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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1902. 1 i Hen's Underwear Sale A Mf spot cash parr a a of mi finest (ummr underwear oa mI Saturday at l-l prtc. On elegant lot of men's underwear, th famous Otis sod Lawrence makes, la Hal thread i. memrstsed fabric. Sea Isles 4 asd Egyptian cotton and balbrlggan. In whit and all color, every vim double-stl'ched. handsoroeir and dependably mado and flnlehod, worth up to fl.00, cm sal at &c. SEX 1TH STREET WINDOW. Saturday in iho Bargain Room Parurdar win ho a a-reat day In tha bargain room. New gorfla win be put out IfUn the different squares at uch a prlc that people will wonder how they can b sold at mrh a low price ' NO DEALERS. PEIJDLEM OR MANUFACTURERS BOLD TO IN THIS ROOM. ( lARtriU.Y THE FOLLOWINO ITEMS: RC WASH GOODS rOR JOT. Flneappla baatete. Sfc- mercerised cham bray. orttd and striped Pw1ss. la wh'te and colora. worth 26c. tn colored ba tiste, with bnrdera an 4 Persian effect. Ja atiiped organdie. Tie and afc French -a-uidfe-e and batlatea. 2f new rraah. ba tiste and orjrsndtea. with lare striped, embroidered Swiss musllna. '-Inch lawn, worth Sc. Irlah. French and fccotch dlm Hle. aatln striped batistes, embroidered linens worth 2tc, Insertion batistes genu ine ST. OALL batistes and organdie tha always sell from c to TSo a yard, plain while organdies, worth lc. plain white malraa worth lc every shade made all the new blacks and while and sliver greys, not a yard worth les than liir and up to Toe a yard, all bo in. Saturday at IUC 10C. ISC AND 2SC WASH OOODS AT IC. Here are l&e and lBc org-andlea, batlatea and dlmltlea, striped dots and lace ef- fecta and everything to make up a flrt class lot or lc and lc goods, all go at one price at. a yard 5c Ladles' and Children's Fur nishings, Underwear and Corsets Ladles' Hale thread combination suit, low neck, knee length, wid umbrella style, lace (rimmed, worth 75c. at S8c Lad lea- Una Hale thread vesta In white and fancy colora, worth J5c. at 15c Ladles' fine knit drawera, umbrella style, lace trimmed, worth 50c, at 25c Ladles' fancy paraaole. plain colora, fancy border or chiffon trimmed, worth $1.50, at Stc. Ladle' fine silk paraaole, In all tbe latest dealgn. worth 12.60 and $3.00, at.... $1.98 Ladles' muslin drawera and gowna. trimmed with lac or embroidery, worth 6Sc, at 4c Ladles' fine nainsook corset cover and drawera, trimmed with floe lace Inser tion and edge, worth 12.00, at 9&c Ladles' fine cambric aklrta, gown and chemises, trimmed with fine lac and em broidery, worth $1.60 to S2.00, at tie Ladles' fins nainsook gowna, low neck and elbow sleeves, trimmed with One Valen ciennes lac acd Insertion and embroid ery edge and Insertion, worth $1.50 to $2 $0, at.i 6c Ladle' straight front batiste corsets at 4 Jo Dr. Warner's rust-proof tape girdles for ladlea and misses. $1.00 quality, at.. ..Sic The H. at W. shirt walat dlatender 60c La Grecque belt coraet and tbe Nemo self reducing, for stout figures, at $2.50 Ladles' 25c faat black and fancy colored atocklnga at 12Vie Ladlea' 60c On lisle thread stocking in black and fancy colors, at 25c Children's' Shawknlt stockings at the s Boys' white and colored laundered shirt walata, regular $1.00 value, at 49c Bojre' BOc colored walat at 25c Boys' 25c atocklnga In all alios at HHo When Tired of Shopping Get a FREE Ct'P of our delicious cocoa and a tasty, fresh cracker at our demon stration. Wa are introducing our ele gant cocoa and cbocolat and pur fresh crackers. GOOD FOR RAISE OF MILLION 80 B7 Cuairman Hofeldt of Fit Publio Serrioa Corporation. WmCIPATING NEXT COUNTY ASSESSMENT Chairman Say City Assessment Far- lakes Good Baal for Flssarlag , Oat Some Cownty Valaa. tiea Tata Year. The members of the Board of County Commissioner ar anticipating an Intereat lng session when they convene as a board of equalisation next Tueaday, for they have about made up their mlnda that th assess ment of the franchla corporation and other big business concern will have to b elevated to meet th demand of a pub lie clamoring for equal taxation. The book of th various ward and erectnet as sessor will be turned In next Mondsy and Tuesday and there 1. no reason to expect ,tB-, wlU com any nearer to doing ttlr duty this year than they hav in past year. Nothing mor than a copy or th preceding year assessment roll, wttfc oaly th chaogea made absolutely neces ry by th transfer of property, ar ex Pjscted from th ward and precinct official. Therefor th county board ex pact a to hav , U raising of valuatlona left to it when It convene a a board of equalisation. Fter Hofeldt, chlrmn of th board. UA-i k- ' t orer 11.. M.OOfl oaa be mad on th Item of fran to corporation alos. without requiring urthr evidence than th assessment of these companies recently mad by th ty board of equalisation. Take CtaMIn Fta-are. Tour of these companies," says Mr Hofeldt. 'eompromlaed their assessments with th city board and th other wa assessed after it took the opportunity offered to produce evidence to show th actual eaeh value of its personal prop erty. Under the clrcumetaac I think It la fair to presum that the com pan lea tACltly admit that their aaaaaaments as Anally fixed by the city board represeat 40 Pr eeat of the flr cash value of their property within the city limit. ' -Now." continued tbe chairman. lf w make a conservative estimate of the value af the property omalde the city limit and within 'he county and add it to th fair ea value of th property wlthta th city w can easily get at th value of the prop. rty In the county. The all wo hav to d Hot or Cold Malt-Not. tli food dainty, can b served direct from tbe package with half milk or cream or hot by ! oooklof three minutes making a very delicious hot breakfast food. It rontalus th brain and muacl 1 vpropenie of wheat, scientifically prepared and malted and the fat ' and tissue elf m"nt of nut oils. ! Tbs perfect food for tha Invalid ! wbo would regain strength an j tha robust, who would remain strong. I 10C CORDED DIMITIES AT 3C. U.OOO )-arda of fine corded dlmltlea In all the colors of the hlgh-prloed goods and guaranteed by the mill to be fast 4!M colors, at a yard -3G 10C. ISC AND 19C OOODS AT 2vC. On on large square we will place Scotch lawna. fan colors, K-lnch, moire skirt ing, worth lc. 10. 000 Tarda of ahlrtlng print a. si-mcn linings, an colors worth le, all go at, a yard ....... v EXTRA SPECIALS. 1V duck. Wo London piques. 15 skirting and other goods worth up to 25c a yard, at a yard 2c creth ..5c HAMMOCKS. The largest line of hammocks In Omaha at the lowest prices. Price range from bOc to .00 each. CROQUET SETS. Croquet seta of every description, with 4 balls balls and balls, both amateur and professional, ranging In prloa from ttc to S5.U0 a oet. Continuation of the Great Cleiriai SiU Sale for Saturday $1.00 yard-wide black pure silk taffeta... 50c $L00 40-Inch black grenadines at only... 50c Fine colored taEetaa, 27-iacbea and extra heavy 6c Big lot of plain ellfes, all color 25c Foularda, in cboiccat style, only 23e 3-lnch black Habutla waah ailk, $1.60 grade. at ?5c New corded taffetas in pretty effect, blacks, whites and all colors, worth $1.25, for.. tic We cell tbe very beat Foulards in tbe mar ket, including the choicest deaigoa and colorings, worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.35. for : 75c WE KNOW WINSLOW TAFFETA WEARS GOOD, TOU KNOW IT WEARS GOOD, everybody knowa it wears good, and whjr take chances in buying a taffeta you knew nothing about WINSLOW IB 17 INCHES WIDE and $1.00 Furnishing Goods Ladles' (5e underwear, in vests and pants and also union suits, ICIa on sale at IUC Children's ISC underwear, in vests in. and pants, at IUC Ladlea' and children's fast black, full seamless stockings, CM at a pair Qw Ladles' 10c handkerchiefs, in white and with fancy borders, sl at AC Ladies' 25c fast black and fancy colored stockings at Ladlea' ffite corsets, in all alxea, at 10c 19c Ladlea' corset, worth up to $1.00, 3Q Men 60c underwear. In plain and IQm fancy colors, all alses, at 196 Men's 7&c colored laundered shirts, qn. with separate collars, at sfv Men's 25c suspenders, in all styles, 10 1 at u Boy' 75c sweaters, at , ..25c I to tak one-sixth of the total, which is tbe accepted basis tor county assessments, and we have th proper figure tor our roll. In tbla way wa will be able to in crease the county asaeasment by over $1,. 000,000 on the water, gaa, atreet railway, electric light and telephone companies alone." Bow It Flswres Oat. The persons! property of the atreet rail way company ana assessed by tbe city at $1,300,000, which on a 40 per rent basis would make tbe actual value of the prop erty In the city $3,250,000. Tax Commie loner Fleming ssys thst at least 10 per cent of this total should be added to rep. resent the value of the company's prop erty outside the city end within the county, making a total of $3,575,000 as a basis for the county assessment. One-sixth of $$. 675.000 la $595 633. while tbe county as sessment against the street railway corn pat. laat year waa only $114,510.- lu the case of the gaa company Tax Commlsaloaer Fleming says that, consider ing tbe evidence gives by th ga company officials themselves at the recent hearing. It would be fslr to add $350,000 to represent the value of that concern's property out side of th city and within th county. A to the water company the tax commis sioner say ther Is evidence on record to warrant adding 60 per cent to the city's valuation or that property to represent the company's Interest la Florence, South Omaha and ether part of th county. Ha think 10 per cent ought to be added to the telephone company city asaeasment and perhaps nothing to that of the electric light company in making up the county as sessmsat. Table Telia the Story. Taking the tax commissioner's estimates of the additions that should be made for property outside tbe city limits Chair man Hofeldt' achem for lncreaaing th county roll mor than $1,000,004 would work out a shows la th following table: Add for Fair Outside City Cash City ., An m t. Value Val t n. Railway Co $ $j.25o.uu0 $ Gaa Co 77a.wiO 1.137. 5t0 IVV0 0 Water Co aMV.mO 2.1.0CO L0tt6 Electric Co ITi.tmo 337. 5.16 Telephone Co .... K7 .7o0 Taklsg city asaeasment a representing 40 per ceil ct fair cash vaiue. Fair Cash One-sixth 11 Value In of Fair County - Douglas Co. Value. Am m l Railway Co li E.T5 ) $;, 8 3 n 5:0 Oaa Co 2 fcrf.OuO 97.33 hu Water Co .li7.a. 63i.1!j 1H3.H10 Electric Co. S37.5n) 56.2M !7tj Telephone Co 371.250 l.tS 29.13 One-eiath fair caah vaiue a based on cut assessment $1,(43,0:4 Total of county assessments of flv companies last year 454.33 Possible Increase u ! &S6 Thi Klag'e Corwaattoa. Ts king' coronation, th grandest and moet costly function of modern times, will be attended by peopl from all over the world, many of whom will take th ocean yag a a mean of Improving their health. Many others, however, cannot af ford aa ocean trip, but they can recover their health if they will us Hosteller's Stomach Bitter, th celebrated remedy for all tomacB sad liver complaint. It will cur indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation aad bilonsna. Be sur to try It. Oaiy a fciaaJl atlas. HAMMONTON. M. J.. June l-Th sensa tional reports sent out trom here last night t th effect thst this city waa almost wiped out by tire ar practically baseless. About 6 o'clock last night a Ar broke out la the Store and dwelling of Joseph C. Johi.aon and th ax taut of the damage waa the demructlon f that building. At no tlm wa there any danger of the town being dutroyed. Loss between ROuO end $i.u. Publish your legal notice la Tb Weakly Be. IlesM lit. . , . iwmi w Materials left on roof by electrical workers washed into the water escape pipes, clogged them and forced floods of water back under the roof over the stock room and damaged great quantities of notions, furnishing goods, carpets, shoes, etc. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING. No time to quote prices. Goods almost given away. Watch Sunday papers for full particulars. Come Saturday and see the bargains. Extra la xnea's. womea's. Urn's Vict Kid Bala $2.50 and $S.OO Men'a Box Calf Bala, $2 50 and $3.00 Men'a Veloura Calf Bal etore $2 50 and '$3.00 Women a Pat. Kid Lace, a regular $2 shoe.. Women's Vlcl Kid Lac, a regular $3 shoe . Women's Pat. Calf Lace, a regular $3 shoe. Men Vicl Kid Southern Tie, solid comfort Men's Vlcl Kid Oxfords, welt sole, worth $3 50 Women's Oxfrrds. tan and black worth $3.50 Women's Patent Calf Colonial, with buckle, worth up to $2.50 Women's Fine Hand Turned Oxfords, 20 styles, worth $2.50 Misses' Patent Calf &:rap Elippera 12 to 2. or til $1.50 (I Waists, Suits, Skirts and Wrapper Sale A special purchase of 500 dozen ladlea' waists and 475 dozen ladies' wrappers placed on our counter at less thsn the cost of the material. 100 dozen ladles' fine waltta In colors and white, worth up to $6. at. each.... $2.68 70 dozen ladlea' colored waists, worth $3.50, at $180 100 dozen ladles' walata, worth I? 50, at, each $100 50 dozen ladlea' fine wash waletg, made of good materials,' worth $2, at 64c 50 dozen waists, worth up to $1.50, at. .45c 45 dozen ladies' wash waleta, worth up to $1, 'at 25c 25 dozen ladles' walata at 10c More wrappers than all the housea In Omaha combined. Lot 1 20 dox. wrappera at 25c Lot 2 25 doz. ladlea' wrappers, aeparate waist lining, ruffle over shoulder, In blue oalr, at 45c Lot 3100 doz. ladles' wrappera. made of extra quality percale, worth $1.75, for $1.00 100 ladle' wash suits, worth $2. for.. $1.25 Wash skirts made of crash, duck, pique and linen, worth up to $2, at .each $1.00 fin II AYDEN S STOCK GETS SOAKED Hain Does $25,000 Damage to Goods in Big Department Store. DRAIN SPOUTS CLOG DURING DOWNPOUR Stockroom on Top Floor Twraod Into Lake by Water Which Galaa Admlssloa Through the Roof. Fully $25,000 damage from water was sus tained st Haydec Bros.' stors during tbe fierce rsln of Thursdsy night. Loose pieces or board which had been left on the flat root were washed by the flood into tbe es capes to tbe mater spouts, which were thus quickly clogged. Having no other mean, of exit the wa'.er beat back under tbe roof from the eecapes st tbe edges, going in be tween tbe roof scd tbe celling next it. an I it soon broke through the plastering, flood ing the top floor Inches deep. The top floor is tbe stock room and the trouble occurred directly over thst portion fronting oa Sixteenth street gives over to shoes and uotions and furnishing. Damage aggregating easily $15,000 was done here, a immense new stock had Juat been re ceived and almost everything was wet down, cardboard boxes being soaked to a pulp. Below the stock, room on the third floor la tbe carpet and drapery department, and here, too, great damage was done. AH the fin oriental stuffs and roll after roll of carpeting was wetted. There the water atopped. not getting through the second floor. Th trouble was discovered aooa after tbe pelting rain began 1st in th after noon, and at 6; 45 fifty men were working frantically to check tb damage. Thirty huge tub and fifty 'bucketa and scoop hovel were hurried to the stock room, where the water was scooped from tbe floor and thrown from the windows by tub fuls. Meanwhile other men were cover ing the sucks of goods with oilcloth sheets, and when meat of the water had been taken from tb floor the rest was sopped up with mops and sponges. When this work wss done the force was reduced, but Ave men worked all night at the task. Friday morning a score or so of employee was at work segregating the soaked goods. Tards and yaros of lacea, ribbona and scores of boxes of handker chiefs and underwear, besides art goods snd toilet srtlcles and other thinga innu merable were In the Hat. Tbe roof Itself did not leak, aa it was fully repaired two months' sgo. and th roofers assert that at the time they re moved every piece of aocd and foreign matter up there, ao tbey are not to blame. Proprietors of tbe store, therefore, think that airing crews of some of the vsrlous electric connection concerns left their sswed ends lying around on the gravel, and a damage auit may result, if the fault can be placed. Representatives of th Nebraska Tele phone company visited the place yester day and abowed tneat they had no wire airoaa that part of th roof, and o would never have cause to put workmen ther. DAMAGE DONEJJY THE DELUGE Thareday Sight' llala Give Soma Repair Work to tb Street Gavaar. Tb street department wa busy yeater. day repairing tht havoc wrought by Thurs day sight' atorm. On Oak street, between Eighth and Ninth ther wa a laadalld same Urns during th sight, which swept Special Saturday misses and children' Shoes, Slippers iiar 1 q Child's to II1,. iu in every store t a. sold in every j 1.96 2.00 2.50 1.48 1.50 2.00 80c Women's for Grand Ribbon Sale There la no limit to the prices we will make on ribbons. Saturday la known all over the three cities as Ribbon Day at Hardens', and tomorrow will It ad and sur paea them all. There will be five lota at five different rices. 2HC IV. 10c, 15c and 25c per yard. FIRST LOT Containing a lot of all-Bilk ribbons, worth up to 15c, go at 2c SECOND LOT Containing a lot of fine silk and satin, worth 10c to 20c, go at, yard 4'uc THIRD LOT Containing the finest kind of new wash taffeta ribbons, in wide widths, and wide fancy ribbons, worth 25c and 85c, go at. yard 10s I FOURTH LOT Containing extra wide ALL SILK warb ribbon and fancy satin taffeta ribbons, worth 35c to 50c, go at 15c FIFTH LOT Containing the widest plain and extra heavy fancy ribbons, worth up to 75c, go at, per yard 25c GRAND PEARL BUTTON SALE. The finest kind of the new fashionable pearl dress buttona only 10c dozen. Y way about one-half of the driveway and undermined the sidewalk so thst It sags seversl feet. From Twentieth street, between Cas and Dodge, the rain washed out about eighteen wagonloada of old cedar block nd these ar now heaped up In depres sions anywhere within a radius or three blocks or their original position. In many cases tbey have stopped tbe sewer gates. causing the water to back up and create large ponda. ELECT EIGHT 0FHIGH SCHOOL Hoaior Decided by Jaigss Who Pick Valedictorian and Salataterlan for the Class. The Judges have spoxen. and to the 117 sweet girl and brave young man grad uates or the class or '02 are known the names or the Mystic Eight. The prelimi naries were held Thursday afternoon in a study room of the High school building. Esch or tbe sixteen honor pupils did ad mirably, and the Judges. Judge J. H. Macomber, C. O. McDonald and E. J. Bod well, had to split halra in order to deter mine th personnel ot the Exalted Council. It include two boys and six girls, as fol lows: Alia Hukill, oration, "Does it PsyT"; William Phelps, oration, "Our Neighbors;" Minnie Hlller, orstlon. 'What 6hall We Do with Her?": Watson B. Smith, oration, America's Opportunity;" Laura Congdou, True Womanhood;" Ms King, essay, 'Orators and Oratory;" Ruth Hsmmand. oration, ''The Twentieth Century Knight;" Lillian Dickinson, oration. "Th Young Ne gro a Factor of tha Future." Miss Hukill will be the valedictorian and Mr. Phelps tbe salutatorlan. they having received the highest marka by the 4udgea. The remaining six were not graded. Mlsa Dickinson will repreaent tha colored race la the claaa. Too Great ftlak. In almost every neighborhood someone bss died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. A re liable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand. Tbe risk is too great for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has un doubtedly saved the lives of more people snd relieved more psin and suffering than any ether medicine in use. It can always be depended upon. A Place to Spend the Samsner. Oa th line of the Milwauke railway in Wisconsin. Minnesota and Iowa are some of the most beautiful placea in tbe world to spend a summer vscstlon, camping out or at tbe elegant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful lakes and stream and cool weather. Okobojl la tb nearest of these resorts, but ail are easily reached from Omaha, and tbe round trip ratea this summer are lower thsn ever before. Full information on application. F. A. NASH. General Weatern Agent C, M. at St. P. Ry.. 1504 Farnam St., Omaha. Low Raise Cast and Northwest. To ao many points it would tak an en tire page to enumerate them. SPECIALS fit 15 Chlcag and return. Jua IS. 17, 21. 22. 40 St. Paul and return, June 1 to It. tl.75 Boston and return, June 11. 12, 11 20 25 Deadwood and return, June 1 to 21 Plea writ or call City Office. 1401-140$ Farnam Bu Ta Ner It wester a Line." Shoe Sale. and Oxfords. Patent Calf Strap Slippers 75c worth $125 Child's Pstent Calf Strap Slippers 5 to St, worth $1.00 , The Grover Oxford, for tender feet for Men'a Linen Shoes, the $1.60 kind, for Women's Linen Oxfords, the $1.50 kind, for Women's Kid ColonUl Patent Calf Quar ters, worth $1Z5 Touth'a Kid Shoes, worth $1.26 for 60c 2.50 1.00 90c 75c 85c 25c Serge Sllprers, worth 50c We are aole egents In Omaha for the celebrated ! Stetson and Crossett shoe for men and the Ultra j and Crook's Bros.' for women. Optical Department. If you have trouble with your eyes, con sult our optician. All klnda of glasses fitted correctly at tha lowest nnitsihl nrlrea Tn.r otim..- anteed gold filled frames, $3.50 values at $1.59. China Department Fine crystal fire polish cream set confut ing of sucar bowl, cream pitcher, spoon holder and butter dish, 15c per aet. Handled sherbet cupa 4e Dec. cups and saucers. Sow colors, eacb,2Hc Wine glassea 2c Crystal fruit or sauce dlshea lc Decorated toilet aets $1.29 Olive dlshea pickle dlshea, mugs. Jelly plates. gcblets. tumblers, gelettne moulds, vases,. These are all in beauti ful cryatal. Your choice 3c TWO JOHNS GET IN A RUMPUS Yeiser and Cithers Mix Things in Judge Estelle's Court. COURT ADJOURNS TO PERMIT FIGHT War of Words Lead to Something; Warmer, bat Xo Certons Dam ns to Either Lawyer Besnlts. The Hon. John O. Telser, who is light enough to rest comfortably on the head of a populist ticket, and th Hon. John T. Cathers. who la heavy enough to make a proper tall tor any kind of a democratic kite, have clashed in Judge Estelle's court and both survive to tell the story although they are not telling It. There waa no blood wasted, and although the blind goddess was given sn awful shock for a few momenta, she Is again able to alt up and eat a cracker. It bappens that the Hon. John O. and the ,Hon. John T. are opposing lawyer In a esse on trial before Judge Estelle. and as it is a suit in which the Hon. John T 1 attempting to collect feea for professional services, and tbe Hon. John O. is endeav or leg to show that tbe aald professional services were not up to tbe standard plans and specifications, there are moments when tbe atmosphere In the court room take on a tinge of the Martinique quality. When the Hon. John O. got the Hon. John T. on tbe witneas stsnd and began to Intimate by hi questions thst tbe Hon. John T. "as a matter ot fact" didn't knew j this snd thst sbout the legal services for which he wss trying to collect, the Hon. John T. began to show signs of sa erup tion by answering the Hon. John O's. ques tions before they wer completed and put ting all kinds of hot ashes and blistering words in his snswers. Her They Sign Article. "New, you look here, exclaimed the Hoa. John O, finally. "I doa't want any mor of your sarcasm! t'nderatand that, don't you!" "And I don't want any mor of your smartness!" retorted the Hoa. Johs T. "un derstand that, don't you!" Both understood, snd In their under standing they wer not alone. Judg Es telle, being a pretty good underatander himself, waa in with the game, and it didn't take him any longer than th law allows to sdjourn court and sav th blind goddeaa the humiliation of standing sponscr for th Impending trouble. "Tbe Jury 1 excuaed for th present. esid th Judge, "court I not In session snd any further eulphurte remarks these law ye re bav to mska will have to be mad a Individual and sot as office rs of tb court." And with s "sic 'em" th court stepped down off th bench and hied itself to the outer sir. The Hoa. Joha T. kept his position in th witness chair, becsuae. sppsrently, h had a better foot-reach from Ha elevated plat, form than be would bar had on the lvt with th Hon. Jobs O. A oon as th court had cleared tb port th reel troubl began. Tbe Hon. John O. remarked that he had read all about Mount Pelee and didn't car a continental if th Hoa. Joha T.v was as big as that very warm wart oa ths earth; be wouldn't tak any "aa from blm "nohow." Other . remark fol lowed, but they will never b printed. Her th Troabl Hsistsi. Finally th Hon. John T. let hi tongu reat and brought hi foot lalo action. It wa th right foot and as it shot out from th wltnes ataad It cam in direct-contact with th solar jylexl f tb Hen. Joha O Furnituro Unparalleled Furniture Selling Clothing Mslt our boys' clothing department in the bargain room. It la one of the most pop ular departments In Omaha and the bova' suits and pants will be on sale at the most ridlculoue low price, never before beard of. The boys' wash panta. worth up to Sfc a win pe put on aaie 9c Boys' wash pants, worth up to 60c. will be cm sale at a m. pair IUC Tbe boys' wash suite, worth ud to $2.0". on Mie a i, a sun, sue, &c a nd Boys' long pant eulta, worth $2.00, on Bale at. a eull Boys' all wool long pants, worth $3.00, at, a pair Boya' ail wool pants, worth 75c. at. a rair Boys' all wool panta. with double seat end kneea. worth up to $1.00. on sale nr. at. a pair. 0c and 036 Boys' all wool suits, worth up to AC. 15 00. on sale at II. Ci. 11.26 and 9 36 ATTEND OUR FAMOUS THIRTY MINUTE SALES- FROM lO TO 1U30 A. M. We will sell yard-wide unbleached LL. mua lin, the best made, only 10 yarda 9l to a customer, at a yard 'C FROM 3 TO 8t30 P. M. We will give one of our famous short length sales of dimities, batistes and or gandies, worth trom 19 to 39c a vard, only 10 yards to a customer, 91 M at a yard (G FROM 8iSO TO 9 P. M. We will sell Hill muslin, the best that is made, worth PWc a yard. It Is a little finer and heavier than Lonsdale, only 10 yaras to a customer, at a yard 4ic New Line of Hats Fine derby In high and low crown silk binding and patent sweat psds in brown or black at $100, $1.60, $2.00. $2.50 and $100. The swollen soft hat of th season is th Panama. We have it in all colors large and small block to sell at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. $2.00 and $2.60. ( The new line of Fedora and Pashaa of which we made mention last week have arrived and are certainly th best we ever showed: all prices, 75c, $100, $1.28, $1.60, $2.00 and $2.60. Men's and boys' caps, all colors, 25c and 60c. Men'a straw hats at 25c, 60c, 75c and $1.00. Men's swell straw Panamas st $2.60. Children's straw hats in all shapes and colors at 10c, 25c, S5c, 40c, 46e and 60c. This seemed to be a more effective way of arguing the point, and ao the Hon. Joha O. essayed to cot In with hia fists, but, slas, his reach was short and betor h could make a landing an Interested by. stsnder called tlm on th bout. An bour or so later tb Hon. John O. and the Hon. John T. shook hands, called In the court and proceeded with tb trial oa peaceable terms. HIGH SCHOOL CADET DRILL Competition for Prise Banner Will Be Held at Ames Avcaae Park Tnesday Bvoala.. Tb competitive drill or the six High School Cadet companies, which waa to have been given at Ame Avenue park Fri day evening, has been postponed on account of tbe rain to next Tuesday evening, June 10. It was round thst water wa stand ing on the grounds in large pools yesterday morning, making it more suitable for a regatta than for evolution of infantry. Th rules governing the drill will be similar to those of a ysr ago. At that tlm D company waa the winner, and It Is alleged that that body still hss several buckets of acid-proof paint with which to decorst tbe town In cas victory again perches on Its banner. Seversl of th other companies have taken up chemistry sine than, however, and hav learned how to make It. The Judge will be three regular army officer who hav aerved In the Philippines, These companies will compete: Com pany A, Watson Smith, captain; B. Howard Barrett, captain; C. Alfred Gordon, cap tain; D, Harry Kelly, captain; E, Will Coryell, captain, and F, Jack Moraman, cap. tain. Cakewalk at Maaawa. Tb nrlx Cakewalk at Laka Umm on Saturday evening promises to b th greatest drawing card ao far this inun It is open to all-comers and will b par. tlclpated la by tb twenty Georgia ren aders aa well. There are two prise for Drat couple; a gold beaded cane and a beautiful cold handled umbralla SAW n exhibition In Harden Bros.' Sixteenth atreet now window. Balduff Is making a hugs oak for tb second best couple. Those desirous of competing may apply to th superintendent oa ths grounds. Covatts concert Dana win also give concerts, both arternoea and evening. Th balloon as censions will tak Disc at tha usus.1 .. In addition t all th regular attractioa. III (Iff ARE YOU A FISHERMAN ? If so, before making any plans for your summer fishing trip, you should write or call on us for Information pertaining to th Lake of Minnesota. Ther ar ten thousand lakes In th Minnesota, which ar filled with Baa. Pickerel. Crapple. Muskalonge, etc. Remarkably low round trip tickets with long limit, will b oa aal all summer. - Information ragaroin g fishing teworts, hotol rate, aad round trip tic kets will b cheerfully furnished by. W. H. BRILL, . 1402 Fa rasa St ftfct rats. Aft HI Ccst L I. W hve eold more furniture during th past lew aays man any otner tlm during our history. Th reason being w are leaving nothing undone to make the prices lower than ever. Several carload arrived late in the aeasoa and w had to mark the goods low, far lower than usual, and we advise you to come here at once, and to come now. This is the Furniture Oppor tunity of a Life Time. This la on of our bargain. This ele gant chair la finely finished, ha a hand aotnely carved bark, burned prats and sad dle seat, with brace arms. A chair that eella the world over for $1.50, and our price now t only 5c, and remember, just like rut. Come and see us. we want to figure with you. Win you Dot lake tlm to come here before you buy. We can make Ton the prices. 3-plsce bed room suite for $11 0 Extension table, 42x1? top IS $5 Can aeat, brace arm chair TSe Elegant couch, full spring edge $1.71 3-piece mahogany suite for the parlor. $10 RS Large arm rocker, cane aeat ..$1.M Lean aeat 5e Lawn rocker 75 W lead th world Is frame-making. Bring your plcturea to be framed. Tour photo enlarged free. Coffee WAS NEVER 60 CHEAP AS NOW. It Is coming into this country so fast that tbe Coffee trust cannot band It all. We will aell a good sound whole berry coffee for 7Hc W bought 26 ton of It. Oood prune Fancy Santa Clara prunea 740 Fancy Italian prunea te Fancy French prunea 10He Waahlngton prunea UHe Cat. Santa Clara evaporated prune.. ISc Fancy Muir peaches I5a 1- lb can baked bean 6s 2- lb can string bean 60 Hasty Jellycon 74 e Cataup, per bottle lJHo Mixed Pickles, per bottle THo Chow Chow, per bottle 7v,o Large Jar mustard 60 Olive oil. per bottle 74,0 Pur currant Jelly, per Jar 6o 2-lb can sweet corn 6 Good rice ic $-!b can peaches 12He $-lb csa pumpkins 70 t-lb can mackerel In aplce 20c $-lb can syrup to White or Yellow cornmeal, per Back.. 15c Kiln dried oatmeal, per pound 2 Ho Whole wheat Sour, per pound 3c Chickens Cheaper Than Fresh Meat Freeh dressed chickens ...7o Fruits! Fruits! Fresh Juicy lemons, per dox. 12Ho . 6c to Fancy large datea, per lb Fancy awect orangea, 2 for .... Virginia peanuts, per measure.. Cheat Fancy Wisconsin brick.. Full cream chess .... Potted ham, per can .. Veal Loaf, per can.... Appetit cheeee, each.... . 12o .180 . 2c . Ha . 4Ve Butter and Eggs Fancy full grass separator creamery.... 20o Choice dairy butter ig0 This butter 1 made by th beat privet dairies In Iowa and Nebraska and Is hipped to us direct fresh every day. WOMAN IS FATALLY BURNED Hisi Maris Litienbergsr Likelj to Die from Ho.- Injuries, GASOLINE ENVELOPES HER IN FLAMES Cleaning; Clothe at a Dye Hoa When Explosion Oeeara Which Ha Not Yet Been Ex. plained. flss Mart Litseaberger was serloualj and perhaps fatally burned at I ywtsrda aftsrnoon by th ignition of gaaolins at Lb Great Eastern Dye work. 21 Leaven worth tret, at which plac ah was at work. Th fir did ao damage to tha building. Mlaa Lltsenberger was alone la a rear room of th building cleaning clothe, aad It la not known how th gaaollne became ignited. Mr. Jenal Bolmer. who wa In th front door, heard Miss Litxenberger scream sad a she started toward th rar room, th former ruahed from the room a mass of flame. Mr. Bolmer threw a sheet over the buralng woman and attempted to tp her. Miss Littenberger pulled herself fre snd rushed screaming into ths street, by this tlm her hair was ablate and almost all her clothing above her waist had been buraed from her body. Her scream at traded th residents of the vicinity, sad tb burning woman was caught and th flame wer extinguished. She was earned to a room over 217. aad Dr. Moor hastily summoned. He reported that bar condition was dangerous. Her face waa burned to a erisp. and th upper part of her body, arm and hand wer blistered, ins wa removed to St. Joseph' hospital. Mlaa Utsenberger is 20 years or ag and cam to Omaha from Hastings, Neb. It is supposed tb woman stepped boob a match while at work and that this ignited tb vapor from a caa of gasoline which was near her. The bias completely enveloped th room, though snly nominal da mags waa dona. fkaass wf BUI at Boyd'a. erfm vn,n 'STlr midweek change of bill occurred at the Boyd, the Ferris company putting on "The Maa Thla I. something of a thriller with a trona; comedy element, and la very well played by the company. Sit J sut of :! ( Hi " f v.. swaMt tani