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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1902. DERBY STAKE INCREASED Wuhingtci Park Club Adds Five Thousand toBulkj Purse. ALL PRIZES TO BE LARGE IN FUTURE ! Rare Will Be Rna with .es Thaa Is Ilandred Dollar a Trophy for Wlnnlit Horse Owwn, CHICAGO, Dec. JO. The American Derby I mand. while Sylvia Talhot and Deutsrh to be run next year on June 21 will have 1 lend of the B hrleher stable were third i.. i ,. t... . ' rholcen. Jake Uollman i."nt them away to ii Tiim incrrsapa oy in wren- , lngton Park club will add in all $25,000. j which will bring the total value cf the race close to $30,000. Announcement of the stake list of the elub's twenty-five-day meeting was mado j tcday by the secretary. With two excep tions the stakes are Identically the same as they were last season. The Derby Is 'Increased by $5,000 and the Hyde Tark atakea, the rich event for 2-year-olds, will be worth In added money a total of $7,000, an Increase of $2,500. Following Is a list of the stakes and the added money offered by the South Bide club: Added. American Derby Pherldan stakes 4 tH Englewood rt&kea Drexel stakes Midway atakes Auburn stakes Oakwood handicap Oreat Western handicap. Young handicap Wheeler handlcqp Hyde Park stakes lakeside stakes Kenwood stakes Mavwood atakea 2.f'0 2. "I 2 n"" ' 2.0") I 2 1.0") 5 mi 7. MO 7.5") 2 ooo l I Rdaewater stakes 2.'"0 (Vulckstep stsVes 2.too Lakevlew handicap.. 2,000 Total $?4.B00 Announcement la also made that the club will be more liberal next sesson. There will not be a purte worth leas than $600. Entries to the atakes will close on Janu ary 15. GOVERNOR IS VERY POSITIVE Rllss Is Determined that McGovern Corbett Contest Shall Xot Occur In Detroit. DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 10 Speaking of the proposed McOovern -Corbet t fight In Detroit and Oovernor Bllaa' attitude toward It, Sheriff Henry A. Dickson of Wayno county said today that he Interpreted the governor's letter of yeaterday as merely holding the sheriff responsible to see that no state law was violated and not as an ordsr to prevent the contest. The sheriff said he did not consider boxing as dangerous as foot ball. "On the contrary I have decided to take an expert with me to the Corbett-McGovern con teat," said Dlckaon, "to see that things re aa they should be. If the contest Is legal, I do not see how I could prevent the men from entering the ring." Oovernor Bliss, who la In the city, has announced his Intention of conferring with the sheriff today about the matter and said: "I thought I made my letter to the sheriff plain enough. It was my Inten tion then, as It Is now, to see that he pre vent the fight taking place. I so instruc ted blm, I think." MOOR WINS CRESCENT CITY BIT New Orleans Race Handily Won by Skillful Jockey. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 20. Jockey Bu chanan evened up with his late employers todsy when he landed Moor two lengths In front of The I-ady at the finish of the jCreacent City handicap, worth $2,040. Jessie J irboe had all of the early speed, but ran race In the first six furlongs. Btichanan rated Moor nicely and outrode Williams on The Laay through the last furlong. Tho Hlldreth stable furnished three winners, Gannon being up In each care. The track was slow and the weather cloudy. Keaulta: First race, selling, six furlongs: I.lttle Jack Horner won, Granter second, Bedlam third. Time: 1:17 2-6. Becond race, selling, one mile: Harry Wilson won, Optimo secoi.d, Ellxa Dillon third. Time: 1:44 2-5. Third race, five furlongs: Farmer Jim won. Welcome Light second. Pirate third. Time: 1:32 1-6. Fourth race, handicap, one mile and a 3uarter: Moor won. The Iady second, essle Jarboe third. Time: 2:10 2-5. Fifth race, six furlongs: John Peters won, Harry New second. Boaster third. lima: 1:16 2-5. Sixth race, selling, one mile and a half: Trocadero won, Cogswell second, Lady monster tnira. Time: 2:41 f-a. Flcht Kada In First Roaad. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Dec. 20-(Spe-cial Telegram.) Mose Felthouser threw up the sponge In the first round with Billy Rhodes, and Pete Rooney won the wrest ling nout neia at the armory here tonight, OVER 4,000 PER CENT IN THREE WEEKS How $10 Invested Hade $433 in That Time By our ssfe and perfect method of Turf Investments. This phenomenal rec ord has never been equalled by anyone. We court the fullest Investigation. OUR SYSTEM GUARANTEES YOU AGAINST LOSSES Our plan of Turf Investment la new and different from all others, and Is endorsed by our patrons, the press and all prominent turf men aa the only practical one. Out of our 29 "Specials" at New Orleans and San Francisco OUR DAILY Bulletin, Issued In advance, shows that we have given our customers 19 Winners, 8 Seconds, I Third AND I UNPLACED OPEN AN ACCOI'NT WITH US AND DERIVE THE BENEFIT OF OCR SPECIAL OFFER. WE GIVE YOU THK BEdT INFORMATION OBTAIN XUUZ FOR $20.00 A WEEE We remit to you your profits weekly, less S per cent, which Is our charge for placing your commission. ' Trur money goes on our "Special," the difference being that we do not return Information fee In case horsf does not win. Subscribers are wired before port time name of horse on which commission Is placed. Our mlrimum account are: In addition to the charge of $30.00 per week for Information: SUM) for a 10 day play each sperlal. f ICO for a fSO m day play on rack special. fSOO for t)nt day play on each special. OOOO for 9 IOO a day play on each special. All commissions are placed through our agents at the TRACKS. Stat whether you wish one or both Specials. ' One fee Includes both track. Cli ents may close their accounts at a moment's notice. Do not fell to avail your self of the splendid opportjnlty of the present RACING SEASON. FORTUNES WILL BE MADE GET YOUR SHARE THROUGH OUR CO-OPERATION IF YOU WISH TO PLACE YOUR OWET YOI'R SHARE THROUGH OUR CO-OPERATION. OUR CHARGES FOR THIS SERVICE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TEnnCi' HO.OOadsylor NewOrleM"pecUl." wired at 12:30 Ikltl.lOs $10.00 a day for Sti FrancUco "special," wlrej at 2:30 If tho horse we wire yon fall to mlm wo refand yon th fee for Information. These term are only for those who plac their own commission. Remittances may be mad by P. O. or express money orders, by bank draft r by currency In registered letter, payable to LAWRENCE T. CURTIS, Ceneral Manager. National Star &nd Bank Stetereaeei alt lOOt Mailer Bide, S3A-2X LA SAl-LK STREET, CHICAGO. ton for Onr Booklet aao There wfr Urge numbff of people pres ent from Omaha. Lincoln. Flattsmoiith and surrounding town), In addition to the local contingent. KRISHNA WINS FUTURITY RlaT laglealde Itare Bring Oat Sprint era aad Ooea ta Favor Ite. BAN FRANCISCO. Pw. -Krlehn. a Water Cress colt from the stable of Walter .Tennlnre. won the California Jockey Hub Futurity atak-s at Ingleslde today. The purse was llii.2.S4, which mode It one of the richest ever r'aced In the west. A fine Hut of youngster went to te post, with Krishna favorite. The MaeDonoufrli naif (irvanHIa mrrA Cirfmn Wre next In fle- .,,-,,,,., w,,h ef eo In front. Ner- vator soon took command, with Krishna In j the first flirht. Hums called on the Jen nine colt at tne stretch and he qtilckly passed Nervator, galloping home a winner by over three length, iservator oem . r- andl for the place. Polonus was knocked out or tn rice soon aner uic run, uu closed well. Rearrhllaht dronrted dead from a bursted blnnd vessel while exercising today. Wenther clear and track good. Results: First race, Futurity course, selling: Bard Burns won. Knther'.ne Ennla second, Oscar Tolle third. Time: 1 Second race. Futurity course, selling: Mnyale Felix won. Ned Dennis second. Golden Cottage third. Time: 1:13. Third rnce. one and one-sixteenth mile, selling: O won. Bessie McCarthy sec ond. Diderot third. Time: 1:49. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards, handicap: rorrtgan won. Vesuvian second. Marine third. Time: 1 :474. Fifth race, six furlongs and 101) feet. Call- . i ..... 4 , - L'rfihni mnn 'prva!np acrnnH Drenndle third. Time: 1:17V ran mi-r fiirlnnrs: lluachua won. Sad Bam second, Irene Undsey third. Time: 1:12. WISH INTERNATIONAL GOLF American t nlveraltlea Seek to Ar- range Games with Oxford! ssd Cambridge. NEW YORK, Dec. 20 Delegates to tho annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Oolf association met here today. Yale. Hir vurd, Princeton, the I'nlveralty of Pennsyl vania and Columbia were represented. U was decided to hold the- next annual tournament at Garden City on Tuesday, October 20. The election of the officer resulted as follows: President, 17. A. Murdock. Uni versity of Pennsylvania; vice president, Stewart Campbell, Yale: secretary and treasurer, I.. II. Conklln. Princeton. Cornell will be admitted Into the associa tion. In the expectation that a team will be sent to this country next summer by Ox ford and Cambridge universities a request was addressed o the secretary of the United States Oolf association that a match be arranged with a team representing the American universities. The president of the association was em powered to appoint a committee of five to communicate with the secretary of the United States Golf association and arrange details for the proposed match.. CHAMPION BOXER IS BEATEN Jeffries Offers Forfeit Which Is Taken by Amntenr at Bntte. BUTTE. Mont., Dec. 20 Champion Jef fries tonight lost a decision In a four round contest with Jack Munroe, after a fierce fight. At one time the champion went to his knees and a knockout looked possible. JofTrtes and his manarer offeired a forfeit of $2;i0 for any one to stand agamst Jeffries for four rounds and Munroe accepted tn? challenge. At.the end of the fourth Munroe wae still ready to tight. He is amateur champion of the Pacific cosst. Fltxslm mons has posted a forfeit of $500 to put Munroe out In four rounds. David City Dorr Una; Contest. DAVID CITY. Neb.. Dec. 20. (Special Telegram.) The Whlsxers bowling team de feated the Hohemian cnampinns or tne al leys at the opera house bowling alley here last night In a one-tided game. The fea tjre of the game was the difficult spares and team work of the Whlxiers team. In detail It waa as follows: WHIZZERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Hale 196 179 39 Sklles IB iM 1S Disney 193 120 164 Bahr 168 15 1S M. Evans U 163 199 611 602 477 522 477 .1.493 Total BOHEMIANS. 1st. 2d. Joseph Shramek 139 114 E. Peschek 129 12S Dworek 143 147 Kafka H5 146 Havel ...1&9 175 Total 3d. Total. 167 1" 177 42) 361 467 413 499 ..2Tl83 142 165 Straight Flushes. RED CLOUD. Neb., Dec. 19. To the Edi tor of The Bee: I write you as referee on slot machine result. A claims that the ace. deuce, four, five and tray of diamonds la not a straight flush of diamonds If mixed as stated (1. 2, 4. 6, 3). The directions on wheel are that a straight flush must be i all of one suit In rotation, at. S, 4. 6, 6. 7. The questlcn Is : Is the first problem In rota tion. 1. i. 4. 5. wn , ,AM u M.MIIjUAN. Answer In all games played with cards mharnin eeimencea count It Is only neces sary that the needed cards of the proper denomination be preaent. Ace, deuce, four, five and tray of diamonds would be a, tralzht flush in Doker: would count ibj ,1th run nf five In crlbbage. And Is of similar value In other games. Therefore, ffyaiayBBWl Crescent Go. Branch OfBee, alt 413 Maeheen Blag., KSO Canal St. lew Orleana. Dally Balletla of Selection as a slot machine Is based on poker hands In all other respect the hand mentioned la a straight flush. No replies by mall. LAST WEEK WITH THE BOWLERS Loral Get Homo Polata and Marh Ea essraseaieat from the Vlalt laar Ksperta. Played. Won. Lost P. r. .733 . .41 .M .vn .n .M7 Omaha (late City National flt. Charles... Clarkson German Krug i'ark... Western SO so 27 7 SO so so so 23 20 13 New Impetus hss been given to bowling by the recent vlalt of the All-Amerlcan championship team to this city. This fact Is apparent not so much In a aprrad of Interest as In a revival and acceleration of Interest among those who were already devotees of the game. 1ocal bowlers gen erally feel that they have learned a great deal from having been able to see these frofesslonala roll the balls, and It Is at east to be obaerved that some of them have copied the delWery and some of the little tricks of the visitors. Whether this adaptation of new methoda will prove bene ficial In all Instances Is a question, but U Is fair to presume that the more extended experience and study of the play of others win wore gooa in some cases. The affairs of the local league are this week In somewhat ragged condition, owing to the fact that the National and St. Charles teams failed to nlay their games. and are therefore left Just where they were at the beginning or last week, omana sun leads, with Gate City a good second, each of those teams having won three straight, the victims having been the German and Krug Park, respectively. Western, which has been trailing along at the finish for some weeks, and losing three straight pretty regularly, varied the monotony of that i)..em oy winning two irom t-iarason, Following Is the standing of the Indi vidual players in tne league games: Aver age. Games. .... 30 Pins. SW 1 61 2.134 8. 727 4.773 6 4. 759 8.2T7 4.201 5.246 3.644 4,144 4.12S 3.611 4.121 5.145 2.569 4.OH0 4.614 4.081 6, OSS 4.07S 6,047 8.535 5.037 4.02)1 2.517 4.018 603 Fmery 15 fur ay F A. Keller 12 Alexander Reed 21 Beselln 27 Brunke ff 1. J. Schneider 30 Frltscher 27 Encell SO Albert Krug 24 17 177 177 176 176 176 176 175 175 Huntington 3D Zarp 21 Sherwood 24 Alf Keller 24 1 173 172 173 Trscey 21 24 80 15 24 1 Forscutt Francisco Yoder Iehman F. W. Schneider... 171 171 171 170 170 170 1S9 19 16H 11 167 117 1C7 27 Potter 24 Weber 80 Jones 24 H. D. Reed 80 Sheldon 21 Denman 30 Gilchrist 24 Wlgman 15 Ahmanson 24 Brldenbecker I 167 167 High cores for the week at Clarks: M. 1 R. Huntington. 209. 201, 216, 214, X10, 211, 229, 2'2. 2i6. 24 206, V. 2"2. 221; W. H. Wlgman, 201, 20, 212, 200, 211; W. H. Emery, 213, 222, 203, 206, 2Mf; H. Beselln, Ml, 202, 219; W. W. Hartley, 201, 213 214; E. M. Tracy. 201. 203: Williams, 206: Charles French. 209. 203; Al Krug, 218, 210; H. L. Fowler. 226, 240; M. 7.. Forscutt. 210. 216, HI, 204; Earle R. Stiles, 22"; lr. Poyd, 213; H. D. Reed, 230. 200, 203, "i0, 226, 245; C. J. Francisco. 213. 235; W. 8. Potter, 224, 204, 212: F. B. Palmer. 2"!; Neale, 216; W. F. Clarkson, 101, 207, tlO; C. M. Zarn. tlO. 206: Henry Baden. 209; F. W. Schneider. 206; Slevcrs, 212; Helback, 207; Phil Wolf, 2"6. 2iO, 2W; 1. J. u unen. 211; J. J. Vorheis, 214, 204. 207; W. H. Ahmsn- son. 2C8: U Rolnechllds, 221; Martin, Mo) Rvner, 202. Mrs. O. P. Judd's score of 193 Is still high for the women's prise. with 262 F. n. Palmer won a prixe. Bv scorlna 24 In three successive games of r.lneplns Charles H. Mulllna won a prixe. Charles French scored a at even-up ana got a prixe tor It. High scores for the week on the Gate City allevs: Martin E. Nelson. Chicago, 210; B. F. Hull. 222. 240; C. B. Brlden becker. 210. 212. 201, J01. 201. 209; Dr. Fair. Chicago, 200, 201' A. Baldy. 201, 202. 213: Guy Olllenback. 200; M. C. Sprague. 206; W. A. Chandler. 238; O. Benson. 2(16. 205; M. Q. Martin, 202, 20b; C. Buelow, 206; J. Thomas, 220; H. H. Jones, 204; J. F. Bengele, 203, 2O0. 245; C. J. Francisco, 213; Bob Encell, 203; F. Glldden, Fremont 202, 222. J. F. Bengele rolled 246 at tenpins, which won him one of the prises of the week, and also puts him high for the monthly tenpln prixe. W. C. Sherwood Is now high for the monthly "kankakee" prize with a score of 196 for three games. High score for the week at Lents Williams' alleys: H. Lund. 215, ?12, 2"4, 211; W. F. Weber, 212, 208, 222. 223. 232. 23). 222, 202, 207. 207: William Zltxman. 210: L. S. Schneider, 205, 212, 213; W. C. Brunke. 207. 2i2; King Denman, 208; E. L. Hlnton. 200. 100; John Lund, 224; Emll Lund. 225; H. D. Reed, 217; R. W. Ayer. 200; 1. P. Reynolds, 212; M. L. Msrtln, 232: W. Usher, 201; F. Diets, 224, 201; S. H. Cherness. 212; D. Wil liams. 206; E. Cochran. 224: H. Beselln. 224, 220. 201: Arthur Falconer. 2"2: Ed Creighton. 202: E. Zltxman, 220; J. Fagan, 122; Ward Hartlev, 203; Guy Furay, zira; cnaries zirp, 221 213; H. W. Lehman, 308; Peter Niel sen, 204. ST. LOUIS PRIZES GO UP Derby Worth Five Thousand Mora and. World Fair Handicap Fifty Thonsaad In All. ST. LOUIS, Deo. SO. Announcement wa mad today of the stake list of the 8t. Louis Fair association for the seventy-four-day meeting, from May 2 to June 27 and October 8 to 81, 1903. The St. Louis Derby, to be run on June IS. Is Increase J bv 85.000. the Club Members' handicap car rfea 12.000 additions I and 11,500 I added to the Inaugural handicap. Following Is the llat of the stake and added money: Inaugural handicap, 11.600; Debutantes. ll.OuO; M'telsslppl Valley, selllrg, SU'0; Press, selling. 1.000; Country Club handi cap. tl.OuO; kindergarten. 81,000; Memorial handlcac Jl.OuO: June handicap, Sl.uuO; ClJb I Members' handicap, $2,000; Junior cham I plonshlp. 31.200; Native Nursery, Sl.OuO; ! TLemn handlcao. 81.000: October, selling. 31.000; Criterion handicap, Sl.OuO; Fair, sell, lng. 31.000; Laurel handicap, 31.000; Fore cast handicap. 81.000: Final, selling, $1,000; St. Louis Deroy, 85,000. The World's Fair handicap, to be run In 1904. will be for a nurse of SSO.OuO. and th I eattmated value of the St. Louis Derby purse for that season will be 816,000. Highs Win First Gam. The high school basket ball team played Its first scheduled game with the second Young Men s Christian association team last night, which reaulted In the defeat of the latter. The game was closely contested ud to the last minute of play. The nigh school has a stronger team this year than ever before. Lineup: Hioil school II. I Y. M. C. A if. rtiarrlngton. Capl T. IF Spaacer, Capt. Tkorau, DeTiloa F. IF I" Msrsr, coopsr c. ic Bllloo Lsubaush. FatUrao....O.IO Pvteraoa Walak O. 0 suisoa O'Brien to Bos WelalsT. BUFFALO, Dee. 30. Articles were tiled today for a twenty-round contest between Philadelphia Jack O'Brien and Al Wetnla. The men will meet before the International Athletic club on New Years afternoon at catch weights. The winner Is to take all of the purst. O'Brien has also posted to weinig s ii.Doo aa a sia Dei. Blonx City Bowler Los. SIOUX CITY. Dee. 20.-Th All-American bowling team defeated a Sioux City team today oy 2.785 to 8. 563. Five games were plsyed, the Stoux Cl'y team winning the last by 54 to 653. Huhry of Sloug City made tne nign score, iu. Beatrlc Defeats Wtlher. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec 80 (Special. The W liber and Reatrlce bowling team played her last night, th latter winning the game by US pins. The contest was wit nessed by a large orowd of spectators. Live Bird Shoot. At the Dicky Bird Oun club' grounds todsy there will be a live bird rao be tween Meaer. Sherwood and Tooser. Sweepstake events will also be shot oS. Th gam will begin at 1:30. Scientist Reaches Berkeley. OAKLAND, Cat., Dee. 20 Prof. Jaeque Loeb, the eminent biologist, who. on No vember 11. was choaen by the Board of Regenta a member of th faculty of th University of California. ha reached Berkeley, coming direct from Chicago. He will soon begin his espcfimental work In lb laboratory or in university. WILY BEGGARS WIN WEALTH Lnstj Cripples Who Work the Gsnerous and Accumulate Foitane. TYPES OF THE CLASS IN NEW YORK Deal Live of Some of tho Notable Member of the Profession How They Aet on the Street and at Home. That many a beggar lives a dual life Is a fact of which the public now and then get a fleeting glimpse through a brief po lice report. But It la seldom so strikingly exemplified as In the career of Matto Mod rlc, the king of beggars, a picturesque men dicant whose achievements are rketched lu the New York Herald. Princes in historic legend rnd fable have played the pauper, but they usually did It for diversion or to test the loyalty of their subjects. In Modrlc's case is found a tnssquerader who has successfully maintained his dual role for fifteen year." His Is the unique distinction of a beggar playing the pauper for revenue only In th country of bl adoption, while he play the prince once a year to enjoy himself, displaying his riches right royally among his old Croatian neigh bors and datzllng their peasant simplicity with hi lavish emulation of the extrava gance of a prodigal duke or a captain of Industry. King Mod rlc has Just made his yearly visit home, and Vienna cable dlspatchea re ported his departure for New York "on a fast steamship," to resume the beggar role, whereby he steadily adds to the wealth that has sufficed already 'to buy him houses, lands and cattle and to make him the most opulent cltlxen In the military district of Krlx. More than once the United States Immigration authorities have tried to bar him out. They were warned and knew of his dual life as long ago as 1893, when Johann Brallc. one of the beggar king's Croatian neighbors, wrote them a long let ter, describing graphically the airs and grace assumed by Modrlc In his old homo town, where he wos esteemed as an Influ ential capitalist who had conquered fortune in the new world by bis genius for business and hi unflagging seal. Brallc himself had been lured to America by Modrlc's glittering tales and had been astounded to find the great man of Krlx In the rags of a mendlcart, begging In New York's streets. Confronted by his old neighbor. Matto had braienly confessed the source of Ms wealth and had advised Brallc to adopt the same career. Acting upon Brallc's Information, tho Immigration officials detained Modrlc when he disembarked from the Edam In 18D3. But the be'ggar king was wily and auda cious. His gold had the true ring. Ha took a solemn oath that he had never begged alms In h's life. He passed the cordon and the next day the Croatian Croe sus was again metamorphosed into the mis erable mendicant of New York. A Profitable Graft. That wa nine years ago. Since then he j has been going and coming, wearing his rags In America and his silks and satins In Europe. Men who have defended him In court say that his average income from professional beggary has been more than $10 a day. Nobody knows Just how much he is worth. His fortune, cot great for New York or, perhaps, even for Hoboken, Is enough to give him an almost princely statu In Croatia, and It Is safe to say that he is rich enough .to buy out any one of more than two-thirds of the charitable folk who dally drop their spare coin Into bis tattered cap. King Modrlo is about 45 years old. In person h I lean and of only medium stature. A natural stoop of the shoulders has been deliberately accentuated as an ac cessory to his art, until he can readily pass for a hunchback, when It suits his purpose to do so. He Is master of many tricks of mendicancy, but his specialty I to expos an arm apparently shockingly mutilated and a hand the Index finger of which Is gone. The finger he sacrificed years ago to ex empt blm from military duty In hi native land. As for th arm, his methods of Im posture were exposed some months ago, when Recorder Stanton of Hoboken presided at the hearing of a case Involving 8190. which Modrlc was said to have given to Lucia Mlskulon, a woman who for the tlm had pleased his royal fancy. It was demonstrated then that Modrlc habitually treated the arm with acids and distorted It with bandages, rubbing in iodo form afterward to aggravate Its abnormal appearance. It was learned, also, that be was the leading spirit. It not the padrone, or "pantata," of a band of kindred spirits, whose rendexvous had been at various time either at 62S Adams street, 22S Jack son street or 68 Jefferson street, in Hobo ken. Many of those who congregated with him In these tenements were, like himself, self-mutilated for begging purposes. For their board and lodging they paid a pittance of from 15 to 25 cents a day each. Their incomes ranged from $4 to $10 dally. Cap tain Hayes of the Hoboken police Investi gated this tatterdemalion court and took the names of a score or so of Its courtiers. So far as could be learned their only bond was a "professional" one. They agreed amicably upon a partition of th territory which each should be permitted to "work," but this appeared to be the only particular in which the band merited the appellation of a "beggars' trust." Modrlc was aq undisputed chief among them, but that he profited from any part of his comrades' revenues, though sus pected, was never proven. Just what ar th traits that have given him an easy ascendancy over his fellows It would be hard to say. But he has great native shrewdness. Is uncommonly rssource ful and persons who know blm say ha la not without a sort of personal magnetism that Is foreign to most mendicants. To these attributes he adds a knowledge of men snd affairs commonly acquired by those who have traveled and have seen more of life than their own little circle. Matto Modrlc speaks no English and professes to understand none, but he prob ably affects a linguistic lgnoranc mors profound than genuin. When Lucia Mlskulon was pressing her claim against him In court she produced a book and a series of cards which comprised choice collection In English of these pathetic placards so familiar to city life as an ap pendage to th maimed, th halt and th blind who beg alms along the shopping thoroughfare or who cloak professional mendicancy under th thin disguise of ped dllng lead pencil or ho strings. Th author of those apocryphal placards telling of mythical explosions and other dire mis fortunes was the soa of a Hoboken saloon keeper, who turned them out to order at reasonable rates. He Is now studying law In a New York lawyer's offlc. Live In Hoboken. "Work" New York Of cours Hoboken was only th resting plac and dormitory of this beggar band and New York has bean thtr field of operations only from tlm to time. VI gl lane on tho part of th special officers of th Charity Organisation society and th periodlo ac tlvlty of th nolle have often driven them to other pastures. Tho Hoboken authori ties who bav watched their movement and respectable member of th Croatian eolony of New York who know thalr habits say that they, regard Bostoa aa a vert tabl beggars' paradise. King Modrlc' Capital, $50,000. GRAHAM RICE, Prist. , 928 Canal Street, Niw Orleans, La. I Per Our One-Horse-Per-Day Play at New Or leans Gets the Money. Given good weather and Even when the track is bad, Our dispatches indicate good weather and a good track indefinitely from now on and our famous corps of track experts announce that never in the history of Maxim & Gay Com pany have they had up their sleeve Buch a bunch of good things aa they will spring for the benefit of our clients in the next ten days. You can't afford to miss us from now on. We are clearly in our stride. If you are wise you will cut in and get some of the pickings at once. 390 per cent are the dividends earned past four days, and yet" the plays we have made in that period are the most conservative that could have been selected. The four were sure winners. We never shoot at the moon. The stockholders of the Maxim & Gay Company bet thousands daily on the one-horse selection and the money of our clients is therefore as preciously handled as theirs. The outlook for the present is really glowing. The track is in good condition and promises to remain so. Our experts are on the ground now a month, and they have mastered every detail of the game. They look forward for the next fortnight to the biggest winning percentage of their carreer. String along with us, you Mill get the money. We Handle Your Money With Caution Th success of our precautionary measures to surround our tremendous operations with every safeguard Is spparent to all. As every racegoer realizes publicity ss to our planned coups before the races are run would endanger success and therefore we allow. none. As a pledge of good faith, th Maxim It Gay company at 1 p. m. dally place In the hands of the editor of the New Orleans Item the (election on which the money of our clients 1 to be played and alio mall to each subscriber the name of the selection, such letter bearing a postmark at least one hour prior to the tlm the race Is run. When specially requeatcd tho name1 oPthe hors and the odds secured are communicated by telegraph after the races to subscribers. ; All money of our clients Is placed through Mr. Sol Llcbtennteln, the noted eastern bookmaker, who gels it down In a dosen cities through agents, and thereby secures beet results. Fee for placing your commission Is 5 per cent of net weekly profits. This Is Mr. Llcbtensteln's charge. Fee for the Information 1 $10 weekly. Th! Is Maxim Gay's charge. Statements mailed weekly with check for profits. Ac counts subject to withdrawal at two hour' notice. The following are the minimum betting accounta accepted: For a $10 daily play on one horse. $50. For a $20 dally play on one horse, $100. For a $50 dally play on on hore, $250. For a $100 dally play on one horse. $500. For larger plays sums In proportion. Remit direct to the Maxim A Oay company 2g Canal street. New Orleans. All accounts received by the Maxim d Oay company will be played by Mr. Sol Llchtcnateln. or some other agent of the Maxim ft Oay company, and the Maxim ft Oay company will make all accountings direct to Its clients. The Maxim ft Gay company assume all responsibility for a proper execution of Its clients' orders. Our friends are cautioned against sending pioney through the malls without registering. " No checks accepted unless certified. 1 spare snd stooped forra 1 almost ss fa miliar, however, in the streets of Pitts burg, Chicago and even San Francisco ss It Is In those of New York or Boston. There have been In current newspaper literature many so-called "beggar kings" and "panhandler princes." Modrlc's seem ing pre-eminence among them may cr may not be merited. Many others have en riched themselves by playing successfully upon the sympathies of aa overcredulou public, and agents of th Charity Orgsnlia tlon society such a James Forbes or Wil liam Retnlake could fill volume with tru tale of the comedy and tragedy of pro fessional mendicancy In New York. It Is well known now that there are re sorts In the lower east aide where nightly the blind read the newspaper and play pinochle, where the deaf and dumb talk politics volubly, where palsied arms pound sloppy table tops with thick bottomed beer glasses, where crutches are stacked In the corner, wooden legs aro given a night oft and real legs of flesh and bone are mys teriously released from flapping trousers snd stretched In welcome relaxation from a long restraint. A Det car Trast. By th arrest of a colony of beggars last April there was exposed th xtstenr at No. ISO Forsyth street of a regularly organised mendicant' trust, together with a school for th expeditious making to order of bogus cripples. From evidence presented In the Yorkvllla court It appeared that of the seven prisoner arraigned all wer sound physically, though only a few hour before all bad been apparently afflicted with dlr bodily Infirmities. Andrew Anderson, a tall, one-legged fel low, of keen Intelligence, was th president of tho organisation. Two of his confed erates became state' witnesses and testi fied that h received oos-half of all th re ceipt taken In by th beggar In bis cm ploy. A they collected from $ to $$ dally. and there wer ten member of th band, Anderson's dally Income ranged from $30 to $40. Out of this revenue he supplied th necessary crutches, canes, goggles, ban dages and othsr theatrical properties used in their masquerade, and under th written 'article of agreement" the president also bound himself to pay th fines of such mem bers ss might be arrested and to car for them during possible Illness. He wss the final arbiter of all questions as to disputed territory, and he bad a sort of beggar roundsman, whose duty It was to go about and se that hi minions wer properly sealou In their dutUs. It was th custom of the Forsyth street rendexvous to school beggars carefully to their work and to mak bogus cripples to order, binding legs and arms in such a way as to easily deceive th tender hearted shop girls, from whom wa derived a large por tion of their dally aim. Charles Turck, tb general manager, told In court bow he had bound up th sound arm of a beggar named James Sullivan to bis body and Sulltvaa corroborated blm. Either Anderson or Turck usually attended to aurh operations, and carefully Inspected each pretended crip ple to ee that h bad the true appearance of decrepitude. Anderson, who wss a muter of hi art, so disguised bis emissaries as t glv than frequently a moat realistic sppearanc of Bank References: 280 ig Mmk Our One-llorse-Day Play Last Four Days: Wednesday, Scotch Plaid, 7 to 5, won Thursday, Com Foster, 8 to 5, won Friday, Sweet Alice, I to 2, won Yesterday, Harry Wilson, I to 3. won a fair track at New Orleans and we the worst we ever get for jou is an suffering either from Injury or wasting dis ease. The president and several of hla col leagues were sent to the work hous for six months. In court each referred to th others In terms of the utmost respect, In variably using the prefix "Mister." When Oft Doty. Like Modrlc. all of these Impostors knew how to enjoy life thoroughly and spend money freely In their hours of eaae when not "on duty." William Selbel, a one legged Oerman, ha been one of tb moat notorious of Nw York offender. Special Agent Relnlck wa stationed one night at the Metropolitan Opera bouse during the Grau season to see that beggars should not Infest the entrance and annoy the patrons. H could hardly believe his eyes when he saw Selbel, properly arrayed In evening dress, ride up in a livery atable rig and gallantly assist to the pavement a well dressed woman. The beggar's cork leg was well covered by trousers sharply creased fore and aft, an opera hat topped off his head, and from his shoulders hung an opera cloak of irreproachable cut. As he entered the brilliantly lighted foyer only a slight limp betrayed the cripple whose forlorn pose snd melancholy glance wer familiar to the Broadway of the daylight hours. The pair had good seat for th opera, well down toward the center of the orchestra. When Coroner's Physician O'Hanlon ex amined the body of "Dan" O'Brien, a sup. posed paralytic who for ears had been a familiar figure on terry boata and "L" trains, he exposed a lifelong imposture. O Brlen bad never suffered a stroke of paralysis, but bad killed himself with strong drink at 35 year of age. He had a particularly Interesting alcoholic brain, which la now In the Carnegie laboratory as a dipsomania exhibit. Henry Hart wa another well known "fake" cripple. HI specialty used to be to board an "L" train and paa through It distributing cards Inscribed. "Pleas help a man whose arm Is paralysed." H also of fered for sale small packages of court plas ter or sora such cbeap commodity. After "working" one train be would step off at on of th station and await th arrival of the next. Detective Thomas Hughes srrested blm last March and took blm to the West Thirtieth street police station. Presently there arrived a neatly dressed little woman, who wore diamonds In ber ears. With her wa friend arrayed In a fashionable gowu, a fur boa, an automobll coat and a "pic ture hat" garnished with ostrich plumes. 8b of th diamond earrings was Hart's wife. She expressed th utmost astonish ment when she learned of the charge made against her spouse. "Why." said she, "I always understood that Henry was employed In a downtown restaurant. W bav always bad money enough to live comfortably." A crutch 'suspiciously new betrayed Thomaa Ross as a "fake" cripple on day about two year ago In Williamsburg. In front of Alderman Holler's Jewelry store Ross sat huddled and bandaged, a though suffering from a wool catalogue of awful ailment. Policeman Luk Maxwell was suspicious and questioned th beggar. Ross arose with many groans and eontortiea and said his right arm and left leg had been fractured thre wek befor In a Beekman Federal Rank Mew York. Stat Ket. Dank, of Nw Orleans. Broadway, New York. can't lose a bet for even break. you. street explo.lon. Maxwell, not convinced, .... vu .rreai me oeggar. R0s. hurling hi crutch across the nn.i like a roebuck. He ha .printed three block ",vr" u" w" caugnt and In his wake he left a trail of discarded splints snd ban dages. U MOTHER AND BOX. Episode of n Convict' Temporary Ite- sneval from glaa; Sin;. An old, white-haired woman wandered timidly about tb corridor of the criminal court building the other day, relate the New York Sun, anxiously looking about, but venturing to ask bo one for information. Dlatrlct Attorney's Clerk Henneberry watched her for some time and then asked her If he could be of assistance to her. "O, dear," said she, "I am trying to get a glimpse of my son, whom I haven't seen in eight years and I don't know where to look for him." "Where do you expect to find him?" asked Mr. Henneberry. "I don't Just rightly know," replied the old womsn, "but he's to be a witness In some court. There are so many courts and they all look so much alike that I hardly know where I hav been." "But don't you know the case he 1 to teatlfy in?" asked Mr. Hsnneberry. The old woman's eyes sank. Finally she answered In a low voice: "He is to testify in the murder trial of Duncan Young, and he's been In Sing Blng prison for eight years. H has two mora years yet to serve, and I read In one of the papers that he waa to b her today. "So 1 thought that I would com heie and mayb they would let me In th courtroom o that I could e him. even If from afar, whil he was testifying. Or, if they wouldn't do that, perhaps I could see him as he was being led across th corridor on bis way to the courtroom from the Tomb. "He was convicted of burglary; but I'm sure he was led away. Ha wa a good boy. "Bight year Is such a long time, snd when he gets out I may not be alive. I'm an old woman and I haven't been feeling very strong of late." Mr. Henneberry took her to his office snd made ber comfortabl while h set about to local her son. II soon found that the mas would not leave the Tomb at all that day, but would testify the next. He made out pass to the Tombs and sent for a Tombs keeper, to whose cars he Intrusted tb old woman. He said nothing to her ks to his Intention, but told her to follow th officer. Tb officer took ber over the brldg of sighs snd Into th new prison. She was trembling as she wa led along the row of cells, for h began to get a glimmering of wber h wa going snd to understand that sh was not only to se her son, but also to talk to blm again. "These poor old bent mothers, they baunt these courts and ar heartbroken over their erring sons," said Mr. Henneberry, after the old woman had gon away. "I think they ar th saddeat of all sights lo this dismal bQlldlng." Publish your legal notice ! Tb WkU Be.. Telephone iit. n MM D&K7S )