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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. itahmmh:i .mm: u, OMAHA, SATUKDAV MOIININIi, NOV.KMISE11 15, 1!MVJ TWKLVE PA(KS. sim.ij: corv cmnts. REPORTS ON ISLANDS ti.iff ?4 Othr 0tf Dc-rr.hft Work in th rtnlipiiinn. CIVIL AND MlllTAHV orflCtRS OUARREL Autliirliin In Poms IrmUnrM tiT Aid In M InsnrgMit-- CtAtU rtr.MTlNG IS PRACTICALLY OVER Fr-Uiir iVi'ls. Howatar, Eiint and Must B Pnt Pnwn. DAVIS EXPLAINS STATUS OF SLAVE Health and Nnril, nl iraone Are lenlt Mtik and Ahraaatlnn f Inanlar title la I nril In (trrt Amertean Aathnrlir. WAHMINOTON. Nov. 4-Th annual r. Ji'f I of Majir (lntal Adna R. Chaffee, Just mad" public, rover th rampalgn of Gnral J. . Smith In Hsmar. rcfcre tn frlnion that occurred between tho rlvll and military authorities regarding I,eyt and discusae lh act ion of various nfflcers and th nrN nf the army In the suppres sion of recent Inaurrn Hone. liMmttl Chaffee warmly defends the oftl- eis. and assumes full responsibility for II that done under official orders. He says lha various predatory Klllplnn band re of llill military Importance and ran lu lima Imi handled by the Inaular con stat ulary "peaking of tha rampalgn In Hsroar, bn saya be flmla nothing In thn written In trm llnna wblc h "was nut Justified by thn condition th're lo he overrome." The formation nf rnnrenl rat Ion cum pa was nec essary to suppress the Insurrection In th-s firovlnraa if liatanga. Laguna and Taya bes, especially as the rlvll authorltlea In aonia Itistumr aided (be Insurrectionists. II requests tha removal of the rrnatire $.aad publicly upon Urnrral Bell regard 1 ii at order, circular and Inalrnrlluna which h Issued whlli putting down tba Ineur ycctlon. I rnee lleaoaltloa of ftnltana. An Inirfcat ln portion nf the report la that relating tn Ihn Moroa In Mindanao and Join. He nay a II. mill require lime, f t and patlcci to eatabllah 1'nlted italea authority over all the Moro aettle tiirnta. The annner the aultan of Jolo'a title, ac 1il or Maumil, aa ovrrclKU nnd aa aoln owner f Imii I In Ihe Join arihlpeluito H (lulled the defter for thn altuHtlun. I'rob ahlv tli'-r la little (Imihl tliat a money roneldi wniild relieve the eltuatlun and If I hie be ilmie lan e Juat but almple uikI plainly etHfcil aa to Im lindtretoiKl by the Moro niiiilatloti could denerally lie en. frrreeii ttimuah the riattna upon thrlr fnl Piwera olttumt much trouble or frequent rnrt to furiv. It will be tmpnexlhle for mfiy ar to lannr rhlefa, dutto. and to leal dlrettlr with the Individual Moroa la done with clvlilaed. t'hrlatian people. It will, hiwvr, lie a Inn alep aluaii when the itmttnm ara Independent of the aultan and rerognlaa tha 1'nlted Htatea aa tha inlr eoverMpntT to which allealanee la due awl mt the only authority empowered to eeart lawa fnr th aovernment of tha roun trr. that all tha Inhwtritanta ara eaual ba- f-.ra lha law) lent :rtrltiart peil have a l lhl In Uvu Hut lo advance ao far will tnMimi much time and may yeault In na- tlonHl canfllct; for tha modinratlon of frnt hllf will In aoma caara require tha oee of military force. Force, ha rnotlnnee, feaa been naed only It make It understood plainly that peraona anfltled to prntertlnn cannot be murdered and thai the authority of tba 1'nlted State ran tint be queatloned f'nmmentlna; on other aectlona of tba lalanda, be aaya at the time of writing, the army wae nn a peara Troopa were fcelna; withdrawn from participation In civil affaire aa rapidly aa rlvll organtxatlona entild be erected. Thla baa been completed fa all etcept Ba'anaaa and Samar. wbera la waa expected to ha accomplished by tha ndl of tha year. f letl fvaraaaeaf Coaatileto, Tba report aaya: All parte nf tha erchlplao except what la known aa the Morn country, have been formally nraantaed for rlvll government and t'ired over to Ita nfflclale, ihue freeing the army fmm aupervleory or ajctual con trol over Ita tnhaeitanta or their affaire. Ffe point eut tha neeeaalty for more bar racks and aaya the ll.r.HO.rtoo appropriated for tha army will not provide more than "temporary shelter built largely of native inaterlala." He thinks permanent sites Should be purrhaaed ami suitable buildings erected at healthful pol ite In the lalanda. i nnreralna tba healta of tha army ha ya The oaclllatlon of the perrentae-e of alck rn the rommnnrt hee not ex'eet--t J1 point aurtna the ycer The maximum waa S.5I a- r cmt fur Auauet. lnci . the minimum. 1.1, f"r Vley. IWJ (if rhe twentv-aia caeca of a. he tnh'iUfect by the chief surgeon, eerv w the moat prominent iMtithn frtn eh.drr he Acrtha to wilful dlereaar.1 ef W4riilnari and failure to avoid known lo cd!:e nf Infection. While the number of d"h!4 of native nl others not of the mil- ,.c ,n..y th..uHi.H nf native h,t bee,, pvi thr.nmh the influence of the army in lf-ttina where precaution was not re a-ar lc.t as nf llit'e or no avail I 'idee the reorgitnixiitloii armv act fifty cnmpnlee of Klliiuno a. out hil heen or ainisee). a total s'reiigtlt of composed f m different ti iocs. .tray A eta. In enncluaioit he makes a statement of Ihe general character of the army and the duty af the troops which Is in the nature af a reply to criticisms that have been Biade- T rmv haa fHlthfullv and efficiently aerf.irm.-.l the dutv that fell to Ita lot riome i wrong done native Ptf ent ailer it !i.t'i kfii 'it in..i.tle to redreie h- aoe of rtiiior to Identify the r Mponalhte I p.,rtv i.r paritee hut when established dts . niioorv me.4uri- nav.. oeii i.ito.crv nic.,.ur. hav.. been en(..rc.V 'I i 4Hiuiiiiion and atateinetit that th present of xnl.tter In e.unmiinlt v la very el inorultalnaT to the mttivee is not true aa a bi .iad pi ,..ioHnuin ; in mv opinion the oppo aiie view la tu iat worthy to he noted Ail In.iivntual tiioier here, aiui there haa no iloul't roi.d native or hv threat or l'i.-lcal tor. e . oni iei It-. I ooedience lo h.s deiiiano-4. It'll Ifli-Kn Instance are enceii fiili.,1, o old. KM : Il. alleae.1 demor- a ana i it rl n. . htoHdeim a to make the pr..eriie lie while race, aa a rat--, de-n-ott-nitna;. i he nu1u tier for evil hy the MiUoit r -H llttl.'e-l ..mall .intl uudefcervlllaT of i tiiiiiiient compare. I with thtir many vlr-!..,- nit h i' irt'eit and eftample are u.-ai na (or a" id. t compaio 1 11 Ueueral Chaffee's report a 'he reports of the start and general rtVeiw. ltt toniu.mut varloui departments .ianer, strongly recom- itftieral J. ni. 11, led ihe re-ckiaoliihinent of the cau ee, Th 'ei iitinai luu t orgduueti oppoti tttiti to thv gott-i tiiueut . bi . rcu leca In r.icrv ih'' r(4til!ti:ut'ni of something lu jc. .. Ihe aiteiiiinu nf the aol'litrs and n'ara nf aiuuariuea: wparateci from 'hat ki poiitu-.l u meat of tha places where, troopa 4r aiaiionril. Louie naui C oh ucl Gtaurgo W datr, hief ut rtu. tall attrition to the la t t ni trutrl liaeaaa , oiiiiDtitil to lu. rease ...! an I wall the rats has nut ap- iCanauad ou t oo4 Pae.j SAYS AMERICANS STEAL LAND naillnn Paper trrnapa I nlled itntc l tpprnnrlntln British Tfrtllory. K TftP.l A H r (Ml rvrnltlg says Nov. ' Vf'ivinT. In t - HI,. eihlc manticr. and with c,rv . ' ij I tilled Siato xurvevnte have cfi, . upon I'anidmn territory to the north, of ('Hpc Fox and appropriated thousand of nqniiri' mllen nf land lyinK within the boundaries of British 'olimibla to the Meat ward of I'ortland The line from Portland canal runs nortli- eterly for a ahnrl dlatutico then lurna i and runa nearly due wcat. nnd finally con nect with the Vkoot river at tho confluence j with Strlklne river. At thit point there la to be found an old poat auppoiod to have been ererted by the Hudson Hay company and by the running; line to that post It in apparently the clulm of the gov ernment that the post In q oration was placed In position by the Russians, although the survey I'm- la distinctly marked by squared and cut ftranltr monuments. The monuments are In apex mounted on which Is a copper rod, which stirvrynrs state was placed In position to mark th read spot where the American mirvpynrs placed their Instrumrn's when running thu line. "It la hardly possible, on account of the presence of a llrltlab Columbia offlrial at Port Simpson, that Americans can have ocTtiplcd this territory without such an ac tion having rome to tho knowledge of the government nnd being by him tranamltted to Ihe provincial government and thrnco to Ottawa." RELIGION ANNULS MARRIAGE Anatrlan Court a Hold that Athelal and Prnteatant Are I nahlr to Wrd, VIENNA, Nov. 14. An Important deri sion rendered by the provincial civil court today shows the urgent neresslty of Amer ican and English women contemplating marriage with an Auetrlan of first obtain ing competent legal advice. In the present Instance Clemrnts Kol- laher, an Austrian, was married In Iyomlon to nn English woman by a civil ceremony. Kollsher described himself as having no religious faith and the bride as belonging to a Protestant church. Kollsher recently applied to the Vienna court for a legal separation, which hare now held the marriage Invalid on account of the differences of religion between the contracting parties. MAN AND MONEY MISSING CoaBrteattal Aaent In Caha Together with Ten Thoaaand Dollars Dlaaapeara. HAVANA. Not. 14. Colonel Michael J. Dady of Brooklyn baa complained to the de tective bureau that his confidential agent In Cuba Is missing, together with 110,000, alleged to hare been entrusted to him for the purchase of the water works at Clen fuegoa. Colonsl Dady and his wife hare Just ar rived from New York. Tha missing man's wtfa cams also on tha aama steamer. They were greatly surprised at not being met by the agent, and upon Investigation It was learned he had been missing for a fort night. The agent was a United States secret service agent In Cuba during tha military occupation. DEFRAUDED 0R DEFAULTER lawyer Takes Cash Which He Claims Is Dae Him anal ,1s Soed. HA VANS' A. Nov. 14. Colonel M. J. Dady af Brooklyn bss filed charges against his attorney. De W'yrnff. who be alleges has absronded with $10,000 forwarded to be naed In securing an option for the con struction of waterworks at Clenfuegns. Mr. Dady declarea that Da Wycoff de posited the money In his own name and afterwarda drew It out and left for the United fltates. He has a letter In which Wycoff Intimates that be has taken the money In payment of his legal servlcea and threatens to attach Mr. Dady s property here If he Is prosecuted. THINK END OF WORLD NEAR Aaetraltaae ee Dast Sterna Fir anal They Become Alarmed. and lONDOV. Nov. 14 According to a dis patch to the Daily Mall from Sydnev. N. W . an extraordinary red duststorm has j s,rvice. As to W. N. Loeser. he has been been experienced in Vldoria and New Buspended pending Investigation of charges South Walea. Dsrkness shrouded the city made by Colonel Mosby, special agent of of Melbourne yesterday at noon and balls j tn, an,i office, that a number of nonresl of fire fell to several buildings. The peo- j dent widows of soldiers have, at the In j P" w"e thrown Into a state of panic, as i they thought the world waa coming to an end. A similar cloud of red dust fell at Sydney and many Inland towns yesterday. SHIPWRECKED MEN RESCUED r.laht Jallore and Eight Dead Bodies Art Taken from Raft In Mldeeraa. W ELLINGTON. New Zealand. Nov. 14 The British survey steamer Penguine has picked up . raft belonging to the Britieh steamer Elingamite, which wss wrecked on one of the Three Kings islands, off the . I north coast of New Zealand, November 9. On the raft were eight survivors and the bodied of eight others of the company of the wrecked vessel. The survivors are do ing well. I aarlaa haa Melancholia. IjONDON, Nov. II. In a dispatch from Lividia the correspondeat of the Daily Mi l i-ays the czarina has fallen into a condition of deep melancholia, which takes the form of preserving silence for lonq periods, eveu in the presence of guests. rler mujeaty s condition is causing ner Que- tora c'ousi. It-ruble anxiety. "' t-tee la Ts.k. MAPHII). Nov. 14. lienor Sagasta in- formed King Alfonso today that he felt j compelled to ubaudou the taok of trying to form a new cabinet, but the king re I quested him to make a further effort. It I ta PttrlMlt tht.1 i.n.l. lAlllt.l In nonai- Jen I of the senate, iutenda to reaign and retire from politics. lard tlatcir la Ulattleased. LONDON. Nov. 14 Tha Jewish Chronicle this muroiLg asserts that the name of M. catargl. Roumanian minister in London, was umit'.ed from the list of diplomais In vited to acteu'l tbo loij muyiir'i dinner. This ut done aa a mar of dirplvasure ai the pirsucution of lha Koumanlau Je. TttYIXC TO FORCE CANNON Illinois Man Persists in Keeping Quiet on Tariff Question. NEBRASKA DELEGATION IS WITH HIM ebraak Men In Interior neiinrt t'nll nn sr nntor vllllarcl tn Aaatet Them In Hold In ar On. (From a Staff t ni rc.ipnndnrt i WASHINGTON. Nov. 14 -(Spec ial Tele gram.) News reaches Washington that some of the western delegation will make an effort to forre Mr. Cannon to declare hlmsrlt on the question of tariff revision before they pledge themselves to support his speakership candidacy. The informa tion Is. however, that this will probably prove a difficult task, as It Is mid that Mr. Cannon t present Is engaged In steering n middle course through the chnnnel of tariff and trusts. Mr. Cannon's friend rlalin flint he Is wise In this course, that he ehould make no promises, but hold himself free to carry out the policy of the re- publlcnti party as It may bo outlined for the battle of 1904. Through this course Mr. Cannon Is picking off votes from east ern reproeentatlvos, whose constituencies are strongly for conservatism In dealing with tariff. While Pennsylvania mny be for Dalell on the surface. It is a well known fact that the majority will go to Cannon should It be demonstrated that Palzoll cannot win out. Mr. Cannon Is really. If Is said, the first choice of a ma jority of the Pennsylvania delegation, but they support Palzell under duress and would welcome the slightest opening to warrant a break to the Cannon column. The Nebraska delegation. It Is said, are lo a man favorable to Mr. Cannon's candidacy and as a mere formality will soon come to gether and announce themselves as a unit In support of the Illinois candidate. Mr. Tlabcork has to go to Wisconsin and will meet his delegation at Milwaukee to morrow and It will then be derided whether he will enter the race or not. The Minnesota delegation will meet to morrow or Monday In St. Taul. Every member of the delegation haa declared privately In favor of Mr. Cannon, but the Minnesota press Is urging editorially that the delegation must first secure a pledge from Mr. Cannon for tariff revisions. Wilson stands by Hyde. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson evidently Intends to stand by Statistician John Hyde of his department In the efforts that are being mado to get him out of office. The latest movo in the fight was made yester day, when the secretary refused point blank to answer a list of questions as to the methods employed by Mr. Hyde In gathering crop statistics. The questions were propounded by J. W. Dodswortb of New York. Secretary Wilson Informed Mr. Dodsworth that the methods employed by Mr. Hyde were satisfactory to the Depart ment of Agriculture and also satisfactory to the farmers producing corn, wheat, coU too and other products subject to price fluctuations through trading upon ax changes. The exchange people claim that the department always places Ita estimate of the eeop.fcalow tha actual yield. ' This, If done, of course makes It appear that cotton and grains are not so plentiful as Is really the case, with the result that prices Immediately advance to tba benefit of pro ducers. Hanglngr Onto Office. Senator Millard la Intervening In be half of two subordinates In the Interior department whom he was Instrumental In landing In government positions and who have since gotten Into difficulty. These are Superintendent Saunders of the Indian school at Santee agency, Nebraska, who in October waa called upon to resign, otherwise the Civil Service commission threatened to withdraw his name from the classified service, and W. N. Losaer of Iowa, special agent, whose headquarters have been for several years at North Platte, Neb., who waa suspended during the first week of the current month be cause of alleged fraudulent land entrlea In his district. Senator Millard has written letters to Secretary Hitchcock and Com missioner Jones pleading for delay in these rases. In bis letter to Commissioner Jonea the senator says that W. It. Saunders Is a most competent man and urges that all action be suspended until he can present certain affidavits attesting to his efficiency. However, the retention of Saunders does not lay In the hands of Commissioner Jones. It is the 1'nlted States Civil Serv ice commission which objects to certifying Mr. Saunders to the claselfled list and the commission is not inclined to stand for the method which. It Is alleged, Saunders has taken to cover himself Into the classified stance of rattle companies, made entries for lands In Nebraska under an agreement to transfer thn same to the cattle men. The alleged fraudulent actions of the cat tle companies In searching out nonresi dent soldiers' widows and giving them 1 financial aid to locate on desirable grazing land and aubsequently quietly sell out, fs r.ow being investigated by the department. Senator Millard, it is understood, Is urging tbe reinstatement of Agent Losser, but It Is probable that nothing of the sort will be done at present. i Inveetlnatlna Alleaecl Land Frauds. Secretary Hitchcock is Investigating all charges preferred by Colonel Mosby aa to the methods of the cattle companies to se- j cure contro Df vast areas of the public do main for grazing, thus sequestering thou sands of acres of rich agricultural land much sought by homeateaders. The In vestigations now In progress will be most thorough and every detail wil be ready for a com ib! and comprehensive presenta tion to President Roosevelt on his rel-jTu lo WjMhington. Routine of Department. William KU be has been appointed post- 1 maatcr at nrecia. 1 arron county, ta , vice ; J. 11. Kit ne. resigned. ' The comptroller of the currency has aj- 1 ,horUei the First National bank of At- . klnbon. Neb., to begin business with $25,uOO I capital. I The corporate existence of the Sioux Kalla National bank or Sioux Kalis, s. I). has been extended until November 14. 1'.'2.'. The lie Moines National bank of De Moinea has been approved as reserve agent for the Kir. I National bank of Shenan doah, la. The post office at Amadore, Wapello county, la . haa been fflseonttnued. To rural free delivery routes will he establt.hed December 1 at Orange City, Sioux county, la. Route embrarea an area of forty-mutt sonar mile containing a population of SJ'i. The povioltlie at Mul uitbuiy 1 ill b supplied b rural carriers. LABOR HAS MUChi TO DISCUSS Ursolic! Inn anaurat cjlcl Itr Pensions and Macii tit her' 'I hlnaa nf Interest. NF.W ortt.KANS. Nov. 14.- Nnnlhor day wa devoted by the American Federation of l.nhor to work preparatory for the actual duties of the convention. Reports of com mittees and the Introduction of resolutions took up all of the sessions. A prolonged dispute over a portion of the report of the committee on credentials occupied the greater part of the morning and a grneral discussion of the report of tho committee on rules took tip all the time of the after nocn session not given over to the recep tion of resolutions introduced by various delegates. No action was taken on any of the resolutions. They were simply re ceived by the presiding officer and by him referred to the various committees, whoso report upon them will be submitted later to the convention for final action. Eighty-seven resolutions were submitted. Many of them related to minor points of organization, to requests that various firms be placed upon the "unfair list" and to claims of Jurisdiction. Outside of these the following are the resolution of chief Interest : That any man who shall have reached the age of Bii'vears. who la a naturalised cltl seu Htid has lived twenty-one yearn In this country, and whence average annual Income has been less than ll.txv per annum, be given a life pension of I1J per month. That the national heatiinmrters be re moved from WiislmiKt-on jo IVnver. That the charter nf th 1'nlted Hrewery Workers lie revoked for donduct not In ac cord with union principle. That a call be Issued lor a meeting of team driver- to be held within six months for the purpoee of roneolldntlng all unions of the 1'nlted states and Canada into an in ternational hotly, to he called the Team Drivers' National association. Thnt protest tie made ngainat the ship suli.sldv bill, 'as It Is calculated to extend over the sea the same monopoly held by the rallroacla on land, and thnt the federa tion encourage the development ot a naturailzed body of American seamen." That the federntlon protest agalnet the cnnHtruction of either the I'nnama or Nica ragua canal, as the country must either acquire more territory or encroach upon liberties of the Uatln-Amerlcun states. Thnt efforts be made to defeat the antt ttcket scalping bill now before congress and all city ordinances enacted against ticket brokers. Thnt the application of the I'nlted Urotherht'id of Curpenters and Joiners for the revocation of the charter of the Amal gamated Association of Carpenters be denied. That aid be extended to the letter car riers In their efTurt to secure higher wages. For a declaration by the American Fed eration of Labor that a building devoted to the use of union labor should be erected In every town of 15.0W or more Inhabitants. STOCKS STILL GOING DOWN Many ladlnaj Securities In Wall Street Touch the Lowest 1'rlce fur Months. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. There was another bad break in the stock market this after noon after the early weakness had appar ently subsided and a sluggish and waver ing movement of prices had succeeded. Tbe slump was attributed to raiding tac tics by a powerful speculative combina tion. The usual rumcVs of financial troubles and of heavy losses by large spec ulators accompanied the decline. Tbe wip ing ot marglna and uncovering of stop-loss orders dislodged heavy masses ot stock, In dicating as a matter of 0011710 heavy spec ulative losses. Tbe factora made use of by the bears were the prospects of a weak bank return tomorrow, fears ot gold exports next week, further large demands from the Interior tor money and a consequent squeeze In th? money market, Tbe announcement of tbe Pennsylvania road Increasing wages was also pointed to as an Indication of the rising course of expenses. The stock and Its affiliated stocks led the decline and St. Paul, Southern Pacific and the Pacific, weatern and coal roads generally bore tbe brunt of the attack. Losses ran from 2 to 64 points in the prin cipal atocka, and the efforts ot the bears to cover shorts caused the market to rally. CUPID HAS GOOD "MAJORITY Later Rrtnrna from Hawaii Territory Make tha Republican Victory Still Greater. HONOLULU, Nov. 8. (Via San Francisco, Nov. 14.) Complete election returns show that Prlnre Cupid, the republican candi date, has beaten Delegate Wilcox for con gress by 1,920. The prince carried all the districts. The republicans have twenty representatives out of thirty and nine senators out of fif teen. This Is a complete reversal of the last election results, which elected Wilcox by 300 majority, with over two-thirds home rule majority In the house and nine home rulers in the senate. The new legislature, like the last, contains a largo majority of natives. The claim ot the Marcus Island Cuano company of a title to Marcus Island has been sent to Washington. It has been placed in the hands of ex-Senator John M. Thurston. He will present the matter to the State department as counsel tor the company. With the close of this year tbe American board of foreign missions will withdraw all financial aid from the religious Work of the Hawaiiau Islands, after thirty-three years of continuous support, the islands being no longer within tbo scope ot the work of thn board. COLONEL IS EXONERATED Three Members tn Two Hold ttnldlrrs' Home Commandant faul less. SIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. 14 -The South Dakota Soldiers' home board has completed Its Investigation of the administration of Commandant l.uess of the Soldiers' home at Hot Springs. The majority report finds Lucas not guilty of the charge that he embezzled funds of deceased soldiers. The minority report conclude: 'Ve be lieve that the evidence in the case Is suffi cient to induce us to request the resigna tion of Cnlonel Lucas as commandant of the Soldiers' home." Three members signed the majority re- j p0rt aQI )HO ,ne minority. MAKES EFFORT TO ESCAPE Man 1 nder Ua-ath tseatenre at Balls Almost ava Through Meel Plates. Pl'TTE. Mont . Nov II Charles Lenoa. under aeutene nf death, made rifnma but unauccesfiil atiempt to break Jail j It was found lust night that a hole twenty Inches square bad been almost sawed through the celling plates ot steel which ere srven-rlghihs of au 'j. h. An other ds) u work would h'.ta c,oniplei. the Job. l.riiax sud Janus Merlin murdered Kir, man James William at SiUir Ucjaj Just tlou sovsral uiouiti su. BOOSTS THE ASSESSMENTS Tax Commissioner Tlemiig Completes the Work on Corporations, RAILROADS COME IN FOR LARGEST RAISE Local Krnnrhlard Corporations Ire Alan tlonatrd tn Ihe F.slrnl ot Several Million Dollars. Tax Commissioner Fleming last night at a late hour completed his figures for the assessment of railroad companies and Ihe public service corporations of tho city, as they will be presented to the Hoard of Review for Its consideration. , Those figures are still subject to the action of the Hoard of Review and the Hoard of Equalization. The announcement of Mr. Fleming's figures will no doubt cause general sur prise, for not only has he materially In creased the valuation of the property of several of Ihe franchise corporal lotia. so called, but In his treatment of the railroad asuessment he haa multiplied the figures of the State Hoard of Equalization from which this property waac assessed last year, by ion. lu taking this course Mr. Fleming takes the ground that tho law which requires that the figures of the state board Bhall be accepted as final. Is unconstitutional and he proposes to make a thorough test of his belief. As he stated to a representative of The Her last even ing, Mr. Fleming Is convinced that the railroads have been aasessed on a ridicu lously low basis, and he Intends to find some means of compelling them to pay their equitable share of the tax levy. Following are the valuations placed upon the properties of the various franchise corporations by Mr. Fleming: Corporation Valuations. Personal Real Property. Estate. Omaha Water Co Omaha tins Co Omaha Telephone Co... Omaha Electric Lt. Co. Omaha Street Ry. Co.. 2.UTi."" I'tMi.n" . ... 2,"i,iO 21 "',(" -inn.clW tW.Oim .... riiKi,t" -l.ciud .... 6.01PU.111M I'.0d0 Totals '. ll(.4J.-..0tK I747,0"0 Last year the above companies were as sessed upon a basis of 40 per cent of tho supposed true valuation of their property and from that showing the full value of their respective properties would have been as follows: Peraona! Real Pronertv. Estate. Omaha, Water Co Omaha Gas Co Omaha Telephone Co...., Omaha Electric; Lt. Co.. Omaha Street Ry. Co.... ...$2.1i'.' S'i.OOO ... 2 (".t l.'iO.Ouo ... 425.000 SK.OnO ... 4jri.( M.OdU ... 3.250,000 2nO,iA) Totals tS.225,000 $1197,000 Every one of these companies has prop erly at South Omaha and In the assess ment of their personal property Mr. Flem ing says liberal allowance has been made them for their property at that place. In the assessment of the railway com panies, Mr. Fleming has placed the prop erty of the Omaha Belt Line at J5'J3,000 which la an advance of $433,000 on the fig ures of last year and that of the Omaha Bridge & Terminal company at $79,290, which la an advance of $51,000 on the fig ures of last year. On the other railroad properties In this city Mr. Fleming hasreacbed his assessed valuation by merely 'multiplying the fig ures of the Board ot Equalization by 100, the result of his computation being as fol lows: Union Pacific $fi.96l.940 Fremont. F.llthnrn & M. V. .; I,2'.i2.4m Omaha & North Platte Omaha & South Western l,7iil..Vl Chicago, St. Paul. M. & 0 2.074.SUO PYTHIAN KNIGJfMS EXPELLED Late llend of .Endowment Rank Drlren from Order by Grand Tribunal. CHICAGO. Nov. 14. The grand tribunal of the Illinois Knights of Pythias has voted unanimously to expel John A. Hlnsey, who retired from the head of the board of con trol of the endowment rank last year. Ho has appealed to the supreme tribunal, which will meet at Indianapolis in Febru ary. At the recent meeting of the supreme lodge in San Francisco he was suspended pending the action ot the Illinois grand tribunal. Dr. Albert I. Douffleur, who waa medical examiner of the endowment rank during the Hlnsey administration, has also been suspended for a year. In the sixteen months slnca the Hlnsey administration ended the endowment rank has paid up $500,000 on overdue death claims and now haa nearly $200,000 cash on hand. INAUGURATE SWAIN TODAY Bworthmore nets President Who Stood Out for Funds Belore Accepting. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 14 Joseph Swain. LL. D.. who recently resigned the presi dency of the Indiana state university, will tomorrow be Installed president of Bworth more college. The inaugural ceremonies will be witnessed by delegates from 120 institutions of learning. More than ordinary Interest has been manifested In Dr. Swain's Inauguration from the fact that he declined to accept the presidency of the college unless a large fund waa established with which Ihe scope of the institution might be en larged. Wealthy friends nf the college answered the call for contributions and when the amount stipulated by Dr. Swain had been secured, 1 no longer hesitated to accept the office. WANT DEBT0RSJ0 PAY BILLS Bait here. Bakers and tirnrera fall In FBorl tn Get Mlasoarl l.nw t haasrd. ST. JOSEPH. Mo , Nov. 14 -Tlir grocers, butrbrra and bakers ot S'. Joseph htne merged for 'he puri-nsr of mutual protec tion. The body Is affiliated with the Retail Men hauls' aanclatiou r.f Missouri and will j prearnt a garnishee till al the nril rgi- ature. They say It I imnaslble under Ihe pres ent law to collect bills evrn from prrsons I able to pay. BOARD BILL CAUSES TRAGEDY laarlua a I aalrsirrat l.aesl I alalia Kill Mlmavlf. M Nt ill.'STEU . Nov II During a uniruirrai ov r I board bill t i Ja VJateraoa ( a 1 1 v S..l M I lrit.nhu IK mtriir of the hotel, aftj laa kill 1 ibsvlf. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nclua-k i Fair Hitturday and lTolialily Sll n.t.t . Trmiif rstnrr nt Omaha Irattrilati llonr. Hear. Hour. lira. ft a. ni :i:t I p. m 4 tl n. ni 2 p. m 4 '1 T n. nt 1X2 .1 p. in 43 N n. in :t'J 4 p. m 4T ft a. in :t:i A p. tn..,,., 4(1 in a. m :t:t t p. m IA II a. m :tM 7 p. m It li m ,1h H p. m 42 ! p. m II FIGHT FOR POLES AND WIRES Western I nine anil I'ennay It anln Itallrnad Cnmntenre l.eunl Conflict. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 14 - On Thursday the Western Union Telegraph company will file a suit praying for an Injunction restraining the Pennsylvania from remov ing Its poles and wires from land east of Pittsburg nnd Krie. This move will mark the beginning of n great legal battlo hoi wren thn (inuld Wabnsh Interests nnd the PcntiKjivania Cattsatt corporations. The claim of the Western Union Is based on the proposition that its poles and wires rightfully occupy space along the tracks berause of the general grants under what is known as the post road rights. This sets up the contention that the right-of-way along Ihe railroad cannot be legally restrlctfd because the government uses the railroad for transmlsalon of the malls and that, therefore, the railroads are public servants In the hroadost possible sense. The Western Union clnlms that post roads are equal In Importance to the eminent domain rights of the railroad company. ARMY MAN FACES "TROUBLE With Reporter He la (harxrcl with Rlackmalllnn; Improvement Company. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. A man giving the name of Harry A. Williams, but who the police declare la Henry C. Wilson, for twenty years chief clerk and civil engineer In the Department of the East, U. S. A., was arrested tonight on n charge of ex tortion. Hanjamin F. Whltmore, who says he is a reporter, was arrested on a sim ilar charge. The two men are accused of trying to hold up the Water Front Improvement company of Jereey City, which is engaged in tilling in crib work on Kicker's island In the East river. The men are charged with extorting $4,500 under threats of stopping the work by causing to be withdrawn an army tug. a dredge and some scows which had been loaned. MERGER FIGHT HAS BEGUN Court Commences Caae Against the Prudential Insurance Com pany. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Argument was be gun today In the suit brought by Newark stockholders of the Prudential Insurance company to prevent what they allege v.ill be virtually a . merger of that company with the Fidelity Trust company of New ark. Counsel for the two romplalnants, Wil liam Pnhnthnm nnrl .tnhn lllinifsworth moved for the admission of affidavits de- signed to offset the alleged approval of the New Jersey eommlsf inner of Insurance. They were by the Insurance commissioners of Massachusetts and Connecticut. The court declined to rule until the main argu ment was ended. ILLINOIS NOW SHIPS ZINC Mrs. McKlaley Owns Land on Which Old Mine with rw Life la Locnteil. METROPOLIS. 111.. Nov. 14. The Empire Lead and Spar mines on tbe Illinois Cen tral, in Pope county, have Just shipped the first carload of zinc ore ever mined In Il linois. The mine Is on land owned by Mrs. Wil liam McKinlcy, widow of the late presi dent, and was operated by the Saxtons for several yeara after the civil war for spar and lead. But so much carbonate of zinc ore was found that the mines were finally abandoned, the value of the brown colored rock not being known. Recently operations were resumed by an Ohio man, with Joplin, Mo., capitalists be hind him. MILITARY MONEY ALLOTTED Schools In Different Parts fiat Share of Congressional Appro priation. WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. Tbe $25,000 ap propriated by congress for the United States service schools has been allotted as follows: To tha artillery school at Fort Monroe, $7,123; to the school of submarine defense at Fort Totten, N. Y., $3,247; to the cavalry and artillery school at Fort Riley. Kan.. $1,118. and to the general service and staff college at Leavenworth. Kan., $11. M? An order Issued from the War depart ment today establishes a training school for farriers and blacksmiths at Fort Riley. Kan., in connection with the school ot application there. FIREMEN HURLED DOWNSTAIRS W hile arrylnar Injnrrd t'amradea They Meet with Plaaattr Tkrwarlira, CHICVOO. Nov II. Scn firemen nar rowly ra.apr'i death tonight hie rr,u:ii; two i o.urade. kncWcd unenn Hcimn tr an rxploition during a hre on the thirteenth Boor of the Itovul inurn e bilidmi While ces. ending the a-clrway with tho prostrate fo' n of tvn ir a cc ouvl explosion thre ehe r-'a'cr- he.iilong to th ' cm nil ti( P. . re th' y could b rescued all were e i'ic l bura. x Hainarali nf lirraa Wrl , a. II. t rmi f tt'm I. .1 I.e. t At N. Y rk -rird Pr it.ri.i. II .iiile.r l 1.1 t. li-.l.'W m rltt,, I .nii.til, Neva -Hi t..r ll..-ri I. act -r i '. .t- , r v 1 ft. tf 11.rl.n1 1 r e ..r XI M..!l.- tn It IT I .1 .-. -i.rl 11-, ni I... v ..rt. 11. trm N K . tt - it h..i l. fr. 111 . .."111-.. ..I. I , .' i,, . V, ,.r I u. ik.... 1. ,,r ! J h i I "ii. I "i V 1 rt ! 1 a , l itir. kl ? .I...I VI, i,4k.i 1 "k Vl c i. 11. ' 1 x. 1 1 u I I ah 1 I 1 a 1 , s . V 1 . I. -1111 . trru . ! , , , ,. I' t, -r I I ,. t, . , ,4 , K .. . N. Nw it II 0 4 I V l.w Na 1 .'I a I Xllt MINERS ASK l'EACIi Mitchell Outlines TUn to Stop Further Coal Strike". SUGGESTS FORMING CONCILIATION BOARDS Masters and Mm Should r.lect Conimittrt. to August Grievance. DEMANDS RECOGNITION OF THE UNION Bayi Mutual Arranpeiurtits EUnwhere Has Prnvuntfltl Labor War. PLEADS FOR CHILD LABORERS IN PITS Claims Little Ones thonl.l ot IK Forced to Work at lender late Flther In 4 ntllre'ea nr Factories. SCR ANTON, Pa.. Nov. 1! -The . nrums sion appointed by President Itocsevrll to arbitrate ihe dirTi retires rxIMIng between Ihe anthracite ttiitic woiseia and th"lr em ploye's today began t tic; healing o( the min er' side of Ihe ciiho. .Mr. Mitchell opened wilh a lengthy statement, following ,i l.y entering tho box and submitting to examination under 01th. lie cli tniiiided hliorti r hours and higher wages for the nun and entered a strong pi' a for the children v. ho, be said, were obliged t letl In th" mines to help their pat nts eke out a pret arlotia ex istence. Toward the md he outlined a schema for preventing s'rlkes by th" formation of Joint com Illation boards. When tho conimlKloti rose ho was mill In the box undergoing a rapid crOMt-cxjtn-Inatlon hy D. W. Wilson, counsel for the Delaware & Hudson R.iilroud company. The seven commissioners have seats on the bench. In front of them are three long tables, one for John Mitchell and his attorneys, one for Ihe lawyers of tho coal companies and the third for the attornc -of the independent operators. Tbei ai -ranKcments for the bearings are admirable, and it in likely the commission will bear all tho evidence In Ihlw city. Thn operators were represented by twenty-two lawyers, tho nonunion miners hy two and the United Mine Workera by Mr. Mitt hell and blx attorneys. Corridors Are Crowded. As early as 3 o'clock the corridors were crowded with people of all rlasncs and conditions eager to gain adtnlttanco. Only a few of them, however, got through the door, as almost every seat was occupied by general superintendents of mining com panies and other official and representa tives of tbe mine workers. The attitude of tho commissioners was closely followed by everyone In court. They appeared to be greatly Interested In the cross-examination ot Mr. Mitchell, but seemed to grow restless under the cease less fire of questions aimed at him. Judge Gray, as chairmen, waa spokesman for the commission and at timea propounded queries. At the close of thn session ha asked Mr. Mitchell whether bis organisa tion approved the act of wlthlrawing from or denying the necessaries of life to those who had offended the orgsnization. "I Bhould say, eiaphatlcally, no," re- P h tnea. During the hearing tho statement was brought for the first time that the tirlnn had disbursed $1,500,000 among the strikers. The proceedings opened shortly after 10 o'clock, when the members of the com mission arrived. Mr. Mitchell said he would file a further statement on Monday in answer to sonic of thn allegation (f the operators. Johu T. Lrnuhan of Wllkeaharre. on be half of tho nonunion men, Inquired of the commission what course the proceedings would lako with respect to them. Judge Gray answered that that was a question which would have to b considered. Mitchell Addresaea Commission. Mr. Mitchell then arose and addressed the commission. His statement contained 6.000 words. Ho prefaced hla statement with tbo hope that tho commission would "suc ceed In arranging relations between the operators snd miners that will Insure peace and stability In tho industry for an In definite period." After reciting the de mands for Increased pay for the miner, a shorter work day tor the laborer, tha weighing of the coal and an Industrial agreement, the refusal of all ot which led to the strike, Mr. Mitchell spoke as follows on the question of higher wages: f if the H7,0 men and boya employed In and around the mines, stripping, washer lea and lireakeri. In the anthracite ro.xl t.eld W.07I. or M per cent, are employed on contract, or piece work, tin- remaining J -, or 57 per cent, are employed by ih hour. day. week r month of the 4.ii?3 coTitricct miner IC.X'I aru mlr-rs and :.: are miners' laJiorrm. The work of a miner and a miners laborer I extremely hazardous. In fact it Ih more tlangeroj than employment tn any o,kier important ImluMry In the world The nutnlier of isTtcuim kilted and Injured Is greater than In anv other Industry. Each day tbe Hniliraeite coal mine are tit opera tion 2-l'i peron lone their Uvea and thra times as 11, anv an- manned, ami yet thee men reteUe less w.iKes annually than ara received hv men rtornunar prei lely simi lar work In other lielda under morn favor able ami Irs hazardous condition. 1'be ttiitnlter ( wur a man can retain hi health In this 01 cupatton la limited. If he rcap- .l.-i'li or Injury by fall nt roc a or 1 o il. be cannot m Jw attacks of miners asthma. ICiputable Insurance will not Issue politieN to ttiW cl.isa of workmen Tbe ri.W ,cri' so tnat la premium would l- pruliit'ttlve t m-n whoa earning ,cre t l.'W. 1 tie etllire T cent wtlleil they ilrniantt a an ii. 'rease in their wae would not suttlci to tarry an insurant ef I' It tii bit fair and list that wag th." ct.c-s.-s ot w-.rktli--:t should ra ws high, if H"l bik-her. ih.m wae 14 tn .-Icilit'i artis. 11m lu o:lier l-i lustre. It U .ertainly not un)..l to ,iaat that th. -. tnineri -In. nl I rr.eixv a hi,ih w crs a r paid I iiil'ii m 111 the t .luminous leal I'rlds in the si'r ami at"1.! mine, nr to the ir.01 nr.- u r 111 .. a , f wnta is l..i,a. rrr froot l',i.lltt I" -it-eis.-, re., .Ir'o Ies irfl rn.e and -sl ! is tetter paid than lcltor lu the at'il.ia.tte in! n-..l. Hedna-llwn at I llaanra. In surporttng ip- ! a: I for th reduc tion of the hen of the Uv tXorr fc showed th- it a-o.-un' t fr.-. i.tsllr t.x eVnian 1 for I r -:ti li.-r o c oinpensat ion for I. 1 itt'-ii. cr 57 r-r r nt of all nun" eniplwyr I 'tint 1 n tp ng he sai l The elgr" h. nr .I t In -ta t, 1 ti 1 1., . t.i 1 I t 1 1 1 st 1 1. -r a 1 -11 I h tut .1111 ... ... I r S-.n.. . k - ' s .. It 1 ft 1 1 o, v 1 th tn,.ir-1 wor n,vo l i.ini Hre ,i-, I I t- n -f m.ltrs ai' t ,t 1 II 'i. l. th 4 e . M'-s ...ri. 1 I 1. XI t h. 1 . k rt t .. at . II I i.j, 1:14 ceil 1 - 1 11 t 1 1 ni 1 r. 1 ni 1 -I- 1 . iK. 1 I .r , v tl. e t -I -1 . t 4 t h , 1 11 0 . ... ' I I - -.I I'' 0 .. . I. ... .V Mil,. I ,,- r. .t - 1 11 ..f vrt" -, it 1 r.,..i is os, .I,, 1 , , , . , -.Mtollt 11 Is-'. ti:i ike thrl l ouial -h t..l sht'.l he wvia'ie I a il i I t -r 1 . a I I thai 7 '' iiuti i o sttal 1 . a.t. . 1 -a. VI r xt 1. at.-1 1 .1. 1.41 111.-1 .104 vf ut.asuriiis I fia ' h ne , . -en l 1 U-I M