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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1902)
r" I The Omaha Daily Bee. DSTAJtLISIIKI) JUNK 1J, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOllMNG, A Fit I L "25, 1002 TEX PAGES. single co iy five cents. KNOX ON BEEF TRUST Attorney General Direct Injunction Suit Tiled in Federal Circuit Court. l STEPS TO RESTRAIN THE COMBINATION Bases Hii Action Upon the Eetmlt of the Eeoent Inquiry by Department. tKOUGH EVIDENCE FOR BILLS IN EQUITY ; Bays from Investigation Trust Clearly Ap pear! in Eestraint of Trade. DIRECTS CHICAGO OFFICIAL TO DRAW BILL Contemplate Artlen Mill H Bril lader Attorney Oeoerere t'hugt la Sorth District Clreelt Coart of Mllaots. WASHINGTON. April 24 Attorney Gen eral Knox todsy made tbe following state ment regarding the so-eslled beef trust: "On April 4 this department directed W. A. Liar. eaq.. of Washington to examine Into, aa tar aa practicable, tbe public charges to the effect that a combination of tbe large meat dealers bad been effected contrary to tbe provisions of the lawi of tbe 1'nlted States. Thla preliminary ex amination resulted la Instructions to Mr. 'Day and Mr. Bathea. Vntted States attor tey at Chicago, on April 7. to prosecute simultaneously, In Chicago and tbe east and more partlcolar to examine Into tbe allegations and proofs alleged to exist In support thereof. From their reports I am .satisfied that sufficient evidence la In band ' upon which bills In equity for an Injunc tion can be framed to restrain tbs com bination mentioned from further proceed ings under their arrangements which (clearly appear to be In restraint of trade. I hare, therefore, in compliance with tbe law, which provides: 'It shall be the duty of the several diatrlct attorneys of tbe T'nlted' States In their respective districts UDder the direction of tbs attorney gen eral to Institute proceedings In equity to .prevent and restrain violations of this set," directed the district attorney at 'Chi cago to prepare a bill for an Injunction against tbe corporation and persons who "are parties to tbs combination mentioned to be filed In tbe United States circuit 'court for tbe north district of Illinois." FAVORS THE JRRIGATION BILL Hot Willi fresa Arid Reslea Raw Mr are to the Berder tagr States. WA8HINOTON. April 4. William H. Cbadwick, chairman of the transportation committee of tbs Board of Trads of Chi cago, has written a letter to Representative Newlands of Nevada, tbs author of tbe pending Irrigation bill, presenting new rea aone why this measure should be passed. i Mr. Chadwt-fc 4dn the the states lying east and north of the arid lands suffer enor mous loes as. a result of tbs burning beat kotu I ng from tbe arid quarters. Hs says: In behalf of many Interests which will suggest theotservae to you from ray official 'position 1 ask to call your attention to an argument In favor of the bill now in the bouse. The districts which compose the "arid lands." by reason of the Intense, dry rieet there produced, through the eastward movement of all atmospheric conditions across the continent, are and always have ken s menace to all that great agricultural country lying to the east and northeast of .the section in question, notably Texas, Ok lahoma. Kansas, Missouri, Illinois. Iowa, Bouth Dakota. Indiana and Ohio. The tre mendous losses experienced within the paet twelve months by farmers, the live stock Interests, the merchant and common car riers are fresh In our minds. A veritable calamity. The great loss entailed through the par tial failure of the corn crop and enforced embetltutlon. on a large scale, of other grain to supply the deficiency thereby caused with wheat, rye. oats, etc., resulted In tbe curtailment of exports to such an extent as to be not only extraordinary, but in some Instanoea, aa with corn, sensa tional. The effects In the eastern or consuming States are notable and scarcely any part of the union haa been unaffected by the conditions produced by the scorching blight which, originating only In the arid region, blasted the crops over a large and Impor tant part of the "ountry. 0 We who aro directly affected by such misfortunes desire to earnestly second the txleavor to remove tbe constant menace to prosperity in such a wide scope of terri tory and ask for leglslstion to that end. NEW PORTUGUESE MINISTER S nred m gaata-Thyreo, Removed far ailsg Prtastsr Table ( Presl. deat McKlaler's Death. WASHINGTON, April 14 Senor Tavelrs. tbs Portuguese charge, has latormsd tbs Stats department of the arrival In Wash ington of Vlseonde ds Alts, tbs aswly ap points Portuguese minister, who replaces Sento-Thyrso. The new minister Is ex pected to appear at the Bute department tomorrow. Prlvats correspondence makes It clear that tbs formsr minister wsa a rlctUn of misunderstanding which cost him his post. It was always aa official mystery ss to why bs left Washington so suddenly without a word of bis purpose. It wss rumored thst sis disappearance was connected In some manner with tbe death of the lata Presi dent MrKlnley. It is now learned that the minister was told at tbe White House when the lata president wss bearing his end that bis death bad actually occurred, a result of a misread telegram. Tbe minister haatened to inform bta govert-trenl by cable. Mr. MrKlnley did not die until a day or two later and tha Portuguese minister for for eign attairs bad meanwhile unwittingly cried a premature report, for which Santo Tnyrso paid tbs peaalty in losing his posi tion. SENATOR IN POLICE COURT Clark of Hsslsss lerased of Aete aaahlllaa; raster Thaa Uw Permit a. WASHINGTON. April 14 When fjena or Clark of Montana arrived at the sensts an tes todsy la bis automobile hs was inter viewed by two bicycle policemen. They aes-rted that be bad been exceeding tbe speed limit of tselve m'.lee an hour. The senator declared that be had not been going m" re tbsa tea miles an hour. officials requested that the chaffeur appear at the police court tomorrow morn ing and the seastor announced that hs aould u so. Hs slso sdded that he did not intend ts violate any regulations, but ha did hot In lead ts be subjected to unnecessary aasey sates and would fit tit tbs case is las ana. MAY CANCEL THE SUBSIDY British Admlrsllty 4e Investigate Legal ataadlna at New Sble Combine. LONDON. April 14 In the House of Commons today the secretary of the ad miralty. Hugh O. Arnold-Forster. replying to a question said the admiralty was con sidering the whole matter of si bsldles with the view of defining the J 'he admiralty In the event of . '0 ''t arising, such as tbe suggested combination. '.. When the present form of agreem. was settled upon no trsde combinations under foreign control were contemplated, but tbe admiralty bad appointed a com mittee to consider and report upon the pur pose and form of the future subsidy agree ments. Tbe admiralty In tbe meanwhile had made arrangements with tbe Whits Star line which precluded the possibility of any of their armed cruisers or merchsnt steamers being transferred to a foreign flag without the consent of tbe admiralty (Turing the unexpired portion of the ad miralty agreements. Important legal points were Involved, in cluding the questions whether In the event of war there was anything to prevent these companies from substituting a foreign for the British flag and whether the admiralty haa the means of enforcing Its rights of pre-emption or hire In such case, or if by abandoning the subsidies ths companies could claim that tbe right of pre-emption ceased. All such points would be care fully considered and tbe additional ad miralty's rights would be ascertained. It was aald thla afternoon that the pres ent uncertain position of the Cunard and other steamship companies In standing out from tbe Atlantic combine was to some ex tent due to the action of the admiralty, as outlined by Mr. Arnold-Forster In tbs House of Commons today. TOWER ON HIS WAY HOME tatted States Embasssdnr to Rassla Esrsste Denies Alleged frwel tles of Cossacks. LONDON, April 14. Charlemagne Tower, the Vnlted States ambasssdor to Russia, has arrived In London on his way to the United States. He will Ball for New York on the American steamer St. Paul May I. will go direct to Waahlngton to see Presi dent Roosevelt and will return to St. Petersburg after a short stay In Philadel phia. Mr. Tower ssld to a representative of tbe Associated Press: I cannot discuss the reports of disturb ances In Russia and the change of minis try. However, you can aay this.' that the reports In England are generally much Sarbled and exaggerated. This criticism oes not apply to the dispatches of the As sociated Press from St. Petersburg, which 1 believe have done much to explain to America the true conditions in Russia, One reads here of savage charges of Cos sacks upon unprotected moos, upon whom they inflict knoutlngs and other hardships. How mistaken Is thst impression I know from persons 1 experience. A short time sgo I accidentally got into a crowd on whom Cossacks charged. They came rid ing down, not very fast, with swords not drawn, with only small riding whips in their hsnds and shouting, "PleHSe pass cn." I saw not s single trsce of brutality. No one waa hurt, in our country I have eeen police who had not the same con sideration for more exalted crowde aa those Coseacka. who are always portrayed as so area. . No cavalry could have handled a mob more gently. Mr. Tower will be presented to King Ed ward prior to bis departure for America, TROOPS FOR BOCAS DEL TORO Three Haadred and Fifty Soldiers frost ran am a Reinforce the reacefal City. COLON. April 14 The United States gunboat Machias returned to Colon today from Roc as del Toro, where quiet has been restored. This city was reinforced yester day by 850 soldiers from Panama. PANAMA. April 24. An American who has Just arrived here from David, via Bocai del Toro, confirms the previous reports thst the ex-civtl and military chief of the revolution. Bolts arlo Perraa, Secretary Mendota and General Ramlrei, have been made prisoners by tbe revolutionary com mander, General Hen-era, for Insubordina tion. WILHELMINA N0T SO WELL High Traaperatare Admonishes Ph. elrlaas that the Crisis Is Ket Vet Passed. THE HAGUE. April J4.-Tbs bulletin Is sued this morning from Castle Loo says Queen Wilhelmtna bad another quiet night. Tbe patient's temperature is satisfac tory and shs Is taking sufficient nourish ment. A bulletin Issued from Castle Loo at I o'clock this afternoon says: Recurrence of high temperature this sft ernoon makes It manifest that every care is still requisite. Mystery at the Vatlraa. ROME, April 24. There Is considerable mystification at tbs Vatican regarding tbs reported United States mission to be ap pointed to discuss the taking over of tha lands of tbe religious orders In the Philip pines. No one here seems to know when ths mission may be expected, but it is understood that tbe Bishop of Sioux Falls. Right Rev. Thomas O'Gorman, Is preparing tbs ground for It Tbers Is soms question regarding ths character of the reception to be accorded the mission. Ths pope, it Is said, la desirous of receiving tbs mission privately. Brevet (esleresre te Held. BALMORAL, Transvaal. Wedneaday, April 2J. Secretary of State Relti of the Transvaal, General Lucas Meyer, commander-in-chief of the Orange Free stats forces, and other members of their party who arrived here Friday night lsst, bsve concluded their conferences with tbe burghers composing General Lucas Meyers' command. Nothing bas leaked out regard ing tbs result. Secretary Relti returned here yesterday and proceeded to Pelters- burg. Passed ierssi Reading. COPENHAGEN. April It Ths Lands thing todsy passed tbs second reading of tbs majority report ea ths treaty providing for the aals of tbe Danish Weat India ialands to the United States by a majority of XI. Twenty-eight members abstained from voting. It will be decided by lbs Folkethlng April r. Attempts te Kater Pelaee. MADRID. April 14 Considerable excite ment bas been caused here by tbe arrest of a frenchman who attempted te enter tbe royal palaoe. Ths prisoner gave the same of Saury. Nothing but a prayer book was found la his possession. Saury was banded ever te tbe French embassy. new ta hew lark. SARANAC LAKE. N Y., April M -A snow end windstorm prevails here today. The temperature is 0 degrees. Yesterday It was 7tt, VIGOROUSLY OPPOSE TRUSTS Indiana Republican Contention Condemns Unfair Combination of Capitol POLICY OF PRESIDENT IS APPROVED Somlaate a State Ticket Beginning with Secretary of atate. Without Prslsngeil Contests ta Break Harmony. I State. ....DANIEL E. STORMS Audit Treasurer . DA V IDE. 8 H E R R i C K N. L HILL Clerk of the Supreme Court ROBERT A. BROWN Superintendent of Public Instruction F. A. COTTON Judge of Supreme Court JOHN H. G1LLETT. Hammond Judges of Appellate Court vt. D. ROBINSON. Princeton WILLIAM J. HANLET. Rushvllle JAMES D. BLACK. Indianapolis ...DANIEL W. COMSTOCK., Richmond U. Z. WILEY. Fowler FRANK S. ROB Y, Auburn State Statistician B. F. JOHNSON, Fowler State Geologist W. H BLOTCH LEY, Indianapolis Attorney General CHARLES W. MILLER, Qoshen INDIANAPOLIS. April 24. The repub lican state convention adjourned tonight after nominating the above ticket. The first business was tbe presentation of the report of the committee on resolu tions. Tbe committee wss not able to re port promptly because It was unable to agree even aa late as 8:30 upon some of the planks. There waa a hot fight over tbe in sertion of the clause Indorsing the gold standard. It had 4een decided to advocate a plank in which some members of the committee thought they could detect an ap proval of bank asset currency. It was stricken out after a lengthy debate and tbe plank found In tbe platform was adopted. The resolutions committee reported at 9:45. Tbe report was read and unanimously adopted. It was as follows: Declaration of Princlpies. The republicans of Indiana, In convention assembled, hereby make declaration ot the loliowlng party principles: We cordially attirm the platform adopted by the republican national convention at tnlladelphia in liso and pledge anew our aonerene to tbe prlncipiee there an nounced. The party Is to be congratulated that It enters the campaign united and harmoni ous. We view with pleasure the unprecedented measure of prosperity whim prevails throughout the entire country, the rich fruit ot republican policies ana republican administration, snd we deprecate every effort to overthrow .ie lawa and the ad ministration under which such results are accomplished. We mourn the death of our great leader and president. William McKinley. He was sn iueal cltlsen. a statesman of profound wisdom, a patriot of the most exalted purpose. He was beloved beyond all others oy ail the people. The country under his administration attained a degree of un paralleled prosperity snd won the highest prestige among the nations of the earth. The civilized world shares in our sorrow, iiis name and services are a part of the splendid and enduring history ol the re public. in the death of General Benjamin Harri son the nation bas lost s brave soldier and one of its purest, wisest and most trusted statesmen and Indiana its moat Illustrious cltlsen. General Harrison left to his country a rich legacy ot good deeds flene. We revere his memory and -mourn bis loss. Tbe republicans of Indiana express their profound sorrow upon tn death of Gov ernor James A. Mount illi personal life and character, his patrlotie rvlcea as a soldier in the war for tse union and his unselfish loyalty to his commonwealth make his name one of reverence and grate ful memory. Cordially Endorse Rowaevelt. We cordially endorse the able and patri otic administration of President Roosevelt. Bucceeulng to the presidency under tragic circumstances and persuing the policy of ina Illustrious predecessor, he at once 'won the confidence and approval of the Ameri can people. SS e are proud of his courage, hia purity and his devotion to the Inter ests of the entire country, and pledge him the earnest support of the republicans ul Indiana in all hut efforts to continue and advance the prosperity of the people at home and the glory of the republic aoroad. We are gratified that Cuba will soon pass to the control ot Its own people and that a new republic has arisen upon the ruins of monarchy. We favor just and liberal reciprocal relations between the 1 Hit ed Stales snd tbe republic of Cuba, which, by the valor of American arma and the wis dom of American statesmanship, la added to the family of natlona. We approve the course the administra tion haa taken In establishing peace and civil government in the .Philippine islands. We oppose those who try to resist the authority of the United States, whether they are openly in arms in the Philippines or secretly or openly In the United folates and In aytnpathy with the enemy. We favor the doctrine that American sov ereignty must be resected within the United Static and all territory under Its jurisdiction. We favor the establishment of absolute peace In the Phllipplnea and the erection of civil government therein. We insist that the people ot the Islands shall be given !m leased participation In the administra tion of their domestic affairs ss they shall aemonrtrat" Intelligence and capacity lor self-government. Are Opposed to Tresis. We are opposed to all trusts or com binations of capital whose purpose or effort ts to restrict business or control prices. And we especially denounce those whose tendency it is to increase the cost of living and the necessaries of lite. We favor legis lation to prevent auch abuses. W-j approve the sincere and determined &rt of Presi dent Roosevelt to enforce the lawa against illegal combinatlona in restraint of trade and demand that administrative officers, state snd national, shall enforce the laws in the most vigorous manner, so that legiti mate competition shall not be embarrassed or destroyed. Ws adhere to the policy of protection. Under it our Indus I rice have developed and tbe hope of labor has been increased snd wages maintained at a higher rate than would have been otherwise possible. We favor the extension or our msrketa through carerully guarded reciprocity ar rangements with other countries wherever It can he done without "Interrupting our home production." While we favor such modifications of the tariff schedules from time to time as are reujired by changing coiidltiona we insist hat such changes shall be made in line with the fundamental principal of protection. ' Our faith In the gold standard haa been amply Justified by the wonderful strides of American Industry and commerce sines its adoption. We are gratified that republican diplom acy has secured the abrogation of the Ciayton-Bulwer treaty, enabling the gov ernment to proceed with the conetrucilon of a ship canal between the Atlantic and pscirtc oeesns under authority of tha United fetteles and protection of our flag. We favor the moat atringent national and state legislation to suppress snarrhy. We approve the announcement bv con greae of leg.slation which will oebar Chinese irom gaining admission to the United States to the Injury of American labor, and we demand the enforcement of Immigration lawa which shall exclude all unworthy and undesirable emigrants, whose presence mnaA our ritiaeimhiu or Inlura m . . workers. I We retogr.lse as a continuing obligation the debt grallluda due from the republic tu the sorters and sailors, whose valor saved the life of tbe nstlon and those who won glory for lu flag in Mexico, in the recent war with Spain. In the Phllipplnea and in China. ,A proper recognition of the sscrsd obligation demands tht liberal pro vision be made by penaiuo for the disabled survivors of the veterans and the wtduas and heipless orphai.a of lliuas who ars dead. tar Strikers Still oat. SAN FRANC1BY. April St. Tbe officials of the United Railroads had not up to 10 o clock thla morning submitted to the strik ing csr men the terms under which the strikers will be sgaln taken Into the em ploy or ti.e company. Ouiy the are running today. RAWLINS ON THE FIRING LINE t'oallaaes Hla Animated waeeehra en Philippine Rflt. Drssssrlsg Chaffee la Rltter Terms. WASHINGTON, April 24 Just before tbe senate adjourned today Mr. Rawlins of Utah concluded his speech in opposition to the Philippine government bill. As on previous days he devoted msch of his time today to ronelderaCon of the testimony taken before the Philippine committee. He analysed the testimony In connection with orders Issued by the War Jepartaaeot and by general officers in the Philippines He was particularly severe In his denuncia tion of General Chaffee for tbe orders he had Issued in carrying oat tbe policy of the government. He declared in con clusion that tbe United Slates would resp a whirlwind of misfortune and disaster as a result of its policy In tbe Philippine islands. The senate passed several nnobjected-to measures of minor Importance and a large Dumber of private penetoa bills. A bill wss reported from the ludirisry committee and passed providing that cer tain clerical defects in nsturallxstton rases In territorial courts that have gone out of existence may be remedied on proper hear ing. Bills then were passed as follows: Fix ing the fees of jurors and witnesses In the United States courts In Wyoming; to provide for the purchase of a site snd the erection of a public building thereon In the city of Washington to be used for a hall of records and Indicating an appro priation of 11.000,000 for' the purpose; au thorizing an Increase of pension in cases Involving total deafness; authorizing cities and towns of Indian Territory of I.0O0 population or more to Jeeue bonds and borrow money for tbe construction of water works, the building of schoolhouses. etc.; making the provisions of the act of con gress approved February SS, 1891, relating to public lands applicable to tbe state of Utah; authorizing the appointment of a commission to distribute- $500,000 of tbe funds of tbe Choctaw and Chickasaw na tions of Indiana among indigent members of those nations. Also thirty-six private pension bills. At 2 o'clock tbe Philippine government bill was taken up and Mr. Rawlins con tinued bis speech in opposition to It. He quoted from tbe testimony of General Mac Arthur before tbe committee on Philip pines In accounting for the disproportion of the killed and wounded among the Fili pinos. General MaeArtbur's explanation was: "It arises from the fact that our soldiers are trained in tsrget practice. In other words, they know bow to shoot- Tbe Filipino soldiers do not know bow to shoot." The explanation made by General Mac Arthur was not satisfactory, in the opinion of Mr. Rawlins. Tbe seaa tor ' explanation was this: "Our troops were directed not to encum ber themselves wltb prisoners and aot to burden themselves with tbe wounded. The Filipinos were swept from the fsre of tbe earth. This was In execution of the pro gram to make of tbe Vlsayan district a bowling wilderness and to exterminate all tbe people over the age of 10 years." At length Mr. Rawlins quoted tbe orders Issued by general officers Id the Philip pines. He. waa Interrupted by Mr. Car-mack- of Teaaeeseev who (Ji.Selea sartloo lsr attention to this pbraee In one of Gen eral Chaffee's orders: "I do not urge In human conduct." "It strikes me." suggested Mr. Carmark, "that General Chaffee should have said: 'I forbid lnbuman conduct.' " Mr. Rawlins sharply criticised General Chaffee and denounced him as a "dastard villain who baa brought dishonor upon tbe American name and tbe American people." ACCEPT SENATE AMENDMENTS Hoaae Members Agree oa Revised Oleomargarine Rill and Mend It to Conference. WASHINGTON. April 24 The house to day sent ihe oleomargarine bill to confer ence after agreeing to tbe senate amend ments with eome modifications suggested by the agricultural committee. The oppo nents of tbe measure offered a number ot amendments, thj principal one of which was designed to place renovated butter on tbe same footing with oleomargarine, but they were overwhelmingly voted down. The latter part of the day was devoted to the agricultural bill. Mr. Wadswortb of New York, In charge of the bill, made a brief preliminary state ment of the bill, which he explained car ried $5,158,570, an increase of 1576.150 over the current law. The largest increases were those for tbe weather buresu and tbs bureau of plant industry, each about $100,000. Mr. Fox of Mississippi, availing himself of tbe latitude allowed in general debate, discussed the question of restricted suffrage in the south with especial reference to tbe constitution of bis own state, which be de fended. He argued that Mississippi hsd done the wise and patriotic thing and de served the Commendation of tbe country. If It bad incurred the penalty of reduced representation in congress, be said Mis sissippi would "take its mdlclne" before It would surrender its civilization. SOAKING RAINS IN KANSAS Welcome Preelpltn t lea at Emnwrta, Fort Seatt, Chaaate aad Independence. KANSAS CITY, April 24 Good soaking rains are falling today at Emporia, Fort Scott. Cbanute and Independence, Kan., wltb prospects that they will continue all day. Showers and light rains were reported to have fallen last nlgbt at other Kansas points. FIVE MORE BODIES FOUND Rei alas City ef Ptttahara; Victims Recovered la River aad One la Ideatiaed. CAIRO. 111., April 24. Five more bodies were found la tbe river a short distance below tbe wreck of the steamer City ot Pittsburg today. One was identified as that cf Patrick Burks of Owensboro, Ky. Tbs other four were those of negroes. ROBBERS BLOW RAILROAD SAFE Citlseas Areaeed by the Eaplostea aad Thieves Leave Wttheat fcel tisg Mneh Booty. HARVARD. Neb.. April 15. ( Special Telegram.) About 12 45 robbers broke Into the Northwestern depot and dycsmltsd tbe safe. Two explosions were heard. Tbs alarm was Immediately gives by ringing tbe fire bell. A lsrgs number of people gathered. Tbe robbers Bed without secur ing much of value. WHAT THE CATTLEMEN WANT Some Arrangwment bj winch They Can Uae the Public Lands. NOT INSISTENT ON BOWERSOCK BILL Victor Rosrwater Talks Polities with President' Roosevelt and Files Papers la Winnebago Case. From a Stsff Correspondent. i , WASHINGTON. April 24 iSpeclsl Tele gram ) A delegation of cattle growers of Nebraska, representing an ownership of upward of 500.000 head of rattle west of the 100th meridian, are in Washington for tbe purpose of securing legislation looking to the leasing of the public domain for cattle growing purposes. The delegation, which is decidedly republican in character, is made up of Bartlett Richards of Ells worth, vice prerident of the American Cattle Growers' association; A. M. Modisett of Rushvllle. vice president of the Nebraska Storkgrowers' association; Charles F. Coffee of Chadron, demo cratic member of tbe legislature; E. C. Harris, a banker of Chadron; Dan Hill of Gordon and William Ferdon of Valentine. Tonight this delegation of cat tle growers held a conference with the senators snd representatives from Ne braska, all of whom were present with the exception of Mr. Mercer, at which they outlined their desires. They want legisla tion enacted which will enable them to secure Uae right to graze upon tbe public domain, which they have heretofore used for like purposes without the payment ot any rental whatever. "We do not ask the privilege of grazing cattle on the public domain without tbe payment of some charge," said Mr. Rlcb ards, who is acting as spokesman of tbe delegation. "We are willing to give the government an equitable return for the privileges granted, but in doing so we wsnt congress to give us a ststus which will secure tomethlng like stability for our en terprise." What Cattlemen tl'sst.' Asked if the cattle growers favor the Bowersock bill, Mr. Richards replied: "We are not here for tbe purpose ofndvoratlng the Bowereotk or any ether measure pend ing before congress. The object of tbe delegation In coming to Washington at this time la to present the facts concerning tbe cattle business ot Nebraska as they exist. "We Intend to go before committees of the senate and bouse to ask that legisla tion be enacted which will result in giv ing tbe cattle growers of tbe weat a stand ing before tbe interior department and which will assure an equitable adjustment of our rights without infringing In any way whatever upon the rights of tbe fed eral government. If this can be done through the medium of the Mlllard-Bower-sock bill, then we favor that measure. If it can be accomplished j trough some other bill, then we stand ready to give that eur undivided support. It is tor con gress to say what the limitations should be." Tbe delegation will appear betora the senate' subcommittee on publio lends, ac companied by Gamble of South Dakota, Dietrich and Glbaon of Montana in tbe morning. On Saturday they will be ac corded a hearing before the house com mittee on public lands, of which Major Lacey of Iowa is chairman. Victor Koaewater Sees President. Previous to bis departure for Omaha Victor Rosewater of The Bee had an ex tended conference with President Roose velt on political mattera in Nebraska. Tbe president was extremely anxious to ascer tain the sentiment regarding Cuban reci procity in the stale and also whst tbe re publican chances were for tbe election ot a full congressional delegation. Mr. Rose water left this afternoon for the west and was accompanlel by Mr. H. C. Lindsay of Pawnee City, chairman of the republican state committee, who bas been In Washing ton for several days In conference with Senator Dietrich on matters affecting re publican Interests In the South Platte country. Mr. Rosewater also delivered to Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Tonner be fore bis departure some supplementary proofs of the methods in vogue and the dis honest deals by speculators In Indian lands and the scandalous moral conditions on tbe Winnebago reservation In Thurston county, Nebraska. Pashlas: Sanitarians Bill. Members of tbe South Dakota delegation, together with Captain Palmer, had an in terview with Speaker Henderson relative to tbe Hot Springs sanitarium bill. Tbe speaker called into the conference Repre sentative Dalzell of tbe rules committee and Chairman Cannon of tbe committee on appropriations. The South Dakots delega tion asked that consideration be given the bill and emphasized tbeir request with tbe statement that tbe people of the west de sired that the bill become a law, the vet erans baring no weatern home to wbirn to report except Leavenworth. The speaker, while admitting tbe force of tbe argument, withheld his decision un til later. The South Dakota people, how ever, felt that tbs bill Is not lost by any mesne and they ars hopeful that tbe press ure which la now being brought to bear upon Colonel Henderson will result favor ably. After the conference with the speaker Captain Palmer, realizing that there was nothing more to be done at pres. ent to hasten tbe bill along, left for Omaha. Representative Burkett ssld today that be bad secured an order for establishing rural free delivery routes from Stella and Falls City, two carriers being appointed from the former' place and four from the latter. Senator Millard bas recommended' tbe establishment of a post office at Prltchsrd, Blaine county, wltb Mary S. Prltchard aa postmaster. He also recommended Mrs. Ellen C. Taylor as postmaster at Boone, Boone county, vice ber husband, deceased. Aatalra ef the Army. j Brigadier General E. H. Crowder. judge advocate of tbs Department of the Lakes, on June 1 will become assistant to Judge Advocate General Davis, taking the place which was tendered him a year ago, but which be was compelled to decline on ac count of bia health, desiring to remain la tbe wrest until be bad recovered from his Philippine service. Captsln J. R. Lynch, paymaster, and Major J. C. Muhlenberg were ordered to report to tbe general commanding the De partment of the Missouri Immediately after tbe muster of troops in Cuba, April SO, cr as sooa thereafter as tbs secretary of war may decide to relieve them. Captsln Lynch Is one of the few colored me a who ever sat In congress, having served In ths lower house from Mississippi. Hs Is ssld to be ons of tbs brightest paymasters of tbt (Contiaaet Second Page.) CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast fr Ncbrnska Sowers, Cooler W est, W srmer East Portion. Tewtperntnre nt Omaha Vesterdayt Hoar. Pes. Hear. Pea. 1 a. m 4T 1 p. m a. m 4l p. m T T a. tn 4H 31 p. mi Tt Ma. m fio . ra Til It a. m tVt IS p. in Tt III s. si Ml H s, is ! 11 n. m MI 7 p. m 12 at 04 M p. m W4 f p. n M NO ATTEMPT TO RESUME Pateraoa Dye Hoases Remain Closed aad There la o Farther Disorder. PATERSON. N. J.. April 24 The opera tors of silk dye bouses made no general at tempt tc resume business this morning and no disorder occurred in any of tbe strlki districts. Many of the striking helpers ap peared in tbe vicinity of the shops which they quitted to enforce their demand for higher wages, but they made no demon stration of any kind. The largest crowd gathered about tbe hall at Riverside used by the strikers, where s meeting had been called for 10 o'clock. They stood about discussing the situation and were orderly. The police re serves assembled at o'clock and were placed In positions to be quickly available for any Bervlce that might be required. Re ports given out at police headquarters were that the strikers were entirely orderly snd that no further trouble was anticipated. The employers have not vet clearly Indi cated their position toward the strikers. It wss expected thst they would meet during the dsy for further discussion snd also thst they would discus the demands with shop committees representing tbe strikers. At the works of the Wiedmann Silk Dye. Ing snd Finishing company it was stated that forty mm were at work and that some of them bad come in and resumed their places despite thtests that they would be killed If they did so. Strikers were watch ing tbe plant and there wss some fear that there might be another clash there. The police have been rautioned to exercise the greatest care and to use their revolvers only when there is a grave danger of per sonal Injury or to protect others from seri ous attacks. STOCKTON LAID TO REST Remains of Rmlnrnt Aathor Viewed la Philadelphia by Haadreds of Admirers aad Associates. PHILADELPHIA. April 14. The funeral of Frank R. Stockton, the humorist, lec turer and suthor. who died in Washington last Sunday, took place todsy from the tome of his sister in this city. Services were held In St. Philip's ProteBtant Epis copal church. Hundreds who had known and loved Mr. Stockton in life viewed the body and for several hours a sorrowful procession com posed of men of letters, learned judges, financiers and business men passed around the bier. Among tbe honorary pall bearers were: Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Bushrod C. Washington of Charleston, W. Va B. C. "teaman.--0 poet; James Meade Dodge son of the editor of St. Nicholas, of which Mr. Stockton was once assistant editor; Charles Collins of New York, a ret I rod publisher; J. Herbert Morse, the author; A. B. Frost, the artist; Richard Watson Gilder, editor of the Century Magazine; Cyrua Elder of Johnstown, Pa., an officer of the Cambria Iron works: Major, James Carson of Washington, Prof. Louis J." Bevief of Rutgers college, and Judges William N. Ashman and James T. Mitchell of this city. The services were conducted by Rev. L. W. Graven, bishop coadjutor of West Vir ginia, assisted by Rev. Clarence W. Bisham, rector of St. Philip's church. EXPLOSION DESTROYS BOAT Three Members ot Crew Mlsslac and Prahahly Dead aad One Fatally Hart. NEW YORK. April 24. While lying In Newton creek, near the Manhattan avenue bridge. In Greenpolat. the tugboat Thomas Perclval was destroyed by an explosion early yday. Three of tbe crew, an engineer and two firemen, are reported missing. Edward Moran, a watchman, was found in tbe debris. He was fatally hurt. Another man, unidentified, was taken from the v. recks -e later. All ths glass In the windows ot the American Jute company's mill near by was shattered and all tbe electric lights in that part of the city were extinguished. Tbs cause ot the explosion Is not known. POTATOES HIGH IN CHICAGO sapply hear re and Prlee Owe Dollar a Beahel at Whole, aale. CHICAGO, April 24 Prices of potatoes bers jumped to II a bushel In tbe wholesale market yesterday. There has been an advance of 13 cents since Saturday last, and tbe present price Is the highest since lsst August, when tbe product sold at 11.25. The crop of old potatoes has been nearly used up and supplies In all markets are unusually small. New Cubans sold at $10 a barrel yesterday. The new crop is just stsrtlng to market from Louisiana. CLOWRY ELECTED PRESIDENT Becomes Head of American District Telegraph Company, saeeredlsg T. I. Echert. NEW YORK. April 24 At the meeting of the American Diatrlct Telegraph com pany today Colonel R. C. Clowry was elected presideLt to succeed General T. L. Erkert. resigned, snd B. B. Brooks, gen eral manager. Colouel Clowry was elected a director In place of Henry K. Sheldon. A seml-annusl dividend of 1 per cent wss declared. Tha lsst one was 1V per cent. MINERS LOSE THEIR LIVES aad Mitchell Mlaes, Colorado. LOUISVILLE. Colo.. April 24 One killed, ens badly burned and several in jured la tbe result of so sxploslon of gss at ths Eunnyslds coal mine, three miles from bare. The dead man and tha ons badly Injured are strangers in ramp and tbeir names are unknown. la the Mitchell mine A. J Osborne wss killed by a rsve-ln. lis leaves a a its and family la this city. HITS RED OAR HARD Fire Oonramei All the Buildings on One Bide of the Publio Square. I LOSS OVER TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Half of the Total Amount Falli Upon the Inruranoe Companies. POOR WATER SUPPLY HINDERS FIREMEN t ' Sadden Chanpe of the Wind Oarrieg Flamee to Row of Wooden Buildings. PLANS ALREADY MAKING TO REBUILD Coanell RlasTa Fire Department Ashed to Assist, hat Were Sodded They Were Sot Seeded Before Reaching, Destlaatloa. RED OAK, la.. April 24 (Special Tele gram ) The moat disastrous fire In the his tory of Red Oak swept tbe entire block com posing the south side of tbe square this morning, -wuslng a loss of 1200,000, with Insurance of 1125,000. Tbe fire originated in tbe rear of the basement of the banking bouse of H. C. Houghton, presumably In a quantity of tobacco stored there by a cigar manufacturer m ho occupied quarters In lbs building. ' H was discovered at 2:16 by the night watchman for the Murphy Calendar com pany, who turned In an alarm. Owing to tbe valve in the ten-inch main being only partially open the water pressure was In sufficient for the department to make prog ress against the flamee, and in a short time the entire building was ablaze. Tbe wind, which was from tbs west, changed to tbe southeast and the Ore jumped across tbe street to Jenkins sV Dsvls' livery barn at the rear of tbe block of business buildings. Tbe entire rear of tbe block being covered wltb wooden buildings aoon caught and communicated the flames to tbe rear of tbt business buildings, all of which wsrs burned Only a limited portion of the contents were saved. 7 be occupants ot tbe offices lost most of tbeir belongings. The Council Bluffs Ore depsrtment wss telegraphed to for assistance and responded with a detachment under Chief Templet on. Before they reached Red Oak they were notified that their services were not needed, and returned. Following are tbe principal losers, with the Insurance carried: Bnlldlass. Insur Toes a nee. Houghton bank block S-t.iH $2.0i) 1. H Nazarenus t.unu .mm J. A. Hysham li.c) 4.i0 H. W. Otis 7,000 1,000 Maloney & Son, building and hardware stock SO.nno 26.ono Mrs. 11 :. Shank ,ofm fi.nno J. W. Rankin 4.5m .ion Hastle estate , (.on J,ti S. Kahn 0,o ,n W. C. Lock art 1,600 goo techs. Elllngen Barth, department r store 4.000 X.flOO Carmtcbael A Wsldron, gro cers 1.700 l.lmi ' A. M. Rapn. shoes l.ono i.ino Coxad A Hunter, clothing.... ,'"" I. OKI Knights of Pythias l,m 1.200 Savers & Shepard, furnishing goods 6.KO0 i non Coonley's csfe 2. M M. H. Bauer, tsllor 1,000 6(0 Hetrick dr Priesmsn, cigar manufacturers 4, Win 1.000 Winkler A Co., grocers S.0i 1 701 G. M. Piatt, drugs g.nuo 6 rtm Pol Loeb. clothing i.oqo W. W. Armstrong, imple ments a.non i.ont Phancks dr Carson, grocers... 2.4'H 1.100 H. W. Meeson, Iswyer 1.2(1) Klcharda de Richards, law office 4,snft Pr. E. M. Woodard, dentist.. l.m sirt Marshsll's bowling alley I.40O 1 h0 Archer s billiard hall 900 au Red Oak Electric company... 2.6H) Other losers were: Mclntyre Commission company; Dr. Vincent; Han Da t Son. real estate; Gideon Blackstone, Justice of tbe peace; Red Oak Advertising company; How ard Planck, real estate; Prtessmsa A Laraon, barber shop; Dr. Q. M. Byrklt. dentist; Mrs. Chapman, dressmaking; W. W. Merritt, jr.. Uw office; Ed Mills. Uw office; Cook ft Logan, real estate: Western I'nion Telegraph company; Iowa Telephone company; Jenkins Davis, livery; Griffith Bros., barn and feed; E. O. Bonaam, mual ral lnatruments; Ben Anderson, photo grapher; J. L. I'mphrey, photographer; O. B. Beckwitb, furniture; J. L. Mohler, frame building, besides a dosen or more whose buildings sustained slight damage like tbe cracking of piste glass. Most of the business buildings burned will be rebuilt aa soon as material and men eaa be secured. A contract waa let for paving tbe busi ness part of the city only yesterday. Thla will be proceeded with. NEW DIOCESE 0F SIOUX CITY Catholic See la Iowa Has tor Fleet Bishop Rev. Dr. Phillip Oarrigaa. WASHINGTON. April 24 Tbe papal briefs creating tbe new Catholic diocese ot Sioux City, la., and appointing Key. Pr. Phillip J. Garngan, the present vine rector of tbe Catholic univeralty, ita first bishop, have reached here and have been dellv. ered personally to the bisbop-elect by Car dinal Martlnellt, the pro-apostolic dels gats. Bishop Garrigan will be consecrated by Cardinal Martinelll in St. Michael's ca thedral at Springfield, Mass., tbe former borne of tbe new bishop, on Sunday, May 25. Right Rev. Bishop Boaven of Spring field and Rev. Blabop Conaty, tbs rector of the Catholic university, will be asslstsnt ronsecrators. Archbishop Kesne of Dubuque, the metro politan of tbe Sioux City diocese, will preach the sermon of tbe occasion. Rev. Dr. Kerby. professor of sociology at tbe university, will be tbe notary apostolic for the occasion and will read the papal brief of appointment. It is expected that Bishop Garrigan will be Installed In bis new seat about tbe mid dle of June. CHILD COMMITS SUICIDE Twelve-tear-Old Girl Takes FettaoB, Presamahly te Avetd Paalshmeat. KANSAS CITY. April 24 Frances Rlgby. aged 12 years, laughter ot R. M. Rlgbr, prerident of tbe Rigby Printing company la this city, was found in a dying condition on ths street near ber borne today and later sled at tbe city hospital from tbe effects of swallowing carbolic acid. No motive can be advanced for the child's suicide except that aha feared a punishment because of a trifling offense at school todsy. Her par ents were searching for her and traced her to the toepitaJ, Wkere bar Identity was a kbosa.