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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1902)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. jj PAGES 13 TO 24 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, AUGUST 17, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Pssrprvni VMf? f rr A fOJO rnirc,,ip rra a a nra r a a r? a ri Hake Ilavdcn Bros' RH ll!S BOUNCE FALL SEASON'S APPROACH Your Headquarters UlMli KiB When taking advantage of the special excursion rates mado by all the railroads to Omaha for the Musical Festival (from Aug. 21etto Sept 17) or when in Omaha at any time make Hayden Bros, your headquarter. Every accommodation free, Your baggage checked free here. Free writing . materials, waiting rooms, etc at your service. Meet your friends atilay den Bros., consider this your store and make youreelf at' home. Any desired information freely given. Ilayden Bros. The opening of the Musical Festival this week, to which all the railroad companies have made 8 Bon. Fall buyers will soon be crowding into Omaha and fall stocks must be ready for them. To DOLLAR'S WORTH OF PRESENT STOCKS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT MARVELOUS RE pecial excursion rates, marks the close of the summer selling sea get ready and make room Ilayden Pros, will close out EVERY DUCTIONS IN PRICE. HAYDEN BROS. HAVE ARRANGED wear garments, furniture, carpets, etc., that will surpass any FOR A GRAND SERIES OF SPECIAL SALES this week on men's clothing, women's ready-to- saies ever oerore attempted and give customers the greatest money-saving chances ever offered, not to be found in any other store, due to the vast quantities and unequalled varieties in all There is a pleasure and advantage in trading at Hayden Bros', lines, making selection easy and satisfactory. You get what you want. New fall dress goods and silks are now being shown in a great profusion of beautiful style s. :sote tue special sales. Keep vour eve on the Darcain room. Agents ror the Butterick patterns. Agents for "araa-Mai," the new all silk lining. nn nv n mm i I V II II I V- I "I - Tho Loading Dress Goods Uouso of tho West B. Priestley's black dress goods made England famous. Lupin's black and colored dress goods made France Frederick Arnold's dress goods has made Germany famous. Wm. F. Reed's landsdown has made America famous. The products of these four great mills have made Ilayden's dress goods stock famous. Every lady in Omaha can see for herself, in our display in the 16th street window, which is only an index of what wt are pre pared to show not only the finest line, but the best quality and greatest variety of waist patterns and dress patterns as well as the grandest variety of piece goods ever shown iu any town twice the size of Omaha, Lupin's and Priestley's voiles, etamines, mistrals, snow flakes, cheviots, coverts and in fact everything which these two great manufacturers have, both In black and colors, are represented in our stock. Besides these, we carry the finest assortment of tailor suitings and light weight goods' made by the American Woolen Co. We have also a large line of hand-embroidered skirt patterns, made by the best manufacturer In Paris, ranging from $25.00 to f 65.00 a pattern. Grand Salo on Ladies' Furnishing and Underwear 1,000 dozen ladles fins lisle thread Hon, drop stitch and plain Mule, la black and fancy colors, worth from 60o to 1. at 16o. J Wo aro closing out our fancy Parasols. In all the newest shades, peau silks and Chilian trimmed, worth up to $5, at 98o. Ladlea Night Gowns, In fine nainsook and long cloths, low necks and elbow sleeves, handsomely trimmed with One laces and embroidery, all finished with hemstltohlng, worth up to 12, closing out at 75c Ladles' 11ns sleeveless or short sleeve Vesta, In fine Richelieu ribbed, worth 19o, at 10c All tho standard Summer Corsets that sold for $1, to close them out, 49c Dr. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, In ventilated and sateen, (1.60 quality, at 11. Great Salo on . Men's Furnishings VERT SPECIAL PRICES FOR MONDAY. Men's 60o and 75o Books at 15o 600 doten men's fins lisle thread Books, la black embroidered and laoe. la all the newest colors, sold everywhere at COo and 760, on sale at 25c , Men's COo and 76o Suspenders at I5o 600 dosen men's fins Suspenders, In all the newest styles, with silk or leather ends, s very pair warranted perfect and to wear one year, on sale at 26c . Men's (1 colored Laundered Shirts, In all - tho newest styles, with separate oollars and culls, also whits, oa sals at 49a. .s Closing Out Salo Monday morning we will put on sale all of our fancy shirt waistlngs, in white, at less than cost. These gooda were sold at 50c, 75c and $1.00 per yard and must be sold in order to make room for our fall stock. ALL WILL GO AT 2c PER YARD. Imported Madras Cloth, regular 76o, for I5e. 8 tin trip madras cloth, regular $1.00 for 25e. Oxford Cheviots, regular (Be, for J8e. THmlttes, Check Nainsook. Open Work, lawns, sold regular at lso to Me, Monday for 11V yard. Whits Lawn. 40 Inches wide, regular (Oo, tor 16s, LJujIh end Sheeting II yards Old Glory Bleached Musila for $1. It yards Diamond Hill Cambric for $L Bleached and Vnbleached Muslin, regular . for 4c 1-4 Unbleached Sheeting, regular lto, for IS s-4 Bleached Bheettng, regular Me, for lto. -4 Bleached Bheettng, regular ISo, tor UVfce. 42-lneh Bleached Pillow Casing, regular UHo. for 10a. 46-Inch Bleached PUlow Casing, regular UVfco, for 11 He. On pair Pillow Cases for l&o. Table Linen 88-lneh Bleached Damask, regular (6c for 19c. 61-inch- Unbleached 'Damask, regular S5c. for UHc 60-Inch Vnbleached Damask, ' regular 60a, for 310. 44-Inch Bleached. Damask, regular too, for 4 Bo. 84-Inch Unbleached Damask, regular 62HC, for 49c Tx-tnea TJnbleaehed Damask, tegular (8o, for 71Vie. 71-lnch Bleached Damask, regular IU for Tltte. Bleached Napkins, regular 76o. for 49c dot. Bleached Napkins, regular (1.(6. for 98c doa, j Bleached and Unbleached Napkins, regu lar 1.6. tor II-4 dos. , 600 Remnants of Table Linen, 14. I, 1 and 1-yard lengths, at one-half price on Monday only. Be sure and come to this grand sale. Carpets on Salo Opening of fall season, grand special tie of carpets and rugs. ill Smyrna rugs, 19. 8. New patters. IHO-t Brussels ran, . New patterns, till Brussels' rugs. Ill 98. till all wool Smyrna rugs, worth $2o.00, Closing out all patterns In stock at (14.98. Tapestry Brussels carpets, all wool faced, good patterns, at 49c lagraln carpets, all wool. 49c up. Good mattings, lOe yard up. Window shades, 19c Flannel Dopt SO different patterns of embroidered Euii to Silsct from, worth up to CQs, at a yard. 48c. I eases U-lnch-wlde shaker flannel, extra heavy, regular 10c. at yard. (Ve. M different patterns extra heavy (4-lncB-wide eutiag ftanaaL jar yard, lOo. Save Your Sight end Honey Don't strain your eyes, but have them fitted with crystal lenses In up-to-date frames. Alumlnold, gold filled or solid gold. Good spectacles. Just what you need, tor sc. No charge for .examination by skillful optician. Gea Spreads ( oases full else, extra heavy fins Mar aellles patterns, croe&at bedspreads, worth ft 60. Mob at $1.60. ( eases full alia heavy fringed bedspreads, nice Marseilles patterns, with corners cut tor Iron beds, worth 11.16, each at (1.69. I cases full else crochet extra heavy bed Breed, regular pries, fl.75, sees, at 11.23. Orsnd Skiving o! Finest Lieu Sillis and Velvets . Fashionable silks for fall, the blues, the jreens the blacks and whites, all here in greatest" pro fusion. Omaha's LEADING SILK DEPARTMENT opens with bigger and better assort ments than ever before. Grand Sale cn Find Colored Taffetas Monday Horning, 25c. From 8:30 until 10 30 o'clock Monday morning we will sell 100 pieces of choice shades taffeta silks in most all colors, worth 50c, 75c and 85c yard, also some shades of the 27-inch wide taffeta worth 98c, for those two hours 25c Monday the lev Waist and Costume Corduroy Goes on Sale. All the leading shades in this most popular fabric, so stylish for separate skirts, jackets or entire costumes, Monday we offer them to you at - 75 pieces of new crepe de chenes, in the new fall shades, both light and dark colors, white, crerne and plain black, pure silk and 27-in. wide, worth $1.00, sale price ....... 98c 69c NEW MOIRE SILKS IN OVER 20 DIFFERENT STYLES Moire taffeta, moire groa grain, moire ve lours, moire Francaisse, moire Pekln, moire refouese, moire antique, 21, 27 and 88-Inch moire. Prices, . 69c, 76c, 98c, (1.25, (1.60, $1.75, (2.00 and , NEW WAIST SILKS In broches, brocades, stripes, plaids and checks, nobby styles for both evening and street wear, some very pretty ones on sale Monday for 2.50 98c MONDAY'S WONDERFUL SALE OF FINE BLACK SILKS Greater bargains were never offered and It's your loss If you fall to attend. BLACK TAFFETA, 18-ln. wide, pure silk, worth 65c on sale Monday a) 1 2W BLACK TAFFETA, 27-In. wide, pure silk, worth $1.26 I "f" on sale Monday ... f J BLACK TAFFETA, 86-In. wide, pure silk. worth $2.00 on sale Monday ......... 1.00 BLACK JAPANESE WASH SILK, 36-inches wide, worth 75o on sale Monday ...... 39c BLACK JAPANESE WASH SILK, S( Inches wide, worth $1.60 on sale Monday BLACK VELVETEEN, oa sale Monday for only ........ ... 69c 25c The new blues and greens are hers for you In the WINSLOW TAFFETA. Hail Orders Filled on 11 Advertised Silks and Velvets with Exception of 2-Hour Sale A Manufacturers Line of Sample Oxfords Will be on sale Monday at about one-third the former price. Women's Oxfords In all kinds of leathers,. patent( calf, patent kid, Tlcl kid and tan vlcl, In welts and turns, former prices $2.50, $3.00 and $3.60, Mon day $1.48. Women's patent -calf colonial, worth $2.60, Monday (1.4$. Misses' patent calf colonial, worth $1.60, Monday. 98c Child's patent calf colonial, worth $1.36, Monday 90o. Child's patent calf strap sandals, worth $1.00, Monday 60c Misses' patent calf stmp sandals, worth $1.60, Monday 90o. Women's doc go la Oxfords and sandals, worth up to $2.00, Monday 79c. Women's, finest quality eUfords, worth up to $4.00, Monday $2.48. Women's hand turned Oxtords, worth up to $3.00, Monday $1.98. Bole agents In Omaha for the Steson and Crossett shoes for men and the Ultra and Brooks Bros.' shoe for women. We also have the largest stock of G rover shoes In the city at from 26c to 60c a pair less than you pay for them elsewhere , Hardware. SiOVcS and llouscfurnishings Special Salo of Pictures and Frames A big and fortunate spot cash purchase of frsmes, on sale this week. This lot in cludes all sizes In the newest and hand somest designs for au purposes. The prices are almost Incredibly low. Come In and see the quality and finish of the frames. Another spot cash purchase of 6,600 pic tures also on sale. A great variety of subjects that will appeal to every Uste and satisfy every need. Pictures worth 20c, xon sale at lo. (6c pictures at 6c. 60c pictures st lOo. 76c pictures at 19c. Very choice pictures worth $1.25, at I9o. Finest pictures In best frames and most desirable subjects, regular $2.60 pictures, sale price, 49o. Come in and have your photographs en larged, free. Closing Hal Salo Closing out men's, boys' and children's straw hats at 10c Men's Pasha, Panama, Vedora and Derby hate. In all colors, at 75c to $3.00. A very special value on sals at $L0. Boys' hats. In all colors. A special pur chase on sale Monday at 60c Tam o' Shauters at 25c to 75c Boys' and men's golf, automobile and yachting caps, with visor, at 25c, (5c, (Oo, 70c and $1.00. A full 11ns of trunks and valises. Come In and ees the WALL' TRUNK, sold ex clusively by Hayden Bros. Wall Paper and Paints A great opportunity to buy wall paper cheap. A positive reduction of 60 per cent n every roll. Best grade of white' blanks at. per roll, Ittc up. . Pine gilt papers at Itio per roll up. All other grade. In proportion. - The best grade of ready-mixed paint on ths market at 98c per gallon equal to any paint sold at $1.60 to $2.00. Varnishes, stains, enamels and brushes at greatly reduced prices, r GASOLINE STOVES AND REFRIGERAT ORS MUST QO. Before removing our gasoline stoves and refrigerators to our warehouse we will make prices so low that It will pay you to buy one for nex season. We don't want to carry one over. In refrigerators we have the Gurney, the Jewell, ths Progress, etc., all first class. In gasoline stoves we have the Insurance, as safs as gas; the National, the Reliable, the Dangler, the Faultless, all first class. . If yon need One we will make prices to suit. PRICES CUT IN TWO. Summer goods must go. Guaranteed hose, 7c Three-piece garden set, 15c Wood frame wringers, $1.19. Three tie brooms, 15c Steel meat saw, 15c. Galvanised boiler. No. 8, 73c Polished. 13-lnch Trays, 7c. Wire photo holders, 7c 22-eallber rifles, 98c, Hardwood hose reels, 49c Screen doors, 66c. Two-foot rules, 6o. Good lawn mower, $2.49. Galvanized tubs, (9c Good shoe brush, 9o. Hardwood - towel rack,' 6a, Crumb tray and scraper, (c Decorated bread box, (9c JUST RECEIVED A OAR OF ELITE AGATE WARE. Something new Green and white outside and white inside The handsomest wars made Come and see It. Every piece guaranteed. If It chips off replace It with new. Every piece perfect. ON 8 ADD MON DAT. x Drapery Clearing Salo Nottingham lace curtains at 76e to $460 a pair, worth $1.60 to $10.00. -Irish point lacs curtains at $2.60 to $5.60 a pair, worth $4.00 to $10.00. 'Brussels nett lace curtains at $2.9$ to $(.00 a pair, worth $3.50 to $12.60. Babblnet ruffled curtains at $1.60 a pair. Ruffled Bwlss curtain at (5o, 76c and 98e a pair. SUkollne at 8c per yard. Remnants of denims, 10c per yard. Sheet Husic Salo Hayden Bros, show tbs only complete as sortment of sheet music, books and folios to select from. A splendid line of popular lata muslo. In cluding nearly all the most desirable hits la coon songs, ballads, two-steps, etc On sale Monday at 16c Call and ask to see this lot D!na Qalg. IUIIW WM w Still Continues The great sensational piano sale Is still on our muslo annex. Everyone Is talk ing about the remarkable low price one can get a good standard piano for at our store. The sale will continue until the grand assortment of bargains are all gone. Think of being able to purchase a piano for about half be price .It costs to manufacture It. Instruments that are manufactured by soma of the largest and most reliable makers In America. Concerns whose repu tation for the manufacture of only high grade Instruments Is a guarantee for qual ity. Every piece and part that enters Into their construction are carefully selected; all wood materials are seasoned and every thing of the highest grade. Those are the kind of pianos that are going In at this sale. Only for the enormous quantity that we purobaaed these beautiful pianos for spot cash, we would not be able to make the great saving of money for you that we do. Don't delay your purchase if you want to save from $100 to $160. If you cannot call on us writs for prices, cata logues and terms. We merely mention a few makes here to let you know handle nothing but standard mates Chlckerlng, Fischer, Decker, Wegman, Krell, Conover, Cable, Haines, Keller, Jacob Doll, Kingsbury and Franklin. Tel. 168S. Hew Drug Prices (l.OOPeruna, genuine $1.00 Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine, best 60c California Syrup of Figs $1.00 Wine of Cardul $1.00 Nutrlant Tonlo $1.00 Kramer's Kidney Curs ...... 1M Peptonic Bitters at ....... ........ . ...63o ...65c ...26o .. .800 ...46o ,.4(o ..49o ...69o .49 China Dept In our south front windows we have on display $10,000 worth of china and glass import samples, the complsts im port sample line from the three largest Importers of New York, vis: Bawo A Bot ter. Hamburger A Co., and Lazarus Ros enfleld Lehmorn. All of these goods will be sold at one-half their import price. On sale next Friday. Read Haydcn's Low Prices on Groceries One-pound can blood red salmon...... to Tall bottles assorted pickles to Root beer extract lOo Jt-ounoe package corn starch 6o Sellycon, per package (Vo Olives, per bottle 9o Can of corn 6c Beans, per can 6c Fresh Rips Peaches, per basket........ 18o Fish Specials Fancy snow wblts codfish (Vie Imported mackerel, each 6c Russian sardines, per pound 12Vio Family whits fish 4Vo Black codfish, each 4Vfcc Blood red Alaska salmon, per pound... 10c Norwayveels, per pound 12Vc Heats Three-pound can pure leaf lard 85o Fresh bologna sausag 4 Vie H-pound cans potted meats..... (Vie n n n nn I'M n 12) OH S)rj YAMA-HAI The new all silk lin ing, in all the new fall shades, at our lining department, 19 inches wide, at 45c a yard. Great 10c Sale In Our Uain Wash Goods Department, Monday 1 lot fancy mercerized chambray, crystal cords, mercerized nov elties, sold up to 35c yard, just the thing for children's school dresses, nhirt waists, etc. Iflsn all to be closed out Monday; at IUC All our fancy printed wash fabrics in dress, shirt waist and kimona styles, all go on sale Monday at Linen colored plain dress swiss, 42-in. wide, good, heer fabric, sold at l"c yard on sale Monday, at yard rercaJes in dark and light styles, Ihe very best make, Puniab wmie mar, urannenDurgs, etc., tlie regular 15c if AUM 10c 10c grades all on sale Monday at (EW FLANNELETTE in the D just in, 100 pieces go on sale Monday at . . I Grand Sale Women's Suits and Shirts Just received from our New York buyer, 400 suits which will go ons sale Monday at prices that will astonish and please you. Tour choice of this splendid lot of line new suits, worth up to (25.00, at , fi Afl only UaUu WE ALSO PLACE! ON SALE: One table ladles' rainy day and drees skirts. worth up to (8.00, 100 ladles rainy day skirts at 200 misses' skirts, all our small lots, odds and ends of the season, worth I flfl .up to (5.00, closing out at IiUU OTHER SPECIAL SALES IN THIS DE PARTMENT. Ladles' light-weight jackets, worth ($6.00, for Children's dresses, worth (2.00, for 100 black peau de sole waists, odd sizes. worth (5.00, on sale Monday at une taDie laoies' colored waists, TC 1100 ladies' worm (1.60, sale price 200 ladles' dress skirts, made of Imported Venetian ladles cloth and silk, worth (18 and (20, sale price, ft PA each . JiQU One table ladles' skirts In new box and side pleating, In gray, black and tan, other houses ask (7.60 and 8.00, Haydena' price 3.90 1.00 2.98 59c 1.98 35c 5.00 rainy day skirts, " made wltV satin bands and several rows of stitching, worth (4. on sale at.... Tour choice of any, wash waist or skirt In the house for...;.... Just received, 60 dozen mercerized waists. worth $1.60, In black only, fct ttaat imi 1.25 1.98 waists, 95c Monday in the Bargain Room Monday everything in wash goods, furnishing goods and In fact everything In sum mer goods will have to go. And we will also place the new line of fall dress goods, silks, flannelettes, challla, French flannels, etc, at prices that are almost Incredible to believe. ' All ths wash goods that sold up as high as 69o and 76o, will go In this sale at 7fto on ons counter On another counter we will place goods worth from 19o to 49e, both colored, plain and white goods, nothing reserved, all will go Monday at a yard 6cts Still another line on another counter, consisting of prints, wash goods, etc, worth from 6ttc to 26c, everything goes at 2V4 a yard. NOTHING RESERVED. Clothing Boys' (1 all wool knee pants at Mo and (5c. Boys' Mo knee pants at 19o a pair. Boys' (2. BO all wool long pants at 95o. Boys' (1.60 wash aulta 1 1 svvw eat i 60c a suit. Men's (2.60. (8.60 and $4.00 all wool panta at (1.25, (1.60 and (1.65 a pair. Boys' (2.60 suits at 66c " Boys' wash pants at 8o and 19c Furnishings Ladles' and children's 26o underwear at 10c I Men's 78o colored laundered shirts at (5c All the men's underwear that sold tor ', 60c, In baTbriggan and fancy colors, sow on sale at 12Vic ! Men's ISo suspenders at 8c Men's 25c string and bow ties at Co. Ladles' 16o stockings at 6c Extra Specials (S-lnch wide Eclipse flannels In the new fall styles, worth 15o per yard, our price Monday will be only lOo a yard. Adellts printed serges, the finest patterns, white wales, made to aell for 19c, our price for Monday will be only 10c , CVso yard wide bleached muslin, only ten yards to a customer, at 8c a yard. 64o yard wide unbleached (LL) muslin, only ten yards to a customer, at yard So. (V&o fancy foulard prints, at 2Ho a yard. Sateen foulards In the most beautiful shades mads, the cloth Is as fine as silk, regular (So grade, on sale Monday at 8c a yard. Special Furniture Sale ViDIWPV W . .......... . ivu can piease . your own Individual taste - from wonderful asortment shown at Hayden Bros. Car loads of furniture from the beet factories In America, made from best selected woods, in handsome, new de signs and unequalled for style and finish. Toa will be astonished at the saving in price in this sale. Two-passenger Lawn Swings, (4.85. Four-passenger Lawn Swings, (5.95. Golden Oak Rocker, like cut, for $195. Ths best Couches In Omaha and ths largest variety to cbooss from, at from IS.UI to (10.60. - The Chiffonier like cut Is extra largs and well made, has five large drawers with locks, 12x20 bevel mirror Hayden's sals pries .85. Special Three-panel Screen, worth $1 15, for 85c A beautiful Combination Bookcase, solid oak, hand carved, beat polish, finest fin ish, worth $18.25, sals price $9.86. i ... " V Vo Have Notions Ladles' belts, worth up to 25c, at lOo and (c. Ladlea' (6e to 60c wash ties at ISc. Embroideries In 6 and (-yard lengths, worth from 15e to 60c per yard- On sals at se, 10c, 16c and lie yard. Monday is Ribbon Day always at Hayden Bros. Bigger and bettef bargains in MONDAY'S SPECIAL 8 A LB. The new novelty wash ribbons, worth I5a per yard, at 16. 26c wash taffeta ribbons at 10c. New fancy ribbons, worth 25c, at to.