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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1002 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COt'V THREE CENTS. CRUSHED IN A PANIC leymtj-Eifht Golsrsd Baptists Bis ii Cruih at Birmingham Church. WORD "FIGHT" IS MISTAKEN FOR "FIRE" lUmptdt follori Quarrel Bstwset Dsls fatsi tad Ohoir Master. SUFFOCATION CAUSES MOST IEATHS ?inu Pilad in Htapi Ti Feet High at Don. BOOKER WASHINGTON ESCAPES UNHURT Remain on Platform After Finishing Address and So Avoids the Wild Stampede Injured Are Rein a; Attended. BIRMINGHAM, All., Sept. 19. Seventy eight people known to be dead and eighty Injured, aome perhaps fatally, la the re ult of a panic which occurred In Sbiloh negro Baptist church here tonight during the evening session of the national flap tint convention. Fifteen hundred delegates were crowded Into the church, which had only a seating capacity of 400, when the audience wm thrown Into stampede by a conflict between two of the delegates In the rear of the church. The cries of fight" the audience mistook for an alarm of "Are," and In the wild rush seventy eight persons were crushed to death and eighty more received Injuries some of which may prove fatal. The list of dead nd Injured Included only negroes In at tendance. In the case of the visiting dele fates the Identification has been difficult. The catastrophe occurred at 9 o'clock. Just as Booker T. Washington bad con eluded his address to the national conven tion of Baptists, and- for three hours the cenes around the church were Indescrib able. Dead bodies were strewn In every direction ind the ambulance service of the City was utterly Incapacitated to move them until after 10 o'clock. Doiens of dead bodies were arranged in rows on the grounds outside of the house of worship, awaiting removal to the various undertaking estab lishments, while more than a score were laid out on the benches Inside. The church Is the largest house of wor ship for negroes In Birmingham, and the pastor says there were at least 2.000 per sons In the house when the stampede began. Instructions had been Issued to allow no more to enter, but the negroes forced their way lbside and were standing in every aisle. Even tbe entrance to the church was lterally packed. Words Are Misunderstood. Just as Booker T. Washington concluded Ms address. Judge Blllou, a negro lawyer from Baltimore, engaged In an altercation with the choir leader concerning in un occupied seat and It Is said a, blow was truck. Someone In the audience cried. "They're flghtlnf'rTWetalflnc-the word "fighting" for "fire," the congregation aroae enmasse and started for tbe door. One of the ministers quickly mounted tbe ros trum and admonished the people to keep quiet. He repeated the word "quiet" sev eral times and motioned to his hearers to be seated. Again the excited people mis took the word "quiet" for "Are" and re newed their efforts to get out. Men and women crawled over one another to get to tbe door. The ministers tried again to atop the stampede, but no power on earth could stay the struggling mass of hu manity. The screams of women and chil dren added to the horror of the scene, and through mere fright many persons fainted nd as they fell to the floor were crushed to death. The level of the floor Is about fifteen feet from the ground and long steps lead to the sidewalk from the lobby Just outside of the main auditorium. Brick walla ex tend on either side of these steps for six "or leven leet. and these proved a veritable death trap. Negroca who bad reached tho top of the steps were pushed violently for ward and many fell. Before they could move others fell on them, and In fifteen minutes persons were piled upon each other to a height of ten feet. Twenty SuBocute tn a Heap. Thli will of struggling humanity blocked the entrance and the weight of 1,500 per sons was pushed against It. More than twenty persons lying on the steps under neath the heap of bodies died from suffo cation. The two white men who were In the rear of the church when the rush began escaped, and realising the serious ness of the situation, rushed to a corner nearby and turned In a Sre alarm. Tbe department came quickly and the arrival of the wagons served to scatter the crowd which had gathered around tbe front of the church. A squad of police was also . hastened to ths church and with the Bre men finally succeeded In releasing the negroes from their pinioned positions tn the entrance. Ths dead bodies were quickly' removed ind tbe crowd Inside, finding an outlet, came pouring out. Scores of them lost their footing and rolled down tbe long eteps to the pavement, sustaining broken limbs and Internal Injuries, In an hour tbe church had been prac tically cleared and sights which greeted the eyes of those who had come to aid tho Injured were sickening. Down the aisles and along tbe outside of the pews the dead bodies of men and women were scat tered and the cries of maimed and wounded were heartrending. Injared Are Attended. The Shiloh church Is locsted Just on ths edge of the South Hlghtauds, the fashion able residence section of tbls city, and all the physicians living In that part of town went to the assistance of the victims. As many of the suffering negroes is could be moved by the smbulances were taken to the hospitals, while the ethers were laid out on the grounds and the" physicians at tended them there. At least fifteen died before they could be removed from the grounds. During the stampede Booker T. Wash ington and several other prominent negroes were on the stage. None of those In tbe choir or In tbe pulpit was Injured In the least. For a few minutes they attempted to restore order, but seeing their efforts were futile, waited until the struggling crowd had advanced far enough for them to pick up the dead and Injured. Most of the dead are women, and the physicians ay In many cases they fainted and died . from suffocation. A remarkable feature of the calamity Is that no blood was seen on 1 any of the victims. They were either crushed or died from suffocation. Mather Escapee with Baby, Captaia Frank P. O'Brien, former sheriff Of Jefferson county and one of the prominent (Continues oa Second Face.) FRAM IS HOMEWARD BOUND Arctic Steamer with Ksplorla Party on Board Reaches a Port In Iirnir. HAUGUSEND. Norway. R"pt. 19 The Arctic steamer Fram. hum r ward bound, 1th the Sverderup expedition on board, passed Utsire today and took a pilot on board. Captain Otto STerderua 'ho wai In rom- mend of Fram during V tlon to the North Pole In ',-,tn' expcdl- -"lied from Cbrlstlanta. Norway, June 24. 1898. for the eglone Previous to his sailing Lleutenh. complained of Captain Sverderup s b lion ind the captain explained In le that he did not aim to reach ths pole, bu only intended to explore Greenland and to make a study of the Ice In that region and by means of sledging Journeys to explore the unknown regions of North Greenland. STAVENGER, Norway, Bept. 19 Fram arrived here at 3.30 p. m. Captain Sverde rup, who received an enthusiastic welcome from the large crowd present, looked well. For nearly three years Fram lay impris oned in tbe ice in Jones sound, between Babbin bsy and the Arctic ocean. All at tempts to blow up the Ice sround Frsm proved fruitless, but In July of 1902. a heavy southern stream loosened the vessel. The vessel left Gothab, Greenland, August 14, 1902, but an accident to Its machinery com pelled It to make the homeward Journey entirely by sail. Members of the expedition shot 100 musk oxen. Surgeon . Bruskrugen died in the north, and his body was burled In a hole cut In the Ice. After the death of the doc tor. Captain Sverdrup took his place and attended to several cases of sickness. The crew of Frsm speak of their leader In terms of hearty praise. CHRISTIANA. Norway. 8ept. 19. Captain Sverdrup has telegraphed to the govern ment as follows: "The districts explored were the south and west coasts of Elles mereland and the hitherto unknown dis tricts to the west of that region. The boiler of Fram shows signs of usage, but everything Is In good order."- JELLINEK'S PARTNER IS HELD Officers of Vienna Arrest Him on Sup position that He Mar Have Aided Defalcation. VIENNA. Sept. 19. A further examina tion of the books of the Vienna Laeder bank shows that the embezxlements of Ed mund Jellinek, an official of th cashier's deportment, a ho disappeared yesterday, are about $1,150,000. The frauds were effected by the manipu lation of checks and by making false en tries In the books, somewhat similar to those In the Liverpool bank case. It has been discovered, however, that Jellinek has $250,000 to his credit with various Vienna Arms In addition to Invest ments of upward of $500,000 In Industrial enterprises. Jellinek, later In the day, was reported to have committed suicide. Adolpf Pollok, head of a firm of motor car builders. In which Jellinek U said to have Invested $562,600, has been arrested on suspicion of complicity In the fugitive's frauds. - -' -' LOVE AFFAIR CAUSES MURDER Well Knewa Socialist sad Lawyer of Italy Accaaed of Asaasslaatloa of Hla Mother-la-Law. VIENNA, Sept. 19. It ts reported that Tulllo Murrl, the well known socialist and lawyer of Bologna, Italy, who Is ac cused of the murder of Count Bonl Martini recently found assassinated In bis house at Bologna, has been arrested at the frontier town of Ala, Australian Tyrol. The motive for the murder of Count Bonl Martini was at first attributed to robbery. On September 12, however. Prof. Murrl, a university professor, one of the best known physicians In Italy and Count Bool's father-in-law, denounced his own son, Tul llo, ss. tbs murderer. The accused man,' the dispatch added, admitted having mur dered his brother-in-law. and said the crime w.. c,uu.. - -- "- voked by a family quarrel. Other reports had it that a love affair was tbe cause. Bonl Martini lived apart from his wife. SALISBURY REPORTS DIFFER Oae Indicates that He la Very 111, aad Another that Hla rendition Isn't Grave. LONDON, Sept. 19 Private advices re ceived In London Indicate that Lord Salis bury is worse than admitted In the Lucerne dispatch on the subject. The symptoms. It Is said by his friends, "are not yet con sidered exceptionally grave." Dr. Walker. ho was summoned to Lucerne, attended Lady Salisbury during her last Illness. Lord Salisbury has telegrspbed here that his Indisposition Is not sufficiently serious to warrant the members of his family go ing to Lucerne. QUEEN IS WITHHER FATHER Knarland's Qoeea Goee to Copenhagen to Visit Old Kins; Christian f Denmark. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 19. Queen Alex- andra arrived here today from England on board tbe royal yacht Victoria and Albert, which was met outside the harbor by Ktng Christian, her father, and other members of the royal family and was escorted Into the roadstead by a Danish squadron of war ships. All the cabinet ministers and mem bers of tbe diplomatic corps met the royal party at the landing place and they all drove to Bernstoft castls through cheer ing crowds. SHAK STARTS BACK TO PERSIA Csar Carries Hla Telescope ta the Depot aad Tells Him to Be Snre ta Write. KURSK. 'Rusala, Sept. 1. The shah left here yesterday on bis return to Persia. He was bid farewell at the railroad station by the csar. .The closing scene of the army maneuvers yesterday was magnificent. About $9,000 troops marched past the czar and the shah. Including eighty-five squad rons of cavalry and 401 guns. REDMOND TO BE UNDER BOND He la Sammoned aa Areoaat Rtetat laresdlary liter- DUBLIN, Sept. 19 William Redmond, the Irish nationalist member of Parlia ment, who recently made an incendiary speech at Woodford, has been summons J to give recognisances for his future good behavior. QUEEN OF BELGIANS DEAD Maria Hsirietta Expire! at Dinnar Table of Hurt Failure. KING AND DOCTOR ARE BOTH ABSENT Leopold In France and Physician Elsewhere Abont pa and Have to Be Sent For History of the Plona Monarch. 8 PA, Belgium. Sept. 19 Marie Henri 's, queen of Belgium, died here suddenly .rht at ten minutes before 8 o'clock. ,ither her husband, members of her fam ily, nor her majesty's doctors were present at the time of death. She was seated at I table eating a light dinner, when she was seized with an attack of syncope. Dr. Guil- leume, who, In the course of the day, bad remarked upon certain disquieting symptoms in the queen's condition, was summoned Immediately, but her majesty was dead be fore he arrived. Two members of her suit were with the queen during her last moments. As soon as the news of the queen's death became known, a large crowd gathered out side of the palace. King Leopold had left France, for Spa, and other members of the royal family have been telegraphed for. M. Desmet de Nsyer, the Belgian premier, will arrive tomorrow. The queen and mother, Marie Henriette, had been cruelly tried. In 1869 the death of her son, the duke of Brabant, at the age of 10 years, caused her grief beyond measure. Later fresh alarms and keen sorrows wrung her mother's heart when tragic events shattered the happiness of tbe Princess Stephanie, her daughter. The death of the daughter of Prince Baldwin (son of the count of Flanders, brother of King Leopold) was another cruel blow to her majesty, and the fire at Laeken cas tle. In which a number of treasured relics were destroyed, brought her a further trial. The queen sought, If not to forget, at least to lessen her sorrow by devoting II her energies to works of charity. Her attitude In the face of misfortune was al ways calm and resolute. The demonstrations which had been ar ranged In honor of the visit to this city tomorrow of the Boer generals, Botha. De wet and Delarey, have been postponed and all the festivities plsnned for the occa sion have been abandoned because of tbe death of the queen. Queen Marie Henriette was a daughter of the late Archduke Joseph of Austria. She was born August 23, 1S6, and was married August 22, 1853, to Prince Leopold of Bel glum, son of King Leopold I, vho ascended the throne at the death of his father, as Leopold II, December 10, 1865. The queen was noted for her piety and charity', and In recognition of her devotion to tbe church, tbe pope sent her, about nine years ago, a notable token of high esteem In the form of the Golden Hose of Virtue. She was also a noted and brilliant uorsewoman. The queen had been ill for about three yeara past of malady of the heart and of recent months her condition has been so serious that ' little hope of her recovery was entertained. ROBERTS URGES SHOOTING African Campaigner Reminds Hla Men that Practice Makes Perfect, and Saya to Try It. LONDON, Sept. 19. A special order Is sued tonight by Earl Roberts, commander- in-chief of the forces, says that his ex periences in ootitn Africa Drought to him a realization that tbe British soldiers can cot yet take the fullest advantage of the admirable weapons which are furnished them. Earl Roberts criticises British officers for their lack of interest In shooting prac tice, and reminds them that their tactics are liable to fail If the superiority of fire is not sustained. In conclusion, the com ; mander-in-chlef promises to hold general officers accountable for attaining a Bring Bt.ndard of the hlgheat efficiency, and says , h,ff ,,. , . that hereafter no other will be considered tlsfactory IN MEMORY 0FL0UIS KOSSUTH Hunararlaae Gather at Cemetery Near Bada Pest to Lay Mansoleam Corner Stone. BUDA PEST, Hungary. Sept. 19. The ccntennary of the birth of Louis Kossuth is being celebrated throughout Hungary Here flags are flying and homes are dec orated. A commemorative service In the rrotesiant cnurcb was attended by two songs of the Hungarian patriot, the prln clpal local authorities' deputations from all parts of the country and the Hanover vet erans or 1848. At the conclusion of the service Immense crowds proceeded- to the cemetery to attend the laying of tbe foun datlon stone of a mausoleum to be erected to the memory of the national hero. General Tuerr, a companion of the Hungarian exile was present at tbe laying of the foundation stone. The fund for the national memorial to Kossuth now amounts to over $250,000. RUMORS HURT THE IRON TRADE Member of Important Firm Denies Storlea of Alleged British Combine. LONDON, Sept. 19. Speaking at a meet ing at Usk, Monmouthshire, yesterday even ing, Windsor Richards, a director of Guest, Keen A Co., declared that all the recent statement! regarding the formation of com binations of iron firms promoted to com bat the competition of the United States were absolutely imaginative. He added: "There is not an atom of truth In them. Such statements do a great amount of mis chief. The iron trade Is not very flourish ing, and these untruthful statements do great harm to business." THIS WOULD INDEED JAR YOU Earthqaake Shocks Demoralise Build leas at Adelaide, Soath Aastralla, aad Nearly Caaae Deatha. ADELAIDE, 8outh Australia, Sept. 19 A severs earthquake shock experienced here this evening caused a panic among the people of this city. Buildings, includ ing churches, were damaged and several narrow escapes from death were recorded. Many northern towns experienced earth quake shocks this moraiug. f Laad Bad of Cable Landed. VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 19. The cable steamer Colonla has landed ths land end of tbe Pacific cable at Bamfield creek an! has started on Its long trip to Fanning Is land, paying out ths cable aa It proceeded. REFUSE TO HANDLE THE COAL Strikers Persoade Leave Prodact Trata Crewa of Hsssalos Miners Alone. SHENANDOAH. Pa.,' Sept. 16. Three train crews refused to handle nonunion coal from the Philadelphia A Reading com pany's North Mahaney colliery today. S:t eral hundred strikers were assembled near the colliery when the engines arrived to take a ay the coal cars and tbe strike lead ers appealed to tbe railroad men to refuss to haul tbe coal. The trainmen held brief consultation and decided to grant the request of the strikers. Tbe engines steamed away without the cars amid the cheers of the strikers. The crowd about the colliery soon Increased to several thousand and the company officials appealed to Sheriff Bed- dall for assistance. Tbe sheriff explained the situation by telephone to General Go- bin, in command of the state troops here. and the general ordered the Eighth regi ment to the scene at once. By the time the soldiers reached tho scene two other en gines and crews had arrived from Gordon. One company of the regiment was ordered to mount the cars and the other soldiers guarding the track for over a mile, the train proceeded. The train consisted of wenty-three cars loaded with coal and it s the first coal to be shipped from this dls- rict since the strike began. The mem bers of the crews that refused to haul the coal do not belong to any labor union. 1 RUMORS OF SETTLEMENT RIFE Intimation Received fram One of Largest Operatora la Peas. a Ivanla. HARRISBURG. Pa., Sept. 1. The Tele graph this evening prints the following: Information reached the Telegraph through a private source this afternoon that the end of the coal strike waa In sight 'The report was to the effect that one of the largest firms, whose representatives In New York have been discussing: the ituation for some time, had decided upon . settlement and an official announcement would be made either tomorrow or early next week. The Information seemed to have considerable foundation and came as an answer to inquiries sent to New York parties regarding the filling of large orders for coal In this city. Intimating that the orders would probably be filled sooner than was expected because of the encouraging prospects of an early settlement." MITCHELL MAKES A PROMISE Announces that Any Peace Overtores from Operators Will Be Submitted to Miners' Convention, WILKESBARRE. Pa.. Sept. 19. Is order to set all rumors about a settlement of the miners' strike at rest, Prealdont Mitch ell stated this evening that jtf -ny over tures were received from the iperators they woujd first be submitted I l t con vention of the miners, and tie t eptanc or rejection of any proposiiJjcf linade by tbe coal oorapantes would rc k sVlth the inch themselves. ' v .---' A dam on Solomon'a creek, 'near here. from which the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal company obtained water to operate Ita Maffat washery, waa blown up by dy namite today. Striking miners are ac cused of blowing up tbe dam. SL0CUM STATUE IS UNVEILED Governors of Three Stntes Attend Ii presslve Service on the Field of Gettysburg;. GETTYSBURG, Pa., Sept 19. The fine equestrian statue of Major General Henry Warner Slocum, a tribute to hla memory from the state of New York, wss unveiled toaay on cuips mil, wnere bis line was located during the historical battle. The governors of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the Seventh regiment of the New York National Guard, which acted as escort, ana veteran infantrymen and ar tillerymen who served under General Slocum attended the ceremonies of dedication. The unveiling of the statue was the prln clpal feature of the Thirty-third reunion of the Society of the Army of the Potomac At tbls meeting Major General John R. Brooke, V. 8. A., retired, was elected com mander and General King was re-elected secretary. General D. E. Sickles was the principal speaker. Colonel Rogers and Colonel Baxter delivered orations and they were followed by Governor Odell. Gov ernors Murphy and Stone made brief re eponses. A public meeting was held tonight, at which Mayor Seth Low of New York City waa the principal speaker. WILL LEAD TAMMANY BRAVES Charlea F. Marphy Is Ezalted by the Executive Commit tee Devei-y Still Waits. NEW YORK. Sent. 19. Charles F. Murphy was tonight elected leader of Tammany Hall at the meeting of the executive com mittee, which was attended by all tbe mem bers with the exception of August Moebus of the Thirty-fourth assembly district. On the calling of the meeting to order this res olution was offered by President Haffen of Bronxboroush. "Whereas the experiment of the commit tee or three has proved the desirability or Individual responHlbllity and leadership. "Resolved, that the position and duties heretofore occupied and performed by the committee of three be hereafter occupied and performed by Charles V. Murphy. The resolution was carried by a vote of 29 to . On the preposition to change the place for holding conventions in the Ninth dis trict by selecting delegates to state, county. senatorial and assembly district. Frank Goodwin demanded that the matter be laid on the table and protested against William S. Devery. becoming the accredited repre sentative of the district, on the ground of fraud. The matter was referred to the committee on elections. After the meeting Devery msde a formal dexand for hla cre dentials, but waa unable to get any satis faction. CUTS RATE ON CANNED GOODS Action of Mlssoarl Paclae May Bring oa Renewal of Rate War. CHICAGO. Sept. 19 Considerable excite ment waa caused lo western traffic circles here today by an announcement that ths Missouri Pacific had cut tbe rata on canned goods from St. Louis to Kansss City to 10 cents 100 pounds. The regular rate is 2! cents. This action. It la believed, means a renewal of the rate war between Chicago and the Missouri river and the situation threaten ta becoms serious. LOVESWAR PAIS PENALTY I Htiged at Iturgis far the Unprovaksd Harder of Two Man. LAUGHS WHEN ROPE IS BEING ADJUSTED Saya "I Ana Satlsded and Hope Yon Fellows Mill Die Like I Do" Brother of One Victim Seea Execntloa. 6TUROI3. S. D., Sept 19. (Special Tele gram.) Ernest Loveswar paid the penalty today on the scaffold, for the brutal murder of two men while they slept, and while he was enjoying' the hospitality of their home. There were no unusual scenes at tending tbe execution. The condemned man did not retire last night until 11 o'clock. He then slept until 7 o'clock, but becoming restless talked with the watch for awhile. He then dropped to sleep again and did not awaken until 6:40 o'clock. He ate a hearty breakfast and during the meal said that "he did have It in" for the sheriff and corouer, but that he had nothing against them now. The death warrant was read by tbe sheriff to Ernest Loveswar for murder at 9 o'clock. while he was smoking and rolling a cigar between his fingers. The last rites by the minister. Rev. Wylie, began at 12:35 o'clock, lasting forty minutes, and he was taken to the gallows at 1:45 p. m. When asked by the sheriff If he hsd any thing to say, he said: "I am satisfied and I hope you fellows will die like I do. I mean to be brave." He went to tbe gal lows alone, without any assistance, and made no resistance, whatever, at any time. He laughed when being strapped and laughed when the rope was put around his neck. He shook bsnds with the officers before the cap was put on. The trap was sprung at 1:57, and he was pronounced dead at 2:10. He ate dinner at 11:30 csnslstlng of fried chicken, lemon pie, cake, mashed po tatoes and gravy, and baked squash. He remarked that the chicken was very good. The body was prepared and taken out this afternoon to Culbertson Place for Inter ment, in accordance with a request made by him. Among the witnesses of tbe hsnglng was A. F. Puck of Sioux City, brother of one of the murdered men. Makes Written Confession. Ernest Loveswar made a written con fession which is now In tbe hands of the Sturgls Record, acknowledging bis guilt as follows: 8TURGIS. B. D.. SeDt. 17. 1902.-I am going to write Juet what 1 have done on the loth of June, Ii2. I will tell you J-ist the truth of it. Well. I had a auarrel with Cwttrander about three times before that. ar.d tindly I arot into it. And I will tell wnat i had a auarrel with htm over, it was about a girl, and I never can tell you who the girl is. You have to find that out by yourself. Ostrander was trying to take the girl away from me and he, rind ing out that he couldn't do it, and than he turn around and wanted to tight, tin I told him that I don't want to fight over a girl and be says that he will kill me if I don't be carefull. Than I said I'll riant with run or a knife any- wy he wants and Puck--told me to not to do anything with him. So at that time we didn't do anything. I try to get Ostrander out alone, so I can do some bi-slnesa with him, but 1 couldn't do It. I had my mind made up that he either kill me or 1 kill him. What hurts me so bad Is I ain't got anything against Purk. wnen 1 nave snot both of them I light a maehe and see them and I begin to feel bad, but 1 couldn't help, it was to late. I did not mean to hurt Puck. He Is the one told me to stay all night, and so 1 did. I will sny right now that I didn't had a thing against Puck, but Ostrander is the man that I mean to kill. I've shot Ostrander with my gun and Puck with his gun, but I don't know if Puck's gun Ik loaded or not, but I know my gun was loaded, and I used that on Omrander and 1 always wish that Pucks gun wasn't loaded. And another thing, they wasn't nobody there at that time but Ostrander, Puck and myself. I never took no rirafs either. I don't know nothing about them. I didn't have time to look around, and never open that trunk. I didn't take any thing out of there but the gun and noth ing else, and I never hit Puck with the ax either, but I hit Ostrander with the ax. isow i guess you people will know it all. J feel Just as bad as some of you people ww. nwn fiui ib mi. i inswer nor and return no more. ERNEST LOVESWAR. Story of the Crime. The story of the crime for which Loves war today suffered the death penalty Is an Interesting one. Tbe double murder was committed on Tuesday night, June 10, last, but was not discovered until the evening of the next day. Wednesday evening, June 11, Frank Horlocker and John Tlmmons, cow boys employed on a neighboring ranch, rode over to the Puck ranch, which is situated on White Owl creek, in tbe extreme west ern part of the state, in the heart of tbe great cattle raising region north of the Black Hills, to aid Puck and Ostrander at some task. The ranch was deserted, but Horlocker and Tlmmons, knowing the hospitality of the region, entered the cabin. It was de serted. A mound under the bed clothes in the bunk attracted their attention, and Horlocker turned down the sheets, to find bis young friends cold in death. A bullet hole was in each head, and both skulls were bruUed and fractured, appar enUr by heavy blows. A search of the cabin revealed everything intact, except Puck'a revolver, which usually hung upon the wall, and a quantity of ammunition. The two cowboys at once rode to Sturgls and gave the alarm. In a remarkably brief time a sheriff's posse was on the spot snd bloodhounds were secured to trail the mur derer or murderers. There was no appar ent motive for the crime, and for a time it puzzled all. Puck and Ostrander had alwaya been on the best of terms with all tbe ranchmen and cowboys In tbe region. At first it was supposed to have been the, work of cattle 'rustlers, but no evidence was found to prove tbe existence ol any "rustling" in the vicinity. Womaa'a Letter First Cine. in tne meantime a note, written by a Mra. Boe to Peter Culbertson, was found near the cabin. The sheriff picked it up and preserved it. It was soon discovered thst Ernest Loveswar, a half-breed Indian, whose home was on the I'lne Ridge reser vation, but who had been a hanger-on in the neighborhood for some time, was miss Ing. He bad been employed at the Boe ranch, a few miles distant, and It was ascertained tbat be had been dispatched with the note written by Mrs. Boe to Culbertson. Then came the news that at Whltewood. a town soma miles northwest of Sturgls, Loveswar had cashed a note of Puck's, payable to Loveswar, for $-'0. At Rapid City the note waa declared a forgery. Aa ausplcion thus pointed to Loveswar, be was arrested on the Pine Ridge reserva tion and lodged In the Meade county Jail oa the charge of having committed tho crime. Tbe Indian could not deny that he bad been at the Puck ranch on the night of the double murder. Story ToM by Loveswar. After considerable urging he confeased (Continued on Fifth Page.) CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska R.Vn and M'ich Cooler Saturday; Sunday Fair and Cool. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar, Dea. Hoar. Ilea. tt n. m IV I p. ni A ttn.m 4l a p. in 17 7 a. ni 41 p. m a. m Btf 4 p. in ' a. ni IVI n ,.. n: : 10 a. m IV.H M p. ni UT 11 i. a T p. m l 12 ni mi M p. m tl4 u p. m U CATTLE GROWERS ALARMED Kansas Man Assrrts Packers' Mrraer Will Mnke the Business t nprofttahle. TOPEKA. Kan.. Sept. 19. (Special Tele gram.) "The outlook for the cattle lndua try Is dark. The heavy cattle receipts at Kansas City yards recently simply means tbat the western cattlemen are alarmed over the future prospects of the Industry and are either going out of the business entirely or are reducing their herds so ss to be able to handle them with their own capital. Breeding herds are being wiped out rapidly In every quarter. Production la being stopped. Next year tbe shortage will be felt In the price of veal. Later on beef prices mill go soaring. Why the alarm? The packing house merger." Thus spoke M. C. Campbell, chairman of the State Livestock commission, and one of the largest individual cattlemen of the west, today, in discussing the cattle situa tion. "Tbe cattlemen all know," continued Mr. Campbell, "that a packers' combine, and especially a packers' merger, means Injury to the cattle industry, and they are preparing themselves so as to get hurt as little as possible by reducing their herds. In my opinion, within three years there will be such a shortage as to really amount to a cattle famine." TOM REED DOESN'T SEE WHY He Finds It Hard to Discover Reason for Some Persona Questioning Henderson's Motives. WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. Ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed, in an Interview tonight on tbe withdrawal from congress of Speaker Henderson of Iowa, said tbat he saw no reason why General Henderson's statement of the reason for his withdrawal should not be accepted as correct without search ing for any ulterior reason. The ex-speaker said: "I don't see -why, when a man In the political worl'J assigns a good reason for sudden action on his part, If It he precipitate, be rsnnnt be believed." Mr. Reed said he was opposed to tariff revolution, adding: "I believe the senti ment of the people of this country is deadly opposed to tariff revision, and If it Is not, it certainly will be should the tariff be revised." When asked what, in his opinion, would be the effect of Speaker Henderson's atti tude on the republican party, he said: "Well, you know, I am out of politics and I look to others for political forecasts, but I might say that sometimes a great conflagration may be started hvayery little matco. ,. i. WORKING BRINGS HEAVY FINE President of Boiler Makers' I n Ion As sessed a.l,AOO for Refusing to Go on a Strike. "KANSAS CITY, Sept. 19. (Special Tele gram.) The largest fine ever Imposed upon a union workman for refusing to obey a strike order has Just been assessed James McCarrick, former president of the boiler me.kers' union of Kansas City, Kan He has been fined $1,500 because he re mained at work when the boiler makers in the Union Pacific railroad shops went on a strike. McCarrlck has been In tha employe of the Union Pacific for thirty years. He la well thought of by his em ployers, and aa president of the boiler makers' union McCarrlck was regarded aa one of the leading figures In organized la bor circles. McCarrlck says he will not pay the fine tn the event of a settlement between the boiler makers and the rail road company. "It tt ever becomes nec essary for me to go elsewhere to work," says McCarrlck, "I will look outside of union shops for employment. My family comes before any union on earth." MONEY OF ESTATE IS SHORT Man Who Maaaared It Disappears aad Father Puts Up Check; to Make shortage Good. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 19. A special to the Times from Hlgglnsvllle, Mo., ssys: Theodore Young, business manager of tbe Grove Young estate, which Is worth $300,000, has disappeared. Grove Young died aeven years ago and left a will providing that after thirty yeara his estate ahould be di vided among the heirs. Theodore Young, a near relative, waa made business agent on a aalary. The first settlement since he assumed charge of the estate waa to have been made last Monday. Young baa written to the trustees from a western town tbat he could not face them with the shortage they would find. Hla father, wealthy farmer, baa deposited bis own check In a bank here to cover his son's supposed shortage, with the statement tbat be will make good whatever the shortage may be. GO TO JERUSALEM NEXT TIME Next International Sunday School ton- ventlou to Be Held In Jewish Capital. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19. It was dell nitely decided today at the last session of the central executive committee of the in ter national Sunday school convention to bold the next world's convention at Jerusalem In the month of April, 1904. This decision Is subject to the approval of tba British wing of the organization, but it was said tonight tbat wing will undoubtedly approve the action of the committee. The central executive committee elected Mrs. J. W. Barnes superintendent of pri mary work. of all the Sunday achoola of tha United Slates and Canada. Movemeata of Oreaa Vessels Sept. la, At New York Arrived: La Touralne, from Havre: Lucania, from Liverpool: Co lombia, from Hamburg; Calabria, from uxnoa; lanadlan. from Liverpool. Sailed Cymric, from Liverpool. At Auckland Hailed: Sierra, from San r rani ihco. At Liverpool Arrived: Germanic, from New York; Hanoverian, from Huston. At Havre Arrived: Le Uretugne, from rew jnr. At ijueenstown Arrived: Campania from New York. At Plymouth Arrived: Oraf Waldersee, from Nw ork. At Cherbourg Arrived: Grsf Waldemee fmm Nt York, via Plymouth for Ham burg and irot-et-ried. At bouthampton Arrived: Steamer Boulbwark, lioiu New jura for Antwerp, MERCER WINS IS CITY Eat Hs Lotti in 8ath Omaha aad ths Country Precincts. C0R"0RATI0NS TAKE LIVELY HAND FOR HIM Mercar Monsy Circulates Frsely it Grsa, Big Gb- UNUSUALLY LARGE VOTE CAST IN CITY DsmscraU Jubilata Over Fraspsot sf Euy Mark far Csngmt. COUNTY AND JUDICIAL DELEGATIONS Story of the Stubhnra Political Klaht In All Its Varlona de tails Incidents of the Day. Result of Republican Primaries. Anti Omaha. Mercer. Mercer. Total. First ward ..a 2.M 2 602 Beeond ward ZVS 2TS 613" Third ward St 2V - .170 Fourth wiird 471? :w 79 Fifth ward 34.1 2k Sixth ward 4v9 3n Seventh ward lis MS eighth ward ;i.i 217 W7 Ninth ward 417 ... -447 South Omnha 317 3t7 681 The table here printed shows the result of the republican primary election on con gressional delegations in the city of Omaha. Mercer delegations won out In six of ths city wards, with a friendly delegation In the Sixth masquerading under the Prstt label. Mercer lost out tn two Omaha wards and In South Omaha and In a number of con tested country precincts. The primary fight proved to be one ol the roost hotly waged In the history of Omaba politics. With most favorable weather an unusual large vote was polled and workers arrayed in numbers seldom before seen. The Mercerite program to defeat his thre opposing candidates, Cornish. Pratt and Breen, each In their own ward, was to ths extent successful, slthough In the First ward the Cornish forces were overcome cnlj by the narrow margin of from two to six votes. Corporations Are Active. In every ward Mercerite money flowed like water, while the active bands of tbs railroads, banks and other great corpora tions were plainly In evidence. All ths power of the Mercer-Broatch police board, through use of the police club, was brought In play, moat flagrant Instances occurring In the First and Sixth wards. The contest on county and Judicial dele gates has resulted for the most part tha same as the congressional delegations, al though by different majorities. It was noticeable-Mast night tbat the Ju bilation at the Mercer headquarters was equalled only by the Jubilation of Mr. Hitchcock and his democratic friends, who had been exerting themselves quietly, as far aa possible, to promote Mercer'a nomi nation. Two of the conventlona are scheduled for today, both at Washington ball, tbe congressional convention to be called to order by Chairman Blackburn at 11 o'clock, and the county convention to be called to order by Chairman Goss at 3 o'clock. The Judicial convention will not meet until next week, Saturday. First Ward. The closest contest in the city was In the First ward, and though Mercer money flowed freely, he carried tbe ward fly ma jorities ranging only from two to atx votes. E. A. Willis, the low man on tha Mercer delegation, received 60 votes and the high men on the anti-Mercer delega tion, Hans Bock, Charles Hanley and Sam W. Scott, received 248 votea each. Hug't Bartson and Herman Kountse led tbe Mercer delegation with 2S4 votes each. Several votea were improperly scratched ' and were thrown out. Tbe contest for the county delegation was equally aa bard fought and resulted in a tie between Charles Nelson and R. K. Paxton on tbe Jefferla delegation and Adolph Kreneck on the unpledged delegation, who received 243 votes each. Tbe remainder of tbs Jefferls delegation wers elected by less than ten majority. The Judicial delegation, composed of Frank W. Bandhauer, Bert C, Miner and R. A. Wlllison. were eleoted. Second Ward. In tbe Second ward the antl-Meteer forces elected a straight ticket of dele gates to both congressional and county conventlona by a safe margin. On tbe con' gresstonal ticket the vote for Fred Brun ing, high man on the anti-Mercer aide, waa 9, that for Louis Swoboda, high Mercer man, being 233. On the county ticket S. A. Corneer and Gus Hamel led the anti Mercer vote with 269. while A. C. Harts received 222 aa high Mercerite. There was but one Judicial ticket, that" being' for Troup, and William Nekel was preference for ward assessor. Third Ward. Mercer found very few friends la ths Third ward, where the worklngmen pre dominate, bis ticket having been anowed under by a vote of 282 to $8. There were few spilt tickets, but some of ths voters failed to put any cross opposlts the names of tbe county delegation, which ran eight votes lower than the congressional. The county delegation, which standa for George A. Mead for atate senator, waa elected by a vote of 279 to 84. There was but one Judicial ticket In the ward and tbat received 288 votes. Fourth Ward. There waa an unusually heavy vote In the Fourth ward, where the Mercerltea won out by a vote of 474 for Ourlry, ths high man on the Mercer ticket, to 29$ for Wharton, the high man on tbs opposing ticket. The county delegation, pledged to R. B. Howell for state senator, was elected by a vote of 478 to 290 for tbe delegation that atood for Kaley for county attorney and Tuttle for representative. Tbe Judi cial ticket for J. W. Carr waa also carried through by a large margin. Fifth Ward. A heavy vote was cast in ths Fifth ward, tbe total being 613. Tbe Mercer congres sional ticket won by a vote of M for Mal lory, high man, to 23 for Elllngwocd, who led tbe anti-Mercer delegation. The county delegation for Charles L. Saunders for atate seoator waa elected by an average majority of about 60. and tbe Judicial ticket In structed for George A. Day was successful. Slsth Ward. Tbe police board club wss worked to a perfection In the Sixth ward, all after noon two policemen and frequently more were present Including Captain Hsse and aergesnta. It was apparent from the Brst. that the men wers there for a parpess other