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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
10 THE OMAHA DAITA' HEE: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1P02 ONE MORE CHANCE FOR LIFE Supreme Court Ortnti New Triali to Throe Convicted of Murder. DRUGGISTS HAVE HARD TIME PASSING flat of Krtrntr t'anilMatra Only Klght trn Ttecrlre Prrmlatloa to Mia Medicine Kla Dor SHabtlr Ohirrrrd, fFrom Staff Correspondent.) ES MOINES. Dec. 20. (Special.) The Iowa supreme court llDlshcd Ita work fnr the present special session today and did considerable Interesting business In the way of granting new trials for men who have killed other men. Three such get new trials, now serrlng a life sentence, and the other two with sentences of execution hang ing over them. In both cases the reversals of the lower court were on technical ground, not affecting the merits of either case, and there Is nothing In the decision . of the court which will prevent repeating the convictions on second trials. In the caae of A. M. Hunter, who killed Hoitier Holland at Mnunt Ayr, November 9, 1901, after a quarrel over a gambling debt, IB which Hunter received a life sentence on second degree murder. Judge 1'arrluh, who presided at the trial, committed a grievous error In regard to challenges of Jurors. The defendant had waived the ighth challenge, the state did the same, and the court refused to entertain any more challenges. The supreme court says the waiving of one challenge did not waive all that followed, and this was reversible error. The court erred In one Instruction la regard to the effect of acquittal, leaving the Impression that If the Jury erred In finding him guilty the error could be remedied, while If error was made In ac quitting there was no remedy. This preju diced the case against the defendant. Be fore a verdict was reached the Jury asked for special Instruction as to whether mur der In the second degree could be com mitted In a heat of pnesion and blood. The trial Judge, went too far In answering the question. Erred In Haling; on Intent. Albert O. rtillllps, colored, and Lewis Brooks, who had been sentenced to hang last Thursday, get a new trial In Buena Vista county. They killed John Sundblad November 18, 1901. They had been sur rounded In a depot at Albert City by a posse headed by Marshal Lodlne and a running lire was going on. After they were driven from the depot the floor waa cov red with empty cartridges. They were pursued and finally arrested. Dolan, an accomplice In their bank robberies, waa killed. Lodlne was wounded, but recovered. Sundblad died anon after. The most Im portant feature of the reversal relates to the Intent of the murderers. Judge Ballle, who presided. Instructed that If a man. In shooting distance of another, la seen to take aim and fire and kill his man, such taking aim and tiring would be of Itself prima facie evidence ha Intended the re sult of his act and it would therefore be deliberate and premeditated killing. Tha supreme court refusea to take this view, but savs such an act would presume malice only and therefore second degree iturder. Especially where there la battle and ex change of ahota, the premeditation and de liberation must have positive proof and cannot be presumed. There was alao error la admitting as evidence the statement of undblad's wife that Sundblad said "the nigger had shot him," when It was not shown he thought be was dying., Testi mony regarding a bottle of nltro-glycerlne was wrongly admitted, because it was not Identified as one taken from the defend ants. There was no error In showing that revolvers, etc., were taken from the men. Conversations in Jail relating to the bank robberies were properly admitted. An In struction in regard to the dJubt which would Justify acquittal waa bad, because It Implied that the Jury was under obliga tion to convict unless there was strong doubt. There was much said about the un lawfulness of the arrest without warrant nd by an armed posse, but the court holds that the posse was Justified In taking the action It did. Judge Deemer dissented from the majority view in regard to tha dying declaration of Sundblad. Court's Decisions. The following are the other decisions ren dered by the supreme court today: Mrs. William Andrews against Marshall Creamery company, appellant, Marshall county. Judge Burnham; affirmed by Mc Claln. Mrs. Mary A. Murray against Mary E. Qulgley. appellant, Allamnkee county. Judge Hobson; affirmed by Sherwin. Andrew Duree, appellant, against Chi cago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul railroad, Keo kuk county. Judge Seott; action for dam ages: affirmed by Ladd. Peter Rellly against City of Fort Dodge, appellant, Webster county. Judge Weaver; reversed by Weaver. Robert T. Young against A. W. Lohr, appellant, Sioux county. Judge Hutchin son: damages for defective abstract; af firmed by Sherwin. Helen E. Dillon against Iowa Central Railway company, appellant, Franklin county, juuge wnitsner; reversed Dy mc Claln. Catharine Goodwin against Merchants and Bankera Insurance company, appellant. Polk county. Judge Bishop: affirmed by Weaver. 14 Jamea W. L4u-kln against Chicago Great THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL "w Peepl Kw Row TJsvfal It is la Preserving; Hoaltk auasl Beanty. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is the safeat and moat efficient disinfectant and purifier In nature, but few realise its value when taken Into the human system (or tha same cleanslnr curoo... Charcoal la a remedy that the more yon Uks of It the better; it la not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and lmpurl ties always present in the stomach and In testines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after amok Ing and drinking or after eating onions and ether odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Improves the complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acta as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the Injurious gaits which col lect In the sumach and bowols; it dlsln fscts the mouth and throat from the po'son f cstarrh. All druggists sail charcoal in one form or another, but probably tha best charcoal and the moat for tha money is Stuart's Ab sorbent Lcsengss; they are composed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless antlaeptlcs in tablet form, or rather. In the form of large, pleasant tast ing loxenges, tha charcoal being mixed with honey. The dally use of these loienges will soon tell In a much Improved condition of t general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty rt It Is. that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but, on the contrary great benefit. A Buffalo physician, la speaking of tha benefits of charcoal, aays: "I advise Stuart's Absorbent Losenges to all patlsnts suffering from gas la the stomach aad bow- - sis, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth aad throat; I also be lieve the liver la greatly beaeflted by the dally use of them; they coat but twenty-five cants a bog at drug stores, aad although la soma sense a patent preparation, yet I be lleve I gat more better charcoal la Stuart's Asaorbaat Lasaagos tkaa la aay ef tea ataar chareeal taMata." Western rnllroad, sppellnnt. t'nlnn county, JmlKf Teilfcrd: nnwipr for personal In jury; sfPrmou' bv ;ivir. Annie Prhnchtscbiibel nsalnM W. F. F I r"ll, HpT'eMnnt. Woft'ii.nry county, Juthjj Oliver; affirmed by th? court. Hasan M rtiurnmii as unst W. F. Stur msn, appellant, Madison county. Judge Ap llrste: revrsed r.y Mrt'lnln. Nleholns Meyer a'g.ilnst Stnrrlnrrl Tele t hone nmpnny. appellant Dubuque county, Juuge Matthews; nflirmcd by I.add. K. K. Kox. appellant, against O. J. Piper, Arl'ims county. Judge Wilkenson; reversed by the court. Oeorge P. Oorham against Ploux City Ptock Yards company, appellant, Woodbury county. Judre Oliver; affirmed by Pherwln. H. H. Hlehards against Javett Hros., ap pellants, O'l'.rlen county, Judge Wakefield; reverserl bv Hberwin. Charles Vasey, appellant, aaalnst Sarah Parker, Jasper county. Judge Dewey; re versed by Deemer. r Ida County Ravings bank against C. J. Seldenstlrkef. aprellnnt, Ida county. Judge Church; affirmed bv Rlshnp. Wllllim He'd nga!nsi Robert Jwgenhelmer, appellant, Keokuk county. Judge Dewey; affirmed by Deemer. Sere Corporations. Three big corporations formed In Water loo filed their articles of Incorporation with the secretary of state. These were: Waterloo motor works, capital $."00,000, by Thomas Casraden and others. Waterloo gelf-Feeder company, capital $50."iO, by Thomas Cascaden and others. Waterloo Threshing Machine company, cspltrtl IKiO.flno, bv J. D. Hawes and others. The Cltv Book and Stationery company of pes Moines filed articles, with $1B."00 capi tal, by William Archer and C. A. Neldlg. The Cambridge Independent Telephone company of Story county has Incorporated, with $10,000 capital, by Frank Thompson and others. The Home F.lectrlc company of Correc tlonvllle has Incorporated, with $10,000 capi tal, by M. H. Harter. An amendment to the charter of the Na tional I.lfe and Trust company of Des Mn'nes wis filed providing that no Indebted ness fhall ever be Incurred exclusive of the risks of the company. Klghteen ctv PrnKliti. Out of a class of over seventy which took the examination for pharmacy certifi cates recently but eighteen were granted certificates by the board, their names being as follows: Charles E. Pratt, Cedar Falls; W. R. Mulltns, Crlnnell; Alva L. Seamonda, Akron; A. Y. Burson, Fonda; Albert Os weller, Ashton; Alfred H. Elbert, Wall Lake; E. E. Calle, Knorvllle; R. L. Harris. Museatlne; L. J. Wallace, Melbourne; Henry E. Roth, Dyersvllle; B. T. Beach, Shenandoah; F. M. Bone, Grand River; U. G. Long, Iowa Falls; Otto Altfellsch. Bello vue; L. H. Brown, Lamont; Carl E. GUI, Havelock; Roy Seney, Thornton; C. E. Voas, Mlnburn. Flaaj Dnr Observed. This is flag day In Iowa, according to the proclamation of Governor Cummins, Issued on behalf of the Louisiana Purchase expo sition people. The day was designated as one on which to display the flags, because it has been Just ninety-nine years since Louisiana was added to the United States as contiguous territory properly belonging to the states. In tha stats house the atate'a flags were displayed and on a few public buildings, and many of the state offi cials were seen wearing little flags. The proclamation bad been on such short no tice that not all were aware of the same. Two Candidates for 'Speaker. Already there are two active candidates for speaker of the next Iowa house in the Held, though the legislature will not be elected until next November, and not one candidate has been renominated. Two of the present members expect re-election. and If they are successful they will be can didates for speaker. These are George W. Clarke of Dallas and N. E. Kendall of Mon roe. Both are identified with the Cummins wing of the party and anticipate that the next legislature will be composed largely of the same persons who were In the as sembly which met last January. Both men have stated that they will be candidates and are soliciting support. -a The State Board of Control today re elected B. J. Miles, superintendent of the State Reform School for Boys, for four years. Governor Cummins appointed Al Parson Judge of the superior court at Keokuk, vice Hughes, resigned. Parson was the re publican candidate at the late election, but was defeated. The term commences In April. He also appointed ' E. L. Elliott Judge of the superior court Just estab lished at Oelwein. OIL DISCOVERED IN IOWA Woman Who Finds It Leases Lars Tract af Land in gaa Coanty. DES MOINES, la., Dec. 20 Oil has been discovered Issuing from the banks of the Coon river near Grant City in Sac county. A quart of the oil was sent to Ames col lege for analysis and found to be 80 per cent pure. The discoverer, a woman, has quietly leased 6,000 acres In the locality. A representative of the Pennsylvania Oil company and of Des Moines capitalists have been endeavoring to buy the lease contract. WOMAN READY TO SURRENDER Mrs. Ella Gallans;her Will Glva Her self V Soon as Ball Caa ' Be Arraasje. DES MOINES, la.. Dec. 10. Mrs. Ella Gallaugher of Iowa Ctty, a fugitive from Jus tice sines her Indictment for perjury, grow ing out of her testimony in her trial for the murder of her husband, has notified the au thorities through her nearest relative George Colwell, that she is near the Canada Una and is resdy to glvs herself up as soon as satisfactory terms aa te ball can be ar ranged. IOWA MAN FIGHTS FLAMES Drops One Child from Window, Walls Another Suffocates la Smoke. FORT DODGE, la., Dec. 20. With one child under each arm, J. J. Hlirglns of Cm tsna fought bis way through smoke and flames In his blazing home today. He finally reached a window and dropped one of the children, a boy. Throwing the other Into the snow, he returned for the bay, to find him dead. Higglns then escaped with difficulty. Qaarret Ends ia a Rhoatlns;. HASTINGS. Is., Dec. 20. (Special Tele gram.) Aa the result of an altercation lasting all day a chicken picker In Swift's establishment named Hearing waa shot by William Martin, living south of town Both men had been drinking heavily and bad other quarrels during the tarly evening. Martin entered Vanorall'a barber shop and began abusing Hearing, who knocked him down. Martin drew a revolver, ahootlng Hearing in the mouth. It is thought Hear Ing Is not seriouusly injured. HENDERSON GIVES A PARK Makes Present ta Louisiana, Mlsaaarl, Where Ha Spent Days al His Yoath. ' v LUiisiANA, mo., Dec. 20. it Is an nounced that General John B. Henderson, member of the house of representatives who began his career In Louisiana, has made a gift to the city of two blocks of city property overlooking the Mississippi river, to be ooaveried lata a park. TESTIMONY SHOWS VIOLENCE Methods Emtloved to Prevent Ncnmion Men from Working. MANY WITNESSES ARE ON THE STAND Anthracite t'oal Strike Commission Holds Last Session Before 'Holi days and Mill Meet In Phila delphia January 6. 8CRANTON, Pa., Dee. !). The anthra cite coal strike commission held Its last session of the year today and adjourned to meet In Philadelphia on Tuesday. January 8. In order to permit the commissioners and others connected with the orocecdlngs to catch Vralns, today's session began at 9 o'clock. The attorneys for the nonunion men continued calling witnesses from Lackawanna and Luzerne counties for the purpose of proving that violence. Intimida tion and boycotts were employed to prevent the nonunion men from going to work. Everett Warren, counsel for the Lehigh Valley Coal company, filed the wage state ments of the company. John H. Otto, the first witness called, said all -.he merchants In Archibald, Pa., were compelled to boycott him because he worked In the mines. The second witness was a boy who was forced to leave the store when he was em ployed on account of his father being a nonunion man, and the next witness testi fied that strikers tried to have him forced out of the volunteer company, to which he belonged, because he continued at work as a mine engineer during the strike. Woman Telia of Itumlng Honae. Mrs Rhoda Snyder of Wllkesbarre, with n baby In her arms, took the stand and with tears running down her face told of the burning of her home by strikers. Her husband was In the mines and could not come home because he feared bodily harm. She and her children were so abused that she moved to another part of the city. Her reception In. the new home was hostile and she decided to move to her mother-in-law's house. Strikers prevented her mov ing and the same night the house and its contents were destroyed by Are. James D. Lewis, a mine foreman, who said yesterday that he had been held up by a crowd near Ollphant, was called In re buttal by the miners, and .a photograph showing him with a large crowd around posing for a picture was placed In evidence. James Dolan told a story of persecution because he worked during the strike. His children were beaten and Insulted on the street. LAST WEEK IN BLUFFS' SOCIETY Holiday Vacation Bring; Many Tonna People Home from School Dotles. The members of the Woman's Whist club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Bender. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Sapp of Oakland ave nue entertained at dinner Monday evening a number of friends. Miss Emma Morehouse la home from Peoria, 111., to spend the holldaya with her parents on Fourth avenue. Miss Adah Sargent and Miss Edna Kee llne are home from St. Mary's, Knoxvllle, III., to spend the holidays. The art department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club met Monday evening. Mrs. Katherlne Cook led the program. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wles entertained a num ber of friends Informally at their home east of the city Monday evening. Miss Nora Brown will arrive Mondey from New York to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. J. Brown. The Council BlufTs Rowing Association Dancing club will give a dancing party at the Grand hotel ball room Christmas night. Mrs. V. K. Bender and children of Fifth avenue have gone to Galesburg, 111., to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Bender's pprents. Lieutenant I. Beers Rohrer has returned from Mexico (Mo.) Military school to spend tho holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Craig were pleas antly surprised Thursday evening by a number of their friends In honor of their wedding anniversary. A large dancing party will be given Mon day evening at the ball room of the Orand hotel by Mrs. B. W. Hart. About 100 In vitations have been issued. Miss Marlon Tyler will arrive this morn- nit from New York, where she Ik attend ing school, to enend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tyler. Mtas Millie Graham entertained the mem bers of the Euchre club at her homo Tues day afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. win Mutier ana Mrs. cnaries Bayies. Miss Lizzie Drake was pleasantly sur prised by a number of friends at her home on Nortn avenue Thursday evening. Miss Drake will leave after the holidays for St. ixnus Miss Marian Benton will arrive home today from Washington, D. C. where she la attending the National Park seminary, to spena tne innstmas nouaays will her parents. Miss Genevieve Baldwin returned home Wednesday" from Red Oak, where she was guest of honor at a large dancing party given there by Judge and Mrs. Smith Mc- I'nerson. Robert Swalne. Miss Asmes Robinson. Miss Nellie Showalter, Avery Jennings and Adam Hess are home from the University or lowa. Iowa City, to remain durlna- the holldaya. Mlsa Josephine Jennlnas has returned from Rockford, III., where she has been attending school this year, and will spend ths holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra. victor Jennings. The literature department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club held an Interesting meeting Thursday afternoon at the club room. Mr. II. A. Mrssmore was in charge of the program tor the afternoon. R. E. Wlatt of the Western Iowa Busi ness college and F. L. Thomas of the high school faculty left yesterday for St. Louis to join HuntTintatHlent (.iirrord and the party of teachers on the southern trip. Mrs. B. M. Webster and Mrs. Charles Woodbury gave a six-handed euchre party Monday afternoon at tne nome or Mrs. Woodbury on Willow avenue. Prizes were awarded Mrs. S. T. McAtee and Mlm Hill. A large fencing class has been organized by Mis Florence Denny, physical director of the t ouncll KiurTs w Oman s ciuu. ne class meets every Friday afternoin and tho members have taken up the art with much enthusiasm. Miss T.lzzle Drake of North avenue en tertained Thurrday evenlnn a number of her schoolmates. Music and games fur nished the evening's entertainment. Ml Drake will leave shortly fur St. Louis to spend the winter with relatives. Members of the Royal Highlanders fathered Tuesday evening at the home nf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Drake on North avenue In celebration of their twenty-first wedding anniversary. As a memento of th auKitelous ocear'on the visitors presented Mr. and Mrs. Drake with a handsome chini dinner set. Miss Kliznbeth Peno srvd Miss Helen Wal lace, who are undents at Ijtuielle seminary. Aubumdnle, Mhsr, will spend the hi'.llava In New York 1tv. Ms Helen Foley, whs Is a student a the Washlr.Kton university, Wiuhlrton. D. C. will spend the holidays In lioRton. Mao Haneheil, who la atter l Irg Harvard university, will also spend his vacation In Boston. AH the women's clubs of the city have S'ljouriif .1 until after the holidays. Amnrg the eluba to give entertainment d iring the holidays are the Oakland Aven;:e Head ing club, which wlM give an Informal re ception Friday evening. January 2. The Ideal rljb will give a euchre party Wednes day evenlrvg December 31. at the home of Mrs. T. B. Mstcalf. The Tuesday History club will give a "watch party'' the same evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Cleaver, ar.d the regular reception of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will be held the evening of January i- Oeena. Vasiderltllt. 8CHN KCTADT, N. Y.. Dec. 20 John F. Deems, superintendent of the Schnectady branch ef the American Uocomoilre works, has accepted ths position "at superintend ent of motive power of the various rail roads comprised la the Vandirbllt lines. Mr. Deems cams here from ths Chicago, Burtlngtoa 4 Qulacy. H h w E NEVER HAD SUCH A GOOD now, but our presents at very low Furs If you have Fl'RS to buy, don't fall to see our stock, aa ws ars giving spec ial bargains. Sa ble Marten, Isa bella Marten, American Mar en, Genuine Rus sian Marten, gen uine Mink, Imi tation mink, bea vcar. Blended Mink, Raccoon. Krlmraer and genuine bear, in medium and ex tra fine qualities. Boas and Scarfs of all kinds, from the shortest to the longest length .made. Prices. $2.25 to J45.00. Muffs, from $1.25 to $20.00. White Linen Table Pieces nnd Dresser Scarfs We have the prettiest goods made. Irish hand embroidered, hemstitched, trimmed with Cluny, Arabian, Russian, Irish crochet lace. In all sizes of Centers, Lunch Cloths and Scarfs. A large line of lower priced Confers. Lunch Cloths, Scarfs, etc. Brown linen pieces, handsomely embroidered in colors, are very new, for tables, sideboards, etc. Burnt leather pieces for tables, sofa pillow tops and wall decorations. Finished Sofa Pillows, $1.15 up to $20.00. See the handsome Satin Pillows at spe cial cut prices, $1.87 and $2.60. Prettiest Crochet Slippers made, $1.16; children's sizes, 85c and $1.00. Prettiest line of Pin Cushions made. Prices from 20c up to $3.00. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!- We are showing the prettiest line of Dolls In Omaha. The cele brated Kestner is the prettiest face doll made, and with the pink or white, kid riv eted Joint body makes the handsomest and most durable doll in the world. Lenghta from H int. to about a yard. A new departure ia a lady doll, with long hair done tip pompa dour style, with real eyelashes. Price, $2.75 to $5.60, according to size. White kid body jointed dolls, prices 26c to $3.60. according to quality ana size. Small Dolls of all sorts and kinds. See our six-Inch Jointed Bisque Dolls, moving eyes and long curls. Price, 25c. Prettiest line of Cloth Dolls made. Umbrellas See the new style handles on our Christ mas Umbrellas. HEW PUBLICATIONS, Tour fate 13 Free BY THE ZODIiC. ittjmtt'n!MtK ing of roar lUe trtd a meat Interesting Bout on A ti olotT. If too irort the dui of roar Nrth and mmp for return poatnsn. (n ratdinn ha, mads pooplc happy and full of nop and auoreaa, Aildree M&11A21K1 07 XTSTIsnS, 2 V. VillUB St, T. City. Why Not MexicoP Tou have been to Europe. Tou have seen California and Colorado. Why not try Mex ico? It is worth while. The curious architecture; the vast plazas, where the en tire population of the city gathers nightly to listen to the stirring strains of a mili tary band; the rare beauty of the women; the picturesque attire of the men; the primi tive methods of agriculture th?se are only a few of the scores of things that can be Been and enjoyed In Mexico in MID-WINTER. Cut out this ad. aend It to us, and we will mall you a book about Mexico. Tells Just what you want to know. Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St. OnAHA, NEB. Every Voman U laUTMi J ftntl thottlcl know aboai ( wunacrro MARVTL Whirling 8prv etl-MOwt CO!)Tsr,t.M, LIMB I 1ft fHT tfrfjMlU fbr i If he. rinr,,.l iS.V M AR, KL,, accept no inurr. imi Mtia itsnib rtVI lmirihle, book-al-d U r rt ftlti Hirr.-lK ti 1b- 'al'iuls la ik..l H rtkl sTA. Room 12$ Times Hid?.. N. T. Kur bale by BCHAEFEH'B Cl'T KATE DRUG BYORE. Corner U.b and C Lie. no St.. Omaha. iLOOQ POISON M f j J uher prlnuarr, tvniavrT or tertiary, producing 14-a top; .ura fiMlt, I'uiiple, tur Ibrtmt, At-UfS, it& Korra, 1 lr, Uutoui 1'Mr.hea la month, lUt or i- yet mows faliiiiai out, etc, quit kly, poav invf ly a.-vl forever curM, without tins use of Menury or lislids uf IViMh. by the worwlerful Her bail i'ootpoura, few week' u of wlitrh make a clean, health peitisj, art-r eonipleta failure with tha llot h(rtnn ftna other trmtnvnt. Full Information, ant a U'tlie for trial, tent fie nf .Imrtr to all utftra, Adtlrwa. rrof. jr. c. rUWUH, Jiew uoao, ci Itr.ift u4 WoM atrtfcWa TakBsMaiwss ipeaaa iUUs.w suae) I anile Urn U a uj r ?u firmui a. ia tW M af raraioaiAM. Ta 1 Inn StUi I.MTmImim -4 M WW SI ! .a.ara. -aui-4 km k.MiArsV ..rsiissn B-avsiaesai, s uror u n store is still loaded with the prettiest goods prices, considering value. Gifts for Men Fine linen Initial Handkerchiefs, 25c each, or half dozen In fancy box for $1.50. An all linen Initial Handkerchief at 15c each. A handsome line of all linen Handker chiefs, In , Si, H and 1-Inch hems; prices, 15c each, or two for 25c; 25c each; 35c, or three for $1.00; 60c each and 75c each. A white 811k Initial Handkerchief at 25c and 60c; without Initial 60c and 75c. Mufflers, Umbrellas, Military Brushes, Toilet 8ets, Pocket Knives, Traveling Cases, Shaving Mirrors, Collar. CufT and Tie Boxes, Clipping Cases. Ink Wells, Pen Wipers, Shaving Rets, Calendars, Pocket. Dill, Address and Memorandum Books. Novelties in Jewelry The new Bend Chains, in black, carved, teak and bogwood, pearl, turquoise, coral, etc. Brooch Pins, In cameo, Rhinestone, Solid Gold, etc. Variety of Muff and Boa Chains; Infants' Gold- Pins, solid and plated; Stick Pins, Button Sets. Sterling Silver Manicure Pieces In new Frenh gray finish; Paper Cutters, Files, Shoehorns. Toofh Brushes, etc. New styles In Charms and Lockets, gold, silver and gun metal. Hair Ornaments and Combs, In real and Imitation shell. Fancy Garters, In round and side. Big Cut in Prices of Chil dren's Cloaks $12.00 Coats reduced to $8.50; $10.75 Coats reduced to $6.87; $8.50 Coats reduced to $5.87; $5.50 Coats reduced to $3.87; $3. SO Coats reduced to $1.95; $2.60 Coats reduced to $1.50. Children's Caps Our line of children's headwear takes in every kind. Handsome Silk Bonnets, best Angora Hoods, $1.00 up. Red and Brown Angora Hoods, $1.25 and $1.60. Handsome Tam O'Shantera, Tocques, etc Handsome Dress Skirts Silk or wool, for house or street. New est in Silk or Mercerized Petticoats. Wrist Bass and Chate laines. The finest line In Omaha. Leathers in Mexican carv ed, walrus, eea Hon, real seal, alligator, un dressed kid, ta pestery, etc. Prices 60o to $5.60. Pocketbooks Newest styles in alligator, seal, morocco. anake, lizard, etc. Price, lowest to best. - Horse Blankets, Lap Robes and Carriage Heaters. We carry mora blankets and Lap Robes, with a greater variety of styles and at lower prices, than any firm In Omaha. Andersen, Millard Go. 1516-18 Capitol Ave. Dr. Burktiart's Wonderful Offer. &iUSETAElE WMPllUNIL From far and near the gladsome tidings come that Dr. Burktiart's Vegetable Com pound Is the world's famoua remedy. It cures Pains In the Back, Hide, Shoulder and Head, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Night Sweats, Stiffness in Limbs snd Joints, Poor Appetite, Sick, Sour Stomach, etc. 10 days' trial ire. All druggists. DR. W. 8. fURKHAHT, t Inelsaatl, O. DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms of ISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY f? Tears Exporlencs, 17 Years In Omaha. Wla HmirVili. iua. iufejlniv' cess ha. never been equaled and every day bring, many flatter ing report, of the good h. Isadolng, or ths relief he has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or face and all external algns of ths disease disappear at once. BLOOD DISEASE T.-"Taoo..u VARICOCELE Curn guaranteed la . u.i I mhi curea 01 nsrv UtfLti OUiUUJ ous deowiiy. loss of ..-..., uiatbsrsa., Mtriciurs, U.oct- lUuney kuu biauer umea.e., xi urocvis. WLICK CL'RES-LOW CHAROE8. Treatment Dy mall. f. O. tiox .a, times over ii b. lain street, between Jfarnam ana Douglas streets, uMAliA. isaitl. neves Kidney ! & Bladder! tioublc t once. Cures In 48Hcur8u URINARY DISCHARGES: Each Caiw lewir rf u'-t ronnferl-i... mwh BEN CHRISTMAS TRADE as wc arc having Kid Gloves Perrln leads them all for beauty and dur ability. Prices, $1.00, $1.50. $1.75 and $2.00. In light or heavy weight, dressed or un dressed. Moha Gloves, $1.00 to $1.60. Silk lined Mocha Gloves, $1.50 and $2.00. Best Misses' Gloves, $1. Trettlcst Golf Glove rasde; price, 25c, 60c and S3c. Handkerchiefs We know we are showing the finest line ' of Christmas Handkerchiefs ever shown in this city, and at prices that are bound to sell them. Embroidered Handkerchiefs from two for 25c up to $5.25. Finest French Embroidered Hnndkerrhlefs at Just HALF FORMER PRICE $10.60 for $5.25, $8.75 for $4.37. $6.60 for $3.25. t A sheer, all linen hand embroidered Handkerchief, 15c or two for 25c, or 85c for fancy box of half a dozen. A fine quality Initial at 30e each; $1.30 per fancy box of half dozen. A handsome French Linen Handkerchief, hnnd hemstitched. Initial, sheer quality, 60c each, or $2.75 for half dozen. rialn hemstitched linen Handkerchiefs, from 5e to the sheerest fine French linen for $1.25. ' Pretty lace trimmed Handkerchiefs for 25c, 35c, 60c. 75c. $1.00 and up to $10.00. Dainty French hand embroidered Hand kerchiefs, from 60c up. A large line of real Duchesse and Point Duchesse Lace Handkerchiefs and Real Point. $1.25 up to $18.50. Children's Inltlsl Hsndkerchlefs, 2Be a box of three. AH linen. 6c up. Embroidered and hemstitched, 16c, 26c and 50c. Lacs trimmed, 25e and 60c. Cut Price on French Flannel Waists AH colors, $5.60 and $5.00 quality for $2.87; $3.60 Waists for $1.87. Handsome line of black Peau de Sole and Taffeta Waists. Fancy Stationery We have a grand line of Stationery, plain and fancy, put up in elegant boxes for the Christmas trade. Prices, 10c up to $2.00 a box. Beautiful boxes as low as 38c and 60c. New styles in Powder Boxes and At omizers. Always New to SI.00 I'll Liu r;-v I Haw All tha late 11.60 fiction; this Includes everything In our Immense stock. Come now before the best are gone. We have greatly reduced the price on table tennis and have the finest set for the price. Our holiday special No. 6: Two full red leather covered rackets, nickeled extension posts, green net white bound, six Imported balls, rules for playing, In a nice box. This Is a snap.. We have 75 different styles of rackets and can furnish you any ef tha parts to complete your old set. 10.50 Table tennis tsbles not In use; they amount of space. will not warn, and handle easily. STATIONERS. 1308 FOLLOW THE FLAG" ALL POINTS SOUTH Lv. Omaha, Daily, Ar. St. Louis 5:55 P. M. 7:00 A. M NEW STEEL RAILS, NEW EQUIPMENT SOLID ROAD BED rpeclsl rstes dally to all winter re sorts. City office, 1D1 Farnam Street. HARKI E. VIOOREg. Q. A. f. D., Omaha. Hb. TEN DAYS TRIAL. Rave in !, sjfc. Msaeuajgajejaaa teen saiatiissisl. wiaai aaasi. leaf ra, . TlUMm, e.f "f rrM f sCMBl alllipn wlHlfesjrl Uaw'sa s)if1eBlt. SS.M tars asr laviaael a at fcemfA. aVSI a. ' ' aaaa. H. P. Emmit, N-4W1 Ooo4 Elk.. IDTr, Col jflll SON suitable for Christmas Christmas Counters On these we have all the new styles li. Toilet and Manicure 8ets, in antique. Ivory, cocabola, burnt wood, real ebony, ebonold. porcelain and silver. Trices, 60c to $15.00. Collar, Cuff. Handkerchief, Tie and Work Boxes, Traveling Cases, Smoking Sots and Military Brushes; burnt leather goods In Music Rolls, Shaving Tads, Clipping Books. Address, Golf. Score and Memorandum Book Address, Golf, Scorn and Memorandum Books, Book Marks, Hair Receivers, Match Receivers, Atomizers, Perfume, Sonp and Powder Boxes. Whisk Holders and Tlcture Frames, all kinds of Hand and Standing Mirrors, Opera and Shopping Bags. Entirely new and very artistic Hand Sketched end Decorated Calendars In High Art. representing Ping Tong, Golf anj Fencing. Perfumes Bottles In fancy boxes, filled with choice perfume. 58c. 7oc, $1.00. $1.25, $1.50. $2.00 and up to $3.00. In bulk or bottle: Single bottles, 25c, 60c, 75c. $1.00, $1.50. Ladies' Neckwear All the pretty new styles that are made. Dressing Sacques We have a handsome line of lamb's wool and eiderdown Dressing Sacques, with ap plique and other trimmings. Pretty Underwear In silk, wool or cotton makes a nice Christmas present. Silk and Fancy Hosiery are pretty pres ents. Fans From 60c up to $15.00. Elegant line of Aprons, fancy and plain, from 25a up. For the Baby Infants' handsome Dresses, Silk Bibs, Bootees, Caps, Cloaks, Jackets, Shawls, Carriage Robes, Baby Pins, Rings, Rattles, Toilet Seta, Brushes and Combs, Infants' Baskets, Hampers, etc. Something Show You. 017 PU Si.08 made to fold up when only occupy a small Neatly made, durable, sra not too heavy te 10.50 Farnam St. Open Evenings SEND US $3.20 and we win ship, express prepaid 4 FULL QUARTS IN FLAIM BOX Shawhan Whiskey Is made st our ows dis tillery, which (OT.ra. ment reports show Is tb only raal distillery w ef ths Mississippi RJv.. Shawhan Whlakey mi bees sold for ever 1 00 yaws snd Is ths very best for medicinal pus boms. If. upon trial, you so sot find It tha old 10-ysar whiskey yoa evsr taxied, lust send It back at our eipenas, snd your f 3.20 will bs promptly ra. funded. svsva (u, amrjlu for 1903 snd llluauaud booklet ob Shawhan Whlakey. sent postpaid SHAWHAN DISTILLERY CO. (Msaiusry M Waatoa, ato.) u fii ll til m: -J v MMBOSDtBTO ! 101 IAI1B lUlLBlRO. 1AR3A3 CITY. Ma a