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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1902)
THE OMAITA. DAILT JBEEt 8U35DAY, -NOVEMBER 1(J, 1902. 21 FOR i ALE BE At, ESTATE. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. On 35th Ave., north of Farnem, nice 7 room modern house, good as new, full lot, roomi Urns; we want you to see this. Price. $4.?ju. On Pacific, near Slut. a fine home of 8 rooms, oak Interior, well built and In first class condition, paving all paid, excellent location. Price, only $4.i). On 31at, near Pacific, a, bargain In two bouses, one of s rooms; one of 6 room, both In good repair; two bsrns. ground iV'r""! 'It r 8'ng 10 b sold. Price. I6..0. On 2th Ave., south of Poppleton, 8-room house, modern except f'irnaee, lot 60x126, paving all paid. Price. $2,700. On 26th Ave., near lewey, modern, 9-room house. This Is a fine location and easy walking distance from business. Trice, U.5. On 27th. south of Hickory, B-room cottage and two full lots. Price, $2.6"". On list, near raclflc, cottage of I roomi, good repair. Price, $2,200. At 1227 Spruce St., house of rooms, full ' lot. This property can be bought at a bargain. Make us an offer if It Interests you. Fine vaeant lot fronting on Farnam St., near Price. 84.500. -Desirable lot running from 22d to 21at, near Howard St. Price, 12,600. Another fronting on 2th Ave near Dewey, uvlnr all nald. 'Price. $2,500. East front lot on 17th, near Manderson, at a bargain, price, $w. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. RE-fra 16 LOTS IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. $12,60044x132 feet 8. W. cor. 12th and Hr a,6iift xl32 feet on Jackson between 11th and Utn streets. Mental, per year. HOUSES FOR BALE. -$t,nO d-rnom houne, barn, fine lot, 4112 Nlch olas St.; $900 cash, balance monthly. 11 oma-mnm hnuso 26t2 St. Mary's Ave. $1.600 Practically new cottage, $14 N. 26th filTtMPWrvVFrn TrvTH AND ACREAGE-. Il.gno i feet on 22d, 3 block north High school. ..... urA-Tnriur lot on 90th north of Vinton St. $460 Large lot on Elm between th and gffiO Full lot on S9th near Chicago St $700 East front on 40th near Nicholas. Hnectal tnves on all above list paid In full. I $H.0"0 For 2 acres on Military road near I GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 FARNAM ST. BE A WOOD BARON Anrt a Pflttl Kinff alone the Streams (never dry) of our Frontier Co., Kancn There Is a fine growth of timber, this With the HaV. Alfalfa and Pasture Willi mc nay, rtiioua ii land makes a combination you will not see duplicated at our price. Write for plat and particulars. POTTER FORGAN & HASKELL, 420 N. Y. LIFE, OMAHA. RE 280-16 ALFALFA FARM FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN, If Sold This Mo. 'Farm of 280 acres, 100 acres in alfalfa, 100 crea In naature. 80 acres farm land. mostlv In Wood River bottom, Buffalo countv, Neb A 9-room brick house, barn lor M head of horses, all buildings In good repair, 1V4 miles to town; well, wind mill, orchard, etc. All goea for $5.5u0 If old this month, can on or address, D. T. PHILLIPS, Kearney, Neb. RE PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, New York Life Bldg., tn nff.. follows: On Hawthorne Ave., 1 block from car line. In BEMIS PARK, a 7-room, all modern house, lot 44x168, with nice shade tree. Thla house wa built by the owner for his home two years ago. Price, $3,260. Near 20th, on Arbor, a neat 6-room cottage, i.k i . - . tv4A n inn On Sst. near Manderson. ' a neat 4-room The Income from the building, ac cottaite. with city water and gaa, lot 6ux cording to 8-year lease made on 140. Price. $1,060. We have a large list of resident proper ties and vacant lota, if you are Interested in purchasing, come and see us and we will be glad to show you wound. REJ 40 If FOR BARGAINS In real estate see W C. CHIBSELU Wis Jones Jr"0,ly'k.. RE M364 D1K a.nrnvr cottage in south Dart of the city. All modern, but furnace; nice lawn and haria trees: convenient to two car lines. $1,600.00. The Byron Reed Co., 213 So, 14th iz innrfl u. anlla aouth of Ttuser's rtark! Bne. level land, belongs to a nonresident ud will be sold this week at the highest offer. The Byron Reed Co., so. inn oi. 120 ACRES 1 miles southwest of Calhoun, 6-room house and new barn, 100 acres under cultivation, 20 acres In heavy tlm bar and naature timber suitable for saw ing Into lumber), too young fruit treea, 30 bearing fruit trees. Pries, $46.00 an acre. 126 acres 1 miles south of Arlington, 4-room house, small barn, 80 acres under culti vation, 40 acres meadow (can all be cul tivated), fine, level lana; near scnooi Trlct. ITi&.OO an acre: M a mIU. nrtK m A a a at et ValleV. all under cultivation small house, barn ana cno, r 1 h b, ai.ow.w. M acres 4 mllea northwest ot Gretna; no buildings, rolling land, trice, an acre THK BYRON REED CO.. 213 So. 14th St. . RE 286 16 ACREAGE. ETC. 10, 40 or 80 acres, unimproved land, about 8 miles west of Omaha P. O.. at $110 per acre. IM feet east front, 160 feet deep. West Far nam district, cnoice ana eigniiy, n.ouu. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPPOSITE P. O. RE 385 16 VERY FINE 340-acr farm near Blair, one ' of the very best bottom farms In eastern Nebraska, fine improvements, at a very low price for a short time only. Rlcker Chambers. Blair, Neb. RE 416 16 Tukey & Son DOWN TOWNHOUSES CHEAP t ta aonradad hv all real estate men In Omaha that the prices w are asking for thnaa Mlchlaan avenue houses are ex- ceedlngly low. Wa have sold S3o6 Michigan avenus and now offer wit. which will be vacant In a few days, for only u.jw, on I easy terms. 2310 at same price. 2312. at the northeast corner of 24th and Michigan avenue, with eighty or ninety feet on itth street, for only $1,460. All these housea itave six rooms and city water and sewer In yards. See us early In the week It you ' want on of these properties.. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Hoard of Trade Building. RE (18 16 WELL built 8-r. house, on Una lot and beautiful location. Inquire 14U Vinton. RE 223 N24 HOUSES and lota in all parts of city; also acra nrovertv ana isrm tanas. in u. r. Davla Co.. Room 66X Bee Bldg. RE 610 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 120$ Farnam street. RE-609 WILLIAM C PHTBSKLL no longer repre sents In any capacity the Oeorge P. Bemls Real Estate Co. Ueorg r. uemis, r-rs. FOR SALE. s wwk aa xjrt Mn- i.flwn tRK 6 700 N. W. cornri Mth and Jackson. 66x132. I C ) ad ft V. fr.,nt ,.n l.iar. u I, nrl flOtO N.. W. Cor. Lowe ave. and Burt ; 47x146 1 boo u rt., west front, on 14th, near Ourcaa. I $76 N. E. corner 16th and Decatur. 0 t)0 ft. N.. front on Blundo. bet. SS ft 86. 8 $30-N. B. Cor. Franklin and $2d. ; 42H by 127 6006 ft, K. front on sin, near Bancroft. OMAHA REALTY CO. 1301 DOUGLAS. RE M547 S KEIaSEY'S wall paper, 17th and Douglas. rnone it. Kt-,i GREAT BARlJAIN 8-ROOM HOUSE near 17th end Charles t. at a great bargain; make ua an offer. Bemls, faaton blook. RE MaM BEE PAYNE. POSTWICK A CO. for choice bargains. U1 IN. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 1014. RE- RANCH and farm lands for ssle by the I nton Paclno Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner, Union Pa clno Headquarters. Omaha, lseb. RE 66 FOR SALE, a finely Improved 440-acre farm la eaalrrn Case county. $n per acre. R. B, Windham. Agent. Platiamouth. Neb. FOR SALE BE At, ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 310 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 829 and F-2726. BARGAINS. f-39 rharlea, well built, double house. rents $10 per month. $750. 871719 Castellar, 72xlt feet, 5 rooma. $1,000. 1"3 lull B. Jiat. room, half-block Han- com bark car. cheaD. 11.260. 647 2h) Harney, 6i'xlii feet, 7 rooma. mod ern, well built, with large barn, bargain, la fNear Hanaoom park, esst front, 7 rooma strictly modern, oak ntiian, par quet flooia choice. U.2tV 66 Oeorgla ave., eaat front, in rooms. strictly modern, hardwood nnin and floors. Very choice and a bi bargain. M.2o0. 631 North part of city, fine 8-rnnm hoti'e. brick, hot water heat, stationary wsh bowla In bed rooms, six mantels, laundry, swer. water, gas. bath, good barn, full lot, fine trees, half block car. Want an offer this week. Ulssest bargain offered. 704 WEST FARNAM. 10 large rooms, fine closets, well srranged, oak flntnh, oiled polished floors, two mantels, three pair oak sliding doors, strictly modern, good barn, stone sidewalk and driveway, etc. Decided bargain. $H,000. VACANT. 6o0-60xl24 feet on 16th near Lothrop. SNAP. $1,000 60x154 feet, corner 33dand Hamilton, on car line. SNAP. $1,5,10 0x124 feet, lies beautiful, 36th and Howard. BARGAIN, ll.tdo 50x120 feet. 31st and Cass. Choice. $2.5no 60x133 feel, near 2th and Farnam. Cheao. $3,0i sxlo3 feet, close In, lies fine, big snap. FARMS. BAUNDER8 COUNTY-320 acres very fine land, 14 mllea from W ahoo, overlooking the cltv, about two-thirds fine bottom land, splended soil. Worth investigating. Price $t6 per acre. SARPY COUNTY 160 acres very highly im proved, smooth, level bottom land, line soli, $oo per acre. BEMIS' BARGAINS. t or 10-room house, only few blocks from postomce; make a CASH oner and you win get It. lr tnere Is a real bargain in these columns today this Is surely the Brick block nesrlv new. 2-atorv. near IT. P. and B. ft M depots; also brick stable. 24X 30 feet, together with a cottage. A SURE BARGAIN If you make offer at once. 80O-ACRE FARM, within few miles of Omaha; only $30 per acre, and will take a t-room cottage in umana as pari pay ment. Look Into this. 640-ACRE RANCH near Alliance, Neb. Onlv $2,700. 25 - acre truck farm near Florence, $2,000. $ acres near south omaha. omy $1,600. I OTa AND homes for the people. Street Railway company say they will commence building from Ames ave. and 24th it. to Florence at once, and it win commence running In early spring, and will run right by our $75 to $150 lots on Fort St. and south of and overlooking Miller nark on smn st.. and we win ami continue to start a home for you by your paying only $5 down and only $5 per month. Houses and lots In every part of city from a few hundred dollars upward, ana on al most any terms desired. Also vacant lots all sixes, all localities and all prices. Come in and look over our lists of bar gains before buying. . (Established In 1M) Phona 685. Paxton Block. RE 432 16 A 10 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT IN THE BUSINESS CENTER. Three-storv substantial brick building. Nos. 16ll-ll3-lBi Howard St., a gooa Dasemem room i good storerooms, 6 flats In 2d and 3d stories, monern ana in nrst-ciass condition, containing altogether 38 rooms. Building originally cost over $30,000 and $5,000 has been spent within past 120 days renewlna- Dlumblnr throughout and In other permanent and substantial improve' menta. The owner of the building holds a less, on the lot, wnicn is wxisj ieei in sise, wnicn lease has 82 years to run from March L 1902. the nrincinal nart with resDonslble tenants, oer year Is , $4,060 00 Tr fixed carrying charges, includ ing amount paid on leaaenoid. taxes, insurance ana water rent. per year, are l.soo oo Leavlns- net Income par year.. ..$3,760 00 PRICE, $26,000.00 $10,000 In good Omaha or South omana clear real estate or iarra land will be accented In part payment. balance, on terms to be arranged. $70,000.00 for the two-story modern brick nouses, rooms eacn, comer 101 oaxin ii.. 4 blocks from postofnee; gross rental, 12 620 ner vear. $33,000.00 for the 4-story and basement brick block 1414-iim1 Harney bi. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. W. H. Gates, 617 N. Y. Life - 'Phone 1294. 75 acres wooded land 2 miles north of Florence, will divide at $50.00 per acre. 5 Room Cottage, good barn, chick en hOUSC paved Street 27th and Bristol, owner wants to leave the city will sell cheap. RE 84$ 16 HARRISON ft MORTON. FARMS. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralsers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 88.000 homes of farmers and stockralsers, so It you have a good Dlaca of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among tnem. me cost ot an aa is small $ cents per word. fHE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I OMAHA WPH RE-604 FOR SALE, well Improved farm of 800 acres, Cedar valley, Ureeley county, Ne braska. For particulars address R. E. Samson, Greeley, Nebraska. RE . When You Write to Advertisers remember it uuiy iaao aa extra stroks or two of ua pea la saeauoa las loci thai you saw ia ad la Tba aieav FOR RENT HOl'BEI. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; omce, laUH arnam, or leis. locs-aoa. O 46j UAI 1CPQ in all parts of city, The O, tawwMWM iavis to. 606 Bee Bldg, l iol 9-ROOM modern, near High school, $27.60. $-room house, 36lh and Charles, Jjj.oO. lnu. Z54S Cap. Ave. Tel. 67$. Roblson. i Mil 6EE PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for Cholca housea ol-I IS. X. Lite Bldg. Tel. mi D 161 MAOOARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel, 1496. $620 BURT, t rooms, modern, nice lawn. ri n! 19th. 9-room. modem. $20 00. I 2230 N. l'n, -rom, modern, jo t. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., im r arnam 01. D 79 FOR RENT 24 ROOMS. 1(11 and 1613 Howard Sts. ; has lust been put In nrst-ciass repair, including four sew bath rooms; dealrable location for small hotel. 11.V per muiun. OEORUE ft CO., ltal FARNAM 6T. I M73 18 FOR RENT Two nice 9-room houses; all modern, except lurnace: nrst-ciasa n. pair and good neighborhood; $18 and $.0 per month. Inquire C. M. Bachmann, 436 paxton Block. U MS71 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block. u too HOC8ES. O, O. Wallace, Brown Block. lr-ua FOB RENT HOUSES. Henry B. Pavne. "tsnley P. Bostwlck. PAYNE. BOSTWICK. CD. rw 8. IHth, 3-H . city water. Only $. 3X2 Iavenworth, 3-R., in nice shape. $3. in N. llth, 4-R., city water, closet and gas. 315 8 36th, 5-R., city water and gas; splen did neighborhood. Only $15. 271 S. ?th, 6-R., city water. Only $6 60. 31 Plnkney, good 6-R. cottage, city water, good yard and barn. $10. $01 oak St., 6-R., cltv water, nice shape. $14. 811 8. 35th ave., coiy a-R.. modern cottage. Reduced lo $18. (Park district ) HON. 37th city water Inside, good cellar, barn. Reduced to $12.60. $221 Poppleton ave., choice cottage home, AM. MODERN. Reduced from .t to 2:'.60. 4012 Nicholas, choice S-R. modern house. $28. 3t31 Marcy, 8-R., ALL MODERN. $j. 2214 Miami, good 8-H. hoime, all modern ex cept furnace. $.'2.60. $81$ Charles. 8-R., ALL MODERN, In nlca shape, good neighborhood. $26. $012 Oak st., 8-R., city water, large barn. nice shape. $19. $31$ Hamilton, 8-R., ALU MODERN, new. $25. 3312 Lincoln blvrt , 8-R., strictly all mod ern new house In Hemls park. 10-R., ALL MODERN, will rent to two families. Only.lix. Call for street No. 118 8. isth, 10-R., modern, one block from postofTlce. newly papered. $36. We are deslrlous of getting our list cut down to' as small a number as possible and will make special Inducement on any of the above houses. See our list be fore you move. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., (leading Rental Agents! 'Phone 1016. 6V1-2-8 N. V. LIFE. D 410 16 FOR RENT, one 9-room house, with gas. water and sewer; Just been placed In first-class repair; In good location. C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton block. D 179 $281006 Park Ave., 8 rooma; modern, e cent furnace. $252705 Woolworth, 8 rooms, all modern; nAm' ecnnomlcnl furnace $144103 Nicholas St., 7 rooms, city water, rurnace, staoie. $151907 Plnkney, $ rooms, modern. 117.60 208 8. 4lst. 7 rooms, city water, gas $1 3323 Manderson, 7 rooms, an modern, f urnnca. $262426 Capitol Ave., $ rooma, modern, furnace. $7 42M Hamilton St., 8 rooms, city water. we nave otners. au ana gei usi. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Building. D 843 R. C. PETERS & CO Ground Floor Bee Building. A rery nloe 7-room house, modern, except furnace, at 2608 Emmett. 60-foot lot, $1,400. Choice 8-room house, 22d and Grant, full lot. 12.000. 40 acres, within t miles of So. Omaha stock ysrns, $100 per acre. 80 acres, 1 miles from Blair, Neb., first- class improvements, $per acre. 80 acres, 6 mllea southwest ot So. Omaha, $76 ner acre. 160 acres, 6 miles southwest of So. Omaha, 1,6 per acre. 120 acres, 7 mllea southwest of Falrbury, Neb., good Improvements, $2,600. 160 acres. 4 mllea northwest of Lelah. Stan ton county, one of the best farms In the choicest part of Nebraska. $46 per acre. 226 acres In Washington county, 4-room house, barn, crion, granenea ana cnicken house, $20 per acre. D-419 16 LOW rent to responsible tenant, fine 10- room house, bath, mantles, grates, fur nace, large porches, put In good repair for $26.00; long lease to right party. 2320 N. 28th ave. 6-room all modern cottage. 3221 Poppleton ave.. xjb.oo. S-room cottage, 1206 Pacific, city water, navel street. 112 00. 4-room cottage, 1621 N. 83d, on car line, $7.00. Large, all modern house and barn, lisi a. 32d St., low rent ana long lease if desired J. H. SHERWOOD, 837 N. ,Y. LIFE. 'PHONE 388. DM394 17 218 BRISTOL Six-room cottage, new, mod ern ana paperea: vacant uecemper l. SIS Bristol Six-room cottage, new, modern ana capered. E. E. HUNTLEY, 615 Bee Bldg. Telephone $061 or B-246L D 178 16 2204 MAPLE STREET Eight rooms, $20. U 126 FOR RENT, 7-room house, cheap. 610 N. I6tn. boutn omaha. 1MZ76 i- $28 -room modern house, 422 N. 39th St. i 25 9-room modern house, 422 N. 89th St. 30 9-room modern house, 2248 N. 19th St. 15 9-room modern house, 2203 N. 20th St. 15 9-room modern house, 4019 Dodge St. 12 8-room modern house, 4621 Farnam St. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 3uv 8. 13TH ST. D 1121113 SEVERAL dlslrable houses; special prices lor winter, r. U. wead, UZ4 Douglas bt v a is TWT ...., - tn ,A Alt., Imllta of South Omaha; small house, excellent place lor feed yard. The omana rieaity Company, 1301 Douglas St., upstairs. D 239 FOR RENT, new brick hotel, Plalnvlew Neb.; hotel haa forty-four (44) rooms, with steam heat: will rent to good party, who must furnish It himself. Write U. M. - Krause, Plalnvlew, Neb. D-M342 1 EIGHT-ROOM. aas. bath, laundry, fur. nace; not basement plan. $30. Keys 2tj01 Capitol ave., adjoining. H M241 is- 2S18 WOOLWORTH ave., 8 rooms, modern, Jt: 712 in. zza, 7 rooms, brick, modern, ja lo45 S. 26th. 6 rooms, modern, $15: others, Rlngwalt Bros., Barker blk.. D M287 16 PARTIES leaving city will rent partly fur nisnea nouse, I rooms, piano horse and buggy, $14.00; references. 6707 Florence boulevard. D 276 FOR RENT. Dec. 1. modern cottaae. rooms. 297$ Dorcas St., price $17; nearly new houre, 1 blocks from best car line In city. Have t tons Arkansas- hard coal and 3 tons of Canon City for sale cheap. Also gas stove and 10 bunneis potatoes cheap. Address O 11, Bee Office, or call Wis Dorcas bt. D 443 16 T-ROOM, new, modern house, 2016 Elm St low rental to desirable tenants. 7-room house, 4349 Harney St., In good re pair, xii. -room cottage, newly papered, 8009 De B, Cat T. H. FELL,' Merchants Nat Bank Bldg, 1 339 16 8-ROOM cottage, 824 Bancroft. D M338 19 FOR RENT, (-room cottage, $409 N. 29th Bt., r.ear iaxe. u ssj 16" 6-ROOM cottage, newly painted and pa' perea, eieciria ugni, gss, cuy water in kitchen, good cistern; fine yard. 2u62 N 18th St. D 346 16 844 SO. 23D ST.. 4-room flat, $10.00. Wm. K. Potter. Receiver, 8t Brown Block. D-M351 FOR RENT, brand new modern 6-room cottage, near school and two car lines cheaD to right party. 6-room cottage, $10.00. 8-rooms, modern, IJO.OO. SWEET ft HEADLEY. 813 N. Y. L. D 3S2 16 $40912 N. 4oth, new and expensive 8-room house, all modern, sort coal rurnace. $341638 Park Ave., all modern, soft coal rurnace. rooma $281006 Park Ave.. 6 rooms, modern except lumace. $262703 Woolworth, 9 rooms, all modern, new economical rurnace. $252626 Capitol Ave., $ rooms, modern, fur nace. $18 Each t houses. Cor. 32d and Wright bis., ail modern, son coal furnaces, rooms each. $17.60 2U8 8. 41st, T rooms, city wster. gas $1533:3 Manderson, 7 rooms, all modern furnace. $1441t$ Nicholas St., T rooms, city water, rurnace siaoie. $7 i'M Hamilton St $ rooms, city water, vv s nave otners. can ana get list R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Building. D 812 701 N. 24TH ST., South Omihl, a nice five- room ftottage. wtiuam K. Potter. R celver, 3ut Brown Block. D 4174 16 $11006 rooms, 8. E. corner 19th and Pacific. iav !10.0 60 10 0 lit 00 rooma, 143s is. iytn bt. . 006 rooms, zut in. Z4tn st. A On 6 rooms. 'U Llntlsey Ave. 00 Store room. 1433 8. liith Bt. OEORGE ft CO MP AN I. ltioi FARNAM BT D 423 16 FOR RENT, good, convenient 6-room cot tage, near In; low rent for winter. In quire sV7 N. lth st. D-M411 IS M ANI'FACTl'RING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma chinist 616 OMAHA Safs and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sale. O. Aadreau, Froa., lul Be. luth St. 617 nOIEf TO tOAS E-TATF.. 'i TER CENT on business property. s per cent on resilience property. Options to pHy whole or part eny time. n. 1-1. MbiKLi., vi a. laiti m. W 4f!9 MONEY to loan on Improved Crash real estate. Brennan-lxive lo., m a. urn. W 490 TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Fik. W 1 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. II. Thomas, First -Nat. nana mug. j el. jih W Vii FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1WM W 493 Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W 134 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., uju arnam street. W 495 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. H. c. retire to., l.t-2 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 4!J WANTED, $6,000 loan on first-class real es tate security. Inquire Ullxt & Ixiveren, room 436-7 Paxton block. W M126 MONEY TO tOAS-CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow five us a trial, alter wnicn we win, oy air treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up on fur niture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loans to SALARIEU 1'KOPLK without mortgage or endorser. We do not deduct Interest in advance; we charge nothing for making or tiling papers and our service is quick and confidential. Wo always try to pleaee our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established liSi.) south letn at. X titS $$$$$$$$$$$t$ltlU$$$$$$$$$t$ DO YOTT NEED MONEY? $ MONEY TO U1AN I ON FURNITI'RE AND SALARIES, tio tn xf0O loaned on FI'RNITL'RE PIANOS. ETC.. and to salaried people $ at very lowest rates and for any length of time, without publicity or removing 3 the property. Payments can be made $ to suit your convenience. $ Call and get our terms before going $ elsewhere. . $ RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, $ Room 308. Third Floor, Paxton Block. $ IIIIIIMUHUUIIHIUIIIlul x $00 noirnnw MONEY WHERE you can get It on FURNITURE, COWS. ETC.; also on SALARIES. WHERE you get It on short notice and without publicity. WHERE you pay for only the time money Is In use. WHERE you can return It on easy weekly or mommy paymr ma. WHriR vou aet the lowest rates. WHERE can you do better? FHUEN1A i ntuil . 638 Paxton Blk. 16th and Farnam Sts. X-S08 LARGEST BUSINESS IN IOANS TO HALAKIEK vt.urL.rj, mercnants. team sters, boarding houses, etc. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 41 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connaenuai; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. . X 47 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. . tveea, ai n.ia. X-403 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. ieweiry, to saiariea people, r oiey uian :o . Sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. X 603 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Inside property renting tor p4 per montn, 1 acorn, wasnir.gton, for Improved Nebraska land. Address, C. N. Ebert. Court House, Tacoma, Washington. Z-H81 17 FOR EXCHANGE, my half Interest In nrst-class dry goods, shoe and clothing business In good town In Oklahoma, for well located residence property In Omaha either vacant or improved. Here Is a snap for some one who wishes to step into an estamisnea, paying business. Ad dress O 16, Bee. -281 16 MEDICAL. MEN Cure yourselves at home; absolutely sure; circular free. Aiescalano Medicine Co., Tama, la. M 937 15 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal pins are the beat; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send -.c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Fa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist of women and children; 30 years practice. Office. 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone. F-2790; office. B-2S36. LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de. layed or suppressed menstruation; it can not fail; trial free. Paris Chemical Co., jaiiwaunce, t la. LADIES Our harmless monthly regulator positively relieves tne most obstinate case. Box free. Reliable Chemical Co.. T ...... ifii 1 , . j xvc v v. f AiiiwuuKce, la. SISTERS IN DESPAIR I had a suppres sion; inea many remeoies, rakes and snares without relief. Write or remedy wnicn gave me renei. ours. Amanda ureen 214 State 8t., Chicago. VITA Cl'RA. the Secret of Woman's Han. piness, neais, purines ana invigorates the female system: the only natural and sure monthly regulator; stood the test for 30 years. Price. $1.00. Trial box. 50 centa. Morris Mfg. Co., Dept. 25, Kansas City, MO. 306 16 LOST. LOST, Friday afternoon, a gentleman's gold cnain 100 witn lot net snd Initials O. 11. Finder will be liberally rewarded by Bringing 10 i- Bee mug. ist M254 17 LOST, a diamond stud. Return to Dr. Wearne, Paxton Block, and receive re ward. Lost 277 17 CHILD'S fur collarette, between Long school sad 24th and Parker. Reward for return ty 2426 Parker. , 13216' LOST, red and white cow, large horns strayed from 29('9 Walnut st. Reward If returned to i walnut st. Lost-M43o 17 LOST, great Dane dog, black. Reward to any one giving information that will lead to conviction of dog stealer. Tel. ' 1W8. Lott M443 18 LOST, strayed or stolen, two springer cows One roan, other red and white; red one branded "D" on right hip; return to John Dttly, Albright, and receive reward. Lost M421 17 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, GREGG S. H.. Touch T.' W.. Bus. Branches Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 ft Doug 613 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life a 13 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. IN. 1 . ute. 5U NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd 1 neater. f,15 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite 616, in. x. laiie liiaij. Tel. 1661. 918 MRS. GRACE TISDALE DEEGAN, 63s Bee Bldg.. Tel. 367 FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT. 263 seres, quarter of mile from Luplatte. Neb.; two sets of good buildings. Address Geo M. Reed, Orangevllle, Idaho, or see E. E. Reed, or t . J. nigrum, boutn umana, jseb. 7 17 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean ctsspocls and vaults, removes garbage and dead ai.imala at reduced prices. :l H. lota. TlL 1x3. 918 PROPF.RTIK 1tOln. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS 1320 Farnam St Tel. 104 FIAKOg. 82SO-THK WALTER PRICE PIANO. Invisible values will not be found In this piano. You will find In this Instrument everything that Is claimed for it. You will also And the styles are modern, up-to-date, and contain all the valuable Im provements known to the piano trade and several distinct features that are peculiar to this instrument alone. Our guarantee Is a very simple one: The piano Is warranted for five years, and should It rrove defective In that time It will be made good without expense to you. This piano coats $2io no more, no less- one price to all snd all styles one price. Easy payments. As you play you can pay. Copyrighted booklet free. F. R. WALTER, Harney Car. 3112 California Street. 2T 16 TR1XKS AND BAGGAGE, TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 8. lth. 23 THE DEPOT on time. L M. E. Tel. 71. M Mi CLOTH! G. MEN'S clothing wanted. Address 4616 Capi tol Ave. Mrs. lllnrle. 223 15 DETECTIVE AGENCY. APT. THOS. OORMICK. nrlvate detec tive, 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2K32. 430 IN la- a . rajsaaasssBSF PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 611 So. 13th. . S2S PATENTS. 11. J. COWGILL No fees unless success ful, sis B. utn St., omaha, Tel. 1788. 246 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. i8 FLORISTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender son, Tel. lbs, 16I arnam Bt., omaha. -929 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Dertght, 1119 Farnam. a LAI N DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 8c: collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1T63. M CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of caroenter work and repairing promptly attenced to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. J70 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more? Lambert, $25; superior to $100 machines, sent on approval, aionroe ft Co., 811 N. letn Bt., umana. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. eza EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. R. Rathbun, Room 16, com l ruat. pang. FIR DRESSING. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 18th. IM7 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1301 Douglas. Vail ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. THOS. DURKIN, electric light wiring. Tel. 2448. 3 Uj" STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Raroge Bldg. SIDEWALK BRICK. OMAHA Hydraulic Press Brick Co., 21$ isew l orn L.ire. pnone iu. ta zi TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe xousen, 1111 tanum Bt. M30 STOVES REFLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. t3t,. 931 BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel slat ing ana nnisning. specially Mig. o,, u M. aiain Bt., council duns. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra strdke or two of the pen to mention ue I act that you saw tne aa 10 im at. lAILWAY TIME CARD. I'NION STATION 10TII AND MARCY. Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 7 JO pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am a $:2b pm Caliiornie .express a : pm Paclno Express su:w pm Eastern Express a 4:35 pm The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a $:40 am Chicago Special a 1:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice ana HtrnmHburf Ex b 4:05 cm b!2:50 nm Grana isiana ica .b 8:30 Dm b 1:1! nm ( blcssu. Rock Island ft I'aclfle. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d. .a 1:00 am a 6:49 am r-hlciaa-n Daylight Local s 7:00 am a 8:36 nm Chicago express uii.ioam a o uo pm Ilea Moines Express. .. .a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. .a 6:36 pm a 1:26 pm W Lot. Rocky Mountain L't'd.. a 6:60 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, voio. o.biiib, ikamar Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pra al2:40 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express. ....... .a 7:J0 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis ac St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1:0$ am UlnneanollS am Bt. Paul Express b 7:20 am blO:35 pm Chicago Express 10:36 pm Wabash. ot iiuls "Cannon Ball" Express a $:5o pm a 8:20 am St. Louts Local, Coun cil Bluffs a :15 am sl0;30 pm Mlssonrt Paclfle. Bt. Louis Express. al0:00 am a 6 25 pm i C. St. L. x tdOM pm a 6.14 am RAILWAY TIMK CAItl-Cttae4. Chicago ft Wort hrreatera. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago. ..a 3 40 am a 7 A) am Mail ....a 7:60 pm a 6 am ....a $ 1 am a l:S) pm lxcal Floux City. Daylight St. Paul. Daylight Chicago. IOcal Chicago I.ocal Carroll ....a 7 am ....a $ 00 am ....alO 66 am ....a 4:00 pm ....a 4 56 pm ....a 8:10 rnn ....a 7.6j pm a 10 25 pm all 30 ptn a 6:10 pm a 150 am a 4 06 pm a M am a 8:16 am a 2:40 pm Fast Chicago Limited Chicago.. Kant St. Paul Fast Mall Local Slouk City. .b 4:09 pm b ( 60 am Chicago, MIlTvaake ft t. Paal. Chicago ft Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 7:60 am BVRM3GTOS 8T ATIO.N 10T1I ft MASOI Barllngton ft Mlaaoarl Hirer. Leave. Arrive. Beatrice and Lincoln 8 m bll:RS am Nebraska Express... renver Limited niack Hills and Puget Raiiind F.xnrets all:10 pm a S.10 cm Colorado Vestibuled Flyer a s:iu pm Ircoln Fast Mall b $:10 pm a t.17 am Fort Crook and piaxts- mouth b 3:M pm bll:iG am I lllllyul ft S JcV.l V;w Hm ,:" C'hlcano, Barllantoii ft Qalaey. rnicatrn Riieclal a 7:00 am a 4:flS cm CMcago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local a 8 30 am ll:fl0pm Chicago Limited a $:06 pm a 7:30 am Fast Mall 1:40 pm Kansas City. St. Joseph ft Coaacll BlaCs. Kansas City Day Eg. ...a f:?0 am a 6:06 pm Bt- Iaouta Flyer a 8:10 pm all:15 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT-14TH ft WEBSTER Fremont, Elkhorn Hlssoarl Valley. Leave. Arrive. TtlacV Mills. Deadsoad. Mot Rnrlno-s a $:0u pm a 1:00 tm Wvomlna-. Caaner and Douglas a t;w pm e :w pm Hastings. York, uavta Cltv. Hunerior. ueneva. Exeter and Soward b 8:00 pm b B .00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont D t:? am Diu:a am Fremont Local e 7:30 am Chleaao, St. Paal, Minneapolis ft Omaha. Twin City Passenger. . .a 6:30 am a 8:10 pm RI011 Cltv Passenacr. ..a 2:00 cm all :20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am I Mlssonrt PaclMe. I Nebraska Local, Via I Weeping water o 4:10 pm aio:3S am a Oallv. b Dally except Saturday. a Dally except Saturday. e Dally except Monday. . DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE. Resumption of trips by the Mammoth ropuiar rwin screw eteamers "Commonwealth" ft "Neve England." TQ MEDITERRANEAN THE From Boston, Direct to GIBRALTAR, GENOA, NAPLES. The New England and Commonwealth will sail through to Alexandria on the January ma eenruory voyages. 'New England." Dec. 6: Jan. 17: Feb. 28. "Commonwealth," Jan. 3; Feb. 14; Mch. 28. "Vancouver, inov. z, Jan. 10, Feb. la. "Cambroman,' Dec. 20, Jan. 31, March 14. ' Also sailings Boston to Llvemool. Port land, Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book lets eta., apply to local agent or COMPANY'S OFFICE, 69 Dearborn 8L, uuitAuu, Ol'T OF THE ORDINARY. Jonathan Roberts of Richmond. Ind.. Is 91 years old, and has lived all his life on the ground where stood the house In which ne was born. Within 100 feet of his home is a log cabin built in 1812 for a school- house the first In that region of Indiana. Innn Unrtln T - , nn . n UI..A...I Is looking for the man who can exhibit taller corn than was raised thla season on his farm. Some stalks which he recently exhibited measured seventeen feet, grown 1. vi ii 1 1 . a, v. m. aca . taa ..... 11. . . aaar,r.wu a ,. from seed which he procured In Mexico, and Mr. Martin claims the belt. Bertlllon, the Inventor of the system of measurement for Identifying criminals. has now turned his attention to the spe cial identincation or laces as an aid to tne police In their criminal work. He Days much attention to the ear and nose, re-en- forclng the measurement system witn photographs of those features of the head ana lace. B. F. Zimmerman of Baltimore, now In his 84th year. Is the oldest living Dast grand master of the Independent Order of Odd f ellows throughout the world, having been Identified with the organization for sixty vears. For a lona nerlod he has been on the clerical force of the Merchants' Na tional bank of Baltimore, in which city he was born and educated. The Cleveland cltv council will remove the Oliver Hasard Perry monumei from Wade park to a site overlooking Lake Erie. John S. Bllby of Mltman. Mo.. Is said to be the largest Individual land holder in the United States. He owns about 180,000 acres. located in seven states. Among other valu- ible holdings he has 36.000 acres in Mis souri and 15,000 acres In Arkansas. A clever girl singer In one of the popular New York theaters has devised a brand new scheme of advertising. She goea with a party of friends to a different cafe every evening and sends a request to the orches tra leader asking mm to play tne song which In an hour or so she will sing In the theater. Diners who recognise the air re mark to their companions: "Ah, that's from So-and-80. You must go and hear Miss Blank sing it" They have a story in New York that Phil Dwver .the noted horseman, had a most disastrous experience recently In Canfleld's Saratoga gambling nouse. Having half an hour or so to spare before taking his train for home, he dropped In and began to play roulette. Luck was dead against him and In a short time he had lost $18,000. Then he wanted Canlield to raise the limit of $1,000, but the proprietor refused. Deter mined to "play even" he atuck to It until a late hour in the morning, and when he quit he was somewhere between $S0,000 and $100,000 to the bad. Then he signed a check for the amount ana yawned himself on to bed. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. California has 65.000 trade unionists, of whom 40.ouu are in can irancisco. Theatrical stage employe nave ninety local unions ana more man i.iui memoers. The Brotherhood of Railway Men win meet In convention on December 1 at St. Louis. Blllnoeters who are said to number H.ona will meet In Chicago In December and form a national union. Chicago Is the best organised city of car- Dentera in tne country, navnig a member ship ot nearly 6,000. The most prominent Austrian trade union, the Gewerbe Vereln of Lowe, Aus tria, has decided to send a deputation to the United States in 104 to visit the St. Louis exposition. McKeesport, Pa., cltlsens must raise $43,. 000 by public subscription before the Na tional Tube company will close the deal for the $760,000 worth of property optioned In McKeesport for the new $10,000,000 tube mill. The Cripple Creek mining district em- nlnva K.217 men. Tne average wages arc 83.22 a dav. which means a monthly pay roll of $628,800.73. This does not Include men employed In the extreme outside sections of the camp. The DODulatlon of Pullman. 111., the scene of the great atrlke In the car shops of 18M. Is now almost entirely compoaed of union men. The Pullman company Is not Ignorant nf the chanae which ! has come about, in Ulir OK lis .uumwi.ij wm i, aim Hal uu several occasions lately acknowledged the unions by making concessions to the men. Phlladeluhla Master Builders' exchanae. In order to avoid strikes with their sub contractors, have proposed that in the spring of each year the committee repre senting each union shall meet the commit I nloyers. and enter Into an agreement as to tee or a corresponding association or em- wages ana general conauions or labor. Should any dispute subsequently arise upon which the two committees cannot agree the matter Khali be referred to an arbitration committee to be appointed by the builders' exchange, which will endeavor to bring the opposite sioes logeiner. In a published letter Colonel John Jacob Astor surrenders to the public all his rights, title and Interest in patent No. 69-).. 821, for a turbine engine. As the Inventor his hope Is "that the development of the Ideal turbine may be hastened thereby.'' The engine is of novel desian and Colonel Astor thinks that the advantages derivable from It will be reduced weight, higher steam emciency ana nigner mummery ef ficiency, by reason of the reduced else, enabling the part to be ruled more tr fectlv. nermittliiaT the diminution of fric tion and also the reduction of the leakage toss.' COFFEE CROP IS DESTROYED Eruption of Volcano Paralyies All Businoss in Otatemala. MANY PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES Katlonal Paper tarreaey Falls to Seres. Ceats on the Dollar and Frleea for Necessaries Are- Prohibitive. NEW TORK. Nov. 13. Astonishing reve lations of great loss of life and property caused by the eruption of the Santa Maria a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm volcano are being made dally, says a ca a 4:26 pm t l. Ml blpinm from Guatemala fltv umlcr Hutu of November 9, transmitted by way ot Ban Salvador. Eruptions continue. Many hundreds of human beings have perished and the de- struct Ion of property Is considered greater lhan h' Island of Martinique by tho eruption of Mount Teleo. All of the estates In the neighborhood of the volcano are burled under volcanic ashes, which reach to the tops ot houses. The richest coffee estates are comcV-tely ruined. The principal losers are the iitga coffee planters, mostly United States citi tens and Germans, whose propertlol ars ruined. Two ar three new craters hava .ct. formed on the side of the Tra was no eruption from the summit. Pumice and ashes were carried c'aaJy tn the southern and western directions. TVi sea bad a coating of volcanic matf i ex tending for many miles. Tho loss of the coffee crop, which Is Guatemala's principal export, has com pletely demoralized commerce and the gov ernment finances generally. The national paper currency, which Is the only circulating medium, has fallen to 7 cents gold for one paper dollar. Irtces for all necessaries have risen to a pro hibitive figure for many persons. The authorities are trying to force the dealers to sell goods at the usual prices but the condition of affairs is such that business Is entirely paralyzed. Violently worded handbills and posters are being circulated. SCHURMAN IS ORATOR OF DAY President of Cornell One of the Prin cipal Speakers at Colorado l ai verslty Celebration, BOULDER. Colo., Nov. 15. This was the last day of the quarto-centennial celebra tion of the state university. Despite a heavy snow storm a large audience at tended the exercises th'.s forenoon at the Presbyterian church, the principal feature of which was an oration by President Jacob Gould Schurman of Cornell uni versity. After addresses by President James F. Baker of the Colorado university and others President Schurman was Introduced. Mr. Schurman said in part: At first the tendency was to treat the time-honored professions of medicine, law and theology as the only liberal profes sions. The new professions of engineer ing, architecture, veterinary medicine, agri culture and others claim equal recognition with law and medicine. Law and medicine are good professions. But they ore no bet ter, worthier or more honorablo than en gineering or agriculture. It Is encouraging to note that were stu dents have an opportunity of presenting a modern language Instead of Latin for ad mission to our universities comparatively few of them take advantage of the oppor tunity. This means that Latin has intrinsic merit enough to hold Its place In the schools. And I regard It as a very signifi cant phenomenon that during the last few years Latin should both relatively and abso lutely have made decided gains in the high schools of the United States. As to Greek, no man esteems It as a study more highly than I do. It has been sug gested that the A B course should be re duced from four years to two, so that stu dents of law and medicine might at the end of their sophomore year ns A B enter upon the study of law and medicine In professional schools which close their doors to all but A. B.'s. and the deans of pro fessional schools have suggested that It was possible to rover tne present four years' course In two years. Educators themselves thus appear to be guilty of the capital crime of supposing that the process of education could be hastened at railroad speed. The celebration closed with an alumni dinner at 1 o'clock, at which toasts and response were made by well known edu cators and prominent citizens of Colo rado. PRISONERS F0R TEN YEARS Indiana Keep Seven White) Men on Island of Tlbnron In Gulf of California. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. 14. James McCuen of Hermoslllo, Mexico, who Is now visiting friends In Los Angeles, says that recently a Serl "ndlan, one of the main land tribe, who was employed on his cattle ranch, told htm that there are seven white men held as prisoners on Tlburon Island. It Is believed by those who beard the story of the prisoners that among them are R. E. L. Robinson and his partner, Mr. Logan, of Cleveland, who went to the Island ten years ago and never returned, aud Captain Porter of San Diego, another of the several persons who, It bas been reported. were massacred and eaten by the Indians. MINISTER BUILDS GYMNASIUM Novel Scheme Made Part of the Regslar Church Work of a Kansas Pastor. SENECA. Kan., Nov. 15. (Special.) Rev. Ralph Newman, a Congregational minister. Is building a gymnasium in a novel way, and when completed It will probably be the only athletic Institution of the kind in the United States. The scheme is a part of Rev. Newman's regular church work. The building la for both boys and girls. It will contain a club room in front, with the gymnasium la the center. Back of the gymnasium will bo bath rooms, the equipment of which will cost considerable money. The structure will be a fine one and conducted in con. nection with the church. Wbeu completed it will cost $25,000. Burlington Section Men Settle Strike. MARYVILLE, Mo.. Nov. 15. (Special.) Nearly all ot the section men on the Nodaway branch of the Burlington who walked out Monday have returned to work. The strike had Its commencement at Pick ering, a little station nine miles north of Maryvllle, and was over James Murphy, the section boss. Practically every section man on the Una between St. Joseph and Creston went out and refused to work un less they were granted an Increase of 25 cents a day tn wages. A settlement was effected by Murphy being discharged snd the Dumber ot hours of work reduced. Iowa Business Man Elopers. ALBANY, Mo.. Nov 15. Special.) Samuel D. Monger and Miss Edna Smith, both ot this city, ran away from horn yesterday, weDt to Darlington, where they were wedded by Rev. M. B. Irvine of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The mar riage was quite a surprise. Mr. Monger recently went to Van Wert, la., where he became engaged In the clothing business, and It was not even known that be bad returned to Albany. The newly married couple will reside at Van Wert.