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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1902)
21 TIIJ3 OMA1IA DAILY I1EK: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Hi, 1002. CRAST SWITCHMEN MORE PAY Union Pacific Readily Accedes to Demands of the Committee. INCREASE AMOUNTS TO TWELVE PER CENT - x s Jew drilr Adopted at thlraao Go Into Effect at All the Yards iii the I paelae System. The Vnlon Tarlllo switchmen have been (ranted a general Increase la wages. This I the outeonro of the demands presented by the Order of Railway Trainmen on the Vnlon Pacific division. The demands were arceded to without hesitation and the new cale waa signed yesterday afternoon hy President Burt and Superintendent of Transportation Buckingham, with whom the negotiations were carried on. The com mittee representing the switchmen hai been In the city only a few days and is highly pleased with results. The Increase will affect all yardmen on the road, mak ing a total of about 600 men. The demands presented called for the new scale adopted at Chicago and thla was conceded In every detail. It means prac tically a 12 per cent Increase to all switch men and their helpers on the Union Pa clns. Those working In the standard yards will be paid for a ten-hour day and those In the Intermediate yards for a twelve lour day. The places having the atandard yards are these: Omaha, Cheyenne, Coun cil Bluffs, Columbus. Kansas City. Laramie, North Platte, Oranfl Island, Rawllna, Hanna, Rock Springs. Ogden. Evanston. Denver, Granger, Junction City, Leaven worth. Day foremen In these yards have been getting 12.70 a day and under the new scale will get 13.10. Night foremen have been getting $2.90 and will get 13.3". neipers for day have been getting 12.50 and are given 12.80. Night helpers are raised from 12.70 to 13. Small Tarda Iaeloded. In the Intermediate yards the aame per cent of Increase applies, but as men In these yards work twelve hours a day, they will get a proportionate rate. . The awitchmen were given their Increase after one short conference yesterday with Superintendent Buckingham. They had no grievance to offer, save that they thought they were entitled to more money. The proposition seemed to appeal at once to the officiate and the committee came away from headquarters building with, the assurance that their demands were entirely satisfactory. The awitchmen empbaslxe.the statement that their relations with the offlclala were entirely amicable and most cordial, and they express the utmost satisfaction with results. They call attention to the fact that the Vnlon Pacific Is the first road to adopt the new Chicago scale. . The prompt action of the Vnlon Pacific In granting thesa demands has given rise lo a suspicion that the severe strain of the preaent strike might have had some Influ ence in shaping the company's attitude. NEW CONSUMPTION CURE Marvelee Resalt of Trratmeat af Fred llammana by Vleaaa Specialist. NEW YORK, Nov. IS. Fred Hammann. a patient with hasty consumption, selected by the New York Journal at the Vanderbllt Clinic from 100 other cases, and sent at the Journal's expense to Professor Hoff, the eminent speilallBt at Vienna, to prove to the world that the disease Is curable, has returned home completely cured. Dr. Hod's famous prescription, together with a bottle, of the medicine and a twenty-four page handbook, containing the Journal's ac count of the cure as It progressed, Is being sent out free to consumptives and all suf ferers from bronchitis, asthma and catarrh, by the Journal Research Society, 698 Amer ican Tract Building. New York City. W. R. BESSETT CO. Special Offers la Groceries. EVERYTHINO GUARANTEED STRICT LY NEW. FRESH AND APPETIZINO. Navy beans, per lb 4c Rice, per lb 4c Prunes, per lb....' 4c Bread, large loaf 8c Soda crackers, per lb 5c Jelly, assorted glass 6c Lye, can 4c Baking soda, package 4c Flour, 4S-lb. package 80c Popcorn, per lb 4a Salmon, 1-lb. can lOo Coffee, fresh roasted, per lb , 10c BASEMENT. 18-K. wedding rings. Edbolm, Jeweler. Card of Thanks. We wish to tender our most heartfelt and sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and serv ices rendered, and the many floral designs during the sickness and death of our be loved mother, Mrs. Mary Bohliver. J. O. BOHLIVER. MRS. WILLIAM F. HARTE. What to do In case of accidents, before the physician arrives. Is told In a compact little volume, "Accidents, illnesses and Emergencies," Issued by the Medical De partment of The Mutual Life Insurance company of New York. This book is sent on request to those who address the Home Office of the company, Naussau, Cedar, William and Liberty streets, New York City. The book makes suggestions about diet. ventilation, . disinfectants, drainage, and gives bints on first aid to the injured and the general care of health. New Christmas goods. Edbolm, Jeweler. Hot pancakes Wheat flour. 'from King Cole whole Dally Tourist Cars. The Union Pacific Is the only line run nlng Tourist Cars between Missouri river and the Pacific coast every day In the year. Leave Omaha 4:25 p. m. for San Franslco and Los Angeles, and 11:30 p. m for Portland. $5.00 for double berth. Low rates now in effect. Many hours quicker than other lines. Be sure your ticket reads via Vnlon Pacific. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. 'Phone 316. W. R. BESJfETT CO. A Ptasat Taffy Festival. MONDAY WB COMMENCE A 8PECIAL SALE AND FESTIVAL of thla tresh, crisp and delicious candy. PEANUT TAFFY! PEANUT TAFFY!! Worth 20c per pound at any time. MONDAY at BENNETTS, pel lb lOo Eat all you want at our counters the more you eat the more you want. Sold on new candy annex, fronting passenger ele vators. MAIN FLOOR. The next lecture of the series on "Mod ern Social Problems," being delivered on Tuesday evenings at First Congregational church, will be given by Miss Jane Adams of Hull House, Chicago, on "Social Re suits of Charitable Effort." Good Position Open. Good opening for a newspaper or maga zine solicitor. 1'ermanent position for a competent man. Address Twentieth Ccn tury Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha. Williams' photo studio, open Sundays, 13 to 4 o'clock. Christmas presentation watches. Edbolm. PICKS OUT THE WRONG HOUSE w Jndson Coyer Came to Be la Po lice Court" on Burglary Charge. Judson Coyer, charged with entering the residenoe of J. H. Norlck, 4324 Farnam treet, was discharged in police court yes terday. Coyer was discovered while try ing '.o get from the summer kitchen into the main part ot the houae and waa later I identified by his coat and vest, which he left in the summer kitchen. In police court Coyer and others said he roomed in a house exactly like the one occupied by Mr. Norlck and that he had come home intoxicated and got into the wrong houae. Finding the door locked he concluded hla family was trying to keep him out and he broke in. In view ot hla prevloua good reputation and of the explanation, Judge ' Berka discharged htm. A. B. Hubermann, only direct diamond importer In the west, 13th and Douglas. H. E. and E. Huberman. Furs remodeled and repaired. 118 South 15th street. There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. Look at Your Gaialog ir you nave one or anybody's makes no difference If they are from Omaha or Chi cago, or any other small burg and then compare these prices and see how silly their prices look: We tried the catalogue business once and got sick and tired, too: printers' Ink Is good enough fnr us, and we don t need any FUNNY PICTURES either! 11.00 Peruna (genu net onlv 61c 85c genuine Castorla (not imitation).... 24o i.M rieroes Kemedles 74o $1.00 Paine's Celery Compound 74c 11.00 Hosaack's Sarsaparllla (guaran teed) 63c 11.00 Warner's Safe Cure 74c $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cur (guaran teed) 73c STRUGGLE WITH A BURGLAR Grocer Smith rinds Bobber in His Btora When He Opens Up. THEN COMES HAND-TO-HAND ENCOUNTER After Holllna Over and Over la Clinch store Keeper tiela I pper Hand and Chokes Bar lar lo Snbmls.loa. After a desperate struggle John Smith, a member of the firm of Robert Smith A Bro., 1403 Douglas street, raptured J. J. Dolan, a burglar, while tbo latter was breaking open the cash register In the store. The discov ery of Dolan and the fight between the men occurred at 6 yesterday morning, when Smith arrived at the store to open up for the day's business. When Smith unlocked the front door he saw Dolan In the rear part' of the store working with the cash register. As he walked toward the burglar tbo latter stopped his work, but made no effort to escape. Smith asked him what he was do ing and how he came there. 'I was locked in hero last night," an swered Dolan, "but don't say anything about It. Let's get a drink and keep it quiet." At the samo time Dolan caught hold of Smith's arm. Smith declined the invitation to drink and told Dolan he was to be turned over to the police. 'Not this time," exclaimed Dolan, and he struck Smith in the faco and made a rush for the front door. Smith gained, on him and the men clinched. They fell to the floor and rolled over and over, scat tering vegetables, and canned goods and other groceries over half of the store. When almost at tbo store entrance Smith got his man down and called lustily for help. The clerk from the neighboring stores, who came rushing In, found Dolan lying on his back on the floor, with his tongue banging down on his chin. Smith waa sitting astride his chest and had the man choked almost to death. Smith kept his burglar in this position until the police and patrol wagon arrived to relieve hlro. Dolan had torn the indicator from the cash register by using a large cheese knife. The blade of this he had broken off and with - the stub waa trying to pry off tho top of the register when discovered. At the police station Dolan maintained that he bad been accidentally locked in the store during the night. It Is believed he entered through the front transom. This was left partially open and marks were found on the sill, where someone bad crawled through. Dolan is short and heavy aet, and is unknown to the police. He was unarmed. Smith's store has been robbed three times in tho last few months. WM J SOFT COAL STOVES STOVES AT LOW PRICES GENUINE ROUND OAKS GARLAND OAKS GERMAN HEATERS OAK 8TOVE3 AIR-TIGHT HEATERS OIL HEATERS Z-HOLB LAUNDRY STOVE. . 5.45 up 2.75 up 3.95 up 4.95 up RANGE BARGAINS MONITOR, MALLEABLE. QUICK-MEAL. Absolutely the best steel rsnges made all marked in plain figures, at lowest prices. buys a steel range, asbestos lined, with 17-inch oven and high warming closet. 27.75 STOVES SOLD ON PAYMENTS MILTON ROGERS HARDWARE AND TOOLS. & SONS CO. 1 4 th and Farnam Sts. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 23S. Genuine imported beer on draught. Maurer's, 1306 Farnam street. Ed Monroe Coal & Feed Co., 807 N. 16. Tel. 971. Try the Chicago laundry. "Phone 206. Have Root print It. MR. HEE. Tha Most Popular Smoke If you wish to enjoy a good 5c Cigar, try an "Uncle Oscar" Hand Made, Pure Ha vana Filler. HENE & CO., Sole Manufacturers For Sale by all Dealers Tailors to Particular Jen A man may- be particular without having to pay an extravagant price for his clthe. None but skilled union labor employed. ! P. ffsaJatnaa TaSla.a 309 South 16th Street iivi&iuii uiuuiiiuiuis lauuid Every Day New goods are being received for the holiday season. Elo gant Stationery Boxes, Desk Sets, Card Cases, Portfolios, Calen dars, Ting Pong and Table Tennis. All styles and prices. THE KOYER STATIONERY CO. 220 and 222 South 16th Street YATES AND REED TO LINCOLN . "iie-i" Neiine ' : : : : : ?4C iici a mat, " hw.J Completed Robbers Leare to Talc Vp Their Resldeaee at Feat-teattary. Sheriff Power and Jailer Flynn went to Lincoln ' yesterday aa the retinue and honorary escort ot Reed-Yates and William Reed, who are to serve alx and three years, respectively, for robbing Henry Blgel in their saloon near the Webster street depot last December. They have been in tha county jail under sentence since March 7, the long delay being occasioned hy . the tay of execution they aecured when they appealed their case to the supreme court on the ground of insufficient evidence to convict. Meaner Asrroaad. NEW YORK, Nov. 15. The Cunard line mr l.uranla. from Liverpool, stooped while coming up Gedney channel today, and tha marine observer at ranay hook re ports that it la aground. . Christmas goods arriving. Edholm. 8. Burns' new ad. oa society page. 11.00 Canadian Malt Whisky (euaran- teed 75f! $1.00 Duffy's Malt, Whiskey, if you wlah 75c 25c Pierce's Pills 19c 13.60 Marvel Whlrllna Snrav Bvrlna:e...l2.&0 11.60 Red Rubber gloves (guaranteed).. 1.00 $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills 1.00 OPE ALWAYS CUT PRICK DHUr. STORK Tel. 747. . XV. Cor. JMta aad Caleaa-o. SGHAEFER'S About Candy YOUR FLOORS Much car and attention is now glvan to w. .-art of floors. -After being properly prepared first, there will be no more trouble If you use the right material, in the right way. We are headquarters for everything .used on floors. i. WAl.NfT. Roscwonn. MaitlS CHERRY. OAK, MAHOGANY EBONY at SOU I'r.K (.Aft. ar 1 the kind that dries o hard VariUSla that no marks will be left on the surface after walking on It, 11.00 PER CAN. rji... nil I he kind made In the right rlOOr Ull ay, not a little turps and Unseed oil mixed and sold cheap, om floor till trtha best on the market. 2aC PER yCAKT. We sell the BUTCHER WAX. Tt Da the beat on the market. Every body uses Butcher a Wax at 6oO PER CAN. Tha candy department is one of tha growing departments of our store. And the reason it grows so fast is because the candlea are so good, so fresh, so pure. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY-FIB CHOCO. I.ATKS, rearalar price 20e pot ad, MONDAY'S PRICK lOo. Imported Candled Cherries, pound.... 0o Imported Candled Pineapple, pound.... 60c Imported Candled Fruits, pound 60o Baby Curls, pound 40c Plpestems. pound 400 Cream Wafera, pound , 35c, Fresh dally: colors to order. Fine Oyater 8tew FaTatTOnwiiiviMtrfrii'iiBVJTMTiriiiT a I J 1 liVlET2r The Shoes L llJ. I RFFP WeSiU I I V I I I There's nothing to equal It B 1 H LI I j I as a tonic and mild stimu- fi 9 Vfcina3 II Utnt. Cooling, refreshing. B II 11 nourishing, invigorating. It is 3 Ultra Overcoats rZrirZe X?. 1 I El 1 form in quality the Beer H II IH! I PAR EXCELLENCE. II HI IMETZ BROS. BREWING CO. I I I I TtlfpSOSe vmmam, m mm I Hi H B II I Nttumuyer Hotel, Council Bluffs, I Iowa. I 11 i 1 III I EVEN THE BROWN IB j f.'l I I sy Viiliral irtf aW 1 1 13 UK """"" V I I in mm. - Tho back strap overcoats are the "go." Tbey are going out of our nhop and onto the backs of Omahana JiiHt about as fast an we can make em. There's a nwngger style an aristocratic something about our back strap overcoats that pleases everybody. There's a Hturdy, stubborn durability that will delight every wearer after he bnn. been n wearer a while. There's a price attached that will tickle your prudent princi ple -$30 to HacC&rihy Tailoring Co. Phone 1808. 1710-12 Farnam St. Bee Bldf., Omibi. mm oatlS Brushes price are You should by all meana get a floor bruxh while the down. A li-lnch bruvh,; fc-liuh. $2.5 Fuller Drug & Paint Go Worth Reading. w are making some special prices " ,8''ap a u.l Perfumes thla week. It will be worth your time to look them over. ' Peer I'nsrented Boap Jlo Pulii-ur tW PacliWe Tar Boap lie Armour s Flue Art Boap, box ISo A. full line of Colgate a boape, from b' a cake up to jo Wright's Mine. Butterfly Extract. ounce jw nabrooke La lv Extrc't."os'.'.'.'. uo Rlckawkere Golf Queen. Extract ounce Colgate's Italian Violet Extract ounce La Capitol, a new odor,' per "os"!! &oo S. E. HOWELL, Park and Leavenworth, , T Phones, $8 and F1517. Call us up. Ladies' Genulna Patent CnU $3. 50 We claim to offer ID tnis psieui colt shoe the best value ever given in Omaha for $3.60. . Two vears test and sale on these shoes without any complaint makes us confident that we can pieaae you. The new proceaa of tanning tblt t.thr laaures the wear, so that yo An not take the chances of dlssatls faction in thla as you do with other sbtny leathers. We sell more ahoea than any other two stores In Omaha, consequently can nell on a closer margin of prollt and give our customers the beneBU DREXELSilOE GO Omaha's Uo-to-Date Shoe House, S.ud for New Fail Catalogue. Mt9 riiMtn sre.p PEYTON,' Pb. 6., IS THE CITTIXG UTTER OP Drugs We are snabiaa- a big slash for eaah only en i Lillian Kussell Cigar. 3 for Co &K3 Colgate's Janv Bloauom Sc $1.00 Magnet Pile Killer 26o $1.00 Peruna 2c $1.75 8. S. 8 $1 H $1.00 Wahoo for Blood and Nerves So itoo cream of Dew iuo 2&G Cutlcura Soap 20c 1K5 Bhavlng Boap &o 12.00 Abbott's Lost Manhood Cure $1.00 $2.00 French Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 2uc Allcock Plasters ij -quart Fountain Byringe :ic S-quart Fountain Syringe 4fo Hut Water HnttlpH 39c. 49c. 79c. 88c. $3.60 Spiral Bpray Vaginal atyrlnge $1.49 25c Promo Quinine 15c 'ibc Castoria -'So II no Newbro'a IJarnlrtdfl &M: Over per cent saved on prescrlptlone and ramny recipes. Mali orders promptly dlHpatched 24TI1 A.NU LKAVKNWORIH BlHEKTi Are made by shoemakers who are artists In their line. Every pair, whatever the price, Is carefully fitted over lasts of fashionable lines and correct shape. They are made ot the best material that can be put into a shoe at the price tor which they are sold. They are well put together and finely finished. Our 3.50 and $5.00 Shoes for Both Men and Women are especially handsome and s'yllsh this season, and como In all the new shapes and leathers. n A GREAT LJS OVERCOAT SALE Hart Schiff ncr 0 Marx Hind Tailored -.cans rtT"' Ow 500 Overcoats to he Sold at $5.00. These overcoats come in covert cloths, kerseys, beavers and . vicunas, in blue, black, oxford, gray and light colors; one of the greatest assortments of overcoats ever offered at this astonishing low price. These are worth up to J10.00, C Ofl special sale price wsUU Overcoats at S8.50 A great assortment of attractive over coats in all wool,, beaver or kerseys, In blue, black and oxford gray; strong Italian cloth lining, kersey facing to arm holes; best skinners satin piping, best silk velvet collar; an overcoat worth $12.50; special price In this great sale, ft Effl only UlQU Overcoats at $12.50 A great assortment of overcoats. In all styles and fabrics, blue and black kerseys and beavers, oxford grays and brown mix tures, In vicunas and black meltons; these coats come in medium and long lengths In regular stouts, slims and extra sizes; they are worth $18.00; III Ci special cale price....'. IttoaUU Hart, Schaf fner and Marx New Style Overcoats We a ant you to see the new famous Hyton overcoat. It is a great favorite. No over coat stylo ever produced has mado such hit: made in two stylos, with ot without belt, with flap or with vrrtlcnl pockets; both arc loos coats; the pcrfocilo. of stylo and comfort. Theso and fcvciv oiher nobby styles, including "Tho Ilox" and "the 1902 model," will he on ir ft ft sale Monday at $18.00 and IwiUU Hayden's Headquarters fa' . Boys' and children's CioiVir.g- A fortunate spot cash purrtaato of ovet 1,300 boys' and children's suits and ,er- coats on sale Monday. Wo Invito e ety mother to see these remarkable offers In latest styles. Boys' suits In very dcsirnhlo patterns, In oxford gray and brown casslmercs and cheviots, in vestee and double- breasted styles; rperial salo price 1.50 Boys' suits in a great variety of black, blue and oxford grays and browns, in stripes. checks and Scotch mixtures, mado with ex tension wait bands, doublo scat and kuees; reinforced tapo seams; they come In ves tee, double-breasted, norfolk and three pleco suits; worth up to $5; O Rfa salo price... faiUW Boys' suits made in double-breasted Nor folk, manly, sailor, three-piece and the popular two-button double-breasted stylo with vest; a great variety ot now winter fabrics and latest color effects; coats lined with a very fine serge; pants made with doublo seat and knees; reinforced taped seams, any size you want from 3 to 16; these suits would bo great value at Jti.OO. Hayden's special sale price 3.50 Boys' and children's reefers, with storm collars. In chinchilla and Irish frieze; spe cial sale prices, $1.25, $1.95, $2.25 and 3.50 Boys' and children's singlc-breaBted over coats 'In a long and stylish cut; let us put one on your boy and it will make him one ot the best dressed boys In the city; they cpme In oxford grays and brown cheviots and friezes, in checks and overplulds; sale prices, $3.25, $4.50, $5.00 and up. Youths' long pants suits, ages 12 to 20, In black and blue serges, unfinished worsteds, oxford grays and browns, casslnieres and Scotch cheviots, made In slnglo and double breasted military and regular cuts; sale prices 3.75, 4.50, 6.75, 7.50 mm A Soft Coal Stoves. We have never been so well equipped to fill your orderB for. soft coal stoves as we are now. We have Just received from the manufacturers, large shipments of these stoves. These stoves we bought before the advance in prices and are, therefore, pre pared to offer most alluring prices. Oak stoves from $5.50 up. .Laundry etoves $3.50. Hot Blasts, $12.50. Hard Coal Stoves. Guess we're selling more bane burneiA than ull the others combined. When hard coal Is high In price, buyers are Inking for the stove that gives the most heat for fuel burned. The Acorn hus for many years been the acknowledged leader of heat-lv-era and eoal-aavers, and that la the reason we are selling more base burners than our competitors. Merit tulka In times like the present. $L'5 up Is the price. John Hussie Hardware Co., 2407-2409 Cuming Street. "If you buy it at Hussie's it's right." FREE TO ALL UNTIL DECEMBER I. Owing to the large number ot patlentswhom we were unable to wait upon, we have decided to extend the time until December 1. We will make a full set of teeth for TURKEY TIME - Is almost here and you will want to chop dressing, Mince Meat or some thing. We have the new "Ideal Food Cutter," ' latekt Improvements, and lowest price. Then, W Have Turkey Cutery Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dodge Street. OMAHA, NEB. Ilarware and Ice Tools. F. M. Russell Reading Lamps, Electric, Oil and Gas. Electric & Gas Fixtures. JIJ S. 15th SU Telephone S0J C0LL'AR $3.00 Double Suction Inserted Free. In order to increase our clinic, we want every man, woman and child their moutha examined free by the professors of this college. to have Work Done Free SMALL CHARGES TOR MATERIAL. FIIXI.CS from IKT OF TEETH from. UUI.U CHOW.NS from.... A I. L MINIM rLA'l'K from UOLD FILLIM.S from.... 1'HHTH EITHAITKU Work gaaraateea tea years, . . 20o Yob art RKLI ABI.K. PAIXLKSS DK.V . .as.oo TAL WORK, established for years. .. 3.M Permaarally l.ueatrd. lai'oritoralrd . ,.. H.ou aadrr state laws. sludeals, nal KOe old, eiperlrarr, reliable, accural, . . .FRISK expert drntlali. tiklllvd sieelalUt la Here each department. BE SURE YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, ROOri 4,1522 DOUQLAS. Open Dally Till 9. Sunday 10 to 4. am i I i IVSTUAIi OF KMtK IIINU A (.UK IMK'TOH FOB 0 UHli Send lo A. Mayer. 511 Bee building, Omaha, Neb., for a box of RE-NO-MAY POWDER with directions how t o cure sweaty and painful feet for 50 cents. CONSLUTATION FREE. A. MAYER, 518 Bee Bld.. Omaha, Nea. WHEN YOU BUY A Tousi-a not payint for CHKOMOS. sCUtMK U,K DEALS, ETC, tm lor FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO. LQUALto IMPOHTEH CIGAU, W. XX. BXCX ymciKTlLl ClOAA OX, Mnf It. Louis. Voloa Mad. HAS. Ilth Street.