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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 2(1, 1002. MALE AMD HEARTY AT 75. Mrs. Su.nn R Ryerson, who is ov r7 JUait Whiskey prolonged he and feela as young r 7. jmm , . t.M!v MRS. SUSAN B. RYERSON. 75 YEARS OLD. DUFFY'S PURE U ALT WHISKEY fcrlnri Health and Strength to Every One All Alonf LlrVs Pathway. It Aldt Digestion. Stlm ylatet and Enuiches the Blood, Invigorates the Brain, Buildi Nerve Tissues. Tones Up the Heart, fortifies the system against disease germs and prolongs life. It is the Fountain of Youth If you wlh to keen, young, strong snd vigorous and have oo your cheek the glow of perfect health, take DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY regularly, a tablespoonf ul In half a kIhss of water or tnllk three times a day and take no other medicine. It Is dangr-rous to fill your system with drugs; they poison the sys tem and depress the heart. Quinine de presses the heHrt, while DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY tonrs and Invigorates the heart action and purities the entire ystem. Be sure that you get the genuine. See that the Chemist's Head Is on the label and the name Duffy's Malt Whiskey Company" Is blown In the bottle. Imita tions and substitutes are dangerous and Injurious. You can buy Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey at any druggist's or grocer's Or direct for tl i'l per bottle. FREE Medical booklet containing symptoms and treatments for dlsenses and convincing testimonials, together with doctor's advice sent free. Also two game counters for whist, euchre, etc., which are a great novelty, sent free on receipt of four cents to cover postage. Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, N. Y. recent speech of General Funston, whom ho described as the "Jayhawker brigadier from tbs windswept plains, the mightiest Samson that ever will wield the Jawbone of an ass as a weapon of war." Mr. Car- mack said death bad cheated Funston of j ome Illustrious victims, like former Sena tor Sherman and former President Harri son, but there were still enough to keep him busy. Papers had quoted Funston as saying that the president entirely approved bis speech and wanted him to accept an invitation from the Junior senator from Massachusetts to go to Boston and talk to the people there about hanging the senior senator from Massachusetts, but the plain truth was that Funston could not bang anybody. Funston Should Go Back. "Funston should go back to the Philip pines to the land where there was plenty of hemp, and it men are to be banged without regard to law for speaking words calculated to Incite Insurrection," said he, "the first neck to feel the strangling clutch of the soaped rope should bo the heroic gullet of Funston." Ever since he bad been In the Philippines be had been pouring forth tirade of Indiscriminate In sult against the whole people, and had out rageously insulted the very men upon whom the commission was '. relying tor aid In pacifying the country. He also had it on the very highest authority that a speech mads by .the senator from Indiana (Mr. Beverldge), bad been circulated broadcast throughout the country with an exceed ingly pernicious effect upon the natives. To Exploit Philippine. ' The dominant Idea of the bill now be fore the senate, said he, was to exploit the Philippines. It was proposed to make a wholesale gran, of franchises and con cessions and to dispose of the people's lands to foreign syndicates and corpora tions without giving the people themselves any voice in the business. The whole bill was a pitiful evasion of a plain duty. We bad a right to demand and the Filipinos have a right to demand, that the admin lstration shall at least define its policy In the Philippines. "Upon what fact or experience," he said, "did they base their belief In the purity ot carpetbag government?" He spoke of "the horrors of carpetbag government In the south," and said that "the republicans gave no heed to the cry of an oppressed and plundered people, though they were their own people, of their own blood." He mm Won't be all done until you have cleansed and set things to rights in your syBt'em. There are those humors that make you break out and feel tired, that take away your appetite, too. You'll have those dull headaches, those bilious turns, fits of indigestion, that tired feeling and that eruption, until you get rid of those unhealthy ac . ; cumulations. That's certain. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleanses the system, sets things to rights in it, makes tlie blood pure and rich, strengthens all the organs and functions. That's why so many take it every spring. "My husband has been, taking Hood's Sarsaparilla tbla spring. He always has a cough la the spring and sometime has chills, but ha had neither this spring, aad we giTe all the credit to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. W. O. Hlerooymus. Scdalla, Mo. "We hate been usln g Hood's Sarsaparilla for several years, and bare not found any other medicine equal to it as a tonic and blood purifier. We have used it aa a spring medicine with excellent re . suits." Susie D Muth, Bloon&eld. Ia, ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE yenrs of aiie. aays Duffy'i Pure life; sh Is as hale and hearty as when ZU years old. OENTLEMEN-I wss very 111 with trip snd so run down that the doctors nsd given me up on account of my aae I am now 75 year old. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey raved and prolonged my life. I wss Induced to try It, not because 1 thought It would benelU me. but for the reason that I had read that others had been cured by the U!e of Duffy's Pure Malt Whlskev. I never am without It. It gives me great strength. It makes me feel young and I enjoy ripe old awe. Not long aso one of my grandchildren was taken III with a cold and 1 know that a few doses of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey paved It from serious sickness. I have axked my eon. Dr. John VV. Pierce. a well known physician of Weat Eighth atreet. Coney Inland and Sheepshead bay, to recommend It to hla patients. I can not apeak too hlghlv of Duffy'a Malf Whisney. SUSAN B. RYKRSON. ff8 St. John's Place, Brooklyn. We receive thousands of letters from old women ann old men whose experience has been similar to that of Mrs. Ryerson, who sav Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is a godsend to suffering humanity. declared that from the very first outbreak there had been a conspiracy to suppress the truth and to whitewash every out rage In the Philippines. In conclusion he said that he had not been Influenced in this matter by any low desire for party advantage. He only wished to see the country recalled from the bloody doctrine of bloody men and return to the peaceful paths by which it had ascended in safety and security to glory and power. DEATH RECORD. James AtvrelJ. PITTSBURG, April 25. James Atwell, president of the National Association ot Colon ex-Prisonere of War and well known Id Grand Army of the Republic circles throughout the country, died at his home In this city today. Mr. Atwell was stricken with apoplexy at Atlantic City three days ago and died without regaining conscious ness. He was 63 years old. James Combs, Stromtbarg. v STROMSBURO. Neb., April 25. (Special.) James Combs, aged 60 years, of Cretgh- ton, who died at th'e place Sunday, was burled here Wednesday. The funeral was In charge of the Masons, of which order he was a member. He leaves several children, his wife having died tour years ago. David llanehett, Actor. NEW YORK, April 25. David Hanchett, who waa for more than twenty-five years on the stage. Is dead in Brooklyn. He bad played with Edwin Forrest, Charlotte Cush man and many other well known actors. Carl Fordyce, Beverley. . TRENTON, Neb.. April 25. (Special.) Carl Fordyce, aged 21, died at the home of his father, near Beverley. A fraternal order had charge of the funeral and be was burled In Culbertaon cemetery. General Conference M. E. Chnrch, Sonth Dallas, Te., Mar T Jnne 0, 10O3. For this annual meeting the Chicago Great Western railway will on May 4 5 sell through excursion tickets to Dallas, good to return June 7, at one fare plus 12 for the round trip. For further infor mation apply to any Great Western agent, or J. P. Elmer, O. P. A., Chicago. FOR MOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. WINS FIRST GAME OF SEASON St. Louis Gets in Bate for Pennant by De feating Cincinnati. FIERCE BATTLE LASTING TEN INNINGS Good Day for Home Hnna, Beck anil Berkley Each Getting? One and moot Rapping Oat Pair. CINCINNATI. April 25. 6t. Louis won Its first game of tho season from the Cin cinnati here todsy after a fiercely con tested battle of ten Innings. Attendance, 1,100. 8core: ST. LOII9. CINCINNATI. R H O A K R.H.O.A.B. rrrll. lb.. 4 ft Bn? if I 1 s I t 0 I 0 Pnnnvati, rf. Smnot. rf.... S Burrlay. If... 1 Brasher, If... 0 Kriifter, si... S Hartman, Sb. 1 Hail-ton, lb. 0 Nlrhola. o... 0 Popp. p 0 0 0 llnhl.a If 9 1 t I 11 14 9 4 I 0 9 9 9 1 4 I 1 4 9 It 9 t a 0 boki-r. lb., 2 1 Cr-wfurd. rf. t 0 Km k. 2b 1 1 Corcoran, an. 0 0 St-lnfeld. Sb. 1 1 lit 1 4 S 0 I t S brgn, . . . . 0 t-hillipa, p... 0 4 1 9 1 t Currlft. ' p.!!. 0 9 9 1 9 Stlmm-I, p.. 9 9 9 9 S II S9 It t "Hay 9 9 (T 9 I'T-ltl t 9 9 0 9 Total. Total I 13 SO n I Bay batted for Currle In the ninth. Pelts batted for Stlmmel in the ninth. St. Louis g 00130000 29 Cincinnati 2 00002012 1 S Earned runs: Bt. Louis. 7; Cincinnati, t. Two-base hits: Hoy ,2. Three-base hit: rsrrell. Home runs: Beck, Decklev, Bmoot (2). Stolen bases: St. Ixjuls. 1: Cin cinnati, 1. First base on balls: Off Popp, J. Hit by pitched ball: By Phillips, 1. 8 ruck out: By Popp. 3: by Phillips, 2. Time: 2.20. Umpire: Emslle. Brooklyn 6, Siew York 8. NEW YORK, April 26. New York Brooklyn met today for the first time season at Washington park, Brooklyn, P.rooklyn won after an exciting game, tendance, 8.800. Score: BROOKLYN. I NEW YORK. R.H.n A K I a ii m and this and At- Keolor. rf.... 1110 ojvan Ham, rf 9 0 4 A E 0 9 3 9 t 9 4 t 1 fuiBii, tl..., A 8 . U U HrrWl fl 1 1 4 1 I W'-Crserr. lb 1 1 T t. Lauder. Sb. Dahlsn, aa... 9 9 I 4 o F,ood. 2h a 9 9 i , Yoaa.r, lb. 1 9 S 0 11 111 1 a i I'lldeb'4. If. 9 0 4 9 0 Smith. 2b.. Jarknun, If. irwin, aD.... Ill 9 1 Dunn Ahearn, c... 0 1 7 ............ , m v uu.mumi, C U 1 Newton, p... 9 115 1 Kennedy, p.. 9 t 1 S 0 Bowerman, o 9 1 4 Tol S S SO 16 S Total S 7W 11 t Two out when winning run was made. Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 New York 002000002 1 5 Knmril run.' V - VrtwU 1 . -r-t 1. 1 a Two-base hits: Irwin, KennedV. Three-base hits: Dolan, Lauder, McCreery. First base on errors: New York, 2; Brooklyn, 1. left on ba?s: New York, 7; Brooklyn, 6. Stolen bases: Bowerman, Dahlen. Double plav: Ahearn to Irwin. First base on balls: Off Newtnn. 7; off Kennedy, 3. Btruck out: By Newton, 6; by Kennedy, 2. Time: 2:t6.. Umpire: O'Day. Chicago 4, Plttsnnrs 2. PITTSBURG. April 25.-Chlcago won in the eighth Inning, with the baaea full, Con galton making a long hit to right Held fence, on which three, men scored. Attend ance, 2,200. Score: CHICArJO. I P1TTSBCRO. R.H.O.A.E.I R.H.O.A.E. Lynch, cf 2 1 t 1 0 riavla, rf 0 0 4 9 9 Miller. If 1 14 19 Clarke, If 9 0 19 9 Deiter. 8b. ...1 1 S 1 0 Beaumont, cf.l t t 9 9 Consalton. rf.O 110 Wasnar, aa....9 I S Kllnic. r 9 19 10 Rranafleld, lb 9 9 11 9 1 Lowe. 2b 0 9 t t 9 Rttchejr. 2b... 9 9 I t O'Hasan, lb.. 9 9 t t e Leach, Sb 1 1 1 S 0 Tinker, aa 9 2 1 S 1 Smith, e 9 1 t 1 0 Eaton, p o 9 9 1 Tannehlll, p.. 9 1 9 4 Totals 4 S 27 17 l! ToUla 3 S 17 14 "l Chicago 1 000000304 Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 1; Chicago, 1. Two-base hits: Smith. Dexter. Three-base hits: Beaumont, Leach. Sacrifice hit: Eason. Stolen bases: Wagner. First base on balls: Off Tannehlll, 2. Btruck out: By Tannehlll, 4. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Cantlllon. Boston 8, Philadelphia 'J. PHILADELPHIA, April 25.-Barry's wild tVirrtw In V I .... j I . . . . i.. mont at third base was the principal cauee of Philadelphia's defeat by Boston todiy. ovxiuii iitu a. periect game. Aiienaance. 1 01O .... .... ' BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.B. Cooler, cf t S 1 9,Thomaa. ef...9 1 Tenner, lb. ...1 1 1 9 Barry, rf 9 9 9 Browne. H....1 1 0 Dounlaa, lb...0 1 0 Dooln, c 9 9 9,Hulswltt. as...O 9 Demont, 2b... 1 Courtney, lf...0 Carney, rf 9 Orelm'ner. Sb.t 9 1 1 4 long, aa 1 Mailman, Sb..l I Chllda, 2b 0 1 White, p 0 9 Klttrldxe. C...0 Willis, p 0 Totala S 14 27 It ol Totala 2 72 18 "5 Qremlnger out for Carnev'a interference Boston 0 0 o o n s n a a Philadelphia 00001 000 12 Earned rune: Boston, 6; Philadelphia, 2. Two-base hits: Cooley, Demont, Ing. Browne. Three-base hit: Oremlnger. Sacrl- h.'M hit k'lltr.Ht,a atilon w. .1-1. l, U), Hallman. Double plays: Chllds to Huls- wtu, DBrry to xouin. ivrt on oases: Hoa- mii, d, x imuutMiMiin, a. f irst Dane on balls: Off White, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Kltt- reage. BtrucK out: By wtins, 3: by white 1. Wild pitch: Willis. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Browne. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Cleveland Shata Oat the Browne, GIt- lasr Them bat Two Bate Hlta. BT3 T yiTTTO ln.ll oe .... St. Louis today. Wright allowing but two hits. The visitors hits off Reldy. The Cleveland men placed many of theit hits up In the air tnd a high mum renaereo mem almost imposelDle to judge. Attendance, 1,600. Score: CLEVELAND. ST. LOUIS. E.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.E Pttikaff. cf . S I 9 9 0 Burkett. If... 9 9 9 9 1 Mccart y, it. I I t 9 Hanrey. rf... S t A 9 o Heldrlck. ef. 9 0 t S 9 Jonea, rf 9 1 9 1 9 Anderson, lb 9 9 It 9 9 Wallace, s.. M I I I Srhrw-k. lb.. 9 4 IS 9 Bonner, lb... 1 S t S e Bradley. Sb.. 9 1 1 1 o Fadden. lb... 9 1 1 1 1 Ooobnaur, as 9 1 9 9 0 McCor'ck, lb 9 9 9 4 9 Malcmey, c. 9 9 7 1 9 Ueldy, p S S 9 4 9 Bemla, e 0 9 4 10 Wrlfht. p... S 9 9 S 0 Totala ...19 II 2914 e Totals ...9 I 17 la S Maloney out on third bunt. Cleveland 0023 10 0. 4 O 10 Ot. Louie 0000000000 Earned runs: Cleveland, . Two-base hits Pnnn.r Ptnk.rin. U'.,.l.u .. 1 Pickering (2). McCarthy, Harvey. Bacrifl.ce nit: Mcvarmy. iert on Bases: Cleveland, by Relder, S. first base on balls: Oft wngnt. z: on Reldy, 2. Time: 1:60. Umpire: vsrrumers. . WnshlBaTtoa IS, Boston 4. WASHINGTON, April 25. Washington defeated Boston today In a slow game. Five singles, two triples and a bass on Dans net tea eignt runs in trie sixtn inning Attendance, 2,200. Score: R.H.E Washington ...0 00SO8S1 15 13 z Boeton 0 2001000 1 4 11 4 Batteries: Washington, Townsend and Drill; jjoeton. Hustings and Warner, Caaues Poetpoaed. At Chicago Chicago-Detroit game post Doned: wet grounds. At Baltimore Baltimore Philadelphia game poeiponea; rain. IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION t. Panl Takes Meeoael Game freaa To ledo la at Oae-Stded Contest. TOLEDO, April 26. St. Paul had all the luck and made hits when they were needed. Their error, were not coetly. Attendance, sw. score: ST. PAl'L. I TOLEDO. t.H.O.i ll M H O A B Oelr. Sb S t 1 1 I'SMaback. aa. a 1 1 I t DillarS. If... I 1SS 9iMiiir, pf.... a 1199 soar, aa s I s I smlia, Sb... Ills Kailey. s S is 9 SI l urnar, lb.. 9 S 19 snaaaoa. , I ) I i unaa, ef... Lumlay, rf.. t 1 9 S aUyer, Ik.. Hufilaa, Ik. 1 1 S 4 a Surna. If... Hurley, a ... 9 9 I 9 .3ram ue, a.. Crlbbiaa, p.. 1 I 9 I a ktuNaal, p.. til S S I T 1 1 1 1 S S 19 4 19 Totals ...11 14 17 11 ?l Totals ... I I 17 II I t. Paul 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 211 Toledo 002e0000 2 Two-basa hlta: Tumv m Dlllard. Stolen bases: Uelr. Shay, Shannon (i Uiu- isy. BtrucK out: ay cribblns. 1: by ucNtai 1. Passed ball: drafflui rirat haaa on balls: Off Cnbblns. I; off Me.Neal, 4. lilt wun can: uy McMeal, L Time: 1:4. I m- iire: kj rteiii. Laulsvlllo 11, Kansas City LOUISVILLE, Ky.. April 25. Louisville defeated Vanaaa City la a aluaglnaT match, knocking Vicar all over th luL A catch by Flourney was the fielding feature. At tendance, ftm. Fcore: LOUISVILLE. f KANSAS CITf. R.H.O.A.BI H.H.U.A.K. Ofrorr, rf.. 0 (;annon. rf.. I t 1 S 0 t I VHrt, rf ... 0 nntMum. rf. t t Floiirn". If. 1 I 1 -!Wnlf. If.... I 1 olGrmAr. lb.... I I Ganarl, lb... S 1 li shiiv-r, c. 1 Irmor. Sb. . fl f T.nn-hlll, Milt Rrrlll-, c 1 1 O'Rrl-a. "b.. 9 1 Lew, aa. . . . 1 S Mi nryrle. Sb. 4 1 tat, p S I e 4 1 I srrauh, Sb... I 1 1 uenatr, ft. ... 1 I t S Totals ...11 i 27 19 l Totals ... 11 17 1$ 4 Louisville 00100514 011 Kansas City 0 1 2030000 Left on bases: Louisville. 7; Kansas City 10. Two-base hits: Gannon (-'). Tannehlll 1.1). Flournev. Denser, Wolf, McBryoe. Three-base hit: Hansel. Home run: Bchaub. Double plavs: Denser to Schrlver to Oan sel, McBryde to y'Brlon to Grady, Gear to Lewee to Orarty. Stolen bases: Flourney, Bchrlver. Nance (2), Grady. Struck out: By Denser, 2; bv Clear. 6. Hit by pitcher: Wolfe. First base on bulls: Off Denser, t; off Oear, 5. Wild pitches: By Denser, 2. Time: 2:20. Umpire: Haskell. Colanibns 0, "Minneapolis T. COLUMBUS, O.. April 2S. Both teams hit hard today, but Columbus played a su perior game In the field and on the bases, and won the third game of the Minne apolis series. Clarke a support weakened in the sixth. Attendance, ccore; COLUS1BV8. aUNNBAPOUiai R H.O.A B R.H.O.A.B Hart, cf.... 0 119 9 Oulllln aa... I t I 9 I aleany. rf.. 3 119 0 Phyle. ZD ... l Wlltnot, rf.. 1 vrdrn. lb.. 9 MrFarlan. cf 9 1 1 t 1 1 It t 1 9 Lally. If.... 1119 0 I III I Grim. lb.... 1 1 Erana. 2b.. 119 11 1 I 1 0 Turner. Sb.. 114 Or II. I.. If.. 9 1 I 9 1 Nattreaa. as. 1 19 10 Uulslry, 2b.. 1 1 I t 9 Foi, e 0 14 10 Zal'ixky, a .1 1 Clarke, p.... 9 1 Byera 1 1 t 1 119 9 9 9 MrMatkln, p 9 9 9 9 0 Coiawall, p.. 9 9 9 1 9 Totala ... 9 14 17 14 11 Totals ... 7 It IT 11 4 Batted for Clarke In the ninth. Columbus : lOOOOpOOS Minneapolis 0 o o z u i l u s i Rtoien hna.' nrlm. Two-base hits: Hart, Meany, llly, Wllmot, Werden. Three-base hits: Orlm. Kvans (2). Phyle. gulgley. Bacrlflce hits: Lrtlly, Nattreas. Struck out: By McMackln. 2. First base on balls: Off Cogswell, 2; off Clarke, S. Passed ball: Za Iusky. Time: 1:56. Umpire: Tlndell. Indianapolis T, Milwaukee 0. INDIANAPOLIS. April 25. Indianapolis ,u ill. hull after Dunaan's error gave cahnces, while Milwaukee tapped the ball after Williams gave them bases. Attend ance, Score: . INDIANAPOLIS MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.E. Hallman. If. 1 1 S 9 9 R.H.O.A.E. Foi. Sb 1 Hosrlever, rf 1 Mr Bride, cf.. 1 I 0 Parrott, rf... 1 9 I Dungen, lb.. 1 1 S Mi An' we, Sb 0 I 1 Cllnn'n, aa.. 1 1 1 O'Connell, 2b 1 1 I Speer, e 0 1 7 O'Hrlen, aa.. 1 Klhm. lb.... 1 I 17 Coulter, it... 1 Kunna, u.... l Pal.b, 3b 0 Heydon, C... 1 Williams, p. 9 Bracken, p.. 0 I Olmatead. p. 9 0 9 Totals 7 I 27 16 J! Totala ... t 11 14 11 I Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 Milwaukee 0 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 1-4 First base on balls: Off Williams. 3; off Bracken, 3; off Olmstead, 1. Struck out: Bv Bracken. 2; by Olmstead, 2. Two-base ril'ta? McHrHn. Rmrken. Sneer. Three- base hits: Coalton, Heydon, McBride, Mo- Andrews. Sacrifice hit: liauu. doudib plays: Babb to Klhm, Parrott to O'Con nell. Stolen base: Kuhns. Passed ball: Speer. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 7; Milwaukee, 5. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Kbrlght. Standing; of the Teams. Plaved. Won. Lost. P.C. Columbus 3 3 0 1.0) Indianapolis 3 2 I .SMI Louisville 3 2 1 .664 St. Paul 3 2 1 .6H6 Kansas City 3 l z .833 Toledo 3 1 2 .333 Milwaukee 3 1 i .Mi "Minneapolis 3 0 3 0.0U0 WESTERN LEAGUE. Storm Prevents Ball Game. Owlnr to the storm there was no game of base ball at Vinton Street park yesterday afternoon. Milwaukee and Omaha are scheduled to play again today. Both teams were on tne field yesteraay reaay ior me game. Denver . 14, St. Joseph 1. DENVER. Anril 23. McFadden'a pitching gave the game to the local team today. In the third lnninar Linn took his nlace In the box, but the game was already lost. Hart- man s home run in tne sixin was m. Joseph's only, score. Attendance, l,5uo. Score: - R.H.E. Denver ..-..., 7 3 1 0 0 1 2 0-14 20 2 SL Joseph , 0 00001 0 00146 Batteries: Denver, Frisk and Wilson; 8t, Joseph, McFudden, Linn and Garvin. Kansas City T, Colorado Sprlnas 6. COLORADO SPRINGS.' Anril 25. Kansas City took today's game through costly er rors by the local team In the llnth. Jones and Cable did excellent work and up to the ninth it was a tine exhibition. Attend ance, 800. Bcore: R.H.E. Kanens City ...0 0001004 2 7 11 3 Colo. Springs 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 06 9 4 Batteries: Kansas City. Cable. Welmer and Messltt; Colorado Springs, Jonea. and Arthur. , Colleges Play Chess by Cable. BOSTON. April 25. The fourth annual cable chess match between the American College Chess league,, consisting of the clubs of Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Princeton universities, and the chess clubs of Oxford and Cambridge began today. The gymnasium of the Boston Athletic club has been handsomely decorated for the event. Six large boards with movable pieces have been arranged behind the tables or tne players, so mat me spectators may follow the nroeress of the games, as the moves, actually made at this end and at the British Chess ciud. wnuenaii court, Lon don, where the British end of the contest Is conducted, are repeated. These contests are for possession or tne costly ana nana TO DETECT POISONS The Body Trlee to Sweat Them Oat. At a convention of medical men In St, Louis the effect of coffee drinking were carefully considered. It waa unanimously agreed that while coffee does not seem to Injure some persona, to others It Is a rank poison. The effect on different persons Is, of course, very different In some the heart is affected, tn others the kidneys again the stomach or bowels, or the eyes. and In nervous casea the prostration is spread over the whole body. As an illustration, a man In Hlnton, W. Vs., experienced well defined symptoms of poisoning from coffee. He says: "I used coffee a great many years with no apparent 111 effects, but about nine years ago I be gan being sick. I became dull, lost my ambition, had dizziness, my eyesight was very bad and kept getting worse, and at times I could hardly navigate at all, I felt I waa golrg to fall every minute and finally became so bad I would have to sit down and rest three or (our times In a distance of twice that many blocks. "I went from one physician to another and faithfully took their prescriptions, but the case was so complex that tbey could not successfully disgoose It. I Anally went to New York City to the Vanderbllt Clinic for treatment. There my case was dlag nosed at neurasthenia. Every morning about I would have a kind of spasm. The perspiration would break out all over the palms of my hands and my hair would be wrlngibg wet; every nerve In the body would be affected and my heart would Jump and beat at a fearful rate. This condition would generally last for about two hours What I suffered no one can understand. "It Anally came to me that these terrible eweata and spasms were just the same as In cases where people are poisoned and nature tries to throw off the poison through the pores. So I concluded that something I wss taking must act like a poison, and I decided It was coffee. I left It off one morning and bad a fearful headache all day. a sure sign that I was being held up by a drug, ao that evening I bought aome Postum aad the next morning had It for breakfast In place ot coffee. I was sur prised, for I could hardly tell It from oof fee. That day I was only a little sick about the usual time, and from the nest day until now, something over 13 months. I have never felt even the remotest return of the spasms. "I steadily got atroog, my weight has Increased from 130 pounds to 147 pounds and I am a well man. The seven years of suffering from coffee poison will always remain wl'h tue as a horrible nightmare." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich, , , ... . ... . . some trophv presented by Prof. Isaac I,. Kloe of IMw York four years ago. The three previous matches were played at the Knickerbocker Athletic club In New York This year, however, the students accepted the Invitation of the Boston Athletic cluh, an organisation which has taken much In terest in chess of late years. Play Ball in Unit of Rain. HASTINGS. Neb.. April 2R (Special Trie- fram.) A much needed rain prevented lasting, college and Kearney Military BCRrtemv from playing ball on the homo diamond today. However a game of Indoor Kase hall was player! oetween tne iwo teams In the Ynima? Men's Christian asso ciation looms and Hastings won out by a score of 7 to 4. Sanders and Brown were the battery for Kearney and 1'lnneo and Breede for Hastings. Case Again Postponed. ST. LOriS. April 2i-.-Judge Fisher today again postponed he hearing of the petition of President Robinson of the St. I.ouls Na tional Base Ball club to restrain Emmett J. Heldrlck from playing with the Ameri can league and local team. He set the bearing for next Monday, when the cases of Wallace and Harper will come up In Judge Tally's court. Harvard Fans Drfeat Indiana. HARVARD Neb.. Anril 2R tSneclal 1 One of the most Interesting games of base ball played In Harvard In somt time was contested yesterday between the Harvard Club and the Nebraska Indians of Genoa, resulting In a score of 17 to 16 In favor of Mai vard. HIGH WIND AND HEAVY RAIN (Continued from First rage.) cellent condition and the prospect for small grain is excellent. BEEMER, Neb., April 25. (Special.) A heavy rain, accompanied by considerable hall, visited this part of Cuming county at noon today. This is what has been needed and the people here, especially the farmers, are elated. Crop prospects were never better at this time of the year. OTHER STATES ARE DRENCHED Heavy Rains Relieve All Apprehen sion of Further Crop Damage from Drouth. DE3 MOINES, April 25. The state of Iowa received a drenching rain early this morning, the downpour beginning at 1 o'clock and continuing until 4. After a two hours' rest a steady rain set In with every prospect of lasting all day. The reports received from northwest Iowa state that the fall was even heavier than In the central part of the state. The condition of the soli will be placed In first-class shape for the completion ot spring work, and all doubts of the dry weather affecting the Iowa crops have dis appeared. Special dispatches show the presence this evening of high winds, accompanied by heavy rain, all over the northwestern quar ter of the state. - Jefferson, Fonda, Storm Lake and other points report wind with a velocity of slxty-flve miles an hour. The storm appears to be moving eastward across the northern half of the state. A cloudburst occurred at Mingo, water run ning eighteen inches deep In the street. Telegraph .wires were prostrated along the Rock Island between Council Bluffs and Atlantic and along the Chicago Great Western in the vicinity of Mingo and Valeria early this evening. SIOUX CITY, April 25. Sioux City was in darkness since 1:30 thla afternoon. Dense greenish clouds shut out the sun. All the stores were lighted up and busi ness districts had the appearance of even ing. For a time the wind blew seventy two miles an hour and considerable dam age waa done. A very heavy rain, which turned to snow, fell over this section and Is of Immense benefit to crops. ONAWA, la., April 25. (SpPrial Tele gram.) A very hard rain and windstorm late this afternoon blew" down a smokestack st the electric light plant, and all the windmills In sight. Some store fronts were blown In, and considerable destruction was done to shade trees and property in general. The wind was very strong and considerable rain fell. KANSAS CITY, April 25. An average of halt an Inch of rain has fallen within the past twenty-four hours In western Mis souri and generally throughout eastern and pentral Kansas, with showers at other points. No rains sre reported in this part of the southwest today, and there is no promise of a further downfall during the day. The fall yesterday and last night practically has been the only good rain In this part of the country for some time, the showers of Tuesday and Wednesday being light and scattering. The precipitation since yesterday fol lows: Missouri Brunswick, 4.1 of an Inch; Harrisonvllle. .41; Kansas City, .07; Kid der, .34; Lamar, .66; Lexington, .04; Mary ville, .30; Springfield, .58. Kansas Baker, .02 of an Inch; Fort Scott, .40; Manhattan, .03; McPherson, .23; Osage City, .58; Sedan. .17: Toronto, .35. CLAY CENTER, Kan., April 25. About 1 o'clock today a duststorm of alarming pro portions struck Clay Center. The wind, which bad been strong all morning, in creased to a gale, bringing with it clouds ot dust that obstructed the sun and drove people Indoors. CHICAGO, April 25. A heavy, warm rain, which Is general throughout ths northwest, began falling during the night and reports at 0 o'clock from various points In this district show no Indications of a letup. Crops generally will be very greatly benefited. CINCINNATI, April 25. Slx-hundredths of an Inch constitutes the rainfall since Monday. . The deficiency In rainfall here since April 1 Is 1.50 Inches and since Jan uary 14 eight inches. Notwithstanding this, vegetation la vigorous. LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 25. There haa been but .10 of an Inch of rain In Louisville and Kentucky since Monday, and while the farmers are not suffering a good downpour would be beneficial to the crops. There Is good prospect for raia tonight or tomorrow. MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 25. With the ex ception of a light rain Tuesday night the week has been dry In the Memphis district No rain today. ATLANTA, Ga., April 25. A week of splendid spring weather has advanced the crops wonderfully. No general rain hss fallen In the southeastern states for a week. The weather here today is cloudy and warm. NEW ORLEANS, April 25. There has been no rsln here since April 13. Weather today Is threatening and warm. INDIANAPOLIS, April J5. Within the past forty-eight hours there have been slight showers la different parts of ths state. The crop and fruit outlook thus tar Is not discouraging. Tbs westber bureau promises showers tonight and tomorrow, with lower temperatures. BERRY HOWARD IS ACQUITTED Jary finds Verdict of Kot Guilty In Goebel Assassination Case. FRANKFORT, Ky., April 25. The case of Berry Howard, alleged principal in the Ooebel assassination, waa given to the Jury at 10:05. At 12:10 the Jury brought In a verdict of not guilty. tseaaa No Cnre?-lfa Pay. Your cruggtst will refund your money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Ringworm. Tetter, Old" 1'lc-jrs and Sores, Pimples aad Blackheads on the face, and all skin dis ease. 10 csuta. SENATOR MONEY IN COURT A nested on Charge of Assault, Sworn to hj Stteet Car Conductor. PUADS NOT GUILTY AND TRIAL IS SET Hallway Man Presents a "Witness Who . Corroborates Ills Version of the Affair with " -Mississippi Statesman. WASHINGTON,: April 23 Stnator Her nando V. Money of Missleslppl today was placed In custody on Information sworn out by Orpba R Phaner, the street car con ductor who ejected the senator from hi car yeeterday. The Information charger the senator with sssaultlng the conductor during the disturbance and the conductor produced a witness who coroborated his version of the story. 8enator Money, Conductor Phaner snd James E. Hooper, the truck foreman of the fire department who assisted the conductor yesterday, were arraigned In the police court later and their trial set for next Thursday morning. Senatcr Money and Fireman Hooper were released on personal bonds and Conductor Shaner on collateral deposited with the police last night. Senator Money arrived early at rourt and waa closeted for some minutes with Judge Kimball. All the parties were given a pre liminary examination before Assistant Uls trlct Attorney Mullowney. Senator Money told Mr. Mullowney that the man who as sisted the conductor wore a salt and pep per suit of clothes. Hopper wae wearing a dark suit today and said he had them on yesterday. Fireman Denies It, "Then," said the senator, "you are not the man who assaulted me. What part of the car were you In?" "I sat in the next seat to you," replied Hooper. "Then you are the man." returned the senator. "TJId you help eject me?" asked the sen ator. "No," replied Hooper. Hooper said ne caught the senator by the wriet when he thought he was about to cut the conductor. A witness named Martiu said he heard an exchange of words be tween Money and Sbaner regarding a trans fer. The senator refused to pay either transfer or fare. The conductor then took hold of him and ejected him. Then the conductor left the senator when the latter approached the former and struck him with a knife. WltnesB Martin swore to this statement and the Information was then made out against the senator. Brief Time in t'onrt. The court proceedings occupied only a few minutes. Attorney Dunlop., a son of the president of the road, represented Shaner and Hooper. Senator Money pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault and asked for a trial by Jury. The other two de fendants also pleaded not guilty. Senator Money objected to setting the trial for Wednesday on account of an Important com mittee meeting and he said be wanted "the whole thing over with as soon aa possible.' Shaner and Hooper asked for trial by Jury and the cases thus will be tried at 10:30 Thursday morning. Formal charges against Fireman Hooper were filed with tho Dis trict of Columbia commissioners today by Senator Money who called personally and denounced Hooper. The latter will be tried before a public session of the trial board and Senator Money will appear as tne prosecuting witness. The charges as filed, allege that the Interference of Hooper was without provocation. . KILLED IN PlSm DUEL "Sheeny" Harris Shot la Gambling: Hall by. Policeman, Who Is Aqnltied. EL PASO, Tex., April 25. "Sheeny" Harris was shot through the heart here today by Clarence Wolverton, a special po liceman. In a revolver duel In a gambling hall. Wolverton was wounded la the hand. Five years ago, when Wolverton was chief of police of Colorado City, Colo., he ran Harris out of town, and Harris, it is said, threatened to kill him on sight. Tbey met for the first time today. The coroner's Jury acquitted Wolverton. ANNUITY CONCERN IN STRAITS State Mntnal Life Company of Illinois Taken Over by Re. celvers. CHICAGO, April 25. The State Mutual Life Annuity4 company of Illinois was placed In the hands ot a receiver today. Attorney Berley, representing the creditors, charges the company with being another "get-rich-quick" concern, and alleges that the stock holders have lost thousands of dollars. The compsny purports to have issued policies to the amount of $2,000,000. Killed In a Cave-In. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., April 25.-Mrs. Ell Frew and her three small children have been killed by the caving In of their dugout tn Rogermilla county, according to Inform ation received overland here today. Frew left here with his family six weeks ago to take up a home In the new country. Only $45 California and Return First-class round trip open to everybody $41 from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco Tla GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, on aals April 2! to 27- tickets good for return until June ..Mtfc. ' . Only 63 hours and " 40 min utcs Omaha to Los Angeles Tla XI Paa Short Line. Chotoe of routes going aad returning. Far further Information call at er address CITT TICKET OFFIOE. Ull raraam Bt Rock Island Route A MYSTERIOUS APPEARANCE In the (Jiiict I.lttle Village of Vilc , Kiinaiia. A tlrnnae I'.irnl avlth a More Wonder fnl kniarUItt KfTert on the After l.lfe of One Woman. About six years ago a stranger, a woman, came to the little Village of .Wllsey, Kan sas, to live. This was the Important link in a chain of eveuts which set the whole town wondering.' Mrs. Richard A. Gard ner, the person whose life wss moot sf fected by it, tells the story. "It was very strange," ho says. "I never could tell what caused It and neither could anybody else. For a long time I had lad spella with my stomarh. The pain would commence about my heart and was so deadly and agonizing that I would have to scream aloud. Somt time it would Inst several hours aad I would have to take laudunum to stop It. Besides this. I had a headache almot con stantly day and night that nearly crazed me and hemorrhages caused by the rhaniie of life, so, you see, I suffered a great ileal. And. when I think of the agony It still makes mo shudder. "Doctors, did you sy? Their medi cine made me efc-ker. I couldn't lake It and I kept growing worse, until this lady came to our. village. She advised me to take Dr. Williams' Tlnk Tills for Tale People, and I did. I only took half a box before I began to feel better, and, after taking the rest, was wholly converted to this wonderful medicine. It did me more good than I had ever hoped for. I kept on with tho pills and now I recotnmcud them to all who suffer." The pills which cured Mrs. Gardner have accomplished as wonderful results In hun dreds aud hundreds of other cases Just as severe. They arc an unfailing specific for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sclata. neuralgia, rheuma tism, nervous headache, after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and tal low complexions and all forms of weaknosi either in malt or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Tale People are sold at all druggists or will be sent direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y., postpaid, on rece'pt of price, fifty cents per box; Fix boxes for two dollars and a half. Send for free booklet of medical advice. $5.00 A MONTH In all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years In Omaha. CVDUII IC cured by the QUICK EST, safest and most natural method that has yet been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BREAKINd OUT" of the disease on the skin or face, A cure that la guaranteed to be permanent for life. UlDlftflftCI C cured. Method new, I ArUlUuCLC without cutting, pain; no detention from work; permanent cure guaranteed. WEAK MKJf from Excesses or Vlctlml to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast. Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. TRICTl RE cured with a new Hom Treatment. No pain, no detention frors business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Cansnltatlon Free. Treatment by Mail. CHARGES LOW, lll S. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb. PARKER'S Hair Balsam Promotes the growth ot tho hair aad gives IbtneiUHtre auuBij&uiussui youtn. When a the hair Is gray or faded It f BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL. COLOR, t It prevents Dandruff and batr falling i and keeps the Bcelp clean and healthy. J W,lya)yaya,aya)s,a),i AM IS KM IE NTS. BOYD'S! Woodward ft Burgess, Managers. THIS AFTERtOOf At TOMfJT Prices Mat. At Night. 50c to $2,00 Chas. Frohman Presents MAUDE ADAMS In "QUALITY STREET." by tho author of "The Little Minister," Positively Free List Suspended. Gallery Heat Hale at Uox omce. NEXT WEEK FERRIS STOCK COMPANY ' Prices Mats, 1UC, L'&c. Nights, lDc 30c, 30c, 5uc. Hale of Peats Now Open. SPECIAL ATa'aOl MUMESTl ' On Wednesday and Thursday evenings snd Thursday afternoon. May 7 and S, KATHRYN KIDDER will appear In a grand revival of "THE COUNTRY GIRL." that sale will commence Saturday, May 1. On account of the large number of In quiries at the box office applications for seats sent In before Ihe opening of the sale will be tiled in the order of their re ceipt. Telephone IS.'II. Matinee Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday 2:15 p. in. Every night at t li HIGH CLASS V At DrJVII.I.I-. Lea Troubadours Toulousalns, Lew Bloom. Dooley at Fowey, Harmony Four, Dancing Dawsons. Loney Haskell, Druthers Ulus and the Klnodrome. Prlcta 10c. 26c, Jto BASE BALL VINTON STREET PARK. Milwaukee vs. Omaha. April 26 Oome called at 3:4i. Take Bauth Omaha Cars South. HOTKl-S. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and 6Jd Sf. N. Y. City. Fireproof Masleasi Moderate Rates - Bsrlaslve tCx tea alva Library Aeceaslblt Orchestral Concert Every Evening. All tare fmmm the ttaapire. Send for descriptive Booklet. W. JOHNSON QUINN, Proprietor. THE MILLARD IStb aad Ios rl&a fcl" OMAHA MLB, FIRST CLXss CUISINE. LUNCH fON, FIFTY CENTS 12 So TO 3 F. M. SUNDAY I JO P. M DINNER U a special Millard feature. S. E MARKET. BON. Frops. C. H. l'eeples. Manages. . A. li. bavecport. i'n Clerk. "Ml" ta T I rin ....... . J