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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1902)
TfTK OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, XOYEMI.EK 10. 1902. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE j Volume of Easiness for Lin Week Showed Considerable Improvement TRICES FIRM, BUT GENERALLY UNCHANGED ill Klai, f Holiday Better Dmait Than t aaal and Jokhrr V Hit. M4r Prrpantka, for Bl Raa Thla W eek. There wan a noticeable Improvement last reek In the demand for practically all classes of seasonable goods. More mer chants wers in the city than at any tlroa nine Ak-Sr-Ben week and Jobbers report their orders aa being very liberal for this time of the year. With almost no excep tions tha viaittna- merchante reported retail trade out through the" country aa bvlng very ( DriSK. in, cooler weatner seems 10 nave created an active demand for heavyweight foods and aa a result retailers' storks have en going to pieces at a rapid rata. They look for a continued heavy demand throughout the winter, and aa a result their filling In ordera ao far have been heavier than uaual. Jobbers who handle holiday linea are now doing a rushing business. A good many of the merchante who were In the city last week came in especially In search of holi day gooda and their ordera were very en couraging to the wholesalers. Merchants ay that their customers have plenty of money thla year and that they will be lib eral In their hristmaa gifta and for that reason their stot ks mult be more complete and of better quality than ever before. There have been comparatively few mar ket fluctuations during the week under re view, but aa a general thing prices are in the same firm position they have been for some time past. A more healthy market could not well be Imagined. Chaaaje la Fa gar. There has been no change In the augar tnarket since the decline reported a week ago. Pub: ax la still selling on the Missouri river for much lees than the New York rVice would Justify snd no one seems to be n a position to say how long this will hold true. . The cbeeae market developed atlll more strength laat week and an advance of He took place. Stocks are growing lighter ach week, as more and more of the fac tories are closing down for the season. The dried fruit market Is very active and tflellverles are being made of new dates and new layer raisins, bo far aa can be seen the market ) strong on almost every ar ticle In the dried frut line, with advances an Home of them. Jobbers report it difficult to secure fur ther supplies of California walnuts. Most 'f the shippers have advised the trade that they, will deliver only about 60 per cent uf their sales. . In canned gooda there Is very little of change to report. Futures are being de livered as rapidly as possible, but the trade otherwise in of a hanS-to-mouth character. The market on rolled oats eased oft a little last week, the decline amounting to about 30 cents per barrel and to 15 cents per cae on five-pound parages. The "bean market 11 in Just about the Urn, position it waa a week ago. Rica Is strong at the advance previously reported, with very little chance of a change at least hi the direction of lower prices for some time to come. The supply of the better grades is so limited that the mills are almost without exception holding for full prices for anything that grades from extra choice to fancy, while the lower grades are H cent per pound higher than tFipv were at thla time last reason. There Is-no change whatever in either the coffee or tea market. Trading la lairiy brisk, but at the same prices that were rulina a week asrn. So far .aa the condition of trade Is con cerned local grocery Jobbers report tne de mand as being unusually good, with every thing in the holiday line moving more freely than expected. Cotton Gooda Rrmala larhaatrd. The market on cotton goods continuea at a standstill. The price of raw cotton has fluctuated to. some extent, but quotations continue to rule hlch and although some lim nnerators have been looking for a re adjustment of values manufacture Insist that nrlres mult be higher. Numerous harge orders, however, are said to have al ready peen pisceti lur BLiiitua"'" nni ii staple snd fancy prints for spring delivery I full nrlr-ea. and any oroDOSltions to place 'orders for future delivery at concessions (are said to have met wnn reiusai. It is the opinion of those weH poMed en '.the general situation, that successful mer Irhinu will huv earlv. not so much in an Klcipatlon of higher prlcea as tf scarcity of poesiraDie gooos. . in aDeakina- or tne local traae situation Omaha Jobbere state that there was a big movement in the demand last week for bc.t.- tonahle lines. Salesmen and department Imanacers have been making a vigorous er fert to reduce stocks or winter gooas oeiore Invoicing and to make room for spring gooda. More visiting merchants were on the market than for some weeks past. i The order trade for gooda for current use i was also very satisfactory and advance I Business was or large proportions, juany Leuiocial lines of spring wash goods In pop lular makes are already aold up and It look! now as though spring business would be f Heavier tnaa ever peiore. Hariwaee Active aai Steady. The demand for all lines of hardware i continues very active and jobbers are still talking of the gains they are making over laat season. There does not seem to be any xpeclal feature to the trade unless It be the excessive demand for soft coal heaters t which was reported a week ago. The sup- ifly la far short of the demand and al I though a carload arrives every few days that does not begin to fill the orders that Jobbers have on hand. The market continues firm on practically all lines, but no quotable changes have ;taken place that are worthy of mention for 'some little time past. Wire and nails are .steady at the decline reported several weeks ago. and no change la looked for In tne immediate ruture. . Better Deaaaad for Lestner Goods. There was quite an Improvement last week In the demand for leather gooda. A good many merchants were In the city f lacing eixlng-irp ordera and they reported be demand in the -country as being very brisk. Toward the close of the week In particular there was a big sale owing to i the sloppy -weather. Merchants say that if I they could only have more of that kind of I weat tier they would nave no cause lor com 'jjlalnt- ... i Advance orders are also coming In quite ; freely (or this season of the year. Mer- chants seem inclined to place their orders 1 early this year, for fear that prices will I rule . higher later on. The market still hows considerable tendency toward higher ; prices and those who ought to know say that leather goods at present prlcea are a safe isvestmetit. There waa also a big improvement last week In the demand for rubber gooda. Light rubbers, rubber boots and all kinds of rub ber clothing sold to the test advantage Jobbers did not feel the effects of the de mand to any extent, but retailers cleaned cut considerable slock. Fralts a ad Prod see. There was a good demand last week for Trulls ana vegetables, cranprrries in par itlcular were In good reaueat for thi 'Thanksgiving trade, and the tendency of prices wan upwaru. n ucunua sxoca n now -eel I in a at $a.6ucti.60 per barrel and a $4 per box. Apples are also commanding strorrg prices, ss will be seen from the quo tatlutis in1 another colamn. Oranges, ngs and dates sold mors lreely last week than lor acme time past. There was not much change In the rege- table tins except a slight advance on pots .toes. .The market Is now quoted at 2it34 'cents per bushel. There waa a big movement of nuts laat week, but there was no Important change .in ptics. i he poultry market ruled nrm and ao- five all the week and according to all Indi cations there will be a big acarcity of tur keys this week and consequent high prlcea. . lireased stork Is now worth IS cents sad commission men are of the opinion that the markst will be still higher before the Thanksgiving demand la supplied. The esg market Is also firm, as the re ceipts have noi been at sll excessive. The same Is true of butter. Loals Graia aad Prorlsloaa. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15-WHEAT-Stesflv; No. I red caah. elevator. aSc: track. Hi 7"c: .Decern ter. AttSc; May, 77'jj;Si ; No. I hard 61u70c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. s&Hc: track, 4i"c ; Decembf r, CSc bid. May. Ssc bid. OATS Firm: No 2 csh, 3t'Sc bid; track. !Vc; Ieoember, 2'Sc bid; May. 2c bid; No J white, .'. RYE Steady. KLOUK Steady; red winter patents. IS SO etfau; extra fancy and atralgbt. liOnOlIi; .lar U6.i2l. UK ED Timothy, steady at C SoS.t0. COKNMEAL Steady at t 7o. , BRAN Firm; aaikt-d, eat track, "Oigtc HAY-PtraJv to nrn, timothy. llu.OOfl 1S-W1; prairie, Hir!l j. IHuN CUTTOX TIES tl.OTs. BAG" J1N 6 i-16j7 l-16c 11 EVP Twloe, at , Mt.1 Alji-Ltad: Steady a-. t4 00. Spelter: W eak: to 1" avkrd PKOVlbiO.NSPork: Steady; lobbing, standard nwaa, 'a laj. l.atd Higher at li"su Dry salt meats, etearty; boxed extra ahorta and clear rlba ll7i. abort tiar. Ul Baceo, steady; boxed extra shorts. $12 1fH:- clear ribs, $12S7H: hort clear, ji- 8. I'Ot LTRT Steady; chlrkena. 8c; aprlnfi, c; turkeys, 8c; durke. llc; geeae, 7a. PTTTER Firm; creamery. Wc ; dairy. 1T2 Jr. LOGS Higher at ir. loss off Rect'lpts. Bhlpaient Flour, bbls . .' li (inn Wheat, bu 1' . Corn, bu K oo a.ooit Cat", bu &.WO TS.tmO OH HA WHOLOALL MARKETS. Staple atl Fancy Prod ace. ECiS Tandle.l ste-g, jotftSle. 1JVE POV LTRT-Hena. IH'aOc: old roost ers, to; tjrkeva. loffl2c; ducks, SfoSc: geese, Wic: spring chlckena per lb.. VtWHc. PRESSED POCLTliY-Hena. KK&10y: young chickens. lltnnc; turkeys. 15c; ducks and geese. f51"c. BUTTER Fscklng stock. 15c: choice Cairr, In tubs, lanc; separator. SSc FRESH C'Al'GHT FISH Trout. 9TV: herring. Tc: pickerel. Sc; pike. 10c; ierch, Sc; buffalo, dressed. 7c; sunftsli. tc; blueflna, Jc;' , 10c: nlmon. 16c; nadd-k lie; codfish, lie; ledsnapper, llic; , bsters bol ed. ner to., aw. lopstera, greer. per id., zc; bullheads. 10c; catfish, lie; black bass, 2t'c; halibut, ile CORN-4e. OATS 31c. wheat No. 1 hard, fie. RYE 13c. fc RAN Per ton. 111. HAY Prlcea quoted bv Omaha Whole sale Hay Pealtrs' association: choice No. 1 upland, w.&o: o. l medium, i"!.6o; ro. i coarse, . Rye straw. Kin. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair: receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can. SHc: extra selects, per can. 35c; New York counts, per an. cc: bulk, extra selects, per gi.. iu; ulk, standards, per gal., VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamasoo. ner doi.. 2c: L'tah, per dox., ,5c; California, per dox. for talks welshing from 1 to l1 lba. eacn. e it Tbc. POTATOES New, per bu., 2S03&C. SWEET POTATOES-Vlralnia. per bbl.. 13, Ciome grown. ier bu., tl. il K-Mt's-ffr cu., c; canaaa ruta bagas, per lb , lc. Jifc-ETS Per basket, 40c CV CUMBERS Hothouse, per Aot.. tl 50. WAX BEANS-Per bu. box. tLbd; string beana, per bu. box, $1 to. LArnAiiiHom grown, new, ic. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., bwu&tc: Spanish, per crate. II SO. NAVI BEANS Per bu., 2.W. FRUITS. FEARS Fall varieties, per box. 12: Kie- fers, per bbl $3.7S; Colorado, per box, Arruts i.ooKing, per DDI.. zza; eating, 2.W.t.&0: Jonathans. 13.60 : New York stock. 13.2b. GRAPES New Tork. TZc; Tokavs, per crate. 11.75: Malagaa, per keg, f5.6u4.50. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. per bbl.. J; Bell and Bugles, I 50, per box, $3.00. WL Pel Pox, TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to else. $ 1-tMONS California fancy. W (XKM.50: choice. K.Tb. ORANGES Mexicans, any slse. S3.7E: Florida Brights, $3.75. ua i no-rereim m lu-to. Doxea. per id., 6c; per case oi: fcMb. pkga., S2.2&. FlOS California, per in-lb. cartons. C; Turkish. pr 35-!b. box. 14(jfl8c. UlUft fKLlT-r lorida, e. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah. Der 24-frams case. $3.76. CIDER New York. J4.50; per H-hbl., 12.76. BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per V bbl.. S2.2&: per bbl., 13. .1. HIDES No. 1 green. 7r: N. X green. Sc: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. I salted. 7c; No. 1 veal calf, a to 12H lba., 84c No. I veal calf, U to 16 lbs.. 6c, dry hides, 8&13c; sheep pelts, 8ti3?6c; horse bides, HMi 2.&0. ruHOBr-fei id., .'c; aneiied. c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; hard shell, per lb., 12 Wc; No. 2 soft sneu, per id., lie, ro. z nsra aneu, per id., lie: Brazils, per lb.. 11c: filberts, per lb.. 12c: almonds, softshell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. ISc: pecans, large, per id.. UVtc; small, per lb., 13c; cocoanuts, per dox.. buc; cnestnuis, per id., ic: pesnuis, per id.. 6c; roasted peanuta, per lb., c; black wal nuts, per du.. xi. hickory suu. per du 11.36; cocoanuts. per 100. $4. uiu HbiALB-A. is. Aipirn quotes tne following prices: ron, country mixed, per ton. ill; iron, stove plate, per ton, t; cop. per, per lb. 8Wc; brass, heavy, per lb., Sc; brass, light, per in, b'c; lead, per id., sc; cine, per lb., Zftc: rubber, per id., fftc Liverpool Grata aa Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Nor. 15. WHEAT Spot : Firm; No. 1 red western winter, 6c lOd; No. 1 northern spring, as 7d: No. 1 Csll fornia. 6s ftd. Futures: Steady: December. &S Hd; March, 6s lld; May, 6s HWd. CUJK cpot; vuiei. American mixed, bs 6d. Futures: Steady; January, 4s 4Vd: Marcn, ts la. FUIUH-St. Ixuls fancy winter, quiet. 8a td. HOPS At London (Pacific coast). Arm. . 12s to t- t OS. PEAS C anadian, steady. Ss 7d. PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India mess, libs. Pork, strong; prime mess west- qulwt, 6&s sd. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to Sw lba., dull. 66s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs.. easy. 62s; long dear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., unlet, 61s: long clear middles, heavy S& to 40 lbs., dull, 6Hs; short clear backs, to 2(1 lbs., steady. o7s 6d; cloar bellies. 14 to II lbs., steady. 6os. Shoulders, square, 11 to IS lba.. steady. 62a Sd. Lard, prime western in tierces, strong, evs ta; American rennea, In pails, nrm. (toe. UL i i e.K isominai CHELbE Strong; American finest, white and colored. 3hs 6d. TALLOW Prime city. firm. 29s ad; Aus tralian In London, nrm, s Sd. Kaai City Grata aad Provlsloas, KANSAS CITT. Nov. 15. WHEAT De cember, 644&4c; May. 694ClieM!c; cash, No. i bard, 6.onc: No. I, C3irt4c; No. 2 red, Miflse; No. x, a&c. CORN November, 2c: December, JS'ac May. 3640 ; cash. No 2 mixed. 41V; No. 2 white, 'ntBHSc; No. a, 4"(Bic. OATS No. i white, S2iu; No. a mixed. 2HC RYE No. 8. 44(&45c. HAY Choice timothy. I10.60Q11.00; choice) prairie, lio.txxull.ou. B U TT E R Creamery, 2425c; fancy dairy, He. EGGS Firm ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, lkc loss off, cases returned; new No. . whltewooa oases included. 19c. Kecelnts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 96.300 66.6H0 Corn, bu S,!M 44, Oats, bu 11.000 14,Su0 Isgar aad Molasses. NEW TORK. Nov. IS SUGAR Raw fltm; fair refining, IS-lec; centrifugal. t test, ii-iec; moiasnes sugar, iia-iac; fined, dull; No. . 4.06c; No. T. 4c; No. 96c; No. I, S )c; No. 10, J.Kc; No. 11. .S0c No. 12. I7&c: No. IX 170c: No. 14. a.6oc: con fectloners' A. 4.20c; mould A. 4.70c; cut loaf, 60br; crushed 6. 0oc; powdered, 4.66c; gTauiu lated. 45c: cubes. 4.70c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open kettle, rood to choice, Jufl40c NEW ORLEANS, No, la. SUGAR Ac tive and firm: open kettle. 2H&3c: ooen kettle, centrifugal. II-164jJHc; centrifugal . L. . . n tl , 1..U ll ..11... , if. auiui, a urm, fcimw, O-ABC aeconds. !S.tul l-16c , MOLAS8LS Steady: open kettle, 20j3tc centruugai. ltWJJc; sjTup. 7t(rJsc. Oil aaal Hoslau OIL CITY. Ps., Not. U. OIL-Credtt bal a noes, 61. tO: certificates, no bids; ehlpznents a2.0U bbls ; average, K2.736 bbis.; runs, ai.ans bbla ; average. 76.Ka bbla. NEW YORK. Nov. 16 OIL Cottoneeed steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow liglSe. Petroleum, nrm; refined. New York, IT80: Philadelphia and Baltimore, IT 76; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, li . Rnain. firm: strained, common tc good, 61.71. TP. Turpentine, steady, 624 LIVERPOOL. Nov. 15. OIL-TurpenUne spirits, steady. a aa Koatn. common, tirtn. s 4d. Petroleum, refined, quiet, 6d unt-eea, easy, -am so. t ottonseea, Hull re nmd, pot. nrm. 24s Philadelphia Prelsee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 15 BUTTER Firm and ViOlo higher: extra western creamery, re; extra nearby prima. Sue. tGUS Firm and lc higher; fresh nearbv 29c, loss off; fresh wepleru. 2ac. U.aa i,lt freeh south western, 2ta27c, loa off; fresh Sot'tr.ern. ac, loss on. CHEESE Steady, fair demand: New Tork full (reams, prime small. l:'V13c fair to good, W4 ..iSe; prime large, i , i,n v a 1 s. A- a v Whltky Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 15 -WHISK Y-Steady s feT. LOUIS, Nov. 15.-W HIBKY-Steady at II ? PEOHIA III.. Nov 16 -WHISK Y-On the barls of 11 K for nnlsbed goofla CINCINNATI. Nov. 15 -WHISKT-Dte. tillers' nnirhed goods, steady, on basis of II .CI Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. li. WHEAT-Mar ket firmer: No. 1 northern, T5c, No. 2 north em. .inl ine: iecember 7i'0'.2c. RYE Weak; No 1. 6!W BARLEY Dull; No. t. Sac; sample, satj CORN-lvecember. 6so COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Qaiet Day on the Board of Trade, with Slight AdTaaoec DECREASE IN RECEIPTS OF WHEAT Tala Factor, Together with Tm favor, able Weather and Good f ask Of saand, Coanblae to oa tala Prices. CHICAGO. Nov. 15. Inartlvttr prevailed In graina and provisions, but prices were lrcllned to a higher level. December wheat closing tati'iac higher. December corn Vc higher and oats l,c higher. January pro visions ciosed unchanged to 7?c higher. wniis mere was a small dip in wheat soon after the opening, the market quickly recovered the snght loss and higher prices ruled the remainder of the day. Decreased receipts, unfavorable weather and a good cash demand were the sustaining factors. The local crowd were wary In their deal ings. The close was steady and near the top. December opened a shade lower at TISc. advanced gradually to 7ic and closed Ht&'c higher at 72Ic. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 700 0XH) bushels. Primary receipts were l.WO.OOO busbels, com pared with 1.124,0U0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and Dulutb received 768 cars, which with local receipts of W cars 11 of contract grade make total receipts for the three points of K cars, against 1,176 cars last week and 911 cars a year ago. Corn was comparatively quiet after the first half hour of the day. Shorts were again faJr buyers of the December delivery, and that option waa Arm, the offerings be ing extremely light. May was dull, but the strength In nearby futures helped to main tain a nrm teellng. December closed "c higher at f3c, sfter selling between 6IHc nd Wp, Local receipts were 1.5 cars, with i of contract grade. Oats was again dull and featureless and the firmness In other grains was s bull factor. There wss some covering by shorts, hlle commission houses were on both sides of the market. The close waa steady, with December He higher at 2Mc, after ranging between 2Wc and 2Mc. Local receipts were 1S1 cars. Decreased receipt of hogs at the yards .ith higher prices caused a nrm tone to the opening in provisions. Scattered sell- ng at tbe start resulted i;. a uttie easier one. Dut otlennga were wen taan ana a rmer feeling developed. The close was tmA' m'ltti J.niiiri' nnrlr Lt iltr at 116.15,' January lard 7c higher at $.06 and ribs unchanged at xr.s.v,. Estimated receipts for Monday: wneet. 110 cars; corn, 170 cars; oata, cars; hogs, 41,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloe.Yesfy. Wheat I Dec. May 72H1 TJlVeH 74'!iU'7il Corn Nov. Dec. May ..... 64 64 62H1 63 K 41S(a 417(&'42 Oats tDec. 2SfV 29i SI 15 15 14 40 10 40 e e 06 2W May slWHiSIHBHil 81 I Pork- Jan. May is is rryi! is izh1 14 40 I 14 474, 14 40 16 12 li VJ 10 25 e 60 Lard I Nov. Dec. Jan. May 10 S3 t 80 10 40 10 S3 R7H 9 O0 S 60 024 8 07V. 8 7H 6 60 7 SO 6 oo 8 62 S 60 Rlbe Jan. May 7 -tCHI (f7V 7 fTt,! 1 ?? 1 674' 77Hl 7 66 7 69 7 6k No. 2. tNew. Cash Quotations were ss follows: ents, S3.80$3.4O; winter straights. S3.20r3.30; spring patents, xs.vKqTi 7(i; spring eiraignis, X3.1(i3.3(i; bakers. 2.z.Kfr2.,t. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 73'&7!r4c; NO. nrlns. 7073c: No. 2 red. 72fi 7Vc. CORN NO. z, toe ; jno. 2 yeiiow, nnanoc. OATS No. 2. 2V: NO. I white. z03c. RYE No. 2. 4SW&&0C. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 4.KEM8C. SEED No. 1 flax. SI. 164: NO. I north western S1.20V4; clover, contract grade, 110.75. PROVISIONS Mess pora. per ddi., im.rc 17.00. Lard, ner IK) lba.. S10.70. Short ribs sides f loose). SinnofalO 15. Dry salted shoul ders (boxed 1. SH.Miws.b14. tsnort clear sides (boxed), sio vuoiu.x.v The following were the receipts and shipments of the principal grains yesterday: neceipts. tsnipmenis. Flour, bbls , Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 6.000 7.808 86.400 110.00U ....274,100 .... 21.600 ....119.400 397.200 1U.800 190,3-10 178. 2)0 12,800 Rye, bu Barley, bu On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 176c; dairies. 1522c. Eggs. firm. 22c. Cheese, steady, life 12c. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qaotatloas at the Day aa Tarloas Cosaiaodltles. NEW TORK. Nov. 16.-FLOUTR-Recelpts. 26.902 bbls.: exports, 4,412 bbla.; market quiet, but firm; winter pktenta, S3.togf4.80; winter straights, xs.4tti.&t; Minnesota pat ents, tSKXHiW. winter extra. 82 WX&3. 10; Minnesota bakers. 83.264i3.8o; winter low grades. 32.62.90. Rye flour, quiet; fair IP good. SS.06if.40; choice to fancy. S2.6tKf3.55. buckwheat flour, quiet, S2.26&2.30, apot snd to srrive. CORNMEAL Dull: yellow western, 81.27: city, 81.26; Brandywina, S3. 4O03.6S. HY Steady : No. 2 western, ovc. I. o. D.. afloat; No. 2. 6464Hc; track a late, 64 640. c. 1. f.. New York. BARLEY Steady: feeding. 41c. e. i. f.. Buffalo; malting. 4o60c, c. L f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Kecslpta, l,43 bu.: exports. 127.127 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 77e, ele vator, and 7.c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 north ern. Puluth, 82c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 3c, I. o. b., afloat. Firmness prevailed In wheat circles during the fore noon on support furnished by Chicago parties together with lighter northwest re ceipts snd prospects for small world s ship ments Monday. The close waa firm at i ic net advance. May, 78 15-1&379SC, closed at 79"4c; December, 7b78J4)c, closed at 78c. CORN Receipts. ls,'.io du.; exports, !, bu. Spot. Arm; No. 2. 6oc, elevator, and 86Hc. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 2 white. 66c. The option market followed the wheat advance and was nrm sn asy, wi;n December and other shorts good buyers on th continued bad weather outlook. Near tha close, however, realising caused a sud den depression and final prices showed Va9 io net loss. January, 62c; May, 46MHc, closed at 46Hc; December, 684&68Vc. closed at 5Mc. OATS Receipts. 344. me bu.: exports, Z2s bu. Spot, dull; No. 2. 84c; standard white, 27c; No. I, 84c; No. i white, 87c, No. 8 while. 86Wc: track white, 3xaiS.c. i ns option mar ket was quiet, but well sustained, with corn. HAY steady: shipping. etruc: good to choice, SoctitL HOPS Firm: stats, common to choice. 102 crop, 2!&8c; Isul crop, 24jj28c; olds, 7 mc; Pacific coast. 1902 crop. 26S2c; ltol crop; 23'527c; olds. 7Q12"c. ilil'tb wuiet; uaiveston. lac: caiiiorma, lr; Texaa dry, 14c. LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole, Buenos Avrea. lleht to heavy, acid. 24o26Jc. PROVISIONS neef. quiet; family, 816 W (B18 00; mess. S10 UitJlt'6O Beef hams, I JJ 60 ii21.60: packet, 14.(KC15.60; city India mesa. a-'6(M-00- Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel lies. 8ll.6oiriz.eo: pickiea snouiders. m '(r S 6t; pkkled hams. Ill 00t?12 26. Lard, steady; western steamed, iiu.nctsie o; jsovemoer rlosed at Slkta). nominal: refined, steady: continent. 111 10; South America, 811.75; com pound, S7.6-.4j7 75. Fork, steady; family, s."0; abort clear. S?l ir2S.OO: mesa. Sli 00iB li.5i. BITTER-btrong: extra creamery, rc; factory. 16'lsc; creamery, common to choice, SOSTrtc; Imitation creamery, 17H& 21c; stste dairy, lk26c; renovated, 17V921c. CHEESE Firm; new state full creams, fancy small, colored, old. 1213c; new. 12)c: small white, old. 124eiic; new, 12Sc; large colored, old. tfr; new, 12Se; large walte. old. 18c; new. lle. EGGS Firm: state and Pennsylvania, average best. S'b2-',1rc ; ref igerstnr, lisr21c: western fancy grades. Mj 27c ; western, poor to prime. 2urcr25e. POTATOES gtesdy; Jerseys. Sl.76'92 05; Slsts and western, tl.T&ut (10. Long Island, S2 onos.Sft: Booth Jersey sweets, 82 .0062.75. TaLLoW Lull; city, v'a'-c; country, sV06Hc- RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 41 6Sc: Japan. 46c. POULTRY Alive and dressed, nominally unchanged. METALS In nearly every instance prices were unchanged from yesterday and the business of the usual Saturday average. Copper ruled weak undrr excessive ofler ins. Standard clcaed at 810.75. nominal; lake. Ill .frkjill 70; electrolytic, 811 8 m.e; caatiag. SUS"j 11-50. Tin also clcuted weak, with apot quoted at 36-3o435 40: Inquiry light. Tbe iron market waa steady to firm, owing ta light aappnea. Prlcea nominally un changed from laat quoted. Mlaaeapolis Wkrat, Dear aad Bras). MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. la. WHE AT De cern bur, 7Tio; May. 73ii,c. On track: No. 1 hard. 74xc: No. 1 northern, 73lc; No. 2 northern. ic FLOL R- Hrnt patents. SS aafrg 80: second patents, li bO" hrsi clears. 82-Stg3 00 .eaK-tiiid deaxs, 828 4a. RKW TOMK TOCRS lD ItOKDS. Prlarlpsl Stocks Recover Slightly, Though Xervesaoeas Is Shows. NEW TORK, Nov. 16 Much nervqusness snd misgiving were reflected In the market again today, and there were erratic fluctua tions throughout the session. The market closed firm, however, and at net advances of 1 to 2 points over last right for the principal stocks. The bank ststement seemed to be the deciding feature In driv. lng the bears to rover. The loss In cssh was less thsn had been expected, but the loan contraction was smaller than had been hoped for In view of the heavy liquidation In the stock market during the wek. The market reacted sharply Immediately after the publication of the statement. It was srgued that the heaviest liquidation which occurred In yesterday's stock market would only figure for one day In the week s aver ages, so that the statement probably tinder, stated the strength of the banks. The re turn of the flow of currency from the In terior to New York revived hopes for the recovery of the money situation from that source. Bankers were unanimous In deny ing that there was sny occasion for alarm ing rumors of financial unsoundness In that portion of the financial world and their as surances had a relieving e"fect upon senti ment. Prices had fallen all the way from 15 to 30 points for the principal high stocks from the level of yesteraay. and at tne low level of Friday many stocks reached the lowest of the year, but many of tin speculative favorites and those among the stocks wnicn nsvs sunereo most severely from liquidation are still from 20 to 19 points above the low level of the early part of the year. ttonas nave oeen unoer pressure, out have not been so freely sold as stocks. United States Ss and 6a declined . the new 4s H. the old 4s and the 2s 1 per cent, as compared with last week's closing call. Tha New Tork Finsncler this week says: The official statement of the New York Associated banks last week showed a loss of I1.4.H8.700 In eash. of which 11.174.100 con sisted of specie snd t266.60O of legal tenders. The traceable movement or money during the week, however. Indicated an estimated loas of S2.47.bOO In cash, or 11.206.100 larger than thet shown by the official statement. One feature of the Interbank changes which Is quite encouraging and which may account for the above noted discrepancy Is that the returns of money from the central south were more than sufficient to offset the transfers through the treasury to New York. It Is noteworthy that the loss of S4.S83.400 by the banks to the subtreasury last week waa the greatest for any week alnoe September IS. This was largely due to customs and International revenue col lections and these are expected to continue heavy In the near future. Loans in the banks were reduced 15, M, 400, reflecting the liquidation which wss In progress on the Stock exchange for the greater part of the week; the deposits were decreased S7,66S.8u or a larger amount by 11.162.700 than was called for by the total of the loss of cash and of ths reduction In loans, hence the ststement wss out of hsrmony. The re- Sulred reserve was reduced by fl.816,700: eductlng from this amount the loaa of cash leaves H' as ths Increase of sur plus reserve. This Item now stands at 1)8. SlS.SOO. against 110,183,825 at the correspond ing date last year. Computed on the basis of deposits, less those of the government. wmcn were last weea reportea at, it, the surplus reserve was S28.S3,276. The cir culation continues to increase and ths amount of gain reported last week was SKO4.80O. One noticeable feature was ths large amount of bank clearings for ths week, probably due to the shifting of loans and other chanarea incident to the buslnesa In stocks on the exchange. The total of the I clearings reported for the week was 11,747.- I 727.520. or x37b.uuo.uuv greater man ior tn previous week: the daily average was 8291,- 000,000. The clearings on Saturday, reflect- lng rnnay s ousmess on tne exenange. were x2H2.ou,uuu. comparisons or cnanges In the item of loana .show that of tbe larger banks eight made a net reduction of 83,800,000. indicating that the contraction of thla Item was quite uniformly distributed. Two of the largest banks Increased specie by 84.100.000. The following are the closing prices on the New York stock exensnge tchlaon KH Bo. Ralta-ar it pit do ptd t Baltimore a Ohio.... W do pti 4 rexaa A Pacific 44t4 Tolado. St. b. A W. V Canallaa Pacific .... do pfd 44 I Canada So 7 Union Pacific ino'4 Chaa. A Okie 44V pfd ae CbHwgo A Alton ItM Wabub . aS . 4Jt . 84 . XS . JiVi . 4i .800 .I3S .in .10ft . . IIVa . 88 . li . 40 . 4!( . n . M . M T .tit ,114V, .m . im ,. ! da pti Chloaco. Inc. 4k L.. 71 da pti 1 41 Chlcaso A E. Ill do pfd What Una ALE do Id pld Wis. Central .... Ctiloaso A O. W WVi do 1st r-fd ICV do pfd Adama Ex da 84 sfd 84 lAmarioan Ex ftiloase N. W....EM raited Rtatea Ex Cbleaso Tar. A Tr.. ITS w.ll.-Fr,o Ex do Dfd IS1 Anil. CoDsar r. C C A St. L Colorado S. ...... SSAmcr. Car A !! da pfd 1("4 Amor. Ua. Oil titt do pfd U7 anarlcan g. A R . S44 i do ptd . te Anaconda stlo. Ce.. ? Brook 1m R. T Mt, Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 44 Oona. Oaa 47V, coat. Tobacco pfd. .liaVrtfaa Electric I Hocklax Coal do lat pfd da 2d pfd Dal. A Hudson ... Del. L. A W Denver A R. 0...- do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Sd pfd Great Nor. pfd... Hnckisx Valley . do vld .... M lnr. Paper 142V do pfd .... M Intar. Povar Illlnnla Central .. Iowa Central do Dfd .... 47 V, National ...,43V, .... 60 National Load tt ...130 No. American Ill ....i:4Vi Pacific C'oaat St ....1K44 Pacific Mall XT ....117 Paopla's Oaa seat Lake Erla AW... aa plo.... 1. A N Manhattan L... Met. 6t. Ky Wei. Central .. Max. National . Minn. A at. L. Ma. Pacific M.. K. A T .... ISVaPraaaad S. Car .... ia4 do ptd aa 104 Pullman P. Car 828 ....lit Republic Btael i ... . ao pia 76 .... MV, iucar llbH ....It Tann. Coal A Iran... 66 H do pfd N. J. Cantral . N. V. ('antral. Norfolk A W... ,...14Vi I'niua Bag A F svt,. oo pro v Pi V. S. baatber IIS do pfd W V. I. Rubber do pfd il H U. S. Steal M do ptd to Waatera I'nlon ias Amir Looomotlva. ... r7V4 Ontario A W... H lW4t 464, 84(4' Pannaytvanla .. Raadtna Oo in put do Sd pfd e St. L A B. r.. 71 tl da lat pfd.... do Id pfd TBVl 141 4V 171', JBV do pfd. SOW, t. L 8. W.... K C. Routharn do pfd Rock I. last .... do ptd . Mil da pfd t. Paul . 4JV4 do pfd 7J o. FaclSe 4W Offered. Hew Tsrk Hosier Market. V-TJ-W -! V X., 1 K V( nVfT T4 -.11 steady, with all loans at 4 per cent and rlosed offered at 4 per cent; prime mercan tile paper, ee per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business n bankers' bills at 84.87 for demand and at S4. 8362664. 83875 for sixty days; posted rates, 84.86 snd 84 88, commer cial bills. S4 8344.KH' SILVER Bar. 4kc; Mexican dollars. SSc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, lr regular. NEW TORK. Nov. 18 GOVERNMENT BONDS Kef. 2s reg. and coupon, lOgV,; 2s reg. ana coupon. iue; new s reg. and cou pon, 188; old 4s reg. and coupon, 110; as reg. and coupon. 104 Tha closing quotations on bonds are as iouows: V. g. raf. 8a, do eeupoa da la. "l . do oaupas da saw 4a. do aoapoa a eld 4a. I lot's It. A N ual. 4a 11 HH", Uh CaBtrai 4a M lut da la tne til, KM 'Minn. A St. L 4a ..lf ...144 ...1M ...114 ...11 ...104 ...104 ...ioiw ... tl . .. al . K. A T. 4a ... t ov, do 2s , N. Y. Central Is..." .10:1, sea. IVas ..loa N. J. C. (.a. is... da oaupaa . No. Pacific 4, .104 Aachlao ss. 4a.. do acj 4a Bal. A Okie 4s,... da IS,a da aenv. 4a Canada so. Ba Central ef 0. 6a. do la tar Caae. A Obla 4w. raicas A A. Ivm C . B. A Q a. 4a. C. M A St P g. 4a C. A K. W. r. ta. do 71 N. A W. eoa. 4S....100U Raadiag gaa. 4a I7 3t. L A 1. sf. c. it. Ill 1ST lit. L A B. P. 4s.... a ..Ki7M. L i. W. U S714 1M' I da aa tt 74s a. a A. r. 4s Ski, 104 Sa. Pacific ts S3 aa im. Slimy aa lis M Taxaa A faclac la ...12 ill la T-. St. L- A W. 4a.. la) il'nlaa Pacific 4a IM, r., r. i. a p. .lint, do eaar. 4s 1U4-, f r C i k L 4a- liW Wabaaa is 11C4, t:nicaso Tar. 4a ,7 i -a aa losv Colorado So. 4a tlV,l do dab. B 144. Pouter A R Q. 4...1("S W'aat Bbara 4s Ill- cria prior ilea ea..,. av ,atiau. a t,. a. 4a... ax do gaaaral 4a S4V, W la. Cantral 4a 71 T w s, d. c. la ...nrit'en. Tobaoc ta nocaiBs anay a'tta. .ivf,1 Offered. Usloa llaek Market. LONTIX)N. Nov. li. Closing quotations: Ceaaola tooay. al i ll K T ( astral ..114 do .SI 7-li Narfolk A .. Ttlt Anaeoada Atcblaon .. 4.t; da ad.. .. 14 Oatarto A ..10 iPaaaarlTaala . .ie;W Rand atlnaa .. r.''a .. la1, .. n , .. ) da pfd Ralt'mora A Ohte. f'Anadlaa Parllc. U: Reading .. it .. 41 Chaaapaaka A Ohio. SS do lac pfd 14 I da M sfd rhlcaso O w . c, m st . r .. 4 .ltT .Boatberu Rr . Slk do pfd . 4 Southarn PaclSa. . tii, Inioa Pacifit; . J4', da pfd . 444, 1. A Otaal . 44 I do pid 14i jWakaah lit do pfd . MS, Btiantah 4a .. aa ImCmtb Dajavar A R. O. . 44 do sfd Erla a- do lat pfd ... da M ,14 ... Illinois natural . li Lui.vuw A . 44 M.. at. A T BAR SILVER Oulet st VKd Per ounce MONEY 242"4 per cent. Tbe rate of dis count in the open market for snort bills Is a a-ioyj, per cent snd ior tnree-montha bills im l"o- per cent. Sew Vsrk Mialaa; ilstieas. NEW YORK. Nov. 15 The followlna; are tns nosing prices on mining stoca: Adams Caa li lUttia Cktat 14 Alk tb kiataiia ...724 44 :ophu iua 4 iphoaalx I 4S Potoal 14 brwaaflrlck Coa . . . raaasia'k Tiuinal. (a. (al A Vs.. Horn Vlltar Iroa SUaar ,aataaa t 1U ISiarra Na4a 1 7 ;knuill Huan lUadtllla Ces...- I tauax I- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 111 01m of Cattle Suffered Big Decline Dnring Lart Emi-al Days. HOGS ALSO LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Fat Sheep Have Held Folly steady for the Week, bat Fat Lambs Have In clined Folly Tvety-FIe f eats Feeders A bent Steady. 80T.TH OMAHA, Nov. IS. Receipts were: OfflclBl Monday .... Official Tuesday Official W'edneaday. C ffk'lal Thursday... Official Friday Official Saturday..., Cattle. Hoes. Sheep 1.346 J.ns 12.7 St 8.74S .644 4 "M 2.50 90 6.1 "4 14. &0 14. 2$ 7.1'1 S.440 1.1M) 7.460 .81 6.244 4.WU Total this week ... W'eek ending Nov. 8.. W'eek ending Nov. 1.. Week ending Oct. 2Ti.. Week ending Oct. 18.. Same week last year. .84,424 S3.RS8 6"4?2 .24.4C.J 86.376 7t'.S .80.27 SH.liS 74.7) .86.646 24.W7 6S.".'6 .32.4ii2 .M8 6i..l9S .26,81 66.628 bB.6t'l RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table ahows the recelpte of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year. 1W2. 1.H. Inc. Dec. Csttls 878, S7 715.267 1C3,7M Hogs 1.M2.K 1.S96.7HS 64,682 Sheep 1.478.663 Llltt.823 278,740 The following table snows tne average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market tbe last several days, with com parisons with former years: Date. I 1802. 11801. 11800. 11899. 11888. :187. '1896. Nov. 1.... Nor. I.... Nov. j.... Nov. 4.... Nov. 6.... Nov. 8.... Nov. 7.... Nov. 8.... Nov. .... Nov. 10... Nov. 11... Nov. 12... Nov. 18... Nov. 14... Nov. 15... 5V s ts; 4 61 4 Oli S 68 S 29, 4 su 4 041 8 60! S 41 S 21 6 72 51 48 4 661 4 051 4! 8 43 i S 20 4 661 4 Obi 8 to a U I u 4 02 S 51; I 43, S 31 4 Oft) 1 8 62; S 441 S 21 I 82 6 71 614 s ift 56 44 6 71 4 64 1 4 01 8 46, I 17 4 67 4 20, I 05 8 2J 4 7l' ul'l 52 S 641 4 6i 4 OOi S 46, S 41; 8 28 4 741 4 03 8 47; S Sll S 2i 4 02, S 46 2 22. S 17 84 Il 44, S 38 3 22 I 68 6 6 25 125 I 10 6 78) 6 63 214! 6 68 4 74 8 84; I 8 S4j.l 23 284 I 68; 4 671 8 K2 S 41 I 2 25 81V 5 68 4 82 3 80 8 a! S 27) Indlcstes Sunday. The official number of cars of live stock brought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.H'r's. C M. & St. P.'. 7 3 .. Wabash - 2 Union Pacific system 1 la C. N. W C 1 F., E. A M. V 1-24 C. St. P.. M. & O .1 .. 4 B. ft M 1 C. B. st Q..... .. K. C. & St. 3 1 C, R. L P., east.. .. , 2 C R. I. & P.. west.. .. 1 Illinois Central 1 85 "l 4 Total receipts 4 Tbe disposition of the day"s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the Dum per or neaa indicated: Buyers, Omaha Packing Co. Cattle. Hogs. Eheep. 1S .... 1.S3S 1.841 201 8 1.6S6 44 20 .... 664 28 6.177 809 twin ano company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co inner ouyerg. Totals CATTLE There were onlv s few rattle here today, snd not enough with which to make a test of the market. For the week tbe supply has been very liberal, as will be seen from the table given above. Other markets have also had big receipts, so that prlcea have taken a big tumble. More cornted steers were sold last week than st any time since the ranee season opened, prices, as a result, have been going oown at a rapia rate, ana are now at the lowest point reached in many months. As compared with the high time last June, when ton cattle were selling around 8 26, the market Is from 31.60 to 32.09 lower, snd In extreme cases the decline Is consid erably greater than that. Top cattle are selling ln Chicago at 86.75 to 87.00, and the general opinion ta that 86 76 would be the extreme top at thla point. No finished cattle nave been received here, however with which to make a test of values, so that the price they would bring is largely guess wora. as compared witn last week tbe market is Bsfely 2540c lower. When prlcea are going down at a rapid rate the market is apt to be very uneven and the present situation is no exception to the general rule, so that some sales look much better than others. The cow market has also suffered In bad shape during the week. Comfed stuff haa declined even more than greasers. The dr. cllne on the general run of grass cows In most cases would be covered by S5fi50c. but comfeds in a good many Instances have suffered even worse than that. It Is hard. however, to tell much about cornfed cowa and heifers, for the reaaon that they have been selling at such uneven price. It la to be noticed though that the quality of tne corn stun so lar has been rather ln ferlor. and no choice stuff at all has been offered with which to make a test of values It takes pretty good grassers to bring around 83.60, but something choloer would sell higher. veal calves nave not shown much chana-e during the week, but bulls and stags have suffered the same as steers and cows. The stocker and feeder market ajso took tumble. strictly choice nanrtv welunt feeders, averaging from 860 to 1,000 pounds. are pernaps not over jouzjoc lower man a week ago. but the general run of stock cattle are ZbsptOc lower. The demand from tbe country was nothing extra dur lng the week and the slump ln fat cattle, of course, caused a break In feeders. There was a much heavier sunulv of western rangers on the different markets this week than was generally expected and more than packers seemed to have in outlet for. The beef steers slumped off Tuny ZaftMoc and all but the verv rholnvat feeders suffered a like decline. Range cows may oe quoted ioyauc. lower and in some sees sales were made that looked even worse man mat. representative sales HOGS There was a fair run of hogs here today for a Saturday and tbe market opened right close to 6c higher than yes teraay. j in quaiuy oi tne nogs, though was not aa rood aa yeeterdar. aa th weights were heavier, so that the sales on paper do not snow tne lull strength of tha market. The bulk of the hogs sold from Se 39 to 86.36 and as high at 86 40 was paid. Trading was quite active at those prices ana prscticsliy everything wss dis. posed of in good season. A few trains were late in arriving. Dut still the Iste hogs sold at right close to the same prices that were paid earlier in the morning. Tba supply of hogs for the week has not been st all heavy, aa there is s slight decrease aa compared with the last two weeks, and as compared with the same week of last year there is still a big fall ing off. The market went down at a rapid rate ths first of ths week, but Wednesday proved to be the low day, when the aver age cost was only 86.10. Since that time. however, the market has been aolns un and the week closes with the average only a snaue luwer man un juunuay, out SDOut 12c lower than the close of last week. Representative sales: Ko. At. 8a. Pr. 16 St ... IN 41 al ... IN No. ti... At. 86. Ft. . .sti at 1 ..200 M0 I K .148 laO I Ui, 111 ... t i.s, . .tax ... t i:--, .141 140 t l-'i . li 100 t :, ,.Si7 SO t 12s, ..n 40 1 3:" .147 IM 4 i:-, ..Kl ... I J-, . :i i' t r.- 40 11:4 ..140 IM I 121, ..147 100 t 81-, . .H.k loo I 1:4 . M 120 I S.'v, ..:7 40 1 !' ..7t oo t j:" . nt no t si's, ..lot 40 I ItVa ..IN ... t SIS ..tT SO t li ..tut 111 . 201 110 t U .140 to t n .147 10 I ti . .244 S IS ..Ikt W 41 . .120 44 I a . r.t mis . .131 . . I at .544 I4S I U . Jt7 ao I U .. .1.11 U0 I Si . 214 40 I IT, . .111 40 t rr . J4i ... 1 nt, ...let ... 100 it Hi ... I ua 17 M ... 4 CO n... 46... ... It... at... aa... to... 40... n.. M . IT.. St.. 4.. 10.. 41.. U.. II. . II.. 11 . 14.. it.. 11.. 7 . . IS.. at.. M . It.. Tl.. SO., ti . M . at. . ti.. ti.. 60 1ST ... 4 IS M 110 IX K an I 3b 14 141 W I IT il 1-4 ... IPt to lut at I M 71 BUI ... I I 44 lt ... t III 41 lit ... I II 14 804 4 X0 tm ... I SS 14 141 ... t X0 II .M SO I 10 it ti-4 lit Itfl to nt IkO M It 2S4 130 I M il z7a so I 10 5t IM m IS at IM ao 1 la 17 lai 110 I M 17 114 ... t at 1V4 ao I so al (to so t so 14 Ml MO t SO a rrc ... 1 x It Mt IM I 10 il ta lot 1 to M 4 ... I tkl IS t SO n Ma W ID rr tt no so 41 nt at 4 it ti m to t m ai. IM ion ai Ml ia t so 47 m so t to SHEEP There were a few cars of sheep and lambs on the market thla morning, but no particular change In prices was noticeable. There were some heavy fed sheep offered that sold st good steady prices, considering tneir extreme weigni The receipts for the week have been very moarraie. as mere a a Pig decrease as com psred with the last several weeks, and there la also a slight falling off as com pared with the same week of last year Tbe market held up In very satisfactory manner on fat sheep and yearlings. Both greasers and fed stuff thai was at all de sirable changed hands quite freely and as compared wlih tbe close of last week the market may be Quoted fullv ateidv. Lambs, however- suffered s decline of fully war and In soras cases sales looked coo eidera.bli lower thsn tlist. Tli ere was very little strictly choice fed etuf? on the market, bui there wss one small shipment that as by far the ben of the S'-"on. The ewes S"ld at .li nJ tne yesrllng wethers brought 84 in. There was a good demand practlcslly all the meek for feeders nd the msrkft has shewn very little change rrm the close of lust week, to far ss the better gradi s are concerned. Llaht lambs, however, have been rather neglected an1 on some were hard to move at any price, particu larly if they wrre a little commcn In quality. Q.iotstlona for rraaeers: Good to chotca yearlings. $3rfjS.T5: lair t g"od. $3 KU3.i; good to choice wethers. 83 4"h"". W. fair to good wethers. Clga 4"; choice ewes, S.t.Otwrf a. 26; fair to good ewrs, S2 2.Vn2 75; giol I.) choice lambs. 84. 60114 75; fair to good lambs. 84 0t'&4 5l; feeder wethers. K .'h'iji 16; fed.T yearlings, 82 2:".; feeder lml, 8.1 .") 0; cull lambs. 81. 6)112 'Kt: feeder ewfs, tl.(6!72.2f; cull ewes. 7r-iiSl.2R; stock ewes. 8-"gS.26. Good fed stork sells about 21e higher than choke graesers. Repreacnta- me sales No. Av. IT. 2"1 old native ewes !l 2 on 2i native feeder ewes ks 2 25 2 native bucks s 1"i 2 2.-. 71 native feeder ewes 87 ! S 40 native feeler lambs 6.1 8 25 ln native feeder ewes 15f .". 50 10 native wethers 147 S &" 8 native lambs 4 75 1J native )amr. 122 4 75 CHICAt.0 1.ME STOCK M4.RKKT. Cattle Are Scarce, While Hosts, Sheep aad Lambs Rale steady. ' CHICAGO. Nov. 15 CATTLE Receipts. I 80 head; nominal : good to prime steers. ' 86 omm 95; poor to medium, S8.(ndil.55: cows. tl.KHf6.4o; heller. 82.iioh4 .75; canners. 81 K'ift Z.40; Puns, x2.ta.iM.M; calves, ;i.noij ;.; Texas fed steers, a3.t4.(i; western steers, .6(.trS.5'J. Hc-GS Reoeliits. 13.000 head; estimated tomorrow. !..() head: left over. 5.w head: steady to strong; mixed snd butchers. In.S.i tl 40; good to choice heavy, Jofffi.SO; rough heavy. &.9tb6.20: light. So.&xirS.SO: bulk of sales. SS lift 6. . isMtlir AND LAMBS Kecelnts. P 'vw head; steady; good to choice wethers. S3 4) (b3.l0: fair to choice mixed. 82 aoS 40; west ern eheep, S3.fery3.50; western lambs, t3.l3 4.25. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 2.134 4 448 Hogs 24.019 1.041 Sheep ,9t3 6.167 Kaaaas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 15. CATTLE! Re ceipts, 100 head; market unchanged: choice export and dressed beef steers, 8fi.005r:6.76; fair to good. S3.Mty6.95; stockers an1 feed ers. S2.2,Mj4.25; western fed sfera. 83.7655 P: Texas and Indian steers. 'p 4 : Texss cows. S2 254i3.0; native corns. tl.75'n4 26: na tive heifers, S2.65ti3.75; canners. 8l.OOr?2 00; bulls. S2.10fe3 5o; calves. 82 .f"fi'6 75. Receipts for the week: Cattle. 6D.6J0 head; calves. 6.800 hesd. HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head: strong: ton, SG. 40; bulk of sales. SG 25tf 40: heavy, Ifi 2"ff 6.40; mixta packers, S6.2irti.40: light. 86.20 8.30; yorkers. S6.2ufg.30; pigs. S6166.20. Re ceipts for week. 61, son head. Bitt-ttf Aiu uamms-.M) receipts mar ket nominal: native lambs, S3 6 106.26; west ern lambs. S8.00fa'S.20: fed ewes, S3.10&3.70; native wethers, S3.054i4.10; western wethers. S3.00g4.O0; stockers and feeders, Sl.a5'B3.26. Kecelpu lor week, K'.kiu head. New York Lite MnrUcl. NEW TORK, Nov. 15.-BEEVES-Re- celpts. 20 head; dressed beef steadyjr clt dressed native sides, 8 to 12c per lb.; Texn: beef, 6I&7WC. Cables laft received quot.-c. American steers at HH:13iic. dressec weight; refrigerator beef, lii(&'1IVtc pe. lb. Exports toiay, partly estimated, 2.271 head beeves, 2,217 head sheep and 6,770 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 64 head; a few west erns sold at SU per luO lbs. head; sheep very dull, easier: lambs selling freely, but at a decline of 'ff'sc generally; sheep sold at S2.6Ofo3.00; 14 cars for export at S3. 76: a Tew held t Sii : lmhs, 4-5u4j 6.60: culls. S33T: Canada. S4.6543-5.36. HOGS Receipts. 83s head. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 500 head, including 300 Texans; market steady for natives, strong for Texans: na tive shipping and export steers, 4..b'm.(i; dressed beef and butcher steers. S3.76560; steers under 1,00 lbs., S3.264i6.25; stockers and feeders. $3.0094.65: cows and heifers, S2.254j5.25; canners. 81.5012.50: bulls, S3.257T 4.25; cslve. 83.60ft 7.00: Texas and Indian steers, $3. lMt 5 u ; cows and heifers, S2.2:8 8 35 HOGS Receipts, 1. 000 head; market strong, closing 6c hlpher: piers and llfrhts. 86 066.15; packers, f6.00$ifi.20; butchers, 16.20 $6 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head; market strong: native muttons, SS25Ji4.00; lambs. S3.7T.fa5 40; culla and bucks, 2.0(Hj4.00; stockers, 1.5t'(03.OO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.102 head; steady; stock cattle lower; native. S3.86fJ7.15: cows and heifers, Sl.50'06.26: veals, $2.5(x'i4.T5; stockers and feeders. 2 Oci4.50. HOGS Receipts. S.i.4 head; market a shade higher: light and light mixed. 86 35a 6 42S; medium and heavy, S&35ig6.40; bulk of sales. S6.3 .Vf. 4ti. 6HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 802 head market steady ; native lambs. 85.26; year lings, 84; wethers. s.i.7o; ewea, SJ.Jo. Slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITT. la.. Nov. 15 -(Special Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipts. 200 head; steady: beeves. S4.50ra.75; cows, bulls and mixed, S2.26ir4.flO; stockers and feeders, 82.75 64 50; vearlinirs and calves. S2.504M.00. HOGS Receipts, S.3no head; strong to 5c higher, selling at S6.0i'i6.30; bulk. S6.16.. Stork la Mht. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 90 4.ntK) l.twO Chicago SOO lli.doo 6,000 Kansaa City 100 4.iK) St. Louis 500 2.000 800 St. Joseph 1,12 3.774 302 Sioux City 2u0 3,800 Totals... 2.2K2 30.874 7,102 Bank Clearing's. OMAHA. Nov. 15 Rank clearings for the week as compared with the corresponding week last year: 1902. 1801 Mondav II,463.1. 8T, $1,149,412 52 Tuesdav 1,830.776 87 1.2"o.M9 87 W ednesday 1.283.657 70 I.IU.606 20 Thursday 1.234.r.3 00 1,17,bK3 70 Friday 1.215.335 84 1.048.8F.2 35 Saturday 1,222,237 11 1.137.768 fe Totals 37,70.000 37 S,876,493 S3 Increase ifll.666 64 NEW YORK, Nov. 15 Ci.'jrlngs, $292. 10.011: bBltinces. $10 2S.i7. CHICAGO. Nov. 15 Clearings. $27,225,938: balances. 82,682.813: New York exchange, bH 10c premium; foreign exchange, unchanged: sterling posted at n ior eixiy cays ana at $4. to for demand. BOSTON. Nov. 15. Clearings. S25.106.493: balances. 81.940.3:2. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 15 Clearlnrs. $18,262. B7; balances. $2,397,070. For the week: Clearings, IU6.24H.Ota, balances, $15,534,478. Money. per cent. BAl-i iMOttr:. jnov. is. Hearings. I.! 7Wi.- 212; paiances. ji4.4,i. ror tne week: "lear Inge, $24,492,842; balances, $2,848,602. Money. s per cent. CINCINNATI. Nov. l Clearings. 13.02k. 750; money, IftS iter cent; New York ex change, z.')C premium. Si. 1JI 18. Nov. la. t'learlngs. 86.392.353 balances, twti.OOo; New York exchange, lue premium; money, steady, tt(r per cent. Condition of Ike Treasury. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15 Today's stste ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral runn, exclusive or me gold reserve ln the dlviailon of redemption. buoks: AvmiDie cssn oaiance, jji.aj)'.;,!! gold, $U4,6U,542. Weekly Bank Ststesnrni. NEW YORK. Nov. 15 -The weekly state ment of averages of the associated banks ADVANCING Oil goes up and so f I eaalaTliiXJ OIL TODAY BRINOS $1.39 PER BARREL! JLaL E aVJil BLY30N TODAY BRINOS 65c PER SHARE! FOR 4 DAYS LONGER This greet dividend-paying stock can still be bought for 65 CENTS PER SHARE. When the 6th monthly dividend cf 1 per cent per month upon the par value of the ahares will be paid lo every shareholder of record (November 20, 18i2), and the price will then be Instantly advanced to 76 reMs per share. ANEW CUIHER Has Just been brought in, largely Increasing the company's production, and seven other similar sells sre snortly expec ted BLYSON pays a guaranteed dividend of not lees than 1 per cent per month upon the par alue of its slock, and will T'OSITI VFLY Its dividend to 2 per rent per month aa soon as the stock reaches PaR El'Y NOW. WHILE LOW. ALL JN DICATloNS I'OIXT TO PAR BEFORE XM AS. 1 Par Value ef Shares $1 full-paid and non-aasehsable forver! Not less than 60 shares sold to any one. Remit Immediately ! prospectus No. t and magnifi cent new album containing views of "BLiSON" KHKE fur the asking. Addrees The Elyson Oil and Gss Co. WiA7iteV?l?"aln'' lU'.MM.M'Mau. Jl.t!l!'!!i Mi at aii.LUUii), .Jluiu i;iia ii.Mttj., shpwa linns St7fl.4r4.2oO decreased 86 fS . 4'"': deposits 8-7.?:.4".. decreased 17.6.'. 80: clrctilatioTi 84411' 'H-rease St.; 1ep1 tembrs 8ii.v62.9" dcr-Rse': speie I'T1 ;.i .1'. rit cren-eri gf .1 74 . aT ; reserve 87.17 vj iin,. iIm p a-Ml 11 4?'i.-.-. reftrrxe raq;ilri1 lA fft.1". decreas-d $' 918 ' . scrplus 8 IS S.'.I.SW. Increnwed 4T ' . ex-Cviti l d posits Si'. 417.26", iiu-reased 11(-.0 IV. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. WK BIT AD k;.I Orci ha First Mort,ge, City and County Warrants. CouDty and State Bosdi. Ptork of Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. Onisba Street Railway. Lincoln Land Co. Omaha Basks. And other storks of all kinds. For Immediate and future delivery. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1054 irht n Gtm stock it up in thf dollar prr sharr, you tu'It ironrftr irTi v you did not buy a good sized block of it when it could hat been bought for l0 cent todiy " prt'e. Whrre is th re another stork that equals it in promise and art nai rtsullsT Just send for the prospectus and learn vhat a wll equip ped producing mine looks like. Between 8,000 and 9,000 feet of under ground work, with thousand of tons of ore blocked out and In tight. J )HN E. MCMANU8 & SON MISFR". BROKERS it, 'rv g SEATTLE WASHISGTO;. DIVIDEND will be paid Jan. l!th by The Buckeye Oil & Gas Go. I'M harrals per day la the record of the last well comnleted. Four well drilling, which should prove an good. Six wells are now com pleted and 2i0 proven locations to drill, besides 20.000 acres of very valuable leases to be tested. 400 ACRES ?.rmonu.,he SUGAR GROVE GAS FIELD Another 400 acres ln the BEAVER DAM OIL FIELD THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD. Limited amount of stock will be sold at 10c SHARE Par Value $1.00 Full Paid and Non-Assessable. Send for prospectus, snd full particu lars, bank and othet referPncea. THE BICKEVK Oaa Dept. X. 1. 'JAS CO.. LIMA OHIO. 3 MONTHS FREE Up-to-date mining paper ffully Illus trated, containing all the latest news from famous gold cam pa. in cluding Thunder Mountain '. f. Mining .Journal, loo a.iai st.N.t. GRAIN - - STOCKS. We have private wires to New York, Chi cago and Kansas City. All orders receive careful and prompt attention. BOYD & MERRILL ROOM 4 ft. V. LIFE BLDG, Tel. 103U. OMAHA. KEB. BUY MAY WHEAT AND CORN AT OXCE. Margin It 2ic per bushel, which will amply protect you, and your money should' double within 15 days. Do not delsy. Buy immediately. $5t) will margin 2.000 bu. $100 will margin 4,000 bu. Remit by cash, draft or postal order Send ror our free book, " Mod ern Safe Methods for Investments." FLOWER A (O, Brokers. Traders Bids'.. Op. Board of Trade, Chicago. BUY WHEAT M $100 margins 6,000 bushels 20c. Sc sdvancs doubles your money. Send for booklet. "How to. Invest Successfully, and Market Letter, sent free. KVEHUSGHAM (OMITOCK, Suite 32 Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Ono Cent ZXK&U oar booklet Tho One Way" Qrvfoff fan ajrtie!ar hew ae make rmtr wtmey earn a rcc-ular luuoUtly (nrtrmt witawoi nak ef loaa Wriaa at onoa to AMEBIC A3 riiNrllHI8Ti(lir4). 1111 v all aireet, see lark. In manipulated markets like these Is Impos sible without expert advice. For six weeks we have bought stocks ONLY to cover shorts and sold wheat ONLY for profits on long stuff. Our dally market forecasts $10 a month. $50 a year (trial week $1.00). Send for booklets describing our methods. $jo0 to IK1.O00 Invested In our trsdlng syn dicate will give you the benefit of our skill and experience. Write for particulars. The Market Chart Co., 405 Mailers Bldg;.. Chicago, 111. WE WANT a man of experience who can sell oil stock In an honest company on a commission basis. A good man can make 7"0 per month. State experience In answering. Addiess RIVAL OIL CO., Azusa, California BAY ! W Vols 5 I Per Cent 5 ,Jar Cent