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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1902)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1902. Grand .F OiDeniu INTRODUCES THE GAIETIES AND GLORIES OF AK-SAR-BEN. No store makes more unselfish efforts to please and Visit Our Cafe on the third floor where you will find every thiug in season on our bill of fare cooked by first-class chefs and served by ex perienced waitresses. Mod erate prices. delight Omaha's citizens and visitors than does Bennett's. We solicit a visit from YOU. tractiveness of our goods. Come any day this week tomorrow, next day and every day. dazzling lights, palms, ferns and plants of tropic-like magnificence the entire store adorn. Your trade vye leave to the quality-bargain aN Ak-Sar-Ben colors to the front, Strings of Kauffman's orchestra will render selections from 11 a. m. tomorrow and every day till the close of the carnival. OUR CONVENIENCES for which our store is foremost in the west nre yours. Have .your baggage checked and left witli us your mail addressed to our rnre use our telephones, writing and waiting rooms, information bureau all FHEE. Telegraph, postal and money order station on main floor. No store in the west beats ours in equipments and couuveniemes. GRAND I L I SHOWING MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENf 1(5 Bennett s a 1 x SCARFS In mink, marten, beaver, moufflau, white tblbet, coney, opocaum and aable price up from Furs! Furs!! A Complete New Stock Amounting to Twenty Thousand Dollars. ASTRACHAN CAPE8, up from 13.90 NEAR KEAL CAPES, up from 18.50 WOOL HEAL CAPES at 18.90 HEAVE K CAPES, up from 82.50 NUTRIA JACKETS at 55.00 CLOTH CAPES, fur lined, up from 30.00 ASTRACHAN JACKETS, up from 22.50 NEAR SEAL JACKETS, up from 25. 00 ALASKA SEAL JACKETS, up from 125.00 BOAS in all descriptions of fur. One noted style is a black, 50 inches long, at A BL.OLSE SUIT of fine V enetlan-ehades WOMEN'S HOUSE WRAPPERS New per- of gray and blue handsome 4 4 (( calea all colore, $1.25, 98c CiCk, trimming, at ll.UU ,n,i 0"C A BLOUSE SUIT OF THE NEW CANVAS Saw flawed rlnth In row rr.mhln.tlnn ml. 2.25 fcx. 90c COLLARETTES An Immnnse Eir CLOTH Shades of gray and shades of Una, commencing at, each.... OeO vf blue a regular 120.00 suit, jo QA MUFFS Nearly one hundred styles to ,or 1.00 select from prices from (35.00 to WOME.VS WALKING SUITS New and natty. Special attention Is called to two numbers. One of heavy golf cloth, col- 4 4 Qfl ors tan and gray, at 1 On In the new snow flake -4 A d?V cloth Norfolk style, at ... l4eOU WOMEN'S STREET SUITS We have sot the pace for styles In women' suits dur ing the past season. Many of our best styles are confined strictly to us for Omaha, Council Bluffs, ao there will be no two alike In those cities. We invite inspection of three leaders that are sold at less than tailors' wagea. A JACKET SUIT In fine Cheviot. color black price 1.98 .7.95 GOLF WALKING SKIRTS Every color. every new ahape prices up from , DRESS SKIRTS Serges, Venetians, chevi ots, broadcloths, famines, canvas cloths in fast all kinds all the O 'T'C latest styles prices up from JL J WOMEN'S AND MISSES' JACKETS AND COATS Our stock of these garments con tains ever one thousand pieces In all the very latest styles. Come and see our ex clusive styles in Monte Carlos. Our one long English Postillion styles. We can't enumerate them here. Come and look them over prices are from (75.00 down to CHILDREN'S JACKETS AND CLOAKS From the toddling tot to the smart miss. We can supply them all. Make your price and we can match it up from 3.75 1.95 ors, (1.75, $1.69, $1.38, 93c and 63c. CHILDREN'S WORSTED AND ALL WOOL DRESSES Ages from 3 to 14 years hand some styles prices $3.48, $2.90, A $1.75 and l.UU Other Complete Stocks -Children's Fur Sets Children and women's wool knit goods flan nellette night wear, sateen and silk petti coats of all kinds, silk, wool, flannellette and fancy waists of all kinds. Eiderdown and French flannel klmonas, robes and dressing sacques, -v g up from yUC Infants' and children's bonnets and hoods in wool, angora and silk. If you would see the moat complete stock of ready-to-wear clothing for women and children ever shown In Omaha, visit our second floor. Grand Opening Sale Linen f, Bedding Dept. .48c 10-4 double cotton sheet blankets, heavy fleece, close weave, In grays and white a 65o value opening price, per pair 11-4 large size, heavy double fleeced cotton beet blankets In tans, grays and white worth $1.25 opening price, OQ- per pair VoC 10-4 guaranteed all wool double blankets, heavy, close weave, In gray only worth. $3.75 opening price per pair $-4 heavy bed comforts good quality worth 66c opening prloe each 2.98 ity worth 49c Down Comforts We have lust received a swell line of fine down comforts, made of the finest quality Imported French sateens all very beauti ful colorings and patterns and the highest grade down filling. 8x4 babies slse i jft mm opening price, each 4.3U 0lt)f 6x6 sUes opening q mm m mf price, each Oi I J I JU 6x7 sisee opening Irt CA Q H price, each HJ-dUf O. I O 17-in. wool eiderdown all shades In solid colors for house gowns and bath robes worth $5o a yard opening 4f pric iyc 58-in. heavy loom damask table linen both bleached and unbleached, In nice flower designs worth 35c yard opening price, yard jjG 60-inch loom damask table linen, closely woven, heavy quality a quality that will wear worth 50c yard opening price, 'yard JzJC 6-8 full bleached damask dinner napkins good heavy quality worth aq $1.25 doeen, opening price, doi..V'OC 5-8 slie grass bleached pure Irish linen satin damssk napkins a quality that will polish beautifully and give satisfaction worth $2.60 dozen opening price, dozen 1.89 OUR FALL OPENING STOCK OF LACES AND TRIMMINGS. This includes all the newsst and most fsshlonabls ldess of the French, German and Swiss manufacturers. Appliques, Ren nalssancs, heavy torchans, Jewel passementeries, taffeta appliques, embroidered chiffons, Escurials, beaded and silk gimps, spangled gimps; also a fine line of German and French Valenciennes edges. Insertions snd beading at the lowest prices procurable. OUR FALL OPENING STOCK OF RIBBONS is unsurpassed In the west. TAFFETAS Satin taffetas, moire, gro grain and satins all widths in all the new fall shades, also a full line of the newest fancy ribbons for neck or trimming purposes. FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY We are prepared to show you the finest grades of ladle', misses', boys', children's and Infants' fall and winter underwear and hosiery at prices that stand unequalled. Note a few of our fall opening prices: Children's union suits of good strong wear- Special for boys good heavy fleeced bal- able fleece lined, gray ribbed e ZZr ,r'85a n'rts and drawers ry g- all sizes, at, suit AUW sizes $4 to S4, at, garment jCtD Ladles' union suits, light weight fleece Hosiery at prices that will surprise you. lined. BTsr color. Onedla cut. 1 Children's fleec. lined hose, all full length, at, par suit 69c 15c Children's and misses' wool hose, fine ribbed, grsy ribbed heels and toes sizes 6 to 9 two pairs 25C Ladles' fleeced lined plain, ribbed top black . hose full fashioned shaped feet opening sizes, heavy ribbed, pair .... ribbed, fleeced vests and OCn full shaped-all alzes-opening CT fo . P SflC pants-all sizes, garment sale prlcs-J pairs for tJVJ for www OUR FALL OPENING OF KID GLOVES We nave aelactsd the best makes of kid gloves the French or German markets afford and can offer you all the newest and i latest shades for street and dress wear. Leila Glac. Kid, pair Virginia Glace Kid, pair 1.00 1.50 Sitka Glace kid. heavy and with outside We are sole Omaha agents for all the cele- seams Points da Paris stitching, pair Fancbon suede gloves pair .1.50 1.50 brated makes, including Reynler kid gloves the best of the most celebrated French makes glaoe kid, 2 00 Ws warrant and At every pair of kl 4 gloves sold. Kid gloves bought at our counters repaired free. Cleaning done on short notice. Our First Grand Foil Opening of Swell.Silks nnd Nobby Dress Goods Inrludtn. evervthlna new. nobby and up-to-date. All marked at pricea that ar. bound to sell them quickly. $l-in. drapery silks, plain colors and fancy Persian and oriental colors, SOc to 0e values, at ..,.S5c 14-tn. handsome quality of drapery silks beautiful patterns, light and dark colors Ale values at. yard 55 19-In. Die. 60o quality black taffeta. Open ing sal. price 19c ll-ln. nles Sn Me quality black taffeta. Opening sale price 65c X7.n. ale. fin $1.15 quality black guar anteed taffeta. Opening aale price.. 89c 14-in. nice fin. $1.15 quality black guaran- dark and medium goods In this collec tion worth up to $2.00 a yard all go In the great opening sals price at, yard.. Me 14-ln. best quality Lyons dye China silks, all colors, worth 90c a yard. Opening sal per yard 40c 1$ piece 45-ln. wide black satin face nov elties with neat figures, guaranteed to be 100 piece of fine eolored dress goods al most every make of fashionable goods are in the lot, including tailor suitings Venetian, granites, Armurea, cheviots serges, canvas cloth, camel's hairs, ben riettaa, albatross and zebellnes prices 75c to 90c a yard. All go In our grand onenln Moaday at 48c worth 60o a yard. Opening sal prlc.29e Nw tsllor suitings In plain and fancy 41-in. extra Una heavy quality black chev iot a cood 75c cloth. Opening sals checks 10 styles, C4-in. wide, cheap at SOc. Opening aale price 59c We will have on display all the latest designs and novelties of French importations, hats designed by the famous Parisian milliners as well as exquisite models from our own work room Combination of fur and velvet with leather lace are very effective Panne velvets, chenille mixed with chiffons, soft and delicate shades and tints, blue and green, burnt orange and plum the latest colors SOME OF OUR SPECIALS The Mario w in all colors but black, fine fur felt all trimmed in silk and ornaments worth 200, for Black and colors felt crown, stitched rim, trimmed with quill worth Sl25 59c Children's scratch felt crushes for school soli everywhere at 75c our price 50c The finest hand made black hat, trimmed with silk and feather 2.08 A handsome hat made in black, black and white, white and green, slik velvet, soft shaped crown, chiffon combined with chenille lacing, trimmed with feather effect worth $8-00 anywhere- We offer for opening sale at 5.00 SECOND FLOOR, 69c THE MUSICAL SEASON OPENS fffffilKE"MA5ltAL Musical studios aro opening. Teachers are busy already. Piano sales are enormous. Have you selected a piano out of our brand new fall stock? If not, you cannot afford to delay longer. Believing this fall will be a record-breaker in Nebraska for the sale of pianos, we have taken the precaution to make immense contracts with the several world-renowned piano makers whose products we market. 100 pianos just received, including the new standard of the world. SVlRS POND, LiNDl MAN, STARR, &FRFTT SMITH & BARNES, BOARDMAN & GRAY, and other recognized musical favorites. Pianos will be sold on the fo.OO monthly payment plan, and best of all, on a strictly one price basis. This takes away the risk of buying, as it necessitates the proper grading and the lowest possible price. We guarantee you satisfaction or money refunded. NEW PIANOS FOll RENT One year's rental allowed if purchased. Rent applies on any piano we carry in stock. This, too, on the one price system impossible to take advantage of the amount paid. Do you know that a Paderewski recital at your own home each day free of cost can be had by owning one of the celebra ted CIIAHE & BAKER self piano players? The little giant, endorsed by every one who hears it, and never tires. Durable in the extreme, handsome in design, takes up less room than any other. The Chase & Baker library the largest, containing all the master music as well as the popular and rag-time productions. One price the world over, $250.00; sold on easy payments when desired.- Recitals going on all the time. Have your piano tuned by one of our expert factory workmen. We repair, refinish, move and store pianos. MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT Second Floor. All the popular music of the day, up-to-date with the publishers. 60 per cent off regular price. Shirmer & Wood edition of classical music, 40 per cent off publisher's price. Mandolins, violins, guitars, banjos, accordions, in fact everything musical, to be found in our department. We invite you to call. BENNETT'S GRAND TALL FURNITURE SALES DRESSER (exactly like cut), unmatchable as to general ap pearance, nas a shaped French beveled mirror, size 24x30, serpentine top and top drawers, standards that hold the class are nicely carved, fitted with cast brass handles. This iR a Orand Rapids make and is guaranteedi well worth $22.50 on sale at 14.75 FOLDING SCREEN (like cut), made of golden oak, nicely fininhed, made with three separate folds, panels filled with imitation silk. Size 62 inches high by CO inches wide. Screen well worth 1.40 on sale at 90c . JS ink'- III i f I Mr twiMf i ril'1 fit i -J! it. !" ts4 taflsta. Opanlug sals cries.. Ill Bl-ln. Vsnstlan nice Bo oos worth yards beautiful fancy silks, lights. $U a yard. Opanlng sals pries 9e nri.. 50 62-ln. English atorm serge In navy only. M-iQ. wlds Imported black cheviot camel's $1.00 value special. Opening price.. 73c half flntab a good 11.00 value. Opening Tailor suitings, eitra heavy weight, sult- 50 able lor eKiris or iuii nunc ran do raaT up without lining 68-ln. wide, t col ors 88o sals pries. IRON BED (exactly like cut) massively built throughout, i Continuous post construction, artistically shaped top, latest design in white or green well worth G.00. O QC Sale price O V O In Our Wall Paper Department THIS DEPARTMENT WILL OFFER TO THB VI8ITINO TRADE DURING TH13 WEEK TUB BEST VARlEfT 0? STTLES. COLORS AND PRICES EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS CITT. Torsjga and domestic gtods at Saeh low pricea that It will pay yott to decorate you home this falL A visit to this departmsnt will eonvlnc. you that ws havs by tar the best and moat carefully selected line tt wall paper In the city. Selecting wall paper Is at time an all-day Job as you go from one place to another unable t nd what you want until you come here. If you come to Beonetfi 10 the flrst plsct you will find Just what you want. CENTER TABLE C"ot!fk,out), an excellent piece of furniture; golden oak finish, strong and substantially made, has a large undershelf -size of top, 24x24 inches square, worth $2.50, sale price, 129 DININ.O CIIAIR (like cut), high back, six fancy turned spindles, long solid back posts, cane seat, back nicely carved, made of solid selected oak, brace arms regular 1.75 vajue on sale for Monday and Tuesday at 1.15 ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN THE WALL PAPER LINE Wall Taper up from ' per roll Boom Moulding,, up from dct fret 2c lc l f 1 I i i V t II 1 met? ca T-H&HARNEY.Si2 OMAHA each COUCn (exactly like cut), heavy and very durable, buttoned top or plain, fringed all around, covered in fine velonn good spring. Thtae coucb- were bought at leas than manufac turer's cost and we will put them on sale for Monday and Tuesday only, 3 95