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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1902)
14 HIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY. AUGUST 17, 1902. LATE SIMMER rABIIIO. gesso Earlr "all Hints for School lrl mm Matron. NEW YORK, Aug. 15. Some new pln oVrtted wools, not gTeetlr unlike Trench barege, are very prett. With bright or ombrr background, these delicate stufls are ranked among the Drat autumn ma terials, the flexible weaves admitting all the fine tneklag so fhonble this sum mer. Especially are they adapted to school girl wear, sod when combined with narrow ribbon, put on shirred or plain, the effect of them It extremelr girlish. Sometimes B plain color Is used with tbe pot ted ma terial, Ibis put on lu three-Inch bands, solidly stitched with silk matching the dote. A charming school frock for girl of It was In one of these new wools, rert dots on a blue background. The band trimming was of plain red stitched with blue, three rows showing on the fcark of the skirt and some tabbed pierce forming round yoke and ruffs for the blouse bodice. The model of the skirt was very odd. The front breadth was perfectly plain, the back box-pleated from a point Just below the hips. The three bands, which held these down' at the top, were pointed at the ends. Cloth in solid colors Is seen on other school girl frocks, shaping odd collars and cuffs en mottled and checked tweeds. 8carlet Is a 'brilliant' note with many dresses and white gamlBhlnga are more than ever used. A very novel little gown, shown by a shop famous for Juvenile wear, was In brown and white checked tweed, with a white cloth collar and cuff bands. Plain blue.buntlpg realised another neat frock, this one depending almost entirely upon tucking for ornament, while the daintiest novelty cballies were made up to have a fetchlngly French air, . BlMBlllleil . sT4ltlonn, . . . In truth, all of these youthful costumes seemed only simplified editions of adult fineries. The same details distinguish the wear of 14 and 30, both matron and maiden sleeves bulging In great puffs below the elbow; , all the family bodices running to blouse effects, and skirts for all ages bloom ing with middle trimmings, as you night aay. That is, the new Jupe decoration is between the belt and the hem, at the hip quarter or lower down. Only really little girl skirts are trimmed directly at the bottom. Apropos of the blouse bodice. It Is to be more worn than ever, say the big dress makersthe little ones don't count with an Increased exsggeratlon of looseness. "Notice," saya one gifted artist of the needle, "how the French woman's bodice la worn, and dilate on the advantages of a studied carelessness. The true Parisian lwava looks at If her costume were Im promptu, but she displays the art of the great painter In choosing her combination, and especially does the know that easy, uncondnlng bodices make her slimmer and daintier." In descanting against over-elaboration, Felix, that high priest of divine simplici ties, once eald: "Beware of this sin." adding that over-dress promoted, to even the untrained observer, a dryness of effect. Dryer than bleached fishbones, he vowed, was the taste of all the "unfortunate Eng lish." As to the Americana they were bet ter "um-ah-oul" a l...le better, but not yet perfect. Returning to school girls, delightful little tea Jackets are being turned out for mald nt In their teent, the afternoon tiffin being sow a most profitable feature of boarding school life. At these o'clock gatherings, to which on Saturdays come outside guests, plain dark skirts will be begayed by dainty tailed bodlcea In gay silks, with knots of narrow ribbons or velvet, and batiste or chiffon embroideries. The Vassar Jacket. A fetching model In these pretty Jacket walata la called the Vassar. One design la thia waa made in striped Pompadour Ilk. pink and blue against a white background. The shape of the Jacket savored of the late Louis designs, the untrlmmed tails ending, as did the coats of that class, where the vest began. Qathersd flounces of ecru embroidered batiste formed this, a wider embroldcty making the deep collar and frills tor the elbow sleeves. A narrow belt of black ribbon velvet held the walat In . at the back, drooping bows, caught with blue enamel buttona, finishing It at the aides. Thesame 'ornamentation showed above the flounces of the sleeves, and the neck was cut out round and edged with a band of black and ecru embroidery. It silk cannot be afforded the figured tephyr flannels, In delicate tints, will be found very pretty materials tor these tea Jackets. The thin striped ribbons seen on very bargain counter will trim them taste fully, and cheap net laces will mount them to points of astounding glory. For outdoor school petticoats, black brll Uantlne lined with lightweight scarlet flan nel Is a dominant material with winter skirts, which are made In narrow gores and trtmrced at the bottom with corded or tucked flounces. ' Indoor petticoata are better In thinner, anllned textures, and good materlsla for these are the black and colored glorias seen en all sides. Few petticoats are seen with the yokes nee considered essentlil for a trim fit. The tops of all the new ones are gored sharply Into the figure, the front and aldea fitting without a wrinkle; the back breadths are drawn in with ribbons run through shir tings. This may not seem important Infor mation, but upon such trifles hang all the laws of the prophets of Fashion. When you get the petticoat on you will see the value of this small aeed by the wayside, which I trust may not fall on ttony ground. The petticoata gored to the waist hang properly and those' suspended from yokes do not. In the nlghtrobe department pajamas. In olored pongees and tinted flannels, are to be had for glrta of all ages. A daring de parture, maybe, from the aoft traditions of our sea, but since Fashion vows they are Just the thing we must welcome them, I auppose. For young children, and older girls who catch cold easily, they are with not doubt good things, but If the choice kould Involve consumption leave me the Soly "nightie" of my Infancy. Merely to think ot Its possible decline gives one the cold creeps. Urera Padre Away. There hat been a lamentable fall In en thusiasm for the vivid shade ot green so much worn this summer. When the erase first tell upon New York, to satisfy the de mand for veils In thlt color ordinary chiffon, selling by the yard and at ex rbltant prices, waa used for them. Then green vetlt, with blue dote, appeared. Imi tating the plumage of the parrot, these telling anywhere from ft apiece. When all the world waa well greened en thusiasm cooled and prices dropped, till a . week ago a smart veil In this lint could bs had for IT cents. leeterday a dusen bar gain counters were heaped with many pure limp green ghoets Inscribed with ths be littling legend 11 cents! Such Is ths fickleness of Fashion and the unwtadom of the too believing manufacturer. la FarU,, It U said, the curtain veUt IN THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN. with floating scarf enda nt the back never have been much worn. The most modest veils are the merest wispe ot tulle or mallnee net, covering the top of the nose otlly. Often they match the hat and cos tume In color, so that It Is no uncommon thing to see a gracious vision swim to ward you masked with violet, blue or brown. But this Is hardly, for the ordinary mortal, a happy fashion. The white mallne veils, barred with black, are not advised by humane milliners, though every shop In town now shows them. They are very aging, say these charitable ladles, while,' If sufficiently deli cate, the one-color veils are rejuvenating. MARY DEAN. MI3ISTERUO A 3 GEL. The Yoaaar Wife's Nrrs of Sosao Sick Room Lore. At the young wife goes forward on the way ahe haa chraen one will find that no virtue or accomplishment la comparable ta one whose nature ahe has very probably overlooked In earlier days, but which, if she possesses It at the needed time, she finds Invaluable that of making , Illness more bearable to the sufferer and of rob bing It ot as tuch ot tta discomfort aa may be. It la not every one throughout our wide and far country to have at call that ines timable treasure, the high-priced and effi cient nurse, and therefore the more obvious things of her art ought to be at much a requisite of the girl's education as danc ing, and music, the making of desserts, the counting of change and kindred affairs. The wife who, when her husband comet .home flushed and fevered and with an aching head, doea not know enough to give him a hot bath and roll him In blankets and break up hit cold, doea not know enough to be trusted with a husband! But it It not that tort of knowledge, the knowledge of what the ailment It and how to treat it medicinally, that It needed to much as that of what to do after the doctor has come and gone. In order to give the sick peraon all the ease and comfort possi ble. The young wife probably thinks, for Instance, that she knows how to make a bed, till ahe aeea one all wrinkled and rough and disordered with the tossing and turning ,of the Invalid, and learns the mis ery that a loose undersheet Is to one com pelled to lie upon It a doxen hours. She should have been taught that what Is quite sufficient In health an undersheet well tucked In at the head and an upper sheet well tucked In at the foot is vary insuffi cient In illness, and that after the mattress haa been properly dreased with rubber cloth under a toft old blanket the under sheet should be drawn aa tightly at strength and the material will permit and then should be fastened with safety plna beneath the four cornera eo that no wrin kle equal to that of the crumpled rose- leaf should be felt. And thia is only one of the many things of the sort that every wife will find of unspeakable benefit to her and indispensable to the comfort of thos) she loves when they are ill and able to have but little comfort at the beat. No wife or mother, In whatever exalted circumstances she may be, escapes the burden of Illness In her family. If the house Is full ot trained nursea It la her place to overaee them, to visit the sick room, to alt beside the pillow and soothe with her presence and the sense of her love and watchfulness and protecting care, knowing that thia preeence, thia conscious ness of her oversight. Is more to the Invalid than all his drugs or treatment. Sovereign prlnceasea do not disdain the task; some such. Indeed, have been known to take part of the course at a hospital, and aucb a thing la not beneath the at tention of those who have a good deal more time at their disposal than sovereign princesses have. The cleansing from blood, the dressing of cuts and bruises and tores, may not be pleasant to those who have not the love of surgery in them, but the life of another often depends upon knowing Just how to do some of them and similar offices. There Is. In contraat to the alack and Ineffectual effort, a beat way of extract ing a splinter from a chtld't finger, of dot ing a cut for the sticking plaater, of cover ing the broken akin with collodion over the thin layer of absorbent cotton that ehuts it out from poisonous germs, of giving a simple maaaage that shall not rub the recipient the wrong way. There Is more than one wlae person In the world who haa uttered the opinion that no girl should be allowed to become a wife who has not received a short period of Instruction In all thia by the bedsides and In the lecture room of a hospital, for until ahe knows how to care for them In the great essentials of preserving health and making the least-of illness she haa no right to take husbsnd and family In charge. HARRIET PRESCOTT 8POFFORD. IN 141 El OCCTPATIOXt. Have a Clover Wosnaa Bnllt . Blsr Baslaeea. Aa original Idea, la a field which has been essentially feminine since time began, haa been carried out with great suceeea by the little womaa who thought ot It. She la now making a splendid Income and em ploys many giili la a lirjt workroom is the business part ot New York. The Idea was the making ot patterns from which could be cut all the garments one could possibly think of for a baby, or young child. By far the majority of women la thlt country make their children's clothes. and It waa In helping out or supplying In genuity to these that the patterns eemed their popularity. One complete aet con tains thirty-two patterns and comprises everything that could be thought of In a baby'a outfit, from a beautiful christening robe to a cunning little moccaaln. The patterns are tent for the most part through the mall, and many of them to tar-away spots, for the further away from a large city the more difficult It becomes to get ready-made clothing at a reaaonable price for infanta and young children. The correspondence of the firm has been a very Interesting feature of the undertaking. Nearly all the letters have a decided per sonal flavor, aa the fond young mothers can not restrain the expression of their Interest In the particular baby for whom they want patterns. One letter read: "Dear , I have a beautiful big boy, 4 months old. He haa blue eyes and lovely curly hair, and so much of It. My friends all say he looks like me. but I think he Is the picture of his father. I saw your ad In , In which you say you will send patterns for thirty-two pieces. I enclose stamps for the price mentioned, and am very anxious to get the patterns and make my boy some new clothes, at he wears them, out eo fast." Bucta letters are much enjoyed by the recipient, and In tending the patterns the is very apt to congratulate the mother and show appreciation of the superior claims of each baby. Another department of the work, even more original than the actual wearing ap parel of the child, Is a set ot nursery articles, Including even a bath tub. These are In the form ot paper patterns, from which can be cut In suitable materials the various articles mentioned. Patterns for dolls' clothes are also made which delight the heart of the miniature mothers, and toys In the form of stuffed anlmala can be mado at home from the patterna and directions supplied. These Canton flannel pigs and eiderdown sheep ,. h. ma, hv . ntti. ,t,i tnr w small alster or brother, and are very satis- factory toys; at there are no sharp edges or hard surfaces to cut the child, and. also, they cannot be swallowed. The brown velveteen monkey with red velvet cap la particularly fetching and has a long, curly tall, by which he can be dragged about without rending the heart ot the "Pre vention of Cruelty." PLUCKY WOMAN SAVES A TRAIN. Scores of Passensrers Owe Their Lives to Her Coolness. Had it not been for the nerve and cool ness ot Mrs. James Cochrane, wife of a well known lawyer of San Rafael, a acore ot peraons would have been hurled to death on the California Northweatern railway one day last week. To this woman'a courage and presence of mind Is due 'the highest praise. On Friday week a atorm of wind swept over San Rafael. Near the outaklrta ot town and close to the residence of Mrs. Cochrane a huge eucalyptus tree, fully 100 feet In height and two feet In diameter iu Its thickest part, waa blown over so that the heavy portion of Its trunk lay aquarely NO CHALL ' i. . i VASSAR acroat the tracks of the railway. Shortly after S o'clock Mrs. Cochrane, with a team of horses, atarted on a drive Into the country. She passed close to the track In her cTrtle ',he, bl tre ,yl?8 croet the rails. Suddenly the thought struck her that the Uklah express was about due. She looked at her watch and It read 6:10 o'clock. A feeling of dread passed over her aa she realized that the quick moving train with Its long string of pas senger cars was due at 6:15. Hurriedly Jumping from her carriage she ran down the track, hoping to flag the train. Then the full peril of the situation dawned upon her. The tree bad fallen Just at the end of a curve which wound itself about a tall hill. At the beginning of the curve the track emerged from a tunnel and it was evident that the engineer in his cab would not be aware of his danger until he waa right upon It. Mrs. Cochrane confesses that she grew sick with fear and the thought came to her that the engineer, emerging suddenly from the tunnel, would not understand her signals until too latev Then she remembered the telephone, and, turning back, ran over the rough ground toward ber house, where a line waa in stalled. Once the stumbled, but the dis tance waa thort and In less than two min utes she was ringing for the railway depot. Train Despatcber Force answered her message. All that he heard was "tree across trs,ck near the tunnel; hurry; hurry; a train la coming." Outside the station O. E. Glllbride, the baggage master, who Is an expert bicycle rider, waa atandlng. Force called to him the message and with a Jump Oillbrldo had aelxed hit bicycle and waa off. Foroe -threw him a signal flag aa he atarted and yelled a string ot ordera after him at he spurted down the etreet. The distance was only about a mile and the bicyclist rode like the wind. After he had gone a block ho heard the thrill whistle of the coming train at it approached the tunnel. It waa a race of man against train, with a hundred Uvea depending on th. result. Glllbride reached the fallen treu, Jumped from hit bicycle, ran down the track, away to the mouth of the tunnel, and as the engine emerged from darkness flashed his red signal flag before the atartled engineer. The whistles screamed "brakes down" and with the engine shiver ing with the exertion the train came to a atop with the nose of the locomotive's cow catcher scarcely two feet from the fallen tree. Engineer Lewis, his face white from the peril. Jumped from the cab and hurried to the signal man. "It waa a close shave," he gasped, and aa the questioning passengers and Con ductor Crane pressed around him he could only repeat: "It was a close thave, a close shave." Pretty soon a half-hysterical woman came down the track. It was Mrs. Cochrane, and she told of the finding of the danger. Tho crew and passengers thanked her over and ewer again and the Incident was closed. Frills of Fashion. 'Waved bands and lattice effects In lace and strappings trim many summer skirts. Chine silks in pastel shades are made with DAINTY SCHOOL GIRL EFFECTS. TEA JACKET. hip yokes, trimmed with lace Insertions and tucklngs. Fans with a monogram painted In flowers were gifts for the bridesmaids at a reomt wedding, A new tweed suiting has a dark ground with a small knot pattern thrown on of blue and green silk. Fancy slippers become more elaborate and varied all the time. Some girls are em broidering their own dainty footwear Jackets and vests of satin dleplav ribbon embroidery; it is also seen on the collar and re vera of taffeta empire coats. Dainty, thin gowns are or plain silk muslin with white ping-pong dots, their trimming being inlets ot black lace in sertion. Shoes are being made this year of ma terials to match the gown. The favorite colors are deep green, brown, red and navy blue. For automoblllng fancy Cheviot costumes are made to clear the ground and with three circular flounces accompanying a double-breasted Jacket. Replicas of many of the ISM styles appear this season among the gowns, made with the bodices showing long sloping shoulder seams and deep voluminous puffs dropping from the elbow and gathered into a wide curt that is variously decorated. The newest fans are- dainty replicas of antique ones treasured in various museums of art. Some are of silk-wrought gauze with mother-of-pearl sticks, otners are of tinted Bilk showing colored pearl handles with quaint medallions set in little oval frames ot iridescent gems. Belts of cream-white doe skin finished w th buckles of Norwegian silver are worn with costume of white wool. The waiats which complete these gowns are In either Gibson or Norfolk style and the skirt in five-gore fashion with slot-seam finish and seven rows of silk stitching; at the hem. The fashion of fastening a very large bow of ribbon on the, left side of the corsage now seems to be universal. Kiooon three inches wide Is often used in making these big round choux. Roeettes formed of nar rower loops of velvet are Joined by two or three dropping strands of the ribbon. ' For and Abent Women. Princess Charles of Denmark has many charming accomplishments. She Is a good linguist and can speak and write Russian that most difficult language. Miss U. Yone Yanagisawa of Japan la an L. L. B. ot the University of California and an M. D. of the Affiliated Colleges of San Francisco. Sne is four feet ten Inches In height. The city of Bordeaux Is about to honor the memory of Its most famous daughter, Rosa Bonheur. A committee, the chair man of which is Bouguereau, the famous painter, has been formed to lay plans for a fitting monument. Cheong Chuk Kwan, a Chinese woman of wealth and education, is going on a tour of tne world and will be the first Chinese woman who has ever attempted such a venture. She has progressive ideas and is golnj to see what .vmerlca and Europe are like. "If the waters will reduce flesh." Bays a Saratoga letter, "surely there will be ex travagant heralding of the tact from this summer s campaign. I have never seen, even In Cuba, so many fleshy women. The conventional figure the nuvelle forms the straight-front corset has not reached Sara toga, or elHO Dame Fashion haa trotted along so slowly that flesh got in Its work first. Nowadays the very fleshy woman is almost as extinct In cities as the dainty, old-fashioned grandmother. The disappear ance of flesh Is uone by a trick of dressing a very sensible trick snd by the exercise that ha a part of the dally routine of most city women. But here the wom?n sit hour after hour on the piazzas of the hotels, in groups, twos and singly, and listen, to the music, reposeful, getting all there Is In the rest cure, as well as the water cure, and trusting to luck tor the disappearance of abnormal flesh." wire Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares tne system tor the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. -THE BRADriCLO REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. icuoou. CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE I established I S07. Colligi Building, 202 Michigan Blvd., Chicago, III. The lanrest and most complete College of Music and Dramatic Art In America. The Chicago Musical College Building Is the finest structure In existence dtivoted exclu sively to an institution of Its kind. The system of instruction and arrangement of courses represent the result of thirty-six years' experience. The faculty is the strongest ever assembled In auy college of musical learning and uuujuot uuj-uvw uiciuuer. I "in JUL School of Acting, ELOCUTION, Dr. F. Zlegfeld William Castle Rudolph Cans Felix Borowsk.1 m F.dmokd Veronbt the world-famous tenor, who rreo-fed the leading tenor rolps In Saint Saras' Bamson and Delilah and Massenet's Ilerodlade, for the past ore years Instructor of voloe In the National Conservatory of Paris by appointment of the French Government, has been added to the college faculty. 37th SEASON BEGINS SEPTEMBER 8. Now Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free. !... tmmmmmmm tmmmmm m BROWNELL HALL. A well equipped school for girls. Graduates of Vassar college, Rndcllft college, the Women's college of Baltimore, the University of Nebraska, and the University of Chicago, Included in the corps of Instructors for 1WU2-03. Music, art and the modern languages taught by women of extended residence In Kuropean capitals under the instruction of the best masters. Olves good, general education and pre pares for any college open to womsn. Principal's certificate admits to college. Special attention to the development of Individuality and also the development of a sense of social responsibility. Thoroughness Insisted upon as essential to charac ter building. Out-door sports and a large new sunny gymnasium equipped with Swedish apparati.j. Physical training dally under the direction of a professional Instructor. Hanpy home life. Terms moderate. Bend for catalogue. Addreas Miss Macrae, Principal, Omaha. 102 "CMttendenHall." Kearney, Neb. 1902 . Dr. Chittenden will open his new board ing school for girls, to be known as "MAN SION SCHOOL.," Sept. 23. Boys received under 14. For further Information address Chittenden Hall. Kearney, Neb. CHEAP EXCURSIONS VIA FROM OMAHA 1) St. Paul, Minn 9. r0 ll) Minneapolis. Minn 8 60 U) Lake MlnnetoriKa lo a (1 Madison Lake, Minn 7 s U) Watervllle, Minn. lLake Tetonka). 7 w (1) Waseca, Minn 7.6o (I) Duiutb, Mini X3.W ll Winnipeg Manitoba Clear L-ike. Iowa bM Spirit Lake, Iowa.... g.14 (JO Waupaca, Wis 20 95 Milwaukee, Wis ig,-, (i) Ushkosn ia.7j l2 Port Huron, Mich 2J.06 t Buffalo, N. Y u.W t2) Waterloo, Iowa 11.45 (! Chautauqua. Lke Points, N. Y.... 40 i9 Dubuque, Iowa iiuo Rates above named are for round trio tlcketa. (1) Dates ot sale: Aug. 1-lBth, inc.; Sept. 1-luth, incl. Return, Oct. list. On other daya in July and August rate will be one fare plus 12.00. (2) Dates of sale: Until Sept. 80th. Re turn, Oct. 31st. (8) Dates of sale: August 8-7th, Inclusive. Also clccult tours via Duluth or Chlravn and Steamer, via the Great Lakes. Special excursion rates to many other points in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and eastern points. 1 write us wnere you are going and we will be giad to give you full Information. Let us make your Sleeping Car or Steamer reservations In advance. Call at Illinois Central City Ticket Office. No. 1402 Farnam 8treet, or adress, W. it BMIL.L, Diet. Pass. Agt., III. Cent. R. R., Omaha, Neb. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER kR.T. FELIX OOLRALD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAITIFIER. Ktmovei Tsn. PlmplM, FrsckUs. Moth Patch. Rut ana Skin ais rlu, aaa every VUblemlih oa beauty. snd d0s aatec- lloo. It has stood A V. Th yara. ana Is so harmless ws taste It to be sure 't Is properly nuid. Accept 00 counter feit ot slmllei 'name. ur. 1 A. ceyre said to a la. dy of the haul-tea it patient) 1 "As you ladies will use them, I recom mend 'QOURAUD'8 CREAM' as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations. t or sale by all Druggists and Fancy Ooods Dealers In ths U. 8 and Europe. FEHO. T. HOPKIN. Prop'r, 7 Great Jones St., N. T. HAY FEVER The New Invention The M'llsaa Bay Fever Disk Afforils the first and only rational treatment, In exclud ing Irom the nose DL'ST and , POLLEN, the CAUSES of hay Ti fever. -S Equivalent to a sea voyage, ..h Relief immediate. yiSi Endored by the medical pro fession as ine oniy tugicat treatment. The disks are made of soft rubber, are Invlsilla in the nose, self-retaining and al jusll'ig to a nose of any else or shape; and are of no Incon venience to the wearer. Can be breathed through freely. Send for le-pe booklet with full description, report of uniform success last season and letters from relieved suf ferers, officers In th U. S. Hay Fever Association, rail road men, etc. For sale hy aruggisis, or aa dress WILSON HAY FEVEH DISK CO.. '.71 16th St., Denver, Colo. Price, cowplole, Patented Sept 3. ttOL 1 t x 'rx a.? xw 1 f Is to love children, and nr home can te completely happy without them, yet th ordeal throuirh which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mmi I I . Dr. Zlegfeld, Pnu. I School of Optra, Modern Dr. Louis Talk. Hans Von Schiller Bernhard Llstemann S. E. Jacobsohn Herman Devrles Edmond Verg-net Hart Conway, Director School of Acting. I Iowa College, Grlnnell, lowa DAN F. BRADLEY, President. BMh Year Opens September 17th, 10(2. FACULTY of thirty-five; well appointed; LABORATORIES: MUSEUM; LIBRARY of thirty thousand volumes; metre m-i5 Women's GYMNASIUMS; ATHLETIC! FIELD. IOWA COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MUSIC; special course In Organ and Church Music. IOWA COLLEGE ACADEMIC prepares for any college. For Information address, J. H. T. MAIN, Dean of the Faculty. SCHOOL BILLS REDUCED flperln! Information and re he tee on school fees secured tor limited number ot students In each of 1 several hundred schooU of ths hlvheet suodlns, lorntod In all pert of the country :Colleeea, Voune Ladies' Boarding 6rhnols: Military Schools; School or Law, Medicine, DentlttrT, Pharmacy. Bualnene, muelf Art. We InTlte correspond en re from pereon who wish to attend any erhooL or who hav children to educate. Catalogue of any school free. American educational Company, 1 Ucarbars Ml., Chisago. 111. DVORAK Dramatic School EDWA.HD DVORAK. Dreofor. Kimball Hall, 243 Wabasb-av., Chicago. ACTING ELOCUTION PALI. TERM IJEGI.V9 8EJT. , Catalog Mslled Free. American; Klssbell HsIL UVMttjWBDUk Ave., kklcar. st Leasts ScsmI Conservatory tf Steal andlnitl Art in th Weat. F Iftr eminent mutruoiors. ieeoliera training- dept. Many rree A. 1 BlllllU Of llmltMl ataua. Fall term healna Heptember. llaia. Catalosu ewiNixta iWB.1 . 111 i&ut, siieSM. Solid Comfort Speed Safety Scenery 'la. i RDM CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Three Trains Daily Eoqalr. of yostr Maraai Rail rota Ticket Ajeat or writ a CO. A. CULLCN Oso'l Westers Pass'r Agent v, 103 Adams Street, Chicago Every Ycman IStoliisilfSaadShwtsaew . raw 'tti ij I ULosT. but Vnl Mstmt. fort n.LrmlsWl hax. .) fl vv AV lull bertleuiaraaAd Sire-t4cri lav ui am valuable 10 lu'liea. M 4 a V B-l r ft. f, W oom Time B14g.. N. f . T tut bate or HF.RHA A M'tUNktU DRIO CO., Corner sixteenth and Doda streets, Oa&aha .1 m ClTlirTi III HI lmrwiMklt.. L es