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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1902)
T 1 1 J2. I L LI S T 1 f A T i : I ) UK i : . September 21. 1!M2. IP IMH1B Mm 1 US Bellamy & llornung, Fine Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Steam and Hot Water, Complete line of plumbing goods. Telephone 1051. 1614 Capitol Avenuo, Omaha G. A. R. Washington D. C. Can view Niagara Falls If they ubo the WabBBh. The official line for Nebraska. Hate, Ilcrths, etc., address, II Ml It V K. MddllKS, ii. A. I. Oimilin, rl. Direct from a Distillery to Consumer Harding Distilling Co. has opened an elegant wholesale and retail liquor establishment at 13(13 Farnam Street. Supplying the family trade is our specialty. 1 Mr. Dave H. Hardline would be pleased to have the ladies and gentlemeu call and Inspect the establishment. An Elegant Sample Room in the rsar. Harding Distilling Co., L303Jarnam,Sk : A ! ft FFYHl iVv t L - zssSSrrA tTt; ,..W"v.L--r;r-T 1-11 ; ' " i This cut is a representation of the buildiiiK where 3 vehicles with M W-'FKTT IKHJ.KH UKAUINd AX1.KS were built durliiK the past season; where 4:!7 set;f of Ituhhcr Tires were applied duriiiK the jiast season, besides an increase of nearly 14U per cent in our repair work. What docs this mean? That we are today the foremost vehicle builders in this section of the country. P, J. KARBACH & SONS, I3th and Howard. Omaha. You Cuu't Keep a Good Thing Down Merit Always Wins. Tlit? order of the Knijilils of Ak-Siir-Pn-n is oun; in years, but strong in popularity and jjjood works. The people from the entire west enjoy its festivities, and are proud of its ac foniplishiiients. It is stron-;, and popular lie cause it is deserviii"-. ... .. fcfiSE It w ll tH SUPERIOR ELECTROTYPJNG Mki himI lileUI) FuruUli mi Crder n Flue Line of AliscellaneousCuts, Newspaper Headings. Subheads, Date Lines, Calendars, Backgrounds. We have recently installed in our Eleotrotyping Depart ment niachinury of high grade and late development, which given us the best, if not the largest, eleetrotyping foundry in the west. Every"Kind and Quantity of Electrotypinff Dane Promptly. GREAT WESTERN TYPE FOUNDRY 'Phone 1076. 1114 Howard Street. Iluyers crowd the store where the Mummer Plow is sold. The retail dealer, happy and con tent, takes his wife to church in an "A" rade Inij-y, behind a spanking team, lie is able and willing to contribute liberally when the hat passes around; believing that the organ should peal and the choir sing 1 he praises of the Mum mer Plow. The farmers of the entire country are cheer fully giving to the Hummer Plow the praise it so justly deserves; and the dealers who hand It it rejoice at its victories over all competition. It wins every race. r.ecause i f the profitable business the llunimer I'low ha broiiKht him, he is cheerful ami filled with charity toward nil mankind, and really feels sorry for his competitor whom te si s rushiiiK to the country to tlx a beam hitch plow, that r. fuses to work. Are you a Kuinlit? Do you handle the Hummer Plow? Sattley Manufacturing Co., 10th anJ Jomcs Sts., Oin ili i. C. C. Troxcll, Mr AK-SAR-BEN ILL CALL I'l L. M. E. VISlTOltS WILL CALL 'I'lloXK 7.sw, .1 MKSSKXUKll irtV WILL II I'll It Y. Ihiks for sak of all kinds Fancy g eona, Ileltiian llarea uol F i rets. S let I cent for rataUitioe. IANDIS H" V l"r Pilon. Reek Co . F TELEPHONE 431 1H FA H NAM ST. Celery Oysters Poultry David Cole Compati Refined young widow has cash and fine western property to the amount of 49.l. wants Immediately, kind, honest husband to manage same. Address White, 224 Mor gan Street, Chicago.