, phaeton, rubber tires, nearly new. 4410 Leavenworth St. P W 24x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, Nsw and Xdhand typewriters, ill Farnanv Q-136 INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Farnam. 4J 1M ID HAND safe cheap. Dertght 1119 Farnam. Q 480 IRON AND WIRE fences, tree guards, trellises. Western . Anchor Fence Co., 105 No 17th St. Q M243 T. PURKIN, electric light wiring. Tel H41 Q-M&&0 TELEPHONE poles. Long Fir timbers. Chicken fence. Oak piling. Ml Douglas. Q-Art CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 42l FOR SALE, secondhand Locomobile; In first-class shape, at one-half price. Call or address, 1631 Farnam St. Q MS4t BUSINESS college scholarship for sals at a bargain In one of Omaha's leading com mercial colleges; Ufa scholarship. Address 8 47, Bee office. JM716x FOR SALE. Remington typewriter No. 1 new, $60; first offer accepted. Address C $4, Bee. Q MO 80 NO. 6 REMINGTON cheap. 1624 Douglas St F. D. Wesd, Q 730 FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used either passenger or freight, com plete. Iron guide posts, cage ana wire enclosures. 3. L Brandels at Sons. Q 693 WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and (arena. Wire Works, 611 & 18th. Tel. 1690. Q-137 JylS FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instruments, o up, ins Columbian Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam, Q 140 FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing per cent interest, payaDie every six months; has about 1H years to run; good security and endorsed by responalbla party; amount $1,800. Inquire C. M. Baohman, Room 42X Pax ton block. Q 665 FOR BALE, complete railroad grading' out nt consisting ot z rraaers. &i aumo was-. ons, 60 dump cars, rail, 10 scrapers and misceiinneoun tools. Aaaress Butler Hros., St Paul, Minn. Q M826 29 FOR SALE. 1 23 ft. Naphtha launch, $660: 1 a-ri. isapntna launch, sew. Apply to w, 8. Batduft, 1620 Farnam at Q M7M 26 FOR SALE, twelve-syrup wall soda foun tain, win mm piano in exenange. Ad dress D 64. Bee. Q 834 Jel4 FOR SALE, electrlo automoolle, perfect order, used short time; cost $900, will take t&uu. J. J. uerlght & Co., Ill Farnam. Q-M136 CHEAP ONE REMINGTON typewriter, No. 6. nearly new. Aisnais, sue r aui si w M34-Z8 PHOTOGRAPH Car Rose's Art Store. for FOR SALE, two large hotel ranges for sal cheap; Inquire for Mr. Murphy, care tne A-eopie s more. . ui Oob S4x FOR SALE High bred Scotch Collie pups; none oeiier. aoi D. sua et, Q M39S 2esr FOR SALE, German Dachshund puppies, t months old, pedigreed stock. Address au ti. Aee omce. r u 82 24x FOR SALE, cabinet letter file, large else. Aaaress & m, see omce. tj M382 26x FOR BALE, 8 horsepower gas engine, run less man two years; good as new. Aa dress E 68, Bee. Q M446 26x un BAAis jersey cow and calf; very choice; can be seen any time. 8846 Ham ilton st. y IBS MX CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN Mill wut-tiN ot clairvoyants. Every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18ta. S M36 MADAME LUCRETIA. medium. 1709 Cell. forms at M4&S J4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MASSAGE and flushing treatment Chronlo cases solicited. W. J. Naoe, 3218 Cuming street a aia MME. SMITH, baths, 114 N. 16. Id floor, r. , A guns e GRACE O' BRYAN, Baths, 720 8. 13th. T-M696 BEATRICE HARLOW, elegant massage bates; assistant asai Ajeavenwortn, . s. A iiki jeiu MISS DUVAL, manicuring. Flat L C9 B. lt.i st T M&8B JBX MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St.. baths; first class assistant T M642 J-$x GLADYS SHEPARD, massage, vapor and alcohol batns, 2a noor, sue isortn itn nt. A at LCI Ji GOLDIB POWERS, 720 So. 13th. Tel. 1962. T-M314 19 ELEGANT massage and vapor baths, alco hol rubbing, mass Aiowara. tint, in. luto. Flat E. X MKIB sx EMOLINB SHEPARD, massage, vapor and alcohol baths, ta noor, m Mortn ititn st. T M227 J3 PERSONAL. PR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed try electricity. K. 1 ana 3. 1606 Farnam Ht U 146 C. EDERER, Bristol St. florist Tel. 1791 U 168 TELEPHONE 780 (or U M. E. messengers. U 151 KIP'S GUARANTEE" A 60 cigar that O. U. aviptinger guarantees to be good. U-M204 Jl HOME during confinement; flrst-clnss. Dr, U U Miner, 2ov4 Biondo. 'Phons F-llf. U-161 VIAVl. a wholesome nerve and tissue food and borne treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet Vtavl Co., 848 Be mag. u 147 UNCLE OSCAR," Havana filled 6c cigar strictly hand made, Peregoy ft Moore, distributors. U M206 J19 YOUNG man desires correspondence with young western moy or good standing strictly connauntiaA. Aaaress is z. Bee. U 234 24X PRIVATE hospital before and during eon- nnement; pacies boarded and adopted. Mi. Gardeia. 2334 Lake. Tel. Red-1864. U-141 WHITE Russian Soap Wrapper Premium Store will be rloaed June 1. After that time mall wrappers to Jaa. S. Krk CO., 828 ti. Water St., Chicago. U-240-S1 MAGNET PILB KILLER. At druggists. $1. IT CURES. U 148 ELITE PARLORS. Clb 8. 16th St.. 2d floor. U-M36S MRS. JACOBSON, Cu6 N. 10th St. U-M211-JU SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 611 Bee Bldg. u Mn PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Ssmsrltsn Hanltarluia, T28 IM ave.. Council Bluffs, la, U-M44 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Rupture Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. U 156 WANTED, someone to share freight ear. going west Portland or Seattle. Address E 12. Baa, U-231 Mx PERSONAL. THF.ns are some men who know a good cigar and some who don t. If you are among those who do you are already smoking the Btoecker cigars If you ere among those who don't you should smoke the Btoecker In order to be on the safe tde. W. F. STOECKER CIOAR CO. U-M418 $0 LADIES and gentlemen desiring to corre spond witn view to matrimony or pleas ure write us. All correspondence strictly confidential. T. O. Box 164, Toledo, O. WANTED Address of Leon Moyan, to set tle an estate. Aaaress j a. Moysn, Wheaton. 111. U-ilS 24x I SEEK husband for lady 22; worth $10,000 ana Deautirui rarm; widow n. nu.iwi ana stock farm; lady 2. $40,000; lady 23. 18,000 and beautiful home. Address Mrs. La land, 19 South Broadway, St. Txii!a, Mo, U 827 24x WANTED An apprentice st Miss Watson's Hair messing parlors, lets AJougias. U-380 24 LADY or gentleman with some means as . r . 1 . 1 . . u 1 1 , partner in etrtctir nonret rnatrittiuiuni agency. Address K 51, Bee. U 371 24x DO YOtT wish to correspond or marryt If so, address confidentially National Alli ance, Grand Rapids, Mich.' Describe your self. U- 8UPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. L. AGNES V. SWETLAND. M. D.. removed from 17th and Dodge to 18th and Douglas; specialist in women's diseases. U 467 24 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch, SG2S California St. Terms reasonable. U 461-J23 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmlth & Co., iszo Farnam street W-167 4H PER CENT oa business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to psy whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLR, 401 S. 16TH ST. W-164 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, rt. c psters Co., ltjs Farnam St, Bee Bldg. W 164 J"ARM and city loans, low rates. W. H Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-15S PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. Lift. W las 4 TO 6 P C. money. Bemts, Paxton Block. W H FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 104 iarnam. w 166 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. W 180 ' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. C ACVTO GET CAO I TO PAY Rest explains our methods. We loan on furniture. Dianas, warehnns receipt, etc. Or if you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN Without security, except your own agree ment to repay, our service is quick ana confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere: OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Ill Board of Trade Bldg. Tel.- 12SS. (Established 1892.) 106 So, 16th fit X M79S DO YOU NEED MONEYT MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. BO to $300 loaned on FURNITURE. PI ANOS, etc, and to SALARIED PEOPLE at very low rates and for any length of time, without publicity or removing tha property. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms before going elsewhere. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 108. Paxton Block, Room 80S. X-Iel MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. . Business Confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. CSt paxton Block. ISth. and Farnam Sta. X 161 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO 3ALAK1BD PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-16S SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE. ANY AMOUNT: LOW RATES. EASY PAY MENTS: CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO., ROOM 444. PAXTON BLOCK, , X 164 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rates. (14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 166 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F, Reed, 111 8. It, X-138 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Avoan co., suo 10 u. urecn. n. . tarner ng X-167 SALARY LOANS UPON PLATN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block, Id floor. x 1st Room 600 Give your note at 600 Paxton Blk. Get $10 or $100 at 600 Paxton Blk. Get it today at 600 Paxton Bik. Nothing deducted 600 Paxton Blk. In advance - 600 Paxton Blk. The New York Loan Co., '600 Paxton Blk THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room 644 Paxton Block. Telephona F-2291 If you have a permanent salaried position you can borrow from us on your plain nbte, without mortgage, security or In dorser. Beml- Weekly.Monthly.Monthly. $16.00 Repay us 61.00 or $2.00 or $4 .06 320.00 Repay us 136 or 1.66 or 6.86 125.00 Repay us 1.66 or 8,83 or 6.67 iso.00 Repay us 1.00 or 4.00 or 8.00 $60.00 Repay us 1.36 or (.66 or 11 81 Our business is strictly confidential. No disagreeable questions asked of your em ployers. When you need a little money call snd sea us. X FOR EXCHANGE. (14,000 worth of property In three bouses and storerooms to exchange for southern Nebraska town property; prefer store buildings in good town; must go to a different climate. Address E 17. Bee. Z-M171 2tx TO TRADE A fine pearl-Inlaid mandolin that cost 836 for a good bioycle. Address, E 66, Bee. MS 26x AUTOMOBILES. ELEO. automobiles. Derigbt, 111 Farnsm, 178 BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum easting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 311 North 16th. ii BICYCLES. BICYCLES and repairs. Fresh tires, $1.60 to (4.60; Hartford tires, 86.60 per pair. All the popular brands for cash or credit. Louts Fletcher, 1623 Capitol Ave. Tel. 814. UZA WE BUY and aell second-hand wheels; re. pairing a specialty; lawn mowers aharp- ?ned and repaired. E. E. Lawrence. Zi4 -eavenworth St. Tel. LHT76. 1Mt J8 BH1CK WORM. J. F. U IE ALT, US Clark St 'Phone A -2X71. "UeO CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree. 2"th end I ska Bts. 370 CONTRACTORS AND BVILDKR8. A. J. FIERSON. loth and Burt Tel. V-M. 183 CARPET CLEANERS. SEND your carpet and rugs to Chrlsten- son s Cartx Carpet Cleaning Works. 2221 N. uh St. TsL 1666, AP TEL. 606 Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Mlsa Sturdy, 624 N. 20th st M248 J21X DENTISTS. F. C. CLARK, Dentist, formerly of Counolt Bluffs, now located at 8706 Cuming St. -M72114 C. H. PAUL, removed to residence. 12S Burt. Tel F 2763. M 766 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 61T Karbach. Tel. A -1832. DRUGGISTS' SUPPLIES. CLOSE drug buyers call or write Ross Flowers ft. Co., 1617 Farnam St., Omaha,. Neb. M901 8x EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. Ratabura Room IS, Com'l Nat Bank, 186 J. H. BOONSTRA. Office 1616 Howard St Tel. 947. -664 Je8x FLORISTS. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam. 186 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam St, Omaha: send for price list 686 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbags and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -117 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2636. 188 MAT CLEANING. LADIES and cents', 60c. SchwarU's, 114 g. 13th. 189 LAWNMOWKBS. SHARPENED. P. Melcbotr, 13th Howard. 9 LAWNMOWERB sharpened, saws filed, urn-, brellas repaired, keys, etc., S0 N. Mth, Tel. 2374. ... - LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN 4V PRICE. 2t U. & N'l B NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors vrY where. MACFARLAND ft MAY, New York Lift Bldg.. Room 104. 'Phone 1652. I LAUNDRY. . OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 17&0 Leavenworth, Tel. A-1783 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES traata successfully all disease , and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodge Arlington block, Omaha. Neb. Tel. tjl DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist ol j .ull m. ,Mra' tir.Atlna women auu, r Office, U0& Cuming. Residence telephone, F-3790; office, B-laiS. DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned ror nis sain n eyci icitk ... w.,..i,- menu; cur.s steriUty, long standing dis ease Of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladies who have suffered foi years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If personal interview Is Impossible slate your case fully, Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Address R. F. Pries. M. l., lilt Poage St, Omaha, Neb. LADIES, our harmless remedy relieves without ran aeiayea or suppreaaeu men struation. For free trial address Parla Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. SISTERS In despair; lf,-ln need write me lor remeuy wintii, idt. u.. w, w-t.-nate suppression in five hours. Mrs. A. Green, 130 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Piles Cured Without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blOOO, aianey ana owuuir uiicaer. cured; a guarantee given in ery case treated by W. C. MaxweU, At D.. 624 . Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb., graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. New York City LADIES' Chichester English Pennyroyal Pius are tne oesi; eate euui. uv other. Send 4o, stamps, for particulars. "Belief for Ladies'' in letter by return moll. Ask yor druggist Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MUSICAL. THOS. 3. KELLY, voice. Davidge Block, , 36 , FOR RENT, piano players, or piano and p'.ayer together. Piano Player Co., Tel. Letovsky'S orchestra. T. L-2664. Terms sasy. iA 11A OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, oateopatha. Suite 616, New If org A,ue mag. teL iwa, 196 The Hunt Infirmary, MoCague Bldg. Tel. 2363 ATZEN ft FARWELL Infirmary. Paxton block. 604-7. Tel. 1366. -M890 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unlesa aw fuL 318 B. 16th St, Omaha, Tel. 1798. $01 PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tl. 1623. M693 JlytX PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all bualneea confidential. 1301 Douglas. 201 PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel. H0. tut CALL up Gardner Printing Co . Tel. A324H, for all kinds ot job printing. 617 B. ISth st. - -M64S JI ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing Co.. 1616 Cuming St Tel. 961. 106 RUO MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. Tel. loss. M SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. ULLERY ft CO., 1611 Howard St Tel. 8327. an When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tb ad la Tha Bee,